spiralen - uni-paderborn.de · 2020. 8. 5. · the laxe das rodas spiral above which may represent...

Spiralen hartmut winkler »The Ancient Spirals- What do they mean? The Spiral Petroglyph is found in every an- cient culture throughout the world.<< >>How is it that all of these ancient cultures craved into stone the exact same symbol in a time where there was no way to communicate with each other?<< 1 >>I believe that they alllooked to the stars and saw the same spirals occurring in the night sky. This phenomenon has now been seen by millians of people araund the globe in the past few years. The Spiral, which is the oldest symbol known to be used in spiritual prac- tices, reflects the universal pattern of growth and evolution. lhe spiral represents the goddess, the womb, ftrtility and life force energy. << 3 60 »Let's have a look at the fascinating surface qualities and tactile treasure of southeast Utah. [ ... ]. Spirals indicate migration.<< 5 »There are very small and obscure marks on the Laxe das Rodas spiral above which may represent human figures.<<' >>This tight spiral is reminiscent of the coiled plaques that the Hopi weave from yucca fibers.<< 9 10 »In rock art the spiral connotes migration across the surfoce ojthe earth, especially ifit is adjacent to footprints carved in the stone. In this con- text a spiral signifies the number of rounds, or pasos, a clan made as it journeyed though the centuries toward its ultimate goal of the sacred Center of the World, what the Hopi call Tu- uwanasavi, namely the three Hopi Mesas.<< 11 12 >>The triple spiral is a Celtic or pre-Celtic symbol found on a number of Neolithic sites. From ancient times, the symbol of the spiral has been associated with the solar calen- dar, the rhythm of the seasons, and the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.<<u

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Page 1: Spiralen - uni-paderborn.de · 2020. 8. 5. · the Laxe das Rodas spiral above which may represent human figures


hartmut winkler

»The Ancient Spirals- What do they mean?

The Spiral Petroglyph is found in every an­

cient culture throughout the world.<< >>How

is it that all of these ancient cultures craved

into stone the exact same symbol in a time

where there was no way to communicate

with each other?<< 1

>>I believe that they alllooked to the stars and

saw the same spirals occurring in the night

sky. This phenomenon has now been seen by

millians of people araund the globe in the

past few years. The Spiral, which is the oldest

symbol known to be used in spiritual prac­

tices, reflects the universal pattern of growth and evolution. lhe spiral represents the goddess,

the womb, ftrtility and life force energy. << 3


»Let's have a look at the fascinating surface

qualities and tactile treasure of southeast

Utah. [ ... ]. Spirals indicate migration.<<5

»There are very small and obscure marks on

the Laxe das Rodas spiral above which may represent human figures.<<'

>>This tight spiral is reminiscent of the coiled plaques that the Hopi weave from yucca fibers.<< 9


»In rock art the spiral connotes migration across the surfoce ojthe earth, especially ifit is adjacent

to footprints carved in the stone. In this con­

text a spiral signifies the number of rounds, or

pasos, a clan made as it journeyed though the

centuries toward its ultimate goal of the sacred

Center of the World, what the Hopi call Tu­

uwanasavi, namely the three Hopi Mesas.<< 11


>>The triple spiral is a Celtic or pre-Celtic

symbol found on a number of Neolithic

sites. From ancient times, the symbol of the spiral has been associated with the solar calen­dar, the rhythm of the seasons, and the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.<<u

Winkler, Hartmut: Spiralen. In: KulturRevolution, Sonderheft: Zyklen / Moden, herausgegeben von Mirna Zeman, Jürgen Link und Rolf Parr, Nr. 68, Mai 2015, S. 60-62
Page 2: Spiralen - uni-paderborn.de · 2020. 8. 5. · the Laxe das Rodas spiral above which may represent human figures


»Eine spiralförmige Struktur auf der Hoch­ebene von Nazca in Peru.[ ... ) Ganz entfirnt erinnert diese Struktur auch an einen Finger­abdruck.<<15

>>The logo for Peru is a spiral, the design comes from a carving found on a stone in Caral.<< 16

»Ün a more psychospiritual Ievel the spiral represents a gateway between worlds or dimemions. lt is the doorway through which the shaman begins his or her ecstatic quest from the physical to the spiritual plane. (Note: The word spiral comes from the Lat­in spira, >coil,< while the term spirit is de­rived from the Latin spirare, >to breathe.<<<17


»The spirals, wavy lines, and other symbols carved in the rock of Alta Vista probably re­present a ritual language of prayers to the Te­coxquin Gods concerned about the Jertility of the earth, abundant rain cycles, and the con­tinuous seasons they depended on. The spirals have most commonly been interpreted as the sun, rainstorms, wind, coiled snakes, or as a symbol ofthe natural rainy and dry cycle.<<21

»Mit viel Aufwand haben unsere Vorfahren ihre Steinwände zu etwas Besonderem ge­macht.<< »Einfach toll. Diese Zeichnungen. und wie regelmäßig diese Spiralen. Wie un­sere Vormenschen das hingekriegt haben. Ich bin sowieso ein Steine-Fan. Habe schon einige Findlinge rund um Rügen besucht,


