soft tissue tumors - uscap · 355:1307-1317. romans, lin rand sosa ja. prognosis ofmeduuary thyroid...

CALIFORNIA TUMOR TISSUE REGISTRY "Soft Tissue Tumors" Study Cases, Subscription A April, 2007 California Tumor Tissue Registry c/o: Department of Pathology and Human Anatomy LomaLinda University Sebool of Medicine 11021 Campus f\yenue, AH335 Lorna Linda, California 92350 (909) 558-4788 FAX: (909) 558-0188 E-mail: [email protected]

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Page 1: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252


"Soft Tissue Tumors"

Study Cases, Subscription A

April, 2007

California Tumor Tissue Registry c/o: Department of Pathology and Human Anatomy

LomaLinda University Sebool of Medicine 11021 Campus f\yenue, AH335 Lorna Linda, California 92350

(909) 558-4788 FAX: (909) 558-0188

E-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252


Tar:cet audience: Practicing pathologists and pathology residents.

Goal: To acquaint the participant with the histologic features of a variety of benign and

malignant neoplasms an<j tumor· like conditions.

Objectives: The participant will be able to re<:ognize morphologic feature$ of a variety of benign

and malignant neoplasms and tumor-like conditions and relate those processes to pertinent references in the medical literature.

Edutational methods and media: Review of representative glass slides with associated histories. Feedback on consensus dia1:noses from participating pathologists. Listing of selected references from the medicallitenoture.

Principal faeultv: Donald R. Chase, MD

CME Credit: Loma Linda University School of Medicine designates this continuing medical

education activity for up to 2 hours of Category I o f the Physician's Recognition Award of the American Medical Association.

CME credit is offered for the subscription year only.

Accreditation: Loma Linda University School of Medicine is accredited by lhe Accreditation

Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to sponsor continuing medical education for physicians.

Study Cases, Apri12007, Subscription A

Page 3: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252

Contributor: Hrag Marganian, M.n. Case No.1 - April2007 A Anaheim,CA

Tissue from : Left hip Accession #30244

Clinical Abstract: This 77 year old woman present with a right hip mass, near the site of a hip replacement done

twelve years earlier.

Gross Pathology: The 8 x 6.5 x 2 em specimen had a variegated tao cut surface with areas of hemorrhage and foci

of fatty tissue.

Contributor: Mark Janssen, M.D. Case No. 2 - April 2007 A Anaheim,CA

Tissue from: Skin of right upper back Accession #30220

Clinical Abstract: A 48 year old man had notice a nodule on his right upper back for about 3 years.

Gross Pathology: A skin ellipse covered a 3.5 x 3.5 x 2.3 em homogeneous white tao nodule.

Special Studies: CD34: SIOO, SMA:

Strongly positive Negative

SNdy Cases, April 2007, Subscription A 3

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Contributor: Sheldon Miller, M.D. Case No.3 - April2007 A Oxnard,CA

Tissue from: Left buttock Accession #30367

Clinical Abstract: A 49 year old woman noted a large mass on her left buttock. No other personal or family

history is available.

Gross Pathology: A 12 x 4 x 4 em irregular specimen showed fatty tissue with intervening strands of white

fibrous tissue

Contributor: AJbert Garib, M.D. Case No.4 - April 2007 A Huntington Beach, CA

Tissue from: Right knee Accession #30143

Clinical Abstract: A 36 year old man noted a mass on his right knee.

Gross Pathology: The I 0 gram oval mass was 4.5 x 3 x 2.4 em. The cut surface showed a thin-walled capsule

surrounding gelatinous yellow material.

Special Studies: SIOO: Strongly positive

4 Study Cases, April2007, Subscription A

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Contributor: Jin Mei, M.D. Case No. 5 - April 2007 A Hangzhou, China

Tissue from: Supraclavicular region Accession #30331

Clinical Abstract: A 31 year old man presented with a left supraclavicular mass, noted for about 10 days.

Gross Pathology: The 4 x 2.8 x 2 em encapsulated nodule had a gray-yellow cut surface.

Contributor: Arthur Koehler, M.D. Su.n Valley, CA

Tissue from: Right thigh

Clinical Abstract: This 36 year old woman noted a mass in her right thigh.

Gross Pathology: The resection specimen wa~ 9 x 5 x 3.5 em.

Special Studies: SlOO: Strongly positive Desmin, keratin: Negative

Sludy Cases, April 2007, Subscription A

Case No. 6 - April2007 A

Accession #30335


Page 6: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252

Contributor: Kenneth Frankel, M.D. No. 7 - April2007 A GJendale, CA

Tissue from: Retroperitoneum Accession #29186

Clinical Abstract: This 65 year old man was found to have a large retroperitoneal mass.

Gross Pathology: The 9,200 gram specimen was 41 x 35 x 14 em. The cut surface was homogeneous yellow­

brown, without lobulation or nodularity.

Contributor: Robert Zuch, M.D. Case No. 8 - April 2007 A Baldwin Park, CA

Tissue from: Right knee Accession 1#30395

C linical Abstract: A 40 year old man complained of a large mass surrounding his right knee.

Gross Pathology: The specimen consisted of a 10 em aggregate of ragged brown-tan friable tissue fragments.

Special Studies:


Positive: Pancytokeratin, CK7, EMA, Vimentin Negative: CD20, SIOO, SMA, MSA, Desmin Cytogenetic analysis: Translocation t(X; 18) (p 11.2;q 11.2)

Gain of a derivative X chromosome Additional material on the short arm (p) of chromosome I Loss of one chromosome 18

Study Cases, April2007, Subscription A

Page 7: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252

Contributor: uster Thompson, M.D. Case No.9 - April2007 A Woodland Hills, CA

Tissue from: Neck Accession #30374

Clinical Abstract: A 69 year old man presented with a 2-3 year history of a slowly enlarging mass in the posterior

neck. The mass was soft and mobile to palpation.

Gross Pathology: The resected mass was well circumscribed but not encapsulated.

Special Studjes: CD34: positive

Contributor: Walid Salahi, M.D. Case No. 10 - Apri12007 A VanNuys, CA

Tissue from: Right forearm Accession #30152

Clinical Abstract: This 60 year old man noted a mass on his right forearm.

Gross Pathology: The 4.8 x 4 x 3.2 em encapsulated ovoid mass had a solid tan whorled cut smface.

Special Studies: Negative: Positive:

HMB45, SIOO, Keratin SMA, vimentin, desmin

Study cases, April 2007, Subscription A 7

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Minutes - Subscription A

April, 2007

SUGGEST ED READING (Gener:ol Topics from Recent Literature):

Olsen SH, Thomas 00 and Lucas DR. Cluster Analysis o('lmmunohistochemical Profiles in Synovial Sarcomn, Malignant J'eripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor, and Ewing Snrcomn. Mod P111ho! 2006; 19:659-668.

Shimada K, Sakamoto Y, et aL Prognostic Factors At\er Distal Pancreatectomy with Extended Lymphadenectomy tor Invasive Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma of the Body and Tail. Surg 2006; 139:2.88-295.

Morton OL, Thompson JF, et aL Sentinel-Node Biopsy or Nodal Observation in Melanoma. N Eng/ J Mcd 2006; 355:1307-13 17.

RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252 Cases. Cancer 2006; 107:2 I 34-2142.

Haider K, Shahid RK, et al. Exrrapulmonary SmaU Cell Cancer. A Canadian Province's Experience. Cancer 2006; 107:2262-2269.

California Tumor Tissue Registry c/o: Department of Pathology and Human Anatomy

Lorna Linda University .School of Medicine 11021 Campus Avenue, AH 335 Loma Linda, Calitbmia 92350

(909) 558-4788 FAX: (909) 558-0188

E-mail: ctl( Web site & Case of the Month:

Page 9: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:

Case 4:

Case 5:

Case 6:

Case 7:

Case 8:

Case 9:


(Preferably submitted on website at Click "subscriptions", then S\lbmit answers".)

CTTR Subscription A

Ischemic fasciitis (atypical decubital fibroplasia), hip T-YlSOO, M-76130

Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, back T-YilOO; M-88321

Diffuse neurofibronia, buttock T-Y1600, M-95400

Myxoid neurofibroma, knee T-Y9200, M-95400

April, 2007

Benign mesenchymal spindled neoplasm, likely variant of cellular schwannoma, supraclavicular T -08220, M-95600

Schwannoma with degenerative changes (ancienrschwannoma), thigh T-Y9100, M-95600

W cll-differemiated liposarcoma, retroperitone)lm T-Y4600, M-88513

Synovial sarcoma, biphasic, knee T-Y9200, M-80003

Spindle cell lipoma, neck T-Y0600, M-91501

Case 10:


Pleomorphic leiomyosarcoma, forearm T-Y8500, M-88903

CTI'R, April 2007 "Minutes" (Subscription A)

Page 10: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252

Case No. t, Accession No. 30244

Apphcim COrange County Mpdical Centerl - Benign reactive process Baldwin Parle <Kaiser Pennancntol • Ischemic fasc:ii!is (4) ~ - lschemic fasciitis ~ .. Soft tissue. hip, fibrous dssue with fibrinoid necrosis Glendale • Atypicul decubo<al fibroplasia liaywurd!Frcmont .. Ischemic fascihis l.on• Beach (Lone Beach VA !iOSJ!i!all - Ischemic fascii!is (2} Los Angeles - Hemangioc:ndotheHoma ofuncmain mali1J1ant pocc:orial


