smith schwabz co. cash....#rp ' mw;mr\ white,y? ' smith &co. «>r havejust received...

' ' MW #rp ; MR \ y ? / White, * ' Smith . & Co. «>r HAVE just received an entirely new stock of Spring and Summer Goods, to .-which they would roopcHTully call the attention of their friend? and customer*. stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS is full, ficsli and desirnhle, embracing 1'RINTEI> LAWNS. JACONETS and ORGANDIES, MOZA MJilQIJES, LI5NOS, TAMATINES, GRENADINES, FANCY SILKS, <fcc., «J:c. A well selected stock of White Goods, consisting of JACONETS and CAMBRIC?, SWISS MUSLINS. WHITE ORGANDIES, MULLS and NAINSOOKS. STRIPED and CHECKED SWISS, NAINSOOKS and ORGANDIES, SWISS and CAM BR1C TRIMMINGS, IRISH LINENS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN aud THREAD EDGINGS, Ac. For GENTLEMAN'S' WEAR, they hare an uzcellont assortment of FANCY CASSIMEUES, BLACK DOESKIN CASSlMEIiES, CAS1IM AllETTS, COTTONADES of nil kinds, LINENS, &c. THEIR STOCK OF DOMESTIC GOODS, Embraces everything usually found in ihis Department. Tliey would call fclie attention of purchasers sncciallv to their stock of PRINTS, which have been selected with great care/nnd ami-ni* wliicli mo to he fonud the very latest and ii>ost desirable styles. I5«-sid«*s the articles eunmorated above, they hnve a full line of llOSlltRY and GLOVES, IIOOI'SKIUTS. all kinds of FANCY DRY GOODS and NOTIONS, <fcc , «tc. In addition to their Stock of DRY" GOOT)S, they keep constantly on hand a large stock of ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, WOODEN WARE, POT WARE, &Lr., aL. Feeling Bsaurcd they can sell GOODS as 'tjbeflp as tliey can be bought anywhere in Abbeville, they rospeetfully solicit a call from al pt-raoua wishing to buy Goods of any description. TERMS CASH. March 2*2, 48.If. STAGE LINE FROM ABBEVILLE, % C. TO WASHINGTON, GA. THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully in-, form the traveling public that hie Hacks nre now running regularly between Abbeville, S." C-. and Wanhington, Ga., leaviDg Abbeville .oiigTU 1CSDAYS. THL'RSJ/AYS and SATUR. and leaving Washington on WEDNESDAYS, FRIDAYS «ind SUNDAYS; going through eadh way in daylight To passengers goiDg West, this route is CHEAPER BY $10.00, -and the lime required the same. The Horses V > (iru <f<tnil an/1 |Ka flflrL'ii rn m for I a\\ a anil Sir. Franklin Griffin, who is an excellent Driver, will spare no pains to make the ttio a pleoeaut one. P. S. ROTLEDGE, March 29, 1867, W: D. BOWEN, 290 Broad Street.Up Stairs, Augusta, Ga. DBALKR JN AMD MANLKACTU3EB Of Shot GunS, Sporting and Target Rifles, Snortinz Aonar&tus of every Kind. .Sporting Mies Madp ' to Order Md WARRANTED. * Repairing done Neatly aud without Dtljy BO, IiQyOJC AND KSY WORK. P!OTfl.>rACILE (IF IfBW'DESCWrtWfl. I $fareh 20, 1867, 49.Ohi ^ , | MATTRESS- MAKING p> # And Repairing. Wl* AMWffiW JTWOODHURST ii Tt> ESPEOTPULLY lp forms <hp puWU thet fmfi Jtv be biU opened * MATTBESS SflOF At ' ferii' his residence where repair or make 'W MettnMtaft«aibe m&t.*»»«onftbhi.t6tiv». ;-?> Jg&^l JiiSEifftr1*7,38, 8m . ' M? ^NOTICE. Y$ np^w: NOT^ ind A«OOUKT9 of the late Jsflk' X fir., of AG&EW, MoDONALD * CO., ..J** Jn our band* fpr collection. Thomson * fair. Sopt., 1MD III',. 91V GOODS! <j? , SPRING TRADE! 1867. : . I MILLER & ROBERTSON. I « Ji TEEMS CASH. DRESS GOODS. MOZAMBIQUES, I T anna Pll a llia« A4UA1UU) Crape Merotz, Bareges, Tamertines, Black and Fancy Silks, Lawns, Jaconets. STAPLES. LONGCLOTHS, Shirting and Sheeting, Osnaburgs, Apron Checks* Calicoes, Tickings, Cottonades, Denims, Checked Homespun. I TIVF.IVS A.ill 1 AJ1 1 KS* LINEN SHEETING, Pillow-case Linen, 4-4 Irish Linen, Ducks, Brills, Blays and Spanish Linens, Towellings. FOR GENTLEMEN. FANCY CASSIMERES, Rock Island Cassimeres, Drap D'Ete, Cashmeretts, Fancy Linens. WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, Mulls, Jaconets, Swiss and Sheroied Muslin, Lap as, Silk Illusion, Emb'd and Lace Collars. FANCY GOODS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. Cotton Trimmings, Braids, Tapes, Combs, Buttons, Brushes, and everything. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. Millinery, "Bonnets, Hats, Hat Ornaments, Flowers, Ribbons* 33\xgle Trimmings, Straw Trimmings. HOOP SKIRTS. A large nod *w«I] Bssortc] stock of BOOTS & SHOES. HARDWARE. m <r % Brado's, Elwell's and ScovilV's Hoes. A SPLENDID STOCK CROCKERY, CIHNA & GLASS WARE. A FULL STOCK FAMILY GROCERIES, WOODEN WARE, ' Of every descriptiori." Our Stock ejected with great ear* in ihe Now York market In V A"RIKTY, STYLE. QUALITY and PJgCgS. we f««l assured thai we oan compete favorably with any house iu the up couutry of South Caroline. MILLER & ROBERTSON. March 97 ' - W' ; V' li tf. V ' . »; 'i:. . ' . J? DR. 0. W. KELLEY, t^'^^sBtB9SSBSSSSi^ * - v Sr3tfi VWmfeH IB prepared to fiimUli SOStS OF TEBTII * » »i»l« tl>»i cm wtrMW rf*<«et«ri fr&in the Natoral 8«L SPEAJONGt ot LAUQHING will not Oi«pbe* *tl|Mfc Prl«t« jtjrf!|ji' l«w«r than *W«W> i* «» »- '""" » traotSo inrfiovt fitrniliM at their iMiie<**M. Jf toirad. C*»lomen favnrad Willi Hfrf «»»M " *" " u" y tirftanwotri, 6. O, *«jr T3, 1WT. 9*«r ML«K6«4M, E0EwEOK UBHfBT, _A-bb*viUe C. H.» S- X nM vf ** **- r I t tz~' xt T. y f«b. 8, XM7, If , -;.r *. » M ....V t. ^ . l&>~. ...» The State of South Carolina, $W. aS - AbHrllle Olitrlct % equity. Suftb-tViUon vs. L; H. Rylcard and Ilenry ' BUey. Creditor'# Bill. r appearing that Mrs; Blandlnn M. Calhoun, I»anc KirtJftnd Calhoun, John A.CnlhoulT, La<!V Calhoun, Tr«*adw«tl. A. Calhoan. Franklin Davit, and John llugliev and wife, Delay, i)«r*ml>nla id thia Dill, rvaida bevoud ilie Itmita or tliia Stut*, Ou motion by J. Fl. Wilwon, Solicitor, Ordered. liiatAaid defendant* do appear and plead, answer or demur to 8*id Bill ot Complaint withj|n forty d*y» fr«m "the publication hereof, or the eme will be tnlceit -prt eon/etto ngain»t Ihpm. S \ y WM. 11. PAHKKR, C.E. A. D. Cotnmi»«i»iierVi>flW, April 3o, 1267. * " ,v 37 . Ot THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. The Truiloes of the Estate of Dr. John Pe La Howe v*. W. P. Belcher und other*. Sill to Account, Refund, dkc. XT appearing Mint W. P. Belcher, W. XV. Belciier, W. N. Belcher. J. H. Bnlclier nti'l J. C. Belcher, defendant* to the abotr« Bill, reside beyond the limita of thit Stale, On motion by Tlioinnoti <t Fnir, Conip. So'*., Ordered, that mid liefBiiduota do *p|>enr and plead, anawer or demur lo anid Bill of Coin plaint within kokTV day* front the pulilloation hereof, or tho name will be taken pro confr**o aginat them. Cointnis»ioner'n office, April 25. 