sreedhareeyam ayurvedic organizational study


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Garden City College



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Garden City College


Today‟s world need, is a corporate world and it requires a lot of management

activities to achieve success. For this purpose in this competing corporate world of

multinationals and industries, industrial revolution has brought with it group

production and group consumption activities. An organisation‟s success heavily

depends on its organisational structure.

An organisation structure shows the authority and responsibility relationships

between the various positions in the organisation by showing who reports to whom.

Organisation involves establishing an appropriate structure for the goal seeking

activities. It is an established pattern of relationship among the components of the

organisation. Koontz stated organization implies a formalized intentional structure of

roles or positions.

The structure of an organisation is generally shown on an organisation chart. It

shows the authority and responsibility relationships between various positions in the

organisation while designing the organisation structure, due attention should be given

to the principles of sound organisation.


An organization study helps to familiarize with business organization and to

relate theory with practice. This enables the students to understand about key business

process and to gain knowledge about various departments.

1. To study the organization profile of the company

2. To study the different departments in the organization and their functioning

3. To acquire knowledge about functional as well as managerial aspects of the


4. To understand the organization structure and the working of various functional

department in Sreedhareeyam.

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Garden City College

5. To develop an undertaking on various management practices followed in different

areas of the organization.


The method used to conduct this project study is qualitative form of analysis.

Primary Data

Direct Interview with Department heads, managerial staffs, and workers of

various departments.

Direct Observation of the plant.

Secondary data

Annual reports

Department manuals and Journals

Web information


The time was limited for the study and analysis of the organization.

The method used mainly provides qualitative data.

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Garden City College


Ayurveda is a monumental contribution of India to the world. As the name

implies, Ayurveda (ayuh : life, veda : knowledge) is an organized body of knowledge

of healthy living. Systematized knowledge is science, and it is an expression of

human creativity. Since creativity has diverse expressions science is a multifaceted

enterprise, which refers to different ways of knowing. So the term science need not be

confined to the sense of the term used in modern western culture, where it is an

institutionalized practice conditioned by a set of conventional rules. This realization

about the vast conceptual framework of science is mandatory for the appraisal of

Ayurveda, which represents a well-codified human care system and speaks of the art

and science of health and healing.

From where and when the stream of Ayurveda started flowing still remains

unanswered. However, it has an uninterrupted history of more than 3000 years. The

historians and scholars have their own arguments and reasons in fixing up different

time frames. Anyway, one thing can be said for certain that there is no civilization in

the world, which has not developed some system of medicine or the other. It was the

periodic systematization of such medical knowledge and practice, which led to the

development of medical science. The same is the story of Ayurveda with its own

variations. It could be seen that Ayurveda is rooted in the knowledge revealed by

ancient seers whose insights and visions are compiled in the vedas. Vedas are the

earliest forms of documented knowledge. The six systems of Indian philosophy -

nyaya, vaiseshika, sankhya, yoga, mimamsa and vendanta acknowledged the

authority of vedas. Of the four vedas, Atharvaveda contain more intimate reference to

medical knowledge and practice. Ayurveda is therefore considered as an auxiliary

limb (upaveda) of Atharvaveda. Similarly, the influence of classical Indian

Philosophies, especially of sankhya and vaiseshika is apparent in ayurvedic literature.

These philosophical moorings make Ayurveda more than a medical manual though it

is radically health oriented.

Ayurveda does not go deep into philosophy after a certain stage and is more

concerned with function and dysfunction of the human body, the orderly up keep of

which is the prime requisite to fulfill the human aspirations and to achieve the

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ultimate goals of life. Ayurveda can thus be introduced as a system of medicine built

on philosophical foundation that does not go on changing over time. Ayurveda, as any

other biological discipline, is dynamic at operational level. Obviously the super

structure of Ayurveda is flexible and flexible enough for appropriate extrapolation.

This unique feature makes the art of healing down to earth practical in tune with the

changing trends and needs of the human life.

In short, Ayurveda has a unique self-designed axiomatic framework as its

foundation, which remarkably holds out a truly global vision. It assumes fundamental

continuity between all elements of universe and as a natural extension of this ideology

perceives man as an integral part of nature. Ayurveda underscores the fundamental

commonalties observed in man and nature and attempts to explain the human life in its

totality. It starts by saying that purusha, the individual being, is a blend of soul, mind,

sense organs and body. The structural and functional units of the human body are

categorized and represented in Ayurveda in terms of bio physico chemical energies of the

living body (doshas), tissues (dhatus) and metabolic end products


Health is defined as a state wherein the dynamic balance of doshas, dhatus

and malas is maintained, the metabolism is at optimum level and soul, mind and

sense organs assume sublime position. This definition fully agrees with the integral

vision of health envisaged by WHO; the former has an additional dimension of sound


The structural and functional units of human body are composed of five basic

elements known as panchabhutas. Panchabhutas literally mean the five elements,

which include the earth, the water, the fire, the wind and the space. Each one of them

wields an influence on certain part of the human constitution. For example, every

opening in the body, the ears and the voids and internal sounds of the body are all

belonging to the element of space. The element of fire influences the human form and

its glow, the eyes, the bodily heat, the digestive activity and also the feelings of anger

and valour. Recognition of this identical elemental basis of human body and outside

world has profound implications in the practice of medicine.

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Diseases are the manifestations of perturbations in the equilibrium of body

constituents including doshas. Perturbation involves the increase or decrease of body

constituent as the case may be. The According to Ayurveda, medicine is that which

being well administered becomes an equalizer of increased or diminished elements,

that brings down the excessive one and augments the deficient one thus restoring the

pre-morbid condition of the body. This concept leads to the realization that there is

nothing in the world, which cannot be used as medicament.

Ayurveda considers him as the best physician who knows the science of

administration of drugs with due reference to clime, and who applies it only after

examining each and every patient individually. To acquire this proficiency and

competency, a comprehensive knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, disease

process, medical and surgical treatment, psychiatry, preventive medicine, medical

ethics, materia medica and pharmacology is indispensable. The content of Ayurveda

embraces all the spheres separately, but emphasizing on a holistic vision.


