soil organic carbon changes in dynamic land use decision models

Soil organic carbon changes in dynamic land use decision models Uwe A. Schneider a,b, * a Research Unit Sustainability and Global Change, Center for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Hamburg University, Germany b International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Laxenburg, Austria Received 19 April 2005; received in revised form 17 July 2006; accepted 25 July 2006 Available online 20 September 2006 Abstract Soil organic carbon can be sequestered through various land management options depending on the soil organic carbon status at the beginning of a management period. This initial soil organic carbon status results from a certain soil management history in a certain soil climate regime. Similarly, the prediction of future carbon storage depends on the time path of future soil management. Unfortunately, the number of possible management trajectories reaches non-computable levels so fast that explicit representations of future management trajectories are infeasible for most existing empirical land use decision models. Not surprisingly, the impact of different management trajectories has been ignored. This article proposes a computationally feasible mathematical programming method for integration of soil state dependent sequestration rates in dynamic land use decision optimization models. The possible soil organic carbon range is divided in several adjacent carbon states. For each soil management practice, location, and initial soil organic carbon state, transition probabilities of moving into a different or remaining in the same state are computed. Subsequently, these probabilities are used in dynamic equations to update the soil organic carbon level before and after each period. To illustrate the impacts of this Markov chain based method, a case study portraying Australian wheat farmers is conducted. # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Soil organic carbon sequestration; Sink dynamics; Mathematical programming; Land use; Optimization; Agriculture; Markov chain 1. Introduction Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration through agriculture and forestry has been regarded as a potentially important option to lower greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere (Schlesinger, 1999). It has been recognized that unlike some other greenhouse gas emission abatement technologies, soil sequestration is very heterogeneous over location, time, and management. Local variations of soil management regimes have been studied by West and Post (2002), Pautsch et al. (2001), Lal et al. (1998), De Cara and Jayet (2000), and McCarl and Schneider (2001) among many others. Furthermore, West et al. (2004), Marland et al. (2004), Lal et al. (1998), Murray et al. (2004) integrate changes in SOC sequestration rates over time to address issues of saturation and non-permanence. Continuous use of no-till agriculture for example, will eventually lead to equilibrium, where no additional storage can be achieved without a management change (Marland et al., 2004). Direction and magnitude of SOC sequestration rates depend on the difference between initial SOC and equilibrium levels. If the initial SOC level is far away from the equilibrium level, sequestration rates will be relatively high. Without management or climate changes, these rates will eventually converge to zero as SOC levels approach the equilibrium. For mineral soils, studies by West et al. (2004) imply that most of the organic carbon adjustment takes place within 20–30 years. Besides, many soil management strategies can act as a sink or a source depending on the initial SOC level. For example, consider no-till wheat production. This often advocated tillage system might indeed sequester substantial carbon amounts on fields that Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 359–367 * Correspondence address: Bundesstrasse 55, 20146 Hamburg, Germany. Tel.: +49 40 428386593; fax: +49 40 428387009. E-mail address: [email protected]. 0167-8809/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2006.07.020

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Page 1: Soil organic carbon changes in dynamic land use decision models

Soil organic carbon changes in dynamic land use decision models

Uwe A. Schneider a,b,*

a Research Unit Sustainability and Global Change, Center for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Hamburg University, Germanyb International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Laxenburg, Austria

Received 19 April 2005; received in revised form 17 July 2006; accepted 25 July 2006

Available online 20 September 2006

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 359–367


Soil organic carbon can be sequestered through various land management options depending on the soil organic carbon status at the

beginning of a management period. This initial soil organic carbon status results from a certain soil management history in a certain soil

climate regime. Similarly, the prediction of future carbon storage depends on the time path of future soil management. Unfortunately, the

number of possible management trajectories reaches non-computable levels so fast that explicit representations of future management

trajectories are infeasible for most existing empirical land use decision models. Not surprisingly, the impact of different management

trajectories has been ignored.

This article proposes a computationally feasible mathematical programming method for integration of soil state dependent sequestration

rates in dynamic land use decision optimization models. The possible soil organic carbon range is divided in several adjacent carbon states.

