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t i i < 1I r 3- t < + r 7T 7 1 q 7- I OCALA EVENING STARTHURSDAY JuLy 8 1009 d 3 EVENING STAR- C r L Urtinf anti R L Carroll Editors and Publishers- C < C IITTINGER Editor l L R CARROLL RiisInis Manaf Itr JI 8 LOVELL a t p Mr J 8 Lovell formerly of Sparr 7f but fo the past seven months a citizen K of <Ocala died last night at his home In the northern part of town the cause of his death being typhoid fever I having suffered from same for eight weeks Deceased was 25 years of age c and leaves a devoted wife and a little son 16 months old His remains wll 1 be Interred this afternoon at 4 oclock L In the old cemetery Alfred Owen of 4 Mclver MacKays undertaking de parment will have charge of the fun- eral ¬ J Rev Newton Plummer of An thong was asked to perform the relig- ious ¬ ceremony CAPTAIN HASKELL fe B B J South Lake Weir July 8News was received here yesterday of the death of Capt KE Haskell in New York on Monday after but a weeks Illness Mrs HasKell and her niece Miss Ar ¬ nold will return to their home here shortly I D D RICHARDSON Mr D D Richardson died at his home Tampa Wednesday He was a native 9f Alabama and resided in Ocala several years before moving to Tampa His wife and two daughters survive him He was 60 years of age Justice Gober of Dunnellon was in town yesterday He said Acting Mayor Morris was holding the town steady and bets were freely made at odds that Mayor KIbler wouldnt be absent from the Phosphate City more than 15 r days just long enough to make the trip to Seattle and return so wedded was the mayor to his town Mr I T Nixon of Lake Weir who L spent the past six months at Miami- In the employ of the Delke Lumber Company has returned home and was f7 in town Wednesday accompanied by hIs fatherinlaw Mr J Dixon 2 t p Mrs Alfred and her charming i daughter Miss Bernice Alfred of Port tI Inglls who came up Tuesday return- ed ¬ home yesterday C Y Miller of Leroy and large holder of valuable Dunnellon property- was In town Wednesday and Informed fr a Star reporter he had just commenc a block of Phosphate City property He said it was quiet down there now Rev H E Gabby the new pastor of the Baptist church made the Star a pleasant and appreciated call yester- day ¬ i and did what every fan should do who lives in Ocala subscribed11 the paper Rev and Mrs Gabby are very much pleased with their new home L and feel that if the people of Ocala take as kindly to them as they do to Li the city and its people their stay here 5 around will be pleasant and profitable all If- t Mr Ellis the Gainesville fertllczer man was in town yesterday Interview Ing the trade and commenting on the result of the seasons truck crop which f he considers good- J i W Arnold a successful young trucker at Coleman was fn town last night a guest of the Montezuma He I is very much Interested in the county seat contest and as he thinks there ia no place like Coleman it will get his support solid G G BevIHe one of Websters prominent farmers truckers and citi- zens ¬ was In town last night a guest- of the Montezuma This being the day for the ejection to determine where the Sumtercounthouse shall rest Mr Beville returned home to vote for his favorite town pr S H BUtch Is sorely distressed since he lost his fine horse and to make possible the close connectlorr i I with Blltchton he Is thinking some of getting an auto for he said if he had t an auto he could go home to dinner and consume some milk and cream I which are staple articles of the doc- tors ¬ diet Mr and Mrs Ben Borden went down to the lake yesterday afternoon to see If they couldfind a cottage for the summer f Mr John Rogers the turpentine operator returned today from several weeks absence In Jacksonville Madi- son ¬ and other points in north and west J Florida The rains down at Crystal River last week were very heavy The wat- ers ¬ rose until at the bank building in that town fifty bream were caught- and goldto J C Stevens the fish and oyster man A good sized gar fish was caught some four miles from the banks of the river which will give an Idea of how the waters rose and spread but then that was only in keeping with several other places notably at St Petersburg where the street car service was badly hampered- and ii the high waters damaged goods of the merchants of the city by coming- In over the floor level At Fort Myers the waters created a floating city for I several days and railroad communica- tion ¬ was cut off between that town and Punta Gorda Sanford Monday celebrated the 4th of July most successfully of any I town In Florida Thousands were in that city crowding every nook and corner but all in the best of nature Tho great attraction was the baseball game between Sanford and Orlando- It was an Interesting game and to the finish but the Sanford nine were too many for the Orlando boys Orlando emptied herself to be present The Negro Business League of the state has just ended its labors at Tampa President Levy the editor of the Florida Sentinel of Pensacola pre- sided ¬ The meeting was full of in- terest ¬ and there were some able and sensible addresses notably that of President Young charge of the state colored agricultural and Industrial coU geOcala held an important po- sition ¬ on the program In the person of Dr E Carrie Mitchell the only reg larly licensed colored w man in Flor- ida ¬ male a fine address on Women in the Medical Profession The showing BUde by the League was highly cred- itable ¬ L 4r S or S doses ttf will cureany case I I H Ckillt and Fever Price 25c I 4 r k THE FLOWER QUEEN Coronation of the Rose Cantata as Given at the Armory Last Night SYNOPSIS The Flowers meet In a secluded dell In the forest to choose their Queen A person discontented with the world seeks In the same place retirement from its cares and disappointments- The Flowers tell of love and duty and the RecluselearnIng that to fill well the station allotted by providence is to be happy resolves to return again to usefulness and contentment among his fellow creatures Characters Recluse Mr Sake Gong Rose Mrs George Pasteur Lily Mrs Winston Violet Mrs Goln Daisy Miss Lucile Moore Heliotrope Miss Mary Gates Sunflower Miss Eloise Smoak Dandelion Mrs Connor Cornflower Miss Adele Bittinger Chrysanthemum Miss Dorothy Lan- caster Crocus Mrs Lapham Dahlia Mrs Hampton Hollyhock Mrs Crom Japonlca Mrs Clarkson Tulip Mrs Carrol- lTouchMeNot Miss Susie Ellis FbrgetMeNot Miss Eleanor Crom Nightingale Mr Leon Fishel Poppies Misses Noble Youngblood Dorothy Schrieber Tommie Sftandley Alice Sexton Mabel Meffert Ruth Boney Hannay Ellis Rosebud Robinson Lucy Thagard Heather Bells Emma Perry Ruth Hardee Ruby Fausett Nellie Beckham Frances Lid don Blanche Whaley Sidney Harrold Lillian Clarkson Ava Lee Edwards Beatrice Boney Sidney Perry Theresa lame Louise Spencer Annie Benton Fuller Jessie Bishop Lois Livingston Marguerite Edwards Irma Feltham Miriam Conner Loureen Spencer Louise Tongue Susie Youngblood Rhoda Thomas Henrietta Livingston- Pearl Fausett Theo Beckham Marion Meffert I Part Firstoverture We are the Flowers Chorus Here Would I RestRecluse Rest Thee HercChorus conceal- ed ¬ and Recluse Duet Wouldst Thou KnowRose and Lily 0 Gentle Peace Recluse Who Shall be QueenCh rus I am the First Crocus Peace False Pretender Dahlia Duet Tis Not In Beauty Daisy and Heliotrope Prized by the BeauOfulJaponlca Make Way Ye Silly Praters Sunflower Say Where is Our Favorite Lily Chorus Duet Sister Flowerettes Lily and Violet The Balmy Odors Rose Lo Twilight ShadowsTulip- Breathe We NowPopples What is This Chorus Come Come Quickly Away Chorus Hymn Tonight