The Indian government and non-government organizations have been collecting

statistics on the Ayurvedic system in India and these data about the manpower and

institutional aspects of Ayurveda have emerged: (as per Sreedhareeyam Annual

Report August 2012)

Number of registered medical practitioners: 366,812

Number of dispensaries: 22,100

Number of hospitals: 2,189

Number of hospital beds: 33,145

Number of teaching institutions (undergraduate): 187

Number of upgraded postgraduate departments: 51

Number of pharmacies manufacturing Ayurvedic medicines: 8,400

In India, 60% of registered physicians are involved in non-allopathic systems of

medicine. In addition to the nearly 400,000 Ayurvedic practitioners, there are over

170,000 homeopathic physicians; India has about 500,000 medical doctors (similar to

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the number in the U.S., but serving nearly 4 times as many people). Reliance on

Ayurvedic medicine is heavy in certain regions of India, such as Kerala in the

Southwest. Many Ayurvedic practitioners in small villages are not registered. A brief

description of Ayurvedic product based companies is provided, arranged here from

oldest to newest:

1. Dabur India Ltd. is India's largest Ayurvedic medicine supplier and the fourth

largest producer of FMCG. It was established in 1884, and had grown to a

business level in 2003 of about 650 million dollars per year, though only a

fraction of that is involved with Ayurvedic medicine.

2. Sri Baidyanath Ayurvedic Bhawan Ltd. (Baidyanath for short) was founded in

1917 in Calcutta, and specializes in Ayurvedic medicines, though it has

recently expanded into the FMCG sector with cosmetic and hair care products;

one of its international products is Shikakai (soap pod) Shampoo.

3. Zandu Pharmaceutical Works was incorporated in Bombay in 1919, named th

after an 18 -century Ayurvedic.

4. The establishment of Arya Vaidya Sala in 1902 by Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier

was a logical development in the Kerala tradition of Ayurveda. He blended

modern pharmaceutical procedures and classical Ayurvedic traditions. He

introduced formal teaching systems in line with modern University education.

He wrote teaching aids. And it was at Arya Vaidya Sala that a Hospital for

imparting classical therapies in an organised manner was first set up in 1924

as a Charitable Hospital and then in 1954 as a major Hospital facility.

5. Cochin Ayurvedic is a world renowned producer, supplier & exporter of

ayurveda based medicines and related medicinal and herbal preparations. We

specialize in adapting the traditional science of ayurveda to formulating and

developing medicines to combat the medical challenges of the modern world.

Cochin Ayurvedic centre- a premier holistic centre for traditional Ayurvedic

medicines from south India and specialized treatments like panchkarma

Ayurveda, the science of happy and healthy living, helps you rediscover your

own unique state of positive health, helping you meet life's challenges with

renewed vitality. Cochin Ayurveda provides you the ultimate personalized

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health rejuvenation experience. Our unique programme of Ayurvedic

treatments and lifestyle enhancement sessions guide you to experience true

health of mind, body and spirit.

6. Pankajakasthuri Herbals India (P) Ltd. is a foot to forge ahead with the sole

intention of ensuring harmony of body, mind and soul. The company has an

inspiring and ambitious vision for future growth. The vision 2020 targets the

systematic popularization of Ayurveda so that by 2020 every human being

shall use Ayurveda at least for meeting a part of his or her general health care

needs and healthy build up.

7. Nagarjuna Ayurvedic Group was established with the mission of restoring

Ayurveda as a mainstream health management system. In fulfilling this

mission, Nagarjuna is at the forefront of Ayurvedic resurgence by providing

pioneering leadership in the manufacture of quality ayurvedic medicines,

establishing health care centres and specialty clinics and formulating

meaningful directions in research in Ayurveda. In pursuing this path,

Nagarjuna has carved a niche for itself in the realm of Ayurvedic healthcare

by providing 500 and odd formulations, which were developed and drawn

from the scriptures of Ayurvedic exponent.

8. Dhathri group offers a large bouquet of branded products and services aimed

at health and well being of the individual. Today, as an Industry leader, its

products and services are enjoyed by millions across the world. The products

are prepared under stringent quality control. Authentic ingredients sourced

from traditional herbal gardens and untouched mountainsides are only used..

Dhathri's products are GMP certified and renowned for their quality and


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The ideal geographic location of Kerala and its salubrious climate has made

external purification and rejuvenation therapies most effective for treatment of many

psychosomatic disorders.The high humidity in Kerala helps to open up the body pores

and the medicinal oils used in massaging get easily absorbed into the body there by

increasing the effectiveness of the treatment. Sirodhara, Pizhichil, Navarakizhi,

Thalapothichil, Pachakizhi and Podikizhi are some of the kerala special ayurvedic


The fundamentals of Ayurveda being practised and taught in Kerala are not

different from those of the rest of the country, in their essence and philosophy. But in

the present days, there indeed is a notable difference in certain aspects of Kerala

tradition of Ayurveda. This difference pertains to the importance given to Vagbhata‟s

Ashtangahridayam in preference to other classical texts by Kerala traditional

physicians, the uninterrupted history of practising the classical panchakarma therapies

in all their authentic fidelity, the innovative development of the reputed Kerala

preparatory therapies and finally the wide variety of exclusive herbal based

formulations overshadowing the use of metal and mineral based drugs.

The development of Ayurveda in Kerala is particularly noted for its origins in

non-brahminical traditions even before the entry of classical Ayurveda in the early

centuries of the Christian era. These two streams subsequently blended so well that it

gave a unique strength to the health care tradition of Kerala. Selected few brahmin

households, named generally as Ashtavaidyas, were bestowed with the responsibility

of maintaining the Ayurvedic tradition by practising it as a health care service as well

as by teaching its principles in the unique gurukula tradition. The traditional

practitioners of Ayurveda considered Ashtangahridaya as a primary text. Several

commentaries were written by experts here. More importantly, new texts were written

in Kerala both in Malayalam and Sanskrit. Sahasrayogam, Chikilsamanjari,

Vaidyamanorama are just a few examples. These and similar other Kerala texts still

remain sources of very useful information on formulation, medicinal plants and


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Another very important contribution by Kerala physicians is the continued

practice and enrichment of the panchakarma therapy. Even when they became defunct

in the rest of the country due to socio-political reasons, Kerala retained this

therapeutic wealth in all its pristine essence. Texts were written here on its practical

aspects. More importantly, the famous Kerala special therapies were evolved by the

practitioners here. They are essentially preparatory in nature. Dhara, mukkippizhichil,

navarakkizhi, etc are typical examples. As the practice of Ayurveda expanded in

popular acceptance in the recent past, these treatment modalities have also become

more prevalent.