1667. W. II. PARKER, C. E. A. D. April 20, 18G7. fit The State of South Carolina, A13BEVTI/LE DISTRICT, lu Equity. Cynthia Robert*, per pro. at/tie, vs. Raclinel C. Adam* and olhera. Bill for Account, Settlement, &c. l appearing thai ueorgo r. Adams and J. Jolin A'lmns, tho children of Julia M. McCulla. defeated, whose nimri itnd number me unknown, Hn<i the children ol Louisa Yurtirough, <1cr'fi, whose named and number ure uiikuown, and B. T. Yarbrough, defendMill* to thi* 11 ill, t'eaide beyond tUa limits of tin* State, On motion hy Perriti Jfc Coihran, Comp. Sola., Ordered, that aaid defendant* do appear and plead, answer or demur lo (aid Bill within forty days from the publication hereof, or the «uine will be tuken pro coufenap agninst them. WM. II. PARK KB, c k. a. d. Commissioner's Office, April 23, 18C7. April 24 $6 6t The State of South Carolina, ABBEVILLE DISTRICT IN EQUITY. Jaa. J. Devlin, Adm'r, v*. Mary Dreonao and , Dtliers. Amended Bill for Account, Marshall Assets, &c. TT appearing that Mnrthn MoCJaw, Wm. II. JL UreMian uucl Ketacy Dreininn, lit* wire, reside beyond (he limits of thin Slate, On rnotiun by J. Jf. Wilson,'Sol., Ordered, that said defendants do nppenr and plead, uiiH\rer or demur to said Bill of Complaint within forty day* fiom (lie publication hereof, or tlie bam* will bo takeu pro cunfruio ag;,int>t them. wm. 11. paKKER, c. b. a. d. Coromixioncr'd Office, Apiil 22, 1867. April 24 26 6t The State of South Carolina, ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. The Trustees of Estate of Dr. Juliu Pe La Howe *«. John F. Calhoun mod others. BH1 far Account, Belief, &c, IT appearing that Charles A. Alexander and wife Idu, Kosa Calhoun, and II. O. Middle ton, defendant* to iliU Bill, reside beyond the limit* of thin Stule,. , . On motion by Thomson & Fair. Complainant's Solicitor*, Ordered, that aaid defendant* do appear and plant), answer or demur to aaid Bill ef Complaint within forty day* from the publication hereof,, or the same will ba taken pro eonfetMO againat Ibant. Wit. 41. PARKEK, e. a. a. v. Commissioner'a Office; April It), I8t7. April 84 ' 3<t ' 6t THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, j /J 1 ' * -l > . % r* 1 ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. Gideon Powall aa. J oh 6 T. Parka and vtbera . Amended Bill for Account. IT appearing that darab Powell^ the widow, ana cbil'ran, five in number, of -Sjunuri Powall, duor*#eJ, whoaa names ar« unknown Jidin Laurence, B*n Pwvf^ll. Jatuaa Powell^ Healer Powell, and Ellen Powell, defendants to tbia Bill, reside bejond the limila of Ibia SUM, On motion by Wi^on A Lcmax. Come. Sol*- Ordered, that a* 13 deU-bdim*.* do »P|>*V sod plead, anstter ord«taur ta «aid Bill of Ciaiplaint wiiUiu roinr pats from the publication -ttarMtf, or tft« mis* will be taken pfo cvnfruo a(«ip«t th'em-> '< > Cout<nis«ion<>r'e off**, April 26. 16*7. W. U. PARKKH, & E. A D. April 26. 1BC7, «t ABBEVME POST OfrJGB, ' ^HE folio wine n»i(Mla<ioj>sttavtbe«n adopted X f»r the Poet Office at this place ,tfc» >|aUf»r-|bji fiui I read tril) elua# e^ib Th* Oftiee will be open (r»r dilliafy from 7 ««>. M. IA. jynia«»4 fro* H> A. II ta.ll A. H. J sad *!*'<*« 1.20 P. V. to 4 Id P.Jt W .!U L. _a % « ^ » aims wiu «»« qoilNrj H CHUn Th« L*w Air**i* UtM f&rrfodUg 4r«j> biter*) »UnH»»il. SuWribww » nmti muu pay tWc Id U'MM. J flBB.'UUSgNBERJlYi T. Mi i a SAisaiBimll, 5^ The State ofSouth Carolina, ABBEVILLE J>ISTRICT. WHEREAS, JOlfW A. CALHOUN, .on*'of the sureties on tliu AijmiiiiairatioivJDoud or WAKRKN I'. BKI.CHER and W||JJAM W. BELCHER, Adniiiiirtratora of iha Estate of W. W. BELCHER, «r., IhIo of said State, and District, bu* filed Hit* petition io tbe Court of Ordinary, praying for relief as audi surety. Now, notice is hereby given to tiie vaid Ad1 raiiustrutora to be and appear before ma In iho Coat L of Ordinury, at Abbeville Court llouae, .on tlx, 41). TUESDAY in September next, to show canee, if any they can, wily ih« prayer of lii« petitioner should not be granted. Givcti under my band find Real of office, at Abbeville, this lUUi day of April, A. D. WILLIAM HILL, O. A. D. [L. S J April 10 24 If The State of South Carolina, ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. George M. Smith and John A. Bowie aaJ wife t'#. Augustus M. Aiken qiiJ other*. Bill for Account and Distribution. IT APPEARING that O. F. Simpson nnJ wife, leubella, defend mm 10 tins Dill, reside b»yuiid the ii<><its of linn Stair, On motion l>y Perrin St. Cothrnn, Comp. S«il» , Ordered, tlmt axiil defendant* do appear and plead, answer or demur to said Bill of Complaint witliin forty dny» from tlie publication hereof, or the same will be taken pro cotifetso against ilium. VVM. 11. I'AKKGK, c. k. a. o. Commissioner's Office, April 23, 1867. April i4 26 61 TLe State of South Carolina, ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. J. Alexander Sperr c«. Z. VT. Barne*, J. T. llurues uud Christian V. Uurneg. vir.i rx-» c.,. AW& Avrjiim, ** * . IT appearing that Z. \V. Darner, a defendant in this case, resides beyond the limits of this Slate, On motion by Burt, Sid., Ordered, that said defendant do appear and plead, iiinwcr or demur to »aid Kill of Oo-nplaiiit witliin forty dayI from tha publication hereof, or the mint will be taken pro co»ft**n auaintt him. WM. il. PAKKER, c. r a. d. Commissioner's Office, April Ti, 1867. Apiil 24 26 Ct THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. Cornelia A. Sloan, by next friend, vi. Tliotns* M. Sloan and othoia. Bill for Relief| etc. IT appearing thnt Tliomia M. 'Sloan,(And Houston slonn, Sloan, children of snid Thomas M. Sloan, defendant* to this Bill, reside beyond the limit* of this State, On motion by Burt, Com p, Sol.. Ordered, that said defendants do appear and plead, aubwm'c or demur to BAid Bill «»f Complaint within rourr D*v* from the puhlicnt ion hereof, or th« Mine will t>« taken pro coufesMo against them. Commissioner'* office, April 26, 1887. W. II. PA KKlilt, a B. A. I». April 26, 18B7, 6t The State of South Carolina, Abbeville District. In Equity. Elizabeth J. Unghey, Administratrix, V*. Elrzabelh Buchanan and Othv:*. Bill for Acoount, IVIarshall Assets, Call in Creditors, &c. IT appearing that the children of Juo. Hujjhey, dee'd, whose name* niul number are aiitiown. Tip llughey and JefFernon Iluehay, A-C 1 »_ .1.:. li:n :-i~ t -i ..