sots 2021 winter meeting exclusive price list

SOTS 2021 WINTER MEETING Exclusive Price List

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SOTS 2021 WinTer MeeTingexclusive Price List

Page 2: SOTS 2021 WinTer MeeTing exclusive Price List

Writing and Reading to Survive: Biblical and Contemporary Trauma Narratives in ConversationL. Juliana M. Claassens (2020)Writing and Reading to Survive brings a number of trauma narratives from the Hebrew Bible into conversation with contemporary trauma narratives, exploring how these ancient and modern-day stories mitigate the experiences of pain and suffering in the face of trauma.

182 pp. Bible in the Modern World, 74 Trauma Bible, 1 Hardback List Price: $65 / £50 Conference price: $30 / £20 ISBN: 978-1-910928-78-3

The Bible on Violence: A Thick DescriptionHelen Paynter and Michael Spalione (eds.) (2020) Launching our interdisciplinary biblical studies series, with contributions from both emerging and established academics, and scholars from several different belief traditions and none, this volume both offers and models a ‘thick description’ of biblical violence.

376 pp. Bible in the Modern World, 73 SIIBS, 1 Hardback List Price: $97.50 / £70 Conference price: $42 / £30 ISBN: 978-1-910928-70-7

excLuSive Price LiST and Order fOrM

free shipping available on all booksSheffield Phoenix Press would like to offer attendees of the SOTS 2021 Winter Meeting an extra

discount price and free shipping on all our books until 31st January 2021.

Our new 2020 titles and prices are detailed below. All 320+ books listed here are available at a conference discount with free shipping until the end of January.

The exclusive extra discount is ONLY available for orders via email to [email protected]

If you would prefer a price list in USD or Euros, please email to ask.

Page 3: SOTS 2021 WinTer MeeTing exclusive Price List

Samson and Delilah: Selected EssaysJ. Cheryl Exum (2020)Samson and Delilah. Well-known biblical figures in a tale of deception, betrayal and a haircut. Or is there more to the tale than this?

There is, in fact, a good deal more, as J. Cheryl Exum demonstrates in this wide-ranging collection of essays. Far from being a simple story, the tale in Judges 13–16 about Samson and his adventures, culminating in his fatal liaison with Delilah, is a subtle, nuanced and highly complex narrative with an elaborate literary structure, a sophisticated theological programme, and an ambitious and problematic androcentric agenda.

321 pp. Hebrew Bible Monographs, 87 Hardback List Price: $95 / £75 Conference price: $42.40 / £32.50 ISBN: 978-1-910928-76-9

An Encomium for JesusJerome H. Neyrey (2020)Luke’s narrative about Jesus followed the conventions for ancient biography. An Encomium for Jesus argues that Luke mastered the genre, its conventional topics, and specific instructions for composing one.

222 pp. New Testament Monographs, 40 Hardback List Price: $65 / £50 Conference price: $30 / £20 ISBN: 978-1-910928-73-8

Echoes of Lament and the Christology of Luke Channing L. Crisler (2020)Crisler suggests that the interplay between the laments crafted by Luke and laments from Israel’s Scriptures produce highly suggestive Christological points of resonance.

336 pp. New Testament Monographs, 39 Hardback List Price: $97 / £70 Conference price: $42 / £30 ISBN: 978-1-910928-64-6

SOTS 2021 WinTer MeeTing exclusive Price List

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A Star from Jacob, a Sceptre from Israel: Balaam’s Oracle as Rewritten Scripture in the Dead Sea ScrollsLibor Marek (2020)The fourth Balaam oracle (Numbers 24.17-19) appears in four separate Dead Sea Scrolls. But how it is used and understood remains puzzling and challenging. Marek’s monograph enables the reader to gain a better understanding of the world of Qumran, of the communication strategy of the Scrolls, and of some of their key theological concepts.

