soe infocus, spring 2003

Microreactors: Hydrogen Fuels the Future 2 Tracking Toxins in the Hudson 6 SDOE: Partnering for Education and Research 14 New Enterprises: Laboratories of the Future 15 SPRING 2003 VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 CHARLES V. SCHAEFER, JR. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING INNOVATION, KNOWLEDGE CREATION AND EDUCATION INNOVATION, KNOWLEDGE CREATION AND EDUCATION S O E

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Page 1: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003

Microreactors:Hydrogen Fuels the Future


Tracking Toxins in the Hudson


SDOE: Partneringfor Education andResearch

14 New Enterprises:Laboratories of the Future




C H A R L E S V. S C H A E F E R , J R . S C H O O L O F E N G I N E E R I N G


INFOCUSCharles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of EngineeringStevens Institute of Technology1 Castle Point on HudsonHoboken, NJ 07030

Phone 201.216.5263 Fax 201.216.8909



HydroGlobe TM is the sole licensee of watertechnologies developed by Stevens faculty atthe Center for Environmental Systems. Thecompany has teamed with industry and gov-ernment partners to supply products thatremove heavy metals from water more effi-ciently and cost-effectively than any others.HydroGlobe has successfully piloted theseproducts at sites in the United States to removecontaminants such as arsenic, chromium, sele-nium, copper and lead from groundwater andsurface water.HydroGlobe’s proprietary technologies andproducts cover a full range of heavy metals andflows, generate minimum wastes, and exhibitsmall costs for both capital and operation.Footprints are also miminalized.HydroGlobe’s MetSorb™ adsorptive mediaremoves a wide range of heavy metals under awide range of concentrations, with individualunits handling flows up to 100 gpm, and con-centrations up to the high parts per million lev-els. HydroGlobe’s patent-pending FerriMet™and ActivMet™ heavy metal removal systemsutilize proven methods of iron and sand filtra-tion to treat both drinking water and industrialwastewater. Individual units are available for avariety of flow rates to treat water containing awide spectrum of heavy metals.HydroGlobe's products have a growing marketshare in the US and abroad.

Discovery to Implementation: SoE technology businesses

PlasmaSol Corporation was foundedwith the mission to utilize platformplasma technologies for tomorrow’sindustry. Their portfolio of plasmasincludes the only existing technologywith the ability to destroy airborne andsurface contaminants effectively andcost-efficiently. PlasmaSol Corporation is a uniquealliance between experts at Stevensand an entrepreneurial businessgroup. Stevens technology advisors tothe company include Dr. George P.Korfiatis, Dr. Christos Christodoulatos,and Dr. Erich E. Kunhardt.Through the support and collaborationof institutions such as the Departmentof Justice, National ScienceFoundation, the US Army, US Navyand NASA, PlasmaSol has tested theplatform technology’s ability to protectand/or restore our environment frombiological and chemical damage. PlasmaSol is currently manufacturinga parallel-system HVAC plasma reac-tor, Plasmasure™, designed to trapand kill airborne particles and micro-bial agents in homes and public buildings.

Intelligent Sensing

Technologies, LLC is agrowing infrastructure testing andinspection company, based on acousticaltechnologies developed at Stevens by Dr.Dimitri Donskoy. IST solutions are revolutionary tools fornon-destructive, real-time inspection andevaluation of structural integrity. ISTpatented techniques work for most struc-tural materials and have proven to beuniquely sensitive to the defects inhomogeneous and non-homogeneousmaterials and structures, including com-posites, cast metals, concrete, wood, andstructures with complicated geometry.The techniques provide real-time onsiteinspection with simple "red/green light"output. These highly effective solutionsare portable, embedded, and wirelessdevices. They are implemented with cost-efficient component and operating costs. Among the areas served by IST diagnos-tics are aging industrial and civil infra-structure; transportation (air, sea, andground); energy production and delivery;residential dwellings; and public andcommercial buildings.

Page 2: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003


The value of common purpose in an academic


Welcome to the inaugural issue of SoE InFocus, the bi-annualmagazine of the Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering atStevens Institute of Technology. In these pages, we will report onthe dynamic contributions the Schaefer School is making to themultidisciplinary world of engineering and society.

C H A R L E S V. S C H A E F E R , J R . S C H O O L O F E N G I N E E R I N G

MICROREACTORS:Powering the Future

The New Jersey Center for MicroChemical Systems


The NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Monitoring Program

Faculty In Focus

New Faculty

Faculty News

SoE Students

Senior Design Projects

The Product Innovation and Realization Center

SoE Heritage

The Heritage Hall at EAS

Engineering Design Core

New Enterprises

Remote Labs


Systems Design and Operational Effectiveness

Editorial: Ideas in Focus

Teaching Ethics in Engineering














EXECUTIVE EDITOR Dean George P. Korfiatis

CONSULTING EDITOR Patrick A. Berzinski

MANAGING EDITOR Christine del Rosario

CONTRIBUTORS Patrick A. BerzinskiProf. Edward BlicharzAaron CahillProf. Sven K. EscheProf. Sumit GhoshProf. Keith SheppardYumiko TakahashiProf. Dinesh Verma



GRAPHIC DESIGN KMG Graphic Design Studio

© 2003 Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering


When I joined Stevens in 1983 as an assistant pro-fessor, I was attracted by the opportunities inherentin a small, focused institution. The Stevens campuswas enveloped in a climate of community and com-mon purpose that was impressive. It was this envi-ronment of collegiality, suffused with a willingness tocooperate and experiment across disciplinary linesthat shaped my academic philosophy and my commit-ment to Stevens as an institution.

The strategic direction of the Institute, Technogenesis®,is defined in terms of active collaboration within theStevens community for a common purpose. Workingwith partners in government, industry and academia,the full spectrum of students, faculty and administra-tion creates new knowledge and technologies that canbe implemented for the benefit of society. The conse-quent growth in awareness of Stevens as a valuableglobal asset is just one of the ways that the Institutecommunity reaps the benefits of this process. Growthin the Institute endowment and other vital resources,permitting re-investment in education, research andnew endeavors, brings the process full circle.

From the Institute’s founding, engineering has been itsflagship. The continued dynamism of the SchaeferSchool of Engineering lies in the nurturing of what Icall "distinguished enterprises," in the areas of knowl-edge creation, pedagogy and entrepreneurial pro-grams. Working on the Technogenesis model, facultyare encouraged and empowered to become enter-prise builders, directing their efforts toward larger,community goals.

Enterprise building requires us to think and actinnovatively and collectively. Discipline, focus andstrategic investments are required to maximize the

impact of our enterprises. The faculty are given guidance,incentives and rewards to encourage their success. Our enter-prises also span the capabilities of Stevens’ three schools. Thisis especially true in the area of knowledge creation. Theuniqueness of our enterprises comes from our ability to inte-grate our resources and project them as institutional assets –cutting across the sciences, engineering and management.

During the past 15 years, research centers in highly filledmaterials, environmental engineering, design and manufactur-ing, and ocean engineering have made significant contribu-tions to building Stevens' reputation. Recently, several newcenters for research and development have grown with theleadership of Schaefer School faculty, nurtured by the Instituteclimate of interdisciplinary collaboration with partners in aca-demia, government and industry.

The Wireless Network Security Center, the Center forMicroChemical Systems and the Center for Maritime Systemsare shining new contributions toward establishing the strate-gic vision of Stevens as a valuable global asset. Other exam-ples of enterprise building, in digital multi-media encryption,systems integration, and biomedical applications of polymers,have all grown in an atmosphere of interdepartmental colle-giality and collaboration. Stevens experts are in demandamong leaders in many fields of enterprise, and our most val-ued "output" – our graduates – are in demand as never before.

The spirit of common purpose that I encountered when Iarrived at Stevens has grown tremendously in breadth anddepth. We shall never fail to appreciate that spirit for what itrepresents: the Institute’s foundation, and the dynamic forcepropelling the Stevens community to national – and global –prominence.


Page 3: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003


The value of common purpose in an academic


Welcome to the inaugural issue of SoE InFocus, the bi-annualmagazine of the Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering atStevens Institute of Technology. In these pages, we will report onthe dynamic contributions the Schaefer School is making to themultidisciplinary world of engineering and society.

C H A R L E S V. S C H A E F E R , J R . S C H O O L O F E N G I N E E R I N G

MICROREACTORS:Powering the Future

The New Jersey Center for MicroChemical Systems


The NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Monitoring Program

Faculty In Focus

New Faculty

Faculty News

SoE Students

Senior Design Projects

The Product Innovation and Realization Center

SoE Heritage

The Heritage Hall at EAS

Engineering Design Core

New Enterprises

Remote Labs


Systems Design and Operational Effectiveness

Editorial: Ideas in Focus

Teaching Ethics in Engineering














EXECUTIVE EDITOR Dean George P. Korfiatis

CONSULTING EDITOR Patrick A. Berzinski

MANAGING EDITOR Christine del Rosario

CONTRIBUTORS Patrick A. BerzinskiProf. Edward BlicharzAaron CahillProf. Sven K. EscheProf. Sumit GhoshProf. Keith SheppardYumiko TakahashiProf. Dinesh Verma



GRAPHIC DESIGN KMG Graphic Design Studio

© 2003 Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering


When I joined Stevens in 1983 as an assistant pro-fessor, I was attracted by the opportunities inherentin a small, focused institution. The Stevens campuswas enveloped in a climate of community and com-mon purpose that was impressive. It was this envi-ronment of collegiality, suffused with a willingness tocooperate and experiment across disciplinary linesthat shaped my academic philosophy and my commit-ment to Stevens as an institution.

The strategic direction of the Institute, Technogenesis®,is defined in terms of active collaboration within theStevens community for a common purpose. Workingwith partners in government, industry and academia,the full spectrum of students, faculty and administra-tion creates new knowledge and technologies that canbe implemented for the benefit of society. The conse-quent growth in awareness of Stevens as a valuableglobal asset is just one of the ways that the Institutecommunity reaps the benefits of this process. Growthin the Institute endowment and other vital resources,permitting re-investment in education, research andnew endeavors, brings the process full circle.

From the Institute’s founding, engineering has been itsflagship. The continued dynamism of the SchaeferSchool of Engineering lies in the nurturing of what Icall "distinguished enterprises," in the areas of knowl-edge creation, pedagogy and entrepreneurial pro-grams. Working on the Technogenesis model, facultyare encouraged and empowered to become enter-prise builders, directing their efforts toward larger,community goals.

Enterprise building requires us to think and actinnovatively and collectively. Discipline, focus andstrategic investments are required to maximize the

impact of our enterprises. The faculty are given guidance,incentives and rewards to encourage their success. Our enter-prises also span the capabilities of Stevens’ three schools. Thisis especially true in the area of knowledge creation. Theuniqueness of our enterprises comes from our ability to inte-grate our resources and project them as institutional assets –cutting across the sciences, engineering and management.

During the past 15 years, research centers in highly filledmaterials, environmental engineering, design and manufactur-ing, and ocean engineering have made significant contribu-tions to building Stevens' reputation. Recently, several newcenters for research and development have grown with theleadership of Schaefer School faculty, nurtured by the Instituteclimate of interdisciplinary collaboration with partners in aca-demia, government and industry.

The Wireless Network Security Center, the Center forMicroChemical Systems and the Center for Maritime Systemsare shining new contributions toward establishing the strate-gic vision of Stevens as a valuable global asset. Other exam-ples of enterprise building, in digital multi-media encryption,systems integration, and biomedical applications of polymers,have all grown in an atmosphere of interdepartmental colle-giality and collaboration. Stevens experts are in demandamong leaders in many fields of enterprise, and our most val-ued "output" – our graduates – are in demand as never before.

The spirit of common purpose that I encountered when Iarrived at Stevens has grown tremendously in breadth anddepth. We shall never fail to appreciate that spirit for what itrepresents: the Institute’s foundation, and the dynamic forcepropelling the Stevens community to national – and global –prominence.


Page 4: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003

Right now, the pioneering work that willmake such visionary applications possi-ble is taking place on a very small scale– in a realm measured in microns.Minute chemical reactors are beingdeveloped to generate and feed hydro-gen fuel to compact fuel cells, with aneye to the scaled-up industrial systemsof the future.

The microchip revolution that beganmore than a generation ago has createdan entire world of microelectromechani-cal systems, or MEMS, technologies.MEMS are – in the simplest explanation– silicon micromachines, designed andexecuted with painstaking precision,using fabrication techniques developedto imprint circuitry for computer proces-sor chips.

The related field known as microfabrica-tion, through a process called "photoli-thography," allows one to etch three-dimensional microstructures on a pol-ished silicon surface. These structurescan be built up and modified to thepoint that one can create what has beencalled a "miniature laboratory on a chip"for microfluidic experiments.

It is a short leap from this to the engi-

neering domain known as microchemi-cal systems, or MCS – in which chemicalreactions are actuated in microchannelreactor units carved out of silicon,enhanced by thin catalytic films of metaloxide or polymeric materials.

Research into microchemical systems isgrowing at an astounding pace.Microscale chemical reactors holdimmense promise for the future, notonly for novel fuel sources, but also

more broadly for the chemical and phar-maceutical industries. Owing to theirunique characteristics, microchemicalsystems can perform complex chemicalanalysis and catalysis with greaterspeed, sensitivity, safety and efficiencythan standard instruments. More highlycontrolled processes at the molecularlevel are a major goal, leading to

increased quantity and quality of chemi-cal products.

Microchannel devices of the kind beingdeveloped here at Stevens are viewedas a bridge between conventional indus-trial processes and emerging nanoscaletechnologies. Because of theirmicroscale geometry, MCS have a

tremendous surface-to-volume ratio. As aresult they possess specific advantagesover conventional industrial-scale sys-tems. MCS have extraordinarily low resist-ance to heat and mass transport, and theydisplay a great ability to conduct chemicalreactions in conditions not normallyachievable in conventional systems.

Thanks to advances in microfabricationtechnology, these miniature systems arelow-cost, compact, safe and environmen-tally benign. However, before MCS cangain widespread acceptance for commer-cial use, a number of scientific issuesmust be tackled. These include learning

how to control the mixing of differentchemicals in microchannels and the inte-gration into microchannel structures ofadvanced polymer thin-film catalyticmaterials. All of which brings the conver-sation back to the development of fuel celltechnology.

A major microreactor design project isbeing pursued by Dr. Ronald Besser, acore-team member at the New JerseyCenter for MicroChemical Systems(NJCMCS), located here at Stevens.Funded by the US Department of Defensethrough its Defense Advanced ResearchProjects Agency (DARPA), this multi-disci-pline, one-year seed project will demon-strate an integrated approach for design-ing a microchemical system to support aportable fuel-cell application.

