ssue 1 vol. 1 shri bhag ubhai mafatlal...

EDITORIAL KNOW YOUR DEPARTMENT KNOW YOUR FACULTY STUDENTS’ ACHIVEMENTS EXTRA CURRICULAR STUDENTS ACHIVEMENTS Teachers’ ACHEIVMENTS ARTICLE- LIFI BRAIN GATE RECENT TRENDS TECHNOLOGY AND INDIA CLEAN UP DRIVE WHAT’S INSIDE J U N E - D E C 2 0 1 6 Issue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAGUBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'S e-Newsletter Half yearly E-news letter for the avid reader From Principal’s Desk I feel honored and excited to announce that SBMP’s first E-Newsletter is all set to publish online. This is our new venture to collect the plethora major happening of polytechnic and encapsulate them in the form of E- Newsletter. E–newsletter is the result of combined requirements of NBA certification, Digital India Initiative and our Go Green Policy. We at SBMP ensure the active participation of students in various curricular and extra –curricular activities in and outside the institute. I appeal students and visitors to spare some moments to read to this e-Newsletter available with our college website and encourage us in our new venture. I hope along with Sagar Tarang, in long run our e-Newsletter will create its unique place among the minds of readers. On this occasion, I take this opportunity to appreciate the entire editorial team and especially students members, for their efforts to make things happen. With warm regards Prof. Umesh Kantute Principal

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Page 1: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining



















J U N E - D E C 2 0 1 6 Issue 1 vol. 1



Half yearly E-news letter for the avid reader

From Principal’s Desk

I feel honored and excited to announce that SBMP’s first E-Newsletter is all set to publish online. This is our new venture to collect the plethora major happening of polytechnic and encapsulate them in the form of E- Newsletter. E–newsletter is the result of combined requirements of NBA certification, Digital India Initiative and our Go Green Policy. We at SBMP ensure the active participation of students in

various curricular and extra –curricular activities in and outside the institute. I appeal students and visitors to spare

some moments to read to this e-Newsletter available with

our college website and encourage us in our new venture. I

hope along with Sagar Tarang, in long run our e-Newsletter

will create its unique place among the minds of readers. On this occasion, I take this opportunity to appreciate the entire editorial team and especially students members, for their efforts to make things happen.

With warm regards

Prof. Umesh Kantute


Page 2: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining

Editor in chief:

Mr. B .M Pande

Co- coordinator:

Mrs. K. P Bhave


Mrs. Neelam Varpe , Civil

Mr. Pratik Sawant, Mechanical

Miss Urvi Sawant, Electrical

Mr. Prasad Dhuri, IE & DE

Mr. Sachin Kamble, Plastics

Mrs. Jyoti Sangle, Chemical

Mrs Swapna Naik, IT &



Mr. Meet Parpani, DE (1370017)

Miss Dhara Patwa, DE (1370019)

Mr. Raj Rupapara, DE (1370021)

Mr. Om Shah, IT (1698031)

Miss Ankita Tripathi, IT (1698037)

Miss Heet Vora, IT (1698042)

EDITORIAL BOARD It is a matter of great pride to present 1th issue of “e-

Newsletter of SBMP” in the context of NBA accreditation of

courses available with the Institute.

As you know, e-Newsletter has been magnanimous

creation of our institute and it is the result of efforts of all active the members of editorial board, concerned authorities and Students, who nourished this ‘thought-seed’, now blossomed as plant.

As the editor in Chief, I express a deep sense of gratitude for all those who directly or indirectly contributed in making

this first issue of SBMP’s e-Newsletter, a plethora of

institutional progress and achievements.

I am thankful to our Principal, Management and all my colleagues for their guidance and cooperation time to time to

bring out this issue.

