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Selichot Service

iKabbalah4All Siddur

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About Our SiddurAs an international online Sephardic Jewish community, it was important to create a siddur thatwould meet the needs of those who join us from all around the world and could be downloaded to acomputer or tablet. Our Siddur follows Nusach Ari and Nusach Edot HaMizrach (Sephardic). Wewelcome you to use our siddur whether you are joining us for services or praying on your own.

Kabbalah4All Transliteration Guidelines

a as in father

ai or ay as in aisle

e as in red

ei as in eight

i as in pizza

o as in no

oy as in toy

u as in tune

ch as in Bach in German (strong sound from the throat)

g as in give

tz as in lots

’ typically adds an “EH” sound after a consonant, this is known as a Shva Na orpronounced Shva as in the word “Sh’ma”.

- a dash is simply used to aid in pronounciation, usually if two like vowels follow eachother, as in the word “da-at.”

In Hebrew, the accent generally falls on the last syllable, however it sometimes falls somewhereelse in the word. In our transliteration, when the syllable falls somewhere else other than the lastsyllable, that stressed syllable will be underlined. Example: Melech.

Hebrew Rules

The following are some of the Hebrew rules you may notice in our siddur.

Kj¤l«¤n In Hebrew, the accent generally falls on the last syllable, however it sometimes fallssomewhere else in the word. Whenever a syllable other than the last is accented, a“meteg” (the vertical line under the first letter) will appear.

lÇk The “masoret” above the letter Chaf indicates that this is a Kamatz Katan, which ispronounced as “o”; in this example the word is “kol.”

Egœ§n §U ¦i The “rafe” above a letter indicates it is a Shva Na. This example is pronouncedyism’chu.Note that the rafe does not appear above the first letter of a word that has a Shvaas that is ALWAYS a Shva Na.

Please do not publish or distribute without permission.

All prefaces to prayers written and adapted by David Aharon L. Curtis for Kabbalah4All.Translated by David Aharon L. Curtis.Edited by David Aharon L. Curtis.

Copyright ©

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Used each day during the month of Elul and in the days between Rosh Hashanah andYom Kippur this connection unites us with the Light and with the consciousness ofs’licha, which means forgiveness, and we cleanse ourselves of our past negativeactions. The best time to do this connection is between nightfall and dawn, for it isduring this time when mercy is awakened.

The month of Elul is dedicated to teshuvah, which means to return. We return toourselves through introspection and to the Light through repentance for any negativeactions we may have done. It is not enough to just do this connection, we must alsofeel repentance for those actions and seek to correct them. The negative actions thatwe do determine our destiny. Teshuvah is the means through which we can reversethe effects of our negative past actions . It gives us the ability to go back in time andtransform the negative into positive. Therefore, we can change history through ourthoughts, remove chaos from our lives, and balance the accounts that remain openbetween ourselves and others.

We know that spiritual transformation is like a garden, we can’t simply plant the seedsand expect them to grow. We must also water and tend them. Likewise, we mustdedicate time to our transformation.

It is important to remember that the Creator has no need of our prayers, but throughthem we sense the Light within and our purpose in the world. In order for actions themto have an effect in our world and in our lives they must be coupled with theproper/matching intentions. Without intention, kavanah as known by the Kabbalists,our actions are meaningless.


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.i ¦pŸe£r l©r W¥T ©a §l ,z ¤xF «n §W © §A i ¦Y §n ©w .i ¦pFc §f aFx i¥pœ§R ¦n z ¤xF «g §x ©g §W i ¦W §t©p §e

.L«¤zi ¦r §x ©n o Ÿv ,L«¤zc£r l©r m ¥g ©xKamti b’ashmoret, l’vakesh al avoni.

V’nafshi sh’charchoret mip’nei rov z’doni.Rachem al adatecha, tz’on mar-itecha.

I have stood up during the watchhour, to ask (forgiveness) for my misdeeds.And my soul is blackened because of the abundance of my wickedness.

Have mercy on Your congregation, on the sheep You shepherd.

Wy¥Tw£a © DdzFe` ,dedi z ¥ ¥n i ¦Yz §l«© Wy z ©g © i©Ii ©g i ¥n §i lÇMk ,dedi zi ¥a §Aa i ¦Yz §a ¦Wy

.Felki ¥d §Aa x ¥Tw ©a §lEe dedi m©r «Ÿp §Aa zFef£g©lAchat sha-alti me-et Adonai, otah avakesh

shivti b’veit Adonai, kol y’mei chayailachazot b’no-am Adonai ulvaker b’heichalo.

One thing I asked of Adonai, that I shall seek,would that I dwell in the House of Adonai, all the days of my life

to behold the delight of Adonai and in His Sanctuary to contemplate.


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We find 21 of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet encoded in this Psalm of David. Thefirst letter of each word of each verse is the alphabet in its order. Nun was intentionallyleft out by King David because it has the same numeric value as the Hebrew word forfalling, which would indicate a spiritual falling.

.dl«¤Q LE «l œ§l ©d §i cFr ,L«¤zi ¥a i ¥aœ§WFi i ¥x §W ©.eidŸl¡ dedi ¤W mrd i ¥x §W © ,FN dk«M ¤W mrd i ¥x §W ©

Ashrei yosh’vei veitecha, od y’hal’lucha selah.Ashrei ha-am shekachah lo, ashrei ha-am she-Adonai Elohav.

Happy are those who dwell in Your house, they will forever praise You.Happy the people whose portion is this, happy the people for whom Adonai is their Elohim.

,c ¦ec §l dN ¦d §YT’hilah l’David:

A psalm of praise by David:







Aromimcha Elohai ha-melech, I shall exalt You, my Elohim, the Sovereign,

va-avar’chah shimcha l’olam va-ed.and I shall bless Your name forever and ever.

B’chol yom avar’cheka,I shall bless You every day,

va-ahal’lah shimcha l’olam va-ed.and I shall praise Your name forever and ever.

Gadol Adonai umhulal m’od, Great is Adonai and exceedingly praised,

v’ligdulato ein cheker.His greatness is unfathomable.

Dor l’dor y’shabach ma-asecha, Generation to generation shall praise Your actions,

ugvurotecha yagidu.and recount Your mighty deeds.

Hadar k’vod hodecha, The brilliance of Your splendid glory,

v’divrei nifl’otecha asichah.and the wonders of Your acts, I shall speak of.

Ve-ezuz nor’otecha yomeru, They shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts,

ugdulat'cha asap’renah.and I shall tell of Your greatness.

£,K¤l«¤O ©d i ©dFl¡ L §n ¦nFx.c¤re mlFr §l L §n ¦W dkœ§xa£ ©e

§Aa,‚«¤kœ§xa£ mFi lÇk.c¤re mlFr §l L §n ¦W dl œ§l ©d£ ©e

Bb,cŸ §n lN ªd §nE dedi lFc .x ¤w«¥g oi ¥ FzN ªc §b ¦l §e

Cc ,Li«¤U£r ©n g ©A ©W §i xFc §l xF.Eci«¦B©i Li«¤zŸxEa §bE

£d ,L «¤cFd cFa §M x ©c.dgi «¦U ¨ Li«¤zŸ œ§l §t ¦p i ¥x §a ¦c §e

¤e ,Ex«¥n Ÿi Li«¤zF`œ§xFp fEf¡r.dP «¤xœ§R ©q£ Lœ§zN ªc §bE


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Zecher rav tuv’cha yabiyu,They shall remember Your abundant goodness,

v’tzidkat’cha y’ranenu.and Your righteousness they shall joyfully proclaim.

Chanun v’rachum Adonai, Gracious and merciful is Adonai,

erech apayim ugdol chased.slow to anger and great in kindness.

Tov Adonai lakol, Adonai is good to all,

v’rachamav al kol ma-asav.Your compassion extended to all of Your creatures.

Yoducha Adonai kol ma-asecha,All that You have made shall thank You Adonai,

vachasidecha y’var’chuchah.and Your pious ones shall bless You.

K’vod malchut’cha yomeru, They shall speak of the glory of Your realm,

ugvurat’cha y’daberu.and talk of Your mighty deeds.

L’hodiya livnei ha-adam g’vurotav, Your mighty deeds You make known to all humankind,

uchvod hadar malchuto.and the glory of Your splendid realm.

Malchut’cha malchut kol olamim, Yours is the realm of all worlds,

umemshalt’cha b’chol dor vador.and Your reign extends to each and every generation.

Somech Adonai l’chol hanof’lim, Adonai supports all those who fall,

v’zokef l’chol hak’fufim.and holds upright all those who are bent over.

Einei chol elecha y’saberu,The eyes of all look hopefully towards You,

v’atah noten lahemand You give them their food

et ochlam b’ its proper time.

«¤f,Eri«¦A©i Lœ§aEh a ©x x ¤k.Ep«¥P ©x §i Lœ§zw §c ¦v §e

©g ,dedi mEg ©x §e oEP.c ¤q«g lÇc §bE m ¦i«©R © K ¤x«¤

h ,lŸM©l dedi aF.eiU£r ©n lÇM l©r ein£g ©x §e

i ,Li «¤U£r ©n lÇM dedi LE «cF .dkE «kœ§xa §i Li «¤ci ¦q£g ©e

§Mk ,Ex«¥n Ÿi Lœ§zEk §l ©n cFa.Ex«¥A ©c §i Lœ§zxEa §bE

§l,eizŸxEa §B mc ¨ d i¥p §a ¦l ©ri «¦cFd.FzEk §l ©n x ©c£d cFa §kE

©n,mi ¦nlFr lÇM zEk §l ©n Lœ§zEk §l.xŸce xŸC lÇk §A Lœ§Y §l ©W §n ¤nE

q,mi ¦lœ§tŸP ©d lÇk §l dedi K ¥nF.mi ¦tEtœ§M ©d lÇk §l s ¥wFf §e

«¥r,Ex«¥A ©U §i Li«¤l ¥ lŸk i¥pim ¤dl o ¥zFp dY © §e.FY ¦r §A ml §kÇ z ¤

We concentrate intently and open our hands while reciting the verse Potei-ach ©g«¥zFR



Pote-ach et yadecha, You open Your hand,

umasbiya l’chol chai ratzon.and satisfy every living thing with its desire.

Tzadik Adonai b’chol d’rachav, Adonai is righteous in every way,

v’chasid b’chol ma-asav.and virtuous in all deeds.

R,L «¤ci z ¤ ©g«¥zF.oFvx i ©g lÇk §l ©ri«¦A §U ©nE

©v,eikx §C lÇk §A dedi wi ¦C.eiU£r ©n lÇk §A ci ¦qg §e


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Karov Adonai l’chol kor’av, Adonai is close to all who call,

l’chol asher yikra-uhu ve-emet.and to all who call in truth.

R’tzon y’re-av ya-aseh, You fill the desires of all who revere You,

v’et shavatam yishma v’yoshi-em.You respond to us with the promise of redemption.

Shomer Adonai et kol ohavav, Adonai You protect all who love You,

v’et kol har’sha-im yashmid.and You destroy all the wicked.

T’hilat Adonai y’daber pi,My lips utter the praise of Adonai,

vivarech kol basar shem kodshoand may all flesh praise the holy Name

l’olam va-ed.for ever and ever.

Va-anachnu n’varech Yah, And we shall bless You Elohim,

me-atah v’ad olam, hal’lu-Yah.from this time until eternity, praise Yah.

w,ei ¨ œ§xŸw lk §l dedi aFx.z ¤n¡ ¤a Ed«ª x §w ¦i x ¤W£ lŸk §l

§x,d ¤U£r©i ei ¨ ¥x §i oFv.m¥ri ¦WFi §e r ©n §W ¦i mzr §e ©W z ¤ §e

Wy,eia£dŸ lÇM z ¤ dedi x ¥ ¦n §W©i mi ¦rWœ§xd lÇM z ¥ §e

§Yz,i ¦R x ¤A ©c §i dedi z©N ¦dFW §cÇw m ¥W xUA lÇM K ¥xai ¦e

.c¤re mlFr §l,Di K ¥xa §p Ep §g«©p£ ©e

.DiEl œ§l ©d ,mlFr c©r §e dY ©r ¥n


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The Chatzi (Half) Kaddish concludes this section. It reminds us that we should alwayssanctify the Divine Name and never allow this task to fade from our consciousness.

