st. paul real estate is safe, sure profitable investment.€¦ · 8 the st. paul globe, wednesday,...

8 THE ST. PAUL GLOBE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 13, J903. St. Paul Real Estate Is a Safe, Sure and Profitable Investment. POPULAR WANTS POPULAR WANTS Where W&.nk/- Cewn 3| Leit for Insertion i 1 The Globe At the Ra^te of I,Cent per Word. No Insertions Ac cepted Less than 15 Centy. Personal, Clairvoyants, Fortune Teller and Medical Classifications. 2 Cent* Per Word. No insertion accepted less than 21 cert* WANT COLUMN BRANCH OFFICES: CONGER BROS.. Druggists, Selby ave- nue, corner St. Albans; 409 Selby avenue and 340 University avenue. RICE STREET PHARMACY. 306 Ric« street. ALBERT W. BORK. corner Mississippi and Nash streets. CAMPBELL BROS., Selby and Victoria. B. H. REEVES, Druggist. Seven Corners. STRAIGHT BROS.. Druggists, Rondo and Grotto streets. A. T. GUERNSEY & SON, Druggists, 171 North Dale street. PEOPLES PHARMACY, 798 East Sev- enth street. E. B. ROLLINS. Druggist, 295 West Sev- enth street. SEVER WESTBY, Druggist. Maria ave- nue and East Third street. W. A. FROST & CO.. Druggists. Selby and Western avenues. WALTER NELSON, Druggist. University avenue and Rice streets. REITZKE & CO., Druggists. Selby and Western avenues. A. & G. SCHUMACHER. Druggists, 490 West Seventh street. HOLCOMB & MAGNUSON, 951 Payne avenue. J. W. NELSON. Dale and University. BOTNER & CO., Druggists. 678 Grand avenue, corner St. Albans. C. T. HELLER. Colonnade. St Peter and Tenth streets. C. F. RUTHERFORD, St. Peter and Fourth streets. J. P. JELLINEK & CO., 961 West Sev- enth street. W. K. COLLIER. East Seventh street, corner Sibley. » A. A. CAMPBELL, Louis and Rondo streets. H. J. M'CALL. 483 Broadway. DREIS PHARMACY, corner Ninth and St. Peter streets. GEORGE C. DAVENPORT & CO., 973 East Seventh street. H. W. DICKMAN. Druggist. 830 East Seventh street, corner Beech. JOHN BODINE & CO.. 881 Payne avenue. B. A. TREAT. 442 Broadway, SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALES. Anybody Out of Work in St. Paul or Minneapolis may insert an adver- tisement under this heading free of charge. COOK—Colored \u25a0woman would like situa- tion as cook in" boarding house or hotel. Address 786 Rondo st. . " DRESSMAKER- -Competent dressmaker would like a few more engagements by the day in families. Address Dress- maker. 47 Summit ay. ; \u25a0- : DRESSMAKER would like sewing in families; will work reasonable for month of August. Please address 206 Summit ay. ] DRESSMAKER would like position sew- lng by the day: can give references. Call or address 1636 Wesley ay., Ham- line. St. Paul. _ GIRL fifteen years old would like position to take care of children. - Address Rosa Gauster, 1249 Albemarle st. HOUSEKEEPER—Wanted, position as housekeeper by a middle-aged woman; good cook and good worker; private , family. K. M., Yukon hotel, 125 East _ . Eighth st. - HOUSEWORK—Wanted, a girl would like a place for general housework in small family. 717 Fauquier st. RELIEF SOCIETY. 141 _ East Ninth St.; Telephone Main 183. WE FURNISH women by the day to do housecleaning, washing, Ironing, sew- ing, nursing the sick and mending; also men to do odd Jobs. NEEDLEWORK—Wanted, needlework by the day or at home; good dressmaker. Miss Stees, 355 Fort st. STENOGRAPHER wishes position with chance for advancement; would work for moderate salary; has had six months' experience and can furnish references. Address H. R., 781 West Minnehaha St., city. j STENOGRAPHER—ThoroughIy experi- enced stenographer would like position- willingto commence on moderate sal- ary. Address V 45, Globe. STENOGRAPHER—Young"" lady stenog- rapher and typewriter; best of refer- ences. Address X 11, Globe. WANTED—A place to take care of chil- dren or aged person. Postal card to 237 Rondo st.. up stairs. " \u25a0\u25a0- . WANTED—Washing,' ironing and 1 hous- clcaning; also cleaning offices or any &V nd * of. 3 ay work- Ad<iress L., 128 West Sixth St., Room 47. WANTED—By a lady, employment In a physician office, or that of a common nurse. Address S 30. Globe. WOMAN would like any kind of day work. 14 West Exchange st. / WOMAN residing on Dayton's bluff, would like to take washing home.' Ad dress B 25. Globe. \u25a0 . . 110111^ .to>t^. WOMAN would like work by day wash- ing and ironing or cleaning. Please call 221 East Thirteenth st. Which car? - fOUNG lady desires to work in doctor's office. Address A. M. H" 411 Michi- gan ay., city. Was It Gates Ajar. Mr. Dukane—The corn situation in Chi- cago is a little mixed. Mr. Gas well—How so? ~J^ r". Dul£ an<;— No one seems to know for ?i£ ai»7 1YL ther Gates and his crowd set- tled with the principal shorts or whether the shorts gave Gates a jar.—Exchange. —. .— Wouldn't Interfere With Her. Deacon Johnsing—No, Bredder Smif, we ' pain 1^ 11 be powahful. You must be con- UUnted to ue a "hewer ob ' wood an' a drawah ob watah." Misto Smif— sabe you', honey, tain tso bad as dat De ole woman does all Jem little chores Chicago Daily 1 .. How He Won Her. feetde:it Suitor~ la my fortune at your youa hadLm 3o yn7 y FOrtUne! l did not kn™ Ardent Suitor—l haven't much: but it takes very little to cover thwe tiny feet! He got her.—New York Weekly. ' ->^*-—- Questions His Trouble. V ' thos?°q U U«on^ d tt *moUlt tO anSWer all "No," replied the man who runs the answers to queries column, "the answer! are easy. What puzzles me is to think I »«j£ffio2 urt2r to a3k myseif'- HOW CARELESS. . He asked his love to marry him, By letter she replied. He read her firm refusal, \u25a0"' t s-^i : .- Then shot himself and died. •• \u25a0 - Hei might have been alive today, \u25a0 i _,A, nd ,she a happy bride, ', \u25a0v. cv .. \u25a0] .- Ii he had road the postscript iS Upon the other side. ; . ;.--'; —Smart Set POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT. H. P. HALL announces himself as a can- didate for clerk of the district court of Ramsey county on the Democratic ticket, subject to the primary election, September 16. HELP WANTED—WALES. BUTCHER—Wanted; a good, all 1 around man, reliable and competent; Scandi- navian preferred; good wages and steady work; references required. Erickson & Larsen, Cambridge; Minn. BOY—Wanted, a boy to work in a bakery. Apply at 332 Front st. CIGARMAKERS wanted. 85 E. Fourth st. LABORERS, $1.75 per day; wheel rollers, $2 per day;, wanted at Griffin Wheel Works, Phalen and Stlllwater ays. NOW IS THE TIME to enter Rasmus- sen's Practical Business School; best in- dividual instruction; day and evening. Globe bldg1., Cedar st. PLUMBERS—Wanted, two plumbers. Apply D. J. Harrington, Boardman Block, Ninth and Wabasha. SAWMILL MEN—Wanted. first-class sawmill men and rafters for night crew; commenCeat once; good wages for good men. Inquire of Geo. H. Atwood, Still- water. Minn. WAITER —Wanted, waiter for regular work. Call Wildwood Pavilion or tel- ephone Twin City "phone. HELP WANTED—FEMALES. CASHIER—Young lady cashier; some knowledge of bookkeeping; answering state age, salary expected, where for- merly employed. Address Z 74, Globe. DISHWASHERS Two dishwashers wanted at once. Apply Cafe Neumann, Sixth and Cedar. HOUSEWORK—GirI who can cook can get a nice place to work where there are no children. Apply at once, 323 Somerset. HOUSEWORK—GirI for general house- work; no laundry; wages $18; 570 Port- land ay. HOUSEWORK—Good girl who would ap- preciate a good place where there are no children. Call at once, 323 Somer- set st. . WANTED—Two ladles to travel; salary, $10 per week and expenses; none but hustlers need apply. Z 59. Globe. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALES. Anybody Out of Work in St. Paul or Minneapolis may insert an adver- tisement under this heading free of charge. A MIDDLE-AGED married man, speaks English and German, would like steady fair-paying employment; references if desired; was employed ten years at one place; could furnish bond if de- sired; accurate at figures; handy with tools. Address 974 Burns ay. e3 nin BE H HOMES £7 PA A—s7o Portland. Size of lot 60 «DI DUv feet front by is° feet t0 Paved alley. House is entirely mod- ern with new plumbing, hardwood floors, etc. Selling'price, $7,500. A— 255 Summit Place v An east- VVWVV facing modern residence of 8 rooms: location near Summit Park, in easy walking distance of business center. Selling price, $5,259. PA—9O6 Iglehart. A splendid 8- W(/Z3l! room residence in excellent repair with new open plumb- ing, porcelain tub, etc. Price, $3,250. A A—767 Sherburne ay. A first cnZfflf Ir cass residence In a good io-! r vwv cality. Selling price, $2,60 O.: CC^C —692 Laurel avenue. , Some-. tDtjZeJlf tnin?