--V uficuuuuip w viiid uni> rc^iuc uryuuu tntriiiuiui of tiliw Statu-, Oo motion by Perrin &. Coibran. Complainant'* Solicitor*, Ordered that said defendant* do appear and plead. answer or demur to naid Bill within furly daj'a from the publication hereof. or (he »ain* will be taken pro eonftttu against them. W M. II. PAUKKIt, C. E.A.D. Comminioner'* office. April 26, 16A7. May 1 27 fit THE STATE OF SttUTH CAROLINA. ABBEVILLE DISTRICT, In the Common Pleas. John H. Chile* ) > Foreign Attachment. J. F. Patteraon. ) WHEREAS tha Plant iff did, on ,h* twenty fourth day of September, A. P., 1866, file bia decim ation against '.ha Defendant. wlio (a* it ia «aid) absent from and without the limit* of thi* State, and haa neither wife n»r Aitornt-J known within the same, opoti whom a copy of 111* «&fd declaration Wight be aerved, ' v f It iath^fefvre, ordered thai tba >aid .Defendant do epoear and pUad U> Iho a*id drcW»ration, on or h> fore the twenty-flfth dar of September, which will he in iheyear of our Lord eighteen hundred and aixty-seven. oIIiVtwim final and aheotute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. MATTHEW mcDOKAM), c. c. p. Clerk's Office, Abb-ville Diit,, ) September 24, 1866. J September ig, M, If. t t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA - -i . t AB#K V1LLE J)ISTRICT. In tht Common Pleat. BriU and Brother 1 v». V- Foreign Attachment. 8. B. Wideman. ) WI1EUEAS tk« Plaintiff did, on the twentieth day of February, A. D.. lBC7r file hie deelaratioo against the Defendant, who («« it b »*id) U absent front aod without the limit* of this Stale, auil Irt* neither wife nor Atturw^y known within the aaiae, upon wbetu * copy oi i the aaid de^Uration u/fcht be »«Mod. t , It b therefore, ordered Hut live said Defendant do appearand i>)e*d to th»aaid declaration, on or tpf»r«.the twenty-first day of FebruMry, »b>eh will be in the year of our Lord eifhUta« hundred and sixty eight, otherwise Anal and _i r.. _rr» it.- ^ .JJTt Zv«nw i£SX^ JtiH " if TVlzt Matthew McDohald, cop. CHerk'* Offie*. Abto+vitijF l>iaiV 1. ' Feb. »2,44, 1j. *TTT 'tyu"* ':"*)"i:-w--i THE STATE OF $0UfH CAWM.WA, ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. In th» Common PUaa. Wairwi Q. Ixxn*x. ) WtiEKSUdbe lAtKMMfll itjr of October, A. J>., IM(, II* hto de «UmU«m tgB«p>r»»A PdMdurt, »ko (Mm it ii Mi 4) tf ih^'A^iritkU ttolteib* ei ftb SUU, a Ml Km Mhbtir wff» nor Attoraoy kM*i within tit* Hat, npfn «Ma>4(ty'Vi Am mM 4Mt«Mtioa miftit Mrnd, a or b«fen tlM fourt«**Ui 4ajr mtOefgfitfV W»»'cl» 1"* " "Hr5 I {-waWBfiRn b- « 1111'^mmmm Wilt! WAR! WAR!' ~V. 3 HAS COMMENCED AGAINST HIGH PRICES, i DO YOU WIST CHEAP GOODS 1 SCHWABZ AS HIS MOTTO IS, IIIIJ , Respectfully, G. SCHWA RZ. Man h 29, T8G7, THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROUNA AliliL VILLE DISTRICT. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Marshall Sharp 1 v». v Foreign Attachment. W. M OrifTln. J WIIKRKAS ilie Plaintiff di>l, on the twen tictli day of Annual, A. 1)., ISfiO. fi1< iiia declaration ngainxt the Defendant, who (at it iaxuiil) in absent from nnd without the limit* of lllil SlalA »ill) !«* "' A 1. known within ilie tnuie. upon whom a copy ol the sflid declaration might he served. It ix, therefore, ordered, thut tile sai«l Defend nut do appear and plead lo tin; s»id do<;'uration, on or liefore (lie twenty fust dny of Augurl which will lie ill the year of our I.»rd eighteei hundred and erxty-grven, otherwise tiunl uud all solute judgment will then be given and uwurd ed against hirri. MATTHEW McDONALI), c. r. Clerk's Officp, Alilieville Dint., ) August '20, 18(56. J August 21 43 ly THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. In. the Common Pleas. Wm. D. Mara 1 vs. > Attachment. A. R Houston. ) 1IT II KItKAS ttie PlainlifTdid, on tha twenww ty third day of February, A. I>. 1867, fii. ki. a.i :. 'i-- >»-'.> « ' lit* U^VIOI UIIOII alumni. uiC'l/tltlMIHIH, W HO (bs it is b«id) u> fthfont from and without the limits of this Stnte, nnd has neither wife nor Attorney Jcjiown within the Hume, upon whom n copy uf the said declaration might he served. It, i«, therefore, ordered thnt tile aaid Defend nut do nppeor and pl*ad to the said declaration, on or before the twenty-fourth day of Februory, which will be in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, otherwise final nnd absolute judgment will iluu be trivet) nnd awarded against him. M vTTHEW McDOVAl.D, cap. ClerkV Oflico, Abbeville District, Ffehrunry 23, lfcff.7. Feb 97 :8 ly The State of South Carolina. ABBEVILLE UliSTIi/CT. In the Cominon Pleat Tim*. J. Roberta, "| Adir/r debouit nott, ^ v». I foreign Attachment Warren. G. I.oniax. J WUKJiEAS lite Pluiritiff did, on the Iwrn ty-eighth day of September, A. 1>., IN6H, fi'e hi* lier.larntion against lite Defendant who ( it is »au1) inabw-nt frufu and without the liluiis < ( this State, atid'lus neither wiiV nor Attorney known within Die tain*, upon whom a copy of Llie said declaration nii^lit br -rved, It ik ilicralorr, ordered tliat the *aid Defenilant do appear and plead to tlie raid declaration, on or befora thn twenty-ninth chvy of September, which will he in the year of «>im* Lord eiahteen hundied nnd rixtwseven, otharwipe final btid ntwolute judgment will tlieu be given and awardeJ ug.tiusi hiiD. ' MArTUEW McOONaLT)." a cSt n.ri'j .:n ^ Kept 28, )80t>. \ Qel. a 49 ly South Carolina JELailroad, GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, C'iiarlkkton, S. C., Muroli II, 1867. ON mid afiar the 18lh instant. the Through Mail Truin will rbn a* follow*, viz: L~*v« Colombia «t 11 41) « iii , Charleston time. Arrive at Kinjj^ville at 1.20 p. in., " " Leave Hing-villa ai 1 35 p. ni., " " Aarive ml Augusta at 9.00 p. m., " " ^ rAKKNOKh TBAIN. ..; A> Lfcave Charleston..... .. .- . »7.0.OO n. m. Am »u at Oolumina.,.. ...... .^i^jfep. m. Leave Colombia.,..'!..... /£.'t6.fcO a. m. Arrive at Charleston * i. <., ,4.00 p. m. . ..v.* r'o. -.v* .H. '4'.PBAICK. Gw'JSupV March fh 21 tf I Greenville and Columbia Railroad. gaaragflEua csvssi GEN'L SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, CoLuHBM, September 14. fHtlfi. ON And after MONllA-Y, tha 17tli iiiataut, the PjasengT Trnint will run doily (8"i. -d»y» until farther notice follow*: Lenva Columbia at 7.15 it. m. - Alston at.< *«>5 " N**Har*y " ' . Arrive at Abbeville «t 8.13 p. m. H' at Anderson u( 5.10 * *st Greenvill* at ......6-40 ' Learo Q«w»viUo at... ...'.i.