specialised prayers


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Many times the effectiveness of our prayers depend on our growth in the spirit. It is therefore important that apart from the first step of entering into a relationship with God, the next step for the Christian is to seek to grow in the spirit. One of the ways of this growth and development is to desire and pray for it. Paul prayed this prayer for all his children in the faith, and you need to pray this prayer also.

Scriptures to Stand Upon

Ephesians 1: 15-22; Ephesians 3: 14-19; Philippians 1:9-11; II Thessalonians 1:11-12; Hebrews 13: 20-22

Prayer Strategy

Confess all your sins Fill your heart with God’s words Pray in tongues intermittently Interject your prayers with praising God

1. Prayer for Revelation and Understanding of Spiritual Mysteries (Ephesians 1: 16-20)

I pray the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant me the spirit of wisdom and revelation – of insight into my mysteries and secrets – for the intimate knowledge of You, God my Father.

I pray that the eyes of my spirit be flooded with light, so that I can know and understand the hope of which You have called me into Your kingdom, and how rich is Your glorious inheritance in the saints. And so that I can know and understand what is the immeasurable, unlimited and surpassing greatness of Your power which You demonstrated in Christ Jesus when You raised him from the dead and seated Him at Your right hand in the heavenly places – far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named not only in this age and in this world, but also in the age and the world to come. (Amen)

2. Prayer for Power and Love (Ephesians 3: 14-19)

I bow my knees before You, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named – the Father from Whom all fatherhood takes its title and derives its name – that You may grant me out of your glorious strength to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in my inner-man by the Holy Spirit.

May Christ, through my faith, actually dwell – settle down, abide, make His permanent home – in my heart.

May my spiritual roots go down deep into the soil of Your marvelous love, and may I be able to feel and understand (as all Your children should) – how long, how wide, and deep, and how high Your love really is.

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And may I experience this great love myself, that I will never see the end of it or fully know and understand it; and so that at last I will be filled up with the Godhead (the divine nature) Himself.

Results to Expect from this Prayer

When this prayer is combined with a consistent fellowship with God and studying of His Word, the Bible, you can expect for sure:

A strong, vibrant and fervent heart for God. Constant awareness of God’s love and present. Ability to love and walk love. Unyielding and uncompromising faith in God. This enhances your prayer life because

you will receive more answers to your prayers than ever before.

3. Prayer for Ability to Walk Worthy of the Lord (Colossians 1: 9-12)

Dear Lord, I pray and make special request of You asking You to fill me with the full, deep and clear understanding of Your will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.

I pray this in order that I may live and lead a life that is worthy of You and may please You in every way, bearing fruit in very good work, and increasing in Your knowledge.

I pray that I be strengthened and invigorated with all power according to Your glorious might, so that I may have great endurance and patience, that I may keep going no matter what happens – and joyfully always giving thanks to You the Father who has made me fit and qualified to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom. Amen

Results to Expect from this Prayer

When this prayer goes with a regular study of God’s word and a heart consecrated for God, then one would receive the ability to know God’s will and to distinguish between the acceptable, the good, and the perfect will of God (Hebrews 12: 1-2)

Strength in the inner man. Ability to walk worthy of the Lord and to always please Him, since His perfect will shall be

known to you in any situation. Increased knowledge of God. Ability to keep going and pressing on when things become difficult. A heart always full of joy and a mouth full of thanksgiving to the LORD.

4. Prayer for Purity, Spiritual Discernment, Insight and Discretion (Phillipians 1: 9-11)

My dear heavenly Father, I pray that my love may abound yet more and more and extend to its fullness – developing in knowledge and keen insight – that my love may display itself in greater depths of acquaintance and more comprehensive discernment; so that I may surely learn to sense what is vital and approved of You; that I may prize what is excellent and of real value recognizing the moral difference. That I may be untainted, pure inwardly, clean and blameless.

That with a heart that is sincere and untainted I may approve things that are excellent.

That I may not stumble nor cause others to stumble till the day of Christ.

That I may be filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Christ Jesus; that I may be filled with Your mind.

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That Your glory may both be manifested and recognized in my life – in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Results to Expect from this Prayer

A highly sensitive spirit that easily hears from God and accurately and easily knows the right from the wrong.

Ability to recognize the most perfect will of God from competing alternatives. Moral and spiritual purity because one will be full of the fruit of the Spirit.

5. Prayer for Exponential Spiritual Growth (II Thessalonians 1: 11-12)

Father I pray that You make me one of the kind of children You want to have.

That You make me as good as I wish I could be – rewarding my faith (effort) with Your power.

By this, everyone will be praising the name of the Lord Jesus Christ because of the results they see in me.

My greatest glory will be that I belong to You.

May your tender mercy through the Lord Jesus Christ make all these possible for me. Amen.

Results to Expect from this Prayer

Big spiritual leap forward. Maturity into sonship. You will no longer be a child that knows not the right from the left. Manifestation of good works.

6. Prayer for Power for Service (Hebrews 13: 20-22)

Now may You, the Lord God of Peace – Who is the Author and Giver of peace – and who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, that Great Shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the everlasting covenant, strengthen and make me what I ought to be, and equip me with everything good to carry out Your will.

I ask that You Yourself work in me and accomplish that which is pleasing in Your sight through Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Results to Expect from this Prayer

Transformation from the use of self-efforts and mechanical energy in the service of God to depending on God’s own power – the union with an anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Maturity of faith and character.

Final Prayer

“And now unto You that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I ask or think, according to Your power that worketh in me, be glory for ever more” AMEN (Ephesians 3:20)


The prayers in this chapter are not prayers you pray only once, and relax. You need to meditate on the Scriptures from which the prayers are taken, and then you pray and confess these prayers as many times

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as you wish every day, every week and every month. The Christian faith and life will become easier for you.

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Some of the major ways through which evil spirits influence people and reside in them is through some sinful act, drugs taken, books read, music listened to and films watched. Some habits may be formed casually, unsuspecting. One can be hooked by the addictive contents of drugs. But such dirty or unclean habits open door for unclean spirits. They enter the person to entrench a habit e. g. smoking and drug abuse. Some films and musical records have strong demonic anointing and this affect the patrons of such films and music. But there is no habit that cannot be broken by the power of Jehovah.

Scriptures to Stand Upon

Philippians 2: 3; Titus 2: 11-12; I John 5: 4-5; I Corinthians 6: 18-20

Prayer Strategy

Repent of such habits genuinely and desire in your heart to part with them. Get all the objects that remind you of the habits or sin out of your house e.g. records, films, pictures, tobacco, etc. Plead the blood of Jesus upon you life.

Confession of Faith

Lord I know that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I repent from defiling Your temple. Your Word says whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that

overcomes the world, even our faith. I know I am born of God. I declare my victory over immoral thoughts and all bad habits (mention them: smoking, gluttony, sleepiness, masturbation, etc).

I refuse to be overcome by these habits. I refuse to be under their control. By faith in the death of Jesus Christ and His resurrection to life, I live a new life of purity from

henceforth – in Jesus’ name!

(Pray on any of the following that may be your problems)

Prayer Points – Immorality: fornication and adultery

1. From now, I reject all forms of immorality and immoral thoughts and masturbation. 2. I break myself loose from these sins.3. It is written that sin will no longer have dominion over me. I refuse to be dominated by these

evils. I am an overcomer in the name of Jesus Christ. 4. You spirit of immorality, you spirits of Jezebel and Asmodee, I command you in the name of the

Lord Jesus Christ, get out of my life. I loose myself from your control today completely – in the name of Jesus Christ.

5. I destroy all your influences over my mind and thoughts in the name of Jesus. 6. You are unclear spirits and today I renounce you in the name of Jesus. 7. I plead the blood of Jesus over my life. I use the blood to attack you. Leave me alone. I apply

the blood on my heart, my mind and my body. 8. Jesus said if the Son of God has made me free, I am free indeed I say from today I am free by

the Lord Jesus. I refuse to be a slave to women/men. I can control myself by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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9. Blessed Holy Spirit, fill my heart, take complete control of my life, my thoughts and my emotions from now on – in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pray like above on liquor and any form of alcohol addiction. Rebuke the spirit of Baccus (the Greek god of drunkenness.) and add on:-

1. Lord, I release myself from the habit of smoking or tobacco chewing today in the name of Jesus Christ.

2. I break myself loose from all forms of tobacco addiction. All influences of nicotine over my life. I destroy you in the name of Jesus.

You can also deal with the following:

a. Talkativeness. b. Gossip and slander. c. Malice, bitterness, unforgiving spirit and hatred. d. Pornography. e. Addiction to ungodly music and films. f. Addiction to football, wrestling etc at the expense of spiritual life. g. Abusiveness and cursing. h. Fashion consciousness. i. Superiority/inferiority complex. j. Tribal bigotry and racism. k. Self-will, stubbornness and pride. l. Anger, wrath and rage. m. Suspicion and lack of trust. n. Spirit of stealing and forgery. o. Deceiving spirits and falsehood. p. Spirit of pretence, hypocrisy and show off. q. Spirit of incest, lesbianism, sex with animals, homosexuality and any form of lust. r. Slothfulness, lack of zeal, oversleeping and gluttony. s. Violent temper and impatience, lacking fortitude, etc.

Your ultimate prayer should be: “Lord, let my name never be blotted out of the Book of Life in Jesus name. Amen”.

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Confession of Faith

o It is written that “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (I John 5” 4-5)

o Because I am born of God by my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, I am an overcomer. o By faith I declare my victory over the world, over failure, over the spirit of rejection, over every

situation that has weighed me down till this time. o From today, I refuse to be driven by circumstance. o Moreover, the Word of God tells me that, “Having predestined [me] unto the adoption of children

by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace,…….. [God] has made me accepted in the beloved, even in Christ Jesus, His son. “ (Ephesians 1: 5-6). If I am accepted in heaven, I am accepted in the earth. Since God is for me, who can be against me?

Scriptures to Stand Upon

Genesis 22:17; Esther 6:13; Romans 5:17; Isaiah 7:7

Prayer Strategy

Confess all your sins to the Lord. Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus. Praise God sincerely to precipitate the presence of the Holy Spirit. Bind and prevent all satanic reinforcements Pray this prayer accompanied with 1 – 3 days of fasting. Please sing the song below many times before going over these prayer point:

Pass me not O, gentle SaviourHear my humble cryWhile on others, Thou art callingDo Not pass me by,

Chorus Sa – viour, Sa – viour Hear my humble cry While on others, Thou art calling Do not pass me by.

Prayer Points

1. I thank You, Lord for sparing my life to this moment. I know that there is hope for me. I refuse to give up in Jesus name.

2. I thank You, Father, for all the blessing you have given me in the time past. 3. I put on by faith the whole armour of God. I live in the truth of God’s Word; I put on the helmet of

salvation. I take the shield of faith; I put on my soldiers boots. I bulldoze every obstacle in the way of my success this year.

4. Under the covering of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, I nullify all causes of failure in my life in the name of Jesus!

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5. I pull down every stronghold of failure in my life, in my marriage, in my business in the name of Jesus.

6. Every pipeline of failure into my life – pipelines through which my efforts are drained – I command you to be blocked in the name of Jesus Christ.

7. Every spiritual barrier and limitation to success in my life, I command you to break into pieces in the name of Jesus.

8. Every seed of failure in my life, I command you to be consumed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus.

9. Every area of my life that I have lost to failure, I command to be restored in Jesus’ name. 10. You spirit of failure, loose your grip over my life in the name of Jesus. 11. It is written of me that because I meditate in God’s Word and seek to do His will anything I lay my

hands upon shall succeed. Therefore, I reject the spirit of failure in any area of my life. I am a success in life, in my profession, my career, in my business, in my marriage. Others might have failed, but I believe in a God that cannot fail. I am His child. I am working in partnership with Him. Because he is on my side, I will not be a failure any more in Jesus’ name.

12. I command all my buried goodness, progress and prosperity to begin to resurrect in the mighty name of Jesus.

13. Father, I am a child of love, grace and favour; therefore, I refuse any form of rejection in Jesus’ name.

14. I break any spell, curse, jinx and enchantment of failure and rejection in my life right now in Jesus’ name.

15. Father, shower your mighty blessings on anyone who has helped me at one time or the other. Let him/her increase in every area of life in Jesus’ name.

16. In Jesus’ name, I clear all my goods from all satanic storehouses where they have been locked up in Jesus’ name.

17. Father, link me up and connect me with the people that matter. People who will help me from today onwards in Jesus’ name.

18. Father, perfume my life with the aroma of Christ, so that from now on good and helpful people will be attracted to me in Jesus’ name.

19. Holy Spirit, I enter into your divine favour today. Let the oil of your favour begin to flow upon me. Everywhere I turn, let the door be opened to me. Everything I lay my hands upon, let it succeed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

20. I refuse to remain at one point over the years. I move forward from my present position. I receive my divine promotion from above – even from the presence of God.

21. I fire back at the senders all arrows of failure and rejection aimed at my life in Jesus’ name. 22. Father from now on, make it impossible for anybody to say no to my sincere requests in Jesus’

name. 23. From now on, I receive divine favour and approval over all my applications and interviews and

requests in Jesus’ mighty name. 24. I command in Jesus’ name that any one who will oppose me or be hostile tome will never be at

any panel or committee that will sit over my case. 25. Father, give everyone on may panel or committee that will decide my case or cause a special

favour and liking for me in Jesus’ name. 26. Lore, please, always plant your Gamaliel (Acts 5:33-40) in any committee or panel that will

determine my fate. 27. I come against you spirit of rejection. Get out of my life in the name of Jesus. I am accepted in

the beloved. I am accepted in Christ. God Loves me. He thinks about me. He has a plan for my life and that plan He will fulfill.

28. As you spirit of rejection and hatred get out of my life, Lord, let the Holy Spirit anoint me for favour. Let your goodness and your mercy follow me from henceforth.

29. Everywhere I turn, let me find Your favour and the favour of men. Your Word says if my ways please you, You will make even my enemies to be at peace with me. Let my enemies be at peace with me. Whoever has consciously stood against my promotion, I ask that the Lord will grant him/her repentance. I bind the spirit that has been using him against me in the name of Jesus. Those who refuse to be at peace with me, but insist on my destruction and downfall, let

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peace be far from them. Let their plans against me fall into pieces. Let the terror of God pursue them – in the name of Jesus!

30. From now on, through the name and the blood of the Lamb of God, I will always be singled out for favour, promotion, admission, employment, scholarship, visa and commendation. Amen.

31. Thank You, Lord for using the blood of Jesus to clean off my life and body all emblems of marks and labels of failure and rejection in Jesus’ name.

