st benedict’s catholic primary school yeppoon

St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School Yeppoon 2020 Annual School Report

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Yeppoon 2020 Annual School Report
2 St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School Yeppoon | 2020 Annual School Report
St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School, Yeppoon Catholic Education Diocese of Rockhampton
Principal Julie McLaughlin
Yeppoon Qld 4703
Total enrolments 333
Type of School: Co-educational
3 St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School Yeppoon | 2020 Annual School Report
School Overview St Benedict's Catholic Primary School is a two-stream, Prep – Year Six school located at the northern end of the Capricorn Coast in Yeppoon. Opened in 2009, the school is part of the Capricorn Coast Parish and through its naming is continuing to develop strong links with the local Benedictine community. Our school mission statement emphasises these links to the Benedictine tradition as together we seek to create a welcoming, respectful community where all learners feel safe and supported. We strive to be reflective, self-directed, lifelong learners who grow as responsible global citizens living in ways that are aligned to the Benedictine values of love, prayer, stability, conversion, obedience, discipline, humility, stewardship, hospitality, and community. We take Jesus Christ as our model and foundation, working as part of the church to bring about the harmony, fulfilment and satisfaction we believe God intends for all people.
St Benedict's offers an academic education of the highest standard in an environment guided by Christian values. Specialist lessons are provided for all students in Physical Education, Music and Drama. Instrumental music lessons are available and extra-curricular activities include choirs and sports teams. A vital aspect of student learning and development is the relationship between school and home. St Benedict's strives to be a community that is compassionate, just, respectful and where families and children feel important, are happy and experience success in holistic learning opportunities.
More information on our school can be accessed from
Curriculum Offerings Distinctive Curriculum Offerings St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School is a community of learners inspired by the Benedictine vision. We make our Benedictine Charism central to all aspects of our learning, therefore, reflecting the message of Jesus Christ. Together we seek to create a welcoming, respectful community where all learners feel safe and supported. We want all to be reflective and self-directed lifelong learners who grow as responsible global citizens living lives of hospitality. Our teaching practices create an enjoyable, safe and supportive environment where all learners can grow.
Extra Curricula Activities Our instrumental music program is broad and well attended with approximately 70 students undertaking the opportunity to extend their talents. This program includes the teaching of piano, woodwind (clarinet, trumpet and saxophone), drumming and percussion, guitar and vocal sessions individually or in small groups. These musicians regularly participate in our school masses and are given the opportunity to partake in community events. Multiple school teams are involved in the local club touch football competition. School netball teams participate in the Capricorn Coast Netball Association competition during Terms 2 and 3. These teams also nominate and participate in local and regional carnivals. All students in Years Five and Six participate in the weekly interschool sports program during Terms 2, 3 and 4. This includes netball, rugby league, soccer, t-ball, AFL, touch football and Oz Tag. The Year 6 children participate in beach activities including sailing, fishing, surf lifesaving skills and surfing.
How Information and Communication Technologies are used to assist learning ICTs are an integral part of the teaching and learning program from Prep through to Year 6. ICTs are used to enhance student learning by providing students with the opportunity to access a wide variety of learning tools to engage and communicate their learning. ICTs are used to encourage creativity and critical thinking, while providing additional purposes and audiences for learning. Our Prep to Year 4 classrooms engage with programs such as Seesaw, Studyladder and Book Creator. These programs complement our classroom teaching as well as integrating ICT into everyday learning. Our Year 5 and 6 classes engage in multiple problem solving and investigative activities which involve robotics and coding.
4 St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School Yeppoon | 2020 Annual School Report
All classes access their homework online via Google Classroom. This allows students to use their knowledge of digital technologies, practice skills involved with ICTs and continue to develop these skills whilst completing traditional homework activities. All classes from Prep to Year 4 are provided with a specifically designed Genius Hour which targets the use of ICTs with a STEM investigative model. This occurs for one hour each fortnight. All students have the opportunity to design and they use 3D printers throughout the year. Our Year 6 cohort are involved in a one to one iPad program where curriculum is delivered through the use of iPad technology.