&oO-a. m. " Ati^raw. »l,,t ....80 " - ACWjHJo ess " - Hewtorry »t.» 1.20 p. m * Arrlvs at Alrfoti at 2.45 " " at*C"lulabia at 4.40 " Tha Bridtra at AliUu bsiug now completed, It - .J t 1UU rmgnM will Du iranoporu l w'rtbnot delay. Tho rxponao of Frotght by ihe diaoontinuanoo ( th» SVugooa aod Boat will bo largely reduced. J. B. L>«dALLE. tWgMfs *KOT JHB 8S0E SHOP. IP yna w«pt oboa^, b*a< and otaUnttal Bool# 6r Hbrfeo, oaido K> order. *o ip Kaaaoi#V 8aol««d »Uo Sbop Fin* Frtittoh Oatffkin 8boo«, fur ^oatt«n*n, from $4/SO* to ffr.ffO. |f material io furnished, wilt niako them at ».nalr in r> >/trtn n inn Pa ll aia/1 laa Vtviffc auv 11IVW in »v« (pr /fiafHM, ofrntk tifosa tint ha v* worked ^ 1 * * ®* . f 7 'l i-;' i )' ' r r b <*» .we*, i _ r ,, SKKBSriTS SALES. DY Tirt** of »«ndry writs of Ff«ri F»ci*» "dt£ AhtwVilK Court Bouh, ob th« Arte Moudsv in Jut ,2 ** HM m; I r «» MrMl l»«4t af Dr. Ma ( l*M Mid Mbw. b»M44a W,|M pMpMMr ««» < M. \ ^ , * PLUMB & . EDmggist© aiti> 0,1.0, Broac NEAR THE POST AUGUST A. , T-M^tPPnTCllI 1 V . II.. «.<><>,,« inn of Mnrr It u J well assorted Stocfc of UNAfiULTERATE: CHEMICALS, DRUG And all other articles in their line No- house GENUINENESS and PURITY. ALT, OFF ft not accordance with the Foimtilae of the with the B'-et Material, and l>5 t * PUOPER WE They respectfully solicit orders, and pledg* then paieh. If any articlrshouM not prove to he pre to have it rr'nrneil nt their expense, andthe mom HEWITT'S GLOB! HOTEL Augusta, Ga. W. c HEWITT, ) Lnt«> of wiitt Houbo, V». > Pioor's E. W. IIEWITT, ) r|MlE GLOBE HOTEL, under (he pr«»_i. JL Proprietor, has be»n Thoroughly RENOVATED, REPAINTED AN1 REFURNISHED, and is second to no Hotel in the South. At Inched to the lintel is an elegant BARBER SHOP, and BATH HOIJ8E T.>r Ladip* itfi.l Oentlemen. Also, a No. T LIVERY STABLE, wl'ere Hack* and Horpcscan Ik procured tor pleasure or for trir s tlio'comit ry. The 6lX)IiE is locuteil in th<; <«-Mt-r of 'the City, nod surrounded b\ the principal Business Houses. March 29, 1867, Mmrn. MRS. SMALL AND DAUGHTER lylTOl't.D respectfully call upon the T.a'dtes TT of Abbeville and vicinity. Intending Mgain to mam« their huidiiets, at tht-ir llou«r, (MAGAZINE II II.L,) trn»t to b# again fnvnfed with h eall from tlifeir Lmly customers, to whom they return many for I heir former support. and ln>p« by punctuality and dispatch. ' to nllord'.'is t-iitiusted tolbeir cure, to merit a continuance. FASHIONS RECEIVED EVE l< Y MONTH, -direct from New York. All branches of Mil- linery executrd with tastr. Ladies' BONNETS, HATS, are trimmed. remodel led or I>YEI).According In orders. Abbeville C. II . March 8, 18*i7, 46, If ^NTotice To the Mors and Debtors of M.C.V. BARNES., VaWSU i /I V. mnN'RS having made an 1 J went of his property for the benefit nf hi* creditor*, Lliey will Uke notioe thiil their dt-manda niuit lie freaei.ted to mi ut Lowndes. ville, on or before the Ut day of .ltit>« in xi. Tliooo indebted to the said C. V. Ilunies by note <jir account will ipuke pvyineot to me. i W E. WHITE, Assignee. Feb. 7, 1867. -12, tf Ml ID LOT TO RENT. . II.' ILL he rented that very drtirable Re»iT f dence, and W*ll known boarding fcou'r, InRethT with tlie adjacent Slor;, situated on the Ntrth JKaftl corner of tl»o Public Square. ' Ou the |trcmi*e* are Good Stables, Kitehaits, ' and otl»«r otiihuiMi-gP, s1ih> a hjrge and fertile garden under good fencing, ami a well ul < 'excellent w-ater. The above Kosidsnce and btore will he KEN'TEIX aitber SEPARATELY or TOGETH Elt, on Reibonable TKKMS, upon implication to Mr. Cliitlci Deudy, Mr. J. T. Owen. ' * ; .1'" MBS. E. A. DENDY. . 4an. iO| Jioni v u SPRINfi IMPORTATION. 1867. BtBBOHS, MILLINERY AND /: STRAW GOODS. Afig$gg$g, Cstgr-A, Co., - , Importers and Jobbers of Ribbons: Bonnet Silkaarfd Saline, Blon<l», Nelte, Crapea, Ydretf, Rtfch*s, "Flowera, Femt»er». Straw Bonnet* and Ladta** Hate, i Trimmed and UnVrimrocd, Shaker Hudrfj, Mc'. i 237 and 389 Baltimore Stre^ __ Baltimore* JVCd. Offer the Inrgeet ;iU>ck to be found is Uii i counUj," fod_one^«aUed ab®io« wyiaty and riieawim. ^ Order* aoHoited and prompt attention given. Fffe. t«, 4V«0* / j . ' - - . SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP. TBS sab*ethrr rrapeotfolly inform* the publio ti»«> ha h»« rM>p«Htd bis AABhU AJ» HABtf flllOp, at h|* TANYAHD, . tiIImko of AbbtV.ilU. Ha viH ba p1e«c*d M Iwaifk *11 who dmy M»d Mstiiiog.ioiiia liu with *riiolo of «b« baat, anility m*4er*U prioa* Hia mo* to jfj qoiok a*jMaBd»wmilj)rofita. His Una*. flit 11 llll llM. VI H. -5,1 " . Yy'^ LEITNER," Apothecaries, L Street, ~ ' OFFICE CORNER, OlQOR&l Av ihanta, Planter#, and Phyaioians to Iheir larj« D MEDICINES, St PAINTS, OILS, in the Sonlh can offer a stock inperior IOINAL PREPARATIONS bmnu made la UNITED STA TEs PHA RAtA COP (EIA, IGHTS and MEASURES. natives lo fill lliein with fidelity and dia eii>ely »a represented, they aball feel thankful py will be refunded. [Sept. 21. l'iro. r. W. BACON. J. J. BACON f \a t>*nnv o- - « «». iit iui kite present, * ill be at (jrrenwood, S. June 16, 1666, 9,tf CONGAREE IRON WORKS, Columbia., S. C-, john mumm. PRO: 1 w i rllE above works are uow in operation, anil enii furnish nil kiixli* of IRON anil BRASS CASTINGS. MACHINERY. GRIST Hid SA IF MILL IRONS, Ac., Ac , at the short . si notice and on reitHonnblo i«nns N. B. My terms art, positively, pnyme»fc-' licfure delivery; mid, for large orders, pnfilr payment, must neeompuny the order, and tMg: balance before the the last articles are delivered^. All purlins indebted lomenre respectfully solie-\ ited to settle up immediately, as iho money is very much needed. JOHN AtEXAKfiEH. US'" 25 llnr«e Power Portable Engine, [Trtdrgar Works,) and 30 Ilortu Tyler Engiue^ ON SALE, OSBAP FOH. OASB. May 17, 1807,2-12m * IMPORTANT! BE MUI^E and encloio to the SuUeribcr, al Cukfsbuiy, ONE DOLLAR, BY MAIL, and yoa will be »ur« to recairo by ItETURli MAIL, FORTY PHOTOGRAPHS Of citizens ofCoko»bory. Tlieae Picture*, taken t z>slom: x<xs*xi, 3n a *ing1e card, ar«all excellent, and Would ba nt atitractibnioany photogra'pliie album. Seud is ONE DOLLAR, and thun renew you r ac- l<jaiuiance wuu me "*uia roim at Home." P. W. Connor, | Resident Artist, Cokesbur/. April 26, 1867,.<f . , CANDIDATES. Tho many friend* of L. H. RUSSELL rt. ipcctfully ut»Bounoa:him candidate fer Tu* goHector at the next election. / , rf" We are authorised to annoooM DArVf» C&AWiFDHD. Modida^* for %Rr fi|Vl ' t l«c*or at Ihe en»oio^ eleqtfoo. ^ I j . , ? 11 (; < « .> " "" >«n<Ll yr flu fri«nda«f S. P. .BOOZER mailt. fVlf »nQ<*»ne«Jtfi* aandidaU for lb« lin « rax Collector At « mawg moouoo. jy Thf, fri«bd«--of C»pl. W. R. WHITE «»pectfa>Iy anoounc* him m candidate r*jt Colleolor. at tho'ntxt election. 'BMlajar art'Ikteet A.SBEVILLE, S.G*> A"-.^?'u r> March 4, 1867. 46.6ta ->» 1 % ' mm j. woodeum^ t BBICKLAYEB AHD PLASTEREB, * < ABBEVILLE, 8. C. . / . Hk. rally fid prwuptiy ixnutKL J*n'y 11. 1887, flm

