star friends stolen jewels in recovered ends life · 2017. 12. 19. · fresno friends in gun...

FRESNO FRIENDS IN GUN TRAGEDY STOLEN JEWELS ARE RECOVERED Contractor Is Shot by Angry Husband in Home Jap's Employe Confesses to Robbery FRKBNO. Cat. March 14 ?M V. Plttman shot and killed \ Nicholson. rMtlactor. yeeterday The two had been the be*t uf fronds for yaara. Th<» ahootlng t(H>k pUit In the Plttman home After hiding In th* attic and eavea dropping, plttman confronted hi* alfe and Nlcholaon. accu*ed them of India, *r«tlon» and then draw a revolv- er and fired four ahota at th* con- tractor. One of tha bull*!* killed Nlcholaon instantly Plttman fled, loading hi* pl«to| ha left. He later cava himself up at the county jail. Mr*. Plttman declared the friend ?hip between heraelf and Nlcholaon Iran an ordinary one, and denied tbey had been unduly intimate. Confe*mon to the theft of worth of Jftrlry from the atom of It Okitviwn A iM 40s Main *t., on li* nixht of February f&. Whh inadn by an employ* to a private Tutwit)', >n<l the loot rf» , ovi , r»»i| Two pillow hll|mi filled with tha Jewelry, carefully wrapped in tl*aue paper, Wrre found hlddep on a re«r balcony. The au*pected employe wae grilled and mad* a complete confea ?lon. Oknaawa, the proprietor, tnld the police he did not wl*h to JfO*e««ut*. but would be content wltii the dl* mlsaal of the clerk Sheriff Now Sure "Chi" Is Bad Town Boiler or Bassoon? Which Shall It Be? CHICAOO. March 24 Sheriff Frank Hav-nee Taft. CaL, Impreaaed by Chicago'* high moral tone, decided to wire the ' mlaaun" that thla waan t a wicked cltv. Then he mlaaad hi* wallet and 143. He dtdn t aeitd the telegram. Art or botl*«? Thla In th* eholc* that Is off*r*»l City llollrr ln»|HS tor W K. Murray by J A. Johmoit, »u prrlnlfttilrnt of th* city building <W>- partmrnt. JoKiwm itvi that Mur my'« night work a* ba-*»»on playrr In a local thratr* orrh<?tr* int*rf*r«« with hia ability to lnap«H't boil.ra for th* city. Would Protect Cellars in Newark NKWAKK N. J. 24 A burglar alarm tympany has reported that it ia bring floodad with nrw bmilnfiui. M'««t «»f thr new custom er«i * tnt the bulk of the wiring In their cellars Consolidation Will Not Get a Hearing fln|iw«l» to consolidate all bran, h ?a of county and city government till not be considered by thr >|wnl Mgiatetur* In session at Olympia. Bkmiw tt ini not nn the apedal nlwilii the consolidation Mil. (nnetl by Vivian (irkwk. ami adopted by tho Municipal league waa MX prearnted. a* intended. TunxUy Wine Flows Fast; Would Raise Tax BVU*HBRLfI. Miium. Marrh 24. In moving that the* tax on drinking Utra and all night restaurants b#» made higher, I>eputy Pterard said that at the bar* mow> flowed Ilk'* wate. at on# bar being ipfDt for champagne in a ni«hl Harvest Spring Crop of Speeders Millions of Eggs Are Gathered in TTrtrtv ftv. speeder* who fs<*ed Folic* Judge John B Gordon Tuesday plunked down s<?& In flnea Twenty ahn Other traffic violator* boosted thta figure to $771. IyiN'DON, Eng. March :\u2666 In II month* the Kramlnghum Kgg society haa collect.'4 1t.035.t?1 eggs, which aold for II 215 iOO. Tight Collar Cause of Soldier's Death Laundy Testimony Is On in Portland UOKDON. March 24 -Sergt Rich ard Brout. 