stability studies of amphetamine and ephedrine derivatives in urine

1 Stability studies of amphetamine and ephedr ine derivatives in urine ออออออออออออออออ อ.ออ.อออออ อออออออออ อออออออออออออออ อออออออ ออออออออออออ 51312305

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Stability studies of amphetamine and ephedrine derivatives in urine. อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษา อ . ดร . พัลลพ คันธิยงค์ นางสาวดรุณรัตน์ แก้วมูล รหัสนักศึกษา 51312305. Stability studies of amphetamine and ephedrine derivatives in urine By C. Jim enez , R. de la Torre - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Stability studies of  amphetamine and ephedrine derivatives  in urine


Stability studies of amphetamine and ephe

drine derivatives in urine

อาจารย์�ที่ปร�กษา อ.ดร.พั�ลลพั คั�นธิ�ย์งคั�

นางสาวดร�ณร�ตน� แก�วมู ล รหั�สน�กศึ�กษา 51312305

Page 2: Stability studies of  amphetamine and ephedrine derivatives  in urine

Stability studies of amphetamine and ephedrin

e derivatives in urine

By C. Jim enez , R. de la Torre

M. Ventura ,J. Segura ,R. Ventura

Page 3: Stability studies of  amphetamine and ephedrine derivatives  in urine


Knowledge of the stability of drugs in biological fluids is critical for proper interpretation of

analytical results

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• thermal

• chemical

• degradation, matrix degradation

• metabolism, hydrolysis

• transport,

• handling or sample

• storage conditions

Lossesof analys

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Stability testing can be used

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Stability testing can be used

• explain discrepancies between reanalyses long after initial analyses

• determine time limits that must be imposed between the collection and analysis of samples for pharmacokinetic studies

• identify the optimal storage conditions

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DHHS Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing

(USA) 1998

retain all confirmed drug positive urine

least 1 year

in frozen storage

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None psychostimulants like

ephedrine derivatives.

Ephedrine / amphetamine derivatives

are included in the list of prohibited substances

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• ephedrine derivatives

ephedrine, norephedrine, methylephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and norpseudoephedrine

• amphetamine derivatives

(amphetamine, methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA),

and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA))

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Sterile sample– Long term– Shot term

Non Sterile sample

(MDMA and methamphetamine)– Long term– Shot term

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Page 12: Stability studies of  amphetamine and ephedrine derivatives  in urine

Sterile samples

• Long-term stability

4 ◦C and -20 ◦C / at - 80 ◦C as reference

1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 18 and 24 months.

• Short-term stability

37 ◦C / at −20 ◦C for comparison purposes.

3 and 7 days.

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non Sterile samples

• Long-term stability

4 ◦C and -20 ◦C / at initial concentration as reference value for comparison

6 months

• Short-term stability

37 ◦C / at −20 ◦C for comparison purposes.

7 days.

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Preparation of Sterile samples

Blank urine 2 ml + sodium azide (0.1%, w/v)

clarified by filtration (three different filters)

spiked standard

distributed in aliquots under sterile conditions

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Preparation of non Sterile samples

Blank urine 2 ml + sodium azide (0.1%, w/v)

clarified by filtration (three different filters)

spiked standard

distributed in aliquots under sterile conditions in a laminar

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Samples analyzed

• Calibration samples were prepared in duplicate

• A control sample (three replicates) was analyzed in

each analytical batch

• replicates of each aliquot of sample

were analyzed at random in the analytical batch

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Precision and accuracy

• three different concentration

three replicates of control urine samples

• Precision was expressed as the relative standarddeviation (R.S.D.%)

• accuracy was expressed as the relative standard error (R.E.%)

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• The Dixon’s test (α = 5%)

detect outliers in the replicates (n = 5) of each aliquot

• ANOVA test (α = 5%)

Homogeneity, adsorption of the analytes on the sterilizing filter and stability compare concentrations obtained at each storage condition with a reference value (concentration of aliquots of sample stored at the reference condition).

