select super · superannuation investment over a one year period. you should use this table to...

1. About Select Super .................................... 2 2. How super works....................................... 3 3. Benefits of investing with Select Super .... 4 4. Risks of super ............................................ 5 5. How we invest your money ........................ 6 6. Fees and costs ........................................... 8 7. How super is taxed .................................. 11 8. Insurance in your super .......................... 13 9. How to open an account .......................... 17 Forms included: Join Intrust Super and Choice of Fund PDS [ Product Disclosure Statement ] PREPARED 20 APRIL 2020 Select Super

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Page 1: Select Super · superannuation investment over a one year period. You should use this table to compare this product with other superannuation products. Example – Balanced option

1. About Select Super ....................................2

2. How super works .......................................3

3. Benefits of investing with Select Super ....4

4. Risks of super ............................................5

5. How we invest your money ........................6

6. Fees and costs ...........................................8

7. How super is taxed ..................................11

8. Insurance in your super ..........................13

9. How to open an account ..........................17

Forms included:Join Intrust Super and Choice of Fund

PDS[Product Disclosure Statement]


Select Super

Page 2: Select Super · superannuation investment over a one year period. You should use this table to compare this product with other superannuation products. Example – Balanced option

1. About Select SuperThis Product Disclosure Statement explains the features and benefits of Intrust Super Select Super.

Select Super provides access to Intrust Super’s investment and insurance options, without requiring regular employer contributions. Through Select Super, you can access Life & Total and Permanent Disablement Insurance, and PayGuard Income Protection, even if you are not getting regular contributions from an employer. For example, you may be self-employed, you may work seasonally with an employer and therefore have irregular wages and super contributions or you may have no employer contributing on your behalf at all.

This PDS summarises significant information about Select Super. It includes references to Other Important Information that is taken to form part of this PDS.

Important information is indicated throughout this PDS with this icon.

Further detail regarding this information is in booklets called “Other Important Information”, which are available at Together with the PDS, the Other Important Information should be considered before investing in Select Super.

The information provided in this PDS is general information only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider the PDS and obtain financial advice tailored to your own personal circumstances before deciding to invest in Select Super. Visit to find out about our financial advice services. To request a printed copy of this PDS or the Other Important Information referred to in this PDS call Intrust Super on 132 467.

The information in the document is current at the date it is prepared and may change from time to time. The Trustee may provide updated information, including investment returns, by posting it on

Issued by IS Industry Fund Pty Ltd | MySuper Unique Identifier: 65704511371601 | ABN: 45 010 814 623 | AFSL No: 238051 | RSE Licence No: L0001298 | Intrust Super ABN: 65 704 511 371 | USI/SPIN: HPP0100AU | RSE Registration No: R1004397

IS Financial Planning Pty Ltd ABN 64 143 707 439 trading as Intrust360° is a wholly owned subsidiary of IS Industry Fund Pty Ltd. Intrust360° is a corporate authorised representative of Link Advice Pty Limited ABN: 36 105 811 836 | AFSL: 258145 | Corporate Authorised Representative Number: 379207

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2. How Super worksSuper is money saved for your retirement.

That money could be contributed by your employer, your spouse, the Government, or by you personally. In most cases, you can choose where your super gets paid.

Select Super accepts all kinds of contributions, but was designed primarily for people who aren’t receiving regular employer Superannuation Guarantee [SG] contributions. There are limits on the amount that can be contributed and the amount of tax savings that your contributions can attract.

SG contributions are mandatory payments an employer makes on behalf of employees. They are paid over and above wages and salary.

Salary Sacrifice contributions are paid out of an individual’s before-tax salary.

SG and Salary Sacrifice contributions to your super fund are “Concessional Contributions” because they receive concessional tax treatment. A contributions tax of 15% applies, rather than an individual’s marginal tax rate.

Individuals can also make contributions to their super account from their after-tax income. These contributions are “Non-Concessional” because they don’t receive concessional tax treatment. The 15% contributions tax isn’t applied because income tax has already been paid. Non-Concessional Contributions may be eligible for a Government Co-Contribution, or, if paid into a spouse’s super, may attract a tax offset. For up-to-date tax information, visit or call the Australian Taxation Office on 13 10 20.

