sixty-fifth critical bibliography of the history and philosophy of science and of the history of...

Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943) Author(s): George Sarton and Frances Siegel Source: Isis, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Winter, 1944), pp. 53-94 Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science Society Stable URL: . Accessed: 14/06/2014 05:12 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . The University of Chicago Press and The History of Science Society are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Isis. This content downloaded from on Sat, 14 Jun 2014 05:12:49 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

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Page 1: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of theHistory of Civilization (To December 1943)Author(s): George Sarton and Frances SiegelSource: Isis, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Winter, 1944), pp. 53-94Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science SocietyStable URL: .

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.JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range ofcontent in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new formsof scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected].


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Page 2: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)




THE latest Critical Bibliography to appear was the sixty-fourth which was published in Isis (34, 423- 62, 1943), but two bibliographies, nos. 58 and 59, are thus far unavailable to the majority of our readers because of the German invasion of Bel- gium. The bibliography no. 58 has actually been published in Isis (vol. 31, 491-608, April 1940), but only nine copies of the issue containing it (no. 84 of Isis completing vol. 31) have reached America.

This sixty-fifth bibliography contains about 630 items. They have been kindly contributed by the eight following scholars:

C. W. ADAMS (London) S. GANDZ (New York) C. A. KOFOID (Berkeley, Cal.) C. D. LEAKE (Galveston, Tex.) M. F. A. MONTAGU (Merion, Pa.) A. POGO (Cambridge, Mass.) G. SARTON (Cambridge, Mass.) C. ZIRKLE (Philadelphia).

The sections dealing with the twentieth century are especially full, as I have liquidated as much as I could of my stock of notes concerning them. I have in my drawers a large number of notes which will be published as soon as it has been possible to check them upon the originals or otherwise.

The historical classification (part II) contains a new section (IV), "The New World and Africa," divided into three subsections: (a) America, (b) Oceania, (c) Africa. (These subsections have not been numbered, in order not to disturb the num- bering of sections of Part III.)

I entreat the authors of relevant books and papers to send me copies of them as promptly as possible in order that their studies may be regis- tered in this bibliography and eventually re- viewed and discussed. By so doing they will not simply help me and every other historian of science, but they will help themselves in the best manner, for they will obtain for their work the most valuable publicity and its certain incorpora- tion into the literature of the subject.

Most of the notes were selected by me. They were typed by Miss FRANCES SIEGEL, and the typing and proofs read by Dr. A. POGO.

GEORGE SARTON Harvard Library, 185 Cambridge 38, Mass. December 22, 1943




Taqizadeh, S. H. A new contribution to the materials concerning the life of ZOROASTER. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, 8, 947-54, London, 1937.


Stella, L. A. Importanza di ALCMEONE nella storia del pensiero greco. 55 p. (Accad. dei Lincei, Memorie, ser. VI, VIII, fasc. 4). Rome, Bardi, 1939.

Reviewed by LUDWIG EDELSTEIN, American Journal of Philology, 63, 371-72, 1942.


Edelstein, Ludwig. The Hippocratic oath. Text, translation and interpretation. vii+64 p. (Sup- plements to the Bulletin of the History of Medi- cine, no. 1). Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1943.

"One must conclude that the Oath was not composed before the 4th century B.C. All the doctrines followed in the treatise are characteristic of Pythagoreanism as it was envisaged in the 4th century B.C. It is most probable even that the Oath was outlined only in the second half or towards the end of the 4th century, for the greater part of the parallels adduced are taken from the works of pupils of ARISTOTLE." . . . "As time went on, the Hippocratic Oath became the nucleus of all medical ethics. In all coun- tries, in all epochs in which monotheism, in its purely religious or in its more secularized form, was the accepted creed, the Hippocratic Oath was applauded as the em- bodiment of truth. Not only Jews and Christians, but the Arabs, the mediaeval doctors, men of the Renaissance, scientists of the Enlightenment, and scholars of the 19th century embraced the ideals of the Oath. I am not quali- fied to outline the successive stages of this historical process. But I venture to suggest that he who undertakes to study this development will find it better understandable if he realizes that the Hippocratic Oath is a Pythagorean mani- festo and not the expression of an absolute standard of medical conduct."

Frankel, Hermann. ZENO OF ELEA'S attacks on plurality. American Journal of Philology, 63, 1-25, 193-206, 1942.

Myres, J. L. An attempt to reconstruct the maps used by HERODOTUS. Geographical Journal, 8, 605-31, 1896.


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Page 3: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

Vth B.C. to Ilnd (1)

An elaborate paper with 10 diagrammatic maps. Add. to Introd., 1, 106. C.W.A.

IVTH CENTURY B.C. (whole and first half)

Klibansky, Raymond. PLATO'S Parmenides in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. A chap- ter in the history of Platonic studies. Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies, 1, 281-330, 1943.

"No other Platonic dialogue, perhaps no other philo- sophical work, has undergone such strange vicissitudes as the Parmenides. Considered by one group of exegetes as a mere exercise in dialectic, regarded by another as an important contribution to the theory of ideas, rejected by some as spurious, viewed by a few as a humorous parody, and extolled by many as the supreme expression of Pla- tonic theology, its character was no less disputed in the schools of Antiquity than among modern interpreters."

IVTH CENTURY B.C. (second half)

Boyer, C. A. An early reference to division by zero. American Mathematical Monthly, 50, 487-91, 1943.

"Historical evidence points to ARISTOTLE, rather than to BRAHMAGUPTA, as the one who first considered division by zero."

IIIRD CENTURY B.C. (whole and first half)

Breloer, Bernhard. MEGASTHENES (etwa 300 v. Chr.) iiber die indische Gesellschaft. Z. d. D. M. G., 88, 130-64, 1934.

Breloer, Bernhard. MEGASTHENES iiber die in- dische Stadtverwaltung. Z. d. D. M. G., 89, 40- 67, 1935.

IIIRD CENTURY B.C. (second half)

Solmsen, Friedrich. ERATOSTHENES as Platonist and poet. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, 73, 192-213, 1942.

"In his Platonicus ERATOSTHENES clarified and set forth his views regarding a number of concepts which PLATO in the Timaeus had used to construct and explain the Uni- verse. The same concepts not only reappear in ERATOS- THENES' own philosophy but also play an important part in his mathematical studies and in his musical theory. In geography too, his principal contribution may be under- stood as an application of a Platonic point of view. ERATOS- THENES shared PLATO'S belief in a pre-existence of the souls. Finally, one of his poems, the Hermes, embodies the out- lines of a Platonic cosmology and at the same time reflects some of ERATOSTHENES' own scientific convictions and interests."

IST CENTURY B.C. (whole and first half) Boyance, Pierre. Etudes sur le songe de SCIPION.

192 p. (Bibliotheque des Universites du Midi, XX). Bordeaux, 1936.

Reviewed by F. CUMONT, Revue de l'histoire des reli- gions, 116, 224-25, 1937. "La these essentielle que defend

l'auteur est que le Songe n'est pas, comme on l'a soutenu, une adaptation de quelque reverie mystique de POSIDONIUS, ni une version plus ou moins fidele de quelque autre modele grec, mais une creation litteraire de CICERON lui-meme, qui a voulu renouveler le theme traditionnel du reve eschatologique. Nous croyons que, sur ce point capital, il faut lui donner raison."

Deutsch, Rosamund E. The pattern of sound in LUCRETIUS. viii+188 p. Bryn Mawr, 1939.

Reviewed by RAYMOND MANDRA, American Journal of Philology, 63, 376-77, 1942.

Getty, R. J. The astrology of P. NIGIDIUS FIGU- LUS. The Classical Quarterly, 35, 17-22, 1941.

Green, William M. The dying world of LUCRE- TIUS. American Journal of Philology, 63, 51-60, 1942.

IST CENTURY B.C. (second half)

Deferrari, Roy J.; Barry, M. Inviolata; McGuire, Martin R. P. A concordance of OVID. ix+2220 p. Washington, Catholic Uni- versity of America Press, 1939.

Concordances are very useful when they are kept within bounds, but I fail to see the use of extending them to the most common words of the language, such as et and que. If a pedant wanted to see for himself how OVID used those words, he would not consult the Concordance but read OVID'S works straight through. G.S.

Downey, Glanville. STRABO on Antioch: notes on his method. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, 72, 85- 95, 1941.

[HORACE]. QUINTUS HORATIUS FLACCUS. Editions in the United States and Canada as they appear in the Union Catalog of the Library of Con- gress. xvii+240 p., 2 pl. Mills College, Cali- fornia, 1938.

List of 2723 items.

IST CENTURY (second half)

Marcus, Ralph. Note on an Aramaic etymology in PLUTARCH'S Isis and Osiris. American Jour- nal of Philology, 63, 335, 1942.

Olson, Lois. COLUMELLA and the beginning of soil science. Agric. History, 17, 65-72, 1943.

IIND CENTURY (whole and first half) Diller, Aubrey. The anonymous Diagnosis of

Ptolemaic geography. Classical Studies in honor of WILLIAM ABBOTT OLDFATHER, 39-49, 1943.

"The diagnosis cannot be dated narrowly or positively by the present evidence. But we have shown that the current assumption of a pre-Byzantine date is unwarranted, and that the thirteenth or fourteenth century is tenable, if not actually indicated. The diagnosis therefore is of little value for the problem of the history of Ptolemaic maps,


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Page 4: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

IInd (1) to VIth (1)

since it is not only secondary to them in content, but also may be as late or later in origin than the atlas codices in which they are preserved."

Enslin, Morton S. JUSTIN MARTYR: an apprecia- tion. Jewish Quarterly Review, 34, 179-205, 1943.

Evans, Elizabeth C. The study of physiognomy in the second century A.D. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Asso- ciation, 72, 96-108, 1941.

"This paper is concerned with the popularity of the sub- ject of physiognomy in the second century of the Christian Era. It examines the comments of certain representative writers of this period, both Greek and Roman, in order to study their general references to physiognomical theory, and the types of portraits found in their writings, which are capable of physiognomical analysis. The authors dis- cussed include POLEMO OF LAODICEA, MAXIMUS OF TYRE, DIO CHRYSOSTOM, LUCIAN, APULEIUS, JULIUS POLLUX, PHRYNICHUS, SEXTUS EMPIRICUS, MARCUS AURELIUS, PLUTARCH, ARTEMIDORUS, AULUS GELLIUS, GALEN, and CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA.

IIND CENTURY (second half)

Miiller, Siegfried. Das Verhaltnis von APULEIUS De mundo zu seiner Vorlage. 179 p. (Philologus, Supplementbd. 32). Leipzig, Dieterich, 1939.

Reviewed by JOSEPH P. MAGUIRE, American Journal of Philology, 62, 369-70, 1942.

Pack, Roger A. ARTEMIDORUS and the physi- ognomists. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, 72, 321-34, 1941.

"That ARTEMIDORUS' strictures against the physiog- nomists refer to the sophist POLEMON, is a thesis for which strong presumptive evidence can be adduced, although it cannot be proved with finality. The onirologist and his rival both favored the empirical method, but POLEMON emphatically affirmed what ARTEMIDORUS later denied, that physiognomy may on occasion have a mantic or prophetic value."

IVTH CENTURY (whole and first half)

Thouvenot, Raymond. Chretiens et juifs a Grenade au IVe siecle apres J.-C. Hesperis, 30, 201-11, 1943.

Vassiliev, Boris. "Ju-shih Lun"-a logical treatise ascribed to VASUBANDHU. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies (University of London), 8, 1013-37, 1937.

IVTH CENTURY (second half)

Fox, Sister Margaret Mary. The life and times of ST. BASIL THE GREAT as revealed in his works. xvi+172 p. (Patristic Studies of the Catholic University of America, 57). Wash- ington, D. C., Catholic University of America, 1939.

Franqon, Marcel. AusoNIUS's riddle of the number three. Speculum, 18, 24748, 1943.

Quasten, Johannes. A Pythagorean idea in JEROME. American Journal of Philology, 63, 207-15, 1942.

VTH CENTURY (whole and first half)

Marrou, Henri-Irenee. SAINT AUGUSTIN et la fin de la culture antique. xv+620 p. Paris, de Boc- card, 1938.

Reviewed by A. J. FESTUGIERE, Revue des etudes grecques, 52, 235-40, 1939.

Stahl, William Harris. Astronomy and geog- raphy in MACROBIUS. Transactions and Proceed- ings of the American Philological Association, 73, 232-58, 6 fig., 1942.

"Although MACROBIUS' Commentary was one of the leading source books of information on astronomy and geography in the Middle Ages, modern studies of the Commentary deal only superficially with these subjects. The framework of MACROBIUS' cosmography resembles that of PLATO'S Timaeus, his alleged authority, but his dis- cussion presents many parallels to passages in extant works of Platonici and Neoplatonists. The assumption of DREYER and HEATH that MACROBIUS is adopting the Heraclidian theory for the revolutions of Venus and Mercury about the sun is not upheld by the text. The map of the world ac- companying MACROBIUS' text was to become the archetype of one of the commonest styles of medieval mappae mundi cartography."

Stein, Sir Aurel. From Swat to the gorges of the Indus. Geographical Journal, 100, 49-56, 1942.

"FA-HSIEN has described the forbidding route he and his pious fellow travellers had followed in A.D. 400, after leaving Ta-li-lo, the present Darel. His description is fully confirmed by our survey. We have here one more proof how much reliance can be placed on the topographical sense and power of observation of those old Chinese travellers." C.W.A.

VTH CENTURY (second half)

Krusch, Bruno. Studien zur christlich-mittelalter- lichen Chronologie. Die Entstehung unserer heutigen Zeitrechnung. 1. VICTORIUS. Ersatz der fehlerhaften Ausgabe MOMMSENS in den M. G. 2. DIONYSIUS EXIGUUS, der Begriinder der christlichen Ara. 87 p. (Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-hist. KI., 8, 1937). Berlin, de Gruyter, 1938.

Reviewed by NAT. BECKMAN, Lychnos, 457-58, 1939 (in Swedish).

VITH CENTURY (whole and first half)

Conant, Kenneth John. The first dome of St. Sophia and its rebuilding. American Journal of Archaeology, 43, 589-91, 5 figs., 1939.


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Page 5: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

VIth (1) to Xth (1)

De Corte, Marcel. Le commentaire de JEAN PHILOPON sur le troisieme livre du "Traite de l'me" d' ARISTOTE. xix+85 p. (Bibliotheque de la faculte de philosophie et lettres de l'Uni- versite de Liege, fasc. 65). Liege, Librairie Droz, 1934.

Reviewed by EMILE BREHIER, Revue des etudes grecques, 48, 616-17, 1935.

Messing, Gordon M. Remarks on ANTHIMUS De observatione ciborum. Classical Philology, 37, 150-58, 1942.

Minio-Paluello, Lorenzo. The genuine text of BOETHIUS' translation of ARISTOTLE'S cate-

gories. Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies, 1, 151-77, 1943.

VITH CENTURY (second half)

Sbath, Paul (editor). Traites religieux, philoso- phiques et moraux, extraits des oeuvres d'IsAAC DE NINIVE. 128 p. Cairo, al-Sharq, 1934.

Reviewed by A. S. TRITTON, Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies (University of London), 8, 1167, 1937.

VIIITH CENTURY (whole and first half)

Jones, Charles W. Bedae pseudepigrapha: scien- tific writings falsely attributed to BEDE. XV+ 154 p. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1939.

Reviewed by PUTNAM FENNELL JONES, American Journal of Philology, 63, 492, 1942.

Marqais, G.; Levi-Provenqal, E. Note sur un poids de verre du VIIIe siecle. Annales de l'In- stitut d'Etudes Orientales, 3, 6-18, 1 pl., Alger, 1937.

Starr, Joshua. Le mouvement messianique au debut du VIIIe siecle. Revue des etudes juives, 102, 81-92, 1937.

IXTH CENTURY (whole and first half)

Aegerter, Emmanuel. Gottschalk et le probleme de la predestination au IXe siecle. Revue de I'histoire des religions, 116, 187-223, 1937.

Bailey, H. W. Zoroastrian problems in the ninth- century books. vi+-235 p. (Ratanbai Katrak Lectures). Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1943.

Lectures based upon the Bundahishn and other texts of the ninth century or of undetermined date. The Bundahishn was briefly discussed in my Introduction (2, 396) in the period XII-2, because the larger Iranian version of it was completed c. 1178. G.S.

Carmody, Francis J. (editor). AL FARGHANI Differentie scientie astrorum. 5+52 p. Berkeley, California, 1943.

Critical edition in typescript of AL-FARGHANI'S astronomy in the mediaeval Latin translation, first printed in Ferrara

1493 (Intr., 1, 567). The textual notes are abundant. G.S.

Taylor, W. R. AL-BUKHARI and the Aggada. Moslem World, 33, 191-202, 1943.

"The parallelisms between the Hadith and the Aggada indicate some close contacts between the former and the latter. In certain cases the traditions are so similar in substance to Jewish material that one can assume that they have strayed from Jewish sources into their present context. And in other instances it is apparent that the traditionists are defining regulations for religious practice, the grounds for which are intelligible only by reference to Jewish parallels. It must be evident that the religious leaders in Islam, despite their pretence of self-sufficiency, kept their attention on Judaism. They seemed to be drawn to it because of an instinctive recognition of the com- munity of bonds between Islam and Judaism, and so un- wittingly multiplied evidences of the basal kinship between the two faiths."

IXTH CENTURY (second half) Labowsky, Lotte. A new version of SCOTUS

ERIUGENA'S commentary on MARTIANUS CA- PELLA. Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies, 1, 187-93, 1943.

Rosenthal, Franz. AHMAD B. AT-TAYYIB AS-SA- RAKHSi. A scholar and litterateur of the ninth century. 135 p. New Haven, Conn., American Oriental Society, 1943.

Elaborate study of an Arabic author, a pupil of AL-KINDi, whose life is very imperfectly known and whose abundant writing are lost. The author has gathered and publishes here all the fragments and doxographical material scattered in Arabic literature. Thus we are given for the first time a more definite idea of a personality which had remained thus far enigmatic (see my Introd. 1, 597). Some of AL-SARAKHSI'S writings dealt with astronomy, astrology, mathematics, music, medicine. Nothing is known about them, except for two long quotations from IBN RUSTA and AL-BIRuNI concerning his astrology. Eight pages of unpublished Arabic texts complete the book but unfor- tunately there are no indices. G.S.

XTH CENTURY (whole and first half) Farmer, Henry George. Music: the priceless

jewel. From the Kitab al-'iqd al-farid of IBN 'ABD RABBIHI (d. 940). Edited and translated. 27 p. (Collection of Oriental writers on music, 5). Bearsden, Scotland, 1942.

Reprint de luxe of the article originally published in JRAS (194142). IBN 'ABD RABBIHI was a poet of Cordova, chiefly known through his "Unique necklace" from which this text is culled. G.S.

Farmer, Henry George. SA'ADYAH GAON on the influence of music, xi+109 p. London, Probst- hain, 1943.

Doctor FARMER'S researches into the history of Arabian music are well known and highly esteemed by the student of medieval music. The present study was undertaken by the author as a contribution to the celebration of the millennial anniversary of the death of the great Jewish philosopher SAADIA GAON (882-942 A.D.). In this work


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Page 6: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

Xth (1) to XIIth (1)

of his FARMER publishes the earliest known Jewish writ- ing of music, which is contained in SAADIA'S Kitab al amanat wa'l-i'tiqadat, "Book of Religious Doctrines and Beliefs." The author is to be credited with the important discovery "that what was described in SAADIA'S book were the rhythmic modes, and that the account was identical with a passage on the subject in AL-KINDI'S (died c. 873) Risala fi ajzc' khabariyat al-misiqi, written three quarters of a century earlier."

As a supplement to FARMER'S excellent study the student should also consult the interesting essay on "The Phi- losophy and Theory of Music in Judaeo-Arabic Literature" by E. WERNER and I. SONNE, which appeared in the vols. XVI (1941) and XVII (1943) of the Hebrew Union Col- lege Annual. The essay of 1941 escaped FARMER'S notice, but the continuation in 1943 appeared simultaneously with, or a little later than, his study. In the continuation, vol. XVII, pp. 532 ff, the same passage by SAADIA is treated, but, of course, the authors could not yet know of FARMER'S investigation. S. GANDZ

Gandz, Solomon. SAADIA GAON as a mathemati- cian. American Academy for Jewish Research, Saadia Anniversary volume, 141-95, New York, 1943.

Contents: 1. The Pythagorean theory. Numbers are the origin of all creation. 2. Continuous and discontinuous quantities. 3. Perfect congruence only among numbers. 4. Hindu numerals. The decimal scale and other scales. 5. Hebrew numerals. The adaptation of the alphabetical numerals to the decimal system. 6. The squares are formed by the summation of the odd numbers. 7. Amicable num- bers. 8. Permutations and combinations. 9. The diagonal of the square in the Talmud and in SAADIA'S work. 10. The arithmetic of inheritance. Extraction of roots. The trans- formation of rectangular fields into square, circular and triangular fields of the same areal contents. 11. The decimation of property. The share of the firstborn. 12. The measure of the earth, planets and stars.

Nemoy, Leon. Kitab al-anwar wal-maraqib. Code of Karaite law, by YA'QUB AL-QIRQISANI (second quarter of the tenth century). Edited from manuscripts in the State Public Library at Leningrad and the British Museum at London. p. 1114-1284 (in Arabic and Hebrew) + 81 p. New York, Alexander Kohut Memorial Foun- dation, 1943.

The progress of Dr. NEMOY'S magnum opus has been followed in Isis from its inception in 1939 (Isis, 33, 89) through every volume. The fourth was reviewed in Isis, 34, 44. This fifth and final volume contains parts XI to XIII dealing with incest, diet and inheritance, the description of the MSS, addenda and the all important indices (names, subjects, quotations). The topical index is very full and will render great services. Let us hope that the completion of this edition will reveal other MSS and perhaps bring to light the missing chapters (13 out of 500). Thanks to Dr. NEMOY this code of Qaraite law is now substantially avail- able to every Arabist, whose gratitude he fully deserves.


[SAADIA BEN JOSEPH]. Saadia anniversary volume. 346 p. (Texts and Studies, II). New York, American Academy for Jewish Research, 1943.

Volume prepared to celebrate the millennium of the death in 942 of the great Egyptian-Jewish scholar who became the head of the academy of Sura in 928, and has

been called the first great philosopher in Judaism after PHILON (Introd., 1, 627). "Commencing with semi-biograph- ical investigation of SAADIA'S communal activities it ana- lyzes certain phases of SAADIA'S work in the fields of Bible, science, philosophy and liturgy. It also discusses the in- fluence of his teachings on the Samaritans and concludes with a list of writings on SAADIA which appeared since the publication of MALTER'S exhaustive biography." It has been edited by BOAZ COHEN. The two most important studies for Isis are those of GANDZ and WOLFSON listed separately.


Wolfson, Harry Austryn. The kalam arguments for creation in SAADIA, AVERROES, MAIMONIDES and ST. THOMAS. American Academy for Jewish Research, Saadia anniversary volume, 197-245, New York, 1943.

XITH CENTURY (whole and first half)

Farooq, Mohammad. Al-Kanun-ul-Masudi (canon masudicus) by ALBEROUNI. Translated and edited. Aligarh, Muslim University Press, 1929.

Text and translation with notes of the Qadnn Mas'idi, book IV, chapter 1, offered as a specimen of the complete edition prepared by the author. The translation is too literal. G.S.

Henel, Heinrich. BYRHTFERTH'S Preface: the epilogue of his Manual? Speculum, 18, 288-302, 1943.

Sigerist, Henry E. Early mediaeval medical texts in manuscripts of Vendome. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 14, 68-113, 6 figs., 1943.

Analysis of four medical MSS, three of which are of the eleventh century, and one of the twelfth. G.S.

XITH CENTURY (second half)

Choquette, Imelda. Voluntas, affectio and po- testas in the Liber De Voluntate of ST. ANSELM. Mediaeval Studies, 4, 61-81, 1942.

Veith, Ilsa. Government control and medicine in eleventh century China. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 14, 159-72, 1943.

Partial translation of the New interpretation of the Chou government by WANG AN-SHIH (XI-2). G.S.

XIITH CENTURY (whole and first half)

Alonso, Manuel Alonso. Notas sobre los tra- ductores toledanos DOMINGO GUNDISALVO y JUAN HISPANO. Al-Andalus, 8, 155- 88, 1943.

Asin Palacios, Miguel. La "Carta de Adi6s" de AVEMPACE. Al-Andalus, 8, 1-14 (in Spanish), 14-40 (in Arabic), 41-87 (in Spanish), 1943.

al-Khazini. Kitab mizan al-hikma. Arabic edi- tion. 170+16 p., diagrams. Printed by the Da'irat al-ma'arif al-'uthmaniya, Hyderabad, Deccan, 1359 (- 1940).


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Page 7: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

XIIth (1) to XIIIth (2)

Levy, Raphael. The authorship of a Latin treatise on the astrolabe. Speculum, 17, 566-569, 1942.

Strauss, Leo. The law of reason in the Kuzari. Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, 13, 47-96, 1943.

Vajda, Georges. Le dialogue de l'ame et de la raison dans les Devoirs des coeurs de Bahya Ibn Paquda. Revue des etudes juives, 102, 93-104, 1937.

Vajda, Georges. Abraham bar Hiyya et al-Fa- rabi. Revue des etudes juives, 104, 113-19, 1938.

XIITH CENTURY (second half)

Farmer, Henry George. MAIMONIDES on listen- ing to music. From the Responsa of MosEs BEN MAIMON (d. 1024). The texts edited, with translations and commentary. iii+21 p. (Medi- aeval Jewish Tracts of Music, 1). Bearsden, Scotland, 1941.

Flahiff, G. B. Ecclesiastical censorship of books in the twelfth century. Mediaeval Studies, 4, 1-22, 1942.

Apropos of RALPH NIGER.

Gauthier, Leon. IBN-ROCHD (AVERROES). Traite decisif sur l'accord de la religion et de la philo- sophie suivi de l'Appendice, texte arabe, traduc- tion franqaise remaniee avec notes et introduc- tion. (Bibliotheque arabe-franqaise publiee sous la direction de HENRI PERE:S), Alger, 1942.

Reviewed by Louis BRUNOT, Hesperis, 30, 125, 1943.