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The Scriptures says, “For with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37)

Scriptures to Stand Upon

Luke 1:37; Philippians 4:13; Isaiah 58:11; Isaiah 65: 21/23

Prayer Strategy

Confess all your sins before God. Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus. Invite the Holy Spirit to come with the Angels of God to your assistance. Pray loudly in tongues intermittently. Night vigils and fasting are necessary for this prayer.

Confession of Faith

From now on I shall not struggle in life all alone. Because God is my Father and I am His child. He is always with me. I involve him in all my

undertakings. I know when He is involved in anything nothing can limit Him. Working with God nothing shall be impossible for me. I am not working alone; I am not planning

alone. I am a co-labourer together with God. I believe in Him; I trust His greatness. I have faith in His omnipotence. God’s Word tells me I can do all things in Christ Jesus who strengthens me. I receive the strength of the Lord Jesus in every area of my life. (Mention specific projects and

undertakings you have at the moment.) I take a leap of faith. I refuse to be scared; I refuse to be intimidated by the magnitude of my

project. With God nothing is impossible. Since I am involving Him in this matter, it is possible! It is achievable! My goal is realizable – in Jesus’ name!

Prayer Points

1. Every seed and root of impossibility that is in my life, be uprooted and be destroyed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. Every curse of impossibility in my life, in my family, I revoke you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. I set at naught every plan of impossibility in my life. 4. I am a child of God. Nothing is impossible to my Father. Every good thing I lay my hands upon

will prosper as I will always seek to glorify God in all my ways. 5. In the name of Jesus, I will make it! 6. I come against you spirit of impossibility, loose your grip over my life. Loose your position in my

life in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have no dealing with you any longer. I have the Almighty God as my Father.

7. My Father is a God of new beginnings. Where I have failed before, I will now begin to succeed. Where others have failed, I will succeed in Jesus’ mighty name.

8. From today I step into my success. 9. I refuse to give up. I can do all things in Jesus’ name. 10. I resist you spirit of discouragement. I say no to you! God has not finished with me yet. I still

have a greater height to reach in life – and that height I will reach in the name of Jesus Christ.

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11. From now on, I become as unlimited as my Father God, in Jesus’ name. 12. In the might name of Jesus Christ, I clear off all spiritual satanic road-blocks blocking my way to

prayers. 13. I command all spiritual rags, ropes and chains binding my hands and legs to break into pieces in

Jesus’ name. 14. I declare my total freedom from impossibility and limitation right now in Jesus’ name. Amen. 15. I command every limitation and every Red Sea in my life to part asunder in Jesus’ name. 16. You walls of Jericho blocking my advance into my inheritance, fall down now in Jesus’ name. 17. I release myself from the collective captivity of family and community in Jesus’ mighty name. 18. I command you gates of impossibility and the everlasting doors of limitation to lift up your heads

that the king of glory might come into my life in Jesus’ name. 19. From now on, I forcefully advance into my divinely given inheritance in Jesus’ mighty name. 20. Thank you, Father, for restoring to me all I have lost in my life, in my business, in my home. I will

have a tenfold restoration in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Scriptures to Stand Upon

Galatians 3:13-14; II Timothy 4:18; Isaiah 53; Isaiah 54:17; Revelation 12:11; Numbers 23:23 I Samuel 2:10; Colossians 2:14-15; 1:13-14

Prayer Strategy

Go to a lonely place or lock up yourself for some days of personal retreat. Ask your parents some critical questions about your conception, birth, naming ceremony rites, youth and dedications. Ask the Holy Spirit for more light on your life – on things your parents too may not know about. If you can pray in tongues, then use it as much as you pray these prayers. Be violent with the devil. Accompany this pray with 1 – 3 days of fasting and night vigils.

Confession of Faith

Lord I thank You because Your Word already says, it is not good that man or woman should be alone. I know it is Your purpose that I should be married. I ask today that You consider my situation at the moment – my aloneness – and provide for me my marriage partner.

I want to live for You – to serve and obey You – all my life. Give me a partner who will help me, be my helpmate to serve You.

Prayer Points

(Delayed marriage and general marital failure)

1. I thank You, my Lord, for Your redemptive power which never fails no diminishes. 2. I ask You, Lord, to forgive my sins, particularly, any covenant I have entered into knowingly or

unknowingly that is now having effects on my marriage. I confess the sins of idolatry by my parents and ancestors in this regard.

3. Today, I renounce and revoke all the covenants I have made or the ones made on my behalf by anyone concerning my marriage in Jesus’ mighty name.

4. I deliver, break and release myself from every ancestral marital covenants working in my life or running through my family line in the name of Jesus.

5. I command that all the spirits behind such covenants – all the spirits assigned to administer the covenants – Get out of my life now – in the name of the Lord.

6. So, Lord, lead me to my green pasture and my still waters. 7. As my life is in Your hand, Father, I refuse to worry about this matter. I know You are working out

a miracle for me. 8. Meanwhile, I resist every resistance to my marriage in the name of Jesus. 9. That chain that has held me to the same spot for years, I break it now, in the name of Jesus.

Chain of stagnancy, retardation and retrogression, chain of depression – I break you now in the name of Jesus.

10. Holy Ghost fire destroy and burn to ashes every spiritual veil covering and obscuring my real personality in Jesus’ name.

11. Demonic wedding attire, let the fire of God come down and destroy you to ashes in Jesus’ name!

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12. I come against instituted and remotely programmed frustrations in my life in the name of the Lord Jesus.

13. I come against anti-marriage habits and imaginations in my life. 14. I resist you spirit of fear of abandonment and loneliness in Jesus’ name. 15. I come against any attraction to me b my wrong and unserious partners. 16. I reject unprofitable impatience in my life in the mighty name of Jesus. 17. Any demonic pregnancy in the spirit realm, I abort it in Jesus’ name. 18. I command that my would-be husband/wife be released from influences of the power of darkness

now in Jesus’ name. 19. Let all the devils and satanic agents hindering me from seeing what I should see, be consumed

by the fire of God in Jesus’ name. 20. I am today released from all anti-marriage curses, spells, bewitchment, hexes, covenants

operating on both sides of my parents in Jesus’ name. 21. I use the blood of Jesus to clean off and erase all anti-marriage invisible labels on any part of my

body in Jesus’ name. 22. Let divine marital prosperity replace all the anti-marriage curses and covenants in the name of

Jesus. 23. My Lord God, Father of light please open my eyes. Deliver me from all worldly standards I have

set for myself that have been a source of hindrance and delay to me. I am ready to do Your will now if I know it. Thank You because I know You are in charge now.

Please note the following:

1. You must repent of all sins, particularly, sins indulged in as alternatives to a marital life. 2. If you have trouble with your dreams, seek for deliverance ministration or minister self-

deliverance to yourself. 3. Ensure that all restitutions have been made. For example, if you are being housed by someone

else’s spouse, you must not only repent, you must stop that relationship immediately whatever it may cost you.

4. Ensure that you are completely emptied of pride and anger. Your marital problems may be because of these.

5. Stop all forms of crying, and begin to thank God. It is an expression of your faith in His ability and faithfulness.

6. Study and memorise your Bible daily. 7. Seek for the genuine baptism of the Holy Spirit. This enhances your prayer life. 8. Get busy for God in personal soul winning. Read John 14:12-14. Be profitably engaged for Him

while you await His Fatherly intervention and mercies. Do the Word and get the results.


Scriptures to Meditate Upon:

Matthew 7: 24-27; I Corinthians 6:13-20; II Corinthians 6: 14-18

1. Father, I want to build my home on the rock and not on sinking sand of mere emotions and worldly standards. I pray that You reveal to me if I have entered into a wrong courtship. And let such courtship break naturally without Your name being soiled and without any hurt. Help us to agree to disagree agreeably.

2. For the moment, however, I know that You have brought us into this relationship. I believe this is the partner You have given me. All arrangements of the power of darkness to break relationship with [________mention name] are cancelled now in the name of Jesus.

3. I cancel and destroy all the plans of the devil to frustrate me martially in the name of Jesus. 4. I bind the spirit of confusion and insincerity in my courtship in the name of Jesus. 5. I frustrate every plan of the enemy to pollute me before my marriage in the name of Jesus. I shall

remain pure and holy in Jesus’ name. I shall always be conscious of the presence of the Holy Spirit in me, and shall be afraid to defile my body in any way through immoral acts and thoughts.

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I will always resist the devil and flee when tempted. I shall be bold enough to say no to anything that will not glorify Christ in this courtship.

6. Lord, confirm again my conviction in this relationship and let me be fully persuaded so that I can stand when the enemy comes with his alternatives – in the name of Jesus.

7. As we prepared for our wedding, I destroy every plan of the devil to hinder us financially and morally in the name of Jesus.

8. I disallow any evil guest at our wedding and engagement. Anyone who may want to come to try any charm or bring a cursed gift, I banish such a person to the sick bed. Let him or he be engaged with one sickness or trouble until the wedding is over.

9. Let there be an open door for us in every way – in the mighty name of Jesus.


Scriptures to Meditate Upon:

Matthew 19: 4-5; I Corinthians 7 v 2; I Timothy 3 v 2

Prayer Points

1. Thank God because He is going to intervene in your marriage through these prayers.2. Let anything that wants to stand between me and answers to these prayers be destroyed

in the name of Jesus. 3. Let the anointing to pray to the point of breakthrough in my marriage fall upon me now in

Jesus’ name. 4. Lord Jesus, I invite you to come to my aid in every difficult situation in my marriage. 5. I paralyze every architect of conflict and hostility in my home, in the name of Jesus. 6. I withdraw my marriage from the hands of evil designers, in the name of Jesus. 7. Let every power trying to redraw the map of my marriage be put to shame in Jesus’

name. 8. Let all agents of household wickedness release my home, in Jesus’ name. 9. I receive deliverance from every evil plantations designed to bring me and my children

into captivity, in Jesus’ name. 10. I paralyze the spirit of hostility and hatred targeted against my home in Jesus’ name. 11. I spoil and destabilize every evil plan against my home in Jesus’ name. 12. I deliver my marriage from the hands of home-destroyers. 13. I pursue, overtake and recover my marriage from the hands of marriage breakers. 14. Every evil effect of external interference in my marriage, be completely neutralized in

Jesus’ name. 15. O Lord, dissolve and render to naught every evil counsel against my home in Jesus’

name. 16. Every power preventing me from accepting the headship of my husband, become

paralyzed in the name of Jesus. 17. Let every imagination, thought, plan, decision, desire and expectation of separation and

divorce against my home be nullified, in the name of Jesus. 18. Hear the word of the Lord, you home breakers, you will not break my marriage in the

name of Jesus. 19. I bind all powers eating away the determination of my spouse to stay married to me, in

Jesus name. 20. Let satanic birds eating away my love from the heart of my husband vomit it, in Jesus’

name. 21. (Pray in the spirit for at least 10 minutes). 22. Let all extra-marital relationships with other ‘partners’ collapse and die, in Jesus’ name. 23. Let my husband [mention his name] come to himself and return home now in the name of

the Lord Jesus Christ. 24. I cast down every imagination inspired by evil spirits controlling [mention husband’s

name]. I bring every thought under subjection of Christ.

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25. I come against every husband or wife snatcher. I resist the spirits behind you in the name of Jesus.

26. I fire back all arrows of death, doom, disaster, sickness, backwardness and oppression in my family in the mighty name of Jesus.

27. I command every altar that is raised up against my family to collapse in the name of Jesus.

28. Lord, change all that needs to be changed in my life for my family to be happy and successful in the name of Jesus.

29. I bind the stronghold on my side and that of my husband/wife’s side in the mighty name of Jesus.

30. Every associated evil covenant and curse from my side and my husband/wife’s side be destroyed and revoked in the name of Jesus.

31. I render null and void every decision taken against my family by the wicked ones in the mighty name of Jesus.

32. I destroy the activities of: False prophets; Satanic agents; Water spirits; Occultic consultants over my family

in the name of Jesus.

33. He that digs a pit for my family shall fall into it; and he that rolls a stone – upon him shall it fall in the mighty name of Jesus.

34. I send the arrow of the Lord against all husband/wife snatchers in the name of Jesus. Let them hear a strange voice and leave my husband/wife alone in the mighty name of Jesus.

35. I break every soul tie between my spouse and …. (mention the name if you know it) in Jesus’ name.

36. I deliver my spouse from the hands of evil seducers in Jesus’ name. 37. I plant genuine love and peace into my family in the name of Jesus. 38. I bind the spirit behind every problem of infirmities, barrenness, disunity, divorce,

wayward children in my family in the name of Jesus. 39. I release my family from every satanic hold and influence of any kind in the mighty name

of Jesus. 40. I break the hold of evil spiritual beings upon my spouse, in the name of Jesus. 41. I command failure, frustration and disappointment to come upon every strange

relationship involving my spouse. 42. Let the angels of God chase away evil intruders into my marriage in Jesus’ name. 43. I refuse to be a single parent in Jesus’ name. 44. I break the power of every evil manipulation targeted against my home in Jesus’ name. 45. I paralyze every vagabond spirit working in the life of my spouse in Jesus’ name. 46. I pull down the stronghold of (pick from the under listed) working against my marriage, in

the name of Jesus. • Carelessness • Pride • Foolishness • Lack of knowledge of the word of God

47. My marriage will succeed, therefore I resist all demonic manoeuvres concerning my home, you spirits of misunderstanding and confusion; spirit of strife, I silence you in Jesus’ mighty name.

48. Lord I thank you because I know you will work our every circumstance to restore my marriage, and renew our love in Jesus’ mighty name.

49. Begin to thank the Lord for everything He has done for you.

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Prayer Strategy

Husband and wife should put aside 1-3 days of serious prayer and fasting together, if possible.

Ask questions about each other’s background.

Empty yourselves of all forms of anxiety, agitation, feelings of frustration, sense of shame, depression and bitterness against God. Confess and renounce all these sins.

Give God sincere and deep praise and worship.

Come violently against the strongman over your marriage and overthrow the spirit of barrenness.

Personal night vigils are essential for this prayer.

Anoint your womb during this prayer session.

We suggest you do the praying every morning and night.

Forgive anyone who has offended you and forgive yourself.