Accessing your superYou generally can’t access your super until you’ve reached your preservation age [which will be between 55 and 60, depending on when you were born]. In extreme circumstances such as severe financial hardship, you may be able to withdraw some super earlier. | 132 467 [ 3 ]

Page 4: Select Super · superannuation investment over a one year period. You should use this table to compare this product with other superannuation products. Example – Balanced option

3. Benefits of investing with Select Super

We’re here to help you maximise your super. The benefits of Intrust Super Select Super include:

Super Concierge – your dedicated Concierge Service waiting to help you with your Super. Register at concierge.

Online account and SuperCents apps – to track and grow your super.

A range of investment options to choose from, with a history of strong long-term performance.*

Multi-award-winning insurance options to protect you and your loved ones from financial stress.#

Intrust360° – your financial advice solution, available whenever you need it – online with Super Blueprint, over the phone with Phone360° or face-to-face with Advice360°.^

* SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey – SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index February 2020. Past performance is no indication of future returns.#Awarded by Money magazine’s Best Value Insurance in Super from 2013-2018.

^ There may be a fee for this service. IS Financial Planning Pty Ltd ABN 64 143 707 439 trading as Intrust360° is a wholly owned subsidiary of IS Industry Fund Pty Ltd ABN: 45 010 814 623. Intrust360° is a corporate authorised representative of Link Advice Pty Limited ABN: 36 105 811 836 | AFSL: 258145 | Corporate AuthorisedRepresentative Number: 379207.

Set up your online MemberAccess account at

Download SuperCents today!

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4. Risks of superAll investments carry some risk.

Each person’s risk appetite will vary depending on factors including their age, investment timeframe, other investments and their risk tolerance. Having sufficient time invested in the market is an important consideration when choosing investments with different levels of risk.

The risks associated with superannuation include:

• The value of investment options will rise and fall over time. Investment performance is not guaranteed, and you might lose money. Future returns may differ from past returns. The options with the higher expected long-term returns generally involve higher levels of risk and therefore a higher chance of short- term negative returns.

• Laws affecting super [such as superannuation laws, taxation and social security] may change at any time.

• The amount you save may not be enough to provide adequately for your retirement.

• Inflation may erode the final value of your investment.

• It may not be possible at all times to immediately convert your investments to cash. Intrust Super is aware of this risk and manages its investments and cash holdings to maintain adequate liquidity.

• Some options invest in overseas investments, which mean fluctuations in currencies could impact unit prices. | 132 467 [ 5 ]

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5. How we invest your moneyYou can choose any combination of our options listed below:

Pre-mixed options Single sector options

1. Balanced 6. Australian shares

2. Growth 7. International shares

3. Combined shares 8. Property

4. Conservative 9. Bonds [fixed interest]

5. Stable 10. Cash

When joining Select Super, you must complete the Investment Choice section in the Membership Application to indicate your investment choice which must add up to 100%.

You should consider the likely return, risk and your investment timeframe when choosing investment options.

Balanced investment optionThe Balanced investment option is designed for members seeking high returns with an investment timeframe of medium to long term, who are willing to accept some volatility.

Investment objective

To outperform [after fees and taxes] the consumer price index + 3% per annum over rolling ten year periods.

Investment mix

Asset Allocation Benchmark % Range %

Australian shares 28 15-35

International shares 27 15-35

Growth opportunities 5 0-10

Infrastructure 5 0-20

Property 10 5-20

Bonds 15 0-30

Cash 2 0-30

Defensive opportunities 8 0-20

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Minimum investment timeframe: Medium to long term: Be prepared to stay invested in this option for at least five years. Under the industry “Standard Risk Measure”* this option falls into Risk Band 5.

Risk band 5: Medium to high. The estimated number of negative annual returns is three to less than four over any 20 year period.

Members will be notified of any material changes that occur to the Select Super option or any other investment option.

For more information please read Select Super: Other Important Information – Investments.

Changing your investment optionsYou can choose or switch investments as often as you like through MemberAccess at no cost to you. Switches are processed weekly. If you need help choosing investments call us on 132 467. We’ll put you in touch with a qualified financial adviser.

You should read the document: “Select Super: Other Important Information – Investments” regarding all of Select Super’s investments before making a decision. This material about investments may change between the time you read this PDS and when you acquire the product. Visit

Socially responsible investing [SRI]The Fund’s investment decisions are primarily based on economic factors. We don’t consider labour standards nor environmental, social or ethical matters in selecting, retaining or realising Intrust Super’s investments, although sometimes these matters affect economic factors affecting investments.