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Analysis of ephedrine derivatives

gas chromatograph (HP 5890 series II)

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Analysis of amphetamine derivatives

HP 6890 series gas chromatograph

HP 5973 mass selective detector

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• coefficients (r 2) up to 0.990 in all calibrations• ephedrine derivatives LOQ 0.4 u g/mL - 27 ug/mL• 50% 70%.

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• coefficients( r 2 ) up to 0 .9 9 0• amphetaminederivativesLOQ71.0ng/mL- 834. ng/mL• uuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuu uuuuu>60% ,>90%.

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Precision and accuracy

• Both methods good precision and accuracy

• <20 % for the low-concentration control urine samples

• <15 % for the medium and high concentration control urine samples.

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adsorption of the analytes on the sterilizing filter


not statistically significant (p > 0.05) (data not shown), indicating that all the sample batches prepared for stability testing were homogeneous.


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Page 27: Stability studies of  amphetamine and ephedrine derivatives  in urine

Long-term stability

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-10 %

-12 - 5 %

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MDA 4 C 4%

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Shot -term stability

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Long-term stability

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did not show a significant decrease (p < 0.05)

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Moody et al.

no significant change in analytes concentration for up to 17 months. Other studies have also demonstrated the stability of these drugs in non-preserved urine at different time and temperature conditions.

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Hughes et al.

• reported t he stability of amphetamine and methamphetamine in spiked urine samples stored at 4 ◦C for up to 6 months

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• For long-term stability

statistically significant only observed for the ephedrine derivatives at some of thestorage conditions tested

not exceed the intra-assay precision of the corresponding analytical methods

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Dugan et al

studied the stability in clinical samples tested

before and after 1 year of storage at −20 ◦C, [8]

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Paul et al.

investigated the effect of freezing (at −16 ◦C to −18 ◦C) on the concentration of amphetamine and methamphetamine in spiked urine samples stored for 45 days. In the same way, our observations are also in accord

ance with those obtained by

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Clauwaert et al.

• who demonstrated the stability of MDMA and MDA in non-preserved urine samples stored at −20 ◦C, 4 ◦C and 20 ◦C for 21 weeks.

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ephedrine and amphetamine derivatives

• sterile samples

• can be stored at the least. 4 ◦C

• for up to 24 months for

• non-sterile samples

• can be stored at the least. 4 ◦C

• for up to 6 months for

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• The methodology presented when applied to other analytes

• may help to determine optimal storage conditions for urine samples

• to be used as reference materials and for positive urine

• samples that should be retained in drug-testing and antidoping

• control laboratories

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• The study demonstrates the feasibility of• preparing certificate reference materials of successfully s

tudied• analytes. This is of special interest for those analytes for

which a• cut-off concentration has been established as positivity c

riterion• for reporting adverse analytical findings, such as amphet

amine• derivatives in drugs of abuse testing, and ephedrine, met

hylephedrine• and cathine in antidoping control.

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ความเห็�นที่��ม�ต่�องานว�จั�ย• สามูารถน%าไปใช้�ในการเล*อกสภาวะในการเก-บ

ร�กษาส�งส/งตรวจที่เหัมูาะสมู ส%าหัร�บการน%ามูาตรวจว�เคัราะหั�ซ้ำ%1า

ป2จจ�บ�นเคัร*อข่/าย์น�ต�พั�ษว�ที่ย์า แหั/งประเที่ศึไที่ย์มูเกณฑ์�การเก-บร�กษาส�

ส/งตรวจเพั*อตรวจว�เคัราะหั�ซ้ำ%1า โดย์ก%าหันดใหั�มูระย์ะเวลาในการเก-บร�กษาส�งส/งตรวจไมู/น�อย์กว/า 6


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ความเห็�นที่��ม�ต่�องานว�จั�ย• น�าไปใช้�ประกอบการพิ�จัารณาแปลผลการต่รวจั

ว�เคราะห็$• เพิ��มความน�าเช้%�อถื%อของผลการต่รวจัว�เคราะห็$• เป(นต่�วอย�างที่��ดี�ของห็�องปฏิ�บ�ต่�การที่��แนะน�าให็�ใช้�

reference materials เพิ%�อความน�าเช้%�อถื%อของผลการต่รวจัว�เคราะห็$ และสามารถือ�างอ�งไดี