290 pp. Hebrew Bible Monographs, 88 Hardback List Price: $97.50 / £70 Conference price: $40 / £30 ISBN: 978-1-910928-74-5

Spirit and Story: Pentecostal Readings of Scripture: Essays in Honour of John Christopher ThomasBlaine Charette and Robby Waddell (eds.) (2020)This collection of essays brings together an international group of biblical scholars, theologians, and historians who are committed to readings of biblical texts that are sensitive to the work of the Spirit. Perhaps no one has contributed more in recent decades to the description and promotion of Pentecostal Theology than Chris Thomas, and this volume serves as a loving and respectful tribute to his commitment and achievement.

254 pp. New Testament Monographs, 41 Hardback List Price: $90 / £70 Conference price: $40 / £30 ISBN: 978-1-910928-69-1

The Edict of Cyrus and Notions of Restoration in Ezra–Nehemiah and Chronicles Andrew M. Gilhooley (2020)The Edict of Cyrus, both opening Ezra-Nehemiah (Ezra 1:1-4) and closing Chronicles (2 Chron. 36:22-23), serves a different role in each book. In Ezra–Nehemiah, it is a command resulting in a restoration event that has failed, whereas in Chronicles it is a command anticipating a successful future restoration event. In the context of canon, these different uses of the edict are theologically significant.

163 pp. Hebrew Bible Monographs, 89 Hardback List Price: $65 / £50 Conference price: $27.50 / £20 ISBN: 978-1-910928-71-4

SOTS 2021 WinTer MeeTing exclusive Price List

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Reading the Magnificat in Australia: Unsettling Engagements Anne Elvey (2020)Reading the Magnificat as a song of protest, Anne Elvey sketches a counter-colonial reading practice that in compassionate grief and hope is attentive to the ecological trauma of our time. The readings engage with creative responses to the Magnificat, from pious verse to abstract expressionist art, and include a number of the author’s creative engagements in response. 214 pp. New Testament Monographs, 42 Hardback List Price: $85 / £65 Conference price: $37.50 / £27.50 ISBN: 978-1-910928-79-0

Like the Stars Forever: Narrative and Theological Reflections in the Book of Daniel Tim MeadowcroftThis anthology of Meadowcroft’s essays has three distinctives: a close reading of the narrative art of the book of Daniel; viewing the faithful wise as expressive of the hopes placed in the temple; and a theological and contextual reading of the experiences of Daniel and his friends.174 pp. Hebrew Bible Monographs, 90 Hardback List Price: £65 / $85 / €70 Conference price: $37.50 / £27.50 ISBN: 978-1-910928-80-6

The Bible and Money: Economy and Socioeconomic Ethics in the BibleMarkus Zehnder and Hallvard Hagelia (eds.)What does the Bible say about money? This volume presents the researches of 18 international biblical scholars at Ansgarskolen´s Norwegian Summer Academy for Biblical Studies. This unusual volume is a useful resource for researchers, but also a coursebook to be used in the classroom and a comprehensive introduction to biblical economic ethics in general.396 pp. Bible in the Modern World, 76 Hardback List Price: $97.50 / £70 Conference price: $39 / £30 ISBN: 978-1-910928-75-2

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Job: From Lament to PenitenceAlexander W. BreitkopfUsing the methodological frameworks of form criticism and eco-anthropology—which studies how human identity is formed in relation with the natural world—, Breitkopf argues that the voice of the character Job undergoes a marked shift from lament to penitence as the book proceeds. It corresponds to a shift in the character’s worldview, evinced in the book’s language about the natural order.

174 pp. Hebrew Bible Monographs, 92 Hardback List Price: $75 / £60 Conference price: $32.50 / £26 ISBN: 978-1-910928-81-3

Performing Masculinity in the Hebrew BibleMilena KirovaAmong the intriguing questions Kirova poses in Performing Masculinity are these: Why should heroes be beautiful? What is the benefit of weeping, and weeping eloquently? Why problematize what is ‘natural’? Who is the ‘bramble king’? The ten chapters of Performing Masculinity are deliberately interdisciplinary: anthropology, psychoanalysis, literary and gender studies complement biblical criticism. A variety of audiences will find the book a pleasure and an education.

