sol review questions o 1. the first people to come to the americas probably came from___?___. o 2....

SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared other cultural traits belonged to what general grouping? 3. What is the term for the early people who got their food by hunting animals and looking for seeds, berries, and other foods? 4. Native Americans lived in different forms of dwellings because of what?

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Post on 13-Jan-2016




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Page 1: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___.

2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared other cultural traits belonged to what general grouping?

3. What is the term for the early people who got their food by hunting animals and looking for seeds, berries, and other foods?

4. Native Americans lived in different forms of dwellings because of what?

Page 2: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


5. Name six(6) of the original Thirteen colonies. 6. Why was William Penn important? 7. Name the explorer who gave England the right to claim

land in the New World. 8. Name the document which established a set of laws for

the colony of Plymouth. 9. Name 3 of the colonies which made up the New

England colonies. 10. Name the earliest form of representative government

in the English colonies.

Page 3: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared

SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS 11. What section of the New World developed the most

industry? 12. Name 2 classes of people in the English colonies. 13. What 2 environmental influences determined how the

colonists made their living? 14. What were two major complaints the colonists had against

British rule in the colonies? 15. What proclamation prevented the colonists from moving

west of the Appalachian mountains? 16. The results of what war caused the colonists to become

unhappy with British rule?

Page 4: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


17. What statement explains the reason the colonists were dissatisfied with the British?

18. Why was the Declaration of Independence written? 19. Who wrote the Declaration? 20. Give one reason why the Articles of Confederation

were too weak. 21. Who was the chairman of the Constitutional

Convention? 22. Who was referred to as “the father of the

Constitution”? Why?

Page 5: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


23. What is the term for an agreement in which both sides of an argument give up some of their demands in order to settle the matter?

24. Name the compromise which settled ho slaves were to be counted for representation in Congress.

25. How many branches of government were established by the Constitution?

26. W hat is the branch of our government which makes the law?

27. The president and vice president are in what branch?

Page 6: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared

SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS 28. The constitution was ratified in what year? 29. What branch has the power to declare a law passed by

Congress unconstitutional?

30.What president bought the Louisiana Purchase? 31. Who explored the Louisiana Purchase? 32. The U. S. gained Florida from what country? 33. Texas won its independence from what country? 34. The belief that expansion westward was good for the U.S.

was called__?__. 35.Prior to the Civil War what event in California influenced

people to move west?

Page 7: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


36. What doctrine said that European powers could not interfere with Latin American nations?

37. In the 1800’s paper money was backed by what? 38. What invention reduced the need for slave labor? 39. What invention linked eastern and western U.S. with

a transcontinental line? 40. What book by Harriet Beecher Stowe attacked the

institution of slavery? 41. In what Supreme Court decision was freedom denied

because slaves were property?

Page 8: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


42. In what compromise did Missouri remain a slave state and Maine a free state?

43. Who opposed slavery and was elected president in 1860?

44. What part of the country had lots of manufacturing? 45. Who was an abolitionist and published the Liberator? 46. Which, the North or the South, favored the fugitive

slave law? 47. What event caused the Southern states to secede? 48. This act began the Civil War in 1861?

Page 9: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared

SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS 49. This general of the Union army defeated Robert E. Lee. 50. This man was president of the Confederacy. 51. This was the first major battle of the Civil War. 52. This Union victory was the turning point of the Civil War. 53. This document freed the slaves in the rebelling states and

allowed the free slaves to join the Union army. 54. This amendment to the Constitution bans slavery. 55. This amendment grants citizenship to all persons born or

naturalized in the U.S.

Page 10: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared

SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS 56. This was a period in which the North supervised the

rebuilding of the South after the Civil War. 57. This promised free land to settlers if they lived on and

farmed a piece of land for 5 years. 58. This battle was an Indian victory against George Custer

and the U.S. cavalry. 59. The idea that the U.S. was a nation of the people, by the

people, and for the people was expressed in a speech by Lincoln called the __?__.

60. What group of people were a cheap source of labor for the industrialized U.S.?

Page 11: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared

SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS 61. What was the immigration entry point in New York City? 62. What was the term for a center that provided services for

immigrants, like Hull House? 63. What act barred Chinese from entering the U.S. because

of discrimination? 64. Who was the woman who founded Hull House? 65. What movement tried to address social problems in the

U.S.? 66. What was set up by the government to control the quality

of food products?

Page 12: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


67. Who along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton started the movement to gain the right to vote for women?