Kantorowicz, Hermann; Smalley, Beryl. An English theologian's view of Roman law: PEPO, IRNERIUS, RALPH NIGER. Mediaeval and Renais- sance Studies, 1, 237-52, 1943.

"On the PEPO question NIGER witnesses to a tradition, which he wrote down in the 1180's, but which he probably heard or read at Paris some twenty years earlier, that PEPO 'revived' the study of the Roman Law and that IRNERIUS 'propagated' it. We may now take Azo's gloss at its face value, and allow that the Sienese historian, TIZIo, was basing himself on a well-founded tradition."

Muntner, Siissman. The Deutero prayer of MosEs with an introduction about the history of the prayer, attributed to the physician MAIMONIDES and a contemplation on the state of the praying and on the valour of the genuine prayer in general. Added also a survey of the content of the author's work "The world of the prayer" which has not been published hitherto. 46 p. (in Hebrew). Jerusalem, Geniza, 1943.

Muntner, Siissman. MOSHE BEN MAIMON. Com- mentary on the Aphorismes of HIPPOCRATES.

Hebrew translation by R. MOSHE IBN TIBBON. Edited for the first time with commentary and introductory remarks. Jerusalem, Genizah, 1943.

Sample of the new Hebrew edition of that classic (14 p.). G.S.


Metalogicon: addenda et corrigenda. Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies, 1, 232-36, 1943.

XIIITH CENTURY (whole and first half)

Ives, Samuel A.; Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut. An English 13th century bestiary. A new dis- covery in the technique of medieval illumina- tion. 45 p., 8 pl. New York, Kraus, 1942.

Reviewed by ERIKA VON ERHARDT-SIEBOLD, Isis, 34, 366-67, 1943.

Kantorowicz, Ernst H. An 'autobiography' of GUIDo FABA [c. 1190-c. 1245]. Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies, 1, 253-80, 1943.

Levy, Raphael. Les gloses frangaises chez SIM- SON DE SENS. Revue des etudes juives, 101, 102- 07, 1937.

The Talmudist, SIMSON BEN ABRAHAM, fl. in the period 1150-1230. He originated from Falaise (Calvados) but lived mostly at Sens (Yonne). In 1211, he was obliged to emigrate to Palestine with more than three hundred learned Jews. He went first to Jerusalem, then to Acca, where he died. G.S.

Sharp, D. E. Franciscan philosophy at Oxford in the thirteenth century. viii+420 p. London, Ox- ford University Press, 1930.

Vol. 16 of British Society of Franciscan studies. Divisions -ROBERT GROSSETESTE, THOMAS OF YORK, ROGER BACON, JOHN PECHAM, RICHARD OF MIDDLETON, DUNS SCOTUS, conclusion, bibliography, subject index, name index.


XIIITH CENTURY (second half)

Bourke, Vernon J. The provenance of the De Apprehensione attributed to ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Speculum, 18, 91-98, 1943.

"While we cannot categorically rule out the possibility that ALBERT produced this treatise in his old age, we may conclude that nearly all the evidence points towards the unauthenticity of the De Apprehensione. It should be ex- cluded from the Albertinian corpus, not on the vague basis of 'style,' but because of its content of Thomistic texts which are very difficult to explain if ALBERT be con- sidered the author. In any event, it is quite imprudent to use the De Apprehensione as a source of information in the exposition of the thought of ST. ALBERT."

Boyd, Catherine E. A Cistercian nunnery in mediaeval Italy: the story of Rifreddo in Sa- luzzo, 1220-1300. 189 p. (Harvard Historical Monographs). Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1943.


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Page 8: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

XIIIth (2) to XIVth (2)

Reviewed by A. C. KREY, American Historical Review, 49, 88-89, 1943.

[Bracton, Henry]. BRACTON De legibus et con- suetudinibus Angliae. Edited by GEORGE E. WOODBINE. Volume IV. xi+378 p. (Yale His- torical Publications, Manuscripts and Edited Texts). New Haven, Yale University Press, 1942.

Reviewed by H. D. HAZELTINE, American Historical Re- view, 48, 773-75, 1943.

Burbach, Maur. Early Dominican and Fran- ciscan legislation regarding ST. THOMAS. Medi- aeval Studies, 4, 139-58, 1942.

Janssens, Herman F. BAR HEBRAEUS' book of the pupils of the eye. American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 52, 1-21, 1936 (to be cont'd).

Mieli, Aldo. Abii al-Faraj Yiihanna ibn al-'Ibri al-Malati (BARHEBRAEUS). Archeion, 25, 56-63, 1943.

Nemoy, Leon. The Arabic pharmacopoeia of Abii al-Mini al-Kfihin al-'Attar. Hebrew Med- ical Journal, 2, 68-76, 156-66, 1941; 2, 88-93, 144-48, 1942; 2, 77-85, 144-50, 1943.

The article consists of an introduction on the author's name, date, life, bibliography; MSS. & editions of the Minhaj al-dukkan (Introd., 2, 1097). NEMOY used the 1911 Cairo edition, and the MSS in the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York and in the Yale Medical School; its title, sources, and apothecary's weights. This is followed by excerpt translations from the introduction and from each chapter, and an English-Arabic (Persian)-Latin glossary of pharmaceutical terms. The excerpts include also the recipe for an electuary compounded by MAIMONIDES.

XIVTH CENTURY (whole and first half) Jordanus de Saxonia. Liber vitasfratrum. Edited

by RUDOLPHUS ARBESMANN and WINFRIDUS HUMPFNER (Cassiciacum, Studies in ST. AUGUS- TINE and the Augustinian order, vol. 1 of Ameri- can series). 94+548 p. New York, Cosmopolitan Science and Art Service, 1943.

The Augustinian JORDAN OF SAXONY also called, after his monastery, JORDAN OF QUEDLINBURG (born not later than 1299, died after 1365) wanted to do for his order what GERARD DE FRACHET (d. Limoges, 1271) had done for the Dominicans; that is, he wanted to write the life of his brethren. JORDANUS considered "vitasfratrum," in the title, as an indeclinable noun. G.S.

O'Donnell, J. Reginald. The philosophy of NICHOLAS OF AUTRECOURT and his appraisal of ARISTOTLE, Mediaeval Studies, 4, 97-125, 1942.

"It does not seem right to label NICHOLAS OF AUTRECOURT as a probabilist. His probabilism was adopted only as a controversial device. No more should he be labelled a mediaeval HUME; it is one thing to deny causality, another to deny its demonstrability. The problems discussed in the

Satis Exigit Ordo vary from those of the letters, yet there is one unmistakable link between them, namely the stressing of the weakness of all demonstration, as a result of which rational knowledge can have only the force of opinion."

Olivier, Revilo P. PETRARCH'S prestige as a humanist. Classical Studies in honor of William Abbott Oldfather, 134-53, Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1943.

Wilkins, Ernest H. The coronation of PETRARCH. Speculum, 18, 155-97, 1943.

XIVTH CENTURY (second half)

Fiertz, Gertrude Barnes. An unusual trial under the Inquisition at Fribourg, Switzerland, in 1399. Speculum, 18, 340-57, 1943.

"The practice of the Inquisition in Western Europe throughout the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries re- veals several distinct characteristics. First of all, it is clear that the Inquisition was directed most vigorously against those wealthy enough to make persecution profitable, and that, had not universal confiscation of the property of the accused been the rule, it soon would have languished and died out. In the next place, somewhat paradoxically, the trials were directed at times against the very poor, ignorant and nondescript of whom 'examples' could be made. Fur- thermore, a very uniform characteristic of the Inquisitorial trials is the fact that acquittals were almost unknown, and that character witnesses for the accused were almost equally rare. And, lastly, another feature became the avoidance, after a few unfortunate experiences, of any association between Dominican and Franciscan as inquisitors in the same trial. With these characteristics of the Inquisition in mind, we feel it is worth while to draw attention to the somewhat inaccessible record of an inquisition held in Fribourg, Switzerland, in 1399. This trial forms an excep- tion to each one of the features enumerated above: the accused belonged neither to the very wealthy nor to the poor and ignorant, but to the rising 'new bourgeoisie'; no confiscations were made; the acquittal was complete; two character witnesses appeared for each individual accused; and, finally, a Dominican and Franciscan were associated in the trial."

Garcia Gomez, Emilio. IBN ZAMRAK, el poeta de la Alhambra. 104 p. (Real Academia de la His- toria. Discurso leido, el dia 3 de febrero de 1943). Madrid, Maestre, 1943.

Apropos of the poet, ABU UBAIDALLAH IBN ZUMRUK of Granada (1333-93); BROCKELMANN, 2, 259. Reviewed by E. LATOR, Al-Andalus, 8, 267-68, 1943.

Millas Vallicrosa, J. M.; Thorndike, Lynn. Astronomical tables beginning in 1361 (Isis, 34, 6, 1942). Isis, 34, 410, 1943.

Renaud, H. P. J. Divination et histoire nord-afri- caine au temps d'IBN KHALDUN. Hesperis, 30, 213-21, 1943.

Scott, Florence R. CHAUCER and the parliament of 1386. Speculum, 18, 80-86, 1943.


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Page 9: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

XVth (2) to XVIth (1)

XVTH CENTURY (second half)

Badia Pol, Jotti da. Contributi alla bibliografia Vinciana. Leonardo nelle opere di storia, cul- tura e tecnica aeronautica. Raccolta Vinciana, 16, 271-76, Milano, 1939.

Baldacci, Antonio. Le piante in LEONARDO DA VINCI, protagoniste nelle favole, nelle allegorie, negli apologhi, negli enigmi e nelle facezie. Rac- colta Vinciana, 16, 67-84, Milano, 1939.

Benesch, 0. LEONARDO DA VINCI and the begin- ning of scientific drawing. American Scientist, 31, 311-28, 8 figs., 1943.

Blake, John William (editor). Europeans in West Africa, 1450-1560. Documents to illus- trate the nature and scope of Portuguese enter- prise in West Africa, the abortive attempt of Castilians to create an empire there, and the early English voyages to Barbary and Guinea. Translated and edited by J. W. BLAKE. 2 vols. 246 p., 2 maps; xi-+p. 247-461, 1 map. London, Hakluyt Society, 1942.

Calvi, Gerolamo. Vita di LEONARDO. 231 p. Bres- cia, Tip. Morcelliniana, 1936.

Reviewed by E. CARUSI, Raccolta Finciana, 6, 321-23, Milano, 1939.

Calvi, Ignazio. LEONARDO studioso di agricoltura. Raccolta Vinciana, 16, 175-83, 1 fig., Milano, 1939.

Canestrini, G. LEONARDO DA VINCI e i problemi della locomozione. 599 p. Roma, Reale Auto- mobile Club, 1938.

Reviewed by C. ZAMMATTIO, Raccolta Finciana, 16, 326- 28, Milano, 1939.

De Toni, N. L'idraulica in LEONARDO DA VINCI (Frammenti Vinciani, II-IX). Brescia, Tip. Morcelliniana, 1935.

Reviewed in Raccolta Finciana, 16, 333-34, Milano, 1939.

De Toni, Nando. II segreto di LEONARDO DA VINCI per stare sotto l'acqua, svelato dai suoi manoscritti (Frammenti Vinciani, X). Raccolta Vinciana, 16, 115-25, 3 figs., Milano, 1939.

Dziwilegow, A. LEONARDO DA VINCI. 238 p. Mos- cow, 1935.

Reviewed by A. HACKEL, Raccolta Vinciana, 16, 334-35, Milano, 1939.

Guber, A.; Givelegov, A. K.; Zubov, V. P.; Scileiko, V. K.; Efros, A. M. LEONARDO DA VINCI. Opere scelte. Vol. 1, 361 p.; vol. 2, 487 p. Moscow, Academy, 1935.

Reviewed by N. ROMANOWSKY, Raccolta Finciana, 16, 344-47, Milano, 1939.

Lazarev, V. N. LEONARDO DA VINCI. 113 p. Lenin- grad, Union of Soviet Artists, 1936.

Reviewed by N. ROMANOWSKY, Raccolta Vinciana, 16, 361-64, Milano, 1939.

Lyman, Edward. The first engraved atlas of the world: the Cosmographia of CLAUDIUS PTOLE- MAEUS, Bologna, 1477. 12+34+4 p., 26 repro- ductions. (Publication no. 16). Jenkintown, George H. Beans Library, 1941.

"The scarcest of all the printed editions of PTOLEMY'S Cosmographia and, as is now known, the earliest to contain the maps."

Nicodemi, Giorgio. I "ritratti" di LEONARDO DA VINCI. Raccolta Vinciana, 16, 3-21, 7 figs., Milano, 1939.

Olsen, Lois; Eddy, Helen L. LEONARDO DA VINCI: the first soil conservation geologist. Agricultural History, 17, 129-34, 1943.

Thomdike, Lynn. Another Virdung manuscript. Isis, 34, 291-93, 1943.

Uccelli, Arturo. LEONARDO e l'automobile. Rac- colta Vinciana, 16, 191-99, 2 figs., Milano, 1939.

Uccelli, Arturo. Ricostruzione della meccanica Vinciana. Necessita e discussione del metodo. Raccolta Vinciana, 16, 23-66, 7 figs., Milano, 1939.

Uccelli, Arturo. Sopra due presente carte Vin- ciane esistenti nella raccolta C. L. Ricketts di Chicago. Raccolta Vinciana, 16, 185-90, 4 figs., Milano, 1939.

Uccelli, Guido. Contributo allo studio dei disegni di macchine idrauliche nel "Codice Atlantico." Raccolta Vinciana, 16, 165-73, 7 figs., Milano, 1939.

XVITH CENTURY (whole and first half) A. MATHEMATICS

Eisler, Robert. Subject of Diirer portrait dis- covered to be Nicolaus Kratzer. Oxford Mail, 4 illus., August 5, 1943.

The Diirer in the Royal Museum of Brussels (no. 621) is a portrait of the mathematician, NICOLAUS KRATZER, painted in 1521. This is proved by comparison with an- other portrait of KRATZER painted by HOLBEIN in 1528, now in the Louvre. G.S.


[COPERNICUS]. Bulletin of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America, vol. 1, no. 4, p. 689-763, New York, 1943.

A large part (75 p.) of this issue is devoted to C. It includes the following papers. Louis C. KARPINSKI: COPER- NICUS, first citizen of new world order; Sister M. CLAUDIA


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Page 10: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

XVIth (1) to XVIth (2)

ZELLER: Copernicus-bibliography in the University of Michigan Library; ALEXANDRE KOYRE: NICOLAS COPER- NICUS; OTTO STRUVE: The work of COPERNICUS and the structure of the universe; EDMUND ZAWACKI: COPERNICUS, the man and his times; R. TAUBENSCHLAG: The University of Cracow in the times of COPERNICUS; WACLAW LEDNICKI: Polish literature in 1543; OSCAR HALECKI: The place of COPERNICUS in Polish history.

Dingle, Herbert. The work of COPERNICUS. Nature, 151, 576-77, 1943.

Jones, H. Spencer. COPERNICUS and the helio- centric theory. Nature, 151, 573-76, 1943.

Karpinski, Louis C. Copernicus celebration at the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America. Science, 97, 549, 1943.

Losada y Puga, Crist6bal de. COPERNICO. De la astronomia antigua a la moderna. 36 p., pls., 4 figs., facs. Lima, Universidad Catolica del Peru, 1943.

Rosen, Edward. The authentic title of COPER- NICUS'S major work. Journal of the History of Ideas, 4, 457-74, 1943.

Rudnicki, Jozef. NICHOLAS COPERNICUS (Miko- laj Kopernik), 1473-1543. Translated from the Polish by B. W. A. MASSEY. With a foreword by Sir ARTHUR EDDINGTON. viii+53 p., 25 pl. London, Copernicus Quatercentenary Celebra- tion Committee; 1943.

Contents: Foreword; I. Life; II. The propounder of the heliocentric system; III. The Encyclopaedist; IV. The Copernican system in Great Britain; V. COPERNICUS'S greatness as a man.

Zinner, Ernst. Entstehung und Ausbreitung der coppernicanischen Lehre. Zum 200 jahrigen Jubilium der Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat zu Erlangen. xii+594 p., 78 figs. (Sitzungsbe- richte der Physikalisch-medizinischen Sozietat zu Erlangen, 74. Band). Erlangen, Mencke, 1943.

Book planned in the summer of 1940 and completed in time for the Copernican centenary in spite of great mate- rial difficulties. The author begins his story with the Greeks and Babylonians and extends it to the nineteenth century. It is really a story of our knowledge of the solar system (in general) focussed on C. The illustrations are abundant but few refer to C. and his time. The appendices deal with: A. C.'s library; B. his original observations; C. his sundials; D. his controversy with JOHANN WERNER; E. his main works; F. his portraits; G. Jesuit letters from 1600 to 1660 and works of CHR. SCHEINER and J. B. CYSAT; H. discovery of sun spots by SCHEINER and CYSAT. Full index. A copy of this book was kindly communicated to me by the Committee for the Distribution of Astronomical Litera- ture of the American Astronomical Society. G.S.

C. NATURAL SCIENCES Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nfunez. Naufragios y

comentarios. 262 p., 2 maps. Colecci6n Austral. Buenos Aires, Espasa-Calpe Argentina, 1942.

Reviewed by ALDO MIELI, Archeion, 25, 77, 1943.

C6rdoba, Francisco Hernandez de. The dis- covery of Yucatan. A translation of the original texts, with an Introduction and notes by HENRY R. WAGNER. vii+85 p. (Documents and Nar- ratives Concerning the Discovery and Conquest of Latin America, published by the Cortes So- ciety, new series, no. 1). Berkeley, Cortes Society, 1942.

Pogo, Alexander. Early editions and translations of XEREZ: Verdadera relacion de la conquista del Peru. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 30, 57-84, 10 figs., 1936.


Fisch, Max H. VESALIUS and his book. The printer of VESALIUS'S Fabrica. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 31, 208-21, 5 figs.; 240-59, 3 figs., 1943.

Saunders, John B. de C. M. VESALIUS and Don CARLOS. A historical footnote. Essays in Biology in honor of Herbert M. Evans, pp. 529-38, Uni- versity of California Press, 1943.


Flynn, Vincent Joseph. The grammatical writ- ings of WILLIAM LILY, ?1468-?1523. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 37, 31 p., 1943.

Millls Vallicrosa, Jose M. La apologetica de LUIS VIVES y el Judaismo. Sefarad, Revista de la Escuela de Estudios Hebraicos, 2, 31 p., Madrid, 1942.

Thorndike, Lynn; Mieli Aldo. Observaciones acerca de las tablas cronologicas de Italia. Archeion, 25, 54-55, 1943.

Vetter, Quido. Tablas cronologicas para cesko- slovensko. Archeion, 25, 41-54, 1943.


[Lancaster, Sir James]. The voyages of Sir JAMES LANCASTER to Brazil and the East Indies, 1591-1603. A new edition with introduction and notes by Sir WILLIAM FOSTER. xl+178 p., fron- tispiece, map. London, Hakluyt Society, 1940.

Lavondes, Mile. A. Olivier de Serres, Seignevr dv Pradel. Preface par EMILE COSTE. 311 p., facsimiles. La Cause, Carrieres-sous-Poissy (Seine-et-Oise), 1936.

Biography of OLIVIER DE SERRES (1539-1619), father of French agriculture, whose great work, Theatre d'agriculture (1600), was often reprinted. Partly based on ms. docu- ments, family papers, and OLIVIER'S Livre de raison. G.S.

Serres, Olivier de; seigneur du Pradel [1539- 1619]. Le Theatre d'agriculture et Mesnage des


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XVIth (2) to XVIIth (1)

champs. Pages choisies, precedees d'une lettre de M. le marechal PETAIN. 325 p., ill. Paris, Firmin-Didot [c. 1941].

PubliC sous le patronage du Comite national Olivier de Serres.


Larkey, Sanford V.; Temkin, Owsei. JOHN BANISTER and the pulmonary circulation. Essays in Biology in honor of Herbert M. Evans, pp. 285-92, University of California Press, 1943.

"While much has been written about the background of WILLIAM HARVEY'S discovery of the circulation of the blood, very little attention has been paid to an earlier Englishman, JOHN BANISTER, who brought to the notice of his countrymen, in their own language, one of the important steps leading to this discovery, the idea of the pulmonary circulation. In 1578 BANISTER published an anatomical text, The Historie of Man sucked from the sappe of the most approved Anathomistes, which was based largely on the works of VESALIUS and of REALDUS COLUM- BUS, and which contained in detail the views of COLUMBUS on the passage of blood through the lungs."


Spencer, Theodore. SHAKESPEARE and the nature of man. xiii+233 p. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1942 ($2.75).

In this attractive volume-the Lowell Lectures for 1942- Professor SPENCER describes how by utilizing the spiritual conflicts of his own age, an age just breaking into chaos, SHAKESPEARE remade the drama. Following an account of those forces which went to make the spiritual and intel- lectual temper of his time, Professor SPENCER in the second part of his book, shows how SHAKESPEARE put those forces to use for the purposes of the theatre. Treated in this manner it is most interesting to follow the development of SHAKESPEARE'S thought as well as of his personality as reflected in the earlier, middle, and later plays. Professor SPENCER makes a much valued contribution in this volume to the understanding of SHAKESPEARE, and it is a welcome addition to the great body of SHAKESPEARE literature. It is, incidentally, a volume which is bound to send the reader back with renewed interest to a re-reading of SHAKESPEARE. M.F.A.M.

Stone, Margaret M. Autocheiria. A sixteenth century lawyer on suicide. Bulletin of the His- tory of Medicine, 14, 173-80, 1943.

XVIITH CENTURY (whole and first half) A. MATHEMATICS

Archibald, R. C.; Pogo, A. BRIGGS and VIETA. Mathematical tables and other aids to computa- tion, 1, 129-30, 1943.

Apropos of the decimal fractions of the day introduced by VIETA in 1600, and of the decimal division of the degree which BRIGGS used in 1633, referring to VIETA'S precedent.


Ivins, William M., Jr. A note on GIRARD DE- SARGUES. Scripta Mathematica, 9, 33-48, 8 pls., 1943.


Allen, Phyllis. Problems connected with the de- velopment of the telescope (1609-1687). Isis, 34, 302-11, 1943.

Brown, Harcourt. The MERSENNE correspond- ence: a lost letter by THOMAS HOBBES. Isis, 34, 311-12, 1943.

Crew, Henry. Littera occidit-spiritus vivificat. Isis, 34, 300-01, 1943.

Apropos of GALILEO'S experiments.

Koyre, Alexandre. GALILEO and PLATO. Journal of the History of Ideas, 4, 400-28, 1943.

After having quoted SALVIATI (GALILEO'S Dialogo, 217) "What I think of this opinion of PLATO I can explain by words, and also by facts. In the arguments so far advanced I have already more than once declared myself by fact. Now I will apply the same method in the inquiry we have in hand, an inquiry which may serve as an example to help you more easily to understand my ideas concerning the acquisition of science. .. ." Koyre concludes: "The inquiry 'we have in hand' is nothing else than the deduc- tion of the fundamental propositions of mechanics. We are informed that GALILEO judges he has done more than merely declare himself a follower and a partisan of Platonic epistemology. In addition, by applying it, by discovering the true laws of physics, by letting them be deduced by Sagredo and Simplicio, that is, by the reader himself, by us, he believes he has demonstrated the truth of Platonism 'by fact.' The Dialogue and the Discourses give us the history of an intellectual experiment-of a conclusive experiment, because it ends with the wistful confession of the Aristotelian Simplicio, acknowledging the necessity of the study of mathematics, and regretting that he himself had not learned them in his youth. The Dialogue and the Discourses tell us the history of the discovery, or better still of,the rediscovery of the language spoken by Nature. They explain to us the manner of questioning her, i.e., the theory of that scientific experimentation in which the formulation of postulates and the deduction of their implications precedes and guides the recourse to observa- tion. This, too, at least for GALILEO, is a proof 'by fact.' The new science is for him an experimental proof of Platonism."

Koyre, Alexandre; Olschki, Leonardo; Cas- sirer, Ernst. Symposium in honor of the ter- centenary of the death of GALILEO and the birth of NEWTON. Philosophical Review, 52, 333-91, 1943.

Losada y Puga, Crist6bal de. GALILEO. 54 p., figs. Lima, Universidad Catolica del Peru, 1942.

Olson, Lois. From the archives of old Venice [GIUSEPPE and GIROLAMO PAULINI'S plan of erosion control and river regulation for Venice]. U. S. Dept. Agric. Soil Conservation, 6, 265-68, 1941.

In 1601 and 1602 the PAULINI brothers offered the Vene- tian Republic a comprehensive plan for preventing soil erosion throughout all of the lands then belonging to the republic. The plan, contained in a series of illustrated letters, was not published until 1934. (La libraria dello Stato, Roma, anno XIII e.f.). This is the earliest known nation-wide program for the control of accelerated soil erosion. C.Z.


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Page 12: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

XVIIth (1) to XVIIth (2)

Pla, Cortes. GALILEO GALILEI. Su vida-su obra. Prologo de JULIO REY PASTOR. 161 p. Colec- ci6n Austral. Buenos Aires, Espasa-Calpe Ar- gentina, 1942.

Reviewed by ALDO MIELI, Archeion, 25, 70-71, 1943.

[TORRICELLI]. Tercentenary commemoration of the invention of the barometer, 1643-1943. Science, 98, 402-03, 1943. Isis, 34, 411, 1943.

Wiener, Philip P. A critical note on KOYRE'S version of GALILEO. Isis, 34, 301-02, 1943.

Apropos of GALILEO'S experiments.


Adelmann, Howard B. (editor). The embry- ological treatises of HIERONYMUS FABRICIUS OF AQUAPENDENTE. The formation of the egg and of the chick [De formatione ovi et pulli]. The formed fetus [De formato foetu]. A facsimile edition, with an introduction, a translation, and a commentary. xxiii+883 p., pls. Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell University Press, 1942.

Reviewed by HENRY E. SIGERIST, Bulletin of the His- tory of Medicine, 13, 358-60, 1943.

Meyer, A. W. HARVEY'S ideas of embryonic nu- trition. Essays in Biology in honor of Herbert M. Evans, pp. 427-36, University of California Press, 1943.