>: fresh and r never before - advertised;- Built for a home. The owner has gone East to live and that's his reason for selling. Price, $5,250. i A STRONG, young man, aged twenty, would like work in some shop or fac- tory. Address G. M., 571 Jefferson ay., city. BOOKKEEPER—Position wanted as bookkeeper; a young man who under- stands double entry bookkeeping, writes a good hand, speaks German and Eng- lish, desires a position in an office. Ad- dress R. Kruger, 641 Wabasha. BOOKKEEPER—Assistant bookkeeper; experience; reasonable salary to begin. Address 302 Washburn building. BOY—A boy of sixteen years would like work of any kind; can give best of ref- erences; would like to work right away. Address 184 Edmund st. BOY, sixteen, would like to get a job of any kind. Address G. S., 257 Grove St., city. BOY, eighteen, would like position in of- fice; has experience. A. 8., 738 St. An- thony. COACHMAN Experienced coachman, acquainted with city, fond of horses, perfect driver, handy with gardening, wants position. 222 East Seventh st. CLERK—Wanted, a position as clerk in wholesale cr retail store; am twenty- eight years old, with five years' expe- rience; wages reasonable. Address Room 23, Globe hotel. DELIVERY MAN—Young man wants work at delivering or in kitchen. Call at 644 Arundel st. FIREMAN—Wanted, first-class fireman, at Albion hotel. Inquire of chief en- gineer. GOOD boy would like a job of any kind at $1.50 per day. J. Pogrela, 673 Western ay., city. POSITION—In wholesale house by boy seventeen years or age, of good charac- ter andl habits. Fred Watson, 43 Wheeler ay. $4,000 New Modern Home 992 Lincoln avenue, eight rooms, 453 and 455 Aurora ay. A good double house in a fine location. Rental income shows 10 per cent net. hardwood finish, oak floors, handsome mantel, hot water heat, porcelain bath, marble wash stand, nickel plumbing. Lot 40x150 feet to alley. WM. C. READ New York Life Bidg. \u25a0- \u25a0 - .. ». L ~. Terms to* suit—monthly payments if desired. Smith & Taylor 48 E. 4th SI. D. H. Michaud * 105 East Fourth Straat. National German-American Bank Building #J9C Will buy a lot on Charles, next Wtv to the corner of Arundel street. A bargain. £Q9AA wm bv=y a flne lot and ten- fviUU room-house, with bath, on Rice street, between Summit and Igle- hart street. It would cost at least $5,000 to teplace the house at present cost of building. The lot alone is worth $2,500. bo thl« will prove to you that the property Is offered for sale at a very low price. It must be sold at once. ftAA Each will buy large lots on St. iOUU Clalr and Yon Mlnden streets, east of "Western avenue, with sewer and water in street; these lots are offered at very low price for eholcely located prop- erty. $Qfi(lH Will buy a large house and VWUtIU lot. south-facing, on Iglehart st, between Rice and St. Peter sts. ; $99E Wlll *uy a flne south-facing lot #!•«»• on Aurora ay.. near Milton st GLfIRK & GUM Splendid Chances! PACKER—Young man of eighteen would like work in some wholesale house as ?™ ck£r; nas S°od reference. Address 498 Blair st., city. MAN of thirty wants work of any kind; speaks English, German, Scandinavian; good penman, fair sign writer. Call 432 * Clifton st. OFFICE WORK—Respectable middle- aged man wants office work, or night watchman, or any honest employment. M. Gibson, 895 Oakdale ay. PAPERHANGER— First-class paperhang- er and painter wishes employment. Ad- dress 2 77 Globe. PRESSFEEDER—A young man, eighteen years of age, would like work of any kind; is willing to work, and can feed cylinder press. Address J. W., 420 Clif- ton st., St. Paul, Minn. PAINTER—Want a position as painter by young man of twenty; has three years' experience; can give best of references. Address E 22, Globe. STRONG, middle-aged man from Berne Switzerland, wishes to secure a steady position; well versed in building road- ways and railways; unable to speak the English language. Address T. Muller, 336 Baker st., St. Paul. SITUATION—Father of four children wants situation at once as bookkeeper, stock keeper, collector, or any other work; good all-around man; willing. Jean Fortier, 347 Summit place. SITUATION—By an~Al bill clerk; fast and accurate at figures; city references. X 4445 Globe. SITUATION—Young man wants situation In any capacity; age twenty-three. Ad- dress F. L., 186^. East Seventh st. TAlLOß—Wanted, situation by a first- class tailor as a cutter; no objection to going out of town. Address P 30 Globe. ' WANTED—By middle-aged man of fam- ily, some light work, such as addressing envelopes or collecting; honest and sober. Address X 4444, Globe. YOUNG MAN of twenty years would like work of any kind. Address 444 Blair St.. city. PIANOS AND ORGANS. YOUR choice of three elegant square pi- anos, $42.50 cash. Lesh Music House Library Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS. WANTED—The public to know Octave Sigo s barber shop is open evenings till 8 p. m. 500 St. Peter st. RUBBER STAMPS. OF ALLKINDS. American Stamp Works corner Third and Robert sta. ' DISADVANTAGES OF REPUTATION. The Early Bird woke in the gray of the dawn And hustled him out of the nest; His feathers were ruffled, his eyes were half shut, He hatln't had near enough rest. And "It's pretty hard lines," anyone who'd been up ..^! ght naVe Possibly heard him affirm. When everyone else can be catching a nap, I have to be catching that worm." —Century. Room* 815-10 Germania Life Uld». St. Paul, Minn. $900 —Seven-room house, Curtice st., near Oakdale. $1,100 —Six-room house, East 6th st, near Forest. Double House on Charles St.—All modern improvements. Will pay you 10 per cent net on your invest- ment. Price, $4,000.00. Two Houses on Colborne St.—sl,7oo rind $1,100 Respectively—All modern WANTED To purchase 160 to 320 acres of improved land, near Twin Cities, must be cheap for cash. Call Monday morning^ or write full description. VARUND LAND COMPANY, 722-4-6 Globa Building, St. Paul, POPULAR WANTS FINANCIAL. no M9IIEY. I ,TV $15 credit Is good with us. Quick —loans -on household goods, pianos, !125 —etc., without removal from your $30—residence; easy payments lowest \u266635 —rates. Also loans to salaried peo- s40 —pie without mortgages or lndorser, —payable in easy weekly or monthly installments We have private in- —terviewing rooms, and can guaran- s60 absolute privacy and connden- s6s—tial treatment Fifth floor. : Ameri- s75 —can Loan Co., 612 Manhattan Bldg. $100—Open Wed, and Sat, evenings. - '~~ DO YOU NEED MONEY? SALARY AND FURNITURE t LOANS. ST PAUL FINANCIAL CO., Room 301, New York Life Building. MONEY LOANED to salaried people; only security their name; also loans on furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal from j residence. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Company, 317 Pioneer Press Bldg. MONEY LOANED on diamonds and all goods of value; reduced rates. Geo. R. Holmes 141 East Seventh. -. 6 AND 6 PER CENT MONEY to loan on improved property. in St. Paul and Minneapolis. V. C. Gilman, Germania '' Life Bldg. j_ -.. .-.,'\u25a0 '\u25a0'"'•, \u25a0' \u25a0'\u25a0 LOST AND FOUND. WILL PARTY in whose house sample case and family Bible were left about June 1 please report to 317 Wabasha st.? SEALS AND CHECKS. C^R^O^A?TION I^e^al. checks. American Stamp Works, corner I Third and Robert sts. INSECT EXTERMINATOR. BED BUGS, roaches, insects exterminat- ed, 25c. . Robinson - Disinfecting Co. ' Phone, call or write, 350 North Ex- ' change. - , . - -. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0••••\u25a0 - WANTED TO BUY. WANTED—I,OOO old feather beds; \ high- , est cash prices paid. Address. A. <\u25a0 B. Mack, General Delivery, St. Paul, Minn. mail orders promptly attended to. MISCELLANEOUS. V LADIES PRIVATE HOSPITAL—Fine home for infants. 298 West Central ay. INVESTMENTS. DOLLAR shares are one cent each in the Mines Trading company - now organiz- ing; advances soon. R. B. Higbee fis- cal agent, 313 Germania Life building, St. Paul, Minn. " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u0084-•\u25a0--\u25a0. .: . ** •\u25a0 '\u25a0--"\u25a0 \u25a0 v RESORTS. ;.' :.\u25a0.-_-\u25a0.;,; FORT SNELLING HOTEL—At Fort Snelling bridge, West Seventh st. car: a charming resort. George T. Harris Proprietor. ; : " . . CUT RATE RAILROAD TICKETS. - WE BUY AND SELL railroad tickets to ; all points.: Frey & Corbett. 372 Rooert near Ryan hotel. ' \u0084\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 . ,:> > \u0084 - TYPEWRITING : MACHINES. BUY' typewriters with rent you'; pay; all makes. 