st luke's insight - summer 2013

Insight Summer 2013 Keeping you in touch with St Luke’s Hospice You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter /st.lukes.hospice @stlukesharrow Come on ladies, turn Harrow pink for St Luke’s! Enjoy an evening of Summer Classics with top local string players on Saturday 15 June at St Mary’s Church in Harrow on the Hill. There will be an outstanding line up of performers including Colin Lawson, Director of the Royal College of Music; Karen Vaughan, Principal Harp of the London Symphony Orchestra; and Christopher Willis, conductor at London’s world-famous Royal Opera House. They will perform delightful music from Bach, Mozart and Britten – our tribute to the composer in his centenary year. After performing to over a billion people around the world as part of the 2012 Olympics Closing Ceremony, the London Welsh Male Voice Choir make a welcome visit to the Harrow School Speech Room on Saturday 6 July. They will perform a glorious programme of choral classics, including well-known songs from the musicals and traditional Welsh hymns. For our final concert, be transported back to the golden age of swing music at St Luke’s Swingin’ Big Band Special on Saturday 13 July at the Speech Room, as one of the UK’s finest trombonists, Gordon Campbell and his big band present a night of tributes to swing superstars Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey and Ray Anthony. They will also perform hits such as Sinatra’s ‘Come Fly With Me’. All Summer Proms concerts start at 7.30pm. Tickets start at just £12.50. Visit or phone 020 8382 8023. The 2013 ladies’ Midnight Walk takes place on Friday 21 June and over 1000 ladies are expected to complete the 9-mile route around Harrow. Jumoke Tejumola is taking part and says, ‘I have made the Midnight Walk a very important highlight of my year since it started. I believe every penny we can raise counts for such a worthy cause. Each and every volunteer at the hospice is brilliant. They all contribute to the well-being of others and long may the fantastic work go on.’ Our walkers will get a fun and energetic live performance and Bollywood masterclass with dancing sensation, Karan Pangali to kick start the Midnight Walk. The route will be heavily marshalled and participants will receive a goody bag and breakfast on completion. Registration is £20. To join our biggest fundraising event of the year, visit www.stlukes- or phone 020 8382 8018. St Luke’s Day-Care services making a difference ‘I vividly remember the first day we went to St Luke’s…I felt a sigh of relief as we finally had someone who was there to share what we were going through in our lives and they had the time to talk to us. It was very comforting and I thank God for giving us the opportunity to meet such wonderful staff.’ Full story on page 2. A Summer Proms series set to blow the roof! Join us for the return of the St Luke’s Summer Proms spectacular.

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St Luke's Insight - Newsletter - Summer 2013


Page 1: St Luke's Insight - Summer 2013

Insight Summer 2013

Keeping you in touchwith St Luke’s Hospice

You can follow us onFacebook and Twitter



Come on ladies,turn Harrow pinkfor St Luke’s!

Enjoy an evening of Summer Classicswith top local string players on Saturday15 June at St Mary’s Church in Harrowon the Hill. There will be an outstandingline up of performers including ColinLawson, Director of the Royal College ofMusic; Karen Vaughan, Principal Harp ofthe London Symphony Orchestra; andChristopher Willis, conductor at London’sworld-famous Royal Opera House. Theywill perform delightful music from Bach,Mozart and Britten – our tribute to thecomposer in his centenary year.After performing to over a billion peoplearound the world as part of the 2012Olympics Closing Ceremony, the LondonWelsh Male Voice Choir make a

welcome visit to the Harrow SchoolSpeech Room on Saturday 6 July. Theywill perform a glorious programme ofchoral classics, including well-knownsongs from the musicals and traditionalWelsh hymns.For our final concert, be transported backto the golden age of swing music at StLuke’s Swingin’ Big Band Special onSaturday 13 July at the Speech Room,as one of the UK’s finest trombonists,Gordon Campbell and his big band presenta night of tributes to swing superstarsGlenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey and RayAnthony. They will also perform hits suchas Sinatra’s ‘Come Fly With Me’.