"In his letter of April 28, 1652, to R. MORISON, M.D., of Paris, HARVEY regarded it as '. . . a most certain fact ... that the embryos of all red-blooded animals are nourished by means of the umbilical vessels from the mother, and this in virtue of the circulation of the blood. They are not nourished, however, immediately by the blood, as many have imagined, but after the manner of the chich in ovo, which is first nourished by the albumen, and then by the vitellus. . ."

Singer, Dorothea Waley. S. T. COLERIDGE sug- gests two anticipations of the discovery of the circulation of the blood. Archeion, 25, 31-39, 1943.

"We have to reject COLERIDGE'S opinion, and to decide that neither GIORDANO BRUNO nor FRANCISCO DE LE REYNA anticipated the discovery of the circulation of the blood as understood by modern physiology."


Stearns, Raymond Phineas. The scientific spirit in England in early modern times (c. 1600). Isis, 34, 293-300, 1943.


Bunge, Mario. El tricentenario de NEWTON. 8 p. portr. (Universidad Obrera Argentina, Instituto Cientifico, Seminario de Filosofia). Buenos Aires, 1943.

Cassirer, Ernst. NEWTON and LEIBNIZ. Philo- sophical Review, 52, 366-91, 1943.

McKie, Douglas. Some notes on NEWTON'S chem- ical philosophy written upon the occasion of the tercentenary of his birth. Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 33, 847-70, 1942.

Reviewed in Nature, 151, 417, 1943.

MacPike, Eugene Fairfield. Dr. EDMOND HAL- LEY (1656-1741/2): Bibliographical addenda. Notes and Queries, 184, 298-302, London, 1943.

More, Louis T. NEWTON'S philosophy of nature. Scientific Monthly, 56, 491-504, 1943.

Paz Soldan, Carlos Enrique. ISAAC NEWTON y los albores de la Escuela Medica Peruana. Anales de la Sociedad Peruana de Historia de la Medicina, 4, 63-88, 1943.


Guerlac, Henry. VAUBAN: the impact of science on war. Reprinted from Makers of Modern Strategy, edited by EDWARD MEAD EARLE, 26- 48, 522-23, Princeton University Press, 1943.

Good account with bibliography.

Lewis, Frederic T. The advent of microscopes in America. Scientific Monthly, 57, 249-59, 1943.

A short account of the invention of microscopes and telescopes and of the first microscopes to reach the English Colonies in America. C.Z.

McKie, Douglas. The birth and descent of JOHN MAYOW: A tercentenary note. Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 33, 51-60, 1942.

Montagu, Ashley. A seventeenth-century wash- ing machine. Isis, 34, 410-11, fig., 1943.

Apropos of ROBERT HOOKE.


Arber, Agnes. A seventeenth-century naturalist: JOHN RAY. Isis, 34, 319-24, 1943.

Essay suggested by C. E. RAVEN: JOHN RAY, naturalist (Cambridge, 1942).

Matzke, Edwin B. The concept of cells held by HOOKE and GREW. Science, 98, 13-14, 1943.

Raven, Charles Earle. JOHN RAY, naturalist; his life and works. Cambridge, Eng., 1942.

Essay review by AGNES ARBER, Isis, 34, 319-24, 1943.


Calvert, E. M.; Calvert, R. T. C. Sergeant Surgeon JOHN KNIGHT, Surgeon General 1664-


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Page 13: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

XVIIth (2) to XVIIIth (2)

1680. xi+ 11 p., 9 ills. London, Heinemann, 1939.

[De Graef, Regner]. On the female testes or ovaries. Chapter XII of De mulierum organis generationi inservientibus (Leyden: 1672). Translated by GEORGE W. CORNER. Essays in Biology in honor of Herbert M. Evans, pp. 121-37, 3 pls., port., University of California Press, 1943.


Arber, Agnes. SPINOZA and BOETHIUS. Isis, 34, 399-403, 1943.

Hodgen, Margaret T. Sir MATTHEW HALE and the 'method' of invention. Isis, 34, 313-18, 1943.

Apropos of Sir MATTHEW HALE (1609-76): Primitive origination of mankind (1677).

Wagman, Frederick Herbert. Magic and natural science in German Baroque literature. 178 p. New York, Columbia University Press, 1942 ($2.25).

A valuable inquiry into the attitudes towards natural science and magic expressed by German Baroque authors in their discursive prose works with a view to determining the extent to which they were abreast of the great new scientific developments or were under the influence of ancient and traditional theories and beliefs. The period covered is from 1640 to 1700. The facts revealed are rather remarkable, and render this volume an important key work in the study of the development of German science. The German intellectual of the period was, on the whole, in a state of sublime mediaevalism, his knowledge of science or scientific processes being practically nil, while the idea of controlled experiment was almost entirely un- known to him. Logicality of reason was the supreme test. So long as a thing could be rationally correct it did not much matter if experience did not confirm it. And yet there was a certain spirit of skepticism abroad, but this was sporadic and quite unformalized. The period might best be characterized as that during which there was a pro- gressive development in thought from the supernatural to the metaphysical. M.F.A.M.

XVIIITH CENTURY (whole and first half) A. MATHEMATICS

Chapman, S. EDMOND HALLEY and geomagnet- ism. Nature, 152, 231-37, 1943.

Cohen, Ernst; Cohen-De Meester, W. A. T. DANIEL GABRIEL FAHRENHEIT, geb. zu Danzig 24. Mai 1686, gest. im Haag 16. Sept. 1736. Zweite Mitteilung. Kon. Akad. Wet. Verhand. Reprinted from Proceedings, 11, 682-89, Am- sterdam, 1937.

Reviewed by N. H. DE V. HEATHCOTE, Annals of Science, 4, 326-27, 1939.

Cohen, I. Bernard. FRANKLIN'S experiments on heat absorption as a function of color. Isis, 34, 404-07, 1943.


Lam, H. J. The life of JOHANNES FREDERICUS GRONOVIUS. Chronica Botanica, 6, 28-30, 1940.

Larsen, Esther Louise. PEHR KALM'S observa- tions on the natural history and climate of Pennsylvania. Agricultural History, 17, 172-74, 1943.

Translation of excerpts from KALM'S letter of October 14, 1748. C.Z.

Loveridge, Arthur. Some quaint conceptions of North African natural history. Scientific Monthly, 57, 398400, 1943.

Excerpts and comments on An Essay toward a Natural History of Serpents (1742) by the Reverend CHARLES OWEN. C.Z.

Proudman, Joseph. HALLEY'S tidal chart. Geo- graphical Journal, 100, 174-76, 1942.

Chart of the English Channel, with 32 arrows indicating directions of currents, and 56 times at which- the currents cease on days of new moon. Based on observations carried out in 1701. The first chart of its kind for any sea. No extended investigation of a similar nature was made till about 1810, and no similar chart until that of F. W. BEECHEY in 1848 of the Irish Sea. The information on HALLEY'S chart is in rough agreement with the 1942 edi- tion of the Tidal Stream Atlas for the English Channel published by the Admiralty. C.W.A.


Brown, Harcourt. VOLTAIRE and the Royal So- ciety of London. University of Toronto Quar- terly, 13, 25-42, 1943.

Mossner, Ernest Campbell. The forgotten HUME: Le Bon David. xv+251 p. New York, Columbia University Press, 1943.

Reviewed by W. STANFORD REID, American Historical Review, 49, 146-47, 1943.


Allen, Henry Butler. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, philosophical engineer. 28 p. Newcomen So- ciety, American Branch, 1943.

Blanchard, Jean Pierre. The first air voyage in America: the times, the place, and the people of the Blanchard balloon voyage of January 9, 1793, Philadelphia to Woodbury; together with a facsimile reprinting of the "Journal of my forty-fifth ascension and the first in America." 60+27 p. Philadelphia, Penn Mutual Life In- surance Co., 1943.

French, Sidney J. Torch & crucible. The life and death of ANTOINE LAVOISIER. ix+270 p. Prince- ton, Princeton University Press, 1941.

Reviewed by HENRY GUERLAC, Isis, 34, 367-68, 1943.


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Page 14: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

Olmsted, J. M. D. French medical education as a legacy from the Revolution. Essays in Biology in honor of Herbert M. Evans, pp. 461-70, facs., University of California Press, 1943.


Browne, Charles A. THOMAS JEFFERSON and the scientific trends of his time. Chronica Botanica, 8, 63 p. (Chronica Botanica Reprints, no. 1), Waltham, Mass., 1943.

Very interesting study, splendidly illustrated, followed by a long bibliography. G.S.

Hatfield, Henry Caraway. WINCKELMANN and his German critics, 1755-1781. A prelude to the classical age. xi+169 p. New York, King's Crown Press, 1943 ($1.75).

JOHANN JOACHIM WINCKELMANN (7171-1768) exerted an influence upon the development of German culture which is only now beginning to be fully appreciated by students of that culture. It was WIINCKELMANN who, in an essay published in 1755, Gedanken iiber die Nachah- mung der griechischen Werke in der Malerei und Bild- hauerkunst initiated the Germans into the cult of Hel- lenism. The opening words of his essay were "Good taste . . first arose under the Greek sky." According to WINCKEL- MANN everything about the Greeks was noble and beautiful to a superlative degree. The only way for a people to become great, he asserted, was to imitate the Greeks. Greek culture was one ideally suited to leisured aristocrats, hence, WINCKELMANN addressed himself principally to the leisured classes. WINCKELMANN really felt an intense reli- gious adoration for the beautiful, and though his passion for it led him into many excesses, the power of his en- thusiasm carried most of his contemporaries with him. WINCKELMANN'S doctrine of classic restraint, of noble sim- plicity, and its influence upon the thought of his con- temporaries is very ably treated by Dr. HATFIELD in the present volume, but to what extent that influence made any difference to the subsequent development of German culture we are not told. What MENDELSSOHN, LESSING, KLOTZ, SCHILLER, HERDER, and GOETHE thought of WINCKELMANN'S ideas Dr. HATFIELD tells us in consid- erable detail, but how WINCKELMANN found German cul- ture and how he left it we are left to guess for ourselves. Obviously, Dr. HATFIELD is the man to do a book on that aspect of the subject. The present work may be regarded as an excellent introduction to the latter. M.F.A.M.

[JEFFERSON, THOMAS]. Papers read before the American Philosophical Society in celebration of the bicentennial of THOMAS JEFFERSON, third president of the Society. Annual meeting, April 22, 23, and 24, 1943. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 87, 199-289, 7 pls., 1943.


Kallen, H. M. The arts and THOMAS JEFFERSON. Ethics, 53, 269-83, 1943.

Kimball, Marie. JEFFERSON: the road to glory,

Hinks, Arthur Robert. Nautical time and civil date. Geographical Journal, 86, 153-57, 1935.

Apropos of Captain COOK'S logs. Question (1) When did circumnavigators abandon the practice of reckoning their longitudes continuously from 0? to 360? east or west? Answer: the custom altered gradually between 1750 and 1800, and the older method survived into the XIXth cent. Question (2) When did they adopt the practice of chang- ing the date on crossing the 180th meridian? Answer: at least up to 1806 the practice was to carry on until a whole day had been gained or lost, and then make the change; we have not found any reply to the question. Question (3) Is it permissible to change the dates entered in ships' logs, to conform with modern conventions? Answer: if the his- torian tampers with the dates of the principal events in a voyage, he throws them out of relation to the remainder of the narrative. C.W.A.

Partington, J. R. ANTOINE LAURENT LAVOISIER, 1743-1794. Nature, 152, 207-08, 1943.

Plummer, H. C. An eighteenth century corre- spondence. Observatory, 65, 92, 1943.

Reviewed in Nature, 152, 623, 1943. Letters received by the astronomer NATHANIEL PIGOrr (c. 1740-1804).

Sutur, Rufus. The skeptic and the engineer; a study of HUME and WATT. Scientific Monthly, 56, 544-48, 1943.


Asmous, V. C. P. S. PALLAS as a botanist and explorer (1741-1811). Chronica Botanica, 7, 14, 1942.

Kofoid, Charles A. An American pioneer in science, Dr. WILLIAM CHARLES WELLS (1757- 1817). Scientific Monthly, 57, 77-80, 1943.

Brief biographical sketch of the first scientist to explain organic evolution by natural selection. C.Z.

Levitt, Jacob. At the bicentenary of JEAN SENE- BIER'S birth. Chronica Botanica, 7, 155, 1942.

Looser, Gualterio. At the bicentennial of the birth of the South American naturalist MOLINA. Chronica Botanica, 6, 250, 1941.


Costa, Nicanor Palacios. Semblanza de COSME ARGERICH. Revista argentina de historia de la medicina, 2, no. 3, 5-11, 1943.

[Knyveton, John]. Surgeon's mate. The diary of JOHN KNYVETON, surgeon in the British fleet during the Seven Years War, 1756-1762. Edited and transcribed by ERNEST GRAY. iX+ 224 p., illus. London, Hale, 1942.

Kramer, Sidney. "My much loved America ..." The Library of Congress Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions, 17-22, July-Sept., 1943.

Unpublished letter of THOMAS PAINE to Dr. BENJAMIN RUSH, dated Paris 1790. G.S.

XVIIIth (2) 65

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Page 15: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

XVIIIth (2) to XIXth (1)

1743 to 1776. ix+358 p. New York, Coward- McCann, 1943.

Reviewed by CARL BECKER, American Historical Re- view, 49, 109-11, 1943.

Maestro, Marcello T. VOLTAIRE and BECCARIA as reformers of criminal law. xi+177 p. New York, Columbia University Press, 1942.

The author concludes: "VOLTAIRE prepared, together with the other philosophers of the eighteenth century and more than any of them, a favorable ground for the de- velopment of the reform movement. From a doctrinary point of view he was not original, having rather adopted and developed the principles of BECCARIA who, in his turn, was not, of course, entirely original but put the question clearly, so as to make for the first time a definite issue of reforms in the criminal law. Once the theories were clearly expressed and established by BECCARIA, VOLTAIRE'S activity in behalf of the reform movement became very important, and he certainly contributed considerably to its eventual success."

Schlechta, Karl. GOETHE in seinem Verhaltnis zu ARISTOTELES. 144 p. Frankfurt a.M., Kloster- mann, 1939.

Reviewed by C. G. HARDIE, Journal of Hellenic Studies, 59, 312-13, 1939.

Shapley, Harlow. THOMAS JEFFERSON as natural philosopher. Nature, 152, 178-80, 1943.

XIXTH CENTURY (whole and first half)


Peacock, George. A treatise on algebra. Vol. I. Arithmetical algebra. Vol. II. On symbolical algebra and its applications to the geometry of position. Reprinted from the 1842-1845 edition. xvi+399 p.; x+455 p., port., figs. New York, Scripta Mathematica, 1940.

Reviewed by JosE BABINI, Archeion, 25, 68-70, 1943.

Piaggio, H. T. H. The significance and develop- ment of HAMILTON'S quaternions. Nature, 152, 553-55, 1943.


Allen, H. S. JAMES PRESCOTT JOULE and the unit of energy. Nature, 152, 354, 1943.

The name JOULE should rhyme with "rule."

Awbery, J. H.; Chambers, W. & R.; Haldane, J. B. S. JAMES PRESCOTT JOULE and the unit of energy. Nature, 152, 479, 1943.

Boyd, Julian P. HORATIO GATES SPAFFORD, pre- cursor of BESSEMER. Proceedings of the Ameri- can Philosophical Society, 87, 47-50, 1943.

[Cincinnati]. Centennial of the Observatory of the University of Cincinnati. Science, 98, 359, 1943.

Druce, Gerald. Some Czechoslovak contributions to chemistry in the nineteenth century. Nature, 152, 239-41, 1943.

Geiser, Samuel Wood. LUM WOODRUFF, early Texas meteorologist. Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 45, 284, 1942.

Geiser, Samuel Wood. Early photographers in Texas. Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 45, 188-91, 1941.



[JOULE, JAMES PRESCOTT]. Notes by C. H. LEBS and W. PEDDIE. Nature, 152, 602, 1943.

The name JOULE rhymes with cool, tool, rule. G.S.

Koenig, F. 0. On the significance of the for- gotten thermodynamic theorems of CARNOT. Essays in Biology in honor of Herbert M. Evans, pp. 275-84, University of California Press, 1943.

[LIEBIG]. Liebig and after Liebig. A century of progress in agricultural chemistry. Edited by F. R. MOULTON. iv+111 p., port., figs. (Publi- cation of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, no. 16). Washington, D. C., 1942.

A symposium of papers presented before the sections of chemistry and agriculture of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at Philadelphia on Decem- ber 30, 1940, in commemoration of the hundredth anni- versary of the publication of LIEBIG'S "Organic chemistry in its applications to agriculture and physiology." Bio- graphical introduction by CHARLES A. BROWNE, then nine papers divided into two groups: I. Organic chemistry, enzymes and nutrition; II. Soils, fertilizers and the mineral requirements of plants. Reviewed by MARK GRAUBARD, Isis, 34, 369-70, 1943.

Mabee, Carleton. The American Leonardo: a life of SAMUEL F. B. MORSE. With an introduc- tion by ALLAN NEVINS. xix+420 p. New York, Knopf, 1943.

Reviewed by MERLE CURTI, American Historical Review, 49, 127-29, 1943.

Montagu, M. F. Ashley. TENNYSON'S prediction of the invention, use and misuse of the aero- plane. Science, 98, 431, 1943.

Spencer, Herbert Reynolds. The iron steamer -U. S. S. Michigan 1843. 35 p. Newcomen So- ciety, American Branch, 1943.

Webb, K. R. JAMES PREScoTT JOULE and the unit of energy. Nature, 152, 602, 1943.


Asmous, Vladimir C. WILLIBALD VON BESSER (1784-1842). Nature, 151, 731, 1943.


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Page 16: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

Translated by GEORGE W. BARTELMEZ. Essays in Biology in honor of Herbert M. Evans, pp. 51-93, 2 pls., University of California Press, 1943.

Annotated translation of PURKINJE'S Symbolae ad ovi avium historiam ante incubationem (Leipzig 1830). Part of it had appeared in Breslau 1825, and KARL ERNST VON BAER was already referring to it in his famous Epis- tola of 1827 (see p. 25 of the facsimile published in Isis, 16, 315-78, 1931). G.S.

Rodgers, Andrew Denny, III. JOHN TORREY, a story of North American botany. 352 p., port. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1942.

Reviewed by CONWAY ZIRKLE, Isis, 34, 368-69, 1943.

Sarton, George. Fifth preface to Volume XXXIV. AIME BONPLAND (1773-1858). Isis, 34, 385-99, 9 figs., 1943.

Verdoorn, Frans. At the centenary of the Bo- tanische Zeitung. Chronica Botanica, 7, 294-96, facs., 1943.

Went, Frits W. Centenary of SCHLEIDEN'S text- book of botany: Have the aims of botany changed? Chronica Botanica, 7, 14548, 1942.


Beltran, Juan Roman. Ensefianza practica de la materia medica, propiciada por el doctor JUAN MADERA en 1828. Revista argentina de historia de la medicina, 2, No. 2, 5-10, 1943.

Madden, Henry Miller. The cholera in Pest, 1831. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 13, 481-86, 1943.

McDaniel, W. B., 2d. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES and the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Transactions U Studies of the College of Physi- cians of Philadelphia, 11, 15-29, 5 figs., 1943.

Miller, Genevieve. A nineteenth century medical school: Washington University of Baltimore. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 14, 14-29, 2 figs., 1943.

Mullett, Charles F. A footnote to a History of the Small Pox. Bulletin of the History of Medi- cine, 13, 487-94, 1943.

Rosen, George. Notes on the reception and in- fluence of WILLIAM BEAUMONT'S discovery. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 13, 631-42, 1943.

Shryock, R. H. Factors affecting medical re- search in the United States, 1800-1900. Bul- letin of the Society of Medical History of Chi- cago, 5, 1-18, 1943.

Urdang, George. An invoice of 1804. Pharma- ceutical Archives, 14, 1-16, 2 pls., 1943.

Brown, Ralph H. Mirror for Americans. Like- ness of the Eastern seaboard, 1810. xxxii+312 p., 48 figs., frontisp. (Special publication no. 27). New York, American Geographical So- ciety, 1943 ($4.00).

The author has had the ingenious idea of creating the personality of a gentleman, Thomas Pownall Keystone who flourished in Philadelphia about 1810 and was tre- mendously interested in the geography-physical and human-of the United States. Having collected all the books and maps then available, and travelled all around the country, Keystone wrote a geographical synthesis which the author professes to edit. We are given an admirably well documented panorama of the Eastern sea- board of the United States as they were a little more than a century ago, with an abundance of detail, many por- traits and illustrations and excellent maps. The library of T. P. Keystone, Esq., is described at the end (p. 248-59). In short, this is a first class reference book and a very beautiful one. Our only regret is that footnotes are very inconveniently printed at the end. G.S.

Chisholm, Alec H. Strange new world. The ad- ventures of JOHN GILBERT and LUDWIG LEICH- HARDT. xxii+382 p., 25 pl. London, Angus and Robertson, 1941.

Reviewed by F. WOOD JONES, Nature, 152, 286-87, 1943.

Day, Donald; Geiser, Samuel Wood. D. PORT SMYTHE'S journey across early Texas. Texas Geographic Magazine, 6, 1-20, 1942.


Geiser, Samuel Wood. EDWARD FONTAINE (1814-84), early Texan naturalist. Southwest- ern Historical Quarterly, 47, 181-83, 1943.

Ethnology, Natural History, Physics of Mississippi River.

Geiser, Samuel Wood. JOHN ALLEN VEATCH (1808-70), early Texan botanist. Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 46, 169-73, 1942.

Geiser, Samuel Wood. Explorations of JAMES CHAMBERS LUDLOW (1798-1841) in Texas. Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 45, 195-96, 1941.

Summer of 1822.

Maslankiewicz, Kazimierz; Turkowski, Ta- deusz. IGNACY DOMEYKO (1802-1889). Bulletin of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America, 2, 8-22, 1943.

DOMEYKO was a pioneer geologist and mineralogist in Chile. G.S.

Merrill, E. D. RAFINESQUE'S publications from the standpoint of world botany. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 87, 110-19, 1943.

Pennell, Francis W. New light on RAFINESQUE. Chronica Botanica, 6, 125-26, 1940.

Purkinje, Jan Evangelista. Contributions to the history of the bird's egg previous to incubation.

xIxth (1) 67

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Page 17: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

XIXth (1) to XIXth (2)


Abbott, Jacob Bates. An artist looks at ALEX- ANDER WILSON. Frontiers, 8, t-13, 2 figs., 1943.

Huston, McCready. Poet with fowling piece. Frontiers, 8, 6-10, 3 figs., 1943.

Frontiers, magazine of natural history, published by the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, devotes two articles of its issue of October 1943 to ALEXANDER WILSON (1766-1813), the father of American ornithology, whose fame has been overshadowed by that of his younger contemporary, JOHN JAMES AUDUBON (1785-1851). The first article is written by HUSTON, editor of Frontiers, the second by the bird painter, JACOB BATES ABBOTT, q.v.


Lowrie, Walter. A short life of KIERKEGAARD. xi+271 p. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1942 ($2.75).

This is the most oblique biography of a human being that I have ever read, and in its way it is quite success- ful. It is not so much facts about KIERKEGAARD that the book attempts to supply, as to produce a feeling for him, and this it does consummately well. It is a book definitely of "Stimmung," atmosphere. For those who would have a larger, more detailed, formal study there is the same author's Kierkegaard published by the Oxford University Press in 1938; but whether KIERKEGAARD holds anything for him, the reader will be able to decide only by going to KIERKEGAARD'S works themselves. The most important of the latter have, mainly through the efforts of Dr. LOWRIE, been translated into English, and most of them are now available through the Princeton University Press. Those who are preparing to read KIERKEGAARD would do well to read the present volume, for it will give them, what the author presumably set out to do, a correct orientation to the man himself as well as to his work. There is a good index. M.F.A.M.

Norman, Hilda L. LEOPARDI and the machine age. Isis, 34, 327-37, 1943.

Polinger, Elliot H. SAINT-SIMON, the Utopian precursor of the League of Nations. Journal of the History of Ideas, 4, 475-83, 1943.

[Smithson, James]. Letter from JAMES SMITH- SON to Sir JOSEPH BANKS, from Hamburg, September 18, 1808, as a prisoner of war. 4 p. The White Knight Chapbooks, Banksiana series, no. 1, 1943.

Limited edition of 101 copies.

XIXTH CENTURY (second half)


Adams, C. W. WILLIAM ALLEN MILLER and WILLIAM HALLOWES MILLER (A note to the early history of spectroscopy). Isis, 34, 337-39, 1943.

Aldington, J. N. The evolution of the electric lamp. Endeavour, 2, 62-68, 9 figs., 1943.

Bunge, Mario. Significado fisico e historico de la teoria de MAXWELL. 16 p., port. Conferencia pronunciada el 21 de junio de 1943 en la Facultad de Quimica Industrial y Agricola de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Buenos Aires, 1943.

Bush, Vannevar. Biographical memoir of ARTHUR EDWIN KENNELLY (1861-1939). Na- tional Academy of Science of the United States of America, Biographical Memoirs, 22, 83-119, port., Washington, 1941.

Cannizzaro, Stanislao. Sintesis de un curso de filosofia quimica. Traducci6n y notas de SIM6N LAJMANOVICH y MAURICIO F. BUHLER. 75 p. Buenos Aires, "Chemia," 1941.

Reviewed by MARIO BUNGE, Archeion, 25, 75-77, 1943.

Jackson, Dugald C. FRANK JULIAN SPRAGUE (1857-1934). Scientific Monthly, 57, 43141, 1943.

American electrical engineer and inventor. Portrait.

King, Thomson.-from the Potomac to the Thames. Being the progress of one JAMES RUM- SEY (1743-1792). 32 p. Newcomen Society, American Branch, 1943.

Pictet, Ame (1857-1937). Souvenirs et travaux d'un chimiste. 228 p., 2 ports. Neuchatel, Edi- tions de la Baconniere, 1941.

Reviewed by MARC CRAMER, Isis, 34, 415-17, 1943.

Rayleigh. J. B. HANNAY and the artificial pro- duction of diamonds. Nature, 152, 597, 1943.

Robertson, A. W. About GEORGE WESTINGHOUSE and the polyphase electric current. 44 p., illus. Newcomen Society, American Branch, 1943.