Scriptures to Stand and Pray From:

Psalms 148, 149 and 150; Genesis 1:28; Exodus 23:26; Deuteronomy 7:14; Psalms 127:1-3; 128:3; 113:9; I Timothy 2:15; Galatians 6:14, 17; Philippians 1:6; Isaiah 8:18; 40:5; Exodus 1:19

There are many hindrances to child-bearing. One of them is the effect of our past lives before we became children of God. For example, abortion. There is a curse that goes with abortion, and every curse has a spirit behind it, to administer the curse. I was once ministering in a church in the Republic of Benin. As I was about to lay hands on one of the women in the front, the Holy Spirit said, “No, she has committed abortion before!”. The woman had been barren for years. When I told her what God said, she said, “But that was seven years ago”. Well, she believed seven years time was enough to forget that. But God has not forgotten, and the devil has not forgotten either.

The devil is not going to respect your binding and losing if he is holding you because of this, and you have to deliberately confess it to God having acknowledged the seriousness of the sin.

Confession of Sexual Sins

Lord Jesus, have mercy on me. I know I am now Your child. But if there is anything the devil still holds against me in order to afflict me in this area of child bearing, forgive me, and cleanse my body by Your blood. I plead to Your atoning blood. I repent of my sexual sins in the past, and particularly, abortion. (You can do this confession in your own words if you have committed this).

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Confession of Faith

The Word of God tells me that I shall be fruitful and multiply. God said it and I believe it. It is a command to me, and I want to obey it. This must come to pass in my life in Jesus’ name.

My Father and my God, I bring Your word to remembrance, for You said: “No woman shall be barren in the generation of Abraham” I belong to Christ and I am therefore Abraham’s seed and heir according to the promise (Galatians 3:29).

Barrenness is a curse of the law and Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law (Galations 3:13).

I will have my own child by this time next year in Jesus’ mighty name.

Prayer Points

1. You devil, hear the Word of the Lord: All your weapons against me will not prosper in Jesus’ name. The Lord of hosts is with me and the God of Jacob is my refuge.

2. You devil, loose your hold upon my life in Jesus name.

3. “From henceforth, let no man trouble me: for I bear on my body the marks of the Lord Jesus” (Galatians 6:17). From now on, let no devil trouble me; let no evil spirit disturb my conception; let no devil trouble my womb; let no disease, no fibroid or whatever trouble my womb. I have on my body the seal of the Holy Spirit, the mark of God’s ownership on my body. My body has been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

4. Right now, I command every hindrance to conception, every disturbance and blockage in the womb or anywhere in my system – get out in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

5. All evil spirits behind this – get out now. It is written, “He allowed man to do them wrong: yea, He reproved kings for their sake, saying, Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm” So, you powers of darkness: the Lord, even the Lord of Hosts, rebukes and reproves you. I am untouchable in Jesus’ name. The door of fruitfulness has opened for me today. Glory be to the name of the Lord Amen.

6. I renounce, denounce and reject every demonic covenant regarding child bearing in Jesus name.

7. I apply the blood of Jesus Christ to my womb, to my seed, and all organs in my reproductive system. Receive the healing of the Lord in Jesus’ name.

8. I speak to you my body, you bear fruit in the name of Jesus. As in Genesis, God commands you now: Multiply! Reproduce yourself! Come alive – in the name of the Lord Jesus!

9. Father, in the name of Jesus, work the necessary miracles to enable me have the fruit of the womb.

10. I break every curse of barrenness operating in my life in the name of Jesus.

11. Lord Jesus, lay Your hands upon me and my spouse at this moment. Do the necessary operations needed in our bodies tonight by Your mercy and Your grace.

12. I command all contrary handwriting against me to be destroyed in Jesus’ name.

13. I bind, plunder and cast out every spirit of infertility and fear in my life in Jesus’ name.

14. I loose myself from any curse issued against me by satanic agents in Jesus’ name.

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15. I release myself from any inherited problem in Jesus’ name.

16. I cancel every bewitchment against my reproductive organs and child bearing in Jesus’ name.

17. Father Lord, send Your angels to retrieve my blessings from any hiding places in Jesus’ name.

18. I renounce and denounce all unprofitable covenants in Jesus’ name.

19. Let this month be my month of miracles in Jesus’ name.

20. I release myself from every bondage of infertility and pregnancy wastage in Jesus’ name. I bind you spirit of the serpent that devours fetuses and cause miscarriage.

21. I bind, plunder and cast you out, all you foetal-eating demons in Jesus’ name.

22. I paralyse every spirit behind impotency, low sperm-count, ejaculation problem, ovulation failure, hormonal problems and other anti-pregnancy strategies in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

23. Dear Lord Jesus, wash away by Your mercy the effects of my past sexual sins.

24. Lord remove the effects of sexual relationship with demonized partners from my life in Jesus’ name.

25. I cancel the evil effects of contaminated and charmed menstrual pads and materials and lost underwear in Jesus’ name.

26. Everywhere any of my menstrual materials and underwears which are being used against me, I command the fire of God to come down and consume them to ashes now!

27. With the Blood of Jesus, I break every bondage and all ungodly soul-ties with all sex partners of the past. I lose myself from such ties right now.

28. Thank You Lord, because I know You have done it. Satan cannot continue his work in my life. I know I am free by the blood of Jesus.

29. Father, by Your grace, this year all who have pitied me and looked down on me, because of my condition shall laugh with me, as people laughed with Sarah in Jesus’ name.

30. Lord, deliver me from my monthly anxiety and nervousness in Jesus’ name.

31. In Jesus name, this very month shall be the month of my fulfillment. My expectation shall not be cut off.


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Scriptures to Stand Upon

I Timothy 2:15; Philippians 1:6; Isaiah 8:18; 40:5; Exodus 1:19; Isaiah 43:1-4; Psalm 125:3; Psalm 91:1-10

Prayer Strategy

Anoint your belly periodically with consecrated anointing oil.

Pray and sing praise for at least one hour daily.

Cancel and reject all negative dreams and negative medical reports.

Rebuke and bind the spirits of fear and anxiety.

Meditate on the Word of God regularly.

Do personal night vigils.

Participate regularly in Holy Communion services.

Avoid quarrels and fights with anybody during this period.

Let your heart and mouth be full of praise songs all the time.

Lay your right hand on your womb or pregnancy as you vocally pray these prayers.

Confession of Faith & Prayers

1. All is well with me and my baby inside in the name of the Lord Jesus. I rejoice in the Lord for this work of creation he has done in my body.

2. I trust the Lord who has put here and is watching over you; He is taking care of you. The devil knows nothing about how you were wonderfully knit together in the womb. So the devil has no right to touch you. No witch has any right over you.

3. The blood of my Lord Jesus Christ will mix with my blood to make everything in the body perfect.

4. My blood is perfectly healthy in the name of Jesus. Any impurity in my blood is flushed out in the name of the Lord Jesus. Any destructive living organism in my blood is destroyed now in the name of the Lord Jesus. Every blood cell that is being destroyed by the destroying bacteria and virus: come alive and be multiplied. My blood is under supernatural formation and purification.

5. The physiology, anatomy and biochemistry of my body at the moment will be for a perfect development of my baby in the name of Jesus.

6. Anything that is wrong anywhere will be normalized now in the name of the Lord Jesus.

7. I refuse any weakness. I receive the strength of the Lord throughout this pregnancy period.

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8. All the diseases that accompany pregnancy are not my portion. My portion is sound health. In the morning today I am well. Tonight, I am sound in health. At midnight I will sleep soundly.

9. No devil can harass me. No witch can terrify me. Though I am pregnant, I am still a terror of witches. I am still a tormentor to household and neighbourhood enemies. I am still more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.

10. Those who imagine I am now helpless will meet their surprises. The Lord is with me like a mighty and terrible One. Because He has put His miracle in my womb Himself, therefore, He is watching over it to keep and preserve it.

11. Any enemy who comes against me one time will flee in terror seven times in the name of Jesus. I bind the spirits of baby-exchanges in the name of Jesus. God is the One that planted this baby in my womb. He shall remain there and grow normally and be delivered.

12. The blood of Jesus will speak against my enemies; the name of Jesus is my banner. The hosts of heaven will defend me.

13. I and my baby are hidden by Christ in God. No devil, and no witch can touch us.

14. Any which who tries or even imagines an idea of drinking my blood or eating up my baby will die of poisoning – in the name of Jesus. He/she will not even attempt it before his-her destruction comes.

15. My baby shall not be aborted. I will not miscarry. I don’t care whatever dream the devil has ever brought to intimidate me. I don’t care about whatever threats to my pregnancy. It shall not stand, neither shall it come to the as fantasies of demons. They will not come to pass in the name of Jesus. Whatever abnormal bleeding I experienced in the past, I will see it no more. Even on the day of my delivery – my bleeding shall be normal – in the name of Jesus Christ.

16. I smash to pieces all the monitoring equipment being used by the enemy to see my baby and his/her growth – in the name of Jesus. I erase from your demonic computers any information concerning my life, my pregnancy and baby – in the name of Jesus Christ. I destroy your eyes completely – all you evil eyes monitoring my pregnancy; be blinded now in the name of Jesus. All you demonic monitoring gadgets, I destroy you in the name of Jesus.

17. I do note have to be vomiting because I am pregnant. So I receive normalization of my body chemistry in the name of Jesus. For me none of these sicknesses are necessary to prove that I am pregnant. I reject them all. They belong to the Egyptians, and I refuse to partake in them. Christ has borne my own sicknesses on the cross by His stripes and wounds.

18. My feet are normal. I command any varicose veins or swollen feet to return to normalcy in the name of Jesus.

19. My digestive system will function very well in the name of Jesus. I will have no constipation, piles, nausea or any disease in the stomach. I have sufficiency of all the minerals and vitamins that my systems need.

20. My bones are strong. Despite the weight of my baby, my backbones are well. I reject constant backaches.

21. I don’t care what I feel at the moment. The Word of God is greater than my feelings. The blood of Jesus is stronger than any medicine. My PCV is normal in the name of Jesus.

22. The pressure of my blood is not too high, and it is not too low in the name of Jesus.

23. My urinary system is perfect. I reject diabetes in the mighty name of Jesus.

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24. By the blood of Jesus Christ and in the name of the Lord, I redeem my delivery day from all evil and calamity. Whatever the agenda of Satan for that day for my life and for that maternity – I cancel it in the name of Jesus.

25. God told Jeremiah He had known him and ordained him a prophet even before he was formed in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5). So was Moses, so was Paul. God knew my baby before the conception and right now as he is in the womb. He is a child of destiny. Therefore, it is impossible for any devil or any enemy anywhere or any sickness to destroy him. God will fulfill his plan in my child’s life in Jesus’ name. God’s eyes are on my baby monitoring the systematic growth. I rejoice to know this, and I give all honour to His Holy name!

26. The Spirit of Christ is right inside me (Romans 8: 9,11). Because He is there, He shall monitor all that is going on in my body to make sure that they are perfect. He will keep my baby in perfect health. There shall be no malformation or any abnormality in his body or brain. He/she shall be a highly intelligent person – a rare resource person to the kingdom of God, the family and the nation.

27. I confess that my baby will not be a breach. Listen baby, if already you are a breach, I command you to turn round and be in the normal position for easy delivery in Jesus name.

28. I command any spirit manipulating position of my baby to lose grip of him now – in the name of Jesus!

29. I go to the delivery room with confidence in the Lord. He Who has begun this good work in me will certainly perfect it. I have no fear at all. All will be well in the name of the Lord Jesus.

30. No agent of darkness shall be my doctor or midwife. I banish away any occult medical personnel to handle me. I say you will not be on duty at that time. Let God arrange those that must be on duty to handle my delivery.

31. I confess that I am not an Egyptian woman. I am a seed of Abraham - a Hebrew woman by faith in Christ Jesus. I am strong. I am vigorous. My delivery shall be like the Hebrew women in Goshen. Before the devil knows what is happening, my baby will be delivered safely (Exodus 1:15-19)

32. I have no fear of death. I will live to declare the works of the Lord in my generation. My baby shall not die. He shall live and grow, and know the Lord personally and be a blessing to the Church of God in his generation.

33. My baby shall not be a premature baby – in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

34. As the baby grows and as the day of delivery draws close, every part of my body will function properly to meet the demands of the moment – my pelvis, my cervix. There shall be no complications. My pelvis will be wide enough for my baby to pass through. I shall not undergo any operation in any way. No knife will touch me and none of my bones shall be broken.

35. I confess that I shall not bring forth in paid nor bring forth for trouble.

36. I scorn any demonic intimidation of death in dreams, etc It shall not stand. All is well with me in Jesus’ mighty name.

37. During my delivery, the living shall come out of the living in Jesus name.

38. I have no fear of death or agony during child birth. Jesus has redeemed me from the curse of the law through His blood. (Galatians 3:13).

39. Before I travail, I will bring forth. This is a privilege I have as a favoured seed of Abraham (Isaiah 66:7).

40. Prolonged labour is not my portion. Abnormal pains before and after birth are not my portion by His grace.

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41. From now, I rejoice in advance for safe pregnancy and victorious childbirth. Hallelujah!

42. Before God created Adam, He had provided all that Adam needed. Before God gave us this baby, He was also making a provision for his needs. According to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus, the Lord shall meet all the needs of this baby and the entire family in Jesus name.

43. Lord, I bless You because You are a great God. All honour, glory and adoration will come back to You as I come back from the delivery room.

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“But thou shall remember the LORD thy God; for it is He that giveth the power to get wealth that he may establish His covenant which He swore unto thy fathers, as it is this day”

Here it is clear that there is “power to get wealth”. Unbelievers know that this is true. But they do not come to God for such power. This is because God demands they must leave their sins and wickedness first. They opt for the devil’s power to boost their business, to get contracts, promotion favour etc. But whatever a man gets through demonic spirits will be paid fully for later on in hell fire.

God gives power to get wealth, and you can avail yourself of this power now. It is only “the blessing of the Lord (that) maketh rich and addeth no sorrow to it.”

Israel received the power to get wealth because their fathers and grand fathers were in a holy covenant of wealth with God Almighty.

The devil might have given your grand fathers wealth through a covenant with some undeclared terms of making their descendants poor. Our fathers may even have entered a covenant of poverty in order to get power to cure ailments or power of divination. You must break such power and enter into God’s covenant of wealth.

Prayer Strategy

You may ask your Pastor for a consecrated anointing oil and anoint the business premises of your office or your institution.

If all your staff are Christians, you may involve them in some aspects of these prayers at least twice a week for about a month. If only some are Christians, then the some should be involved in this.

Hold at least one prayer vigil in the office.