Recited by the Chazzan, Everyone says the words in { }.

Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’meh raba.Exalted and sanctified be His great Name.


B’al’ma di v’ra chiruteh, In the world that He has created according to His will,

v’yamlich malchuteh, and may He let His sovereignty have dominion,

v’yatzmach purkaneh and cause His redemption to sprout

vikarev M’shicheh. {Amen.}and bring near the Mashiach. Amen.

B’chayeichon uvyomeichonIn your lifetime and in your days

uvchayei d’chol beit Yisra-el,and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,

ba-agala uvizman kariv,speedily and at a time that comes soon,

v’imru amen. {Amen.}and say amen. Amen.

{Y’he sh’meh raba m’varach May His great Name be blessed

l’alam ul-almei al-maya.}forever and for all eternity.

Yitbarach v’yishtabach v’yitpa-ar Blessed and praised and glorified

v’yitromam v’yitnase v’yit-hadarand exalted and raised up and honored

v’yitaleh v’yit-halal and elevated and lauded

sh’meh d’kudsha {b’rich hu}, be the Name of the Holy One, Blessed is He,

l’ela min kol birchata v’shiratabeyond more than any blessing and song

tushb’chata v’nechemata,praise and consolation

da-amiran b’al’ma,that are uttered in the world,

v’imru amen. {Amen.}and say amen. Amen.

.`A ©x D ¥n §W W ©C ©w §z ¦i §e l ©C©B §z ¦i{.o ¥n ¨ }

,D ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n œ§lr §A,D ¥zEk §l ©n Ki ¦l §n©i §e

D¥pw §x ªR g ©n §v©i §e{.o ¥n ¨ } .D ¥gi ¦W §n a ¥xwi ¦e

oFki ¥nFi §aE oFki¥I ©g §A,l ¥ x §U ¦i zi ¥A lÇk §c i¥I ©g §aE

,ai ¦xw o ©n §f ¦aE `lb£r ©A{.o ¥n ¨ } .o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e

K ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W ` ¥d §i}{.`I ©n §lr i ¥n §lr §lE m©lr §l

x © R §z ¦i §e g ©A ©Y §W ¦i §e K ©xA §z ¦ixC ©d §z ¦i §e ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e m ©nFx §z ¦i §e

lN ©d §z ¦i §e d¤N©r §z ¦i §e,{`Ed Ki ¦x §A} `W §c ªw §C D ¥n §W

`zxi ¦W §e `zk §x ¦A lÇM o ¦n `N«¥r §l,`zn¡g¤p §e `zgœ§A §W ªY

,`n œ§lr §A oxi ¦n£ ©C{.o ¥n ¨ } .o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e


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The Midrash tells us that the term “ben adam” expresses a sense of love and endearment.The first words of this prayer, “why do you sleep?” are meant to stir us from our slumberin order to do the spiritual work of teshuvah.

Ben adam, mah l’cha nirdam,O child of Adam (human being), why do you sleep?

kum k’ra b’tachanunim.Arise, call out with supplications!

Sh’foch sichah, d’rosh s’lichah, Pour out speech, request forgiveness,

me-Adon ha-adonim.from the Ruler of rulers.

R’chatz ut-har, v’al t’achar, Wash and be purified, and do not delay,

b’terem yamim ponim.before the days pass by.

Umherah, rutz l’ezrah, And quickly, run for help,

lifnei shochen m’onim.before the One Who resides in the (heavenly) abodes.

Umipesha, v’gam resha, And from iniquities, and also evil,

b’rach uf-char me-asonim.escape and fear disasters.

Ana sh’eh, shimcha yod’ei,Please regard, those who know Your Name,

Yisra-el ne-emanim.Israel the faithful.

L’cha Adonai hatzdakah,For Yours, Adonai, is righteousness,

v’lanu boshet hapanim.and ours is nothing but shame.

Amod k’gever, v’hitgaber,Stand like one responsible and with integrity, and prevail,

l’hitvadot al confess negative deeds.

Yah El d’rosh, b’chover rosh,To Yah the Almighty One request, with a serious head,

l’chaper al p’ atone for misdeeds.

Ki l’olam, lo nelam, Because forever, things are not concealed,

mimenu nifla-im.hidden from Him.

,mC §x ¦p L §N d ©n ,mc ¨ o ¤A .mi ¦pEp£g ©z §A `x §w mEw

,dgi ¦l §q WŸx §C ,dgi ¦U KŸt §W .mi ¦pFc£ d oFc£ ¥n

,x ©g © §Y l © §e ,x ©d §hE u ©g §x .mi ¦pFR mi ¦ni m ¤x«¤h §A

,dx §f¤r §l uEx ,dx ¥d §nE .mi ¦pFr §n o ¥kFW i¥p §t ¦l ,r ©W «¤x m©b §e ,r ©W«¤R ¦nE

.mi ¦pFq£ ¥n c ©g §tE g ©x §A,i¥rœ§cFi L §n ¦W ,d¥r §W `P ¨

.mi ¦pn¡ ¤p l ¥ x §U ¦i,dwc §S ©d ipŸc£ L §l

.mi ¦pR ©d z ¤W «ŸA Epl §e,x ¥A©B §z ¦d §e ,x ¤a«¤b §M cŸn£r.mi ¦ h£g l©r zFC ©e §z ¦d §l

,W Ÿx c ¤a «Ÿk §A ,WŸx §C l ¥ Di.mi ¦rW §R l©r x ¥R ©k §l

,ml §r¤p Ÿl ,mlFr §l i ¦M.mi ¦ l §t ¦p EP«¤O ¦n


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V’chol ma-amar, asher ye-amar, And every statement, that is said,

l’fanav hem nikra-im.before Him they are read.

Ham’rachem, hu y’rachem, The Merciful One, may He have mercy,

aleinu k’rachem av al banim.upon us as a merciful father upon his children.

L’cha Adonai hatzdakah,For Yours, Adonai, is righteousness,

v’lanu boshet hapanim.and ours is nothing but shame.

Mah nit-onen, mah nomar,How can we complain, what can we say,

mah n’daber, umah nitz-tadak.what can we declare, and how can we be justified?

Nachp’sah d’racheinu v’nachkorah,Let us search our ways and probe them,

v’nashuvah elecha, and return to You,

ki y’min’cha f’shutah l’kabel shavim.for Your right hand is outstretched to accept those who return.

Lo v’chesed v’loThrough Your mercy

v’ma-asim banu l’fanecha,we have come before You,

k’dalim uchrashim dafaknu d’ the poor and destitute we knock on Your door.

D’latecha dafaknu rachum v’chanun,At Your door do we knock merciful and gracious One,

na al t’shivenu reikam mil’ not turn us away empty handed from before You.

Mil’fanecha malkenu reikam alFrom before You, our Sovereign, empty handed do not

t’shivenu, ki atahturn us away, for You

shome-a t’filah.the One Who hears prayer.

,x ©n ¨ ¥i x ¤W£ ,xn£ ©n lÇk §e.mi ¦ x §w ¦p m ¥d eipt §l

,m ¥g ©x §i `Ed ,m ¥g ©xœ§O ©d.mi ¦pA l©r a ¨ m ¥g ©x §M Epi«¥lr

,dwc §S ©d ipŸc£ L §l.mi ¦pR ©d z ¤W «ŸA Ep«l §e

,x ©n ŸP d ©n ,o¥pF` §z ¦P d ©n .wC ©h §v ¦P d ©nE ,x ¥A ©c §P d ©n,dxŸ«w §g©p §e Epi«¥kx §c dUœ§R §g©p

,Li«¤l ¥ daE «Wp §e.mi ¦aW l ¥A ©w §l dhEW §t Lœ§pi ¦n §i i ¦M

Ÿl §e c ¤q«¤g §a Ÿl ,Li«¤pt §l Ep`«A mi ¦U£r ©n §a

.Li«¤zl §c Ep §w«©tC mi ¦Wx §kE mi ¦N ©c §M ,oEp ©g §e mEg ©x Ep §w«©tc Li«¤zl §C

.Li«¤pt œ§N ¦n mwi ¥x Ep«¥ai ¦W §Y l © `pl © mwi ¥x Ep«¥M §l ©n Li«¤pt œ§N ¦n

dY © i ¦M ,Ep«¥ai ¦W §Y.dN ¦t §Y ©r ¥nŸeW


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Shome-a t’filah,The One Who hears prayer,

adecha kol basar You all flesh shall come.

Shome-a t’chinah,The One Who hears supplication,

elecha kol haruchot You all who live shall come.

Yavo-u elecha haruchot,All who live shall come to You,

v’chol han’shamah.and all souls.

Han’shamah lach v’haguf pa-alach,The soul is Yours ahd the body is the work of Your hands,

chusah al amalach.have pity on the fruit of Your labor.

Han’shamah lach v’haguf pa-alach,The soul is Yours ahd the body is the work of Your hands,

Tzur asher ein domeh lach,O Rock there is none like You,

chusah al amalach.have pity on the fruit of Your labor.

Han’shamah lach v’haguf pa-alach,The soul is Yours ahd the body is the work of Your hands,

Adonai aseh l’ma-an shimcha.Adonai, act for the sake of Your Name.

Atanu al shimcha,We have come by Your Name,

Adonai aseh l’ma-an shimcha.Adonai, act for the sake of Your Name.

Ba-avur shimcha, For the sake of Your Name,

ki El melech chanunfor Almighty One, Sovereign Who is gracious

v’rachum sh’mecha.and compassionate is Your Name.

Shimcha nikra aleinu, Your Name is called upon us,

Adonai Eloheinu.Adonai our Elohim.

Shimcha nikra b’kirbenu, Your Name is called in our midst,

al tanichenu Adonai not abandon us, Adonai our Elohim.

Eloheinu bosh’nu b’ma-aseinu, Our Elohim, we are ashamed by our actions,

v’nich-lam’nu ba-avonoteinu.and humiliated by our iniquities.

,dN ¦t §Y ©r«¥nFW .E` «Ÿai xUA lÇM Li «¤cr

,dP ¦g §Y ©r«¥nFW .E` «Ÿai zFgExd lÇM Li«¤l ¥

,zFgExd Li«¤l ¥ E` «Ÿai.dnWœ§P ©d lÇk §e

,Kl¢rR sEB ©d §e Kl dnWœ§P ©d.Kln£r l©r dqE «g

,Kl¢rR sEB ©d §e Kl dnWœ§P ©d ,Kl d ¤nF «C oi ¥ x ¤W£ xEv

.Kln£r l©r dqE «g,Kl¢rR sEB ©d §e Kl dnWœ§P ©d .L §n ¦W o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r dedi

,L §n ¦W l©r Ep`«z ¨.L §n ¦W o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r dedi

,L §n ¦W xEa£r ©A oEP ©g K¤l ¤n l ¥ i ¦M

.L«¤n §W mEg ©x §e ,Epi«¥lr `x §w ¦p L §n ¦W

.Epi«¥dŸl¡ dedi ,Ep«¥A §x ¦w §A `x §w ¦p L §n ¦W

.Epi«¥dŸl¡ dedi Ep«¥gi ¦P ©Y l ©,Epi «¥U£r ©n §A Epœ§WFA Epi«¥dŸl¡

.Epi«¥zFpF£r ©A Epœ§n©l §k ¦p §e


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Ein lanu peh l’hashiv, We have no mouth with which to answer,

v’lo metzach l’harim rosh. nor the brow to lift our head.

Ki rabu m’shuvoteinu,For many are our transgressions,

l’cha chatanu.against You we have done negative deeds.

Chatanu im avoteinu, We have done negative deeds, together with our ancestors,

he-evinu hir’shanu.we have done iniquity, we have caused wickedness.

Mah nomar l’fanechaWhat can we say before You,

Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai our Elohim,

mah n’daber umah nitz-tadak.what can we speak and how can we justify ourselves.

Mah nomar l’fanecha yoshev marom,What shall we say before You, Who dwells on high,

umah n’saper l’fanechaand what shall we tell before You,

shochen sh’chakim.Who resides in the heavens.

Halo hanistarot v’haniglot, Indeed the concealed and the revealed,

atah yode-a.You know.

Atah yode-a razei olam,You know the mysteries of the world,

v’ta-alumot sitrei kol chai.and the inner secrets of all living.