Rukeyser, Muriel. WILLARD GIBBS, xi+465 p. New York, Doubleday, Doran, 1942.

Reviewed by EDUARD FARBER, Isis, 34, 414-15, 1943.

Smith, Edgar C. Sir DAVID GILL, K.C.B., F.R.S., 1843-1907. Nature, 151, 664-65, 1943.


Asmous, Vladimir C. K. A. TIMIRIAZEV (1843- 1920), an appreciation. Chronica Botanica, 7, 310-11, 1943.

Asmous, Vladimir C. EDUARD VON REGEL (1815- 1892) and his contribution to botany and horti- culture in Russia. Chronica Botanica, 7, 199- 200, port., facs., 1942.

Bagley, William Chandler, Jr. Soil exhaus- tion and the Civil War. 101 p. Washington, American Council on Public Affairs, 1942.

Essay review by CONWAY ZIRKLE, Isis, 34, 355-59, 1943.


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Page 18: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

Skogman, C. Viaje de la fragata sueca "Eugenia" (1851-1853). Brasil-Uruguay-Argentina- Chile-Peru. Traducci6n de KJELL HENRICH- SEN. 241 p., 3 pls., figs. Buenos Aires, "Solar," 1942.

Reviewed by ALDO MIELI, Archeion, 25, 81-83, 1943.

[TIMIRIAZEv, KLIMENTY]. Timiriazev centenary celebrations. Nature, 152, 138-39, 1943.

Waller, A. E. The breadth and vision of Dr. JOHN STRONG NEWBERRY (1822-1892). Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, 52, 324-46, 1943.

A short, appreciative biography of the geologist and paleontologist. C.Z.

Wayman, Dorothy G. EDWARD SYLVESTER MORSE. A biography. Foreword by THOMAS BARBOUR. xvi+457 p., 8 pls. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1942.

Reviewed by CHARLES A. KOFOID; with a note by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 34, 371-73, 2 figs., 1943.

Zirkle, Conway. Soil exhaustion, the territorial limitation of slavery, and the Civil War. Isis, 34, 355-59, 1943.


Bowman, A. K. The life and teaching of Sir WILLIAM MACEWEN. A chapter in the history of surgery. xii+425 p., port. London, Hodge, 1942.

Reviewed by ALDO MIELI, Archeion, 25, 85-86, 1943.

Cavins, Harold M. The national quarantine and sanitary conventions of 1857 to 1860 and the beginnings of the American Public Health Asso- ciation. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 13, 404-26, 1943.

Clapesattle, Helen. The Doctors MAYO. 822 p., 65 illus. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1941.

Reviewed by J. B. DE C. M. SAUNDERS, Isis, 34, 412-14, 1943.

[KELLY, H. A.] HOWARD ATWOOD KELLY (1858- 1943), as a medical historian. Obituary by GEORGE W. CORNER, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 14, 191-200, 1 port., 1943.

Major, Ralph H. CHARLES EDWARD BROWN- SEQUARD. Essays in Biology in honor of Herbert M. Evans, pp. 369-77, 1 pl., University of Cali- fornia Press, 1943.

Truby, Albert E. Memoir of WALTER REED: the yellow fever episode. xiii+239 p., illus. New York, Hoeber, 1943.

Interesting eyewitness account of the work of WALTER REED and his associates in inaugurating the conquest of yellow fever. C.D.L.

Bond, T. E. T. HENRY TRIMEN, F.R.S. (1843- 96). Nature, 152, 470, 1943.

Cornish, Louis C. AGAsSIz'S school on Penikese. Seventy years after. Scientific Monthly, 62, 315- 21, port., facs., 1943.

A description of the founding of a summer biological laboratory in 1873 on Penikese Island, off the coast of Massachusetts. This developed ultimately into the great Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole. C.Z.

[Darwin, Charles]. Manuscripts of CHARLES DARWIN. Isis, 34, 365, 1943.

Druce, Gerald. Some Czechoslovak contributions to genetics (1866-1938). Nature, 151, 495-96, 1943.

Greenstein, Jesse P. FRIEDRICH MIESCHER, 1844-1895. Scientific Monthly, 57, 523-32, port., 1943.

A biography of the discoverer of nucleoprotein, cele- brating the hundredth anniversary of his birth. C.Z.

Hochreutiner, B. P. G. A la memoire de HANS SCHINZ. Chronica Botanica, 7, 349-51, port., 1943.

Jepson, Willis Linn. EDWARD LEE GREENE the individual. American Midland Naturalist, 30, 3-5, 1943.

Just, Theodor (editor). The American Midland Naturalist. Devoted to Natural History, pri- marily that of the Prairie States. Centennial issue. Vol. 30, no. 1, 272 p., figs., July 1943.

Centennial issue dedicated to the centenary of the foundation of Notre Dame University and to the centenary of the birth of EDWARD LEE GREENE (1843-1915).

MACFARLANE, JOHN MUIRHEAD (1855-1943). Obituary notice by WALTER STECKBECK. Science, 98, 487-88, 1943.

A biographical sketch of the well-known botanist and pre-Mendelian geneticist. Prof. MACFARLANE'S work on hybrid insectivorous plants fifty years ago was a land- mark in the investigation of plant species hybrids. C.Z.

Muller, H. J. EDMUND B. WILSON-an apprecia- tion. American Naturalist, 87, 5-30, 142-72, 1943.

This is more than a mere laudatory biographical sketch of the great cytologist EDMUND BEECHER WILSON (1856- 1939). WILSON was so important in the development of cytology and cytogenetics in America that any account of his scientific work would have to include an important phase in the history of the sciences. The author is the discoverer of the fact that mutations can be caused by X-rays. C.Z.

[NANSEN, FRIDTJOF]. The Nansen Club. Isis, 34, 366, 1943.

St. John, Harold. Later travels and botanical studies of WILLIAM HILLEBRAND. Chronica Bo- tanica, 7, 69-70, 1942.

XIXth (2) 69

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XIXth (2) to XXth

White, William. Medical education at McGill in the seventies: Excerpts from the "Auto- biographie" of the late PAUL ZOTIQUE HEBERT, M.D. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 13, 614-26, 1943.


Allott, Kenneth. JULES VERNE (1828-1905). xvi +283 p. New York, Macmillan, 1941.

Reviewed by M. F. ASHLEY MONTAGU, Isis, 34, 370-71, 1943.

Seznec, Jean. SAINT ANTOINE et les monstres. Essai sur les sources et la signification du fan- tastique de FLAUBERT. PMLA, 58, 195-222, 1943.



FORSYTH, ANDREW RUSSELL (1858-1942). Obitu- ary notice by E. T. WHITTAKER. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 209- 27, port., bibliog., 1942.

LEVI-CIVITA, TULLIO (1873-1941). Obituary notice by W. V. D. HODGE. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 151-65, port., bibliog., 1942.

PICARD, CHARLES EMILE (1856-1941). Obituary notice by J. HADAMARD. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 129-50, bibliog., 1942.

Siddiqi, M. Raziuddin. An analysis of Sir SHAH MOHAMMAD SULAIMAN'S [1886-1942] scientific work. The Hyderabad Academy, Studies no. 3, p. 7-23, 1942.


Abbot, C. G. The 1914 tests of the Langley "aerodrome." Annual Report of the Smith- sonian Institution for 1942, 111-18, 2 figs., 1943.

"This paper has been submitted to Dr. ORVILLE WRIGHT, and under date of October 8, 1942, he states that the paper as now prepared will be acceptable to him if given adequate publication."

BERKELEY, 8th earl of (1865-1942). Obituary notice by Sir H. HARTLEY. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 167-82, port., bibliog., 1942.

Bragg, Sir Lawrence. The history of X-ray analysis. iv+24 p., 4 pl. (Science in Britain series, published for the British Council). Lon- don, Longmans, Green, 1943.

Reviewed by F. IAN G. RAWLINS, Nature, 152, 463, 1943.

Dickerman, William Carter. 43 hours. My era in railway equipment life. 28 p., illus. New York, Newcomen Society, American Branch, 1943.

FREUNDLICH, HERBERT MAX FINLAY (1880-1941). Obituary notice by F. G. DONNAN. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 27- 50, port., bibliog., 1942.

HARDEN, Sir ARTHUR (1865-1940). Obituary notice by Sir F. G. HOPKINS and Sir C. J. MARTIN. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 3-14, port., 1942.

LARMOR, Sir JOSEPH (1857-1942). Obituary notice by Sir A. S. EDDINGTON. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 197-207, port., 1942.

NERNST, WALTHER HERMANN (1864-1941). Obit- uary notice by Lord CHERWELL and FRANZ SIMON. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 101-12, port., bibliog., 1942.

PHILIP, JAMES CHARLES (1873-1941). Obituary notice by A. C. G. EGERTON. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 51-62, port., bibliog., 1942.

PLASKETT, JOHN STANLEY (1865-1941). Obituary notice by Sir H. S. JONES. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 67-82, port., bibliog., 1942.

Reucker, Karl (editor). Festschrift fiir JACQUES BRODBECK-SANDREUTER, zu seinem 60. Geburts- tag. 450 p., front., ill., 64 pl. Basel, Schwabe, 1942.

Reviewed by A. C. KLEBS, Isis, 34, 417-18, 1943.

SABATIER, PAUL (1859-1941). Obituary notice by E. K. RIDEAL. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 63-66, port., 1942.

STONEY, GEORGE GERALD (1863-1942). Obituary notice by ROBERT DOWSON. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 183-96, port., bibliog., 1942.

[WRIGHT, WILBUR & ORVILLE]. The fortieth anni- versary of the flight of a heavier-than-air machine. Proclamation by MELVILLE BROUGH- TON, Governor of North Carolina. Science, 98, 400-01, 1943.


Barbour, Thomas. Naturalist at large. xii+314 p., 24 pl., Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1943 ($3.50).

Delightful reminiscences of a naturalist who has observed plants and animals all over the world and has taken a great part in the shaping of the study of natural history in


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friends. xxxi+686 p., frontispiece, plates. Berkeley, Calif., University of California Press, 1943 ($10.00.)

Magnificent Festschrift dedicated to the "Director of the Institute of Experimental Biology in the University of California. Dr. EVANS has devoted his life to a fuller understanding of the fundamental problems of anatomy, embryology, endocrinology, nutrition, and the physiology of reproduction. In this volume are forty-eight essays written by his friends on the various aspects of scientific research with which he is concerned." In addition to the bibliography-we hope, very incomplete, for it stops in 1942-of EVANS' writings compiled by THOMAS COWLES, there are twelve articles of interest to historians of science. Instead of listing these articles in a review, it is more serviceable to list each in its proper place in this Critical Bibliography. Beautiful portrait. G.S.

Flexner, Simon; Flexner, James Thomas. WILLIAM HENRY WELCH and the heroic age of American medicine. x+539 p., 26 illus. New York, Viking Press, 1941.

Reviewed by J. B. DE C. M. SAUNDERS, Isis, 34, 381-82, 1943.

KLEBS, ARNOLD CARL (1870-1943). Obituary by LEONA BAUMGARTNER. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 14, 201-16, 3 figs., 1943.

Lambie, Thomas A. A doctor carries on. Fore- word by LOWELL THOMAS. 173 p., frontispiece, pls. New York, F. H. Revell Co., 1942 ($2.00).

This is a continuation of the author's reminiscences, the beginning of which was issued by the same publishers under the title "A doctor without a country" (1939). Dr. THOMAS A. LAMBIE, field director of the Sudan Interior Mission and advisor to the emperor of Ethiopia (that is what caused him to give up his American citizenship). These two volumes are of interest not only for the study of Christian missionary efforts in those parts, but also as documents concerning the Italian conquest of Ethiopia and the reconquest of it five years later. G.S.

OLIVER, JOHN RATHBONE (1872-1943). Obituary by JOHN C. KRANTZ, JR. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 14, 217-28, 1 port., 1943.

Shadid, Michael A. A doctor for the people. The autobiography of the founder of America's first co-operative hospital-and how he successfully defended it against the attacks of the medical trust. 277 p. New York, Vanguard Presss, 1939.

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 34, 382, 1943.

Spector, Benjamin. A history of Tufts College Medical School. Prepared for its semi-centennial 1893-1943, 414 p., pls. Boston, Tufts College Medical Alumni Association, 1943.

This history of one of the great medical schools of Boston will be very welcome, especially to its many alumni who are now holding important positions all over the country. It has been prepared with loving care and is illustrated with an abundance of portraits and facsimiles. Such studies are of great value, for they bolster up the prestige of an institution and the legitimate pride of all the men who have been at any time connected with it, either as teachers or students. Crescat et floreat! G.S.

America through his directorship of the Harvard Museum, of the Soledad gardens in Cuba, the Barro Colorado Island laboratory, in the Panama Canal Zone, and in countless other ways. G.S.

ELTRINGHAM, HARRY (1873-1941). Obituary notice by G. D. H. CARPENTER. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 113-28, port., bibliog., 1942.

HALI, Sir ALFRED DANIEL (1864-1942). Obituary notice by Sir E. J. RUSSELL. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 229-50, port., bibliog., 1942.

HILL, Sir ARTHUR WILLIAM (1875-1941). Obit- uary notice by F. T. BROOKS. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 87-100, port., select bibliog., 1942.

Lermitte, Carlos. Itinerario de un gran viaje por la vida. 222 p. Montevideo, Monteverde, 1941.

Reviewed by L. E. J., Geographical Journal, 100, 269, 1942. Life of ELZEAR SANTIAGO GIUFFRA (1891-1939), pro- fessor of geography in the University of Montevideo.

Merrill, E. D. Destruction of the Berlin Herba- rium. Science, 98, 490-91, 1943.

Sandford, Mary. Historical development of mi- crobiological methods in vitamin research. Nature, 152, 374-76, 1943.

SHEARER, CRESSWELL (1874-1941). Obituary no- tice by JAMES GRAY. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 15-19, port., select bibliog., 1942.

YOUNGHUSBAND, Sir FRANCIS EDWARD (1863- 1942). Obituary notices. Geographical Journal, 100, 131-137, 1942.


Albee, Fred H. A surgeon's fight to rebuild men. 349 p. New York, Dutton, 1943.

Reviewed by 0. TEMKIN, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 14, 121-22, 1943.

BANTING, Sir FREDERICK GRANT (1891-1941). Obituary notice by C. H. BEST. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 21-26, port., bibliog., 1942.

Bravo, Tobias. Recuerdos de Jose Sanchis Banus. Conmemoracion del X aniversario de su muerte. Anales de la Sociedad Peruana de Historia de la Medicina, 4, 43-62, port., 1943.

ELLIOTT, JABEZ HENRY (1873-1942). Obituary in Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 14, 181-90, 1 port., 1943.

[EVANS, HERBERT MCLEAN]. Essays in biology. In honor of Herbert M. Evans. Written by his

XXth 71

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XXth to 2. Egypt

STEINER, WALTER RALPH (1870-1942). Obituary by GEORGE BLUMER. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 14, 229-36, 1 port., 1943.


D'ABERNON, 1St VCt. (1857-1942). Obituary notice by Sir H. H. DALE. Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 83-86, port.

[OLDFATHER, WILLIAM ABBOTT]. Classical studies in honor of WILLIAM ABBOTT OLDFATHER. Pre- sented by a committee of his former students and colleagues. vii+217 p., frontispiece, 7 pls. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1943.

Runes, Dagobert D. (editor). Twentieth century philosophy. 571 p. New York, Philosophical Library, 1943 ($5.00).

The subjects dealt with in the present volume, and the writers of the sections are as follows: Ethics, JAMES H. TUFTS; Aesthetics, DE WITT H. PARKER; Axiology, WILBUR M. URBAN; Philosophy of Law, ROScoE POUND; Philosophy of History, JOHN ELOF BOODIN; Philosophy of Science, VICTOR F. LENZEN; Philosophy of Life. ALFRED N. WHITE- HEAD; Metaphysics, EVERETT W. HALL; Theology and Metaphysics, DOUGLAS C. MACKINTOSH; Philosophy of the Twentieth Century, BERTRAND RUSSELL; Kantianism, A. C. EWING; Philosophy of Hegelianism, RICHARD HOENIGS- WALD; The Humanism of ST. THOMAS AQUINAS, JACQUES MARITAIN; Transcendental Absolutism, GEORGE SANTAY- ANA; Personalism, RALPH T. FLEWELLONG; Phenomenology, MARVIN FARBER; Logical Empiricism, HERBERT FEIGL; The Story of American Realism, WILLIAM P. MONTAGUE; The Development of American Pragmatism, JOHN DEWEY; Dialectical Materialism, JOHN SOMERVILLE; Philosophical Naturalism, RALPH B. WINN; Philosophies of China, WING-TSIT CHAN. Seven of these contributions have al- ready appeared elsewhere. In spite of an enormous number of omissions, the book makes most interesting and in- formative reading. M.F.A.M.




1. ANTIQUITY (generalities)

Bolkestein, Hendrik. Wohltitigkeit und Armen- pflege im vorchristlichen Altertum. xvi+492 p. Utrecht, Oosthoek, 1939.

Reviewed by ARTHUR STANLEY PEASE, American Journal of Philology, 63, 378-79, 1942.

Fossing, Poul. Glass vessels before glass-blowing. xvi+152 p., 109 figs. Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1940.

Reviewed by D. B. HARDEN, Journal of Hellenic Studies, 60, 108-09, 1940.

Hubaux, Jean; Leroy, Maxime. Le mythe du Phenix dans les litteratures grecque et latine.

(Bibl. de la Fac. de Phil. et Let. de l'Univ. de Liege, 82). xxxvi+266 p. Paris, Droz, 1939.

Reviewed by JAMES HUTTON, American Journal of Phi- lology, 63, 342-45, 1942.

Millas Vallicrosa, Jose M. De toponimia pui- nico-espafiola. Sefarad, Revista de la Escuela de Estudios Hebraicos, 1, 16 p., Madrid, 1941.

Urdang, George. Pharmacy in ancient Greece and Rome. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 7, 160-73, 1943.


Jirku, Anton. Die igyptischen Listen palastinen- sischer und syrischer Ortsnamen. 62 p. Leipzig, Dieterich, 1937.

Reviewed by E. DHORME, Revue de l'histoire des reli- gions, 118, p. 111, 1938.

Miiller, Valentine. Studies in Oriental archae- ology IV. Progress and reaction in ancient Egyp- tian art. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 63, 144-49, 1943.

Neugebauer, Otto. Demotic horoscopes. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 63, 115-26, 3 pls., 1 fig., 1943.

Neugebauer, Otto. The origin of the Egyptian calendar. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 1, 396403, 1942.

Riefstahl, Elizabeth. Toilet articles from ancient Egypt. From the Charles Edwin Wilbour Me- morial Collection and the collection of the New York Historical Society in the Brooklyn Mu- seum. 9 p., 5 figs., 19 illus. Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1943 (25c).

Charming collection of photographs with a learned yet very readable preface. Incipit "Vanity is older than the pyramids. Long before history the Ancient Egyptians painted their eyes and bodies and anointed themselves with oils and unguents. Prehistoric graves (before 3000 B.C.) have yielded little bags of powdered malachite, once employed as a green eye-shadow, bags of galena, a dark-gray ore of lead, which served as kohl for darkening lids and brows, and other bags containing red ochre, perhaps used to paint the face or body." G.S.

Rowe, Alan. A catalogue of Egyptian scarabs, scaraboids, seals and amulets in the Palestine Archaeological Museum. xlviii+348 p., 38 pls. Cairo, Imprimerie de l'Institut Franqais d'Ar- cheologie Orientale, 1936.

Reviewed by B. COUROYER, Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society, 17, 301-04, 1937.

Sarton, George. Fourth preface to volume XXXIV. JAMES HENRY BREASTED (1865-1935). The father of American Egyptology. Isis, 34, 289-91, port., 1943.


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2. Egypt to 6. Middle Ages

Wainwright, G. A. Egyptian bronze-making. Antiquity, 17, 96-98, 1 fig., 1943.

Weill, Raymond. Ceux qui n'avaient pas de tom- beau dans 1'Egypte ancienne. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 118, 5-32, 1938.

Winlock, H. E. Excavations at Deir el Bahri, 1911-1931. x+235 p., 14 figs., 96 pl., map (end papers). New York, Macmillan, 1942.

Reviewed by R. O. FAULKNER, Nature, 152, 199-200, 1942. The book is based on the annual reports which appeared in the Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art; no attempt has been made to incorporate the studies based on the preliminary publication of the finds. A.P.


Kramer, S. N. Man's golden age: A Sumerian parallel to Genesis XI. 1. Journal of the Ameri- can Oriental Society, 63, 191-94, 1943.

Steele, Francis Rue. Nuzi real estate transac- tions. 83 p. (American Oriental Series, 25). New Haven, American Oriental Society, 1943.

Vieyra, Maurice M. Un recueil de presages ac- cado-hittites tires des eclipses solaires. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 116, 136-42, 1937.


Balme, D. M. Greek science and mechanism. II. The atomists. The Classical Quarterly, 35, 23- 28, 1941.

Minar, Edwin L., Jr. Early Pythagorean politics in practice and theory. ix+143 p. (Connecticut College, Monograph no. 2). Baltimore, Waverly Press, 1942.

Reviewed by W. A. OLDFATHER, American Historical Review, 49, 87-88, 1943.

Parke, H. W. A history of the Delphic oracle. viii+457 p., 8 pls. Oxford, Blackwell, 1939.

Reviewed by JOSEPH E. FONTENROSE, American Journal of Philology, 63, 472-76, 1942.


Leon, H. J. Sulphur for broken glass (MARTIAL 1.41.3-5). Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, 72, 233-36, 1941.

Mascioli, Frederick. Anti-Roman and pro-Italic sentiment in Italian historiography. Romanic Review, 33, 366-84, December, 1942.


6. MIDDLE AGES (generalities)

Conant, K. J. A brief commentary on early mediaeval church architecture, with especial

reference to lost monuments. xi+34 p., frontis- piece, 50 pls. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1942.

Reviewed by TURPIN C. BANNISTER, Speculum, 18, 372- 75, 1943.

De Roover, Raymond. The lingering influence of medieval practices. Accounting Review, 18, 148-51, 1943.

"In the Middle Ages the use of a bank account was more common than one would expect. In most medieval trading centers, the money-changers did not confine their activity to the petty exchange of coins but had entered the field of commercial banking. Banks of deposit, man- aged by local money-changers, existed in Venice, Florence, Genoa, Barcelona, Bruges, and probably in Antwerp and Paris. After 1400, there was a municipal bank in Barcelona, but the private banks continued to exist beside the new institution, and attempts to drive them out of business were unsuccessful. In Valencia also, a municipal bank was created but it failed to prosper and was* dissolved after a few years. There is no evidence of the existence of com- mercial banks in London. Probably it was not until the reign of ELIZABETH that the London goldsmiths began to accept deposits from merchants and other persons. Why banking developed so late in England can easily be ex- plained by the economic backwardness of that country prior to the sixteenth century as compared with Italy, the Low Countries, and even Spain. Medieval banking prac- tice differed from modern methods in some important respects. One of the most striking differences was the absence of checks."

Goldstein, Hyman I. Ulcer and cancer of the stomach in the Middle Ages. AVENZOAR, AVER- ROES, FRANCISCUS (OF PIEDMONT), BENIVIENI. Review of Gastroenterology, 10, 157-62, 1 fig., 1943.

Knoop, Douglas; Jones, G. P. The mediaeval mason. An economic history of English stone building in the later Middle Ages and early modern times. xii+294 p. Manchester Univer- sity Press, 1933.

"The first three chapters of this book deal chiefly with the economic history of the stone-building industry in England during the later Middle Ages and attempt a pic- ture of the conditions under which the mediaeval mason worked and lived. In the three chapters that follow, various economic problems centring round the mediaeval mason- whether freemason, hewer, roughmason or layer-are ex- amined, and in the seventh and final chapter the changes in the economic conditions of the industry during the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries are described. Our inves- tigation is based on all the printed materials, especially building accounts, we have been able to gather and on a first-hand examination of manuscript records relating to certain large building operations."

Klibansky, Raymond. The rock of Parmenides. Mediaeval views on the origin of dialectic. Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies, 1, 178-86, 1943.

"When discussing the history of logic in his Metalogicon, JOHN OF SALISBURY refers to the strange tale of 'Parmenides the Egyptian' who spent his life on a rock 'in order to find the principles of logic.'"


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6. Middle Ages to 10. China

Millas Vallicrosa, Jose M. Nuevas aportaciones para el estudio de la transmisi6n de la ciencia a Europa a traves de Espafia. 61 p. Barcelona, Casa Provincial de Caridad, 1943.

Discourse read by Dr. MILLAS at the time of his public reception in the Real Academia de buenas letras, Barcelona, on May 23, 1943. Dr. MILLAS explained the supreme part taken by Spain in the transmission of ancient and Arabic science to Western Europe. He spoke chiefly of PEDRO ALFONSO DE HUESCA (XII-1), but also of GERBERT (X-2), JOHN OF SEVILLE (XII-1), HUGH OF SANTALLA (XII-1), and many others. His discourse was answered by D. TOMAS CARRERAS ARTAU. G.S.

Muckle, J. T. Greek works translated directly into Latin before 1350. Mediaeval Studies, 4, 33-42, 1942.

"A list of Latin translations of Greek works, the first part of which follows, has been compiled for the use especially of students of patristic and mediaeval philosophy. For the sake of convenience, it has been divided into two parts; the first covers the translations made before the year 1000. In a subsequent number of Mediaeval Studies there will appear, it is hoped, the second part extending from 1000 to 1350."

Richards, John F. C. A new manuscript of a rithmomachia. Scripta Mathematica, 9, 87-99, fig., 1943 (to be continued).

Apropos of a MS in the Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester, N. Y. The text is similar to that of the Wiirzburg anonym. For the mediaeval game, rithmomachia, see my Introd. (I, 757, 763; 2, 615). G.S.

Scollard, Robert J. A list of photographic repro- ductions of mediaeval manuscripts in the Library of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. Mediaeval Studies, 4, 126-38, 1942.


8. EASTERN ASIA (including works relative to the whole of Buddhist Asia, or to India, Cen-

tral and Eastern Asia combined)

Bowker, Howard Franklin. A numismatic bibli- ography of the Far East: a check list of titles in European languages. 144 p. (Numismatic notes and monographs, no. 101). New York, American Numismatic Society, 1943.