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Page 1: Smith SCHWABZ Co. CASH....#rp ' MW;MR\ White,y? ' Smith &Co. «>r HAVEjust received an entirely new stock of SpringandSummerGoods, to.-which they wouldroopcHTullycall the attention

'' MW#rp ;MR \

y ? /


' Smith. & Co.


HAVE just received an entirely new stockof

Spring and Summer Goods,to .-which they would roopcHTully call the attentionof their friend? and customer* stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS

is full, ficsli and desirnhle, embracing 1'RINTEI>LAWNS. JACONETS and ORGANDIES,MOZA MJilQIJES, LI5NOS, TAMATINES,GRENADINES, FANCY SILKS, <fcc., «J:c.

A well selected stock of



For GENTLEMAN'S' WEAR, they hare an

uzcellont assortment of



DOMESTIC GOODS,Embraces everything usually found in ihis Department.

Tliey would call fclie attention of purchaserssncciallv to their stock of

PRINTS,which have been selected with great care/nndami-ni* wliicli mo to he fonud the very latestand ii>ost desirable styles.

I5«-sid«*s the articles eunmorated above, theyhnve a full line of llOSlltRY and GLOVES,IIOOI'SKIUTS. all kinds of FANCY DRYGOODS and NOTIONS, <fcc , «tc.

In addition to their Stock of DRY" GOOT)S,they keep constantly on hand a large stock of


&Lr., aL.

Feeling Bsaurcd they can sell GOODS as

'tjbeflp as tliey can be bought anywhere in Abbeville,they rospeetfully solicit a call from alpt-raoua wishing to buy Goods of any description.TERMS CASH.

March 2*2, 48.If.




THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully in-,form the traveling public that hie Hacks

nre now running regularly between Abbeville,S." C-. and Wanhington, Ga., leaviDg Abbeville.oiigTU 1CSDAYS. THL'RSJ/AYS and SATUR.

and leaving Washington on WEDNESDAYS,FRIDAYS «ind SUNDAYS; goingthrough eadh way in daylightTo passengers goiDg West, this route is

CHEAPER BY $10.00,-and the lime required the same. The Horses

V > (iru <f<tnil an/1 |Ka flflrL'ii rn m for I a\\ a anil

Sir. Franklin Griffin, who is an excellent Driver,will spare no pains to make the ttio a

pleoeaut one.

P. S. ROTLEDGE,March 29, 1867,

W: D. BOWEN,290 Broad Street.Up Stairs,


Shot GunS, Sporting and Target Rifles,Snortinz Aonar&tus of every Kind.

.Sporting Mies Madp ' to Order MdWARRANTED.

* Repairing done Neatly aud without DtljyBO, IiQyOJC AND KSY WORK.

P!OTfl.>rACILE (IF IfBW'DESCWrtWfl.I $fareh 20, 1867, 49.Ohi


| MATTRESS- MAKINGp> #And Repairing.Wl* AMWffiW JTWOODHURSTii Tt> ESPEOTPULLY lpforms <hp puWU thetfmfi Jtv be biU opened * MATTBESS SflOF At'ferii' his residence where repair or make'W MettnMtaft«aibe m&t.*»»«onftbhi.t6tiv». ;-?>Jg&^l JiiSEifftr1*7,38, 8m .


M?^NOTICE.Y$ np^w: NOT^ ind A«OOUKT9 of the late

Jsflk' X fir., of AG&EW, MoDONALD * CO.,..J** Jn our band* fpr collection.

Thomson * fair.Sopt., 1MD


91V GOODS!<j? ,


:. I



MOZAMBIQUES,I T anna Plla llia«


Crape Merotz,Bareges, Tamertines,

Black and Fancy Silks,Lawns, Jaconets.

STAPLES.LONGCLOTHS,Shirting and Sheeting,Osnaburgs, Apron Checks*

Calicoes, Tickings,Cottonades, Denims,

Checked Homespun.I TIVF.IVSA.ill 1 AJ1 1 KS*

LINEN SHEETING,Pillow-case Linen,

4-4 Irish Linen,Ducks, Brills,

Blays and Spanish Linens,Towellings.


Rock Island Cassimeres,Drap D'Ete,

Cashmeretts,Fancy Linens.

WHITE GOODS.EMBROIDERIES,Mulls, Jaconets,Swiss and Sheroied Muslin,Lapas, Silk Illusion,Emb'd and Lace Collars.

FANCY GOODS.DRESS TRIMMINGS.Cotton Trimmings,Braids, Tapes,

Combs, Buttons, Brushes,and everything.


"Bonnets, Hats,Hat Ornaments,


33\xgle Trimmings,Straw Trimmings.HOOP SKIRTS.

A large nod *w«I] Bssortc] stock of


m<r %

Brado's, Elwell's and ScovilV's Hoes.A SPLENDID STOCK



' Of every descriptiori."Our Stock ejected with great ear* in

ihe Now York market In VA"RIKTY,STYLE. QUALITY and PJgCgS. we f««lassured thai we oan compete favorably withany house iu the up couutry of South Caroline.



- W' ; V' li tf. V'

. »; 'i:..


. J?


t^'^^sBtB9SSBSSSSi^ *-v Sr3tfi

VWmfeHIB prepared to fiimUli SOStS OF TEBTII *

» »i»l« tl>»i cm wtrMW b« rf*<«et«ri fr&inthe Natoral 8«L SPEAJONGt otLAUQHINGwill not Oi«pbe* *tl|Mfc Prl«t« jtjrf!|ji' l«w«rthan *W«W> i* «» »- '""" »

traotSo inrfiovtfitrniliM at their iMiie<**M. Jf toirad. C*»lomenfavnrad Willi Hfrf«»»M " *" " u" ytirftanwotri, 6. O, *«jr T3, 1WT. 9*«rML«K6«4M,

E0EwEOK UBHfBT,_A-bb*viUe C. H.» S- XnM vf ** **- r

I t tz~' xt T.yf«b. 8, XM7, If , -;.r *. »

M....Vt. ^ . l&>~. ...»

The State of South Carolina,$W. aS

- AbHrllle Olitrlct% equity.

Suftb-tViUon vs. L; H. Rylcard and Ilenry' BUey.

Creditor'# Bill.

r appearing that Mrs; Blandlnn M. Calhoun,I»anc KirtJftnd Calhoun, John A.CnlhoulT,

La<!V Calhoun, Tr«*adw«tl. A. Calhoan. FranklinDavit, and John llugliev and wife, Delay,i)«r*ml>nla id thia Dill, rvaida bevoud ilie Itmitaor tliia Stut*,Ou motion by J. Fl. Wilwon, Solicitor, Ordered.liiatAaid defendant* do appear and plead,

answer or demur to 8*id Bill ot Complaint withj|nforty d*y» fr«m "the publication hereof, or theeme will be tnlceit -prt eon/etto ngain»t Ihpm.

S \ y WM. 11. PAHKKR, C.E. A. D.Cotnmi»«i»iierVi>flW, April 3o, 1267.


,v37 . Ot


In Equity.The Truiloes of the Estate of Dr. John Pe

La Howe v*. W. P. Belcher und other*.

Sill to Account, Refund, dkc.

XT appearing Mint W. P. Belcher, W.XV. Belciier, W. N. Belcher. J. H.

Bnlclier nti'l J. C. Belcher, defendant* tothe abotr« Bill, reside beyond the limita of thitStale,On motion by Tlioinnoti <t Fnir, Conip. So'*.,

Ordered, that mid liefBiiduota do *p|>enr andplead, anawer or demur lo anid Bill of Coinplaint within kokTV day* front the pulilloationhereof, or tho name will be taken pro confr**oaginat them.