»Horned spiral snake.<< 19

1s die dort an der Küste liegen und auf einem, dem Kosegarten-Stein, habe ich auch so eine Spirale gefunden mit noch anderen Zeichen. Möchte wissen, was das alles bedeutet . .. «23


»The scene, Hayes said, signified a Hopi sto­ry of both the creation of the world we live in by Spider Grandmother and the emer­gence of people from the sipapu, which led humans into the world. The spiral may have astronomical significance because at the winter solstice the shadow of a nearby rockfalls direct­ly on its center, Hayes said.«25


»Alle Petroglyphen sind geometrische Figu-ren. [ ... ) Am auffalligsten sind große Spi-ralen [ ... ]. Bislang ist unbekannt, was die Abbildungen tatsächlich darstellen sollen. Möglicherweise sind dies vereinfachte Dar­stellungen von Wasser, insbesondere Quellen, Flüsse, Bäche etc., der Sonne oder Symbole für natürliche Phänomene.<<27


Page 3: Spiralen - uni-paderborn.de · 2020. 8. 5. · the Laxe das Rodas spiral above which may represent human figures


>>The spiral seems to tel! a story about the labyrinthine journey of life and death and speaks of the possibility of rebirth. Each loop of the spiral progresses us to a high­er level, yet always returns us to the same place.<<31


>>In Neu-Kaledonien befinden sich über die gesamte Insel verstreut Unmengen von historischen Petroglyphen. Wer diese viel­faltigen Schnitzereien in den Felsen Neu­Kaledoniens geschaffen hat, ist bis heute nicht geklärt, die Vermutung liegt natürlich bei den melanesischen Ureinwohnern. Über Sinn und Zweck der Petroglyphen haben Wissenschaftler bis heute [ ... ] noch keine

Erklärung gefunden.<<35

>>Das Symbol einer runden Spirale wurde häu­fig verwendet, um anzuzeigen, dass eine Sied­lung verlassen wurde und dass sich die ursprüng­lichen Bewohner auf der Wanderung befinden. <<33


>>The spiral29 represents the never-ending cycles of growth, change and eternal life [ ... ]. It has been said by some that the Anas­zsi Indians saw a clockwise Spiral as the >cor­rect or good path<, while the counter clock­wise was seen as the >wrong or bad path<. But I think their beliefs were more nuanced than that. lhe clockwise spiral it is true, is as­sociated with power, independence water and life in ascendancy, while counter clockwise re­presented life descending, returning and home­coming. << 30


1 http://www. visioninconsciousness.org/ Ancient_ Civilizations_38.htm. Alle Webseiten abgefragt am 6. 11. 2014.

2 Ebd. (alle Hervorh. H.W) 3 Ebd. 4 Utah, USA. http:/larches.wordpress.com/2010/05/page/2/. 5 http:/ /arches.wordpress.com/20 1 0/05/page/2/. 6 Laxe das Rodas, Galicia, Spain; http:/ltopofly.blogspot.de/2012_10_01_

archive.html. 7 Ebd. 8 Verde Valley, Arizona, USA. http://azorion.tripod.com/spiral.htm 9 Ebd.

10 >>Stylized spiral petroglyph with >pueblo< symbol at the center. Near Honol'ovi Ruins Stare Park, Arizona [USA].« Ebd.

11 Ebd. 12 Newgrange, Irland. http://www.visioninconsciousness.org/Ancient_Civili­

zations_38.htm. 13 Ebd. 14 Nazca, Peru. http://www.burion.de/index.php!lostplaces/90-arch/248-

exkursionO 1huegel graebertrojaburg. 15 Ebd. 16 http://culturaladventurer.com/2012/06/caral/, 6.11.14 17 http://azorion.tripod.com/spiral.htm, 6. 11.14


18 Nine Mile Canyon, Utah, USA. http:/ludink.org/2014/04/15/nine-mile­the-third/.

19 Ebd. 20 Mexiko. http:/ /agypsyslove.com/2011/07 /19/a-mystifYing-experience-the­

alta-vista-petroglyphs/. 21 Ebd. 22 Newgrange, Irland. http:/lscents-and-senses.blogspot.de/2010/09/

weltkulturerbe-world-heritage.html. 23 Ebd. 24 Ute Mountain Tribai Park, Colorado, USA, http:/ /www.startribune.com/

lifestyle!travel/181447071.html. 25 Ebd. 26 http:/ /de.academic.ru/ dic.nsf/ dewiki/ 434967. 27 Ebd. 28 New Mexico, USA. http://jeanstimmell.blogspot.de/2012/04/spiral-

represents-never-ending-cycles. html. 29 Das Bild zeigt keine Spirale, sondern ein System konzentrischer Kreise [!]. 30 Ebd. 31 Ebd. 32 http: I lwww. usa-travelcenter.de/ discoveramerica/wbb/wbb2/index. php? page

= Thread&threadiD= 13528&pageNo=3. 33 Ebd. 34 Neu-Kaledonien, Süd-Pazifik. http:/ /franks-travelbox.com/ de/australien/

suedsee/ neukaledonien/ sehenswertesneukaledonien/ 13881 79 /Petroglyphen. 35 Ebd.