st. ann catholic parish report_2016_web.pdf · st. ann catholic parish brings people to jesus, ......

S T . A NN C ATHOLIC P ARISH 2016 A NNUAL R EPORT Our Vision St. Ann Catholic Parish Brings people to Jesus, Forms Disciples, and Sends them to Transform the world. Nuestra Visión La Parroquia Católica de Santa Ana Acerca las personas a Jesús, Forma Discípulos, Enviándolos a Transformar al mundo. ——————————————————————————————————-

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Page 1: ST. ANN CATHOLIC PARISH Report_2016_web.pdf · St. Ann Catholic Parish Brings people to Jesus, ... La Parroquia Católica de Santa Ana Acerca las personas a Jes ... In Christ Risen


Our Vision

St. Ann Catholic Parish Brings people to Jesus, Forms Disciples, and Sends them to Transform the world.

Nuestra Visión

La Parroquia Católica de Santa Ana Acerca las personas a Jesús, Forma Discípulos, Enviándolos a Transformar al mundo.


Page 2: ST. ANN CATHOLIC PARISH Report_2016_web.pdf · St. Ann Catholic Parish Brings people to Jesus, ... La Parroquia Católica de Santa Ana Acerca las personas a Jes ... In Christ Risen

Dear Parishioners, Within these pages of the Annual Report, you will find a lot of numbers and charts. However, you will also find a lot of stories that demonstrate how special this parish is to so many people. There is a lot of love here at St. Ann and that love inevitably overflows into generous giving. I re-cently found this quote from Susan Pitchford, a sociologist at the University of Washington and Third Order Francis-can that speaks about this kind of generosity… This is how it works, isn’t it? When we love deeply, we want to give extravagantly. And when we feel someone has pulled us from the abyss, our hearts overflow with gratitude, and there is nothing we wouldn’t give, nothing we wouldn’t do, to show it. When the Church asks us to give, it’s easy to resent it, easy to reduce it to a practical necessity. We have to keep the lights on, after all. But this approach misses the opportunity to let our giving become an act of love, an ex-pression of gratitude, a deeply spiritual practice. “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9:7), not because God gets tired of whining but because such giving is born of a loving relation-ship.

Here at St. Ann, we are taking a hard look at everything we do and making sure all our cus-toms, ways of doing things, times, schedules and structures are in line with what is needed for the evangelization of today’s world. We are moving from transac-tional to transfor-mational – from maintenance to mission. It has eve-rything to do with entering into a deeper and loving rela-tionship with Jesus and with others. This is at the heart of our new Vision that reminds us that we exist to:

Bring people to Jesus, Form them into disciples, and Send them to Transform the world!!!




Estimados Feligreses, Dentro de estas páginas del Informe Anual, se encuentra una gran cantidad de números y gráficos. Sin embargo, tam-bién encontrara una gran cantidad de testimonios que de-muestran cuán especial es esta parroquia a tanta gente. Hay una gran cantidad de amor aquí en Santa Ana y ese amor se desborda inevitablemente en donación generosa. Hace poco encontré esta cita de Susan Pitchford, socióloga de la Uni-versidad de Washington y Tercera Orden Franciscana que habla de este tipo de generosidad... Esta es la forma en que funciona, ¿verdad? Cuando amamos profundamente, queremos dar extravagante-mente. Y cuando sentimos que alguien nos ha extraído del abismo, nuestros corazones rebosan de gratitud, y no hay nada que no daríamos, nada que no haríamos, para mostrarlo. Cuando la Iglesia nos pide que demos, es fácil de resentirse, fácil reducirlo a una necesidad práctica. Al final de todo, tenemos que mantener las luces encendidas. Sin embargo, este enfoque pierde la oportunidad de que nuestro dar se convierta en un acto de amor, una expresión de gratitud, una práctica pro-

fundamente espiritual. "Dios ama al que da con ale-gría" (2 Cor 9: 7), no porque Dios se cansa de renegar sino porque tales donaciones nace de una relación de amor. Aquí en Santa Ana, estamos dando una mirada a todo lo que hacemos y asegurándonos de que todas nuestras cos-tumbres, formas de hacer las cosas, los tiempos, los hora-rios y las estructuras estén en línea con lo que se necesita para la evangelización del mundo actual. Estamos pasando de transaccional a transformacional - de mantenimiento a misión. Tiene todo que ver con entrar en una profunda y amorosa relación con Jesús y con los demás. Este es el nú-cleo de nuestra nueva Visión que nos recuerda que existi-mos para: ¡Acercar las personas a Jesús, Formarlos a hacer discípulos, Y Enviarlos a Transformar al mundo! In Christ / En Cristo, Henry V. Petter Pastor