Monterey Pcninsuln <Community tlospitgl of Monterey J>coinsulgl • Oe.'imoid fibrom•nosis vs. dcgcncnuivc stromal change ~ • Angiofibroma Oaklpnd (Alameda County Mcdiql Center> - Ischemic fa.sciitis Sacramcntp CUC payis Medical Center) .. hchemic fascihis San Diego .. Ischemic fasejitis San Diego <Nuval Medical Centql .. Ischemic fasciitis San Diego CUCSD> • Ischemic fasciit is Som• Barb&m - Ofxaniring h<motoma Snnh1 Rosn CSanUl Rosa Memorial Hospitnl> - (schcmic C.'lsciitis (2); Fa.iciitis wich necrosis (I) Sonoma (Sonoma Valley HpspitaJl • Fibroma WOO<fland Hills • Ischemic fasciins (a<ypicul d<wbi<al fibroplosiu) Alub!l!!la (Qu!)[ist Medjcal Center) • lschcmic fAsciitis Colorado Ft. Colljns · Foreign body tissue reaction Florida <Mynroc: Regional Medical Center) - Fibroma Georsia. 0(.yatur • Ischemic fasciitis Georaia (Wellstar Kcnnesaonc HO$Qilall • Ischemic fasciltis !l!jnois. Burr Ridge • ExtnLSkeletal osteo$nr<:oma (I); Ischemic fasciitis (I) Illinois (Hc;tnland Regional Medical Ceotcrl · Ischemic fosciitis (aoypic•l decubi!lol fibroplasias) lllinois(lgyola VnivcrsityafOlicasol • Ischemic fasciitis lndj:ma (Howard Regional Medical Center) - Bur5ld cyst Kon•as (Cytocheck Lab9nnory. LLC) - Tendon sheath libroma (I); Reactive process ( I) Kguycky lUnjversjty of Lovisvillel .. Proliferative fasciitis vs.. ischemic fosciitis MorvJand {Northwest Hosnjtol) • Ischemic fasciic'iS Maryland <Univcrsjly of Mqaland) - Hyalinizing angiectatic tumor vs. aggressive nngiomyxomu vs. is.chcmie fasciids Massachugns CBc:ycrly ti()Spitall • Ischemic fasciitis Ma~!Hlcbuscus. Penbody • Foreign body gronulomn MP.uach\!Sj:1ts ITuOt=Ncw Enoland Medieal Centsrl · Ischemic fa.ciitis Michigan (Oakland HospltqD - lschcmic fasciitis Michjgat~ cpatholpgy Seryices of Wcsl Mjchjgan) • Non-s~cific intlammotion and necNsis Minncsot1\ <Fairview Ridges Hospitall - Ischemic fasciitis M jssouri CM issouri Delta Medical Center) • lschemic faseiitis Montana (forrosic Science Pivisjon) • Ischemic fa.sci itis Nebraska <Creighton Univmirvl • Benign reactive synovitu New Mexico Albuc~ - hcmorrhugc. frll necrosis, fibroma. reactive proliferation non-neoplastic vs. JUXto anicular

myxoma New yprk <Nassau Univqsjly Medical CeQ!srl - Ischemic fiasciids New York lStony Brook Un!yersitv Hospitg!l - Ischemic fascii lis New Yoric (SUNY Oownstptc MedjcaJ Center) - Ischemic fascihis Noah Caro!jna <Mountajn Afcu Pathology) • Granular cell tumor Objo (McCylloush-Hydc Mcmoriol Hospital\ · Atwical decubital flbroplasiaslfascii!is Pennsvlvanj11 <Drcxd Uniymjtv College> - Nodular fasciitis Pmm:ylvanjn Clehjgh Valley Hospitall. - Ischemic f.asciitis f>cnnsy1vanh' CMt Njuany Medical Center} • A()'l>ical decubital fibroplasias (isdtcmic 19$cih:is) Puqto Rico <Univqsitv ofPueno Rjcol - IJChe:mie fasciitislp:scudotumor Soytb Dakotu (UCM Residents) · Ganglion Texas. Crvs1al Beach - Benign ronncctive tissue growth possibly u eho1tdroid lip0111a Texas. Houuon - Organi?.ing fibrin and fibrosis (hcma!oma) Tcxos LubWck • Angiofibromo TeaM IProPaohl · Musculoaponeurotic fibroma!oSis Texas (St. Lukes Enjscopal Hospitnll - Reactive, pseudOC\lmor Texgs. Sugar Land • Ischemic fasciitis \Vastungtop CSeanle VA Mctdjcal Crntcrl - Reactive fibroproJifcnll ive process Wc;st y irniojq <Greenbrier Valley Medical Center) - Ossifying fibromyxoid tumor

GrrR. Apnl2007 .. Mmultt" (Subscriplion A) 3

Page 11: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252

Wisconsin. Madison .. Reactive granulation tissue (proliferative fasci itis) Wisconsin CMeriter Hospital> - Reactive synovlal changes Australia fNortb Queensland Pathology Group> - Synovial reaction to fa i19(1 joint prosthesis Australia CRoval Hoban Hospital) - Ischemic f-a~i itis Australia (Royal Prince Alfred t Jospjtal> - Ischemic fusc-iitis Austra!ja (Sulliyan Nicolaides Pathology) - Ischemic fasciitis Brazil ll:nboratorio Anatomia Pathologica Ectiologial - Ischemic fasC-ii tls Canada (Pa.<:gua Hospjtall - lsohemic fasci'itis Canada <University Hospital of Shcrbrookcl • Ischemic fas.ciitis India. Kamataka - Grandular myxoma Janan (Asashi General Hospimll - De$mOplastic fibroblostoma Japan <Kvoto Univcrsitv Hospilall - .Ischemic fasciitis Oman <Khoula Hosnitall .. Ischemic fasciitis Oatar <Hamad Medical Comonuionl - Ischemic fasciitis Saudj Ambia (King Fnhad National Guard Hospirall • Fibromatosis United Kingdom (Oxford Study Group) - lscbemic fasciitis

Case I - Diagnosis: Ischemic fasciitis (atypical decubital fibrQp1asia), hip

T-Yl500, M-76130

Case I - References: Deligdisch L. Ischemic Fasciitis. A Juxta-Skoletql fibrobiMtic Proli foration with a Prodile<:rion for Elderly Patients. Mod Pathol

1993; 6( I ):69-72. Kendall BS, Liang CY, Lancaliter KJ, et aL Ischemic Fasci itis. Rcpon of a Case '"ith Fine Needle Aspiration Findings. Acta Cyro/

1997; 41(2):598-602. Tsui·JK and Wong· NL. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Pseudosarcomatous Rcacrive Proliferative Lesions of Soft Tissue. Acta

Cy/012002; 46(6): I 049-1055. Washing D and Zaher A. Pathologic Quiz Case. A 76-Year-Old Debilitated Woonan with a Right Thigh Mass. Ischemic Fasciitis

(Atypical DecubitOI Fibroplasia). Arch Pat loot Lau Med 2004; 128( I 0): 139-1 40. lla.sian H, Joyce M. Bauer T, ct al. Decubital Ischemic Fasc.iitis. Clinical, Poihologic; imd MRI Features of Pseudosarcoma. AJR Am

J Roentgeno/2006; 187(5): 1338·1341. Scanion R, Kelehan P, Flannelly G, ct at. Ischemic Fasciitis. An Unusual Vulvovaginal Spindle Cell Lesion. !nt J Gynecol Pmhol

2004: 23(1):65-67.

Case No. 2, Accession No. 30220

Anaheim <Orange Countv Me.dica1 Cemerl - Dennatotibrosarcoma protubcrans Baldwin Park <Kaiser Pennanentel - DFSP ( I); Solitary fibrous tumor (3) Chico - Dennatoflbrosarcoma protubcrans Clovis • Skin, back. dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans Glendale - Dennatofibrosarcoma protub~ans Havward/Fremopt - Spindlo lipoma Long Beach (kong Beach VA Hospital) - Dennotofibrosarcoma protuberans (2) Los Angeles - Neurofibroma Monterey Peninsula <Community Hospical of Monterey Peninsula) - Solitruy fibrous tumor Oakland - DFSP Oakland (Alameda Countv Medicnl Cepter} - Oennntofibrosarcoma protubcrans Sacromento CiJC Dayjs Mcs! jcal Center> - Dennatofibrosarcoma protuberans San DjegQ - Ocnnatofibrosarcoma protuberans San Diego (Naval Medical Cenrerl - Oennatofibrosarcoma procuberans San Diego <UCSD) - Dennatofibrosarcoma protubc..-ans Sruna Barbara - Dennatofibrosai'coma protubcrans. S;.nta Rosa (Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital) - Dennatofibrosarcoma prot\lbernns {3) Sonoma <Sonoma Valley Hospiral> - Dennaiofibrosarcoma protubc:rans Woodland Hills - oe.nnOIOfibroSarcoma protubcrans Ahtbama <Baptist Medical Centef) - Dennatofibrosarcoma protuberans Arkansas fUniVcrsitv Of Arkansas for Medical Science~> - Oermatotibrosarcoma protubcrans, back Colorado F1. Collins - Solitary fibrous tumor Florida (Munroe. Regjonal Center) - Dc..'mlatofibrosarcoma proruberans Goorgja. Decatur - DcnnatOfibrosarcoma protubernns


4 CITR, April 2007 '"Minutes·· (Subs<:ription t\)

Page 12: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252

Georgia OVcllstnr Kennesronc HospjtAil - Dermotofibrostucoma protubmms Illinois Burr Ridsc • Dermatofibrosarcoma prorubmns {2) Illinois (Heartland Regional Medico! Center) • Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans !lljnois (Loyola Unjycrsity ofChicogo> • Denmttotibrosarcoma protubcruns !ndjnno <Howard Regional Medicgl Center) - Dennatotibrosarcoma protuberans KMsas !C'VIocheclc l,aboratorv. !.!.C) • Solitary fibrous rumor (I); Neurilemmoma ( I) Kenruckv fUnjymity of l..ooisvillcl • Solitary fibrous rumor Marvland CNonhwqt Hospital) - Dcnnatofibrosarcomn protubcrans Marvland CUnjyershy ofMarvlandl .. Denna[ofibrosarooma pron~bc:rons MOSf3chusctts Clleyc.r!y Hospital) • Oenrtntofibrosarcoma protubcro.ns MpstBchuscns Pe bocJy - Derrnotofibrosa.rcoma prorubcrans Mi!JS!!ohuse!ts ITufls-Ncw England Mc:dical Ccntcrl - Dermatofibrosarcoma protubcrans Mjcbi•an (Oakland tlomitall • Dc:nnatofibrosan:oma proruber.lns Mjchjgan <Pathofoay Sqyice:.c; of West Michigan) - Dermatofibrosarcoma protubcran.s MinnesOta Cfajrvjcw Ridges HosWJ.n.l.l • Dcnnatolibrosurcoma protubc.rans Mjssouri <Missouri Qclta Medical Censer) - Dennrttot1brosarcomo prot\lbc:rans Momana CForensic Scjeoce pi vision) - Dermatofibrosarcoma prOt\lbcrons Nc;bwka CCreiehtoo Univcrsi1Vl • Dennatofibroslli'COma prorubcrans New Mcxiw Albuouergoo • Dmnatofibrosan:oma pro<ut>erans New York CNnssau Unjversitv Medical Center) - Oc:nnotofibrosarcoma protuberaos New York CStony Brgok Uni ysrs jrv Hospitall - Dcnnotofibrosarcomo protuberans New York CSUNY Downstate Medical Center) • D<:nnutofibrosarcomu l)rotuberans Nooh Carolina CMountain Area Pathology) - Myxoma Qhjo(Mceullougb.J1ydc Mcmorjal Hospital\ · Drnnatofibrosarooma protuberans Pennsylvania (Drexel Universirv College> - Solitary fibrous rumor Pqm,y!vania CLchjgh Vollev Hospj(l!l - Dermawflbrosnrcoma prorubcrans ~cnnsylypnia CMt Njuany ModicnJ Ccmcrl - Spindle ce ll lipoma Putrto Rico CUnjCt§ity of J)uerto Rico> • Detmatofibrosnrcoma pi'Otub.;nms Squ1h Dakora (LCM Residents) • Oc:nnatofibrosarcoma prorubcrans Texas. CMtal llqch . Hemangioma spindle cell TeMs. Houston - Ocnnatofibrosarcoma protubcrans Il;xos Lubbock • Dermatofibrosarcoma prorubernn$ Texgs CProPathl .. 0crn'lntofibro.sarcoma protubcruns Tcxgs <St. Lukes Epi$copal Ho~nitpll • Dcnnatoflbrosurcoma protuher:ms Texas, Sugar Land • Dermatofibrosarcoma Wa<hington !Scau!c VA Medical Ccmtql - Ne<>plastic fibroproliferotivc process, focally invasive, dermatofibrosarcoma protuber.lns Wen Virginia <Yrtenbricr VaHey Medical Ccntcxl • Nodular fasciitis Wjwonsin. Madjsgn .. DamatofibtOSDtComa prorubcmns Wjsconsin CMeritcr Hospital) • DcrmatOfibrosaroomu prorubertli'IS Auturnlia (Nonh Ouccpsland Pmhology Group) - Dcrmotofibrosurcomn pron1b<.-rans Australia CRoyn! Hobart Hospital> • Dennatofibros&rcoma protubcrons Augralia <Roval Prince Alfred HospjJoll • Dermatofibrosarcoma protubaans Au.stralia <Sullivan Njcolaides PethoJosv> - Denniltofibrosarcoma protubmms Brpzjl Cloboracorio Anmomia Patholoaica Ectjologia) • Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberons Cpnuda CPasguo tlosniJA!1 - Dennatofibrosarcomn protuberans Canuda fUnivcrsily Hospital of Shtrb(()oke) - Dcnnnlolibrosarcoma pro1uberans lnd ja. Kamataka • Renal cell carcinoma lawn !Asas!Jj Geoml Hospilllll • i!J<tr.lpleural solitary fibrous rumor IJman (Kl'!lto Uniym;j'Y Hosoita!l • Dermatofibrosarcoma proruberan• Onum fKhoula f-lo~mhnl) - Dermatofibrosarcoma procubcrans Omgr fHamad MedjCB! Co!J!()rat jonl .. Dermatofibro:mrcoma protubcruns Saydj Ambia fKjns Fnhad Nationol Guprd Hospitoll .. Dennatofibros8rcoma protuberons Uojted Kinedom <Oxford Study Group) - Dermatofibrosarcoma protubcrans

