seminary viewbook

our presbyterian seminaries

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J.C. Smith

Dubuque McCormick

San Francisco



Ten. That’s the number of seminaries we have in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to educate and equip persons of faith

for pastoral leadership . . . plus two theological institutions related to the denomination by covenant agreement.

How do our seminaries do it? They provide a solid biblical foundation, historical perspective, and understanding of Reformed theology – not to mention a Christian environment where spiritual formation can happen. In the classroom, in faculty and peer conversations, on site in local congrega-tions, and through online coursework, tomorrow’s pastors learn how to lead worship, preach, teach, pray, and provide pastoral care.

While 85% of our seminary graduates go into parish ministry, those who feel called to serve the church as missionaries, Christian educators, chaplains, musicians, pastoral counselors, youth leaders, and more receive the educational foundation they need as well.

Our seminaries also provide continuing education for clergy and lay leaders. They offer coursework leading to various doctoral degrees. And they serve as centers of research and consultation, working with congregations and presbyteries on issues and concerns of the church.


Austin Presbyterian Theological SeminaryAustin, Texas

Columbia Theological SeminaryDecatur, Georgia

University of Dubuque Theological SeminaryDubuque, Iowa

Louisville Presbyterian Theological SeminaryLouisville, Kentucky

McCormick Theological SeminaryChicago, Illinois

Pittsburgh Theological SeminaryPittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Princeton Theological SeminaryPrinceton, New Jersey

San Francisco Theological SeminarySan Anselmo and Pasadena, California

Johnson C. Smith Theological SeminaryAtlanta, Georgia

Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian EducationRichmond, Virginia, and Charlotte, North Carolina

In covenant with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Auburn Theological SeminaryNew York, New York

Seminario Evangelico de Puerto RicoSan Juan, Puerto Rico

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contents2 Together, Our Seminaries . . .

3 Together, Our Churches . . .

4 Seminaries at a Glance

6 Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

8 Columbia Theological Seminary

10 University of Dubuque Theological Seminary

12 Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

14 McCormick Theological Seminary

16 Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

18 Princeton Theological Seminary

20 San Francisco Theological Seminary

22 Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary

24 Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian Education

26 Auburn Theological Seminary

28 Seminario Evangelico de Puerto Rico

30 Funding Presbyterian Seminaries

The Committee on Theological Education is honored to produce this new resource on behalf of and in partnership with our Presbyterian seminaries. Ours is a ministry collaboration that, at its best, serves the church. “Seminaries and churches together . . . for generations to come . . .” is more than a logo and slogan; it is our hope and prayer as we outline, on behalf of the PC(USA), the more expansive view of theological education that we believe the triune God is calling us toward. It is a view of theological education, of church leadership, and vocational discernment that takes into account the people and places, the minds and the hearts of Presbyterians in and related to seminaries in a variety of ways. Each of our seminaries is a unique gift offered to the church for you and all. Enjoy getting to know them for the first time or again in their ever Reformed and reforming character. Please visit our website,, and the websites of the various seminaries for additional information.

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For centuries, we Presbyterians have prided ourselves on an educated cler-gy. To continue this tradition of excellence, we have entrusted ten Presbyte-rian Church (U.S.A.) seminaries, and two theological institutions related to the denomination by covenant agreement, with providing the educational foundation church leaders need to be able to preach, teach, pray, and lead. With the help of congregations nationwide, our Presbyterian seminaries are “equipping the saints for the work of ministry” (Ephesians 4:12).

• Offer coursework leading to the Master of Divinity, or MDiv degree, and other master’s degrees to prepare women and men to be pastors, educators, chaplains, therapists, spiritual directors, musicians, and other church professionals

• Offer doctorate-level programs leading to the PhD, Doctor of Ministry, and other doctoral degrees

• Prepare men and women for a global, mulitcultural ministry context, whether they serve in a rural, urban, suburban, small-town, or international setting

• Assist presbyteries in educating commissioned lay pastors to serve congregations that do not have the resources but need regular pastoral leadership

• Provide continuing education for clergy and lay leaders

• Serve as centers of research, theological discourse, and reflection for the benefit of the church at large

• Work with congregations, presbyteries, and other educational institutions as consultants and advisors on issues and concerns of the church

• Facilitate the discernment process by reaching out to youth and others who may be called to ministry







Together, our seminaries . . .

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• Nurture the baptismal vocation of the children of God in their care

• Identify the gifts of some of those who are called to ministry of the Word and Sacrament

• Staff presbytery Committees on Ministry and Commitees on Preparation for Ministry to assist inquirers and candidates

• Empower ministry candidates at Presbyterian seminaries through generous gifts to the Theological Education Fund (TEF), a project of the Committee on Theological Education (COTE)

• Mentor pastoral interns and residents and first call pastors as they continue to grow and mature

• Encourage pastors and church leaders to stay engaged as lifelong learners

• Elect elders and ministers to serve on the COTE, a liaison between the PC(USA) and theological schools

• Embrace the ministry given to them utilizing the best of what theological education has to offer

• Welcome seminary faculty and staff into the life of congregations for the short and the long term

• Become involved with the TEF Seminary Support Network by distributing resources and celebrating Theological Education Emphasis Sunday, the third Sunday in September

Together, our churches . . .

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Seminary Location Students/Faculty Degrees Offered Joint Degrees OfferedAustin, Texas Founded Decatur, Georgia Founded 1828

Dubuque, Iowa Founded 1852

Louisville, Kentucky Founded 1852

Chicago, Illinois Founded 1829

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Founded 1794 Princeton, New Jersey Founded 1812

San Anselmo/Pasadena, California Founded 1871

Atlanta, Georgia Founded 1867

Richmond, Virginia/ Charlotte, North Carolina Founded 1812

New York, New York Founded 1818

San Juan, Puerto Rico Founded

Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary page 6 Columbia Theological Seminary page 8

University of Dubuque Theological Seminary page 10

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary page 12

McCormick Theological Seminary page 14 Pittsburgh Theological Seminary page 16 Princeton Theological Seminary page 18

San Francisco Theological Seminary page 20

Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary page 22

Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian Education page 24

Auburn Theological Seminary page 26

Seminario Evangelico de Puerto Rico page 28

Students: 255 Faculty: 25

Students: 413 Faculty: 28

Students: 148 Faculty: 16

Students: 206 Faculty: 23

Students: 273 Faculty: 21 Students: 318 Faculty: 24

Students: 640 Faculty: 52 full-time 13 adjunct

Students: 428 Faculty: 23

Students: 21 Seminarians are educated through resources of the Interdenominational Theological Center, of which Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary is the PC(USA) constituent. ITC enrollment: 572. ITC provides 20 of 26 faculty positions at the seminary.