*Superannuation funds are required to disclose the level of risk using the industry Standard Risk Measure for the purposes of comparing the risk attributes of investment options. | 132 467 [ 7 ]

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6. Fees and costs

The following warning is prescribed by Government legislation


Small differences in both investment performance and fees and costs can have a substantial impact on your long-term returns.

For example, total annual fees and costs of 2% of your fund balance rather than 1% could reduce your final return by up to 20% over a 30-year period [for example, reduce it from $100,000 to $80,000].

You should consider whether features such as superior investment performance or the provision of better member services justify higher fees and costs. You may be able to negotiate to pay lower contribution fees and management costs where applicable. Ask the fund or your financial adviser.


If you would like to find out more, or see the impact of the fees based on your own circumstances, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission [ASIC] website [] has a superannuation calculator to help you check out different fee options.

You should read the document: “Select Super: Other Important Information – Fees and Costs” regarding all of Select Super’s fees including the Balanced option, before making a decision. This material about fees and costs may change between the time you read this PDS and when you become a member. Visit

The table on the next page shows the fees and other costs that you may be charged and can be used to compare costs between different superannuation products. These fees and costs may be deducted from your account or from the returns on your investment.

Please note: Intrust Super does not negotiate fees.

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Fees and costs: summary table – Balanced option

Types of fee or cost Amount How and when paidInvestment feeInvestment fee11 0.81% per 0.81% per

annumannum2,3 2,3

[for Balanced [for Balanced option].option].

Deducted from gross Deducted from gross earnings before unit earnings before unit prices are declared.prices are declared.

Administration feeAdministration fee11 $1.75 per week$1.75 per week

PLUS 0.30% per 0.30% per annum of annum of your account your account balance.balance.

Deducted from your Deducted from your account at the end of account at the end of each month.each month.Deducted weekly Deducted weekly from gross earnings from gross earnings before unit prices are before unit prices are declared.declared.

Buy-sell spreadBuy-sell spread NilNil N/AN/ASwitching feeSwitching fee NilNil N/AN/AAdvice feesAdvice fees44 relating relating to all members to all members investing in a investing in a particular product particular product or investment or investment option.option.

NilNil No advice fee is No advice fee is charged for providing charged for providing general advice general advice relating to your Intrust relating to your Intrust account.account.

Other fees Other fees and costsand costs

Refer to Other Important Information: Refer to Other Important Information: Fees and costs available on the Fees and costs available on the Intrust Super website.Intrust Super website.

Indirect cost ratioIndirect cost ratio 0%0% Indirect costs are Indirect costs are included in the included in the Investment fee above.Investment fee above.

Additional fees may apply. You should read the Select Super Other Important Information – Fees and Costs document about service fees and the fees and costs of all of Select Super investment options, including the section Additional explanation of fees and costs. Our fees are not negotiable.

1. Administration and investment fees [including indirect costs] are capped at 3% per annum for members who have a final balance of less than $6000 in any financial year. The 3% cap is calculated on the last day of each financial year or, where a member leaves the Fund part way through the year, on the date the member exits the Fund.

2. The Investment fee includes a performance-based fee of 0.08%.

3. These fees are an estimate, derived from the actual fees and costs for the Select Super option for the year ended 30 June 2019.

4. Further fees and costs such as those for personal financial advice may apply.

Advice fee warning: Intrust Super does not pay commissions to financial advisers. However, if you engage the services of a financial adviser, including an Intrust360° financial adviser, you may be charged a fee. This fee should be agreed, in advance, between you and your financial adviser, and will vary depending on the type of advice given and legally must be set out in the Statement of Advice your adviser gives you. | 132 467 [ 9 ]

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Increases or changesThe Trustee reserves the right to change the fees charged at any time. Should fees [e.g. Administration fees] increase, we will ensure that you are notified in writing at least 30 days before any increase takes effect.

Example of annual fees and costs for the Balanced optionThis table gives an example of how the fees and costs in the Balanced option for this product can affect your superannuation investment over a one year period. You should use this table to compare this product with other superannuation products.