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Mis Queridos Amigos, Como sacerdote joven y relativamente nuevo, trato de mi-rar a los sacerdotes con más experiencia para asesoramiento y dirección. Esto es especialmente cierto a medida que con-tinúo mi formación sacerdotal, con el objetivo de ser un día pastor. Realmente he disfrutado trabajar con el Padre Henry; él me ha enseñado mucho, sobre todo en estos últi-mos meses, desde su regreso de la Conferencia de Renova-ción Divina este verano. El enfoque principal de Renova-ción Divina es realmente una llamada a regresar a nuestras raíces. Es una llamada a un tiempo antes de que hubiera iglesias grandes, presupuestos anuales, anuncios de misa prolongados, 'status quo'. Un tiempo en que los discípulos y seguidores de Jesús lo conocieron personalmente, íntima-mente, profundamente, y esa relación no sólo valía la pena

morir, sino vivir. Jesús habló a sus oídos y sus corazones y se le oyó decir, “¡Salir!" ¡Es una llamada de mantenimiento a misión! Con su renovado sentido de la misión, el Padre Henry me ha enseñado que nunca es demasiado tarde para empezar algo nuevo; que incluso los perros viejos pueden aprender nuevos trucos. Al mirar hacia mi futuro, cuarenta años a partir de ahora, cuando tenga 70 años y sea un pastor experimentado, como el Padre Henry, espero estar abierto a las nuevas ideas e innovaciones como hoy él lo ha. Yours in Christ / Suyos en Cristo, Fr. Kevin Wilwert

My Dear Friends, As a young and still relatively new priest, I try to look to more experienced priests for advice and direction. This is especially true as I continue my priestly formation, with the goal of one day being a pastor. I have really enjoyed working with Fr. Henry. He has taught me so much, especially in these last few months, since his return from the Divine Renovation Conference this summer. The main focus of Divine Renovation is really a call back to our roots. It is a call back to a time before there were big churches, annual budgets, lengthy Mass announcements and ‘status quo’. A time when the disciples and followers of Jesus knew Him personally, intimately, deeply, and that relationship was not only worth dying for, but living for. Jesus spoke to their ears and their hearts and they heard him say, “Go Out!” It’s a call from maintenance, back to

mission! With his renewed sense of mission, Fr. Henry has taught me that it is never too late to start something new; that even old dogs can learn new tricks. As I look to my future, forty years from now, when I am 70 and a seasoned pastor, like Fr. Henry, I hope that I will be as open to new ideas and innovation as he is today.


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My brothers and sisters in Christ, As I write this, I have been a part of your faith communi-ty for only a couple of months. Sometimes change can be difficult but I must say you have made me feel very wel-comed. I am amazed at not only the size of St. Ann but I have already been able to experience firsthand the many good works that go on through the numerous ministries. The beauty of the Sunday liturgies inspires me, the Spirit filled attitudes of parishioners touch my heart, and the servant heart of so many encourages me to join in your efforts to bring people to Jesus. Currently my focus is on the Hispanic community but I will strive to be a shepherd for all. The ethnic diversity of

our parish is such a bless-ing! The St. Ann multi-cultural environment re-inforces that we are one body in Christ and truly a universal Church. You have my commit-ment that I will faithfully work with Fr. Henry and Fr. Kevin to bring to life the new “vision” of our parish by forming disciples and to-gether, transforming the world.




Mis hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Mientras escribo esto, he sido parte de su comunidad de fe por sólo un par de meses. A veces el cambio puede ser difí-cil, pero tengo que decir que me han hecho sentir muy bien-venido. Estoy sorprendido no sólo del tamaño de Santa Ana, pero ya he podido experimentar de primera mano las muchas obras buenas que van a través de los numerosos ministerios. La belleza de las liturgias dominicales me inspiran, las actitu-des llena del Espíritu de los feligreses tocan mi corazón, y el corazón sirviente de tantos me anima a unirme en sus esfuer-zos para llevar a la gente a Jesús. Actualmente mi atención se centra en la comunidad Hispa-na, pero me esforzare por ser un pastor para todos. ¡La di

versidad étnica de nuestra parroquia es una bendición! El entorno multicultural en Santa Ana refuerza que somos un cuerpo en Cristo y verdaderamente una Iglesia universal. Usted tiene mi compromiso fielmente que trabajare con el Padre Henry y el Padre Kevin para dar vida a la nueva "visión" de nuestra parroquia mediante la formación de dis-cípulos y juntos, la transformación del mundo. In Christ Risen /En Cristo Resucitado Padre Francisco Orozco