Fuel cells generate electrical power bycontinuously converting the chemicalenergy of a fuel into electrical energythrough an electrochemical reaction. Nocombustion is involved. Fuel cells usehydrogen as a fuel, with oxygen (usuallyfrom the air) as the oxidant in the electro-chemical reaction. The end result is elec-tricity, as well as by-product water and by-product heat. The benefits in cost-efficien-

cy, as well as for the environment, arelarge.

The need for portable power in the 1-20 Watt range is generally perceived todrive the first mass-market commercialapplications for fuel cells, in applianceslike PDAs, computer notebooks and cellphones – with automotive, residential andstationary markets opening up over thenext two decades and beyond.

"The fuel-processing component neededfor a portable fuel cell," says Besser, "iscritical for any future commercial applications."

Besser’s goal is to produce a novel-design


The New Jersey Center for MicroChemical

Systems (NJCMCS), directed by Stevensprofessor Dr.Woo Young Lee, has attractedmajor, multi-year sponsorships from sever-al government agencies, including thosewithin the Departments of Defense andEnergy. The NJCMCS is at the center of aconsortium of universities and industrialgroups with a stake in developing "micro-factories" for advanced chemical process-ing. Major industrial partners are H Power,a New Jersey fuel cell company, and FMC,a major chemical producer. The US Army

Communications Electronics Command –CECOM – is the center’s government labo-ratory partner. The New Jersey

Commission on Science and Technology

provided foundational funding for the center.

"Our vision," says Lee, "is to become aglobal leader in originating innovative testand design methodologies for rapid devel-opment, demonstration and commercializa-tion of microchemical systems."

Lee emphasizes that the center takes a rig-orous "systems approach" to the designand testing of integrated microreactors.

"To understand the interplay among variousnano-, micro-, and macro-scale phenomenaon the overall chemistry we would like tocontrol," says Lee, "we are pursuing thesequential design, development, construc-tion and operation of increasingly complexMCS test beds."

The NJCMCS is not merely leading the wayin the field of MCS research. The advent ofthe center at Stevens has led to substantial-ly revised doctoral programs in chemicalengineering and materials engineering. Theemphasis is on shortening the time-to-degree and on the career needs of the stu-dents. The program was revamped in accor-dance with recommendations from theNational Academy of Sciences and theNational Academy of Engineering.

Currently, three post-doctoral researchersand 10 doctoral students conduct research

in newly renovated laboratories.The multi-disciplinary faculty provides a team-cen-tered, project-based setting for the students.The NJCMCS doctoral programs provideample opportunities for students to interactwith the center’s industrial, governmental,and academic partners.

"We believe we lead the nation," says Lee,"in providing the most progressive doctoraleducational experience to our students."

"The students are able to sharpen theirentrepreneurial, innovation and leadershipskills," says Ron Besser, who will conductthe program with a dozen other Stevensfaculty. "Sharing ideas and nurturing newtechnologies from innovation to implemen-tation – that’s the spirit behind the doctoralprogram. And, in a nutshell, that’s the driv-ing force behind the New Jersey Center forMicroChemical Systems." ■

Continued on next page

Research into microchemical systems isgrowing at an astounding pace. Microscalechemical reactors hold immense promisefor the future...

"Our vision," says Lee, "is to become a global leader in

originating innovative test and design methodologies for rapid

development, demonstration and commercialization of

microchemical systems."

When President Bush exhorted the US Congress to set aside $1.2 billion for fuelcell research during his State of the Union Address in January, he evoked avision of clean, hydrogen-powered automobiles cruising the highways of thefuture. "With a new national commitment," said the president, "our scientistsand engineers will overcome the obstacles to taking these cars from laboratoryto showroom." The first car driven by a child born today, Mr. Bush speculated,"could be powered by hydrogen, and pollution-free."

Microreactors: Powering the FutureMicroreactors: Powering the Future By Patrick A. Berzinski


Designing MicroFactories: The New Jersey Center for MicroChemical Systems

Finite element simulation of temperaturecontrol component from microchemical sys-tems (temperature distribution).

Cross-section of ceramic catalyst supportfilm (1.5nm thick) on silicon substrate.

Three-dimensional catalystsupport network on micro-chemical walls.

Page 5: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003

Right now, the pioneering work that willmake such visionary applications possi-ble is taking place on a very small scale– in a realm measured in microns.Minute chemical reactors are beingdeveloped to generate and feed hydro-gen fuel to compact fuel cells, with aneye to the scaled-up industrial systemsof the future.

The microchip revolution that beganmore than a generation ago has createdan entire world of microelectromechani-cal systems, or MEMS, technologies.MEMS are – in the simplest explanation– silicon micromachines, designed andexecuted with painstaking precision,using fabrication techniques developedto imprint circuitry for computer proces-sor chips.

The related field known as microfabrica-tion, through a process called "photoli-thography," allows one to etch three-dimensional microstructures on a pol-ished silicon surface. These structurescan be built up and modified to thepoint that one can create what has beencalled a "miniature laboratory on a chip"for microfluidic experiments.

It is a short leap from this to the engi-

neering domain known as microchemi-cal systems, or MCS – in which chemicalreactions are actuated in microchannelreactor units carved out of silicon,enhanced by thin catalytic films of metaloxide or polymeric materials.

Research into microchemical systems isgrowing at an astounding pace.Microscale chemical reactors holdimmense promise for the future, notonly for novel fuel sources, but also

more broadly for the chemical and phar-maceutical industries. Owing to theirunique characteristics, microchemicalsystems can perform complex chemicalanalysis and catalysis with greaterspeed, sensitivity, safety and efficiencythan standard instruments. More highlycontrolled processes at the molecularlevel are a major goal, leading to

increased quantity and quality of chemi-cal products.

Microchannel devices of the kind beingdeveloped here at Stevens are viewedas a bridge between conventional indus-trial processes and emerging nanoscaletechnologies. Because of theirmicroscale geometry, MCS have a

tremendous surface-to-volume ratio. As aresult they possess specific advantagesover conventional industrial-scale sys-tems. MCS have extraordinarily low resist-ance to heat and mass transport, and theydisplay a great ability to conduct chemicalreactions in conditions not normallyachievable in conventional systems.

Thanks to advances in microfabricationtechnology, these miniature systems arelow-cost, compact, safe and environmen-tally benign. However, before MCS cangain widespread acceptance for commer-cial use, a number of scientific issuesmust be tackled. These include learning

how to control the mixing of differentchemicals in microchannels and the inte-gration into microchannel structures ofadvanced polymer thin-film catalyticmaterials. All of which brings the conver-sation back to the development of fuel celltechnology.

A major microreactor design project isbeing pursued by Dr. Ronald Besser, acore-team member at the New JerseyCenter for MicroChemical Systems(NJCMCS), located here at Stevens.Funded by the US Department of Defensethrough its Defense Advanced ResearchProjects Agency (DARPA), this multi-disci-pline, one-year seed project will demon-strate an integrated approach for design-ing a microchemical system to support aportable fuel-cell application.

Fuel cells generate electrical power bycontinuously converting the chemicalenergy of a fuel into electrical energythrough an electrochemical reaction. Nocombustion is involved. Fuel cells usehydrogen as a fuel, with oxygen (usuallyfrom the air) as the oxidant in the electro-chemical reaction. The end result is elec-tricity, as well as by-product water and by-product heat. The benefits in cost-efficien-

cy, as well as for the environment, arelarge.

The need for portable power in the 1-20 Watt range is generally perceived todrive the first mass-market commercialapplications for fuel cells, in applianceslike PDAs, computer notebooks and cellphones – with automotive, residential andstationary markets opening up over thenext two decades and beyond.

"The fuel-processing component neededfor a portable fuel cell," says Besser, "iscritical for any future commercial applications."

Besser’s goal is to produce a novel-design


The New Jersey Center for MicroChemical

Systems (NJCMCS), directed by Stevensprofessor Dr.Woo Young Lee, has attractedmajor, multi-year sponsorships from sever-al government agencies, including thosewithin the Departments of Defense andEnergy. The NJCMCS is at the center of aconsortium of universities and industrialgroups with a stake in developing "micro-factories" for advanced chemical process-ing. Major industrial partners are H Power,a New Jersey fuel cell company, and FMC,a major chemical producer. The US Army

Communications Electronics Command –CECOM – is the center’s government labo-ratory partner. The New Jersey

Commission on Science and Technology

provided foundational funding for the center.

"Our vision," says Lee, "is to become aglobal leader in originating innovative testand design methodologies for rapid devel-opment, demonstration and commercializa-tion of microchemical systems."

Lee emphasizes that the center takes a rig-orous "systems approach" to the designand testing of integrated microreactors.

"To understand the interplay among variousnano-, micro-, and macro-scale phenomenaon the overall chemistry we would like tocontrol," says Lee, "we are pursuing thesequential design, development, construc-tion and operation of increasingly complexMCS test beds."

The NJCMCS is not merely leading the wayin the field of MCS research. The advent ofthe center at Stevens has led to substantial-ly revised doctoral programs in chemicalengineering and materials engineering. Theemphasis is on shortening the time-to-degree and on the career needs of the stu-dents. The program was revamped in accor-dance with recommendations from theNational Academy of Sciences and theNational Academy of Engineering.

Currently, three post-doctoral researchersand 10 doctoral students conduct research

in newly renovated laboratories.The multi-disciplinary faculty provides a team-cen-tered, project-based setting for the students.The NJCMCS doctoral programs provideample opportunities for students to interactwith the center’s industrial, governmental,and academic partners.

"We believe we lead the nation," says Lee,"in providing the most progressive doctoraleducational experience to our students."

"The students are able to sharpen theirentrepreneurial, innovation and leadershipskills," says Ron Besser, who will conductthe program with a dozen other Stevensfaculty. "Sharing ideas and nurturing newtechnologies from innovation to implemen-tation – that’s the spirit behind the doctoralprogram. And, in a nutshell, that’s the driv-ing force behind the New Jersey Center forMicroChemical Systems." ■

Continued on next page

Research into microchemical systems isgrowing at an astounding pace. Microscalechemical reactors hold immense promisefor the future...

"Our vision," says Lee, "is to become a global leader in

originating innovative test and design methodologies for rapid

development, demonstration and commercialization of

microchemical systems."

When President Bush exhorted the US Congress to set aside $1.2 billion for fuelcell research during his State of the Union Address in January, he evoked avision of clean, hydrogen-powered automobiles cruising the highways of thefuture. "With a new national commitment," said the president, "our scientistsand engineers will overcome the obstacles to taking these cars from laboratoryto showroom." The first car driven by a child born today, Mr. Bush speculated,"could be powered by hydrogen, and pollution-free."

Microreactors: Powering the FutureMicroreactors: Powering the Future By Patrick A. Berzinski


Designing MicroFactories: The New Jersey Center for MicroChemical Systems

Finite element simulation of temperaturecontrol component from microchemical sys-tems (temperature distribution).

Cross-section of ceramic catalyst supportfilm (1.5nm thick) on silicon substrate.

Three-dimensional catalystsupport network on micro-chemical walls.

Page 6: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003

Based on his broad research experiencein industry, national laboratories, andacademia, Dr. Lee saw the great poten-tial of microchemical devices for a widerange of applications. Lee originated theconcept of establishing the NJCMCS asan engine for producing discoveries andinnovations in the field. In addition tohis role as director of the NJCMCS, Leealso directs the Stevens Department ofChemical, Biochemical and MaterialsEngineering. His technical contributionsare in the area of engineeringmicrochannel surfaces to be "multifunc-tional," using nano- and meso-structuredthin films, as a proactive means of con-trolling fluidic and kinetic functions inmicrochemical devices.

Dr. Ron Besser, an expert in the area ofmicrofabrication, was attracted to thevision of NJCMCS and joined Stevenslast August. Before coming to Stevens,Besser independently established one ofthe few nationally recognized programsin microchemical systems at LouisianaTech University’s Institute forMicromanufacturing. Besser alsoworked for a total of 17 years for SiliconValley microelectronics companies.

Dr. Adeniyi Lawal is an expert in thecomputational modeling of fluid dynam-ics, especially in the areas of mixing,transport, and multiscale phenomena.Lawal has been instrumental in estab-lishing NJCMCS with Lee. Lawal heads amajor five-year, $1.6 million project thatseeks to simplify and make safer theproduction of industrial hydrogen perox-ide, using microchannel reactor technol-ogy. By making it safe for end-users ofthis versatile chemical to produce it attheir own factory facilities, huge savingsin its production and transport can beprojected.

Dr. Matthew Libera is an expert in poly-mer thin films, bioactive polymers, andthe development of advanced electron-optical methods for both the characteri-zation and processing of polymernanoscale structures. He has been amember of the Stevens faculty for 13years and possesses expertise in theintegration of microchemical devicesand biomedical applications.

____________________________________________Patrick A. Berzinski is consulting editor of SoE InFocus

Microreactors:Continued from previous page

microreactor to supply a 1 Watt powersource, and to scale up the system subse-quently.

The heart of Besser’s technical approach isto develop a MCS design using as a modelthe preferential oxidation reactor, one ofthe key components in the fuel processingchain. While a novel device for fuel pro-cessing will result, the stronger outcome ofthe project is the creation of a unifieddesign method, essential to the scale-up ofthe MCS for future applications.

Besser’s larger approach is to bring togeth-er microfabrication techniques withadvanced, parallel kinetic characterizationmethods for the rapid compilation ofexperimental data. Multifunctional surfacesynthesis and characterization expertisewill be used to integrate ceramic thin-filmcatalysts into the microfabricated reactors.Using the software platform known asCHEMKIN from Reaction Design, Inc.,advanced kinetic modeling approachesbased on elementary reaction kinetics dataare used to produce experimentally basedkinetic models for the MCS.

Once established, these models will becoupled to advanced computational fluiddynamics simulations, engineered byNJCMCS core-team member Dr. AdeniyiLawal. The goal is to produce a completemodel of 3-D reactor structures, which canbe perfected in virtual form before a proto-type reactor is fabricated. In addition, theprototype device made as a demonstrationof this design approach will be producedfrom silicon by microfabrication, usingphotolithography.

"The greatest bottleneck on the road tocommercial deployment," says Besser, "isfinding a robust fuel processing technolo-gy for converting portable and safe hydro-carbon fuels into hydrogen streams, suit-able for feeding to proton exchange mem-brane fuel cells.

"The standard approach now uses smallpacked-bed reactors," he says, "whichresemble reduced versions of industrial-scale units. Microreactors with engineeredthin-film catalysts offer promise as com-pact, highly effi-cient units thatcan meet thisneed."