Case 2- Diagnosis: Dennatofibrosarcoma protubcrans, bock

T-YIIOO, M-8832 1

Case 2 • References: SadCI H, Tsunemi Y. Ohtuski M, « al. Gene Mutation Analysis in Five Cases ofDennatofibrosarcorna Protuber.lns Usin& Fonnalin·

Fixed, Pamffin·Embcdded Tissues. Acta Denn Yenereo/ 2005; 85(3}:221·224. Dominguc-.t:-Mnlo.gon H) Valdez-Carrillo Mdcl C, er al. OennatofibronH:. and Oenn:uofibrosarcomo Pl'()tUl>ernns. A Comparative

Uhrostructur•l Study. U/trastru,•t Pmho/2006; 30(4 ):283-291.

CITR. April2007 "Minutes" (Subscription A)

Page 13: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252

Gu W, Ogose A. Kawa,hima H, er al. Congenital Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans with· Fibrosarcomatous and Myxoid Change. J Cli11 Pat hoi 2005; 58(9):984-986.

Domanski HA. FNA Diagnosis of Dennatotibrosarcoma Protuberans.- Diagn Cytopatlzol 2005; 32(5):299-302. Mend..,hall Wm, Zlotecki RA and Scarborough MT. Dermatofibrosarcoma Protulx:rans. Cancer 2004; I 0 1(11 ):2503-2508. McArthur G. Molecularly Targeted Treatment for Dcnnatofibrosarcoma Protuberans. Semin Oncol 2004; 32:30-36.

Case No. 3, Accession No. 30367

Anahpim <Onmgs:: COunty ModiC{\ I Center) - Neurofibroma Baldwin Park (Kaiser Pennanentel - Spindle cell lipoma (4) Chico - Neurofibroma wltl1 fatty infiltration (vs. hamonoma) Clovis - Buttock, neurofibroma, diffuse Glendale - Diffuse neurofibroma HaywardfJ':remont - Neural tibrolipoma vs. spi11dle lipoma Long Beach <Lqng Beach VA Hospitatl - AngjomyolipOma (2) Los Angeles - Neurilemoma Monterey Penins-ula <Community Hospital ofMontere>• Peninsula) • Angiomyolipoma Oakland - Spindle cell lipoma Oakland (Alameda County Medical Ccnu, .. ,-) · Diffuse neurofibroma Sacramento (UC Davis Medical Center) - Fibrolipomatous hamartoma San Ojcgo • Spindle: cell lipoma San Diego fNaval Medical Center) - fibrous lipomatous tumor San Diego <UCSO> - Lipoma, spindle cell type Santa Barbara - Angi61iponla Santa Rosa <Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital) - Lipoma/hamartoma (I); Lipoma (2) Sonoma·(Sonoma Valley Hospiral) - Spindle cell lipoma Woodlansl Ji jlls - Spindlecell lipoma Alabama <Baptist Medical Cenlcrl - Neurofibroma Arkansas <Universitv Arkan·sas for Medic·aJ Sciences) - Neurofibroma, diffuse type, buttock. Colorado. Ft. CoWos - Neurofibroma Florida <Munroe Regional Medical Center} - Neurofibrolipoma Georgia. Decatur .. Neurofibroma, diffuse georgia (Wellsror Kennestone Hospital) - Spindle celt lipoma Illinois, Burr Ridge - Angiolipoma (I); Spindle cell lipoma ( I) Illinois <Heanland Regional Medical Center} - Fibrolipomu Illinois <Loyola University of Chicago) - Lipoma Indiana (Howard Regional Medical Center) - Angiolipoma Kansas.CCvtoeheck laboratorv. LlCl - Angiomyolipoma (I ); Lipoma ( I) Kentucky (University of Louisville) - Benign lipoma variant. favor ncun_>fibrolipoma Marvland <North\\1est Ho!initafl - Lipoblastie-nerve sheath rumor ·Man· land CUnivcrsitv of Maryland)- Gliomangiomatosis Massachusetts CBeverlv HosnitaJl - Neurofibroma Masoo·useus. Peabody - Superficial fibromatosis Massachusetts Cfufts-New England Medical Center} - Fibrolipoma Michigan (Oakland Hospimll - Angiolipoma Michigan (Pathology Services of \Vest Michigan) - Lipoma_ Minnesota ffajrvjew Rjdgg Hc>Suiln!l - Diffuse neurofibroma Missouri·(Missouri Delta Medical Center} - Fibrolipomn Montana <Forensic Science Division) - Spindle cell lipoma Nebraska fCrejghton Unjyersjrvl - Spindle cell lipoma New Mexico. Albuquerque - Myxoid liposarcoma New York <Nassau University Medical Ccnt<...-r) • Myolipoma New York (Stony Bmok Universitv Hospitall . Fibrolipoma New York <SUNY Downstate M¢djcal Centq l - Atypical lipomatous tumor North CaroJina CMoumain Area Pathology) - Schwnnnoma Ohio CMcCu11ough-Hyde Memorial Hosnitall - Plexifonn neurofibroma PenosyJvnnia fDr¢JSCI Unjvers jly College) - Spindle cell lipoma Pennsylvania (Lehigh Valley Hospitall - Spindle cell lipoma Pennsylvania (Mt f\,;ittany Medical Center) • Jntramuscular lipoma Puerto Rioo (Universitv of P'Uerto Ricol - Diffuse neurofibroma/spindle cell lipoma Soyth p akotn fLCM Re$jdeQ!S) - Spindle cell lipoma


6 CITR, Apri12007 "Minutes" (Subocription A)

Page 14: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252

Texu. C'Nml Beach · Atypical lipomatous tumor Tc•V· Houston - Neurofibrolipoma Texas Lubbock - Spindle eelllipoma Tcxns CProPathl - Spindle cell lipoma Thus CSt Lukes Episcopal tlo$piu•ll - Neurofibroma, diffuse Texus. Sugar Land - N~urolibro~na Wl\§hjnoton (Seanlc VA Mcdjcal Center) - Ncoplostie lihroproliferativc process in tot, low grade groW1h, spindle cell lipoma West Virginia (Greenbrier Vulk:v Medical Center) - Atypical lipomatous tumor Wjmnsin Madison - Fibrolipomalspindlc cell lipoma Wjmnsin (Meriter Hospi111l - Spindle cell lipoma Allll!!lliq CNonh Oueendans! Pathology Group) • Lipomntosis of buttock Au,otralja (Roval Hoban Hospjm!l - Diffuse neurofibroma Austrulia CRoyaJ Prince Alfred Ho§pital) - Diffuse type neurofibroma AliJtrplia <Sullivan Njcolajdt'S Pgthologyl - Spindle cell lipoma Brozil (Laboratorio Ana1omju Pathologico EctiologW,) .. Diffuse neurol'ibromu Cuoodp (Pasqua Hospital> · Diffuse neurofibroma Canada fUnivg~isv HnsniLpl of' Shcrbrooke> - Lipomlt !ndja. Kamotaka - Pleomorphic adenoma with ossificalion Japan CAsa,~i General Homjcall . Angiotipoma JiMD CKvo1o Univqsirv Homj1all - Diffuse neurofibroma Oman (Khoula Hospital! - Spindle cell lipoma Oatur (tlamad Medical Comorotjonl - Neurofibroma Saudj Arubja CKing Fahad Nationol Guard Hospitu!) .. AnKiolipoma United Kingdom (Oxford Study G1·ouo> • Plexifonn nCUI'Ofibroma

Casc 3 • Diagnosis: Diffuse neorofibroma, buuock

T-Y1600, M-95400

Di«ctors Note: Diffuse neurofibroma may incorporate fat and be<:ausc of spindled cells, may mimtc spindle cell lipoma. The location, however, is helpful in their distinction. (drc)

Case 3 - References: Sinha R, Paul R, Sen l, et al A SolitOJ)' Huge Neurofibroma of the Soft Palate. L Ull)'"gol Oto/2002 11 6(8):637-638. Goldberg NS and Collins FS. The Hunt for !he NcurofibromB!osis Gene. Arch Dmnato/ 1991; 127(11). 1705-1707. Atlas of Tumor PothiJ/ogy, 17tirrl Series Fasclde 24 Tumors of !he PcriphCflll Nervous S)'stcm by Sehei!llauer, Woodrutl' and

Ertanson PH.D. Annod forces Institute of Pathology, WashingtOn D.C. 1997. Chapter 8, Ncurofibtoma 117-216. van Zuur~:n EJ and Pos""' AN. Diffuse Ncurofibtoma on the Lower Back. JAm A cad Dermato/2003; 48(6):938-940. Houori H. Vacuolated Cells in Neurofibroma. An inununohistochemical Study. J Patho/20S; 3Z(2):1SS-161. Vai-B<.•rnal JF and Gonzfllez-Vela MC. Cutaneous Lipomatous Neurolibroma. CharacH:rizatiOr\ lllld Frequency. J Cmnn Pmhol

200S; 32(4):274·279.