For each soil management practice, location, and initial soil organic carbon state, transition probabilities of moving into a different or

remaining in the same state are computed. Subsequently, these probabilities are used in dynamic equations to update the soil organic carbon

level before and after each period. To illustrate the impacts of this Markov chain based method, a case study portraying Australian wheat

farmers is conducted.

# 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Soil organic carbon sequestration; Sink dynamics; Mathematical programming; Land use; Optimization; Agriculture; Markov chain

1. Introduction

Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration through

agriculture and forestry has been regarded as a potentially

important option to lower greenhouse gas concentrations in

the atmosphere (Schlesinger, 1999). It has been recognized

that unlike some other greenhouse gas emission abatement

technologies, soil sequestration is very heterogeneous over

location, time, and management. Local variations of soil

management regimes have been studied by West and Post

(2002), Pautsch et al. (2001), Lal et al. (1998), De Cara and

Jayet (2000), and McCarl and Schneider (2001) among

many others. Furthermore, West et al. (2004), Marland et al.

(2004), Lal et al. (1998), Murray et al. (2004) integrate

* Correspondence address: Bundesstrasse 55, 20146 Hamburg, Germany.

Tel.: +49 40 428386593; fax: +49 40 428387009.

E-mail address: [email protected].

0167-8809/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


changes in SOC sequestration rates over time to address

issues of saturation and non-permanence. Continuous use of

no-till agriculture for example, will eventually lead to

equilibrium, where no additional storage can be achieved

without a management change (Marland et al., 2004).

Direction and magnitude of SOC sequestration rates

depend on the difference between initial SOC and

equilibrium levels. If the initial SOC level is far away from

the equilibrium level, sequestration rates will be relatively

high. Without management or climate changes, these rates

will eventually converge to zero as SOC levels approach the

equilibrium. For mineral soils, studies by West et al. (2004)

imply that most of the organic carbon adjustment takes place

within 20–30 years. Besides, many soil management

strategies can act as a sink or a source depending on the

initial SOC level. For example, consider no-till wheat

production. This often advocated tillage system might

indeed sequester substantial carbon amounts on fields that

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U.A. Schneider / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 359–367360

were intensively tilled during previous years. However, the

same system could emit carbon if it were used on native

grassland soils or drained wetlands.

While the dynamic interaction between SOC levels and

sequestration rates has been observed and verified in many

experimental plots, it has been ignored in land use decision

models. These models examine the adoption of alternative

management decisions within a certain range of soil-climate

regimes and are frequently used to find economic SOC

sequestration potentials under various policy scenarios.

Spatial variations have been integrated in these land use

models through coupling with bio-physical models (Antle

et al., 2002; McCarl and Schneider, 2001; Pautsch et al.,

2001) or through application of IPCC sequestration

coefficients (De Cara and Jayet, 2000; Perez and Britz,


However, the dynamic nature of carbon sequestration

rates has so far been ignored. Quite a few studies use static

models in the beginning (Antle et al., 2002; Pautsch et al.,

2001; McCarl and Schneider, 2001; De Cara and Jayet,

2000; Perez and Britz, 2004). Static models can only predict

equilibrium changes between the initial and subsequent

management. These models are frequently used to assess

intermediate implications of alternative policies or technol-

ogies. Because of their static nature, they implicitly assume a

single adjustment only. Dynamic models, on the other hand,

mostly employ constant sequestration rates (Sohngen and

Mendelsohn, 2003; Murray et al., 2004). For example, the

same sequestration rate is applied to no-till soils that were

intensively tilled over many years and to soils, which have

not been tilled for some time. In reality, the sequestration

rates should be higher for the first and closer to zero for the

second case.