25. dropped dead on the highway near Crowcombe station from asphyxia, due to overexertion on a full stomach and syncope follow Lng praaaure of the neck by the tight collar of the uniform PORTLAND. Ore.. March 24 Hearing of testimony In the case of Joseph Laundy. charged with crtml nal syndicalism, began today In cir- cuit Judge Belt's court here, after the jury box was filled with special venireman Winnipeg to Spend Million \u25a0 in Building 125 Convicts Flee Texas Prison Farm MONTREAU Canada. March >4 Mar* than 1:0 000 o<X> will be *pent to Winnipeg In building operation. Uilk yaar HOt'HTON. Te*.. Marrh M.? Overpowering their and aelx- Inir Ihelr run*. Ui ronM»« at the «»ate prison farm made th>4r e-*af>e Tuesday afternoon, according to dispatches from Huntaville. Hearch waa Immediately Instituted, and by nightfall all but four of th. escaped men had be»n captured. A (ISO pearl necklace, and rings necklaces valued at 1200. were \u25a0tall n from th. home of Mr*. C. T Tafcaha.hl, SOT ;:d are N . Monday, aba rwported to poUca Tuesday after- For Home Play Week Boys' Sturdy Play Clothes at Moderate Prices ""DOYS WILL BE BOYS" ?give them play clothes that will stand the wear and tear and the strain they are sure to receive. For Home Play Week we feature the following numbers for your boys: Boys' Black Bear Cub Suits Also Nice for Girls' Play Suits The strength, the durability, the neatness of these garments make them one of the most-wanted of Play Suits for both boys and girls. Made of heavy weight blue denim, trimmed with red, or in medium-weight khaki. Made with short sleeves and square neck, or long sleeves and high neck. Sizes 1 to 8 years, $1.75 Sizes 10 to 14 years, $2.00 Boy*' Overalls?(Black Bear Brand) Overalls, made from a good weight of denim?blue or black?the blue ones have the double knees and seat. Sizes 3 to 9 at $1.65 Sizes 10 to 16 at $1.90 ?One-piece Overall Suits, made just like dad's?heavy weight khaki or blue denim; sizes 12 to 16 at $4.00; sizes 5 to 11 at $3.50. ?Khaki Knickers for the boys to play in?good quality and well made?sizes 6 to 16 years at $2.00. ?Khaki Blouses that go well with Knickers, $1.25. BOYS- SECTION. UPPER MAIN FLOOR?TI 1E HON MARCHE STAR SPRING SONG Still Have Hopes for Power Invention ftVEIUCTT. MarMi 24?Further laboratory experiments that may be of semi public nature will he made In ti>« n*a»r future with the "at mosphertc powrr generator - Invent- ed b) Albert M llnMisnl If «<f Se- attle following appointment of T II Iktwden. a lyral banker, an llubbard s guard tart. It wtui announced today. (liowden'a guardlan«hip was allowed \bf Judge Ouy C Alston on appllca tion of Hubbard, hla father and mother. He Gets First Aid From the Plumber HAN KUANCIKOj. Mtnh 24 Henry I«amson. truck gardener, fell off a roof, landing with one fo&t in a milk can. t'nable to find a can opener, he hobblrd two miles to a plumbrr, whose blow torch did it. Ribbach Is Made a Lieutenant by Chief rted A Itlhhach, for mora than 10 year* a promoter of ejvlc peac. la patrolling hla beat Wednesday. wmr lng pollc. lieutenancy bar* on hi* uniform He waa promoted to U«u- tenant Tueaday by Chief of folic* Joel FV Warren Masonic Officials Get Appointments WAHHINOTON. March ?4 Kol 'owing appointment a of }{<iyal Order of Gotland, one of the hlgheat M * aonic bwllm, snnounied for province of t'nlted HUlra (>«»r*i» I! Oornon, grand maater. John I* Thotnaa. New Tork. deputy grand maaier. Hterling Kerr. Washington. aecretary. l«*roy A. fioddard. Chktfo, treaaurar Per ry Weidner, lx>n Angelea, aenlor grand warden. Thnmaa II Morrow. Kanaaa