With Best Wishes,

B.M. Pande

(Editor in Chief)


Page 3: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining

S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining

high standard of discipline and performance. The Polytechnic

believes in organizing need-based programs and assisting in-

service personnel in education and training activities. The

Polytechnic has developed Sandwich Programs and has

diversified its conventional programs initiated in 1963 into

variety of discipline areas as First Level as well as Post-Diploma

Level along with in-service programs. The Polytechnic is a grant-

in-aid autonomous institution affiliated to the Maharashtra State

Board of Technical Education. The Polytechnic is being

managed by the duly constituted Managing Council.


1. Over the years, objectives of S.B.M.P. have been to initiate,

develop and conduct need-based programs so as to develop

Technical, Managerial and Entrepreneurial skills.

2. S.B.M. Polytechnic aims at upgrading and updating

qualification skills and knowledge of technicians already

working in the industry through Continuing Education

Programs and Part Time Diploma Programs.

3. S.B.M. Polytechnic`s mission is to establish and provide a

comprehensive, full equipped training facility in advance

technological fields and to cater to industry needs of

specialized skills in the emerging high-tech areas

For achieving these, SBMP strives to

a) Develop better approach, skills and attitude to work

b) Bridge Theory-Practice gap and stress on Application and

Utility of Programs.

c) Ensure participating and association of Faculty through

Staff Development Activities.

d) Promote Institute Industry Interaction for mutual help.

We aspire to be recognized as a premier Institute of National standing providing skill oriented technical education, through dynamic and need based curriculum, producing highly employable and socially sensitive students with entrepreneurial skills capable of occupying leadership positions in industry.

To provide state-of-the-art infrastructure and latest equipment for providing a stimulating learning environment.

To prepare students to meet the dynamic needs of the industry by periodic reviewing and upgradation curriculum through an interactive process with industry.

To inculcate a spirit of excellence in terms of academic performance, research and innovation in faculty by providing appropriate support and incentive systems.

To promote and support Co-Curricular, extra-curricular activities and industry interaction to make students socially sensitive and employable.



Page 4: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining

MMeecchhaanniiccaall eennggiinneeeerriinngg iiss tthhee

ddiisscciipplliinnee tthhaatt aapppplliieess tthhee pprriinncciipplleess

ooff eennggiinneeeerriinngg,, pphhyyssiiccss,, aanndd mmaatteerriiaallss

sscciieennccee ffoorr tthhee ddeessiiggnn,,

aannaallyyssiiss,, mmaannuuffaaccttuurriinngg,, aanndd

mmaaiinntteennaannccee ooff mmeecchhaanniiccaall ssyysstteemmss..

IIttss ddeessiiggnn,, pprroodduuccttiioonn,, aanndd ooppeerraattiioonn

ooff mmaacchhiinneerryy

Plastics engineering encompasses the processing, design, development, and

manufacture of plastics products. A plastic is a polymeric material

CCiivviill eennggiinneeeerriinngg iiss aa pprrooffeessssiioonnaall

eennggiinneeeerriinngg ddiisscciipplliinnee tthhaatt ddeeaallss wwiitthh

tthhee ddeessiiggnn,, ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn,, aanndd

mmaaiinntteennaannccee ooff tthhee pphhyyssiiccaall aanndd

nnaattuurraallllyy bbuuiilltt eennvviirroonnmmeenntt,, iinncclluuddiinngg

wwoorrkkss lliikkee rrooaaddss,, bbrriiddggeess,, ccaannaallss,,

ddaammss,, aanndd bbuuiillddiinnggss

EElleeccttrriiccaall eennggiinneeeerriinngg iiss aa ffiieelldd

ooff eennggiinneeeerriinngg tthhaatt ggeenneerraallllyy

ddeeaallss wwiitthh tthhee ssttuuddyy aanndd


ooff eelleeccttrriicciittyy,, eelleeccttrroonniiccss,,

aanndd eelleeccttrroommaaggnneettiissmm..

