seec magazine vol.14 issue 4


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August/September 2010 issue of SEEC Magazine. SEEC Ministries International. Marty & Kathy Gabler *


Page 1: SEEC Magazine Vol.14 Issue 4




COMFORT 1Co 14:3; Eph 4:12

Page 2: SEEC Magazine Vol.14 Issue 4


Synergizing Heaven & Earth......….....3

Jim Hodges

Becoming Mature Sons.........................6

Kathy Gabler

Symbols Journal....................................7


Kathy Gabler


Dr. Elwyn Lewis

Hope Deferred….................................15

Melissa Gabler

The Church & Keys &


Simon Purvis

Christianity Vanquished in


Dr. Terry L. Thompson

The Rock.............................................28

Marty Gabler

Volume 14 Issue 4 August/September 2010


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Thank you fo

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O� THE COVER: Mat 6:28 Why worry about clothes? Look how the wild flowers grow. They don't work hard to make their clothes. Mat 6:29 But I tell you that Solomon with all his wealth wasn't as well clothed as one of them. Mat 6:30 God gives such beauty to every-thing that grows in the fields, even though it is here today and thrown into a fire tomor-row. He will surely do even more for you!

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed...when it is full grown...becomes a tree.”

SEEC Ministries International PO Box 298

Coldspring,TX 77331-0298

SEEC Magazine is published by

SEEC Ministries International.

(A Corporation Sole) SEEC stands

for Strengthen, Encourage,

Equip and Comfort according

to 1Co 14:3 and Eph 4:12 as

t a k e n f r o m t h e � e w

International Version. This is

our mission statement and

SEEC Ministries International

is attempting to accomplish that

mission through ministry in

local churches, around the

globe, in conferences, seminars,

through publishing, audio and

video tapes. For a catalog listing

of the CDs and books available

by Marty and Kathy Gabler,

send us an e-mail at:

[email protected] or

write us at our PO Box.

SEEC Magazine is a bi-monthly

publication. It is for the purpose

of presenting teaching on the

subjects of prophecy, five-fold

ministry, gifts of the Spirit,

dreams and visions, and

intercession. Though each of

these subjects may not be

covered in each issue, they will

be covered through the course

of the year’s publications.

SUBSCRIPTIO�S: Please send

your name and address to SEEC

Magazine PO Box 298 Cold-

spring,TX 77331-0298. A

donation of $15.00/yr. is

suggested to help with

publication costs.

Editor: Marty Gabler

[email protected]

Office 936-653-4108

Page 3: SEEC Magazine Vol.14 Issue 4

SEEC Magazine 3 August/September 2010

The challenge

and call upon the Church

of the 21st Century is to

align its worship with the

worship in the heavens

around the throne of the

Lord God. The guide-

book for meeting this

challenge and fulfilling

this call is the Book of


From Genesis to

Revelation we hear the call

to realign the earth with

heaven. The Bible begins

with, "In the beginning

God made the heavens and

the earth" (Genesis 1:1).

The strong implication is

that heaven and earth were

in harmony. Sin had not

yet been released in the

earth. When it was released

through the fall of our first parents, earth became disharmonized with

heaven. In fact, everything came into disharmony when Adam and Eve

embraced the lie of Lucifer.

God and man became disharmonized in their relationship. Adam and

Eve's relationship became strained and disharmonized. Adam and Eve and

the environment no longer related in the same way. Certainly Cain was not

in harmony with his brother, Abel.

Throughout the Old Testament, God called new heirs through whom

He desired to re-harmonize earth with heaven . From Noah, to Abraham, to

Moses, and to David, God brought forth new dimensions of His plan to

overcome the disharmony. All of these were like "new Adams" with whom

God started over. Through each of them the Lord released a new order of

worship. Each of these orders included blood sacrifice by which God

would establish His covenant in the earth. The order for Adam was the Gar-

den. For Noah, it was the ark, a sort of floating garden. In Abraham, altars

throughout the land of promise became the order. In Moses, the pattern for

Jim Hodges

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SEEC Magazine 4 August/September 2010

the tabernacle came. And through David, although actually built by Solo-

mon, the Temple expressed the new order of worship. Although there was

some historical progress in the plan of God, all of these new Adams did as

the first one did. They failed, and they fell.

When we come to New Testament times, we behold the Lamb of God Who

takes away the sin of the world. He is the Last Adam-Second Man who did not

fail nor fall. Through Him and His redeeming and atoning blood, the worship

order is established in the heavenlies which would become the pattern for wor-

ship in the earth among His followers.

When He hung on the cross, the horizontal and the vertical met in reconciling

power. Man is reconciled to God and the earth is legally, judicially, and covenan-

tally re-harmonized with heaven. Now the Church, through the worship order

inaugurated by the Lamb, will become the vessel through whom the Lord God

will experientially re-harmonize the earth with heaven. Now it will be the Church

of the redeemed who will pray as He taught, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be

done, on earth as it is in heaven!"

If the Church will synergize with heaven in its worship and intercession, the

earth will once again be in harmony with heaven!

It would be good here to recall two Biblical settings which present a picture

of synergy between heaven and earth. The first one is found at Bethel when Jacob

saw angels ascending and descending on a ladder that connected earth with

heaven. He then declared, "This is none other than the house of God, and this is

the gate of heaven" (Genesis 28: 17). It was here that the Lord renewed the Abra-

hamic covenant with Jacob. It was also here that Jacob received the revelation

that earth and heaven are connected. If the Church, the house of God, is the gate

of heaven, then something of heaven is here on the earth. Indeed the access to

heaven is on the earth and that access is found in the Covenant Community of the


Undoubtedly Jesus had this incident in mind when He said to Nathaniel,

"Truly, truly, I say to you, you shall see the heavens opened and the angels of

God ascending and descending on the Son of Man" (John 1:51). Jesus, the Lamb,

would provide access to the Father's presence through His shed blood. And Jesus

is the ladder that reconnects and re-harmonizes earth with heaven!

The Synergy of the Word of God and the Music of God

Author James Jordan makes an intriguing comment about this. He says the

Holy Spirit is the Music of God.1 I would agree. I would add this observation:

God is the original Musician and He created angels to worship Him with music.

In the Godhead, the Holy Spirit is in charge of the music and worship! Christ is

the Living Logos Word of God and the Holy Spirit is the Music of God!

We see the synergy of the word and music in the ministries of two Old Testa-

ment prophets, Samuel and Elisha.

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SEEC Magazine 5 August/September 2010

The Ministry of Samuel

Samuel, who inaugurated the school of the prophets, was accompanied in his

ministry by a prophetic orchestra (I Samuel 10:5). This orchestra brought forth

new sounds never heard in Israel or in the earth! They were a forerunner ministry

who introduced the ministry of song to the priesthood. Up to that time, the priest-

hood was all about sacrifice and teaching the law. In Samuel's ministry, song

joined sacrifice, and this became a foreshadowing of the "Tabernacle of David"

type of worship that would later be established on Mt. Zion. This also pointed

forward to the song of the Sacrificed One, the Lamb! (Revelation 15:3).