City, Junior crand warden, (.Gallon Wm T Bn><W. Waahington. « h.tplaln. Will View Body of Deceased Ruler The Mr of homer myers esaJ(> rd of Hwattle lodge Nu tj. H. I* O K. w|»o died Ttiea«lay. Will ll# In atate at Kike' temple Friday, fmm 10 JO a. m to IJO p. in l*rl vftta *ii| fulluw aarvlcM at the temple No London Papers Out on Good Friday GASSED DOCTOR ENDS OWN LIFE Former Seattle Man Dies in London I.ONDON, Marth 24 *'apt KriMirtg. formerly a phvuhlnn In attle, Wuiih . committed luliidr l»> drowning Mm*Hf In the Thamr* rlv ?r« it coroner'* Jury here <!<?« Ided >«?« terday I.neing killed hlnmelf while of un itound the jury * vwdict *wid ||»* nerved In tliti llt ltlNh rn«*dh al xirpa in Fruliio and goaaed tmUsm, r>r Ceorg* I! Knulng wan the aon of John Knwlng, Ml 4 K lltpubllnun *t, who in acxtoa »»f tho Pilgrim Con- gregational church. !»r. Knnlng l>ra<ti<-«d medicine on Vanhon Inland \u25a0everal yeurn Iwfor* entering the llrltiiih army. In 11)16. SHERIFF HELD IN BOOZE CASE Million-Dollar Liquor Cargo Is Mentioned IjONIKW, Marrh »«. Mornln* and *r»nlnf iwpfri will not tw |>ulv l>«h»d on flood Krtd«y «o It h*» tx*n rw«!wl by tb« I»n<lon pro*inci*i n«w»p«p*r confwmo. MINNKAPOtJH. Mtrrk :< r«d I rr»l official* U>W of Mn AllAfcd boot | ir* i worth fl 000.OOd when Hhrrlff Qar«r M»%rilri*<»n. MtnrH)«i> i oil*, and Morrl* l*o*cnl«-k wrr* held ywilcnUy to the Knml jury. rtmrirM with vtoUtlnc tH* f«Ml«*n»J prohibition In w I Federal offb-era aaid th# two men dire. l«*.l operation* of it gang nhbh brought liquor from t'urmda* imrm |*>rt)n| It in f|v» filer bottom ««r». loa<|«s| with »<rttp Iron. War rant* wit* Ixaued for flv« other mirn Woman Swallows Mouse; Slept With Her Mouth Open I/»N!*»N\ Manh ?4. F'wpk who with their tnouthe op«n ?hould U warned by the fpsr«Ami* '*t* that haa befallen a woman who ww&llowed h mouw *n<t haa bwrn under treatment at *t Thomas' hoapital. Mra Uary Wataon to the hospital atiffTerlng from a violent ilrkn«M Khs aald nhs had aw a I lowed a mouae. According to her statement, *he waa In bed with her h»hy, and waa awakened by tha child movln* At the aame !im' aha mw a moure running over her cheat, and. an ah#* put It *'lt juat altpped into my mouth before I could atop jf. »n<l I awal lowed It. 'You aee. ! alwa>a a|e+p with my mouth o|»en. otherwtaa It wouldn t have happened" Ancient Burial Urns Are Discovered I/WDON. M*rrh Two burial urn». to <l«m from tho hrnnt* me*, about mm ft C.. I have b*»n found wu Bhorwc!l. Ul« of Wight. ' Spring and Easter Fashions, New and Fresh, at The Bon Marche KIDDIES' PLAY SHOES MISSES'SMARTPUMPS Bay Them Daring Home Play Week Styles "Like Mother's" Growing girls will Children's Scuffers?one of the most prac- find these Shoes tical of shoes for play or hard wear. very much to their liking both in Made of elkskin with welt soles?all colors style and price. . and two-tone effects. Sizes 2Vis to 7in BLACK. SIZES STOB. AT $8.50 AND $4.00 th ?, lot ,' n , . T . ... . . BLACK. SIZES 8«/ s TO 11. at $4.50 to $5.00 ?Black Glazed Leather Shoes with neat bow, TAX. SIZES 5 to 8. PRICED $3.50 TO $4.50 medium soles and neat fitting, at $6.50. TAN. SIZES 84 TO 11. AT $4.50 TO $5.75 PATENT LEATHER. MEDIUM SOLES. $6.50 SMOKE ELK. SIZES 5 TO 8, $4.76 TO $5 00 DULL KID. LIGHT TURNED SOLES. s6.on SMOKF Klk* wrca.' mil *- m Tn «« C.UNMETAL SHOES. NEAT FITTING. $6.50 SMOKL ELK, SIZES B' s TO 11. $~.50 TO $6.50 PATENT LEATHER SHOES, A PAIR. $6.50 SECOND n/X>R?THK BON MARCHE J TI'KH MAIN FLOOR?THE BON MARCHE "Celestra" Pearls-~The Latest Gleaming, Rich-Toned, Exquisite Layer upon layer The iridescent ra- of luminous pearly diance of these Beads uSi'Viih wK X « lovely-they win are made by a secret / ~ " make ideal gradua- process by a house / y fT\ _ Kjf . tion or confirmation famous for fine / \ air S'lh \ gifts. P ear lß - f V' * ' P eal "l s are They may be washed / -?