Cointnis»ioner'n office, April 25. 1667.W. II. PARKER, C. E. A. D.

April 20, 18G7. fit

The State of South Carolina,A13BEVTI/LE DISTRICT,

lu Equity.Cynthia Robert*, per pro. at/tie, vs. Raclinel C.

Adam* and olhera.

Bill for Account, Settlement, &c.l appearing thai ueorgo r. Adams and

J. Jolin A'lmns, tho children of Julia M.McCulla. defeated, whose nimri itnd numberme unknown, Hn<i the children olLouisa Yurtirough, <1cr'fi, whose named and numberure uiikuown, and B. T. Yarbrough, defendMill*to thi* 11 ill, t'eaide beyond tUa limits of tin*State,On motion hy Perriti Jfc Coihran, Comp. Sola.,

Ordered, that aaid defendant* do appear andplead, answer or demur lo (aid Bill within fortydays from the publication hereof, or the «uinewill be tuken pro coufenap agninst them.

WM. II. PARK KB, c k. a. d.Commissioner's Office, April 23, 18C7.

April 24 $66t

The State of South Carolina,ABBEVILLE DISTRICT

IN EQUITY.Jaa. J. Devlin, Adm'r, v*. Mary Dreonao and

, Dtliers.

Amended Bill for Account, MarshallAssets, &c.

TT appearing that Mnrthn MoCJaw, Wm. II.JL UreMian uucl Ketacy Dreininn, lit* wire,reside beyond (he limits of thin Slate,On rnotiun by J. Jf. Wilson,'Sol., Ordered,

that said defendants do nppenr and plead, uiiH\reror demur to said Bill of Complaint withinforty day* fiom (lie publication hereof, or tliebam* will bo takeu pro cunfruio ag;,int>t them.

wm. 11. paKKER, c. b. a. d.Coromixioncr'd Office, Apiil 22, 1867.

April 24 266t


The Trustees of Estate of Dr. Juliu Pe LaHowe *«. John F. Calhoun mod others.

BH1 far Account, Belief, &c,

IT appearing that Charles A. Alexander andwife Idu, Kosa Calhoun, and II. O. Middle

ton, defendant* to iliU Bill, reside beyond thelimit* of thin Stule,. ,


On motion by Thomson & Fair. Complainant'sSolicitor*, Ordered, that aaid defendant* doappear and plant), answer or demur to aaid Billef Complaint within forty day* from the publicationhereof,, or the same will ba taken proeonfetMO againat Ibant.

Wit. 41. PARKEK, e. a. a. v.Commissioner'a Office; April It), I8t7.April 84 ' 3<t' 6t


% r* 1


In Equity.Gideon Powall aa. Joh6 T. Parka and vtbera

. Amended Bill for Account.

IT appearing that darab Powell^ the widow,ana cbil'ran, five in number, of -Sjunuri

Powall, duor*#eJ, whoaa names ar« unknownJidin Laurence, B*n Pwvf^ll. Jatuaa Powell^Healer Powell, and Ellen Powell, defendantsto tbia Bill, reside bejond the limila of IbiaSUM,On motion by Wi^on A Lcmax. Come. Sol*-

Ordered, that a* 13 deU-bdim*.* do »P|>*V sodplead, anstter ord«taur ta «aid Bill of CiaiplaintwiiUiu roinr pats from the publication-ttarMtf, or tft« mis* will be taken pfo cvnfruoa(«ip«t th'em-> '< >

Cout<nis«ion<>r'e off**, April 26. 16*7.W. U. PARKKH, & E. A D.

April 26. 1BC7, «t

ABBEVME POST OfrJGB,' ^HE folio wine n»i(Mla<ioj>sttavtbe«n adoptedX f»r the Poet Office at this place,tfc» >|aUf»r-|bji fiui Iread tril) elua# e^ibTh* Oftiee will be open (r»r dilliafy from

7 ««>. M. t« IA. jynia«»4 fro* H> A. II ta.llA. H. J sad *!*'<*« 1.20 P. V. to 4 Id P.JtW .!U L. _a % « ^ »aims wiu «»« B» qoilNrj HCHUnTh« L*w Air**i* UtM f&rrfodUg4r«j> biter*) b« »UnH»»il. SuWribww »

nmti muu pay tWc Id U'MM.J flBB.'UUSgNBERJlYi T. Mi i

a SAisaiBimll,


The State ofSouth Carolina,ABBEVILLE J>ISTRICT.

WHEREAS, JOlfW A. CALHOUN, .on*'ofthe sureties on tliu AijmiiiiairatioivJDoud

or WAKRKN I'. BKI.CHER and W||JJAMW. BELCHER, Adniiiiirtratora of iha Estateof W. W. BELCHER, «r., IhIo of said State,and District, bu* filed Hit* petition io tbe Courtof Ordinary, praying for relief as audi surety.Now, notice is hereby given to tiie vaid Ad1raiiustrutora to be and appear before ma In ihoCoat L of Ordinury, at Abbeville Court llouae,.on tlx, 41). TUESDAY in September next, toshow canee, if any they can, wily ih« prayer oflii« petitioner should not be granted.

Givcti under my band find Real of office, atAbbeville, this lUUi day of April, A. D.

WILLIAM HILL, O. A. D. [L. S JApril 10 24If

The State of South Carolina,ABBEVILLE DISTRICT.

In Equity.George M. Smith and John A. Bowie aaJ wife

t'#. Augustus M. Aiken qiiJ other*.

Bill for Account and Distribution.

IT APPEARING that O. F. Simpson nnJwife, leubella, defendmm 10 tins Dill, resideb»yuiid the ii<><its of linn Stair,

On motion l>y Perrin St. Cothrnn, Comp. S«il» ,

Ordered, tlmt axiil defendant* do appear andplead, answer or demur to said Bill of Complaintwitliin forty dny» from tlie publication hereof,or the same will be taken pro cotifetso againstilium. VVM. 11. I'AKKGK, c. k. a. o.

Commissioner's Office, April 23, 1867.April i4 26 61

TLe State of South Carolina,ABBEVILLE DISTRICT.

In Equity.J. Alexander Sperr c«. Z. VT. Barne*, J. T.

llurues uud Christian V. Uurneg.

vir.i rx-» c.,.AW& Avrjiim, ** * .

IT appearing that Z. \V. Darner, a defendant inthis case, resides beyond the limits of this

Slate,On motion by Burt, Sid., Ordered, that said

defendant do appear and plead, iiinwcr or demurto »aid Kill of Oo-nplaiiit witliin forty dayI fromtha publication hereof, or the mint will betaken pro co»ft**n auaintt him.

WM. il. PAKKER, c. r a. d.Commissioner's Office, April Ti, 1867.Apiil 24 26Ct


In Equity.Cornelia A. Sloan, by next friend, vi. Tliotns*

M. Sloan and othoia.

Bill for Relief| etc.

IT appearing thnt Tliomia M. 'Sloan,(AndHouston slonn, Sloan, children of

snid Thomas M. Sloan, defendant* to this Bill,reside beyond the limit* of this State,On motion by Burt, Com p, Sol.. Ordered, that

said defendants do appear and plead, aubwm'c ordemur to BAid Bill «»f Complaint within rourrD*v* from the puhlicnt ion hereof, or th« Minewill t>« taken pro coufesMo against them.

Commissioner'* office, April 26, 1887.W. II. PA KKlilt, a B. A. I».

April 26, 18B7, 6t

The State of South Carolina,Abbeville District.

In Equity.Elizabeth J. Unghey, Administratrix, V*. ElrzabelhBuchanan and Othv:*.

Bill for Acoount, IVIarshall Assets,Call in Creditors, &c.