The Ministry of Elisha

Later in the history of Israel, the prophet Elisha requested a minstrel before

he prophesied to King Jehoshaphat (II Kings 3: 15). The Scripture states when the

minstrel played, the hand of the Lord came upon the prophet and he released the

word of the Lord. The point is obvious. Both the "word" and the music were pro-

phetically anointed.

These incidents give us further insight when we look at the worship in the

Book of Revelation.

Let me refer again to James Jordan. He makes an insightful observation

when he says that throughout church history, there has been a tendency to slow

down the praise of the Church, to pull it down into a devotional and reverential

piety that gives way to mystical feelings. The Gregorian chant of the Middle

Ages would illustrate his observation. But then the Reformation of the 16th cen-

tury returned the Church, in a measure, to vigorous praise. However, a few gen-

erations later, the churches slowed down their singing and practically eliminated

the rhythmic character of their hymns and Psalms. In the later part of the 20th

century, the charismatic movement restored vigorous praise but sometimes at the

cost of weak doctrine. Jordan is advocating more vigorous worship and

praise for the Church and I would concur.

When we take a closer look at the worship scenes in the Book of Revelation,

we will be confronted with vigorous, demonstrative, instrumental, and yes, loud

worship. It will be as the sound of many waters and peals of thunder. The worship

of the Church ought to move like water and clap like thunder!

(This article is an excerpt from Apostle Jim Hodges’ book Releasing The Sounds

of Heaven on Earth. This book and other materials may be found at his website: or by calling the office 972-283-2262. Jim Hodges is the founder

of the Federation of Ministers and Churches International. Having ministered in

over 40 nations, Apostle Hodges serves the Body of Christ internationally as a

teaching apostle with a passion to see the Body of Christ fully established.)



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SEEC Magazine 6 August/September 2010

A l l

my life on

the church

b e n c h ,

when I heard

“Repent for the

K i n g d o m o f

Heaven is at hand,”

I thought it meant,

get right with God,

Girl, because you

may be at the

pearly gates any

minute!!! How-

ever, I do not be-

lieve that is the em-

phasis that God in-

tended in His word.

I have dis-

covered two major

flaws with that


1) It puts the

Kingdom only in the

future and eternity. That is not the case since the Kingdom of God’s

is His authority and power and the Kingdom is where the King has

domain. Even though His throne is in heaven, His domain and His

authority and power are both in heaven and on the earth. That’s why

when Jesus healed, He said, “The Kingdom has come upon you.”

God’s authority and power over sickness and disease has come upon

your physical body, here, now, on earth. Jesus said the Kingdom of

heaven is at hand because the authority and power of God is within

reach! Everything in heaven displays God’s authority and power and

that same authority and power can be displayed on the earth.

2) The second flaw in that thinking is that repentance is not just a call to

confess sin so you will go to heaven and not hell. A fuller, biblical under-

standing of repentance is to consider things differently, change your mind

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SEEC Magazine 7 August/September 2010

and see things as God sees them. Look at life with the power of God fac-

tored into the picture. So, now when I hear “Repent, for the Kingdom of

Heaven is at hand,” it means, Kathy, change your thinking wherever nec-

essary so you are empowered to do all that God intended in your lifetime

and then in eternity as well. Of course, the bottom line is, if we knew how

to think “differently” we would. It takes the Holy Spirit to open our un-

derstanding and help us see things differently.

For example, in our natural thinking, we see vampires, wolfmen, and

witchcraft as great darkness overtaking our doomed world, but if we think

like God thinks, these are all signs of creation groaning for the manifest

sons of God, Rom 8:19. Creation is groaning for powerful men and

women of God to do supernatural things and bring God’s will and order

to this life. Our children perceive this early on. It’s in the DNA of their

spirit to reach beyond natural to supernatural. That’s why they love video

games that take them beyond natural limits, and they’re drawn to heroes

like Superman. If we don’t teach them to know

God and think like He thinks, they won’t know

they were born to walk on water or heal the blind

WHEN it is obedience to Father’s instructions.

If we leave them untrained, they settle

for flawed models like the Hulk or Spiderman,

who do supernatural acts motivated by fear, anger or revenge. Untrained,

they’ll go after super-heroes without any discernment of their dark

sources, like Harry Potter, Matilda and Sabrina. We must teach our

children, and every life we influence, to see as God sees. Of course, the

best way to teach is by example. As we daily learn to think like God

thinks, that becomes our legacy and influence.

A healthy legacy makes it essential to get the basics right. The start-

ing place is how we think about our salvation! Many generations have

been taught that salvation is just an escape from hell, but they need to

think differently. Salvation is empowerment for life!

We are not on earth just to get saved, stay saved and go to heaven.

Our salvation is much more awesome than that! We are on earth with a

purpose. We are part of what God is doing in the history of the world,

history that He has already written, because God knows the end before the

beginning. Isa 46:10 for I am God, and there is no one else; I am God,

and there is none like Me, Declaring the end and the result from the be-

ginning . . . the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall

stand, and I will do all My . . .purpose.

If we leave

them untrained,

they settle for

flawed models.

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SEEC Magazine 8 August/September 2010

When the word says our name is written in the Book of Life, did you

think it was just a list of names? I don’t think so. It is the Book of LIFE!

That indicates that our name is written several times, in several chapters

of God’s plans unfolding in the details of history. Maybe your part is to

raise a daughter who will be a godly influence in a school system. Maybe

your part is to build a moral stronghold in the business community, by

selling real estate or working at Kroger. Maybe your part is to encourage

righteous politics in ten families by 2028. You might be an encourager

that God will use in a 1000 different settings before you are 70 and 1000


Your salvation means you have the covenant-backing of Almighty

God to help you overcome anything that opposes what you’re born to do,

whether that opposition be in your health, relation-

ships, finance, timing or circumstances. Your salva-

tion assures you of overcoming power. This awe-

some salvation will even save you from yourself.

You have the power of God to overcome opposition

within your own heart, beliefs, mind, memories,

character and emotions.

Being born again is just the beginning, an introduction to the Kingdom of

God where we can experience the presence, power and authority of God. Je-

sus answered, Except a man be born of water and [of] the Spirit, he cannot

enter into the kingdom of God. (Jn 3:5, KJV) When we pray the sinner’s

prayer and get born again, we become a member of the family of God. After we’re born again, our next step is to understand who we are in Christ and re-

alize that we need to grow into mature sons, like Jesus our example.