218 pp. Hebrew Bible Monographs, 91 Hardback List Price: $85 / £65 Conference price: $39.50 / £30 ISBN: 978-1-910928-77-6

SOTS 2021 WinTer MeeTing exclusive Price List

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Title FormatList price £

Conference price £

Adelman, Female Ruse pb* 25.00 17.50

Aichele, Tales of Posthumanity hb 50.00 19.50

Amit, In Praise of Editing hb 75.00 29.50

Arterbury, Entertaining Angels hb 55.00 16.50

Aston and Walliss (eds.), Small Screen Revelations hb 50.00 15.00

Avalos, Slavery, Abolitionism pb* 19.50 17.50

Avalos, The Bad Jesus pb* 25.00 17.50

Avalos, The Reality of Religious Violence hb 75.00 29.50

Bach, Religion, Politics, Media pb* 15.00 13.50

Bandy, Prophetic Lawsuit in the Book of Revelation hb 60.00 20.00

Barker, On Earth as it is in Heaven pb 12.50 8.50

Barker, Gate of Heaven pb 20.00 10.50

Barker, Lost Prophet pb 15.00 8.50

Barker, Older Testament pb 25.00 9.50

Batalden, Cann and Dean (eds.), Sowing the Word pb* 19.50 12.50

Beavis and Gilmour (eds.), Dictionary of the Bible and pb* 19.50 15.00

Becking (ed.), Obadiah pb* 15.00 13.50

Becking and Hennecke (eds.), Out of Paradise hb 55.00 20.00

Bergen and Siedlecki (eds.), Voyages (FS Jobling) hb 50.00 15.00

Berges, Isaiah pb 21.50 18.50

Berges, The Book of Isaiah hb 80.00 20.00

Bernat and Klawans (eds.), Religion and Violence pb* 14.50 12.50

Black (ed.), To Set at Liberty (Elliott FS) hb 70.00 25.00

Boda and Redditt (eds.), Unity & Disunity in Ezra–Neh hb 55.00 14.50

Bodi (ed.), Abigail, Wife of David hb 50.00 17.50

Bodi, The Demise of the Warlord hb 50.00 14.50

Bodi, Michal Affair pb* 15.95 12.50

Bodner, 1 Samuel pb* 18.50 12.50

Bodner, David Observed pb* 18.50 12.50

Boer and Økland (eds.), Marxist Feminist Criticism of hb 40.00 12.50

Breitkopf, Job: From Lament to Penitence hb 60.00 26.00

Brenner (ed.), Discourse, Dialogue, and Debate (Polak hb 70.00 25.00

Brenner and Polak (eds.), Performing Memory hb 60.00 15.00

Brenner and Polak (eds.), Words, Ideas, Worlds hb 75.00 19.50

Brett, Decolonizing God pb* 17.50 12.50

Britt, Biblical Curses hb 70.00 20.00

Broadhead, Mark, Second Edition pb* 15.00 11.50

Brodie, Beyond the Quest for the Historical Jesus pb 18.95 15.00

Brodie, Proto-Luke pb 12.50 7.50

Brodie, Birthing of the NT pb* 22.50 15.00

Brodie, MacDonald and Porter (eds.), Intertextuality of hb 55.00 22.50

Bruin, Isaiah 1–12 hb 60.00 25.00

Burk, Articular Infinitives hb 35.00 15.00

* Also available in hardback

SOTS 2021 WinTer MeeTing exclusive Price List

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Title FormatList price £

Conference price £

