short on cycles, long on storage

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3. 3.
  4. 4. Commoditisation of IT
  5. 5.
  6. 6.
  7. 7. +
  8. 8. +
  9. 9. +
  10. 10.
  11. 11.
  12. 12. Commoditisation
  13. 13. CommoditisationToday
  14. 14. CommoditisationTodayFundamentals
  15. 15. CommoditisationTodayFundamentals Drivers
  16. 16. CommoditisationTodayFundamentals Drivers Future
  17. 17. DANGER! Will RobinsonDANGER!
  18. 18.
  19. 19. 30 minutes
  20. 20.
  21. 21. 300 Slides
  22. 22.
  23. 23. > : 4 8 15 16_
  24. 24.
  26. 26. Kent
  27. 27. Environment Open SourcePeople Genetics Commoditisation PatentsPolitics DucksFootballMaths PerceptionFreedom Information Tech. Printing Electronics
  28. 28. Environment Open SourcePeople Genetics Commoditisation PatentsPolitics DucksFootballMaths PerceptionFreedom Information Tech. Printing Electronics
  29. 29.
  30. 30. Environment Open SourcePeople Genetics Commoditisation PatentsPolitics DucksFotangoFootball Maths PerceptionFreedom Information Tech. Printing Electronics
  31. 31. Screenshot taken from web of the Spice Girls (scary was my favourite!)
  32. 32. Screenshot taken from web (p.s. it aint me)
  33. 33. Screenshot taken from web of a youthful Tony Blair
  34. 34. Environment Open SourcePeople Genetics Commoditisation PatentsFootball PoliticsMaths PerceptionFreedom Information Tech. Printing Electronics
  35. 35. No Pond
  36. 36. change from monopolisticto perfect competition
  37. 37. YesterdaysTodayshot stuffboredom
  38. 38. Screenshot taken from web of a more recent Tony Blair
  39. 39. latitude13/12109077/
  40. 40. 1890s Electricity
  41. 41. 1890s Electricity
  42. 42. Screenshot taken from web at
  43. 43. Screenshot taken from web at
  44. 44. 1890s1930s National ElectricityGrid
  45. 45. Novel
  46. 46. Rare
  47. 47. New
  48. 48. New Ubiquitous
  49. 49. New Distributed
  50. 50. New Common
  51. 51. Power New InternetCPU.
  52. 52. Power Google Internet CPU.
  53. 53. The fundamental impulse thatsets and keeps the capitalistengine in motion comes fromthe new consumers, goods,the new methods ofproduction or transportation,the new markets, the newforms of industrialorganization that capitalistenterprise creates.Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883 - 1950)
  54. 54. The fundamental impulse thatsets and keeps the capitalistengine in motion comes fromthe new consumers, goods,the new methods ofproduction or transportation,the new markets, the newforms of industrialorganization that capitalistenterprise creates.Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883 - 1950)
  55. 55. CreativeDestruction Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883 - 1950)
  56. 56. New Common CompetitiveAdvantage
  57. 57. New Common Cost of doing business
  58. 58. Wanted Web Wizard, 1996
  59. 59.
  60. 60.
  61. 61. Screenshots taken from web at
  62. 62. Screenshots taken from web at
  63. 63. Screenshots taken from web at
  64. 64. Modied screenshot taken from web
  65. 65. New New Thing Blog
  66. 66. Leading New New Thing Edge Consultants
  67. 67. Leading New New Thing Products Edge Moveable Type
  68. 68. Leading Utility New New Thing Products EdgeServiceTypepad
  69. 69. PRESSURELeadingUtilityNewNew Thing ProductsEdge Service
  70. 70. PATENTSLeadingUtility New Thing New Products Edge Service
  71. 71. BRANDING Leading New New Thing Products Edge
  72. 72. PRICING STRATEGY LeadingUtility New New Thing Products Edge Service
  73. 73. PRESSURELeadingUtilityNewNew Thing ProductsEdge Service
  74. 74. As IT becomesubiquitous ... it has no strategic valueNick Carr
  75. 75.