Case No. 4, Accession No. 30143

Anobdm rOrange County Mcdjcal Center) . Myxoid neurofibroma Baldwjn Park (Kajsg Peongnentc) · Myxoid nC\Irofibromu ~ • Neurofibroma ~ * Neurofibroma, kne~;: Glcodn!c - Ncurofibromo Hayward!Frc:mont - Neurolibroma Lont Beach (Long Beach YA 11osphal\ - Neurofibroma with myxoid degencrotion (2) Los Angeles - Juxtaanicular myxoma Momcrsy Peninsula <Communjrv Hc»~ital of Monterey Psojnsulal - Myxoid neurofibroma ~ • Ncurofibrorno OnkJnod (Alameda County Medical Center> • Myxoid neurofibroma Sncrnmcoto cue Davis Mcdjcu! Center) - Net~rotibroma San Dicgu - Ncuronbroma Sun Diego (Naval Medicul Center> . Neurofibroma S11n Diego !UCSDl • Neurofibroma Sp.ou1 Barbara - Neurofibroma

C'TTR, Apnl Z007 "Minutes" (Sub,.;nplion A)



Page 15: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252

Sama Rosa !Santa Rosa Manoria!Hospilall • Neurofibroma (>) Sonoma <Sonoma Valley HosnitaD • Myxoid neurofibroma Wogdland Hills - Neurofibroma Ai•bam• CBa!l!ist Medical Center> - Neurofibroma Arkwas <Uniyersity of Arkansas for Mcs!ica! Sciences\ • Neurilemmoma, knee Colorado, Fl. Collins - Myxoid schwannoma E!orjda (Munroe Regional Medjepl Center> - Myxoma Oeor'Sja. PO£ptur - Neurofibroma Goorgiu CWcllstar Kenncstonc Hosnl!all • Neurofibroma lll!noj•, Burr Ridge - Schwan noma (2) !lljoqjs (Heartland Regjonal Medical Ccntc:r) - Myxoid schwannoma llljnojs <Loyola Univcrsitv of Chicago) • Neurofibroma lndjona <Howard Re2ional Medjul Ce:tuer) - Neurofibrom• Kanw !Cvtocheck laboratPfY L!.CI - Myxoid neurofibroma (2) Kenrudsy CUoivqsjt:v of Louisville) - Myxoid neurofibroma Mgry!ond <Northwest Hosoitall • NC\lrofibroma Mgrvlnnd CUniversiry o(Marvlandl • Neurofibroma Mossnchuseus <Beverly Hospital) - Atypical lipomatous rumor Mns~nchu~c:tts . Peabody - Neurofibroma, knee Mnss!lchusetts CTufL'i-New Eng!ond Medjgll Canc.r) - Neurofibromu Mjchj~on !Onkland Hosoitnll • NcuroObroma Mjchjgun CPnthology Services o f\Vcs' Mjchigaol - Myxoma Mjnncyotu {fairview Ridges HospiJo!) - Intraneural neurofibroma M jssouri ( M jssouri Delta Medical Center) - Schwannoma Moncana (forensic Science Divjsion) • Myxoid neurofibroma Ncbmska (Creighton UnivertiM - Nc:urofibroma New Mexico Albyguqooe • Schwannoma with dcgeneratiw changes vs. neurofibroma Nc:w York CNassau Uniwt!ity Mcdjcp! Center> - Neurofibroma New York CStonv Brook Univmitv tlomito!l - Myxoid neurofibroma New York fSVNY pownsuuc Msdjcal Center) - Neurofibroma Nonb Carolina (Mountain Arc.1 Patboloavl - Ang.iosarcoma Ohjo CMcCullough.Hyde Memprjnl Ho;mjtu!) - Ncuilcmmoma J>cnnsylvania (Drexel Unjycrrsity CoJ!cgcl • Sporadic neurotibromu. J>ennsylvonjp <Lehigh Valley Hosphall .. Neurofibroma Ps:nnsylynnia !Mt Niuany Medjca! Center> - Myxoid neurofibroma Pucno Rico <University o( PuL-no Rjcol - Myxoid schwannoma Sou!h pokota !LCM Residents) - Neurilemmoma (schwannoma) TCJ5&.1· Crystal Beach - Benign neural rumor. neurofibroma. traumatic neuroma Tcxa.~. Houston - Neurofibroma Tcxos Lubbcxk - Neurilc:mmomo Texas CProPathl - Neurilemmomn Icxgs (St. Lukes Episconal Ho~njto!l - Neurofibroma. myxoid Sugar Land - JuxUHlrticulsr myxoma WQShjngton (Seattle VA Medical Ccmcr> - Neurofibroma (? Re.'lctive process wifh underlying ubnom1al gene response) West Virginia <Greenbrier Valley Modjcnl Center) - Juxtu-orticulor myxoma Whscoosin Madison - Neurofibromn \Vj&ccmsi11 (Mcritq HosoitaJ) - Neurofibroma Austmlig (North Queensland Pathology Group) - Myxoid net~rofibroma Auilll!li• !Royal !iob;!n HOSpi!all • Neurofibroma Auumua <Royal Prince Alfted Hosphan • Solitary neurofibroma AuSJmHa <Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology) - Mpoid nc:urofibroms Bmljl <Laboratorio Anatomio Pptbo!osicp Estjologial - Myxoid neurofibroma CanadA <Pasqua Hosnjtall • Neurofibroma Con•da !Unjversitv Hospi1al ofShcrbrpokcl - Neurofibroma (myxoid type} lndjo. Kamotuka - Lipid rich scrtoli cell tijmor, ovary Jnpun (Aso.shi General Hospitlll) • Ncurotibroma Ji!nfin (Kyoto University Hospimll .. i>lexifonn neurofibroma Oman IKhoula Hospi!al\ - Ntt~ro!ibromu Onw Ilia mad Medical Coroorutjonl • Neurilemmoma v.itb degcncra1ivc chonges (3); Neurofibroma (2) Snudj Arabja fKjng Fa had National Gynrd Hospital> - Soft !issue myxoma United Kjngdom <Oxford Srudy Qmun) • Myxoid neurofibroma

C!TR. April 2007 "Mtnu!cs'' (Subscrip!ion A)

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Case 4 -.Diagnosis: Myxoid neurofibroma, knee

T-Y9200, M-95400

Case 4 - Refen:nces: FelSch JF, Laskin Wh, and Mieuincn M. Nerve Sheath Myxoma. A Clinicopmhologic and Immunohistochemical Analysis of 57

Morphologically Distincth·c, S-100 Protein •nd AFAP-PO$tive, Myxoid Peripheral Nerve Shcnth Tumo"' with A Predilection for the Extremities and • High local Recurrence Rate. Am J Surg Patho/2005; 29(12):1615-1624.

Dhouib RS, Drlss M, Sassi S, et ol. Myxoid Tumor of Son Tissue. Pnthologica (Italy) 2006; 98(3):175· 177. Gmyrek RF. Beer R. Silvers ON. et al. Periungual Myxoid Neurofibroma. Cut/.r2002; 69(1):54·56. Kottler VB, Conway RM, Schlotzc:r-Schrchardt U, et ol. Isolated Neurofibroma of the Orbit with Extensive Myxoid Changes. A

Clinicopathologic Sntdy lnculding MRI and Electron Microsoopic Findings. Orbit (Netherland•); 2004; 23(1):59-64.

Case No. S, Accession No. 30331

Anaheim <Orange: Coun()r Medical Center) · Nodular fa.sciilis !laldwjn Parle IKoiser Pennanentel - Nodular fasciitis (3); Neurofibroma (myxoid) ( I) Chico • Nodular Kaposi's sarcoma vs. nodular fasciltls Clovis • Supraclavicular, spindle cell lesion, suspect K.S., need IHC Glend;tlc - Cellular schwannomo Hpvwnrd!Fremouc - MPNST with squamous differentiation Long Beach /Long Beach VA Ho.witoll • Nodular fascii tis (2) los Anseles - Synovial so.rcoma Monterey Pc:njosula !Community Hospital of Monterey Pcninsulnl - Nodular fa.,ciitis vs. DFSP Oakland • Nodular fasciitis Oakland !Aiamsd3 Coumy Medigl Center) - Vasoprolifetorion Sacramento CUC Dayis Medical Ceotql - Schwannoma San Qjego - Nodular fnsciitis San Dicso (Naval Medical Center) - Nodular fasciiris San Djcsp CUCSPl - Nodular fa~ciitis Santa Bprbara - Kaposi's stu(:Otl'IO San111 Rosa !Soma Rosa Memorial Hospi1111l - Synovial sarcoma (3) Sonoma !Sonomg Valley Hospital) • MPNST malignant peripheral nem: $heath tUITI()C' Woodland Jijlls • Solitary fibrous tumor Alabama IBaptj« Medical Center) • Solitory fibrous tumor Arkansns CUnivcajtY of Mnnsas for Mcdicpl Sciences> - Ectopic hamanomatous 'hytnOml .. neck Colomdo. Ft. Collins - Nodular fOsciiris Florida (Munroe Regional Medico! Center) - Kaposi's sarcoma Georgia. Decatur - Kapo$i's sarcoma Gcorgjn <Wel!stqr Kennestone tlospjtnll - KapOsi's so.rcorna Jllinojs. Burr Rjdvo · Nodular fesci itis ( I); Hemangiopericytomo ( I) Illinois CHeanlan4 Regional MediC!! I Centcrl • Kaposi fonn neoplasm, NOS Illinois (Loyola University ofChiqgol- Ectopic hamanonunous thymoma Indiana CHowprd Regional McdjCI)I Cc:nterl • Kaposi's sarcomu Kansas !Cvtocbeck laboralorv. lLCl - Nodulor fasciitis (I); Fibroma (I) Kenrucky fUnivcrsjtv of boujsvillcl - Nodular faseiitis Marvland Wonhwc:;t Hosnitall ~ Kttposi's sarcoma Marvlend Nnjvc;rsitv of Maryland! • Kaposi's sarcoma vs. HPC Massncbusens C!leyer!v Hospitall • Spindle cell lipoma MassncbUi~etts. Pcqbody · Neurofibroma, supraclavicular Ma.~ashuseus <Tufts-New England Medjc:al Center) - Kaposi's sarCCIIlla