EElleeccttrroonniicc eennggiinneeeerriinngg,, iiss

aann ddiisscciipplliinnee wwhhiicchh uuttiilliizzeess nnoonn--lliinneeaarr

aanndd aaccttiivvee eelleeccttrriiccaall ccoommppoonneennttss

ssuucchh aass sseemmiiccoonndduuccttoorr ddeevviicceess,,

eessppeecciiaallllyy ttrraannssiissttoorrss,, ddiiooddeess aanndd iinnttee

ggrraatteedd cciirrccuuiittss)) ttoo ddeessiiggnn eelleeccttrroonniicc

cciirrccuuiittss,, ddeevviicceess,, mmiiccrroopprroocceessssoorrss,,

mmiiccrrooccoonnttrroolllleerrss aanndd ootthheerr ssyysstteemmss..

CChheemmiiccaall eennggiinneeeerriinngg iiss pphhyyssiiccaall

sscciieenncceess,, lliiffee sscciieenncceess ttooggeetthheerr

wwiitthh aapppplliieedd

mmaatthheemmaattiiccss aanndd eeccoonnoommiiccss ttoo

pprroodduuccee,, ttrraannssffoorrmm,, ttrraannssppoorrtt,,

aanndd pprrooppeerrllyy uussee cchheemmiiccaallss,,

mmaatteerriiaallss aanndd eenneerrggyy..

CCoommppuutteerr sscciieennccee iiss tthhee ssttuuddyy ooff

tthhee tthheeoorryy,, eexxppeerriimmeennttaattiioonn,, aanndd

eennggiinneeeerriinngg tthhaatt ffoorrmm tthhee bbaassiiss

ffoorr tthhee ddeessiiggnn aanndd uussee

ooff ccoommppuutteerrss..

IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn tteecchhnnoollooggyy ((IITT)) iiss tthhee

aapppplliiccaattiioonn ooff ccoommppuutteerrss ttoo ssttoorree,,

ssttuuddyy,, rreettrriieevvee,, ttrraannssmmiitt,, aanndd

mmaanniippuullaattee ddaattaa,, oorr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn,,

oofftteenn iinn tthhee ccoonntteexxtt ooff aa bbuussiinneessss

oorr ootthheerr eenntteerrpprriissee


Page 5: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining

Know your faculty - Mrs. Neha.N.Israney

Staff Club



Committee (Member)

Sports committee (Member) Cultural

Committee (Member)

1981 Joined Mithibai


Joined SBMP


Joined K.C









Page 6: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining


Yashvi Shah Siddhi Shukla and Hrusti Talati:

A technical paper is published in IJRET journal on

“Configuring Hadoop on Windows Platform and

running a Mapreduce application to process text

data on a single Node” Riya Shahand Akash


A technical poster is presented on 2rd National Level

project exhibition cum poster Presentation 2016

at Universal College of Engg., Vasai.on

29/09/2016 on Cloud Computing

Chintan Popat:

Won consolation prize in code implementation at Shah

and Kutchhi polytechnic, Chembur, on 15/09/2016.

Vruddhi Mehta, Yash Shah, Manan Doshi , Jimil Sanjay

Shah Aayush Kamdar, Heet Savla, Het Raval, Raj Joshi:

Participated in 3rd National Level Technical Paper

Presentation on 29/09/2016 at Universal College of Engg.,


Harshil Shah, Priyansh Shah, coauthored Mrs. Swapna


A technical paper is published in IJCA journal on “DDOS

Protection by Dividing and Limiting” by VIth Sem students

of Computer Engg.

Rutvij Joshi, Dharmik Patel, coauthored and guided by

Mrs. Swapna Naik:

A technical paper is published in IJSR journal on

“Implementation of Peer-to-Peer Architecture in


Het Shah Sneh Gajiwala and Dishank Kaji:

Developed and implemented an Online Examination

Software for S.B.M.Polytechnic for Nov-Dec examination

2016 for the subjects -Applied Physics and Applied

Chemistry for First Year Students.


