
Shakeology The Healthiest Meal Of The Day

Upload: menbeely564

Post on 12-Jul-2015




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The Healthiest Meal Of The Day

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If you have been trying to find a good meal

replacement or a healthy snack then shakeology

is a great choice. This super food filled shake will

literally change your life if you let it. There are

countless stories about the transformations that

have happened in people‟s bodies from adapting it

into their diets. I have done dozens and dozens of

hours of research and development about

shakeology and it‟s benefits for you and I and I

plan to not hold any of it back here for you today. I

believe in the products because of the results I

have felt with my own personal use as well as with

all the different success stories that you will find

online of people that gave it a try and truly decided

to commit and saw their lives change. Beachbody

always says “Abs are made in the kitchen.” Did you

know that best way to get to your goal is to realize

that your results and body are 80% nutrition and

20% Work Out!

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Abs Are Made In the Kitchen

You‟ve heard the saying “abs are made in the kitchen,” but what does that mean?

The popular saying refers to the fact that what you eat has a greater impact on

weight loss than any form of exercise you do. But despite the popularity of this

saying, many people still attempt to uncover their abs with endless crunches and

cardio while eating „cheat‟ meals on the side.

Here‟s your Abs-Ripping Checklist:

Cut back on white flour and refined sugar

Drink the new Chocolate Super food Formula with less sugar

Drink Shakeology as a post-workout recovery supplement

Track your calories to make sure you‟re eating less than you‟re burning

Add lean protein to your diet such as chicken and fish

Increase your water intake

Decrease alcohol consumption


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Why Should I Drink Shakeology?

Antioxidants. Shakeology contains some of the most potent antioxidants: flavonoids and phytonutrients such as spinach,

blue green algae, carrot powder, strawberry powder, and vitamins E and C. These help to prevent free radicals from

oxidizing and destroying cells. The ingredients in our antioxidant blend such as pomegranate, acai berry, camu-camu, goji,

and blueberry also have powerful antioxidant effects to support your immune system and help protect your body from normal

inflammatory response.

Energy. Shakeology contains a range of B vitamins and trace minerals, like zinc and magnesium, from whole food sources

that regulate metabolism and increase energy. Shakeology also contains maca root, an adaptogen herb known to promote

endurance and stamina. Check out our Ingredient Spotlight on maca root to learn more.

Digestion. The Shakeology non-dairy prebiotic and probiotic blend contains fiber and different enzymes

like amylase, papain, cellulose, and lactase, which all support digestion. These ingredients aid in breaking down food

molecules into smaller molecules that can be properly digested, so all of the nutrients can be absorbed into your system.

Mood. One scoop of Shakeology provides 100% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin B12. B12 is often linked with

good mood maintenance; B vitamins are also essential for the production and proper functioning of neurotransmitters like

dopamine, crucial to the experience of pleasure. Shakeology also contains cacao, which is very high in phenylethylamine

(PEA). PEA acts as a neuromodulator to enhance one‟s mood.

Detoxification. Many of the ingredients in Shakeology (spirulina, chlorella, flaxseed, barley grass, spinach) contain

powerful detoxification compounds such as chlorophyll and alpha-linolenic acid. These ingredients may help rid the body of

environmental toxins such as smog, heavy metals, herbicides, cleaning products, and pesticides. They also aid in liver

detoxification. Shakeology also includes kamut grass, an ingredient coined “nature‟s most powerful detoxifier.” This grass has

been known to cleanse the body and detoxify the cells to restore health and vitality.

Immunity. The antioxidants, bioflavonoids, and flavonoids in Shakeology work to support immunity. Some of these ingredients

include ashwaganda,acerola cherry, rose hips, and goji berries. The goji berries in Shakeology are one of the richest

sources of antioxidants; not only does goji berry promote eye, reproductive, and circulatory health, but it also supports your

immune system and promotes longevity!

Satiety/cravings. The protein, chromium, and nutrient-dense calories fromsuperfoods in Shakeology work to help

decrease your appetite. Chromium is important because it helps maintain blood-sugar levels, which reduces sugar cravings

and promotes fat metabolism. Plus, protein-rich meals are a great way to keep you feeling full, longer!

Complete nutrition: Each Shakeology ingredient plays an important role in feeding your body on a cellular level, but it is

important to remember that the synergy of the 70+ ingredients working together is what truly fuels your body to keep you

looking and feeling your best.

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How Many Super foods are in Shakeology?

Here is a list of the super foods beach body currently uses in Shakeology. Try to

incorporate some more of these in your diet throughout the day along with

Shakeology, and you‟ll be feel in‟ super, super good!

Acerola cherry



Ashwaganda leaf

Astragalus root

Barley grass

Bilberry fruit

Blueberry fruit

Brown rice

Camu camu fruit


Chia seed


Coconut flower nectar


Flax seed, sprouted

Gingko leaf

Goji berry

Green tea

Himalayan pink salt

Kamut grass

Konjac root

Luo han guo

Maca root

Maitake mushroom


Oat grass

Pomegranate fruit


Reishi mushroom

Rosehip fruit

Sacha inchi






Tulsi (holy basil leaf)


Whey protein isolate

Yacon root

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Shakeology is just too expensive, I cant afford it.

If you are one of the people saying this, I will have to say that, honestly you cant afford NOT to. There are tons of cost

comparison charts and studies that will show you how ANYONE can afford to make shake ology a part of their well balanced

nutritional life. This chart below will really make you think twice before stopping through the drive thru of a fast food joint with

the excuse that you do not have time to eat healthy.

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Why Is Drinking Shakeology® Daily Important?

Drinking Shakeology is a lot like brushing your teeth and exercising—you‟ve got to participate in these

healthy habits every day to see their benefits. The more you do it, the more you can experience these


Here are 5 reasons you should drink Shakeology daily:

Your cravings for unhealthy foods can eventually disappear—and be replaced by cravings for healthy

choices. It‟s true!

You can save time! Replace one meal a day with Shakeology and that‟s one less meal to plan. Whip up

your shake and go. It‟s fast food that‟s great for you.

You can save money! If you drink Shakeology instead of eating lunch or dinner, you‟ll spend just $4 on

your meal.

You can save money, the sequel! As Shakeology improves your digestion, boosts your energy, and

keeps you lean, you‟re bound to have fewer medical bills.

You can keep the weight off! Studies show that people who eat breakfast every day are less likely to

regain the weight. Furthermore, a protein-rich breakfast helps you feel full and reduces the tendency to

snack throughout the day.