sps oslo 2016 - training your organisation on sharepoint

Training your organization on SharePoint #SPSOslo Marijn Somers – www.mijn365coach.be October 22 nd , 2016

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Training your organization on SharePoint#SPSOslo

Marijn Somers – www.mijn365coach.beOctober 22nd, 2016

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Thanks to our sponsors





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@marijnsomers• Analist, Project Manager• Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Strong focus on Governance

• * MBTI-type: ENTJ• * AIIM CIP certified

• Balestra – fencing term for a quick jump forward, focuses on ECM &

collaboration governance.• Mijn 365 Coach

– Platform for local video training on Office 365• Licensed clock and watchmaker

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What are you going to learn today• Why train users?• How ?

– Different kinds of people require different ways of training

– How to roll out a complete training package in your organisation

• What ?– Use stories– Customer example– Mistakes

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Why train your organisation ?

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Why ?

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Advantages of a trained user• Drive user adoption• Make fewer (critical) mistakes

– Less calls to help desk– Less calls to IT departments

• Higher productivity• More confidence = happier employees

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Extra benefits on training

• Spread the word!!• Learn• get feedback from users• Change management• Emphasize on important topics

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A company approaches you to guide the rollout / training

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Different ways of training

• Classroom training • Coaching • Train the trainer • On demand video’s• Wiki / blogs• Textbook• Playground environment• Performance support

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Classroom training• Big “glop” of one or multiple days • Immersive:

– new location and no access to emails

• Terrible for: teaching people a whole new way of working

• Good for: key users– Pre-existing knowledge: Deepdive– Extend on that

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Short training burst• 10 – 15 people max• 2 hour max• Practical excercises

• Good for:– Readers– Members– Owners


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Provide multiple repetitions

• Early repetition may involve recall of the fact or a different presentation of the fact.

• Later repetitions – should allow for greater elaboration– apply the fact to a context or a specific

setting• Don’t do the same training 5 times

– Tell them, show them, excercise

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Coaching• Expensive (1-1)• Made to measure

– Answer the coachee’s questions– Build something together

• Deep dive• Perfect for: early adopters / Management

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Train the trainer• Viral way of training

– Train 10 trainers who can each train 10 more people

• Excellent for basics• Will not always be able to answer questions• Will not always feel comfortable• Make sure they get your message across!

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On demand video’s• Scenario based visual training• Short chunks

• 2 flavors: – Online video’s – Own video’s

• Large audiences• Majority

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On demand video’s• Create your own

– Focus on business goals– Align with your message

• As expensive as you want – voice artists– Multilanguage

• Default online video’s– Easy to find them– No focus on your message– Not your own branding– Not your own specific tools

• Cheaper• Youtube, MS

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Wiki / blog / text books

• Support• Text books

– Global overview– Changes

• Blogs– Versions– Not always showing best way

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Playground environment

• Site owner access rights• Test things out• Doesn’t matter if you break it• similar to production

• Great for– Support– Owners / designers

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Performance support• Context based help functionality• Ex. Visualsp / Content Panda

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How to distribute / inform users on training?

• Use SharePoint• “Academy” or “learning center”• Easy to use / digest• Contains:

– Vision / mission– Product / template catalog information – Documentation / training per target group (new in

the organisation?)– Training dates– Help & FAQ (knowledge base)– Site requests– Timeline (what are we working on ?)

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Technology adoption lifecycle

CoachingShort burst training

Video training with forum

Academy site with plethora of training solutions

Support docs: wiki / blogs / video’sFAQ

Q&A forumVideo’s

Playground environment

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Stories, mistakes


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• We use it all the time• Data about data• Example:

– Title– Brand– Weight– Calories– Ingredients– Expiry date

Stories: Metadata

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SharePoint in plain English• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s12Jb5Z



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Business practices that refuse to die• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIqA_YK


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Case from a customer• 50K+ users

• BA 1: no training• BA 2: only classroom training• BA 3: default Microsoft 4 hour training


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Live example for customer• 2 hour training for ‘early adopters’• Coaching afterwards

• Rollout phase:– Online training (short chunks) for readers,

members, owners• Owner training mandatory before you can

request a site

• Key user trainings on “advanced topics”

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Training mistakes• Trying to teach too much at once to minimize

the amount of required training

• Leave training out of the governance plan

• Have single way of training for whole company

• Wait for 2 more weeks to give a site after training

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Key take aways• Don’t do full day training (a waste of time for them and

you)• Better:

– Introduction (email, short video,…)– Awareness sessions with tips/tricks in short/lunch

sessions– On demand coaching / help– Portal with

• Texts• Video’s and tutorials• Tip sheets

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Key take aways• Training should always be

– Just in time – Just enough

• People have different ways to learn optimally (nlp)

• Repeat repeat repeat– Tell them what you are going to say– Tell it– Tell what you have said

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Have fun and look cool doing it


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