All Summer Proms concerts start at 7.30pm. Tickets start at just £12.50. or phone 020 8382 8023.

The 2013 ladies’MidnightWalk takes place on Friday 21 June and over 1000 ladiesare expected to complete the 9-mile route around Harrow.Jumoke Tejumola is taking part and says, ‘I have made the Midnight Walk a veryimportant highlight of my year since it started. I believe every penny we can raise countsfor such a worthy cause. Each and every volunteer at the hospice is brilliant. They allcontribute to the well-being of others and long may the fantastic work go on.’ Ourwalkers will get a fun and energetic live performance and Bollywood masterclass withdancing sensation, Karan Pangali to kick start the Midnight Walk. The route will beheavily marshalled and participants will receive a goody bag and breakfast oncompletion. Registration is £20.To join our biggest fundraising event of the year, visit or phone 020 8382 8018.

St Luke’sDay-Careservicesmaking adifference‘I vividly remember thefirst day we went to StLuke’s…I felt a sigh ofrelief as we finally hadsomeone who was thereto share what we weregoing through in ourlives and they had thetime to talk to us.

It was very comfortingand I thank God forgiving us theopportunity to meetsuch wonderful staff.’

Full story on page 2.

ASummer Promsseries set to blowthe roof!Join us for the return of the St Luke’s Summer Proms spectacular.

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My dad, Sivapragasam Arumugam was diagnosed withMesothelioma cancer which affects the lining of the lungsdue toAsbestos exposure. He joined anAsbestos companyas an accountant during the mid-1960s and left as adirector in the early 1980s.

St Luke’s supporting patientsin our Day-Care Unit

On 1 November 2010, I hadto take dad to A&E atNorthwick Park Hospitalto remove 2.5 litres of fluidfrom his lungs.From then on, there were varioustests, hospital trips and operationsuntil we finally got his diagnosis.Obviously as someone who is veryattached to her father and the eldestchild, this came as a big shock to meand indeed to all of us in our family.But we all believe in God and thatbelief helped us manage life withRadiotherapy at Mount VernonHospital and then chemotherapy atNorthwick Park Hospital.

Dr Denton and all the staff at thechemo unit (St Mark’s) provided uswith excellent care and attention.My dad’s scan showed improvementand both my mum and dad went toLos Angeles for the birth of mynephew in June 2011.

After a year, my dad’s conditiondeteriorated and we had to startchemo again in July 2012. It washarder this time as he had lost a lotof weight and had gone from about70kg to 48kg. He could no longer gofor any walks and my mother had tohelp him with his personal careduring the day and I had to do this atnight. During September 2012, wewere referred to St Luke’s Day Care.

I felt a sigh of relief aswe finally had someonewho was there to share

what we were goingthrough in our lives

I vividly remember the first day wewent to St Luke’s; it was like goingin and meeting angels in heaven.Honestly, I never knew anythingabout hospices and what they did,until I met the kindest and friendlieststaff ever. I felt a sigh of relief as wefinally had someone who was thereto share what we were goingthrough in our lives and they had thetime to talk to us. It was verycomforting and I thank God forgiving us the opportunity to meetsuch wonderful staff.

My dad enjoys everyminute of his

Wednesday visits toDay-Care

My dad experiences pain when hesits for a long time because of hisheavy weight loss and the massageshe had at St Luke’s helped to relaxhis body and give him a good sleep.He enjoys every minute of his

Wednesday visits to Day-Care andreally appreciates the help he getsfrom all the staff and volunteers. Helikes meeting other patients who arein a similar situation and makes itlively by singing to them as he is notjust an accountant but also a radioartist, actor, song writer and singer!

I still remember returning homeafter our first visit to the hospice andvisiting their website. The first thingthat caught my eye was theirfundraising abseil event taking placeon the 14 October 2012. I signed upto do that with our son Kumaran (12years) and was very excited that wecould do something very small inreturn for the great work that thehospice does. My parents and myfriend, Tammy came to support us atthe event. Both my son and Iclimbed and abseiled the wall andthen suddenly my husband gave usall a pleasant surprise by abseilingtoo!