MichiK!IIl !Oakland Hosojtall • Schwannoma Michigan (Pathology Services ofWs;st Michjganl - Low grade ~'pindlc cell rumor Minnesota (fairyjcw Ridacs Hosnjtun· - Ectopic hamurtomatous thy-mOIUIJ MiS$00d CMiSS9!!ri Deha Medical Center) • Fibrosarcoma Montana CForcnsjc Science Division) - Ectopic hamartomatous thymoma Nehraskq rCreicluon Unjys.Tsitv) • Solitwy fibrous rumor ~cw Mcx1co. Albuaucroue · Carcinosarcoma New York CNassou Univmity Mcdjcal Cr:ntql . Hemangioendothelioma New York (Stony Brook Unjversity Hospital> . Spindle epithelial rumor with rhymic.Jikc: differentitltion

CTIR, April2007 .. Minutes"' (Subscription A)



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New York CSUNY oownstate Medical Center> • Myoflbrobla;nic rumor vs. neurosan:oma, low grade North Corolinp <Mountain Area Pathology) - Leiomyosarcoma Ohio CMcCyl!oyah-Uvdc Memorial Hospital) • Hemangiopericytomo Pennsylwnja (0rcxc1 University College) - Hcmangiopcricytoma Pcmmlvanja !Lehjah Valley Hospjh!l) - Nodular fasciitls Pcnnsylyanja !Mt Njuany Medical Center) • Cellular fibrous histi«ytoma Pumo Rjso Nnjvcn:ity of Pueno Rico> - Nodular fasciitis Soyth Dakota tlCM BesKJe;nt.1l - Neurofibroma Texas Crvstq! Beach ~ Nodular fasciiris Tcxa.~ Houston • Fibromatosis Texas. Lubbock - Neurilemmoma Texas (Prol'oth\ .. Kaposi 's sarcoma Texos l$1. Lukes Episcopal Hosnita1) - Schwannoma Texqs. Sugqr Land - Ee10pic hamartomatous thymoma Wushing1on <Scottie VA Medical Center) - Atypical reoccive fibroprolifcrutive process, nodular rnsciitis Wcsl Vjrgjnia <Greenbrier Vallev Medjcal CcnLcrl • Dcnuutofibrosurcoma prOiuberancc. Wisconsin Mndjspo • Solitary fibrous tumor Wisconsjn CMcritcr Homitall • Ectopic tJ1ymoma Austrgljn <Noah OueCflslllfld Pathology Group) ~ Nodular t3sclitb Australia CRoyol Hobart Ho~pital> • Cellular schwannomll Australia CRoya! rrincc Alfred Hospital> • EctOpic hnmanomotous chymoma AIJS!ralia !Sum van Nicoloides Pathology) - Solitary fibrous tumoc-Brazjlll&b9£1!orio Anotomia Pathologies Ectiol!!!!ial - Cellular schwannoma (I); Pcrincurioma ( l ) Canada CPosqyo Hospita1l • Schwannoma Canada IVnjvrnily Hosoital ofSherl!roo!sel - Kaposi sarccma lndja. Karnqwlla • Low gnlde malignant phyilodcs Jaoan CAsgshj General Hospital) • Nodular fasciitis Japan CKyoto UniversiD' Hospi1aJ> - Ectopic hamartoma1ous 1hymoma Patar CHamad Medical Comoration> - Lc:iomyoma Saudi Arabia CKjns Eohad Na1jopnl Guard Hosoital> • Kaposi sarcoma United Kingdom (Oxford Stt~dy Group) - Solitary fibrous tumor

Cusc 5 • J)IMgMsls: Benign mesenchymal spindled neoplasm, likely variant of cellular schwannoma, supraclavicular

T-08220, M-95600

Case 5 - Re !Crences:

Kurtkaya-Yapicitt 0 , Scheithauo:r B and Woodruff JM . The Pathobiologic Spectrum ofSchwannomas. llistol Hlstopotho/2003: 18(3):925-934.

Casadei GP. Schcithauer BW, Hirose T, et al. Cellular Schwannoma. A Clinicopethologic. DNA Flow Cytomcmc, and Proliferotion Morl<er Study of 70 Patients. <Ancer 1995; 7S(S): 1109-1119.

Lodding P, Kindblom LG, Angcrvall 1.., et al. Cellular Schwannomo. A Clinicopathologic Srudy of29 Cases. Vlrcho"'" Arclr A Pathol Annt HIStopotho/1990; 416(3):237-248.

Sehgal VN, Gupta RL, Bhatia A, et al. Solitary Cellular Schwannoma (Neurilemmoma) Showing Malignant Changes. Evaluotion Through Magnetic Rcsonacc lmagina (M.R.I.), Surgical Intervention, and HiStopathology. J Dermato/1999; 26(3): 189·195.

Case No. 6, Accession No. 30335

Anaheim COrongc; County Medical Center) . Hyolinizcd and thrombosed schwannorna Boldwin Pork CKojscr Pcnnanentel - Schwannoma (4) !J1ks1 · Schwannoma !dsciJ - Angioneurofibroma, thigh Glendale • Schwannoma with degenetative changes Haywardlfrsmont • Neurilemmoma Lon• Beach llono Beach VA Hospita!l - Schwannoma with degcncnttivc change (2) Los An&eiC$ • Extra•kcletal myxoid cbondrosarcoma Monterey Pspjntyla <Communitv HO$!?ita) of Montag Peninsula) - Sehwannoma with hyalinized vessels QUiaasl • Neurofibroma Oakland (Afqmed• Cpyn!y Medical Center) - SchwllflnOina SacrumenJQ CUC pavjs Medical Ccmerl • Schwan noma

April 2007

10 ClTR . . ~pril2007 " Minui<S" (SubiCription A)

Page 18: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252

San Diego - Ancient schwannoma San Diego {N1wal Medieal Center) - Ancient schwannom<l San.Diego IUCSDl - Schwnnnoma Sanm Barbai-a - Neurofibroma Santa Rosa <Snnw Rosa Memorial Hosnitan • Ancient schwannoma (I): Schwnnnoma with degenennive changes (1 ); Benign nerve sheath rumor (schwannoma) (I) Sonoma (Sonoma VaJiev Hospita)) .. Schwannoma Woodland Hills - Schwannoma Alabama (Baptist Medical Center) - Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor Arkan~n..~ (lJniversitv of Arkansas for Medical .Scicnccs) - Schwan noma with deg~1erative changes-, lhigh C-olorado. Ft. Collins - Extra skeletal chondr.osarcoma Florida<Munroc Regional Medical Center) - Schwannoma Georgia Decatur - SChwannoma Georgio (Wellstnr Kenne.~tone Hospital) - Schwannoma Illinois. Burr Ridge - MPNST ( I); Schwannoma ( I) Illinois (Heortland Regional Medical Center) - -Schwann(Jma Illinois <Loyola University ofChieago) • Schwannomn Indiana (Howard Regional McdjcQ! Center) • Lymphangioma Kansas ICvtocheck Laboratorv. LLC) - Myofibroblastic tumor vs. schwannoma ( I); Mixed tumor (I ) Kentucky <Unjyersitv of Louisville) · Ossifying fibromyxoid tumor Marvland <Nonhwcst HosojtaD - Schwannoma Marvland !University of Marvland) - Ancient sehwannoma Ma.~ispctru~eus (Beverlv Ho.spitall .. Schwannoma Massachusetts. Peabody - Plexifonn neurofibroma. thigh Massachusetts ITufts-New England Medical Genter> · Schwannoma Mjchjgun <Oakland Hospital) • Schwann·oma Michigmi (Pntbologv Ss:ryic:e.._ of West Michigan) • Liposarcoma Minnesota (fairview HospitnD - Sch\VUnnOtn!). Missouri <Missouri 'Delta Medical Center) · Schwannoma Montana fforensjc Scje11ce Division) - Schwannoma NCbraslCa (Creighton Universirvl - Schwannoma New Mexico A1buguerouc .. Schwannoma New .. York (Nassau University Medical Center) .. SchwannOmil New York (Stony·Brogk Unlve~irv Hospital) - Schwannoma New York·<SUNY Downstate Mt?dical c&nttrr) - Asian schwannoma Nol'lll Cal'olina (Mountain Area Pathology} - Angiosarcoma Ohio <McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospitall • Schwannoma Pennsylvania (Drexel Univen.;rv College> - Ancient schwannoma Pennsylvania <Lehigh Valle\' Hospital> • Schwannoma PcmnsylvSLnia (Mt Niuri.ny Medical Center) .. Ancient schwnnnoma Puerto Rico <Un-iversity ofPusrto Ricol - Ancient schwannoma South Dakota ILCM Residents\ - Ancient schwannomn Texas Crvstal Beach • Lesion possible synovial origin wirh hyalinization of vessels and foci of ossification. li'kely benign Texas. tloustori . Neu.rofibroma Texas Lubbock * Neurilemmoma Texas <ProPath) - Schwannoma Texas <S!. Lukes E.pi~copal Hospital) • Schwannoma Texas Sugar. Lund - Schwannoma Wqshjngton <Seattle VA Medical Center) - Schwannomn West Virginia <Greenbrier Valley Medica) Center) • Schwan noma Wisconsin. Madison - Neun1cmm¢mQ Wisconsin (Meriter Hosnitall .. Schw'ttnnoma Aystr.1lia <North Ouee.lsland Patllology .Groupl * Non·ossifying varian! of ossifying fibrornyxoid tumor Australia ( Row) Hoban Hosnitnl) - Degenerate s-chwannoma Australia lRoval Prince Alfred Hospital) - Schwannoma Auslralia <Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology) - Schwannomn Brazil <Laboratorio Anatomia Pathologica Ectiologia) .. Schwannoma with cystic changes Canada <Pasqua "Hospitall - Schwannoma Canada <Universirv Hospical of Shcrbrooke> - Schwannoma !ndjn. Kamntnka - Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (malignant histiocytosis) Japan (Asashi General Hosnita1l - Ancienl schwnnnoma Japan fKyoto Universitv Hospital) - Scbwannoma, ancient or cysdc Oatar (Hamad Medical Cornordtionl • Schwannoma

C.T fR. April 2007 .. Minutes" (SubscripLion A) II

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Saudi Ambia CKjog- fahad National Guard Hospjtal> - Sthwannoma United Kingdom (Oxford Study Group) ·• Schwonnoma

Case 6 -Diagnosis: Schwannoma with degenerative changes (ancient schwannoma), thigh

T-Y9100, M-95600

Case 6 - References: Argenyi ZB. Bnlogh K and Abraham AA. Degenerative ("Ancient") Changes in Benign Cutaneous Schwannoma A Light

Microscopic, Histochemical and lmmunohistoc.hemical Srudy. J Curan Parhol I 993; 20(2): 148-I 53. M ikami Y Hidaka T, Akisada T, et al. Malignant P<'ripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor Ari:sing in Benign Ancient Schwannoma. A Case