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I grew up believing God was just a myth. Then in col-lege I realized life was too complex to arise by chance, so I embraced the ideas of Intelligent Design and Deism. But church, worship, and the Bible? Complete nonsense to me. Worse than nonsense! It was infuriating! Infuriating to hear about the goodness of God, then have my daughter born with a genetic liver disease that brought her constant suffering. Infuriating to see the spirit of my wife crushed from the unending stress of raising such a sick child. I held to my fury through twelve years of suffering before her liver transplant, and twelve more years of complications after. Meanwhile my wife, Elizabeth, turned to the Church, and slowly regained her spirit over many years. My turn-ing point began when I realized her recovery of peace and hope was beyond earthly explanation. I needed that peace. So I decided to stop blaming the “Designer” and start pray-ing to God. And God responded in a miraculous way, an-swering my prayers and bringing our daughter relief. So I began RCIA hoping there really was a God of com-passion. I was impressed with these RCIA people. They joyfully volunteered so much time and effort for unbeliev-ers like me. They showed me the love of God in their ac-

tions and their concern for me. Same for the men of CRHP 64. They all helped soften my stony heart so God could finally come in and show me His truth. Now the fury is gone. I have peace in my heart. Thank you Elizabeth. Thank you RCIA. Thank you CRHP. And thanks be to our glorious and loving God, who is beyond comprehension.

Submitted by Dennis Mohler




As a boy, I spent summers at my uncle's farm and wit-nessed first hand a cheerful giver. At the end of each har-vest, I remember going to the bank with my uncle after he had sold his grain and watched him have the teller cut a check for ten percent of the sale. We would then deliver it personally to the pastor of his small Catholic church. My

uncle always left that encounter with the biggest smile on his face. I remember asking him why he did that. Didn't he have other things he could spend his money on? This man modeled for me the importance of giving back a portion of God's blessings. I took this to heart and as I grew in my Catholic faith, I began to fully embrace stewardship as a way

of life for myself and our family. Even more so I have enjoyed serving others through the various ministries at St. Ann, most especially Mis-sion Laredo with the High School Ministry. Once I invested my time, talent, and my heart into serving other families at a time of great need, it was even more important for me to live the stewardship way of life. I wanted not only to help "keep the lights on" but give so others who were also on their own personal faith journey could experience the feeling of a full heart by living life the way God intended.

Submitted by Shaun McPhail

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PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: Almost 10 years ago, in 2007, St Ann formed the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) as a consultative planning body to assist our Pastor in bringing to fullness the parish Vision and Mission. The PPC consists of 12 volunteer members who rely deeply on the Holy Spirit through discernment and prayer to arrive at a long term pastoral plan. The PPC en-gages the community to develop a 3 to 5 year plan with a parish wide perspective. Building Tomorrow’s Parish Today (BTPT), our pastoral plan, is the main responsibility of the council. Jorge Diez serves as the PPC Chair and Nicole Ameris is the Vice Chair. The other Council members are: Dan Massaviol, Cecilia Garcia, Amy & Dwayne Smith, Lydia Goulas, Jack Jones, Dominic Coletto, Erika and Ramon Negrete, Todd Storch, Joseph Portillo, and Antonio Velazquez create the entire body of the Pastoral Council.

Striving Towards Unified Leadership The PPC has made major strides towards alignment of all three councils; we have launched a TRI-Council mid-year review and have designed and facilitated a quarterly Execu-tive Leadership Meeting with all chairs and vice chairs of three Councils (Pastoral, Finance and Stewardship), our pas-tor, the Director of Administration/Finance and the Direc-tor of Stewardship.

This past year we enhanced communi-cation and coordina-tion among the staff and councils, imple-menting the advo-cate approach used by the PFC. Each parish department now has a PPC and PFC advocate, who focuses on under-standing the dynamics and needs of that program. This en-sures alignment and support towards annual initiatives and long term planning. The emphasis on coordination and communication culmi-nated with the first Annual Leadership Summit. PPC hosted a half day meeting with all department heads, council members and clergy. The focus of the Leadership Summit was to unite in ONE vision and to support what is needed to enact this new vi-sion:

Saint Ann Catholic Parish brings people to Jesus, forms disciples and sends them to transform the world

which aligns with our Mission to: Love God Completely, Love All People Unconditionally,

Make Disciples Intentionally The launch and roll out of this Vision is in the works. St. Ann will become a Mission driven parish whereby we strive to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Driven to become disciples, we are responsible to share this joy of Jesus with our neighbors, our community and the world to live out the Mission and Vision of St. Ann. God Bless all of you and your families with the love and blessings from our Saint Ann patronage. Que Dios les bendiga a todos ustedes y a sus familias con el amor y las bendiciones de nuestra patrona Santa Ana