GGoowwrryy SSrrii RRaaggaavvaann

Sivapragasam’s disease hadstabilised in October 2012 and thefamily have continued theirfundraising efforts for St Luke’s andwe would like to thank them fortheir support.


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Keeping you in touch with St Luke’s Hospice


Ramesh Bhanderi is a FundraisingCommittee member on the board oftrustees. Ramesh says, ‘Charitiesexist to create a better society.Trustees serve as volunteers andhave the ultimate responsibility forrunning a charity, for its properties,finances and the employment of staffand volunteers.I have served as a trustee in my owncommunity, Shree Kutch Leva PatelCommunity. This was a challengingposition for me from which I gained vastexperience in the charitable sector andafter 16 years, stepped aside. In 2010, Ifirst experienced the work of a hospicewhen a friend of mine received his endof life care at Pembridge Palliative CareUnit. I was moved by the care that wasprovided to my friend and equallyembarrassed by my lack ofunderstanding of this invaluablecommunity care.

I was elected a trustee of St Luke’sHospice in 2011 after responding to anadvertisement in a weekly Asiannewspaper, Gujarat Samachar. Harrowand Brent are two of the most diverseboroughs in the country and as such thetrustees try and ensure varied communityrepresentation on the trustee board.

Being a trustee has been immenselyrewarding, providing both expected andunexpected opportunities for personaldevelopment. I have had the opportunityto attend various events on behalf of thehospice and meet people from diversebackgrounds who all work for thebetterment of the community at large.’

Ramesh taking part in St Luke’s Fire andGlass Walk event

St Luke’s Trusteeshares his story

BAPS CharitiesCancer Care:Living With CancerBAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir hosted a conference on ‘Living with Cancer’in January in partnership with St Luke’s and Macmillan Cancer Support.The event was open to anyone with questions and concerns or who was interested in learningmore about cancer. The event followed on from a ‘Welfare for the Elderly’ seminar where StLuke’s volunteer ambassador, Chandni Shah talked about the care on offer at St Luke’s.

The conference included talks from patients who have been affected by cancer who sharedthe importance of having a positive attitude, being open and honest about the diagnosiswith family and friends and being aware of the treatment choices available. St Luke’sCommunity Team Leader, David Smith explained the role of the hospice and emphasisedthat St Luke’s is not just for cancer patients but for any chronic illnesses that cannot becured. He also explained the role of support at home, as well as the Day-Care and In-Patientfacilities. Alan Watts from St Luke’s provided a sound therapy and relaxation session.Representatives from Macmillan Cancer support explained the main signs and symptomsof cancer, and the importance of screening. Information stands were open throughout theevent for visitors to browse and ask questions.

Would you like to organise a talk or visit for your community group or organisation?Would you like to be a hospice volunteer ambassador, helping to spread the wordabout St Luke’s care? Contact Pam Russell on 0208 282 8040 who would be delightedto hear from you.

Volunteer to support St Luke’s patients in their homesWould you like to join a new venture tosupport our Hospice at Home team byhelping patients to achieve the best possiblequality of life during the final stages of theirillness in their own home? Volunteers wouldlisten and talk to patients and provide respitefor carers. They would help to wash and feedpatients as well as provide social support.St Luke’s Hospice at Home Health Care Assistant (HCA) employee, Doris Davis shareswhat her work involves. ‘My days at work are never the same and I could have threepatients which I visit three times in a day. I plan my day in a way that ensures each patientreceives the personal hospice care they need and I also support the patients’ families bygiving them a break from their carer role. On arrival I spend some time with the patient tofind out how they are and with their consent I give a bed bath or assist with a shower, helpto dress them, change their bed sheet and make the bed. It is a great feeling when a patientreally appreciates even the most little of things I do such as washing their hair as they maynot have been able to do this whilst being in hospital.

Patients and their families have a sense of control over the care we provide them. Thishelps to keep their life as close to their normal routine as possible which in turn makesthem feel more at ease. We spend longer periods of time with them if needed, to supportthem through difficult situations. We respect patients’ wishes and what they want from ourvisits. Our goal is to support the patient and not to change their life but to make them ascomfortable as possible.’