'Jewett Agency, 237 Hennepln .?.:. ay., Minneapolis; all makes. T MEDICAL, UIHK!SSOOREWUD^ suppression, any cause in pathology, my monthly re*, falls to relieve; safe, harmless; mall; how long bud. $1,500 —Seven-room house, Cherokee ay., near Baker. > $1,750 —Seven-room ' house, East 6th St., -•.'•'\u25a0! near" Forest. ..- --$2,000—10 acrgs, ' including good house, ; \u25a0 barn arid well, on German Road; \u25a0 two miles from city limits. \u0084 \u25a0- $4,loo—Eight-room, modern house, East : s. ...\u25a0...,- Winifred, near Ada.'- :--; :-'7" 4"->> - j \u25a0\u25a0• -\u25a0-\u25a0' \u25a0 ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Moriarty & flarlough Tsaaa&&^ KEAL estate M Wfr^ FIRE, INSURANCE, . ] ggF^r RENTALS, U ; CARE OF PROPERTY. 91E. 4th St., St. Paul, Minn. improvements. Both are in splendid condition. - . On Mackubin St. —"We have a fine home, which we will sell for $2,250. In flrst-class condition. Come and see us; we will give you full details concerning these places. GLfIRKSGLfIRK $150 Tel. N. W. Main 1566-Jl. Twin City 89 Will secure a deed to a levee lot in F. Amb's Addition. Robert L. Ware & Co., SPECIAL 201 uermania Life Bldg. <&9ftflfi Will buy SpZiStlU that large, fourteen room house situated No. 201 * Thirteenth Street. It has water, sewer, bath and gas, cemented basement, and furnace heat/ V Within twelve minutes' walk of the center of the city. ;.; The ground is well worth $2000 and the house could not built for less than $5000. i This is unquestion- ably the cheapest down-town house in the city. v r -'-.; ' -J. '} r First come, first served.. j Homer H. Hoyt, D. R. ELDER, No. 2 rianhattan Building. 41 Acres At Lake Como. Splendid soil, well adapted for gardening purposes, $750.00 Robart L Ware & Go. 201 Germania Life Building, 246 Endicott Bldg, $775—Takes No. 911 I.largaret st.; small cottage and barn; city water. $650—Double house and full-size lot, No. 903 Hudscn ay. 160-Acre farm, near Grantsburg; good house and barn; will exchange. $600 —No. 247 East Curtice st.; city water. $1,9.- —Eight-room house, bath room, full plumbing, corner lot, corner Frank and Reaney sts. $1,000 —Good seven-room house, West St. Paul; cost $I,SOO to build; full-size lot. $850—No. 913 Margaret st.; $100 cash han- dles it. POPULAR WANTS HOUSES FOR RENT. WHEN \u25a0 YOU j desire th]- . ! \u25a0_\u25a0 a . um-g% responsible tenant nmrraKTOTlrfr"* remember Hustling E*4lr*l?3SiriHr ; \u25a0 , 220 Globe Bldg. :J: ROOMS FOR RENT. ST. PETER ST.. 555—Elegantly furnish- \u25a0\u25a0,-. Ed parlor and bedroom for rent by clean _fast Plff d^siry ° ! pieman; break- FLATS FOR RENT. V v SI^EO«?n M FLAT ln the "Kenil- w ™,' 50; seven-room flat in the Elmswood," $47.50; desirably located; $700 will buy a south-facing 60-foot cor- ner on Dayton, corner Chatsworth, 157 feet in depth, to alley. $1225 for a south-facing 40x150 foot lot on Goodrich avenue near Victoria, with all improvements in street. Lies level. The lot just east of this sold for $1,200. $750 —A south-facing lot on Central ave- nue, between Arundel and Mackubin. Payson H. Gilbert, No. 204 Germania Life Building. FREE SOUVENIR SENT YOU On request; beautl'ul photographic souvenir of SOUTH DAKOTA, WANTED TO RENT. showing towns, cities lakes and farm scenes filled with statistics as to growth of the v state, best localities for farming, price of lands, etc., etc. We sell lands on ; easy terms and railway" fare repaid. Call or write ; Eiwood Land Co. S^l-a CONTRACT WORK. Paving Seventh Stfeet, from Ramsey to Tuscarora Street. Office of the Board of Public Works City of St. Paul, Mmn., August 9th, 1902 Sealed bids J will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of \he -City of St. Paul, Min- nesota, at their office in said city, until 2 p. m., on thet 20th day of August, A. D 1902, for the paving of West Seventh (7th) street, from Ramsey street to Tuscarora street, with Kettlef river sandstone, in said city, according to plans and specifi- cations on file in the office of said Board A bond with at least two (2) sureties in a sum of at least twenty (20) per cent or a certified check on a banK of St. Paul in a sum of at least ten (10) per cent of the gross amount bid, must accompany each bid. Said check shall be made Day- able to the Clerk of said Board. The said Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. JOHN S. GRODE, _ _ , President Official: R. L. GORMAN, Clerk Board of Public Works. Aug 10-1902-10t FL»AT~A.Lonce> a flfteen or twenty-room _flat. Address V 46, Globe. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. Eighty Acres—Twenty-five acres culti- vated; five-room house, small barn, wind mill, wagon sheds tool house; im- provements worth $1,000; price, $22 per acre. W. H. Ellwood. 405 Endlcott Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Formerly with Minnesota Land and Col- onization Co. FOR INVESTORS—I have 100,000 acres of fine land in Aitkin, Crow Wing, Cass, Wadena and Hubbard counties at a close figure. FOR FARMERS—I have lands for the live farmer in the best diversified farming county on earth at from $6.50 up. Write for particulars. $426 For a beautiful east-facing lot on Virginia ay., near Minnehaha st Robert L. Ware & Co, 201 Germania Life Building. YOU CAN SELL \u25a0 Real Estate =: BY ADVERTISING IN THE GLOUK. YOU CAN HIRE \u25a0 . Your Halji \u25a0 BY ADVERTISING IN THE GI.OBH, you caFsell ' Your Business BY ADVERTISING IN THE QLOBfi, you can Trent \u25a0 Houses, Rooms BY ADVERTISING IN THE fiLOBK. YOU CAN GET \u25a0 Boarder9=: BY ADVERTISING IN THE GLOBB. Globe Wants Bring the Best Result* TRY IT TOMORROW GET IN YOUR OWN HOME Anywhere in the U. 8. NO BENT. NO INTEREST. •1 ««« £ aU or write for Particulars. JI.OOO home, per month $7.50 $2,000 home, per month 15 00 $3,000 home, per month 22 50 U. S. INSTALLMENT REALTY COMPANY, Incorporated. CAPITAL, $50,000.00. Suite Rooms, 407 Baltimore Block, Cor. Seventh and Jackson, St. PauL Open from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Monday, Thursday and Saturday evenings until 9 p. m. Solicitors wanted. 'Phone, Main 1417-Jl. A. POUPENEY. Manager. FOR SALE—Lots on Dayton's bluff; lots on Arkwright, Cook, De Soto; acres on Lawson, Lexington, St. Clalr; lots on Mane, Hoffman, Plum, Cherry. Wil- _liam_J_4lo% l _Godfrey ; Jackson j?t. WE HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE agency of lot. 14, block 2, Anna E. Ramsey's Ad- dition; lot 19, block 32, Summit Park and fine lots in block 5, Milton's Addi- tion; make us an offer for any one of these, or for all. Clark & Clark, 815- --16, Germania Life bldg. FARM LANDS FOR SALE. HOLD your job while securing a quarter section land free. Inquire Co-operative Colony, 403 Baltimore block. St. Paul. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR SALE—Heavy draft business and driving horses, at Griggs Bros.' barn, 106 Fillmore ay.; office, Third and Ce- dar sts. HORSES-HORSES—A large and well se- lected jgtock of chunks, draft and busi- ness horses constantly on hand; alse nicely educated gentlemen's roadsters, horses. Western horses and nice saddle ponies; visit our mammoth sta- bles before buying elsewhere; every horse guarantteed as represented; part time given if desired. Barrett & Zim- merman, the Northwest's largest horse dealers, Midway, St. Paul. Minn. WANTED—We are always ready to buy and pay cash for horses, buggies and harnesses. Barrett & Zimmerman. Mid- way Horse Market. St. Paul. Minn. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—I j have several well rented houses and lots in St. Paul, all free from incumbrance; will sell at low price, or exchange for clean, desirable stocks of clothing, fur- nishings, hats or shoes, or separate stocks of the above lines in the city or country towns. O 32, Globe. JUDICIOUS, systematic speculation In wheat is very profitable; $20 will mar- gin 1,000 bushels 2 cents; send for free book, Facts and Figures, explaining op- tion trading. The Osborn Grain Co., 813 Phoenix _idg., members Chamber of Commerce. RESTAURANT—SmaII or large; can make $300 fair week; rooming houses to suit; stores all kinds; must sell; sickness. Horsnell, Union block. \u25a0 PERSONALS. FEMALE DISEASES CURED, Irregular menstruation quickly cured; forty years' experience. Office open from 9a. m. till 10 p. m. Dr. Wheeler, Globe bldg.. Minneapolis. Tel. N. W.. M. 3203-L2, T. C. 533; good home for patients. LADIES in trouble, call or write Dr. Bly 21 4th st. south, Minneapolis. New book, 25c. THOSE wishing help in entertaining at children s parties nlease apply at 293 West Central; kindergarten songs and games are found successful. DENTISTS. DR. SCHIFFMANN, 138 East Sixth- Painless extracting, gold filling 75c up; others, 50c up; cleaning, 60c up; solid 22-k crowns and bridges, $2.80 up: plates, $3.50 up; full set, $4 to $20. Op. ladies' entrance of Ryan. TENTS AND AWNINGS. ST. PAUL TENT AND AWNING COM- pany—H. I. Weikert. proprietor; manu- facturers of tents, hack covers, awn- ines. 356-358 Jackson: both telephones. PIANO REPAIRING. PIANOS polished, repaired, reflnished; best work; estimates given. W. ff. Eadie, Lesh Music House, Library Bldg. PATENT ATTORNEYS. WILLIAMSON & MERCHANT (James F. Williamson and Frank D. Merchant), patent attorneys and solicitors. Main office, 929-935 Guaranty Loan Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.; branch room, 62, McGill Bldg., Washington. D. C. 0A CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH - Pennyroyal pills K r // * [ tJVSAFE. Alw»7i reliable. Ladt«s. «>« Dru»rlrt 1& X:B£lTi l"lt''J*ribb<>-- T«ke»»»ther. RefaM m *X*Vaaceiwas Sub.tltutfon. and ImlU. I / , IB «•\u25a0•• *"7 •' 7«»r Dr«tglrt, or i.nd 40. la » ij *«up» to Partlaalan, Teatiaoalala Af P J»4 /ißea«Tf.r Vm4U>h!uttZ, J>y?J! **<'\u25a0 V , ' torn Mall. 10,000 TntlmeaUli. Sold by •atioo thU p»p«. MadUoa Baure. PHI LA.. VX. j^.