Students: 344 Faculty: 33

Students: 40Through Auburn’s program for Presbyterian students at Union Theological Seminary, Presbyterian students experience the unique benefits of ministerial formation in New York City, coupled with Auburn’s distinctive Presbyterian and Reformed perspective.

Students: 188 Faculty: 8 full-time 15 part-time






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Seminary Location Students/Faculty Degrees Offered Joint Degrees OfferedMaster of Divinity Master of Arts (Theological Studies) Doctor of Ministry

Master of Divinity Master of Arts in Theological Studies Master of Theology Doctor of Ministry Doctor of Educational Ministry Doctor of Theology in Pastoral Care and Counseling

Master of Divinity: Residential and Distance Education Master of Arts in Religion Doctor of Ministry

Master of Divinity Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy Master of Arts (Religion) Master of Theology Doctor of Ministry

Master of Divinity Doctor of Ministry Master of Theological Studies

Master of Divinity Master of Arts Master of Sacred Theology Doctor of Ministry

Master of Divinity Master of Arts in Christian Education Master of Arts in Theological Studies Master of Theology Doctor of Philosophy

Master of Divinity Master of Arts in Theological Studies Doctor of Ministry D. Min. with emphases in Pastoral Care and Counseling, Spiritual Direction, Urban Ministry, and Spiritual Leadership

Master of Arts in Christian Education Master of Arts in Church Music Master of Divinity Doctor of Ministry Doctor of Theology in Pastoral Care and Counseling

Master of Divinity Master of Arts in Christian Education Master of Divinity/Master of Arts in Christian Education Master of Theology Doctor of Philosophy

Certificate for Presbyterian students graduating from Union Theological Seminary, New York Certificates of Completion awarded for certain programs

Master of Divinity Master of Arts in Religion Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Care for Families

Master of Divinity/Master of Science in Social Work with the University of Texas at Austin Master of Divinity/Master of Science in Urban Policy Studies with Georgia State University

3/3 Program (BA/MDiv) 3/2 Program (BA/MAR)

Dual competency degrees in Law, Business, Education, Marriage and Family Therapy, Social Work, and Spirituality with neighboring universities

Master of Divinity/Master of Social Work with the University of Chicago and with Loyola University; ACTS Doctor of Ministry in Preaching; Ecumenical Doctor of Ministry with Hyde Park seminaries

Dual professional degrees in Social Work, Law, and Public Policy in conjunction with local universities

Dual-degree program (MDiv/MA); Master of Divinity/Master of Social Work with Rutgers University

Master of Arts with the Graduate Theological Union Master of Arts/Master of Divinity with the Graduate Theological Union Doctor of Philosophy with the Graduate Theological Union Doctor of Theology with the Graduate Theological Union

Master of Divinity/Master of Public Health with Morehouse School of Medicine

Doctor of Ministry in Multifaith Education, granted by New York Theological Seminary

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Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary255 Students*

25 Faculty

Degrees OfferedMaster of Divinity Master of Arts (Theological Studies)Doctor of Ministry

Joint Degrees OfferedMaster of Divinity/Master of Science in Social Work with the University of Texas at Austin

Special Programs Houston Extension Program The College of Pastoral Leaders

PartnershipsEnrollment agreements with the Seminary of the Southwest and Austin Graduate School of TheologyDebrecen Reformed Theological University in Debrecen, Hungary Justo Mwale Theological College in Lusaka, Zambia The University of Stellenbosch in Stellenbosch, South Africa

* Enrollment figures are based on 2008 data from the Association of Theological Schools.

100 E. 27th Street • Austin, TX 78705 • 800.241.1085 •

Austin, TexasFounded 1902

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Before coming to Austin Seminary, Scott Wipperman worked in the fast-paced world of financial planning. “The whole time I was

talking about retirement with people, I was always a bit conflicted: Am I really getting them to put their trust in the wrong place?”

Scott began to feel God nudging him a little at a time, through church involvement and through feedback he got after giving a presentation at a Presbyterian Cursillo conference. He wondered, “Is God calling me to be a pastor?” He had never considered that question before, but says looking back on his life, he saw things that “all of a sudden weren’t quite so random events. There was a thread running through these things.” As a student, Scott was most surprised about the supportive ethos at Austin Seminary. “To come into an environment where people are truly interested in your success . . . I’ve been amazed how students pull together, at how the professors take the time and energy to help someone who is having trouble,” he says. In stark contrast to his frenetic stock-brokering days, Scott found solace serving as the chapel “beadle,” preparing the elements of worship or carrying the processional cross, learning first-hand about the liturgical aspects of worship. Today, as a pastor in Salt Lake City, Scott is more confident about the nature of the message he has to offer—and grateful to the place that nurtured him.

The FacultyThe two dozen Christian scholars who make up our faculty integrate into their own daily lives a spirit of devotion to the mission of God’s church in the world. This dedication is evident both in and outside the classroom; in a typical year, these scholars/ pastors will preach and teach in more than five hundred settings around the country.

The StudentsThe top three areas in which our students felt stronger as a result of their seminary education are trust in God, self-knowledge, and respect for their own religious traditions.

The LocationHome to one of the nation’s largest universities as well as the seat of state government, Austin is a welcoming community whose cultural diversity and tolerant attitude make it easy to fit in. As the self-proclaimed “Live Music Capital of the World,” Austin is considered one of the nation’s top creative cities and one of the best cities for relocating families.

Fun FactsFor more than fifty years Austin Seminary’s faculty, students, and staff have challenged their colleagues at Seminary of the Southwest in a football game called the Polity Bowl. Presbyterian Polity has reigned for several years, but with our quarterback’s imminent graduation, we’re on the lookout for her replacement!

For the glory of God and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary is a seminary in the Presbyterian-Reformed tradition whose mission is to educate and equip individuals for the ordained Christian ministry and

other forms of Christian service and leadership; to employ its resources in the service of the church; to promote and engage in critical theological thought and research; and to be a winsome and exemplary community of God’s people.

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Columbia Theological Seminary413 Students28 Faculty

Degrees OfferedMaster of Divinity Master of Arts in Theological StudiesMaster of TheologyDoctor of MinistryDoctor of Educational MinistryDoctor of Theology in Pastoral Care and Counseling

Joint Degrees Offered Master of Divinity/Master of Science in Urban Policy Studies, a dual degree program with Georgia State University.

Special Programs Evening/weekend Master of Divinity classesCenter for Lifelong Learning, offering courses and other educational opportunities for church professionals and lay leaders

Mission Columbia Theological Seminary is an educational institution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and a community of theological inquiry and formation for ministry in the service of the church of Jesus Christ.

PartnershipsCross-registration and library privileges at Atlanta-area universities

701 Columbia Drive • Decatur, GA 30030 • 877.548.2817 •

Decatur, GeorgiaFounded 1828

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Before seminary, I served for thirteen years as music director in a medium-size church. It was this ministry that shaped my faith and brought

me and my family to Atlanta, to a culture far removed from my mountain home.