-A graduated in attrac- in soap and warm {"-jT\ V' -' / J : ?' \ tive sizes. water, and art* dur- v*? ?' '/ ' , ""****" t l B-inch lengths, $5.".0 able?may even be inch lengths. $9,50 stepped upon with- "St" "V -'?\u25a0 nc ' l lengths. $10.50 out harm. - jewelry section- L'PI'ER MAIN KIXKJK A NEW SHOP FOR FABRIC GLOVES hauler Sli/Ich in Gloves of Silk and Washable Fabrics ?Short Silk Gloves in two-clasp style, in mas- ?White Silk Gloves in 12-button length, with tic, pongee, gray, navy and white?sl.2s. three clasps at wrist?s2.oo. -Short Leatherette Gloves in washable fabric, Zrf 6 " \u2666JSP Gloves in f,li I , " oVer white in all the .standard colors $1.15. imtkh main ki«oor?\u25a0thu bon makchk TRe E>or\ Marche' KMTAIIMHIIKO IM<<» Headquarters for Bungalow Apron* at $1.39 What Do You Save Here? By purchasing in the Bargain Basement you save the cost of Free Deliveries, Expensive Fixtures, Credit Losses and Free Alterations to Garments. Some saving! ? _ -/ For the Out'of-Doors Woman 334 Sample Khaki Garments at Regular Wholesale Prices A manufacturer of outing clothes for women closed out to the Bargain Basement all of his road and house samples, including Riding Breeches Middies Riding Coats Dresses Long Coats Skirts They're in olive, light tan and dark tan khaki, are well made and nicely finished. They're just what you need for golfing, tramping, gar- dening, motoring, riding, lx>ating camping or vacationing. And hurely the priccs arc reasonable enough! $1.49 to $3.95 IN THE BOOTHS?UPPER MAIN FLOOR Cotton Mesh Bandeaux 59c 59c?a most reasonable price, indeed, for Bandeaux like these. Both front and back-closing style?of heavy cotton pink mesif, clastic section in back?sizes 32 to 40. Heavy Broche Bandeaux 75c Back-closing Bandeaux?exceptional value?made of heavy pink broche, with wide shoulder straps. Sizes 32 to 40, at 75c. Thursday ?Aprons?and for $1.50 Two Styles Arc Sketched?But There Arc Others Aeroplane?an entirely new apron isn't it clever? And one can get IP* ' nto Me a whirlwind. ± W May be had in dots, / . i jjk stripes or figures?with bindings in contrasting Fy t *' -rT coverall style, white with i P-'O '"" xßttl colored dots or figures iI.?. / A ?or dark color with w*"* e or f'JHires, m ? another small Apron?- ytl gj slips over the head and \. ' fastens at the waistline Your choice for $1.50. SECOND FI>OOR?THE EON MARCHE J One Thousand 7-Piece Glass Water Sets?Remarkable Value at $1.25 WITH STERLING SILVER MONOGRAM ON PITCHER ANI) TUMBLERS Here's a good one?a Water Pitcher and six - thin-blown Tumblers, all Y I, for $1.25 when have | f \\ you heard- of such an | i «Jl |1 II offer ? Jjl It I ] Each piece is decor- ill 1 Tpfen 1 ated with silver mono- jOTW'yBB (Trammed initial and a ' ' i,' ill silver band around the 1 (&\u25a0 1j v-t TT .yV f';V top. Most all initials to ><oo w v?i if choose from. |Tf i j ': j' ! !|T Extra Water Tumblers tc=l ;" ' 'f;?Jj can be had at 60c set of six. FOURTH FLOOR