Atah chofesh kol chadrei vaten,You search the innermost parts of each person,

uvochen k’layot valev.and see the veins and heart.

Ein davar nelam mimach,Nothing is hidden from You,

v’ein nistar mineged einecha. and nothing is concealed from before Your eyes.

Im avoneinu anu vanu, If our iniquities have testified against us,

Adonai aseh l’ma-an sh’mecha.Adonai, act for the sake of Your Name.

Im avonot tishmar Yah, If You retain our iniquities, O Yah,

Adonai mi ya-amod.Adonai, who will survive?

,ai ¦Wd §l d ¤R Ep«l oi ¥.W Ÿx mi ¦xd §l g ©v ¥n Ÿl §e

,Epi«¥zFaEW §n EA ©x i ¦M .Ep`«hg L §l

,Epi«¥zFa£ m ¦r Ep`«hg .Ep §r «Wœ§x ¦d Epi «¦e¡r ¤d Li«¤pt §l x ©n ŸP d ©n

,Epi«¥dŸl¡ dedi .wC ©h §v ¦P d ©nE x ¥A ©c §P d ©n

,mFxn a ¥WFi Li«¤pt §l x ©n ŸP d ©n Li«¤pt §l x ¥R ©q §P D ©nE

.mi ¦wg §W o ¥kFW,zFl §b ¦P ©d §e zFxY §q ¦P ©d Ÿl£d

. ©r «¥cFi dY ©,mlFr i¥fx ©r «¥cFi dY ©

.ig lÇk i ¥x §z ¦q zFnEl£r ©z §e,o ¤h«a i ¥x §c ©g lÇM U¥tFg dY ©

.a¥le zFil §k d ¤ Fx,KO ¦n ml §r¤p xaC oi ¥

.Li«¤pi¥r c¤b«¤P ¦n xY §q ¦p oi ¥ §e,Ep«a Ep«r Epi«¥pŸe£r m ¦

.L«¤n §W o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r dedi,Di xn §W ¦Y zFpŸe£r m ¦

.cŸn£r©i i ¦n ipŸc£


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Ki im’cha haslichah, For with You is forgiveness,

l’ma-an that You will be feared.

Ki im’cha m’kor chayim, For with You is the source of life,

b’or’cha nireh or. through Your Light we shall behold light.

Ki lo al tzidkoteinu anachnuFor not because of our righteousness do we

mapilim tachanuneinu l’fanecha,cast our supplications before You,

ki al rachamecha harabim.but because of Your compassion which is abundant.

,dgi ¦l §Q ©d Lœ§O ¦r i ¦M.` ¥xE ¦Y o ©r«©n §l

,mi ¦I ©g xFw §n Lœ§O ¦r i ¦M.xF` d ¤ §x ¦p Lœ§xF` §A

Ep §g«©p£ Epi«¥zŸw §c ¦v l©r Ÿl i ¦M,Li«¤pt §l Epi«¥pEp£g ©Y mi ¦li ¦R ©n

.mi ¦A ©xd Li«¤n£g ©x l©r i ¦M

The Chazzan says the following and then Everyone together:

Adonai sh’ma-ah, Adonai s’lachah,Adonai heed, Adonai forgive,

Adonai hakshivah, va-aseh alAdonai be attentive, and act do not

t’achar, l’ma-ancha Elohai, delay, for Your sake my Elohim,

ki shimcha nikra alfor Your Name is proclaimed upon

ir’cha v’al amecha.upon Your City and upon your people.

,dg«l §q ipŸc£ ,dr«n §W ipŸc£l © d ¥U£r ©e ,dai «¦W §w ©d ipŸc£

,i ©dŸl¡ L §p ©r ©n §l ,x ©g © §Y l©r `x §w ¦p L §n ¦W i ¦M

.L«¤O©r l©r §e Lœ§xi ¦r

.m ¤c «¤w §M Epi«¥ni W ¥C ©g ,daE «Wp §e Li«¤l ¥ dedi Ep«¥ai ¦W£dHashivenu Adonai Elecha v’nashuvah, chadesh yameinu k’kedem.

Bring us back to You Adonai and we shall return, renew our days as of old.


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The Thirteen Attributes reflect the thirteen different aspects of our relationship with theCreator. They also allow forgiveness to take place, through which our souls are purified.

We stand as we recite the following:

El melech yoshevAlmighty One, Sovereign Who sits

al kisei rachamim,upon the throne of mercy,

mit-naheg bachasidut,Who acts with kindness,

mochel avonot amo,Who pardons the negative deeds of Your people,

ma-avir rishon rishon,Who removes them one by one,

mar-beh m’chilah l’chata-im,Who abundantly grants pardon to those who do negative deeds,

uslichah l’fosh’im,and forgiveness to transgressors,

oseh tz’dakot imWho performs acts of generosity with

kol basar varu-ach,all beings of flesh and spirit,

lo ch’ra-atam tigmol.not in accordance with thier wickedness do You repay them.

El, horeita lanu lomarAlmighty One, You taught us to recite

sh’losh esreh,the Thirteen Attributes,

z’chor lanu hayom b’ritremember for us today the covenant

sh’losh esreh, k’mo shehodataof the Thirteen Attributes, as You made known

le-anav mikedem, to the humble one (Moses) in ancient times,

v’chen katuv,and thus it is written,

Vayered Adonai be-anan,And Adonai descended in a cloud,

vayit-yatzev imo sham,and stood with him there,

vayikra v’shem Adonai.and called out with the Name of Adonai.

a ¥WFi K¤l«¤n l ¥ ,mi ¦n£g ©x ` ¥Q ¦M l©r

,zEci ¦q£g ©A b ¥d©p §z ¦n ,FO©r zFpŸe£r l ¥gFn

,oFW` ¦x oFW` ¦x xi ¦a£r ©n,mi ¦ H ©g §l dli ¦g §n d¤A §x ©n

,mi ¦rœ§WFt §l dgi ¦l §qE m ¦r zFwc §v d ¤UFr

, ©gE «xe xUA lÇM .lFn §b ¦Y mzrx §k Ÿl

x ©nFl Ep«N zi «¥xFd ,l ¥ ,d ¥x §U¤r WŸl §W

zi ¦x §A mFI ©d Ep«l xFk §fY §r «©cFd ¤W Fn §M ,d ¥x §U¤r WŸl §W

,m ¤c «¤T ¦n epr ¤l ,aEzM o ¥k §e

,opr ¤A dedi c ¤x«¥I ©e ,mW FO ¦r a¥S©i §z ¦I ©e.dedi m ¥W §a `x §w ¦I ©e


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One should bow slightly while saying the following verse,and everyone says it together:

:`x §w ¦I ©e eipR l ©r dedi xŸa£r©I ©eVaya-avor Adonai al panav vayikra:And Adonai passed before [Moses’] face and proclaimed:

| signifies a pause.

dedi | dediAdonai, Adonai,

Adonai, Adonai,

[`],l ¥ [a],mEg ©x [b]oEP ©g §e , [c]K ¤x«¤(1)El, (2)rachum, (3)v’chanun, (4)erech

Almighty One, compassionate, and gracious, slow

[d],m ¦i«©R © [e],c ¤q«¤g a ©x §e(5)apayim, (6)v’rav chesed,

to anger, and abundant in kindness,

[f],z ¤n¡ ¤e(7)ve-emet,

and truth,

[g]Ÿpc¤q«¤g x¥v [h] ,mi ¦tl£ l(8)notzer chesed (9)la-alafim,

preserver of kindness for thousands of generations,

[i],oŸer ` ¥UŸp [`i],r ©W«¤te [ai],d ¨ H ©g §e [bi].d ¥T©p §e(10)noseh avon, (11)vafesha, (12) v’chata-ah, (13) v’nakeh.

Forgiver of iniquity, willful wrongdoing, and error, and Who absolves.

Everyone recites together:

.Ep ¨«Y §l ©g §pE Ep«¥z`H ©g §lE Ep«¥pŸe£r©l Y §g©lq §eV’salachta la-avonenu ulchatatenu unchaltanu.

May You forgive our iniquities and our wrongdoings and make us Your heritage.


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We now ask forgiveness from the Merciful One for our shortcomings and negativity, as weinvoke the promises made through the special covenant made with each of our ancestors.

,`ni ¦g §x mdx §a © §C D ¥ni §w ol x ©M §c ¦ `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana idkar lan k’yameh d’Avraham r’chima, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, remember for us the covenant of Abraham, Your beloved one,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,`ci ¥w£r wg §v ¦i §C D ¥ni §w ol x ©M §c ¦ `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana idkar lan k’yameh d’Yitzchak akeida, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, remember for us the covenant of Isaac, the bound one,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,`ni¥l §W aŸw£r©i §C D ¥ni §w ol x ©M §c ¦ `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana idkar lan k’yameh d’Ya-akov sh’leima, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, remember for us the covenant of Jacob, the perfected one,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,d ¨ i ¦a §p d ¤WŸn §C D ¥ni §w ol x ©M §c ¦ `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana idkar lan k’yameh d’Mosheh n’vi-ah,b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, remember for us the covenant of Moses, the prophet,for the sake of “And He passed.”


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,`p£d ©M oŸx£d © §C D ¥ni §w ol x ©M §c ¦ `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana idkar lan k’yameh d’Aharon kahana, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, remember for us the covenant of Aharon, the priest,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,`wi ¦C ©v s ¥qŸei §C D ¥zEk §f ol x ©M §c ¦ `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana idkar lan z’chuteh d’Yosef tzadika, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, remember for us the virtue of Joseph, the righteous,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,`gi ¦W §n `M §l ©n c ¦ec §C D ¥ni §w ol x ©M §c ¦ `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana idkar lan k’yameh d’David malka m’shicha, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, remember for us the covenant of David, the anointed king,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,d ¨ P ©w qgœ§pi ¦t §C D ¥ni §w ol x ©M §c ¦ `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana idkar lan k’yameh d’Fin’chas kana-ah, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, remember for us the covenant of Pinchas, the zealot,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,`M §l ©n dŸnŸl §W ¦C D ¥zFl §v ol x ©M §c ¦ `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana idkar lan tz’loteh di-Shlomoh malka, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, remember for us the prayer of Solomon, the king,for the sake of “And He passed.”


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,Kpw §x ªR g ©n §v © §e Kpi ¦n §i mi ¥x ¨ `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana areim y’minach v’atzmach purkanach, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, raise Your right hand and let your redemption blossom,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,ol£r m ¥g ©x KO ©w i ¥x §w ¦n §l `pi ¥z ¨ oi ¦R © i ¥tEQ ¦k §A `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana b’chisufei apin ateina l’mikrei kamach rachem alan, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, we have come shamefaced to call out before You, “have mercy upon us”,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,ol wŸx §tE KY §x ªa §b i ¥N©B `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana galei g’vurtach ufrok lan, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, reveal Your strength and redeem us,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,`xFd §p ¦l wi ¥R © opi ¦C `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana dinan apeik linhora, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, bring light upon our judgement,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,ol£r xŸf §B i ¥ah i¥I ©g §c `pi ¦C `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana dina d’chayei tavei g’zor alan, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, decree for us a judgement of good life,for the sake of “And He passed.”


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,ol£r i ¥E ©W Kx §c ©d `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana hadarach shavei alan, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, Your splendor bestow upon us,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,oP ¦n oi ¦yi ¦A `pcaFr §M r ©xœ§t §z ¦z `l §e `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana v’la tit-f’ra k’ovadana bishin minan, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, do not repay us according to our negative deeds,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,ol£r i ¥x §y © Kei ¦f `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana zivach ashrei alan, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, let Your radiance shine upon us, for the sake of “And He passed.”

,ol U¥R«©g oe §k©f `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana zachvan chapes lan, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, seek our virtues for us,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,oe §a ©h ol£r aFW£g `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana chashov alan tuv-van, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, regard us favorably,for the sake of “And He passed.”


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,ol£r i ¥ziœ§i © o ¨ i ¦b ©q oe §a ©h `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana tav-van sagi-an ay’tei alan, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, bring abundant favor upon us,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,ol£r Kn£g ©x oEl §b §l©b §z ¦i `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana yitgal-g’lun rachamach alan, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, bring down Your compassion upon us, for the sake of “And He passed.”

