smart material museum exhibit spring design review #2

Smart Material Museum Exhibit Spring Design Review #2 Senior Design Group 13 Glen Ashworth Daniel Roque Isaac Piersall Laura Wainikainen

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Smart Material Museum Exhibit Spring Design Review #2. Senior Design Group 13 Glen Ashworth Daniel Roque Isaac Piersall Laura Wainikainen. Overview. Problem/Intro Recap/Update of Design Accomplishments Update on Current Testing Remaining Tasks Gantt Chart References. Problem/Intro. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

Smart Material Museum ExhibitSpring Design Review #2Senior Design Group 13Glen AshworthDaniel RoqueIsaac PiersallLaura Wainikainen

OverviewProblem/IntroRecap/Update of DesignAccomplishmentsUpdate on Current TestingRemaining TasksGantt ChartReferences2Problem/IntroThe goal of this senior design project is to design, build, and test a museum exhibitExhibit must utilize and demonstrate the behavior of a smart material and its applicationsSmart material chosen for this project is the piezoelectric typeExhibit must be interactive and entertaining for studentsFinal product should be delivered to the museum ready for display

3View of Exhibit: Original 4

View of Exhibit: Updated5

AccomplishmentsExhibit stand built out of MDF wood and covered with black carpetElevated stage to be enclosed by plexiglassEquipped with chamber for electrical components


Piezoelectric Accomplishments

Oriented 90 degrees from each otherControlled via Arduino and laptop computerWill be placed on the stage, shielded from children via plexiglassPiezoelectric material and mirrors glued to metal stripsWires soldered and attached to piezosPositioned via adjustable helping hands with alligator clips

2-D Laser Movement Controlled via Arduino

8Experimental ResolutionLinear disp. = 3.6 ~ 0.012 per tickAngular disp. = 3.8 ~0.015 per tick

63 in37 inLaser PathDirection of motionInitial PositionView of Exhibit10

Target with photoresistors for each direction of motionLocation of pan/tilt kit with a separate laser mounted on topPhotoresistor Circuit Data11Light ConditionsResistanceVoutLaser (6 in)120ohm1.21Laser (15 ft)300ohm1.78Ambient Light1500ohm5.59Total change1380ohm4.37

Total Resolution with Arduino: 10 bits or 1024 incrementsUsable Resolution: 802 IncrementsPan/Tilt kitReceived mounting kit and two motorsAssembled pieces, tested for functionality12

170 degrees of motion in both pan and tilt directionsSufficient range to aim at any part of map

Piezo CodeCurrentgets values through serial monitorable to control piezos via filtering of PWM signalStarted interface with joystickNeedsFinish interface with joystickOscillation/vibration demonstration Laser power controlServo CodeCurrentControls both servo motorsStarted interface with photoresistorsNeedsPhotoresistor circuitFinish interface with photoresistorsLaser power control (same as in piezo code)

Remaining TasksUser InterfaceConnection of joystick to arduinoPlacement/alignment of peizos and laser on exhibit stand

Satellite StationConnection of photoresistors with arduinoPlacement of photoresistors on targetPossible adjustments of laser reflections on map

15Schedule 24-Mar31-Mar7-Apr14-AprTesting and AnalysisJoystick/Arduino ConnectionExhibit AssemblyPhotoresistor ConnectionAssembly of Target/Satellite16JanuaryFebruaryMarchApril6-Jan13-Jan20-Jan27-Jan3-Feb10-Feb17-Feb24-Feb3-Mar10-Mar17-Mar24-Mar31-Mar7-Apr14-Apr21-AprRestated Scopes and Plans ReviewInitial PurchasingInitial TestingDesign Review Presentation #1Continued TestingPrototype BuildingInstallationDesign Review Presentation #2Testing/AnalysisOpen HouseQuestions?17

References"Performance High Voltage Power Supply Manufacturer." EMCO High Voltage Power Supply Manufacturer. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. ."MFC." Macrofiber Composite. Smart Material, n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. ."Piezo Actuators to Enable High-resolution Cosmic Dust Analysis." SME Achievements. European Space Agency, n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. ."From the Satellite to the Ground." Imagine the Universe. NASA, n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. .18