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Contractor Is Shot by AngryHusband in Home

Jap's Employe Confesses toRobbery

FRKBNO. Cat. March 14 ?M V.Plttman shot and killed \ Nicholson.rMtlactor. yeeterday The two hadbeen the be*t uf fronds for yaara.

Th<» ahootlng t(H>k pUit In thePlttman home

After hiding In th* attic and eaveadropping, plttman confronted hi*alfe and Nlcholaon. accu*ed them ofIndia,*r«tlon» and then draw a revolv-er and fired four ahota at th* con-tractor.

One of tha bull*!* killed Nlcholaoninstantly

Plttman fled, loading hi* pl«to| n»ha left. He later cava himself up atthe county jail.

Mr*. Plttman declared the friend?hip between heraelf and NlcholaonIran an ordinary one, and deniedtbey had been unduly intimate.

Confe*mon to the theft of iro.oooworth of Jftrlry from the atom ofIt Okitviwn A iM 40s Main *t., on

li* nixht of February f&. Whh inadnby an employ* to a privateTutwit)', >n<l the loot rf» ,ovi,r»»i|

Two pillow hll|mi filled with thaJewelry, carefully wrapped in tl*auepaper, Wrre found hlddep on a re«rbalcony. The au*pected employe waegrilled and mad* a complete confea?lon.

Oknaawa, the proprietor, tnld thepolice he did not wl*h to JfO*e««ut*.but would be content wltii the dl*mlsaal of the clerk

Sheriff Now Sure"Chi" Is Bad Town

Boiler or Bassoon?Which Shall It Be?

CHICAOO. March 24 SheriffFrank Hav-nee Taft. CaL, Impreaaedby Chicago'* high moral tone, decidedto wire the ' mlaaun" that thla waan t

a wicked cltv. Then he mlaaad hi*wallet and 143. He dtdn t aeitd thetelegram.

Art or botl*«? Thla In th* eholc*that Is off*r*»l City llollrr ln»|HS tor

W K. Murray by J A. Johmoit, »uprrlnlfttilrntof th* city building <W>-partmrnt. JoKiwm itvi that Murmy'« night work a* ba-*»»on playrrIn a local thratr* orrh<?tr* int*rf*r««with hia ability to lnap«H't boil.ra forth* city.

Would ProtectCellars in Newark

NKWAKK N. J. 24 Aburglar alarm tympany has reportedthat it ia bring floodad with nrwbmilnfiui. M'««t «»f thr new customer«i * tnt the bulk of the wiring Intheir cellars

Consolidation WillNot Get a Hearing

fln|iw«l» to consolidate all bran, h?a of county and city government

till not be considered by thr >|wnlMgiatetur* In session at Olympia.

Bkmiw tt ini not nn the apedal

nlwilii the consolidation Mil.(nnetl by Vivian (irkwk. amiadopted by tho Municipal league waa

MX prearnted. a* intended. TunxUy

Wine Flows Fast;Would Raise Tax

BVU*HBRLfI. Miium. Marrh 24.In moving that the* tax on drinkingUtra and all night restaurants b#»made higher, I>eputy Pterard saidthat at the bar* mow> flowed Ilk'*wate. at on# bar being ipfDt

for champagne in a ni«hlHarvest SpringCrop of Speeders Millions of Eggs

Are Gathered inTTrtrtv ftv. speeder* who fs<*edFolic* Judge John B Gordon Tuesdayplunked down s<?& In flnea Twenty

ahn Other traffic violator* boostedthta figure to $771.

IyiN'DON, Eng. March :\u2666 In IImonth* the Kramlnghum Kgg society

haa collect.'4 1t.035.t?1 eggs, whichaold for II215 iOO.