1. Shivam J. Maurya, Darshan Makwana, Pooja Shah and

Hiral Mehta participated in MSBTE 11 state level

technical paper presentation competition for polytechnic

students organized by ENERGY MANAGEMENT CELL

& ISTE chapter at VPM Polytechnic, Thane on 20th

August, 2016.

2. Shivam J. Maurya, Darshan Makwana participated in

MSBTE 11 state level technical paper presentation

competition and won 1st Prize

Harshal Vinod Mistry

Developed working model/prototype of “SELF


Refurbished Tungsten Carbide Tip Saw Blade Jeffer

ASG800 Grinding machine (Taiwan make) at Total

Tools, Bangalore Plant amounting approximately

15 lacs.

Developed 3-axis CNC machine.


Dhara Patwa and Priya Sharma:

Won “ELAN-16” technical paper presentation

competition held on 3 September 2016 at Thadomal

Shana college of engineering.

Won consolation in “EPISTEMICO” state level

poster exhibition on 31 August 2016 conducted by

Shri Bhagubhai Maftlal Polytechnic

Participated in “TECHITHON” technical paper

presentation competition held at Atharva college of

engineering on 27 September 2016

Page 7: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining

Participated in “3rd National Level Technical Paper

Presentation competition” national level technical

paper presentation competition held by universal

college of engineering on 29 September 2016

Vishal Panchal,Niharika Somani, Karan Dave,Romit

Patwa,Ria Shah and Maitri Shah:

Participated in “EPISTEMICO” state level poster

exhibition on 31 August 2016 2016 conducted by Shri

Bhagubhai Maftlal Polytechnic

Yash Rathod and Romit Patwa:

The Inter College Project Competition “Techithon” was

held on 27th September 2016 Yash Rathod and Romit


Hinal Panchal and Meet Parpani :

Participated in “TECHITHON” technical paper

presentation competition held at Atharva College of

engineering on 27 September 2016

Hinal Panchal, Raj Rupapara, Vishal Panchal , Niharika

Somani and Meet Parpani :

Participated in “3rd National Level Technical Paper

Presentation competition” national level technical paper

presentation competition held by universal college of

engineering on 29 September 2016

Kanji Arethiya:

Cresendo 2016 in which he won the 2ND Prize in

Robowars Competition which was organized by IEEE at

Fr. Agnel College.

Technovanza 2016, a festival of VJTI College of

Engineering held on 23,24,25 December. He was a

runner up at Robosumo Competition

Zephyr 2016, a festival of Thakur College of Engineering

held in October 2016. He won the 1stPrize in Project



Nikhil Shirdhankar:

Participated in “EPISTEMICO” state level poster

exhibition on 31 August 2016 2016 conducted by Shri

Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic


Miss Khot Vishakha and Miss Khatri Mittal students of

Chemical Engineering Department participated in


2016” HELD ON 31ST August, 2016. Organized by


Page 8: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining



Bhavin Jayesh Shah

Successfully held the responsibility of Team leader for

Kandivali Railway station Beautification project “Humara

Station Humari Shaan” which was organized by MAD

foundation and Mumbai First in October 2016.

Team of Volley-ball (boys) won Zonal tournament of

Volley-ball for zone A for the year 2015-16 organized by

Inter Engineering Diploma Students’ Sports Association at

Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Polytechnic.

Guaresh S. Kalambe from Electrical Engineering

Department had participated in the same.


Karan Jitendra Luharpanchal

Performed Beatboxing through RAW Paprboats in

TARANGAN, a cultural fest at Thakur Polytechnic in


Dhaval Rajesh Bhadreshwara

Performed Rapping through RAW Paprboats in

TARANGAN, a cultural fest at Thakur Polytechnic in


Rapping paid performance at SPILL Club, Raghuleela

mall, Kandivali in 2016.