All my life, it seems I’ve been torn between cultures. As a defensive lineman on my high school football team, five minutes before halftime I would change into my drum major outfit to lead the marching band. As a jazz musician, I defended backbeat and bebop to my classically trained college piano professor. I’ve defended my military service to pacifist friends, explained my liberal tendencies to conservative friends, and insisted to traditional friends that the engagement of contemporary culture is necessary and critical to the formation of Christian faith. When I left Colorado for seminary, I thought I could finally choose one path, one culture. I would study to be a pastor, and if that meant giving up music—something I had done professionally for twenty-four years—I could do that.

As a symbolic, grand gesture of turning my back on music, I donated my baby grand piano to my church.

However, at Columbia, I was encouraged to reexamine this binary choice between music and ministry. By participating in chapel worship services, I began to see how I might be able to quote Calvin and Chris Rice, Ignatius and Isaac Watts, and not be corrupted.

However, I didn’t really begin to integrate my musical and theological selves until one Sunday

when my friend Michael Morgan, Columbia’s seminary musician, invited me to play at Central Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. Right after a beautiful service of traditional and contemporary music, God clubbed me over the head with a 2-by-4. Well, not literally a 2-by-4, but rather, the unexpected generosity of a couple in that church, who felt led by God to offer me, a complete stranger, their grand piano, which had been their wedding gift to each other years before.

It was a gift so precious and so complex that I am still unable to comprehend what it really means. But this gift helped me accept who I am: a musician, a student of theology, but above all, a child of God, shaped and molded by God, for God’s purposes. The professors at Columbia have helped continue this process, challenging me to expand my understanding of God’s mysterious plan for us all. God wants not just that little part that thinks about theology, or that preaches, or that reads the Bible, or that goes to church on Sunday. God wants every bit of us, including those parts that hope, fail, cry, laugh, sing, shout, despair, rage, regret, and even play jazz piano.

God took something that I felt strongly I should abandon, and put it back in front of me, saying, “David, I gave this to you, so who are you to throw it away?”

At Columbia, God surrounded me with a community that cares enough to kick me out of my comfort zone, while giving me a safe place to make the journey to ministry.

—David Hawkins, MDiv, 2009

Columbia Theological Seminary is an educational institution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). It is a community focused on theological inquiry and ministry formation in the service of the church of Jesus Christ. Its mission is to educate women and men

for leadership in ordained and lay ministries through graduate degree and continuing education programs. In addition, the seminary strives to provide theological resources for the denomination, the ecumenical church, and persons with a variety of theological concerns.

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University of Dubuque Theological Seminary148 Students16 Faculty

Degrees OfferedMaster of Divinity: Residential and Distance EducationMaster of Arts in ReligionDoctor of Ministry

Joint Degrees Offered3/3 Program (BA/MDiv)3/2 Program (BA/MAR)

Special Programs Distance Education Commissioned Lay Pastor TrainingNative American ProgramContinuing Education Program

PartnershipsWartburg Theological SeminaryNative American Theological Education Consortium

2000 University Avenue • Dubuque, IA 52001 • 800.369.UDTS •

Dubuque, IowaFounded 1852

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God calls people from all walks of life. In 2001, I began to discern God’s call to ministry from my profession as a mechanic. I tried to ignore

it. After a few years of hearing affirmations, such as, “When are going to become a youth pastor?” my pastor handed me a stack of seminary brochures, including one from the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary (UDTS).

Though I was hesitant, my wife, Kim, and I attended an Exploring a Call to Ministry weekend at UDTS. The conference affirmed my call to ministry and left no doubt that Dubuque was the place for me.

I had not earned a bachelor’s degree, but the University of Dubuque offered a 3/3 program that allowed me to save a year of study by combining undergraduate and seminary programs.

Dubuque is a diverse, welcoming community: neighbors help neighbors . . . women and men build friendships that last a lifetime . . . faculty, staff, and students break bread together . . . children play and grow with joy.

The courses at UDTS are challenging, rooted in the Christian tradition, and practical. Professors with extensive pastoral experience routinely relate their academic disciplines to the realities of ministry. Students are given opportunities to serve churches in a supervised environment while taking classes. I have been equipped with the theological foundation and tools for ministry and given the support to go forward with confidence!

God is at work at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. I have been truly blessed by the opportunity to learn and serve in such an institution.

—Jeffrey Spencer, MDiv, 2009

I have felt called into ministry since I was in middle school. Along the way, however, life happened and seminary was placed on the back burner. I went

to college, got married, and started a family. My husband, Cory, went to seminary and is now a chaplain in the U.S. Army Reserves.

In the fall of 2006, at the age of twenty-eight, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. In the face of a life-changing illness, I felt my sense of call deepen, and there was a sense of urgency to complete my degree and start a formal ministry. Since Cory and I were not able to afford to attend seminary at the same time, I began to research ways of attending part time or online.

I found an article on the PC(USA) Web site discussing the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary distance education programs and announcing the new Distance Education MDiv program. It has been a perfect match. I have been able to attend seminary while working full time as well as being a full- time mom—all without having to leave our home church and supportive community! When my husband transitions to active duty, no matter where we are stationed, I will be able to continue my education and pursue my call.

—Ellen Germain, MDiv candidate

The University of Dubuque Theological Seminary is an ecumenical seminary of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Its purpose is to advance the mission and ministry of the church of Jesus Christ by preparing women and men for faithful,

compassionate, and effective pastoral and lay ministry in congregations. The seminary seeks to live as an academy of the church and a community of Christians reflecting the glory of the one God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary206 Students23 Faculty

Degrees OfferedMaster of DivinityMaster of Arts in Marriage and Family TherapyMaster of Arts (Religion)Master of TheologyDoctor of Ministry

Joint Degrees OfferedDual competency degrees in Law, Business, Education, Marriage and Family Therapy, Social Work, and Spirituality with neighboring universities

Special Programs Field Education ProgramPastoral Care and CounselingTravel Seminars

PartnershipsThe Louisville InstituteRecognized to train AME, CME, AME Zion, United Methodist clergyThe $200,000 Grawemeyer Award in Religion with the University of Louisville Metroversity, TEAM-A, two constortiums of universities, colleges, seminaries permitting cross-registration

1044 Alta Vista Road • Louisville, KY 40205 • 800.264.1839 •

Louisville, Kentucky Founded 1852

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During her first year at LPTS, Sandra Moon (MDiv/JD) did her field education at a men’s medium- security prison and gained a general perspective about prison chaplaincy and the challenges that exist within that system. “My experience there brought my theology to life as I worked with incarcerated men who had to confront forgiveness and reconciliation, and accept God’s grace and love in a way very different from people I previously worked with. Through field education, my faith and theology were challenged, strengthened, and nurtured in remarkable ways. It was one of the most valuable learning experiences in my entire seminary career, and it will undoubtedly shape my future ministry,” she said.