There are alsomilitary applica-tions, such as for remote sensors andpower sources for the fully equipped, high-

tech soldier of the future. DARPA, whichhas funded initiatives such as the PalmPower program to develop technologiesleading to 20-Watt micropower sources,has a strong interest in the research at theNJCMCS from this standpoint.

It is clear that, in the distance traveledfrom the first microchips to the "miniaturelabs on a chip" to complex microchemicalsystems, huge strides were taken toachieve engineering feats on a microscopicscale. With the development of efficientmicroreactors, the logical next step in thedevelopment of clean, hydrogen-poweredfuel cells is ready to be taken. ■

4 5

NJCMCS:The Core Team

Dr. Adeniyi Lawal

Dr. Ron Besser

Dr. Matthew Libera

Dr. Woo Lee

Silicon microreactor forcatalyst characterization.

Microkinetic array for rapid characterization of microchemicalsystems.

Page 7: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003

Based on his broad research experiencein industry, national laboratories, andacademia, Dr. Lee saw the great poten-tial of microchemical devices for a widerange of applications. Lee originated theconcept of establishing the NJCMCS asan engine for producing discoveries andinnovations in the field. In addition tohis role as director of the NJCMCS, Leealso directs the Stevens Department ofChemical, Biochemical and MaterialsEngineering. His technical contributionsare in the area of engineeringmicrochannel surfaces to be "multifunc-tional," using nano- and meso-structuredthin films, as a proactive means of con-trolling fluidic and kinetic functions inmicrochemical devices.

Dr. Ron Besser, an expert in the area ofmicrofabrication, was attracted to thevision of NJCMCS and joined Stevenslast August. Before coming to Stevens,Besser independently established one ofthe few nationally recognized programsin microchemical systems at LouisianaTech University’s Institute forMicromanufacturing. Besser alsoworked for a total of 17 years for SiliconValley microelectronics companies.

Dr. Adeniyi Lawal is an expert in thecomputational modeling of fluid dynam-ics, especially in the areas of mixing,transport, and multiscale phenomena.Lawal has been instrumental in estab-lishing NJCMCS with Lee. Lawal heads amajor five-year, $1.6 million project thatseeks to simplify and make safer theproduction of industrial hydrogen perox-ide, using microchannel reactor technol-ogy. By making it safe for end-users ofthis versatile chemical to produce it attheir own factory facilities, huge savingsin its production and transport can beprojected.

Dr. Matthew Libera is an expert in poly-mer thin films, bioactive polymers, andthe development of advanced electron-optical methods for both the characteri-zation and processing of polymernanoscale structures. He has been amember of the Stevens faculty for 13years and possesses expertise in theintegration of microchemical devicesand biomedical applications.

____________________________________________Patrick A. Berzinski is consulting editor of SoE InFocus

Microreactors:Continued from previous page

microreactor to supply a 1 Watt powersource, and to scale up the system subse-quently.

The heart of Besser’s technical approach isto develop a MCS design using as a modelthe preferential oxidation reactor, one ofthe key components in the fuel processingchain. While a novel device for fuel pro-cessing will result, the stronger outcome ofthe project is the creation of a unifieddesign method, essential to the scale-up ofthe MCS for future applications.

Besser’s larger approach is to bring togeth-er microfabrication techniques withadvanced, parallel kinetic characterizationmethods for the rapid compilation ofexperimental data. Multifunctional surfacesynthesis and characterization expertisewill be used to integrate ceramic thin-filmcatalysts into the microfabricated reactors.Using the software platform known asCHEMKIN from Reaction Design, Inc.,advanced kinetic modeling approachesbased on elementary reaction kinetics dataare used to produce experimentally basedkinetic models for the MCS.

Once established, these models will becoupled to advanced computational fluiddynamics simulations, engineered byNJCMCS core-team member Dr. AdeniyiLawal. The goal is to produce a completemodel of 3-D reactor structures, which canbe perfected in virtual form before a proto-type reactor is fabricated. In addition, theprototype device made as a demonstrationof this design approach will be producedfrom silicon by microfabrication, usingphotolithography.

"The greatest bottleneck on the road tocommercial deployment," says Besser, "isfinding a robust fuel processing technolo-gy for converting portable and safe hydro-carbon fuels into hydrogen streams, suit-able for feeding to proton exchange mem-brane fuel cells.

"The standard approach now uses smallpacked-bed reactors," he says, "whichresemble reduced versions of industrial-scale units. Microreactors with engineeredthin-film catalysts offer promise as com-pact, highly effi-cient units thatcan meet thisneed."

There are alsomilitary applica-tions, such as for remote sensors andpower sources for the fully equipped, high-

tech soldier of the future. DARPA, whichhas funded initiatives such as the PalmPower program to develop technologiesleading to 20-Watt micropower sources,has a strong interest in the research at theNJCMCS from this standpoint.

It is clear that, in the distance traveledfrom the first microchips to the "miniaturelabs on a chip" to complex microchemicalsystems, huge strides were taken toachieve engineering feats on a microscopicscale. With the development of efficientmicroreactors, the logical next step in thedevelopment of clean, hydrogen-poweredfuel cells is ready to be taken. ■

4 5

NJCMCS:The Core Team

Dr. Adeniyi Lawal

Dr. Ron Besser

Dr. Matthew Libera

Dr. Woo Lee

Silicon microreactor forcatalyst characterization.

Microkinetic array for rapid characterization of microchemicalsystems.

Page 8: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003


particle-size distribution using a laser-basedscatterometer.

The team at the Center for Environmental

Systems, led by Dr. Richard Hires, Dr.

Konstantina Dimou, and Dr Tsan-Liang Su,collected and analyzed water quality sam-ples in the same locations.

The object was to learn the relative impor-tance of discharges of suspended sedimentand selected organic contaminants, e.g.,PCBs, dioxins, furans, pesticides, and inor-ganic contaminants originating within thevarious waterways. The CES group soughtto obtain baseline data to be used for iden-tifying potential sources of contaminationand for monitoring the effects of remedia-tion efforts in relation to the dredging projects.

Preliminary studies showed some of thetarget chemicals were at concentrationsbelow detection by conventional samplingmethods. In order to measure reliably traceorganics in the dissolved and particulatephase, the Stevens–Trace OrganicsPlatform Sampler (S–TOPS) was developedby researchers at the CES. In the S–TOPS,large volumes of water are drawn throughfilters to obtain particulate phase organics,and a smaller volume of filtered water isdrawn through special sampling columns(XAD) to adsorb the dissolved contami-nants.

The ongoing analysis of the hydrodynamicand water quality data collected in thisproject will help delineate the extent ofcontamination in the rivers discharginginto NY/NJ Harbor estuary and the NewarkBay. It will also shed light on the transportmechanisms of the target contaminants.

The mathematical modeling of Stevens’CARP findings is overseen by Professor

Alan Blumberg, an ocean physicist of inter-national renown who is resident atDavidson Lab. Taking the findings of theDavidson ocean engineers and the CES

environmentalengineers,Blumberg hascreated color-coded, animated,three-dimension-al computermodels of thecontributionsmade by tides,wind and cur-rents to thetransport andrelease of con-taminants. The modeling framework beingemployed for the CARP evaluation includesa hydrodynamic model (ECOM3D), a sedi-ment transport model (ECOM3D-SED), anorganic carbon/eutrophication model

(SWEM), and a toxic contamination model(RCATOX). The modeling will help to pre-dict sediment behavior through the courseof any toxic contaminant reduction effortspreliminary to large-scale dredging.

The CARP evaluation of the New York-NewJersey Harbor estuary has revealed previ-ously unknown tidal and current behaviorsthat contribute to concentrations of con-taminants in the complex waterway sys-tem. As the work goes forward, the ulti-mate aim is to ensure that all contaminantsare safely managed as dredging gets underway and the products of dredging are dis-posed of. The marriage of a major civilengineering project to a complex exercisein environmental and ocean research willbenefit all citizens of the NY/NJ-Metropolitan region, as well as assure thecommercial viability of one of the world’sgreat ports._________________________________________Patrick A. Berzinski is consulting editor of SoE InFocus


The CMS and The CESThe economic health and security of the

nation is inherently linked to our estuar-

ies and coastal zones, and the maritime

industries they support.The nation’s

ports and waterways handle more than

two billion tons of cargo annually and

95% by weight of all US overseas trade.

Significant expansion of port facilities in

the US and abroad continues in the face

of security threats to vessels and shore-

side facilities, and hazards to shipping

and port operations. In addition, ensur-

ing the safe operation of the US Navy in

littoral waters has become an issue of

national security.The Center for Maritime

Systems (CMS), under the leadership of

Dr. Michael Bruno, seeks intelligent solu-

tions to the issues confronting our ports

and waterways, through an interdiscipli-

nary approach to research and develop-

ment, as well as through extensive part-

nerships in academia, government and


The Institute-wide Center forEnvironmental Systems (CES) champi-

ons and leads the integration of focused,

cutting-edge science, advanced engi-

neering, and innovative technology man-

agement practices, meeting the multi-

faceted R&D challenges posed by com-

plex local, regional and global develop-

ments.The director of the CES is

Dr. Christos Christodoulatos, of the

Department of Civil, Environmental and

Ocean Engineering. Dr. Kurt Becker,director of the Department of Physics

and Engineering Physics, serves as the

CES associate director.The goal of the

CES is to develop, and globally promote,

interdisciplinary research and education,

whose excellence is widely recognized

by the international community of engi-

neers, scientists and policy makers

engaged in safeguarding the world’s

environmental resources. – PB

TrackingToxins inthe Hudson:The NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Monitoring Program

By Patrick A. Berzinski

The New York-New Jersey Harbor estuaryis one of the world’s busiest ports ofcommerce. Millions of tons of cargo passthrough its precincts every year, bringingjobs and prosperity to the bustling NewYork-New Jersey metropolitan region.

However, the harbor faces a long-termthreat from a very basic source: silt. Tonsof river sediments carried into the harborfrom the north Hudson, as well asthrough the surrounding complex of trib-utaries and connecting waterways, areslowly filling in the navigation channelsused by large commercial containerships. In addition, a new generation oflarger, deeper-riding ships is expectedsoon. Were the silting situation to beignored, the harbor as an engine of com-merce might, over the next decade,become obsolete.

In years past, the solution to such a prob-lem was couched strictly in terms of amammoth engineering project: Call in theArmy Corps of Engineers to dredge the

harbor. Indeed, a 10-year effort by theArmy Corps to remove 65 million cubicyards of sediment is now being planned.

However, stretches of the harbor floor arepermeated by more than a century ofindustrial runoff from around the region.This includes effluents from hundreds ofchemical, paint, and pigment manufactur-ing plants, petroleum refineries, andother large industrial facilities. The resulthas been severe contamination of thesediments underlying the region'swaters. High concentrations of dioxins,mercury, lead, polychlorinated biphenylsand other chemicals have been observedat many sites.

Before the subsurface mud is disturbed,the location, severity, and movement ofmore than 300 different contaminantsmust be mapped and modeled. Knowinghow polluted sediments are transportedand deposited can help focus the eventu-al dredging in the worst contaminatedareas first, and also avoid double worklater, as sediments continue to be trans-ported by tidal and wind dynamics. Thisis not just a matter of gauging environ-mental dangers; it is also an issue of cal-culating disposal cost, as the products ofdredging will need to be dumped insome fashion, most likely on dry land.The more contaminated the mud, thegreater the cost of treatment and dispos-al. Ongoing sources of pollution mustalso be pinpointed and assessed.

Enter the Contamination Assessment andReduction Project (CARP) of the NY/NJHarbor Estuary Program (HEP). A projectbegun in 1998, CARP is funded by the

Port Authority of New York and NewJersey, as well as by the New York andNew Jersey state departments of environ-mental protection, among others.Researchers from more than a dozen uni-versities and government agencies havebeen actively involved in the ongoingwork. Among these are teams from tworesearch centers here at Stevens: theDavidson Laboratory at the Center for

Maritime Systems (CMS) and the Center

for Environmental Systems (CES). Bothcenters are affiliates of the Charles V.Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering.

The director ofDavidson Lab,Dr. Michael

Bruno, leadsthe hydrody-namics group,along with Dr.

Kelly Rankin.Their majortask has beento make com-prehensive

hydrodynamic and in-situ water qualitymeasurements.

Measurements were made over a three-year period (June 2000-May 2003) in bothwet and dry weather conditions in thePassaic, Hackensack, Elizabeth, Rahwayand Raritan Rivers, and in Newark Bay,the Arthur Kill, and the Kill van Kull. Thehydrodynamic data includes measure-ments of current profiles using a towedRDI Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler,conductivity, temperature, turbidity, sus-pended sediment concentration and

Dr. Michael Bruno

Dr. Alan Blumberg

Back Row (left to right): Robert Miskewitz,

Dr. Richard Hires; Front Row: Dr.Tsan-Liang Su,

Dr. Konstantina Dimou

Page 9: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003


particle-size distribution using a laser-basedscatterometer.

The team at the Center for Environmental

Systems, led by Dr. Richard Hires, Dr.

Konstantina Dimou, and Dr Tsan-Liang Su,collected and analyzed water quality sam-ples in the same locations.

The object was to learn the relative impor-tance of discharges of suspended sedimentand selected organic contaminants, e.g.,PCBs, dioxins, furans, pesticides, and inor-ganic contaminants originating within thevarious waterways. The CES group soughtto obtain baseline data to be used for iden-tifying potential sources of contaminationand for monitoring the effects of remedia-tion efforts in relation to the dredging projects.

Preliminary studies showed some of thetarget chemicals were at concentrationsbelow detection by conventional samplingmethods. In order to measure reliably traceorganics in the dissolved and particulatephase, the Stevens–Trace OrganicsPlatform Sampler (S–TOPS) was developedby researchers at the CES. In the S–TOPS,large volumes of water are drawn throughfilters to obtain particulate phase organics,and a smaller volume of filtered water isdrawn through special sampling columns(XAD) to adsorb the dissolved contami-nants.

The ongoing analysis of the hydrodynamicand water quality data collected in thisproject will help delineate the extent ofcontamination in the rivers discharginginto NY/NJ Harbor estuary and the NewarkBay. It will also shed light on the transportmechanisms of the target contaminants.

The mathematical modeling of Stevens’CARP findings is overseen by Professor

Alan Blumberg, an ocean physicist of inter-national renown who is resident atDavidson Lab. Taking the findings of theDavidson ocean engineers and the CES

environmentalengineers,Blumberg hascreated color-coded, animated,three-dimension-al computermodels of thecontributionsmade by tides,wind and cur-rents to thetransport andrelease of con-taminants. The modeling framework beingemployed for the CARP evaluation includesa hydrodynamic model (ECOM3D), a sedi-ment transport model (ECOM3D-SED), anorganic carbon/eutrophication model

(SWEM), and a toxic contamination model(RCATOX). The modeling will help to pre-dict sediment behavior through the courseof any toxic contaminant reduction effortspreliminary to large-scale dredging.

