sept 17 newsletter

 COMMUNITY FREE CHURCH WEEKLY Wednesday 9/17 Student Ministry 6:00pm 6th grade through High School  Thursday  9/18 Worship Practice 7:00pm Saturday 9/20 Basketball 8:30am  Sunday 9/21 Christian Education 9:30am  Women’ s St udy Group  Jeremiah Study  Jr and Sr High School Children’ s Church 10:45am Worship Gather ing 10:45am Read Haggai 1:1-15 to prepare!  AWANA! 6:00pm Monday 9/22 Women’s Bible Study 9:30am 1&2 Thessalonians Martial Arts - Free See Bob Tompkins! BSF Men’s Group 6:45pm Community Group 7:00pm Eichstedt Home Everyone is Welcome! Tuesday 9/23 BSF Women’s Group 9:10am First Christian Church, Staley Road Community Group 7:00pm Wright home Everyone is Welcome! September 17th On September 28th, we will be celebrating the public proclamation of Jesus as Lord in a believer’s life, through the act of baptism. Please be here as we celebrate the work of Christ in their lives! Do you have a desire to be baptized or to rededicate your life to Christ? Don’t hesitate, don’t wait. Give Pastor Jason a call today if you  are interest ed in baptism. First night of AWANA - What did you thi nk?  Apparently there will be some sort of meeting in Vienna tomorrow (Thursday?) that could possibly allow the family to remain in Austria if they are connected with TCMI. This only is possible if the state will allow it. Apparently, there are governmental, political situations that make this a very unusual case since they are from outside the EU. This is a rst ever case of this kind, and it will take a miracle for them to be able to remain, but our God is a God of miracles. They have been eating meals with us in the dining hall and we have all grown to love them, please pray for a move of God's mighty hand on their behalf. Thank you! Urgent Prayer request: Jan and Mike Piasecki for a Ukrainian Family at TCMI

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Wednesday 9/17 Student Ministry 6:00pm6th grade through High Schoo l

Thursday 9/18Worship Practice 7:00pm

Saturday 9/20Basketball 8:30am Sunday 9/21 Christian Education 9:30am Women’s Study Group

Jeremiah Study Jr and Sr High School Children’s Church 10:45am

Worship Gathering 10:45amRead Haggai 1:1-15 to prepare!

AWANA! 6:00pm

Monday 9/22

Women’s Bible Study 9:30am1&2 Thessalonians

Martial Arts - FreeSee Bob Tompkins!

BSF Men’s Group 6:45pm

Community Group 7:00pmEichstedt HomeEveryone is Welcome!

Tuesday 9/23BSF Women’s Group 9:10amFirst Christian Church, Staley Road

Community Group 7:00pmWright homeEveryone is Welcome!

September 17th

On September 28th, we will be celebrating the publicproclamation of Jesus as Lord in a believer’s life,through the act of baptism. Please be here as wecelebrate the work of Christ in their lives!

Do you have a desire to be baptized or to rededicateyour life to Christ? Don’t hesitate, don’t wait.Give Pastor Jason a call today if you

are interested in baptism.

First night of AWANA - What did you think?

Apparently there will be some sort of meeting inVienna tomorrow (Thursday?) that could possiblyallow the family to remain in Austria if they areconnected with TCMI. This only is possible if thestate will allow it. Apparently, there are governmental,political situations that make this a very unusual casesince they are from outside the EU. This is a rstever case of this kind, and it will take a miracle forthem to be able to remain, but our God is a God ofmiracles. They have been eating meals with us in thedining hall and we have all grown to love them,please pray for a move of God's mighty hand on theirbehalf. Thank you!

Urgent Prayer request: Jan and MikePiasecki for a Ukrainian Family at TCMI

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Life Banquet








There were multipleCFC tables!

Rick Santorumdelivered a powerfulmessage on the stateof government and theChristian response!

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Last week we discussed“seeking.” This week we aregoing to look at “worship,”because the truest expressionof our seeking is always foundin the ways we worship.

We will worship in everyplace of our lives with asense that Jesus is alive.Therefore, the worship ofHim is for His glory and our

joy .

The problem of worship:Sadly, in our modern contextwe have taken “worship” andrelegated it to singing alone.The Bible does not know asingular facet of worship, butinstead sees it as the totality ofyour response to yourrelationship with God.

Worship is not just the songthat the praise band sings. Worship is not just theamount you place in theoffering basket.Worship is not justvolunteering in children'schurch.Worship is not just the houryou spend in church onSunday morning.

Yes, these may be acts orexpressions of worship, butthey do not dene what trueworship really is.

The priority of worshipThere are numerous denitionsof the word worship. Yet, onein particular encapsulates thepriority we should give toworship as a spiritual

discipline: “Worship is to honorwith extravagant love andextreme submission.” (Webster’sDictionary)

Psalm 95:6Oh come, let us worship and

bow down; let us kneel beforethe Lord, our Maker! When the Bible says “Come,let us kneel and bow down” itis a speaking of more than justa physical expression ofworship. The idea of kneelingand bowing down is the settingaside of oneself to make Godthe center of your affectionsand desires.