MDiv student Katrina Pekich-Bundy served a suburban congregation, where the ministers and the congregation provided space to explore social justice ministries within the church. “At the time, the church had an interim pastor, which helped me to understand the process of searching for a pastor,” Katrina said. “The experience helped me to discern my calling to serve in ordained ministry in an inner city church dealing directly with social justice issues.”

As a Marriage and Family Therapy student, Lacey Kilchenman strengthened her clinical experience at a treatment facility, where she was “able to stretch my therapeutic toolbox and learn more expressive ways to treat patients with acute needs.” She worked with children and adolescents by utilizing play therapy. “As a creative person, I enjoyed involving the arts in a therapeutic setting. I also participated in a multidisciplinary experience, working with doctors, social workers, nurses, mental health workers, and activity therapists who helped me explore how to best care for patients,” she said.

“As I considered a field education placement, I recognized that there was a gap in my training,” said MDiv student Jonathan Jones, who explained he had little experience working with the fastest growing demographic in the U.S., older adults. “My assignment at a local retirement community helped me learn about the daily lives of an important group of people, who will be an integral part of serving as a pastor. My field education placement was a blessing and a privilege. I was transformed by the experience.”

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary is called by God through the church to educate men and women to participate in the redemptive ministry of Jesus Christ in the world.

Louisville Seminary offers theological education that is grounded in the history and Scripture of the Christian movement, informed by the Presbyterian and Reformed traditions, and guided by the vision of an ecumenical church that is committed to ministry in a global, multicultural, and religiously diverse context, and to religious leadership that is competent in the practices of Christian ministry.

At Louisville Seminary, students are strongly encouraged to seek field experiences in diverse settings—unfamiliar places that are counter to their upbringing. Master of Divinity degree students are required to take four semesters of field education, and all students are expected to immerse themselves in placements that stretch, challenge, and expand preconceived notions of ministry and service.

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McCormick Theological Seminary273 Students21 Faculty

Degrees OfferedMaster of DivinityDoctor of MinistryMaster of Theological Studies

Joint Degrees OfferedMaster of Divinity/Master of Social Work with the University of Chicago and with Loyola UniversityEcumenical Doctor of Ministry with Catholic Theological Union and Lutheran School of Theology at ChicagoACTS Doctor of Ministry in Preaching

Special Programs Urban Ministry

PartnershipsAssociation of Chicago Theological Schools, a consortium of Chicago seminaries permitting cross-registrationLutheran School of Theology at ChicagoChicago Center for Global Ministries

5460 S. University Avenue • Chicago, IL 60615 • 800.228.4687 •

Chicago, Illinois Founded 1829

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Incoming students often cite a desire to be pushed outside of their comfort zones as the primary reason for choosing McCormick for their theological

education. That’s what brought Anna Kendig, a Minneapolis native raised in a large, predominantly white congregation, to the seminary’s campus on the South Side of Chicago. “I knew that my context, though it was nurturing and affirming, is not everyone’s context,” Anna said. “Seeing the deeper needs and realities of the church required a degree of growth and personal encounter with the world outside of my own limited experiences.”

The crux of Anna’s spiritual formation at McCormick was her work in a course entitled “Racial Identity and White Privilege.” The course was developed as both a natural extension of the seminary’s missional commitments and as a response to the PC(USA)’s charge to integrate anti-racism training into seminary curricula.

For Anna, the course provided a framework for understanding her own identity as a multiracial person and gave her the ability to find in other people threads of commonality across profoundly different theologies, social locations, and cultural backgrounds. She was able to develop a vocabulary with which she

could help others both explore the intricacies of racial identity and think critically about the multilayered contexts in which they live. Perhaps even more important was a model for what she calls “a riskier, more authentic way to be church.”

“The class was an experience of opening up an issue in a very deep and personal way with a diverse group of colleagues and ultimately recognizing how critical it is to be able to do that in our own places of ministry.”

As Anna considers life after McCormick, she is excited about the prospect of working in the area of church revitalization, applying the pastoral skills she has honed in the classroom, in her field site work, and in a seminary community living and worshipping together.

“Nobody wants to be uncomfortable, but we all want community. That’s a contradiction we all face, and at its best I see church as a model for how people can love one another through the tension and discomfort of our differences. But that kind of love and that kind of church don’t just happen with good intentions. It’s deeper than that and requires intentionality and negotiation across our differences. It’s hard work, but it’s the work to which God has called me.”

Actively engaged in a diverse world, McCormick Theological Seminary is a seminary of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) that educates women and men for service in Christian ministry and faithful leadership in God’s world. McCormick offers a program

of study that builds on and contributes to the Reformed tradition and engages students in commitment to God and renewal of the global church. The seminary desires to create a community where academic excellence, critical reflection, and faithful witness are commonly valued and actively pursued. It provides settings where persons and communities are transformed in faithfulness to God and biblical tradition. It shapes visions for ministries in urban locations and integrates cross-cultural and ecumenical learning into classrooms and communities. In all it does, McCormick Theological Seminary supports congregations and governing bodies in developing Christian ministry in a changing, broken, and fearful world.

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Pittsburgh Theological Seminary318 Students24 Faculty

Degrees OfferedMaster of DivinityMaster of ArtsMaster of Sacred TheologyDoctor of Ministry

Joint Degrees OfferedDual professional degrees in Social Work, Law, and Public Policy in conjunction with local universities

Certificate ProgramsChristian LeadershipCommissioned Lay Pastor Pneuma, Spiritual Direction and LeadershipWorld Christian Discipleship

Special Programs Metro-Urban InstituteSummer Youth Institute World Mission Initiative Center for Business, Religion and Public LifeKelso Bible Lands Museum and Biblical Archaeology

616 N. Highland Avenue • Pittsburgh, PA 15206 • 800.451.4194 •

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Founded 1794

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While most think of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary as a school for the preparation of pastors, some who study there are destined

for different callings. Matt Harbaugh participated in the Seminary’s Summer Youth Institute in 2002. SYI provides a Christian community challenging youth to grow in faith and to gain a deeper understanding of the gospel and its implications for today’s world. For two weeks each July, high school scholars from across the United States study the Bible with Pittsburgh Seminary faculty, shadow local pastors, engage in mission with the community, and worship, reflect, and pray daily. The program reflects Pittsburgh’s commitment to raising up a new generation of leadership for the Church. “I wanted to be involved in church leadership and incorporate medicine into a ministry of some kind,” said Matt. “I saw SYI as an opportunity for me to explore church leadership and network with seminary students as well as other young people with similar interests.” Now a college graduate, he is a medical student at the University of Pittsburgh. Although he did not feel that theological education was his calling, he plans to be continually involved in church leadership and ministry for years to come.