Chorus conceale- d e and song Recluse DuetNlghtlngalc and Rose Part Second I Good Morning Good Morning Chorus- To the Choice Chorus Softly Softly Dear FrlendsHoll- yhock ¬ I Will I Will Yes I Will Go Dandelion Touch Me Not Touch 1Ie Not We Love You AllChorus Who Shall be QueenChorus Stranger Thou Hast HeardAs ¬ pirants- TIs Hard to Choose Recluse The Rose The Rose The Rose Chorus Prepare We for the Festive Scene drill and chorusChorus- We Come From the Hillside Heather Bells DrillPoppies Coronati MarchFlowers Receive Thy CrownSemichorus- On Thy Brow Heliotrope Daisy Violet and Lily Long Live Our Beauteous Queen Chorus and Echo I Filled with Gratitude and Love RoseWe Go to Fulfill Our Glad Mission Chorus Duet I Bhss fhe HandRose and Recluse Finale Light of Eternal 14veRosc Solos Recluse nnd Chorus The Star takes pleasure in present- Ing a synopsis of the Flower Queen cr the Coronation of the Rose by Geo F Root and the names of the charact- ers who have friends at home and abroad who will be more than plaas ed to hear of the excellent manner In which the cantata was presented and the splendid success attending their efforts with the unstinted applause it brought forth from a crowded house It Is not too much to say and keep within the bounds of truth that fur the time consumed in the preparation of this varied and intrivate musical play ten days and the splendid and successful manner in which It was staged and executed it was equal lo any production that has ever been giv- en ¬ from an Ocala stage It seemed as if everybody went there to have a good time and spend a pleasant evening and as the play pro- gressed ¬ the expectations of the au- dience ¬ grew until at Its finale they said It had been many a day since they had spent moneythat brougat to them as much interest enjoyment find pleasure as they received last night Now having said all this with a full presentation of the characters lit- tle ¬ remains though a fraction of that little at the latter part of the per- formance ¬ grew into the major part oT the play That little part was no less- a sweet winsome and really cute per- sonage ¬ than Marion Meffert the four yearold daughter of Mr and Mrs J M Meffert the youngest person on the stage ad one of the Heather Bells The beauty about this Interesting 11- 1tlo personage was the unconsciousness of her acting and singing with that unmistakable shyness and timidity Belle Meade Sweets Sitar Frail ail Chocolate uti ITS AlL These fklititts cariies cai be hat Diy al Court Pharmacy r that Is Inseparable with sweet and in- nocent ¬ childhood which she artlessly splayed in every touch sad lift of her little dress and the shy and won- drous look she cast from her eyes the tips of her little feet and her voice so Indescribably flooded her mind that I seemed to have memorized evory line of the song so attracted the attention I of the audience when it began to dis- cover ¬ this realistic little queen and as interest augmented as the play proceeded the applause became so demonstrative for the charming petite favorite that nothing would satisfy the crowd until the Recluse Mr J J G rig took the little tot by the hand and walked across the stage which fact anew demonstrated that the au- dience ¬ as if by inspiration had dis- covered ¬ a little German princess in song and action and this was the only way they could appease the happy thought of the evening A delightful feature of the play wa the costumes the characters bedecked with tile flowers they Impersonated- and as they were displayed with taste it heightened the general effect of the scene as well as lending additional charm to those who wore them I The poppies were redolent in color while the heather bells fairly glowed in the delicate flower tracing of that be- witching ¬ I The Recluse Mr Jake Gerig in his cap and gown wore a masterful air and sang his part with fine effect and the same can be said of the Rose Mrs George Pasteur The duet by Mrs Winston and Mrs Coin was especially pleasing as was the one by Misses Moore and Gates Miss Smoak did splendidly as Sunflower throwing into her voice and action that spirit that is the life and charm of an Impersonator Mrs Hampton added new laurels to her vocal reputation Mrs Harry B Clarkson surprised her friends most pleasantly Mrs R R Carroll was a revelation in sweet notes Miss Susie Ellis the fair and charming daughter of the capable directress readily at- tracted ¬ attention by her clear and res- onant ¬ voice and pantomime arts There were others ana they all deserved meed of praise and it is here gener sly and heartily tendered Lest we forget there was the Nightingale in the person of Mr Leon Fishel who with his flute did the high clear notes- of that wonderful bird of song to per- fection ¬ The decorations of the stage and the scenery were In harmory with the costumes of the characters and added interest and charm to the occasion Mrs Ellis who staged and prepared the piece showed decided talent in this i instance and the audience present j was indeed thankful to her for an ev- ening of so great pleasure There is only one regret and it was the general expression that Mrs J M Meffert could not be present to wit- ness ¬ the splendid maner her sweet lit- tle ¬ Gretchen carried out her part A Woman Wants The Home Paper I i I I I MAKEHER HAPPY BY TAKING IT THE YEAR ROUND THE OCALA EVENING STAR PICNIC AT CARTERS POND The annual picnic will be given at Carters Pond July 23rd and the pub- is u is cordially invited to attend and bring well filled baskets DONT GET A DIVORCE A western judge granted a dlxorco on account of illtemper and bad I breath Dr Kings Xew Life Pills I would have prevented it They cure constipation causing bad breath and I liver trouble the illtemper dispel colds banish headaches conquer chills 23c at all druggists WEATHER FORECAST I Washington July S Showers to- night and Friday A MILLIONAIRES BABY f attended by the hignest priced baby specialist could not be cured or stom- ach ¬ or bowel trouble any quicker or surer than your baby if you give it I McGees Baby Elixir Cures diarr ¬ hoea dysentery and all derangements of the stomach or bowels Price 25 cents and 50 cents Sold by all drug- gists ¬ FOR SALE300 auto buggy 40 inch wheel solid rubber tire 20hor power 2cylinder engine full leather top refitted with new parts Box 473 Ocala Fla 766tdltw Many people with chronic throat and lung trouble have found comfort I and relief in Foleys Honey and Tar as it cures stubbon coughs after other treatment has failed L M Ruggles I Reasnor Iowa writes The doctors I said I had consumption and I got no better until I took Foleys Honey and I Tar It stopped the hemorrhages and pain in my lungs and they are now as I sound as a bullet Sold by all drug- gists ¬ Your prescriptions when left at the Court Pharmacy are compounded- from pure and fresh drugs Phone us well call for and deliver your pre- scriptions ¬ LOSTSmith Wesson SScaliber revolver Wednesday night Will pay liberal reward for its return to M F Dodson at Hogans 73Gt MEN Our illustrated catalogue ox plains how we teach barber trade in few weeks mailed free Moler Barber College Atlanta Ga < 1 Three cents will fin you for ten 1 hours Get one of those CinchWes tlnghouse fans from H W Tucker o A GOOD BEGINNING There are six Baptist churches In Owensboro K v Five omitted ser- vices ¬ last Sunday in order that the congregations might assemble at one fhf Thirdto join th < members of that church in welcoming their new pastor Rev C C Carroll lately of Ocala Mr Carrolls subject was Anointed Eyes and he was listened to with close attention by a packed house The