Buss, Changing Shape of Form Criticism hb 45.00 14.50

Buss, The Concept of Form hb 25.00 14.50

Buss, Toward Understanding the Hebrew Canon hb 50.00 20.00

Byron, Recent Research on Paul and Slavery hb 45.00 15.00

Cadwallader and Trudinger (eds.), Where the Wild Ox hb 75.00 20.00

Camp, Ben Sira and the Men Who Handle Books hb 50.00 12.50

Carrier, Historicity of Jesus pb* 25.00 22.50

Carroll, Jeremiah, volume I pb 17.50 12.50

Carroll, Jeremiah, volume II pb 17.50 12.50

Chalcraft, Uhlenbruch and Watson (eds.), Methods, hb 60.00 22.50

Chalmers, The Struggle of Yahweh and El hb 50.00 14.50

Chaney, Kim and Schellenberg (eds.), Reading a hb 75.00 20.00

Charney, Persuading God pb* 18.50 16.00

Cho, Jesus as Prophet hb 60.00 17.50

Claassens, Writing and Reading to Survive: hb 50.00 20.00

Clanton (ed.), The End Will Be Graphic hb 40.00 16.50

Clements, Jerusalem and the Nations hb 50.00 19.50

Clines and Wolde (eds.), Critical Engagement (FS Exum) hb 75.00 25.00

Clines, Interested Parties pb 17.50 12.50

Clines, Richards and Wright (eds.), Making a Difference hb 75.00 18.95

Clines, Bible and Modern World pb 13.50 8.50

Clines, Concise Dict of Class Heb pb* 35.00 29.50

Clines, Dict of Classical Hebrew, Revised. I. Aleph hb† 150.00 75.00

Clines, Dict of Classical Hebrew, Revised. II. Beth–Waw hb† 150.00 75.00

Clines (ed.), Dict of Class Heb I: Aleph hb 150.00 65.00

Clines (ed.), Dict of Class Heb II: Beth–Waw hb 150.00 65.00

Clines (ed.), Dict of Class Heb III: Zayin–Teth hb 150.00 65.00

Clines (ed.), Dict of Class Heb IV: Yodh–Lamedh hb 150.00 65.00

Clines (ed.), Dict of Class Heb V: Mem–Nun hb 150.00 65.00

Clines (ed.), Dict of Class Heb VI: Samekh–Pe hb 150.00 65.00

Clines (ed.), Dict of Class Heb VII: Sade–Qoph hb 150.00 65.00

Clines (ed.), Dict of Class Heb VIII Sin–Taw hb 150.00 65.00

Clines (ed.), Dict of Class Heb IX Eng-Heb Ind hb 150.00 65.00

Clines, Dict of Class Heb I-IV pb 197.50 175.00

Clines (ed.), Dict of Class Heb, I-VIII pbk pb 395.00 350.00

Clines, Dict of Class Heb, V-VIII pbk pb 197.50 175.00

Clines (ed.), Dict of Class Heb I-VIII, Aleph–Taw hbk hb 1200.00 520.00

Clines and Exum (eds.), Reception of the Hebrew Bible hb 50.00 22.50

Cole, Psalms 1-2 hb 50.00 18.50

Coote and Whitelam, Emergence of Early Israel pb 20.00 15.00

Coote and Gottwald (eds.), To Break Every Yoke (Chaney hb 50.00 16.00

Copier, Preposterous Revelations hb 50.00 19.50

Creanga and Smit (eds.), Biblical Masculinities pb* 24.50 18.50

* Also available in hardback

SOTS 2021 WinTer MeeTing exclusive Price List

† The discount price for a standing order for all 9 volumes of the Dictionary of Classical Hebrew, Revised is £60 per volume