The CARP evaluation of the New York-NewJersey Harbor estuary has revealed previ-ously unknown tidal and current behaviorsthat contribute to concentrations of con-taminants in the complex waterway sys-tem. As the work goes forward, the ulti-mate aim is to ensure that all contaminantsare safely managed as dredging gets underway and the products of dredging are dis-posed of. The marriage of a major civilengineering project to a complex exercisein environmental and ocean research willbenefit all citizens of the NY/NJ-Metropolitan region, as well as assure thecommercial viability of one of the world’sgreat ports._________________________________________Patrick A. Berzinski is consulting editor of SoE InFocus


The CMS and The CESThe economic health and security of the

nation is inherently linked to our estuar-

ies and coastal zones, and the maritime

industries they support.The nation’s

ports and waterways handle more than

two billion tons of cargo annually and

95% by weight of all US overseas trade.

Significant expansion of port facilities in

the US and abroad continues in the face

of security threats to vessels and shore-

side facilities, and hazards to shipping

and port operations. In addition, ensur-

ing the safe operation of the US Navy in

littoral waters has become an issue of

national security.The Center for Maritime

Systems (CMS), under the leadership of

Dr. Michael Bruno, seeks intelligent solu-

tions to the issues confronting our ports

and waterways, through an interdiscipli-

nary approach to research and develop-

ment, as well as through extensive part-

nerships in academia, government and


The Institute-wide Center forEnvironmental Systems (CES) champi-

ons and leads the integration of focused,

cutting-edge science, advanced engi-

neering, and innovative technology man-

agement practices, meeting the multi-

faceted R&D challenges posed by com-

plex local, regional and global develop-

ments.The director of the CES is

Dr. Christos Christodoulatos, of the

Department of Civil, Environmental and

Ocean Engineering. Dr. Kurt Becker,director of the Department of Physics

and Engineering Physics, serves as the

CES associate director.The goal of the

CES is to develop, and globally promote,

interdisciplinary research and education,

whose excellence is widely recognized

by the international community of engi-

neers, scientists and policy makers

engaged in safeguarding the world’s

environmental resources. – PB

TrackingToxins inthe Hudson:The NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Monitoring Program

By Patrick A. Berzinski

The New York-New Jersey Harbor estuaryis one of the world’s busiest ports ofcommerce. Millions of tons of cargo passthrough its precincts every year, bringingjobs and prosperity to the bustling NewYork-New Jersey metropolitan region.

However, the harbor faces a long-termthreat from a very basic source: silt. Tonsof river sediments carried into the harborfrom the north Hudson, as well asthrough the surrounding complex of trib-utaries and connecting waterways, areslowly filling in the navigation channelsused by large commercial containerships. In addition, a new generation oflarger, deeper-riding ships is expectedsoon. Were the silting situation to beignored, the harbor as an engine of com-merce might, over the next decade,become obsolete.

In years past, the solution to such a prob-lem was couched strictly in terms of amammoth engineering project: Call in theArmy Corps of Engineers to dredge the

harbor. Indeed, a 10-year effort by theArmy Corps to remove 65 million cubicyards of sediment is now being planned.

However, stretches of the harbor floor arepermeated by more than a century ofindustrial runoff from around the region.This includes effluents from hundreds ofchemical, paint, and pigment manufactur-ing plants, petroleum refineries, andother large industrial facilities. The resulthas been severe contamination of thesediments underlying the region'swaters. High concentrations of dioxins,mercury, lead, polychlorinated biphenylsand other chemicals have been observedat many sites.

Before the subsurface mud is disturbed,the location, severity, and movement ofmore than 300 different contaminantsmust be mapped and modeled. Knowinghow polluted sediments are transportedand deposited can help focus the eventu-al dredging in the worst contaminatedareas first, and also avoid double worklater, as sediments continue to be trans-ported by tidal and wind dynamics. Thisis not just a matter of gauging environ-mental dangers; it is also an issue of cal-culating disposal cost, as the products ofdredging will need to be dumped insome fashion, most likely on dry land.The more contaminated the mud, thegreater the cost of treatment and dispos-al. Ongoing sources of pollution mustalso be pinpointed and assessed.

Enter the Contamination Assessment andReduction Project (CARP) of the NY/NJHarbor Estuary Program (HEP). A projectbegun in 1998, CARP is funded by the

Port Authority of New York and NewJersey, as well as by the New York andNew Jersey state departments of environ-mental protection, among others.Researchers from more than a dozen uni-versities and government agencies havebeen actively involved in the ongoingwork. Among these are teams from tworesearch centers here at Stevens: theDavidson Laboratory at the Center for

Maritime Systems (CMS) and the Center

for Environmental Systems (CES). Bothcenters are affiliates of the Charles V.Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering.

The director ofDavidson Lab,Dr. Michael

Bruno, leadsthe hydrody-namics group,along with Dr.

Kelly Rankin.Their majortask has beento make com-prehensive

hydrodynamic and in-situ water qualitymeasurements.

Measurements were made over a three-year period (June 2000-May 2003) in bothwet and dry weather conditions in thePassaic, Hackensack, Elizabeth, Rahwayand Raritan Rivers, and in Newark Bay,the Arthur Kill, and the Kill van Kull. Thehydrodynamic data includes measure-ments of current profiles using a towedRDI Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler,conductivity, temperature, turbidity, sus-pended sediment concentration and

Dr. Michael Bruno

Dr. Alan Blumberg

Back Row (left to right): Robert Miskewitz,

Dr. Richard Hires; Front Row: Dr.Tsan-Liang Su,

Dr. Konstantina Dimou

Page 10: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003

Dr. Kate Abel, lecturer, will assume the role of Director for the Bachelor of Engineering inEngineering Management program. Abel teaches courses in engineering economy, senior designand statistics. She holds a doctorate from Stevens Institute of Technology (2001), with an interdisci-

plinary concentration in Applied Psychology and Technology Management. She also holds a Masterof Science degree from Stevens with a concentration in Technology Management.

Dr. Richard S. Berkof joins the Department of Mechanical Engineering as a Distinguished ServiceProfessor. Berkof teaches classes in Mechanical and Interdisciplinary Engineering, coordinates the

Engineering Graphics program, and is the founding director of a new graduate program in PharmaceuticalManufacturing Practices. He has extensive project and engineering management experience in industry, atErie Plastics, Weiler Corp., Raytheon Engineers and Constructors, Gulf+Western Advanced Development andEngineering Center, and American Can Company. Berkof did pioneering research work on linkage balancing,which was a major contribution in the field of dynamics of machines and mechanisms. This theory is now anintegral part of all undergraduate textbooks on the design of machine systems. Berkof holds a doctorate inEngineering Mechanics (1969) from the City University of New York.

Dr. Ronald Besser joined the Department of Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering in the SchaeferSchool of Engineering this past summer. He comes to Stevens from Louisiana Tech University, where heserved as an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, as well as Group Leader in the Institute forMicromanufacturing. Besser’s current research focus is on developing micro-analytical tools that can be usedin conjunction with micro-reactors for on-chip analysis or as stand-alone micro-devices. Besser is a core-teamparticipant in the New Jersey Center for Microchemical Systems, a consortium effort led by Stevens. Besserhas extensive experience in industry. He received a doctorate in Materials Science Engineering (1990) fromStanford University.

Dr. Robert F. Blanks comes to Stevens as a professor of chemical engineering. Blanks’ research interests includecatalytic and polymerization reactor design, thermodynamics and phase equilibria, process design, crystalliza-tion, and computer-aided instruction. He teaches courses in process analysis; heat and mass transfer; seniordesign; and process control, modeling and simulation. Blanks’ extensive industry research experience includespositions at Amoco Chemical Company and Union Carbide. Blanks’ previous teaching experience includes posi-tions at Christian Brothers University, Clemson University and Michigan State University. He is a Fellow of theAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers. Blanks hold a doctorate in Chemical Engineering (1963) from theUniversity of California, Berkeley.

Dr. Alan Blumberg joins the Schaefer School as Bond Professor of Ocean Engineering. The focus of Blumberg’swork is the application of oceanographic, hydraulic engineering and computer science research to understand andpredict how water moves and mixes in rivers, lakes, estuaries and the coastal oceans. He is an associate editor oftwo leading journals,The Journal of Hydraulic Engineering and Estuaries. Blumberg has served as director of theEnvironmental Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport Group and Executive Vice President at HydroQual, Inc., alarge environmental engineering and science-consulting firm. He received a doctorate in Ocean Physics (1975)from The Johns Hopkins University.

Professor Rashmi Jain comes to Stevens from Accenture (formerly known as Andersen Consulting). She holdsthe position of associate professor of systems engineering and engineering management. At Accenture, she wasinvolved in planning and implementation of large and complex systems-integration projects in various life-cyclestages of information technology systems. These included business requirements, systems requirements, high-level design, detailed design, development, testing, prototyping and production. Jain has just completed herdoctoral dissertation.

Professor Bruce McNair has more than 30 years of engineering research, design, development, and systemsengineering experience in communications systems. McNair comes to Stevens as a distinguished service pro-fessor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His professional background features exten-sive work in wireless communications and system/network security. His research interests include high-speedwireless data networking, system/network security, real-time digital signal processing, and software-definedradio technology. He is currently chief technology officer of Novidesic Communications LLC in Holmdel, N.J.His previous industry experience includes more than two decades of service at AT&T/Bell Labs. McNairholds a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering (1974) from Stevens Institute of Technology. Healso received his bachelor’s degree in Engineering at Stevens.

Dr. Michael C. Pennotti comes to Stevens from Avaya, where he was Vice President, Quality. Pennotti is industry professorand SDOE Fellow in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at Stevens. He teaches coursesin systems engineering and quality management. His prior experience includes 30 years of systems engineering and busi-ness leadership at Bell Labs, AT&T, and Lucent. He is also a member of the faculty of the Center for ManagementDevelopment at Rutgers University. Pennotti holds a doctorate in Electrical Engineering (1974) from the Polytechnic Institute,New York.

Dr. Renu Ramnarayanan comes to Stevens as professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and EngineeringManagement. Her industry experience includes 10 years in the marketing, management, design, development and imple-mentation of supply and demand chain solutions as president of Decision Process Management, Inc. Her areas of expertiseinclude forecasting, logistics, operations planning and scheduling, capacity planning, productivity analysis, and developingperformance metrics. Her most recent academic experience includes serving as Executive-in-Residence at Seton HallUniversity. Dr. Ramnarayanan holds a doctorate (1991) in Operations Research from the University of Mississippi.

Dr. Arthur B. Ritter comes to Stevens from UMD-New Jersey Medical School. He directs the Biomedical Engineering pro-gram in the Department of Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering. Ritter’s industrial and research experienceincludes positions at the US Naval Ordnance Facility, United Aircraft-UTC Division, Mixing Equipment Co., and E.I. DuPontDe Nemours & Co. He has published more than 35 papers in peer-reviewed journals. He is the co-author of an undergradu-ate text on Biomedical Engineering published by Marcel Dekker. Ritter holds a doctorate in Chemical Engineering from theUniversity of Rochester, New York.

SoE New Faculty


The Consulting Engineers Council of New Jerseynamed Dr. Leslie R. Brunell Educator of the Year 2002.The award goes annually to an individual who, as ateacher or administrator, has had a positive impacton the engineering profession.

Dr. Henry Du received a contract for the developmentof sol-gel coatings for engine ceramics fromHoneywell. Du was also appointed Associate Editorfor the Journal of the American Ceramic Society inthe area of functional ceramics and glass/opticalmaterials.

The Director of the Department of SystemsEngineering and Engineering Management, Dr. John

Farr, is serving on the Army Science Board and aspresident of the American Society of EngineeringManagement.

Dr. Donald Merino was elected a Fellow of theAmerican Society of Engineering Education. Merinois the first Fellow selected from Stevens.

Dr. John Mihalasky received the American Society ofEngineering Management’s most prestigious award.Named for founding member Bernard Sarchet, it is inrecognition of lifetime service to the organization.

Dr. Zhenqi Zhu received a grant from The NationalCollegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance, to supportthe efforts of a team of students led by JosephGrogan, a Mechanical Engineering undergraduate, onthe development of a ‘Remotely Operated StitchingDevice for Secure Treatment of Abdominal AorticAneurysms.’ Also, ABB Flexible Automation fundedZhu for his research on ‘Flexible Tactile Sensing forRobotics Application.’


Dr. Xiaoguang Meng, withTimothy Brutus, research assistant, conductedpilot filtration tests at a Department of Defense site in California. Severalwater supply wells at the site contain naturally elevated fluoride andarsenic, four times higher than the California standard. The researchersinstalled two pilot FerriMet™ filtration systems at two wells consisting of asand filter and two chemical feed pumps for injection of coagulants.Groundwater and coagulants were pumped concurrently into the filter forthe removal of the contaminants. This experiment demonstrated that bothfluoride and arsenic were effectively reduced to below the drinking waterstandard, resulting in substantial savings in operating and material costsand a dramatic reduction in waste water.

A new detection device developed by Dr. Dimitri Donskoy named"PestFinder," was launched by a select number of pest control operators. Apilot program tested PestFinder in residential and commercial local mar-kets. Intelligent Sensing Technologies, a company Donskoy founded in col-laboration with Stevens, rolled out the latest prototype of the new device.

Dr. Matthew Libera received word that a $5 million grant proposal to estab-lish an inter-institutional National Center for Polymeric BiomaterialsDevelopment will be funded over five years. Led by Rutgers, Libera and theStevens Electron-Optics Facility bring core expertise to this Center in thecharacterization of polymeric morphology.

Dr. Rajarathnam Chandramouli is the principal investigator for a US AirForce Research Laboratory-funded project exploring technology to identifyand isolate digital "hidden communications," involving a new field knownas "steganography." The collective techniques for detecting and recoveringmessages from covert communications using steganography are called"steganalysis." New York Polytechnic University will collaborate with Dr.Chandramouli.

Drs. Sven Esche and Constantin Chassapis received a grant from theNational Science Foundation (NSF) for the development of "A Frameworkfor Adapting Decision-Based Scientific Principles in Engineering Design."This project will incorporate concepts of probability theory into the designprocess in order to account for conditions of uncertainty and risk. The NSFwill also fund Dr. Esche’s project on "Multi-scale Microstructure Prediction inThermo-mechanical Processing". This approach is based on models at multi-ple length scales. It will lead to powerful simulation tools, which are superi-or to the empirical modeling techniques that are prevalent in current indus-trial practice.