,oP ¦n `f §b ªx §e `Y §n ¤g WŸa §M `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana k’vosh chemta v’rugza minan, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, restrain Your anger and fury from us,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,ol `xi ¦n §B ci ¥A §r ©z `l `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana la tabeid g’mira lan, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, do not make an end to us,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,oie£r©l §e oi ¦aFg §l wŸa §WE lŸg §n `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana m’chol ushvok l’chovin v’la-avayan, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, forgive and remove our debts and our iniquities, for the sake of “And He passed.”


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,ol£r x ©d §p © KaEh xFd §p `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana n’hor tuvach anhar alan, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, shine the light of Your goodness upon us,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,ol i ¥e¡d Ki ¦n §qE ci ¦r §q `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana s’id usmich havei lan, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, be a help and support for us,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,a ©h §l `z ¨ `pO ¦r ci ¥a£r `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana avei imana ata l’tav, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, make for us a good sign,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,oi ¦zFl §v ¦l `I ©n §W g ©z §R `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana p’tach sh’maya litzlotin, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, open the heavens to our prayers,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,`e£r ©x §A l ¥A ©w `pzFl §v `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana tz’lotana kabel b’ra-ava, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, receive our prayers willingly,for the sake of “And He passed.”


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,oi ¦Y §w©r oC ¦r §A oi ¦zEraE oi ¦zFl §v l ¥A ©w `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana kabel tz’lotin uva-utin b’idan aktin, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, receive our prayers and requests in times of trouble, for the sake of “And He passed.”

,oi ¦zn §W ¦p l©r m ¥g ©x `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana rachem al nishmatin, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, have mercy on our souls, for the sake of “And He passed.”

,ol£r i ¥zi §i © `Y §a ©h `Y ©W `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana shata tavta ay’tei alan, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, bring a good year upon us,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,Kf §b ªx ¥n aEY `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana tuv merugzach, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, withdraw Your wrath,for the sake of “And He passed.”

,KO ©w o ¦n mwi ¥x xC §d¤p `l §e `pn£g ©x.xŸa£r©I ©e li ¦c §A

Rachamana v’la neh-dar reikam min kamach, b’dil vaya-avor.

Merciful One, let us not return empty-handed from before You, for the sake of “And He passed.”


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The Thirteen Attributes reflect the thirteen different aspects of our relationship with theCreator. They also allow forgiveness to take place, through which our souls are purified.

We stand as we recite the following:

El melech yoshevAlmighty One, Sovereign Who sits

al kisei rachamim,upon the throne of mercy,

mit-naheg bachasidut,Who acts with kindness,

mochel avonot amo,Who pardons the negative deeds of Your people,

ma-avir rishon rishon,Who removes them one by one,

mar-beh m’chilah l’chata-im,Who abundantly grants pardon to those who do negative deeds,

uslichah l’fosh’im,and forgiveness to transgressors,

oseh tz’dakot imWho performs acts of generosity with

kol basar varu-ach,all beings of flesh and spirit,

lo ch’ra-atam tigmol.not in accordance with thier wickedness do You repay them.

El, horeita lanu lomarAlmighty One, You taught us to recite

sh’losh esreh,the Thirteen Attributes,

z’chor lanu hayom b’ritremember for us today the covenant

sh’losh esreh, k’mo shehodataof the Thirteen Attributes, as You made known

le-anav mikedem, to the humble one (Moses) in ancient times,

v’chen katuv,and thus it is written,

Vayered Adonai be-anan,And Adonai descended in a cloud,

vayit-yatzev imo sham,and stood with him there,

vayikra v’shem Adonai.and called out with the Name of Adonai.

a ¥WFi K¤l«¤n l ¥ ,mi ¦n£g ©x ` ¥Q ¦M l©r

,zEci ¦q£g ©A b ¥d©p §z ¦n ,FO©r zFpŸe£r l ¥gFn

,oFW` ¦x oFW` ¦x xi ¦a£r ©n,mi ¦ H ©g §l dli ¦g §n d¤A §x ©n

,mi ¦rœ§WFt §l dgi ¦l §qE m ¦r zFwc §v d ¤UFr

, ©gE «xe xUA lÇM .lFn §b ¦Y mzrx §k Ÿl

x ©nFl Ep«N zi «¥xFd ,l ¥ ,d ¥x §U¤r WŸl §W

zi ¦x §A mFI ©d Ep«l xFk §fY §r «©cFd ¤W Fn §M ,d ¥x §U¤r WŸl §W

,m ¤c «¤T ¦n epr ¤l ,aEzM o ¥k §e

,opr ¤A dedi c ¤x«¥I ©e ,mW FO ¦r a¥S©i §z ¦I ©e.dedi m ¥W §a `x §w ¦I ©e


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One should bow slightly while saying the following verse,and everyone says it together:

:`x §w ¦I ©e eipR l ©r dedi xŸa£r©I ©eVaya-avor Adonai al panav vayikra:And Adonai passed before [Moses’] face and proclaimed:

| signifies a pause.

dedi | dediAdonai, Adonai,

Adonai, Adonai,

[`],l ¥ [a],mEg ©x [b]oEP ©g §e , [c]K ¤x«¤(1)El, (2)rachum, (3)v’chanun, (4)erech

Almighty One, compassionate, and gracious, slow

[d],m ¦i«©R © [e],c ¤q«¤g a ©x §e(5)apayim, (6)v’rav chesed,

to anger, and abundant in kindness,

[f],z ¤n¡ ¤e(7)ve-emet,

and truth,

[g]Ÿpc¤q«¤g x¥v [h] ,mi ¦tl£ l(8)notzer chesed (9)la-alafim,

preserver of kindness for thousands of generations,

[i],oŸer ` ¥UŸp [`i],r ©W«¤te [ai],d ¨ H ©g §e [bi].d ¥T©p §e(10)noseh avon, (11)vafesha, (12) v’chata-ah, (13) v’nakeh.

Forgiver of iniquity, willful wrongdoing, and error, and Who absolves.

Everyone recites together:

.Ep ¨«Y §l ©g §pE Ep«¥z`H ©g §lE Ep«¥pŸe£r©l Y §g©lq §eV’salachta la-avonenu ulchatatenu unchaltanu.

May You forgive our iniquities and our wrongdoings and make us Your heritage.


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The Hebrew Letters are the pulse of all of Creation. This prayer contains the letters intheir natural order and assists us to correct our negative actions during the past year.

` Anshei emunah avadu, The people of faith are lost,

a ba-im b’cho-ach ma-aseihem. those who were strong in deeds.

b Giborim la-amod baperetz, Heroes to stand in the breach,

c dochim et hag-zerot. they rejected evil decrees.

d Hayu lanu l’chomah, They were to us a wall,

e ulmachseh b’yom za-am. and a refuge in the day of wrath.

f Zo-achim af b’lachasham, They diffused anger with their whispered prayer,

g chemah atzru b’shavam. they stopped fury with their supplications.

h Terem k’ra-ucha anitam, You answered them before they called to You,

i yod’im la-ator ul-ratzot. they knew how to petition and appease.

k K’av richamta l’ma-anam, Like a father, You had mercy on them,

l lo heshivota p’neihem reikam. You did not turn them away empty handed.

n Merov avoneinu avad’num, Because of our many misdeeds, we have lost them.

p ne-esfu menu bachata-einu, they have been taken from us because of our negativity.

q Sa-u hemah limnuchot, They have gone to their rest,

r azvu otanu la-anachot. they have left us with sighing.

©,Eca ¨ dpEn¡ i ¥W §p

Aa.m ¤di ¥U£r ©n ©g «Ÿk §A mi ¦

¦Bb,u ¤x«¤R ©A cŸn£r©l mi ¦xFA

Cc .zFx¥f §B ©d z ¤ mi ¦gF

d,dnFg §l Ep«l Ei

Ee .m©r©f mFi §A d ¤q §g ©n §l

f ,mW£g©l §A s © mi ¦k£rF

¥g .mr §E ©W §A Ex §v«r dn

«¤h ,mzi ¦p£r LE « x §w m ¤x

i .zFS ©x §lE xŸz£r©l mi ¦rœ§cŸe

§Mk ,mp£r ©n §l Y §n«©g ¦x a ¨

Ÿl.mwi ¥x m ¤di¥p §R zF «ai ¦W¡d `

¥n ,mEpœ§c ©a£ Epi«¥pŸe£r aŸx

¤p .Epi«¥ h£g ©A EP«¤n Et §q ¤

«q,zFgEp §n ¦l dO«¥d Er

«r .zFgp£ ©l Ep«zF` Ea §f


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t Pasu godrei gader, Those who built fences are gone,

v tzumtu m’shivei chemah. those who could stop anger have perished.

w Kamim baperetz ayin, There are none to stand in the breach,

x r’uyim l’ratzo-t’cha afesu. those worthy of pleasing You have disappeared.

y Shota-t’nu b’arba pinot, We have wandered to the four corners,

z t’rufah lo matzanu. we have found no cure.

«©Rt,x ¥cb i ¥x §cFb EQ

ªv.dn ¥g i ¥ai ¦W §n Ez §O

w,o ¦i«© u ¤x«¤R ©A mi ¦n

§x.Eq«¥t ¨ Lœ§zFS ©x §l mi ¦iE`

Wy,zFP ¦R r ©A §x © §A Epœ§h ©hF

§Yz .Ep`«vn Ÿl dtEx

,Epi«¥pR z ¤W «Ÿa §A Li«¤l ¥ Ep §a «©W.Ep«¥zgi ¦l §q z¥r §A l ¥ Kx£g ©W §l

Shavnu elecha b’voshet paneinu, l’shacharach El b’et s’lichatenu.

We return to You with shameful faces, to pray to You, Almighty One, at the time of our forgiveness.


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The Thirteen Attributes reflect the thirteen different aspects of our relationship with theCreator. They also allow forgiveness to take place, through which our souls are purified.

We stand as we recite the following:

El melech yoshevAlmighty One, Sovereign Who sits

al kisei rachamim,upon the throne of mercy,

mit-naheg bachasidut,Who acts with kindness,

mochel avonot amo,Who pardons the negative deeds of Your people,

ma-avir rishon rishon,Who removes them one by one,

mar-beh m’chilah l’chata-im,Who abundantly grants pardon to those who do negative deeds,

uslichah l’fosh’im,and forgiveness to transgressors,

oseh tz’dakot imWho performs acts of generosity with

kol basar varu-ach,all beings of flesh and spirit,

lo ch’ra-atam tigmol.not in accordance with thier wickedness do You repay them.

El, horeita lanu lomarAlmighty One, You taught us to recite

sh’losh esreh,the Thirteen Attributes,

z’chor lanu hayom b’ritremember for us today the covenant

sh’losh esreh, k’mo shehodataof the Thirteen Attributes, as You made known

le-anav mikedem, to the humble one (Moses) in ancient times,

v’chen katuv,and thus it is written,

Vayered Adonai be-anan,And Adonai descended in a cloud,

vayit-yatzev imo sham,and stood with him there,

vayikra v’shem Adonai.and called out with the Name of Adonai.

a ¥WFi K¤l«¤n l ¥ ,mi ¦n£g ©x ` ¥Q ¦M l©r

,zEci ¦q£g ©A b ¥d©p §z ¦n ,FO©r zFpŸe£r l ¥gFn

,oFW` ¦x oFW` ¦x xi ¦a£r ©n,mi ¦ H ©g §l dli ¦g §n d¤A §x ©n

,mi ¦rœ§WFt §l dgi ¦l §qE m ¦r zFwc §v d ¤UFr

, ©gE «xe xUA lÇM .lFn §b ¦Y mzrx §k Ÿl

x ©nFl Ep«N zi «¥xFd ,l ¥ ,d ¥x §U¤r WŸl §W

zi ¦x §A mFI ©d Ep«l xFk §fY §r «©cFd ¤W Fn §M ,d ¥x §U¤r WŸl §W

,m ¤c «¤T ¦n epr ¤l ,aEzM o ¥k §e

,opr ¤A dedi c ¤x«¥I ©e ,mW FO ¦r a¥S©i §z ¦I ©e.dedi m ¥W §a `x §w ¦I ©e


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One should bow slightly while saying the following verse,and everyone says it together:

:`x §w ¦I ©e eipR l ©r dedi xŸa£r©I ©eVaya-avor Adonai al panav vayikra:And Adonai passed before [Moses’] face and proclaimed:

| signifies a pause.

dedi | dediAdonai, Adonai,

Adonai, Adonai,

K ¤x«¤ ,oEP ©g §e ,mEg ©x ,l ¥1)El, 2)rachum, 3)v’chanun, 4)erech

Almighty One, compassionate, and gracious, slow

,c ¤q«¤g a ©x §e ,m ¦i«©R ©5)apayim, 6)v’rav chesed,

to anger, and abundant in kindness,

,z ¤n¡ ¤e7)ve-emet,

and truth,

Ÿp,mi ¦tl£ l c ¤q«¤g x¥v 8)notzer chesed 9)la-alafim,

preserver of kindness for thousands of generations,

.d ¥T©p §e ,d ¨ H ©g §e ,r ©W«¤te ,oŸer ` ¥UŸp10)noseh avon, 11)vafesha, 12) v’chata-ah, 13) v’nakeh.