Third Baptist church of Owens boro Ky Is one of the largest in the South It has 1500 members and Its Sunday School has an average atten- dance ¬ of 1000 The following by Rev L B Warren Mr Carrolls predecessor here and now pastor of the First Baptist church of Owensboro is an eloquent tribute to Mr Carroll and another proof of the David and Jonathan friendship that exists between two very sincere men It is taken from the Owensboro Messenger It was once aid of George Truett universally heralded as the greatest preacher of the Baptist church that he would be recognized as a giant of intellect did not his marvelous spirit- ual ¬ fervor eclipse all other character- istics ¬ Of Charles Carroll it can be as truly said were it not for the great- ness ¬ of his mental gasp he would be hailed as a spiritual giant Dr Car- roll ¬ is as great as Dr Truett and the verdict of the coming years will place them side by ide- A pastor the new leader of the Third Baptist church is without a peer His conception of the call to the ministry of Christ embraces the ful- fillment ¬ of the command Weep with those that weep and rejoice with those that do rejoice The home of need- of sorrow and of suffering will find him constant in attendance As n preacher lie ranks above the highest In Texas in Florida and in Cuba he was known as the brightest commencement speaker and the great- est ¬ pulpit orator cf the conventions As a citizen he is ever at work for the good of his community and of his state The present status of the pro- hibition ¬ movement in Florida is due more to him than to any other man Responsive to an invitation by the state legislature he addressed that body and swept it into a unanimity of entiment for the prohibition cause He mot in debate and easily demolish- ed ¬ the arguments of the leadmg ora- tors of the opposition and was car- ried ¬ from the grounds upon the shoul- ders ¬ of his enthusiastic friends When- he left the state a member of the ju- diciary wrote Our church loses a great preacher our people a tender shepherd and our community loses the greatest worker for civic righteous- ness we ever had Dr Carroll comes to one of the greatest churches in the South The church gains one of the great- est ¬ leaders In the world Owensboro has received a citizen- of whom we are justly proud LOW EXCURSION RATES VIA j ATLANTIC COAST LINE 1525 Mobile Ala July iflst August- 1st and 2nd Limit Aug 15th ex ¬ tension to August 28th S39010465Lns Angeles and San Francisco on sale various dates Limit October 31 Variable routes and stopovers 9540Seattle Washington Variable I routes and stopovers Limit Octo- ber ¬ 31 1870 Monteagle and Scwannee Ttnn July 1 10 17 23 2430 Au- gust ¬ 13 and 14 Limit September 5 Stopovers allowed For further information call on or write F J Hubpr C P T A or JK KIrkland Df P A Tampa Fla- n people with symptoms of kidney- or bladder trouble could realize their danger they would without loss of time commence taking Foleys Kidney Pills This great remedy stops the pain and the irregularities strength- ens ¬ I and builds up these organs and there is no danger of Brights disease I jor other serious disorder Do not dis- regard ¬ the early symptoms Sold by all druggists TVAXTED combination book keeper and stenographer Good posi- tion ¬ for the right man Address book- keeper ¬ care Star 6731 HOW BIG WE ARE That genial philosopher and all round journalist Mr Edgar the TimesUnion Short Talks Man has the Tolowing to say Some idea of the length of the pe- ninsula ¬ of Florida may be gathered from the fact that if a straight line the length of the mainland of the state bo lrawn northward from its northern I boundary it will reach very nearly to i the southern boundary of Virginia j The Atlantic coast line of Florida is as I long as that from its northern boun- dary ¬ I to Cape Lookout in North Caro- lina ¬ and if the distance from the mouth of the St Marys to Key West- be taken it is about equal to that from the St Marys to Cape Hatteras It Is not strange that in a state extending southward through more than 6 de- grees of latitude and to within abOut l degree of the tropics a great varlet of climate should be found that the climate of the southern end should be much warmer than that of the north- ern ¬ portion I THE AIR DOME I Moving Pictures I and MusicT- he Rest of Entertainment Furnish ¬ ed by Home Peonle XEW PICTURES EVERY DAY THREE FULL REELS EACH NIGHT Program for this Evening THE KING OF THE RING Full Reel- VIRGIXIUS 4 Full Reel THE POLICEWOMAN- THE POLITICIAN k D Upon at 730 p in- C c AoiHlssIon 10 and 5 Cents H W TUCKER PROPRIETOR L < s j i DYALLEITNER J Miss Louella Leitner and MrBrece Dyal were united in the hbly1bM ift of matrimony on Wednesday evenfng at 9 oclock June 30th Rev G WVeth en ford of Anthony officiatfnglj TMe ceremony was perfomed at the home of the bride The wedding was a quiet one only a feW Intimate friends of the contracting parties being pres ¬ entThe a parlors were beautifully decor- ated ¬ with flowers and evergreens making a most lovely picture with the handsome bride and groom and their well dressefl friends The groom is one of the valued em- ployees ¬ of the McDowell Crate and Lumber Company of Oak where he Is well known and greatly respected The bride Is the youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs B H Leitner of this place who is known to all of our people as a most estimable young lady of retiring and sweet disposition The presents were varied and valu- able ¬ ekincing the respect and love In which the fair bride Is held by her friends at home and abroad After congratulations were over refresh- ments ¬ were served In buffet a style consisting of ice cream and cake Mr and Mrs Dial are at home to their friends at No 6 Spring Park ave- nue ¬ Oak Fla May the hand of Time never ruth ¬ lessly sunder them that their lives so joyously begun will be one even flow of happiness and prosperity Griner Farm July 6 1905 WATCH FOR THE RED WAGONS- The Florida Packing Ice Company- now has its delivery wagons on the streets retailing Ice The company Is also shipping from the plant and selling to the trade In quantities See- the companys ad elsewhere In this issue The Ice is made from pure distilled water and Is firstclass THE OCALA WAGON WORKS Offers its services and superior work- manship ¬ in the art of painting vehi- cles ¬ of all kinds and classes It has introduced its specialty of painting au- tomobiles ¬ A sample of our work can be seen on the decoration of Mr D W I Davis auto Give us a call THE OCALA WAGON WORKS I CALVARY Calvary was visited with fine rains last week t Mr Rube Redding of Shady made Mr J W Morrison a call last Monday Mr Rube Redding and Mr J W torrison made a business trip to Mar tel last Monday Mr J W Morrison and son Merritt made a business trip to Heidtville Thursday and returned Friday- Mr A S J Wallace Is having bad luck putting down a pump Mr Wal- lace ¬ drilled 140 feet and never reached water and had to pull up the casing and move to another place- Morrison Mr J W spent Monday night in Shady with his brotherIn law Mr Rube Redding- Mr Herri Morrison made a visit to Heidtville Sunday Misses Lottie Maggie and Annie Morrison spent Sunday most pleasant- ly ¬ at Shady with their aunt Mrs Rube Redding Mr and Mrs George flub spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs J W Morrison- We I are sbrry to say Mrs W W Leak Is still sick But the writer wish- es ¬ her a speedy recovery < Messrs Lorne Rlsher and Mack Montgomery spent Sunday afternoon with Mr J W Morrison- Mr Will Perkins of Shady called- in Calvary Sunday afternoon Mrs J W Morrison