Page 9: SOTS 2021 WinTer MeeTing exclusive Price List

Title FormatList price £

Conference price £

Creanga (ed.), Hebrew Masculinities Anew hb 65.00 27.50

Creanga (ed.), Men and Masculinity in the Hebrew Bible hb 60.00 20.00

Crisler, Echoes of Lament and the Christology of Luke hb 70.00 30.00

Crook and Harland (eds.), Identity and Interaction hb 50.00 20.00

Culy, Echoes of Friendship in the Gospel of John hb 60.00 18.50

Davies, Matthew, Second Edition pb* 15.00 13.50

Day, Recovery of Ancient Hebrew Language hb 75.00 25.00

DeGear, For She Has Heard hb 50.00 20.00

Dietch, Authority and Violence hb 55.00 25.00

Dobos and Köszeghy (eds.), With Wisdom as a Robe hb 60.00 18.50

Dow, Images of Zion hb 60.00 22.50

Dowling Long, Sacrifice of Isaac hb 60.00 20.00

Downing, God with Everything hb 50.00 19.50

du Toit, Textual Memory hb 60.00 22.50

Edwards, Admen and Eve pb* 18.50 15.00

Ellens (ed.), Text and Community (FS Metzger), vol. 1 hb 50.00 17.50

Ellens (ed.), Text and Community II (FS Metzger) hb 50.00 17.50

Ellens, The Son of Man in the Gospel of John hb 50.00 20.00

Elliott, Reconfiguring Mark’s Jesus hb 60.00 22.50

Elvey, Reading the Magnificat in Australia hb 70.00 27.50

Elvey, Matter of the Text hb 60.00 22.50

Embry (ed.), Megilloth Studies hb 60.00 22.50

Exum and Nutu (eds.), Between the Text and the Canvas pb* 17.50 12.50

Exum and Clines (eds.), Biblical Reception 1 (2012) hb 80.00 20.00

Exum and Clines (eds.), Biblical Reception 2 (2013) hb 80.00 20.00

Exum and Clines (eds.), Biblical Reception 3 (2014) hb 80.00 30.00

Exum, Plotted, Shot, and Painted pb 25.00 19.50

Exum, Samson and Delilah hb 75.00 32.50

Falcetta (ed.), James Rendel Harris hb 60.00 18.50

Fantin, Lord of the Entire World hb 70.00 27.50

Fischer and Fernandes (eds.), The Song of Songs Afresh hb 60.00 25.00

Fontaine, With Eyes of Flesh pb* 19.50 13.50

Fried, Ezra pb* 29.50 20.00

Gilhooley, Edict of Cyrus and Notions of Restoration hb 50.00 20.00

Goodman, Yearning for You hb 60.00 15.00

Gordon, Hebrews, Second Edition pb* 15.00 13.50

Gottlieb, Cohen and Gruber (eds.), Visions of Life in hb 60.00 22.50

Goulder, Five Stones and a Sling pb 14.95 9.50

Graham, Flesh Was Made Word hb 50.00 20.00

Gray, The Book of Job pb* 25.00 22.50

Green and Meadowcroft (eds.), Ears That Hear pb* 24.50 15.00

Gribben and Sweetnam (eds.), Left Behind hb 50.00 19.50

Guest, Beyond Feminist Biblical Studies hb 40.00 12.50

* Also available in hardback

SOTS 2021 WinTer MeeTing exclusive Price List

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Title FormatList price £

Conference price £

Guy, United in Exile, Reunited in Restoration: The hb 50.00 22.50

Habel, Finding Wisdom in Nature hb 40.00 12.50

Habel, Birth, Curse and Greening of Earth hb 50.00 18.50

Hagedorn, Crook and Stewart (eds.), FS Neyrey hb 50.00 18.50

Hagelia, Divine Election in the Hebrew Bible hb 60.00 27.50

Hagelia, The Dan Debate hb 45.00 18.50

Hagelia, The Tel Dan Inscription pb 19.50 16.50

Hagelia, Three Old Testament Theologies hb 50.00 18.50

Hallbäck and Hvithamar (eds.), Recent Releases hb 35.00 15.00

Ham, The Coming King pb* 15.95 13.95

Harvey, The Bible as Visual Culture hb 50.00 20.00

Hauge, Solomon the Lover hb 50.00 18.50

Hauser (ed.), Recent Research on the Major Prophets hb 60.00 16.50

Hawkins and Cushing Stahlberg (eds.), From Margins 1 hb 40.00 16.50

Heacock, Jonathan Loved David hb 60.00 22.50