Jesus is, was and will forever be the only begotten Son of God, but Ro-

mans 8:29 says, For whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be con-

formed to the image of His Son, for Him to be the First-born among many

brothers. Those of us born again into the family and who thereby enter the

Kingdom of God are the many brothers. We too are sons of God.

As children, we learn who our parents are through time and relationship. We

learn their order, values, beliefs, preferences, priorities, etc. We identify them

and our identity develops from there. As sons of God, we learn who He is

through time and relationship, then our identity as sons develops from there.

In God’s order, healthy parenting establishes three essentials in each son or


1. Identity which produces Self-image,

2. Affirmation which produces Self-worth,

This awesome

salvation will

even save you

from yourself.

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SEEC Magazine 9 August/September 2010

3. Obedience which produces Self-discipline.

These are three essentials for mature, healthy character, and mature character is

essential to experience our fullest destiny that glorifies God. A frail self-image,

lack of self-worth and lack of self-discipline can damage or destroy anyone’s


Identity is knowing who you are and being confident you have purpose for

being here. The first shot the devil took at Jesus in the wilderness was at His

identity: “If You are God's Son, then command these stones.” However, Jesus

was so confident of His identity that Satan couldn’t tempt Him to even have to

prove it.

Affirmation establishes our self-worth. The second thing Satan said was,

"Since you are God's Son, jump." Let’s just see how far your Father will go to

prove His regard for you. Many people grow up never being affirmed. No au-

thority figure ever even notices their worth or ever takes the time to declare it, but

God did. “This is My beloved Son in whom I’m well pleased,” affirmed Jesus

personally and publically! Satan couldn’t make Him test His own worth because

he couldn’t make Him doubt His Father’s affirmation.

Obedience should be the truest expression of submission, respect and honor,

especially in a mature son. The third thing the devil did was offer Jesus a quick

way to get what He came after, but to get it an easier way than obedience to His

Father. (Jesus knew the kingdoms of the world were to be His, but not by wor-

shiping Satan.) Jesus was a mature son and so intent upon obedience that He

couldn’t be tempted by success on an easier path. Satan could not get Jesus to

focus on what He could do instead of who He was. That is self-discipline! That

is mature character!

Those who never have their identity established or those who never have

their worth and life affirmed, usually find obedience just a way to survive until

they can get on their own in life! Sadly, however, they are really not equipped to

be on their own.

The GOOD NEWS is that being born again offers us a new beginning. Our

salvation brings another opportunity to be equipped for life as we gain identity

and affirmation through healthy fathering. What was not experienced in our natu-

ral sonship can be established in our spiritual sonship. These essentials get estab-

lished as we think differently and become mature sons, overcoming everything

that opposes God’s good plans for our lives.

Expanding our Symbols Journal


By Kathy Gabler

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SEEC Magazine 10 August/September 2010

Symbolism is a limitless horizon to be explored. We contradict the

very essence of symbolism when we try to limit it. With that in mind,

the following is not intended to be the only significance of the subject.

An intercessor recently told me of a dream about a new ministry in

their region. The pastors were loading wood on their van to start the build-

ing, but as they left the lumber yard, jet planes began to pursue the van, a

woman was screaming at them from one plane and then someone shot out

their tires. After this, the attacks continued with bees covering the van.

The most important insight is the call to intercession for someone under at-

tack. If the intercessor did not have any other understanding, she could still pray

effectually knowing that God did not intend enemies to prevail. More insight on

the attackers might bring more strategic prayers, but the bottom line is that the

dream is a call to intercession. The attacks came from aerial sources indicating

spiritual warring. In this case, all weapons were launched through witchcraft. The

jets indicated experienced and advanced weaponry. The woman screaming is the

release of agreement with an evil assignment, and the bullets and bees are torments

loosed to hinder. The defeat of all weapons is agreement with the word no weapon

formed against us shall prosper. The full countermeasure in prayer is to send

every undeserved curse (Prov. 26:2) back to its source.

(Kathy’s book Getting To The Heart of Dreams has over 100 symbols.)

Back in

February of

this year, I

was in medita-

tion before the

Lord. God said

to me in my

spirit; “Be

strong in the

Lord and the

power of His


abounding in

the work of the

Lord. Be not

distracted by the conditions of life around you. Ignore the distracters

in the natural, in the spiritual, in your mind and emo-

tions” (Ephesians 6: 10; 1 Corinthians 15:58).

Then I prayed this prayer, “Lord, take hold of my being and en-

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SEEC Magazine 11 August/September 2010

able me to have dominion over distracters.” There are people and

things which distract us from our focus on our goals in life. I call

them distracters. There are many things that rob us of time, energy,

and concentration which kept us from fulfilling our dreams and in-

dividual calling from God. In this article I want to encourage you to

rise above the distracters which cause hindrances and road blocks.

God gives us power to say no to those things that entangle us. In

Jesus Name we can “throw them off” and get on with the mission

God has called us to do in this generation.

There are many categories of distracters that affect us. The list is very

long. It would be impossible to cover all of them in this writing. Since

most of those reading this article are in ministry of some form, I want to

focus on distracters in ministry. The enemy’s goal is to distract us from

the calling God has ordained for us.

The plot of Satan from the beginning has been to distract God’s people

from the purpose He has created them for. In the Garden of Eden God

placed man with a perfect nature and environ-

ment. The devil came with his lies and decep-

tions. He was able to distract Adam and Eve from

their concentration and focus on God and His

plan for them. Satan has been at work doing this

ever since. He will do it to each of us if we let

him. He is the major distracter. Because of sin our flesh has become a dis-

tracter. The world under the control of the devil has influenced us to ne-

glect our God-given giftings and abilities. This distracter also leads us into

disobedience, and we forfeit the accomplishments and blessings of the


I am sure as you read this, you have already begun to think of things

that have distracted you from being your best for God. Most of us have

been guilty of allowing distracters to hinder us. Learning to say no to dis-

tracters is not easy because they are fulfilling to our flesh and human na-

ture. I will list several distracters that confront us as ministers.

I will begin with religious activity. Most Christians feel if they are

busy doing the work of the Lord it will help them lay-up treasure in

heaven and be pleasing to God. Many Christians are doing what we call

“dead works”. Busy work does not necessarily advance the Kingdom of

God. This approach to Christian living can lead to a rooted religious spirit

and distract the person from a true relationship with Christ. If the enemy

keeps God’s people busy, he can hinder them from hearing the voice of

The enemy’s goal is

to distract us from

the calling God has

ordained for us.