Submitted by Jorge Diez

PPC Chair



Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) Consultative planning group assisting pastor

in fulfilling the vision and mission

Parish Stewardship Council (PSC) Consultative group focused on gaining community support

through time, talent, and treasure

Parish Finance Council (PFC) Consultative group assisting pastor with

finances, investments, and facilities

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Our new vision displayed over a beautiful photo taken by parishioner, Rob Hull

Curtis Stephan led the group in wonderful prayer and music

Fr. Henry Petter was the keynote presenter, breaking open the new vision statement

1st Annual Leadership Summit

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As we reflect on the past year, God continues to bless the St. Ann faith community in immeasurable ways and we are forever grateful. The Parish Stewardship Council (PSC) wel-comed 11 new members this year to bring our council to a total of 26 people. New members include: Alex and Rebecca Almanza, Kristin Brandt, Jim Glenn, Chris Herman, Judith Jacob, Shaun McPhail, Dennis Mohler, Boone Nerren, Valerie Obi and Angie Rico. We are truly blessed to have these talented folks who are eager to share their time and gifts to foster a life of stewardship at St. Ann. The Stewardship Council is dedicated to the education of its membership and the St. Ann community to fully embrace stewardship as a way of life. The PSC is working with vari-ous ministries to ensure that we are using all avenues to crea-tively share the true meaning of stewardship with our faith community. We are excited about spreading a message that will inspire us to give of ourselves in thanksgiving for all God has given to us. As the St. Ann community continues to grow in its vision to reach out to others and bring them to Jesus, the PSC membership continues to focus on welcoming and hospitali-ty. We continue to work with the Office of Evangelization

and the Hospitality Committee to cre-ate ways to foster a culture of welcom-ing and bringing others to Jesus. As Pope Francis reminds us, we are all called to be dis-ciples, using our gifts and talents to draw our brothers and sisters closer to Jesus. “An evangelizing community is also supportive, stand-ing by people at every step of the way, no matter how difficult or lengthy this may prove to be. It is familiar with patient expectation and apostolic endurance.” —Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium We continue to pray for the St. Ann community and give thanks to you for the many ways you share your gifts of tal-ent, time and treasure.

Submitted by J. L. Radford-Williard & Fernie Fuentes PSC Co-Chairs

Population/Contributions Total (as of 9/30/16) vs. 2015

Registered families 8,933 8,847

New families (Oct ‘15—Sept ‘16) 596 683

Families Pledging 2,471 2,543

% of families contributing 42% 44%

Total pledged for 2016 $4,522,230 $4,493,742

Total paid through Sept 30 $3,953,366 (flat vs. 2015)

Average pledge per family $1,830 $1,767

Avg weekend Mass attendance 8,085 7,842

We celebrate the work that St. Ann parishioners do that changes lives! By creating a ‘culture of stewardship’, the PSC invites others to become part of that work.

The Annual Stewardship Commitment/Pledge fall campaign is an opportunity for parishioners to be generous.

Parish Stewardship Council (PSC) Consultative group focused on gaining community support

through time, talent, and treasure

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* Baptisms — 365 * 1st Communions — 552 * Marriages — 83 * RCIA — 50 * RICA — 20 * Christ Renews His Parish (since 1995) — approx. 4,030, 152 teams * Lenten Mission * Healing Prayer Ministry * Adult Religious Education — 1,488

* Adult Bible Study — 195 — 75 Spanish & 120 English * Brothers in Christ * Sisters in Christ * Alpha — 650 * Bilingual Religious Education — 529 youth with 95 volunteers * Liturgia Para ninos & Children’s Liturgy of the Word — 173 children in Sunday School 70 volunteers

2016 CARNIVAL 17,000—18,000 attendees Raised approx. $100,000 Supports - Capital programs One of the largest community

events in Coppell

Sacraments, Adult & Children Faith Formation, Ministries & Programs

* AIDS Supper Club (2,300 hot meals served) * SAY coat drive * Magi Ministry (2,924 gifts distributed) * North Texas Food Bank * Collect used items and food for Catholic Charities and Christian Community Action * White Rose Women’s Center * Birth Choice Counseling Center for Women * Kids Eat Free * Men’s Club Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets (over 1,225 distributed) plus 270 turkeys to soup kitchens * SAY and HSM Mission Possible

* Budget annually to support the following :

- Parishes within the Dallas Diocese: St. Edwards, St. James, St. Philip, St. James, St. Cecilia, Santa Clara, St. Ann in Kaufman - Mary Immaculate School - John Paul II High School - St. Ann Parish—Scholarships for RE programs - St. Ann parishioner Emergency Assistance - St. Ann High School Mission Trip - Young Adults Mission Trip - Catholic Charities - Mt. Carmel Center - Christian Community Action - Family Gateway

And many other ministries and organizations...