Scriptures to Stand Upon:

Deuteronomy 28:3-13; Deuteronomy 8:18; Psalm 1:1-3; Psalm 55:11; Genesis 39:3; Joshua 1:8; Philippians 4:19; II Chronicles 20:20; Nehemiah 2:19; III John 2; Job 22:28; Job 36:11; Colossians 2:4; Psalm 84:11, 24; Philippians 4:13; Deuteronomy 3:19, 66; Psalm 46:1,5; 68:18; 35:27b; 24:1; Jeremiah 32:27; I Samuel 30:8

Confession of Faith:

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As God was with Joseph in Potiphar’s house and business, so the Lord is with me. As things prospered in Joseph’s hand so all that I lay my hands upon shall prosper. I will be blessed at home. I will be blessed in my fields.

My God has enough riches in heaven in Christ Jesus. I enter into this from now on – in the name of Jesus.

I have passed through the night of financial crisis. My morning of joy is coming – beginning from today.

Because I obey and serve the Lord, I shall spend my days in prosperity and my years in pleasure (Job 36:11).

Prayer Points

1. Heavenly Father, if my parents and grand parents have entered into any covenant outside You, O God Almighty, I break such a covenant of exchange of power. I revoke it in Jesus’ name.

2. In the name of the Lord Jesus, through the blood of the Lord, I enter into the covenant of prosperity and abundance with Jehovah, the possessor of heaven and earth.

3. In Jesus’ name, I come against the activities of evil spirits over my business. I bind you in the name of Jesus. Those of you in the air: let the fire of God come down on you and consume you in the name of Jesus. Those of you in water below: I drag you by the hook of the Lord and slay you by sword of the Lord.

4. I arrest every spirit that has been responsible for all the frustrations in my business. I bind you in the name of Jesus. You have no place any longer in my work. Get out in the name of Jesus.

5. I revoke every curse and covenant that has put me in a financial mess – in the name of Jesus.

6. By the power of resurrection, I command whatever is dead in my business to pick up again. In the name of Jesus, resurrect!

7. From now on, I receive divine wisdom for business management. Where others are confused, I will have a way to solve the problem and get maximum profit.

8. Lord, teach me how to profit – how to produce wealth – even in a bad economy.

9. Lord, let Your grace and power pervade all my work. Breathe upon all I do in the name of Jesus.

10. I repent of any way in which I have caused my failures in the past. From now, Lord I receive wisdom for my staff, new ability for them and new commitment.

11. Lord, give me the Holy Spirit-controlled temperament in dealing with my staff. Let my Christian testimony give glory to You.

12. Let this business be a source of blessing to many individuals and families in the name of Jesus.

13. I reject the spirit of stagnation. Get out of my life and my business in the name of Jesus. I shall make progress. This work will increase. No matter what great profit we ever recorded, we shall record greater this year, and more every year – in the name of the Lord Jesus.

14. Lord, I come under Your favour. Let the oil of Your favour come upon me, and let it never dry up.

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15. Father, let Your angels give us divine advertisement – divine promotion – in the name of Jesus.

16. Though our beginning has been small, our latter operations and resources shall greatly increase.

17. All the businesses that have been our good partners will not fold up. Father, sustain them even in this adverse situation.

18. I revoke all maledictions, all curses that have been pronounced against my business in the name of Jesus.

19. All you evil spirits that may be in this building I am living in at the moment – which have been influencing my finances – I command you to get out. Whatever covenant you are standing upon here, I break it in the name of Jesus. I don’t care what covenants have been made with you at the foundation laying of this house or its dedication or thereafter. The Bible says, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof”. The Lord owns this place. As His child and heir, I take authority over this building and the vicinity – in the name of Jesus.

20. All you spirits of frustration over my finances, get out in the name of Jesus.

21. I break the curse of devourers over my income in Jesus’ name. All you devourers in my life and businesses – the Lord rebuke you.

22. All forces of darkness contending with my finances and my inheritance as a child of God, the Lord contends with you today (Isaiah 49:25).

23. All my blessings that you have taken as prey and swallowed – vomit them in the name of Jesus.

24. I confess before God today all curses I have brought upon myself ignorantly through my words and works. With my own mouth, I revoke such curses now in the name of the Lord Jesus. I renounce in the name of Jesus any evil covenant I have entered into that has been making a toll on my finances. I cancel such covenants in the name of Jesus.

25. Father, I ask You in the name of Jesus to send Your ministering angels to bring in prosperity and funds into my business.

26. Let men bless me anywhere I go. Let people compete to do me good – in the name of Jesus.

27. Lord, give me the gift of discernment to detect dupes and all perpetrators of evil in my business.

28. I reject a life of survival on debt. I receive a financial breakthrough to clear all the debts I am owing at the moment.

29. Holy Spirit, we are partners together in this business. In partnership with You, this business is destined and bound to prosper.

30. Every good thing presently eluding my business should begin to flow into it – in the mighty name of Jesus.

31. I revoke the family curse and covenants of poverty over my life.

32. I come against all the evil spirits who have been administering these covenants in the name of Jesus. Get out of my life, out of my business, out of my home – in the name of Jesus.

33. From today, I enter into the abundance of God for my life in the mighty name of Jesus.

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Scriptures of to Stand Upon in Prayer:

Zechariah 2:5; Psalm 24; Ezekiel 36:1; Reveleation 12:16

Prayer Strategy

You may need a bottle of anointing oil to do the sanctifying after the prayers.

Prophetically walk up and down the land, prophesying Psalms 24.

Prayer Points

1. Lord, Yours is the earth; Yours is this place. Be in charge of this house from now in the name of Jesus.

2. You have provided the money for this building and acquisition of this land/shop/office. Take care of it, Be in charge now. I hand it over to You in Jesus’ name.

3. I apply the blood of Jesus against any evil spirits to which this land has been covenanted. I cleanse this place of all unclean spirits.

4. I revoke any evil covenant that might have been made on this place of land in the name of Jesus. I command all the demons behind such covenants to get out of here. A new occupant has come. I destroy the old spiritual tenancy agreement over this land in the name of Jesus. I command the fire of God to burn the old demonic “certificate of occupancy” in the name of Jesus.

5. Lord, as we have come to stay and operate here from now, let your glory come upon us like never before. Let new blessings begin in our lives in the name of Jesus.

6. Let Your mighty angels encamp round about this house/compound/office/shop in the name of Jesus. In the name of the Lord Jesus, I anoint this house/land/office/shop with the holy oil of God. With the power of the Holy Spirit, I revoke all covenants of evil spirits upon this place. By the blood of Jesus, I redeem this place in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

7. In this new place, God will begin new things in my life in my business in the name of Jesus. I will not live in debt in this new place in the name of Jesus.

8. Lord, by this act of prayer, I raise an altar unto You in t his premises in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

9. Father, let the heavens be open to us in this place. Let the blanket of darkness over this place be removed completely in the name of Jesus.

10. Father thou God of Abraham, the covenant keeping God, I prophetically and by faith draw this premise and property into a lasting covenant with You in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

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Scriptures to Stand Upon

Isaiah 49:25; 54:13; 2:6; 49:25; Hosea 2:6-15; Psalm 21:2; 86:16; Ephesians 1:16-23; 3:14-21

Prayer Strategy

Love this person you are praying for with all your heart. Prayer works better in an atmosphere of love.

Regularly exercise authority over the spirit of the darkness of this age – the demon prince responsible for keeping people spiritually blind.

Pray this salvation prayer regularly with tongues and with your understanding.

Never give up no be discouraged until the person is saved.

Prayer Points

1. Lord, I bring this man/woman [________ mention the name] before You. For him/her You came down and gave Your life. Let him not die without knowing You.

2. I ask for Your mercy for him in the mighty name of Jesus.

3. I bind the spirit of the power of the air controlling this man/woman – the strongman directing his life.

4. As God’s creation, this man/woman belongs to God. I claim him for God and His service. I break the hold of that evil spirit over his mind and thoughts in the name of Jesus.

5. Lord, mobilize Your angels to begin to arrange circumstances and situations that will bring this man to repentance and conversion.

6. I bind the spirit of that false religion (mention his religion) who has held this man in bondage. I release this man from your hold in the name of Jesus.

7. From today this man/woman will begin to reason properly. Holy Spirit, begin the work of conviction of sin in this man/woman. Let him find no rest or peace until He has found the Prince of peace.

8. I release this man/woman from whatever cult he/she belongs to. He shall be tired of this cult and come to Christ.

9. It is Jesus that presently has the keys of death and of the Hades. Lord, do not allow this man to see death until he has seen You. Use Your keys to block the way of his death until he is saved. He shall not go to hell in the name of Jesus.

10. I break every evil habit in his/her life that has prevented him from coming to Christ. I break the power of such sinful habits over his life in the name of Jesus.

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11. I tear from the eyes of this man all spiritual covering that has prevented him from reasoning properly to accept the salvation of his soul.

12. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I demolish arguments and every high thing in this man/woman that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.

13. I destroy every moral standard he/she has created to justify himself. Holy Spirit, You are the One that convicts the world of their sins. Begin to do this work in the life of this person now in the name of Jesus Christ.

14. The Bible says “there is no peace for the wicked”. Lord, draw the heart of this man/woman to Yourself. Only You can give peace. Let every man-made peace collapse in his life. Let his heart begin to cry to You for help and as He calls, have mercy on him and deliver him because of the sacrifice of Christ.

15. I cast down every imagination and every high thing in this man/woman that exalts itself above the knowledge of God. I bind all the spirits behind the vain philosophies of life and Christless religions and perversions in this man/woman.

16. I bind the spirit of pride and arrogance in this man/woman.

17. All the powers of witchcraft manipulating your mind, influencing your decision about your salvation, I bind them and I release your mind in the name of Jesus.

18. Your Word says the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord: like a moving water and You can direct it to wherever You want it to go. I hand over this man/woman into Your hand. Direct him/her to Yourself and You shall receive the glory. Praise awaits You in my mouth when this is saved.

19. I thank You because I know it is for this reason You came to the earth and died. You will do it, and I will praise You for this.

20. Mr./Mrs_______, I now declare you a child of the living God in Jesus mighty name. You shall henceforth begin to live in this reality.

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Prayer Strategy

If possible go on about 1-3 days fasting. This is not compulsory, especially, if fasting can further endanger your health. But you can still skip some meals in order to keep your spirit fervent for praying.

Realise you cannot receive healing without faith in God’s ability and willingness to heal you. (Matthew 8:1-4). After this prayer, take some practical steps and faith to demonstrate that God has answered your prayers, and that the devil has been defeated in your life. Now begin some things you could not do before the prayer time.

Scriptures to Stand Upon

Hebrews 4:16; Psalm 20:6; Jeremiah 1:12; Numbers 23:19; Isaiah 53:5; I Peter 2:24; Galatians 3:13; I Corinthians 6:19-20; Exodus 15:26; Malachi 4:2; Psalm 84:7; Isaiah 58:8; Romans 8:11; Matthew 18:18; I Peter 1:23; I Peter 1:18; Isaiah 55:11; Psalm 107:20

Confessions of Faith and Prayer Points

1. Father, I come boldly to the throne of grace and mercy to receive healing. I know that Your word is the final authority and as silver is tried in the furnace of fire, purified seven times, so is Your Word. I know also that you watch over your word to perform it because you do not lie or change.

2. I believe that Jesus died for my sins and sicknesses on the Cross of Calvary and was wounded for my transgressions and bruised for my iniquity.

3. The chastisement of my peace was upon Him, with His stripes I was healed. I believe He was raised from the dead for my justification and redemption. Therefore, I confess that by His stripes I am healed now from all sicknesses and infirmities.

4. I am redeemed from all curses – ancestral, paternal and maternal. I disallow the devil and his agents from operating in my body because my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

5. Every organ, every tissue and every cell of my body will begin to function in the perfection in which God created them to function in Jesus’ name.

6. Father, You are Jehovah-Rapha – the Lord that healeth me. I accept You as my healer and I confess according to Your Word that the Sun of righteousness arises with healing in His wings upon me because I fear your name.

7. I go from strength to strength; my light breaks forth as the morning and my health springs forth speedily.

8. Since the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in me, I confess that he who raised up Jesus from the dead quickens, makes alive energises, services and overhauls my mortal body.

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9. Satan, according to Matthew 18:18, I bind you and your cohorts from operating in my body right now in Jesus’ name. Spirit of infirmity get out of my body right now in Jesus’ mighty name.

10. I am the property of God, because I was bought with a price and redeemed not with perishable seed but with the seed incorruptible: even by the Word of God and with precious and sinless blood of Christ. Therefore, I forbid any sickness, disease or infirmity from operating in my body.

11. Father, I thank You for Your Word which will not return to You empty; but it is working, fulfilling and accomplishing its purpose in my body now renewing, restoring, revitalizing and resuscitating my health.

12. I thank You, precious Jesus, for Your healing virtues flowing through my tissue, organs, cell, muscles and tendons right now.

13. Let the healing fire of the Holy Spirit sweep through my entire being right now.

14. This sickness is not unto death but God shall get glory by my healing. Therefore, you spirit of death and grave, away with you in Jesus’ mighty name.

15. I thank You, Father, for making me whole and sound in health. I receive my healing now in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Scriptures to Stand Upon

II Corinthians 1:20; Jeremiah 1:12; Psalm 91:1-16; Psalm 121:4-6; Psalm 124:7; Proverbs 3:24; Isaiah 26:3; Job 5:24; Isaiah 54:17

Prayer Strategy

Use this prayer before going to bed everyday.

This prayer should be prayed more than once.

The Scriptures should be memorized as much as possible. Let them become part of your life. This builds your faith up in this area. It is by such faith you continue to live under divine security.

This prayer should be prayed a day before any intended journey.

Confession of Faith

1. Father, I thank You for Your promises which are always “yes” and “Amen” in Christ, and for your covenants which stand forever to all generations.

2. I stand on the integrity of Your Word as I proclaim Your security and protection over my life and my family. Your Word will not fail because You watch, hasten, perform and supervise this Word in my life.

3. Therefore, I proclaim that no evil, plague or calamity shall come to my home in Jesus’ name.

4. Inside Jesus, I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, I am under the shadow of the Almighty. There I am fixed, secure and protected from all assaults of violent people and all my enemies.

5. He that keeps me will neither slumber nor sleep. He will not allow my feet to be moved. The Lord is my keeper, the shade upon my right hand.

6. Therefore, the sun shall not smite me by day nor the moon by night. You shall preserve me from all evil. I shall escape the snare of the fowlers and the enemies that lay wait for me.

7. You are my Refuge, my Fortress and my High Tower. Therefore, I am protected in my home, on the road, in the air, and on the sea – from accidents, disasters and calamities.

8. O’Lord of Hosts, You shall give Your angel charge over me to keep me in all my ways and to preserve my going out and my coming in.