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SEEC Magazine 12 August/September 2010

God and knowing true direction in their life. We are to be busy for the

Lord, but according to His will and empowerment. There are many good

things that can be done, but has God told us to do them? God needs us to

keep focused on Him. Many are burned out doing good works because

they have not sought the Lord for what they are to do. Because it looks

right and profitable doesn’t mean it will be, just like investing in the stock

market. Religious work can be a gamble; hit and miss. Many have become

weary or broken in honest Christian work and asked God, “Why have you

not blessed me?” God’s answer many times is, “I didn’t tell you to do


“?ot everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom

of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say

to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord’ have we not prophesied in Your name, and

done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I

never knew you: depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness

(disobedience)” (Matthew 7: 21-23). These people

were busy, but they were not working according the

will of God nor had a relationship with God that

established understanding. It is time the church was

in a knowing relationship with Christ. The work of

the kingdom would be much more productive. Je-

sus said, “On this rock I will build my Church.”

Who is building the church, you or me or Christ? We are to build His

kingdom not ours. It requires His directions. We must not let our good

works distract us from doing His Will.

Mental distracters is a major one. It is easy to get tangled up in problems

which bog the mind in endless pig trails of thinking. Personal problems, problems

of those to whom one ministers, personality and people-relation problems, finan-

cial problems, governmental regulations, and family are sources of mental dis-

tracters. How we think and handle these problems can either help us rise above

them or cause us distractions and lead us off into endless mental entanglements.

They keep us awake at night and waste precious time during a busy day that

should be used more profitably for constructive thinking. This distracter wearies

us and brings fatigue. The devil uses this distracter to turn our attention away

from vital accomplishments God has ordained us to do.

Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, “For though we are in the flesh, we do not

war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but

mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every

high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought

into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” Satan has always sought to distract

man’s mind away from obedience to the Lord.

We must not let

our good works

distract us from

doing His Will.

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SEEC Magazine 13 August/September 2010

Most of us try to solve these problems by reasoning. The more we reason, the

more we become entangled mentally which leads to confusion and despair. Jesus

said to cast these cares on Him. When we let go of them we can turn our thoughts

back to the Word of God and the His purposes that will produce more effectively

for the Kingdom. There are many problems that only God can solve. Our thinking

will never make them better. 1 Peter says, ”Therefore gird up the loins of your

mind, be sober and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to

you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (NKJ). The NLT says, “So think clearly

and exercise self-control….” Revelation here means the second coming of Christ,

but it could be applied to revelation required to solve our problems. 1 Corinthians

2:16 says, “For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?

But we have the mind of Christ.” I sense someone reading this needs to throw

off a mental distracter that has kept you bound for a while.

Let’s look at circumstantial distracters. Situations seem to be going along

perfect. Everything is just fine and on schedule. Then out of nowhere, suddenly

something happens that turns the atmosphere into a war zone or interrupts the

plans. An accident, family or marriage problems, road blocks, hindrances, deci-

sions of people, and many other life changing events and reverses can crush our

plans and totally alter our directions. We can plan and have all details worked

out. Then a distracter can come along and overpower what

seems be a good idea.

James 4:13-16, “Look here you people who say, ‘Today

or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay

there a year. We will do business there and make a profit’.

How do you know what will happen tomorrow? For your

life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s

gone. What you ought to say is, ‘If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this

or that.’ Otherwise you will be boasting about your own plans, and all such

boasting is evil” (NLT).

There have been great men of God whose lives and plans have been distracted

by circumstances. Job was a man like this. Everything was going along fine; then

a sudden change of condition. Job learned how to handle his distracters by not

denying God and standing firm in his faith. James 5:11, “Indeed we count them

blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end

intended by the Lord—that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.” How

we handle our circumstantial distracters will determine how God responds with

His compassion and mercy.

Let’s look at scheduling distracters, a companion to circumstantial distrac-

ters. Fitting into other people’s schedules can be a distracter, time waster, and

frustrating. Having to fit into the schedules of others can lead to disgust, emo-

tional reactions, and impatience. Impatience is easily stimulated by scheduling

distracters. People are not usually conscious of other people’s schedules. When

people are late or fail to keep appointments, they can bring disruption to other’s

schedules. Doctor’s will call patients to make sure they are going to keep an ap-

Impatience is

easily stimu-

lated by



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SEEC Magazine 14 August/September 2010

pointment. It is important that we are considerate of other people’s time. Respect

for other’s schedules will pay off when you need favor from them. I have found

that showing patience with others usually brings appreciation in return. It is a

good investment to value the time of others. Keeping a sweet spirit when your

schedule is distracted will pay off.

Doctrinal Distracters. The Bible calls them “every wind of doc-

trine” (Ephesians 4:14). I believe every person needs to be open to the Holy Spirit

to make adjustments in their doctrine. I adjust mine as I grow daily in spiritual

understanding. However, I try not to be influenced by doctrinal distracters. I do

admit on occasion I have been distracted by moves that seem to be spiritually

correct, but later found out that they were full of emotional appeals and personal-

ity self-centeredness. It is important to be open to what God is doing today, but

not be distracted by showmanship and error.

Distraction Management is a major benefit in the

ministry. There are many ministers who work hard to

establish the kingdom of God, but by a simple distrac-

ter can tear down all they have built up. One act of

careless reaction to a distracter will destroy their influ-

ence. Personality traits that are not under self-control

or not directed by the Holy Spirit are easily captured

by Satan and taken advantage of. Accountability is important in ministry. Those

who do not want to be transparent or openly honest in the operation of their min-

istry will be easy victims for distracters. The fruit of the spirit is more essential

than the manifestation of the gifts. A minister’s gifts must be subject to the judg-

ing of others of his same level as stated in 1 Corinthians 14:29.

Paul said, “I bring my body under subjection so that after I have preached this

gospel, I should not be a cast away.” The thoughts, intents of our hearts, our emo-

tions and will, the circumstances in which we live, and the things we believe must

conform to the will of God and not be distracted by the influences of the world,

the flesh, and the devil.

I believe the church has yielded to distracters which have weakened its influ-

ence in the world. Christ needs His church to return to the intent to which it was

birthed by the Holy Spirit. God’s people must be aware of the distracters by

which they are being confronted all around them. Are we sure that what we are

doing is inspired and ordained of God? This hour in history requires our being


The word from the Lord said, “Be strong in the Lord and the power of His

might…always abounding in the work of the Lord. Be not distracted by the con-

ditions of the life around you. Ignore the distracters in the natural, in the spiritual,

in your mind and emotions.” Lay aside the distracters and return to a full rela-

tionship with Christ. Have you allowed the distracters to stand in the way of a

more effective ministry?

(Dr. Elwyn Lewis and his wife, Mavis, are overseers for Kingdom Living Church

One act of care-

less reaction to a

distracter will

destroy influence.

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Ministries International. KLCMI is a Five-fold, teaching and mentoring ministry.