^bbOßßbw*''^ m ni/? ** '• a non-polionoßf : £fK^^^MJ>^^^^^M remedy for Gonorrhoea, 2J?et' Spermatorrhoea, jafSXr tUHtS White*,, unnatural di«- ggEff in 1 to 5 dmji. a charget, or any inflamm*. BSSs - o>UMtM<t «• tion, irritation or nlccra- B»—4 Fr*T«Bt ••nuclei], tlon of muc oa g mem- BKITHEEvm ChemicaiCo. •lSS2 # fc f «^?i^ g,° nt- VflaV CINCINNATI 0 "*"\u25a0\u25a0 S<*ld "J Drn«rtt«t», imL " „'l' o '^aP or lent in plain wrapper, iSiIL Sfii by exprest, prepaid, for I. 1'00 ' or 3 Uttlei, »2.75. a. Circular gent on re«ne«* For Unnatural Discharges, Stricture Especially in old cases where doctors fail, use %Y'M® a non-poisonous, vegetable CURE for ul- ceratlon and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra, all private urinary diseases and weakness of men and women. ZY-MO is GUARANTEED TO CURE OR MONEY REFUNDED. Cures In 48 hours without pain. Espe- cially advised for old. obstinate cases Druggists, or sent prepaid, $1. Address Dr. Ray & Co.. No. 51 Prager Bldg., Bos- ton, Mass. Free medical advice given. Write for book, srnt sealed—FßEE ZY-MO sold In St. Paul by F. M. Parker. 864 Wabasha St. 'SUIDE. Union Depot, Sibley Street. Trains leave and arrive at St. Pau3 as follows: ** '- E38358 - DCS w j aw h BRIHI \u25a0*» I * MSsB I \u25a0 FtEyßu»a \u25a0* l —\u25a0—m ~i _ v M»M» "!\u25a0 "' Iw ' Hn>! - sSG^iaiiwaES&gaaX^fr^la^lO/^ \u25a0V." ;Electric Lighted—Obserra- Leave ArriTe Uon Care to Portland, Ore., la 9:30 '30 Butte, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma ,^ pin v Pacific Express BeLTx Ha^ BpT r eu.^. ane: #I° p^ s *2'™ Fargo and Leech Lake Local ** St. Cloud, Little Falls, Brain- + 8*30*6-05 •rd, Walker, Bemldjl, Fargo. T ,£\u25a0 T- 6 -05 Dakota and Manitoba Express Fergus Falls, Wahpeton, MoorUead, Fargo, Jamestown, _ _ __ \u25a0.Bismarck, Mandan, Crookston * 8:00* 7 "29 grand Forks, Orafton, Winnipeg pm : a "m "Dulutli Short Line" t8.2 5 '™ 5 trains to *2:25f2:50 DULUTH AND SUPERIOR-11^0*6^0 ;. •- \u25a0 - \u25a0 "- - ,-• pm pm TICKET nFFIPF* coSTwth and II wlu. I UrnUL robert streets. UNION STATION. MILWAUKEE STATION, \u25a0-r -. St. P«uL. . , Minneapolis. Morth-Western [INE Office 382 Robert St. 'Phone 4SO. tEx. Sun - tEx. Sat. .- \u25a0\u25a0• ]--** < .\u25a0\u25a0 -_\u25a0\u25a0 ?Ex. Mon Others Pally LEAVE. ARRIVE. Badger State 2xpr«j. \ 8:33 9*50 Chicago. Mil.. Madlssn ..;. J A.M. P. M .Chlcaeo Atlantic Express', 11:10 pm 10:55 am Chlcaeo Fast Mall" .;..\u25a0 6:05 pm Northwestern Units 1. \ 8:31 7:23 Chicago. Mil.. Madison ...I / P. M. A. M. \u25a0 , F. dv Lac, Grew Bay 6:05 8:30 am ManltwocShebaycan -.-:'.:.. t6:05 pm $8:30 am Duluth, Superior, Ashlar.d.... t8:10 am 4:25 pm V. Twilight Limited! - V 4:25 9:03 Du!uth, Superior, Ashlan.l.l J P. M. .P. M ! Mankato. St. James, Su. City. t7:40 am t4:15 pm Deadwood Black Hills.. *.. . t7V4O am 7:35 am Elmor*. Aleona, Das Molrws.. t7:40 am T7:40 pm New Ulm. Tracy, Marshall ... 7:4-0 am t7:40 pm Huron, Redfleld, Pisrr* ..... t7:40 am t7-40 pm Omaha °xpreis. ) 13:93 7:49 Su City. Omaha. Kan.C»7- i A. M. !P. M; •" Sioux Falls. Mltchsll. ..... 10:00 am 17:40 pm New Ulm. Elmore. St. James.' t4:50 pm tlo:osam Omaha Limited. - 1 9.33 7:35 Su. City. Omaha Kan. City / P.M.- AM. ; watertown. Redfleld. Huron.. 9:05 pm 7:35 am Ticket Office—332 Robert St., Cor. Fourth. 'Phone Main 856. .-;, Le»7». *Dally. TEx Sun. tSun only I Arrlri. 1£:00»m St. Cloud, Cass Lass, Bemldji, f ts:3o?m 18:00am . Tintah A^erde^n, Farea..! 15:30pm O.ZUm F! I Cn To Montana and 1.6 Jm O.tUm rLICn Pacific Coast.... Z.OUm 18-40 am OWHlmar.FareD.S.F.Yanktsn) ... ,- _ ic.*iam (Soo C.Wat9rfn,Brown f t6>3sp:n 14:45pm Elk River, M. and Sandstan»Ho:lsam 15:45pm ...Wayzati and H'Jt:hlT«n. .. I 19:25am *7:3opmjßreck.. Fares. G. F..Wlnnlp»« #7:45ar. •7:3opm Willmar S. Falls.Yank. S. City •7:45am *B:3opm'. ...Minn. andDa'c Exp.... I #7-.3D \u25a0waists Paul to Oulutlif^am- Sleeper for 11:10 p. m. train can be oc- cupied at any time after d p. m. ' CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE* ST. PAUL RY. Ticket Ofmcb 365 Robert St. '-Phowh 98. •Dally. tEx.Sunday. tEx.Sat. LEAVE. ARRIVE* Chicago, La X, Milwaukee.... *8:30 am 9:sopm Chicago, LaX, Milwaukee.... *6:00 pm *11-25 am ..QIICOOO Pioneer Limiieif *8:35 Dm *7:25 on Milwaukee, La X, Wlnona.. . *3:00 pm 2:sopm Chicago. Faribo, Oubuque *4:00 pm 9:10 am Red V/ing and Rochester. . t3:00 pm 111:25 am La Crosso, Dubuq'e, Rk! sl'nd t8:30 am t 9:50 pm Northfleld, Faribo, Kan. City *8:00 am* 6:10 Ortonvllle, Milbank, Aberdeen t8:45 am t 6:30 pm Ortonvllle, Aberdeen, tFargo. *6:50 pm 7:35im Northfiold, Faribo. Austin .. 17:25 pm til: 10 a.v Chicago Greats Western Rv, "The Mflnle Leaf Root*." City Office, st<i and Robert St*.. Plin, t53-'VI TE«. SarTday, dally. | Le s a^ Paul | A^ ag , Kanyon. Dodge C«ntsr. Osl- 8:10 am 1005?ti w«ln. Du'ju^u*. Freeport, C:Jspm 7:25 am Chicago an< En;. \u25a0 11:2 Cpm 12:50 prn Cedar Falls, Waterloo. Mar- 10:30 am 7:25 ?m •halltown, D»i Molnii St. B:3spm 7:25 t-n Joseph. Kansas City. 11 :20 pm 12:50 pm .- .„„ 10:30 am 12:50 Cannon Frill. Red win* 1 5:10 pm t9:45a-n Northfleld, Farlbault Water- t 8:10 am t7:25p-n Tille. Maakato. 6:05 pm 9:45 m Hayflsli Austin. Lyle Mason 11 8:10 am 10:45 pm City ..... ... ....\u25a0 ! s:lopm 17:25 am Eaele Grore. Ft. Dodge ; t8: lOan jf7:25 a . . . \u25a0' - fWMBBH sesTtsNETO {|Ufe»gfeyfg| j^ffffffmKJnCHICAGO AND |B^,umwhhiH EMM ST. LOUIS, BMI Lt. ?or :" STATIONS. i ir. mm 8.06 am Winona, LaOosse, Dubaqne ~ " i _ and Chicago, except Sunday 12.45 pm 8.05 am Winona, La Cross©, Dubuque / \u25a0 ' \u25a0"\u25a0 { an<Lflt.Lotiia, except Sunday ' «.25pm!Windfiji, La Orosse, Dubnqne ! , \u25a0 ' Chicago and St. Lonia. daily 7.25 am Ticket Office. 400BobertSt Tel. Main 88. &* M., ST. P. &S.S. M. E'Y. If City Ticket Office. 379 Robert St. TeL 1051. Union Depot. St. Paul. > Leave. | EAST. , |Arriv. 7:2opm'.Atlantic Limited (dally). B:4sam 10:00am Rhinelander Local(exSun) 4:55pm \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0•• '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,'\u25a0• WEST. \u25a0;>: " ; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: B:osam Pacific Express (Pacific I Coast) daily. 6:40»m 6:o6pm(.Dakota Exp. (ex. Sun). 9:soam WISCONSIN CENTRAL E'Y CO. City Office. 373 Robert St. 'Phone No. 634. L**vo I All Trains Daily I Arrive St. Paull Ml Tralna Pauy. | St PaU | iEau Claire. Chip. Falls. C:ooamlMllwaukee and Chicago B:lsaid |A«hland. Chlppewa F'ls, f:4oprßlOshkosh. MIL and Chi. E:oorn< \u25a0 .. - . s ' \u25a0 \u25a0- .- . '.- \u25a0\u25a0 ~-~ \u25a0/ •, ! ( 1 Minneapolis and St. Louis R. R. Co. Office 398 Robert. Union Depot. Telephone Calla-?6l N. W.— T. J. Leave. I TEx. Sunday. - *Dally. I ArrlT». 1 10am ..Watertown and Storm Lake., t . 5.50pm 19.*0am .. . Omaha and Dcs M01ne5..... 1 7.20pm •5.40pm ....EstherrllU and Madison.... #10.35 am *7.00pm St. Loulsand Chica;o(LimU«d) 8.40 am *B.oopm .:. .Peoria Limited ...;.. 8.40 am •8.05pm Omaha & Das Molnes (Limited) * B.ooam Steamer -^P'-QUINCY Will leave : St. Paul \u25a0 for St. Lou and in- . mediate points on . [ THURSDAY, AUG. 14, AT 10:00 A. M. Only $20.00 Special ' Excursion —St. Paul to St. Louis and return, \u25a0 Including meals and berth, commencing Aug. 15th, ••- For ; full information regarding passen- ger i and \u25a0 freight <f. rates ": address ' HARRY - J CLARK. General Agent, v office foot? of Sibley,- street, opposite "\u25a0 Union" Depot. 84 Paul. Telephone Call. Main 93-'•-. :