Performed Orchestra in SHABDAKOSH event held at

Prabodhan Thackare, Borivali in 2016.

Jugal Manek:

The competition of guessing logos of various companies

(Indian and International) was held at THAKUR

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING won by score of 8:1.


Rushabh Dish:

Participated in the Annual Sports Meet 2015-2016 where

he won the 1ST Prize in the category Carom


Vishal Panchal :

participated in the Annual Sports Meet 2015-2016 where

he won the 2ND Prize in the 4*100 M Relay Race.


Nikhil Shirdhankar:

Represented Mumbai suburban district and won gold

medal in

individual kumte (fight) in 75kg weight category

Page 9: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining


Prof Umesh Kantute

Shri Umesh Kantute, Principal, Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal

Polytechnic, Mumbai has been awarded CMI Level 5

certificate in Management and Leadership certificate by

Chartered Management Institute. CMI

Level 5 certificate in Management and

Leadership is useful to become an

effective middle manager. Level 5

certificate in management and

leadership is a bench mark qualification for CMI


Prof Balaji .M. Pande

Mr. Pande Balaji Manoharrao, currently

working as Lecturer in English has


conducted by Savitribai Phule Pune

University on 29th May 2016


Shri V.B.Vanvari, Head, Civil Engineering invited as

Expert Member on Board to conduct interview for

selecting Executive Engineer – Civil by MAHATRANSCO

on 12th August, 2016.

Shri V.B.Vanvari, Attended one day seminar on “Indian

Contracts & Risks Time to Relook” (2nd December,

2016) – Mayfair Banquets, Worli

Mrs. Supriya Patil Attended one-day seminar on “Latest

Trends in Environmental Engineering & Water Resource

Technologies” (23rd December, 2016) – Mukesh Patel

School of Technology Management & Engineering


Dr. A.G. Patil

Dr. A.G. Patil presented a

research paper on

“Electromechanical Sitting and

Standing System for

Wheelchair” at National

Conference on Biomedical and Instrumentation

Engineering, NCBIE - 2016, Government

Engineering College, Gandhinagar, India, on 15th&

16th September, 2016.

Dr.A.G.Patil worked as a “Research Person” and

delivered Expert’s Lecture on “Current scenario of

Biomedical Engineering in India” CEMAST

Biomedical Conclave ,View Point of Academia,

Hospital and Industry on 20 Aug, 2016

Dr.A.G.Patil was invited as guest of honor and also

work as a session expert and member of national

advisory committee for national conference on

Biomedical and instrumentation engineering,

NCBIE 2016,Government Engineering Collage

,Gandhinagar, India, 15-16 Sep,2016

Dr.A.G.Patil elected as life member of Indian

science congress association, ISCA


Dr.A.G.Patil received design patent “ULTRA


July, 2016

Dr.A.G.Patil received “DhyeyapurtI Award” for

outstanding attainments from Dr.Anil kakodkar,Fr.

Chairman Atomic energy commission and director,

BARC on 21 Oct ,2016 arranged by NG



Mrs. Pooja Nikhade has participated in a short

term training program (30/5/16 to 10/6/16) of

Managerial Skills for Technical Teachers and

Administrators conducted by NITTTR, Bhopal.

Mrs. Pooja Nikhade has participated in a STTP

on MATLAB and SIMULINK- Recent Trends in

Engineering conducted by Department of

Information Technology from 13th June, 2016 to

24th June,2016.

Page 10: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining

Workshop on Proteus was

arranged for the faculty

members of Electronics

department on 18th

November, 2016.


A paper is published in ICACTA-2015 by Mrs.

Swapna Naik on “Conservation of Energy in

Wireless Sensor Node through Prevention of Denial

of Sleep Attack”.

A technical paper is published in IJSR journal

(Volume 5 Issue 10, October

2016) by Mrs. Swapna Naik

on “Implementatation of

Peer-to-Peer Architecture in


A technical paper is

published in IJRSI journal e-

(ISSN:2321-2705, Page No

75-78), Volume 3, Issue IX; Sept 2016 by Mr.