  76. 76. Commodication!
  77. 77. > : 4 8 15 16_
  78. 78. COMMODITISATIONNewCommon
  79. 79. software as a serviceutility computing
  80. 80. web 2.0
  81. 81. web 1.0
  82. 82.
  83. 83. CreativeDestruction Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883 - 1950)
  84. 84. New Common Cost of doing business
  85. 85. Screenshot taken from web at
  86. 86. Screenshot taken from web at
  87. 87. Salesforce NingAmazon EC2
  88. 88. XaaS
  89. 89. Software as aService
  90. 90. User Software as a Your DataService
  91. 91. User Provider Software as a Your Data ApplicationServiceFramework Machine
  92. 92. Application as a Service
  93. 93. AaaS
  94. 94. SaaSFramework as a Service
  95. 95. UserYour Data SaaSYourFramework as a Application Service
  96. 96. User ProviderYour Data SaaSYourFramework as aFramework Application ServiceMachine
  97. 97. SaaS FaaSHardware as aService
  98. 98. UserYour Data SaaSYour Application FaaS Your Hardware as a FrameworkService
  99. 99. UserProviderYour Data SaaSYour Application FaaS Your Hardware as aMachine FrameworkService
  100. 100. SaaS FaaS HaaS
  101. 101. Screenshot taken from web at
  102. 102. ProviderSaaS Application FrameworkMachine
  103. 103. Provider FaaS FrameworkMachine
  104. 104. Provider HaaSMachine
  105. 105. Screenshot taken from web at
  106. 106.
  107. 107.
  108. 108. YourYourYourYour Application Application Application ApplicationYourYourYourYour Application Application Application Application
  109. 109. Screenshot taken from web at
  110. 110. Software as a ServiceGoogle SalesForceZoho 37 SignalsADP Microsoft Live
  111. 111. Framework as a Service BungeeLabsNingApp Exchange CogHead
  112. 112. Hardware as a Service XCalibreFlexiscale HP Microsoft (FCS) (cloud infrastructure) Amazon (EC2 & S3)VMWare(VSPP)
  113. 113. Your Application
  114. 114. Your ApplicationBOOM!
  115. 115. Your Application
  116. 116. ProviderSaaS Application FrameworkMachine
  117. 117. Provider SaaS BOOM! ApplicationFramework Machine
  118. 118.
  119. 119. BOOM! ApplicationFramework Machine
  120. 120. Screenshot taken from web at
  121. 121. Your Application
  122. 122. instead of using words which already have common uses, we should dig up archaic words which might or might not have related meaning and just use those, since no one knows what they mean anyway and it makes you sound erudite to use them. Robert r0ml Lefkowitz
  123. 123. PATRATIONThe freedom and portability to move from one service provider to another without hindrance and boundaries.
  124. 124.
  125. 125. instead of using words which already have common uses, we should dig up archaic words which might or might not have related meaning and just use those, since no one knows what they mean anyway and it makes you sound erudite to use them. Robert r0ml Lefkowitz
  126. 126.
  127. 127. PATRATIONThe freedom and portability to move from one service provider to another without hindrance and boundaries.
  128. 128. Your Application
  129. 129. Federated Grid
  130. 130. Your Application
  131. 131. YourYour Application Application
  132. 132. Your Application Your Application
  133. 133. YourYour Application Application
  134. 134. Competitive Utility Market
  135. 135. UserYour DataYour ApplicationYour Framework
  136. 136. UserYour Data SaaSYour Application FaaS Your Framework HaaS
  137. 137. User Standard Open Your Data SaaS Application YourOpen Application FaaS FrameworkYourOpen Framework HaaSMachine
  138. 138. User ProvidersYour Data SaaSYour Application FaaS Your Framework HaaS
  139. 139. YourYourYourYour Application Application Application ApplicationYourYourYourYour Application Application Application Application
  140. 140. YourYourYourYourYourYourYourYourYour Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application YourYourYourYourYourYourYourYourYour Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application YourYourYourYourYourYourYourYourYour Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application
  141. 141. Open Sourced Standards
  142. 142. SaaS, FaaS, HaaS
  143. 143. OVF Open Virtual Machine Format
  144. 144.