IT appearing that the children of Juo. Hujjhey,dee'd, whose name* niul number are aiitiown.Tip llughey and JefFernon Iluehay,A-C 1 »_ .1.:. li:n :-i~ t -i ..--Vuficuuuuip w viiid uni> rc^iuc uryuuu tntriiiuiuiof tiliw Statu-,Oo motion by Perrin &. Coibran. Complainant'*Solicitor*, Ordered that said defendant*

do appear and plead. answer or demur to naidBill within furly daj'a from the publicationhereof. or (he »ain* will be taken pro eonftttuagainst them. W M. II. PAUKKIt,

C. E.A.D.Comminioner'* office. April 26, 16A7.May 1 27fit


In the Common Pleas.John H. Chile* )

> Foreign Attachment.J. F. Patteraon. )

WHEREAS tha Plant iff did, on ,h* twentyfourth day of September, A. P.,1866, file bia decim ation against '.ha Defendant.wlio (a* it ia «aid) i» absent from and withoutthe limit* of thi* State, and haa neither wifen»r Aitornt-J known within the same, opotiwhom a copy of 111* «&fd declaration Wight beaerved, '

v fIt iath^fefvre, ordered thai tba >aid .Defendantdo epoear and pUad U> Iho a*id drcW»ration,on or h> fore the twenty-flfth dar of September,which will he in iheyear of our Lord

eighteen hundred and aixty-seven. oIIiVtwimfinal and aheotute judgment will then be givenand awarded against him.

MATTHEW mcDOKAM), c. c. p.Clerk's Office, Abb-ville Diit,, )

September 24, 1866. JSeptember ig, M, If. t t


In tht Common Pleat.BriU and Brother 1

v». V- Foreign Attachment.8. B. Wideman. )WI1EUEAS tk« Plaintiff did, on the twentiethday of February, A. D.. lBC7r filehie deelaratioo against the Defendant, who (««it b »*id) U absent front aod without the limit*of this Stale, auil Irt* neither wife nor Atturw^yknown within the aaiae, upon wbetu * copy oi

i the aaid de^Uration u/fcht be »«Mod. t ,It b therefore, ordered Hut live said Defendantdo appearand i>)e*d to th»aaid declaration,on or tpf»r«.the twenty-first day of FebruMry,»b>eh will be in the year of our Lord eifhUta«hundred and sixty eight, otherwise Anal and

_ir.. _rr» it.- ^ .JJTt

Zv«nw i£SX^JtiH " if TVlztMatthew McDohald, cop.

CHerk'* Offie*. Abto+vitijF l>iaiV 1. '

Feb. »2,44, 1j.*TTT 'tyu"* ':"*)"i:-w--i


In th» Common PUaa.

Wairwi Q. Ixxn*x. )WtiEKSUdbe lAtKMMfll

itjr of October, A. J>., IM(, II* hto de«UmU«m tgB«p>r»»A PdMdurt, »ko (Mm it iiMi4) tf ih^'A^iritkU ttolteib* eiftb SUU, aMl Km Mhbtir wff» nor AttoraoykM*i within tit* Hat, npfn «Ma>4(ty'ViAmmM 4Mt«Mtioa miftit b« Mrnd,

a or b«fen tlM fourt«**Ui 4ajr mtOefgfitfV W»»'cl»

1"* " "Hr5I{-waWBfiRn


« 1111'^mmmm

Wilt! WAR! WAR!'~V. 3






G. SCHWA RZ.Man h 29, T8G7,


Marshall Sharp 1v». v Foreign Attachment.

W. M OrifTln. JWIIKRKAS ilie Plaintiff di>l, on the twen

tictli day of Annual, A. 1)., ISfiO. fi1<iiia declaration ngainxt the Defendant, who (atit iaxuiil) in absent from nnd without the limit*of lllil SlalA »ill) !«* "' A 1.

known within ilie tnuie. upon whom a copy olthe sflid declaration might he served.

It ix, therefore, ordered, thut tile sai«l Defendnut do appear and plead lo tin; s»id do<;'uration,on or liefore (lie twenty fust dny of Augurlwhich will lie ill the year of our I.»rd eighteeihundred and erxty-grven, otherwise tiunl uud allsolute judgment will then be given and uwurded against hirri.

MATTHEW McDONALI), c. r.Clerk's Officp, Alilieville Dint., )

August '20, 18(56. JAugust 21 43ly


In. the Common Pleas.Wm. D. Mara 1

vs. > Attachment.A. R Houston. )1IT II KItKAS ttie PlainlifTdid, on tha twenwwty third day of February, A. I>. 1867,fii. ki. a.i :. 'i-- >»-'.>« ' lit* U^VIOI UIIOII alumni. uiC'l/tltlMIHIH, W HO

(bs it is b«id) u> fthfont from and without thelimits of this Stnte, nnd has neither wife nor

Attorney Jcjiown within the Hume, upon whomn copy uf the said declaration might he served.

It, i«, therefore, ordered thnt tile aaid Defendnut do nppeor and pl*ad to the said declaration,on or before the twenty-fourth day of Februory,which will be in the year of our Lord eighteenhundred and sixty-eight, otherwise final nndabsolute judgment will iluu be trivet) nnd awardedagainst him.

M vTTHEW McDOVAl.D, cap.ClerkV Oflico, Abbeville District, Ffehrunry23, lfcff.7. Feb 97 :8 lyThe State of South Carolina.

ABBEVILLE UliSTIi/CT.In the Cominon Pleat

Tim*. J. Roberta, "|Adir/r debouit nott, ^

v». I foreign AttachmentWarren. G. I.oniax. JWUKJiEAS lite Pluiritiff did, on the Iwrn

ty-eighth day of September, A. 1>.,IN6H, fi'e hi* lier.larntion against lite Defendantwho ( it is »au1) inabw-nt frufu and withoutthe liluiis < ( this State, atid'lus neither wiiV norAttorney known within Die tain*, upon whoma copy of Llie said declaration nii^lit br -rved,It ik ilicralorr, ordered tliat the *aid Defenilantdo appear and plead to tlie raid declaration,on or befora thn twenty-ninth chvy of September,which will he in the year of «>im* Lord eiahteenhundied nnd rixtwseven, otharwipe finalbtid ntwolute judgment will tlieu be given andawardeJ ug.tiusi hiiD. '

MArTUEW McOONaLT)." a cStn.ri'j .:n^

Kept 28, )80t>. \Qel. a 49lySouth Carolina JELailroad,

GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE,C'iiarlkkton, S. C., Muroli II, 1867.

ON mid afiar the 18lh instant. the ThroughMail Truin will rbn a* follow*, viz:L~*v« Colombia «t 11 41) « iii , Charleston time.Arrive at Kinjj^ville at 1.20 p. in., " "

Leave Hing-villa ai 1 35 p. ni., " "

Aarive ml Augusta at 9.00 p. m., " "

^ rAKKNOKh TBAIN. ..; A>Lfcave Charleston..... .. .- . »7.0.OO n. m.Am »u at Oolumina.,.. ...... .^i^jfep. m.Leave Colombia.,..'!..... /£.'t6.fcO a. m.Arrive at Charleston * i. <., ,4.00 p. m.

. ..v.* r'o. -.v* .H. '4'.PBAICK. Gw'JSupVMarch fh 21tf

I Greenville and Columbia Railroad.gaaragflEua csvssi


ON And after MONllA-Y, tha 17tli iiiataut,the PjasengT Trnint will run doily (8"i.-d»y» until farther notice follow*:

Lenva Columbia at 7.15 it. m.- Alston at.< *«>5

" N**Har*y " '

. Arrive at Abbeville «t 8.13 p. m.H' at Anderson u( 5.10 *

*st Greenvill* at ......6-40 '

Learo Q«w»viUo at... ...'.i.&oO-a. m." Ati^raw. »l,,t ....!» 80 "- ACWjHJo ess" - Hewtorry »t.» 1.20 p. m

* Arrlvs at Alrfoti at 2.45 "

" at*C"lulabia at 4.40 "

Tha Bridtra at AliUu bsiug now completed,It - .J t1UU rmgnM will Du iranoporu l

w'rtbnot delay.Tho rxponao of Frotght by ihe diaoontinuanoo

( th» SVugooa aod Boat will bo largely reduced.J. B. L>«dALLE.

tWgMfs*KOT JHB 8S0E SHOP.IP yna w«pt oboa^, b*a< and otaUnttal

Bool# 6r Hbrfeo, oaido K> order. *o ip Kaaaoi#V8aol««d »Uo Sbop Fin* Frtittoh Oatffkin8boo«, fur ^oatt«n*n, from $4/SO* to ffr.ffO.|f material io furnished, wilt niako them at

».nalr in r> >/trtnn inn Pa ll aia/1 laaVtviffc auv 11IVW in »v«

(pr /fiafHM, ofrntk tifosa tint w« ha v* worked

^ 1 * * ®*.f7 'l i-;' i )' '


r b *» <*» .we*, i_

r ,, SKKBSriTS SALES.DY Tirt** of »«ndry writs of Ff«ri F»ci*»

"dt£ AhtwVilKCourt Bouh, ob th« Arte Moudsv in Jut

,2** HM m; I r «»MrMll»«4t af Dr. Ma ( l*M Mid Mbw. b»M44aW,|M pMpMMr ««» < M.