Faculty News

8 9

Page 11: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003

Dr. Kate Abel, lecturer, will assume the role of Director for the Bachelor of Engineering inEngineering Management program. Abel teaches courses in engineering economy, senior designand statistics. She holds a doctorate from Stevens Institute of Technology (2001), with an interdisci-

plinary concentration in Applied Psychology and Technology Management. She also holds a Masterof Science degree from Stevens with a concentration in Technology Management.

Dr. Richard S. Berkof joins the Department of Mechanical Engineering as a Distinguished ServiceProfessor. Berkof teaches classes in Mechanical and Interdisciplinary Engineering, coordinates the

Engineering Graphics program, and is the founding director of a new graduate program in PharmaceuticalManufacturing Practices. He has extensive project and engineering management experience in industry, atErie Plastics, Weiler Corp., Raytheon Engineers and Constructors, Gulf+Western Advanced Development andEngineering Center, and American Can Company. Berkof did pioneering research work on linkage balancing,which was a major contribution in the field of dynamics of machines and mechanisms. This theory is now anintegral part of all undergraduate textbooks on the design of machine systems. Berkof holds a doctorate inEngineering Mechanics (1969) from the City University of New York.

Dr. Ronald Besser joined the Department of Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering in the SchaeferSchool of Engineering this past summer. He comes to Stevens from Louisiana Tech University, where heserved as an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, as well as Group Leader in the Institute forMicromanufacturing. Besser’s current research focus is on developing micro-analytical tools that can be usedin conjunction with micro-reactors for on-chip analysis or as stand-alone micro-devices. Besser is a core-teamparticipant in the New Jersey Center for Microchemical Systems, a consortium effort led by Stevens. Besserhas extensive experience in industry. He received a doctorate in Materials Science Engineering (1990) fromStanford University.

Dr. Robert F. Blanks comes to Stevens as a professor of chemical engineering. Blanks’ research interests includecatalytic and polymerization reactor design, thermodynamics and phase equilibria, process design, crystalliza-tion, and computer-aided instruction. He teaches courses in process analysis; heat and mass transfer; seniordesign; and process control, modeling and simulation. Blanks’ extensive industry research experience includespositions at Amoco Chemical Company and Union Carbide. Blanks’ previous teaching experience includes posi-tions at Christian Brothers University, Clemson University and Michigan State University. He is a Fellow of theAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers. Blanks hold a doctorate in Chemical Engineering (1963) from theUniversity of California, Berkeley.

Dr. Alan Blumberg joins the Schaefer School as Bond Professor of Ocean Engineering. The focus of Blumberg’swork is the application of oceanographic, hydraulic engineering and computer science research to understand andpredict how water moves and mixes in rivers, lakes, estuaries and the coastal oceans. He is an associate editor oftwo leading journals,The Journal of Hydraulic Engineering and Estuaries. Blumberg has served as director of theEnvironmental Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport Group and Executive Vice President at HydroQual, Inc., alarge environmental engineering and science-consulting firm. He received a doctorate in Ocean Physics (1975)from The Johns Hopkins University.

Professor Rashmi Jain comes to Stevens from Accenture (formerly known as Andersen Consulting). She holdsthe position of associate professor of systems engineering and engineering management. At Accenture, she wasinvolved in planning and implementation of large and complex systems-integration projects in various life-cyclestages of information technology systems. These included business requirements, systems requirements, high-level design, detailed design, development, testing, prototyping and production. Jain has just completed herdoctoral dissertation.

Professor Bruce McNair has more than 30 years of engineering research, design, development, and systemsengineering experience in communications systems. McNair comes to Stevens as a distinguished service pro-fessor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His professional background features exten-sive work in wireless communications and system/network security. His research interests include high-speedwireless data networking, system/network security, real-time digital signal processing, and software-definedradio technology. He is currently chief technology officer of Novidesic Communications LLC in Holmdel, N.J.His previous industry experience includes more than two decades of service at AT&T/Bell Labs. McNairholds a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering (1974) from Stevens Institute of Technology. Healso received his bachelor’s degree in Engineering at Stevens.

Dr. Michael C. Pennotti comes to Stevens from Avaya, where he was Vice President, Quality. Pennotti is industry professorand SDOE Fellow in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at Stevens. He teaches coursesin systems engineering and quality management. His prior experience includes 30 years of systems engineering and busi-ness leadership at Bell Labs, AT&T, and Lucent. He is also a member of the faculty of the Center for ManagementDevelopment at Rutgers University. Pennotti holds a doctorate in Electrical Engineering (1974) from the Polytechnic Institute,New York.

Dr. Renu Ramnarayanan comes to Stevens as professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and EngineeringManagement. Her industry experience includes 10 years in the marketing, management, design, development and imple-mentation of supply and demand chain solutions as president of Decision Process Management, Inc. Her areas of expertiseinclude forecasting, logistics, operations planning and scheduling, capacity planning, productivity analysis, and developingperformance metrics. Her most recent academic experience includes serving as Executive-in-Residence at Seton HallUniversity. Dr. Ramnarayanan holds a doctorate (1991) in Operations Research from the University of Mississippi.

Dr. Arthur B. Ritter comes to Stevens from UMD-New Jersey Medical School. He directs the Biomedical Engineering pro-gram in the Department of Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering. Ritter’s industrial and research experienceincludes positions at the US Naval Ordnance Facility, United Aircraft-UTC Division, Mixing Equipment Co., and E.I. DuPontDe Nemours & Co. He has published more than 35 papers in peer-reviewed journals. He is the co-author of an undergradu-ate text on Biomedical Engineering published by Marcel Dekker. Ritter holds a doctorate in Chemical Engineering from theUniversity of Rochester, New York.

SoE New Faculty


The Consulting Engineers Council of New Jerseynamed Dr. Leslie R. Brunell Educator of the Year 2002.The award goes annually to an individual who, as ateacher or administrator, has had a positive impacton the engineering profession.

Dr. Henry Du received a contract for the developmentof sol-gel coatings for engine ceramics fromHoneywell. Du was also appointed Associate Editorfor the Journal of the American Ceramic Society inthe area of functional ceramics and glass/opticalmaterials.

The Director of the Department of SystemsEngineering and Engineering Management, Dr. John

Farr, is serving on the Army Science Board and aspresident of the American Society of EngineeringManagement.

Dr. Donald Merino was elected a Fellow of theAmerican Society of Engineering Education. Merinois the first Fellow selected from Stevens.

Dr. John Mihalasky received the American Society ofEngineering Management’s most prestigious award.Named for founding member Bernard Sarchet, it is inrecognition of lifetime service to the organization.

Dr. Zhenqi Zhu received a grant from The NationalCollegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance, to supportthe efforts of a team of students led by JosephGrogan, a Mechanical Engineering undergraduate, onthe development of a ‘Remotely Operated StitchingDevice for Secure Treatment of Abdominal AorticAneurysms.’ Also, ABB Flexible Automation fundedZhu for his research on ‘Flexible Tactile Sensing forRobotics Application.’


Dr. Xiaoguang Meng, withTimothy Brutus, research assistant, conductedpilot filtration tests at a Department of Defense site in California. Severalwater supply wells at the site contain naturally elevated fluoride andarsenic, four times higher than the California standard. The researchersinstalled two pilot FerriMet™ filtration systems at two wells consisting of asand filter and two chemical feed pumps for injection of coagulants.Groundwater and coagulants were pumped concurrently into the filter forthe removal of the contaminants. This experiment demonstrated that bothfluoride and arsenic were effectively reduced to below the drinking waterstandard, resulting in substantial savings in operating and material costsand a dramatic reduction in waste water.

A new detection device developed by Dr. Dimitri Donskoy named"PestFinder," was launched by a select number of pest control operators. Apilot program tested PestFinder in residential and commercial local mar-kets. Intelligent Sensing Technologies, a company Donskoy founded in col-laboration with Stevens, rolled out the latest prototype of the new device.

Dr. Matthew Libera received word that a $5 million grant proposal to estab-lish an inter-institutional National Center for Polymeric BiomaterialsDevelopment will be funded over five years. Led by Rutgers, Libera and theStevens Electron-Optics Facility bring core expertise to this Center in thecharacterization of polymeric morphology.

Dr. Rajarathnam Chandramouli is the principal investigator for a US AirForce Research Laboratory-funded project exploring technology to identifyand isolate digital "hidden communications," involving a new field knownas "steganography." The collective techniques for detecting and recoveringmessages from covert communications using steganography are called"steganalysis." New York Polytechnic University will collaborate with Dr.Chandramouli.

Drs. Sven Esche and Constantin Chassapis received a grant from theNational Science Foundation (NSF) for the development of "A Frameworkfor Adapting Decision-Based Scientific Principles in Engineering Design."This project will incorporate concepts of probability theory into the designprocess in order to account for conditions of uncertainty and risk. The NSFwill also fund Dr. Esche’s project on "Multi-scale Microstructure Prediction inThermo-mechanical Processing". This approach is based on models at multi-ple length scales. It will lead to powerful simulation tools, which are superi-or to the empirical modeling techniques that are prevalent in current indus-trial practice.

Faculty News

8 9

Page 12: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003

Upcoming Event- Senior Design Day April 30, 2003 • Noon to 2pmWesley J. Howe Center, 4th Floor Bissinger Room

Senior Design Day gives senior undergraduate engineeringstudents an opportunity to showcase their design projects tothe Stevens community, sponsors and the general public.

The Schaefer School of Engineering is inthe process of establishing a new facili-ty, the Product Innovation and

Realization Center (PIRC). It is an impor-tant component in the implementationof Technogenesis®, especially at theundergraduate level.

PIRC will provide the resources for stu-dents to develop various projects fromthe conceptual through prototype phas-es, in a manner that emulates bestindustrial practices. It provides theopportunity to examine the manufac-turability, life-cycle and economicaspects of student designs as part of theIntegrated Product and Process methodology.

Student development teams are able todesign, model, prototype and test theirideas for new and/or improved devices.It will especially provide senior levelundergraduates with the resources todesign and build their "Senior Design"projects. This activity, a two-semester-long capstone level course, demon-strates the students’ ability to apply allof the technical knowledge they havegained as undergraduates, using soundengineering judgment and processes todevelop a significant product. Frequentlysenior design projects are sponsoredand conducted with partners in industryto address a particular area of designrelevant to their product line. The facilityalso supports graduate students, as wellas faculty conducting specific researchand technology development activities.

The Product Innovation and RealizationCenter adds to and complements severalother new design laboratories that havebeen created over the past few years insupport of the engineering curriculum.PIRC is housed in the first floor of theCarnegie Building, collocated with theDesign and Manufacturing Institute’s(DMI) Learning Factory facilities.

As a Stevens alumnus and professor, I will manage the new center with helpfrom Engineering Services, the School ofEngineering’s technical support group.They are responsible for ensuring day-to-day operations of the facility andsupervise students using equipment.

They additionally provide training, main-tenance and repair functions. The centeris also complemented by the InstituteMachine Shop located in the BurchardBuilding for custom metal machiningand assembling.

The center offers various computer-aided design (CAD) tools together withrapid prototyping equipment that quicklyconverts mechanical designs to physicalembodiments. Software tools such asSolidworks allow for 3-D representationof mechanical designs and the ability tographically examine part and subassem-bly inter-relationships, to ensure fit and

function. The 3-D designscan be con-verted to stan-dard dimen-sional engi-neering projec-tions that canbe used formachining, orto develop

bills of material and parts lists.

Designs can also be exported from theCAD environment directly into to a fileformat that can be read by a computernumerically controlled (CNC) machinetool or to a 3-D printer for rapid proto-typing to further assess fit and function.Other CAD tools include ProEngineerwith software modules to perform ther-mal, structural, chemical, and electricalanalysis. Instrumentation software suchas Lab View and analysis software suchas MatLab also facilitate student’sefforts.

Electronic design is supported with vari-ous software tools such as Protel to con-duct circuit design and simulation, andhardware tools such as a multilayerprinted circuit board prototyping facility,equipment for state-of-the art chip

attachment, andvarious analogand digitalbench electron-ic instrumenta-tion for designand test activities.

The facility provides aplace for students to come and put intopractice all of the engineering designknowledge they have assimilated overtheir years at Stevens.

The center was conceived and proposedto the New Jersey Commission onHigher Education as part of the Stevens’Technogenesis initiative. As a result, ini-tial funding to purchase equipment wassecured, and much of the equipment hasbeen procured.

We are continuously looking foralliances with alumni and industry tohelp the facility reach its full potential.


Edward Blicharz is Distinguished ServiceAssociate Professor of Electrical andComputer Engineering

The Product Innovation andRealization Center By Edward Blicharz

By Aaron Cahill

Each spring prior to commencement, the culminating eventfor SoE seniors is Senior Design Day. As a major part oftheir degree fulfillment, teams of engineering studentsdemonstrate projects they have jointly realized over thecourse of the year.

Many teams acquire industry and alumni sponsorship toassist with development. Numerous projects feature lead-ing-edge, interactive technologies; in some cases, the stu-dents enter their projects in national and international com-petition.

One example from the Class of 2002 was the FormulaSociety of Automotive Engineers (FSAE) team. The primarydesign goal of the FSAE team was to build a racecar to bemarketed to the weekend racer. With $5,000 in backingfrom a generous alumnus and other sources of fundingand materials, the group built a streamlined racing carusing computer-aided design techniques. The FSAE teamrepresented Stevens at the May 2002 Society ofAutomotive Engineers FSAE Competition in Pontiac, Mich.,a prestigious event within the industry, and turned in animpressive showing. The team’s faculty advisor wasProfessor Jan Nazalewicz.

A multidisciplinary project carrying over to this academicyear is the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV).

Stevens has for several years participated in theInternational Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition,which is co-sponsored by the US Office of Naval Research.The Stevens AUV team comprises seniors from the areasof Mechanical, Electrical, Computer Engineering andComputer Science. The vehicle system is "decomposed"into subsystems that are assigned to the groups within theteam. The intelligent submarine vehicle that is producedand entered in competition is required to perform specifiedtasks involving obstacle avoidance, path planning andobject recognition, bringing into play all that the studentshave learned in their time at Stevens. The Stevens projecthas received generous industry backing over several yearsfrom Hamilton-Sundstrand Corporation of Windsor Locks,Conn. The team’s faculty advisor is Professor Ed Blicharz.