There are several unique herbal formulations described in Kerala texts. Many

of them have now received national level acclaim and they are included in the

Ayurvedic Formulary of India. One important aspect of Kerala formulations is that

the stress is more on herbal components rather than on metals or minerals. There is

also the history of Ayurvedic physicians developing some areas of specialisations like

paediatrics, ophthalmology, martial therapy, etc.


Entrepreneurs have determined, rightly, that the demand for traditional style

Ayurvedic medicines both inside and outside the region is limited, despite growth

trends as high as 20% annually encountered in the late 1990s. They have aimed to

bolster interest by carrying out scientific research into promising herbs and formulas

that are based on Ayurveda but not necessarily reflecting traditional practices. Of

necessity, such research eventually focuses on finding of active ingredients, and this

has led to the development of isolates from plants that are sold as "nutriceuticals".

The main suppliers of nutriceuticals are Japan, China, and the U.S., but India stands to

become a significant contributor.

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It was in 1925 that the famous brothers, Nellikattu Vaidyans Trivikraman

Namboothiri and Parameshwaran Namboothir jointly formed Sreedhari Vaidyashala,

as a mark of respect to their Guru Madom Sreedharan Namboothiri. Devoted, skilled

and equipped with vast resources of knowledge and wisdom acquired from their

ancestors, the vaidyashala that cured thousands of patients with eye ailments was a

boon to society. With scarcity of Ayurvedic supplies and herbs and due to the lack of

proper infrastructure for treatments, the brothers Nelikkattu Narayanan Namboothiri

and Dr. N.P.P Namboothiri set up their own hospital in Nellikkattu ManawIth all

facilities for treatments and production of Ayurvedic medicines in the year 1999. This

crucial phase is mentioned as the rebirth of "Sreedhareeyam".

Beginning with bare facilities of treating and admitting just 10 patients

Sreedhareeyam today has expanded into a 350-bed hospital with a scientifically

equipped production unit with all modern facilities as per WHO standards and GMP

certification. These achievements without a trace of doubt are due to the sheer noble,

dedicated and altruistic service of Sreedhareeyam. Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye

Hospital and Research Centre was started nearly 10 years back with 8 beds under the

supervision of the present Chief Physician Dr. N.P.P. Namboothiri in the traditional

“Nalukettu” of the family. It has now grown into a 300 bedded hospital with 25

doctors and 75 paramedical staff.

The organization now offers treatment to patients suffering from eye and ear

ailments. Treatments and medicines offered for Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinitis

Pigmentosa, Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma and a plethora of other diseases,

attracts patients from not only different parts of India but also from the world. In

many cases patients approach the hospital for succor after they have lost all hopes

even after undergoing the most modern ophthalmologic treatments under modern

system of medicine.

Sreedhareeyam has been awarded the Centre of Excellence by Government of

India. The award recognizes demonstrated excellence and outstanding achievement in

a particular field, Sreedhareeyam being the epitomic centre for Ayurvedic eye care.

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Many a time, the benefits of Ayurveda cannot be exposed at the international level

due to the lack of documentation about Research clinical trial even though it is

possible. It is a pity that there is no integration of various systems of medicine for

effective cure though technology has made significant strides in diagnostic tools and

methods. To meet the growing demand of Medicines and to cater to the needs of

patients coming from all around the globe and their treatments, a Modern

Manufacturing Unit was setup in 2008 with State - of - the - art Technology.

Classical Ayurvedic Formulations like Medicated Oils & Ghee, Leha and

Aqueous Herbal Extracts (Kashayam) and Proprietary Products like Sterile Herbal

Eye Drops, Hard Gelatin Capsules, Tabletsetc are manufactured incorporating

Modern Technology, without sacrificing the traditions of Ayurveda.

To achieve consistency in Quality of Medicines, the Unit has a Quality

Control Laboratory having faculties to carry out Botanical, Chemical, Analytical and

Microbiological parameters. All Herbs, Raw Materials, Intermediates and Finished

Products undergo stringent and detailed testing to ensure that they conform to

Pharmacopoeia Standards. The Laboratory is equipped with High Performance Thin

Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) and Scanner which can detect active ingredients in

Medicinal Herbs and Formulations. To detect the presence of toxic heavy metals like

Lead, Cadmium, Mercury and Arsenic, the Laboratory has an Atomic Absorption

Spectrophotometer (AAS) which can detect these even in ppm (Parts per Million) and

ppb (Parts per Billion) levels. To ensure the Sterility of Herbal Eye Drops, the

microbiology laboratory routinely carries out Sterility tests of all Sterile Herbal Eye

Drops and monitor the presence of microorganisms in the manufacturing areas. The

Laboratory also carries out Physico Chemical Tests and Pharmacognosy tests of

Medicinal Herbs.

Sreedhareeyam, in the coming years will emerge as the authentic seat of

learning and research in Ayurvedic ophthalmology on an international level. The

Centre will pave way for the synthesis of technology and instruments used by modern

medicine with Ayurveda and will provide the basis for measuring the quantum of

relief offered by Ayurvedic treatments

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The Center of Excellence is rooted on strong principles including the

commitment towards making our medicines and treatment more efficient,

standardized so that the “Ayurvedic system of treatment for eyes” is promoted as an

acceptable alternative to eye disorders across the globe.

The other objectives of the Centre of Excellence are

To promote good health by carrying out research on scientific lines in Ayurveda NetraChikitsa

Expand the reach of Ayurveda NetraChikitsa

The Institute strives to complete drug standardization for the classical formulations used in Ayurveda NetraChikitsa

Exchange information with other similar institutions in India and abroad to create the awareness about the strength of these systems

Promote and assist other institutions of research

To facilitate availability of standard raw drugs required for manufacture of medicines

To ensure drugs which are safe and effective in the field of Ayurveda NetraChikitsa

The Institute strives to get recognition for our medicines and treatments from foreign developed countries

To improve the quality of teachers and clinicians and initiate develop and coordinate scientific research in fundamental aspects in the field of Ayurveda


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4.1 Slimming Capsules Smartlean

Lose your weight without side effects with slimming and fitness capsules

Smartlean. This herbal and totally safe product is from Sreedhareeyam ayurvedic

pharmacy. Weight loss must occur in healthy manner. Any weight loss programme

must include the intake of nutrients and dietary requirements to combat obesity

related issues like diabetes, cholesterol, insomnia, fatigue and constipation.