  145. 145. New Common
  146. 146. New Common
  147. 147. Joseph A. SchumpeterNick Carr (1883 - 1950)
  148. 148. SaaS FaaS HaaS
  149. 149. Hardware as a ServiceAmazon(EC2 & S3)Microsoft(cloud XCalibre infrastructure) FlexiscaleHP VMWare(Flexible computing(VSPP)service)
  150. 150. SaaS, FaaS, HaaS
  151. 151. SaaS BOOM! ApplicationFramework Machine
  152. 152. Competitive Utility Market
  153. 153. PATRATIONThe freedom and portability to move from one service provider to another without hindrance and boundaries.
  154. 154. Your Application Your Application
  155. 155. Commodication!
  156. 156. DANGER! Will RobinsonDANGER!
  157. 157. Liberty ++
  158. 158. COMMODITISATIONNewCommon
  159. 159. New Common
  160. 160. New
  161. 161. Innovation
  162. 162. ? Innovation
  163. 163. It being that term which, I think, serves best to stand for whatsoever is the object of understanding when man thinks. John Locke (1632 - 1704)
  164. 164. Idea Innovation
  165. 165. Innovation is the rst attempt to carry out [an idea] into practice.Professor Jan Fagerberg
  166. 166. Idea Innovation
  167. 167. Idea Innovation
  168. 168. Founder of theHumanist movement(Renaissance)Francesco Petrarca(1304 - 1374)
  169. 169. InventionIdea InnovationDiscovery
  170. 170. InventionIdea InnovationDiscovery
  171. 171. InventionIdea InnovationDiscovery
  172. 172. InventionIdea InnovationDiscovery
  173. 173. Externality
  174. 174. ExternalityInternal
  175. 175. Externality InternalEconomic Value
  176. 176. Commodication
  177. 177. COMMODIFICATION Invention Idea InnovationDiscovery
  178. 178. COMMODIFICATION Invention Idea InnovationCommonDiscovery COMMODITISATION
  179. 179. CreativeDestructionJoseph A. Schumpeter (1883 - 1950)
  180. 180. Invention Idea Innovation CommonDiscovery
  181. 181. 1. Not a straight line
  182. 182. Power Google Internet CPU.
  183. 183.
  184. 184. Invention IdeaDis cove ryIn mo novat Co n m ion
  185. 185. Invention IdeaDis cove ryIn mo novat Co n m ion
  186. 186. Invention Idea Innovation CommonDiscovery
  187. 187. 2. Not just things
  188. 188. Invention Idea ElectricityDiscovery
  189. 189. Invention Idea InternetDiscovery
  190. 190. Invention Idea PracticeDiscovery
  191. 191. 3. Not everythingspreads
  192. 192. Invention Idea InnovationDiscovery
  193. 193. 4. Acceleration
  194. 194. Everett M. Rogers(1931 - 2004)
  195. 195. Diffusion of Innovation Invention IdeaCommonDiscovery
  196. 196. Positive NetworkEffectsInventionIdeaInnovation CommonDiscovery
  197. 197. STANDARDS Invention Idea Innovation CommonDiscovery
  198. 198. INTERNET Invention Idea Innovation CommonDiscovery
  199. 199. OPEN SOURCE Invention Idea Innovation CommonDiscovery
  200. 200. 5. Friend and Foe
  201. 201. Invention Idea Innovation CommonDiscoveryExpensive
  202. 202. Invention Idea Innovation CommonDiscovery Cheaper
  203. 203. NON STRATEGICCOSTInvention Idea Innovation CommonDiscovery
  204. 204. Screenshot taken from web at
  205. 205. CompetitiveAdvantage
  206. 206. Reputation
  207. 207. Reputation Non-StrategicCODB
  208. 208. Reputation Distribution
  209. 209. ReputationDistribution
  210. 210. ReputationDistribution
  211. 211. ReputationProduction
  212. 212. Competitive Advantage Non-Strategic Barrier to EntryCODB
  213. 213. Competitive Advantage Non-StrategicBarrier toCODB Participation
  214. 214. NON STRATEGICCOSTInvention Idea Innovation CommonDiscovery
  215. 215.
