shang dynasty of ancient china

Shang Dynasty of Ancient China Jade Buffalo from the Shang Dynasty

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Shang Dynasty of Ancient China. Jade Buffalo from the Shang Dynasty. first to leave behind written records and archeological evidence a monarchy , governed by a series of ruthless kings - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Shang Dynasty of  Ancient China

Shang Dynastyof

Ancient ChinaJade Buffalo from the Shang Dynasty

Page 2: Shang Dynasty of  Ancient China

first to leave behind written records and archeological evidence

a monarchy, governed by a series of ruthless kings

legend says that it was founded around 1600 B.C. by a man named Cheng Tang, who overthrew the evil king of Xia (people argue whether Xia really existed)

Cheng Tang established the first capital called Shang, but later kings moved the capital many times

the dynasty was centered around villages near the Yellow River

archeologists have found tombs of kings and their families

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the Shang kings were constantly at war and sent out armies of as many as 13,000 men to fight

the soldiers brought back prisoners of war who became laborers or were sacrificed for rituals

they also helped gain new territories and bring back resources from other areas

worshiped the Shang Di, who was the supreme god that ruled over the sun, moon, wind, rain, and other natural forces

they also worshiped their ancestors and believed that although they were in heaven, they still were involved in family matters

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kings asked questions to the gods and their ancestors using oracle bones:

* scribes would carve questions for the gods or the king’s ancestors into an animal bone * intense heat was then applied until it cracked * an “interpreter” would read the cracks and the scribe would carve the answer believed that if they didn’t worship the

gods and their ancestors appropriately, disaster would come

high-ranking people like the king were buried with the remains of relatives or lower-ranking people so that their relationships would continue in heaven

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lower-ranking people were buried in pits, which sizes depended on their status

the lowest-ranking people were sometimes thrown down wells

oracle bone inscriptions are the earliest known form of Chinese writing and are the only written history from the Shang era

social classes:King and Royal Family

Nobles PriestsArtisans Merchants


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existed during China’s Bronze Age, which represented power, wealth, and luxury

bronze was used for weapons, which gave them the advantage in battles

it was also used for ceremonial vessels for food and wine

the Shang Dynasty was overthrown around 1050 B.C. from Zhou invaders, who claimed that the Shang king was evil and that heaven no longer wanted him to rule wine cup