Sreedhareeyam Smartlean has been formulated to fulfill these requirements. Slimming

Capsules Smartlean regulates body weight by dissolving the excess fat in your

bloodstream. Excessive oxidation multiplies the presence of free radicals in the body,

leading to weight gain. Antioxidants can regulate the presence of free radicants.

Obesity can also lead to fatal liver cirrhosis. Hepatopathic can bring the liver to

normalcy. Smartlean has ingredients to regulate intestinal gases, aid digestion and

promote healthy bowel , thus preventing a development of an unseemely paunch or

protruding tummy and strengthens abdominal muscles. Sreedhareeyam Smartlean's

capsules have been manufactured incorporating 12 natural ayurvedic substances and

herbs proven to be effective against obesityresearch.

Fig 4.1Slimming Capsules Smartlean

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4.2 Sumangala Hair Oil

Sumangala Hair Oil is a natural Ayurvedic medicine from Sreedhareeyam

Pharmacy. It helps to keep the natural color and prevents graying of hair. It also

energizes and rejuvenates brain cells. Its conducive in hair growth and prevents from

dandruff. Each 100 ml of Sreedhareeyam Special SumangalaThailam is prepared from

Roasted Coconut Oil and Milk (each 45%) containing mixture of extracts of

Madayantika, Bhrigaraja, Amalaki, Gudoochi and Surasa(each 2%).

Fig 4.2Sumangala Hair Oil

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4.3 Sunetra Eye Drops

Over 15 years of research went into creation of Sunetra. Today each stage of

the manufacturing stages is strictly controlled in order to create Sunetra in the most

hygienic and sterile conditions. Different age groups have a different lifestyle

following different set of practices. Sunetra eye drops comes in 3 different variants in

order to suit all different age groups.

Salient Features of Sunetra Junior Eye Drops include ayurvedic eye care

drops, strengthen the optic nerve muscles and free them from strain. From infants to

old, everyone can use Sunetra. It comes in three different variants, each addressing the

need of a particular group. Below: Sunetra Junior (up to 17 years), specially

formulated for young, sensitive eyes.

Fig 4.3.2Sunetra Eye Drops

4.3.2 Sunetra Regular

Sunetra Regular Eye Drops Regular (17-60 years) is a comprehensive eye protector

and its regular use will safeguard the eyes. Sunetra Regular Eye Drops is available at

industry leading price.

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4.3.3 Sunetra Senior

Sunetra Senior Eye Drops (above 60 years) will help to counter ageing process

and maximise the functioning of the eyes. The Sunetra Senior Eye Drops is available

at industry leading price.

4.4 Other Products

Other products of Sreedhareeyam ayurvedic products pvt. Ltd can categorized into

2 groups namely

Ethical products

Classical products

Ethical products include:

1. Dhanadarasnadi Capsule

2. Galanil Tablets

3. Lungs tone

4. Medhyarasayanam

5. Mehasree

6. Hriswa

7. Stressex

8. Eye Plus

9. Catropa

10. Nethrareksha capsule

11. Opthal

12. Paino Balm

13. Sameerapachakam Capsule

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An organizational structure consists of activities such as task allocation,

coordination and supervision, which are directed towards the achievement of

organizational aims. It can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective

through which individuals see their organization and its environment. Organizations

are a variant of clustered entities.

An organization can be structured in many different ways, depending on their

objectives. The structure of an organization will determine the modes in which it

operates and performs.

Organizational structure allows the expressed allocation of responsibilities for

different functions and processes to different entities such as the branch, department,

workgroup and individual.

Organizational structure affects organizational action in two big ways.

• It provides the foundation on which standard operating procedures and

routines rest.

• It determines which individuals get to participate in which decision-making

processes, and thus to what extent their views shape the organization‟s actions.

Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Products Pvt. Ltd has adopted a functional structure

based primarily on the task to be performed. Employees within the functional

divisions of the organization tend to perform a specialized set of tasks, for instance

the finance department would be staffed only with BCOM or MCOM graduates. This

leads to operational efficiencies within that group. However it could also lead to a

lack of communication between the functional groups within an organization, making

the organization slow and inflexible. As a whole, a functional organization is best

suited as a producer of standardized goods and services at large volume and low cost.

Coordination and specialization of tasks are centralized in a functional structure,

which makes producing a limited amount of products or services efficient and

predictable. Moreover, efficiencies can further be realized as functional organizations

integrate their activities vertically so that products are sold and distributed quickly and

at low cost.

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Managing Director


General Manager

Purchase HR Manager R&D manager Officer Finance managerStore department Marketingmanager manager manager

Asst. mgr. Asst. mgr Asst. Mgr. Assistant Lab Staff Sr. Superior Asst. Mgr.manager

Sr. Superior Sr. Superior Junior Mgr. Office Assistant Lab Asst. Assistant Office Assistant

Assistant Assistant Office Asst. Attender

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Departmentalization refers to the process of grouping activities into

departments. Division creates specialists who need coordination. This coordination is

facilitated by grouping specialists together in departments.

At Sreedhareeyam, grouping activities by functions performed. Activities can

be grouped according to function (work being done) to pursue economies of scale by

placing employees with shared skills and knowledge into departments. Functional

departmentalization can be used in all types of organizations.

Advantages of departmentation includes:

• Logical reflection of functions.

• Maintains power and prestige of major functions.

• Simplifies training.

• Furnishes means of tight control at top.

• Follows principles of occupational specialization.

Various departments of Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic medicines Pvt. Ltd include:










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Fig 5.2.1 Organization structure of store department

Store department keeps the raw materials finished goods, consumables and petty

purchases at the store safety. Store department is under the control of manager (store).

Procedures followed by store department are given below:-

1. Receipts

a. All items upon receipt are checked agai nst bill and purchased orders.

b. The stock registers are updated systematically.

c. In case of rejection, items are promptly returned to the customers.

2. Issue of items

a. All items are stored in racks and properly tag. Items are issued on FIFO


b. Items are issue against demand and issue voucher. It is ensured that demand

and issue voucher is complete in all respect before issue.

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c. The stock register is updated for the issue.

3. Purchase requisition.

Items are classified into two:-

a) Daily used items

b) Other items

1) Re order level is fixed for daily used items and purchase order is placed


2) For other items purchase requisition form is generated.

3) A house keeping schedule is prepared for periodic cleaning of stores and

preservation of items.

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5.2.2 Purchase Department

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The main objective of purchase department is to purchase the raw materials

except medicines, canteen consumables and petty purchases at a reasonable cost.