Contact: PO Box 1658 Clute,TX 77531 * 979-388-0577;

Email:[email protected])

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is ful-

filled, it is a tree of life." (Proverbs 13:12) Feeling like I had

been banished to the land of “a-rock-and-a-hard-place,” trying

not to explode I heard the first part of this scripture, "Hope de-

ferred makes the heart sick...". Strangely enough it brought an

immediate calming to the smothering tempest inside of me. Go-

ing from feeling a transition coming and announcing it, getting

affirming words, receiving a handful of what looked like awe-

some opportunities, but then into what seemed like quicksand,

all made for a cesspool of despair.

I know God's word doesn't return void (Is. 55:11), I know He will

never leave us or forsake us (Heb. 13:5), I know His plans for us are good

(Jer. 29:11), but that knowledge alone didn't keep me from dishearten-

ment. Knowledge and hope go hand in hand. We have to know the truth

and hope in the truth. My hope had been deferred because I had grandiose

ideas of how His promises would come to pass and when they didn't hap-

pen like that I fell into a heart-sick place. Now, I'm not talking about

wanting to give up on God and run the other way. That's not even an op-

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tion. I'm talking about feeling terminally stuck in that abyss between hard

places. So, there really was relief when I realized that I got myself in this

situation and God did not exile me here.

I think that is where our nation is at the moment... a heart-sick

place. There was so much hope in the presidential election that a Chris-

tian might get in. Not only did that not happen, but the hope stirred on the

other end of the issues seems to be waning with each passing deci-

sion. And in the church realm there have been shifts and decisions that

have unnerved the hopeful. So, there is somewhat of a heart-sick plague

going around. I don't know about you, but it always makes me feel better

when I realize it's not just me feeling the pressure. It's something much

bigger than an individual.

So, what is the strategy? We have to put our hope in the Truth. I

know that is actually easier said than done, especially right now. "For I

know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts

and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your

final outcome. Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to

Me, and I will hear and heed you. Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and

require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me

with all your heart." (Jer. 29:11 AMP) "?o one's ever seen or heard any-

thing like this, ?ever so much as imagined anything quite like it— What

God has arranged for those who love him. But you've seen and heard it

because God by his Spirit has brought it all out into the open before

you." (1Cor. 2:9-10 MSG)

"Be strong, courageous, and firm; fear not nor be in terror before them,

for it is the Lord your God Who goes with you; He will not fail you or for-

sake you." (Deu. 31:6 AMP)

"Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for and hope

for and expect the Lord!" (Ps. 31:24)

We have to remember, He stands above it all and when His word is

fulfilled it will be a tree of life... to the nations! "And now, Lord, what do I

wait for and expect? My hope and expectation are in You." (Ps. 39:7)

(Melissa has worship CDs available: Break Out! * Healing Presence * An En-

counter. To hear an excerpt from An Encounter, just go to and

type in Melissa Gabler. Also available is a teaching on CD: Learning to Hear

God. She leads worship at Worship Encounter every third Thursday at the Conroe

House of Prayer * 7pm * 115 W. Davis * Conroe,TX 77301 * Melissa leads worship and is on staff at Grace International

Church in Willis,TX. She has a weekly blog at: )

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The Kingdom rules over the church, family, and civil gov-

ernment. If that order is misplaced, you will get chaotic, dys-

functional and unproductive churches, families and govern-

ments. That is exactly what we have in America today! The

Kingdom of God must be restored to its proper place in God's

government. Anyone or anything, including the church that ex-

alts itself above the Kingdom is an imposter. The pride and self-

serving attitude of any individual or church will be its downfall

(Proverbs 16:18). God will not allow His plan to be thwarted by

man or any theology that denies the Kingdom of God.

God has instituted government in the church (1 Corinthians 12:28;

Ephesians 4:11; 2:20; I Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; Hebrews 13:17). The

administration of this government permits the church leaders to preach

and teach the Word of God. As the church teaches the Word of God, and

administers discipline, it becomes the key that opens or closes the door for

men into the Kingdom of God (Matthew 16:17-19; 18:15-20; John 20:21-

23; Revelation 1:18; 3:7; Isaiah 9:6-7).

The church is not over the family or civil government. Its government

is holy, spiritual and ministerial. It has to do with matters of doctrine,

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worship, and spiritual discipline of sin. It has authority only to administer

the will of God concerning matters revealed by God in scripture and led

by the Holy Spirit. It is not to exercise control over the family or civil

government. It is to teach God's people what the scripture has to say about

civil government, the market place, education family, arts, etc.


In each sphere of life, the believer is directly responsible to Christ

who rules the hearts of His people and affects everything they do. One of

the basic governments under the government of God is self-government:

an individual has to govern himself under the Kingdom of God.

When men are brought into the Kingdom of God by the teaching of

the church, they will bring order to the whole of their lives by His author-

ity. It is this ordering of the whole of life under Christ's rule that consti-

tutes the Kingdom of God in the earth. Whatever these believers do, or

wherever they go, they are to do all according to His will. He, therefore,

exercises His rule and influence in and through them in the world. It is in

this invisible, but real realm that Christ exercises His authority in the ac-

tivities of His people in the earth and that expands His Kingdom. His

Kingdom has an ever-increasing effect in the earth for good.


The family provides the building blocks for all aspects of society. Its

members are to become the servants in the Kingdom of God, operating

under his direction and by His strength. They are to be taught, trained and

equipped by the church for good works. That training and those good

works are to influence and impact civil government since it is to be a gov-

ernment of the people, by the people and for the people. The family has

government and order. To maintain order, the family uses a rod.


Civil Government is ordained of God as "His minister" or servant of

God for good (Romans 13: 1-7). It is to bear the sword of physical power

as a terror to evil works. Its task is that of avenger to execute wrath upon

those that do evil. As long as a civil government is content to restrain and

punish crime and violence protecting the good and punishing evil, it will

be performing its most important purpose in the Kingdom of God. The

Christian must support, pray for, obey and honor the civil government.

However, when that government punishes the righteous and rewards the

evil, it is the duty of Christians to resist that power because it subverts the

laws of God. We ought to always obey the "lawful commands" of our

government, but we must always obey God rather than man when there is

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a conflict between the two (Acts 5:29). When a civil authority becomes a

terror to good works rather than evil, we believe that Christians have to

obey God's commands.

Civil government is to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,

provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure

the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity (U.S. Constitution

Preamble). The church deals with sin and civil government deals with

crime. All civil government ought to be dealing with is crime. They

should not be concerned with welfare. The civil government should have

power to control only one thing and that is crime. They restrain evil so the

Church can spread the Kingdom of God. Anywhere the civil government

is ordering itself right, the Church is powerful.


The Church was to be a government in the earth—a governing force

in the Kingdom of God propelled by the laws of God. The Church has

been given the keys of the Kingdom and tremendous power to adminis-

trate in this earth. The foundation of the church is apostles and prophets.