Hellerman, Jesus and the People of God pb* 19.50 18.50

Hertog, The Other Face of God hb 75.00 22.50

Holloway (ed.), Orientalism pb* 22.50 17.50

Howard (ed.), Network Apocalypse hb 50.00 19.50

Jack, Scottish Fiction as Gospel Exegesis hb 45.00 19.50

Jamieson-Drake, Scribes and Schools, Second Edition pb 25.00 18.50

Janzen, The Necessary King hb 80.00 20.00

Jarick, 1 Chronicles, Second Edition pb* 15.00 13.50

Jarick, 2 Chronicles pb* 15.00 13.50

Johnson, Now my Eye Sees You pb* 16.50 14.50

Johnson, Holy Seed Has Been Defiled hb 45.00 18.50

Jovanovic, Joseph of Genesis hb 75.00 18.95

Joynes and Rowland (eds.), From the Margins 2 hb 60.00 20.00

Kaplan and Williamson (eds.), Imagination, Ideology and hb 60.00 20.00

Kazen, Emotions in Biblical Law hb 50.00 19.50

Keshet, ‘Say you are my sister’ hb 50.00 19.50

Kim, Decolonizing Josiah pb* 18.95 14.95

Kim, Identity and Loyalty in the David Story hb 40.00 16.50

Kim, Mark, Women and Empire hb 45.00 18.50

Kirova, Performing Masculinity in the Hebrew Bible hb 65.00 30.00

Klangwisan, Jouissance hb 50.00 18.50

Knight, Revelation, Second Edition pb* 15.00 13.50

Korpel and Moor, Adam, Eve, and the Devil pb* 22.50 18.50

Koskenniemi, Exposure of Infants hb 45.00 16.50

Kreitzer, Philemon pb* 15.00 13.50

Laato, Biblical Chronology pb 18.50 16.50

Land, Integrity of 2 Corinthians hb 60.00 22.50

Landy, Hosea, Second Edition pb* 15.00 13.50

* Also available in hardback

SOTS 2021 WinTer MeeTing exclusive Price List

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Title FormatList price £

Conference price £

Landy, Paradoxes of Paradise pb 22.50 17.50

Landy, Trevaskis and Bibb (eds.), Text, Time, and hb 60.00 20.00

LeCureux, Thematic Unity of the Book of the Twelve hb 75.00 18.50

Lee and Park (eds.), Korean Feminists & Bible hb 50.00 12.50

Leneman, Love, Lust, and Lunacy hb 65.00 22.50

Leneman, Moses hb 50.00 18.50

Leneman and Walfish (eds.), The Bible Retold hb 60.00 22.50

Leneman, The Performed Bible hb 40.00 16.50

Leuchter, Josiah’s Reform hb 50.00 12.50

Leung Lai, Through the ‘I’-Window hb 60.00 17.50

Levinson (ed.), Theory and Method pb 15.00 12.50

Liew (ed.), Postcolonial Interventions (FS Sugirtharajah) hb 60.00 16.50

Liew (ed.), Reading Ideologies hb 75.00 22.50

Lipka, Sexual Transgression in the HB hb 60.00 15.50

Lipton, Longing for Egypt hb 50.00 14.50

Long, Paul and Human Rights hb 50.00 17.50

Longenecker, Studies in Hermeneutics pb* 15.95 13.50

Longenecker, Studies in Paul pb* 15.95 13.50

Löwisch, Trauma Begets Genealogy hb 60.00 20.00

Lubetski (ed.), New Seals and Inscriptions hb 55.00 15.00

Lubetski and Lubetski, Esther hb 60.00 15.00

Lundbom, Biblical Rhetoric pb* 20.00 18.50

Lundbom, Jeremiah Closer Up pb* 15.00 12.50

Lyons and Økland (eds.), The Way the World Ends? hb 60.00 18.50

Malbon (ed.), Between Author and Audience (Mark) pb* 16.50 15.00

Marek, A Star from Jacob, a Sceptre from Israel hb 70.00 30.00

Markl (ed.), The Decalogue and its Cultural Influence pb* 32.50 20.00

Martin, Judas and the Rhetoric of Comparison hb 50.00 18.50

McGeough, Ancient Near East in the 19th Century, I hb 70.00 19.50

McGeough, Ancient Near East in the 19th Century, II hb 60.00 19.50

McGeough, Ancient Near East in the 19th Century, III hb 70.00 19.50

McKinlay, Reframing Her pb* 15.95 13.95

McKinlay, Troubling Women and Land hb 60.00 20.00

Meadowcroft, Haggai (Readings) pb* 15.00 13.50

Meadowcroft, Like the Stars Forever hb 65.00 27.50