Example – Balanced option Balance of $50,000Investment fees 0.81%

per annumFor every $50,000 you have in the Balanced option you will be charged $405 each year.

PLUS Administration fees

$91 [$1.75 per week]

PLUS 0.30% per annum

And, you will be charged $91 each year as an Administration fee regardless of your balance, plus $150 indirect administration fee which will be deducted from your investment.

PLUS Indirect costs for the Balanced option

0.00% per annum

And, indirect costs of $Nil each year will be deducted from your investment.

EQUALS Cost of product

$646 If your balance was $50,000, then for that year you will be charged fees of $646 for the Balanced option.

Important notes:• Additional fees may apply.• The Investment fee includes a performance-based fee of 0.08%.• The Investment fee shown is based on asset values as at 30 June

2019 and will vary year to year. • Performance fees are paid to Investment Managers if they exceed

agreed performance targets. The performance fee shown above is the actual fee for the Balanced option for the year ended 30 June 2019. Performance fees will vary year to year and may exceed the Investment fee shown if Investment Managers exceed performance targets.

• The definitions for the fees in Select Super are available at

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7. How super is taxedSuperannuation is taxed:

• when certain contributions are made,

• on investment earnings,

• if you take a benefit before retirement at 60.

We deduct the tax payable and remit it to the ATO. Super benefit payments are usually tax-free once you reach age 60.

Tax on contributionsContribution type Tax payable

Employer contributions 15% [if we have your TFN*]

Salary sacrifice contributions 15% [if we have your TFN*]

Personal after-tax contributions None*

Co-contributions None

Low Income Super Contributions None

*If you do not provide your TFN then your employer and salary sacrifice contributions will incur an additional tax of 32% and you are unable to make personal after-tax contributions.

Please note: If you exceed contribution caps, you may pay a much higher tax rate on any contributions that exceed the caps.

If your combined annual income and super exceed $250,000 you will pay an extra 15% tax on employer and salary sacrifice contributions.

Please note: If you exceed contribution caps, you may pay a much higher tax rate on any contributions that exceed the caps.

If your combined annual income and super exceed $250,000 you will pay an extra 15% tax on employer and salary sacrifice contributions.

Investment earnings are taxed at up to 15%. This tax is deducted before returns are declared, so unit prices are shown after tax.

Tax on benefits is a complex topic. We recommend you consider discussing your situation with a licensed financial adviser, as the decisions you make about how and when to take your benefit can affect the tax payable and your Age Pension entitlements. For up-to-date tax information, visit or call the Australian Taxation Office on 13 10 20. | 132 467 [ 11 ]

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• If you’re 60 or over, you will pay no tax on your benefit.

• If you’re between your designated preservation age and 60, your benefit will be made up of a tax-free and a taxable component. For 2019/20, the first $210,000 [called the low rate cap]* of the taxable component of a lump sum benefit is tax-free, with any amount above that limit taxed at your marginal tax rate or 17% [including Medicare Levy], whichever is lower.

• If you’re under your designated preservation age, the entire taxable component of a lump sum benefit is taxed at your marginal tax rate or 22% [including Medicare Levy], whichever is lower.

• If you’re terminally ill, your benefit is tax-free.

*The low rate cap is indexed annually

Rollovers in or out of a super fund are generally not taxed.

Lump Sum Death benefits paid to dependants [as defined for tax purposes] are tax free. If paid to a non-dependant, part of the benefit is taxed.

Total and Permanent Disablement benefits are taxed at different rates, depending on your age when you were disabled.

Avoid paying too much tax You should provide your tax file number [TFN] when you join Intrust Super.

If you do not, then your employer and salary sacrifice contributions will incur an additional tax of 32%. Also, personal after-tax contributions cannot be accepted if we don’t have your TFN.

Intrust Super may also use your TFN to confirm your identity, and with your permission, locate and transfer to Intrust Super any funds held with the Australian Tax Office or other super funds.

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All eligible Select Super members are able to receive two types of insurance cover. PayGuard Income Protection Insurance provides an income benefit if sickness or injury prevents you from working. Life & Total and Permanent Disablement Insurance [Life & TPD] provides a lump sum benefit in the event of your death or total, permanent, disablement.