Purchase department is under the control of MANAGER(purchase).

Procedure for purchase:-

1. First of all the purchase requisition is need from different department.

2. After analyzing the requisition, it is sent for approval.

3. After the approval vendors are selected.

4. Vendors are collected on the basis following criteria like

a) Market reputation b) Credential submitted by the vendors c) Authorized

dealers of OCM.

5. Purchase orders are placed through quotation.

The planning and coordination department make the production plan and

schedule based on the requirements of the marketing department. And it will forward

to the purchase department. Purchase department purchased all materials except

medicines, canteen consumable and petty purchases. Assistant manager of purchase

and two other staff are concerned with the purchasing process. Procurement is always

on the basis of the requirement or needs. Tenders or quotations are invited from

suitable vendors for materials of regular use. „Just in time‟ is the buying technique

practiced for purchasing raw-material for immediate and periodic requirements. They

check and approve vendor‟s invoice for payment.

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Organizational structure of Marketing Department:

Fig 5.2.3 Organization structure of marketing department

This department conduct the medical camp for marketing their services. These camps

are organized with following objectives. Responsibility of marketing is under the

control of general manager. Procedure followed for conducting the camp.

1. Plan is prepared for conducting the camp

2. Making necessary arrangement for camp.

3. Publicity o the camp is given through local newspaper and other media.

4. Customers follow up: - included customers feedback. On the basis of feedback

taking necessary measure if any improvement required.

The medicines required for the market is transferred to the four area business

offices and supplies are made to the agencies or other outlets from these depots.

Commercial officers are in charge of inventory management, debt management,

finance management and other administrative aspect in these are business offices and

the logistic staffs who helps them to make packing deliveries.

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Personnel management or human resource management is the planning,

organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation,

integration, maintenance and reproduction of human resources to the end that

individuals organizational and social objective are accomplished. Employees are the

greatest assets of an organization and to success of failure depend on the quality and

performance of the employees.

Sreedhareeyam‟s HR objective is to recruit, provide training to the most

efficient candidates and manage statutory compliance. This department is under the

control of HR manager.

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The procedure followed for recruiting the candidates:-

1. Receiving the requisition form from various departments,

2. On the basis of the requisition the H R department invites application through

any of the following method:-

a) Local community

b) Reference given by the employees

c) Newspaper advertisements

d) Web portal

1. Short listing the candidate

2. Selection

3. Providing training to that they can their respective job perfectly. Training

Training involves helping an individual to learn how to perform his job

perfectly. The probation period of workers Sreedhareeyam is up to six months.

Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a

particular job. In Sreedhareeyam, fresh hands will be selected as trainee for a period

of one year. Also for existing employees, refresher training by way of lectures,

education, class, external training are being conducted. Sreedhareeyam provide

training to the employees on the basis of the feedback given by them. Industrial Relation

Industrial relation refers to the whole field of relationships among people,

human relationship that exist because of the necessary collaboration of men and

women in the employment process of modern industry.

It include:-

1. Employee service conditions a) Safety and security of the job b) Better

working environment

2. Welfare activities a) Free medicine b) Canteen c) Rest room d) Transportation

e) Welfare fund

3. Joint management Council

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1. Wages and salary administration as per the labour laws

The guidelines followed in the administration of the wages and salaries-

a) Wage policy has been prepared keeping in view interest of the employer and


b) Wage policy should be stated clearly in writing to ensure uniform and

consistent application.

c) Wage and salary plans should be sufficiently flexible or responsive to changes

in internal and external conditions of the organization

Performance Appraisal is the systematic, periodic and an impartial rating of an

employee's excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for a

better job.It refers to the formal procedure used in working organization to evaluate

the personalities and contribution and potential of group members. Actually, through

this system employer gets the employee merits like initiative, dependability, job

knowledge, quality of the work, target fulfillment, personality etc. with which

performance is rated.

The HR department prepares performance appraisal forms and it is forwarded

for filling to concerned department supervisors where the trainee was employed.

Normally the probation period in Sreedhareeyam is only for six months. At the

end of probation period, the same department decides about regular position in the

same department and decides about the regular position of the same in the company

by verifying the performance during the probation period

The main characteristics of performance appraisal are:-

It is the systematic examination of an employee's strength and


To provide feedback to employees so that they come to know where

they stand and can improve their job performance.

To test the effectiveness of recruitment, selection, placement and

induction programs.

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2. Employee records

Personal records includes:

a) Employment history

b) Medical reports

c) Contracts of employment

d) Attendance records and payroll

e) Training records

f) Employee ratings

g) Leaves, transfer and promotion

h) Accidents and sickness records

i) Industrial disputes and grievances.

3. Employee Benefits [Welfare Measures]

• House Rent Allowance (HRA)

The company is giving house rent allowance benefit at the rate of 10%

basic material reinforcement.

• Medical Reimbursement

All employees are eligible for medical reimbursement scheme. This

scheme also extends to family members. The amount of this benefit

depends on the term of service of each employee. Unutilized benefit can

be carried forward for a period of three years.

• Benefits of ESI

In Sreedhareeyam, insured person or member of the family is entitled to

receive medical benefit free of cost whenever he fall sickness.

• Other benefits

a) Washing Allowance In Sreedhareeyam, workers, at tenders, watchman and

drivers are given Rs.40 per month as washing allowance

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b) Stitching allowance

Workers are given Rs.400 per year as stitching allowance of two pair uniform

provided by the company.

c) Soap

3/4 bar soap is given to all workers once in two months.

d) Uniform

Once in every year 10 meter uniform cloth will be issued to all permanent staff

during the month of January,

e) Shoes

One pair shoe is given to all permanent workers every year in the month of

July. All technical, dispatch stores tools; supply to agency and laboratory

staff is given a pair of shoes.

f) Canteen Facilities

Sreedhareeyam is providing following facilities in canteen, Lunch/dinner -

90% from management 10% Employees, Snacks/Breakfast/tea -

90%management 10%Employees are given cup of tea daily. The personnel

department is caring all operation connected to canteen coupons, arranging

food supplies, etc.

g) Provident Fund

All employees of Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Products Pvt. Ltd are eligible to

get 12% share of the P.F. contribution from the employer to make a total 24%

on basic pay.

h) Bonus

After finalizing the book of accounts in each year company is giving a yearly


i) Travel Concession

For workers -Rs.350 is allowed in a block period of one year. For executive -a

minimum of Rs.1200 and a maximum Rs. 3400 is allowed on earning slabs

depending on scale in a block period of one year.

