solar energy investments: cinch electric overview

Cinch Electric Corporation Executive Summary

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Solar Energy Investments: Cinch Electric Overview

Cinch Electric Corporation

Executive Summary

Page 2: Solar Energy Investments: Cinch Electric Overview

We are a power generation utility

company. We build and develop

Renewable Energy Projects globally. Our

primary focus is setting up utility sized

solar farms and plants that delivers power

to municipalities, cities, provinces &

private industrial complexes. We provide

all levels of management, engineering,

design, products, installation and



Page 3: Solar Energy Investments: Cinch Electric Overview


Global Photovoltaic (PV) installations have grown by 3X in the span of 5 years driven by the European and Asian continent. The industry is poised to

reach 180 GW installations by the end of 2015. Technological advancement in the solar sector and the utilization of various financing instruments

accounts for this growth that resulted in a significant revenue surge over the past 5 years. As several markets in the world have recently opened their

doors to solar, business analysts expect the industry to reach $1 Trillion by the year 2020. Several countries have now adopted solar technology as an

integral part of their power grid. Most first world nations have realized its advantages. However, there are still countries that have not support solar.

This is mainly due to the initial costs, limited CAPEX infrastructure, access to high quality fully warrantied product and the presence of local expertise in

solar energy. These constraints have limited the access of different government, commercial, industrial and residential entities to the technology.

Solar energy is clean, cost effective and comes from an abundant energy source. Once it is installed, power production is good for at least 25 years.

This is a good fit for developing nations and economies that are rapidly expanding.

Solar Industry Background3


Page 4: Solar Energy Investments: Cinch Electric Overview


The ASEAN region which is composed of 10 independent nations housing

620 million consumers. Economic growth has been robust, expanding at

an impressive rate of 8-10% over the past 7 years. Wealth is building in

this area of the world and this region has been tagged as an “emerging

market”. The massive industrial, commercial and residential expansion

these countries are now realizing have led to higher energy consumption.

As demand for electricity increases, the power sector is in a precarious

position given the limited investment it experienced over the past 10 years.

This lack of infrastructure has led to significant energy deficits and higher

energy rates. This curtails economic growth in the region and has now

become the single biggest challenge ASEAN governments are facing


Given this scenario, the only way to solve this problem is to expand power

production. Solar Energy is the obvious choice.

The ASEAN region is an ideal market for solar technology due to its

geographical location, economic and political landscapes. Lands are

readily available and proximity to the equator enables a maximization of

each day’s solar harvest. Solar is the energy these economies need as

fast as possible.

Cinch Electric offers a modern game changing business model. We have a

vigorous vision and concrete market connections. The resulting energy

production of our projects will reshape the energy sector in this part of the


The ASEAN region needs an integrated power solution that will work with

the realities present on the ground. It demands more electricity and with a

rising consumer base, consumption will always grow at double digit rates.



Page 5: Solar Energy Investments: Cinch Electric Overview


The Philippines is a significant member of the

ASEAN region and is one of the key emerging

markets in the Pacific. This bastion of

democracy in the Southeast has a population

size of 100 Million people, a strong rising

middle class segment, a GDP growth rate of 5-

8%, a western style society, a consumption

driven economy and an expanding

manufacturing base. This country is an

archipelago with 7,108 islands spanning across

300,000 km (115,831 square miles) of land.

Over the past 15 years, the nation has not had

significant investments placed in the power

sector driven by stiff environmental regulations

and a lack of interested investment capital.

This produced a net effect where economic

growth significantly outpaced the expansion of

the power infrastructure in the country. As a

result, blackouts have been experienced in

different parts of the Philippines over the past 2

years. As the gap continues to widen, the

government is now looking at Renewable

Energy to augment its power requirement.

However, the significant cost, the lack of funds

and the absence of energy players remain to

be the biggest barrier in implementing an

effective Renewable Energy plan. In lieu of this

scenario, the government has implemented

several rebate and incentive programs to

stimulate the growth of this sector. The

Philippines has a vision for Renewable Energy.

Favorable laws and regulations have been

made available. Cinch Electric is ready to

digest this business opportunity. The

government has opened up its doors because

we supply appropriate technology, experienced

people and comprehensive finance solutions.

The financial instrument used will be a 25 year

Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). The result

will allow the Philippines to begin eliminating

the gap that exists between consumption and

supply. This is the reason why the Philippines

is an excellent launch pad for Solar Technology

in the ASEAN region.

PHILIPPINES – Solar Launch Pad


Page 6: Solar Energy Investments: Cinch Electric Overview


Company Overview


We are a company engaged in Renewable Energy production. Our current

projects are focused on Solar Energy where we possess the most

advanced technology, the best engineers to install & install and a

comprehensive menu of financial instruments.


Our goal is to make renewable energy accessible to people and business

of all nations, wherever they maybe.


Page 7: Solar Energy Investments: Cinch Electric Overview


Cinch Electric Solar Project

Cinch Electric provides expertise for every phase of

a solar energy project whether it be a ground

mounted or rooftop installation or a combination of

both. In exchange for offtake & power purchase

agreements, Cinch Electric builds utility-sized solar

farms and plants that provide power to communities,

municipalities, cities and provinces. We can also

provide electricity to the private sector directly.

Cinch Electric Business Model7


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Our People

Corporate Organization We have a strong, diverse & experienced global-

ready management team that oversee the details of

every customer and every project.


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Solar Projects - Philippines

Solar ProjectsWe currently have a $2.8 Billion project portfolio with

the Philippine government that we recently acquired

which will generate a total of 1,200 MW.