If you would like to volunteer by supporting the work of a Hospice at Home HCA,, email [email protected] or telephone 020 8382 8000. If successful, you will be trained, supportedand supervised by a Hospice at Home Registered Nurse. If you would like to work asa Hospice at Home HCA, telephone 020 8382 8000.

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Get your golf clubsout for St Luke’s

Virtual Golf DaySt Luke’s have teamed up with North London Golf Academy for a one off golfingexperience. Enjoy some of the best game improving golf technology around withtheir indoor simulators which also allows you to play some of the best golf coursesin the world and much more. If you love the game of golf and want to givesomething back to a great cause, join us on Friday 12 July to play the virtual homeof golf - St Andrews and win some amazing prizes. Entry is £49 and this includesan introduction to the team and the system; food and refreshments; a free 30minlesson to be taken at a later date with head teaching professional, Darren Bragg; apar 3 challenge and much more.For more information or to register for either event, visit or contact Aneka on 020 8382 8063.

Brew the tea, bake some cakes andhelp raise funds for St Luke’s yourlocal hospice. We need you toorganise tea parties, big or small, tosupport our work at a time which isconvenient for you. Have a tea partyat work, school or at home with a fewclose friends and see how muchdifference a cuppa can make!To find out more and to requestyour ‘Let’s Have Tea’ pack, contact Jemini on020 8382 8018.

Let’s Have Tea forSt Luke’s Hospice

Take on a colossal 10k urban assaultcourse which will be crammed withobstacles and will take runners on ajourney into the dramatic and iconic,Battersea Power Station.

Want to jointhem? Survivalis for all comers:Men, women,teams and solocontenders. It is as much fun as youcan have in a run and the camaraderieis served up with lashings of survivalspirit. It takes place on Saturday 16November.Entry is £30 and we askparticipants to raise sponsorship.Contact Kate on 020 8382 8143.

Survival of theFittest

Take on theTowerSt Luke’s is running a tower challengewhich involves rock climbing a 26ft towerand abseiling back down.

John Corner Memorial Golf DayHelp us pay tribute to St Luke’s Founder Life President,John Corner and continue his legacy at our annual JohnCorner Memorial Golf Day on Monday 8 July atNorthwood Golf Club. It will be an enjoyable day forgolfers of all abilities, delicious food in the evening and lotsof fun and games. Entry is £300 for a team of 4.

Rock climbing is one of the greatest challenges ofhuman strength, skill and endurance and one of the most rewardingsporting activities. People of all ages and abilities can take part and the wall willhave routes for both experienced climbers and those with little or no rockclimbing experience. Entry is £20 and we ask that you raise sponsorship.

Take on the Tower coincides with St Luke’s Summer Fête as they both takeplace at the hospice grounds in Kenton on Saturday 20 July.People who choose to Take on the Tower can enjoy free entry to our Summer Fêtewhere family and friends can expect lots of great stalls with something foreveryone. There will be delicious cakes and refreshments as well as fun activitiesfor children of all ages which include a bouncy castle, games, arts and crafts andmuch more. Gates open at 11am and close at 2pm. Admission is £1 for those nottaking part in Take on the Tower. Children under 12 go free.For more information on Take on the Tower, visit or if you would like to run your own stall at the SummerFête, contact Aneka on 020 8382 8063.


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Keeping you in touch with St Luke’s Hospice

Nightrider: A 100kmmoonlit cycle challengeExperience a cycling road race like no other – a 100km moonlit circularroute starting at Alexandra Palace and passing some of London’s mosticonic landmarks on Saturday 8 June.