9. Father, as I sleep, I say that I am protected from the pestilence that walks in darkness, the terror of the night and the evils of the dark places.

10. As I lie down, I shall not be afraid. My sleep shall be sweet; for Thou, Lord, art my confidence and my refuge.

11. You shall keep me in perfect peace because my mind is stayed on you.

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12. My dwelling is safe and protected from thieves, robbers and devourers. Nothing shall be stolen from my barns or shops.

13. Thank You, Father, that Your Word will work for me and produce results.

14. I am protected by Your Name, by Your Word, by Your blood, by Your Holy Spirit and by Your angels – in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Points

1. Now I bind all blood sucking demons, spirit of death and of destruction; get out of my way in the name of the Lord Jesus.

2. Except the Lord watches over a house, the guards and vigilante groups are working in vain. God is the one watching over my house, and my property. I declare my home a danger zone for evil perpetrators. Lord, send Your mighty warriors to be stationed here. Make this place an angelic zone.

3. Let Your angels go with me everywhere I go. Let me not be led into temptation or a snare. Deliver me from all seen and unseen evils.

4. Any plan or plot that has been made anywhere about my destruction, the Bible says “It shall not stand; neither shall it come to pass” (Isaiah 7:7) in Jesus’ mighty name.

5. Every assassination plan against me shall fail. Let the East Wind of the Lord blow upon my enemies and scatter them. I command a confusion in the camp of the enemies in the name of Jesus!

6. The God of Hezekiah will vindicate me. The God of Jehoshaphat will fight on my behalf. My enemies shall rise up against one another. God has done it before. He will do it again in my life in Jesus’ name! Lord, deal a deadly blow on all my Sennacheribs in Jesus’ name.

7. Let the fire of God surround me as a hedge. Let it surround my family and all that belong to me.

8. I fire back all evil arrows from household enemies in Jesus’ name.

9. I order confusion and scattering on tongues amongst all wicked associations militating against my peace and protection in the mighty name of Jesus.

10. I break into pieces every spiritual mirror and monitor fashioned against me and my family in Jesus’ name.

11. I bind all the evil spirits brining evil imaginations in anyone against my life. I cast down such imaginations. I bring them under captivity in the name of Jesus.

12. I withdraw my name from any satanic record anywhere on this planet earth in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

13. Holy Ghost fire – destroy and burn to ashes every altar of affliction raised against me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

14. I cancel the effects and purposes of every bad dream right now in Jesus’ name.

15. All unrepentant pursuers of my life, I hand you over to God’s immediate judgment right now.

16. Father, let my flesh and blood become poison to all blood suckers and flesh eaters in Jesus’ name.

17. My name and my picture: you are anointed. I command you in the name of Jesus to become thunder, fire and lightning whenever anyone calls or shows you for evil purposes.

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18. I cover all graves dug for me, roast in fire every coffin built for me, and reject every form of death purposed for me this year in Jesus’ name.

19. I shall not die physically. I shall not die spiritually. I shall not die matrimonially. I shall not die intellectually. I shall not die financially, and I shall not die emotionally – in Jesus’ mighty name.

20. God has spoken about me in Job 5:21-26. So, I exclude myself from the agenda of Satan for this year. From the woes, the cries and tragedies of this year, I exclude myself and my family. No conspiracy shall succeed over me this year. Let all my enemies be caught in their own schemes.

21. It is well with me in all my ways. No evil shall befall me. My going in shall be safe, my coming in shall be secure. I receive the security mercy in all my journeys. God’s angels will always go ahead of me, with me, and behind me as I travel to anywhere. The Lord God Almighty: He is my Alpha and my Omega. I am safe and secure in His mighty hand.


Scripture to Stand Upon

Psalms 4:8; 29:11; 37:11; 119:165: II Chronicles 20:29

Confession of Faith and Prayer

1. It is written of me that the Lord will keep me in perfect peace because my heart is stayed on Him.

2. It is written that God giveth His beloved sleep. I am a beloved of the Lord; I will rest in peace in the night and in the day – any time I desire to.

3. I refuse to be dependent on drugs to sleep.

4. My heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.

5. I refuse to worry for anything; but in everything by prayer and supplication will make my requests known to my Father and He gives me His peace.

6. Lord Jesus, I have Your peace. Let every noise in my mind stop. Let every noise in my brain stop.

7. Let my blood pressure come to normalcy.

8. I resist every spiritual control over my life in the name of Jesus.

9. Even God Himself rested after the work of creation. I shall rest. I will experience the peace and rest of God in my mind.

10. I destroy any demonic link in this sleeplessness. I bind the spirits behind this and command you to get out of my life in the name of Jesus Christ.

11. By my faith in Christ, I refuse to be afraid of any terror by night, robbery and demonic attacks, hired assassins, bad dreams, fear of death, etc. I shall sleep well in thename of the Lord Jesus. Thank You Lord, for I know all is well with me. I have Your peace. I have Your rest.

12. Now begin to thank and bless God inwardly until you fall sound asleep.

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Scriptures to Stand Upon

Isaiah 28:14-19; Isaiah 10:27; Numbers 23:23; Matthew 15:13; Galatians 3:13; Hebrews 8:7-13

Prayer Strategy

Separate a day specifically for this.

You may need to fast on this day. This strengthens you in your inner man.

Pray audibly and in a most aggressive way.

Pray intermittently in tongues.

You may need to gather your entire family together for this exercise.

Prayer Points

1. I renounce, reject and break every evil covenant on my life in the name of Jesus.

2. I reject and loose myself from every evil curse in the name of Jesus.

3. I break every covenant between me and any evil spirit in the mighty name of Jesus.

4. All contacts made on my behalf by my parents with any evil mediator is hereby nullified and cancelled in the mighty name of Jesus. I am now a child of God. I dissociate myself from such covenants and contracts in the name of Jesus.

5. I apply the blood of Jesus upon any evil covenant and curse upon my life. Let this Blood of the Everlasting Covenant destroy and dissolve any blood covenant with the dead and the living in the mighty name of Jesus.

6. In the name of Jesus, I nullify every confession, agreement, promise or oath I have made to the devil or any evil spirit in the past – whether verbal or written.

7. I revoke all curses pronounced by evil people over my life in the name of Jesus.

8. I break and cancel every evil mark and incision in my body as a result of covenant with an evil spirit – in the mighty name of Jesus.

9. I command all evil spirits in my life associated with any curse or covenant to leave me now in Jesus’ name!

10. By the authority of Jesus my Lord, I render to naught every curse coming from the following in the mighty name of Jesus.

11. In the name Jesus, I destroy every altar that has been erected anywhere to service any form of covenants and curses emanating from:

(a) Evil dedicating before conception, while in the womb and at the naming ceremony;

(b) Handling cursed objects;

(c) Contact with satanic agents;

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(d) Living in a cursed home or land;

(e) Being born in a satanic altar/shrine;

(f) Drinking of blood or unholy water;

(g) Receiving strange money or cursed gifts;

(h) Involvement in a demonic ritual

(i) Involvement in witchcraft, and other ancestral sins;

(j) Participation in village, compound and township satanic festivals.

I command all evil spirits associated with any curse to leave me now in Jesus’ name. I take authority over curses from evil dedication, handling cursed objects, satanic agents, living in a cursed house or land, being born in a satanic altar, drinking of blood or unholy water, strange money or cursed gifts, partaking in food and blood sacrificed to idols and performing demonic rituals, ancestral sins, witchcraft, curses and spiritual ignorance. I command all of you broken right now in Jesus’ name.

I scatter all the priests at those altars of affliction in the name of Jesus.

All you ancient gates and everlasting doors shut against my life, lift up your heads now for me to enter into my divinely given inheritance in the mighty name of Jesus.

Lord, in Your name and by faith, I enter into my inheritance and possess my possessions.

12. I destroy every evil covenant and initiation made with me through dreams in the name of Jesus.

13. Every agreement reached with the so-called spirit husband and spirit wife in my dream in nullified in the name of Jesus.

14. I break myself loose from every personal and collective curse and covenant in the name of Jesus.

15. I revoke and destroy by the blood of Jesus every blood and soul-tie covenant attached to any satanic agent in the name of Jesus.

16. I cancel every foundational covenant that is affecting my life or any new covenant, oath, allegiance and obligations made for me or by me consciously or unconsciously in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

17. I release myself from any collective captivity of family, community and neighbourhood in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

18. I receive a clean break and release from all yokes and burdens other than those of Jesus Christ.

19. I immerse myself, body, soul and spirit in the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

20. I release myself in the name of Jesus from the sin and curses from paternal and maternal sides up to 10 generations of both sides in the mighty name of Jesus.

21. Father, send now Your fire, thunder and lightning to destroy and burn into ashes all satanic materials deposited in any part of my body – in the name of Jesus!

22. I cancel by the blood of Jesus Christ all handwritings and ordinances written against me and contrary to me now.

23. I command that the thunder and lightning of God should strike and uproot and destroy all covenant tokens made on my behalf wherever they may be buried, immersed or hung in the name of Jesus Christ.

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24. I bind, and cast out of me you spirits of failure, servitude, defeat, depression, stagnation, affliction, death, delayed blessing, limitations, confusion, frustration, rejection, jealousy, fear and doubt – in Jesus’ name.

25. I am an individual single person. I am not a twin or triplet, therefore I disown any form of duplicate representing me. I reject you in Jesus’ name.

26. I command the thunder lightning of God to break into pieces and burn to ashes all form of imagery, effigy, symbols, pictures and statues representing my person at any shrine or alter in Jesus’ mighty name.

27. I fire back all satanic arrows of failure-at-the-edge-of-success and breakthrough in Jesus’ name.

28. I cut off all spiritual umbilical cords through which evil has been flowing into my life – in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

29. Father, I thank You for making me victorious over all my enemies. From hence forth, no weapon formed against me as a result of former covenants and curses shall prosper in the name of Jesus. My profiting shall appear unto all in Jesus’ name. AMEN.

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Names are significant. The name we bear whether the ones given to us or our family name – can affect our lives positively or negatively.

People give names according to their beliefs. Names are an expression of our faith. When one is named after the Lord, it is like putting a stamp of God on the child. In the same way, when we are given names associated with the family or community idols, we are attached to the spirits of these idols, and no evil spirit has a good plan for its patrons and their generations.

Among the Yorubas in Nigeria, for example, we have names such as:Oguntimi (Ogun-supports-me); Ogunlana (Ogun-spirit-makes-the-way-for-me); Ogundimimu (Ogun-holds-or-sustains-me); Sungobiyi (Sango-begat-this)

[Ogun is the god of iron while Sango is the god of thunder, according to Yoruba mythology.]

The problem is that is Ogun spirit supports you or your ancestors in one way, he would still be the one to oppose and scatter them in some other areas of your life, makes a way for you, he would be the same spirit to go ahead to block you in that same way or some ways.

You cannot be bearing the names of these evil spirits and say you have no case with them. How, for example can you be called Mosadiwin (I-take-refuge-with-Mosa) and not have fellowshiop with demons in many areas of your life?

In our Church, we were once making deliverance to a lovely Christian sister and the head of the spirits inside said, “You can force us to leave her alone, but she is still ours through her name!”.

We were surprised because there was nothing about her name we knew. So, we brought her to consultation and asked her to tell us her names. We found nothing idolatrous in her first and middle names. What of her surname? We did not know the meaning. Even though she herself did not know the meaning she knew it had to do with the priesthood of Yoruba, god of divination.

We asked, “Sister B, the spirits hindering you have a case against you. They have a claim over Your family name. What would you do about this? Do you want to renounce it or you consider it do prudent. After she agreed heartily to a change, we took heed in a prayer of renunciation.

We took the case up with those spirits. Immediately, the head spirit (the strongman) shouted in Yoruba occult esoteric language, The other spirits replied with other voices and they all flew out one by one.

Friend, find out the meaning of your names. We advise that you change immediately any name glorifying an idol or the devil. Renounce the spirits behind the name, and revoke all the demonic covenants attached to these names.

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Study also the cognomen (the praise names) of your family and ancestors. You might discover many strange things. For example, a certain Pastor who had been poor and failed on several occasions went for deliverance. On research, it was discovered that one his family praise name was “Omo Aj’op-iya-ma-ru”. It means:”The child of the one who can suffer much and not be lean”. And he really suffered in life! He had to renounce this praise name. He broke the curse attached to this, and started a better life.

Prayer Strategy

Because of the seriousness of this matter and legal aspects involved, you need to do this prayer in seclusion preferably with a day’s fast.

Find out the meaning of those names and why the names were given.

Anoint your forehead and navel as you break off the former names.

Scriptures to Study for the Prayers

I Chronicles 4:9-10; Genesis 17:5-6; Genesis 32:24-30; Isaiah 62:2

Prayer Points

1. My Lord God Almighty, I thank You for having made me Your child. I am named after You.

2. From now, I renounce all the idolatrous names attached to me and my family.

3. I renounce all the idols attached to these names.

4. In the spirit realm, I cancel all the ancestral covenants attached to the name ________[mention the name].

5. I have no dealing with you spirit of __________[mention the idol].

6. All you spirits behind this name, get out of my way and my life in the name of Jesus.

7. I refuse to be under your control and influence any longer. Be gone in the name of Jesus Christ!

8. As I nullify these evil names, I take on a new name [mention it and prophesy on it]. As my name is attached to God, to success, and prosperity, it shall be well with me in the name of Jesus.

9. Let the fire of the Holy Spirit consume any mark, stamp or label of evil attached to my former name in the name of Jesus Christ!

10. I receive now the seal of the Holy Spirit upon me in the name of the Father, and of the Son and o the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Scriptures to Stand Upon

Psalm 91; Genesis 21:1-7; Psalm 23; Psalm 114; Psalm 121; I Chronicles 4:9-10; Psalm 34:10

Prayer Strategy

Have strong faith in God. Don’t be a doubter.

Renounce all known sins.

Fill your heart with God’s words always.

Pray this prayer every morning and before embarking in on any journey or duty.

Give generously to your church, gospel ministers and the poor people around you.

Prayer Points

1. This year Lord, you will bless me indeed and enlarge my coast in Jesus’ name.

2. Lord, as Your beloved child, I received bread to eat daily, seed to sow every time, clothes to wear regularly and money to spend always in Jesus’ name.

3. Father, from now on, please fill my mouth with laughter like Sarah, in Jesus’ name.

4. Lord, let me be a personal evidence of Your faithfulness this year, in Jesus’ name.

5. Father, let every door the enemy thought he has shut permanently against me be flung wide open, in Jesus’ name.

6. Where the enemy has cheated me and thought the game was over, I ask that the matter be recalled in my favour, in Jesus’ name.