Tight Collar Causeof Soldier's Death Laundy Testimony

Is On in PortlandUOKDON. March 24 -Sergt Richard Brout. 25. dropped dead on thehighway near Crowcombe stationfrom asphyxia, due to overexertionon a full stomach and syncope followLng praaaure of the neck by the tightcollar of the uniform

PORTLAND. Ore.. March 24Hearing of testimony In the case ofJoseph Laundy. charged with crtmlnal syndicalism, began today In cir-cuit Judge Belt's court here, afterthe jury box was filled with specialveniremanWinnipeg to Spend

Million\u25a0 in Building 125 Convicts FleeTexas Prison FarmMONTREAU Canada. March >4

Mar* than 1:0 000 o<X> will be *pent

to Winnipeg In building operation.

Uilk yaar

HOt'HTON. Te*.. Marrh M.?Overpowering their and aelx-Inir Ihelr run*. Ui ronM»« at the«»ate prison farm made th>4r e-*af>eTuesday afternoon, according todispatches from Huntaville. Hearchwaa Immediately Instituted, and bynightfall all but four of th. escaped

men had be»n captured.

A (ISO pearl necklace, and rings

necklaces valued at 1200. were\u25a0tall n from th. home of Mr*. C. TTafcaha.hl, SOT ;:d are N . Monday,

aba rwported to poUca Tuesday after-

For Home Play WeekBoys' Sturdy Play Clothes

at Moderate Prices""DOYS WILL BE BOYS" ?give them play

clothes that will stand the wear and tearand the strain they are sure to receive. For HomePlay Week we feature the following numbers foryour boys:

Boys' Black Bear Cub SuitsAlso Nice for Girls' Play Suits

The strength, the durability, the neatness of thesegarments make them one of the most-wanted of PlaySuits for both boys and girls. Made of heavy weightblue denim, trimmed with red, or in medium-weightkhaki.

Made with short sleeves and square neck, or longsleeves and high neck.

Sizes 1 to 8 years, $1.75

Sizes 10 to 14 years, $2.00

Boy*' Overalls?(Black Bear Brand)Overalls, made from a good weight of denim?blue

or black?the blue ones have the double knees and seat.

Sizes 3 to 9 at $1.65Sizes 10 to 16 at $1.90

?One-piece Overall Suits, made just like dad's?heavyweight khaki or blue denim; sizes 12 to 16 at $4.00;sizes 5 to 11 at $3.50.?Khaki Knickers for the boys to play in?good qualityand well made?sizes 6 to 16 years at $2.00.?Khaki Blouses that go well with Knickers, $1.25.



Still Have Hopesfor Power Invention

ftVEIUCTT. MarMi 24?Furtherlaboratory experiments that may beof semi public nature will he madeIn ti>« n*a»r future with the "atmosphertc powrr generator - Invent-ed b) Albert M llnMisnl If «<f Se-

attle following appointment of T IIIktwden. a lyral banker, an llubbard sguard tart. It wtui announced today.

(liowden'a guardlan«hip was allowed\bf Judge Ouy C Alston on appllcation of Hubbard, hla father andmother.

He Gets First AidFrom the Plumber

HAN KUANCIKOj. Mtnh 24Henry I«amson. truck gardener, felloff a roof, landing with one fo&t in

a milk can. t'nable to find a canopener, he hobblrd two miles to aplumbrr, whose blow torch did it.

Ribbach Is Made aLieutenant by Chief

rted A Itlhhach, for mora than 10year* a promoter of ejvlc peac. lapatrolling hla beat Wednesday. wmrlng pollc. lieutenancy bar* on hi*uniform He waa promoted to U«u-tenant Tueaday by Chief of folic*Joel FV Warren

Masonic OfficialsGet Appointments

WAHHINOTON. March ?4 Kol'owing appointment a of }{<iyal Orderof Gotland, one of the hlgheat M *

aonic bwllm, snnounied for province

of t'nlted HUlra (>«»r*i» I! Oornon,grand maater. John I* Thotnaa. NewTork. deputy grand maaier. Hterling

Kerr. Washington. aecretary. l«*roy

A. fioddard. Chktfo, treaaurar Perry Weidner, lx>n Angelea, aenlor

grand warden. Thnmaa II Morrow.Kanaaa City, Junior crand warden,(.Gallon Wm T Bn><W. Waahington.« h.tplaln.