It is a journey set to challenge committed cyclists and push keen amateurs tothe limit. If you choose to ride for St Luke’s, you will receive full supportincluding training advice, a fundraising pack and support and encouragementon the day. Registration is £40 and we only ask you to raise a minimum of£100 in sponsorship. Visit

Pledge 2 Pedal

Tree of Life

Places are still available for this year’s community cycle challenge event onSunday 19 May. Pledge to get fitter, pledge to cycle more and reduce yourcarbon footprint - Pledge 2 Pedal 30-miles, 15-miles or a route within thepark for younger children, so the whole family can get involved. Registrationis £15 for adults, £35 for families and £5 for children.You can also register on the day. Visit

Have a Big LunchGet together with your neighbours andfriends and hold a Big Lunch to supportyour local hospice.The Big Lunch is a very simple idea from the Eden Project which bringspeople together once a year for a few hours in the community for friendship,fun and a bite to eat. This year’s nationwide Big Lunch is taking place onSunday 2 June, but you can hold yours at any time suitable for you.Visit or contact Jemini on 020 83828018 to order your FREE Big Lunch pack with everything you need toget started. Hold a Big Lunch on your street, help increase the awarenessof our work, raise money for St Luke’s and make a real difference tolocal people.

In May, visitors of the hospice willnotice a new ‘Tree of Life’sculpture in our reception areawhich has been hand crafted forSt Luke’s. It will display bronzeand silver engraved leaves andsilver apples.Families andsupporters will beable to make adedication on thetree in memory ofa loved one, incelebration of abirthday oranniversary, orsimply to supportthe hospice. As amark of your support, a bronze leaf willbe displayed on the tree for a year, and atthe end of this time, the leaf will bepresented to the donor in a handsomepresentation box, to treasure as akeepsake. Each leaf will represent adonation of £500 which is enough to payfor eight home care visits or to pay foressential drugs for our patients for 3 anda half days.Corporate donations of over £2000 willbe acknowledged with a silver apple, anddonations of over £1000 fromcommunity groups with a silver leaf.If you would like to make a dedicationon the Tree of Life, phone 020 83828040 or email [email protected]

Run to the BeatCould you run London’s only music halfmarathon in aid of St Luke’s on Sunday 8September. Join over 17,000 runners atGreenwich Park for this unique runningexperience which has live music stationsthroughout the 13-mile route. All of ourrunners will get a personalised runningvest and lots of support throughout theyear.For an entry pack or for moreinformation, contact Kate on 020 83828143 or visit


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Legacies making a difference – a family storyGifts in Wills are a vital source of income for St Luke’s Hospice. Without the support of our generouslegators, St Luke’s would not be able to continue to provide free end of life care to the people of Harrowand Brent. Danny Beever gives us an account of his father’s legacy to St Luke’s.

Sunderland’s syndicate get a St Luke’s Lottery win!St Luke’s Hospice runs its ownweekly Lottery draw. Each weeksubscribers have the chance to winone of 15 prizes including the jackpotof £1000! Caroline Brosnan –daughter of the Sunderland family,shares her winner’s story.‘My family and I have lived in Harrow and haveknown about St Luke’s all of our lives. Thereare 15 of us in total with four generations. Wehave known a few people that have used thewonderful services that St Luke’s provides andmy niece, Kate Gammell has been a fundraiserfor them for eight years now. After being part of the national lottery as asyndicate, we decided to join St Luke’s lottery as

a syndicate and also as individual members. It’susually me who organises the family lotterysyndicate. We agreed that whatever we’d winwould go into a kitty for the whole family to enjoy.’ Not long after joining, the Sunderland familyhad won £1000. Caroline adds, ‘I was goingthrough my post one day when I came acrossan ordinary looking letter which had a £1000cheque. I couldn’t believe we’d won. As wewanted all the family to share the win, the firstoccasion that popped up was my dad’sretirement so we all went out for a nice mealto the Hilton in Watford to celebrate. There’sstill some winnings left over and we plan to putit towards my brother-in-laws 50th birthdaythis September. We are hoping to book him atrip to New York!’