Matt’s connection to Pittsburgh Theological Seminary continues in another significant way: his wife, Bethany, is now a student at the seminary. Matt and Bethany met during their college years, when they both volunteered as leaders of an after-school children’s program at a local church. Teaching the Bible to elementary children grew into a joint love of ministry for children and youth. At their current church, they teach a junior high Sunday school class together as well as share their faith with the senior highs at youth group. They plan to continue working together in ministry. Although still considering her options, Bethany plans to pursue parish ministry.

The Harbaughs are a great example of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary’s emphasis on bridging the Word and the world. Matt and Bethany both appreciate Pittsburgh’s focus on missions. “It is extremely important to me to share the message of Jesus Christ with others, and I appreciate that Pittsburgh Seminary helps to provide opportunities for mission through cross-cultural trips,” said Bethany. The Harbaughs are remaining open to a possible call to the mission field in order to use their gifts of ministry and medicine inside and outside of Pittsburgh.

On a dynamic and challenging global stage, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary plays its part in God’s redemption of the world through Jesus Christ by preparing leaders who proclaim with great joy God’s message of good news in both word and deed!

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Princeton Theological Seminary640 Students52 Full-Time Faculty 13 Adjunct Faculty

Degrees OfferedMaster of DivinityMaster of Arts in Christian EducationMaster of Arts in Theological StudiesMaster of TheologyDoctor of Philosophy

Dual Degrees OfferedMDiv/MA

Joint Degrees OfferedMaster of Divinity/Master of Social Work with Rutgers University

PartnershipsNational Capital Semester for SeminariansInter-institutional arrangements with Princeton University, Westminster Choir College of Rider University, and New Brunswick Theological Seminary

P.O. Box 821 • Princeton, NJ 08542 • 800.622.6767 •

Princeton, New JerseyFounded 1812

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In preparing for ministry in the church of Jesus Christ, Princeton Seminary’s Master of Divinity students have the opportunity to take courses in

different religions and to study in other cultures. Deanna Ferree Womack, who is the daughter of a Princeton Seminary alumnus, is now in Lebanon teaching religious education classes and serving as a chaplain with the Secondary Evangelical School administered by the National Evangelical (Presbyterian) Synod of Lebanon and Syria. Here is her story in her own words:

“My journey began at the end of the spring semester of my senior year when I learned of a PTS seminar on Christian-Muslim relations in the Sultanate of Oman. Only two days after graduating from Princeton Seminary, I set off for the capital city of Muscat along with five other PTS students. We were met there by the Reverend Michael Bos, director of the Reformed Church of America’s Al-Amana Center, and PTS professor Richard Young.

“My classmates and I focused on three major areas of study: Islam, the history of Muslim-Christian relations, and theology of religions. All are areas that one must consider when engaging in Muslim-Christian dialogue, and this became apparent in our class sessions with Michael Bos and in lectures given by Muslims and Christians living around Muscat. We learned to recognize the diversity within the Muslim community and to examine the relationship between the religion of Islam and Islamic culture. We also found

that there is a limit to the knowledge one can acquire from books or holy texts. A deeper understanding of Islam comes through personal interaction with Muslims.

“During the trip, I began to see Oman as a poten-tial bridge between the Islamic world and the West because it raises a voice of moderation against Islamic extremism. When I refer to Oman as an environment of “moderate” Islam, I do not mean it is a Muslim country that has become Westernized. Although Oman has achieved much technological and economic development and has embraced aspects of Western culture, it remains a highly religious country. The vast majority of its citizens are Muslim.

“The Omanis we met were welcoming and interested in our lives as Americans, and they made a point to condemn terrorism. They also expressed concern that the Western world has misunderstood the character of Islam. Visiting a country of such openness and moderation reminded me of the need to listen more closely to Muslims around the world whose sincere faith leads them to denounce religious extremism.

“Christian-Muslim dialogue involves give-and-take from both sides. It requires both parties’ genuine interest in learning from the other and openness to new experiences. As for us, we will be able to share our experiences in Oman with our own congregations and to emphasize the importance of engaging with Muslims in our own communities in the United States.”

Princeton Theological Seminary prepares women and men to serve Jesus Christ in ministries marked by faith, integrity, scholarship, competence, compassion, and joy. It seeks to equip them for leadership worldwide in congregations and the larger

church, in classrooms and the academy, and in the public arena. As a professional and graduate school of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the seminary stands within the Reformed tradition. It affirms the sovereignty of the triune God over all creation, the gospel of Jesus Christ as God’s saving word for all people, the renewing power of the word and Spirit in all of life, and the unity of Christ’s servant church throughout the world. This tradition shapes the instruction, research, practical training, and continuing education provided by the seminary, as well as the theological scholarship it promotes.

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San Francisco Theological Seminary428 Students23 Faculty

Degrees OfferedMaster of DivinityMaster of Arts in Theological StudiesDoctor of MinistryD. Min. with emphases in Pastoral Care and Counseling, Spiritual Direction, Urban Ministry, and Spiritual Leadership

Joint Degrees OfferedMaster of ArtsMaster of Arts/Master of Divinity Doctor of PhilosophyDoctor of Theology(All joint degrees are offered in conjunction with the Graduate Theological Union.)

Special Programs Diploma in the Art of Spiritual DirectionDiploma in Spiritual Formation StudiesCertificate in Ministry Studies (Lay Pastor Training)Program in Christian Spirituality The Lloyd Center for Pastoral Counseling

PartnershipsFounding member of the Graduate Theological Union, the largest partnership of seminaries and graduate schools in the United States, located in Berkeley, California

105 Seminary Road • San Anselmo, CA 94960 • 800.447.8820 • 54 N. Oakland Avenue • Pasadena, CA 91101 • 800.473.8772

San Anselmo/Pasadena, CaliforniaFounded 1871

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Known as Kobie to friends and classmates, the senior at SFTS’ Southern California campus has been profoundly shaped by her childhood


One reason Kobie’s faith is rich is that she grew up poor. One reason she fights for inclusion is that she had to experience apartheid in South Africa.

Despite times when she went to bed hungry, Kobie has always felt God’s presence in her life thanks to her grandmother. Kobie learned from her grandmother to pray, to forgive, and to see God in the small things. From an early age, Kobie learned that Christ is revealed to people just like her: the poor, the ostracized, and the outcast. The church was the one place she could feel Christ’s love even though her family was from “the wrong side of the tracks.”

Yet, she discovered that the church that welcomed her with open arms did not welcome everyone. She was taught that apartheid was good and beneficial for all, but she felt something was not right.