MINISTRIES & PROGRAMS TOTAL PARTICIPANTS Children Religious ED 1,232 St. Ann Youth (SAY) 707 High School Ministry 614 Young Adults & Young Married 350 Safe Environment (currently cleared) 722 + Safe Environment (over last 11 years) 2,706 Active Ministries 100 + Carnival Committees / Volunteers 20 / 1,900 + Knights of Columbus 375 EMHC 365 Lectors 75




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*** Please feel free to come by the parish office to review the full set of audited financials or visit ***

2016 Annual Finance Council Report St. Ann Catholic Parish is truly blessed. We have over 30,000 parishioners from cities across the Dallas and Fort Worth dioceses. We have talented and dedicated clergy and staff who make what is accomplished look easy. We also have thousands of volunteers who give generously of their time and talent. Without each and every one of you and your generosity St. Ann would not be the growing and thriv-ing community that brings so many to Christ each and every day. Within this year’s Annual Report you will see how St. Ann has utilized the stewardship gifts that our parishioners so generously give. Please take a moment to review this infor-mation. These are your gifts and you should know how they are being used.

Financial Health of the Parish We are pleased to report that our external auditors once again found no exceptions with St. Ann’s annual accounting reports for the fiscal year 2015-16. As we look back at the 2015-16 fiscal year we’ve contin-ued to see the impact of the Strategic Plan, approved three years ago. The Department of Evangelization, established last year, introduced Alpha and is reaching out to people both inside and outside of our parish. Financially, we ended the fiscal year with a slight deficit. Collections fell short of our goal for the year as a result of lower pledges in 2016. This was offset by lower costs, pri-marily due to delays in filling open positions. We complet-ed the replacement of lighting in the church and parking lots with LED lights. This will have a positive impact on our electricity cost going forward and allow us, as requested by Pope Francis, to “care for our common home”.

A Look Ahead We look forward to the 2016-17 fiscal year with cautious optimism. The budget includes contribution levels con-sistent with prior fiscal year results based on collection expe-rience in the first half of 2016. Expenses are higher due to full staffing levels and a continued focus on strategic growth with emphasis on meeting the needs – whether spiritual, physical or financial - of our parishioners. We look forward to supporting programs being developed that will serve groups like individuals with Special Needs.

We continue to embrace the Sustainable Growth Strategy introduced several years ago. It ensures that increases in spending will only continue as long as the parish supports the investments through increased pledges. Growth and change are a big part of what make St. Ann the vibrant, welcoming parish it is today. We need your continued support to achieve the goals and success the Lord has in His plans for St. Ann. We ask that you prayerfully consider your contribution to St. Ann:

If you have given in the past, please consider expanding your support.

If you have not yet given, please consider pledging this year.

Every contribution is important, just as every parishioner is important. We are one in Christ and seek to be found worthy of His promises. Thank you for all that you have done, and will continue to do for our parish. May God bless you.

Submitted by Tina Beier PFC Chair



Parish Finance Council (PFC) Consultative group assisting pastor with

Finances, investments, and facilities

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St. Ann Parish Financial Snapshot

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St Ann Catholic Parish 180 Samuel Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019

Tel: 972 393 5544 Fax: 972 462 1617

E-mail: [email protected] Join us on Facebook

To my fellow parishioners, I hope you enjoyed reading this annual recap of our St. Ann Parish and again, thank you for being a part of our faith community. This Annual Report strives to show not only financial progress, but how your financial offerings are being put to use to better the lives of the people whom St. Ann serves. All of you are in my daily prayers as we work together to fulfill our new parish “vision”.

Para mis feligreses, Espero haya disfrutado el resumen anual de nuestra Parroquia de Santa Ana y de nuevo gracias por ser parte de nuestra comunidad de fe. Este Informe Anual se esfuerza por mostrar no sólo el progreso económico, pero también mostrar cómo sus ofrendas financieras se están utilizando para mejorar las vidas de las personas a las que Santa Ana Sirve. Todos ustedes están en mis oraciones diarias a medida que trabajamos juntos para cumplir con nuestra nueva “visión” parroquial.

Christ has no body now but yours.

No hands, no feet, on earth but yours.

St. Teresa of Avila



May God continue to bless you for your generosity and prayers/ Que Dios siga bendiciéndolos por su generosidad y oraciones,

Henry V. Petter