The relatively simple carbon sequestration modeling

approach adopted in existing land use decision models is

caused by lack of data and computational restriction. Data

wise, it is certainly easier to determine a single, average

coefficient for a given soil management in a given location

than to estimate carbon sequestration as a function of soil,

climate, and land management over time. Suitable functions

include carbon management response curves developed by

West et al. (2004). As for the computation, a decision

optimization with all soil management sequences over time

enumerated explicitly can be very demanding if not


This study integrates a Markov chain based approach for

the representation of the dynamic interactions between land

use decisions, SOC levels, and sequestration rates within a

mathematical programming framework. This approach is

computationally more feasible and provides the opportunity

to trade computing time against accuracy on a continuous

scale. The paper is structured as follows. The next section

shows the first best implementation of dynamic SOC

sequestration rates within land use decision models. It will

be demonstrated why this theoretically ideal approach

comes at high computational cost. The following section

develops the alternative approach. Subsequently, this

approach is numerically tested with a case study. Finally,

conclusions are given.

2. Methodology

2.1. Land use decision models

SOC sequestration requires certain suitable land manage-

ment practices. To analyze the economic potential of SOC

storage, land use decision models are employed. These

models are tools to understand, guide, and predict land use

decisions under various economic and environmental

conditions. Mathematical programming is frequently used

to determine optimal decisions when carbon sequestration

efforts relate to substantial structural changes in the

agricultural and forestry sector. These changes may include

the introduction of new soil management practices or the

implementation of new governmental policies. The

approach presented here will be equally applicable to farm

level, regional, and sector models, where a land use based

objective is maximized.

Common to all land use optimization models is a

predefined set of alternative land use decision variables and

an objective function. In addition, most models include

various biophysical or economic constraints. Let us denote

alternative land use decisions by a nonnegative variable

block Xt,r,i,u, where t = {1, . . ., T} denotes the set of time

periods, r = {1, . . ., R} the set of explicit geographic regions,

i = {1, . . ., I} the set of soil types, and u = {1, . . ., U} the set

of land use categories. Note that the indexes r, i, and u should

carefully be defined to sufficiently capture the heterogeneity

of landscape and agricultural production technologies.

Different soil types, for example, may distinguish soils that

differ in texture, layer depth, slope, and other physically

stable properties.

The general structure of dynamic land use optimization

models is displayed in equation block (1). The first line

represents the objective function, where the total value V is a

function of all possible land use decisions Xt,r,i,u. This

potentially non-linear function may include both economic

and environmental objectives. Line 2 generalizes restrictions

on all decision variables, where gj denotes j different implicit


Maximize V ¼ vðXt¼1;r¼1;i¼1;u¼1; . . . ;Xt¼T ;r¼R;i¼I;u¼UÞs:t: g jðXt¼1;r¼1;i¼1;u¼1; . . . ;Xt¼T ;r¼R;i¼I;u¼UÞ � 0


The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how

dynamic carbon sequestration rates can be feasibly modeled

within a land use optimization framework. Without loss of

generality, I use a linear system, where I maximize the sum

of land use profits over all time periods, regions, soil types,

and management systems as shown in Eq. (2). The profit of a

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U.A. Schneider / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 359–367 361

land use activity is the product of an exogenous profit

coefficient vt;r;i;u ¼ vMt;r;i;u þ vC

t;r;i;u, a time period specific

discount factor bt, and the activity level Xt,r,i,u. The vMt;r;i;u

values represent the gross margins of an activity, i.e.

revenues minus variable costs. The second objective value

coefficient vCt;r;i;u denotes carbon emission taxes (negative

values) or carbon sequestration benefits (positive values)

which are obtained by multiplying carbon emission or

sequestration rates by an exogenously given carbon price.



ðbtvt;r;i;uXt;r;i;uÞ (2)

Furthermore, I include land endowment restrictions reflect-

ing physical limits on available land. These restrictions are

contained in equation block (3). Particularly, the sum of all

land use activities Xt,r,i,u over all land management practices

u is limited by a given natural land endowment Lt,r,i.