Report with an Immunohistochemical Study. Parlwllnt 2000; 50(2): 156- I 61. Bondy PC, Block RM and Green J. Ancient Schwan noma oft he Submandibular GJa.,d, A Case Report. Ear Nose Throat J 19%;

75(12}:781 -783. Klijanicnko J, Caillaud IM and Lagace R. Cytohistologic Correlations in Schwannomas (Neuilemmomas). Including "Ancient",

Cellular, antl Epithelioid VariontS. Diagn Cytoparho/,2006; 34(8):517-522. Karn M, Ozkan M, Sak SO, et al. Giant Ancient ~chwannoma of the Post<."lior Mediastinum Cytologically Misdiagnosed a.~ a

Malaignant Tumour. A Case Report. Acta Chir· Be/g_(Belgium) 2002; 102(6): 464-466. Giglio M, Giasotto V. Medica M. et al Rerroperitoneal A11ciwt Schwan noma. Case· Report and .-\oalysis of Clinico-Radiological

Findings. Ann Urol (Paris) 2002; 36(2): 104-106. Strouhal o and Nemeckovn A. Polcopathological Find of a Sacral Neurilemmoma from Ancient Egypt. Am J Phys Anthropo/ 20()4;


Case No. 7, Acce.ssion No. 29186

Anahejm (Orange County Medical Center) - Atypical lipomat.ous tumor/well-differemiated liposarcoma Baldwin Park (Kaiscrl'ennanente) - Well-differentiated liposarcoma, sclerosing type (4) Chico - Wel l ~differentiated liposatcoma ~ - Rcrroperitoncal liposarcoma Glendale - Well-differentiated liposarcoma Hayward/Fremont - Well differentiated liposarcoma Long Beach (Long Beach v A ~lospim!l - Liposarcoma, well-differentiated (I); Well-differentiated, liposarcoma (I) Los Angeles - Myxoid liposarcoma Monterey Peninsula <Communirv Hospital of Monrerev J>eninsula) - Well-differentiated lip<>Silrcoma Oakland - Liposarcoma Oaklond (Alameda Countv Medical Center) - Well-differentiated liposarcoma Sacramemo CUC Davis Medical Centetl - Well-dflft•rentiated liposarcoma SaJ' Diego - Well-di l~"erenciated I iposurcoma San pjego {Nitval Medical Genter> - We11-diffcrcntia(cd liposarcoma San Diego CUCSO) - At)1>ical lipomatous tumor / lipomatous type lipo~arcoma Santa Barbara - Liposarcoma Santa Rosa (Santa Rosa Meinorial Hospitall - Liposarcoma ( I); Myxoid liposarcomat (2) Sonoma (Sonoma Valley Hospita1l · 'Veil-differentiated liposarcoma with myxoid change Wood1and'Hills - Myxoid liposarcoma Alabama (Bantist Medjcal Center> - Myxofd liposarcoma Arkansas CUniveisity of Arkansas for Medical Sciences) .. Wcll-differcntiatod Hposat"COma, retropcritoneum Colorado Ft. Collins .. Myxoid liposarcoma Florida (Munroe Regional Medical Center) - Well-differentiated liposarcomts Decatur - Well-differentiated liposarcoma Qeornja (Welh.1ar Kcnnestone Ho5j?itall · Liposarcoma Illinois. Burr Ridge • Pleomorphic lipoma (I); Myxoid liposarcoma ( I ); Pleomorphic lipoma ( I) Jllinois (Heartland Re.giorlal Medical Center) - Well-differentiated liposarcoma Illinois (Loyola Univ<..-rsicy of Chicagol .. Myxoid liposarcoma Indiana (Howard Regional Medical Center) - Atypical lipommous tumor Kansas <Cvtocheck Laborntorv, LLC) - Low grade liposarcoma (2) Kentucky fUojversjty of Louisville) - Well-differentiated liposarcoma Marvland (Northwest Hospital> - Well-differentiated liposarcoma Man•land CUniversity of Maryland> - Myxoid lipOsarcoma Ma;;;sachusens fB·everly HosnjtaD - Well-differentiated liposarcoma Massachuseus. Peabody - Well-differentiated liposarcoma, rcrropcritoncal ·Massachusetts ITufts-Ncw England Medical Center) - Well-differentiated liposarcoma


12 C'lT R. April 2007 "Minutes" (Subscription A)

Page 20: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252

Michigan (Oakland Hospital) · Well·diO'"-n:ntialcd liposarcoma Mjchjsan tp;uhoJogy Services of West MjchjgADl • WcU·differcntilled liposarcoma MinnCS9(p IFajrvinv Ridges Hospital) - Liposarcoma. well--differentiated Mjmuri CMissoori Delta M«f!Cl!l Ccnlcr\ • Alypicallipoma MonttuJ& <Forensic Science Division) • Wcll~ifferentiated liposarcoma Nebrn.<ka ICrcigbton UnjversiM . Well·diffcrc:nlialcd liposan:oma New Mexjoo. Albuquerque - Well-differentiated liposarc-oma New y ork <Nas~au University Medical Ccnts.r> - Pleomorphic lipoma New York CStgoy Brook Universi()' Hosnhall - Prc<lomina•uly wcll-diffcrcntilltl:(l liposnrcomo New York CSUNY Do\~11Sl!!te M,;;djcnl Center> • Wcll-diffc;.Tentitucd li1>0surcorna North Cnroljna (MounUlin Area Palholoayl • Liposarcoma (wcll-differcnlialod) Ohio <McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hosnitall - Liposarcoma Penmylygnja CDrexcl Universi1y College> .. Well·differc.ntiated liposarcoma Pennsylyanja (Lehigh Val lev Hospital\ • Al)'picallipomatous nooplasm/well-differentialed liposarcoma Pennsylvania lM1 Njttan'' Medical Cmterl ~ Atypical lipomatous tumor Pueno Rk;o IUnivem!V ofPucno Rjcol • Well.<fiffermriatcd liposarcoma South Dako1o !LCM Residents\ • Wctl-differentiatcd liposarcoma Tex;u Cwal Beaoh · Liposarcoma, low grudo Texas Houston - Wcll-<iiffcrt'11tiotcd liposurcoma Tcxns. Lubbock - Well~itfercntiatcd liposarcoma Texas fProPqtbl - Myxoid liposarco1na Texas ($t Lukes Episcopal Hosnjta!) - Well-differentiated lipasa.rco•no Texns Sugur Lund ~ Well-differentiutc:d liposarcoma Wa1hjnaton (Seattle VA Medical Cemcrl - Ncopla~aic libroproliferativc process in fot. atypicallipoma/wcll-diiTcrcntiatcd

1ipos3rcoma Ws;st Virginia £Greenbrier Valley Medjegl C&ntcrl - Liposarcoma. low 3radc Wjsconsjo. Madison • Wcll-diffcronliatcd liposarcoma (81ypicallipomatoustumor) Wignsio CMcritg HomitaJl - WeiJ .. diffcrentiatcd lipc>saTComa Aumpl!o (Ngnh Qyscnsland Patholooy Group) • Myxoid liposa=mq Aus1rnlio CRoyal Hobart Hosoitall • Well·difl'erentiatcd !iposareome Austrnljn fRoyal Prince Alfred Hospital) .. Wc:ll·di!Terenti;ued liposarcoma Au~trn!lo (Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology) - Well-differentiated liposarcoma Bpgj l fLnhonnorio Anafomia Pathologjcn Ectjologia) - Well·diffcrtnti(Ued liposarcoma (J)usouo Hospital) - Sclerosing wcll-diflt't'entiated liposarcoma Conadq (University Ho::.pilal ofSherbrookc) - liposurcoma (wcll-diffcrcnriuled $Ch:WS:ing type) lndjo. Kpmytuka · Myxoid lciomyomn lung Japan CA:tasbj General Hospital) - Myxoid liposarcoma Jap3n <Kyoto Um~rsity Ho!ipiUl1) - Uposarcoma, myxoid Oatar IHomod Medical Comon!liog) • Atypicallipomalou.s ll!mor ("ell.<fiffcrenrialcd liposareoma) Snudj Ambjn I King l'ahad National Guar!l HOS>il•ll • \Ve!l·diffcrenliotcd liposorcoma Unitc:d Kjnodom COafon! Srudy Group) • Wcll.<fiffcrentiated liposarcoma

Cue ? ·Diagnosis: Well-differentiated liposarcoma, retroperitoneum

T-Y4600, M-885 13

Directors Note: Sowcallcd atypica! lipoml'IIOUS "ncopla..o;;ms'' when they occur in the retroperitoncum arc dcsigruucd ''liposar¢:omas". (drc)

Case 7 • References: Inoue K. Higoki Y and Yoshida H. Giant Rc«roperiloneal Lipo!M'COO!a fmJ Uro/2005; 12(2):220.222. Nauhous SJ. Bony P, Clark MA. et al. Suflical Maru~g<-menl of Primary and Rc:cum:m R<:lroperitooeal Liposarcoma. BrJ Smg

200S; 92(2):246-252. Monjozcb A, Scanlon C and Levine EA. Intussusception Secondary 10 McUlslasis rrom a Low-Grode Rctrop<>riloocol Liposarcoma.

Am Surg 2004: 70(9): 775-778. McCollum OJ, Burke JJ, Childs AJ, ct al. Rolroperiloncal Liposarcoma Weishing Over One Hundred Pounds wilh Review oflhe

l. iiCI'Oiure. Gyneco/ Onco/2006; 103(3): I 152-11 54. Fobi'C~Oui llcvin E, Coindre JM , Somcrhauscn Ndc S. et a!. Retroperitoncol LipOS(Ircomns. Follow-Up Annlysis of OcdiffCn:ndation

Aflcr Clinicop111hologie ReexaminMion of 86 Liposarcomas and Malignnn1 Fibrous Histioe)1omos Cancer 2006: 106( I 2):2725-2733.