Deignan, H. G. Burma-Gateway to China. 21 p., map, 16 pl. (Smithsonian Institution, War Background Studies, 17). Washington, D. C., Smithsonian Institution, 1943.

Deignan, H. G. Siam-Land of free men. 18 p., map, 8 pls. (Smithsonian Institution, War Back- ground Studies, no. 8). Washington, D. C., 1943.


Evans, Sir Geoffrey. Botany in India. Nature, 151, 580-81, 1943.

Hammett, Frederick S. The ancient Hindu cosmogony as a source of sensory classification antedating the modern. Scientia, 33, 7 p., 1939.

Law, Bimala Churn. India as described in early texts of Buddhism and Jainism. xiii+315 p., 2 maps. London, Luzac, 1941.

"The present treatise consists of five chapters dealing with Geography, Kings and peoples, Social life and eco- nomic conditions, Religion, and Education and learning of Jambudvipa (India). It is based on the early texts of the Buddhists and Jains, written in Pali and Ardha-Ma- gadhi. In my treatment, I have not ignored the evidence of Brahmanical literature." . . . "The scheme adopted by me is in many respects different from that followed by RHYS DAVIDS in his Buddhist India, and the treatment even of common topics is fuller in the sense that I have all along taken into account the collateral evidence of the Jain 3gama."

Mackay, Ernest J. H. Chanhu-daro excavations, 1935-36. xv+338 p., frontispiece, 96 pls. (Pub- lished for American School of Indic and Iranian Studies and Museum of Fine Arts, Boston). New Haven, Conn., American Oriental Society, 1943.

Among the objects of scientific interest are the weights studied by A. S. HEMMY; the cube weights in Boston, by ARDELIA RIPLEY HALL; eye powders, by A. LUCAS; shells and vegetable remains. G.S.

Poleman, Horace I. Serial publications in India. Library of Congress Quarterly Journal of Cur- rent Acquisitions, 23-30, July-Sept. 1943.


Cable, Mildred; French, Francesca. The Gobi desert. 303 p., illust. London, Hodder and Stoughton.

Admirable account of the Gobi written with much restraint. The author and her two companions traversed the immense length of the Gobi five times. There are interesting notes on botany (p. 94-105), languages (90, 154-59), Nestorians (205), the Seven Sleepers (196), etc. G.S.

Chatley, Herbert. The development of mecha- nisms in ancient China. Engineering, 153, 175- 76, Feb. 27, 1942.

Very full introductory article. G.S.

Collis, Maurice. The great within. 349 p., illus- trations, 3 maps. London, Faber and Faber, 1941.

This is a splendid synthesis of Chinese history from the end of the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Ch'ing, with special reference to the efforts made by Western nations during that time to establish commercial and cultural contacts with China. Though based on translations of known Chinese documents, not on new ones, it is clarified throughout by the author's long experience of the Far East. Excellent use has been made, e.g., of Father HENRI BERNARD'S studies on MATTEO RICCI (Peiping 1935; Isis, 26, 164-67). The title of the book is, of course, a translation of the Chinese phrase Ta nei (imperial palace);


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10. China to 14. Islam

it expresses the Confucian heart of the Chinese empire which resisted Western influences during the Ming dynasty and even more so during the Manchu one, and caused China's impotence against Western and Japanese imperial- ism. G.S.

Dye, Daniel Sheets. A grammar of Chinese lattice. 469 p., 226 pl., 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1937.

"Fascinating and elaborate analysis of 2500 designs used in the construction of the Chinese window grille. This book is one of the few compilations ever assembled of patterns derived from ancient counterparts in other mate- rials. An illuminating description of how the designer and carpenter achieved such beautiful work."

Goodrich, L. Carrington. Cotton in China. Isis, 34, 408-10, 1943.

Goodrich, L. Carrington. A short history of the Chinese people. xv+260 p. New York, Harper & Bros., 1943.

This short history of China contains a surprising amount of information not available in much larger works. In fact the learning condensed into 250 pages is amazing. Ex- cellent maps make it easier to visualize the extensions and contractions, divisions and unifications of China. There are also useful tables, as the one (p. 81) enumerating the many ruling groups during the IVth to VIth centuries.


Liu, Chungshee H. The advancement of science in China during the past thirty years. Science, 98, 47-51, 1943.

Needham, Joseph. Science in south-west China. I. The physico-chemical sciences. II. The bio- logical and social sciences. Nature, 152, 9-10, 36-37, 1943.

Needham, Joseph. Science in Chungking. Na- ture, 152, 64-66, 1943.

Teng, Ssuyii. Chinese influence on the West- ern examination system. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 7, 267-312, 1943.

"In the light of all this contemporary evidence, there can remain no doubt that the Chinese system of examina- tions for government positions was responsible for the in- troduction of similar systems into western Europe. Less certainly can we claim influence from the Chinese for similarities in detail, such as the use of the 'classics' for examinations. In any case, the examination was adapted by each individual government to fit national charac- teristics."


(Including works devoted to Palestine)

Burrows, Millar. What mean these stones? The significance of archeology for Biblical studies. xvi+306 p., 58 fig., 2 maps. New Haven, Conn., American Schools of Oriental Research, 1941.

Reviewed by SOLOMON GANDZ, Isis, 34, 420-21, 1943.

Driver, G. R. Witchcraft in the Old Testament. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 6-16, 1943.

Ginzberg, Louis. A commentary on the Pales- tinian Talmud. Vol. I, lxxvii+132+420 p.; vol. II, 325 p.; vol. III, 444 p. New York, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1941 (in Hebrew).

Reviewed by SOLOMON GANDZ, Isis, 34, 373-74, 1943.

Kelso, J. L. Some sixteenth-century copper ob- jects from Tell Beit Mirsim. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, no. 91, 28-36, 5 figs., 1943.

Scholem, Gershom G. Major trends in Jewish mysticism. xiv+440 p. (Hilda Stich Stroock Lectures, Fourth Series). New York, Jewish Institute of Religion, 1941.

Reviewed by KOPPEL S. PINSON, American Historical Review, 49, 84-86, 1943.

Wright, G. Ernest. Iron: the date of its introduc- tion into common use in Palestine. American Journal of Archaeology, 43, 458-63, 1939.

14. ISLAM (also Arabia)

Arberry, Arthur J. An introduction to the his- tory of Sufism. The Sir Abdullah Suhrawardy Lectures for 1942. xx+84 p., pls. London, Long- mans, Green [1942].

"A number of attempts have been made in the past to write a history of Islamic mysticism. In these lectures on the Sir Abdullah Suhrawardy Foundation, Dr. ARBERRY sketches the history of the development of Siifi studies in the West, and argues that the time is not yet ripe for a definitive history of Sufism to be written. After analysing the results so far achieved, the author puts forward a plan of research and publication to form the basis of a future Encyclopaedia of Sufism. Introductory remarks by Sir Hassan Suhrawardy contain a brief monograph on the history of the Suifi orders in India."

Brill, Moshe; Neustadt, D.; Schusser, P. The basic word list of the Arabic daily newspaper. 22 p. in English; 8+170 p. in Arabic. Jerusalem, Hebrew University Press Association, 1940.

"In the present study a count was made of 136,089 current words in Arabic daily newspapers published in Egypt, Palestine, the Lebanon and Iraq. It was found that 2,295 specific words comprise 90.8% of all the current words counted, each of which had a frequency of at least 10 in the present study. It was further found that 3,000 specific words of the Arabic daily newspapers comprise 94.8% of all the words counted. Thus, the basic vocabulary of the Arabic daily newspaper consists of from two to three thousand words. The primary purpose of the present study is to assist the teacher and the text-book writer in determining the Arabic vocabulary to be taught to sudents attending schools and evening courses." It is interesting to note that 1,000 specific words constitute 75.4% of the vocabulary in Arabic, 89.6% in English, 85.1% in Hebrew.


Cazenave, Jean. Legs de la medecine arabe a la therapeutique franSaise du moyen-age. These pour le doctorat en medecine (Faculte de Mont- pellier). Alger, V. Heintz, s.d. (1941).

Unfavorable review by H. P. J. RENAUD, Hesperis, 30, 234-35, 1943.


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14. Islam to New World

Frye, Richard N.; Sayili, Aydin M. Turks in the Middle East before the Saljuqs. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 63, 194-207, 1943.

Funck-Brentano, Chr.; Lille, Odette. Bibli- ographie marocaine, 1936-1939. Hesperis, 30, 3-122, 1943.

Very rich bibliography. The section of special interest to Isis, "Litterature et sciences arabes et juives," includes items nos. 3740 to 3832 (p. 77-85).

Hahn, Etienne. Hadith cosmogonique et Aggada. Revue des etudes juives, 101, 53-72, 1937.

[Halevy, Joseph]. Travels in Yemen. An ac- count of JOSEPH HALEVY'S journey to Najran in the year 1870 written in San'ani Arabic by his guide HAYYIM HABSHUSH. Edited with a detailed summary in English and a glossary of vernacular words by S. D. GOITEIN. vi+102 p. (in English)+138 p. (in Arabic). Jerusalem, Hebrew University Press, 1941.

This account of HALEVY'S famous journey to Najran in 1870 was written by his guide, HABSHUSH, in 1893-94 for the Austrian, EDWARD GLASER, who visited Yemen four times and employed HABSHUSH to copy Sabaean inscrip- tions. Before HALEVY less than a hundred such inscriptions were known; HALEVY brought back to Paris 685, all of them copied by HABSHUSH under his direction. The very inter- esting account written in dialectic Arabic is printed in Hebrew type. Glossary. G.S.

Hamilton, Hon. Robert Alexander Benjamin. Six weeks in Shabwa. Geographical Journal, 100, 107-23, 1942.

A preliminary excavation at Shabwa (15? 23' N., 47? 0' E.) suggests that it was "a holy city and not a capital city. It was shared by successive and by different king- doms or, more probably, was the burial ground and holy of holies of a powerful priestly caste. The probable date of its destruction was post-Islamic. Five years of hard work await archaeologists in Shabwa alone. There remain the extensive neighbouring sites of Jardan, Nisah, Markha, and Beihan. Excavation will throw light in particular on the problem of diffusion of culture between the Mediter- ranean and the Indian Ocean." C.W.A.

Inayatullah, Shaikh. Why we learn the Arabic language. An essay on the manifold importance of the Arabic language considered from the view-point of Islamic religion, Semitic philology, Romance philology, Biblical studies, history of science and civilization, Jewish and Christian life, etc. 48 p. Lahore, Sh. Muhammad Ashraf. 1942.

Jeffery, Arthur. Present-day movements in Islam. Moslem World, 33, 165-86, 1943.

Levi della Vida, G. The "Bronze Era" in Moslem Spain. Journal of the American Oriental So- ciety, 63, 183-91, 1943.

Terrasse, Henri. La mosquee des Andalous a Fes. 2 vols. (Publication de l'Ecole des hautes-

etudes marocaines, 38). Paris, Editions d'art et d'histoire (s.a.).

Elaborate description of the Jama' Andalus of Fas, so called because of its Andalusian founders in 859-60. The Jama' al-Qarawiyin was founded exactly at the same time. These monuments, and especially the minbar of the Andalusian mosque, are of very great interest, because they are witnesses of the three great dynasties which dominated the Maghrib, the Fatimi, Umaiya and Mura- bit, that is, the Oriental, Spanish, and Berber dynasties. The description is illustrated with 96 splendid plates.




Haile, Berard. Origin Legend of the Navaho Flintway. xi+319 p. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1943 ($3.00).

The Navaho Flintway is a Navaho Indian ceremony during which flints were originally used to cut the per- formers. Nowadays a pocket knife may actually be used to make the cut. The Origin Legend is in reality a cycle of legends. These are of the very greatest interest. The native text and translation, notes, and introduction are excellently presented in this valuable contribution by Father BERARD HAILE. M.F.A.M.

Hallowell, A. Irving. The role of conjuring in Salteaux society. ix+96 p., 1 fig., 2 pls. (Publi- cations of the Philadelphia Anthropological So- ciety, 2). Philadelphia, University of Pennsyl- vania Press, 1942.

Reviewed by E. H. ACKERKNECHT, Bulletin of the His- tory of Medicine, 13, 501-02, 1943.

Hrdlicka, Ales. Alaska diary. xv+414 p. Lan- caster, Pa., Jaques Cattell Press, 1943 ($5.00).

Dr. Hrdlicka, the doyen of physical anthropologists in the United States, here presents the diary which he kept during the seasons, between the years 1926 and 1931, which he spent in the field, in the far Northwest, pros- pecting for the remains of prehistoric populations. It is a sprightly diary somewhat in the fashion of PEPYS'S. The style is almost telegraphic, and all Dr. Hrdlicka's own. It is an extremely interesting style, and in it lies much of the secret of the very real charm of this book. Alaska is still an unknown country; one-fifth the size of the United States, its populations are anthropologically by no means as well known as they should be. On that score this book should help to dispel some of the fog of general ignorance; but read chiefly as an entertaining travel book it is re- warding enough. Some of the author's views on a variety of subjects are far from orthodox, and as for his archaeological methods, they are enough to make the orthodox archae- ologist's hair stand on end. But no one would have wished Dr. Hrdlicka to be orthodox. In June 1939, I ran into him in London, and asked him what he was doing there. "Why, I'm on my way to Siberia to be chastised by the mosqui- toes" he replied with a twinkle in his eye. How many men in their 71st year, as he then was, would be capable of doing likewise? M.F.A.M.

Jenness, Diamond. Canada's Indian problems. Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1942, 367-80, 4 pl., 1943.


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Krieger, Herbert W. Island peoples of the West- ern Pacific, Micronesia and Melanesia. iv+ 104 p., 21 pls., 2 maps. Washington, D. C., Smith- sonian Institution, War Background Studies, no. 16, 1943.

Reed, Stephen Winsor. The making of New Guinea. xxii+326 p. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1943 ($4.00).

Issued in co-operation with the International Secretariat of the Institute of Pacific Relations as volume XVIII of the Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, the present volume is unquestionably the best all-round account of New Guinea which has thus far appeared in the English language. At this time it has a special importance, and it bears a special message. Subtitled "With special reference to culture contact in the Mandated Territory." The author, who has carried out distinguished field work as an anthro- pologist in New Guinea, dispassionately presents the facts relating to the white man's handling of the native popula- tions. The story is everywhere an appalling one. Instead of elevating, the white man degrades the native, and all elements conspire to make that degradation complete and inescapable. When, after the war, we bring the "four free- doms" to the peoples of the earth, let us remember that the people of New Guinea will still be with us, and that they are but a small fraction of the population of the earth who have been grievously wronged by us. From physiography to economics and administration, Dr. REED covers the sub- ject authoritatively and reliably, and brings off withal a very readable book. There are several excellent maps, a good bibliography, and an index. M.F.A.M.

Vlekke, Bernard H. M. Nusantara. A history of the East Indian Archipelago. xv+439 p., 13 illus., 9 maps. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Uni- versity Press, 1943.

History of the Dutch East Indies from prehistoric times down to our own days. Very skilful treatment of a subject of endless complexity. It is well informed, well digested, wisely thought out, and seasoned with Dutch wit. The author's knowledge is derived not from personal experience but from the abundant Dutch literature. Frequent notes giving exact references to that literature make of this book an easy guide to the immense amount of information available in Dutch. Tribute is paid to the Dutch orien- talists, SNoucK HURGRONJE, VAN VOLLENHOVEN, J. H. KERN, N. J. KROM, thanks to whom it became possible to understand and appreciate Indonesian culture. My only regret is that the students of natural history are neglected. RuMPHIUS, one of the greatest heroes of the East Indies (Isis, 27, 242-57) is dismissed in a few words; other naturalists are disposed of in a footnote (p. 170); the his- tory of the famous garden of Buitenzorg is not told, etc. It is true the author refers to CHRISTIAAN EYKMAN, the pioneer of vitamin research, but that is not enough. The scientific exploration of the East Indies is not explained as it should be and thus some of the brightest pages of Dutch history are left out. The first Malay Bible in Arabic characters was printed in Batavia 1758 (not 1756 as said on p. 214). Let us hope that before long the author will be invited to prepare a new edition, explaining the estab- lishment of "co-prosperity" in the Pacific, on a generous (non-Japanese) basis. By the way, the title of the book (meaning empire of the islands in old Javanese), symbolizes the steady growth which the Dutch East Indies had been making toward cultural independence. Like the British, the Dutch conquerors had begun very badly but were ending beautifully. G.S.

Tantaquidgeon, Gladys. A study of Delaware Indian medicine practice and folk beliefs. xi+ 91 p. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Public Instruction, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, Harrisburg, 1942.

"The author of the study deserves a special recognition through qualities she possesses by nature and birth for the task undertaken. Born and reared in the environment of a Mohegan Indian home in Connecticut, she had the advantage of association in childhood with her grandmother and other old women versed in tribal traditions of plant and herbal medicines." .. . "With this background of information on the plant lore and medicines of the Mohegan of southern New England, the author was well fitted for the work of studying the Pennsylvania-New Jersey area, and the curing practices of the Delaware. The flora and folklore of both areas and groups are not those of distinct types. Accordingly, when in 1928 WI-TAPANOXWE (JAMES C. WEBBER), whose medicine practice is the basis of this study, appeared in Philadelphia and became the object of investigation at the Department of Anthropology, Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, the project was conceived and de- veloped, leading to the collection of the present material. Miss TANTAQUIDGEON'S training in comparative ethnology and lifelong interest in Algonkian nature-curing, placed her in a position to seize the opportunity. In the ensuing three years she worked at the recording of WI-TAPAN6XWE'S knowledge and theories as occasion offered."

Tozzer, Alfred M. (editor). LANDA'S Relacion de las cosas de Yucatan: a translation. Edited with notes. xiii+394 p. (Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnol- ogy, Harvard University, 18). Cambridge, The Museum, 1941.

Reviewed by RALPH L. ROYS, American Historical Re- view, 49, 133-34, 1943.

Weslager, C. A. Delaware's forgotten folk. xiii+ 215 p. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1943 ($2.50).

This is the story of the Moors and Nanticokes, descend- ants of Nanticoke Indians having some white and Negroid admixture who have lived on the Delmarva Peninsula of Delaware for some three centuries. Their rediscovery by Mr. WESLAGER is of the first importance for scientists interested in the genetics of human populations, and there is little doubt that they will soon form the subject of im- portant studies along these lines. The story which Mr. WESLAGER tells with considerable sympathy and under- standing of these peoples is of the greatest interest, and reflects very great credit both upon the teller and those of whom the story is told. M.F.A.M.


Bateson, Gregory; Mead, Margaret. Balinese character, a photographic analysis xii+277 p., 100 pls. (Special publications of the New York Academy of Sciences, II). New York, 1942.

Reviewed by ERWIN H. ACKERKNECHT, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 13, 691-93, 1943.

Kennedy, Raymond. Islands and peoples of the Indies. iv+66 p., 21 pls., 7 figs. Washington, D. C., Smithsonian Institution, War Back- ground Studies, no. 14, 1943.

New World 77

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New World to 17. Organization of Science

Weckler, J. E., Jr. Polynesians-explorers of the Pacific. iv+77 p., 20 pls. Washington, D. C., Smithsonian Institution, War Background Studies, no. 6, 1943.

Reviewed by K. RISHBETII, Nature, 151, 599, 1943.





[American Philosophical Society]. The early his- tory of science and learning in America. Pro- ceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 87, 1-119, figs., 1943.



Ferreira, H. Amorim. Relaq6es cientificas entre Portugal e a Gra-Bretanha. viii+76 p. Lisbon, Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, 1943.

Reviewed by Sir GEORGE THOMSON, Nature, 152, 618-19, 1943.

Heath, A. E. Time perspectives in science. Nature, 152, 434-37, 3 figs., 1943.

[History of Science Society]. List of publications. Isis, 34, 411, 1943.

Kaempffert, Waldemar. Science and war. Science, 97, 532-33, 1943.

"It is clear that social influences cannot be disregarded in tracing the history of science. And the social influences in Europe have always been chiefly military and economic, with war and economics evolving hand in hand.

Lehman, Harvey C. Man's most creative years: then and now. Science, 98, 393-99, 13 figs., 1943.

"In previous articles the present writer has presented age-curves which set forth the chronological ages at which world-famous geniuses have either achieved or first pub- lished their best work. The present study is an attempt to discover whether or not the age-curves thus far obtained are destined to hold for future as well as for past cen- turies."

Loria, Gino. La storia della scienza e la storia di una scienza nel pubblico insegnamento. Archeion, 25, 1-12, 1943.

Lyons, Sir Henry. The Royal Society of London. Part II. Endeavour, 2, 52-55, 3 figs., 1943.

Mieli, Aldo. Sumario de un curso de historia de la ciencia en ciento veinte numeros. I. Nos. 1-74. vii+251 p., Santa Fe, Argentina, 1943.

This reprint from Archeion contains the first part of MIELI'S summary of the history of science in 120 chapters,

which would be the subject of 120 lectures constituting an introductory course. To give a complete list of these lectures would take too much space. By way of sampling, let us consider the 1st, 11th, 21st, etc. 1. Evolution of early metallurgy; 11. ERATOSTHENES and Greek geography; 21. IBN AL-HAITHAM; 31. COPERNICUS, 1543; 41. GALILEO, 1638; 51. R. HOOKE, 1665; 61. STEPHEN HALES, 1727, 1732; 71. JOSEPH BLACK. The titles of lectures 75 to 120 from JAMES HULTON, 1785, to ROENTGEN, 1895, are given at the end. It is clear that our friend MIELI got warmed up as he wrote, for his summaries of each lecture become gradually longer and longer, the first decad covering 4 p., the second 12, the third 15, the fourth 25, the fifth 43, the sixth 42, the seventh 63, the eighth (extrapolated) 72. Let us hope that the course will soon be completed. G.S.

Thomdike, Lynn. FREDERICK BARRY (1876- 1943). Isis, 34, 33940, 1943.

Winter, Henry James Jacques. The history of science and the history of civilization; its re- flection in the process of education. Archeion, 25, 13-30, 1943.


(Internal organization is meant, see Isis, 1, 195. For external organization, see section 55).

Bennett, Jesse Lee. The diffusion of science. ix +141 p. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1942.

Reviewed by M. F. A. MONTAGU, Isis, 34, 374-75, 1943.

Chiang Kai-Shek. The way and spirit of science. Nature, 152, 180-82, 1943.

Compton, Karl T. Organization of American scientists for the war. Science, 98, 71-76, 93-98, 1943.

Pilgrim Trust Lecture, under the auspices of the Royal Society of London, May 20, 1943.

Koenig, Frederick 0. Science and the humani- ties. The Humanities Look Ahead, Report of the First Annual Conference held by the Stan- ford School of Humanities, p. 15-24, 1943.

Lipschutz, Alejandro. La organizaci6n de la uni- versidad y la investigaci6n cientifica 216 p. San- tiago, Chile, Editorial Nascimento, 1943.

A plea for increased emphasis on scientific studies in the university with particular reference to the philosophical implications of modern science and the relations of science to democracy. C.D.L.

Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecilia. The scholar and the world. American Scientist, 31, 329-37, 1943.

Rusk, Rogers D. Forward with science. xiv+ 308+v p., 24 pls., New York, Knopf, 1943.

Reviewed by J. A. CROWTHER, Nature, 152, 341-42, 1943.

Sarton, George. Sixty-fourth Critical Bibli- ography of the history and philosophy of science


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17. Organization of Science to 20. Mathematics

and of the history of civilization (to June 1943). Isis, 34, 423-62, 1943.

Collection of 800 items.

Taft, Robert (editor). Science and the war. A symposium presented at the seventy-fifth anni- versary meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science, Lawrence, Kansas, April 10, 1943. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, 46, 47 p., 1943.


Gregory, Sir Richard. Education in world ethics and science. viii+40 p. (Conway Memorial lec- ture delivered at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, W. C. 1, on March 28, 1943). London, Watts, 1943.

Reviewed by T. RAYMONT, Nature, 152, 284-85, 1943.

Jeans, Sir James. Physics and philosophy. 222 p. Cambridge, University Press, 1943.

Reviewed by PHILIP P. WIENER, Journal of the History of Ideas, 4, 484-89, 1943.

Merriam, John C. The garment of God. Influ- ence of nature in human experience. xii+162 p. New York, Scribner's, 1943.

Reviewed by G. SARTON, Isis, 34, 375, 1943.

Muller, Herbert J. Science and criticism. xiv+ 303 p. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1943 ($3.75).

Subtitled "The humanistic tradition in contemporary thought." Professor MULLER in this volume sets out to discover what there is of value in the best of contem- porary scientific thought which the literary critic may incorporate in his own kit of tools. Mr. MULLER ranges almost over the whole field of science, and with considerable success. His style is unique, always lively and readable, it frequently drops from the sublime heights of academese into the nether depths of the latest slang. He never says, "pucker up your convolutions, baby, I'm coming in on the beam," but he almost does. I must confess that I rather liked it, and found it most engaging, though I doubt whether I should care for it as a steady diet. The book is not written for scientists, but it is the sort of book the scientist might find amusing, even profitable to read. It would have been of greater use to the scientist, and perhaps even to the literary critic, had Mr. MULLER been more explicit on such a matter as the general means by which the various answers provided to the questions asked in this volume could be of particular use to those who would wish to. use them for the purposes of literary criticism. As it stands, the volume is a useful survey and discussion of contemporary scientific thought from the standpoint of the humanist. It cannot fail to interest those who are already acquainted with the subjects with which it deals; it will certainly be of help to those who have only a bow- ing acquaintance with these subjects. There is a good index. M.F.A.M.

Needham, Joseph. Time: the refreshing river. 280 p. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1943 ($3.75).

This is one of the most distinguished volumes of essays to be published in our time, and perhaps the best in the

series of similar volumes previously published by the author. The essays not only make stimulating and interest- ing reading, but they contain discussions and expositions of highly original points of view of the most pressingly contemporary importance. In almost every essay in this admirable volume is the sort of work one would want to read at least three times, and then once again. The titles of the essays will give the reader some of the book's contents. Metamorphoses of scepticism (1941). The Natu- ralness of the spiritual world: A reappraisement of HENRY DRUMMOND (1935). Science, religion and socialism (1935). LAUD, the Levellers, and the Virtuosi (1935). Pure science and the idea of the holy (1941). Thoughts of a young scientist on the testament of an elder one (JoHN SCOTT HALDANE) (1931). Limiting factors in the history of science, observed in the history of embryology (1935). The biological basis of sociology (1936). A biologist's view of WHITEHEAD'S philosophy (1941). Integrative levels; A revaluation of the idea of progress (1937). There is a good index. Every reader interested in contemporary thought will find this volume a rewarding and refreshing experience. M.F.A.M.