7. Father, please, give no one any opportunity to say sorry to me this year, in Jesus’ mighty name.

8. I cancel all my appointments with sorrows, tragedy and tears this year, in Jesus’ mighty name.

9. Lord, from hence forth, let only tears of joy run down my cheeks in Jesus’ name.

10. This year I will encounter an experience full-scale laughter on all fronts, in Jesus’ name.

11. Lord, convert every area of concern in my life to laughter, in Jesus’ name.

12. In Jesus name, everything that made men to pity me before, will now move them to admire and envy me.

13. On the highway, blood thirsty demons and robbers will respect my appearance, in Jesus’ mighty name.

14. When I am on the sea or in the air, the forces of the sea, and air will blow to my authority in Jesus’ mighty name.

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15. From now on, I will never meet with any form of accident or disaster, in Jesus’ name.

16. Beginning from today, I will never look for food before I have it, in Jesus’ name.

17. Whatever I have waited for now for years, shall be miraculously delivered to me anytime from now in Jesus’ mighty name.

18. Lord, make my body and those of my family members permanently immune to any form of sickness or disease, in Jesus’ name.

19. I neutralize by the blood of Jesus every poison the enemy has put into my body through eating in dreams. I command that such poison be passed out of me through urine, excreta, vomiting, sweating, coughing and sneezing – in the mighty name of Jesus!

20. Lord Jesus, let me rather spend my money in Your house and for Your work than spend it in the hospital, police station or law court.

21. Lord, expose all my enemies masquerading as friends in Jesus’ name.

22. Father, please, make me an original pattern; let me be a pattern of life for people to copy.

23. In Jesus’ name, I shall be a maker of history and not a repeater of history.

24. Lord, make me uniquely holy, seriously prayerful and generously talented in Jesus’ mighty name.

Prayer for promotion at work, school and in business

Scriptures to Stand Upon

Psalm 96:6; Daniel 2:48-49; Daniel 3:30; Psalms 113:5-9

1. All those sitting on my file, I command you to get up now in the name of Jesus!

2. All those mischievously hiding my file to prevent or delay promotion, I command you in the name of Jesus – release that file! I expose your mischief in the name of Jesus.

3. I command that my file that might have been forgotten or consciously set aside on the table for approval – receive attention now in the name of Jesus.

4. Where I have been recommended and yet the case is being prolonged by unnecessary bureaucratic red tapism – I cut that red tape; I halt that lazy process – in the name of Jesus.

5. Any cord or rope tying me on the same spot for years: I command the fire of God to consume you now in the name of Jesus Christ.

6. I command that every demonic chain holding me to the same spot preventing my advancement, be broken in the name of Jesus.

7. All human agents responsible for the delay in my promotion, I bind the evil spirit controlling your minds in this respect – in the name of Jesus.

8. I decree that all I have been denied be restored ten fold to me. I begin to receive them now in the name of Jesus. Father, let them backdate all my benefits in the name of Jesus.

9. You spirit that has been contending with my promotion, I contend with you in battle in the name of Jesus.

10. Father, I want you to influence all those who are in the position to determine my promotion to do so by Your divine influence. Let Your Holy Spirit direct their decision in

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my favour in Jesus’ name. Thank You, Lord, because I know You have set the machinery in motion to effect my promotion because promotion comes only from You.

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Scriptures to Stand Upon

Genesis 39:1-3; Genesis 21:23; Deuteronomy 8:18; Isaiah 48:17; Psalm 1:1-3; 35:27; 37:3-7

Prayer Strategy

If possible pray this prayer at the spot of your business.

You may anoint all your articles of trade and business premises if led by the Spirit to do so.

Lay your hands on as many trade items as possible for this prayer every morning.

Pay your tithes promptly and give generous offerings.

Prayer Points

1. Lord, You want me to work, and You said You would bless the work of my hand. This is my work, therefore let it prosper.

2. Let Your angels be stationed around my store to direct customers to me, in the name of Jesus Christ.

3. I come against all the evil spirits employed by my co-businessmen/women in this area. I bind you in the name of Jesus. No incantations or enchantments will succeed against me in Jesus’ name.

4. I bind all you spirits diverting buyers to your patrons’ shops. I dismiss you from this area in the name of Jesus.

5. You evil spirits no longer divert my customers to your patrons around my store area in Jesus’ name.

6. I revoke every evil covenant made in this shop/store or office by the former occupants in the name of Jesus.

7. I command every demon working with former occupants of this shop to get out in Jesus’ name.

8. This place is under a new management. I expel all you evil spiritual managers operating here under the old management. Get out in the name of Jesus Christ.

9. It is written that wherever the sole of my feet shall tread upon shall be my possession. By this prophetic action of walking barefooted in this shop, I take complete spiritual control here in the name of Jesus (Joshua 1:3).

10. I frustrate every conspiracy against my business in the name of Jesus.

11. I decree that I will sell profitably every day. I open my shop or office in the name of Jesus.

12. I cover all my commodities and materials with the blood of Jesus.

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13. I bind all market spirits and dismantle all market altars that operate to frustrate businesses – in the name of Jesus.

14. I unlock every spiritual padlock that have been used to lock up my sales, my shop and my customers in Jesus’ mighty name.

15. I shall prosper in all that I do. I prophesy that I will increase and abound with goods always in Jesus’ name.

16. Father, I thank You because Your presence is here, therefore, I shall no longer be frustrated in terms of sales. My turnover shall be multiplied from today and onwards in Jesus’ mighty name.

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Scriptures to Stand Upon

Psalm 23:4; Psalm 27:1-3; Isaiah 8:12; Isaiah 41:10; Hebrews 2:15; II Timothy 1:7

Prayer Strategy

Pray this prayer before you go out in the morning and last thing in the night everyday until you know you are free from this spirit.

Meditate on the Scriptures above everyday. Say the Scriptures to yourself.

Prayer Points

1. I refuse to fear because God has not given me the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

2. I bind the spirit of fear in my life in the name of Jesus.

3. I break every evil covenant that has brought fear into my life in the name of Jesus.

4. I command every terror of the night that has brought fear into my life to stop and move from my environment in the name of Jesus.

5. You spirit of fear, lose your hold upon my life and my family in the name of Jesus.

6. I command all human agents using the spirit of fear to terrify me in the night to stumble and fall in Jesus’ name.

7. Because the Lord is with me, I take my confidence in Him.

8. The fear of the unbelievers shall not be my fear. Their terror shall not be my terror. The God Almighty is my Father and He is always by my side.

9. I bind the spirit responsible for the fear of tomorrow in my life in Jesus name. My tomorrow is blessed in the name of Jesus. As a child of God, my destiny is attached to God. I can never fail. If I fail today, I will rise again. My tomorrow is a success – the name of Jesus.

10. I break every bondage that I am subjecting myself to by this spirit of fear – in Jesus’ name.

11. I command that all negative doors that have been opened by the fear I had in the past to be closed now in the name of Jesus.

12. Let every disease, oppression and depression in my life as a result of fear, disappear now in the name of Jesus.

13. The Bible says the righteous is as bold as a lion. By my faith in Christ Jesus I am righteous. I receive my divine boldness in the name of Jesus.

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14. It is written, “The Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him”. Because God’s Angel is with me, I have no basis to fear any man, any evil, any evil spirit. Greater is the One with me than any devil on the side of my enemities.

15. Again it is written “If God be for (me) who can be against (me)”. Since God is with me, I have no reason to fear.

16. The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defence of my life; whom shall I be afraid?

17. Though a host (of demons) encamp against me, my heart will not fear; though war arises against me, even in this, I shall be confident (Psalm: 27:1,3).

18. I refuse to be intimidated by any demonic nightmare in Jesus’ name.

19. The Lord is with me like a mighty terrible one. I am not afraid. I cannot be threatened. My persecutors shall stumble and fumble. Their everlasting confusion and disgrace shall never be forgotten (Jeremiah 20:11).

20. Every enchantment of fear being made against me shall fail. I neutralize such enchantment and invocation in the name of Jesus.

21. God has commanded me to fear not. Of the 366 days in a year, no single day is allowed for me to fear. So, I refused to be afraid. You spirit of fear, you are not in God’s agenda for me this day. I dismiss you from my life now in the name of Jesus.

22. Jesus said even the very hairs of my head are not only counted but numbered! Not one single strand can be removed without God’s knowledge and permission. Therefore, I put by confidence in the Lord who takes so much care for me.

23. Thank You Father for setting me free. I am free indeed to serve You and live my life without fear.

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Scriptures to Stand Upon

Isaiah 8:9-10; Isaiah 7:1-7; Deuteronomy 28:7; Isaiah 54:17; Psalm 35:1-5; I Samuel 2:10; Proverb 14:19; Judges 5:20; Proverb 26:27; Ecclesiastes 10:8; Luke 19:27; Revelation 13:10

Prayer Strategy

It is better to do this praying as a night vigil – from midnight to about 3.00am or to as long as you can do it. This is because evil people and spirits attack mostly while people are asleep in the night. Most witchcraft and occult meetings are held at that time.

Faithfully sing these songs over and over before starting your prayers:

He is Lord, He is Lord, Amen.

He is risen from the dead, He is Lord,

Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess,

That Jesus Christ is Lord,

That wonderful name, J-E-S-U-S,

That wonderful name, J-E-S-U-S,

That wonderful name, J-E-S-U-S,

There is no other name I know.

Prayer Points

1. Thank You, Father because despite all the harassment of my enemies, You have not given me over to their teeth; neither have You allowed them to prevail over me; otherwise, I would have been consumed. That I am still alive today is by your grace. I thank You, Father.

2. Let all those who come against me in one way flee in seven ways in the name of Jesus.

3. In Jesus’ name, I bind all household enemies who have taken it as their personal responsibility to harm me or destroy me or any member of my family.

4. I demobilize all my enemies in the distant and immediate families; in the office and neighbourhood – in the name of Jesus. All that you depend upon to harm me, I destroy them in the name of Jesus.

5. Tonight, you will not be able to operate. I clip your wings and set them ablaze by the fire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.

6. In the name of Jesus, I break every contact, connection and covenant between the enemies within and enemies without who have joined forces together to frustrate me.

7. I frustrate every plan and manipulation of household enemies in the name of Jesus.

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8. In case any of my enemies has any item of mine in his/her possession, right now, I command the thunder and lightning of God to consume and destroy them in Jesus’ name.

9. As I step into my house, office, shop, school or car, let every hidden charm or talisman designed for my hurt to turn into harmless water in Jesus’ mighty name.

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Scriptures to Study for the Meditation

Ephesians 3:20; Psalms 139:14; Isaiah 43:1-2; Psalm 37:4; Isaiah 40:25-26; Psalms 31:15; Proverbs 3:3-4; I John 4:7-8; Genesis 6:12-14; Luke 5:1-5; Philippians 4:6-8; Ecclesiastes 9:4; Psalms 27:13

Prayer Strategy

You may chose a particular day of the week when you will meditate on these Scriptures and pray-talk them into your life.

Try to memorise these confession and say them to yourself always.

1. I am a unique creation. I thank God for making me, me, and not another. I accept myself; there is none other like me. Others may not believe in me, but I believe in myself.

2. God created me with potentials and abilities for success, greatness and victory. Therefore, I refuse to be a mediocre, trailing behind in life.

3. No matter how bad my situation is at the moment, I am still full of hope, faith and love (Ecclesiastes 9:4; Psalm 27:13).

4. God has made me strong and tough enough for my situation. God and I shall make it (Isaiah 43:1-2)

5. I can succeed where I had once failed and where I had once failed and where others have failed.

6. God is bigger and stronger than any of my mountains I see or cannot see (Isaiah 4.:25-26).

7. Though I start at the bottom, I am a strong believer in the TOP. I shall get there (Job 8:7).

8. I can acquire what I desire in life, if is perspire and do not retire (Psalm 37:4).

9. God has the right people to help me at the right time and at the right place (Psalm 31:15; Proverb 3:3-4).

10. Because I am wholly dedicated to God’s principle of helping others, I will always be a winner (Psalm 41:1-3).

11. Since God created and re-created me by love, I am a LOVE PRODUCT, so I cannot fall away from love. No amount of hatred can kill my love. (I John 4:7-8)

12. I refuse to be a slave to the negative forces of worry, fear, anxiety, self-pity, doubt and anger. I am a master of my emotions through the Holy Spirit (Philippians 4:6-8).

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Scriptures to Stand Upon in Prayer

Leviticus 6:12-13; Numbers 23:23; I Kings 18:36-38; Exodus 20:24; Psalms 18:28; Psalms 42:1-2; Psalms 63:1-2; Psalms 55:17; II Chronicles 20:20-23; Proverbs 20:27; Acts 13:1-2; Acts 16:25-26; Ephesians 6:18; Colossians 4:2: I Thessalonians 5:17; Hebrews 11:6

Prayer Strategy

Set a special time aside privately for this exercise.

Read and meditate deeply on the above Scripture passages.

Confess and renounce all known sins.

Purge your life thoroughly with the blood of the Lamb.

Forgive all who have offended you.

Ask God to restore your broken fellowship with Him.

Read prayer books, listen to prayer tapes and attend lively prayer meetings. Cry aloud for your deliverance.

Ask the fire of the Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus to purge and sanctify your house and your environment.

You may need at lease three night vigils to deal with this kind of spiritual deadness or coldness.

One to seven days of fasting might also be required to help get your fire back.

Be sure you are not rebelling against any known will of God for your life.

Ask an anointed minister to pray with you if possible.

Intermittently sing this song while praying these prayers:

Holy Ghost fire, fire fall on me;

Holy Ghost fire, fire fall on me;

Like in the day of Pentecost, fire fall on me;

Like in the day of Pentecost fire fall on me.

Prayer Points

1. Lord, I confess and repent of my carelessness about my spiritual life.

2. Father, forgive me of any sin of indulgence that has contributed to my present spiritual predicament.

3. Dear gracious Holy Spirit, I am sorry for grieving and wounding You. Please forgive me and be active in my life again.

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4. Father, forgive me for the sin of spiritual indiscipline of not making prayer and Scripture meditation a daily priority in my life in Jesus’ name.

5. Lord, I repent of the sin of not having a virile personal/family altar. Please help me start one today, and make me to remain consistent in Jesus’ name.

6. Lord, please give me a soul thirst and heart hunger for Your presence. Give me also an unusual appetite for Your Words in Jesus’ name.