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j) Payment of Bonus Act

As per the act of 1956, the minimum bonus to be paid to employee is 8.33% of

the basic pay and DA should not exceed maximum of 20%. Bonus is paid for

every account year as per the profit at the rate of 20%. The calculation is as

follows. Salary -Basic + DA+V.D.A As per the bonus Act, the wage ceiling is

Rs.2550 and the eligible limit is Rs.3000. there fore, bonus calculation is as

follows. Basic pay + DA + VDA + 12% + 20% As per having salary above

Rs.3500 bonus is paid as excreta.

k) Health

The company tasks necessary steps regarding the health of workers by covering

them under ESI Act. Company is maintaining with respect to environment

protection and efficient disposal practices.

i) Trade Unions

There are no trade unions in the organization.

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Maintenance department‟s objective is to mainta n the infrastructure of the

department and the preventive and breakdown maintenance of all critical equipments.

Procedure followed by maintenance department is listed below:-

1.A preventive maintenance schedule is prepared every quarter for all

equipments building etc. and maintenance carried out accordingly,

2.In case of breakdown, the cause is identified by visual impaction and fault


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3.Action is taken for analyzing the fault repair or replace.

4. Any equipments failure reported by customer is recorded in maintenance

register co keep in respective ward.

Cost Reduction technique

Continuous cost reduction works are performing in the organization. Firms

look each and every area to reduce the cost. For example they make bulk purchase of

raw material when the material having a low price. The company giving only a part of

price for the boards and hoardings for the advertisement of the firm, balance amount

is bared by the agencies.

The firm uses agencies for retailing their products. It is also cost reduction

method. Because they need not worry about retail out lets. To reduce the cost for the

labors they are using the hired laborers at the time of high demand or need large

production or they are using three shifts instead of two shift. In these ways they

reduce the cost of recruiting and selecting the new employees.

Waste Disposal

Like all other medicine manufacturing industry it has also producing some

waste, but that are only biological waste. In the production of the Ayurvedic medicine

the materials are only natural, mostly, roots, leaves, fruits, and skin of plant, flowers,

spices, sugar, milk etc. so the wastes are not harmful to the nature. The waste can be

used as natural fertilizers. And some of the wastes are in the form of water, and the

firm has a treatment plant of disposing the waste. The medicine-manufacturing firm

should keep the surroundings clean then only they can make the products

hygienically. So the waste disposal functions efficiently and effectively.

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Organizational structure of R&D Department:

R&D Manager

Lab Staff

Lab Asst

Fig 5.2.6 organization structure of R&D department

Sreedhareeyam have 80 products. From these, 18 products arc development by the R

& D department. They have the patent right on these product. These products are

listed below.

• Sunetra Eye drops

• Sumangala hair Oil

• Capsules

• Cough syrup

• Tablets

• Pain balms

• Kashayams.

Their generic products are:

• Krithams

o Medicated oils;-o Gingery oil

o Coconut oil

o Kuzhambu

o Caster oil

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• Lehyamy

• Churnams

• Kashayams

• Gulika.

Quality Control Measure

Quality control department is working for the checking and assuring the

quality of each process and each product, they check the quality of raw materials

purchasing and each process of production and finally the product also. A quality

controller heads Quality Control Department. The quality controller should be a

doctor. The firm gives more importance to quality because they are preparingthe

medicines for the people. The company‟s mission is to produce quality products. It is

an ISO 9001:2000 company. The office of the Drugs Controller of Kerala approves

the company as a GMP certified company.

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Quality policy

1. Quality of products

2. Restore Ayurveda as a mainstream health management system.

3. Achieve a sustained organizational growth.

4.3 Quality objectives

1. Focusing on processes and customer.

2. Developing and encouraging people.

3. Using effective IT.

4. Encouraging creativity, Innovation and Team work

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Fig 5.2.7 Organization structure of medical department

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The main objective of Sreedhareeyam Medical department is to provide “quality

treatment” to the customers. For this they define the various procedures which are

followed at the time of treatment. They have different treatment rooms. The various

types of treatment provided to the customers.








Responsibility for the treatment lies under the supervision of chief medical

officer. They have both in patients and out patients. The junior Doctors visit the ward

every morning and interact with the patient and enquire about their ailment and

inform the same to the senior Doctor.

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A sequence of procedure involved in the preparation of the Ayurvedic

medicine. For the preparation of the medicine the process are starts form 3 or 4

months before, i.e.3 or 4 months before the company collects materials and starts the

preparations. Some preparations are through the hands i.e. manually and all these

materials are passed through various machines and preparing the final output. Some

of the partly finished goods keep one or two months for the preparation of the final

products. Most of the ingredients are roots, leafs, seeds, flowers, fruits of medicinal

plants. They convert this into powder and pulps for the medicine preparation. After

the preparation the medicines are packed and distributed. Ayurveda, the knowledge or

science of life longevity has a history as long as human civilization. Also known as

the Indian system of medicines, Ayurveda is India's timely gift to mankind. Over the

countries, Ayurveda attained perfection through astute minds and adept hands,

rendering definite solution to even seemingly incurable illness that too, without

harmful side effects invariably associated with the allopathic system. Even in the so

called developed nation, Ayurveda is fast gaining ground.

Sreedhareeyam is an ardent follower of the Ayurvedic tradition. But modern

technology has its own contribution to make by way of hygiene, accuracy and speed.

That's the way the company's manufacturing operations have been mechanized to a

large extend with GMP and ISO standards. These operations are organized under the

watchful eyes of a “highly talented and deeply dedicated team of doctors and

health scientists”.

a) Production planning and control

Production planning of the Ayurvedic medicines are mainly depends on the

season. The demands of the medicine are different in different seasons depending up

on the season, the target or the production is adjusting. They are using the past record

for the planning of the production of the medicines in each season and theyanalyze the

demand of each product line at each season. For the high demented season they

purchase the materials in bulk and 'start the production work. They used hired

laborers or they start the three shift operations. In the off-season they cut the three

shift operations or avoid the hired labours.

Depending up on the area, they can produce the products. Climate is other

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dependent factor of the production planning. For example the rainy season, in this

season the Ayurvedic medicines have a very good demand. So the company adjusts

the production accordingly. The export of the medicine is also a factor for the

planning. Competitions are another factor of the control of production. Depending up

on the price of the raw materials the production can be controlled.