Another Class of 2003 project focuses on the miniaturiza-tion of the portable MP3 player. Many of the current play-ers on the market are large and bulky; the present smallerversion of the MP3 player is very expensive. The goal ofthis senior design project is to build a MP3 player with ahigh level of miniaturization: as small as a package of den-tal floss, yet with all the features of current MP3 players. Inaddition to this, improvements to power consumption toincrease battery life and audio transmission over wirelessheadphones will add to the existing features of the MP3player. Professor Bruce McNair of the Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering advises the MP3Player team._________________________ _______________________Aaron Cahill is a writer living in Chatham, NJ



SoE senior design

PIRC will provide the resources for students to develop various projects from the conceptual through prototypephases, in a manner that emulates best industrial practices.


Page 13: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003

Upcoming Event- Senior Design Day April 30, 2003 • Noon to 2pmWesley J. Howe Center, 4th Floor Bissinger Room

Senior Design Day gives senior undergraduate engineeringstudents an opportunity to showcase their design projects tothe Stevens community, sponsors and the general public.

The Schaefer School of Engineering is inthe process of establishing a new facili-ty, the Product Innovation and

Realization Center (PIRC). It is an impor-tant component in the implementationof Technogenesis®, especially at theundergraduate level.

PIRC will provide the resources for stu-dents to develop various projects fromthe conceptual through prototype phas-es, in a manner that emulates bestindustrial practices. It provides theopportunity to examine the manufac-turability, life-cycle and economicaspects of student designs as part of theIntegrated Product and Process methodology.

Student development teams are able todesign, model, prototype and test theirideas for new and/or improved devices.It will especially provide senior levelundergraduates with the resources todesign and build their "Senior Design"projects. This activity, a two-semester-long capstone level course, demon-strates the students’ ability to apply allof the technical knowledge they havegained as undergraduates, using soundengineering judgment and processes todevelop a significant product. Frequentlysenior design projects are sponsoredand conducted with partners in industryto address a particular area of designrelevant to their product line. The facilityalso supports graduate students, as wellas faculty conducting specific researchand technology development activities.

The Product Innovation and RealizationCenter adds to and complements severalother new design laboratories that havebeen created over the past few years insupport of the engineering curriculum.PIRC is housed in the first floor of theCarnegie Building, collocated with theDesign and Manufacturing Institute’s(DMI) Learning Factory facilities.

As a Stevens alumnus and professor, I will manage the new center with helpfrom Engineering Services, the School ofEngineering’s technical support group.They are responsible for ensuring day-to-day operations of the facility andsupervise students using equipment.

They additionally provide training, main-tenance and repair functions. The centeris also complemented by the InstituteMachine Shop located in the BurchardBuilding for custom metal machiningand assembling.

The center offers various computer-aided design (CAD) tools together withrapid prototyping equipment that quicklyconverts mechanical designs to physicalembodiments. Software tools such asSolidworks allow for 3-D representationof mechanical designs and the ability tographically examine part and subassem-bly inter-relationships, to ensure fit and

function. The 3-D designscan be con-verted to stan-dard dimen-sional engi-neering projec-tions that canbe used formachining, orto develop

bills of material and parts lists.

Designs can also be exported from theCAD environment directly into to a fileformat that can be read by a computernumerically controlled (CNC) machinetool or to a 3-D printer for rapid proto-typing to further assess fit and function.Other CAD tools include ProEngineerwith software modules to perform ther-mal, structural, chemical, and electricalanalysis. Instrumentation software suchas Lab View and analysis software suchas MatLab also facilitate student’sefforts.

Electronic design is supported with vari-ous software tools such as Protel to con-duct circuit design and simulation, andhardware tools such as a multilayerprinted circuit board prototyping facility,equipment for state-of-the art chip

attachment, andvarious analogand digitalbench electron-ic instrumenta-tion for designand test activities.

The facility provides aplace for students to come and put intopractice all of the engineering designknowledge they have assimilated overtheir years at Stevens.

The center was conceived and proposedto the New Jersey Commission onHigher Education as part of the Stevens’Technogenesis initiative. As a result, ini-tial funding to purchase equipment wassecured, and much of the equipment hasbeen procured.

We are continuously looking foralliances with alumni and industry tohelp the facility reach its full potential.


Edward Blicharz is Distinguished ServiceAssociate Professor of Electrical andComputer Engineering

The Product Innovation andRealization Center By Edward Blicharz

By Aaron Cahill

Each spring prior to commencement, the culminating eventfor SoE seniors is Senior Design Day. As a major part oftheir degree fulfillment, teams of engineering studentsdemonstrate projects they have jointly realized over thecourse of the year.

Many teams acquire industry and alumni sponsorship toassist with development. Numerous projects feature lead-ing-edge, interactive technologies; in some cases, the stu-dents enter their projects in national and international com-petition.

One example from the Class of 2002 was the FormulaSociety of Automotive Engineers (FSAE) team. The primarydesign goal of the FSAE team was to build a racecar to bemarketed to the weekend racer. With $5,000 in backingfrom a generous alumnus and other sources of fundingand materials, the group built a streamlined racing carusing computer-aided design techniques. The FSAE teamrepresented Stevens at the May 2002 Society ofAutomotive Engineers FSAE Competition in Pontiac, Mich.,a prestigious event within the industry, and turned in animpressive showing. The team’s faculty advisor wasProfessor Jan Nazalewicz.

A multidisciplinary project carrying over to this academicyear is the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV).

Stevens has for several years participated in theInternational Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition,which is co-sponsored by the US Office of Naval Research.The Stevens AUV team comprises seniors from the areasof Mechanical, Electrical, Computer Engineering andComputer Science. The vehicle system is "decomposed"into subsystems that are assigned to the groups within theteam. The intelligent submarine vehicle that is producedand entered in competition is required to perform specifiedtasks involving obstacle avoidance, path planning andobject recognition, bringing into play all that the studentshave learned in their time at Stevens. The Stevens projecthas received generous industry backing over several yearsfrom Hamilton-Sundstrand Corporation of Windsor Locks,Conn. The team’s faculty advisor is Professor Ed Blicharz.

Another Class of 2003 project focuses on the miniaturiza-tion of the portable MP3 player. Many of the current play-ers on the market are large and bulky; the present smallerversion of the MP3 player is very expensive. The goal ofthis senior design project is to build a MP3 player with ahigh level of miniaturization: as small as a package of den-tal floss, yet with all the features of current MP3 players. Inaddition to this, improvements to power consumption toincrease battery life and audio transmission over wirelessheadphones will add to the existing features of the MP3player. Professor Bruce McNair of the Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering advises the MP3Player team._________________________ _______________________Aaron Cahill is a writer living in Chatham, NJ



SoE senior design

PIRC will provide the resources for students to develop various projects from the conceptual through prototypephases, in a manner that emulates best industrial practices.


Page 14: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003


The Design Spine also provides the vehicleto develop key competencies in problemsolving, effective communication, projectmanagement, ethics, economics of engi-neering, teaming, and industrial ecology inan evolutionary manner throughout thesequence.

It has been estimated that approximately70 percent of the life cycle costs of productrealization, i.e., the conception, develop-ment and bringing to market of a productare determined during the design phase.There has been a growing recognition thatengineering curricula in the U.S. have notbeen providing sufficient and appropriateemphasis on design to meet the needs ofcompetitive business practice in an inten-sive global marketplace.

In 1991 Stevens Institute took a significantstep towards addressing the improvementof competencies associated with design bythe introduction of a Design Thread thatincluded three new core design laborato-ries. These courses were added in the sec-ond semesters of freshman, sophomoreand junior years respectively, to comple-ment the traditional one-year capstonesenior design project. The design threadalso included an existing EngineeringGraphics course in the first semester of thesophomore year. A two-course sequence(increased from one) in engineering man-agement was also considered part of thedesign thread through its contribution tothe economics of design.

Faculty who were either practicing orrecently retired engineers taught the threecore design courses. This mode hasproved very effective and students appreci-ate the experience the instructors bring tothe class; it helps link the design classes tothe "real world".

The Design Thread was a relatively earlyresponse to what has become a nationaltrend to strengthen design education asevidenced, for example, by the extensivedesign-related curricula development andimplementation activities of the variousEngineering Education Coalitions spon-sored by the National Science Foundation.

In 1998, the Stevens faculty started imple-mentation of a revised engineering curricu-lum to build upon the experience with theDesign Thread, to strengthen the coresequence and to provide better alignmentwith ABET Criteria 2000.

The curriculum revision followed severalyears of development that involved defini-tion of educational goals and objectives,competencies based on the goals and thearticulation of these into the curriculum.This process involved a number of facultycommittees and also sought contributionsfrom outside experts and alumni fromindustry, academe and governmentthrough individual discussions and roundtables.

As a result, a cornerstone of the revisedcurriculum is a further strengtheneddesign sequence forming a Design Spinerunning through all eight semesters.Associated with the development of theDesign Spine is a greater integration ofdesign with the science and engineeringscience courses, in many cases with cours-es taken concurrently.

The Spine consists of five core designcourses (Semesters 1 through 5). The firstfour design courses are structured suchthat students are exposed in some wayduring their first two years to designissues associated with each of the mainengineering disciplines.

There are three disciplinary design courses(Semesters 6-8) that are integrated withthe technical elective courses for the stu-dent's concentration. In significant partdue to the generosity of several Stevensalumni, all of the core Design Spine labo-ratories benefit from new or renovatedfacilities. The Design Spine enablesStevens to continue to be at the leadingedge of providing the type of engineeringeducation needed for successful careers ina rapidly changing world.___________________________________________Dr. Keith Sheppard is Associate Dean of the School of Engineering

The Design Spine: Revising the engineering curriculum to include a designexperience each semester

By Keith Sheppard

The Stevens family were pioneer engineers, inventors and entrepreneurs whoseachievements molded American society and mechanical engineering. ColonelJohn Stevens III had a passion for innovation and lobbied Congress to protecthis inventions. In 1791 with the advent of the first US patent laws, he obtainedpatents for his steamboat propulsion ideas. His son, Robert, invented the T-Railwhich was adopted world wide and today remains the basic universal form oftrack rail, his son Edwin, developed the "closed fireroom" system of forced draftthat greatly increases an engine's efficiency and his grandson Edwin Jr.,designed the "Bergen" a double-ended reversible propeller-driven ferryboat.

In order to maintain this tradition of entrepreneurship and invention, StevensInstitute of Technology was founded in 1870 by a bequest in the will of Edwin A.Stevens, son of Colonel John Stevens III. The original trustees determined thatStevens should have a single, rigorous engineering curriculum leading to a bac-calaureate degree they designated "Mechanical Engineer." The undergraduateprogram encompassed most of the then existing and emerging engineering dis-ciplines and was firmly grounded in scientific principles.

Today, the Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum at Stevens has evolved fromthat of "Mechanical Engineer" to embrace concentrations in a number of engi-neering disciplines while maintaining the tradition of an extensive core, includ-ing strong liberal arts and management components. The Technogenesis envi-ronment that is being promulgated reflects the tradition of Stevens and itsfounders, who embraced both invention and entrepreneurship – a tradition thatis continuously ratified by the success of our alumni.



Dean George P. Korfiatis willestablish a permanent exhibit tohighlight the engineering and sci-entific accomplishments ofStevens alumni and facultystretching back the Institute’sfounding in 1870. "Heritage Hall"

will be located appropriately inthe founder’s building, Edwin A.Stevens Hall, on the fourth floor,being renovated for a new officearea for the dean and faculty.Dean Korfiatis has asked TrusteeKenneth W. DeBaun ’49 to chair

the committee that will acceptand review nominations forinduction to the Hall. Alumni,friends and family are encouragedto send formal nominations ofalumni, detailing their profession-al accomplishments, years ofgraduation and the impact of theirachievements on society. Friendsand family will be consultedregarding the presentation of theexhibit.

Please mail nominations to:Kenneth W. DeBaun, c/o Dean’sOffice, Schaefer School ofEngineering, Stevens Institute ofTechnology, Castle Point onHudson, Hoboken, NJ 07030.

Heritage Hallto be established at SoE

The Stevens engineering curriculum was revised recently, extending the design experience toevery semester – creating, in effect, a Design Spine. This metaphor reflects another majorchange, intended to enhance learning through a much greater level of integration betweencourses in engineering science and design. Open-ended projects, together with experiments inthe design courses, are chosen to provide a context for, and reinforcement of, the engineeringscience taught concurrently.


Page 15: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003


The Design Spine also provides the vehicleto develop key competencies in problemsolving, effective communication, projectmanagement, ethics, economics of engi-neering, teaming, and industrial ecology inan evolutionary manner throughout thesequence.

It has been estimated that approximately70 percent of the life cycle costs of productrealization, i.e., the conception, develop-ment and bringing to market of a productare determined during the design phase.There has been a growing recognition thatengineering curricula in the U.S. have notbeen providing sufficient and appropriateemphasis on design to meet the needs ofcompetitive business practice in an inten-sive global marketplace.

In 1991 Stevens Institute took a significantstep towards addressing the improvementof competencies associated with design bythe introduction of a Design Thread thatincluded three new core design laborato-ries. These courses were added in the sec-ond semesters of freshman, sophomoreand junior years respectively, to comple-ment the traditional one-year capstonesenior design project. The design threadalso included an existing EngineeringGraphics course in the first semester of thesophomore year. A two-course sequence(increased from one) in engineering man-agement was also considered part of thedesign thread through its contribution tothe economics of design.

Faculty who were either practicing orrecently retired engineers taught the threecore design courses. This mode hasproved very effective and students appreci-ate the experience the instructors bring tothe class; it helps link the design classes tothe "real world".

The Design Thread was a relatively earlyresponse to what has become a nationaltrend to strengthen design education asevidenced, for example, by the extensivedesign-related curricula development andimplementation activities of the variousEngineering Education Coalitions spon-sored by the National Science Foundation.

In 1998, the Stevens faculty started imple-mentation of a revised engineering curricu-lum to build upon the experience with theDesign Thread, to strengthen the coresequence and to provide better alignmentwith ABET Criteria 2000.

The curriculum revision followed severalyears of development that involved defini-tion of educational goals and objectives,competencies based on the goals and thearticulation of these into the curriculum.This process involved a number of facultycommittees and also sought contributionsfrom outside experts and alumni fromindustry, academe and governmentthrough individual discussions and roundtables.

As a result, a cornerstone of the revisedcurriculum is a further strengtheneddesign sequence forming a Design Spinerunning through all eight semesters.Associated with the development of theDesign Spine is a greater integration ofdesign with the science and engineeringscience courses, in many cases with cours-es taken concurrently.

The Spine consists of five core designcourses (Semesters 1 through 5). The firstfour design courses are structured suchthat students are exposed in some wayduring their first two years to designissues associated with each of the mainengineering disciplines.