Forgiver of iniquity, willful wrongdoing, and error, and Who absolves.

Everyone recites together:

.Ep ¨«Y §l ©g §pE Ep«¥z`H ©g §lE Ep«¥pŸe£r©l Y §g©lq §eV’salachta la-avonenu ulchatatenu unchaltanu.

May You forgive our iniquities and our wrongdoings and make us Your heritage.


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This prayer is similar to the Anshei, however this time the Hebrew letters are in theirreverse order. The word Tamahnu is related to the word Timhon Levav, which Onkelostranslates to mean “lethargy”. Through our hardships as a people, we have becomelethargic and we now ask that we may rise above and be forgiven as we stand together inprayer.

z Tamahnu mera-ot, We are dumbfounded by our troubles,

tashash kochenu mitzarot. depleted is our strength by hardships.

y Shachnu ad limod, We are cast down exceedingly,

shafalnu ad afar. we have been lowerd to the dust.

x Rachum kach hi midtenu, O Merciful One, this is our nature,

w k’shei oref umam’rim anachnu. stiff-necked and rebellious are we.

v Tza-aknu b’finu chatanu, We cry out with our mouths “we have missed the mark”,

t p’tal’to v’ikesh libenu. but our hearts are crooked and perverse.

r Elyon rachamecha me-olam, O Most High, Your compassion is forever,

q s’lichah im’cha hi. forgiveness is with You.

p Nicham al hara-ah, Repent for the wickedness,

n mateh ch’lafei chesed. bend towards loving kindness.

l Lo tit-alam b’itot ka-el, Do not ignore at times like these,

k ki v’tzarah g’dolah anachnu. for greatly troubled are we.

i Yivada l’einei hakol, Let it be known to all,

Yz,zFrx ¥n Ep §d«©n .zFxS ¦n Ep«¥gŸM W ©WY

«©Wy ,cŸ §n ¦l c©r Ep §g .xtr c©r Ep §l«©tW

©x ,Ep«¥zC ¦n `i ¦d K ©M mEg

§w.Ep §g«©p£ mi ¦xœ§n ©nE s ¤x «Ÿr i ¥W

v,Ep`«hg Epi «¦t §A Ep §w«©r

§Rt .Ep«¥A ¦l W¥T ¦r §e lŸY œ§l ©z

¤r,mlFr ¥n Li«¤n£g ©x oFi §l

§q .`i ¦d Lœ§O ¦r dgi ¦l

¦p ,drxd l©r mg

©n.c ¤q«¤g i ¥R©l §k d ¥H

Ÿl,l ¥ M zFY ¦r §A mN ©r §z ¦z `

¦Mk.Ep §g«©p£ dlFc §b dxv §a i

¦i ,lŸM ©d i¥pi¥r §l r ©cE


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h tuv’cha v’chasd’cha imanu. that Your goodness and loving kindness are with us.

g Chatom peh satan Seal the mouth of the adversary

v’al yastin aleinu, so that he cannot prosecute us,

f z’om bo v’yidom. admonish him so that he will be silent.

e V’ya-amod melitz tov l’tzad’kenu, And let a good angel stand to plead our righteousness,

d hu yagid yashrenu. and speak of our integrity.

c D’rachecha rachum v’chanun, Your ways, O Merciful and Gracious One,

b gilita l’ne-eman bayit. You revealed to the faithful one (Moses) of Your house.

a B’vak’sho az mil’fanecha, When he then requested before You,

` emunat’cha hodata lo. You informed him of Your faithfulness.

h.Ep«O ¦r Lœ§C §q ©g §e Lœ§aE

£g ohU d ¤R mŸz ,Epi«¥lr oi ¦h §U©i l © §e

§f.mFC ¦i §e FA mŸr

§e,Ep «¥wœ§C ©v §l aFh ui ¦l ¥n cŸn£r©i

d .Ep «¥x §Wi ci ¦B©i `E

§Cc ,oEP ©g §e mEg ©x Li«¤kx

¦Bb .z ¦i«©A o ©n¡ ¤p §l zi«¦N

§Aa,Li«¤pt œ§N ¦n f ¨ FWœ§w ©a

¡.FN Y §r «©cFd Lœ§zpEn


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The Thirteen Attributes reflect the thirteen different aspects of our relationship with theCreator. They also allow forgiveness to take place, through which our souls are purified.

We stand as we recite the following:

El melech yoshevAlmighty One, Sovereign Who sits

al kisei rachamim,upon the throne of mercy,

mit-naheg bachasidut,Who acts with kindness,

mochel avonot amo,Who pardons the negative deeds of Your people,

ma-avir rishon rishon,Who removes them one by one,

mar-beh m’chilah l’chata-im,Who abundantly grants pardon to those who do negative deeds,

uslichah l’fosh’im,and forgiveness to transgressors,

oseh tz’dakot imWho performs acts of generosity with

kol basar varu-ach,all beings of flesh and spirit,

lo ch’ra-atam tigmol.not in accordance with thier wickedness do You repay them.

El, horeita lanu lomarAlmighty One, You taught us to recite

sh’losh esreh,the Thirteen Attributes,

z’chor lanu hayom b’ritremember for us today the covenant

sh’losh esreh, k’mo shehodataof the Thirteen Attributes, as You made known

le-anav mikedem, to the humble one (Moses) in ancient times,

v’chen katuv,and thus it is written,

Vayered Adonai be-anan,And Adonai descended in a cloud,

vayit-yatzev imo sham,and stood with him there,

vayikra v’shem Adonai.and called out with the Name of Adonai.

a ¥WFi K¤l«¤n l ¥ ,mi ¦n£g ©x ` ¥Q ¦M l©r

,zEci ¦q£g ©A b ¥d©p §z ¦n ,FO©r zFpŸe£r l ¥gFn

,oFW` ¦x oFW` ¦x xi ¦a£r ©n,mi ¦ H ©g §l dli ¦g §n d¤A §x ©n

,mi ¦rœ§WFt §l dgi ¦l §qE m ¦r zFwc §v d ¤UFr

, ©gE «xe xUA lÇM .lFn §b ¦Y mzrx §k Ÿl

x ©nFl Ep«N zi «¥xFd ,l ¥ ,d ¥x §U¤r WŸl §W

zi ¦x §A mFI ©d Ep«l xFk §fY §r «©cFd ¤W Fn §M ,d ¥x §U¤r WŸl §W

,m ¤c «¤T ¦n epr ¤l ,aEzM o ¥k §e

,opr ¤A dedi c ¤x«¥I ©e ,mW FO ¦r a¥S©i §z ¦I ©e.dedi m ¥W §a `x §w ¦I ©e


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One should bow slightly while saying the following verse,and everyone says it together:

:`x §w ¦I ©e eipR l ©r dedi xŸa£r©I ©eVaya-avor Adonai al panav vayikra:And Adonai passed before [Moses’] face and proclaimed:

| signifies a pause.

dedi | dediAdonai, Adonai,

Adonai, Adonai,

[`],l ¥ [a],mEg ©x [b]oEP ©g §e , [c]K ¤x«¤(1)El, (2)rachum, (3)v’chanun, (4)erech

Almighty One, compassionate, and gracious, slow

[d],m ¦i«©R © [e],c ¤q«¤g a ©x §e(5)apayim, (6)v’rav chesed,

to anger, and abundant in kindness,

[f],z ¤n¡ ¤e(7)ve-emet,

and truth,

[g]Ÿpc¤q«¤g x¥v [h] ,mi ¦tl£ l(8)notzer chesed (9)la-alafim,

preserver of kindness for thousands of generations,

[i],oŸer ` ¥UŸp [`i],r ©W«¤te [ai],d ¨ H ©g §e [bi].d ¥T©p §e(10)noseh avon, (11)vafesha, (12) v’chata-ah, (13) v’nakeh.

Forgiver of iniquity, willful wrongdoing, and error, and Who absolves.

Everyone recites together:

.Ep ¨«Y §l ©g §pE Ep«¥z`H ©g §lE Ep«¥pŸe£r©l Y §g©lq §eV’salachta la-avonenu ulchatatenu unchaltanu.

May You forgive our iniquities and our wrongdoings and make us Your heritage.


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Stand with head and body slightly bowed.

Ana Adonai EloheinuWe beseech You Adonai our Elohim

Velohei avoteinu,and Elohim of our ancestors,

tavo l’fanecha t’filatenu,may our prayer come before You,

v’al tit-alam malkenu mitchinatenu,and do not disregard our plea, our Sovereign,

she-ein anachnu azei fanimfor we are not arrogant

uk-shei oref lomar l’fanechaand stiff necked to say before You

Adonai Eloheinu Velohei avoteinu,Adonai our Elohim and Elohim of our ancestors,

tzadikim anachnu v’lo chatanu,that we are righteous and did nothing negative,

aval chatanu, avinu, pashanu,indeed we have been negative, iniquitous, done misdeeds

anachnu va-avoteinu we and our ancestors,

v’anshe veiteinu.and the members of our household.

Epi«¥dŸl¡ dedi `P ¨ ,Epi«¥zFa£ i ¥dŸl` ¥e

,Ep«¥zN ¦t §Y Li«¤pt §l ŸaY ,Ep«¥zP ¦g §Y ¦n Ep«¥M §l ©n m©N©r §z ¦Y l © §e

mi ¦pt i¥G ©r Ep §g«©p£ oi ¥ ¤WLi«¤pt §l x ©nFl s ¤x «Ÿr i ¥W §wE

,Epi ¥«zFa£ i ¥dŸl` ¥e Epi«¥dŸl¡ dedi,Ep`«hg Ÿl §e Ep §g«©p£ mi ¦wi ¦C ©v

,Ep §r «©W ©R ,Epi «¦a ©r ,Ep`«hg la£ Epi«¥zFa£ ©e Ep §g«©p£

.Ep«¥zi ¥a i ¥W §p © §eStrike the left side of the chest with the right fist while reciting each word that begins with a blue letter.

` Ashamnu, a bagadnu, b gazalnu,We have been guilty, we have betrayed, we have stolen,

c dibarnu dofi v’lashon hara,we have spoken slander and evil speech,

d he-evinu, e v’hir’shanu, f zadnu,we have done iniquity, we caused wickedness, we transgressed,

g chamasnu, h tafalnu sheker,we have extorted, we have made false accusations,

i ya-atznu ra, k kizavnu, l latznu,we have given bad advice, we have deceived, we have scorned,

n maradnu, p ni-atznu, q sararnu, we have rebelled, we have blasphemed, we have strayed,

r avinu, t pashanu, v tzararnu, we’ve been iniquitous, we’ve done misdeeds, we’ve bound up,

¨ ,Ep §n «©WAa ,Ep §c«©bBb,Ep §l«©f

¦Cc,rxd oFWl §e i ¦t «Ÿc Ep §x«©A

¤d ,Epi «¦e¡r§e ,Ep §r «©Wœ§x ¦d«©f,Ep §c

g ,Ep §q«©nh,x ¤w«¤W Ep §l«©t

i ,rx Ep §v«©r¦Mk ,Ep §a«©G«©l,Ep §v

n ,Ep §c «©x¦p ,Ep §v«©q ,Ep §x «©x

r ,Epi «¦eRt ,Ep §r «©Wv ,Ep §x «©x


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w kishinu oref, x rashanu,we have stiffened our necks, we have been wicked,

y shichatnu, z ti-avnu,we have been corrupt, we have detested,

ta-inu v’ti-atanu.we have gone astray, and we have scoffed.