PLUMB &. EDmggist© aiti>

0,1.0, BroacNEAR THE POST


T-M^tPPnTCllI 1 V . II.. «.<><>,,« inn of Mnrr

It u J well assorted Stocfc of


And all other articles in their line No- houseGENUINENESS and PURITY. ALT, OFFft not accordance with the Foimtilae of thewith the B'-et Material, and l>5 t * PUOPER WEThey respectfully solicit orders, and pledg* then

paieh. If any articlrshouM not prove to he preto have it rr'nrneil nt their expense, andthe mom


GLOB! HOTELAugusta, Ga.

W. c HEWITT, )Lnt«> of wiitt Houbo, V». > Pioor'sE. W. IIEWITT, )

r|MlE GLOBE HOTEL, under (he pr«»_i.JL Proprietor, has be»n Thoroughly


and is second to no Hotel in the South. AtInched to the lintel is an elegantBARBER SHOP, and BATH HOIJ8E T.>r Ladip*itfi.l Oentlemen. Also, a No. T LIVERYSTABLE, wl'ere Hack* and Horpcscan Ik procuredtor pleasure or for trir s tlio'comit ry.The 6lX)IiE is locuteil in th<; <«-Mt-r of 'the

City, nod surrounded b\ the principal BusinessHouses.March 29, 1867,


AND DAUGHTERlylTOl't.D respectfully call upon the T.a'dtesTT of Abbeville and vicinity. Intending

Mgain to mam« their huidiiets, at tht-ir llou«r,(MAGAZINE II II.L,) trn»t to b# again fnvnfedwith h eall from tlifeir Lmly customers, to whomthey return many for I heir former support.and ln>p« by punctuality and dispatch. 'to nllord'.'is t-iitiusted tolbeir cure, to merit acontinuance.

FASHIONS RECEIVED EVE l<Y MONTH,-direct from New York. All branches of Mil-linery executrd with tastr.

Ladies' BONNETS, HATS, are trimmed.remodel led or I>YEI).According In orders.

Abbeville C. II . March 8, 18*i7, 46, If


To the Mors and Debtors ofM.C.V. BARNES.,VaWSU i

/I V. mnN'RS having made an1

J went of his property for the benefit nfhi* creditor*, Lliey will Uke notioe thiil theirdt-manda niuit lie freaei.ted to mi ut Lowndes.ville, on or before the Ut day of .ltit>« in xi.Tliooo indebted to the said C. V. Ilunies bynote <jir account will ipuke pvyineot to me. i

W E. WHITE,Assignee.

Feb. 7, 1867. -12, tf


II.' ILL he rented that very drtirable Re»iTf dence, and W*ll known boarding fcou'r,InRethT with tlie adjacent Slor;, situated onthe Ntrth JKaftl corner of tl»o Public Square. 'Ou the |trcmi*e* are Good Stables, Kitehaits, '

and otl»«r otiihuiMi-gP, s1ih> a hjrge and fertilegarden under good fencing, ami a well ul <

'excellent w-ater. The above Kosidsnce andbtore will he KEN'TEIX aitber SEPARATELYor TOGETH Elt, on Reibonable TKKMS, upon

implicationto Mr. Cliitlci Deudy, Mr. J. T.Owen.

'* ; .1'" MBS. E. A. DENDY.

.4an. iO| Jioni v u



Afig$gg$g, Cstgr-A, Co.,- , Importers and Jobbers of

Ribbons: Bonnet Silkaarfd Saline, Blon<l»,Nelte, Crapea, Ydretf, Rtfch*s, "Flowera,Femt»er». Straw Bonnet* and Ladta** Hate, i

Trimmed and UnVrimrocd, Shaker Hudrfj, Mc'. i237 and 389 Baltimore Stre^


Baltimore* JVCd.Offer the Inrgeet ;iU>ck to be found is Uii i

counUj," fod_one^«aUed I® ab®io« wyiaty andriieawim. ^

Order* aoHoited and prompt attention given.Fffe. t«, 4V«0* / j .

' --


SADDLE ANDHARNESS SHOP.TBS sab*ethrr rrapeotfolly inform* the publioti»«> ha h»« rM>p«Htd bis AABhUAJ» HABtf flllOp, at h|* TANYAHD, .

tiIImko of AbbtV.ilU.Ha viH ba p1e«c*d M Iwaifk *11 who dmy

M»d Mstiiiog.ioiiia liu with *riiolo of «b«baat, anility m*4er*U prioa* Hia mo*to jfj qoiok a*jMaBd»wmilj)rofita. His Una*.

flit 11 llll llM. VI H. -5,1"




L Street, ~ '

OFFICE CORNER,OlQOR&l Avihanta, Planter#, and Phyaioians to Iheir larj«

D MEDICINES,St PAINTS, OILS,in the Sonlh can offer a stock inperior i®IOINAL PREPARATIONS bmnu made laUNITED STA TEs PHA RAtA COP(EIA,IGHTS and MEASURES.natives lo fill lliein with fidelity and diaeii>ely »a represented, they aball feel thankfulpy will be refunded. [Sept. 21. l'iro.


f \a t>*nnv o- -

« «». iit iui kite present,* ill be at (jrrenwood, S. C«June 16, 1666, 9,tf


Columbia., S. C-,john mumm. PRO:

1 w

irllE above works are uow in operation, anilenii furnish nil kiixli* of IRON anil


. sinotice and on reitHonnblo i«nnsN. B. My terms art, positively, pnyme»fc-'licfure delivery; mid, for large orders, pnfilr

payment, must neeompuny the order, and tMg:balance before the the last articles are delivered^.All purlins indebted lomenre respectfully solie-\ited to settle up immediately, as iho money is

very much needed.

JOHN AtEXAKfiEH.US'" 25 llnr«e Power Portable Engine,

[Trtdrgar Works,) and 30 Ilortu Tyler Engiue^ON SALE,

OSBAP FOH. OASB.May 17, 1807,2-12m *

IMPORTANT!BE MUI^E and encloio to the SuUeribcr,

al Cukfsbuiy,

ONE DOLLAR,BY MAIL, and yoa will be »ur« to recairo byItETURli MAIL,

FORTY PHOTOGRAPHSOf citizens ofCoko»bory. Tlieae Picture*, taken t

z>slom: x<xs*xi,3n a *ing1e card, ar«all excellent, and Would bant atitractibnioany photogra'pliie album. Seudis ONE DOLLAR, and thun renew you r ac-l<jaiuiance wuu me "*uia roim at Home."

P. W. Connor, |Resident Artist, Cokesbur/.April 26, 1867,.<f


Tho many friend* of L. H. RUSSELL rt.

ipcctfully ut»Bounoa:him candidate fer Tu*goHector at the next election. / ,

rf" We are authorised to annoooM DArVf»C&AWiFDHD. Modida^* for %Rr fi|Vl ' tl«c*or at Ihe en»oio^ eleqtfoo. ^ I j . , ?

11 (; < « .> " "" >«n<Llyr flu fri«nda«f S. P. .BOOZER mailt.

fVlf »nQ<*»ne«Jtfi* aandidaU for lb« lin «rax Collector At « mawg moouoo.

jy Thf, fri«bd«--of C»pl. W. R. WHITE«»pectfa>Iy anoounc* him m candidate *«r*jt Colleolor. at tho'ntxt election.

'BMlajar art'IkteetA.SBEVILLE, S.G*>A"-.^?'u r>March 4, 1867. 46.6ta ->» 1 %'



ABBEVILLE, 8. C. . /.Hk.

rally fid prwuptiy ixnutKLJ*n'y 11. 1887, flm