The Church is an apostolic Church founded on the apostles (Ephesians

2:20) " ... having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and

prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone". The church has to

have apostolic authority, apostolic commission, apostolic doctrine, apos-

tolic order, and apostolic fellowship.

The Church was to be a government in the earth. The word ecclesia

means a people who were called out to assemble for the purpose of gov-

ernment. The original Greek does not mean called out ones to assemble.

Every time the church assembles, it should do government. However, the

church has lost the whole order of the Kingdom of God and the authority

of it. We come together for fellowship, but not to do government.


In the Bible days, there were local churches and regional churches.

The local church ministered to a local area. It was made up of believers in

a particular area or location. The regional churches had a greater call of

touching the whole region. An example of a regional church was the

Church at Antioch. Paul and Barnabas were sent out from the Church of

Antioch. Today Regional Apostolic congregations are equipping their

people to do the work of the ministry and sending them out. We are not to

get inside our four walls, thank God that we are saved and wait for him to

take us to heaven.

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Matthew 5:14 - Ye are the light of the world, a city that is set on a

hill cannot be hid.

In the past, the American Church has been like a sleeping giant, lulled

to sleep with the deception that things on the earth will become worse and

worse and the only salvation is to be raptured out of all this evil. But in

these days, revelation has come, and the Church that possesses dunamis

power (like dynamite) is awakening from its slumber and beginning to

administrate governmental order.


Matthew16:19 - And I will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdom

of Heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound

in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed

in heaven. Revelation 3:7 ...These are the words of the Holy One, the True

One, He Who has the key of David, Who opens and no one shall shut,

Who shuts and no one shall open:

Better words understood for binding and loosing is opening and clos-

ing. The keys belong to Jesus Christ. They are His keys He administrated

while on earth and now He has passed the keys to His apostolic Church.

He has given to the apostolic church keys with two sides-keys to open and

keys to close. Keys that "open" the Kingdom of God and keys that "close"

the Kingdom of God are governmental keys. With these governmental

keys, authority through preaching and declaring God's Word, has been

given to the apostolic church. They open the door for people to come into

the Kingdom of God.


The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof (Ps.24:1) God wants to

bring a redemptive judgment in this nation. Every judgment in scripture is

a redemptive judgment where God judges to bring a nation back to His

purpose. There is no judgment to completely destroy.

The administration of America is not from Washington D.C. It is from

the throne of God. You and I are sitting in that throne with God for ad-

ministration of this nation. We have abdicated our responsibility as the

government of God in the earth and there are those who have taken over.

The God-haters are destroying our nation and want to kill the church. The

Kingdom of God has a government to stop this. God wants to redeem this

nation. We have the keys.

(Simon Purvis pastors Word of Life in Lufkin,TX. This article was taken

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from his 160 page study manual (pp.38-51) on the Kingdom of God. For CDs of Pastor Purvis’ messages or to contact him about speaking en-gagements call 936-639-2000; Email: [email protected])

When Lord Bromley Betchworth returned to the United

Kingdom (U.K.) after living in the U.S. for 12 years, he re-

turned to a culture that had dramatically changed. "I was

shocked at how moral values had changed in such a short time

and how church attendance in mainstream denominations was

in free fall," he said. "Four out of five churches were either de-

clining or simply static." Betchworth wrote those words in the

forward to a fascinating new report that seeks to explain the

moral breakdown in a once vibrant Christian nation.

In many ways, what has happened in the U.K. may be in the future for

the U.S., because the two nations have had a similar religious past, ac-

cording to Christie Davies, professor emeritus of sociology at the Univer-

sity of Reading, England, and author of “The Strange Death of Moral

Britain”. "At the end of the 19th century, there were comparable levels of

religiosity in Britain and the United States. The British lived in a culture

in which the assumptions of Protestant Christianity were taken for

granted," Davies wrote in The New Criterion. But he said that, generally

beginning after World War II, the nation's morality collapsed, and the

U.K. saw dramatically worsening trends in illegitimacy, substance abuse,

crime and other sorts of behavior that were once considered sinful.

In 2000, the Anglican archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. George Carey,

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also noted Britain's moral decline. "A tacit atheism prevails. Death is as-

sumed to be the end of life. Our concentration on the here-and-now ren-

ders a thought of eternity irrelevant."

A year later, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, who as archbishop

of Westminster is the spiritual leader for more than four million Catholics

in England and Wales, agreed. Quoted in The Times (London), he spoke

of the rising popularity of New Age and occult beliefs, and to the growing

tendency of people to find temporary happiness in alcohol, drugs, pornog-

raphy, sex and consumerism. "It does seem in our countries in Britain

today, especially in England and Wales, that Christianity, as a sort of

backdrop to people's lives and moral decisions - and to the Government,

the social life of the country - has now almost been vanquished."

How did such a spiritual catastrophe occur? Some might be quick to

point to the rise of secularism in the late 1800s and throughout the first

half of the 20th century, which culminated in the U.K.'s acceptance of a

welfare state after World War II.

However, secularism may be a result, and not a cause, of the death of

religion in the U.K. In fact, Davies traces the first major evidences of

Christianity's decline to the 1950s, when religious participation began to

droop, especially as evidenced by Sunday School attendance.

In order to delve into these issues, the interdenominational Ecumeni-

cal Research Committee (ERC), convened in 2002, designed and executed

a year-long survey of churchgoers "of every denomination and theological

persuasion." More than 14,000 people responded to the questionnaire,

which was designed with open-ended questions, instead of the more tradi-

tional "check box" format. This was done to allow respondents to elabo-

rate on their feelings, rather than being steered to a limited number of op-

tions. The report of the results, "Let the People Speak," noted that 91 per-

cent of the responses expressed the same opinions.

"What was causing this erosion of values? Why were people turning

away from the church? And more to the point, what can be done about it?,

were the questions that the ERC's survey was attempting to answer,”

Betchworth said.

So, when the people spoke, what did they say? What were they look-

ing for? The following are some of the answers found in the report:

Believing and Caring Shepherds

The failure of many ministers to defend the faith and responsibly

carry out what parishioners expected of the clergy was a theme throughout

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the survey results.

For example, many respondents complained that their ministers

hardly seemed to believe in Christianity themselves. Said one church-

goer: "Often clergy do little to try and convince us that God exists, let

alone outline the logical reasons behind our belief in the Virgin Birth and

the Resurrection."

Ministers also came in for serious criticism when it came to conduct-

ing worship services. The report said many churchgoers complained about

"shoddy services" and "ministers going through the motions," even to the

point of virtually speed-reading through the sermon or preaching it in a

voice that was "inaudible" or without any "real conviction or sincerity."

One middle-aged couple said, "We used to go to church expecting very

little and came away with nothing. This has now changed to expecting

nothing and coming away with even less .... What

we want are services taken with a conviction and a

passion for Christ."

