spellcaster raids

SpellCaster Raids Version 2.0 Barbarian Camp RAIDS Level 11-15 In regards to RAIDS you need to know a few things before starting on them. RAIDING and CRESTING are NOT the same thing. RAIDING goal is for Food & additional resources, while CRESTING is for obtaining TR items & other goodies. This Guide is for RAIDING. - Fey City Raiding - Part I - Druid & Briton City Raiding - Part II

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Post on 03-Aug-2015



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SpellCaster Raids Version 2.0

Barbarian Camp RAIDS Level 11-15

In regards to RAIDS you need to know a few things before starting on them.

RAIDING and CRESTING are NOT the same thing. RAIDING goal is for Food & additional resources, while CRESTING is for

obtaining TR items & other goodies.

This Guide is for RAIDING. - Fey City Raiding - Part I

- Druid & Briton City Raiding - Part II

- Fey City Raiding - Part I

For This is Setup I used 5 Cards. 3 of these cards we are using already in SpellCaster Cresting.

http://www.slideshare.net/Aderik/spell-caster-cresting For Raiding I added 1 more Card with SpellPower as the Solstice

alone was not enough. The Card I used can be obtained in cresting. Of course you can add any SpellPower Card you have to get to the

cap of 5000% Spellpower.

The Cards Used

Troops Needed Par Level

Barbarian Camp Level 11

175,000 Archers + 1 Soulstealer

Barbarian Camp Level 12 175,000 Archers + 1 Soulstealer

Barbarian Camp Level 13

175,000 Archers + 1 Soulstealer

Barbarian Camp Level 14 175,000 Archers + 1 Soulstealer

Barbarian Camp Level 15

175,000 Archers + 1 Soulstealer

FactSheet & Tips for Fey City:

This SETUP is RAIDING from a FEY City.It works best with Fey City and Bloodlust Blessing & Ore Guardian. You use less Soulstealers. IF YOU SWITCH TR PRESET, YOU CAN & WILL HAVE LOSSES. STOPS RAIDS FIRST IF YOU ARE GOING TO SWITCH. Always CHECK your set up first with 1 RAID to a Barbarian Camp level 11-15, see if it works and if it is defeated and no Losses.

- Druid & Briton City Raiding - Part II

In comparison to the Fey City Setup, I had to adjust TR a bit more, for it to work. Range debuff was needed so I added it in window, you can of course choose a different TR item. Below the stats of TR used. I removed other cards for easy viewing, Like Robin, Minstrel, homesteading etc

The Cards Used

Troops Needed Par Level For Druid & Briton

Barbarian Camp Level 11

200,000 Archers + 100 Soulstealer

Barbarian Camp Level 12 200,000 Archers + 100 Soulstealer

Barbarian Camp Level 13

200,000 Archers + 100 Soulstealer

Barbarian Camp Level 14 200,000 Archers + 100 Soulstealer

Barbarian Camp Level 15

200,000 Archers + 100 Soulstealer

FactSheet for Briton & Druid City:

This SETUP is RAIDING from a DRUID or BRITON City. Regardless of Blessings chosen in cities


Always CHECK your set up first with 1 RAID to a Barbarian Camp level 11-15, see if it works and if it is defeated and no Losses. For Briton & Druid Cities you need more Soulstealers in the RAID wave(s) compared to Fey cities. 1 Soul for Fey, 100 Souls for Briton & Druid. Thanks to ELI for the research.

General Tips & Info

Having Cards equipped that give you a food bonus & raid speed bonus will

give more resources and shorten the round trip time. (*NOTE: If your raid

set up was done with a Robin at lvl 15 and you have upgraded it to lvl 17,

you need to edit all raids manually, for the new bonuses to be in effect.

Stop them, edit each, click save, restart the raid again)

The caps are : Raid Bonus 125%None

Raid Speed 500%None

All knights used were level 300 ( no excuse not to have knights at lvl 300 at

this point in game.)

Enemy Troops par Barb Level

Resources available for each level:

Special Thanks to ZAW for figuring this set

up out.

Sharing is knowledge, and a lot of players are not sharing. Yes it gives you and

edge, or advantage, but it leaves also many people clueless. The objective of these

tutorials, is to teach, learn, educate players so ALL players have a better under

understanding of the game. The more players participate, the better the overall

experience is for all players. More attacking and defending means “lively” domains

full of activity.