If you would like to join St Luke’slottery scheme and be in with a chanceto win £1000 like the Sunderlandfamily, phone 020 8382 8022/8097(Wednesdays to Fridays) for yoursubscription form or visit

Danny’s father, Kevin Beever was achemical engineer in Sudbury and a keensupporter of St Luke’s for over 10 years. Hewas diagnosed with pancreatic cancer by aspecialist GP just 10 weeks before hepassed away.Danny said, ‘I was in Croatia with mychildren for the summer when my brothercalled me with the news. Although cancerhadn’t been confirmed, I somehow knewthat it would be terminal. It’s difficult to sayhow I felt then.I guess I was as accepting as possible andkept on telling myself that I wasn’t the firstperson to be going through this. At the same

time I suppose that I put my head in thesand and pretended that it wasn’t real.My father was admitted to St Luke’s In-Patient Unit. While we were there, ALL thestaff were so unbelievably nice to us.I haven’t got words to describe ourappreciation. Kind words, cups of tea etc.My father had known about St Luke’s for along time, but I guess this was mainly fromtaking donations to the shop near HarrowWeald garage. He also took part in theHospice’s Lottery and he left £5000 in hisWill to St Luke’s.’As a thank you to St Luke’s for all the care

that was given to his dad, Danny has takenpart in a number of fundraising challengesincluding the skydive, and the Jail and Bailevent in March where he was arrested andraised sponsorship to pay for his release.Danny hopes to raise £1400 and says, ‘I’msure my dad would be very proud of what Iam doing. My father was a very loving man,especially to his family.’If you would like to find out more aboutleaving a gift in your Will to St Luke’sHospice then please contact Pam Russellon 020 8382 8040 or [email protected].

From left to right: Danny; his father, Kevin; brother, Simeon; niece, Lotty (2); mum, Val and his sister-in-law, Sarah.At the front: Danny’s daughters, Aya (7) and Elianne (8)

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Keeping you in touch with St Luke’s Hospice

Local restaurantssponsor St Luke’sMidnight Walk

Four local restaurants, Spice Rack Lounge, Purple Flame, TheMasai Mara and Only Parathas have come together to be theheadline sponsors for our Midnight Walk in June. Spice RackLounge and Purple Flame have also supported our Dine to Donatecampaign by asking their customers to add a £1 donation to thehospice onto their bill. Spice Rack Lounge Director, Kalpesh Amlani says, ‘St Luke’s doesa great job in the community and makes people feel comfortable intheir last few days. It’s amazing what all the staff and volunteers doand because they are an independent charity it means they are inneed of our support. As a local company and being local residents,we also know many people who have been cared for by the hospiceand know how important their work is.

Between myself, my brother, Nilesh and his business partner,Shamer Desai we own four restaurants and we wanted to cometogether to support this great cause by becoming the headlinesponsors for the Midnight Walk.

Spice Rack Lounge and Purple Flame have also supported St Luke’sDine to Donate initiative which is also a great way for local restaurantsto get involved and do something good for the hospice. It’s easy forpeople to support St Luke’s while enjoying a nice meal.’If your restaurant, cafè or pub would like to support St Luke’s byjoining our Dine to Donate campaign or if your company wouldlike to sponsor a St Luke’s event, visit or phone 020 8382 8096.


Only Parathas238-240 Streatfield Road, Harrow,HA3 9BX.Tel: 020 8732 2621

The Masai Mara.539-541 Kingsbury Road, Kingsbury, London, NW9 9EG.Tel: 020 8204

Spice Rack Lounge.35 Church Road, Stanmore, HA7 4AR.Tel: 020 8954

Purple Flame.433-437 Honeypot Lane, Stanmore,HA7 1JJ.Tel: 020 8204 2380

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Keeping you in touch with St Luke’s Hospice



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St.Luke’s Hospice, Kenton Grange, Kenton Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 0YG Tel: 020 8382 8000 Fax: 020 8382 8080Email: [email protected] Registered Charity No. 298555

CONTACTSPamRussell: Director of Fundraising &Community Relations [email protected] 020 8382 8040Beena Patel: Direct Marketing & PRManager [email protected] 020 8382 8034Lesley Dodd:AnnualWalk Fundraiser (PT) [email protected] 020 8382 8097TimTodhunter: Community Fundraiser Team Leader [email protected] 020 8382 8023Aneka Shah: Community Fundraiser [email protected] 020 8382 8063Jemini Shah: Community Fundraiser [email protected] 020 8382 8018Kate Gammell: Community Fundraiser (PT) [email protected] 020 8382 8143SallyAlstead: Community Fundraiser [email protected] 020 8382 8096Ella Dawkins: Donor Development Officer (PT) [email protected] 020 8382 8030Maddy Hancock: Donor Development Officer (PT) [email protected] 020 8382 8030