Raven, Charles E. Science, religion and the future. x+126 p. Cambridge, University Press, 1943.

Reviewed by T. RAYMONT, Nature, 152, 284-85, 1943.

Waddington, C. H. Science and ethics. 144 p. London, Allen and Unwin, 1942 (7s. 6d.).

Reprints with additions from a series of articles appear- ing in volume 148 of Nature, in 1941. This unusual dis- cussion was aroused by WADDINGTON'S essay proposing that biological generalities have moral consequences. While there is disagreement from theologians, biologists in gen- eral agree that our morals are phases of our adaptation to our environment and thus enable us to develop control of some of our evolutionary progress. While presentation of the material in the form of a discussion is unusual, it adds to the provocative quality of the volume. C.D.L.

Whittaker, E. T. ARISTOTLE, NEWTON, EINSTEIN. Presidential address to the annual statutory meeting of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Reviewed in Nature, 151, 59, 1943.

II. FORMAL SCIENCES (Knowledge of forms) 20. MATHEMATICS

Archibald, Raymond Clare. Tables of trigo- nometric functions in non-sexagesimal argu- ments. Mathematical Tables and Aids to Com- putation, 1, 33-44, 1943.

Birkhoff, George D. The mathematical nature of physical theories. American Scientist, 31, 281-310, port., 1943.

Coleman, Robert, Jr. The development of in- formal geometry. 12+178 p. New York, Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1942.

Reviewed by E. R. STABLER, Scripta Mathematica, 9, 56-58, 1943.

[Cryptography]. A bibliography of cryptog- raphy. American Mathematical Monthly, 50, 345-46, 1943.


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Page 29: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

20. Mathematics to 25. Chemistry

Fraenkel, Abraham Adolf. Problems and meth- ods in modern mathematics. Scripta Mathe- matica, 9, 5-18, 1943.

Guenon, Rene. Les principes du calcul infinite- simal. 84 typewritten pages. 31 x 22 cm. (no title-page, no place, no date).

Curious document kindly communicated by A. K. COOMARASWAMY, author of a long study on GUENON'S metaphysical ideas (Isis, 34, 359-63, 1943). This is a meta- physical study on the principles of the infinitesimal cal- culus. G.S.

Merriman, Gaylord M. To discover mathe- matics. xl+435 p. New York, Wiley, 1942.

Reviewed by DAVID R. DAVIS, Scripta Mathematica, 9, 109-11, 1943.

Miller, G. A. Elements of the generality of the group concept. Science, 98, 362-63, 1943.

Miller, G. A. Implications involved in mathe- matical advances. Science, 98, 38-39, 1943.

Whitman E. A. Some historical notes on the cycloid. American Mathematical Monthly, 50, 309-15, figs., 1943.

Whittaker, E. T. The new algebras and their significance for physics and philosophy. Nature, 152, 603, 1943.


(History and methods. Tables and generalities. For the applications, refer to the sciences

to which they are applied.)

Buros, Oscar Krisen (editor). The second year- book of research and statistical methodology. Books and reviews. 383+xx p. Highland Park, N. J., Gryphon Press, 1941.

Reviewed by HELEN M. WALKER, Isis, 34, 375-77, 1943.

III. PHYSICAL SCIENCES (Knowledge of inorganic nature)


Allen, Don Cameron. The star-crossed Renais- sance: the quarrel about astrology and its in- fluence in England. xii+280 p. Durham, North Carolina, Duke University Press, 1941.

Reviewed by FRANCIS R. JOHNSON, Isis, 34, 377-78, 1943.

Gandz, Solomon. The zodiacal light in Semitic mythology. Proceedings of the American Acad- emy for Jewish Research, 13, 1-39, 1943.

Contents: 1. The four main characteristics of the zodiacal light. 2. The Dhi-l-Qarnain in his original form. 3. The South-Arabian 'Athtar (Ishtar, Ashtarte). 4. The two horns. 5. The Dhu-l-Qarnain in Bible and Koran. 6. The Syrian deities Monimos and Azizos. 7. The Phoeni- cian deities Suduq and Misor, Shahru and Shalmu. 8. The

Hebrew parallels: Zedek, Mishor, Shahar and Shalom. 9. Summary. Traces of the zodiacal light in classical mythology.

Pogo, Alexander. The four penumbral lunar eclipses of 1944. Popular Astronomy, 51, 129- 33, 4 figs., 1943.


Bell, A. E. The concept of energy. Nature, 151, 519-23, 3 figs., 1943.

Boyer, Carl B. History of the measurement of heat. Scientific Monthly, 57, 442-51, 546-54, 1943.

Hardie, C. D. Professor WHITTAKER and the his- tory of physics. Isis, 34, 344-46, 1943.

Luhr, Overton (1907-42). Physics tells why. ix+318 p. Lancaster, Pa., Jaques Cattell Press, 1943 ($3.50).

This volume is the sixth in the Humanizing Science series published by the Jaques Cattell Press. It maintains the high standards set by the other five volumes in the series. The author of the present volume, alas, did not live to see the publication of the book, having died suddenly on 22 May, 1942. His book will serve to keep his memory green, for it will be read, once its qualities become known, by large numbers of grateful readers who wish to secure a sound general knowledge of physics. The author possessed a great gift for making his exposition 'of physical prin- ciples both clear and interesting. Practically all the exam- ples dealt with in this book apply to problems-and ques- tions one might ask about them-which one encounters in everyday life. I can imagine few readers who would not benefit from a reading of this excellent book. Mr. JAQUES CATTELL is performing a valuable service to the public in making books such as this available through his new series, and we trust that the success of the series will result in a long line of similar works. The series presents popular science writing at its best, and the present volume sets a new high standard which it would be difficult to surpass.


Reichenbach, Hans. From COPERNICUS to EIN- STEIN. Translated by RALPH B. WINN. 123 p. New York, Philosophical Library, 1942.

Reviewed by GORDON FERRIE HULL, Science, 98, 85-86, 1943.

Taylor, Lloyd William. Physics, the pioneer science (With the collaboration, in the chapters on modern physics, of FORREST GLENN TUCKER). xii+847+xliv p. Boston, Houghton- Mifflin, 1941.

Reviewed by I. BERNARD COHEN, Isis, 34, 378-79, 1943.

Whittaker, E. T. The aether: past and present. Endeavour, 2, 117-20, 3 illus., 1943.


von Hagen, Victor W. Paper and civilization. Scientific Monthly, 62, 301-14, 1943.

An account of the origin of true paper and paperlike substances in China, Egypt, and Yucatan.


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Page 30: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

25. Chemistry to 28. Botany

Hunter, Dard. Papermaking: the history and technique of an ancient craft. xv+398+xxiii p. New York, Knopf, 1943.

Reviewed by DOUGLAS C. MCMURTRIE, American His- torical Review, 49, 82-83, 1943.

Mason, Howard S. History of the use of graphic formulas in organic chemistry. Isis, 34, 346-54, 23 figs., 1943.

Weeks, Mary Elvira. MAX SPETER (1883-1942). Isis, 34, 340-44, 1943.

IV. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (Knowledge of organic nature)

27. BIOLOGY (Generalities, "Natural History")

Alden, Roland H.; Ifft, John D. Early natu- ralists in the Far West. 59 p., pls. (Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, no. 20). San Francisco, 1943. $1.00.

This is a very interesting paper, its only defect being that it is often tantalizingly short. After a brief reference to the Aztecs, it begins with the work of FRANCISCO HER- NANDEZ (d. 1578) which was published only in 1651. Then GEORG STELLER (1741), COOK (1778), LA PEROUSE (1786), MALASPINA (1791), ARCHIBALD MENZIES (1792). The following notices deal with naturalists of the nineteenth century, the last one being devoted to the U. S. Exploring Expedition of 1841. G.S.

Cattell, Jaques (editor). Biological symposia. A series of volumes devoted to current symposia in the field of biology. Vol. 6. I. Temperature and evolution. II. Isolating mechanisms. III. Genetic control of embryonic development. Edited by TH. DOBZHANSKY. xii+355 p., ill. Lancaster, Pa., Jaques Cattell Press, 1942.

Reviewed by CHARLES A. KOFOID, Isis, 34, 418, 1943.

Lewis, Frederic T. The advent of microscopes in America. With notes on their earlier history. Scientific Monthly, 57, 249-59, 1943.

Lewis, Frederic T. Haphazard as a factor in the production of tetrakaidecahedra. Torreya, 43, 4-5, 1943.

Luck, James Murray; Smith, James H. C. Annual review of biochemistry. Vol. 12, ix+ 704 p. Stanford University, California, 1943 ($5.00).

The topics reviewed in this annual volume include the standard ones of the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, sulphur compounds, proteins and amino acids; the mineral nutrition of plants and animals; photosynthesis; the as- similation of carbon dioxide in heterotrophic organisms; the chemistry of the carbohydrates, lipins, and hormones; and the fat-soluble and the water-soluble vitamins. The extent of the field and scope of the book are indicated by the fact that 33 specialists wrote the 24 chapters reviewing the scientific work in biochemistry of nearly 5,000 authors from whose papers over 8,000 citations were made dealing with about 1200 indexed subjects. Significant contributions to the history of science are to be found in Dr. MARTON'S

chapter on the electron microscope in biology which in- cludes history of the development of that instrument and its uses, and also in Professor DANIELS' chapter on syn- thetic drugs, especially of the sulfonamides. C.A.K.

Montagu, M. F. Ashley. On the concepts of gradation and evolution. Isis, 34, 364, 1943.

Muller, H. J. Isolating mechanisms, evolution and temperature. Biol. Symposia, 6, 71-125, 1942.

28. BOTANY (Agronomy, Phytopathology, Palaeobotany)

Arber, Agnes. On the history of European bot- any. Chronica Botanica, 6, 178-79, 1941.

Arber, Agnes. Recent work on the history of botany in the Old World. Chronica Botanica, 7, 263-64, 1942.

Bartlett, Harley Harris. The concept of the genus. I. History of the generic concept in bot- any. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 67, 349-62, 1940.

First paper of a series of five devoted to the concept of genus (p. 349-89).

Blake, S. F.; Atwood, Alice C. Geographical guide to floras of the world. An annotated list with special reference to useful plants and com- mon plant names. Part I. Africa, Australia, North America, South America, and Islands of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. 336 p. (United States Dept. of Agriculture, miscel- laneous publication no. 401). Washington, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1942. 75 cents.

Castiglioni, Arturo. Magic plants in primitive medicine, p. 1522-35, figs.; Herbs in the medi- cine of eastern peoples and of the American Indians, p. 1536-40, figs.; Herbals from An- tiquity to the Renaissance, p. 1541-52, figs. Ciba Symposia, 5, 1943.

Howard, Alexander L. The elm tree. Nature, 152, 636-38, 1943.

Howard, Alexander L. The plane tree. Nature, 152, 421-22, 1943.

Jenkins, Anna E. On the history of phytopathol- ogy in Brazil. Chronica Botanica, 6, 224-26, 1941.

Jones, Volney H. The nature and status of ethnobotany. Chronica Botanica, 6, 219-21, 1941.

Loehwing, W. F. Nutritional factors in plant growth and development. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 49, 61-112, 1942.

Contains a bibliography of 448 titles.


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28. Botany to 29. Zoology

Merrill, Elmer D.; Walker, Egbert H. A bibliography of Eastern Asiatic botany. xlii+ 719 p. (Sponsored by the Smithsonian Institu- tion, Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, New York Botanical Garden, Harvard-Yench- ing Institute). Jamaica Plain, Mass., Arnold Arboretum, 1938.

Very elaborate bibliography relative mainly to China, Japan, Formosa, Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia, Tibet, but also, less completely, to the Philippines, Indo-China, Siam, Burma, India, central and northern Asia. There are more than 21,000 author entries in many western and eastern languages. The reference list of serial publications, includ- ing the great majority of botanical journals, is very valu- able in itself. More valuable still are the Chinese and Japa- nese sections, containing the Chinese characters (p. 551- 92). This will enable one to identify the oriental authors who have westernized their names each according to his own method. Because of that rich oriental section, the book will be a much needed work of reference in any Chinese and Japanese library. The subject index is very extensive (p. 593-719) and has been compiled with con- siderable care. Historians should consult the headings "history and progress of botany in eastern Asia," biog- raphies, collections, organizations, institutions, etc. This bibliography will be helpful to botanists, historans of botany, historians of science, orientalists. The author's modesty is the hall mark of sound and deep scholarship.


Rickett, Harold William. The green earth. 353 p. Lancaster, Pa., Jaques Cattell Press, 1943 ($3.50).

This is a delightful attempt, and an eminently suc- cessful one, to popularize the science of botany. One of the volumes in Mr. JAQUES CATTELL'S "Humanizing science" series, Professor RICKErr calls his book "an invitation to botany." I hope his invitation will be accepted by a vast number of readers, for this is an exceptionally attractive book, which makes botany live and become meaningful. But there is a great deal more than botany in this book. The author has a finely critical mind, and he has a great deal to say on general scientific and biological matters of considerable interest and value. Among other things the author contrives to transmit a good deal of genetics to his reader in a highly palatable form. But the book must be valued for what it is, a delightful and informative account of the great and varied plant kingdom. Throughout the book is illustrated with very pleasing drawings from the author's own pencil. In short, this is a rarely charming book, in the very best sense an admirable example of what popular science can and should be. But I do wish there had been an index. M.F.A.M.

Starck, Adolf Taylor. Der Alraun. Ein Beitrag zur Pflanzensagenkunde. vii+85 p. (New York University, Ottendorfer Memorial Series of Germanic Monographs, 14). Baltimore, Furst, 1917.

Stevens, Neil E. The bibliographical work of ALICE CARY ATWOOD. Chronica Botanica, 7, 34849, 1943.

Taylor, Norman. Quinine: the story of cinchona. Scientific Monthly, 57, 17-32, 1943.

Weaver, John C. Barley in the United States: a historical sketch. Geographical Review, 33, 56-73, 1943.

Wilson, Charles Morrow. Quinine-reborn in our hemisphere. Harper's Magazine, 187, 275- 80, 1943.

Wulff, Eugen V. An introduction to historical plant geography. Authorized translation by ELIZABETH BRISSENDEN. Foreword by ELMER D. MERRILL. xv+223 p. 35 figs. (New Series of Plant Science Books, 10). Waltham, Mass., Chronica Botanica, 1943.

This includes a history of plant geography (p. 10-24), beginning with C. WILLDENOW (1792). I think that LIN- NAEUS had already speculated on the subject. G.S.


Armstrong, Edward A. Bird display. An intro- duction to the study of bird psychology. xvi+ 381 p., 22 pl. Cambridge, University Press, 1942.

Reviewed by B. W. TUCKER, Nature, 151, 542-43, 1943.

Brinkmann, Walter. Bienenstock und Bienen- stand in den romanischen Landern. xv+200 p., 4 maps, 57 figs. (Hamburger Studien zu Volks- tum und Kultur der Romanen, 30). Hamburg 11, Hansischer Gildenverlag, 1938.

Bee folklore and terminology in France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Italy. G.S.

Eisler, Robert. Answers to Query no. 97. Early references to fossil fishes (See Isis, 33, 56-58, 335, 689-90; 34, 24). Isis, 34, 363, 1943.

Elton, Charles. Voles, mice and lemmings. Prob- lems in population dynamics. 496 p., frontis- piece, 22 figs. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1942.

"Fluctuations in the numbers of wild animals have be- come one of the main preoccupations of ecological research. The author is a pioneer in this branch of the subject, and he reviews very completely the ,history and occur- rence of field-mouse outbreaks in different countries of the world (including Russia), as well as the migrations of lemmings in Scandinavia. Their unusually violent fluctua- tions and the good historical records of their effects on human affairs make these rodents especially suitable for research on population changes. The core of the book is an account of the development of field work and experi- ments upon mouse and vole populations at Oxford during the last two decades. The second half gives the story of cycles in the fur trade of Northern Labrador and Ungava (which result from changes in rodent populations), built up from the hitherto unpublished records of fur-trade archives."

This is an admirable historical and experimental study of the phenomena often called the Lotka-Volterra oscilla- tions, because their mathematical analysis was made at about the same time by the American actuary, ALFRED J. LOTKA: Elements of physical biology (Baltimore 1925), and the Italian mathematician, VITO VOLTERRA: Lecons sur la theorie mathematique de la lutte pour la vie (Paris 1931). G.S.


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29. Zoology to 34. Anatomy

Moore, John Robert. GOLDSMITH'S degenerate song-birds. An eighteenth-century fallacy in ornithology. Isis, 34, 324-27, 1943.

Riddell, W. H. The domestic goose. Antiquity, 17, 148-55, 2 pls., 1943.

Walls, Gordon L. The history of the human eye. Ciba Symposia, 5, 1586-1606, figs., 1943.

V. SCIENCES OF THE EARTH (implying knowledge of both organic and

inorganic nature)


Deacon, G. E. R. The Sargasso Sea. Geograph- ical Journal, 99, 16-28, 1942.

A review of the literature from JAMES RENNELL, 1832 to 1939. C.W.A.


(For palaeobotany, palaeozoology and palaeo- anthropology, see, respectively, 28. Botany,

29, Zoology, and 39. Prehistory)

Bromehead, C. E. N. The early history of water-supply. Geographical Journal, 99, 142- 51, 183-96, 1942.

[Geological Survey]. Bulletin 938. Bibliography of North American geology, 1940 and 1941. 479 p., Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Print- ing Office, 1942.

"Includes paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy, for the years 1940 and 1941 and lists publications on the geology of the continent of North America and adjacent islands and on Panama, the Hawaiian Islands, and Guam."

Hertz, Am. Iron: prehistoric and ancient. An answer to Mr. Richardson. American Journal of Archaeology, 41, 441-46, 1937.

Ordoniez, Ezequiel. El volcan de Paricutin. 15 p., illus. Mexico, 1943.

Read, Thomas T. Metallurgical fallacies in archaeological literature. American Journal of Archaeology, 38, 382-89, 1934.

Richardson, Harry Craig. Iron, prehistoric and ancient. American Journal of Archaeology, 38, 555-83, map, 1934.

Richardson, Harry Craig. Iron: prehistoric and ancient. A reply to Madame HERTZ. American Journal of Archaeology, 41, 447-51, 1937.

Rickard, T. A. The primitive smelting of iron. American Journal of Archaeology, 43, 85-101, 7 figs., 1939.


Beyer, H. Otley. Philippine tektites and the tek- tite problem in general. Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1942, 253-59, 1943.

Henderson, E. P.; Perry, Stuart H. Meteorites and their metallic constituents. Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1942, 235-51, 2 figs., 6 pl., 1943.

Including historical data.

Hobbs, William Herbert. The glacial anti- cyclone and the continental glaciers of North America. Proceedings of the American Philo- sophical Society, 86, 368-402, 35 figs., 12 maps. 1943.

Petersen, William F. Lincoln-Douglas: the weather as destiny. xii+211 p., with illustra- tions by JEAN MCCONNELL. Springfield, Ill., C. C. Thomas, 1943 ($3.00).

Provocative application of PETERSEN'S theories on the influence of climatic conditions on health and disease to LINCOLN, DOUGLAS, and MARY TODD LINCOLN. A highly artistic effort, carefully documented, and with very appro- priate quotations from HIPPOCRATES. PETERSEN and C. A. MILLS have done much to promote an interest in possible effects of climate on health and disease. PETERSEN'S four volumes, The Patient and the Weather, were published by the Edwards Brothers of Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1934.


Tannehill, Ivan Ray. Weather around the world. xi+200 p., 55 fig. Princeton, Princeton Univer- sity Press, 1943 ($2.50).

Excellent introduction to the subject with very fine illus- trations and ingenious tables describing the weather in 185 key places. Historical notes are reduced to a minimum. The author's previous work on Hurricanes will be reviewed in Isis.


past and present)


Cummins, Harold; Midlo, Charles. Finger prints, palms and soles: an introduction to der- matoglyphics. xi+309 p. Philadelphia, Blakis- ton Co., 1943 ($4.00).

This superb book constitutes the best, most complete, and most exhaustive introduction to the science of derma- toglyphics published in any language. It is a fascinating and invaluable contribution to something of a Cinderella of the sciences. This book should serve to establish its place among the exact sciences. In this country it has been chiefly owing to the indefatigable labors of Professors CUMMINS and MIDLO that dermatoglyphics has, in recent years, been gathering interested workers into its field. In the present volume every aspect of the field is covered in considerable detail, and a large part of the material dealt with in this volume represents the fruits of the author's


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34. Anatomy to 36. Physiology

own labors. The volume opens with an interesting his- torical account of the development of dermatoglyphics; this will particularly interest historians of science. I note, how- ever, that there is no reference to EDWARD TYSON'S de- scription of the "ridges" in the chimpanzee (1699). Chap- ters are devoted to general considerations, methods of printing, fingers, palms, soles, toes, elements of fingerprint identification, comparative dermatoglyphics, embryology, symmetry and other aspects of special morphology, inherit- ance, twin diagnosis, questioned paternity, racial variation, and constitution. There is a good bibliography, a large number of valuable illustrations, and a good index.


Glass, Bentley. Genes and the man. xii+386 p. New York, Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1943 ($3.50).

A very readable and reliable account of the principles that aid in an understanding of the nature of growth, development, and aging. Well illustrated, with a good index, this is an unusually good book. M.F.A.M.

35. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (Anthropometry and Races of Man)

Krogman, Wilton Marion. The anthropology of the eye. Ciba Symposia, 5, 1607-16, figs., 1943.

Montagu, M. F. Ashley. Man's most dangerous myth: the fallacy of race. With a foreword by ALDOUS HUXLEY. xi+216 p. New York, Colum- bia University Press, 1942.

Reviewed by CLYDE KLUCKHOHN, Isis, 34, 419-20, 1943.

Murray, Raymond W. Man's unknown ances- tors. xiv+384 p. Milwaukee, Bruce Publishing Co., 1943 ($4.25).

This is one of the best accounts of the prehistory of man with which I am acquainted; it is intended for the general reader. The author is eminently successful in bring- ing the extensive materials of the various sciences which make up the subject matter of prehistory most interest- ingly together for the benefit of the reader. The sections dealing with the prehistory of America are perhaps better presented than they have ever been before. In a final chapter, the author who is head of the department of sociology at the University of Notre Dame, attempts to reconcile the facts of prehistory with the teachings of the Bible as interpreted by the Catholic Church. This is a most interesting chapter, and I think every reader will be grateful to the author for having written it, even though it would be an easy task for the well-informed anthro- pologist utterly to demolish it. But that would, indeed, be a task of supererogation. Even so I would not have had this book published without the presence of this last chapter. Altogether this is a most excellent book, most unreservedly to be recommended to all classes of readers. There are a number of illustrations, a glossary, a good selected reading list, a list of pronunciations, and a good index.


Myres, Sir John. A hundred years of anthro- pology in Britain. Nature, 152, 493-95, 1943.

36. PHYSIOLOGY (human and comparative) Fulton, John F. Physiology of the nervous sys-

tem. Second edition. ix+614 p. London, Oxford University Press, 1943 ($9.00).

The first edition of this superb survey appeared in 1938. Each chapter after the first is introduced by a short but instructive historical note. These deal with the accumula- tion of knowledge regarding dorsal spinal nerve roots, motor units, synapses, central inhibition, the spinal chord with its various reflexes, the medulla oblongata, the auto- nomic nervous system, the hypothalamus, the thalamus, the cerebral cortex, with its general architecture, its various systems and lobes, its sensory and motor areas, and the pyramidal system, the extrapyramidal motor system, and the cerebellum. The volume concludes with a consideration of the nervous system as a whole, with particular reference to the conditioned reflex. There are sixty-six pages of bibliography. C.D.L.

Hamburger, Walter W. Contrasting concepts of the heart and circulation in ancient and modern times. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 14, 148-58, 2 fig., 1943.

Hecht, Selig; Shlaer, Simon; Pirenne, Mau- rice Henri. Energy, quanta, and vision. Journal of General Physiology, 25, 819-40, 7 figs., 1942.

Luck, James Murray; Hall, Victor E. Annual Review of Physiology, vol. 5, viii+613 p. An- nual Reviews, Stanford University, Cal., 1943 ($5.00).

The marked trend towards the functional approach to biological problems is apparent in this annual volume of reviews of the contributions to physiology in 1942. In spite of war's encroachments and the absence of reviews of articles published in enemy countries, there are no less than 3413 papers cited in the 22 terminal bibliographies. These are the contributions of well over 5,000 investigators on over 2,000 indexed topics. A large majority of the papers have 2 or more authors,-evidence of a marked degree of collaboration, in part of pupil and teacher, in publication. The fields in which papers are reviewed include not only those of the major organ systems, such as the respiratory, muscular, osseous, digestive, cardiac, lymphatic, and nervous, but more specialized fields, such as the physical properties of protoplasm, by C. V. TAYLOR; the physi- ological and pathological effects of ultra-violet radiation, by H. F. BLTM; the physiological aspects of genetics, by J. SCHULTZ; the physiology of mammalian semen, by J. MACLEOD; endocrinology of reproduction, by C. A. PFEIFFER; and physiological psychology, by N. CAMERON and H. F. HARLOW. Thirty reviewers provide the 24 chap- ters. International strife impedes, deflects, and in places prohibits scientific research, but in the face of these obstacles, it nevertheless is carried on in the spirit of toleration and criticism, a hopeful sign in this warring world. C.A.K.

Richter, Curt P. The self-selection of diets. Essays in Biology in honor of Herbert M. Evans, p. 499-506, University of California Press, 1943.

Sherman, Henry C. The science of nutrition. xi+253 p. New York, Columbia University Press, 1943 ($2.75).