called in n6rtb west Calvary Saturday afternoon 7 Mr and Mrs A S J Wallace and son attended services at Martel Sun- day ¬ afternoon- Mr W W Leak and son George made a business trip to Ocala Satur- day ¬ Mr A S J Wallace was a caller In Ocala Saturday- Mr M Jt Morrison made a business trip to Ocala Monday- Mr MT Morrison and sister Mag- gie ¬ called in Northwest Calvary Monday evening We would like to see a piece from Martel and Berlin once in a while as it has been a long time since they have been heard from We hope to see a piece from them next week SKILLED PAINTING- I am prepared to take any Job of painting no matter how large or how small or how fine the work desired may be I have the material brushes and knowledge to paint and do It right Houses painted inside and out Graining gilding hard oil finishing varnishing and lettering and sign painting Taste and skill guaranteed Address P 0 Box 135 or leaye word- at the Star office K W Flllyaw Ocala Fla tf BETTER COME TO FLORIDA- To the western stockmen the past spring was one of the most trying In many years Especially Is this true of the Rocky Mountain region where the season has been unseasonably late with severe snow storms long after the ordinary period On many of the lambing groundS there the snow was so deep that It was Impossible to reach them and In consequence the lamb- ing ¬ operations were transferred to other locations where the surround- Ings were not altogether satisfactory- The extreme cold windy weather has also kept the green grass iron starting as early as usual In conse- quence ¬ of which the ranges have beet fully a month late When the usual time arrived for turning the stock onto the open ranges for thefeed lots there was very little grass available and as the stockmen had used up all their supply of hay the stock espec- ially ¬ the cattle suffered somewhat r want of feed In Xew Mexico tile sheepmen made a strong plea to the Forest Service to allow them to take some of their hero into the Pecos National Forest which has been closed against sheep graZIng for several years The closing of this Forest to sheep was owing to the watershed Interests Involved together with the question of protecting the young growth of timber which Is com ¬ ing forward on the Forest However the condition was so serious that af- ter ¬ carefully weighing the question- the Forester suspended for a time the prohibition against sheep and J550W sheep will be allowed to enter that Forest to graze until such time as the conditions on the outside ranges be ¬ come normal which is hoped will be as soon as the summer rains set In early in July I The stockmen using the public ranges adjoining other National For ¬ ests In New Mexico have made urgent requests to the Forester to Ee allow- ed ¬ to take their herds Into those For ¬ ests for feed As those Forests are already stocked to their full capacity or i I j TL a v Lb I f Ir A I y1 r J 1 i c 1- I 119 riPrHillL 1 2t < < t ioIl IJ I f J n ooER aJ 17 rr Irwo t ii b T oN t J u1 T > o1 > T J << 1 7 r < < pqjNyjiERCIAL BtopP t- 2G1 f h jr t1 1 OCALA t4S- i t oJ f II t t < i I wl Jo > fJl Mcll cJb c t i THE t f tEMSITORS IN THIS BANK 4f t V7 it r Are tie awcata the profeesioaal aid successful raea and WMRM pf r tae city tke farmers of tke surrouad lug territory 4 ft1 3 j i MQOBmotate We aU classes dar customers represent the a 4 women wjho fcaife lpriltaBil are am building aaccessfal eaterprlMe l i We d4cita sfeare or your baatme ss y v rj l GOBS AWAY FOR Till SVttER J ff- em lIES FDIIEIIJ J t- i IPISIiU Ie c aM Seabreee islet t 1 i = t 1u sdaIsSecired 1- Id ffI- I WeSeflTkraimEasyTers BJYYOURSELFANICEMINEW- eSefl i Thea si Easy Terus If r > W- c J t a- t tel Me lHk After Y r = F1rwkue YareAaynlssIHlrf a I 1 RANK J IIIIIIER ULU 1 H MARION REALTY COEAN- YKNiGHT t f LANG r I + Leading DealersI tU t of Central Florida I 1- I Ji e stock tf leftiWe Waft iiff tts Carts I1 au4Cthia scaIaIIaai- iraasises Up likes DIll aid aH I ell S < fcy t firsldass bMse 1 ftis fcM IM I U- Mfes i trMi UK facfirief sad always ia sttcMtf- owesl 1e icry t ft 1 i- i prices fr- P We till uveyHaiuey M ytir pirduisesB- MA iy i J J oS 11 I frtjmMputiyi 1411 < o t n < J AieIkUaek14II a l kesl Bikes t- f i t- of > I KNIGHT LANG lira SIkdSiri Ii- i OCAU FLMIM1 I n J THE FLORIDA CONCRETE AND PAYING CO C < J L We art prepared to fan your ofders for cement IT i work whatever k1f- fdManufacterotcemiitbri I k building JJ sWit nr w hexagon onblock ftrid all kinds of pav 5iA hi material We employrSkilled workmen 1tuiff AtA f- ourmotfoB4ft Vv please ttlt- r Temporary quarters phone 256 1 JAMES r F MOORHEAD MGR I J1- I i J i 0 1 i tor FLORID FRUIT AND TRUCK GROWE- RL f lIUuIYEIITII OCALA FLtlllA 11- 343FotKin J Avenue Witneca Building Telephone 317 I 1 Devoted to Floridas Agricultural Horticu- lturajand i Stock Raising Interest Finely II lustrated The Handsomest as well as one of 0 A j the most Practical Journals of its Class in the S I South Printed on Fine Book Paper 20 to 40 4 P i Monthly with Illustrated Colored Cover < 4 f f ESTABLISHED 1903 i f 1r t- FferUas ffprtuities Atvaatafes He aid eveitfaeBt p 4 w J Subscription 100 a Year in Advance 4 I I iiijICoii1OCqat Ntws Stamlf 12c by mall f t < A YEAIIT siosscnrntu is TIE lEST ORE IOLLAR > INVESTMENT IN FIMIIA 2 i v t l o the requests could not be grantee lest those already using them would be In- Ered ailt theIrs jply of feed cut aort > n several Forests In Wyoming and Cotoradt the fees for lambing privil- eges ¬ ort National Forests will be re ¬ funded to I he sheepmen because of their Inability to Use the lambing grounds Tn addition to this the sea- son will be extended month later in several Instances so as to make up as far aAposstbie for the enforced reductlojj In the early spring period On all thfc Foret bere the winter and spring idss4jre reduced the stockmens herds below the number- for wnlck they baVe been granted a permit i d they do not desire to jjur chase othet stock to make up their number ttey wfll T>p allowed to amend their application for the exact number Uiejr win graze without prejujlJcnjrtHeIr4XPplIcatIons In the It ttUJ therefore1 readily seen tbat regulath or Forest Service for WofiCfng graJMg matters arezsoflBcfeBtly flexible to take care of emergencies and meet all unusual condition which may occur from time to tfm Fjiriner tbaji ibis the man ¬ ner In frehlcbr the jJ e Forest Servlcdye taken how orthls mat- t t > I ter proves that they are always alive t 0 to the Interest of the stockmen a- more d fl t than willing to do all in their powe rto protect them from losses- A pleasing Illustration of the care the stockmen ltake of their animals- was noticed in a recent trip of Forest officers over some ranges In Colorado- and Wyoming The sheep bad been sheared at the usual time but as the seasol was very backward and tho animals In rather poor condition to meet unusual storms many of the sheepmen had provided small canvas blankets or covers for the sheep Af- ter I shearing these covers were fast ened to the sheep in such a way as to protect their backs and sides which- In a measure took the pace of the wool which had been taken from them f Thus they were better able to with- stand a severe storm and use of such v blankets has been the means of sav- ing many thousands of dollars to the T sheep OWIlpT- SFoleys a Honey and Tar not only stops chronic coughs that weaken the constitution and develop In consump > x- tlon but heals and strengthens the lungs It affords comfort and relief in t the worst cases of chronic bronchitis A asthma hay fever and vlung trouble J Sold by all druggists 0