Sarnu mimitzvotecha umimishpatecha,We have turned away from Your commandments and Your laws,

hatovim, v’lo shavah lanu.that are good, and it was not worthwhile for us.

V’atah tzadik al kolAnd You are righteous in all

haba aleinu, that has come upon us,

ki emet asitafor truthfully have You acted,

va-anachnu hir’shanu.while we have acted wickedly.

¦w ,s ¤x «Ÿr Epi «¦Xx,Ep §r «©W

¦Wy ,Ep §z«©g¦Yz ,Ep §a«©r.Ep §r«Y£r ¦Y §e Epi«¦rY

,Li«¤hR §W ¦O ¦nE Li«¤zŸe §v ¦O ¦n Ep §x«©q.Ep«l de «W Ÿl §e ,mi ¦aFH ©d

lÇM l©r wi ¦C ©v dY © §e,Epi«¥lr `A ©d

zi «¦Ur z ¤n¡ i ¦M.Ep §r «Wœ§x ¦d Ep §g«©p£ ©e


The verses of this prayer ask the Creator to answer us and relate to humility which assistin quieting our ego nature, which is what prevents the Light from flowing into our lives.

Anenu Adonai anenu. Answer us, Adonai, answer us.

Anenu Eloheinu anenu. Answer us, our Elohim, answer us.

Anenu avinu anenu. Answer us, our Father, answer us.

Anenu bor’einu anenu. Answer us, our Creator, answer us.

Anenu go-alenu anenu. Answer us, our Redeemer, answer us.

Anenu dor’shenu anenu. Answer us, You Who search us out, answer us.

Anenu ha-El hane-eman anenu. Answer us, the One Who is faithful, answer us.

Anenu vatik v’chasid anenu. Answer us, steadfast and kind One, answer us.

Anenu zach v’yashar anenu. Answer us, pure and upright One, answer us.

.Ep«¥p£r dedi Ep«¥p£r .Ep«¥p£r Epi«¥dŸl¡ Ep«¥p£r .Ep«¥p£r Epi «¦a ¨ Ep«¥p£r

.Ep«¥p£r Ep«¥ œ§xFA Ep«¥p£r.Ep«¥p£r Ep«¥l£ FB Ep«¥p£r

.Ep«¥p£r Ep «¥Wœ§xFC Ep«¥p£r .Ep«¥p£r on¡ ¤P ©d l ¥ d Ep«¥p£r .Ep«¥p£r ci ¦qg §e wi ¦ze Ep«¥p£r

.Ep«¥p£r xWi §e K©f Ep«¥p£r


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Anenu chai v’kayam anenu. Answer us, living and enduring One, answer us.

Anenu tov umetiv anenu. Answer us, good and beneficent One, answer us.

Anenu yode-a yetzer anenu. Answer us, Knower of inclinations, answer us.

Anenu kovesh k’asim anenu. Answer us, Suppressor of wrath, answer us.

Anenu lovesh tz’dakot anenu. Answer us, Donner of righteousness, answer us.

Anenu melech malchei ham’lachimAnswer us, Sovereign Who reigns over sovereigns,

anenu. answer us.

Anenu nora v’nisgav anenu. Answer us, awesome and powerful One, answer us.

Anenu sole-ach umochel anenu. Answer us, You Who forgives and pardons, answer us.

Anenu oneh b’et tzarah anenu. Answer us, You Who answers in time of distress, answer us.

Anenu podeh umatzil anenu. Answer us, Redeemer and Rescuer, answer us.

Anenu tzadik v’yashar anenu. Answer us, righteous and up-right One, answer us.

Anenu karov l’kor’av anenu. Answer us, You Who are close to those who call upon You, answer us.

Anenu shome-a el evyonim anenu. Answer us, You Who listens to the destitute, answer us.

Anenu tomech t’mimim anenu. Answer us, You Who supports the wholesome, answer us.

Anenu Elohei avoteinu anenu. Answer us, Elohim of our ancestors, answer us.

Anenu Elohei Avraham anenu. Answer us, Elohim of Abraham, answer us.

Anenu pachad Yitzchak anenu. Answer us, Awesome One of Isaac, answer us.

Anenu avir Ya-akov anenu. Answer us, Mighty One of Jacob, answer us.

Anenu magen David anenu. Answer us, Shield of David, answer us.

Anenu ezrat hash’vatim anenu. Answer us, Helper of the tribes, answer us.

Anenu misgav imahot anenu. Answer us, Stronghold of the Matriarchs, answer us.

Anenu oneh b’et ratzon anenu. Answer us, You Who answers in a time of favor, answer us.

Anenu rachum v’chanun anenu. Answer us, merciful and gracious One, answer us.

.Ep«¥p£r mI ©w §e i ©g Ep«¥p£r.Ep«¥p£r ai ¦h ¥nE aFh Ep«¥p£r

.Ep«¥p£r x¤v«¤i ©r «¥cFi Ep«¥p£r.Ep«¥p£r mi ¦qr §M W¥aFM Ep«¥p£r.Ep«¥p£r zFwc §v W¥aFl Ep«¥p£r mi ¦klœ§O ©d i ¥k §l ©n K¤l«¤n Ep«¥p£r

.Ep«¥p£r .Ep«¥p£r aB §U ¦p §e `xFp Ep«¥p£r .Ep«¥p£r l ¥gFnE ©g«¥lFq Ep«¥p£r

.Ep«¥p£r dxv z¥r §A d¤pFr Ep«¥p£r.Ep«¥p£r li ¦S ©nE d ¤cFR Ep«¥p£r.Ep«¥p£r xWi §e wi ¦C ©v Ep«¥p£r

.Ep«¥p£r ei ¨ œ§xFw §l aFxw Ep«¥p£r.Ep«¥p£r mi ¦pFi §a ¤ l ¤ ©r«¥nFW Ep«¥p£r

.Ep«¥p£r mi ¦ni ¦n §Y K ¥nFY Ep«¥p£r.Ep«¥p£r Epi«¥zFa£ i ¥dŸl¡ Ep«¥p£r.Ep«¥p£r mdx §a © i ¥dŸl¡ Ep«¥p£r

.Ep«¥p£r wg §v ¦i c ©g«©R Ep«¥p£r.Ep«¥p£r aŸw£r©i xi ¦a£ Ep«¥p£r

.Ep«¥p£r c ¦eC o¥bn Ep«¥p£r.Ep«¥p£r mi ¦haœ§X ©d z ©x §f¤r Ep«¥p£r .Ep«¥p£r zFdO ¦ a©B §U ¦n Ep«¥p£r

.Ep«¥p£r oFvx z¥r §A d¤pFr Ep«¥p£r.Ep«¥p£r oEP ©g §e mEg ©x Ep«¥p£r


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We connect once again to the spiritual energy of Creation in this prayer, which follows thesequence of the Hebrew alefbet.

.Epi«¥lr m ¥g ©x Li«¤pt §l Ep`«hg oEP ©g §e mEg ©xRachum v’chanun chatanu l’fanecha rachem aleinu.

Merciful and Gracious One, we have missed the mark before You, have mercy upon us.


Adon haslichot,Ruler of forgiveness,

bochen l’vavot,Who examines hearts,

goleh amukot, Who reveals deep secrets,

dover tz’dakot, Who speaks righteousness,

£ ,zFgi ¦l §Q ©d oŸecAa,zFaa §l o ¥gFBb ,zFwEn£r d¤lFCc,zFwc §v x ¥aF

.Epi«¥lr m ¥g ©x Li«¤pt §l Ep`«hgChatanu l’fanecha rachem aleinu.

We have missed the mark before You, have mercy upon us.


Hadur b’nifla-ot, The One Who is glorious in wonders,

vatik b’nechamot, Who provides consolation,

zocher b’rit avot, Who remembers the covenant with the Patriarchs,

choker k’layot, Who examines the conscience,

d,zF`l §t ¦p §A xEce,zFng¤p §A wi ¦zf ,zFa ¨ zi ¦x §A x ¥kFg,zFil §M x ¥wF

.Epi«¥lr m ¥g ©x Li«¤pt §l Ep`«hgChatanu l’fanecha rachem aleinu.

We have missed the mark before You, have mercy upon us.


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Tov umetiv lab’riyot,The One Who is good and beneficent to all creatures,

yode-a kol nistarot, Who knows all that is concealed,

kovesh avonot, Who covers our iniquities,

lovesh tz’dakot, Who is clothed in righteousness,

h,zFI ¦xœ§A©l ai ¦h ¥nE aFi,zFxY §q ¦p lÇM ©r «¥cFMk,zFpŸe£r W¥aFl,zFwc §v W¥aF

.Epi«¥lr m ¥g ©x Li«¤pt §l Ep`«hgChatanu l’fanecha rachem aleinu.

We have missed the mark before You, have mercy upon us.


Male zakiyot, The One Who is full of virtue,

nora t’hilot, Who is awesome in praises,

sole-ach avonot, Who pardons iniquities,

oneh b’et tzarot, Who answers in times of trouble,

n ,zEI ¦M©f `¥lp ,zFN ¦d §z `xFq,zFpŸe£r ©g«¥lFr,zFxv z¥r §A d¤pF

.Epi«¥lr m ¥g ©x Li«¤pt §l Ep`«hgChatanu l’fanecha rachem aleinu.

We have missed the mark before You, have mercy upon us.


Po-el y’shu-ot,The One Who brings about salvation,

tzofeh atidot, Who foresees the future,

kore hadorot, Who calls generations,

rochev aravot, Who rides the heavens,

shome-a t’filot, Who hears prayers,

t’mim de-ot, Who is perfect in knowledge,

Rt ,zFrEW §i l¥rFv ,zFci ¦z£r d ¤tFw ,zFxFC ©d ` ¥xFx,zFax£r a ¥kFWy ,zFN ¦t §Y ©r«¥nF§Yz,zFr ¥C mi ¦n

.Epi«¥lr m ¥g ©x Li«¤pt §l Ep`«hgChatanu l’fanecha rachem aleinu.

We have missed the mark before You, have mercy upon us.


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El rachum shimcha.Merciful One is Your Name.

El chanun shimcha.Gracious One is Your Name.

El erech apayim shimcha.Slow to Anger One is Your Name.

Male rachamim shimcha.Full of Compassion One is Your Name.

Banu nikra shimcha.We are called by Your Name.

Adonai aseh l’ma-an sh’mecha.Adonai, act for the sake of Your Name.

.L §n ¦W mEg ©x l ¥ .L §n ¦W oEP ©g l ¥

.L §n ¦W m ¦i«©R © K ¤x«¤ l ¥ .L §n ¦W mi ¦n£g ©x `¥ln

.L §n ¦W `x §w ¦p Ep«A.L«¤n §W o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r dedi

]iml hsiASEH L’MA-AN

Abraham is referred to as temimecha (perfect) because he had faith and never questionedthe Almighty One’s justice. Through the following prayer, we are asking Hashem to assistus through the merit of Abraham and to give us humility during this season of Teshuvah.

Aseh l’ma-an sh’mach.Adonai, act for the sake of Your Name.

Aseh l’ma-an ` amitach.Act for the sake of Your truth.

Aseh l’ma-an a b’ritach.Act for the sake of Your covenant.

Aseh l’ma-an b godtach v’tifartach.Act for the sake of Your greatness and splendor.

Aseh l’ma-an c datach.Act for the sake of Your law.

Aseh l’ma-an d hodach.Act for the sake of Your glory.

Aseh l’ma-an e vi-udach.Act for the sake of Your assembly.

Aseh l’ma-an f zichrach.Act for the sake of Your remembrance.

Aseh l’ma-an g chasdach.Act for the sake of Your kindness.

Aseh l’ma-an h tuvach.Act for the sake of Your goodness.

.Ln §W o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r£ .KY ¦n o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r§Aa .KYi ¦x

o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£rÇBb.KY §x © §t ¦z §e KY §c o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£rCc.KY o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£rd.KcF o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r¦e.KcEr o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r¦f.Kx §k o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r©g.KC §q o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£rh.KaE


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Aseh l’ma-an i yichudach.Act for the sake of Your Oneness.