Will View Bodyof Deceased Ruler

The Mr of homer myers esaJ(>

rd of Hwattle lodge Nu tj.

H. I* O K. w|»o died Ttiea«lay. Willll# In atate at Kike' temple Friday,fmm 10 JO a. m to IJO p. in l*rlvftta *ii| fulluw aarvlcMat the temple

No London PapersOut on Good Friday


Former Seattle Man Dies inLondon

I.ONDON, Marth 24 *'aptKriMirtg. formerly a phvuhlnn Inattle, Wuiih . committed luliidr l»>drowning Mm*Hf In the Thamr* rlv?r« it coroner'* Jury here <!<?« Ided >«?«

terdayI.neing killed hlnmelf while of un

itound the jury * vwdict *wid||»* nerved In tliti llt ltlNh rn«*dh alxirpa in Fruliio and goaaedtmUsm,

r>r Ceorg* I! Knulng wan the aonof John Knwlng, Ml 4 K lltpubllnun*t, who in acxtoa »»f tho Pilgrim Con-gregational church. !»r. Knnlng

l>ra<ti<-«d medicine on Vanhon Inland\u25a0everal yeurn Iwfor* entering thellrltiiih army. In 11)16.


Million-Dollar Liquor CargoIs Mentioned

IjONIKW, Marrh »«. Mornln*and *r»nlnf iwpfri will not tw |>ulvl>«h»d on flood Krtd«y «o It h*» tx*nrw«!wl by tb« I»n<lon pro*inci*in«w»p«p*r confwmo.

MINNKAPOtJH. Mtrrk :< r«d Irr»l official* U>W of Mn AllAfcd boot |

ir* i worth fl 000.OOd whenHhrrlff Qar«r M»%rilri*<»n. MtnrH)«i> ioil*, and Morrl* l*o*cnl«-k wrr* heldywilcnUy to the Knml jury. rtmrirMwith vtoUtlnc tH* f«Ml«*n»J prohibitionInwI

Federal offb-era aaid th# two mendire. l«*.l operation* of it gang nhbhbrought liquor from t'urmda* imrm|*>rt)n| It in f|v» filer bottom««r». loa<|«s| with »<rttp Iron. Warrant* wit* Ixaued for flv« other mirn

Woman SwallowsMouse; Slept With

Her Mouth OpenI/»N!*»N\ Manh ?4. F'wpk

who with their tnouthe op«n?hould U warned by the fpsr«Ami*

'*t* that haa befallen awoman who ww&llowed h mouw*n<t haa bwrn under treatment at*t Thomas' hoapital.

Mra Uary Wataon to thehospital atiffTerlng from a violentilrkn«M Khs aald nhs had aw a I

lowed a mouae. According to herstatement, *he waa In bed withher h»hy, and waa awakened bytha child movln* At the aame!im' aha mw a moure running

over her cheat, and. an ah#* put It*'lt juat altpped into my mouth

before I could atop jf. »n<l I awallowed It. 'You aee. ! alwa>a a|e+p

with my mouth o|»en. otherwtaa Itwouldn t have happened"

Ancient Burial UrnsAre Discovered

I/WDON. M*rrh :« Two burialurn». to <l«m from thohrnnt* me*, about mm ft C.. Ihave b*»n found wu Bhorwc!l. Ul«of Wight. '

Spring and Easter Fashions, Newand Fresh, at The Bon Marche

KIDDIES' PLAY SHOES MISSES'SMARTPUMPSBay Them Daring Home Play Week Styles "Like Mother's"

Growing girls willChildren's Scuffers?one of the most prac- find these Shoes

tical of shoes for play or hard wear. very much to theirliking both in

Made of elkskin with welt soles?all colors style and price. .and two-tone effects. Sizes 2Vis to 7in

BLACK. SIZES STOB. AT $8.50 AND $4.00th


lot,' n , . T .

... . .

BLACK. SIZES 8«/ s TO 11. at $4.50 to $5.00?Black Glazed Leather Shoes with neat bow,

TAX. SIZES 5 to 8. PRICED $3.50 TO $4.50medium soles and neat fitting, at $6.50.