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Page 1: STAR- J I 1- Irwo pqjNyjiERCIAL · 2009-05-12 · t i t i < 1I r 3-< + r 7T 7 1 q 7-OCALA EVENING STARTHURSDAY JuLy 8

t i i < 1I r 3-t < +

r 7T 71 q






L Urtinf anti R L CarrollEditors and Publishers-



l L R CARROLL RiisInis Manaf



t p Mr J 8 Lovell formerly of Sparr7f but fo the past seven months a citizenK of <Ocala died last night at his home

In the northern part of town thecause of his death being typhoid feverI having suffered from same for eightweeks Deceased was 25 years of age

c and leaves a devoted wife and a littleson 16 months old His remains wll

1 be Interred this afternoon at 4 oclockL In the old cemetery Alfred Owen of4 Mclver MacKays undertaking de

parment will have charge of the fun-eral


J Rev Newton Plummer of Anthong was asked to perform the relig-ious




South Lake Weir July 8News wasreceived here yesterday of the death ofCapt KE Haskell in New York onMonday after but a weeks IllnessMrs HasKell and her niece Miss Ar¬

nold will return to their home hereshortly


Mr D D Richardson died at hishome Tampa Wednesday He was anative 9f Alabama and resided inOcala several years before moving toTampa His wife and two daughterssurvive him He was 60 years of age

Justice Gober of Dunnellon was intown yesterday He said Acting MayorMorris was holding the town steadyand bets were freely made at oddsthat Mayor KIbler wouldnt be absentfrom the Phosphate City more than 15

r days just long enough to make thetrip to Seattle and return so weddedwas the mayor to his town

Mr I T Nixon of Lake Weir whoL

spent the past six months at Miami-In the employ of the Delke LumberCompany has returned home and wasf7 in town Wednesday accompanied byhIs fatherinlaw Mr J Dixon2

t p Mrs Alfred and her charmingi daughter Miss Bernice Alfred of Port

tI Inglls who came up Tuesday return-ed


home yesterday

C Y Miller of Leroy and largeholder of valuable Dunnellon property-was In town Wednesday and Informed

fr a Star reporter he had just commenca block of Phosphate City propertyHe said it was quiet down there now

Rev H E Gabby the new pastor ofthe Baptist church made the Star apleasant and appreciated call yester-day


i and did what every fan should dowho lives in Ocala subscribed11 thepaper Rev and Mrs Gabby are verymuch pleased with their new home

L and feel that if the people of Ocalatake as kindly to them as they do to

Li the city and its people their stay here5

aroundwill be pleasant and profitable all


Mr Ellis the Gainesville fertllczerman was in town yesterday InterviewIng the trade and commenting on theresult of the seasons truck crop whichf he considers good-

Ji W Arnold a successful youngtrucker at Coleman was fn town lastnight a guest of the Montezuma He

I is very much Interested in the countyseat contest and as he thinks there iano place like Coleman it will get hissupport solid

G G BevIHe one of Webstersprominent farmers truckers and citi-zens


was In town last night a guest-of the Montezuma This being the dayfor the ejection to determine wherethe Sumtercounthouse shall rest MrBeville returned home to vote for hisfavorite town

pr S H BUtch Is sorely distressedsince he lost his fine horse and tomake possible the close connectlorri I with Blltchton he Is thinking some ofgetting an auto for he said if he hadt an auto he could go home to dinnerand consume some milk and cream

I which are staple articles of the doc-tors



Mr and Mrs Ben Borden wentdown to the lake yesterday afternoonto see If they couldfind a cottage forthe summer

f Mr John Rogers the turpentineoperator returned today from severalweeks absence In Jacksonville Madi-son


and other points in north and westJ Florida

The rains down at Crystal Riverlast week were very heavy The wat-ers


rose until at the bank building inthat town fifty bream were caught-and goldto J C Stevens the fish andoyster man A good sized gar fish wascaught some four miles from thebanks of the river which will give anIdea of how the waters rose andspread but then that was only inkeeping with several other placesnotably at St Petersburg where thestreet car service was badly hampered-andii the high waters damaged goods ofthe merchants of the city by coming-In over the floor level At Fort Myersthe waters created a floating city for

I several days and railroad communica-tion


was cut off between that townand Punta Gorda

Sanford Monday celebrated the4th of July most successfully of any

I town In Florida Thousands were inthat city crowding every nook andcorner but all in the best of natureTho great attraction was the baseballgame between Sanford and Orlando-It was an Interesting game and to thefinish but the Sanford nine were toomany for the Orlando boys Orlandoemptied herself to be present

The Negro Business League of thestate has just ended its labors atTampa President Levy the editor ofthe Florida Sentinel of Pensacola pre-sided


The meeting was full of in-


and there were some able andsensible addresses notably that ofPresident Young charge of the statecolored agricultural and IndustrialcoU geOcala held an important po-


on the program In the person ofDr E Carrie Mitchell the only reglarly licensed colored w man in Flor-ida


male a fine address on Women inthe Medical Profession The showingBUde by the League was highly cred-itable


L 4r S or S doses ttf will cureany case II H Ckillt and Fever Price 25c

I 4



Coronation of the Rose Cantata asGiven at the Armory Last Night


The Flowers meet In a secluded dellIn the forest to choose their Queen Aperson discontented with the worldseeks In the same place retirementfrom its cares and disappointments-The Flowers tell of love and duty andthe RecluselearnIng that to fill wellthe station allotted by providence isto be happy resolves to return againto usefulness and contentment amonghis fellow creatures

CharactersRecluse Mr Sake GongRose Mrs George PasteurLily Mrs WinstonViolet Mrs GolnDaisy Miss Lucile MooreHeliotrope Miss Mary GatesSunflower Miss Eloise SmoakDandelion Mrs ConnorCornflower Miss Adele BittingerChrysanthemum Miss Dorothy Lan-

casterCrocus Mrs LaphamDahlia Mrs HamptonHollyhock Mrs CromJaponlca Mrs ClarksonTulip Mrs Carrol-lTouchMeNot Miss Susie EllisFbrgetMeNot Miss Eleanor CromNightingale Mr Leon Fishel

PoppiesMisses Noble Youngblood Dorothy

Schrieber Tommie Sftandley AliceSexton Mabel Meffert Ruth BoneyHannay Ellis Rosebud Robinson LucyThagard

Heather BellsEmma Perry Ruth Hardee Ruby

Fausett Nellie Beckham Frances Liddon Blanche Whaley Sidney HarroldLillian Clarkson Ava Lee EdwardsBeatrice Boney Sidney Perry Theresalame Louise Spencer Annie BentonFuller Jessie Bishop Lois LivingstonMarguerite Edwards Irma FelthamMiriam Conner Loureen SpencerLouise Tongue Susie YoungbloodRhoda Thomas Henrietta Livingston-Pearl Fausett Theo Beckham MarionMeffert