C'fl'R. Apnt 2007 "Minu<es" (Subscripllon A) 13

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Case No. 8, Accession No. 30395

Anaheim (Or.J.noe Coumy Medical Center) • Synovial sarcoma Baldwjn Pqrk lKaisq Pqmpncntcl • Synovial sarcoma {4) ~ • Biphasic synovial sarcoma Q.lUi:; • Synovial sorcoma, knee G!smdnlc - Biphasic synovial san;oma liayward!Fremonr - Synovia.! sarcoma Long Beach /Lono Be,1ch VA Hospital) - Synovial sarcoma (2) Los Ange.Jcs - Synovial sarcoma Monterey Peninsula <Communjty HCb"'Wtal ofMpnterey Peninsula> - Synovial sarcoma ~ - Synovial sarcoma Oakland <Alameda County Medical Center) • Synovial sarcoma, bipha.~ic SncJ11mc:nto fUC Davil Modica! Cemer) - lliphnsic synovial sarcoma Siin Diego - Biphasic synoviol stu·coma Sno Diego CNaynJ Metfjcql Ccmcrl - Synovial sarcoma Snn Ojcgo (UCSDl • Synovial sarcoma Sqma Barbara - Monophasic synovial sarcoma Santa RP$1 !Santa Rosa Memorial Hosoioall - Synovial !oarcoma (3) Sonoma !Sonoma Valley Hqspitall - Biphas;c synovial sarcoma WOO<! land Hills - Synovial sarcoma, biph1>$ic Alabama <Baptist McsJjcgl Csntql - Monophasic: synovial sarcoma Arknnsa.s CUniversityoCArkgnsas for Medical Scicncgsl - Synovial sarcoma, knee Colorado. Ft Collins - Monophasic synovial sarcomu florjda <Munroe Regionnl Modi<:nl Center} • Synovial sarcoma Gconia. Decatur • Synovial sarcoma Gcomia CWeUs[ar K~nnes;1one Hosnittlll - Synovial sarcoma Illinois Burr Ridge • Synovial sarwma (2) llljoojs <Hcanland Regjonol Medical Center! - Synovial sarcoma, biphasjc llljnojs <Lovola Univmjty ofCbicagol - Synovial sarcoma lndjana fHo~'!fd Regional Mc:djcal Center) - S)Tiovial sarcoma Kugsns fCvtochcck Labomtorv. LLC\ - Biphasic synovial sarcoma (2) KcnJucky (University of Loujsvillel - Monophasic $ynovial sarcoma Maryland <Nonhwest HomWill - Synovial sarcomo MnrvJand CUniversi!v of Mnrvlqndl - Synovia) sarcoma, biphasic Massachusetts CBeverly Hospital> - Synovial sarcoma Manachuse<'.s. Pcabodv - Biphasic synovial sarcoma. kncc Mp<srhuset« <Tufts-New England Medical Cenrru • Biphasic synovial sarcoma Mjcbjcan (Qaldand HO!!JjJa!l - Synovial sarcoma Mjchigan £Pathology Servicq of West Mjchjgan) .. Synovial sarcoma M jnnesma <Fairvjew Rjdgct Hospjtall • Synovial sorcomo Mjssouri CMjssourj Oelto Msdjcol Center) .. Synovial sorcoma Montnna (forensic Science Djyjsionl - Synovial sorcomo Nebraska <Creighton Uojyersjtyl - Synovial sarcoma New Mexjco. Albugueroue .. Synovial sarcoma, bipha.sic New Vorl< <Nassau Univmjrv Medical CentCI') - Synovial sarcoma New York <Stony Brook Uojymitv Howitall - Biphuie syno\ san:oma New Yoric <SUNY Oownstgur Medical Center) • Monophasic synovial sarcoma Noah Carolina CMounrojn Area Patho1ogvl - Myxoid liposarcoma Ohjo fMcCullouell-Hydc Memorial Hospjroll • Synovinl sarcoma Pennsylvania <Drexel University College) · Synovial sarcoma Pennsylvania (Lehigh Vq!!cy liospitill) - Biphasio synovial surcoma Pennsylvania (Mr Nitranv Mcxlicql Center) - Biphosic $ynovial sarcoma Pyeno Rico (Univepity of Pusrto Rico) - Biphasic synovial sarcoma Soy1h DalsO!a fLCM Resjdgusl - Synovial sarcoma TC!JSas. Crvstal Beach - Biphasic synovial sarcoma Texn,-~. Hous.lon - Synovial sarcoma Texgs t ubbock - Monophasic synovial sarcom:~ Texas <Pro Path) • Synovial snrcoma Tcxils <St. Lukes Episcopal Hnspjto!) - Synoviol surconm 'lJ:xus:. Sugar Land - Synoviol surcoma Woshjngton CScaulc VA M\.-djcal Cen1erl - Synovial sorcorna Wcsl Vjrginia (Greenbrier Volley Medical CetJLerl .. Synovial sarcoma

April 2007

14 CTTR. April2007 "Minutes' (SuiKI:ription A)

Page 22: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252

Wisconsjo Madison - Synovial snrcoma Wjsconsjn lMeriter Ho:,nitaD . SynoviOS."lrCOma Australia (North Queensland Ppthology Group) - Biphosic synovial sarcoma Auslnllia (Roval Hoba!l HospjJPil - Biplwic synovial SA~<:oma Australia rRoval Prince Alfred Hospitall - Synovial sarcoma Austrnlio (Sullivan Nicolaides Padtology) • Synovial snrcoma Brazil <Laboratorio Amuomia Pothologica Ecliologia) - Biphasic synovial stLrc:oma Cana4a cra.gua Ho<pjta!l - Synovial san:oma Canada (Universitv Hospi10l ofSherbrookel - Synovi<><~arooma (biphasic type) India Knmntaka • Inflammatory myofibrobhtstic rumor/GJS·r cxtruintestinal Japan IApshi Genml Homita)) · Synovial sarcomtl Jaoon CKyp1o UnivmilV HospjJall - Synovial san:oma, biphasic Oatar fHnmgd Medical Comomtjgol - Sarcoma witll epithelioid features or malignant pcriphera1 nerve sheath rumor Saudi Arubia (Kina fnhad Nat!onaJ Guprd 11osoitaD . Synovial sarcoma United Kjngdom (Oxford Study Group) · Synovial sarcoma

Case 8 • Diagnosis: Synovial sarcoma, biphasic, knee

T-Y9200, M-80003

Case 8 - References: Sanl8virra S. Synovial Saroomu. A Clinicoporhological S1udy of 31 Cases. Arch Orthop Trauma Sw·g 1992 ; I I I (3): 155- I 59. Buck P, Mickelson MR and Bonfiglio M. Synovial Sarcoma A R~view of33 Cases. Clm Orthop Relat Res 1981; 156:211 ·215. louis OS, Hankin FM and Hankin RC. Synovial Cell San;oma. A Case Repon wilh a Commenl on 21 Years ofTreatmcnl. J Hand

S1111: 1986; I 1(4):578-581. Menendc:z LR, Brien E and Brien WW. Synovio.l Sarcoma. A Clinicoparholo&ic Srudy. Ortlrop Rev 1992; 21 (4):465-471 , Morrison C. Wakely PE Jr and Ashman CJ. Cystic Synovial Sarcoma- Ann Diogn Patho/ 2001; 5(1 ):48-56.

Case No. 9, Accession No. 30374 Apri12007

Anaheim (Orange County Mcdjcnl Center) . Solitary fibrous tumor Baldwin l'ark fKaiscr Pennancntcl - Spindle celllipo1na (4) Chico - Spindle. cell lipoma Clovis - Ocnnarofibrosan:oma prorubcnlns (myxoid "'·myxofibroma) Glendale - Spindle cell lipoma Hayward/Fremont • Solitary fibrous tumor long Bcgch flong Beach VA l!ospilall - Soli181)' fibrous rumor (2) Monterey Peninsula CCommunj1y Homital gfMonrerey Peninsula) - Solirary fibrous rumor Oak lang - Nerve shcurh rumor Ooklan<j (Alameda Countv Medical Ccn)er) - Spindle cell lipoma Sacrnmen1o lUC Oayjs Medical Center) • Spindle cell lipoma San Dim - Solirazy fibrous rump; Son Diego CNavaJ Medical Center) · Spindle cell lipOma San Diego CUCSPl - Spindle cell lipomo San111 Barb111'8 - Hcm•ngiopcricyloma San1a Rosa !Soma Rosa Memorial Hospiroll - Solirory fibrous nodule (3) Sononm (Sonoma VaJicv Hospitgll · Neurofibroma Wood lund Hills - Spindle cell lipoma Alabamg CR3ptis.t Msdjeal Cental - Spindle celllipomo Ar!cansas fUniversi!Y of Arlcan•M for Mes!kal Sciencnl - Spindle cdllipoma, poslen<>< nc:ck Colorado, fl . Collin! - Spindle ceil lipoma Florida <Munroe Resjonal Medical Center} · Neuro"tihrorna vs. fibrous histiocytoma Georgia, !)ecarur - Spindle cell lipoma Illinois, Burr Rjdge - Hcmangiocndorhelioma (I); Soli181)' fibrous rumor wilh myxoid change (I) lllinojs <Heartland Regional Mcdjcal Ccntt.Tl . Spindle cell lipoma Illinois <Loyola UniytGjjty of Chjcpgo> - SPT Indiana <Howard Regjonal Medical Cen!erl - Low grade fibrosarcoma KansasfCytochs:cll !.aborato<y. LLQ - Soli18Cyfib..,... rumor(!): Neurofibroma(!) Kcnrucky CUnivcrsjty orlouisyillel - Spindle cell lipoma Maryland (Northwcsl Hospira)) . Spindle cell lipoma Maryland CUnivmj!Y of Marylondl - Solilory fibrous rumor

CTTR, Apri1 2007 "Minules .. (Subseriplion 1\) IS

Page 23: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252

Massachusetts (Beverly Hosoitall • Spindle cell lipoma Massachusetts PeabOdy - Dermatofibrosarcoma proruerans. neck Massacbuseus !TuAs-New England Medjcal Center) - Epithelioid hemaJlgioendothel iom~ Michigan (Oakland Hospital) . Spindle cell lipoma Michigan (Pathology Services of West Michigan) - Ma~tocytoma