Together, Eqs. (2) and (3) yield a simple starting point

for implementing dynamic SOC sequestration rates. Note

that such a linear model specification forces a specialized

solution. Particularly, for each soil type in each region, only

one management would be chosen over the entire area.X


Xt;r;i;u � Lt;r;i 8 t; r; i (3)

2.2. Explicit representation of soil management


To capture the dynamics of SOC sequestration, a model

has to be able to represent and track all different

management decision paths. If a farmer could choose

between 20 alternative land uses in each period, he would

face 20 decisions in period 1, 202 combinations of past and

current land use decisions in period 2, 203 in period 3 and so

forth. For our simple model, this implies that the land use

decision variables would have to be modified to explicitly

represent decisions from all past periods, i.e. Xt,r,i,u would

change to Xr;i;ud , where ud denotes the index containing all

possible management decision paths. Suppose, we have only

two land use alternatives u = {1,2} and three time periods

t = {1,2,3}. The index ud would then contain all possible

management decision paths, i.e. ud = {111,112,121,

122,211,212,221,222}. For each decision path, specific

carbon and profit net present values would have to be

generated. The objective would then be to maximizePr;i;ud ½ðvM

r;i;ud þ vCr;i;udÞXr;i;ud �, where vM

r;i;ud and vCr;i;ud repre-

sent the net present market and carbon values for a given

management decision path on land in a given region and soil

type, respectively. The land use restriction from above would

slightly change toP

ud Xr;i;ud � Lr;i.

It can easily be seen that this approach is computationally

very expensive for models with numerous management

alternatives and many time periods. Suppose, a dynamic

model had 30 time periods and 20 different land manage-

ment options resulting from combinations of different crop,

tillage, fertilization, and irrigation systems. The total

number of possible decision paths would equal 2030

alternatives. For models with multiple regions, multiple

crops, and many explicit soil types, this number would be

accordingly higher.

2.3. Management dynamics with a Markov chain

In this section, I will demonstrate an alternative approach,

which employs dynamically updated carbon sequestration

rates and which is computationally more feasible. The

principal idea is to integrate past management impacts

indirectly through a Markov chain where SOC is used as a

state variable. High initial values imply a carbon friendly

management history whereas low values indicate an

emission intensive history. State transition probabilities

control how SOC levels change from one period to the next.

Basically, SOC levels affect carbon emission or sequestra-

tion rates and in turn these rates determine how SOC levels


2.3.1. Soil organic carbon states, emissions coefficients,

and transition probabilities

To implement dynamically changing carbon sequestra-

tion rates in the above land use decision model, several

modifications have to be made. First, the SOC level at the

beginning of each management period has to be identified.

To make this a feasible task, we must group the possible

range of SOC values into several discrete states denoted here

by the index o = {1,. . ., O}. We then append this index to the

land use decision variable, which changes from Xt,r,i,u to

Xt,r,i,u,o. Each land use decision is now associated with a

certain SOC state, which by definition corresponds to the

SOC state at the beginning of a management period. Note

that the grouping of the possible SOC range into several

discrete states will cause approximation errors. However,

through an increase in the number of carbon states, the width

of these states will decrease and so will the approximation

losses. This provides an opportunity for the decision analyst

to trade carbon accounting accuracy against computing time

according to preferences and resources.

Second, sequestration coefficients sr,i,u,o need to be

established for all regions, soil types, management alter-

natives, and all discrete SOC states. These rates can be based

on estimated functions or observed data. Biophysical field

process models such as EPIC (Williams et al., 1989) or

CENTURY (Parton et al., 1987) may be a good tool to

simulate a complete and consistent set of necessary

sequestration rates for a large number of alternative

locations, soil types, and alternative management practices.

Third, SOC state transition probabilities must be

computed for all regions, soil types, management alter-

natives, and SOC states. Suppose the SOC level at the

beginning of time period t is at o 2 {1, . . ., O} within the

range [olow, oup]. Then, the SOC level at the end of time

period t must lie somewhere in the interval

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wr;i;u;o ¼ ½olow þ slowr;i;u;o; o

up þ supr;i;u;o�. Define rr,i,u,o,o 2 [0, l]

as the state transition probability of moving from initial SOC

state o at the beginning of the management period to state o

at the end. Because sequestration rates and the determination

of the range covered by each carbon states are completely

independent, I assume a uniform probability for the initial

carbon level to be anywhere between the lower carbon state

boundary olow and the upper carbon state boundary oup.

Thus, the probability of moving from original SOC state o to

subsequent state o can be simply calculated as the fraction

of the interval w that is part of carbon state o. Five general

cases are possible, which result in different computations

of rr,i,u,o,o. These cases are illustrated in Fig. 1. The corr-

esponding calculation of probabilities is straightforward

and shown below.