You should read the document: “Select Super: Other Important Information – Insurance” regarding all of Select Super’s insurance before making a decision. This material about insurance may change between the time you read this PDS and when you acquire the product. Visit

PayGuard Income Protection Insurance As a Select Super member, you can choose [i.e. opt in] to have PayGuard with premiums deducted from your Intrust Super account. PayGuard provides a benefit of up to 90% of your income, up to a maximum of $4,500 per week for up to two years [104 weeks]*. For a self-employed person, ‘income’ means the gross income earned less all business expenses incurred in earning that income. In addition, a superannuation benefit of an amount equal to 10% of the benefit paid will be paid into your Select Super account.

PayGuard Income Protection premiums are deducted from your account based on the number of units you choose. You must choose at least three units and each unit costs $2.51 per week [21 day waiting period] and provides $250 per week per unit of cover. You can choose to increase your waiting period from 21 days to up to 90 days, which will result in a lower premium rate [see table below].

Waiting period Premium [includes GST/Stamp Duty]21 days [default] $2.5130 days $2.2645 days $2.0290 days $1.51

*Members who are under the age of 25 and have an account balance under $6,000 will need to opt-in to insurance cover. (See “Select Super: Other Important Information – Insurance”)

*The maximum benefit period for a disablement caused by a Mental Condition is 52 weeks.

8. Insurance in your super | 132 467 [ 13 ]

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Life and Total and Permanent Disablement [Life & TPD] InsuranceThe default level of Life & TPD cover is two units [see table below for cover per unit] of Limited Cover. It provides a lump sum benefit if you die, become terminally ill or become totally and permanently disabled. Cover is available up to age 65.

Age last birthday Cover per unit16 to 39 $150,00040 $141,60041 $134,50042 $127,30043 $120,10044 $113,00045 $105,80046 $98,70047 $91,50048 $84,50049 $77,30050 $70,20051 $63,10052 $56,00053 $48,800

54 $41,600

55 $38,100

56 $34,500

57 $30,900

58 $27,300

59 $23,700

60 $20,200

61 $16,600

62 $13,000

63 $9,400

64 $5,800

65 Nil

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You may be eligible for an additional unit of cover if specific ‘nominated events’ such as marriage or divorce occur, without the need for medical evidence#. For full details read the “Select Super: Other Important Information – Fees and Costs” Insurance” document available at

New members can use the Membership Application Booklet to apply for extra cover. Existing members can use the Application for Changes to Insurance form to apply to increase their cover. You can apply for up to $10 million in Life cover and $3 million in TPD cover. Your level of TPD cover can’t be more than your level of Life cover. Extra Cover isn’t automatic. Applications are assessed by the Insurer who may require additional medical or other information.Cover does not commence until the date your application is approved by the Insurer. We will notify you of the Insurer’s decision.#This additional cover will be Limited Cover for 24 months. At the end of this 24 month period the Insured Person must be in Active Employment for 30 consecutive days commencing on the anniversary date 24 months after the date this cover commenced under The Policy. If this requirement is met then Limited Cover will end and full cover will apply from the first day after the 30 consecutive days has ended. If they do not meet this requirement Limited Cover will continue to apply until they have met this requirement.

Cost of Life & TPD insurance coverYour premium for Life and TPD cover will vary depending on your age, sex, whether you smoke or not, and the type of cover you choose. Premium rates range from $0.15 [Life insurance only for a female non-smoker up to 21 years of age] to $19.98 [Life & TPD insurance for a 64 year-old male smoker].* *Cost is annual premium per $1,000 of cover.Limited Cover: means cover for an illness diagnosed or an injury that occurred on or after the date that your cover commences.

Paying for insuranceThe cost of both Life & TPD and PayGuard insurance is deducted from your Select Super account each month. If you don’t want Life & TPD cover, just indicate on your membership application form that you do not wish to take it up. You can also cancel or reduce cover by writing to Intrust Super at any time. | 132 467 [ 15 ]

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If you do not change or cancel your default cover, the Trustee will continue to deduct premiums for your default insurance cover from your account unless your account becomes inactive, refer to ‘Cancellation of inactive insurance’ below for further details.

Eligibility conditions and exclusionsThe insurance cover provided under Select Super is subject to eligibility conditions and exclusions. These may affect your entitlements to insurance cover or the circumstances when an insurance benefit may be payable under the Policy.

