silverlight - onsite delivery model


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I did this HL Architecture designing for a company in Germany, the requirement was to create the Survey Analysis Application.


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On-Site Project – SI GmbH (Germany)



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What is Silverlight?

Very brief definition of Silverlight – Super enhanced version of Flash, which runs on .Netplatform and has a Better RIA approach towards Web.

Silverlight is a web application framework that provides functionalities similar to thosein Adobe Flash, integrating multimedia, graphics, animations and interactivity into a single runtime environment. Initially it was released as a video streaming plug-in, later versions brought additional interactivity features and support for .NET languages and development tools. The current versions is 3.0, however as per the roadmap provided by Microsoft Silverlight 4 RTM should be available in Q2 FY10.

It offers a wonderful feature of platform independence, which means we've runtime plug-in available for all the environment, where it can still be enhanced with .Net approach, this is one major offering that makes it versatile with Win PC, Apple's Mac, Google Chrome, or any other possible environment. Another important offering it has is for Mobile devices,starting with Windows Mobile 7 and Symbian (Series 60) phones will likely becomesupported in 2010. A free software implementation named Moonlight, developed by Novell in cooperation with Microsoft, is available to bring compatible functionalityto Linux, FreeBSD and other open source platforms.

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Tools we’ve used..

Rich Internet Application


Cross Browser

Cross Platform

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HD MediaVideo (720p)



Platform IndependentCross Browser support, PC, Mac, Linux,

Mobile Devices.

Application Development


Visual Studio 2008

Expression Studio 3

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Leveraged Components.

High Quality Video Experince

Cross Platform, Bowser.

Developer Friendly

Less Expensive

Support for 3rd Party Languages

Copy Protection

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Silverlight – Rich Vs Reach



Moonlight (Mobile device)



Base OSWindows

Cross Platform/Cross Browser

Cross Device



XAML / Expression


Richness and Capability

Web Services


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Live High-Level Architecture – SI GmbH (Germany) – Jan 2010

During this study, I’ll be demonstrating the way we do the architecture planning, and how the overall mechanism will flow on the application platform layer.

The data transform layer will sit on the SQL database with will be serving the information mainly to the lime survey application.

This application will be a standalone module showing the capability of the modules in a dry run format.

Lets Begin….

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Surveys Statistical Analysis Company Surveys Company Company Contacts Users Administration About ISIS Survey

These should be graphics and not text, so that users who don’t know English or any other written language should be able to see the images here which would be self explanatory.

In a process to create a new isis survey icon with more colors, and it can be used here.

There must be a copyright info with phone # and email address mentioned here.# of concurrent users.

Remove this.

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SurveyStatistical Analysis

Company SurveysCompanyCompany




Surveys Statistical Analysis Company Surveys Company Company Contacts Users Administration About ISIS Survey

This type of usual module browsing pane should be replaced by something close to the browsing wheel, and users should be able to drag and move this wheel on the screen.

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Survey Name Ear

Search Button

Search list gets displayed here.

Import new Survey


Consider inactive Surveys√

Save Details

Import button will get disabled after the user imports the survey.

If the user hasn’t filled all the following fields first then the import button should be activated.Field 1 – Survey TitleField 2 – DescriptionField 3 – Welcome textField 4 – Admin NameField 5 - EmailField 6 – URLField 7 - Description.

This activate button getsEnabled only after the end date gets filled by the user, and we’ve a survey imported already.

When user clicks on the search result, he should be able to see all the details already filled in the above information pane, and all these details should be read-only if the survey is already activated, however if lime survey allows to change the time line / duration of the activated survey then user should be able to change the end date.

Surveys Statistical Analysis Company Surveys Company Company Contacts Users Administration About ISIS Survey

URL is the link used on the last page of the survey, and description is the Description text for the URL – Example: “Main Page” it should take the user back to the main page (url given) after the user fills the survey.

This should be the text user gets to see first on the welcome screen.

List of Companies Associated with the Survey

+ X

The hierarchy needs to be shown here, we can choose if we want to use the tree structure view or the bread-crums…. From the respective company tree…????