“The realization that I lived in an unjust world came piece by piece,” Kobie recalls. “I began to question everything I was taught was real and true. It would shake my very trust in the church and its members.”

She remembers riding home from school on a bus, when some children would shout insults to the Africans walking next to the road. “Growing up poor I had also received such hateful insults, so I identified with the people walking down the road. Everything screamed in me that this must be wrong.”

Kobie began to feel God’s call to ministry while in high school, and she earned a BA in theology and a Master’s degree in Greek. But she put God’s call on hold, realizing that although the church had opened ordination for women a year earlier, there was no real prospect for a call. Patriarchy, just as segregation, was still very much alive in the Dutch Reformed Church.

Kobie and her husband came to the U.S. in 2001. When her husband received a call to serve Brentwood Presbyterian Church, she enrolled at SFTS so she could answer God’s call to ministry at long last. She appreciates the Presbyterian Church’s history of women’s ordination and social justice work, especially the fight that helped end apartheid in South Africa, and the opportunity to attend SFTS while also working and raising her family.

“What an adventure the SFTS experience has been! Seminary turned out to be more than academic knowledge and ministry skills. Every night students from diverse cultural backgrounds come together to form the unique community that is SFTS. We learn by what is taught in class but also by the dynamic community formed by the diverse student body. One of our professors calls it the ‘unintentional curriculum’: learning from one another. Reflecting back on my time spent at SFTS, I can joyfully share that it has been a blessed time of learning, discovering, discerning, spiritual growth, and experi-encing community uniquely.”

San Francisco Theological Seminary prepares leaders for the church of Jesus Christ sent by the Holy Spirit in God’s mission to the world. We are scholars and servants of the church devoted to biblical interpretation and theological education in the

Reformed tradition within an ecumenical context. We are committed to the education of students in spiritual formation, critical theological reflection, and the skills and arts of ministry, to serve in congregations, the wider church, the classroom, and the public sphere.

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Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary21 students26 full-time faculty (20 from Interdenominational Theological Center)

Degrees OfferedMaster of Arts in Christian EducationMaster of Arts in Church Music Master of DivinityDoctor of MinistryDoctor of Theology in Pastoral Care and Counseling

Joint Degrees OfferedMaster of Divinity/Master of Public Health with Morehouse School of Medicine

Special Programs Recruitment Conference for African American Presbyterian YouthBiblical Studies Club, including travel seminarsInternship opportunitiesMission study tours, domestic and international

PartnershipsMember of Interdenominational Theological CenterEducating clergy in Africa, with the Presbyterian Church of East Africa and other Presbyterian denominations in AfricaThe Henry Highland Garnett Presbyterian Campus Ministry Program, Atlanta University Center, with the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta

700 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, SW • Atlanta, GA 30314 • 404.527.7781 •

Atlanta, GeorgiaFounded 1867

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Vital organizations become so because of the involvement of dedicated individuals. Often those individuals are themselves beneficiaries

of the organization’s mission. Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary lives today because it has served well for 142 years and because those who benefited from that service have returned to support the seminary. Robert M. Burkins, a graduate of the seminary and pastor of the Elmwood United Presbyterian Church in East Orange, NJ, is a prime example of the seminary’s best gifts to the church. In his ministry the seminary’s mission becomes reality. Now Pastor Burkins’ vision is driving the seminary forward.

As chair of the seminary trustees, Rev. Burkins is leading the implementation of a new business plan. Informing that process is his proposed vision around which the future ministry will be built. The vision, “Preparing Pioneering Leaders,” will lead the school into a new paradigm for ministry and a new approach to theological education.

Rev. Burkins explains: “Much of the current interpre-tation of theology has de-emphasized the importance of developing pioneering leaders (i.e., disciples). In fact, most churches place greater emphasis on church growth than in being faithful to discerning the will of God for our life together.

“Johnson C. Smith’s obligation is to nurture students who will become pioneering leaders who understand that the benediction . . . must be just as powerful as the opening of the church doors for prayer, praise, and preaching the Word.

“We need clergy persons who are equally well trained in exegeting Scripture and identifying community resources. Pioneering leaders do not merely look to the larger church or the local collection plate to underwrite ministry. . . . Rather, they are individuals who accept the incarnational witness of the gospel and who seek to nurture disciples who will change the world.”

In this paradigm the community’s investment in the mission is just as important as the congregation’s investment in the health of the community.

Speaking of his experience in seminary, Rev. Burkins recalls a more limited approach: “We were prepared as leaders with a somewhat bifurcated vocation: on the one hand, to nurture the ethnocentric faith of the congregation, and on the other, to care for and serve the community. . . . We need new paradigms . . . that would develop pioneering leaders. . . . These leaders must be entrepreneurial; like Jesus they will be able to go into their communities and ‘turn the water into wine.’ They must be pioneering leaders who have the ability to identify the resources within a community and create partnerships for change and development.

“The missional church requires leaders who have the capacity to understand their context and develop congregations in which pastors are not the sole decision makers. Rather, as pastors we must understand that we are called to make disciples and those disciples are, by definition, leaders. In preparing pioneering leaders for the missional church, I believe that Johnson C. Smith can internalize and externalize resurrection experience in its students and graduates.”

The mission of Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary is to serve God revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the Christ. The seminary’s particular calling is to prepare leadership for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) out of the African

American heritage and membership of our denomination.

Seminarians are educated through the resources of the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC), a consortium of six historically black Protestant seminaries, of which Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary is the PC (USA) constituent. ITC enrollment: 572. ITC provides 20 of 26 faculty positions at the seminary.

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Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian Education

344 Students33 Faculty

Degrees OfferedMaster of DivinityMaster of Arts in Christian EducationMaster of Divinity/Master of Arts in Christian EducationMaster of TheologyDoctor of Philosophy

Special Programs Project Burning Bush, for high school students exploring vocation and the call to ministryKindling Weekend, for college students interested in learning more about MDiv and MACE degree programsInstitute for Reformed TheologyAsian American Ministry and Mission Center

PartnershipsUnion-PSCE at Charlotte, an extension program in Charlotte, North Carolina, at Queens University of CharlotteWashington Theological Consortium, a consortium of 10 theological institutions in Virginia and the Washington DC metro regionRehoboth Project, a collaboration with 10 presbyteries for pastoral education and renewalThe Blaze, a Montreat gathering for leaders in youth ministry, co-sponsored by Montreat Conference Center

3401 Brook Road • Richmond, VA 23227 • 800.229.2990 • www.union-psce.eduQueens University of Charlotte • 1900 Selwyn Avenue • Charlotte, NC 28274 • 704.337.2450 •

Richmond, Virginia/Charlotte, North CarolinaFounded 1812

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From its beginning as the Faculty of Theology at Hampden-Sydney College in 1812, Union Theological Seminary (UTS) sustained the

intention of its founders to provide education for Christian ministry that is scholarly, pastoral, and engaged with contemporary life. In 1898 UTS moved from Hampden-Sydney to Richmond, Virginia, and in 1914 the seminary was instrumental in establishing the Assembly’s Training School (ATS) for Lay Workers, renamed the Presbyterian School of Christian Education in 1959. In 1997 the two institutions united, creating Union-PSCE, a theological school dedicated to serving the Presbyterian Church and the church worldwide. In 2002 Union-PSCE at Charlotte was established on the campus of Queens University in Charlotte, North Carolina. Reflecting changes in culture and labor dynamics, this campus offers weekend classes for commuting students who are unable to move to Richmond or to commit to full-time study. For those who are farther removed, the Extended Campus Program provides a means for degree study beyond the campus.