You should read the document: “Select Super: Other Important Information – Insurance” regarding all of Select Super’s insurance before making a decision. This material about insurance may change between the time you read this PDS and when you acquire the product. Visit

Cancellation of inactive insurancePlease note that Life & TPD Insurance cover will automatically be cancelled where your account is deemed to be ‘inactive’ under Government legislation i.e. you have not made a contribution or rollover in the previous 16 months and have not nominated to retain this insurance by notifying the Fund, in writing, in advance. Intrust Super will notify you of the likely cancellation of your insurance cover in advance of its cancellation. Refer to the ‘Select Super: Other Important Information – Insurance’ for further information.

BeneficiariesYou can nominate who receives your death benefit when completing a member application on the form provided or on MemberAccess. You can make a preferred, or a binding nomination. There are laws regarding who you can nominate.

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1. Read this PDS and:• Select Super:

Other Important Information – Fees and Costs

• Select Super: Other Important Information – Investments

• Select Super: Other Important Information – Insurance

These booklets contain details of how Select Super operates, its benefits and its features. If you need advice tailored to your personal situation, speak with a licensed financial adviser. Intrust360° can provide financial planning services to Intrust Super members. Visit to find out more about these services.

2. Complete the membership application which accompanies this PDS, or join online at

3. Return your completed membership application to Intrust Super. On joining Select Super, you will receive a welcome pack and your member number.

Cooling-off periodA 14-day cooling off period only applies if you have made the choice to be an Intrust Super member yourself.During this period, you may write to the Trustee to cancel your membership and have any contributions transferred to a complying super fund, approved deposit fund or retirement savings account of your choice. We will not deduct fees from the repayment, however, the balance may be adjusted to take into account any positive or negative investment earnings and taxes payable.

ComplaintsWe aim to deal with enquiries and any complaints as quickly and effectively as possible. Please contact us using the details below to discuss your complaint:

Intrust Super, GPO Box 1416, Brisbane QLD 4001 or phone 132 467 or email [email protected]

9. How to open an account | 132 467 [ 17 ]

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We will do our best to acknowledge all complaints in writing within one working day of receipt. We aim to resolve all complaints within five working days where possible.In all other cases, we will resolve complaints within a maximum of 90 days.

If an issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority [AFCA]. AFCA has been set up by the Federal Government to provide fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers. Web | Email [email protected] | Phone 1800 931 678 [free call] | In writing: Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001.

Protect your super from being transferred to the ATO Lost Accounts. The Australian Taxation Office [ATO] takes control of superannuation accounts deemed as ‘lost’ every year. Please keep your details [phone number, email & address] up to date and inform your employer of your Intrust Super member number to ensure you receive all your membership benefits and don’t become ‘lost’. You can also opt in for SuperMatch and electronic communications, which enables us to search for lost super, stay in contact with you and avoid returned mail. You can do this via the membership application form, or by contacting us directly.

Inactive Accounts. The ATO aims to ensure low balance, inactive accounts aren’t eroded inappropriately by fees and insurance premiums and requires us to transfer accounts to them where they become “inactive” for 16 consecutive months and fall below $6,000. If this is likely to occur and you would like your account to remain ‘active’ you can take one of the following steps where you consider this appropriate to your needs:

• make a contribution, or regular contributions, to your Intrust Super account;

• rollover one or more accounts held with another superannuation fund to Intrust Super*;

• make or change a binding beneficiary nomination;• review and change your investments options or

insurance cover; or• advise the ATO, in writing, that you are not a member

of an inactive low-balance account.

You should consider comparative fees and benefits of your other fund(s), including the impact of losing any insurance cover before consolidating your accounts.

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Respecting your privacyProtecting your personal information is important to Intrust Super and is also a legal requirement. Our privacy policy outlines the type of information we will keep about you. It explains how we, and any organisation we appoint to provide services to you on our behalf, will use this information. For more information about our privacy policy and the way we handle your personal information, visit

Not yet registered for MemberAccess? Visit to get started. Once you have registered for MemberAccess you can view your account balance, contact details and much more 24/7. | 132 467 [ 19 ]

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VISIT Level 21, 10 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

MAIL GPO Box 1416, Brisbane QLD 4001

PHONE 132 467 131 450 – Free translation service

EMAIL [email protected]


Connect with us

HZ/SHORT/PDS 870.0 04/20 ISS15