Aseh l’ma-an k k’vodach.Act for the sake of Your honor.

Aseh l’ma-an l limudach.Act for the sake of Your students.

Aseh l’ma-an n malchutach.Act for the sake of Your sovereignty.

Aseh l’ma-an p nitz-chach.Act for the sake of Your eternity.

Aseh l’ma-an q sodach.Act for the sake of Your secret revealed to those in awe of You.

Aseh l’ma-an r uzach.Act for the sake of Your power.

Aseh l’ma-an t p’erach.Act for the sake of Your glory.

Aseh l’ma-an v tzidkatach.Act for the sake of Your righteousness.

Aseh l’ma-an w k’dushatach.Act for the sake of Your holiness.

Aseh l’ma-an x rachamanutach.Act for the sake of Your abundant mercy.

Aseh l’ma-an y Sh’chinatach.Act for the sake of Your Sh’chinah (Divine Presence).

Aseh l’ma-an z Toratach.Act for the sake of Your Torah.

o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r¦i .KcEg o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r§Mk.KcFa o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r¦l.KcEO o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r©n.KzEk §l o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r¦p.Kg §v o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£rq.KcF o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£rªr.KG o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r§Rt.Kx ¥ o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r¦v.Kzw §c o ©r«©n §l d ¥y£r§w.KzX ªc o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r©x.KzEpn£g o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r§Wy.Kzpi ¦k o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£rYz.KzxF

Aseh l’ma-an AvrahamAct for the sake of Abraham,

Yitzchak v’Ya-akov.Isaac, and Jacob.

Aseh l’ma-an Moshe v’Aharon.Act for the sake of Moses and Aaron.

Aseh l’ma-an David uShlomoh.Act for the sake of David and Solomon.

Aseh l’ma-an Y’rushalayimAct for the sake of Jerusalem

ir hakodesh.the holy city.

Aseh l’ma-an TziyonAct for the sake of Zion

mdx §a © o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r .aŸw£r©i §e wg §v ¦i

.oŸx£d © §e d ¤WŸn o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r

.dŸnŸl §WE c ¦eC o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£rm ¦i«©lWEx §i o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r

.W ¤c «ŸT ©d xi ¦roFI ¦v o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r


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mishkan k’vodach.the abode of Your glory.

Aseh l’ma-an charban beitach.Act for the sake of the ruin of Your House.

Aseh l’ma-an shim’mot heichalach.Act for the sake of the desolation of Your Temple.

Aseh l’ma-an Yisra-el ha-aniyim.Act for the sake of Israel, the needy ones.

Aseh l’ma-an Yisra-el hadalim.Act for the sake of Israel, the destitute ones.

Aseh l’ma-an Yisra-elAct for the sake of Israel,

hash’ruyim b’tzarot.who are beset by troubles.

Aseh l’ma-an im lo l’ma-anenu.Act for the sake of if not for our sake.

Aseh l’ma-ancha v’hoshi-enu.Act for Your sake and save us.

Hoshi-enu va-anenu hayomSave us and answer us this day,

uvchol yom vayom bit-filatenuand each and every day when we pray

ki t’hilatenu atah.for You are our glory.

.LcFa §M o ©M §W ¦n.Kzi ¥A o ©A §xg o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r

.Klki ¥d zFnœ§n ¦W o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r

.mi ¦I ¦p£rd l ¥ x §U ¦i o ©r«©n §l d ¥U£r.mi ¦N ©C ©d l ¥ x §U ¦i o ©r ©n §l d ¥U£r

l ¥ x §U ¦i o ©r ©n §l d ¥U£r.zFxv §A mi ¦iExœ§X ©d

.Ep«¥p£r ©n §l Ÿl m ¦ L §p ©r ©n §l d ¥U£r.Ep«¥ri ¦WFd §e L §p ©r ©n §l d ¥U£r

mFI ©d Ep«¥p£r ©e Ep«¥ri ¦WFd Ep«¥zN ¦t §z ¦A mFie mFi lÇk §aE

.dY«¨ Ep«¥zN ¦d §z i ¦M

D’anei la-aniyei,May the One Who answers the needy,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’ashikei, May the One Who answers the oppressed,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei litvirei liba, May the One Who answers the brokenhearted,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’shiflei da-ta, May the One Who answers those with humble minds,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’makichei rucha, May the One Who answers those of lowly spirit,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’Avraham avinuMay the One Who answered Abraham, our Patriarch,

,i¥I ¦p£r©l i¥pr §C .opi¥p£r

,i ¥wi ¦W£r©l i¥pr §C.opi¥p£r

,`A ¦l i ¥xi ¦a §z ¦l i¥pr §C.opi¥p£r

,`Y §r ©c i¥l §t ¦W §l i¥pr §C.opi¥p£r

,`gEx i ¥ki ¦M ©n §l i¥pr §C.opi¥p£r

Epi «¦a ¨ mdx §a © §l i¥pr §C


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b’har hamoriyah, at Mount Moriah,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’Yitzchak al gabei mad-b’cha,May the One Who answered Isaac upon the altar,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’Ya-akov b’veit El, May the One Who answered Jacob at Beth El,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’Yosef b’veit asirei, May the One Who answered Joseph in prison,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’Mosheh va-avoteinuMay the One Who answered Moses and our ancestors

al yam suf, at the Sea of Reeds,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’Aharon bamachta, May the One Who answered Aharon with the fire-pan,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’Fin’chas bashitim, May the One Who answered Pinchas at Shittim,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei Lihoshu-a ba-gilgal, May the One Who answered Joshua at Gilgal,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’Eli baramah, May the One Who answered Eli at Ramah,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei Lishmu-el bamitzpah, May the One Who answered Shmuel at Mitzpah,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’David v’LishlomohMay the One Who answered David and Shlomo,

b’no Birushalayim,his son, in Jerusalem,

aneinan.answer us.

,dI ¦xFO ©d x ©d §A .opi¥p£r

,`gœ§A §c ©n i ¥A©B l©r wg §v ¦i §l i¥pr §C .opi¥p£r

,l ¥ zi ¥a §A aŸw£r©i §l i¥pr §C.opi¥p£r

,i ¥xi ¦q£ zi ¥a §A s ¥qŸei §l i¥pr §C .opi¥p£r

Epi ¥zFa£ ©e d ¤WŸn §l i¥pr §C ,sEq m©i l©r

.opi¥p£r ,`Y §g ©O ©A oŸx£d © §l i¥pr §C

.opi¥p£r,mi ¦H ¦X ©A qgœ§pi ¦t §l i¥pr §C

.opi¥p£r ,lB §l ¦B ©A ©r «ªWFdi ¦l i¥pr §C

.opi¥p£r ,dnxA i ¦l¥r §l i¥pr §C

.opi¥p£r ,dR §v ¦O ©A l ¥ En §W ¦l i¥pr §C

.opi¥p£r dŸnŸl §W ¦l §e c ¦ec §l i¥pr §C

,m ¦i«©lWExi ¦A Fp §A.opi¥p£r


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D’anei l’Eliyahu b’har hakarmel, May the One Who answered Eliyahu at Mount Carmel,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei le-Elisha biricho, May the One Who answered Elisha in Jericho,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’Chizkiyahu bachaloto, May the One Who answered Chizkiyahu during his illness,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’Yonah bimei hadagah, May the One Who answered Jonah in the belly of the fish,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei la-Chananyah Misha-elMay the One Who answered Chananyah, Mishael,

va-Azaryah b’go atunand Azaryah inside the hot

nura yakidta,fiery furnace,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’Daniyel b’guba d’aryavata,May the One Who answered Daniel in the lions’ den,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’Mord’chai v’EsterMay the One Who answered Mordechai and Esther

b’shushan habirah,in the capital city of Shushan,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’Ezra bagolah, May the One Who answered Ezra in exile,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’Choni bamagal, May the One Who answered Choni in his circle,

aneinan.answer us.

D’anei l’tzadikei vachasideiMay the One Who answered the righteous, pious

ut’mimei di b’chol dar v’dar, and perfect ones in each and every generation,

aneinan.answer us.

,l ¤n §x ©M ©d x ©d §A Ed«I ¦l ¥ §l i¥pr §C .opi¥p£r

,Fgi ¦xi ¦A rWi ¦l¡ ¤l i¥pr §C .opi¥p£r

,FzFl£g ©A Ed«I ¦w §f ¦g §l i¥pr §C .opi¥p£r

,dbC ©d i¥r §n ¦A dpFi §l i¥pr §C .opi¥p£r

l ¥ Wi ¦n di §p©p£g©l i¥pr §C oEY © Fb §A di §x©f£r ©e

,`Y §c ¦wi `xEp.opi¥p£r

,`zei §x © §c `A ªb §A l`¥I ¦pc §l i¥pr §C.opi¥p£r

x ¥Y §q ¤ §e i ©kœ§C §xÇn §l i¥pr §C ,dxi ¦A ©d o ©WEW §A

.opi¥p£r ,dlFB ©A `x §f¤r §l i¥pr §C

.opi¥p£r ,lB §r ©O ©A i ¦pFg §l i¥pr §C

.opi¥p£r i ¥ci ¦q£g ©e i ¥wi ¦C ©v §l i¥pr §C

,xc §e xC lÇk §A i ¦C i ¥ni ¦nœ§zE.opi¥p£r


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Rachamana aneinan, Merciful One, answer us,

Rachamana sh’ziv, Merciful One, save us,

Rachamana p’rok, Merciful One, rescue us,

Rachamana d’yit-m’lei rachaminMerciful One, Who is filled with mercy,

rachem alanahave mercy upon us,

v’al kol anshei veitana, and upon everyone in our households,

v’al kol Yisra-el achana, and upon all of Israel, our brethren,

umechashocha linhoraand take us out of darkness into light,

af-kinan b’dil sh’mach raba.for the sake of Your great Name.

,opi¥p£r `pn£g ©x ,ai ¦f §W `pn£g ©x ,wŸx §R `pn£g ©x

oi ¦n£g ©x i¥lœ§n §z ¦i §C `pn£g ©x `plr m ¥g ©x

,`pzi ¥a i ¥W §p © lÇM l©r §e,`pg ¨ l ¥ x §U ¦i lÇM l©r §e

`xFd §p ¦l `kFW£g ¥nE.`A ©x Kn §W li ¦c §A oP ¦w §R ©


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The Thirteen Attributes reflect the thirteen different aspects of our relationship with theCreator. They also allow forgiveness to take place, through which our souls are purified.

We stand as we recite the following:

El melech yoshevAlmighty One, Sovereign Who sits

al kisei rachamim,upon the throne of mercy,

mit-naheg bachasidut,Who acts with kindness,

mochel avonot amo,Who pardons the negative deeds of Your people,

ma-avir rishon rishon,Who removes them one by one,

mar-beh m’chilah l’chata-im,Who abundantly grants pardon to those who do negative deeds,

uslichah l’fosh’im,and forgiveness to transgressors,

oseh tz’dakot imWho performs acts of generosity with

kol basar varu-ach,all beings of flesh and spirit,

lo ch’ra-atam tigmol.not in accordance with thier wickedness do You repay them.