The author writes this treatise from a background of


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36. Physiology to 43. Sociology

forty years of research in nutrition, twenty of which were spent as Research Associate of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, in association with the late W. 0. ATWATER. It is neither a textbook nor a history of the science of nutrition but a pioneer expert's up-to-date exposition of the achievements in this science, especially on the human rather than merely that of laboratory experimentation. The author's experience ranges from his long association with the New York Association for the Improvement of the Poor, to his studies of the food supplies and nutritional conditions in Russia and the Orient for the Red Cross Mission to Russia and as free-lance collaborator in Mr. HoovER's food conservation campaign in the first World War, and to his present activities as the first chief of the new government Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and his work on policies with the War Food Administration. It has an eminently well-deserved place in the history of biological science and of medicine since the discovery, isolation, and purification of the vitamins and the analysis of their several functions rank in the forefront of current scientific achievements.

The first ten chapters recount the history of the science based on experiments and their results, and summarize our present knowledge in this field. The last five chapters discuss the applications of this knowledge by means of education, government action, and economic measures.



Arberry, Arthur J. British orientalists. With 8 plates in colour and 20 illustrations in black and white. 48 p. London, William Collins, 1943.

Most interesting little volume, richly illustrated. G.S.

Daniel, Glyn E. The three ages. 60 p. New York, The Macmillan Co.; Cambridge, University Press, 1943.

Subtitled "An essay on archaeological method," this little work represents a valuable contribution to the systematics of archaeology. The author gives an excellent brief his- torical account of the development of THOMSEN'S hy- pothesis of the three ages, the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age, first published by CHRISTIAN JURGENSEN THOMSEN in 1836. Mr. DANIEL then goes on to show how the hypothesis of these successive ages influenced the succes- sion of thought of later archaeologists and how the theory of evolution to a certain extent further served to obscure the important fact that these ages did not everywhere occur either contemporaneously or in the order indicated. Nor do the different ages afford a measure of time, for they varied in different parts of the world, both in the time of their appearance and in their duration, while some of the cultural stages they embrace never appeared at all but were completely skipped in the progress from one cultural stage to another. At most these ages are to be regarded as cultural rather than as chronological periods. To talk therefore of an object as belonging to "the Bronze Age" is to say practically nothing more than that the object referred to was manufactured at a certain place during the period when bronze artefacts were there being made. Dr. DANIEL suggests, and I fully agree with him, that the theory of the three ages can become, indeed already has become, something of an impediment towards clear think- ing in archaeology. Mr. DANIEL suggests that terms de- rived from the three-ages system should be abandoned in favor of those based on the descriptive characters of artefacts themselves (e.g., backed blade, polished stone axe-head, etc.), on terms derived from type-sites, or by

general regional names. Cultures, too, should be given geographical or type-site names. In the sense that there was a general progress in certain parts of the world from stone to iron implements, the theory of the three ages may be retained simply as illustrative of these stages of indus- trial development, but little more. Excellent little book.


Ellis, Hilda Roderick. The road to Hel. viii+ 208 p. Cambridge, University Press; New York, The Macmillan Co., 1943 ($3.00).

Blessings upon the CHADWICKS for encouraging such an excellent student as Dr. HILDA ELLIS to undertake this important study. The present work represents a study of the conception of the dead in old Norse literature, and it succeeds in presenting, for the first time, something of a coherent picture of the heathen beliefs of pre-Christian Europe as discoverable both from their archaeological and literary remains. The interesting fact about these beliefs and the practices to which they led is that scarcely one of them cannot be paralleled from the cultures of so-called primitive peoples of to-day. Dr. ELLIS has not noticed more than one or two of these parallels, but to do so has not been her purpose. What she has succeeded in doing has been to give some measure of form to a complex problem, and to suggest lines upon which future researches may proceed. In these tasks she has been eminently successful, and she has, incidentally, succeeded in making a very important contribution to a subject which has hitherto been bathed in the mists of ancient obscurity.



Myers, Gustavus. History of bigotry in the United States. viii+504 p. New York, Random House, 1943 ($3.50).

This is not really a history of bigotry in the United States,-it would take more than a single modest volume to tell that story,-the book is rather an account of certain outbreaks of bigotry in this country from its settlement to the present day. The book is not a very scholarly work, in fact in that respect it is sadly deficient, and the text is written in the most atrocious prose style,- a combination of factors which makes the reading of this book an heroic task. Mr. MYERS looked up some of the literature and set down what he found. He has omitted an enormous amount of material, and his interpretations of that which he has provided are often sadly awry, as when he attributes the pogroms fomented by the Tsaristic government to the latter's hatred of the Jewish religion and fear of Jewish revolutionists! That such a statement can occur in a book in which the subject with which it deals is never defined, and in which no attempt is made to present an analysis of the conditions which give rise to bigotry is not surprising. A history of the subject has yet to be written, meanwhile Mr. MYERS' book should prove of interest to the general reader for what it contains rather than for what it omits, which is of particular relevance for him at this time. M.F.A.M.


Allee, W. C. Where angels fear to tread: a con- tribution from general sociology to human ethics. Science, 97, 517-25, 1943.

"Interest in the social impact of science in general and of biology in particular has been growing steadily in the


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Page 35: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

43. Sociology to 44. History of Civilization

last few decades. The problem imposed by the present war and by thoughts of the coming post war world have in- creased the interest. My own active concern with various phases of the sub-social and social life of non-human animals has revealed enough of the complexities of these simpler social systems to make me well aware of my limitations when confronted with the modern social prob- lems of men. It is the drive of immediate necessity rather than a feeling of competence that impels me to undertake the present discussion of the biological foundations for some fundamental phases of the social behavior of men."

Clapham, J. H.; Power, Eileen. The Cam- bridge economic history of Europe. Vol. 1, xvii +650 p. Cambridge University Press, 1941.

Reviewed by ASHLEY MONTAGU, ISis, 34, 373, 1943.

Clarkson, Jesse D.; Cochran, Thomas C. (editors). War as a social institution. The his- torian's perspective. 333 p. New York, Colum- bia University Press, 1941.

Reviewed by MARK GRAUBARD, Isis, 34, 422, 1943.

Conklin, Edwin Grant. Man: real and ideal. xvii +247 p. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1943 ($2.50).

The present volume represents the revision of Dr. CONKLIN'S lectures on the Sharp Foundation of the Rice Institute, originally published as a Rice Institute pamphlet in October 1941 under the title What is Man? In its more accessible revised form the book is to be heartily wel- comed, for it is one of the best expositions of scientific humanism that we have. The author's purpose is to pre- sent some of the scientific results and philosophical con- clusions regarding the nature, development, and destiny of man. Out of the fulness of his wisdom, aided by a clear and attractive style, Dr. CONKLIN has written an absorbingly interesting and informative book which is as inspiring as it is topical. M.F.A.M.

Maclver, Robert Morrison. Towards an abid- ing peace. 195 p. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1943 ($2.50).

"Dare we hope for an abiding peace? It is the desire of countless millions over all the earth. This book shows that it is not an idle dream but a quite attainable goal. This book shows explicitly and straightforwardly how it can be attained. The peace to come can be the redemption of the greatest of all wars, or it can be again an armistice between one devastating world conflict and another still more devastating. This time we can make a peace that will last-a dynamic and epochal peace. But we must pay the price. The price is not a material price but a psycho- logical one. We need give up nothing but some illusions, some prejudices, some outworn traditions, including some notions about the treatment of defeated enemies."

Warner, William Lloyd; Lunt, Paul S. The social life of a modern community. xx+460 p. The status system of a modern community. xx+246 p. (Yankee City Series, vols. I and II). New Haven, Yale University Press, 1942.

Reviewed by BERNARD BARBER, Isis, 34, 421, 1943.

Zilboorg, Gregory. Some primitive trends in civilized justice. Journal of Criminal Psycho- pathology, 4, 599-604, 1943.

Zilboorg, Gregory. The treatment of aggression. II. Dynamics. American Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 13, 388-91, 1943.


(General History, Historical Methods, Biography, Chronology)

Brenan, Gerald. The Spanish labyrinth. xix+ 384 p. Cambridge, University Press; New York, The Macmillan Co., 1943 ($3.50).

Subtitled "An account of the social and political back- ground of the Civil War," this book is probably one of the finest ever written on Spain. Mr. BRENAN has lived for many years in Spain, and earned a living from its soil. His understanding and sympathy for the Spanish people is profound, as is his knowledge of their institutions. His book is completely indispensable to anyone who wishes to gain some insight into the Spanish labyrinth. It is charmingly written, thoroughly fair, and maintains the highest critical standards. The notes are full, there is a detailed annotated bibliography and an excellent index.


Childe, Gordon. What happened in history. 256 p. (Penguin Books). Harmondsworth, Middle- sex, England, 1942.

Reviewed by O. G. S. CRAWFORD, Antiquity, 17, 101-03, 1943.

Earle, Edward Mead (editor). Makers of mod- ern strategy. Military thought from Machiavelli to Hitler. With the collaboration of GORDON A. CRAIG and FELIX GILBERT. xi+553 p. Princeton University Press, 1943 ($3.75).

Twenty chapters, each devoted to a type of strategy: MACHIAVELLI, VAUBAN, FREDERICK THE GREAT, etc. down to HITLER, with an appendix giving the essential bibli- ography relative to each chapter. No index. G.S.

Reis, Lincoln; Kristeller, Paul Oskar. Some remarks on the method of history. Journal of Philosophy, 40, 22545, 1943.

Rosenthal, Jerome. Attitudes of some modern rationalists to history. Journal of the History of Ideas, 4, 429-56, 1943.

Shryock, Richard H. American historiography: a critical analysis and a program. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 87, 35- 46, 1943.

Stefansson, Vilhjalmur. Iceland. The first American Republic. xxxviii+275 p., frontispiece, illus. New York, Doubleday, Doran, 1939 (re- printed 1943).

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 34, 379-80, 1943.

Stefansson, Vilhjalmur. Greenland. viii+338 p., frontispiece, illus. New York, Doubleday, Doran, 1942.

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 34, 379-80, 2 figs., 1943.


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Page 36: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

44. History of Civilization to 50. History of Medicine

Witting, Gustaf (editor). Sweden speaks. Trans- lated by EDITH M. NIELSEN. 212 p. London, Allen & Unwin, 1942. 8s. 6d.

"With the realization that the present titanic struggle is one between two worlds widely divergent in their conception of the way life should be lived, a number of prominent Swedish writers have collaborated in the writing of this book which seeks to interpret Britain, her people, their traditions, their outlook, and their heritage." The Isis readers will be interested chiefly in the last three lectures: ANSGAR ROTH: Scientific research in England; GORAN LILJESTRAND: Medical research in England; ANTON

FRIDRICHSEN: The religious life of England.



Montagu, M. F. Ashley. Bloody. The natural history of a word. Psychiatry: Journal of the Biology and Pathology of Interpersonal Rela- tions, 6, 175-90, 1943.

Shipley, Joseph T. (editor). Dictionary of world literature: criticism, forms, technique. xv+633 p. New York, Philosophical Library, 1943 ($7.50).

In his preface the editor of this valuable work accurately describes its character and purpose: "The Dictionary of World Literature: Criticism-Forms-Technique presents a consideration of critics and criticism, of literary schools, movements, forms, and techniques-including drama and the theatre-in eastern and western lands from the earliest times; of literary and critical terms and ideas; with other material which may provide background of understanding to all who, as creator, critic, or receptor, approach a literary or theatrical work." Occasionally there is to be found a short biographical account of some author, but on what principle these have been introduced into the work, and others neglected, is not clear. In a number of cases the listing of contributors by their initials is confusing because a number of these have the same initials, and no distinction is made between them. In a work of this kind the modern reader has a right to expect an article on the relations between literature and science, but such an article is wanting, though there are two on scientific method in relation to criticisms, and scientific method in the theatre. All the articles are original to this volume. The work may be recommended as a valuable contribution to the field of systematic literary studies, though like all the works emanating from the Philosophical Library it is atrociously printed and "got up," or rather, not "got up."


48. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY (See also above 18. Philosophy of Science)

Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. Eastern wisdom and Western knowledge. Isis, 34, 359-63, 1943.

Essay suggested by the English translation of the works of RENE GUENON (London, Luzac, 1941-42).

Davidson, M. The free will controversy. ix+118 p. London, Watts, 1942.

Reviewed by H. DINGLE, Nature, 152, 229-30, 1943.

Means, Blanchard William. Selected glossary of philosophical terms. Trinity College Bulletin, 40, 67 p., Hartford, Conn., 1943.

I wish it were possible to summarize philosophical ter- minology in 63 pages! G.S.

49. HISTORY OF RELIGION (Science and Religion)

Raven, Charles E. Science, religion, and the future. A course of eight lectures. x+125 p. Cambridge, University Press, 1943.

Contents: I. The 'new philosophy': seeing life whole; II. The age of transition: the childhood of science; III. The conflict: a storm in a Victorian tea-cup; IV. Aftermath: the ravages of war; V. The 'new reformation': can we achieve it?; VI. The intellectual task: integrity; VII. The moral task: sympathy; VIII. The religious task: com- munity.

Rumball-Petre, Edwin A. R. America's first Bibles, with a census of 555 extant Bibles. xi+ 184 p., 1 front. Portland, Me., Southworth-An- thoensen Press, 1940.

Reviewed by JOSHUA BLOCH, Jewish Quarterly Review, 34, 99-101, 1943.

Singer, Charles. The Christian failure. 120 p. London, Gollancz, 1943.

This indictment of the Christian churches does not con- cern our readers immediately, yet they will not read it without profit. It tells only one part of the story, the indictment, not the defense, but it contains much food for thought. The intensity of LUTHER'S anti-Semitism helps to explain modem Germany, and the incredible statements made by the German theologian, KARL HEIM, in 1936 (p. 96) add more light upon the moral decadence and fall of that country. The final chapter containing autobiographical reminiscences of the leading historian of science in Eng- land, will deeply interest his colleagues, friends, and ad- mirers all over the world. G.S.



Alvarez, Walter C. The impact of the introduc- tion of iron on medical and religious thought. Essays in Biology in honor of Herbert M. Evans, pp. 25-32, University of California Press, 1943.

American Review of Soviet Medicine. Volume 1, no. 1, 96 p., figs. New York, American-Soviet Medical Society, 1943.

The first issue of this periodical contains a valuable series of articles dealing wtih various aspects of contem- porary Russian medicine, notably HENRY E. SIGERIST's editorial: Twenty-five Years of Health Work in the Soviet Union. G.S.

Anderson, George M. (editor). Proceedings, Dental centenary celebration. Baltimore- Maryland, March 18, 19 and 20, 1940. 1840- 1940. vii+1061 p., illus. Maryland State Dental


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Page 37: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

50. History of Medicine to 51. Epidemiology

Association and American Dental Association, Baltimore, 1940.

Section X devoted to dental history, p. 973-1048.

Arnold, Harry L., Jr. FIELDING H. GARRISON, the caduceus, and the United States Army Med- ical Department. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 13, 627-30, 1943.

[BELTRAN, JUAN RAMON]. Homenaje al Doctor Juan Ramon Beltran. 45 p. Buenos Aires, Macagno, Landa, 1943.

Bremner, M. D. K. The story of dentistry. From the dawn of civilization to the present. xix- 211 p., illus. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dental Items of Interest Publishing Co., 1939.

Catalano, Fernando E. Evoluci6n hist6rica de la sierra como instrumento de cirugia. Revista argentina de historia de la medicina, 2, no. 2, 37-49, 19 figs., 1943.

Forbus, Wiley D. Reaction to injury: Pathology for students of disease based on the functional and morphological responses of tissues to in- jurious agents. xix+797 p., with 532 illustra- tions. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1943 ($9.00).

This refreshing approach to pathology begins with a twenty-eight page philosophical introduction and survey of the history of pathology. There are copious references throughout. C.D.L.

Miller, Genevieve. Bibliography of the history of medicine of the United States and Canada- 1942. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 13, 643-87, 1943.

[REICHERT, PHILIP]. The Reichert collection illus- trative of the evolution and development of diagnostic instruments and techniques in medi- cine. 70 p., 11 pls. New York, Wellcome Ex- hibition Galleries, 1942.

Reviewed by E. H. ACKERKNECHT, Bulletin of the His- tory of Medicine, 13, 505, 1943.

Rosen, George. The doctor looks at himself. Ciba Symposia, 5, 1490-1519, illus., 1943.

Extracts from medical biographies.

Sigerist, Henry E. Impotence as a result of witchcraft. Essays in Biology in honor of Herbert M. Evans, pp. 539-46, University of California Press, 1943.

tnver, A. Siiheyl. Allgemeine Geschichte der Medizin: Einige Bilder und Dokumente. 66 p., figs., Istanbul, Institute of the History of Medi- cine, 1943.

Album of medico-historical documents taken from the Istanbul libraries, 65 figures with explanatory text in Turk- ish and German. Fig. 1-2 represent the Institute of the

History of Medicine in Istanbul (founded 1933) and the founders of the Turkish Society for the History of Medi- cine, the publications of which are recorded in Isis as they appear. G.S.

Wallerstein, Marion Grace. American doctors as men of letters. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 13, 507-13, 1943.



Barkhuus, Arne. The dawn of international co- operation in medicine, p. 1554-1582, illus.; The sanitary conferences, p. 1563-79, 1584, illus.; Modern international control of disease, p. 1580-84, illus. Ciba Symposia, 5, 1943.

Beltran, Juan Ramon. Sintesis hist6rica de la epidemiologia en la Argentina. Revista argen- tina de historia de la medicina, 2, no. 3, 13-26, 1943.

Campbell, Eugene P. The epidemiology of in- fluenza. Illustrated by historical accounts. Bul- letin of the History of Medicine, 13, 389-403, 6 charts, 1943.

Duarte, Eustaquio. Origenes de la fiebre ama- rilla en el Brasil. Revista argentina de historia de la medicina, 2, no. 3, 27-34, 1943.

Eliason, E. L. A saga of fracture therapy. Trans- actions & Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 11, 65-76, 11 figs., 1943.

Hinsdale, Guy. Doctors at the White Sulphur Springs. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 13, 585-600, 4 figs., 1943.

Houssay, B. A. History of hypophysial diabetes. Essays in Biology in honor of Herbert M. Evans, pp. 245-56, University of California Press, 1943.

Kleinschmidt, Earl E. The development of a State Health Service in Michigan. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 13, 462-80, 1943.

Mackehenie, Daniel. Verruga Peruana, fiebre de la Oroya, enfermedad de Carrion o Bartonel- losis Carri6nica (Historia de un concepto). Anales de la Sociedad Peruana de Historia de la Medicina, 4, 13-37, 1943.

Murphy, George Edward. The evolution of our knowledge of rheumatic fever. An historical survey with particular emphasis on rheumatic heart disease. (The William Osler Medal Essay). Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 14, 123-47, 1943.

Peller, Sigismund. Studies on mortality since the Renaissance. Bulletin of the History of Medi- cine, 13, 427-61, 1943.


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51. Epidemiology to 58. Catalogues

Sigerist, Henry E. The early medical history of Saratoga Springs. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 13, 540-84, 8 figs., 1943.

Steam, E. W.; Steam, A. E. Smallpox immuni- zation of the Amerindian. Bulletin of the His- tory of Medicine, 13, 601-13, 1943.

Watson, Sir Malcolm. The geographical aspects of malaria. Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1942, 339-50, 2 fig., 1943.



Alonso, Aurelia E. La magia en la historia de Ia medicina. Revista argentina de historia de la medicina, 2, no. 2, 27-35, 1943.

Corpas, Juan N. El viejo hospital de San Juan de Dios, de Bogota. Revista argentina de his- toria de la medicina, 2, no. 2, 11-19, 1943.

[Kansas]. Lamps on the Prairie. A history of nursing in Kansas. Compiled by the Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Kansas. 292 p., ill. Emporia, Kansas, Emporia Gazette Press, 1942.

Reviewed by GENEVIEVE MILLER, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 13, 688-89, 1943.

Korach, Alfred. Extra-mural teaching of pre- ventive medicine and public health. 143 p. Cin- cinnati, 1942.

Reviewed by E. H. ACKERKNECHT, Bulletin of the His- tory of Medicine, 13, 694, 1943.

Marroquin, Jose. Historia de la Orden Hospita- laria de San Juan de Dios en Puno. Anales de la Sociedad Peruana de Historia de la Medicina, 4, 89-92, 1943.

Ransom, John E. The beginnings of hospitals in the United States. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 13, 514-39, 1943.

Sigerist, Henry E. The university's dilemma. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 14, 1-13, 1943.

Very stimulating article which every university admin- istrator should read. G.S.

VIII. EDUCATION (Methods of accumulating, imparting, and diffusing knowledge)

54. EDUCATION (Generalities, Methods, Colleges, Universities)

Greene, Theodore M.; Fries, Charles C.; Wriston, Henry M.; Dighton, William. Liberal education re-examined. xiv+134 p. New York, Harper & Bros., 1943 ($2.00).

This is the report of a committee appointed by the American Council of Learned Societies on the role of

education in a democracy, and the place of the humanities in such education. The report is a straightforward, but exceedingly dull, statement of what a liberal education should be, and points out some of the faults of our present mass-production methods, "vocationalizing." If this report serves to inspire anyone with anything more than a yawn, I shall be surprised. M.F.A.M.

56. BIBLIOGRAPHY (Methods, Libraries)

Wilson, William Jerome. Manuscripts in micro- film. Problems of librarian and custodian. Library Quarterly, 13, 212-26, 1943.

Wilson, William Jerome. Manuscripts in micro- film. Problems of cataloger and bibliographer. Library Quarterly, 13, 293-309, 1943.


Many catalogues of second-hand books are so interesting and so full of valuable information that we register them in this section, together with other lists of a similar nature, such as catalogues of scientific medals and prints. When applying to the publishers of these catalogues for a copy, please mention Isis.

[Allen, William H.]. Catalogue no. 73. 40 p. Philadelphia, 2031 Walnut St., 1943.

[L'art ancien]. Katalog 30. Varia. 136 p., 1131 items. Zurich, 2, Gartenstrasse 24 (received Sept. 1943).

[Beres, Pierre]. Catalogue no. 8. French litera- ture from the Middle Ages to our time. 339 items, 44 p. New York, 8 E. 54th St., 1943-44.

[Blackwell, B. H.]. Catalogue no. 498. India and the Far East. 1733 items. Oxford, 48-51 Broad St. (received Aug. 1943).

[Breslauer, Martin]. Catalogue no. 56. Cata- logus catalogorum. 26 p., 530 items. London, W. 6, 78 Stamford Court, Goldhawk Rd., 1943.

[Breslauer, Martin]. List III. Latest acquisi- tions: rare and unique incunabula; illustrated books; autograph letters; books on art; bibli- ography and books on books. 96 items. 12 p. London, W. 6, 78 Stamford Court, Goldhawk Rd., 1943.

[Cambridge Book House]. List no. 28. 59 items. Paterson, N. J., 612 Fourteenth Ave. (received 1943).

[Cambridge Book House]. List no. 30. 2 p., 60 items. Paterson, 4, N. J., 612 Fourteenth Ave. (received Oct. 1943).

[Cambridge Book House]. List no. 31. 120 items. Paterson, 4, N. J., 612 Fourteenth Ave. (received Nov. 1943).


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Page 39: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

58. Catalogues

[Chiswick Book Shop]. Catalogue 30. Rare books and first editions. 252 items. New York, 2 E. 46th St. (received Sept. 1943).

[Davis & Orioli]. Catalogue no. 111. Old books including a collection of Americana and travel works. Books printed in the 16th century. Med- ical and scientific works, with a long series of the writings of ROBERT BOYLE. Books on avia- tion, photography, and many other interesting subjects. 876 items. Wallingford, Berks, 1 St. Martin's St. (received August 1943).

[Davis & Orioli]. A choice collection of books printed before 1500 and an Italian Renaissance manuscript. Catalogue 112. 143 items. Walling- ford, Berks., 1, St. Martin's St. (received Sept. 1943).

[Davis & Orioli]. Catalogue 113. Rare books, in- cluding a large collection of early sale cata- logues, rare Spanish books, old medicine and science, Books printed in the 16th century. 954 items. Wallingford, Berks, 1, St. Martin's St. (received Dec. 1943).

[Edward, H. W.]. Catalogue no. 21. Old medi- cine and alchemy. 105 items. Ashmore Green, Newbury, Berks., Eng., 1943.

[George's Sons, William]. Catalogue no. 464. Natural and physical sciences, including a por- tion of the library of Dr. M. NIERENSTEIN. 1450 items. Bristol, 1, England, 89 Park St., 1943.

[Goldschmidt, E. P.] Catalog 72. Mediaeval literature. History and science of the Middle Ages. 41 p., 419 items. 45 Old Bond St., Lon- don, W. 1. (received Sept. 1943).

[Heffer, W.]. Bibliotheca Asiatica 46, no. 602. A catalogue of books on the history, geography, religion and art of India. 1284 items. Cam- bridge, Eng. (received 1943).

[Heller, F. Thomas]. List no. 23. Early science and medicine. 83 items. Welwyn Garden City, Herts, Eng., 5 Parkway Close, 1943.

[Heller, F. Thomas]. List no. 25. Early science; early medicine, biology, physiology; miscel- laneous. 63 items. New York, 21 Pearl St., 1943.

[Hoosier Bookshop]. List no. 106. Americana, Medicine, Miscellaneous. 227 items. Indian- apolis, 2135 North Alabama (Summer 1943).

[Hoosier Bookshop]. List no. 107. Americana, Law & Lawyers, Medicine, First editions, Mis- cellaneous. 229 items. Indianapolis, 2, Indiana, 2135 North Alabama (received Sept. 1943).

[Hoosier Bookshop]. List no. 109. Americana- medicine-miscellaneous. 211 items, 10 p. In-

dianapolis 2, 2135 North Alabama (received Dec. 1943).

[Ideal Bookstore]. List no. 224. Selections from the library of Robert E. Hume. 355 items. New York City 25, 1125 Amsterdam Ave. (received 1943).

[Johnson, Walter J.] Catalogue no. 8. French language and literature. Including a large run of publications of Societe des anciens textes fran- qais. 206 items. New York, 125 E. 23rd St., 1943.

[Johnson, Walter J.]. Catalogue 9. Books and periodicals on mathematics and related subjects. 37 p., 537 items. New York 10, 125 E. 23rd St., Fall 1943.

[Johnson, Walter J.]. Catalogue 11. Books in German. Literature, philology, including history of European literature, bibliography and lin- guistics. With an addendum: serial publications on classical philology. 31 p. New York 10, 125 E. 23rd St., 1943/44.