  216. 216. New Common
  217. 217. 1890s Electricity
  218. 218. 1890s1930s National ElectricityGrid
  219. 219. SaaS FaaS HaaS
  220. 220. SaaS, FaaS, HaaS
  221. 221. SaaS BOOM! ApplicationFramework Machine
  222. 222. Competitive Utility Market
  223. 223. PowerGoogle InternetCPU.
  224. 224. CreativeDestructionJoseph A. Schumpeter (1883 - 1950)
  225. 225. Invention Idea Innovation CommonDiscovery
  226. 226. Invention Idea Innovation CommonDiscovery
  227. 227. Invention Idea PracticeDiscovery
  228. 228. Invention Idea InnovationDiscovery
  229. 229. STANDARDS Invention Idea Innovation CommonDiscovery
  230. 230. Future of Web Apps
  231. 231. SaaS FaaS HaaS
  232. 232. STANDARDS Invention Idea Innovation CommonDiscovery
  233. 233. Competitive Utility Market
  234. 234. PATRATIONThe freedom and portability to move from one service provider to another without hindrance and boundaries.
  235. 235. SaaS BOOM! ApplicationFramework Machine
  236. 236. 1. XaaS will rapidly grow through standards and open source, creating competitive utility markets.
  237. 237. SaaS FaaS HaaS
  238. 238. Powerinnovations Internet CPU.
  239. 239. Invention Idea Innovation CommonDiscovery
  240. 240. 2. An increase in the rate at which innovative services and products are released to the web.
  241. 241. SaaS FaaS HaaS
  242. 242. NON STRATEGICCOSTInvention Idea Innovation CommonDiscovery
  243. 243. Competitive Advantage Non-StrategicBarrier toCODB Participation
  244. 244. 3. More disruption in the information markets.
  245. 245. SaaS FaaS HaaS
  246. 246. Competitive Utility Market
  247. 247. YourYourYourYourYourYourYourYourYour Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application YourYourYourYourYourYourYourYourYour Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application YourYourYourYourYourYourYourYourYour Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application
  248. 248. 4. Happier Ducks.
  249. 249.
  250. 250. Thank you
  251. 251. Gone too far ....The other stuff to think about but I didnt have time to explain.
  252. 252. OaaSPaaSDaaS Stack SaaSis FaaSBiggerHaaS
  253. 253. OaaSPaaS BPO DaaSSaaSFaaSHaaS
  254. 254. 3D PRINTING Invention Idea Innovation CommonDiscoveryCommoditisation ofManufacturing Process ...
  255. 255. ... a huge change toindustry.
  256. 256. OPEN meme Invention Idea Innovation CommonDiscovery ... is accelerating
  257. 257. PARTICIPATION EXPRESSION ENQUIRY Francesco Petrarca(1304 - 1374) ... this
  258. 258. Different MethodologiesInvention Idea Innovation CommonDiscoveryCompetitive AdvantageCost of doingbusiness
  259. 259. ... they are different classesof problem Invention Idea InnovationCommonDiscoveryDynamicStatic
  260. 260. PATENTS Invention IdeaInnovation CommonDiscovery... have changed direction
  261. 261. Idea Innovation Repository Innovation Xyrs> Independent Discovery ... because of this
  262. 262. Change ...
  263. 263. CompetitiveAdvantageRepu Makes ...tat nioPro duionct
  264. 264. for an uncertain future ...
  265. 265. Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone. John Maynard Keynes (1883 - 1946)