Social Climate Strategies to Promote a Positive Culture In the tradition of St Benedict, our community places an emphasis on learning for life, self-reflection and all learning experienced through academic, sporting and cultural endeavours. In the Benedictine tradition of prayer, welcome, community and work, we listen, love and learn with Jesus, as we work and pray in the pursuit of peace. A qualified counsellor provides counselling sessions every Tuesday and Thursday. This professional work includes working individually with students and parents, group skilling sessions and working within classrooms. Our learning support program provides many opportunities for students to learn and practice social skills which assist in their overall learning and achievement.
Cyber Safety and Anti-Bullying Strategies The Student Code of Conduct guides expectations for all behaviour at St Benedict's. The Catholic Education Anti- Bullying Policy is also implemented at St Benedict's. Cyber safety is included in the learning program for our Year Five and Six students. This is also reiterated exclusively with the Year 6 cohort with contractual conditions taught as part of their one to one iPad program. Annual Staff student protection training includes information, updates and expectations in these areas. Information is regularly provided to parents for their own education and to enable them to discuss with their children the importance of online safety. The Child Safety (Daniel Morcombe) Curriculum is implemented across all year levels during Term 1 each year.
Strategies for involving parents in their child’s education All parents at St Benedict’s are automatic members of the Parents and Friends Association upon their child/ren’s enrolment at the school. Following the election of an executive, the Association and School invite all parents to the monthly meeting of the Association. St Benedict’s School has a School Board that includes parent members. Parents interested in Board membership are invited to the annual pre-service training. This provides parents with the opportunity to examine their gifts and offer their service to the Board through their monthly meetings. Each class holds an information evening in week 3 of the school year to assist parents understand the year ahead. During this session parents are also invited to assist in the classroom. Parents are encouraged to volunteer in our school tuckshop and at other community events. Parent education sessions are provided at Parents and Friends Association meetings and on other occasions outside of these meetings.
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Reducing the school’s environmental footprint St Benedict’s is aware of its environmental footprint and has introduced several initiatives to reduce our impact on the environment both local and global. The school installed four large tanks to reduce our water consumption. Two tanks harvest water from our buildings and this is stored for use in our toilets and gardens. Another two tanks store recycled water from our local council which is used for the irrigation of our school oval. We have an active gardening group who plant and tend a variety of fruits and vegetables. The garden promotes the use of a worm farm and recycled cardboard and food scraps. Children involved with this group collect recyclable items daily and place them in composting bins. We have begun to clear an area of the school which is adjacent to our local creek. The removal of lantana and other noxious weeds is being conducted by our grounds staff and we intend to then re-establish native vegetation which will enhance the environment, improve water quality and allow students to study this environment over time. We have engaged a number of local groups to assist with the rehabilitation of this area and received a $5000 grant from Landcare Australia allowing us to establish a Junior Landcare Group. We are currently purchasing four native bee hives which will enhance the local flora and assist with the growth of fruit and vegetables. We have approximately 90 solar panels installed and from this we have greatly reduced our power consumption across the whole school. All classrooms have timer switches installed which automatically turn off air conditioners after a period of time. LED lighting has been installed throughout the school, these dim when not being used and they have proved to be very efficient especially those used to power security lighting at night.
Characteristics of the Student Body Our school is a part of the Capricorn Coast Parish and through its naming has developed strong links with Benedictine community. The Benedictine Sisters play an active role in the spiritual and broader community life of St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School. Sr Kym Harris is an active member of our school as a member of our school board and through providing regular professional development opportunities for our teaching and ancillary staff.
St Benedict’s has continued to be a vibrant and welcoming learning community. This culture can be attributed to the close, complementary relationship enjoyed amongst the staff, students, parents and parish community.
As part of the parish, our school endeavours to be involved with parish activities and to maintain open lines of communication with the wider parish community. Our Parish Priest continues to play a valuable role within the school as we develop our Benedictine charism. A parish representative is also a member of the school board. Our Principal and staff are members of various parish committees ensuring ongoing communication between all groups.
St Benedict’s is a part of the wider Yeppoon community and maintains strong links with Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, St Ursula’s College, St Brendan’s College and other local schools. Along with these schools, St Benedict’s enjoys close ties with local community groups such as St Vincent de Paul and the local RSL.
As a Catholic School, we at St Benedict’s strive to witness to the mission of the Catholic Church - to proclaim the Good News. By offering a learning environment that encourages all to work together in a challenging environment, we strive to empower all members of our community to become reflective and self-directed learners who are actively involved in their communities.
Average student attendance rate (%) The average student attendance rate for 2020 was 95.99%.