[Kraus, H. P.]. List no. 24, Rare books on weights and measures. 23 items. New York (22), 64 E. 55th St. (received Oct. 1943).

[Kraus, H. P.]. Catalogue 28. Orientalia, archae- ology, linguistics, and literature. 339 items. New York 22, 64 E. 55th St. (received 1943).

[Kraus, H. P.]. Catalogue no. 29, Tools for libraries, scholars and collectors. Bibliographies and reference works. Including a magnificent set of stenographic protocols and other publica- tions of the Russian Imperial Council and Duma (Parliament). 31 p. 359 items. New York 22, 64 E. 55th St., 1943.

[Kraus, H. P.]. Catalogue no. 30. Russian bibli- ographies and reference works. 68 p., 471 items. New York 22, 64 E. 55th St., Fall, 1943.

[Kraus, H. P.]. Catalogue no. 31. Foreign scien- tific periodicals. Scientific books in foreign lan- guages. Science in Russia. 36 p., 387 items. New York 22, 64 E. 55th St., 1943.

[Low, David]. Catalogue 52. A collection of books on the history of medicine and old rare books on medicine and other branches of science and technology. 807 items. 17 Cecil Court, Lon- don, W. C. 2 (received Nov. 1943).

[Luzac]. Bibliotheca Orientalis 43. A catalogue of the library of the late A. G. ELLIS. Part I. Comprising books on the history, geography and literature of the Orient (chiefly Arabia and Persia). 44 p., 711 items. 46 Great Russell St., London, W. C. 1, 1943.


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Page 40: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

58. Catalogues to 60. Errata

[Offenbacher, Emil]. Catalogue no. 2. One hun- dred new acquisitions. Part 1. Medicine and science. Part 2. Miscellaneous. 28 p., 100 items. 655 Fifth Ave., New York 22, 1943.

[Old Hickory Bookshop]. List no. 76. Medical books, pamphlets, autographs. 160 items. New York, 65 Fifth Ave. (received June 1943).

[Old Hickory Bookshop]. Catalogue no. 77. Medicine and science. 72 p., 874 items. 65 Fifth Ave., New York 3 (received Dec. 1943).

[Quaritch, Bernard]. No. 610. A catalogue of books and periodicals relating to oriental art and history (excluding Egypt). 983 items. 11 Grafton St., New Bond St., London, W. 1, 1943.

[Quaritch, Bernard]. No. 614. A catalogue of rare books on early medicine and surgery. 24 p., 226 items. 11 Grafton St., New Bond St., Lon- don, W. 1, 1943.

[Ranschburg, Otto H.]. Catalogue no. 3. Aero- nautics. A collection of books, manuscripts and engravings on the practice and history of flight. 40 p., 214 items. 200 W. 57th St., New York (received Oct. 1943).

[Reichner, Herbert]. Catalogue no. 4. French science and thought. 112 p., 440 items. 34 E. 62nd St., New York 21 (received Nov. 1943).

[Salloch, William]. List 42. The mediaeval world. 590 items. 344 E. 17th St., New York 3 (received Nov. 1943).

[Schucman, L.]. Catalog 79. Science and tech- nology, psychology. 462 items. 21 E. 17th St., New York City (received 1943).

[Schuman's]. Catalogue 9. Two hundred medical rarities. Featuring a group of medico-literary items by and about the doctor. 48 p. 20 E. 70th St., New York (21), 1943.

[Schuman's]. Medical miscellany, List "H," featuring an important section on Malaria. 64 p., 462 items. 20 E. 70th St., New York 21 (re- ceived Sept. 1943).

[Sotheran, Henry]. No. 871. Annotated cata- logue of works on exact science. 1050 items. 2-5 Sackville St., London, W. 1, 1943.

[Stechert, G. E.]. Catalogue no. 153. American and foreign books and periodicals on medicine, new and second-hand. 64 p. 31 E. 10th St., New York 3, 1944.

[Stonehill, C. A.]. List no. 11. English literature. XVIth-XVIIth centuries. 40 items. 555 Madi- son Ave., New York (received Nov. 1943).

[Weil, E.]. Catalogue 2. History of science and medicine, biographies, bibliographies, docu- ments. 33 p., 353 items. 28 Litchfield Way, Lon- don, N. W. 11 (received Sept. 1943).

[Weil, E.]. Catalogue 3. Science and nescience. 250 items. 32 p. 28 Litchfield Way, London, N. W. 11 (received Jan. 1944).


Critical Bibliography no. 65-Isis, vol. 35, 1944. This note is published at the end of our bibliography

solely for the convenience of the scholars who cut out the whole or part of it, attach extracts to catalogue cards and classify them. By adding this note to the others they will be able to find out rapidly whether this particular bibliography has been analyzed or not.

Isis, nos. 96 & 97 (vol. 34, parts 4 & 5), 1943. These numbers are analyzed in the 65th Critical Bibli-

ography. Every previous number has been analyzed in previous bibliographies.


(for previous errata, see Isis, 34, 459).

Si quis Argi oculos habre posset eosque omnes diligentissime ac accuratissime intenderet in singulos versus multa tamen eum inter cor- rigendum effugerent.

Vol. 9, p. 157, 4 lines from end, for Amman Jado- nus, read Jadonus Amman.

" 9, p. 619: Amman, J., add IX, 157. " 9, p. 661: dele Jadonus, A. " 9, p. 663: dele Jost. "13, p. 245, last note: for 4, 325-28 read 72,

325-28. " 18, p. 544: read Arnold, T., XVIII, 18 and

Arnold, T. W., XVII, 482. "19, p. 275, last line but one: for (1921) read

(1920). " 27, p. 544: for Bateson, B., read Bateson, G. "27, p. 598: Westermarck XXVI, 561, 586. "28, p. 575: Bateson, reviewed in Isis, 27, 354-

57. " 31, p. 285, last note: for 639 read 600. "34, p. 286: Rosen, G., for 51 read 52. "34, p. 356, 2nd column, 6 lines from bottom:

The name should be HOWELL COBB. "34, p. 357, 1st column, 21st line: should be

22.1%, not 2.2%. "34, p. 357, 2nd column, 2 lines from bottom:

"was" should be "with"-the verb is under- stood.

A few other misprints are not mentioned in these errata, because they are too obvious to cause any error or confu- sion. I wish to express my thankfulness to the readers who take the trouble to make the above-mentioned corrections in their set of Isis and the Introduction. I would advise them, after having accomplished that little task, to write their initials near mine at the bottom of this note to in-


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Page 41: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

60. Errata to Index to 65th Critical Bibliography

dicate that these and the previous errata have been taken into account. G.S.

These and the previous errata have been cor- rected ........


The Roman figures followed by (1) or (2) refer to the centurial classification (Part I); thus, Bourke, V. J., XIII(2) means that a paper by Bourke is listed under thirteenth century, second half.

The Arabic figures refer to the historical and to the systematic classifications (Part II and III) which are subdivided into sections numbered con- secutively from 1 to 60. For instance, Balme,

D. M., 4 indicates that a paper by Balme is listed in section 4 (Greece); Eisler, R., 29 indicates that a paper by Eisler is listed in section 29 (Zoology).

The symbols IV(a), IV(b), and IV(c) refer to the new sections on America, Oceania, and Africa at the end of Part II. For instance, Weslager, C. A., IV(a) indicates that a paper by Weslager is listed in section IV(a) (America).

January 12, 1944 FRANCES SIEGEL

Abbot, C. G., XX B Abbott, J. B., XIX(1)E Adams, C. W., XIX(2)B Adelmann, H. B., XVII(1)D Aegerter, E., IX(I) Albee, F. H., XX D Alden, R. H., 27 Aldington, J. N., XIX(2)B Allee, W. C., 43 Allen, D. C., 23 Allen, H. B., XVIII(2)B Allen, H. S., XIX (1)B Allen, P., XVII (1) Allott, K., XIX (2) E Alonso, A. E., 52 Alonso, M. A., XII () Alvarez, W. C., 50 (Am. Phil. Society), 16 (Am. Review of Soviet Medicine), 50 Anderson, G. M., 50 Arber, A., XVII(2)C, XVII(2)E, 28 Arberry, A. J., 14, 38 Archibald, R. C., XVII(1)A, 20 Armstrong, E. A., 29 Arnold, H. J., Jr., 50 Asin Palacios, M., XII(1) Asmous, V. C., XVIII(2)C, XIX(1)C,

XIX(2)C Atwood, A. C., 28 Awberry, J. H., XIX (1) B

Badia Pol, J. da, XV(2) Bagley, W. C., Jr., XIX(2)C Bailey, H. W., IX (1) Baldacci, A., XV(2) Balme, D. M., 4 Banting, Sir F. G., XX D Barbour, T., XX C Barkhuus, A., 51 Barry, M. I., I(2)B.C. Bartlett, H. H., 28 Bateson, G., IV(b) Bell, A. E., 24 Beltran, J. R., XIX (1)D, 50, 51 Benesch, O., XV(2) Bennett, J. L., 16 Berkeley, Earl of, XX B Beyer, H. 0., 33 Birkhoff, G. D., 20 Blake, J. W., XV(2) Blake, S. F., 28 Blanchard, J. P., XVIII(2)B

Bolkestein, H., 1 Bond, T. E. T., XIX(2)C Bourke, V. J., XIII(2) Bowker, H. F., 8 Bowman, A. K., XIX(2)D Boyance, P., I (1) B.C. Boyd, C. E., XIII(2) Boyd, J. R., XIX(1)B Boyer, C. A., IV(2)B.C. Boyer, C. B., 24 Bracton, H., XIII(2) Bragg, Sir L., XX B Bravo, T., XX D Breloer, B., III (1) B.C. Bremner, M. D. K., 50 Brenan, G., 44 Brill, M., 14 Brinkmann, W., 29 Bromehead, C. E. N., 32 Brown, H., XVII (1)B Brown, H., XVIII(1)E Brown, R. H., XIX(1)C Browne, C. A., XVIII(2)E Bunge, M., XVII(2)A, XIX(2)B Burbach, N., XIII(2) Buros, O. K., 21 Burrows, M., 12 Bush, V., XIX(2)B Cabeza de Vaca, A. N., XVI (1)C Cable, M., 10 Calvert, E. M., XVII(2)D Calvert, R. T. C., XVII(2)D Calvi, G., XV(2) Calvi, I., XV(2) Campbell, E. P., 51 Canestrini, G., XV(2) Cannizzaro, S., XIX(2)B Carmody, F. J., IX(1) Cassirer, E., XVII(1)B, XVII(2)A Castiglioni, A., 28 Catalano, F. E., 50 Cavins, H. M., XIX(2)D Cazenave, J., 14 Chambers, R., XIX (1)B Chambers, W., XIX (1)B Chapman, S., XVIII(1)A Chatley, H., 10 Chattell, J., 27 Chiang Kai-Shek, 16 Childe, G., 44 Chisholm, A. H., XIX(1)C

Choquette, I., XI(2) Cincinnati, XIX (1)B Clapesattle, H., XIX(2)D Clapham, J. H., 43 Clarkson, J. D., 43 Cochran, T. C., 43 Cohen, E., XVIII(1)A Cohen, I. B., XVIII(1)A Cohen-DeMeester, W. A. T., XVIII(1)A Coleman, R., Jr., 20 Collis, M., 10 Compton, K. T., 16 Conant, K. J., VI(1), 6 Conklin, E. G., 43 Coomaraswamy, A. K., 48 Copernicus, XVI (1) B C6rdoba, F. H. de, XVI(1)C Cornish, L. C., XIX(2)C Corpas, J. N., 52 Costa, N. P., XVIII(2)D Crew, H., XVII (1)B (cryptography), 20 Cummins, H., 34

D'Abernon, 1st Ct., XX E Daniel, G. E., 38 Darwin, C., XIX(2)C Davidson, M., 48 Day, D., XIX(1)C Deacon, G. E. R., 31 De Corte, M., VI (1) Deferrari, R. J., I(2)B.C. De Graef, R., XVII(2)D Deignan, H. G., 8 De Roover, R., 6 De Toni, N., XV(2) Deutsch, R. E., I (1) B.C. Dickerman, W. C., XX B Dighton, W., 52 Diller, A., II (1) Dingle, H., XVI(1) B Downey, G., I(2)B.C. Driver, G. R., 12 Druce, G., XIX (1)B, XIX (2)C Duarte, E., 51 Dye, D. S., 10 Dziwilegow, A., XV(2)

Earle, E. M., 44 Eddy, H. L., XV(2) Edelstein, L., V B.C. Efros, A. M., XV(2)


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Page 42: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

Index to 65th Critical Bibliography

Eisler, R., XVI(1)A, 29 Eliason, E. L., 51 Elliott, J. H., XX D Ellis, H. R., 38 Elton, C., 29 Eltringham, H., XX C Enslin, M. S., II(1) Evans, E. C., II(1) Evans, Sir G.. 9 Evans, H. M., XX D

Farmer, H. G., X(1), XII(2) Farooq, M., XI(1) Ferreira, H. A., 16 Fiertz, G. B., XIV(2) Fisch, M. H., XVI(1)D Flahiff, G. B., XII(2) Flexner, J. T., XX D Flexner, S., XX D Flynn, V. J., XVI(1)E Forbus, W. D., 50 Forsyth, A. R., XX A Fossing, P., 1 Fox, Sister M. M., IV(2) Fraenkel, A. A., 20 Frankel, H., V B.C. Francon, M.. IV(2) French, F., 10 French, S. J., XVIII(2)B Freundlich, H. M. F., XX B Fries, C. C., 54 Frye, R. M., 14 Fulton, J. F., 36 Funck-Brentano, C., 14

Gandz, S., X(1), 23 Garcia G6mez, E., XIV(2) Gauthier, L., XII(2) Geiser, S. W., XIX (1)B, XIX (1)C Geological Survey, 32 Getty, R. J., I (1) B.C. Ginzberg, L., 12 Givelegov, A. K., XV(2) Glass, B., 34 Goldstein, H. I., 6 Goodrich, L. C., 10 Green, W. M., I(1)B.C. Greene, T. M., 54 Greenstein, J. P., XIX(2)C Gregory, Sir R., 18 Guber, A., XV(2) Guenon, R., 20 Guerlac, H., XVII(2)B von Hagen, V. W., 25 Hahn, E., 14 Haile, B., IV(a) Haldane, J. B. S. XIX (1)B (Halevy, J.), 14 Hali, Sir A. D., XX C Hall, V. E., 36 Hallowell, A. I., IV(a) Hamburger, W. W., 36 Hamilton, R. A. B., 14 Hammett, F. S., 9 Harden, Sir A., XX B Hardie, C. D., 24 Hatfield, H. C., XVIII(2)E Heath, A. E., 16 Hecht, S., 36 Henderson, E. P., 33 Henel, H., XI(1) Hertz, A., 32

Hill, Sir A. W., XX C Hinks, A. R., XVIII(2)B Hinsdale, G., 51 Hist. of Sci. Society, 16 Hobbs, W. H., 33 Hochreutiner, B. P. G., XIX(2)C Hodgen, M. T., XVII(2)E Horace, I (2) B.C. Houssay, B. A., 51 Howard, A. L., 28 Hrdlicka, A., 14 Hubaux, J., 1 Hunter, D., 24 Huston, McC., XIX(1)E

Ifft, J. D., 27 Inayatullah, S., 14 Ives, S. A., XIII(1) Ivins, W. M., Jr., XVII(1 )A

Jackson, D. C., XIX(2)B Janssens, H. F., XIII(2) Jeans, Sir J., 18 Jefferson, T., XVIII(2)E Jeffery, A., 14 Jenkins, A. E., 28 Jenness, D., IV(a) Jepson, W. L., XIX(2)C Jirku, A., 2 Jones, C. W., VIII(1) Jones, G. P., 6 Jones, H. S., XVI (1)B Jones, V. H., 28 Jordanus de Saxonia, XIV(1) Joule, J. P., XIX (1)B Just, T., XIX(2)C

Kaempffert, W., 16 Kallen, H. M., XVIII(2)E (Kansas), 52 Kantorowicz, E. H., XIII (1) Karpinski, L. C., XVI(1)B Kelly, H. A., XIX(2)D Kelso, J. L., 12 Kennedy, R., IV(b) al-Khazini, XII (1) Kimball, M., XVIII(2)E King, T., XIX(2)B Klebs, A. C., XX D Kleinschmidt, E. E., 51 Klibansky, R., IV(1)B.C., 6 Knoop, D., 6 Knyveton, J., XVIII(2)D Koenig, F. O., XIX(1) B, 16 Kofoid, C. A., XVIII(2)C Korach, A., 52 Koyre, A., XVII(1)B Kramer, S., XVIII(2)D Kramer, S. N., 3 Krieger, H. W., IV(b) Kristeller, P. 0., 44 Krogman, W. M., 35 Krusch, B., V(2)

Labowsky, L., IX(2) Lam, H. J., XVIII(1)C Lambie, T. A., XX D Lancaster, Sir J., XVI (2)C Larkey, S. V., XVI(2)D Larmor, Sir J., XX B Larsen, E. L., XVIII(1)C Lavondes, Mlle. A., XVI(2)C Law, B. C., 9

Lazarev, V. N., XV(2) Lehman, H. C., 16 Lehmann-Haupt, H., XIII(1) Leon, H. J., 5 Lermitte, C., XX C Leroy, M., 1 Levi-Civita, T., XX A Levi della Vida, G., 14, 23 Levi-ProvenWal, E., VIII (1) Levitt, J., XVIII(2)C Levy, R., XII(1), XIII(1) Lewis, F. T., XVII(2)B, 27 Liebig, XIX(1)B Lille, 0., 14 Lipschutz, A., 17 Liu, C. H., 10 Loehwing, W. F., 28 Looser, B., XVIII(2)C Loria, G., 16 Losada y Puga, C. de, XVI(1)B,

XVII(1)B Loveridge, A., XVIII ()C Lowrie, W., XIX(1)E Luck, J. M., 27, 36 Luhr, 0., 24 Lunt, P. S., 43 Lyman, E., XV(2) Lyons, Sir H., 16

Mabee, C., XIX ()B Macfarlane, J. M., XIX(2)C MacIver, R. M., 43 Mackay, E. J. H., 9 Mackehenie, D., 51 MacPike, E. F., XVII(2)A Madden, H. M., XIX(1)D Maestro, M. T., XVIII(2)E Major, R. H., XIX(2)D Marqais, G., VIII(1) Marcus, R., 1(2) Marroquin, J., 52 Marrou, H. I., V(1) Mascioli, F., 5 Maslankiewicz, K., XIX (1)C Mason, H. S., 25 Matzke, E. B., XVII(2)C McDaniel, W. B. 2nd, XIX(1)D McGuire, M. R. P., I(2)B.C. McKie, D., XVII(2)A, XVII(2)B Mead, M., IV(b) Means, B. W., 48 Merriam, J. C., 18 Merrill, E. D., XIX(1)C, XX C, 28 Merriman, G. M., 20 Messing, G. M., VI(1) Meyer, A. W., XVII(1)D Midlo, C., 34 Mieli, A., XIII(2), XVI(1)E, 16 Millas Vallicrosa, J. M., XIV(2),

XVI(1)E, 1, 6 Miller, G., XIX(1)D, 50 Miller, G. A., 20 Miner, E. L., Jr., 4 Minio-Paluello, L., VI (1) Montagu, M. F. A., XVII(2)B,

XIX(1)B, 27, 35, 46 Moore, J. R., 29 More, L. T., XVII(2)A Mossner, E. C., XVIII(1)E Muckle, J. T., 6 Muller, S., 11(2) Muller, V., 2


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Page 43: Sixty-Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To December 1943)

Index to 65th Critical Bibliography

Muller, H. J., XIX(2)C, 18, 27 Mullett, C. F., XIX (1)D Muntner, S., XII (2) Murphy, G. E., 51 Murray, R. W., 35 Myers, G., 41 Myres, Sir J., 34 Myres, J. L., V B.C.

Nansen, F., XIX(2)C Needham, J., 10, 18 Nemoy, L., X(1), XIII(2) Nernst, W. H., XX B Neugebauer, 0., 2 Neustadt, D., 14 Nicodemi, G., XV(2) Norman, H. L., XIX(1)E

O'Donnell, J. R., XIV(1) Oldfather, W. A., XX E Oliver, J. R., XX D Oliver, R. P., XIV(1) Olmsted, J. M. D., XVIII(2)D Olschki, L., XVII (1) B Olson, L., 1(2), XV(2), XVII(1)B Ordoiiez, E., 32

Pack, R. A., 11(2) Parke, H. W., 4 Partington, J. R., XVIII(2)B Payne-Gaposchkin, C., 17 Paz Soldan, C. E., XVII(2)A Peacock, G., XIX(1)A Peller, S., 51 Pennell, F. W., XIX (1)C Perry, S. H., 33 Petersen, W. F., 33 Philip, J. C., XX B Piaggio, H. T. H., XIX(1)A Picard, C. E., XX A Pictet, A., XIX(2)B Pirenne, M. H., 36 Pla, C., XVII(1)B Plaskett, J. S., XX B Plummer, H. C., XVIII(2)B Pogo, A., XVI (1)C, XVII (1) A, 23 Poleman, H. I., 9 Polinger, E. H., XIX (1) E Power, E., 43 Proudman, J., XVIII(1)C Purkinje, J. E., XIX(1)C

Quasten, J., IV(2)

Ransom, J. E., 52 Raven, C. E., XVII(2)C, 18, 49 Rayleigh, J. B., XIX(2)B Read, T. T., 32 Reichenbach, H., 24 Reichert, P., 50 Reed, S. W., IV(b) Reis, L., 44 Renaud, H. P. J., XIV(2) Reucker, K., XX B Richards, J. F. C., 6 Richardson, H. C., 32 Richter, C. P., 35 Rickard, T. A., 32 Rickett, H. W., 28 Riddell, W. H., 29

Riefstahl, E.. 2 Robertson, A. W., XIX(2)B Rodgers, A. D. III, XIX (1)C Rosen, E., XVI(1)B, XIX (1)D, 50 Rosenthal, F., IX(2) Rosenthal, J., 44 Rowe, A., 2 Rudnicki, J., XVI (1) B Rukeyser, M., XIX(2)B Rumball-Petre, E. A. R., 49 Runes, D. D., XX E Rusk, R. D., 17

Saadia ben Joseph, X(1) Sabatier, P., XX B St. John, H., XIX(2)C Sandford, M., XX C Sarton, G., XIX(1)C, 2, 17 Saunders, J. B., deC. M., XVI(1)D Sayili, A. M., 14 Sbath, P., VI(2) Schlechta, K., XVIII(2)E Scholem, G. G., 12 Schusser, P., 14 Scileiko, V. K., XV(2) Scollard, R. J., 6 Scott, F. R., XIV(2) Serres, O. de, XVI(2)C Seznec, J., XIX(2)E Shadid, M. A., XX D Shapley, H., XVIII(2) E Sharp, D. E., XIII(1) Shearer, C., XX C Sherman, H. C., 35 Shipley, J. T., 46 Shlaer, S., 36 Shryock, R. H., XIX(1)D, 44 Siddiqi, M. R., XX A Sigerist, H. E., XI(1), 50, 51, 52 Singer, C., 49 Singer, D. W., XVII(1)D Skogman, C., XIX(2)C Smith, E. C., XIX(2)B Smith, J. H. C., 27 Smithson, J., XIX(1)E Solmsen, F., III(2)B.C. Spector, B., XX D Spencer, H., XIX (1)B Spencer, H. R., XIX (1)B Spencer, T., XVI(2)E Stahl, W. H., V(1) Starck, A. T., 28 Starr, J., VIII(1) Steam, A. E., 51 Steam, E. W., 51 Stearns, R. P., XVII (1)E Steele, F. R., 3 Stefansson, V., 44 Stein, Sir A., V(1) Steiner, W. R., XX D Stella, L. A., VI B.C. Stevens, N. E., 28 Stone, M. M., XVI(2)E Stoney, G. G., XX B Strauss, L., XII(1) Sutur, R., XVIII(2)B

Taft, R., 17 Tannehill, I. R., 33

Tantaquidgeon, G., IV(a) Taquizadeh, S. H., VII B.C. Taylor, L. W., 24 Taylor, N., 28 Taylor, W. R., IX(1) Temkin, O., XVI(2)D Teng, S-y, 10 Terrasse, H., 14 Thorndike, L., XIV(2), XV(2),

XVI(1)E, 16 Thouvenot, R., IV(1) Timiriazev, K., XIX(2)C Torricelli, XVII (1) B Tozzer, A. M., IV(a) Truby, A. E., XIX(2)D Turkowski, T., XIX (1) C

Uccelli, A., XV(2) Ucelli, G., XV(2) Unver, A. S., 50 Urdang, G., XIX(1)D, 1

Vajda, G., XII(1) Vassiliev, B., IV(1) Veith, I., XI(2) Vedoorn, F., XIX (1)C Vetter, Q., XVI(1)E Vieyra, M. M., 3 Vlekke, B. H. M., IV(b) Waddington, C. H., 18 Wagman, F. H., XVII(2)E Wainwright, G. A., 2 Walker, E. H., 28 Waller, A. E., XIX(2)C Wallerstein, M. G., 50 Walls, G. L., 29 Warner, W. L., 43 Watson, Sir M., 51 Wayman, D. G., XIX(2)C Weaver, J. C., 28 Webb, C. C. J., XII(2) Webb, K. R., XIX(1)B Weckler, J. E., Jr., IV(b) Weeks, M. E., 25 Weill, R., 2 Went, F. W., XIX(1)C Weslager, C. A., IV(a) Wulff, E., 28 White, W., XIX(2)D Whitman, E. A., 20 Whittaker, E. T., 18, 20, 24 Wiener, P. P., XVII(1)B Wilkins, E. H., XIV(1) Wilson, C. M., 28 Wilson, W. J., 56 Winlock, H. E., 2 Winter, H. J. J. 16 Witting, G., 44 Wolfson, H. A., X(1) Wright, G. E., 12 Wright, O., XX B Wright, W., XX B Wriston, H. M., 52

Younghusband, Sir F. E., XX C Zilboorg, G., 43 Zinner, E., XVI (1)B Zizkle, C., XIX(2)C Zubov, V. P., XV(2)


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