Many people said they wanted clergy "to give

greater priority to home visiting and pastoral care,

in order to reflect God's love and concern for the

individual." That was something that most people

couldn't get anywhere else. As one woman said, "It

is a very uncaring world now, and the church should not be emulating this

but rather standing out against it and being seen as a caring community."

However, due to organizational priorities in their denominations, pa-

rishioners said ministers were given so many administrative duties that

they had no time to tend to the needs of the people beyond conducting


Solid Teaching

The report noted that there is "a spiritual hunger among congregations

for a greater understanding of a wide range of relevant topics," and Chris-

tians think that hunger should be fed, at least to a large extent, during the

sermon. But they aren't getting that substance. Time and again, respon-

dents complained that they were getting only "platitudes," "political and

social sermons" or "matters of little spiritual significance."

A churchgoer declared, "I need help to grow in my faith and help to

become the person Christ wants me to be."

"Tinkering around with service times or liturgy won't work if the mes-

sage isn't there," said one churchgoer. "The heart of the matter is that con-

10,000 saw the

lack of a clarion

call for holiness

as a very real

explanation for

the decline.

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gregations want to hear what the Bible says in a relevant way, with con-

viction and passion."

A Worshipping Community

"People want churches to give priority to the ministry of worship, sat-

isfying all the various aspects worship involves," the survey report found.

As one might expect, there were thousands of responses dealing with

the form, or style of worship in the service. While some called for more

traditional liturgy, and others for a more modern approach, both sides con-

ceded that a balance of styles would be fine. Almost all were in agree-

ment, however, that services that "bordered on entertainment rather than

worship" were the most disappointing.

Moreover, many of the respondents realized that their spiritual jour-

ney was not one to be taken alone, and so it is not surprising that "the

sense of fellowship experienced" was also some-

thing that made a difference for churchgoers.

"They said that they derived pleasure from wor-

shipping with others, it gave them a sense of be-

longing," the report said, "a sense of comradeship

and a sense of being part of a 'spiritual family.'"

This sense of belonging to a spiritual family was

made more critical because of the brokenness of relationships, marriages

and families in the U.K.

A Prophetic Church

There was a real desire expressed in the survey responses for more

teaching emphasis "on the nature of God's holiness and the implications

this has for individuals and our two nations." Many said this message had

been missing from the church for decades, having been gradually replaced

by a one-sided proclamation that God was "loving and nothing more."

Approximately 75 percent of respondents - more than 10,000 in number -

saw the lack of a clarion call for holiness as a very real explanation for the

decline of Christianity's influence in the U.K.

"Many who used to attend church are now filled with apathy," the

report summarized. "They no longer see any point in attending, because

the message they have been given is that 'God loves me anyway,' regard-

less of whether or not they attend church or change their lives, so why

bother?" This was one of the central laments of the Christians that an-

swered the ERC questionnaire. People "are calling on churches to robustly

defend moral values with conviction and courage and cease being 'silent'

and 'lukewarm' in the face of moral collapse" in the U.K., the report said.

They simply

haven't been told

enough about it

to either accept

or reject it.

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To accomplish this, the church must arise to its "divine calling" as a pro-

phetic voice in the nation, because the church was given the task of "being

the moral conscience of the [U.K.] and a proclaimer of the true character

of God."

Defense of the Faith

In the face of an entrenched secularism in the U.K., many respondents

said they wanted churches to "emphasize the many reasons why believing

in God and Christianity makes sense and to challenge a doubting society."

This was a factor that was mentioned in 73 percent of the letters received.

Said one churchgoer: "It is a myth to say that the people of this country

have rejected Christianity; they simply haven't been told enough about it

to either accept or reject it." The lack of both a bold declaration of the

Christian faith and a vigorous defense of Christian truths - apologetics -

seems to have occasioned much discouragement among those Christians

in the U.K. who remain true to the faith. Betchworth said, "If churches

started defending these beleaguered Christian values, the effect would be

profound, galvanizing and encouraging millions of ordinary decent peo-


Will the churches - and especially the clergy - listen to the thousands

of Christians who responded to the ERC survey? Only time will tell, but

the future of the United Kingdom may rest on that decision.

What has become of the American church? What is this sickness

spreading in the body of Christ? I don’t know whom to blame more for it:

The narcissistic minister who craves the attention, or the spiritually naive

crowds who place these arrogant people on their shaky pedestals. All I

know is that God is grieved by all of this shameful carnality.

How far we have fallen from authentic New Testament faith. Paul,

who carried the anointing of an apostle but often described himself as a

bond slave, told the Thessalonians, “Having so fond an affection for you,

we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also

our own lives” (1 Thess. 2:8).

New Testament Christianity is humble, selfless and authentic. And

those who carry the truth don’t preach for selfish gain or to meet an emo-

tional need for attention. May God help us root out the false apostles and

false teachers who are making the American church sick with their man-

centered, money-focused heresies.

The church in the U.S.A. is walking down the same road as these

in Britian. Today we live in a much different world. Values are shifting

and people are searching for meaning in life. Today there are approxi-

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mately 175 million unchurched and unreached people in the U.S.A. We

have become the 4th largest mission field in the world. With the removal

of the Bible and prayer from our schools our society has become more and

more paganistic. This is proven by the fact that the fastest growing

churches in America are not Christian (i.e., New Age, Mormon, etc.).

The church has gone into a maintenance mode. We have taken on a

"hold the fort mentality". What is a fort mentality and do I have it? Ask

yourself these questions:

1) Do I need constant counseling?

2) Do I talk Christianeze?

3) Do I attend that church just to receive nurturing?

4) Am I insulated from my community?

5) Do I see ministry just inside the four walls of the church?

6) Do I view the church's assignment as keeping me and my kids safe?

7) How many unchurched friends do I have?

8) Do I feel uncomfortable when a stranger comes in to my church?

9) Do I read about, listen to or know my generation and their needs?

10) Am I afraid when someone mentions evangelism?

By answering these questions it will give you some idea of where you are.

Learning to accept the culture that is adrift means we must become

very secure in our position with Christ. The pattern in Scripture has al-

ways been the stronger giving up for the weaker. Notice four observations

in I Cor. 14:

1) It was normal for unbelievers to attend.

2) It was normal to give instruction on what was happening because the

unbelievers were there.

3) Gave some general principles for whole church; such as: anything

that drew the unbeliever away was not permitted, anything that drew the

unbeliever was permitted.

4) It was the responsibility of the church to change in order to minister

to the unbeliever.

What am I saying? My good friend put it this way, "The church in the

U.S.A. is either entering the SECOND Dark Ages or we are on the verge

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of a great end-time harvest."

