splat 1st semester 2014-2015


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Look back! Back to back successful projects! Fun area visits! Happy speple and PWSNs! A great year for Ateneo SPEED indeed!


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Fresh Spface! 17

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There has always been something that interests me when it comes to the thought of helping people and making them happy. I know it sounds a little bit pretentious, but that doesn’t mean it’s not true. To be honest I didn’t know what to expect when I signed up to be a member of SPEED. . But I did have some inkling of why I wanted to join this org: I love the feeling I get when I see someone smile because of something that I’ve done or helped accomplish. I was excited to attend my first-ever area visit at St. Francis School-VSA Philippines with my fellow speple. Of course, I had no idea what was going to happen, but that did not take away my anticipation, even if we took more than an hour to get there. When we finally arrived I thought that it would be weird for the kids, that they would be shy and quiet and uncooperative. I was so wrong. Before we even got into the school premises, one of them went out and gave each of us a hug. I felt so happy and rewarded; it was as if the stress of the past week vanished all of a sudden.

It was disappointing, though, because we left almost as quickly as we came; but it also made me excited for the next area visits to come. This is the reason why I did my best to attend all of the visits as much as I could, even if I had just finished my classes and had a truckload of homework to finish. Just seeing those kids and being able to talk and laugh and play and make crafts with them made me feel all light and carefree; those visits became my stress reliever when I’m not in the best mood. Hearing them say my name out loud and seeing their adorable smiles would make me so, in lack of a better word, happy. Really, I can’t think of any other word to describe how these visits made me feel aside from happy. It’s only been a few months, and I’m looking forward to the next ones to come. I can’t wait for the upcoming events that SPEED will be hosting. I do know for sure that these will be a lot of fun; as the Speple would call it, these would all be an amazing SPexperience.

SpexperienceSpexperienceTHE ULTIMATE

by Kate BorbonI BFA CW

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