I Part FirstovertureWe are the Flowers ChorusHere Would I RestRecluseRest Thee HercChorus conceal-


and RecluseDuet Wouldst Thou KnowRose

and Lily0 Gentle Peace RecluseWho Shall be QueenCh rusI am the First CrocusPeace False Pretender Dahlia

Duet Tis Not In Beauty Daisyand Heliotrope

Prized by the BeauOfulJaponlcaMake Way Ye Silly Praters

SunflowerSay Where is Our Favorite Lily

ChorusDuet Sister Flowerettes Lily and

VioletThe Balmy Odors RoseLo Twilight ShadowsTulip-Breathe We NowPopplesWhat is This ChorusCome Come Quickly Away

ChorusHymn Tonight Chorus conceale-

de and song RecluseDuetNlghtlngalc and Rose

Part SecondI Good Morning Good MorningChorus-

To the Choice ChorusSoftly Softly Dear FrlendsHoll-


I Will I Will Yes I Will GoDandelion

Touch Me Not Touch 1Ie NotWe Love You AllChorusWho Shall be QueenChorusStranger Thou Hast HeardAs ¬

pirants-TIs Hard to Choose RecluseThe Rose The Rose The Rose

ChorusPrepare We for the Festive Scene

drill and chorusChorus-We Come From the Hillside

Heather BellsDrillPoppiesCoronati MarchFlowersReceive Thy CrownSemichorus-On Thy Brow Heliotrope Daisy

Violet and LilyLong Live Our Beauteous Queen

Chorus and Echo I

Filled with Gratitude and Love

RoseWeGo to Fulfill Our Glad Mission

ChorusDuet I Bhss fhe HandRose and


Light of Eternal 14veRosc SolosRecluse nnd Chorus

The Star takes pleasure in present-Ing a synopsis of the Flower Queen crthe Coronation of the Rose by Geo FRoot and the names of the charact-ers who have friends at home andabroad who will be more than plaased to hear of the excellent manner Inwhich the cantata was presented andthe splendid success attending theirefforts with the unstinted applause itbrought forth from a crowded house

It Is not too much to say and keepwithin the bounds of truth that furthe time consumed in the preparationof this varied and intrivate musicalplay ten days and the splendid andsuccessful manner in which It wasstaged and executed it was equal loany production that has ever been giv-en


from an Ocala stageIt seemed as if everybody went

there to have a good time and spend apleasant evening and as the play pro-


the expectations of the au-


grew until at Its finale theysaid It had been many a day sincethey had spent moneythat brougat tothem as much interest enjoyment findpleasure as they received last night

Now having said all this with afull presentation of the characters lit-


remains though a fraction of thatlittle at the latter part of the per-


grew into the major part oT

the play That little part was no less-a sweet winsome and really cute per-sonage


than Marion Meffert the fouryearold daughter of Mr and Mrs JM Meffert the youngest person on thestage ad one of the Heather BellsThe beauty about this Interesting 11-

1tlo personage was the unconsciousnessof her acting and singing with thatunmistakable shyness and timidity

Belle Meade Sweets

Sitar Frail ail Chocolate

utiITS AlL

These fklititts cariies cai behat Diy al

Court Pharmacy


that Is Inseparable with sweet and in-


childhood which she artlesslysplayed in every touch sad lift ofher little dress and the shy and won-

drous look she cast from her eyes thetips of her little feet and her voice soIndescribably flooded her mind that I

seemed to have memorized evory lineof the song so attracted the attention I

of the audience when it began to dis-


this realistic little queen andas interest augmented as the playproceeded the applause became sodemonstrative for the charming petitefavorite that nothing would satisfy thecrowd until the Recluse Mr J JGrig took the little tot by the handand walked across the stage whichfact anew demonstrated that the au-dience


as if by inspiration had dis-


a little German princess insong and action and this was the onlyway they could appease the happythought of the evening

A delightful feature of the play wathe costumes the characters bedeckedwith tile flowers they Impersonated-and as they were displayed with tasteit heightened the general effect of thescene as well as lending additionalcharm to those who wore them I

The poppies were redolent in colorwhile the heather bells fairly glowedin the delicate

flowertracing of that be-

witching¬ I

The Recluse Mr Jake Gerig in hiscap and gown wore a masterful airand sang his part with fine effect andthe same can be said of the Rose MrsGeorge Pasteur The duet by MrsWinston and Mrs Coin was especiallypleasing as was the one by MissesMoore and Gates Miss Smoak didsplendidly as Sunflower throwing intoher voice and action that spirit that isthe life and charm of an ImpersonatorMrs Hampton added new laurels toher vocal reputation Mrs Harry BClarkson surprised her friends mostpleasantly Mrs R R Carroll was arevelation in sweet notes Miss SusieEllis the fair and charming daughterof the capable directress readily at-tracted


attention by her clear and res-onant


voice and pantomime arts Therewere others ana they all deservedmeed of praise and it is here genersly and heartily tendered Lest weforget there was the Nightingale inthe person of Mr Leon Fishel whowith his flute did the high clear notes-of that wonderful bird of song to per-fection


The decorations of the stage and thescenery were In harmory with thecostumes of the characters and addedinterest and charm to the occasionMrs Ellis who staged and prepared thepiece showed decided talent in this i

instance and the audience present j

was indeed thankful to her for an ev-

ening of so great pleasureThere is only one regret and it was

the general expression that Mrs J MMeffert could not be present to wit-ness


the splendid maner her sweet lit-


Gretchen carried out her part

A Woman WantsThe Home Paper









The annual picnic will be given atCarters Pond July 23rd and the pub-isu is cordially invited to attend and

bring well filled baskets


A western judge granted a dlxorcoon account of illtemper and bad I

breath Dr Kings Xew Life PillsI

would have prevented it They cureconstipation causing bad breath and I

liver trouble the illtemper dispelcolds banish headaches conquerchills 23c at all druggists


Washington July S Showers to-

night and Friday

A MILLIONAIRES BABYfattended by the hignest priced baby

specialist could not be cured or stom-ach


or bowel trouble any quicker orsurer than your baby if you give it I

McGees Baby Elixir Cures diarr ¬

hoea dysentery and all derangementsof the stomach or bowels Price 25cents and 50 cents Sold by all drug-gists


FOR SALE300 auto buggy 40inch wheel solid rubber tire 20horpower 2cylinder engine full leathertop refitted with new parts Box 473Ocala Fla 766tdltw

Many people with chronic throatand lung trouble have found comfort

Iand relief in Foleys Honey and Taras it cures stubbon coughs after othertreatment has failed L M Ruggles I

Reasnor Iowa writes The doctors I

said I had consumption and I got nobetter until I took Foleys Honey and I

Tar It stopped the hemorrhages andpain in my lungs and they are now as I

sound as a bullet Sold by all drug-gists


Your prescriptions when left at theCourt Pharmacy are compounded-from pure and fresh drugs Phone uswell call for and deliver your pre-scriptions


LOSTSmith Wesson SScaliberrevolver Wednesday night Will payliberal reward for its return to M FDodson at Hogans 73Gt

MEN Our illustrated catalogue oxplains how we teach barber trade infew weeks mailed free Moler BarberCollege Atlanta Ga

