solid hybrid polymer electrolyte networks: nano-structurable materials for lithium batteries

[24] The differences in height observed in AFM images compared to those ob- tained via ellipsometry were most likely to be due to the polymer under- going significant compression under the applied load of the AFM tip, even though a very small force of < 1 nN was applied during imaging. [25] S. Kidoaki, S. Ohya, Y. Nakayama, T. Matsuda, Langmuir 2001, 17, 2402. [26] Repeated imaging of individual zones in the polymer layers indicated some abrasion of PNIPAm brushes and thus direct comparison of layer heights after multiple scans above and below the LCST was not possible. [27] This force is greater than that observed in Figure 2 as a result of unavoid- able differences in the spring constants of the AFM tips used during these experiments. [28] Y. G. Takei, T. Aoki, K. Sanui, N. Ogata, Y. Sakurai, T. Okano, Macro- molecules 1994, 27, 6163. [29] L. Liang, P. C. Rieke, J. Liu, G. E. Fryxell, J. S. Young, M. H. Engelhard, K. L. Alford, Langmuir 2000, 16, 8016. [30] P. J. Eaton, P. Graham, J. R. Smith, J. D. Smart, T. G. Nevell, J. Tsibouklis, Langmuir 2000, 16, 7887. Solid Hybrid Polymer Electrolyte Networks: Nano-Structurable Materials for Lithium Batteries By Ralph Ulrich, Josef W. Zwanziger, Susan M. De Paul, Annette Reiche, Heike Leuninger, Hans W. Spiess , and Ulrich Wiesner* Solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) are potential materials for application as electrolytes and separators in secondary lith- ium and lithium-ion batteries. [1±3] The prototypical SPE is polyethylene oxide (PEO) blended with the lithium salt of a large soft anion. Cross-linking can improve the mechanical strength of such SPEs. [4] The addition of nanoscale ceramic materials inhibits the recrystallization of PEO, increases the cationic conductivity and stabilizes the Li electrolyte inter- face. [5±7] Here we report the electrochemical and mechanical performance of a new material that connects the advantages of cross-linked networks with those of composites: an organic± inorganic hybrid, with a network structure, is combined with PEO and a lithium salt. [8±10] Because of the molecular-scale mixing of the components, crystallization of PEO is complete- ly suppressed, while strength, conductivity, and lithium trans- ference numbers are all high compared to prototype SPEs. Cyclic voltammetry shows that lithium can be plated and stripped from these electrolytes and suggests a reasonable cy- cling efficiency. Finally, we demonstrate that this composite can be self-organized using diblock copolymer technology [11] into nanometer-scale plates and rods, [12±14] paving the way to making lithium-conducting cables, for example, and hence sol- id-state electrochemical devices of sizes down to 10 nm. The charge-carrier transport in polymer electrolytes is coupled with the polymer segment mobility. [15,16] Therefore, suitable materials should be completely amorphous and should have a low glass transition temperature, T g . Since PEO is a semicrystalline polymer, it must be stabilized against crys- tallization at ambient temperature without sacrificing conduc- tivity and without degrading its mechanical properties. Composites that address these issues in different ways have been developed. [4±6,17] One approach is to cross-link the poly- mer, which suppresses crystallization and improves mechani- cal performance. The disadvantage of this approach is that T g is raised, reducing the conductivity at ambient temperature. The cross-linked material can be additionally plasticized, but usually the resulting gels are of modest electrochemical stabil- ity and many of the mechanical advantages are lost. A differ- ent, synthetically challenging, approach is to graft ethylene oxide oligomers onto stiff polymer backbones. [4] A layered architecture with excellent mechanical properties and sup- pressed PEO crystallization results, but with marginal electro- chemical stability. A layered structure is also achieved in polymer±inorganic intercalate materials, which have the additional advantage of fixed counterions, and therefore a high transference number for the cations. Such intercalates have been made with both PEO [6,18] and poly-phosphazenes; [19] a problem with this ap- proach is the anisotropy of the resulting conductivity. The recently synthesized siloxyaluminate polymers represent a potentially major improvement in this area since they appear to yield isotropic materials. [20,21] Even when the counterions are not fixed, addition of Lewis acid sites greatly improves the cation transference number. [5] The present material, a solid hybrid polymer (SHyP) electro- lyte network, combines many of the best features of the above materials in a synthetically simple package. [8] The basis of the SHyP electrolyte network is an organically modified three- dimensional ceramic (ORMOCER) network, rich in Lewis acid sites, which is molecularly compatible with PEO. The resulting blend solvates lithium salts, shows no crystallization and exhibits excellent cationic conductivity. [9,10] Further rele- vant properties for applications include transference number and mechanical strength, which we present here, in addition to temperature-dependent conductivity data. We show further- more that this material is compatible with block copolymer- driven self-assembly, [13,14,22,23] so that it can be processed under ambient conditions into structures down to about 10 nm. The hybrid material is made in two steps. [13] First, commer- cially available (3-glycidyloxypropyl)-trimethoxysilane (GLY- 1134 Ó WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2002 0935-9648/02/1608-1134 $ 17.50+.50/0 Adv. Mater. 2002, 14, No. 16, August 16 COMMUNICATIONS ± [*] Prof. U. Wiesner Department of Materials Science and Engineering 329 Bard Hall, Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-1501 (USA) E-mail: [email protected] Dr. R. Ulrich, Dr. S. M. De Paul, [+] Dr. H. Leuninger, Prof. H. W. Spiess Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research Postfach 3148, D-55021 Mainz (Germany) Prof. J. W. Zwanziger Department of Chemistry, Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405 (USA) Dr. A. Reiche Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Institute of Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry Geusaer Str., D-06217 Merseburg (Germany) [+] Current address: Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology, Depart- ment of Materials, ETH Zürich, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland. [**] J.W.Z. thanks the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung for a Research Fellowship; S.M.D. thanks the U.S. NSF for an NSF-NATO postdoctoral fellowship. The authors thank the ªBundesministerium für Bildung und Forschungº for support. The financial support of the National Science Foundation (Grant DMR-0072009) is gratefully acknowledged. The work was further supported by the Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR), a Materials Research Science and Engineering Center of the National Science Foundation (DMR-0079992).

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Post on 06-Jun-2016




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