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Page 1: St. Paul Real Estate Is Safe, Sure Profitable Investment.€¦ · 8 THE ST. PAUL GLOBE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 13, J903. St. Paul Real Estate Is a Safe, Sure and Profitable Investment


St. Paul Real Estate Is a Safe, Sure and Profitable Investment.POPULAR WANTS POPULAR WANTS

Where W&.nk/- Cewn 3|Leit for Insertion i 1

The GlobeAt the Ra^te of I,Cent per

Word. No Insertions Accepted Less than 15 Centy.

Personal, Clairvoyants, Fortune Tellerand Medical Classifications.

2 Cent* Per Word.No insertion accepted less than 21 cert*


nue, corner St. Albans; 409 Selbyavenue and 340 University avenue.


ALBERT W. BORK. corner Mississippiand Nash streets.

CAMPBELL BROS., Selby and Victoria.B. H. REEVES, Druggist. Seven Corners.STRAIGHT BROS.. Druggists, Rondo

and Grotto streets.A. T. GUERNSEY & SON, Druggists, 171

North Dale street.PEOPLES PHARMACY, 798 East Sev-

enth street.E. B. ROLLINS. Druggist, 295 West Sev-

enth street.SEVER WESTBY, Druggist. Maria ave-

nue and East Third street.W. A. FROST & CO.. Druggists. Selby

and Western avenues.WALTER NELSON, Druggist. University

avenue and Rice streets.REITZKE & CO., Druggists. Selby and

Western avenues.A. & G. SCHUMACHER. Druggists, 490

West Seventh street.HOLCOMB & MAGNUSON, 951 Payne

avenue.J. W. NELSON. Dale and University.BOTNER & CO., Druggists. 678 Grand

avenue, corner St. Albans.C. T. HELLER. Colonnade. St Peter and

Tenth streets.C. F. RUTHERFORD, St. Peter and

Fourth streets.J. P. JELLINEK & CO., 961 West Sev-

enth street.W. K. COLLIER. East Seventh street,

corner Sibley. »A. A. CAMPBELL, Louis and Rondo

streets.H. J. M'CALL. 483 Broadway.DREIS PHARMACY, corner Ninth and

St. Peter streets.GEORGE C. DAVENPORT & CO., 973

East Seventh street.H. W. DICKMAN. Druggist. 830 East

Seventh street, corner Beech.JOHN BODINE & CO.. 881 Payne avenue.B. A. TREAT. 442 Broadway,


Anybody Out of Work in St. Paul orMinneapolis may insert an adver-tisement under this heading free ofcharge.

COOK—Colored \u25a0woman would like situa-tion as cook in" boarding house or hotel.Address 786 Rondo st. . "

DRESSMAKER- -Competent dressmakerwould like a few more engagements bythe day in families. Address Dress-maker. 47 Summit ay. ; \u25a0- :

DRESSMAKER would like sewing infamilies; will work reasonable formonth of August. Please address 206Summit ay. ]

DRESSMAKER would like position sew-lng by the day: can give references.Call or address 1636 Wesley ay., Ham-line. St. Paul. _

GIRL fifteen years old would like positionto take care of children. - Address RosaGauster, 1249 Albemarle st.

HOUSEKEEPER—Wanted, position ashousekeeper by a middle-aged woman;good cook and good worker; private

• , family. K. M., Yukon hotel, 125 East_ . Eighth st. -HOUSEWORK—Wanted, a girl would like

a place for general housework in smallfamily. 717 Fauquier st.

RELIEF SOCIETY.141 _East Ninth St.; Telephone Main 183.WE FURNISH women by the day to dohousecleaning, washing, Ironing, sew-ing, nursing the sick and mending; alsomen to do odd Jobs.

NEEDLEWORK—Wanted, needleworkby the day or at home; good dressmaker.Miss Stees, 355 Fort st.

STENOGRAPHER wishes position withchance for advancement; would workfor moderate salary; has had sixmonths' experience and can furnishreferences. Address H. R., 781 WestMinnehaha St., city.

j STENOGRAPHER—ThoroughIy experi-enced stenographer would like position-willingto commence on moderate sal-ary. Address V 45, Globe.

STENOGRAPHER—Young"" lady stenog-rapher and typewriter; best of refer-ences. Address X 11, Globe.

WANTED—A place to take care of chil-dren or aged person. Postal card to 237Rondo st.. up stairs. " \u25a0\u25a0- .WANTED—Washing,' ironing and 1

hous-clcaning; also cleaning offices or any&Vnd

* of. 3ay work- Ad<iress L., 128West Sixth St., Room 47.WANTED—By a lady, employment In aphysician office, or that of a commonnurse. Address S 30. Globe.WOMAN would like any kind of day

work. 14 West Exchange st. /

WOMAN residing on Dayton's bluff,would like to take washing home.' Address B 25. Globe. \u25a0 . .

110111^ .to>t^.WOMAN would like work by day wash-ing and ironing or cleaning. Please call

221 East Thirteenth st. Which car?- fOUNG lady desires to work in doctor'soffice. Address A. M. H" 411 Michi-gan ay., city.

Was It Gates Ajar.Mr. Dukane—The corn situation in Chi-cago is a little mixed.Mr. Gas well—How so?

~J^ r". Dul£an<;— No one seems to know for?i£ai»7 1YLther Gates and his crowd set-tled with the principal shorts or whetherthe shorts gave Gates a jar.—Exchange.— —. .—

Wouldn't Interfere With Her.Deacon Johnsing—No, Bredder Smif, we

' pain 1^11 be powahful. You must be con-UUnted to ue a "hewer ob'wood an' adrawah ob watah."

Misto Smif— sabe you', honey,tain tso bad as dat De ole woman doesall Jem little chores Chicago Daily

1 — ..How He Won Her.

feetde:it Suitor~ la my fortune at your

youahadLm3oyn7yFOrtUne! l did not kn™

Ardent Suitor—l haven't much: but ittakes very little to cover thwe tiny feet!He got her.—New York Weekly. '->^*-—-

Questions His Trouble. V '

thos?°q UU«on^ d tt*moUlt tO anSWer all"No," replied the man who runs theanswers to queries column, "the answer!are easy. What puzzles me is to think

I»«j£ffio2urt2r to a3k myseif'-


. He asked his love to marry him,By letter she replied.He read her firm refusal, \u25a0"' ts-^i :.- Then shot himself and died. •• \u25a0

- Hei might have been alive today,\u25a0 i_,A,nd ,she a happy bride, ', \u25a0v. cv .. \u25a0]

.- Ii he had road the postscript iSUpon the other side. ; . ;.--';—Smart Set


CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT.H. P. HALL announces himself as a can-

didate for clerk of the district courtof Ramsey county on the Democraticticket, subject to the primary election,September 16.


BUTCHER—Wanted; a good, all 1 aroundman, reliable and competent; Scandi-navian preferred; good wages and steadywork; references required. Erickson &Larsen, Cambridge; Minn.

BOY—Wanted, a boy to work in abakery. Apply at 332 Front st.

CIGARMAKERS wanted. 85 E. Fourth st.

LABORERS, $1.75 per day; wheel rollers,$2 per day;, wanted at Griffin WheelWorks, Phalen and Stlllwater ays.

NOW IS THE TIME to enter Rasmus-sen's Practical Business School; best in-dividual instruction; day and evening.Globe bldg1., Cedar st. •

PLUMBERS—Wanted, two plumbers.Apply D. J. Harrington, BoardmanBlock, Ninth and Wabasha.

SAWMILL MEN—Wanted. first-classsawmill men and rafters for night crew;commenCeat once; good wages for goodmen. Inquire of Geo. H. Atwood, Still-water. Minn.

WAITER—Wanted, waiter for regularwork. Call Wildwood Pavilion or tel-ephone Twin City "phone.


CASHIER—Young lady cashier; someknowledge of bookkeeping; answeringstate age, salary expected, where for-merly employed. Address Z 74, Globe.

DISHWASHERS — Two dishwasherswanted at once. Apply Cafe Neumann,Sixth and Cedar.

HOUSEWORK—GirI who can cook canget a nice place to work where thereare no children. Apply at once, 323Somerset.

HOUSEWORK—GirI for general house-work; no laundry; wages $18; 570 Port-land ay.

HOUSEWORK—Good girl who would ap-preciate a good place where there areno children. Call at once, 323 Somer-set st. .

WANTED—Two ladles to travel; salary,$10 per week and expenses; none buthustlers need apply. Z 59. Globe.

SITUATIONS WANTED—MALES.Anybody Out of Work in St. Paul or

Minneapolis may insert an adver-tisement under this heading free ofcharge.

A MIDDLE-AGED married man, speaksEnglish and German, would like steadyfair-paying employment; references ifdesired; was employed ten years atone place; could furnish bond if de-sired; accurate at figures; handy withtools. Address 974 Burns ay.

e3 nin BE HHOMES£7 PAA—s7o Portland. Size of lot 60«DI DUv feet front by is° feet t0 Paved™ alley. House is entirely mod-ern with new plumbing, hardwood floors,etc. Selling'price, $7,500.

A—255 Summit Place v An east-

VVWVVfacing modern residence of 8rooms: location near Summit

Park, in easy walking distance of businesscenter. Selling price, $5,259.

PA—9O6 Iglehart. A splendid 8-W(/Z3l! room residence in excellent

repair with new open plumb-ing, porcelain tub, etc. Price, $3,250.

AA—767 Sherburne ay. A firstcnZfflfIr cass residence In a good io-!rvwv cality. Selling price, $2,60 O.:

CC^C —692 Laurel avenue. , Some-.tDtjZeJlf tnin?>: fresh and

rnever before

- advertised;- Built for a home.The owner has gone East to live and that'shis reason for selling. Price, $5,250. i

A STRONG, young man, aged twenty,would like work in some shop or fac-tory. Address G. M., 571 Jefferson ay.,city.

BOOKKEEPER—Position wanted asbookkeeper; a young man who under-stands double entry bookkeeping, writesa good hand, speaks German and Eng-lish, desires a position in an office. Ad-dress R. Kruger, 641 Wabasha.