Psalm 95:6 tells us that we canworship Him because He is our“Lord.” The one who bought,purchased us for His Glory,and our “Maker” to remind usthat He is not just your maker,but the maker of all things.

Worship, then, is dened bythe priority we place on whoGod is in our lives and whereGod is on our list of priorities.Worship is a matter of the

heart expressed throughseeking God in everything. Not just some things, because Heis our priority.

If your life feels as though it islacking focus, then I want toinvite you to a real honestplace of prayer (a form ofworship) where we ask God forthe strength and make Him anon-negotiable priority in ourlives. This may not be your

prayer today, but it certainlymay be tomorrow as the worldconstantly tugs against you.

Jesus spoke of today havingtrouble. When we readMatthew 6:34, we think bigticket trouble, but I also thinkHe may have been saying,“you will have trouble prayingand making me a priority.” Ibelieve that’s why He closesby saying, “but take heart (or

have heart), for I haveovercome the world. Whichmeans that this moment youare ghting for has alreadybeen won by Him whoconquered and overcame theworld on the cross.

The promise of worship:The glorious truth is that Godhas promised that when weworship Him, He will come andcommune with us. Thepromise is not that we willinstantly feel great or that ourloads will be necessarily lifted,but instead that God will comeand reveal Himself. John tellsus this much when he wrote,“God is spirit, and those whoworship him must worship in

spirit and truth.” (John 4:24)

The Spirit is His presence andtruth is the revelation of Hispresence in all things.

The person of worship:Romans 12:2“I appeal to you therefore,

brothers, by the mercies ofGod, to present your bodies as

a living sacrice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”

Paul’s appeal to the Romans isthat they would worship God inGod’s power by presentingthemselves to Him, and theworld in the same fashion asChrist.

You see, Christ is not a deadsacrice as were all the ones

offered at the Temple. Instead,Jesus Christ through thepower of the resurrection, is aliving sacrice, holy andacceptable to God for theforgiveness of sins. BecauseJesus is alive, our worship ofHim whether singing, serving,declaring, working, sleeping,waking, giving, or forgiving -Whatever you do, you now dofor the glory of a living Lord!


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Let’s ll all 24 hours with prayer!12-1am Pastor Jason1-2am

2-3am Dorothy Baker3-4am4-5am Larry Bunting5-6am Donna Smith6-7am Adi Puckett7-8am Bruce Henrikson8-9am9-10am Jo Wright10-11am Tasha Schifo11-12pm Deb Henrikson12-1pm

1-2pm Gretchen Eichstetd2-3pm Meg Drennan3-4pm4-5pm5-6pm Trish Barrett6-7pm7-8pm8-9pm Amy Krutsinger9-10pm Mike Piasecki10-11pm Abby Eichstedt11-12am Pastor Jason

Saeed Abedini, a 34-year-old Pastor, father, and husband from Idaho,is currently imprisoned in Rajaei Shahr prison (formerly imprisoned inEvin prison in Tehran, Iran).

On 28 July 2012, during a visit to Tehran to visit family and to nalizethe board members for an orphanage he was building in Iran, theIranian Revolutionary Guard detained Saeed, asserting that he mustface criminal charges for his Christian faith. After intenseinterrogations, Saeed was placed under house arrest and told to waitfor a court summons. On 26 September 2012, instead of receiving asummons telling him where to appear, ve members of theRevolutionary Guard raided Saeed’s parents’ home in Tehran,conscated many of Saeed’s belongings, and took him to anunknown location. After four days, the Revolutionary Guard informedthe family that Saeed was in solitary connement in the notoriousEvin Prison.

Throughout Saeed’s imprisonment, he has spent several weeks insolitary connement. During solitary connement, Saeed was onlybrought out of his small cell to be subjected to abusiveinterrogations. Saeed has been allowed visitation by his family inTehran, but he has been cut off from his wife and two young children

in the U.S.

Saeed had been denied medical treatment for infections that resultedfrom beatings. While in Evin, the ward doctor and nurse refused totreat him because, as a Christian, he was considered “unclean” andan indel.

In early 2013, it became known that Saeed was suffering frominternal injuries and doctors determined that his injuries warrantedimmediate attention, and, in their medical opinion, he needed to betreated in a non-prison hospital. For almost a year, the Iranian regimeignored this advice. In March 2014, Saeed was permitted to enter a

private hospital for treatment, but after spending almost two monthsin the hospital, he was returned to prison without having been givensurgeries deemed necessary by hospital doctors.

A petition has been started in Saeed’s name, and it quickly receivedoverwhelming media attention. Secretary of State John Kerry hascalled for his release, the White House has called for his release, andthe House of Representatives held two emotional hearings thathighlighted Pastor Saeed’s plight. Multiple nations have called forSaeed’s release, and ACLJ attorneys have argued his case before theUnited Nations. Saeed’s petition has over 610,000 signatures and aletter writing campaign to encourage Saeed has garnered over50,000 letters.

On Friday, September 26th, weare going to be hosting a virtualprayer vigil for Pastor Saeed

Abedini, who has been held inan Iranian prison for sharing hisfaith for well over two years now.

What is a virtual vigil?

Pick an hour and commit topray.

During that hour on the 26th,please send an email out to theprayer chain with a prayer orsome thoughts to encourageothers as you are praying.