Minnesota <Fairview Rjdges Hosp\1!lll · Spindle cell lipoma Missouri (Missouri Delta Medical Center) - Liposarcoma vs. solitary fibrous rumor Montana (forensic Science Division) - Solitary fibrous tumor Ncbrn.skn <Creighton Uniymitvl - Spindle cell lipoma New Mexico Albuquerque • Spindle ccll lipomn New York (Nassau Universitv Medical Center) - Myofibrobla~toma. mammary type New York (Stony Brook UniverSity Hospitall - Spindle cell lipoma New York (SUNY Downstate Medical Genter) .. Spindle cell lipoma vs. solitary fibrous tumor North Cqrolina (Mountain Area Pathology> - Malignant fibro\ls·histiocytoma (myxoid) Ohio l!ylcCuilough-Hydc Memorial Hospitall · Low gr.odc tlbromyxoid sarcoma Pennsylvania (Drexel Universitv College) - Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans Pennsylynoja CL&hjgh valley liQSpjw!l - Solitary fibrous tumor Pennsylvania lMt Nittany Medical Cent(.'T) - Spindle cell lipOma Pueno Rico lUniversirv of Puerto Rico) . Solitary fibrous rumor/glomus tumor/ht..111anglopcricytoma South Dakota CLCM Re.~ idents) - Dennatofibrosarcomn protuberans Texas. Crvstal Beac-h - Granular cell tumor Texas. Hous£On · Hemangiopericytoma Texas Lubbock - Solitary fibrous rumor Texas CProPathl · Spindle <-.:II lipoma Texas CSt Lukes Episcopal Hospital) • Spindle cell lipoma Texas Sugar La.nd · Spindle cell lipoma Wasbjng-ton (Seattle VA Medjcal Center) - Neoplastic fibroproliihative process, low grade growth West Virginia (Greenbrier Valley Medical Center) - Dermatofibrosarcoma Wisconsin Madison - Spindle ceiJ lipoma Wjsconsio <MeritCr t-losnjmll - Solitary fibrous rumor Australia CNorth Oueonsland P.athology Group) - Solitary fibrous tumor Australia (Royal Hoban Hospital) . Solitary fibrous rumor Australia CRoyal Prince .Alfred Hospital\ • Spindle cell lipoma Austrn!ia (Su11ivan Nicolaides Pathology> - Spindle cell lipoma Braiil CLabomtorio Anatomia Puthologica Ect.iologia> - Spindle cell lipoma Canada (!>asgua Hospitall · Spindle cell lipoma Canada (University Hospital of Sherbrookel - Spindle cell lipoma India. Karnataka • Schwannoma Japan (Asashi General Hosniral) - Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma Jppan (Kyoto Unjymjty Hospjta!l - Solitary fibrous tumor Oman (Khoula Hospital> .. Solitary fibrous tumor Oatar (Hamad Medical (;omorationl - SoJi[ary fibrous rumor. myxoid variant Saudj Arabia (King Fahad National Guard Hosnitan - Spindle ce.U lipoma United Kingdom COx ford Study Grouol - Spindle cellli]l(>ma

Case 9 - Diagnosis: ·Spindle ceU lipoma, neck

T-Y0600, M-91501

Diresows Note: It may be lhnt Spindle cell lipoma will eventually be recognized as a morphologic variant of solitary fibrous tumorlhcmangiop(.'TiC}1om. (drc)

Case 9 References: Dal Cin P, Sciot R, Polto P, ct al. Lesions of 13<1 Mary Occur Independently of Deletion of 16q in Spindle Cell/ Pleomorphic

Lipomas. Histopatilo/1991; 31 (3):222-225. Oiaz.Cascajo C, Borghi Sand Weyers W. Fibrous SJ)indle Cell Lipoma .. Report of a New Variant. Am./ Dennatopatho1200J~

23(2): 11 2-115. Siddiqui MA, Su L, Michael CW and Pu RT . . Synchronous Ordinary Lipoma and Spindle-Cell Lipoma Diagnosed by Fine Needle

Aspiration. Diag11 Cytopatilo/2006; 34(6):455-456. Harvell JD. Multiple Spindle Cell Lipomas and Dennatotibrosarcoma Protubc-rans with a Single Patient. Evidence for u Common

Neoplastic Process of lntcrstitiol Dendritic Cells? JAm A cad Dermato/2003; 48( I ):82-85.

16 CTfll., April2007 "Minutes"' (Subscriplion A)

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Sus1cr S, Nascimento AG, Mieuinen M. c:t al. Solitary Fibrous Tumors of Soft Tissue. A Clinic:opatl1ologic and lmmunohistcx:hcmical Study of 12 Cases. Am J Surg Pa1ho/ 1995; 19(1 1): 1257·1266.

Bnmnemann RB, Rojy Ordonez NG, ot al. E>tora-Plcunil Soli~ary Fibrous Tumor. A Clinicopadtologic Study of 24 Cases. Mod Pntlro/ 1999; 12(11):1034-1042.

Case No. 10, Accession No. 30152

Anahejm <Orange County Medical Center) .. Lciornyosal·como Bqldwjn Pmk lKaiser Permanentc) .. Leiomyosarcoma (4) ~ • Ll:iomyosorcoma C!oyis • l..ciomyos.arcoma vs. atypical leiomyoma Glendale • Pleomorphic leiomyosarcoma Hayward/Frqnont • Leiomyosarcoma l.oog Baeb C!,.ono Beach VA HO<!)i!Ail - Lctomyosarcoma (2) Los Aneelcs • Leiomyosarcoma Mgnterey Peninsula CCommunirv Hosnital o(Monterev Peninsula> - Leiomyosarcom:a Oakland • l.ciomyosarcoma Oakland fA!arnoda County Medical Ccmcr) .. Leiomyosofrcoma Sacn1mcoto lUC pavjs Medical Center> - Leiomyosarcoma San Djcgo .. Leiomyosarcoma Snn Djcgo CNnval Medical Center) .. Leiomyosarcoma San Djego (UCSDl - Smooth muscle rumor of undcnennined malignant potcmiul Sania Bprbam ~ Biz.arre leiomyoma Sarua Rosp CSanta Rosa.Mcmorial Hosnjtnl> .. Leiomyosarcoma (3) Sonoma CSoooma VaJJev Hospital\ • Leiomyosarcoma Woodland Hms - L<.-iomyosarcoma Alabama CBamist Medical Cc!ller) · l.ciomyosan:oma Arkansas CUnjyersitv of Arkansas for Mcdjca! Scjcns:esl - leiomyosarcoma, fOf'CDtm Colomdo. Ft. Collins - Leiomyosarcomtl f lorida CMunrgc Regional Mcsljcpl Centql .. Leiom)'osarcoma Gcqrgja Decatur .. Leiomyosarcomn Georgja <Wcllstllf Kennesrone Hospitall .. Leiomyosarcoma Illinois, llurr 1\jdgo - Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma (I); Loiomyosorcomo (I) Illinois 01Pi!ol;:md Regional Medical Center) .. Leiomyosarcoma lmnois ll..gyo!a Universirv of Chicago) • lnlimal sarcoma Indiana CHowoN Regional Medical Center) .. Leiomyosarcoma Kansas (Cy!gsheck !.abora•OO', LLCJ - Lci<>myosarcoma vs. bizarre leiomyoma (1 ); l.ciomyosareoma (I) Kenrucky CUoj\-crsitv oflooisvillel • LeiomyosatCOma Marv1and CNor!hwe:n Hospiml) - leiomyosan:oma Mar; land <Unjymjsv of Maryland) - Leiomyosarroma Massaehu!ctts <Bcyqly HosnjtaD - Leiomyosarcoma Ma!\ychusctu. Peabodv • Leiomyosarcoma, rorcnrm Massachusetts {TuAs-Ne\v England Medicpl Ccorcr> - Leiomyosarcoma Michiean (Qqklnnd HosojtaD - Leiomyosni'(Oll13 M jchjgan (Pp!hology Services of West MjcbjgQn) ~ Leiomyosarcoma Minnesotp (fajryjew Rjdges Hosnilal\ - I..ciomyosnrcoma Mis~urj CMjssouri Delta Medical Centcrl - Malignant fibrous histiocytoma Montona (forensic Science Division) • Lciomyosnrcomo Ncbraslsq CCrejahton Unversitvl - Leiomyosarcoma ~ew Mc;xico Albuquerque - Le;omyowcoma New York Q.Jgssau University Mcdjgtl Cquer) - 8iz.arTe leiomyoma New york lS1ony Brook Universirt Hosoitnl> - Symplastjc leiomyoma New York <SUNy pownstate Medical Center) - Atypical leiomyoma Nonh Carol jna (Mountain Area Pathology> .. Pleomorphic malignant fibrous histiocytoma Ohio (McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospiuall - Leiomyosarcoma Pcnnsylytmh\ <Drexel University College) • Leiomyosarcoma Pennsylyunjq CLchjgh Vallev Hospital) - Lciomyos.arcomo Pennsylyanjg <Mt Nittany Medical Ceo!er) - Leiomyosarcoma Pueno Rico CUnjversity of Puerto Rico) • Leiomyosarcoma South Dakma CLCM Regident~l - Pleomorphic k-iomyosarooma Texu, Cm11l Boac:h · Fibrous biStiocoyoma atypical subcu1a11cous T<.<"-', Hougon - Malignanllibrous hiSiiocytoma

CTrR, Aptol2007 "Minutes" (Subs<ription A)

April 2007


Page 25: Soft Tissue Tumors - Uscap · 355:1307-1317. RomanS, Lin Rand Sosa JA. Prognosis ofMeduUary Thyroid Carcinoma. Demographic, Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Survival in 1252

TexM. Lubbock - Leiomyosarcoma Texas fProPathl - Leiomyosarcoma Texas fSt. Lukes Episcooal Hospital) * Leiomyosarcoma Texas. Sugar L1nd - Leiomyosarcoma Washington <Seattle VA fvtedical C-enter) .. Leiomyosarcoma with cellular pleomorphism West Virginia <Greenbrier Valley Medical Center) - Proliferative myositis Wjsconsjn. Madison - L.eiomyos"rcoma Wi"sconsin <Meriter Hosoitall - Leiomyosarcoma Australia (North o·ueensland Palhology (')f()uri) - Pleomorphic leiomyosarcoma !\us!n•lja C&>Yiil Hobilrl Hospital! - Leiomyosarcoma Australia IRoval Prince Alfred Hosoital1 - Leiomyosarcoma (6), Smooth muscle tumor of uncertain malignant potential (I) Aus-tralia <Sullivarl Nicolaides Pathologv> - Leiomyosarcoma DUtzil (Laboratorio A.natomia PathoJogica Ec1iolog'ial - Leiomyosarcoma Canada {Pasqua Hospit81l - Leiomyosarcoma Can·oda (lJniversitv Hosnital ofSherbrookel - Leiomyosarcoma India. Knmataka - Chondroid chordoma Japan <Asashi General Hospital) .. Pleomorphic leiomyosarcoma Japan <Kyoto UniverSicy Hospital) - Leiomyosarcoma Oman <Khoula Hospjtal) - Leiomyosarcoma Oinar <Hamad Medical Corooration> • PleOmorphic -leiomyosarcoma Saudi Arabia (King Follad Notional Guard Hosnitall - Leiomyosarcoma Unjted Kjngdom <Oxford Study Group) - Leiomyosarcoma

Case I 0 - Diagnosis: Pleomorphic leiomyosarcoma, forearm

TCY8500, M-88903

Case 10 .. References: Odo Y Miyajima K, Kawaguchi K, et al. Pleomorphic Leiomyosarcoma. Clinicopathologic and lmmunohistOchetnical Srudy with

Special Emphasis on ltS'Oistinction from Ordinary Leiomyosarcoma and Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma. Am./ Surg Pathof 2001; 25(8): 1030-1038.

Kaddu S, Beham A, Ccrroni L, ct a!. Cutaneous Leiomyosarcoma. Am J Surg PaJhoJ 1991; 2( 19):979-987. Cannier JN and Pollock R£. Soft 1lssue Sarcomas. Cl Cancer J Cli.n 2004; 54(2): 94-I 09

18 CTTR, Apri1 2007 "Minutes" (Subscription A)