TAN. SIZES 84 TO 11. AT $4.50 TO $5.75 PATENT LEATHER. MEDIUM SOLES. $6.50SMOKE ELK. SIZES 5 TO 8, $4.76 TO $5 00 DULL KID. LIGHT TURNED SOLES. s6.onSMOKF Klk* wrca.' mil *- m Tn ««


"Celestra" Pearls-~The LatestGleaming, Rich-Toned, Exquisite

Layer upon layer The iridescent ra-of luminous pearly diance of these Beads

uSi'Viih wK X « lovely-they winare made by a secret / ~ " make ideal gradua-process by a house /

yfT\ _ Kjf .tion or confirmation

famous for fine / \ air S'lh \ gifts.P ear lß -

f V' *' P eal "l s are

They may be washed / -?-A graduated in attrac-in soap and warm {"-jT\V' -' / J :?' \ tive sizes.water, and art* dur- v*? ?' '/ ' , ""****"

t lB-inch lengths, $5.".0able?may even be inch lengths. $9,50stepped upon with- "St" "V -'?\u25a0 nc 'l lengths. $10.50

out harm. - jewelry section-L'PI'ER MAIN KIXKJK

A NEW SHOP FOR FABRIC GLOVEShauler Sli/Ich in Gloves of Silk and Washable Fabrics

?Short Silk Gloves in two-clasp style, in mas- ?White Silk Gloves in 12-button length, withtic, pongee, gray, navy and white?sl.2s. three clasps at wrist?s2.oo.-Short Leatherette Gloves in washable fabric, Zrf6" \u2666JSP Gloves in f,liI,"oVer whitein all the .standard colors $1.15. imtkh main ki«oor?\u25a0thu bon makchk


Headquarters for Bungalow Apron* at $1.39

What Do You Save Here?By purchasing in the Bargain Basement you save the cost of Free

Deliveries, Expensive Fixtures, Credit Losses and Free Alterations toGarments. Some saving!

? _ -/

For the Out'of-Doors Woman334 Sample Khaki Garmentsat Regular Wholesale Prices

A manufacturer of outing clothes for women closed out to the BargainBasement all of his road and house samples, including

Riding Breeches MiddiesRiding Coats DressesLong Coats Skirts

They're in olive, light tan and dark tan khaki, are well made andnicely finished. They're just what you need for golfing, tramping, gar-dening, motoring, riding, lx>ating camping or vacationing.

And hurely the priccs arc reasonable enough!

$1.49 to $3.95


Cotton Mesh Bandeaux 59c59c?a most reasonable price, indeed, for Bandeaux

like these. Both front and back-closing style?ofheavy cotton pink mesif, clastic section in back?sizes32 to 40.

Heavy Broche Bandeaux 75cBack-closing Bandeaux?exceptional value?made of

heavy pink broche, with wide shoulder straps. Sizes32 to 40, at 75c.

Thursday ?Aprons?and for $1.50Two Styles Arc Sketched?But There Arc Others

Aeroplane?an entirelynew apron isn't itclever? And one can get

IP* ' nto Me a whirlwind.± W May be had in dots,/ . i jjk stripes or figures?with

bindings in contrasting

Fy t*'

-rT coverall style, white withi P-'O '""xßttl colored dots or figuresiI.?. / A ?or dark color with

w*"*e or f'JHires,

m ? another small Apron?-ytl gj slips over the head and\. ' fastens at the waistline

Your choice for $1.50.SECOND FI>OOR?THE EON MARCHE J

One Thousand 7-Piece Glass WaterSets?Remarkable Value at $1.25


Here's a good one?aWater Pitcher and six


thin-blown Tumblers, all Y I,for $1.25 when have | f \\you heard- of such an | i «Jl |1 IIoffer ? Jjl It I ]

Each piece is decor- ill 1 Tpfen 1ated with silver mono- jOTW'yBB(Trammed initial and a ' ' i,' illsilver band around the 1 (&\u25a0 1j v-t TT .yV f';Vtop. Most all initials to ><oo w v?i ifchoose from. |Tf i j': j' ! !|T

Extra Water Tumblers tc=l ;" ' 'f;?Jjcan be had at 60c set ofsix.