“One of my favorite things about Union-PSCE is the wonderful people who make up our community,” says Lindy Vogado, an MDiv student from South Carolina. “From the diverse student body to the very accessible faculty and staff, the interactions that I’ve had with others on this campus have truly formed my education and shaped my sense of calling.”

The Union-PSCE campus is rich with markers of its historical commitment to preparing men and women to lead the Church in its mission in the world. While the main quad is modeled on Jefferson’s “academical community” at the University of Virginia, the entrances to the buildings surrounding the quad face not inward,

but outward, signifying the school’s mission to the world. The beginnings of the ATS lie in a 1907 request from a young Annie Wilson to attend lectures at the male-only seminary in preparation for her appointment as a foreign missions worker. In the 1950s the school’s tennis courts were among the handful in Richmond where future Wimbledon champion Arthur Ashe, an African American, was allowed to practice as a boy. And in 1968 PSCE opened its campus and dorms to marchers traveling to Washington to begin the Poor People’s Campaign. Today, student-faculty Service Days and Disaster Relief mission trips continue this commitment to serve others in the name of Christ.

Many find the faculty’s commitment to the community and to students particularly inspiring. “Some of the most formative aspects of my seminary education at Union-PSCE have been conversations and collabo-rations with faculty members,” says Jenny McDevitt, an MDiv/MACE dual degree student. “I have been encouraged to pursue topics about which I am deeply passionate, and have been challenged to engage topics I would have preferred to avoid. As a result, I am better prepared to participate in the life of the church not only with enthusiasm, but also with integrity and a deep sense of responsibility.”

That same sense of responsibility is what Brint Keyes, a ThM student, finds exciting. “President (Brian) Blount’s vision for the school as an active member of the local community is unlike any that I’ve ever seen at a seminary. He not only preaches about the inbreaking reign of God, but has outlined plans for the seminary to be part of that reign here in Richmond. His vision of mixed-use housing and a sliding-scale medical clinic shows a real and practical commitment to ‘practicing what we preach.’ ”

Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian Education equips Christian leaders for ministry in the world – a sacred vocation that requires deep learning, commitment to service, and an ability to read culture and circumstance in

the light of the rich resources of Scripture and theological tradition. The seminary’s core mission is to participate in the mission of the church by forming and equipping leaders for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.

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In covenant with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)Auburn Theological Seminary

40 studentsAuburn provides Presbyterian students enrolled at Union Theological Seminary in New York City with targeted academic planning for those pursuing ordination, workshops on topics current in the PC(USA), seminary courses in Presbyterian polity and Reformed worship, support in relating to Committees on Preparation for Ministry, and assistance in field placement in New York City-area congregations.

Degrees OfferedCertificate for Presbyterian students graduating from Union Theological Seminary, New YorkCertificates of Completion awarded for certain programsContinuing education units available

Joint Degrees OfferedDoctor of Ministry in Multifaith Education, granted by New York Theological Seminary

Special Programs Program for Presbyterians at UnionResearch on Theological Education Clergy CoachingMedia Training for Religious LeadersMultifaith Education

PartnershipsUnion Theological Seminary, New YorkThe Riverside Church, The Brick Church, and other congregations that co-sponsor Auburn programs

3041 Broadway • New York, NY 10027 • 212.662.4315 •

New York, New YorkFounded 1818

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“My faith and love of Jesus Christ are at the center of all I do,” says Kellie Anderson-Picallo, who recently completed

the Program for Presbyterian Students at Auburn Theological Seminary while graduating with her Master of Divinity from Union Seminary in New York City.

The wife, mother of two young children, and former television producer says the past few years have been a time of tremendous change and spiritual awakening. Suddenly ministry and theology have become her passions! Sensing God’s call to leave a successful career in media to serve the church, Kellie wanted to study theology, grow in her Christian faith, and prepare for leadership in the PC(USA) in an energized, diverse urban setting. “New York is where I’m supposed to be,” says the third-generation Presbyterian who came to Manhattan and seminary from Morningside Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. “I decided to attend Union because of its long- standing tradition of academic excellence and because the support Auburn Seminary provides every Presbyterian student at Union made this my best option for an ecumenical, urban, and Presbyterian seminary experience.”

A candidate for ordination in the PC(USA), Kellie believes that God is calling her to be a pastor serving a local congregation. She’d also like to use her experience in media to challenge and equip her

congregations to relate the good news of the gospel to real personal and societal issues. “There is a dearth of responsible voices in the religious media. Often what we hear is narrow, doesn’t speak for all Christians, and leaves many, many faithful people feeling like they’re on the sidelines. Hopefully, my pastoral skills, my experience as a producer, and my respect for multifaith perspectives can widen this conversation and offer a more balanced perspective to people who want to follow and serve Christ in the world.”

Auburn has partnered with Kellie and her fellow Presbyterians at Union every step on their journey of preparation for ministry. “Seminary isn’t easy. To absorb, battle, deconstruct, and challenge the faith foundation that you thought held you together is exhausting. I’ve had to walk away from everything I believe – the cross, Jesus, and even the sacraments – to have them all come back as my own.” Three things have helped Kellie build a more solid faith foundation as she prepares for service to the Presbyterian Church: Auburn courses on Reformed worship and polity that grounded her in her theological tradition; an advanced Union seminar on John Calvin, which included a deep engagement with the Institutes of the Christian Religion; and the ongoing practical support Auburn provides Presbyterian students throughout the ordination process.

In its unique urban ministry setting, Auburn works to create a Presbyterian experience for students at Union Theological Seminary, New York, preparing for ministry in the PC(USA). As a non-degree-granting institution, Auburn welcomes several thousand

participants each year – educators, clergy and lay leaders, teens and an interested public – who deepen their skills and broaden their vision through educational programs.