BOOKKEEPER—Assistant bookkeeper;experience; reasonable salary to begin.Address 302 Washburn building.

BOY—A boy of sixteen years would likework of any kind; can give best of ref-erences; would like to work right away.Address 184 Edmund st.

BOY, sixteen, would like to get a job ofany kind. Address G. S., 257 Grove St.,city.

BOY, eighteen, would like position in of-fice; has experience. A. 8., 738 St. An-thony.

COACHMAN — Experienced coachman,acquainted with city, fond of horses,perfect driver, handy with gardening,wants position. 222 East Seventh st.

CLERK—Wanted, a position as clerk inwholesale cr retail store; am twenty-eight years old, with five years' expe-rience; wages reasonable. AddressRoom 23, Globe hotel.

DELIVERY MAN—Young man wantswork at delivering or in kitchen. Callat 644 Arundel st.

FIREMAN—Wanted, first-class fireman,at Albion hotel. Inquire of chief en-gineer.

GOOD boy would like a job of any kindat $1.50 per day. J. Pogrela, 673 Westernay., city.

POSITION—In wholesale house by boyseventeen years orage, of good charac-ter andl habits. Fred Watson, 43Wheeler ay.

$4,000New Modern Home 992

Lincoln avenue, eight rooms,

453 and 455 Aurora ay. A good doublehouse in a fine location. Rental incomeshows 10 per cent net.

hardwood finish, oak floors,handsome mantel, hot waterheat, porcelain bath, marblewash stand, nickel plumbing.Lot 40x150 feet to alley.

WM. C. READNew York Life Bidg.

\u25a0-\u25a0 - .. ». L ~.

Terms to* suit—monthlypayments if desired.

Smith &Taylor48 E. 4th SI.

D. H. Michaud* 105 East Fourth Straat.

National German-American Bank Building

#J9C Will buy a lot on Charles, nextWtv to the corner of Arundel street.A bargain.

£Q9AA wm bv=y a flne lot and ten-fviUU room-house, with bath, onRice street, between Summit and Igle-hart street. It would cost at least $5,000to teplace the house at present cost ofbuilding. The lot alone is worth $2, thl« willprove to you that the propertyIs offered for sale at a very low price. Itmust be sold at once.

ftAA Each will buy large lots on St.iOUU Clalr and Yon Mlnden streets,east of "Western avenue, with sewer andwater in street; these lots are offered atvery low price for eholcely located prop-erty.

$Qfi(lH Will buy a large house andVWUtIU lot. south-facing, on Iglehartst, between Rice and St. Peter sts. ;

$99E Wlll *uy a flne south-facing lot#!•«»• on Aurora ay.. near Milton st

GLfIRK &GUMSplendid Chances!

PACKER—Young man of eighteen wouldlike work in some wholesale house as?™ ck£r; nas S°od reference. Address498 Blair st., city.

MAN of thirty wants work of any kind;speaks English, German, Scandinavian;good penman, fair sign writer. Call 432

* Clifton st.

OFFICE WORK—Respectable middle-aged man wants office work, or nightwatchman, or any honest employment.M. Gibson, 895 Oakdale ay.

PAPERHANGER— First-class paperhang-er and painter wishes employment. Ad-dress 2 77 Globe.

PRESSFEEDER—A young man, eighteenyears of age, would like work of anykind; is willing to work, and can feedcylinder press. Address J. W., 420 Clif-ton st., St. Paul, Minn.

PAINTER—Want a position as painter byyoung man of twenty; has three years'experience; can give best of references.Address E 22, Globe.

STRONG, middle-aged man from BerneSwitzerland, wishes to secure a steadyposition; well versed in building road-ways and railways; unable to speakthe English language. Address T.Muller, 336 Baker st., St. Paul.

SITUATION—Father of four childrenwants situation at once as bookkeeper,stock keeper, collector, or any otherwork; good all-around man; willing.Jean Fortier, 347 Summit place.

SITUATION—By an~Al bill clerk; fast andaccurate at figures; city references.X 4445 Globe.

SITUATION—Young man wants situationIn any capacity; age twenty-three. Ad-dress F. L., 186^. East Seventh st.

TAlLOß—Wanted, situation by a first-class tailor as a cutter; no objection togoing out of town. Address P 30Globe. '

WANTED—By middle-aged man of fam-ily, some light work, such as addressingenvelopes or collecting; honest andsober. Address X 4444, Globe.

YOUNG MAN of twenty years would likework of any kind. Address 444 BlairSt.. city.


YOUR choice of three elegant square pi-anos, $42.50 cash. Lesh Music HouseLibrary Bldg.

ANNOUNCEMENTS.WANTED—The public to know OctaveSigo s barber shop is open evenings till

8 p. m. 500 St. Peter st.


OF ALLKINDS. American Stamp Workscorner Third and Robert sta. 'DISADVANTAGES OF REPUTATION.The Early Bird woke in the gray of thedawn

And hustled him out of the nest;His feathers were ruffled, his eyes werehalf shut,

He hatln't had near enough rest.

And "It's pretty hard lines," anyonewho'd been up

..^!ght naVe Possibly heard him affirm.When everyone else can be catching anap,

I have to be catching that worm."—Century.

Room* 815-10 Germania Life Uld».

St. Paul, Minn.$900 —Seven-room house, Curtice st., nearOakdale.

$1,100 —Six-room house, East 6th st, nearForest.

Double House on Charles St.—Allmodern improvements. Will payyou 10 per cent net on your invest-ment. Price, $4,000.00.

Two Houses on Colborne St.—sl,7oorind $1,100 Respectively—All modern

WANTEDTo purchase 160 to 320 acres

of improved land, near TwinCities, must be cheap for

cash. Call Monday morning^or write full description.

VARUND LAND COMPANY,722-4-6 Globa Building, St. Paul,


no M9IIEY. I ,TV$15— credit Is good with us. Quick

—loans -on household goods, pianos,!125—etc., without removal from your$30—residence; easy payments lowest\u266635 —rates. Also loans to salaried peo-s40—pie without mortgages or lndorser,

—payable in easy weekly or monthlyinstallments We have private in-—terviewing rooms, and can guaran-

s60 — absolute privacy and connden-s6s—tial treatment Fifth floor. : Ameri-s75—can Loan Co., 612 Manhattan Bldg.

$100—Open Wed, and Sat, evenings. -'~~ DO YOU NEED MONEY?SALARY•AND FURNITURE tLOANS.

ST PAUL FINANCIAL CO.,Room 301, New York Life Building.

MONEY LOANED to salaried people;only security their name; also loans onfurniture, pianos, etc.. without removalfrom jresidence. Minnesota MortgageLoan Company, 317 Pioneer Press Bldg.

MONEY LOANED on diamonds and allgoods of value; reduced rates. Geo. R.Holmes 141 East Seventh. -.

6 AND 6 PER CENT MONEY to loanon improved property. in St. Paul andMinneapolis. V. C. Gilman, Germania ''Life Bldg.

j_ -.. .-.,'\u25a0 '\u25a0'"'•, \u25a0' \u25a0'\u25a0 • •

LOST AND FOUND.WILL PARTY in whose house sample

case and family Bible were left aboutJune 1 please report to 317 Wabasha st.?


checks. American Stamp Works, cornerI Third and Robert sts.

INSECT EXTERMINATOR.BED BUGS, roaches, insects exterminat-

ed, 25c. . Robinson - Disinfecting • Co. 'Phone, call or write, 350 North Ex- 'change. - , . - -. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0••••\u25a0


WANTED—I,OOO old feather beds; \ high- ,est cash prices paid. Address. A. <\u25a0 B.Mack, General Delivery, St. Paul, Minn.mail orders promptly attended to.


home for infants. 298 West Central ay.


DOLLAR shares are one cent each in theMines Trading company -now organiz-ing; advances soon. R. B. Higbee fis-cal agent, 313 Germania Life building,St. Paul, Minn. " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u0084-•\u25a0--\u25a0. .: . **

•\u25a0 '\u25a0--"\u25a0\u25a0 v RESORTS. ;.' :.\u25a0.-_-\u25a0.;,;

FORT SNELLING HOTEL—At FortSnelling bridge, West Seventh st. car:a charming resort. George T. HarrisProprietor. ; : " . .CUT RATE RAILROAD TICKETS. -

WE BUY AND SELL railroad tickets to; all points.: Frey & Corbett. 372 Rooertnear Ryan hotel. ' \u0084\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 . ,:> > \u0084 -


BUY' typewriters with rent you'; pay; allmakes. 'Jewett Agency, 237 Hennepln

.?.:. ay., Minneapolis; all makes. T


UIHK!SSOOREWUD^suppression, any cause in pathology, my monthly re*,falls to relieve; safe, harmless; mall; how long bud.

$1,500 —Seven-room house, Cherokee ay.,near Baker. >

$1,750 —Seven-room ' house, East 6th St.,-•.'•'\u25a0! near" Forest. ..---$2,000—10 acrgs, ' including good house,

• ; \u25a0 barn arid well, on German Road;\u25a0 two miles from city limits. \u0084


$4,loo—Eight-room, modern house, East:s. ...\u25a0...,- Winifred, near Ada.'-:--; :-'7" 4"->> - j \u25a0\u25a0• -\u25a0-\u25a0'


' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

Moriarty & flarloughTsaaa&&^ KEAL estateM Wfr^ FIRE, INSURANCE, . ]ggF^r RENTALS,


91E. 4th St., St. Paul, Minn.

improvements. Both are in splendidcondition. - .

On Mackubin St. —"We have a finehome, which we will sell for $2,250.In flrst-class condition.

Come and see us; we will give you fulldetails concerning these places.


$150Tel. N. W. Main 1566-Jl. Twin City 89

Will secure a deed to a levee lot inF. Amb's Addition.

Robert L. Ware & Co.,SPECIAL 201 uermania Life Bldg.

<&9ftflfi Will buySpZiStlU that large,fourteen room house situatedNo. 201 *Thirteenth Street.It has water, sewer, bath andgas, cemented basement, andfurnace heat/ V Within twelveminutes' walk of the center ofthe city. ;.; The ground is wellworth $2000 and the housecould not built for less than$5000. iThis is unquestion-ably the cheapest down-townhouse in the city. v

r-'-.; ' -J.