ST LUKE’S HOSPICE EVENTS 2013All events can be booked on the enclosed entry form or online at general event enquiries, phone 020 8382 8096 or email [email protected]

Sun 19 May - Pledge 2 PedalSpring in to action and take part in our community cyclechallenge.We have a 30-mile, 15-mile and a route just for childrenwithin the park. Registration starts at 9am at Harrow RecreationGround. Entry is £15 for adults, £35 for families (2 adults and 3children) and £5 for children (under the age of 16). ContactAnekaor visit

Sat 8 June – NightRiderExperience a cycling road race like no other - a 100km routecircling London and passing over 50 iconic landmarks, all atnight, with up to 4,500 other cyclists. Registration is £40 andparticipants need to raise a minimum of £100 in sponsorship.Contact Tim or visit 15 June – Summer Proms: Summer ClassicsEnjoy performances from top local string players at St Mary’sChurch in Harrow on the Hill. There will be an outstanding lineup of performers who will perform delightful music from Bach,Mozart and Britten. Concert starts at 7.30pm and tickets cost£12.50 or £10.00 for concessions. Visit 21 June - Midnight WalkJoin St Luke’s biggest fundraising event of the year. Our 9-mileladies Midnight Walk will make a real difference in your localcommunity. Entry is £20. Contact Jemini or visit

Sat 6 July – SummerProms: theLondonWelshMaleVoiceChoirLWMVC will be performing a programme of classic songs fromthe musicals, traditionalWelsh hymns and sacred music at HarrowSchool’s Speech Room at 7.30pm. Tickets range from £17.50 -£25.00. Contact Tim or visit 8 July - John Corner Memorial Golf DayHelp us continue John Corner’s legacy at our annual Golf Day atNorthwood Golf Club. Golfers of all abilities can take part andfood will be provided. Entry is £300 for a team of four. ContactAneka or visit

Friday 12 July - More than just 9 holesEnjoy some of the best game improving golf technology aroundwith North London GolfAcademy’s indoor simulators which alsoallows you to play some of the best golf courses in the world. Joinus to play the home of golf - St Andrews and win some amazingprices. Entry is £49. Contact Tim or visit 13 July – Summer Proms: Swingin’ Big Band SpecialSail away with the UK’s leading trombonist Gordon Campbelland his big band, in a night of tributes to Swing superstars GlennMiller, Duke Ellington and Tommy Dorsey at Harrow School’sspeech room at 7.30pm. Tickets range from £17.50 - £25.00.Contact Tim or visit 20 July – Take on the TowerTest your endurance and rock climb a 26ft tower and abseil backdown at St Luke’s Hospice in Kenton. People of all ages andabilities can take part. Entry is £20. Contact Aneka or 20 July – Summer FêteStart the summer with family and friends with plenty of funactivities, games and entertainment for children as well as rockclimbing and a great selection of stalls with something foreveryone. It takes place at the hospice in Kenton from 11am -2pm. Admission is £1 with children under 12 going free. Forfurther information, contact Aneka.

Sun 4 August – Ride London - Surrey 100Cycle a 100-mile course which follows the 2012 Olympic roadrace route. It starts at the Queen Elizabeth II Olympic Park, passesthrough London and out to the challenging Surrey hills, then loopsback and finishes on The Mall. Registration is £50 and we askthat you raise a minimum of £500 in sponsorship. Contact Tim orvisit

Sat 16 Nov - Survival of the fittestTake on a colossal 10k urban assault course crammed withobstacles and unique challenges. Men, women, teams and solocontenders can take part. It is as much fun as you can have in a runand the camaraderie is served up with lashings of survival spirit.Entry is £30. Contact Kate.