The maintenance department checks each machinery yearly and they repair it

if necessary. A technician is working under the maintenance department for doing the

maintenance work, is called the „Maintenance Officer‟. Corrections of machineries

are given to outside contractors. Production department of the company is responsible

for the entire production process, stores, research and development and quality

control. The deputy manager of Sreedhareeyam co-ordinates the functions of the

production department.

b) Production facilities

The plant is equipped with modern machines and operations are organized

under the watchful eyes of talented physicians and health scientists. Production and

manufacturing facilities are fully geared for the mass production of ayurvedic

medicines in strict adherence to ancient ayurvedic scriptures. Incorporation ofmodern

technology for mass production and upholding traditional value make the facilities

well-integrated synthesis of tradition and modernity.

c) Raw materials used

Sreedhareeyam uses around 60 types of raw materials for production. So a

detailed classification is not possible. A general classification of raw material used in

the manufacture products are:

Raw Drugs

Commercial Items


The raw materials and other items are transferred to the store and the issues of these

items are done from there.

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Organisational structure of Finance department

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Finance is the life blood of business. The main objective of the finance

departments is to utilize the fund at most effective manner in order to maximize the

return. This department is under the control of Finance manager. The various

activities covered under this department are:-





Cost allocation


Distribution of pass-through funds


Internal financial reports

External financial reports

Statutory reports

The organization of finance function for a Business depends on the nature,

size, financial system and other characteristics of a firm for a small business, no

separate officer is appointed for the finance function. Owner of business himself look

after the functions of finance including the estimation of requirements of funds,

preparation of cash budget and arrangement of required funs, examination of all

receipts and payments, preparation of credit policy and collecting debtors.

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• Good Management

• Cordial Employer Employee Relationship

• Good production facility

• Product quality An ISO 9001:2000 company

• Largest Ayurvedic Eye hospital in Kerala


• English medicine influence

• Indian scenario

• Less innovative marketing techniques

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High Demand in Foreign countries.

Rediscovery of Ayurvedic Concepts

Developments in Hospitality Industry

Good exporting opportunities


• Competitors like Kottackal, Nagarjuna

• Depletion ofmedicinal plants

• Standardizing theproducts/process

• Inadequacies inexisting patent laws

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6.1.1) Strengths

• Good Management

Continual improvement of quality management system is achieved through

measurement of quality objectives achieved, measurement of customer

satisfaction, resolution of department non-conformances, implementation of

corrective and preventive actions and internal audits. These are reviewed in

the management review meetings and dedicated marketing department follow

ups and traces requirement of customers and implements it.

• Cordial Employer Employee Relationship

Sreedhareeyam believes that involvement of all employees is essential for the

better functioning of the organisation. This is achieved by planned training as

given in guidelines for training. Top management of Sreedhareeyam

establishes and provides leadership and unity of purpose and direction through

management review meetings, monthly performance meetings and provision

for resources.

• Good production facility

The medicine Manufacturing has modern Quality Assurance Laboratory where

facilities for chemical, microbiological and Instrumentation Analysis are

already available. In addition to testing medicines, studies on their stability

and standardization are also carried out in a phased manner.Manufacturing

Processes are followed at all stages of production .Sterile eye drops are

manufactured in aseptic production areas under class 100, class1000 etc as per

WHO GMP Guidelines.

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• Product quality

Quality and authenticity -that's the motto at our state -of -art manufacturing unit.

Ancient, traditional Ayurvedic medicines are manufactured using the latest

equipment and aseptic production processes. Raw materials are stringently tested

and good Manufacturing Processes are followed at all stages of production.

• An ISO 9001:2000 company

It is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. The company offers guarantee periods

for the high quality products produced. An end customer of these products

receives it after undergoing numerous stringent steps of quality checks which are

done by Sreedhareeyam..

• Largest Ayurvedic Eye hospital in Kerala

Beginning with bare facilities of treating and admitting just 10 patients

Sreedhareeyam today has expanded into a 350-bed hospital with a scientifically

equipped production unit with all modern facilities as per WHO standards and

GMP certification. Sreedhareeyam has 4 branches in Kerala and 2 branches

outside Kerala.

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6.1.2) Weakness

• English medicine influence

Promotion of Ayurvedic products and funds for promotion are inadequate.

The main cause is the popularity of English medicines over Ayurvedic

medicines. The company has to maximize its efforts to promote its high

quality products

• Indian scenario

Many a time, the benefits of Ayurveda cannot be exposed at the

international level due to the lack of documentation about Research clinical

trial even though it is possible. There is no integration of various systems of

medicine for effective cure though technology has made significant strides

in diagnostic tools and methods. Unfortunately due to strict regimentation,

there is no multi system approach

• Less innovative marketing techniques

The company has to maximize its efforts to promote its high quality

products. Advertisements, regarding their products, are less compared to

other competitors. Though it is an effective cost cutting strategy, every

product‟s life depends on its promotion techniques. Keeping it to minimum

can cause in repairable damage to the product life cycle.

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6.1.3) Opportunities

• High Demand in Foreign countries.

With the advent of globalization, the international market opened numerable

avenues for ayurvedic products manufacturers, which helped them to showcase

their products on a broader platform. In order to enhance global presence,

ayurvedic products manufacturers need to aim at achieving core product

knowledge and competence, relevant experience, hands on expertise in

procurement, good knowledge of the latest technologies and immense research


• Rediscovery of Ayurvedic Concepts in Eye Treatment

Eyes being one of the most important organs in Ayurveda, all five elements play

a role in maintaining eye health. Earth (prithivi) governs the muscular part of the

eye, fire (tejas) rules the blood vessels, air (vayu) governs the color, water (apu)

dominates the white area, and space (akasha) controls the tear ducts and channels.

According to ayurvedic studies, eye problems are caused by upsetting of one of

the three doshas namely an imbalance in vata, pitta or kaphadoshas. Rediscovery

and research in this concept can open up various opportunities.

• Developments in Hospitality Industry

Prithvi (Shabda-Space, Sparsha-Air, Rupa-Fire, Rasa-Water, Gandha-Earth-

Nurturing Body-Senses-Mind-Soul) offers lifestyle management advice based on

the Disease Prevention -Ayurveda Lifestyle (Body-Senses-Mind-Soul/Relax-

Detox-Rejuvenate-Heal) Five Elements (Space-Air-Fire-Water-Earth) concept to

prevent lifestyle diseases, giving importance to the uniqueness of the individual.