Case I : If oup þ supr;i;u;o� oup and olow þ slow

r;i;u;o� olow;

then rr;i;u;o;o ¼oup � ðolow þ slow


Case II : If oup þ supr;i;u;o � oup and olow þ slow

r;i;u;o � olow;

then rr;i;u;o;o ¼ðoup þ sup

r;i;u;oÞ � olow


Case III : If oup þ supr;i;u;o� oup and olow þ slow

r;i;u;o � olow;

then rr;i;u;o;o ¼oup � olow


Case IV : If oup þ supr;i;u;o � oup and olow þ slow

r;i;u;o� olow;

then rr;i;u;o;o ¼ 1

Case V : If oup þ supr;s;u;o;o � olow or olow þ slow

r;s;u;o;o� oup;

then rr;s;u;o;o ¼ 0

To check that the probability computations are correct,

one can verify the validity ofP

orr;i;u;o;o ¼ 1, which must

hold for all regions, soil types, land uses, and initial carbon

levels. In addition, one should be able to use the state

Fig. 1. Possible cases of SOC change from initial SOC state o to subsequent

state o. The hatched rectangle represents the interval of width

wr;i;u;o ¼ ðoup þ supr;i;u;oÞ � ðolow þ slow


transition probability matrix to replicate the observed or

simulated carbon response functions.

2.3.2. Soil organic carbon balance

SOC state transition probabilities are used in Eq. (4) to

balance SOC levels before and after each management

period. Particularly, all land being in SOC state o at time t

must equal the transition probability weighted sum over all

land uses u and initial SOC levels o at the previous time.

These equations illustrate the implicit representation of

soil management trajectories. The summation over

management alternatives u on each side of the equation

implies that the model does not directly link previous with

subsequent management practice. However, this link is

established indirectly through the explicit account of the

SOC state.



Xt;r;i;u;o ¼X


ðrr;i;u;o;oXt�1;r;i;u;oÞ 8 t; r; i; o (4)

Eq. (5) is an accounting equation, which computes the

SOC stock as the sum of the carbon stock at the beginning in

period t plus DSt,r,i the amount of carbon added or lost in

period t.

St;r;i ¼ St�1;r;i þ DSt;r;i 8 t; r; i; o (5)

The carbon stock change DSt,r,i can be measured in two

ways. It can be calculated as the sum of sequestration levels

over all land use activities, i.e.P

u;oðsr;i;u;oXt;r;i;u;oÞ, or as the

sum of SOC levels over all SOC changes, i.e.Pu;oðcr;i;u;oXt;r;i;u;oÞ �

Pu;oðcr;i;u;oXt�1;r;i;u;oÞ, where cr,i,u,o

denotes the amount of contained SOC at the end of a period.

Because of the approximation, the two measures will not be

identical. However, as the number of explicit states

increases, the width of each state decreases and the

deviation between the two measures converges towards zero.

2.3.3. Assumptions and extensions

The following assumptions have been used in the Markov

chain based approach described above: (i) a certain land

management history is sufficiently identified by the current

SOC status; (ii) SOC can be treated of equal quality, (iii)

SOC sequestration rates converge monotonically from an

initial value towards zero provided a chosen soil manage-

ment practice is continued forever. Depending on the initial

carbon level, convergence can occur from above or below.

All of these assumptions can be relaxed through additional

soil state indexes. However, such extensions require

additional research, data, and computing power. A brief

discussion on why and how to relax these assumptions

follows below.

Assumption (i) may lead to incorrect results because

different management histories are likely to affect not only

total SOC but also other soil properties such as soil depth,

soil density, soil flora, and soil chemical characteristics. To

capture these impacts, one would need to define additional

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U.A. Schneider / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 359–367 363

Fig. 2. SOC functions for four wheat management regimes in New

South Wales, Australia. Each carbon function is computed as

state indexes for each relevant individual property. If

different soil properties have interdependencies, their

associated state transition probabilities should be computed

jointly. Emission and sequestration rates would have to be

computed for all possible combinations of the involved state

indexes. Assumption (ii) could be relaxed in a similar way.