Total # of Participants Answered the Survey

Remaining Days Readonly

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Survey Name Ear

Search Button

EarEar & Eyes

Compare with Survey√

Surveys Statistical Analysis Company Surveys Company Company Contacts Users Administration About ISIS Survey


Compare With Ear & Eyes

Search Button

Ear & Eyes

Export to DOCExport to PDF

Important: Its very very important to see one comparison chart per question of 2 compared surveys, user should be able to view it on the screen in the comparison pane on the bottom, and should also be able to see it in the exported report.

Please call Markus if you need any explanation on this point.

If this box is unchecked then the survey comparison fields like “compare with” field, respective search button & search list, will be disable.

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Company Name Bayer

Search Button

Search list gets displayed here.

New Company


Consider inactive Companies√

Surveys Statistical Analysis Company Surveys Company Company Contacts Users Administration About ISIS Survey

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Search list gets displayed here.

New Company Save DetailsWhile creating a new company profile user can enter the information regarding the parent company or its respective parent hierarchy.

Company Name

Company Address

Email Distribution List

Parent Company

Contact Persons

User enters the name of the parent company and hits the Enter key on the keyboard, the name gets resolved automatically to the closest match in the database, if it’s the right name then user can proceed with the application flow else can click on the magnifying glass and it’ll take the user to the new company screen where he can see all the listed names of the companies with the entered keyword, and he can choose the appropriate one or can create a new one and further get back on this screen.

Company Name

Search Button

Consider inactive Companies√

Surveys Statistical Analysis Company Surveys Company Company Contacts Users Administration About ISIS Survey


If the user is browsing this module manually then this button should be disabled, however it should get enabled if this module gets called by any other module via the magnifying glass or pressing enter in the respective filed, and it’ll send the selected entry to the Calling module, this is going to be a dynamic button, where it sends the detail to the module from where its containing module was called.

This grid should allow multiple selection only If the user is coming to this module from the Survey module.

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Contact Person

Search Button

Search list gets displayed here.

New Company Save DetailsWhile creating a new company contact user can enter the information regarding the company.

Consider inactive Contacts√

User enters the name of the company and hits the Enter key on the keyboard, the name gets resolved automatically to the closest match in the database, if it’s the right name then user can proceed with the application flow else can click on the magnifying glass and it’ll take the user to the new company screen where he can see all the listed names of the companies with the entered keyword, and he can choose the appropriate one or can create a new one and further get back on this screen.

Salutation Title Name affix Name Forename

D.O.B Gender

Private Address1 Address2 Postal Code City Country

Phone Number Cellphone Email Address

Business / Company Related Info Company Name Personnel number Address1 Address2 Address3 Address4

Postal Code City Phone Number Cellphone Fax Email


Active √

Surveys Statistical Analysis Company Surveys Company Company Contacts Users Administration About ISIS Survey

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NameFore NameD.O.B.

Search Button

Search list gets displayed here.

New User

MarkusSaurabhMichaelSebastianMarcel User types the partial name of the company and hits enter, if the name is already listed, it gets resolved automatically

and if the name is not listed or there is no identical match available then company windows should get opened and in the search box of that window the search keywords should already be populated and in the search’s bottom left navigation pane user get to see the search results, he can choose the right one and it should get populated in the company text box of user screen, and if its not listed there then on the company page he can click on the new company and create a profile for one, and after he hits the save detail button, the company name / info should gets populated in the company text box of user screen automatically. Foreign key in the background should also refine the data structure.

Case 1 – User hits Enter


Consider inactive users√

Surveys Statistical Analysis Company Surveys Company Company Contacts Users Administration About ISIS Survey

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NameFore NameD.O.B.

Search list gets displayed here.

New User


User types the partial name of the company and hits magnifying glass icon, and it takes the user to the company screen where the entered initials will already be populated in the company name search box, and there in the bottom left search navigation pane he gets to see the search results in the form of listed companies with the entered initials, he can select the desired one and the respective information gets populated automatically in the company text box of the user screen.

Case 2 – User hits the magnifying glass icon


Search Button

Consider inactive users√

Surveys Statistical Analysis Company Surveys Company Company Contacts Users Administration About ISIS Survey

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Please drop me an email: [email protected]