< 1Three cents will fin you for ten 1

hours Get one of those CinchWestlnghouse fans from H W Tucker



There are six Baptist churches InOwensboro K v Five omitted ser-vices


last Sunday in order that thecongregations might assemble at one

fhf Thirdto join th < members ofthat church in welcoming their newpastor Rev C C Carroll lately ofOcala Mr Carrolls subject wasAnointed Eyes and he was listened

to with close attention by a packedhouse

The Third Baptist church of Owensboro Ky Is one of the largest in theSouth It has 1500 members and ItsSunday School has an average atten-dance


of 1000The following by Rev L B Warren

Mr Carrolls predecessor here andnow pastor of the First Baptistchurch of Owensboro is an eloquenttribute to Mr Carroll and anotherproof of the David and Jonathanfriendship that exists between twovery sincere men It is taken from theOwensboro Messenger

It was once aid of George Truettuniversally heralded as the greatestpreacher of the Baptist church thathe would be recognized as a giant ofintellect did not his marvelous spirit-ual


fervor eclipse all other character-istics


Of Charles Carroll it can be astruly said were it not for the great-ness


of his mental gasp he would behailed as a spiritual giant Dr Car-roll


is as great as Dr Truett and theverdict of the coming years will placethem side by ide-

A pastor the new leader of theThird Baptist church is without apeer His conception of the call to theministry of Christ embraces the ful-


of the command Weep withthose that weep and rejoice with thosethat do rejoice The home of need-of sorrow and of suffering will findhim constant in attendance

As n preacher lie ranks above thehighest In Texas in Florida and inCuba he was known as the brightestcommencement speaker and the great-est


pulpit orator cf the conventionsAs a citizen he is ever at work for

the good of his community and of hisstate The present status of the pro-hibition


movement in Florida is duemore to him than to any other manResponsive to an invitation by thestate legislature he addressed thatbody and swept it into a unanimity ofentiment for the prohibition cause

He mot in debate and easily demolish-ed


the arguments of the leadmg ora-

tors of the opposition and was car-ried


from the grounds upon the shoul-ders


of his enthusiastic friends When-he left the state a member of the ju-

diciary wrote Our church loses agreat preacher our people a tendershepherd and our community loses thegreatest worker for civic righteous-ness we ever had

Dr Carroll comes to one of thegreatest churches in the South

The church gains one of the great-est


leaders In the worldOwensboro has received a citizen-

of whom we are justly proud



1525 Mobile Ala July iflst August-1st and 2nd Limit Aug 15th ex ¬

tension to August 28thS39010465Lns Angeles and SanFrancisco on sale various datesLimit October 31 Variable routesand stopovers

9540Seattle Washington Variable I

routes and stopovers Limit Octo-ber


311870 Monteagle and ScwanneeTtnn July 1 10 17 23 2430 Au-gust


13 and 14 Limit September5 Stopovers allowedFor further information call on or

write F J Hubpr C P T A orJ K KIrkland Df P A Tampa Fla-

n people with symptoms of kidney-or bladder trouble could realize theirdanger they would without loss oftime commence taking Foleys KidneyPills This great remedy stops thepain and the irregularities strength-ens


and builds up these organs andthere is no danger of Brights disease I

jor other serious disorder Do not dis-regard


the early symptoms Sold byall druggists

TVAXTED combination bookkeeper and stenographer Good posi-tion


for the right man Address book-keeper


care Star 6731


That genial philosopher and allround journalist Mr Edgar theTimesUnion Short Talks Man hasthe Tolowing to say

Some idea of the length of the pe-ninsula


of Florida may be gatheredfrom the fact that if a straight linethe length of the mainland of the statebo lrawn northward from its northern


boundary it will reach very nearly to i

the southern boundary of Virginia j

The Atlantic coast line of Florida is as I

long as that from its northern boun-dary

¬ I

to Cape Lookout in North Caro-lina


and if the distance from themouth of the St Marys to Key West-be taken it is about equal to that fromthe St Marys to Cape Hatteras It Isnot strange that in a state extendingsouthward through more than 6 de-grees of latitude and to within abOutl degree of the tropics a great varletof climate should be found that theclimate of the southern end should bemuch warmer than that of the north-ern





Moving Pictures I

and MusicT-

he Rest of Entertainment Furnish ¬

ed by Home Peonle



Program for this Evening



Full Reel



k D Upon at 730 p in-C c

AoiHlssIon 10 and 5 Cents


L <

s ji

DYALLEITNER JMiss Louella Leitner and MrBrece

Dyal were united in the hbly1bM ift ofmatrimony on Wednesday evenfng at9 oclock June 30th Rev G WVethenford of Anthony officiatfnglj TMeceremony was perfomed at the homeof the bride The wedding was aquiet one only a feW Intimate friendsof the contracting parties being pres ¬


parlors were beautifully decor-ated


with flowers and evergreensmaking a most lovely picture with thehandsome bride and groom and theirwell dressefl friends

The groom is one of the valued em-ployees


of the McDowell Crate andLumber Company of Oak where he Iswell known and greatly respected Thebride Is the youngest daughter of Mrand Mrs B H Leitner of this placewho is known to all of our people as amost estimable young lady of retiringand sweet disposition

The presents were varied and valu-able

¬ekincing the respect and love In

which the fair bride Is held by herfriends at home and abroad Aftercongratulations were over refresh-ments

¬were served In buffet a style

consisting of ice cream and cakeMr and Mrs Dial are at home to

their friends at No 6 Spring Park ave-nue

¬Oak Fla

May the hand of Time never ruth¬lessly sunder them that their lives sojoyously begun will be one even flowof happiness and prosperity

Griner Farm July 6 1905

WATCH FOR THE RED WAGONS-The Florida Packing Ice Company-

now has its delivery wagons on thestreets retailing Ice The company Isalso shipping from the plant andselling to the trade In quantities See-the companys ad elsewhere In thisissue The Ice is made from puredistilled water and Is firstclass

THE OCALA WAGON WORKSOffers its services and superior work-manship


in the art of painting vehi-cles


of all kinds and classes It hasintroduced its specialty of painting au-tomobiles


A sample of our work canbe seen on the decoration of Mr D W

I Davis auto Give us a callTHE OCALA WAGON WORKS


CALVARYCalvary was visited with fine rains

last week tMr Rube Redding of Shady made

Mr J W Morrison a call last MondayMr Rube Redding and Mr J W

torrison made a business trip to Martel last Monday

Mr J W Morrison and son Merrittmade a business trip to HeidtvilleThursday and returned Friday-

Mr A S J Wallace Is having badluck putting down a pump Mr Wal-lace


drilled 140 feet and never reachedwater and had to pull up the casingand move to another place-

MorrisonMr J W spent Mondaynight in Shady with his brotherInlaw Mr Rube Redding-

Mr Herri Morrison made a visitto Heidtville Sunday

Misses Lottie Maggie and AnnieMorrison spent Sunday most pleasant-ly


at Shady with their aunt Mrs RubeRedding

Mr and Mrs George flub spentSunday afternoon with Mr and MrsJ W Morrison-


are sbrry to say Mrs W WLeak Is still sick But the writer wish-es


her a speedy recovery <

Messrs Lorne Rlsher and MackMontgomery spent Sunday afternoonwith Mr J W Morrison-