State index modifications could involve adding age and

stability categories. Finally, assumption (iii) may be

inappropriate as findings by West et al. (2004) suggest that

carbon stock changes after adoption and maintenance of

reduced tillage may not always be monotonic decreasing. To

allow non-monotonic behavior with respect to SOC within

the framework presented here, at least one additional soil

state index, i.e. soil flora activity, is needed. A certain SOC

state would then result in higher or lower net emission rates

depending on the activity state of soil flora.

C(t,a,b,C0) = (�ae(at/100)C0)/(�a � bC0 + be(at/100)C0) where C0 is the car-

bon level at t = 0. The parameters a and b are taken from stepwise linear

percentage SOC change equations (100(dC/C)/dt = a + bC) estimated by

Hill (2003) based on CENTURY simulations of the four management


Fig. 3. Soil organic carbon functions reproduced with a Markov chain

process using eight carbon states equally distributed between 5 and 45 t of

carbon per hectare.

3. Carbon policies and wheat management in New

South Wales

In this section, I use simulated data from wheat

management alternatives in New South Wales, Australia

to implement the approach explained in Section 2 and

examine the optimal management path under different

carbon policies, different initial carbon levels, and different

discount rates.

3.1. Wheat management alternatives

The four alternative wheat (Triticum aestivum) manage-

ment practices include (1) conventional tillage based wheat-

fallow (CTWF); (2) no-till wheat-fallow (NTWF); (3) 6-

year wheat- 3-year lucerne (Medicago sativa) rotation

(63WL), and (4) a 3-year wheat- 3-year lucerne rotation

(33WL). SOC sequestration functions for each practice

were computed based on CENTURY simulations by Hill

(2003). In particular, the stepwise linear carbon change

equations of the form 100((dC/C)/dt) = a + bC (Hill, 2003)

were solved for carbon (C) as a function of time, initial SOC

(C0), and the two parameters a and b. Because the resulting

functions implied a very slow convergence in the order of

several centuries, I calibrated all functions using

C(t) = CHill(1/15)t. The calibrated functions are shown in

Fig. 2. The simulated SOC equilibriums equal 6(CTWF),

12(NTWF), 15(63WL), and 40(33WL), all in t C/ha/20 cm.

Thus, the relevant SOC range for these four strategies lies

between 6 and 40 t C/ha/20 cm. Average annual profits are

based on Wylie (1996) and amount to 144(CTWF),

136(NTWF), 116(63WL), and 97(33WL), all in $/ha. Note

that these data show an inverse relationship between market

profits and SOC levels.

Throughout the analysis, I assume that technological and

environmental conditions do not change over time. In

addition, intra rotational differences in sequestration rates

are not provided in the study by Hill (2003) and therefore, are

ignored. The first empirical exercise is to check the

functionality of the Markov chain. As argued above, the

carbon accounting accuracy will increase as the range covered

by one state decreases. On the other hand, a large number of

SOC states will increase the computational cost. The

empirical land management optimization model deployed

here is relatively small as it contains only four alternative

management practices, one region, and one soil type. While

this model can easily be solved with a Markov chain linking

several thousand SOC states, stricter computational con-

straints may arise in more complex models. In light of these

possible restrictions, Fig. 3 shows a reproduction of the

original carbon functions (see Fig. 2) with a Markov chain that

uses only eight carbon states, which were equally distributed

between 2 and 48 t C/ha/20 cm. This reproduction was

obtained by forcing each practice to continue over 50 years

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first starting from the lower SOC boundary (2 t C/ha/20 cm)

and subsequently from the upper boundary (48 t C/ha/20 cm).

SOC changes from one period to the next were determined

through the carbon state transition probability matrix

(Table 1), which was computed as described in Section

2.3.1. For example, if we had 1 ha of 33WL land in carbon

state SOC1 at time t, we would have 0.23 ha in state SOC2

plus 0.77 ha in state SOC3 at time t + 1. Comparing original

and reproduced carbon functions, we find a relatively good fit

despite the low number of SOC states.