'}r First come, first served.. j

Homer H. Hoyt,

D. R. ELDER,No. 2 rianhattan Building.

41 AcresAt Lake Como. Splendid soil, welladapted for gardening purposes,


Robart L Ware & Go.201 Germania Life Building,

246 Endicott Bldg,$775—Takes No. 911 I.largaret st.; small

cottage and barn; city water.

$650—Double house and full-size lot, No.903 Hudscn ay.

160-Acre farm, near Grantsburg; goodhouse and barn; will exchange.

$600 —No. 247 East Curtice st.; city water.

$1,9.- —Eight-room house, bath room, fullplumbing, corner lot, corner Frank andReaney sts.

$1,000 —Good seven-room house, West St.Paul; cost $I,SOO to build; full-size lot.

$850—No. 913 Margaret st.; $100 cash han-dles it.


WHEN \u25a0 YOU jdesire th]- . ! \u25a0_\u25a0 a . um-g%responsible tenant nmrraKTOTlrfr"*remember Hustling E*4lr*l?3SiriHr

; \u25a0 , 220 Globe Bldg.


ST. PETER ST.. 555—Elegantly furnish-\u25a0\u25a0,-. Ed parlor and bedroom for rent by clean_fast Plff d^siry ° ! pieman; break-


SI^EO«?n M FLAT ln the "Kenil-w™,' 50; seven-room flat in theElmswood," $47.50; desirably located;

$700 will buy a south-facing 60-foot cor-ner on Dayton, corner Chatsworth, 157feet in depth, to alley.

$1225 for a south-facing 40x150 foot loton Goodrich avenue near Victoria, withall improvements in street. Lies level.The lot just east of this sold for $1,200.

$750 —A south-facing lot on Central ave-nue, between Arundel and Mackubin.

Payson H. Gilbert,No. 204 Germania Life Building.

FREE SOUVENIR SENT YOUOn request; beautl'ul photographic

souvenir of



showing towns, cities lakes and farmscenes — filled with statistics as togrowth of thevstate, best localitiesfor farming, price of lands, etc., etc.We sell lands on ; easy terms andrailway" fare repaid. Call or write ;

Eiwood Land Co. S^l-a


Paving Seventh Stfeet, from Ramsey to

Tuscarora Street.Office of the Board of Public WorksCity of St. Paul, Mmn., August 9th, 1902Sealed bids J will be received by theBoard of Public Works in and for thecorporation of \he -City of St. Paul, Min-nesota, at their office in said city, until

2 p. m., on thet 20th day of August, A. D1902, for the paving of West Seventh (7th)street, from Ramsey street to Tuscarorastreet, with Kettlef river sandstone, insaid city, according to plans and specifi-cations on file in the office of said Board

A bond with at least two (2) suretiesin a sum of at least twenty (20) per centor a certified check on a banK of St. Paulin a sum of at least ten (10) per cent ofthe gross amount bid, must accompanyeach bid. Said check shall be made Day-able to the Clerk of said Board.

The said Board reserves the right toreject any and all bids.JOHN S. GRODE,_ _ , PresidentOfficial: R. L. GORMAN,

Clerk Board of Public Works.Aug 10-1902-10t

FL»AT~A.Lonce> a flfteen or twenty-room_flat. Address V 46, Globe.


Eighty Acres—Twenty-five acres culti-vated; five-room house, small barn,wind mill, wagon sheds tool house; im-provements worth $1,000; price, $22 peracre.

W. H. Ellwood.405 Endlcott Bldg., St. Paul, Minn.

Formerly with Minnesota Land and Col-onization Co.

FOR INVESTORS—I have 100,000 acresof fine land in Aitkin, Crow Wing, Cass,Wadena and Hubbard counties at aclose figure.

FOR FARMERS—I have lands for the livefarmer in the best diversified farmingcounty on earth at from $6.50 up. Writefor particulars.

$426For a beautiful east-facing lot onVirginia ay., near Minnehaha st

Robert L. Ware & Co,201 Germania LifeBuilding.

YOU CAN SELL\u25a0 Real Estate =:


YOU CAN HIRE\u25a0 . Your Halji \u25a0


you caFsell' Your Business


you can Trent\u25a0 Houses, Rooms


YOU CAN GET\u25a0 Boarder9=:


Globe Wants Bring the Best Result*



•1 ««« £aU or write for Particulars.JI.OOO home, per month $7.50$2,000 home, per month 15 00$3,000 home, per month 22 50U. S. INSTALLMENT

REALTY COMPANY,Incorporated.

CAPITAL, $50,000.00.Suite Rooms, 407 Baltimore Block,Cor. Seventh and Jackson, St. PauLOpen from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.Monday, Thursday and Saturdayevenings until 9 p. m.Solicitors wanted.'Phone, Main 1417-Jl.

A. POUPENEY. Manager.FOR SALE—Lots on Dayton's bluff; lotson Arkwright, Cook, De Soto; acres on

Lawson, Lexington, St. Clalr; lots onMane, Hoffman, Plum, Cherry. Wil-_liam_J_4lo%l_Godfrey; Jackson j?t.WE HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE agency oflot. 14, block 2, Anna E. Ramsey's Ad-dition; lot 19, block 32, Summit Parkand fine lots in block 5, Milton's Addi-

tion; make us an offer for any one ofthese, or for all. Clark & Clark, 815---16, Germania Life bldg.


HOLD your job while securing a quartersection land free. Inquire Co-operativeColony, 403 Baltimore block. St. Paul.

HORSES AND CARRIAGES.FOR SALE—Heavy draft business and

driving horses, at Griggs Bros.' barn,106 Fillmore ay.; office, Third and Ce-dar sts.

HORSES-HORSES—A large and well se-lected jgtock of chunks, draft and busi-ness horses constantly on hand; alsenicely educated gentlemen's roadsters,

horses. Western horses and nicesaddle ponies; visit our mammoth sta-bles before buying elsewhere; everyhorse guarantteed as represented; parttime given if desired. Barrett & Zim-merman, the Northwest's largest horsedealers, Midway, St. Paul. Minn.

WANTED—We are always ready to buyand pay cash for horses, buggies andharnesses. Barrett & Zimmerman. Mid-way Horse Market. St. Paul. Minn.


FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—I j haveseveral well rented houses and lots inSt. Paul, all free from incumbrance;will sell at low price, or exchange forclean, desirable stocks of clothing, fur-nishings, hats or shoes, or separatestocks of the above lines in the city orcountry towns. O 32, Globe.

JUDICIOUS, systematic speculation Inwheat is very profitable; $20 will mar-gin 1,000 bushels 2 cents; send for freebook, Facts and Figures, explaining op-tion trading. The Osborn Grain Co., 813Phoenix _idg., membersChamber of Commerce.

RESTAURANT—SmaII or large; can make$300 fair week; rooming houses to suit;stores all kinds; must sell; sickness.Horsnell, Union block. \u25a0


FEMALE DISEASES CURED, Irregularmenstruation quickly cured; forty years'experience. Office open from 9a. m.till 10 p. m. Dr. Wheeler, Globe bldg..Minneapolis. Tel. N. W.. M. 3203-L2,T. C. 533; good home for patients.

LADIES in trouble, call or write Dr. Bly21 4th st. south, Minneapolis. Newbook, 25c.

THOSE wishing help in entertaining atchildren s parties nlease apply at 293West Central; kindergarten songs andgames are found successful.


DR. SCHIFFMANN, 138 East Sixth-Painless extracting, gold filling 75c up;others, 50c up; cleaning, 60c up; solid22-k crowns and bridges, $2.80 up:plates, $3.50 up; full set, $4 to $20. Op.ladies' entrance of Ryan.


pany—H. I. Weikert. proprietor; manu-facturers of tents, hack covers, awn-ines. 356-358 Jackson: both telephones.


PIANOS polished, repaired, reflnished;best work; estimates given. W. ff.Eadie, Lesh Music House, LibraryBldg.


WILLIAMSON &MERCHANT (James F.Williamson and Frank D. Merchant),patent attorneys and solicitors. Mainoffice, 929-935 Guaranty Loan Bldg.,Minneapolis, Minn.; branch room, 62,McGill Bldg., Washington. D. C.

0A CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH -Pennyroyal pillsKr// *[ tJVSAFE. Alw»7i reliable. Ladt«s. «>« Dru»rlrt

1& X:B£lTil"lt''J*ribb<>-- T«ke»»»ther. RefaMm *X*Vaaceiwas Sub.tltutfon. and ImlU.I / , IB «•\u25a0•• *"7•' 7«»r Dr«tglrt, or i.nd 40. la» ij *«up» to Partlaalan, TeatiaoalalaAf P J»4 /ißea«Tf.r Vm4U>h!uttZ, J>y?J!**<'\u25a0 —V,' torn Mall. 10,000 TntlmeaUli. Sold by

•atioo thU p»p«. MadUoa Baure. PHILA.. VX.

j^.^bbOßßbw*''^ m ni/? **'• a non-polionoßf: £fK^^^MJ>^^^^^M remedy for Gonorrhoea,

2J?et' Spermatorrhoea,jafSXr tUHtS White*,, unnatural di«-ggEff in 1to 5 dmji. a charget, or any inflamm*.BSSs -o>UMtM<t«• tion, irritation or nlccra-B»—4 Fr*T«Bt ••nuclei], tlon of muc oa g mem-BKITHEEvm ChemicaiCo. •lSS2 #

fcf«^?i^ g,°nt-VflaVCINCINNATI0 "*"\u25a0\u25a0 S<*ld "J Drn«rtt«t»,imL "„ „'l'o '^aP or lent in plain wrapper,iSiIL Sfii by exprest, prepaid, for

I.1'00' or 3 Uttlei, »2.75.a. Circular gent on re«ne«*

For Unnatural Discharges, StrictureEspecially in old cases where doctorsfail, use

%Y'M®a non-poisonous, vegetable CURE for ul-ceratlon and inflammation of the mucousmembrane of the urethra, all privateurinary diseases and weakness of menand women. ZY-MO is GUARANTEEDTO CURE OR MONEY REFUNDED.Cures In 48 hours without pain. Espe-cially advised for old. obstinate casesDruggists, or sent prepaid, $1. AddressDr. Ray & Co.. No. 51 Prager Bldg., Bos-ton, Mass. Free medical advice given.Write for book, srnt sealed—FßEEZY-MO sold In St. Paul by F. M. Parker.864 Wabasha St.

