selected species from nmqoc species appreciation...

Selected Species from NMQOC Species Appreciation Group 15 th June 2019 Photos courtesy of Jon Cara, Graham Corbin Orchid commentary courtesy of Nev Bone Bulbophyllum careyanum var. ochracea epiphyte 200 to 2100m Eastern Himalayas, Assam, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. Grows in evergreen lowland forests as a small sized, warm to cool growing species that flowers in the winter and spring on a basal, stout, brown inflorescences 23 cm long. The flowers are foul smelling. Best grown on tree fern or cork, kept wet although allowed to dry out and hot to cool conditions with slight shade. Catasetum expansum

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Page 1: Selected Species from NMQOC Species Appreciation jenmanii epiphyte 300 to 600m Guyana and Venezuela. Grows

Selected Species from NMQOC

Species Appreciation Group


June 2019

Photos courtesy of Jon Cara, Graham Corbin

Orchid commentary courtesy of Nev Bone

Bulbophyllum careyanum

var. ochracea


200 to 2100m

Eastern Himalayas, Assam,

Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim,

Myanmar, Thailand, and


Grows in evergreen lowland

forests as a small sized, warm to

cool growing species that flowers

in the winter and spring on a

basal, stout, brown inflorescences

23 cm long. The flowers are foul


Best grown on tree fern or cork,

kept wet although allowed to dry

out and hot to cool conditions

with slight shade.

Catasetum expansum

Page 2: Selected Species from NMQOC Species Appreciation jenmanii epiphyte 300 to 600m Guyana and Venezuela. Grows

Bulbophyllum longissimum

epiphyte sometimes as a lithophyte

Lowlands in Thailand

Grows on rocky outcrops, trunks & the lower branches of rain

forest trees in moderate to heavy shaded locations.

It requires warm moist conditions with high humidity.

Page 3: Selected Species from NMQOC Species Appreciation jenmanii epiphyte 300 to 600m Guyana and Venezuela. Grows

Cattleya jenmanii


300 to 600m

Guyana and


Grows as a small

sized, hot to warm

growing, unifoliate

species in deep

forests along rivers

with a wet season in

the summer and

autumn and a dry

season in the winter

and spring that

flowers in the

summer and autumn

on a short to 10 cm terminal, with few 3 to 7 flowered inflorescence arising on a mature

pseudobulb with a basal spathe.

Coelogyne septemcostata

Dendrobium antennatum

Page 4: Selected Species from NMQOC Species Appreciation jenmanii epiphyte 300 to 600m Guyana and Venezuela. Grows

Dendrobium insigne

'Zaraha' CBM ANOS

Dendrochilum saccolabium


above 1200m

Philippines, located in a number of

the provinces.

Growing in forests on trunks &

main branches in filtered light as a

miniature to small sized, cool

growing species. The single leafed

pseudobulbs with a leathery, flat,

corrugated leaf and flowers in the

autumn and winter on an semi-

arching, densely up to 40 flowered

inflorescence arising with a new

growth and has flowers that do not

open fully because of the spotted

bracts semi-enveloping them.

Page 5: Selected Species from NMQOC Species Appreciation jenmanii epiphyte 300 to 600m Guyana and Venezuela. Grows

Gastrochilus obliquus


800 to 1400m

Eastern Himalayas, Bhutan,

Sikkim, Myanmar, northern

Thailand, southern China,

northern Laos and Vietnam.

Grows in dense forests as a

miniature sized, warm to cool

growing orchid with a very

short stem carrying persistent,

bright green leaves that flowers

in the autumn and winter on

drooping racemose, with 8

flowered inflorescence

carrying fragrant, long-lived


Page 6: Selected Species from NMQOC Species Appreciation jenmanii epiphyte 300 to 600m Guyana and Venezuela. Grows

Laelia anceps f. disciplinata x anceps 'suoflair' Laelia anceps

Liparis viridiflora

epiphyte, lithophyte or terrestrial

300 to 2500m

Assam, Bangladesh, eastern

Himalayas, Nepal, lower India,

Sri Lanka, Myanamar, Malaysia,

Thailand, Cambodia, Laos,

Vietnam, China, Borneo, Java,

the Philippines, Sulawesi,

Sumatra, New Guinea and


Grows hot to warm in broadleaf,

evergreen, lowland forests on

highly eroded, stratified

limestone cliffs and bluffs. It

blooms in the fall on an 25 cm

long, slender, densely many

flowered, racemose

inflorescence with small bracts

and very small, crowded


Page 7: Selected Species from NMQOC Species Appreciation jenmanii epiphyte 300 to 600m Guyana and Venezuela. Grows

Mediocalcar decoratum


900m to 2500m

Papua and New Guinea and West Irian.

Grows as a mini-miniature, mat-forming,

cool to cold growing epiphytic species in

transitional montane forests in moist and

shady locations. It blooms on a new

pseudobulb growth in the autumn, winter

and spring.

Neolehmannia porpax

Oncidium sotoanum

Page 8: Selected Species from NMQOC Species Appreciation jenmanii epiphyte 300 to 600m Guyana and Venezuela. Grows

Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi

epiphyte or lithophyte

200 to 1000 m

India, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam,

Nicobar Islands, Malaysia, Java, Borneo,

Sumatra, and the Philippines.

Grows as a small sized, hot to warm growing

species found in lowland locations on stunted

vegetation in fairly exposed areas or in dense

riverine or lowland forests with heavy dews

high up in the canopy.

This species needs a distinct dry spell in

winter. It blooms on 10 to 40 cm long,

branched and flattened, racemose. The

flowers are fragrant, long-lasting, fleshy and

it can bloom at any time of year but

especially from spring till autumn. It will

flower on the inflorescence so long as it is


This species can be mounted or potted with

coarse free draining medium with semi-

shade, high humidity, and hot to cool


Phalaenopsis pallens

Page 9: Selected Species from NMQOC Species Appreciation jenmanii epiphyte 300 to 600m Guyana and Venezuela. Grows

Pleurothallis stricta


1800 to 2500m

Colombia and Ecuador.

Grows in cloud forests as a miniature, cool to

cold growing species that flowers summer

and winter on an erect, loose, distichous, few

to several flowered, 5 to 16 cm long,

racemose inflorescence arising from a spathe

and having thin, tubular floral bracts.

Polystachya galeata


400 to 1000m

Cameroon, Congo, Gabon,

Ghana, Guinea, Ivory

Coast, Liberia, Nigeria,

Sierra Leone, Zaire and


Grows in lowland and

submontane evergreen

forests in full to dappled

sun as a medium sized, hot

to warm growing species

forming small clumps. The

flowers are strongly

scented flower in the
