spectrum management: key issues and roadmap to 2015 - gilles bregant, anfr - spectrum policy...

Digiworld Summit 2013 Spectrum Policy Act II SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT: KEY ISSUES AND ROADMAP TO 2015 Gilles Brégant [email protected]

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Gilles BREGANT, Directeur général, ANFR Gilles BRÉGANT est né à Chambéry en septembre 1963. Il est diplômé de l’école Polytechnique (1986) et de l’Ecole nationale supérieure des Télécommunication (1988). Après 8 ans au Centre National d’Etudes des Télécommunications de France Télécom, il a rejoint le cabinet du Secrétaire d’Etat à la Recherche comme conseiller technique en charge des dossiers internationaux des technologies de l’information et des sciences (1996-1997). Il a ensuite rejoint la Direction générale de l’industrie où il s’est vu confier la sous-direction « Programmes et Prospective » du service des technologies de l’Information. En 2001, il est nommé secrétaire général de la « Mission pour l’Economie numérique ». En 2005 il rejoint le Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel (CSA) comme directeur des technologies. Depuis janvier 2011, Gilles Brégant est le directeur général de l’Agence nationale des fréquences. Il a été élu président du RSPG en novembre 2012.


Page 1: Spectrum Management: key issues and roadmap to 2015 - Gilles BREGANT, ANFR - Spectrum Policy Executive Seminar - DigiWorld Summit 2013

Digiworld Summit 2013

Spectrum Policy Act II


Gilles Brégant

[email protected]

Page 2: Spectrum Management: key issues and roadmap to 2015 - Gilles BREGANT, ANFR - Spectrum Policy Executive Seminar - DigiWorld Summit 2013

Spectrum needs increase – for all users

Mobile data traffic: about 70% annual growth rate in 2012

High definition, 3D, UHD for television

Digital radio

Video-based PPDR networks



e-traffic, smart grids for power supply, e-health, internet of things

Smarter technologies help to accommodate new servicesExtra spectrum must be released by 2020

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The need to manage spectrum is reinforced

Increase in



Fixed resource (public domain from 9 MHz to 300 GHz)

Strong and/orfragmented occupation

Need for regulation

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Lighter allocation procedures / heavier spectrum operation and maintenance needs

Ex ante

Ex post


Technology neutrality…QoS enforcementUsage monitoring

Interference management

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The wireless broadband case

RSPP identified a need of 1200 MHz of spectrum by 2015.

RSPG set the scene of possible spectrum resources to respond to wireless broadband needs in the future by identifying spectrum bands.

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Wireless broadband: bands under review

« 700 MHz » band (694-790 MHz)

Rest of « UHF » (470-694 MHz)

L Band

2 GHz bands

2.3 GHz harmonised band

High capacity for MBB (3,4-3,8 GHz /3,8-4,2 GHz)

5 GHz for WiFi extension

Technical issues have become major public policy issues

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Rearranging borders enables development


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700 MHz status today within ITU

700 MHz band in Region 1 allocated to mobile service on a co-primary basis (WRC-12),

effective in 2015

The lower edge of the allocation is subject to refinement at WRC-15

The technical and regulatory conditions

applicable will be specified at WRC-15

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700 MHz band in France

Explore all scenarios for a liberation of the band between 2017-2022


Prime Minister decision to come: conciliate the need for very high speed mobile connectivity with the respect of the free DTT platformwhile valuing this public domain resource to its best


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Work in progress in France: 4G roll-out

ANFR’s mission: monitor and authorize deployments while protecting users (DTT interferences and public exposure to magnetic fields).

ANFR Observatory: number of « supports » authorized since Nov-12.

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Smarter spectrum sharing

Mission to Joëlle ToledanoProfessor of Econmics,


Report to Minister Fleur Pellerin expected

in March 2014

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Spectrum & Innovation Conference

Full proceedings now available in English and French


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