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Seminario Evangelico de Puerto Rico188 Students8 Full-Time Faculty15 Part-Time Faculty

Degrees OfferedMaster of Divinity Master of Arts in ReligionDoctor of Ministry in Pastoral Care for FamiliesCertificate in Theology

Special Programs Certificate Program in Theology for church lay leaders, with specializations in Missions and Christian EducationContinuing Education

PartnershipsUnited Methodist Church of Puerto Rico Christian Church, Disciples of ChristBaptist Churches of Puerto RicoUnited Evangelical Church of Puerto RicoLutheran Evangelical Church of Puerto Rico

776 Ponce de Leon Avenue • San Juan, Puerto Rico 00925 • 787.763.6700 •

San Juan, Puerto RicoFounded 1919

In covenant with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

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Sitting under a lamppost in a dusty street in the Indian province of Punjab, 10-year-old Megh Goyal imagined a world beyond the poverty,

hunger, and violence surrounding him. Trying to imitate the beauty of the masterful poetry at hand, he wrote: Lord, have I had wings I would fly away . . . In order to teach others

Twenty-three years later, Megh began putting his dream into action when he flew to Puerto Rico, after doing graduate work in the United States, to teach others as a young scholar in the field of agricultural engineering. An avid and curious learner, Megh found a Christian community and enrolled in a course for lay pastors offered by the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico. The course opened his mind to new vistas of how Christian ministry can be empowered by creative, critical, and careful biblical interpretation. Through this class, Megh understood that there was a space for him at the seminary. “In the faculty that taught these courses, I could not only see people who were well-versed in their respective disciplines, but also people who modeled a way of living that was a faithful expression of their call to ministry,” Megh said. With this conviction, he entered the Master of Divinity program even as he was learning to pronounce and understand the Spanish language.

Like Megh, many others have joined this community of learners where the Christian call is discerned and where dreams of what is possible within the world are forged. Whether they are second-career professionals like Megh or recent college graduates, students come,

as one said, “with the heart placed in the church and the heartbeat in the streets.” The seminary stresses the contextualization of traditional disciplines to attend to both the needs of local churches and to the social reality that churches are called to engage in order to transform. The curriculum includes courses such as Ministry with Disabled Persons, Legal Aspects of Pastoral Ministry, Human Sexuality and the Church, and The Church’s Response to Addictions. The study of Bible, theology, and Christian history is enhanced by the deliberate inclusion of global voices, with an emphasis on the contributions of Latin American, Caribbean, and Hispanic scholars.

As the first Spanish-language theological institution accredited by the Association of Theological Schools of the United States and Canada and the only Protestant Spanish-language institution to have that accreditation, the seminary attracts students from around the world. The seminary is preparing to graduate a group of commissioned lay pastors who are forming new congregations among Asian, African, Pakistani, and Latin American immigrant communities in the United States.

As an engineering professor, Megh teaches ways to improve the effectiveness of cultivation because he is convinced this effort will ultimately alleviate starvation. He also pastors a congregation using the tools he learned at the seminary, convinced, as he once said, that “the field is ready for the harvest.” Megh is realizing the daydream of his poem. “In my Christian teaching,” he said, “the force of my reason follows the yearnings of my heart.”

The Seminario Evangelico de Puerto Rico’s primary purpose is the training of pastoral and lay leaders for service in the ministry and the mission of God’s people in Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the United States of America. As an ecumenical

center for theological education, it represents five Protestant denominations, including the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), by covenant agreement. This relationship retains a margin of autonomy essential to creative theological work, faithfulness to biblical revelation, and a relevance to the contemporary world.

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30 fund







sHow is theological education funded in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)?Our seminaries operate on tuition, contributions, grants, endowments, and an annual contribution from the PC(USA)’s Theological Education Fund (TEF).

What is the TEF?The TEF is a fund comprised of monies contributed by Presbyterian congregations on an annual basis. It is the only source of denomination-wide funding for PC(USA) seminaries.

How are Presbyterians expected to help fund theological education?Each congregation is asked to make a contribution of 1% of its local operating budget (all monies expended for current operations of congregations as reported in the General Assembly Minutes, Statistical Reports, Part II, line 25) to the TEF each year.

Why do we need to fund seminaries on a denomination-wide basis when they already raise funds on their own?The monies our seminaries raise are not enough to cover expenses and to offer scholarships. Perhaps more important, our schools should be able to count on denomination-wide support to do the work we Presbyterians are asking of them — educating leaders who can preach, teach, and pray in the Reformed tradition. A 1%-per-year gift to the TEF is considered a congregation’s proportionate share of educating church leaders.

Given that our congregation’s finances are tight, how can we contribute to the TEF?Though 1% is the goal, your session can designate less. Some churches begin with a modest contribution and increase their giving each year until they reach the full 1%.

One percent seems like a nominal amount. Can we give more?Absolutely! One percent is a not a limit. Feel free to give as much as you can.

How are TEF monies distributed among the Presbyterian seminaries?The Committee on Theological Education (COTE) — with thirteen members elected by the General Assembly plus a representative from each seminary — makes the allocations each year according to a formula developed by the COTE. The formula provides each school with a fair share of the funds, based on such factors as number of degrees granted and number of Presbyterian students.

Do all seminaries related to the PC(USA) receive TEF monies each year?All of our seminaries, except Auburn, receive funding through the TEF. The TEF is intended to support theological institutions offering degree programs that prepare women and men for professional ministry. Auburn’s focus is research and nondegree educational programs.

How does our congregation make a contribution to the TEF?Just include the TEF in your congregation and session’s annual budget planning process. Your session will then prepare a check and accompanying paperwork, both clearly marked “Theological Education Fund, account #TE999999,” and submit them through the regular channel that your church uses when sending funds for General Assembly causes.

How can we get more information about the TEF and other ways to support theological education?Visit











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Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary100 E. 27th StreetAustin, TX

Columbia Theological Seminary701 Columbia DriveDecatur, GA

University of Dubuque Theological Seminary2000 University AvenueDubuque, IA 52001800.369.UDTS

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary 1044 Alta Vista RoadLouisville, KY

McCormick Theological Seminary5460 S. University AvenueChicago, IL

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary616 N. Highland Avenue Pittsburgh, PA

Princeton Theological Seminary P.O. Box 821Princeton, NJ

San Francisco Theological SeminarySan Anselmo Campus105 Seminary Road San Anselmo, CA

Pasadena Campus54 N. Oakland AvenuePasadena, CA

Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary700 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, SWAtlanta, GA

Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian EducationRichmond Campus3401 Brook RoadRichmond, VA

Charlotte CampusQueens University of Charlotte 1900 Selwyn AvenueCharlotte, NC

Auburn Theological Seminary3041 BroadwayNew York, NY

Seminario Evangelico de Puerto Rico776 Ponce de Leon Avenue San Juan, Puerto Rico




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100 Witherspoon StreetLouisville, KY 40202