3.2. Optimal wheat management response to carbon


After verifying the accuracy of the Markov process, let us

examine how implementing this process affects the optimal

soil management path within the land use decision model.

The optimal path gives the best sequence of soil manage-

ment decisions over time, where ‘‘optimal’’ relates to the

Table 1

SOC state transition probabilities for eight equally distributed states and four

columns = SOC at the end of a period, SOC1 = [2.00, 7.75] t C/ha, . . ., SOC8 =


Wheat-lucerne 3/3

SOC1 0.23 0.77

SOC2 1

SOC3 0.24 0.63






Wheat-lucerne 6/3

SOC1 0.3 0.7

SOC2 0.48 0.52

SOC3 0.9 0.1

SOC4 1

SOC5 0.13




No-till wheat-fallow

SOC1 0.81 0.19

SOC2 1

SOC3 0.09 0.91

SOC4 0.31 0.69

SOC5 0.5




Tilled wheat-fallow

SOC1 1

SOC2 0.06 0.94

SOC3 0.66 0.34

SOC4 1

SOC5 0.09 0.91

SOC6 0.53



specified objective function for the decision model in

question. The model has a profit maximizing objective with

total profit equaling the discounted sum over all time periods

of market profits plus carbon premiums minus carbon taxes.

By design, the only dynamic elements in our model are SOC

sequestration rates and SOC levels. If, on the other hand,

carbon sequestration rates were constant over time, the

optimization would become a sequence of autarkic

decisions. In such a case, the optimal soil management

path would involve adopting a single practice over the entire

planning horizon because the decision problem in all periods

would be identical. With dynamically linked carbon levels

and sequestration rates, however, the carbon premium of a

soil management practice in a certain period depends on the

management decisions taken in all previous periods.

Consequently, we might observe multiple management

changes over time.

To better understand why a certain decision path

becomes optimal under various conditions, let us first

different crop rotations (SOC in rows = SOC at the beginning, SOC in

[42.25, 48.00] t C/ha)



0.99 0.01


0.57 0.43


0.66 0.34


0.52 0.48


0.08 0.92


0.74 0.26


0.04 0.96



0.02 0.98

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consider a situation without discounting. In such a situation,

the farmer receives the same carbon revenue whether he

stores carbon early or late. The net carbon payment would

simply be determined by the difference between final and

initial carbon level and by the carbon price. Suppose, the

optimal carbon difference is known and positive implying

that the final SOC level is higher than the initial level.

Suppose further that the time needed to store this additional

amount of carbon is less than the planning horizon. When

would then be the optimal timing for carbon storage: early

or late? Clearly, the optimal timing would involve a

management plan that achieves the required final carbon

level but otherwise maximizes profits from crop production.

Among the four wheat practices considered here, market

profits are higher for carbon emission intensive strategies.

Thus, the optimal timing of SOC storage would be late

because it would allow the farmer to take advantage of

higher profits from emission intensive strategies for a longer

time. This insight is confirmed in Fig. 4, which shows the

optimal SOC path over time for two different initial carbon

level scenarios and five different carbon price scenarios.

Several things can be observed. First, the optimal final

carbon level is roughly the same regardless whether the

Fig. 4. Optimal SOC path for five different carbon prices, zero discount

rate, and a Markov chain with 20 carbon states. Upper panel: low initial

carbon level. Lower panel: high initial carbon level.

initial carbon was high or low. Second, the optimal carbon

path in late periods is similar for a given carbon price

regardless whether the initial carbon level is high or low.

Third, higher carbon prices lead to higher final carbon

levels. Thus, in absence of discounting, the optimal carbon

storage would be at the end of the planning horizon, which

could imply that there is no carbon storage at all because as a

decision maker moves into the future the planning horizon

will move out as well and the carbon storage would be

delayed even further.

While a zero discount rate may yield important insights,

it is not a realistic assumption. Without doubt, farmers value

early income more than late income. Thus, we might expect

a shift in sequestration activities towards earlier periods.

Indeed, as shown in Fig. 5, relatively low discount rate

changes are sufficient to substantially change the optimal

SOC path and the associated soil management systems.