There are three disciplinary design courses(Semesters 6-8) that are integrated withthe technical elective courses for the stu-dent's concentration. In significant partdue to the generosity of several Stevensalumni, all of the core Design Spine labo-ratories benefit from new or renovatedfacilities. The Design Spine enablesStevens to continue to be at the leadingedge of providing the type of engineeringeducation needed for successful careers ina rapidly changing world.___________________________________________Dr. Keith Sheppard is Associate Dean of the School of Engineering

The Design Spine: Revising the engineering curriculum to include a designexperience each semester

By Keith Sheppard

The Stevens family were pioneer engineers, inventors and entrepreneurs whoseachievements molded American society and mechanical engineering. ColonelJohn Stevens III had a passion for innovation and lobbied Congress to protecthis inventions. In 1791 with the advent of the first US patent laws, he obtainedpatents for his steamboat propulsion ideas. His son, Robert, invented the T-Railwhich was adopted world wide and today remains the basic universal form oftrack rail, his son Edwin, developed the "closed fireroom" system of forced draftthat greatly increases an engine's efficiency and his grandson Edwin Jr.,designed the "Bergen" a double-ended reversible propeller-driven ferryboat.

In order to maintain this tradition of entrepreneurship and invention, StevensInstitute of Technology was founded in 1870 by a bequest in the will of Edwin A.Stevens, son of Colonel John Stevens III. The original trustees determined thatStevens should have a single, rigorous engineering curriculum leading to a bac-calaureate degree they designated "Mechanical Engineer." The undergraduateprogram encompassed most of the then existing and emerging engineering dis-ciplines and was firmly grounded in scientific principles.

Today, the Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum at Stevens has evolved fromthat of "Mechanical Engineer" to embrace concentrations in a number of engi-neering disciplines while maintaining the tradition of an extensive core, includ-ing strong liberal arts and management components. The Technogenesis envi-ronment that is being promulgated reflects the tradition of Stevens and itsfounders, who embraced both invention and entrepreneurship – a tradition thatis continuously ratified by the success of our alumni.



Dean George P. Korfiatis willestablish a permanent exhibit tohighlight the engineering and sci-entific accomplishments ofStevens alumni and facultystretching back the Institute’sfounding in 1870. "Heritage Hall"

will be located appropriately inthe founder’s building, Edwin A.Stevens Hall, on the fourth floor,being renovated for a new officearea for the dean and faculty.Dean Korfiatis has asked TrusteeKenneth W. DeBaun ’49 to chair

the committee that will acceptand review nominations forinduction to the Hall. Alumni,friends and family are encouragedto send formal nominations ofalumni, detailing their profession-al accomplishments, years ofgraduation and the impact of theirachievements on society. Friendsand family will be consultedregarding the presentation of theexhibit.

Please mail nominations to:Kenneth W. DeBaun, c/o Dean’sOffice, Schaefer School ofEngineering, Stevens Institute ofTechnology, Castle Point onHudson, Hoboken, NJ 07030.

Heritage Hallto be established at SoE

The Stevens engineering curriculum was revised recently, extending the design experience toevery semester – creating, in effect, a Design Spine. This metaphor reflects another majorchange, intended to enhance learning through a much greater level of integration betweencourses in engineering science and design. Open-ended projects, together with experiments inthe design courses, are chosen to provide a context for, and reinforcement of, the engineeringscience taught concurrently.


Page 16: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003

The Department of Systems

Engineering and Engineering

Management (SEEM), is havinggreat success in building relation-ships with corporate and govern-ment partners. In the areas ofresearch and education, majorcommitments by companies suchas Lockheed Martin and IBM areleading to mutually beneficialresults for both Stevens and itspartner organizations.

The most notable educational ini-tiative within SEEM is the Systems

Design and Operational

Effectiveness (SDOE) program.Directed by the Associate Dean forOutreach, Dr. Dinesh Verma, SDOEis a graduate-level program forcareer professionals.

SDOE has forged an ongoingagreement with IBM World Serviceto provide its employees with allsystems engineering instructionoffered through IBM, cementingan invaluable corporate/universityalliance.

"The vast majority of our studentsare sponsored by their hostingorganizations," says Verma. "Someof our very good students arefunded by companies such as IBM,Nokia, Lucent and AT&T, as well asby the US Army, Navy and AirForce. These students experienceour curriculum and conductresearch while being employees orserving their country."

Similarly, SEEM has formed a part-nership for both education andresearch with Lockheed MartinNaval Electronics and SurveillanceSystems (NE&SS)-UnderseaSystems. With the donation of acomputer server and CollaborativeEngineering Environment andHIGHtide™ software licenses val-ued at $350,000, NE&SS helped tocreate a sophisticated learning andresearch matrix at the StevensSystems Integration Laboratory.Dr. Verma directs the lab.

"My charter as associate dean for outreach includes the development of partnerships with government agencies andindustry market leaders, not only in the US but also globally,"says Verma.

He personally oversees interna-tional SDOE programs in places asdiverse as India and theScandinavian countries. SDOE hasalso achieved a highly constructiverelationship with the DefenseAcquisition University, providingto Defense Department personnel

a four-course graduate certificateprogram in Systems andSupportability Engineering.

"These partnerships allow us toidentify research opportunities thatwe wouldn’t otherwise encounter,"says Verma. "We consequently areable to have an up-to-date curricu-lum, relevant to the needs ofindustry and government today."

__________________________________Yumiko Takahashi is a freelancewriter living in Newark, NJ

Systems Design andOperational Effectiveness

By Yumiko Takahashi


Laboratories are impera-tive and integral elements

of modern undergraduateengineering and science

curricula. They significantlyenhance the learning experi-ence of the students. The inte-gration of a comprehensivelaboratory experience through-out the entire curriculum placessignificant strains on the spaceand financial resources of theinstitute.

To alleviate these restrictions, Drs.Sven Esche, Constantin Chassapisand Professor Jan Nazalewicz of

the Department of MechanicalEngineering are developing technolo-gies for remotely accessible laborato-ries with various levels of sophistica-tion and complexity. With initial fund-ing from the Instrumentation andLaboratory Improvement program atthe National Science Foundation(NSF), a remote laboratory ondynamical systems was implementedand successfully piloted in a sopho-more-level course.

Furthermore, an open laboratoryapproach was devised and success-fully tested in the classroom. Thisapproach allows for both the direct

contact with the computer-controlledlaboratory setup of interest with thestudents present in the laboratoryfacility as well as the remote interac-tion by the students and teachersfrom other locations such as the dor-mitory or lecture hall.

With a recent grant from the Alfred P.Sloan Foundation, the MechanicalEngineering Department is currentlyorganizing a multi-institutional initia-tive, in which strategies for integrat-ing remote experimentation into theundergraduate curriculum in a peda-gogically sound fashion are analyzed.

Before graduating from Stevens in2001 with a bachelor’s degree inComputer Engineering, DennisHromin had been working on remotelaboratory hardware and software forseveral years with the ME facultyunder a grant from the ResearchExperiences for Undergraduates program at NSF. He later formed JDSTechnologies, Inc., which in 2001received a Small Business InnovationResearch grant from NSF to developand later commercialize a universaltechnology platform for remoteexperimentation. This technology willenable large numbers of studentswith diverse needs to utilize a widerange of educational experimentalresources concurrently and interactively.

It will allow for cost-efficient imple-mentation of laboratory courses forstudents residing on campus, andexpand the reach of unique programswith laboratory components beyondthe local campus.

Initially, undergraduate students willbenefit from this technology. It isexpected that this approach will bespread into the K-12 education, cor-porate training and scientific experi-mentation areas, as well as intoindustrial and consumer applications._______________________________________

Dr. Sven Esche is an AssistantProfessor of Mechanical Engineering



"These partnerships allow us to identify researchopportunities that we wouldn’t otherwiseencounter," says Verma. "We consequently are ableto have an up-to-date curriculum, relevant to theneeds of industry and government today."

Remote Labsin the Department ofMechanical Engineering

By Sven K. Esche


Back Row

from left to right:

Sven Esche,

Costas Chassapis;

Front Row:

Jan Nazalewicz,

Dennis Hromin

Page 17: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003

The Department of Systems

Engineering and Engineering

Management (SEEM), is havinggreat success in building relation-ships with corporate and govern-ment partners. In the areas ofresearch and education, majorcommitments by companies suchas Lockheed Martin and IBM areleading to mutually beneficialresults for both Stevens and itspartner organizations.

The most notable educational ini-tiative within SEEM is the Systems

Design and Operational

Effectiveness (SDOE) program.Directed by the Associate Dean forOutreach, Dr. Dinesh Verma, SDOEis a graduate-level program forcareer professionals.

SDOE has forged an ongoingagreement with IBM World Serviceto provide its employees with allsystems engineering instructionoffered through IBM, cementingan invaluable corporate/universityalliance.

"The vast majority of our studentsare sponsored by their hostingorganizations," says Verma. "Someof our very good students arefunded by companies such as IBM,Nokia, Lucent and AT&T, as well asby the US Army, Navy and AirForce. These students experienceour curriculum and conductresearch while being employees orserving their country."

Similarly, SEEM has formed a part-nership for both education andresearch with Lockheed MartinNaval Electronics and SurveillanceSystems (NE&SS)-UnderseaSystems. With the donation of acomputer server and CollaborativeEngineering Environment andHIGHtide™ software licenses val-ued at $350,000, NE&SS helped tocreate a sophisticated learning andresearch matrix at the StevensSystems Integration Laboratory.Dr. Verma directs the lab.

"My charter as associate dean for outreach includes the development of partnerships with government agencies andindustry market leaders, not only in the US but also globally,"says Verma.

He personally oversees interna-tional SDOE programs in places asdiverse as India and theScandinavian countries. SDOE hasalso achieved a highly constructiverelationship with the DefenseAcquisition University, providingto Defense Department personnel

a four-course graduate certificateprogram in Systems andSupportability Engineering.

"These partnerships allow us toidentify research opportunities thatwe wouldn’t otherwise encounter,"says Verma. "We consequently areable to have an up-to-date curricu-lum, relevant to the needs ofindustry and government today."

__________________________________Yumiko Takahashi is a freelancewriter living in Newark, NJ

Systems Design andOperational Effectiveness

By Yumiko Takahashi


Laboratories are impera-tive and integral elements

of modern undergraduateengineering and science

curricula. They significantlyenhance the learning experi-ence of the students. The inte-gration of a comprehensivelaboratory experience through-out the entire curriculum placessignificant strains on the spaceand financial resources of theinstitute.

To alleviate these restrictions, Drs.Sven Esche, Constantin Chassapisand Professor Jan Nazalewicz of

the Department of MechanicalEngineering are developing technolo-gies for remotely accessible laborato-ries with various levels of sophistica-tion and complexity. With initial fund-ing from the Instrumentation andLaboratory Improvement program atthe National Science Foundation(NSF), a remote laboratory ondynamical systems was implementedand successfully piloted in a sopho-more-level course.

Furthermore, an open laboratoryapproach was devised and success-fully tested in the classroom. Thisapproach allows for both the direct

contact with the computer-controlledlaboratory setup of interest with thestudents present in the laboratoryfacility as well as the remote interac-tion by the students and teachersfrom other locations such as the dor-mitory or lecture hall.

With a recent grant from the Alfred P.Sloan Foundation, the MechanicalEngineering Department is currentlyorganizing a multi-institutional initia-tive, in which strategies for integrat-ing remote experimentation into theundergraduate curriculum in a peda-gogically sound fashion are analyzed.

Before graduating from Stevens in2001 with a bachelor’s degree inComputer Engineering, DennisHromin had been working on remotelaboratory hardware and software forseveral years with the ME facultyunder a grant from the ResearchExperiences for Undergraduates program at NSF. He later formed JDSTechnologies, Inc., which in 2001received a Small Business InnovationResearch grant from NSF to developand later commercialize a universaltechnology platform for remoteexperimentation. This technology willenable large numbers of studentswith diverse needs to utilize a widerange of educational experimentalresources concurrently and interactively.

It will allow for cost-efficient imple-mentation of laboratory courses forstudents residing on campus, andexpand the reach of unique programswith laboratory components beyondthe local campus.

Initially, undergraduate students willbenefit from this technology. It isexpected that this approach will bespread into the K-12 education, cor-porate training and scientific experi-mentation areas, as well as intoindustrial and consumer applications._______________________________________

Dr. Sven Esche is an AssistantProfessor of Mechanical Engineering



"These partnerships allow us to identify researchopportunities that we wouldn’t otherwiseencounter," says Verma. "We consequently are ableto have an up-to-date curriculum, relevant to theneeds of industry and government today."

Remote Labsin the Department ofMechanical Engineering

By Sven K. Esche


Back Row

from left to right:

Sven Esche,

Costas Chassapis;

Front Row:

Jan Nazalewicz,

Dennis Hromin

Page 18: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003

Dear Colleagues,

The inaugural Conference on Systems Integration (CSI) was hosted

on the Stevens Campus between March 12 and 14, 2003. More

than 200 delegates, including 30 from Europe, participated.

Stevens Institute of Technology and the University of Southern

California jointly hosted this conference which was sponsored by

The Boeing Company, ASSETT, Inc., The SDOE Program at Stevens,

The Systems Integration Laboratory at Stevens, and Syntell, AB

(Sweden) with active support from The International Council on

Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and the Systems Engineering

Division of the National Defense Industries Association (NDIA).

The presentations and discussions during these three days empha-

sized ongoing research in the definition, design, integration,

deployment, operations, and support of information intensive and

highly networked systems in the Aerospace and Defense, IT, and

Telecommunications market domains. The conference was

anchored by three keynote presentations: Dr. Eberhardt Rechtin,

University of Southern California; Dr. Alex Levis, Chief Scientist

of the US Air Force, and Dr.Tony Tether, Director of DARPA. The

three featured talks were given by: Dr. Harold Lawson, Lawson

Konsult, AB (Sweden); Dr. Andrew Sage, George Mason University;

and Dr. Wolter Fabrycky, Academic Applications, International.

Selected presentations during this conference will be reviewed for

potential inclusion in a Special Issue of Systems Engineering,

Journal of INCOSE.

The conference leadership team constituted Dr. Dennis Buede,

Stevens (Chair), Dr. Dinesh Verma, Stevens (Technical Program Co-

Chair), Dr. Elliot Axelband, USC (Technical Program, Co-Chair),

Dr. Edward Stohr, Stevens (Technical Program Co-Chair), and

Dr. John Farr, Stevens (Organizing Committee Chair).

Elaine Chichizola, Cara Elson, and Sharen Glennon (all from

Stevens) provided the coordination and logistics support to ensure

that the conference was executed smoothly. This conference will

move to the USC campus in California in 2004, before returning to

the Stevens campus in 2005.


