social media boot camp 2013 - intro to social media

Thursday Aug. 2, 2013 Presented by: Paul June King Monkey Social media Boot Camp for Today’s Brand Savvy Marketers

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Presentation to introduce social media as a marketing elements to today's digitally savvy marketers. Presentation includes tips and techniques to build a strategy to meet one's business needs.


  • 1. Thursday Aug. 2, 2013 Presented by: Paul June King Monkey Social media Boot Camp for Todays Brand Savvy Marketers

2. Social Media Revolution 2013 Social Media Revolution 2013 2 3. Where do consumers look for information? Company Websites On-line News Sites Review Sites Wikis Social Media Sites 3 4. What is Social Media? Social Media is media for social interaction Basically, people talking to each other using web-based technologies Examples: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yelp, Ning, blogs, Flickr, YouTube, etc. 4 5. Social Media Examples 5 6. Social Media World 6 7. Social Media Statistics Facebook Users 1.15 billion Dropbox gaining 25 million users in less than a month Pinterest rising from 47-70 million users More than 200,000,000 videos on YouTube 200,000,000 blogs Instagram 130 Million Monthly Active Users 73% of active online users have read a blog 45% have started their on blog 39% subscribe to an RSS Feed 57% have joined a social network 55% have uploaded photos 83% have watched video clips 7 8. Brands Using Social Media 8 9. Social Media Strategies For Your Brand 9 10. Build Brand Awareness Stay top of mind with customers Increase Brand Loyalty Drive Sales Likeliness to Buy Promote Events Cost Effective Open Feedback Competitive Intelligence Everyone Else is Doing It Why Use Social Media? 10 11. Sound familiar? If so, its quite possible that your social media strategy isnt a strategy at all. Instead, its more of a mix of tactics thrown together under the guise of a strategy. But whats the difference? Everyone Else Is Doing It? 11 12. Strategy A comprehensive plan meant to achieve a long- term objective. A tactic, on the other hand, is a specific action within a strategy intended to help reach the designated goal. Strategy Defined 12 13. 1. Development 2. Integration 3. Management 4. Measurement Strategic Components 13 14. 1. Participation 2. Pay It Forward 3. NO Self Promotion 80/20 rule applies 4. R-E-S-P-E-C-T/Cooperation Governing Rules 14 15. Dont Forget the BIG Picture! Public Relations E-mail Marketing Special Events Web Site Sponsorships Advertising Mobile Marketing Direct Mail Marketing SEO/SEM Marketing Mix 15 16. The Ping Pong Affect! Cross Marketing 16 17. How do I use Social Media? VIRAL VIDEO DISTRIBUTION PLATFORM Maximize viral impact through targeted seeding Reach consumers where they are already engaging each other Guaranteed number of video plays SOCIAL NETWORKING OUTREACH Create and grow Profiles, Groups and Forums Reach and cultivate consumer engagement Market cross platform to maximize interaction BLOGGING Provide extra reach during and after a campaign Create indelible and searchable social currency Target influential bloggers with desirable content Syndicate content across blogosphere BB CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING Engage in 1-1 branded conversations Share and encourage pass along of valuable social currency Obtain market intelligence and consumer feedback Generate, grow and fuel buzz Brand Monitoring Brand Monitoring Strategy & Outreach 17 18. Developing Your First Social Media Strategy Getting Started 18 19. Know Your Target Market & Audience Friends & Family: Facebook MySpace FriendFeed Universal: Twitter You Tube Foursquare Pinterest Business: LinkedIn Plaxo Naymz Yelp Strategy Step #1 19 20. Step #2 Set Your Social Media Objectives Acquisition Loyalty Awareness Thought Leadership Networking Opportunities SEO Benefits All of the Above vs. Picking One Strategy Step #2 20 21. Step #3 Choosing the Right Channels Facebook LinkedIn Twitter YouTube Blog Yelp FourSquare Pinterest Strategy Step #3 21 22. Step #4 Establish a Timeline for Completion Benchmarks - Monthly and/or Quarterly Evaluation Goals within Goals Dedication - 6 weeks is not enough time to execute! Strategy Step #4 22 23. Step #5 Establish Your Metrics Baseline Analytics How do you know where you are going if you dont know where you are at? Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Quality vs. Quantity - Avoid Arbitrary Numbers Review, Evaluate & Adjust Strategy Step #5 23 24. Step #6 Developing Your Editorial Guide 1.Posting strategy (Frequency & Timing) 2.Content Strategy 3.Formatting 4.Engagement (Tone) 5.Prepare for negatives 6.Promotional posts Strategy Step #6 24 25. 1. Breaking news 2. Tips 3. General Thoughts 4. Tools 5. Resource Links 6. Photos 7. Videos (Average length 1 minute 40 seconds) 8. Polls 9. Events 10. Tags 11. Quotes 12. Questions Ways to Engage Content 25 26. 1. Closed vs. Open Network 2. Professional Clubs 3. Speaking Engagements 4. Blogging 5. On-line Forums 6. Outlook Signature 7. Website Icons Building Your Network Your Network 26 27. 1. Reap What You Sow 2. Model Real Life Share! 3. Be Likeable 4. Share, share, share 5. Conduct a Whuffie Audit 6. Provide value - Join the conversation How to Boost Your Personal Brand with Social Media? Resources 27 28. 1. Know your target Audience 2. Personalize Just say No to spam 3. Provide valuable content 4. Be thankful Pay It Forward; 80/20 Rule 5. Be Giving Tips, follow-up articles, coupons 6. The F Word! Follow UP 7. Track it!!! Social Media Tips Resources 28 29. Step #7 Deploy, Measure, Adjust Strategy Step #7 29 30. Social Media Dos Do: 1. Figure out the brand you want to project 2. Do help people out by offering value 3. Post updates/tweets that are funny, interesting, or valuable 4. Engage with people 5. Be authentic and show personality 6. Build a community around your brand 7. Be passionate about what you do 8. Mix up your updates/tweets with broadcasts, questions, engagements, personal, and professional 9. Use social networks as part of your customer service 10. Drive people to your website and/or blog 30 31. Social Media Donts Dont: 1. Sell your product or service all of the time 2. Drop off the face of the Earth even if youre busy, schedule your updates ahead of time 3. Be boring and uninteresting 4. Only focus on yourself and what your needs are 5. Only engage with people you know expand your network 6. Ignore people when they try to engage with you or touch base with you on a customer service issue 31 32. 1. Media Fragmentation Platforms are numerous 2. Smartphone Adoption 50% of populations 3. Content Marketing is Still King 4. Facebook is still dominant 5. Users Notice More Branded Content on Their News Feed 6. Twitter Getting More Popular 6 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2013 Social Media Trends 32 33. Tools: Social Media Tools - The Rabbits Hole Resources Books, Blogs & References: Groundswell by Charlene Li Crowdsourcing by Jeff Howe Career Distinctions by William Aruda and Kirsten Dixon Tribes by Seth Godin 33 34. CONCLUSION 34 35. Q & A 35