7. Lord, let my soul find satisfaction in You before anything else in Jesus’ name.

8. I come against you foul spirit of prayerlessness, I bind and cast you out of my life in Jesus mighty name.

9. I pull down and demolish every satanic altar raised against my spiritual life right now in the name of Jesus. Every programmed evil against my prayer life shall no longer stand.

10. In Jesus’ name, I command every demon of lukewarmness, coldness, spiritual apathy, fear of prayer and spiritual dryness to get out of my life right now.

11. Holy Ghost fire, consume every satanic deposit blocking my spirit-man from effective spiritual communion and contact with God in Jesus’ name.

12. I bind and cast out of my life, you spirits of excessive addiction to television, CNN, Radio programmes, literature, video, newspaper, sleep and compute in Jesus’ mighty name.

13. Lord, help me to devote more quality time to my fellowship with you in Jesus’ name.

14. I reject every form of spiritual amputation of my prayer, praise and Scripture meditation life in Jesus’ name.

15. My spiritual life will not collapse in Jesus’ name.

16. Food and sleep will not have dominon over my prayer life in Jesus’ name.

17. Father, give me a special desire for prayer meetings and night vigils in Jesus’ name.

18. Lord, always give me a holy detention in your presence.

19. Lord, make it impossible for me to hurry out of your presence from now on in Jesus’ name.

20. Father, give me both utterance and audience anytime I approach your presence. Help me also to pray and praise you fluently in the Spirit in Jesus’ name.

21. I stand against you and cast you out of my life, you spirit of prayer procastination in Jesus’ mighty name.

22. I destroy every strategy and purpose of fire extinguishing spirits in my life in Jesus’ name.

23. I command the thunder and lightning of God to destroy all fire extinguishers seeking the destruction of my spiritual life.

24. I renounce and break every covenant or agreement I have made consciously or unconsciously with the spirit of prayerlessness in Jesus’ mighty name.

25. The fire of God upon my altar (heart) shall ever be burning in it. It shall never go out in Jesus’ mighty name.

26. My spirit is the candle of the Lord. Therefore, O Lord, light my candle and enlighten my spiritual darkness in Jesus’ name.

27. Holy Spirit, please give me prayer burdens everyday in Jesus’ name.

28. Holy Spirit, open thou my lips, and my mouth shall be filled with Thy praise always.

29. Father, make me a prayer warrior in Jesus’ name.

30. I refuse to be a prayer collector, but a prayer generator and distributor in Jesus’ name.

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31. I refuse to be a blind and deaf prayer warrior. Lord, grant me the grace to both hear and see spiritually in the place of prayer.

32. Father as I pray, please give me the spiritual eyes of Elisha, ears of Samuel and the tongue of Elijah in Jesus’ name.

33. Lord, let Your quick answers encourage me to pray the more in Jesus’ name.

34. Holy Spirit, please give me a very sensitive spirit and an alert mind in Jesus’ name.

35. Lord, let me always be filled with the joy and peace that come from having been in Your presence.

36. Father, let me never leave Your presence with the problems I brought there in Jesus’ name.

37. Father, make me increasingly holy and more like You as I spend quality time in Your presence in Jesus’ name.

38. Lord, use my prayer to save souls, restore backsliders, heal the sick, cast out devils and enlarge your kingdom in Jesus’ mighty name.

39. I receive deliverance from the spirit of selfishness in prayer, held me Father to learn to pray for others and my nation in Jesus name.

40. I receive the liberty of the spirit and a continuous flow of the anointing of prayer in Jesus’ mighty name.

41. I paralyse and uproot from my life the evil spirits responsible for wandering thoughts during prayers, heaviness of the spirit, blockage of the spirit, unnecessary sleep and sudden weakness at the time of prayer, spiritual distractions and inability to sincerely praise the Lord in Jesus’ mighty name.

42. Thank You Father for rekindling Your heavenly fire in my heart again. By Your grace, it shall no more go out in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

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Sometimes when we are about to minister deliverance to people, we always like to know about their dream life. This is because people’s problems come through dreams. Many medically incurable diseases are deposited into the body during dreams, sometime through eating, injection or drinking. Such demons poisons can be neutralized and flushed out through prayer.

Some have even been initiated into witchcraft and occultism through dreams. Sometimes when the covenant of a family cult is still operating on one, the person can be given food in a dream when the festival of that cult is going on – no matter how far away the person is. The food of the festival will be shared by the evil spirits behind the covenant with all the other members of the family who were not present and who still had the covenant operating on them.

As sister once came for a ministration. She was always very sick between December and early January every year. During this period, she would be eating in her dreams. She noticed that this was the period that the family serpent idol is worshipped in the father’s house in far away eastern Nigeria. No diagnosis was ever found for the sickness. When the festival is over, the sickness which sometime would almost claim her life, would be over abruptly.

Another person came for prayers over his dreams. He always saw himself picking snails in the dream and sometimes riding on a bicycle – in this age of Concorded jets! Physically, there is no progress in his life. He is 20 years behind in civilization, though living in the largest city in West Africa. That curse upon him is clear from those two kinds of dreams. The yoke was broken when he was intelligently prayed for.

A brother in the Lord drank palm wine heavily in a dream one night. He woke up to discover that physically his stomach was full! He said, What, when last did I drink palm wine? The brother came from a family of Ogun (god of iron) worshippers and still bears a name associated with that idol. Palm wine is the official and ritual drink during Ogun festivals. He was furious with the devil and prayed early that morning with a holy indignation. After about two hours of prayers, he vomited everything including some blood. The stomach became normal.

Of course, it is not all dreams that are demonic, but some are. Some dreams come through the Holy Spirit. The prayers in this chapter are centred on demonic dreams and how to release ourselves from their effects on our lives – like the “palm wine brother” did.

Sometimes, we see our dead parents or ancestors in dreams. This should not be so. This is usually the manifestation of familiar spirits working on a covenant in the family and impersonating those individuals. Other regular demonic dreams include:

- having regular sexual affairs with known or unknown persons;- being pursued by unknown enemies or masquerades;- seeing coffins or attending funeral services;- seeing self in primary or secondary uniforms when already a graduate;- being pressed down always;- regular seeing of snakes, dogs or cows;- seeing red objects when pregnant; and many of such negative dreams.

All these portend evil must be dealt with severely. Even though we do not have to entertain any fear whenever we have any of these demonic dreams, we must not take anything for granted. A little carelessness may lead to a problem that may be difficult to reverse.

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Moreover, some of us might have, at one time or the other, consulted some demonic commercial prophets or herbalists who might have pronounced some prophecies on us. Some of these prophecies have some forbidden things attached – some things one should not do or eat. Even after conversion, some of us are still observing such restrictions. The demons working with these false prophets can use this to maintain their hold over our lives. One must rise up and cancel those prophecies and by violence of faith destroy such restrictions.

Prayer Strategy and Spiritual cautions

Examine your life to be sure you are not living in any sin. Known and unknown sins create an avenue for Satan’s oppression and affliction.

Always load (fortify) you spirit-man (hear) with God’s word.

Always praise and thank God for the day before sleeping.

Pray to God to give you the spirit of might and dominion.

Never go to bed angry or in a fighting mood.

Never go to bed crying or depressed. What ever has happened or is happening, be filled with joy of the Lord always.

Practice the presence of the Holy Spirit, read your Scriptures and think on the goodness of God on your bed till sleep lures you away.

Never sleep reading dirty novels, watching horror films, cracking dirty jokes or worrying about tomorrows.

Command God’s angels and fire to surround your dwelling before you sleep.

Periodically anoint your room and your body if you are prone to bad dreams.

Never be afraid or be out of faith when you get up from a terrible nightmare. Recollect the issues one by one and intelligently analyse their meanings.

If you forget your dreams, pray fervently for the Holy Spirit to give you a memory recall.

Quickly anoint your body or take a sip of anointing oil, if you wake up from a dream, in which you have been shot at, injected or afflicted with body lacerations.

Pray loud and aggressively using Isaiah 7:7; Isaiah 54:17 and Lamentations 3:37.

If you are pregnant and you keep seeing red objects in your dreams (signifying satanic plan for a miscarriage), quickly go for a laying of hands on you, anoint your womb and take Holy Communion quickly. Then use relevant Scriptures to nullify the plans of the enemy.

If you are having repeated bad dreams then you need to wait on the Lord for some days and possibly go for a deliverance check-up.

Don’t always regard all people of faces you see in your dreams as your enemies. The devil may be trying to dribble, confuse or mislead you. Ask God for their proper identities.

Make sure that you spend an average of one hour each day before God in prayer and at least 20-30 minutes in scripture meditation. This habit will help to fortify your spirit.

Before embarking on your prayer warfare, please sing the songs below:

(i) The Lion of Judah has broken every yoke;

He has given me the victory again and again;

The Lion of Judah has broken every yoke;

He has given me the victory again and again.

(ii) There is power, power, wonder-working power;

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In the blood of the Lamb;

There is power, power, wonder-working power;

In the blood of the Lamb.

Scriptures to Stand Upon

Numbers 23:23; Psalms 35; Psalms 144:6; Isaiah 27:6; Isaiah 7:7; Isaiah 54:14-17; Proverbs 26:27; Ecclesiastes 10:8; Hosea 8:6; Psalms 125:3: Psalms 27:1-3; Matthew 15:13

Confessions of Faith

It is the Word of God concerning my life that is settled in heaven. No dream is settled in heaven. I bind myself to the eternal Word of God. Every other word, vision or dream that did not originate from the Holy Spirit are void and of non-effect whatsoever on my life.

I, by faith uproot and destroy all trees my heavenly Father has not planted. In the name of Jesus Christ every spiritual bullet and arrow fired at me shall not prosper.

Prayer Points

1. Lord, God Almighty, I thank You because I belong to You. You are the Father of light. There is no darkness in You at all. I surround myself with Your light. No power of darkness must have a way into my life again.

2. From today, I insulate my spirit and my soul from all demonic influences. Lord, let Your light so shine in my soul and all round me that no power of darkness will be able to overcome that light or have any influence over me to manipulate my spirit in the name of Jesus.

3. Lord, let Your heavenly hosts, Your warriors, take over this battle from me. Lord of hosts fight for me.

4. I put on the whole armour of God, and I resist you – all powers of darkness trying to manipulate my life through dreams. Get out of my way in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

5. All you evil spirits that have attached me in dreams, I take up arms against you; with the host of heaven on my side, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I attack you in the name of Jesus Christ. Be bound and overthrown in Jesus’ name.

6. I cancel every evil prophecy and negative pronouncement over my life right now. I declare you null and void in Jesus’ mighty name.

Seeing a corpse or coffins or dead ancestors:

7. I renounce you all family spirits. I reject all your covenants in the name of Jesus.

8. Spirit of grave and death, get out of my way right now in Jesus’ name.

9. You spirit of death, I have no dealings with you. Whatever grounds you are standing upon, I revoke and dissolve it in the name of Jesus. I cancel any curse of death sent upon me by anyone in the name of Jesus Christ. Any messenger of death sent against

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me by anyone anywhere, I resist you – in the name of Jesus. I declare that all your harassment in dream is nothing. It will not stand; neither will it come to pass.

10. I return every arrow of death and destruction back to the senders in Jesus’ mighty name.

11. I shall live long to declare the glory of the Lord in the land of the living.

12. I refuse to die before my time because I have not yet reached the Biblical age of 70, 80 or 120 years.

13. I banish every death meant for me, cover every grave dug for me and roast in fire every coffin built for me in Jesus’ name.

14. I shall not plant for another to eat; I shall not build for another to inhabit. I shall long enjoy the works of my hands in Jesus’ name.

15. I scatter and disband every funeral procession organized for me in Jesus’ name.

Eating, Drinking or Being Injected in Dreams

16. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ upon my body. I neutralize every poison the devil has deposited into my body by the power of the blood of Jesus.

17. Poison, sickness, pain, weakness, disease, insanity and suffering, get out of my system right now in Jesus’ mighty name.

18. My body has been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. No poison shall have any effect on me. You, my body, because you are God’s own temple which must not be defiled or destroyed, I command you to eject every stranger (poison) in you now, In the name of Jesus.

19. I command every disease that has been planted into my body through dreams to get out now in the name of Jesus. By the stripes of Jesus Christ my Lord, I have been healed. I reject that disease now – in the name of Jesus. Every demon behind that disease (mention it by name, if you know it), I command you in the name of Jesus, get out of my body now!

20. By this anointing oil (or communion wine) I neutralize and cast out of my system every spiritual poison in Jesus’ name.

Having Affairs in Dreams

21. I reject every effort of the enemy to weaken my prayer life. I resist you that unclean spirit coming to defile my soul and body always. I break today whatever you hold on as a connection between us. I am married to Jesus; leave me alone in the name of the Lord Jesus.

22. You so-called spiritual husband/wife, I have no business with you any longer. We no longer have any relationship. Get out of my life in the name of Jesus. Whatever token of marriage you still hold on to in my life – I reject this in the name of Jesus. I command that the fire of God come down and burn those tokens – in the name of the Lord Jesus. I surround myself with the light of the glory of God. You spirits of darkness can no longer have influence over my life.

23. I command the thunder and lightning of God to blind your evil eyes, you spiritual partners of sin. You will no longer see me; or my bedroom in Jesus’ name.

24. Every spirit of immorality, wickedness and witchcraft manifesting in form of dogs and serpents, I resist you in my life, in my home, in my marriage – in the name of Jesus.

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25. By the blood of Jesus Christ, I reject from my body every spiritual intercourse matter deposited by spiritual partners in Jesus’ name.

26. Let the fire of God pursue you; let the sword of the Lord slay you; let the blood of Jesus destroy you all, in the name of Jesus Christ.


27. I cancel all dreams portending backwardness in my life in the name of the Lord Jesus.

28. I break into pieces all the powers that have been holding me back in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I remove from my body, all clothes of backwardness. I enter into my inheritance today. You spirit of limitation, get out of my life in the name of the ever living and ever victorious Lord Jesus.

29. I refuse to go back to square one in Jesus’ mighty name.

30. I set ablaze any tattered closes the devil has put upon me. Be burned to ashes in the name of Jesus.

31. Lord, scatter and judge all those who are planning my downfall in Jesus’ name.

32. I refuse to lose any blessing the Lord has given me. All my blessings that have been stolen away, I receive them back now – in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

33. I shall not be demoted back to primary or secondary school in Jesus’ name. I shall go from glory to glory.

34. This year I shall have no reason to be ashamed in the name of Jesus.

Dreams associated with water:

35. I renounce every covenant with water spirits or marine spirits made by me or my parents or anyone on my behalf.

36. I reject the spirits behind such covenants and command you to get out of my way in the name of Jesus.

37. I command the fire of God to dry up all waters where I normally swim in my dreams right now in Jesus’ name.

Walking naked or in rags in dreams

38. I cover myself with God’s light and glory in Jesus’ name.

39. I put on the linen ephod of purity and righteousness in Jesus’ name.

40. I rebuke, renounce and reject every covenant or agreement with the spirits of disgrace and public ridicule in Jesus’ name.