El, horeita lanu lomarAlmighty One, You taught us to recite

sh’losh esreh,the Thirteen Attributes,

z’chor lanu hayom b’ritremember for us today the covenant

sh’losh esreh, k’mo shehodataof the Thirteen Attributes, as You made known

le-anav mikedem, to the humble one (Moses) in ancient times,

v’chen katuv,and thus it is written,

Vayered Adonai be-anan,And Adonai descended in a cloud,

vayit-yatzev imo sham,and stood with him there,

vayikra v’shem Adonai.and called out with the Name of Adonai.

a ¥WFi K¤l«¤n l ¥ ,mi ¦n£g ©x ` ¥Q ¦M l©r

,zEci ¦q£g ©A b ¥d©p §z ¦n ,FO©r zFpŸe£r l ¥gFn

,oFW` ¦x oFW` ¦x xi ¦a£r ©n,mi ¦ H ©g §l dli ¦g §n d¤A §x ©n

,mi ¦rœ§WFt §l dgi ¦l §qE m ¦r zFwc §v d ¤UFr

, ©gE «xe xUA lÇM .lFn §b ¦Y mzrx §k Ÿl

x ©nFl Ep«N zi «¥xFd ,l ¥ ,d ¥x §U¤r WŸl §W

zi ¦x §A mFI ©d Ep«l xFk §fY §r «©cFd ¤W Fn §M ,d ¥x §U¤r WŸl §W

,m ¤c «¤T ¦n epr ¤l ,aEzM o ¥k §e

,opr ¤A dedi c ¤x«¥I ©e ,mW FO ¦r a¥S©i §z ¦I ©e.dedi m ¥W §a `x §w ¦I ©e


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One should bow slightly while saying the following verse,and everyone says it together:

:`x §w ¦I ©e eipR l ©r dedi xŸa£r©I ©eVaya-avor Adonai al panav vayikra:And Adonai passed before [Moses’] face and proclaimed:

| signifies a pause.

dedi | dediAdonai, Adonai,

Adonai, Adonai,

[`],l ¥ [a],mEg ©x [b]oEP ©g §e , [c]K ¤x«¤(1)El, (2)rachum, (3)v’chanun, (4)erech

Almighty One, compassionate, and gracious, slow

[d],m ¦i«©R © [e],c ¤q«¤g a ©x §e(5)apayim, (6)v’rav chesed,

to anger, and abundant in kindness,

[f],z ¤n¡ ¤e(7)ve-emet,

and truth,

[g]Ÿpc¤q«¤g x¥v [h] ,mi ¦tl£ l(8)notzer chesed (9)la-alafim,

preserver of kindness for thousands of generations,

[i],oŸer ` ¥UŸp [`i],r ©W«¤te [ai],d ¨ H ©g §e [bi].d ¥T©p §e(10)noseh avon, (11)vafesha, (12) v’chata-ah, (13) v’nakeh.

Forgiver of iniquity, willful wrongdoing, and error, and Who absolves.

Everyone recites together:

.Ep ¨«Y §l ©g §pE Ep«¥z`H ©g §lE Ep«¥pŸe£r©l Y §g©lq §eV’salachta la-avonenu ulchatatenu unchaltanu.

May You forgive our iniquities and our wrongdoings and make us Your heritage.


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tvlxl vnataATANU L’CHALOT

A vital step in removing negativity is to confront it. Through this prayer we face our ownnegativity.

Atanu l’chalot fanecha, We have come to pray before You,

ki chesed v’emet y’kadmu fanecha.for kindness and truth go before You.

Na al t’vishenu,Please do not bring us to shame,

na al t’shivenu reikam mil’fanecha.please do not turn us away empty handed from before You.

S’lach lanu ushlach lanuForgive us and send us

y’shu-ah v’rachamim mim’onecha.salvation and compassion from Your dwelling place.

Atanu l’vakesh mim’cha kaparah,We have come to ask absolution from You,

ayom v’nora,O feared and awesome One,

misgav l’itot batzarah.strength in times of distress.

T’chayeinu, t’chanenu,Give us life, grant us grace,

uvshimcha nikra.and we shall call out Your Name.

S’lach lanu ushlach lanuForgive us and send us

y’shu-ah v’rachamim mim’onecha.salvation and compassion from Your dwelling place.

,Li«¤pt zFl ©g §l Ep`«z ¨ .Li«¤pt En §c ©w §i z ¤n¡ ¤e c ¤q«¤g i ¦k

,Ep «¥Wi ¦a §z l © `p .Li«¤pt œ§l ¦n mwi ¥x Ep«¥ai ¦W §z l © `p

Ep«l g©l §WE Ep«l g©l §q.L¤pFrœ§n ¦n mi ¦n£g ©x §e drEy §i

,dxR ©M Lœ§n ¦n W¥w ©a §l Ep`«z ¨ ,`xFp §e mŸi ¨

.dxv ©A zFz ¦r §l ab §U ¦n ,ep«¥pg §z ,epi«¥i ©g §z.`x §w ¦p L §n ¦W §aE

Ep«l g©l §WE Ep«l g©l §q.L«¤pFrœ§n ¦n mi ¦n£g ©x §e drEy §i


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When we choose to transform our ego nature, we arouse the Creator’s mercy and energyof protection over us.

Shomer Yisra-el, O Guardian of Israel,

sh’mor sh’erit Yisra-el,safeguard the remnant of Israel,

v’al yovad Yisra-el,and let not Israel be destroyed,

ha-om’rim b’chol yom: those who proclaim each day:

Sh’ma Yisra-el.Hear O Israel.

Shomer goy echad,O Guardian of the nation that is unique,

sh’mor sh’erit goy echad, safeguard the remnant of the nation that is unique,

v’al yovad goy echad,and let not the nation that is unique be destroyed,

ha-om’rim b’chol yom: those who proclaim each day:

Sh’ma Yisra-el, Adonai Eloheinu, Hear O Israel, Adonai our Elohim,

Adonai echad.Adonai is the One.

Shomer goy kadosh, O Guardian of the nation that is holy,

sh’mor sh’erit goy kadosh, safeguard the remnant of the nation that is holy,

v’al yovad goy kadosh, and let not the nation that is holy be destroyed,

ha-om’rim b’chol yom: those who proclaim each day:

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh.Holy, Holy, Holy.

Shomer goy raba, O Guardian of the nation that is great,

sh’mor sh’erit goy raba,safeguard the remnant of the nation that is great,

v’al yovad goy raba, and let not the nation that is great be destroyed,

,l ¥ x §U ¦i x ¥nFW ,l ¥ x §U ¦i zi ¦x ¥ §W xŸn §W

,l ¥ x §U ¦i c ©a Ÿi l © §e :mFi lÇk §A mi ¦xœ§nF`d

.l ¥ x §U ¦i r ©n §W

,cg ¤ iFB x ¥nFW,cg ¤ iFB zi ¦x ¥ §W xŸn §W

,cg ¤ iFB c ©a Ÿi l © §e:mFi lÇk §A mi ¦xœ§nF`d

,Epi«¥dŸl¡ dedi ,l ¥ x §U ¦i r ©n § ¤ dedi

,WFcw iFB x ¥nFW,WFcw iFB zi ¦x ¥ §W xŸn §W

,WFcw iFB c ©a Ÿi l © §e:mFi lÇk §A mi ¦xœ§nF`d

.WFcw ,WFcw ,WFcw

,`A ©x iFB x ¥nŸeW ,`A ©x iFB zi ¦x ¥ §W xŸn §W

,`A ©x iFB c ©a Ÿi l © §e


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ha-om’rim b’chol yom: those who proclaim each day:

Amen y’he sh’meih raba.Amen, may Your great Name be blessed.

:mFi lÇk §A mi ¦xœ§nF`d.`A ©x Di ¥n §W ` ¥d §i o ¥n ¨

,mi ¦U£r ©n Ep«A oi ¥ i ¦M ,Ep«¥p£r ©e Ep«¥Pg ,Ep«¥M §l ©n Epi «¦a ¨.Ep«¥ri ¦WFd §e c ¤q«¤ge dwc §v Ep«O ¦r d ¥U£r

Avinu malkenu, chanenu va-anenu, ki ein banu ma-asim,aseh imanu tz’dakah vachesed v’hoshi-enu.

Our Father, our Sovereign, be gracious with us and answer us, though we have no deeds which are worthy,treat us with charity and kindness and save us.

t y o v q s©W Ep«¥zr §e©w l ¥AE r ©n §W©v Ep«¥z ©w£ri ©r «¥cF©Y.zFnEl£r

Shavatenu kabel ushma tza-akatenu yode-a ta-alumot.Turn to us and hear our prayers, You Who know all hidden things.

&The Chazzan may choose to blow the shofar at the end of Selichot before Kaddish Titkabal.

The shofar is not sounded on Shabbat or on the 29th of Elul.


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The Ari revealed that the Full Kaddish has the power of twice Light. One of them is theLight within us all. The second Light is known as “Or Makif” or “surrounding Light”. TheKaddish Titkabal is the tool which links these two Lights together.

Recited by the Chazzan, Everyone says the words in { }.

Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’meh raba.Exalted and sanctified be His great Name.


B’al’ma di v’ra chiruteh, In the world that He has created according to His will,

v’yamlich malchuteh, and may He let His sovereignty have dominion,

v’yatzmach purkaneh and cause His redemption to sprout

vikarev M’shicheh {Amen.}and bring near the Mashiach. Amen.

B’chayeichon uvyomeichonIn your lifetime and in your days

uvchayei d’chol beit Yisra-el,and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,

ba-agala uvizman kariv,speedily and at a time that comes soon,

v’imru amen. {Amen.}and say amen. Amen.

{Y’hei sh’meh raba m’varach May His great Name be blessed

l’alam ul-almei al-maya.}forever and for all eternity.

Yitbarach v’yishtabach v’yitpa-ar Blessed and praised and glorified

v’yitromam v’yitnase v’yit-hadarand exalted and raised up and honored

v’yitaleh v’yit-halal and elevated and lauded

sh’meh d’kudsha {b’rich hu}, be the Name of the Holy One, Blessed is He,

.`A ©x D ¥n §W W ©C ©w §z ¦i §e l ©C©B §z ¦i{.o ¥n ¨ }

,D ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n œ§lr §A,D ¥zEk §l ©n Ki ¦l §n©i §e

D¥pw §x ªR g ©n §v©i §e{.o ¥n ¨ } .D ¥gi ¦W §n a ¥xwi ¦e

oFki ¥nFi §aE oFki¥I ©g §A,l ¥ x §U ¦i zi ¥A lÇk §c i¥I ©g §aE

,ai ¦xw o ©n §f ¦aE `lb£r ©A{.o ¥n ¨ } .o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e

K ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W ` ¥d §i}{.`I ©n §lr i ¥n §lr §lE m©lr §l

x © R §z ¦i §e g ©A ©Y §W ¦i §e K ©xA §z ¦ixC ©d §z ¦i §e ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e m ©nFx §z ¦i §e

lN ©d §z ¦i §e d¤N©r §z ¦i §e,{`Ed Ki ¦x §A} `W §c ªw §C D ¥n §W


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l’ela min kol birchata v’shiratabeyond more than any blessing and song

tushb’chata v’nechemata,praise and consolation

da-amiran b’al’ma,that are uttered in the world,

v’imru amen. {Amen.}and say amen. Amen.

Titkabal tz’lotana uva-utanaMay our prayers and supplications be received

im tz’lot’hon uva-ut’honwith the prayers and supplications

d’chol beit Yisra-el kadamof the entire House of Israel before

avuna d’vishmaya,their Father Who is in heaven,

v’imru amen. {Amen.}and say amen. Amen.

Y’hei sh’lama raba min sh’maya, May there be abundant peace from heaven,

v’chayim tovim aleinu, and good life upon us,

v’al kol Yisra-el, and upon all Israel,

v’imru amen. {Amen.}and say amen. Amen.

`zk §x ¦A lÇM o ¦n `N«¥r §l,`zn¡g¤p §e `zgœ§A §W ªY `zxi ¦W §e

,`n œ§lr §A oxi ¦n£ ©C{.o ¥n ¨ } .o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e

,`pzEraE `pzFl §v l ©A ©w §z ¦YoFdœ§zEraE oFdœ§zFl §v m ¦r mc¢w l ¥ x §U ¦i zi ¥A lÇk §C

,`I ©n §W ¦a §C `pEa£{.o ¥n ¨ } .o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e

,`I ©n §W o ¦n `A ©x `nl §W ` ¥d §iEpi«¥lr mi ¦aFh mi ¦I ©g §e

,l ¥ x §U ¦i lÇM l©r §e{.o ¥n ¨ } .o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e

Take three steps back and bow to the left and say:

Oseh shalom bimromav, May the One Who makes peace in His heights,

,einFx §n ¦A mFlW d ¤UŸrBow to the right and say:

hu b’rachamav may He, in His compassion,

ya-aseh shalom aleinu, make peace upon us,

ein£g ©x §A `Ed,Epi«¥lr mFlW d ¤U£r©i

Bow forward and say:

v’al kol amo Yisra-el,and upon all His people Israel,

v’al kol yosh’vei tevel,and upon all the inhabitants of the earth,

,l ¥ x §U ¦i FO©r lÇM l©r §e,l ¥a ¥z i ¥aœ§WFi lÇM l©r §e

Straighten the body and say:

v’imru amen. {Amen.}and say amen.

{.o ¥n ¨ } .o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e