Dr. Dinesh VermaAssociate Dean for the School of EngineeringDirector SDOE

While the AccreditationBoard for Engineering

and Technology (ABET)has long mandated the

inclusion of ethics in theengineering curriculum,

implementation details areleft up to individual pro-gram directors. Clearly,

ABET's underlying intent isto ensure that engineers bearin mind, while developingproducts and services, thattheir uncompromising goalmust be the service ofhumankind. Whether buildingbridges, synthesizing electroniccircuits, or designing securecomputer networks, the funda-mental goals must include serv-ing society and seeking thegreatest good.

During 12 years of classroom dis-cussions, I have encountered thefollowing concerns from under-graduates: First, while ethicaldilemmas confront engineers withhigh frequency, there is no hand-book from which engineers canseek guidance towards ethical deci-sion-making; second, there are nosystematic guidelines as to whomto approach for ethical counsel andadvice in the engineering work-place.

I propose the practice of humble-ness as a vehicle for training stu-dents in engineering ethics. Since1999 an experiment has been underway, spanning Arizona StateUniversity and Stevens Institute,focused on the practice of humble-ness and its impact on a specificattribute of ethical decision-makingin engineering design teams. Teamsof students are instructed to extendmeasured trust to their peers, sub-ject to verification, and listen totheir ideas with genuine respectand constructive criticism.Preliminary data indicate that thegroups' decisions are highly con-structive, synergistic, and posi-tive, leading to successful proj-ects that are beneficial to society.

Conceptually, the proposal istwo-fold. First, there must be afocus on the antithesis of hum-

bleness, namely arrogance. One mayargue that whenever an engineering dis-aster is traced to unethical decision-mak-ing, arrogance invariably is the root cause.For example, after the catastrophic failureof the Tacoma Narrows Bridge inWashington State, investigation revealedthat several veteran architects had warnedthat an excessively narrow roadwaywould lower the stiffness below the criti-cal limit, leading to instability. An over-confident team, considering themselvessuperior bridge designers, ignored thosewarnings. Second, humbleness is definedas a lack of pretension, a freedom from

conceit and vanity, enabling one to placea moderate estimate on one's own abili-ties or worth. It is a mechanism to containexcessive greed and selfishness, prepar-ing one for ethical decision-making.

Consider the following: Despite inventingwireless radio, Professor J.C. Boserefused to patent it for personal gain andlived the life of a humble scholar, evenwhen Marconi falsely patented it as hisown creation and was subsequentlyawarded the Nobel Prize. Bose went on toinvent semiconductor P-N junctions thatwould lead to the invention of the transis-tor. His ethical decision not to engage inan ugly battle with Marconi led the IEEE in1998 officially to declare Bose as the trueinventor of wireless radio. Bose remainsan inspiring example of a humble scholarwhose inventions changed the world.

In Nazi Germany, Professor WernerHeisenberg led the group of elite Germanscientists ordered to develop the atombomb. Realizing the horrific implicationsof this project, Heisenberg stalled the Naziwar effort by concluding that to develop apractical bomb would require a few tonsof fissionable material – then an unattain-able goal. Heisenberg’s reputation was sogreat that even Otto Hahn, discoverer ofnuclear fission, accepted his conclusion.

After Germany’s surrender, while impris-

oned in England, Heisenberg's team cameto learn that the US Manhattan Projecthad developed the atom bomb. Whenquestioned by Hahn how it was possible,Heisenberg took two days to contemplate,then gave a startling presentation. Heaccurately described how to make thebomb, even specifying closely the amountof necessary material. Clearly,Heisenberg's tacit refusal to develop thebomb, eschewing credit as its inventor, isan irrefutable testimony to his humble-ness. His example will remain a guidingstar in ethical decision-making.

According to the ancient philosophers,true learning releases one from arroganceand a false belief that one has masteredall wisdom. True knowledge is said to nur-ture respect for life, nature, and the intu-itive realization of limitless possibilities,all of which prepare one to execute ethicaldecisions. The field of engineering hasnever been more in need of this enlight-ened approach, in an era when technicaldecisions bear worldwide consequences.


Dr. Sumit Ghosh, the Hattrick Chair

Professor of Information Systems

Engineering, is author of the recent book

"Principles of Secure Network Systems

Design," in which he establishes a compre-

hensive framework for network security


IDEASINFOCUS Ethics in engineering: Ethics in engineering:

The concept of humblenessBy Sumit Ghosh

True knowledge is said to nurture respect for life, nature, and the intuitive realization of limitless possibilities, all ofwhich prepare one to execute ethical decisions. The field of engineering has never been more in need of thisenlightened approach...

Dr.Tony Tether, Director of DARPA Dr. Alex Levis, Chief Scientistof the US Air Force

Page 19: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003

Dear Colleagues,

The inaugural Conference on Systems Integration (CSI) was hosted

on the Stevens Campus between March 12 and 14, 2003. More

than 200 delegates, including 30 from Europe, participated.

Stevens Institute of Technology and the University of Southern

California jointly hosted this conference which was sponsored by

The Boeing Company, ASSETT, Inc., The SDOE Program at Stevens,

The Systems Integration Laboratory at Stevens, and Syntell, AB

(Sweden) with active support from The International Council on

Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and the Systems Engineering

Division of the National Defense Industries Association (NDIA).

The presentations and discussions during these three days empha-

sized ongoing research in the definition, design, integration,

deployment, operations, and support of information intensive and

highly networked systems in the Aerospace and Defense, IT, and

Telecommunications market domains. The conference was

anchored by three keynote presentations: Dr. Eberhardt Rechtin,

University of Southern California; Dr. Alex Levis, Chief Scientist

of the US Air Force, and Dr.Tony Tether, Director of DARPA. The

three featured talks were given by: Dr. Harold Lawson, Lawson

Konsult, AB (Sweden); Dr. Andrew Sage, George Mason University;

and Dr. Wolter Fabrycky, Academic Applications, International.

Selected presentations during this conference will be reviewed for

potential inclusion in a Special Issue of Systems Engineering,

Journal of INCOSE.

The conference leadership team constituted Dr. Dennis Buede,

Stevens (Chair), Dr. Dinesh Verma, Stevens (Technical Program Co-

Chair), Dr. Elliot Axelband, USC (Technical Program, Co-Chair),

Dr. Edward Stohr, Stevens (Technical Program Co-Chair), and

Dr. John Farr, Stevens (Organizing Committee Chair).

Elaine Chichizola, Cara Elson, and Sharen Glennon (all from

Stevens) provided the coordination and logistics support to ensure

that the conference was executed smoothly. This conference will

move to the USC campus in California in 2004, before returning to

the Stevens campus in 2005.


Dr. Dinesh VermaAssociate Dean for the School of EngineeringDirector SDOE

While the AccreditationBoard for Engineering

and Technology (ABET)has long mandated the

inclusion of ethics in theengineering curriculum,

implementation details areleft up to individual pro-gram directors. Clearly,

ABET's underlying intent isto ensure that engineers bearin mind, while developingproducts and services, thattheir uncompromising goalmust be the service ofhumankind. Whether buildingbridges, synthesizing electroniccircuits, or designing securecomputer networks, the funda-mental goals must include serv-ing society and seeking thegreatest good.

During 12 years of classroom dis-cussions, I have encountered thefollowing concerns from under-graduates: First, while ethicaldilemmas confront engineers withhigh frequency, there is no hand-book from which engineers canseek guidance towards ethical deci-sion-making; second, there are nosystematic guidelines as to whomto approach for ethical counsel andadvice in the engineering work-place.

I propose the practice of humble-ness as a vehicle for training stu-dents in engineering ethics. Since1999 an experiment has been underway, spanning Arizona StateUniversity and Stevens Institute,focused on the practice of humble-ness and its impact on a specificattribute of ethical decision-makingin engineering design teams. Teamsof students are instructed to extendmeasured trust to their peers, sub-ject to verification, and listen totheir ideas with genuine respectand constructive criticism.Preliminary data indicate that thegroups' decisions are highly con-structive, synergistic, and posi-tive, leading to successful proj-ects that are beneficial to society.

Conceptually, the proposal istwo-fold. First, there must be afocus on the antithesis of hum-

bleness, namely arrogance. One mayargue that whenever an engineering dis-aster is traced to unethical decision-mak-ing, arrogance invariably is the root cause.For example, after the catastrophic failureof the Tacoma Narrows Bridge inWashington State, investigation revealedthat several veteran architects had warnedthat an excessively narrow roadwaywould lower the stiffness below the criti-cal limit, leading to instability. An over-confident team, considering themselvessuperior bridge designers, ignored thosewarnings. Second, humbleness is definedas a lack of pretension, a freedom from

conceit and vanity, enabling one to placea moderate estimate on one's own abili-ties or worth. It is a mechanism to containexcessive greed and selfishness, prepar-ing one for ethical decision-making.

Consider the following: Despite inventingwireless radio, Professor J.C. Boserefused to patent it for personal gain andlived the life of a humble scholar, evenwhen Marconi falsely patented it as hisown creation and was subsequentlyawarded the Nobel Prize. Bose went on toinvent semiconductor P-N junctions thatwould lead to the invention of the transis-tor. His ethical decision not to engage inan ugly battle with Marconi led the IEEE in1998 officially to declare Bose as the trueinventor of wireless radio. Bose remainsan inspiring example of a humble scholarwhose inventions changed the world.

In Nazi Germany, Professor WernerHeisenberg led the group of elite Germanscientists ordered to develop the atombomb. Realizing the horrific implicationsof this project, Heisenberg stalled the Naziwar effort by concluding that to develop apractical bomb would require a few tonsof fissionable material – then an unattain-able goal. Heisenberg’s reputation was sogreat that even Otto Hahn, discoverer ofnuclear fission, accepted his conclusion.

After Germany’s surrender, while impris-

oned in England, Heisenberg's team cameto learn that the US Manhattan Projecthad developed the atom bomb. Whenquestioned by Hahn how it was possible,Heisenberg took two days to contemplate,then gave a startling presentation. Heaccurately described how to make thebomb, even specifying closely the amountof necessary material. Clearly,Heisenberg's tacit refusal to develop thebomb, eschewing credit as its inventor, isan irrefutable testimony to his humble-ness. His example will remain a guidingstar in ethical decision-making.

According to the ancient philosophers,true learning releases one from arroganceand a false belief that one has masteredall wisdom. True knowledge is said to nur-ture respect for life, nature, and the intu-itive realization of limitless possibilities,all of which prepare one to execute ethicaldecisions. The field of engineering hasnever been more in need of this enlight-ened approach, in an era when technicaldecisions bear worldwide consequences.


Dr. Sumit Ghosh, the Hattrick Chair

Professor of Information Systems

Engineering, is author of the recent book

"Principles of Secure Network Systems

Design," in which he establishes a compre-

hensive framework for network security


IDEASINFOCUS Ethics in engineering: Ethics in engineering:

The concept of humblenessBy Sumit Ghosh

True knowledge is said to nurture respect for life, nature, and the intuitive realization of limitless possibilities, all ofwhich prepare one to execute ethical decisions. The field of engineering has never been more in need of thisenlightened approach...

Dr.Tony Tether, Director of DARPA Dr. Alex Levis, Chief Scientistof the US Air Force

Page 20: SoE InFocus, Spring 2003

Microreactors:Hydrogen Fuels the Future


Tracking Toxins in the Hudson


SDOE: Partneringfor Education andResearch

14 New Enterprises:Laboratories of the Future




C H A R L E S V. S C H A E F E R , J R . S C H O O L O F E N G I N E E R I N G


INFOCUSCharles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of EngineeringStevens Institute of Technology1 Castle Point on HudsonHoboken, NJ 07030

Phone 201.216.5263 Fax 201.216.8909



HydroGlobe TM is the sole licensee of watertechnologies developed by Stevens faculty atthe Center for Environmental Systems. Thecompany has teamed with industry and gov-ernment partners to supply products thatremove heavy metals from water more effi-ciently and cost-effectively than any others.HydroGlobe has successfully piloted theseproducts at sites in the United States to removecontaminants such as arsenic, chromium, sele-nium, copper and lead from groundwater andsurface water.HydroGlobe’s proprietary technologies andproducts cover a full range of heavy metals andflows, generate minimum wastes, and exhibitsmall costs for both capital and operation.Footprints are also miminalized.HydroGlobe’s MetSorb™ adsorptive mediaremoves a wide range of heavy metals under awide range of concentrations, with individualunits handling flows up to 100 gpm, and con-centrations up to the high parts per million lev-els. HydroGlobe’s patent-pending FerriMet™and ActivMet™ heavy metal removal systemsutilize proven methods of iron and sand filtra-tion to treat both drinking water and industrialwastewater. Individual units are available for avariety of flow rates to treat water containing awide spectrum of heavy metals.HydroGlobe's products have a growing marketshare in the US and abroad.

Discovery to Implementation: SoE technology businesses

PlasmaSol Corporation was foundedwith the mission to utilize platformplasma technologies for tomorrow’sindustry. Their portfolio of plasmasincludes the only existing technologywith the ability to destroy airborne andsurface contaminants effectively andcost-efficiently. PlasmaSol Corporation is a uniquealliance between experts at Stevensand an entrepreneurial businessgroup. Stevens technology advisors tothe company include Dr. George P.Korfiatis, Dr. Christos Christodoulatos,and Dr. Erich E. Kunhardt.Through the support and collaborationof institutions such as the Departmentof Justice, National ScienceFoundation, the US Army, US Navyand NASA, PlasmaSol has tested theplatform technology’s ability to protectand/or restore our environment frombiological and chemical damage. PlasmaSol is currently manufacturinga parallel-system HVAC plasma reac-tor, Plasmasure™, designed to trapand kill airborne particles and micro-bial agents in homes and public buildings.

Intelligent Sensing

Technologies, LLC is agrowing infrastructure testing andinspection company, based on acousticaltechnologies developed at Stevens by Dr.Dimitri Donskoy. IST solutions are revolutionary tools fornon-destructive, real-time inspection andevaluation of structural integrity. ISTpatented techniques work for most struc-tural materials and have proven to beuniquely sensitive to the defects inhomogeneous and non-homogeneousmaterials and structures, including com-posites, cast metals, concrete, wood, andstructures with complicated geometry.The techniques provide real-time onsiteinspection with simple "red/green light"output. These highly effective solutionsare portable, embedded, and wirelessdevices. They are implemented with cost-efficient component and operating costs. Among the areas served by IST diagnos-tics are aging industrial and civil infra-structure; transportation (air, sea, andground); energy production and delivery;residential dwellings; and public andcommercial buildings.