Meredith, Journeys in the Songscape pb* 20.00 16.00

Middlemas, Clines and Holt (eds.), Centre and Periphery hb 50.00 19.50

Miles, Constructing the Other in Ancient Israel and the hb 70.00 25.00

Miscall, Isaiah, Second Edition (Readings) pb* 15.00 13.50

Moore, Empire and Apocalypse pb* 18.50 17.50

Morrow, Protest against God pb* 15.00 13.50

Morton, Recent Research on Revelation hb 60.00 20.00

Moss, Proverbs (Readings) pb* 15.00 13.50

* Also available in hardback

SOTS 2021 WinTer MeeTing exclusive Price List

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Title FormatList price £

Conference price £

Myles and Blyth (eds.), Sexuality, Ideology, and the hb 60.00 22.50

Myles, The Homeless Jesus hb 60.00 18.50

Neville (ed.), The Bible, Justice and Public Theology hb 60.00 20.00

Neyrey, An Encomium for Jesus. hb 50.00 20.00

Nguyen, Chorus in the Dark hb 60.00 20.00

Nir, Joseph and Aseneth hb 55.00 22.50

Nir, The First Christian Believer hb 65.00 27.50

Nutu, Incarnate Word, Inscribed Flesh hb 50.00 17.50

O’Brien, Nahum, Second Edition pb* 15.00 13.50

O’Donnell, Corpus Linguistics hb 70.00 18.50

O’Kane (ed.), Bible, Art, Gallery hb 50.00 16.50

O’Kane and Morgan-Guy (eds.), Biblical Art fr Wales pb* 19.50 17.50

O’Kane, Painting the Text pb* 18.50 14.50

Ogden, Qoheleth, Second Edition pb* 15.00 13.50

Overland, Learning Biblical Hebrew, II (Instructor) pb* 26.00 22.50

Overland, Learning Biblical Hebrew II pb* 26.00 22.50

Overland, Learning Biblical Hebrew I (Instructor) pb* 26.00 22.50

Overland, Learning Biblical Hebrew I pb* 26.00 22.50

Partridge (ed.), Anthems of Apocalypse hb 50.00 19.50

Paynter and Spalione (eds.), The Bible on Violence hb 70.00 30.00

Person, Deuteronomy and Environmental Amnesia hb 45.00 18.50

Pfoh and Whitelam (eds.), The Politics of Israel’s Past hb 60.00 25.00

Phillips (ed.), Acts and Ethics hb 50.00 16.00

Porter, O’Donnell and Porter (eds.), JGR 1 (2000) hb 80.00 18.00

Porter, O’Donnell and Porter and Lois K. Dow (eds.), JGR hb 80.00 20.00

Porter, O’Donnell and Porter, JGR 11 (2015) hb 80.00 20.00

Porter, O’Donnell and Porter (eds.), JGRChJ 2 (2001-5) hb 80.00 18.00

Porter, O’Donnell and Porter (eds.), JGRChJ 3 (2006) hb 80.00 18.00

Porter, O’Donnell and Porter (eds.), JGRChJ 4 (2007) hb 80.00 18.00

Porter, O’Donnell, Porter and Dow (eds.), JGRChJ 5 hb 80.00 18.00

Porter, O’Donnell, Porter and Dow (eds.), JGRChJ 6 hb 80.00 18.50

Porter, O’Donnell, Porter and Dow (eds.), JGRChJ 7 hb 80.00 18.50

Porter, O’Donnell and Porter and Dow (eds.), JGR 8 hb 80.00 18.50

Porter, O’Donnell, Porter and Dow (eds.), JGR 9 (2013) hb 80.00 20.00

Porter, Letter to the Romans pb* 19.50 16.50

Porter and O’Donnell (eds.), Linguist as Pedagogue hb 50.00 18.00

Putnam, A New Grammar of Biblical Hebrew pb* 22.50 20.00

Pyper, An Unsuitable Book hb 50.00 12.50

Rees, Voices of the Wilderness hb 50.00 19.00

Revell, Pausal System hb 45.00 19.50

Ro (ed.), From Judah to Judaea pb* 18.50 16.50

Robertson, Death of Judas hb 60.00 15.00

Roetzel and Foster (eds.), Impartial God (FS Bassler) hb 55.00 18.50

* Also available in hardback

SOTS 2021 WinTer MeeTing exclusive Price List

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Title FormatList price £

Conference price £

Roo, Works of the Law hb 60.00 18.50

Rooke (ed.), A Question of Sex? pb* 17.50 12.50

Rooke (ed.), Embroidered Garments hb 45.00 16.50

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