Manishkumar Solanki & Mr. t Dongaonkar on “A

Journey of Human Comfort: Web 1.0 to Web 4.0”

Training attended Mrs. Neeta Kadukar and Mrs.

Swapna Naik NASSCOM on “Foundation Skills in

IT” jointly organised by DTE-NASSCOM at Finolex

Academy of Management &Technology, Ratnagiri

on 2nd May to 7th May , 2016

Ms. Sharayu Kadam, Ms. Neha More & Ms.

Abhilasha More attended training on “Quality

Management System (TCS Participants)” at

NITTTR, Bhopal 07th to 18th Nov, 2016.

Mr. Sachin Talekar, Laboratory Assistant (Computer

Engg. Dept.) attended three days STTP training on

“Computer Maintenance & Troubleshooting’ from

10th to 12th August, 2016 at Thakur Polytechnic,

Kandivali (E), Mumbai.


Mrs.Sneha Suvarna

completed completed

short term training program of the topic Managerial

Skill for Technical Teacher and Administrators

dated 30/05/2016 to 10/06/2016 (Two weeks). At

NITTTR, Bhopal

Page 11: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining

BY: Dhara Patwa,8th sem D.E.

INTRODUCTION LI FI is a communication technology developed by prof. Harald Haas, who is chair of mobile communication at the University Of Edinburg and co-founder of pure LI FI. The idea of LI FI was introduced the idea of “Wireless data from every light” at TED Global Talk.

What is LIFI ? LI FI (Light Fidelity) is a bidirectional, high speed and fully networked wireless communication technology similar to Wi-Fi. The term was coined by Harald Hass and is a from of Visible light communication and a subset of optical wireless communication (OWC )and could be a complement to RF communication (Wi-Fi for Cellular network), or even a replacement in contexts of data broadcasting. It is so far measured to be about 100 times faster than some Wi-Fi implementations, reaching speed of 224 GB per second.

FEATURES Plenty Bandwidth

High Data Speed

Very High Data rates

Low Cost

High Efficiency

There are no known safety or health concern for this technology


1. IR waves are harmful for our eyes hence

used at very low power.

2. UV rays are very harmful for our skin and

cannot be used for long duration.

3. Gamma rays are radioactive and are


4. X rays have similar health issues. All

waves have some disadvantages so we are

left only with visible light spectrum.

HOW DOES LIFI WORKS As we know, LI FI is a Visible Light Communication (VLC) system. This means that it accommodates a photo-detector to receive light signal and a signal processing element to convert the data into ‘stream-able’ content. Constant current of electricity supplied to an LED light bulb can be dipped and dimmed, up and down at extremely high speed, without being visible to the human eye. The tiny change in the rapid dimming of LED bulb is then converted by the ‘receiver ’ into electrical signal.


Page 12: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining


INTRODUCTION The principle of operation behind the Brain Gate System is that with intact brain function, brain signals are generated even though they are not sent to the arms, hands and legs. The signals are interpreted and translated into cursor movements, offering the user an alternate Brain Gate pathway to control a computer with thought, just as individuals who have the ability to move their hands use a mouse.

HOW BRAIN CONTROL NEUROPROSTHETIC DEVICE The brain is "hardwired" with connections, which are made by billions of neurons that make electricity whenever they are stimulated. Motor neurons carry signals from the central nervous system to the muscles, skin and glands of the body, while sensory neurons carry signals from those outer parts of the body to the central nervous system. How does this communication happen? Muscles in the body's limbs contain embedded sensors called muscle spindles that measure the length and speed of the muscles as they stretch and contract as you move. Other sensors in the skin respond to stretching and pressure. Even if paralysis or disease damages the part of the brain that processes movement, the brain still makes neural signals. They're just not being sent to the arms, hands and legs.