While the optimal final carbon level does not change much

for different discount rates, the path linking initial and final

carbon level moves considerably upwards. Note that a

similar effect as the discount rate effect could be achieved by

changing carbon prices or relative costs between different

management practices over time.

Fig. 5. Optimal SOC path for four different discount rates, a carbon price of

$80/t C, and a Markov chain with 20 carbon states. Upper panel: low initial

carbon level. Lower panel: high initial carbon level.

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Table 2

Net present value per hectare over 30 periods with 5% discount rate, a Markov process with 20 carbon states

Initial SOC Carbon price Fully dynamic Recursive dynamic Always CTWF Always NTWF Always 63WL Always 33WL

Low 0 2324 2324 2324 2195 1872 1566

Low 15 2362 1992 2344 2276 2051 1992

Low 30 2522 2417 2363 2356 2230 2417

Low 50 3039 2985 2390 2464 2469 2985

Low 80 3910 3837 2429 2625 2827 3837

Low 100 4491 4405 2455 2733 3065 4405

Low 150 5943 5825 2520 3001 3662 5825

Low 200 7396 7244 2585 3270 4258 7244

Middle 15 2090 1740 2070 2034 1816 1740

Middle 30 2083 1915 1817 1874 1760 1915

Middle 50 2244 2148 1478 1659 1684 2148

Middle 80 2631 2497 970 1338 1572 2497

Middle 100 2889 2730 632 1124 1496 2730

Middle 150 3534 3313 �215 588 1308 3313

Middle 200 4179 3895 �1061 52 1120 3895

High 15 1835 1502 1797 1805 1551 1411

High 30 1577 1300 1271 1415 1230 1256

High 50 1349 1090 568 895 802 1049

High 80 1125 739 �486 115 160 739

High 100 981 532 �1188 �405 �268 532

High 150 620 15 �2945 �1704 �1338 15

High 200 259 �502 �4701 �3004 �2408 �502

How does a carbon policy affect profits under different

management pathways? To answer this question, total

profits are computed for eight carbon price levels, three

initial carbon states, and six alternative decision rules

(Table 2). With a fully dynamic optimization algorithm in

place, management decisions in all periods are chosen

simultaneously to maximize the sum of discounted profits

over all periods. Recursive dynamic optimization involves a

repeated maximization of current profits without consider-

ing consequences for future profits. The other four decision

rules consist of choosing the same management practice

over the entire planning horizon. By construct, fully

dynamic optimization always outperforms the other

decision rules. The difference is generally higher for higher

initial carbon levels. Second, for low carbon prices (15 $/

tC) recursive optimization leads to smaller total profits than

adopting conventional tillage over the entire time horizon.

Recursive optimization leads to relatively early carbon

storage because the negative profit consequences of

decreasing future carbon sequestration options are ignored.

Third, the difference between the true dynamic optimiza-

tion and the best constant practice scenario can be

interpreted as the cost of ignoring dynamic SOC sequestra-

tion rates.

4. Conclusions

The dynamic interactions between SOC sequestration

rates, soil management decisions, and SOC levels, while

recognized in the soil science literature, have not been

implemented in most existing land use decision models. A

major obstacle is the high data and computing require-

ments for an explicit representation of alternative land use

sequences in dynamic decision models. The objective of

this study was to develop and test an alternative method,

which integrates the carbon sequestration dynamics at a

computationally more feasible level. The objectives

were met by (i) introducing a SOC state index which

approximates the cumulative effect of past soil manage-

ment decisions, (ii) making land use decisions

and sequestration rates dependent on the current SOC

state, and (iii) integrating Markov chain based SOC state

transition equations in the land use decision model.

Furthermore, the mathematical programming approach

developed here allows the decision analyst to trade

accuracy of SOC dynamics against computational feasi-


The proposed method was tested in a case study about the

effects of carbon policies on wheat management in New

South Wales, Australia. Case study results imply that the use

of sequestration rates as a function of SOC may notably

improve the prediction of optimal land management

decisions and the prediction of land use based carbon

sequestration quantities. Improved predictions may in turn

improve the design and efficiency of carbon mitigation


Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can be

found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/


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