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• Good exporting opportunities

2,000 medicinal and aromatic plants are used on a commercial basis. Most buyers

are not interested in plant material, but in plant extracts. There are only a few

developing countries which are able to supply extracts conforming to the

requirements of western industry. The leading developing country suppliers of

medicinal & aromatic plants are China, India, Chile, Morocco, Turkey, Egypt and


The major market is Europe, accounting for some 38% of the world market. The

leading European market is Germany, accounting for over 50% of the European

market, followed by France, the United Kingdom and Italy.

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6.1.4) Threats

• Depletion of medicinal and aromatic plants.

An estimate shows that Ayurvedic industry is growing at a rate of 12 to 15%

in Kerala (Harilal, 2010). A same growth can be expected in other parts of

the country also. This will put an additional compulsion on the medicinal

plant sector to provide matured and specific quality raw material for the

growing industry.Manystudies (MAPPA 1998, Suneetha and Chandrakanth

2001, Devi and Joseph2003) have addressed the problem of economic

scarcity of medicinalplants in relation to the demand from the pharmacies in

and outsideKerala.

• Standardizing the products/process.

Once a product is conceived the efficiency of the product has to be proved

authentically. Forwhich internationally accepted non-clinical trials to prove

theefficacy of the product in animals abiding OECD guidelines,

toxicitystudies, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, bio-equivalence

etc.should be used. As far as Ayurvedic medicines are concerned no

suchvalidation methodology has been used for generations together. Sincethe

toxicity of the product is not known, the action of the product inhuman body

cannot be known and thus the modern medical community willnot accept

Ayurvedic product as a medicine. Quality Control refersto the processes

involved in maintaining the quality of validity of amanufactured product.

Regardless of the form of herbal preparation, some degree of quality control

is necessary. Currently, there is no organization or government body that

certifies a product is 'labeledcorrectly'. Without proper QC, there is no

assurance that the herbcontained in the bottle is the same as what is stated on

its outside label. GLP regulations were intended for toxicitytesting only. It

was reserved for labs undertaking animal studies forpre-clinical work. Some

laboratories follow GLP's whenever thestudies are to be used to support

applications for research or marketing studies to be submitted to the FDA.

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• Inadequacies with existing patent laws

Inadequacies in the Intellectual Property Regime are of great relevance when the

fact of community ownership and secretive nature of Traditional medicine is

considered. In addition to this, in the case of traditional medicine, like Ayurveda,

how the grass-root innovations, which have high commercial significance, can be

protected and equally shared is of major concern. Though we have some successful

examples like Jeevani , at present, the requirements for protection provided under

international standards of patent law and most national patent laws are inadequate

to protect traditional knowledge and biodiversity.

• Competitors like Kottackal, Nagarjuna

KottakkalAryaVaidyaSala (AVS) is a century old Charitable Institution engaged

in the practice and propagation of Ayurveda, the ancient health care system of

India. AryaVaidyaSala offers classical Ayurvedic medicines and authentic

Ayurvedic treatments and therapies to patients from all over India and abroad.

Nagarjuna Ayurvedic centreis a full-fledged Ayurvedic Centre located on the

banks of the river Periyar at Kalady in Kerala. The place provides the right

ambiance for a suitable sojourn in harmony with nature and is a civilization apart

from Modern Life.

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The Findings of the study are on the basis of analysis and interpretation of data

obtained from the respondents by the way of interview and observation of the

researches during the course of the study.

1.Satisfaction of employees

All of the employees are satisfied with the work environment provided by

the organization. The HR department does provide for all requirements as

per Indian labor law.

2.The training helps to produce quality goods.

Special training on career, spirituality and team management is given to the

employees. The training on the methodology of manufacturing ayurvedic

medicine is also given, in order to produce high quality goods.

3.Financial status of company is good

The acid test ratio, current ratio analysis shows that the company is using all

its assets at optimum proportion to its liabilities. The trend analysis shows

great increases in sales for next year.

4.Company welfare activities

The company is also involved in many welfare activities like free medicine,

concession of lunch& breakfast, transport facilities etc.

5.Good manufacturing practices followed

Manufacturing Processes are followed at all stages of production .Sterile eye

drops are manufactured in aseptic production areas under class 100,

class1000 etc as per WHO GMP Guidelines.

6.Main focus to eye care products and traditional methodology.

The company is mainly focused on promoting and manufacturing eye care

products. It has to expand its scope to other concepts of Ayurveda. The

methodology followed by the company for manufacture of these products

are traditionally followed.

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The organization should expand export opportunities, so a bit more promotional activities should be included.

Fill the existing vacancies.

Job enlargement and enrichment provide opportunity to overcome monotony fatigue, disinterest and create an environment to satisfy higher

order needs-, these leading to higher morale. Each employee must be

given industrial carrier growth path in the organization. This will

improve commitment and morale of the employees.

Diversification of products and service is essential for the success.

Introduce advanced technology for production.

Incentive system should be encouraged.

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The organization study gave immense knowledge about the various functions

of Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Products Pvt. Ltd. It was an opportunity to peep in to

the details of its various departments which ultimately revealed that the sincerity and

dedications of the employees were the major success factor.

The company is enjoying both the benefits of the small scale industry as well

as the company form of the organization. The company has certain concession for

exporting, which is one of the most important activities. Sreedhareeyam is a capital

intensive and power oriented project in the small scale sector promoted with the

objective of rural development. All these factors throws light on the fact that the

company can undoubtedly reach more and more prosperity in the future years and it

began throwing the shadows of future plans to become the 1st in India.

It is the policy of Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Products Pvt. Ltd to supply

medicines conforming to quality standards specified by customers at agreed prices

and to their satisfaction. The Government of India also plays a major role in

promoting Ayurvedic medicine manufacturing firms and this unflinching support and

aid is the main backbone behind its success. Since the company is the best in Kerala,

they can survive long in the state market and the company with its R&D planning to

produce more advanced drugs to ensure the same. The study at Sreedhareeyam puts

many features of the company as well as the product profile and the future

innovations of the company.

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• David A Decenzo, Stephen P Robbins. Fundamentals Of Humanth

ResourceManagement,8 Ed., New Delhi, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2010.

• Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich., Essentials of management, Ed., New

Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill publishing company Ltd., 2008.

• Annual Report, Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic products Pvt. Ltd. Annual


• (access 01-05-2013)

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