There will be two surgeries, one to implant the brain gate and

another to remove it. Before surgery, there will be several

precautionary measures in order to prevent infection; Patients

will have daily baths with antimicrobial soap and antibiotics.

In addition, MRI scans will be done to find the best

place in the brain for the sensor. Under sterile condition

and general anesthesia, doctor will drill a small hole

into the skull and implant the sensor. Patients will

receive post-surgical care including a CT scan, some

blood tests, and wound care in the hospital for 1-5 days

after surgery.

WORKING Brain gate neural interface device consist of a sensor, a cable and pedestal and a cart. It is proprietary brain- computer interface. The sensor is implanted in brain’s precentral gyrus. A tiny wire connects the chip to a small pedestal. A cable connects the pedestal to a computer. The sensor senses the electrical signals and passes to the pedestal which in turn passes to the computer. Computer translates the signal into the communication output.

APPLICATION 1. Patients with conditions causing severe

communication disorders: 2. Military uses: 3. Bioengineering applications 4. Multimedia and virtual reality applications

ADVANTAGES It is a boon to a disabled person.

Faster than what is possible with the hands of a non-disabled person.

Controlling remote devices.

Making and receiving telephone calls.

Turn on or off lights.

Control robotic arm.

BY : Raj Rupapara,Meet Parpani and Hinal Panchal 8 sem , DE

Page 13: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining

RECENT TRENDS: 5G: Promising speeds unimaginable by today’s standards —

7.5 Gbps according to Samsung’s latest tests — 5G is the real-time promise of the future. Enabling everything from interactive automobiles and super gaming to the industrial Internet of Things, 5G will take wireless to the future and beyond, preparing for the rapidly approaching day when everything, including the kitchen sink, might be connected to a network, both local and the Internet.

Advanced Machine Learning: Impacting

everything from game playing and online advertising to brain/machine interfaces and medical diagnosis, machine learning explores the construction of algorithms that can learn

from and make predictions on data. Rather than following strict program guidelines, machine learning systems build a model based on examples and then make predictions and decisions based on data. They “learn.”

Single-Design Model

Miller points out that traditionally, engineering documents were created then given to the contractor to re-draw with different information. Now, to save time and money, there’s a shift to have

it all in-house from engineering to coordination, creating a one-stop shop. Through the proper coordination, models can and should, says Miller, go through engineering right into construction. “Thirty month projects can get turned into 24-month projects,” he adds.

Molecular electronics

The ultimate goal of electrical circuits is miniaturization. Also known as single molecule electronics, this is a branch of nanotechnology that uses single molecules or collections

of single molecules as electronic building blocks.

Molecular electronics and the organic electronics described above have a lot in common, and these two fields overlap each other in some aspects. To clarify, organic electronics refers to bulk applications, while molecular-scale electronics refers to

nano-scale, single-molecule applications.

Wireless Power Transfer.

a great effort has been done by innovative scientists in this research area. A couple of years ago, MIT team succeeded to safely transfer power wirelessly for 2 meters. Now, the transfer range and the efficiency levels are showing a startling increase, and hopefully soon (WPT) would be adapted in most of our home applications such as charging Laptop &

smart phones. Moreover, scientists have achieved new technologies and techniques for transmitting power wirelessly from a stationary source to a mobile receiver. This means that electric vehicles could be recharged while they are drive by

Automation and Customization –

Beyond the Axis

Automation and robotics in factories have been around for years. Often used in highly industrial applications, manufacturing robots have become more agile and adaptable. The new automated factory will utilize collaborative robots equipped with vision systems that can be easily trained to perform various tasks. It is costly to reconfigure a manufacturing cell and corresponding processes with every production-line design change. These robots give manufacturers more flexibility. More sophisticated robots will also increase the ability to customize manufactured products, from jeans to medical devices. In the future, PAM or Purchase Activated Manufacturing will be a mainstay in American commerce and will rely almost solely on robotics and automated processes. As an example, BWM gives customers the flexibility to order the car of their dreams with options in exterior and interior colors, engines, and upgrades. Their website claims the South Carolina facility could run a nearly 24/7 operation for six months and not produce the same car twice.