41. I shall not be put to shame in Jesus’ name.

42. Whatever covenants you spirits are trying to renew or work upon by your manifestation through water, I cancel such covenants over my life. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has made me free, and now I am free indeed. I am free from all water spirits – and marine contaminations in Jesus’ name.

43. I resist every spirit that has been oppressing me in dreams. I declare my house and room a danger zone for you – in the name of Jesus Christ.

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44. I cancel every dream of hopelessness in the name of Jesus. All the good things the Lord has revealed to me in dreams which have not come to physical manifestation, begin to manifest one after the other in Jesus’ mighty name.

45. I banish every senseless and meaningless dreams from my sleep from today in Jesus’ name.

46. You negative dreams shall not come to pass neither shall you stand in Jesus’ mighty name.

47. Tonight, I surround my house and my room with the fire and angels of God. No evil powers shall be able to penetrate my spiritual defences in Jesus’ mighty name.

Dreams that result in body laceration or marks

48. You spiritual carnivals begin to vomit my blood and my flesh right now.

49. I break every known or unknown blood covenant with ancestral or territorial spirits in Jesus’ mighty name.

50. Holy Spirit, fight for me tonight and prevent your Temple (my body) from being defiled by any demon spirit.

51. Father, smite with paralysis and death all evil personalities behind all my terrifying dreams and nightmares in Jesus’ name.

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Beloved, let it be settled on your heart today that God has made abundant provision for your success in any examination or interview. He wants to show and do for you great and mighty things that have not been done for anyone in your family before. Therefore be thou confident.

The much desired success in examination or interview is about to be yours.

The sky is heavy and full of divine rain. The heavenly showers shall fall upon you now in Jesus’ Name.

God has made a promise to be present with you at all times Hebrews 13:5-6; Matthew 28: 19-20. His presence will conquer examination fears, failure, lack of promotion at work and lack of appointments in Jesus’ name. You are now under the shadow of the Almighty. You will find rest for your soul.

The time has come for God to help you and put your case in the hearts of the examiners or interviewers. God will stand for your as your Guarantor. He has helped others he will certainly help you.

The kingdom of God is a kingdom of overflowing abundance and limitless resources, where you can either create or attract what you want. These prayers will help attract your desires to you, as quickly as you can receive them.

Scriptures to Stand Upon

I Kings 3:12: Behold, I have done according to your words; see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you.

Ps. 138:8: The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; do not forsake the works of your hands.

Begin by singing praises to the Lord… and worshipping Him

Prayer Points

1. I have understanding more than my teachers because God’s testimonies are my meditations, in the name of Jesus.

2. O Lord, give me understanding and wisdom. 3. I receive wisdom, knowledge and understanding for my preparation in Jesus’ name. 4. O Lord, let your angels surround me and go before me in this competition. 5. O Lord, anoint my efforts for success. 6. I claim divine wisdom to answer any question fired at me in Jesus’ name.

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7. I excel above the competition 10 times like Daniel in Jesus’ name 8. I will find favor before all the decision-makers in this matter in Jesus’ name. 9. O Lord, perfect everything concerning my preparation for this competition. 10. I bind every spirit of fear, anxiety and discouragement, in the name of Jesus. 11. I release myself from every spirit of confusion and error, in Jesus’ name. 12. I command the Queen of Vastis sitting on my position to stumble and fall one by one in

Jesus’ name. 13. I break and destroy every ancestral and communal covenants of failure at the edge of

success in the mighty name of Jesus. 14. I cancel the effects of past use of talisman, success rings, “holy water”, black soap,

demonic handkerchiefs, “holy perfumes and oil” and all forms of incisions over my life in Jesus’ name.

15. In the name of Jesus, I decree that any exams officer or interview panel member that will be hostile to me and oppose me will not attend the exams/interview today.

16. Every pit dug by satanic Hamans for me against my success and appointment, I command with authority of Jesus that you shall fall into it yourself in Jesus’ name.

17. You foundation of fear, mistakes and disfavor in examination and interviews, be completely uprooted from my life right now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

18. You ancient gates of resistance to favour and progress be lifted up now in Jesus’ name. 19. I command that the two leaved gates of success in employment be opened unto me now

in Jesus name. 20. Through this matchless grace, I am divinely guided and selected. 21. I bind all satanic interferences with this interview/examination in Jesus’ mighty name. 22. I receive angelic assistance in the place of interview/examination. 23. I command my ministering angels to go forth before me and assist my

appointment/success from today. 24. O Lord, lay your hand of fire on my imagination and memory, in the name of Jesus. 25. Lord, help me to be diligent in my preparations. 26. Lord, I dedicate all my faculties to you, in the name of Jesus. 27. Let all contrary circumstances aimed at distracting me be frustrated in Jesus’ name. 28. Every power of broken focus, I render you powerless by the blood of Jesus in Jesus’

name. 29. Let all evil voices speaking against my success be silenced in Jesus’ name. 30. Let all my goodness that have been diverted or delayed, be restored immediately in

Jesus’ name. 31. Every power seeking to manipulate my thoughts and actions, be frustrated, in Jesus’

name. 32. O Lord, expand the horizon of my imagination, and help me to see things from your own

perspective, in Jesus’ name.33. Lord, as you brought Daniel and his friends into tender love and favour with the

Babylonians palace officers, so shall I have favour and love with any officer connected with this examination/interview in Jesus’ name.

34. Father I lay claim to your kind grace and anointing that was upon Daniel to be ten times better than all my contemporaries in this examination/interview in Jesus’ name.

35. You examination/interview, I prophesy simplicity, accuracy, clarity and victory over you. You shall not be an impediment on my way but a stepping stone to my success in Jesus’ name.

36. I don’t care how tough this examination/interview is, or how many people have failed in the past, as the Lord liveth, who answereth by fire, I shall make it gloriously in this attempt in Jesus’ name.

37. I rebuke and bind you spirits of examination/interview today in Jesus’ name. Fear is not of God, therefore I refuse to fear, tremble or be disorganized and disoriented in Jesus’ name.

38. Today is the day that the yokes of failure and disappointment are finally broken over my life in Jesus’ mighty name.

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39. All yokes placed on my shoulders, mind, memory, hands, neck and feet, be destroyed right now in the name of Jesus Christ.

40. No weapon of intimidation by fellow candidates or exams/interview officers will succeed against me in Jesus’ mighty name.

41. Holy Ghost, baptize me with the spirit of

- Wisdom - Understanding- Knowledge - Diligence - Might - Remembrance - Good health - Sound memory recall - Divine utterance - Holy boldness and composture at the place of examination/interview in Jesus’

name. 42. All you stubborn pursuers of my life, perish at the Red Sea of Jesus’ Blood right now in

Jesus’ name. 43. Lord, I love Thy law, therefore I have understanding even above all my teachers in Jesus’

name. 44. Holy Spirit, through the visions of the night, reveal to me like Daniel, things to come in

this examination/interview. 45. O Lord, help me to pursue the vision you’ve given me, with unshakeable purpose and

steadfast faith in Jesus name. 46. O Lord, help me to show gratitude to you in everything, in Jesus’ name. 47. O Lord, let the anointing to persist and to stay the course fall upon me in Jesus’ name. 48. O Lord, give me a vivid picture of the defeat of all my opposition in Jesus’ name. 49. O Lord, I claim your promise in 2 Cor. 9:8 which says that You are able to make all grace

abound toward me, that I always having all sufficiency in all things may have an abundance for every good work.

50. O Lord, connect me to the storehouse of your abundance, in the name of Jesus. 51. Father, I declare in Jesus’ name that my good and excellent result shall not be tampered

with, given to another, miss or delayed in transit or cancelled. The Lord will perfect all that pertains to me in Jesus’ name.

52. Father, praise, adoration, thanksgiving and testimonies await you because of my expected success in Jesus’ name.

53. Lord, by any outstanding success in this examination/interview, let men know clearly that your are the power behind my life.

54. Thank the Lord for answers and begin to celebrate the victory.

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Being owned is one of the ways the devourer takes our resources. Sometimes, he hardens the heart of the debtor. Sometimes, the debtor is sincerely looking for money to pay for goods purchased or pay for a contract done, yet there are many factors militating against his getting the money to do so. The target of the enemy may not be the debtor but the creditor. He plans to simply withhold resources, frustrate his efforts and make him to labour in vain. Remember your resources, your assets include those in other people’s hand. God can make you like David to without fail, recover all.

Prayer Strategy

Repent of the debts you are owing others. Decide to pay all as soon as you have the money. You may pray this prayer any time but preferably in the early hours of the morning between

2:00am and 5:00am. Have a strong faith in God’s omnipotence in this prayer before you start praying. You may wish to set apart some days of fasting and prayer for this prayer. Some problems and

enemies only understand the language of violence. Mark the items relevant to you before you start praying. No matter how long they might have

been owed, God can make you recover all your debts. Repent if you have not been paying your tithes or giving your offering faithfully.

Scriptures for Meditation

Psalms 37: 25-26; Malachi 3:10-11; Isaiah 65: 21-23

Prayer Points

1. Father, I thank you for all you have given to me in the past. All my resources are yours. 2. Lord, if I had been foolish in the way I spend the money (or accepted that contract/work), I am

sorry and I sincerely repent before You. Forgive me in Jesus’ name.

Debts Owed by Individuals

3. Lord, I bring all my debtors before you throne at this moment: (Mention names). May be he does not have money. I ask, Lord that you provide for him in the name of Jesus so that he can pay me back.

4. Father, let you Holy Spirit speak to the heart of this person (mention name) now. In whatever way he can understand, speak to him.

5. I destroy at this hour all influences of his personal devourer on his life in Jesus’ name. 6. I destroy right now all influences of the devourer that may be operating in my own life in the name

of Jesus. 7. Father, rebuke for my sake, all the devourers working on my resources. Holy Ghost fire consume

then now. 8. I stand against all forms of closed or blocked heavens over my life in Jesus’ name. 9. Since I promptly, obediently and joyfully pay God His dues, I command and decree in Jesus’

name that this man/woman ………………. Shall pay me my dues. 10. I refuse any bottomless pit from swallowing up my resources in Jesus’ name. 11. Lucifer and all your money-eating demons, I command you to vomit up my resources in Jesus’


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12. Lord, if this man or woman has the money, but is just being wicked, I ask that you give him no rest in mind on this matter until he pays up completely.

Corporate Debts

13. Father, I pray that all my money with (name the company/government) will be accounted for. I recover it in the name of Jesus Christ.

14. Lord, you know those who are directly responsible in this company/government/department to give order to pay my money. Begin to speak to them now in the name of Jesus. Give them no rest nor good sleep until they pay up in Jesus’ name.

15. If there is any corporate policy or government restricting payment of debts now, I ask that you reverse such a policy or order for may sake. Let there be a counter order. Bring a change this week in the name of Jesus.

16. I bind all the evil spirits responsible for tying down my money with (mention name of person, company or government). I command you all to release my money in the name of Jesus.

17. All you forces of darkness influencing the mind of ………. concerning my money, I bind you in the name of Jesus. And I command you to leave him now in the name of Jesus.

18. I command that my file that has been hidden by an avaricious official be released now in Jesus’ name.

19. It is written that “The company of the godless shall be barren, and fire shall consume the tents of bribery” [Job 15:34]. Now, let the fire of God begin to burn in the hearts of all those in (name the company/department) who are expecting bribes before releasing my money – in the name of Jesus Christ. Lord, I worked hard for this money and I should reap where I sow, therefore, I declare that I shall not give bribes or any ten percent before this money is paid to be in Jesus’ mighty name.

20. Holy Spirit, begin to convict all those involved now. Let them wake up with a strong conviction in their heart in Jesus’ name.

21. The Scripture says, I shall not labour in vain. I shall not labour and sweat for another to eat. I refuse to labour in vain or sweat for another.


Scriptures for Meditation

Isaiah 65: 21-23; I Samuel 30:18; Genesis 14:8-16; Job 20:15; Job 1:11-12; Job 42:10-12; Obadiah 1:17; Zechariah 5:1-4

1. Lord, I refuse to labour in vain. I refuse to bring forth for trouble. I refuse to sow for another to reap. I will repossess my possessions.

2. Father, you are the omniscient and omnipresent God. Your eyes run to and fro the whole earth. You know exactly where my property is Lord, help me locate it in the name of Jesus.

3. If need be, Father, give me a revelation of where this thing is or lead my steps to where it is in Jesus’ name.

4. I command and decree confusion of mind and scattering of tongues amongst those who have stolen my property. In Jesus’ name, receive mental insanity and confusion right now.

5. Angels of the Living God, go and intercept, demoralize, confuse, confound, confront and arrest these rouges right now. In Jesus’ name, I demobilize you and your stolen articles. I stop you in your tracks and I order your immediate arrest.

6. Lord, I command in your name that none of my possessions shall be sold or destroyed. 7. Holy Spirit give an unusual effectiveness to the law enforcement agents so that they can catch up

with these rouges and these things can be recovered quickly. 8. Lord, in case this property has been destroyed or sold, Father give me a better replacement in

Jesus’ name. 9. As David and his men recovered more than what they lost to the enemies, So Lord, I pray that

you compensate me in different ways in Jesus’ name.

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10. All the forces of darkness – the spirits of the enemy that come to steal and to destroy – I bind you in the name of Jesus Christ.

11. Satan and you evil spirits, I command you to release my (car/money, etc) now in the name of Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit, reveal the secrets of any human agents connected with this theft in Jesus’ name.

12. Lord Jesus, I thank you for your intervention. I know I have my things back. They are on the way now.

13. I prophesy to all my goods to begin to reject the new owners and begin to find their way to my house one after the other in Jesus’ name.

14. All my riches that have been swallowed up by the enemy in any form – I command them to be vomited now in the name of Jesus Christ.

15. There is no peace to the wicked says the Lord, therefore I place a divine curse of Zechariah 5:1-4 on all you rogues who are in possession of my goods in Jesus’ mighty name.

16. I reject and cast you out of my life, you spirits of loss, backwardness, disaster, servitude, profitless, hard labour and sorrow, in Jesus’ mighty name.

17. Lord, from now on, let your wall of fire and strong angels encamp round my habitation and possessions in Jesus’ name.


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