Mr Will Perkins of Shady called-in Calvary Sunday afternoon

Mrs J W Morrison called in n6rtbwest Calvary Saturday afternoon 7

Mr and Mrs A S J Wallace andson attended services at Martel Sun-day


afternoon-Mr W W Leak and son George

made a business trip to Ocala Satur-day


Mr A S J Wallace was a caller InOcala Saturday-

Mr M Jt Morrison made a businesstrip to Ocala Monday-

Mr MT Morrison and sister Mag-gie


called in Northwest CalvaryMonday evening

We would like to see a piece fromMartel and Berlin once in a while asit has been a long time since theyhave been heard from We hope tosee a piece from them next week

SKILLED PAINTING-I am prepared to take any Job of

painting no matter how large or howsmall or how fine the work desiredmay be I have the material brushesand knowledge to paint and do Itright Houses painted inside and outGraining gilding hard oil finishingvarnishing and lettering and signpainting Taste and skill guaranteedAddress P 0 Box 135 or leaye word-at the Star office K W FlllyawOcala Fla tf


To the western stockmen the pastspring was one of the most trying Inmany years Especially Is this true ofthe Rocky Mountain region where theseason has been unseasonably latewith severe snow storms long after theordinary period On many of thelambing groundS there the snow wasso deep that It was Impossible to reachthem and In consequence the lamb-ing


operations were transferred toother locations where the surround-Ings were not altogether satisfactory-

The extreme cold windy weatherhas also kept the green grass ironstarting as early as usual In conse-quence


of which the ranges have beetfully a month late When the usualtime arrived for turning the stockonto the open ranges for thefeed lotsthere was very little grass availableand as the stockmen had used up alltheir supply of hay the stock espec-ially


the cattle suffered somewhat rwant of feed

In Xew Mexico tile sheepmen made astrong plea to the Forest Service toallow them to take some of their herointo the Pecos National Forest whichhas been closed against sheep graZIngfor several years The closing of thisForest to sheep was owing to thewatershed Interests Involved togetherwith the question of protecting theyoung growth of timber which Is com ¬

ing forward on the Forest Howeverthe condition was so serious that af-ter


carefully weighing the question-the Forester suspended for a time theprohibition against sheep and J550Wsheep will be allowed to enter thatForest to graze until such time as theconditions on the outside ranges be¬

come normal which is hoped will beas soon as the summer rains set Inearly in July I

The stockmen using the publicranges adjoining other National For ¬

ests In New Mexico have made urgentrequests to the Forester to Ee allow-ed


to take their herds Into those For¬

ests for feed As those Forests arealready stocked to their full capacity

or iI j TLa v LbIf Ir A I

y1 rJ


ic 1-

I119 riPrHillL 1 2t < <

tioIl IJ I f J n ooER aJ

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pqjNyjiERCIAL BtopPt-


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t oJ fII t t <i IwlJo >fJl Mcll cJb c


V7it rAre tie awcata the profeesioaal aid successful raea and WMRM pf r

tae city tke farmers of tke surrouad lug territory 4 ft1 3 j iMQOBmotateWe aU classes dar customers represent the a 4women wjho fcaife lpriltaBil are am building aaccessfal eaterprlMe l iWe d4cita sfeare or your baatme ss yv




i IPISIiU Ie c aM Seabreee islet t 1i=t 1u sdaIsSecired 1-





iThea si Easy Terus If

r > W-c

Jt a-

ttel Me lHk After Y r= F1rwkue YareAaynlssIHlrf a






Leading DealersI tU tof Central Florida I


I Ji e stock tf leftiWe Waft iiff tts Carts I1

au4Cthia scaIaIIaai-iraasises Up likes DIll aid aH I ell S


fcy t firsldass bMse 1 ftis fcM IM I U-Mfes itrMi UK facfirief sad always ia sttcMtf-owesl

1e icrytft 1 i-

iprices fr-P

We till uveyHaiuey M ytir pirduisesB-MA

iy iJ

JoS 11 IfrtjmMputiyi 1411 <

o t n < J

AieIkUaek14II a l kesl Bikes t-


i t-

of> I

KNIGHT LANGlira SIkdSiri Ii-






We art prepared to fan your ofders for cement IT i

work whatever k1f-fdManufacterotcemiitbri


k building JJ sWit nrw hexagon onblock ftrid all kinds of pav 5iA

hi material We employrSkilled workmen 1tuiff AtA f-


please ttlt-rTemporary quarters phone 2561


I i J


1 i tor






Avenue Witneca Building Telephone 317 I1

Devoted to Floridas Agricultural Horticu-lturajand


Stock Raising Interest Finely IIlustrated The Handsomest as well as one of 0 A

j the most Practical Journals of its Class in theS

I South Printed on Fine Book Paper 20 to 404 P i Monthly with Illustrated Colored Cover

< 4 f f ESTABLISHED 1903 i f1r


FferUas ffprtuities Atvaatafes He

aid eveitfaeBt p


w JSubscription 100 a Year in Advance

4 I IiiijICoii1OCqat Ntws Stamlf 12c by mall f t<

A YEAIIT siosscnrntu is TIE lEST ORE IOLLAR >


i v tl

othe requests could not be grantee lestthose already using them would be In-

Ered ailt theIrs jply of feed cutaort >

n several Forests In Wyoming andCotoradt the fees for lambing privil-eges


ort National Forests will be re¬

funded to I he sheepmen because oftheir Inability to Use the lambinggrounds Tn addition to this the sea-son will be extended month later inseveral Instances so as to make upas far aAposstbie for the enforcedreductlojj In the early spring period

On all thfc Foret bere the winterand spring idss4jre reduced thestockmens herds below the number-for wnlck they baVe been granted apermit i d they do not desire to jjurchase othet stock to make up theirnumber ttey wfll T>p allowed toamend their application for the exactnumber Uiejr win graze withoutprejujlJcnjrtHeIr4XPplIcatIons In the

It ttUJ therefore1 readily seentbat regulath or ForestService for WofiCfng graJMg mattersarezsoflBcfeBtly flexible to take care ofemergencies and meet all unusualcondition which may occur from timeto tfm Fjiriner tbaji ibis the man ¬

ner In frehlcbr the jJ e ForestServlcdye taken how orthls mat-





ter proves that they are always alive t 0

to the Interest of the stockmen a-

mored fl t

than willing to do all in theirpowe rto protect them from losses-

A pleasing Illustration of the carethe stockmenltake of their animals-was noticed in a recent trip of Forestofficers over some ranges In Colorado-and Wyoming The sheep bad beensheared at the usual time but as theseasol was very backward and thoanimals In rather poor condition tomeet unusual storms many of thesheepmen had provided small canvasblankets or covers for the sheep Af-ter


shearing these covers were fastened to the sheep in such a way as toprotect their backs and sides which-In a measure took the pace of thewool which had been taken from them fThus they were better able to with-stand a severe storm and use of such v

blankets has been the means of sav-ing many thousands of dollars to the T

sheep OWIlpT-



Honey and Tar not onlystops chronic coughs that weaken theconstitution and develop In consump > x-

tlon but heals and strengthens thelungs It affords comfort and relief in


the worst cases of chronic bronchitis Aasthma hay fever and vlung trouble J

Sold by all druggists