Page 14: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining


Steam Cooking System for 10000 people using Scheffler Dishes at New SaiPrasadyala, Shirdi

Location: Shirdi, Maharashtra

Type of Installation: Scheffler Dishes Configuration: 1168m2 (16 m2 x 40 No’s)

Supplier: Gadhia Solar Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd.

Application: Cooking

Year of Installation: 2009

Beneficiary Details: New SaiPrasadalaya

established in 2009. The temple has one of the

largest kitchen in India and one of the largest

cooking system in the world. At present, in the new

SaiPrasadalaya, everyday 25 to 30 thousand Sai

devotees take meal as a prasad. During the time of

vacation and festivals of Lord Saibaba the number of

Sai devotees hikes up to 55000. They have installed

solar water heaters and solar lights in residential

areas for devotees. Shirdi is one of the Solar city in


System Details: The total system has an area of 1168

m2 comprising of 40 concentrators with 16 m2

capacities each. The system was commissioned

during 2009 by Gadhia Solar Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd.

Prior to the implementation of the CST system the

establishment was using LPG as a fuel for its end

use consumption. The system is integrated with its

existing process. The project is set up at a cost of Rs.

106.2 Lakh with grant availed from MNRE of the

order of Rs. 58.40 Lakh.

Timings & System Application Details: The system

operates for 3 hours for preparation of breakfast. The

daily quantum of food is around 200 kg of Rice.

The system is functioning well. Usage of the system

is approximately 4-5 hours / day and around 300

days in a year that also depends upon the

availability of sunlight.

O & M Issues & Beneficiary Perception: The beneficiary is satisfied with the operation of the system. Presently, the system is single axis and the beneficiary is planning for double axis.

Quantity of Fuel Saved: 13 cylinders/day Financials in Detail: The project is set up at a cost of Rs. 100.37 Lakh with grant availed from MNRE of the order of Rs. 58.40 Lakh. The plant has an IRR

without subsidy of 42.20 % and payback period of 7 Years and 8 Months. With subsidy the IRR is 58.19

% and payback period is 4 Years. Operating Temperature & Pressure: 170°C & 8




By: JayeshPatil, 2nd sem Electrical

Page 15: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining

Het Shah Sneh Gajiwala and Dishank Kaji:

Developed and implemented an Online Examination Software for S.B.M.Polytechnic for Nov-

Dec examination 2016 for the subjects -Applied Physics and Applied Chemistry for First Year


Page 16: ssue 1 vol. 1 SHRI BHAG UBHAI MAFATLAL POLYTECHNIC'… ·  · 2018-01-09S.B.M. Polytechnic has created a name for itself by maintaining

Dr.A.G.Patil worked as a “Research Person” and delivered Expert’s Lecture on “Current

scenario of Biomedical Engineering in India”

Dr.A.G.Patil received “DhyeyapurtI Award” for outstanding attainments from Dr.Anil

kakodkar,Fr. Chairman Atomic energy commission and director, BARC

Dr.A.G.Patil was invited as guest of honor and also work as a session expert and member of

national advisory committee for national conference

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Juhu Beach Clean Up Drive

The students of Mechanical Engineering Department of SBMP took a step towards “CLEAN INDIA GREEN INDIA” mission by arranging a “Clean up drive” at Juhu beach in the month of September 2016. The drive was conducted successfully under the efficient guidance of our faculty members Shri Ashok Chore (HOD - Mechanical Engineering Department), Shri Gajanan Badwe and Shri Girish Deshpande.

Alumni Meet for IT First batch 2002-2005 organized on 28/12/2016


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