68. What was the American Federation of Labor? 69.The U.S. was finally viewed as a world power after

what war? 70. What was built to help U.S. ships get from coast to

coast more quickly? 71. What was an exaggerated report of events of scandals

in American newspapers called? 72. Who started the American steel industry?

Page 13: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


73. Who was a leader in the oil industry? 74. Who discovered the usefulness of electricity? 75.The sinking of what ship was one of the events which

led to WWI? 76. Germany and its allies were referred to as what during

WWI? 77. What type of warfare was significant during WWI? 78. Which side did the U.S. support during the war? 79. What peacekeeping organization was created after


Page 14: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


80. The period of time after WWI when the art, music and literature of Black Americans thrived in New York is referred to as what?

81. The economic good times before the 1930’s is referred to as what?

82. Who flew the first trans-Atlantic solo flight? 83. What invention greatly impacted the U.S. between the

wars enabling people to “get off the farm”? 84. What was the 18th amendment? 85. What amendment gave women the right to vote?

Page 15: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


86. The period of drastic decline in our economy during the 1930’s was called __?__.

87. The association of brokers and dealers in shares of companies is called what?

88. Joblessness and homelessness are results of what period of time?

89. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s plan to help the nation recover from its economic crisis was called what?

90. Some New Deal programs still exist today. Name one. 91. What was the name of Adolf Hitler’s political party?

Page 16: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


92. The world was split into two alliances in 1939, The Allies and the __?__.

93. The U.S. remained neutral during WWII until what event?

94. Hitler primarily targeted which group to be exterminated?

95. What happened in 1945 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan?

96. The Marshall Plan helped to rebuild what after WWII?

Page 17: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


97. The split between the Soviet Union and the U.S. resulted in the beginning of what?

98. What was the peacekeeping organization created after WWII?

99. What did the Supreme Court declare in the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas?

100. Who was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white rider?

101. What movement resulted in legislation that gave equal rights to all regardless of race?

Page 18: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared

SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS 102. What was the group formed to get equal rights for

women? 103. Who made a speech in Washington D.C. expressing the

desire for equal rights for all--”I have a dream”? 104. What government agency controls the amount of money

individual banks may borrow to lend and determines the rate of interest?

105. Which president was the first to visit communist China since WWII?

106. Name three conflicts the U.S. has been involved in since WWII.

Page 19: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


107. The McCarthy hearings were held to discover people in government who were what?

108. Who was president during the Cuban Missile Crisis? 109. Who was president at the end of the Cold War? 110. Who was the first president of the U.S.? 111. Who was the president of the U.S. during the Civil

War? 112. Who said “Give me liberty or give me death!”? 113. What is the capital of the U.S.? 114. What is the capital of Virginia?

Page 20: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


115. What was the first permanent English settlement in the New World?

116. Name one colony of New England 117. Name one Mid-Atlantic colony. 118. Name one southern colony. 119. Name one reason people came to America. 120. Who founded the colony of Pennsylvania? 121.The Puritans founded what colony? 122. What colony was founded as a place to send criminals

from England?

Page 21: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared

123. What colony did the Quakers go to? 124. What colony did Sir Walter Raleigh found? 125. What colony did John Smith help found? 126. What was the occupation of most people in the

American colonies? 127. What law forbade colonists from settling west of the

Appalachian mountains? 128. Who was the British general who surrendered at

Yorktown? 129. Who warned the patriots “The British are coming!”?

Page 22: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


130. Name one accomplishment of Benjamin Franklin. 131. Who was the king of England during the American

Revolution? 132. Who was the commander of the Continental Army? 133. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? 134. When was the Declaration of Independence signed? 135. What pamphlet did Thomas Paine write? 136. Where was the first shot of the Revolutionary War


Page 23: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared


137. Where did the British surrender and Revolutionary War end?

138. What was the first major battle of the Revolution? 139. During what battle did Washington cross the

Delaware River? 140. What document stated why the Americans wanted to

rebel and separate from England? 141. What document was written after the Revolution, but

failed to establish a successful government for the U.S.? 142. What document replaced the one above?

Page 24: SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS o 1. The first people to come to the Americas probably came from___?___. o 2. Native Americans who spoke the same language and shared

SOL REVIEW QUESTIONS 143. What are the three branches of the U.S. government? 144. Who was the president of the Constitutional Convention? 14 5. Who is known as the “Father of the Constitution”? 146. Which president bought the Louisiana Purchase from

France? 147. Who explored the Louisiana Purchase? 148. What doctrine stated European powers must not interfere

with Latin American nations? 149. Texas won its independence from what country? 150. “Remember the Alamo” was the battle cry during what