'SUIDE.Union Depot, Sibley Street.

Trains leave and arrive at St. Pau3as follows: **

'- E38358 - DCS w j aw h BRIHI \u25a0*» I * MSsB I \u25a0FtEyßu»a \u25a0* — l —\u25a0—m ~i

_v M»M»— "!\u25a0

"'Iw ' Hn>! -sSG^iaiiwaES&gaaX^fr^la^lO/^

\u25a0V." ;Electric Lighted—Obserra- Leave ArriTeUon Care to Portland, Ore., la • 9:30 '30Butte, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma ,^ pin v

Pacific Express •

BeLTxHa^BpTreu.^.ane: #I°p^ s *2'™Fargo and Leech Lake Local **St. Cloud, Little Falls, Brain- + 8*30*6-05•rd, Walker, Bemldjl,Fargo. T ,£\u25a0 T-6 -05

Dakota and Manitoba ExpressFergus Falls, Wahpeton,MoorUead, Fargo, Jamestown, _ _ __

\u25a0.Bismarck, Mandan, Crookston *8:00* 7 "29grand Forks, Orafton, Winnipeg pm : a "m

"Dulutli Short Line" t8.2 5 '™ 5

trains to *2:25f2:50DULUTH AND SUPERIOR-11^0*6^0 ;.

•- \u25a0 - \u25a0 "- - ,-• pm pm

TICKET nFFIPF* coSTwth andIIwlu. I UrnUL robert streets.UNION STATION. MILWAUKEE STATION,\u25a0-r -. St. P«uL. . • , Minneapolis.

Morth-Western [INEOffice 382 Robert St. 'Phone 4SO.

tEx. Sun - tEx. Sat. .- • \u25a0\u25a0• • ]--** < .\u25a0\u25a0-_\u25a0\u25a0 ?Ex. Mon Others Pally • LEAVE. ARRIVE.

Badger State 2xpr«j. \ 8:33 9*50Chicago. Mil.. Madlssn ..;. J A.M. P. M.Chlcaeo Atlantic Express', 11:10 pm 10:55 amChlcaeo Fast Mall" .;..\u25a0 6:05 pm —Northwestern Units 1. \ 8:31 7:23Chicago. Mil.. Madison ...I / P. M. A. M. \u25a0 ,

F. dv Lac, Grew Bay 6:05 8:30 amManltwocShebaycan -.-:'.:.. t6:05 pm $8:30 amDuluth, Superior, Ashlar.d.... t8:10 am 4:25 pmV. TwilightLimited! - V 4:25 9:03

Du!uth, Superior, Ashlan.l.l J P. M. .P. M !Mankato. St. James, Su. City. t7:40 am t4:15 pmDeadwood Black Hills.. *.. . t7V4O am 7:35 amElmor*. Aleona, Das Molrws.. t7:40 am T7:40 pmNew Ulm. Tracy, Marshall ... 7:4-0 am t7:40 pmHuron, Redfleld, Pisrr* ..... t7:40 am t7-40 pm

Omaha °xpreis. ) 13:93 7:49Su City. Omaha. Kan.C»7- i A. M. !P. M; •"Sioux Falls. Mltchsll. ..... 10:00 am 17:40 pmNew Ulm. Elmore. St. James.' t4:50 pm tlo:osam

Omaha Limited. - 1 9.33 7:35Su. City. Omaha Kan. City / P.M.- AM.


watertown. Redfleld. Huron.. 9:05 pm 7:35 am

Ticket Office—332 Robert St., Cor. Fourth.'Phone Main 856. .-;,

Le»7». *Dally. TEx Sun. tSun only I Arrlri.1£:00»m St. Cloud, Cass Lass, Bemldji,f ts:3o?m18:00am . Tintah A^erde^n, Farea..! 15:30pm

O.ZUm F! I Cn To Montana and 1.6 JmO.tUm rLICn Pacific Coast.... Z.OUm18-40 am OWHlmar.FareD.S.F.Yanktsn) ... ,- _ic.*iam (Soo C.Wat9rfn,Brown f t6>3sp:n14:45pm Elk River, M. and Sandstan»Ho:lsam15:45pm ...Wayzati and H'Jt:hlT«n. .. I 19:25am*7:3opmjßreck.. Fares. G. F..Wlnnlp»« #7:45ar.•7:3opm Willmar S. Falls.Yank. S. City •7:45am*B:3opm'. ...Minn. andDa'c Exp.... I #7-.3D

\u25a0waists Paul to Oulutlif^am-Sleeper for 11:10 p. m. train can be oc-

cupied at any time after d p. m. '


ST. PAUL RY.Ticket Ofmcb 365 Robert St. '-Phowh 98.

•Dally. tEx.Sunday. tEx.Sat. LEAVE. ARRIVE*Chicago, La X, Milwaukee.... *8:30 am • 9:sopmChicago, LaX, Milwaukee.... *6:00 pm *11-25 am

..QIICOOO Pioneer Limiieif *8:35 Dm *7:25 onMilwaukee, La X, Wlnona.. . *3:00 pm • 2:sopmChicago. Faribo, Oubuque *4:00 pm • 9:10 amRed V/ingand Rochester. . • t3:00 pm 111:25 amLa Crosso, Dubuq'e, Rk! sl'nd t8:30 am t 9:50 pmNorthfleld, Faribo, Kan. City *8:00 am* 6:10Ortonvllle, Milbank, Aberdeen t8:45 am t 6:30 pmOrtonvllle, Aberdeen, tFargo. *6:50 pm • 7:35imNorthfiold, Faribo. Austin .. 17:25 pm til: 10 a.v

Chicago Greats Western Rv,"The Mflnle Leaf Root*."

City Office, st<i and Robert St*.. Plin, t53-'VI

TE«. SarTday, dally. | Lesa^Paul | A ag ,

Kanyon. Dodge C«ntsr. Osl- 8:10 am 1005?tiw«ln. Du'ju^u*. Freeport, C:Jspm 7:25 amChicago an< En;. \u25a0 11:2Cpm 12:50 prn

Cedar Falls, Waterloo. Mar- 10:30am 7:25 ?m•halltown, D»i Molnii St. B:3spm 7:25 t-nJoseph. Kansas City. 1 1 :20 pm 12:50 pm

.- .„„ 10:30am 12:50Cannon Frill. Red win* 1 5:10 pm t9:45a-nNorthfleld, Farlbault Water- t 8:10 am t7:25p-n

Tille. Maakato. 6:05 pm 9:45 mHayflsli Austin. Lyle Mason 11 8:10 am 10:45 pm

City ..... ... ....\u25a0 ! s:lopm 17:25 amEaele Grore. Ft. Dodge ; t8: lOan jf7:25 a. . . \u25a0' -

fWMBBH sesTtsNETO {|Ufe»gfeyfg|

j^ffffffmKJnCHICAGO AND |B^,umwhhiHEMM ST. LOUIS, BMILt. ?or :" STATIONS. i ir. mm

8.06 am Winona, LaOosse, Dubaqne ~ "i_ and Chicago, except Sunday 12.45 pm8.05 am Winona, La Cross©, Dubuque / \u25a0

' „\u25a0"\u25a0 { an<Lflt.Lotiia, except Sunday '«.25pm!Windfiji, La Orosse, Dubnqne !, \u25a0 ' Chicago and St. Lonia. daily 7.25 amTicket Office. 400BobertSt Tel. Main 88.

&* M., ST. P. &S.S. M. E'Y. IfCity Ticket Office. 379 Robert St. TeL 1051.

Union Depot. St. Paul.>

Leave. | EAST. , |Arriv.7:2opm'.Atlantic Limited (dally). B:4sam

10:00am Rhinelander Local(exSun) 4:55pm\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0•• '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,'\u25a0• WEST. \u25a0;>: " ; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:

B:osam Pacific Express (PacificI Coast) daily. 6:40»m

6:o6pm(.Dakota Exp. (ex. Sun). 9:soam

WISCONSIN CENTRAL E'Y CO.City Office. 373 Robert St. 'Phone No. 634.L**voI All Trains Daily I Arrive

St. Paull Ml Tralna Pauy. |St PaU |

iEau Claire. Chip. Falls.C:ooamlMllwaukee and Chicago B:lsaid

|A«hland. Chlppewa F'ls,f:4oprßlOshkosh. MIL and Chi. E:oorn<

\u25a0 .. - . s ' \u25a0 \u25a0- .- . '.- \u25a0\u25a0 ~-~ \u25a0/ •,! ( 1

Minneapolis and St. Louis R. R. Co.Office 398 Robert. Union Depot.

Telephone Calla-?6l N. W.— T. J.Leave. I TEx. Sunday. - *Dally. I ArrlT».1 10am ..Watertown and Storm Lake., t . 5.50pm19.*0am .. . Omaha and Dcs M01ne5..... 1 7.20pm•5.40pm ....EstherrllU and Madison.... #10.35 am*7.00pm St. Loulsand Chica;o(LimU«d) • 8.40 am*B.oopm .:. .Peoria Limited ...;.. 8.40am•8.05pm Omaha &Das Molnes (Limited) * B.ooam


-^P'-QUINCYWill leave : St. Paul \u25a0 for St. Lou and in-. mediate points on . [

THURSDAY, AUG. 14, AT 10:00 A. M.

Only $20.00Special ' Excursion —St. Paul to • St.Louis and return, \u25a0 Including meals andberth, commencing Aug. 15th, ••-

For ; full• information regarding passen-ger iand \u25a0 freight <f.rates ":address 'HARRY - JCLARK. General Agent, v office foot? ofSibley,- street, opposite "\u25a0 Union" Depot. 84Paul. Telephone Call. Main 93-'•-. :