Management of non-attendance All student absences from school require notification to the school via phone, email or note. Unexplained absences are communicated to parents each morning via SMS by 10.00am. Unexplained absences greater than two days are followed up by a member of the administration via phone.
6 St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School Yeppoon | 2020 Annual School Report
Staffing Information Workforce Composition
Headcounts 29.00 16.00 1.00
Qualifications of all teachers Qualification – highest level of attainment Percentage of staff with this Qualification
Doctoral / Post-doctoral
Masters 6.90%
Major Professional Development Initiatives St Benedict’s continues to provide quality professional development opportunities including:
1. Catholic Ethos & Identity - Benedictine Charism education - Engaging with P – 2 Religious Education Curriculum planning and assessing
2. Teaching and Learning - Writing Project: continue to develop teacher knowledge around quality writing and effective
feedback strategies - Spelling Project: continue professional development around Effective Spelling
- Maths Project: begin professional learning conversations with assistance from the Diocesan Consultant - Primary Mathematics and through engaging Back to Front Maths professionals to improve the teaching of mathematics.
3. Improvement Practices and Processes - Engage teachers in professional learning experiences based on their teacher goals which are set
and reviewed at the beginning of each year. These include Qsite workshops around robotics and coding and Literacy Workshops based around Reading and Writing Hour.
The percentage of teachers engaged in professional development was 100%.
Total funds expended on Professional Development The total of funds expended on teacher professional development was $45,100.
Average Staff Attendance and Retention The average staff attendance for the school year, based on unplanned absences of sick and emergency leave for periods of up to five days, was 88.57%.
Percentage of teaching staff retained from the previous school year was 95.77%.
7 St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School Yeppoon | 2020 Annual School Report
School Income (The School information below is available on the My School website).
National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy Results In 2020, NAPLAN did not proceed as a result of the disruptions caused by COVID-19. Previous NAPLAN results are available via the My School website at If you are unable to access the internet, please contact the school for a paper copy of our school’s NAPLAN results.
Key Student Outcomes and Value Added St Benedict’s has a clear focus on providing academic, cultural, physical, relational and spiritual experiences and opportunities for all students. The 2019 Year Three results were strong across Spelling, Writing and Numeracy with the school mean being above the National average. Grammar and Punctuation was at the national average with Reading being slightly below. The Year Five cohort performed very strongly in all domains with scores above the National average. Matched students continued to demonstrate growth across most areas. NAPLAN was not conducted in 2020, however, St Benedict’s maintained a targeted approach for Reading, Writing and Numeracy through specifically planned ‘hours’. Individual student goals and needs are planned for during this time. In addition to programs implemented for our focus areas (e.g. teaching, instrumental, sporting, prayer), our school strives to include an outward focus where students support and serve the school, local and wider communities.
Strategic Improvement Progress and Next Steps Strategic progress in 2020 The key goals for 2020 from our School Improvement Plan included:
• Professional development which improves teachers’ knowledge and application of the planning and implementation of the Reading and Writing Hour
• Introduction of new method for the planning and teaching of spelling – whole school approach • Using STEM thinking skills to create higher expectations and levels of achievement • Engagement of teachers with Principal and APC regarding professional goals
8 St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School Yeppoon | 2020 Annual School Report
Throughout 2020 teachers engaged with a Diocesan Consultant – Literacy in the areas of writing and spelling. Ongoing, planned education and reviews were conducted over four sessions including dedicated teacher planning days, pupil free days and twilight sessions. Teachers observed, reflected, discussed and cooperatively implemented processes for students which built on their strengths and weaknesses. A ‘Genius Hour’ which included problem solving, group interaction, coding, robotics and 3D printing was introduced to align with our STEM goals. This program included consultation and professional development with a Diocesan Consultant – STEM. Teachers were educated in the use of various robotic devices and 3D printers. A specific hour was scheduled each fortnight for classes from P-4 which specifically targeted these skills. Year 5 & 6 had separate sessions which were more advanced and operated at a higher level for planning and problem solving. Strategic Priorities for 2021 The key goals for 2021 from our School Improvement Plan included:
• Building our knowledge of Benedictine Charism • Enhancing knowledge and delivery of new Religion Curriculum • Developing the analysis and documentation of individual students’ needs • Developing student driven planning through Reading, Writing and Maths Hours