I have been working with several churches lately and the leaders are asking

the same questions: “Why isn’t God moving in this country?” “What about our

ministry?” “How can I awaken my church?” These are not easy questions to

answer as some are in a time of structural adjustment, some have to adapt to

demographics changes, for some it is learning how to harvest their crop, etc.

Whatever the reason, many of them are saying it is because: “God is judging

America,” “God is finished with the USA”, “It must be me!”; “I am the prob-

lem”; “people don’t want to go on with God”; and on, on, on. To that, my re-

sponse is: “Could be.” “Has God told you that He is finished with you and

America?” Sometimes it is not cosmetic changes we need to make but personal

changes in our life. John Garlock told me one time, “Terry, there is NOTHING

permanent in the Kingdom of God.” We are on a journey. All the leaders in the

Bible had to make adjustments. What adjustments do you need to make person-

ally? How can you help your ministry and this nation? By shepherding the peo-

ple, teach solid Bible messages, improve your worship, and defend the faith. We

can be a key instrument to a move of God in this nation, if we will hear the cry of

God and His people to the real needs in their life. If the church feels discon-

nected it is because God is moving forward and waiting for His people to catch

up to what He is doing. Churches grow in cycles, stages, and seasons.

(Eccl. 3:1, 10, 11, 17; Acts 14: 17; 20:18) We need to know the prophetic cycle

of God for this nation and make every effort to plug in to what He is doing.

(Dr. Terry L. Thompson can be contacted for leadership training, seminars and

weekend ministry. Contact him to participate in a missions trip. PO Box 721

Montgomery,TX 77356. He may also be contacted through his website:

Holiday Inn Express THIRD Saturday Each Month 2370 Hwy 36 South * Sealy,TX77474 Contact: Lynn Burling * 979-865-5464

Conroe House of Prayer FOURTH Saturday Each Month 115 W. Davis St. Conroe, TX 77301 *


Bring your Laptop * Bring your LunchBring your Laptop * Bring your LunchBring your Laptop * Bring your LunchBring your Laptop * Bring your Lunch

Free Coffee * Cold water * Fast Food NearbyFree Coffee * Cold water * Fast Food NearbyFree Coffee * Cold water * Fast Food NearbyFree Coffee * Cold water * Fast Food Nearby

Schedule: 10a.m.-11a.m. * Teaching w/ PowerPoint

11a.m.-12p.m. * InterAction w/ Attendees

12p.m.-1p.m. * Lunch Break

1p.m.-2p.m. * Teaching w/ PowerPoint

2p.m.-3p.m. * Worship & Ministry

Page 28: SEEC Magazine Vol.14 Issue 4

SEEC Magazine 28 August/September 2010

Prophetic exhortations may best describe what I have to share

with you. While praying, I believe the Lord gave me several exhorta-

tions concerning current events. I, therefore, encourage you to seek

out the written Word of the Lord on all matters of current event and

let that Word be your point of balance no matter how apocalyptic

news events and current prophecies may seem.


As I was praying, Gen.50:20 began stirring in me. "As for you, you

meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about

this present result, to preserve many people alive. (NASB) I then saw

what looked like a large tea kettle on a fire. It was boiling and steaming. A

hand that somehow represented a spirit that is against all Christ represents

picked it up and proceeded to pour it upon those who give themselves to

the purposes of God. But before it could be tilted and begin to pour, it was

turned back upon the one pouring and the boiling water poured on him.

There are powers and entities that are working in league with darkness and

they are in direct opposition to everything Christ and His Word represent. They

do not just lift their voices and votes on occasion, they are actively intending evil.

But I declare that the hand of God is mightier than the hand of evil intent.


There are varied opinions concerning preparedness for events that might pos-

Page 29: SEEC Magazine Vol.14 Issue 4

SEEC Magazine 29 August/September 2010

sibly come in the way of weather and man-made catastrophe. Our Lord gives us

much wise instruction in the Bible. (Pro 6:6) Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe

her ways and be wise… When the last two hurricanes came through our area,

people were unable to purchase food, water or gas and there were businesses who

were refusing to make change. You had to have small bills. It may have been

different in your area. But the instruction of scripture is to be wise and to be pre-


Pastor Carolyn Aycock pointed out recently that there are examples in the

Bible where their preparation became their miracle. Noah made preparation and it

carried he and his family above the waters. Joseph heeded the wisdom God gave

him for Egypt and prepared and saved his own family plus a nation in time of a

lengthy famine. I have lived in the Gulf Coast region all my life, have experi-

enced many hurricanes and can testify how miserable it is to be without some of

the basics when some degree of preparedness would have made things a lot dif-

ferent. We have even been able to share and be a blessing to unbelievers through

supply. Each person and family should pray and act according to their convic-



Our God Jehovah is Almighty God and He is not up under any event,

whether it be current, past or coming. Melissa often sings the phrase, “He stands

above it all.” He is great and stands above anything that could overwhelm us.

God’s throne was securely in place before any sons of Belial (“wreckless,

lawless”-Duet.13:13) were even born who would attempt to lead a nation into

destruction. Long before they ever started their shenanigans, before anyone ever

voted in an election and long before stuff began to culminate and happen, God

was firmly upon His throne. His throne is not rocking or even vibrating. Psa 93:2

Your throne is established from of old; You are from everlasting.


?othing of Kingdom purpose has been (or will be) put on hold. During

prayer, I was wrestling with all the events and possible scenarios after hearing

about churches and ministries and individuals changing their giving and commit-

ments concerning kingdom efforts. I saw a vision that was like an old WWII

black and white movie. The Zeppelins were over London dropping bombs, there

was much confusion and people were running in all directions trying to find

bomb shelters. Grown men were running over women and children trying to get

to a shelter. But in the midst of the chaos I suddenly noticed a man going against

the crowd. It was a doctor frantically trying to reach a wounded man. Then, two

women dressed like nurses were pushing against the crowd trying to get to a

woman who had been hurt. At that point, a man who appeared to be an adminis-

trator came into the scene and began to give instructions on clearing debris so

traffic flow improved. In that instant the Lord spoke to my heart that mature sons

are to BE what they are no matter the circumstances, even difficult circum-

stances. (The aforementioned scenario is only meant to be a recognizable circum-

Page 30: SEEC Magazine Vol.14 Issue 4

SEEC Magazine 30 August/September 2010

stance, not a predicted event.) Nurses and doctors go to work when there are peo-

ple in physical need. Sons of God BE whenever and wherever His gifts and en-

ablements are needed.

Nothing of the purposes of God has been recalled or changed. We are still

supporting missions, buying equipment and investing in lives. If there are new

problems to deal with now, that must mean that there are new solutions. It is now

time to go forward. Speak to Israel that they go forward (Ex 14:15).


In Isaiah, the prophet shows Messiah setting his face like flint as He heads

toward Jerusalem. He could not be dissuaded from His purpose. (Jn 18:37)

“Steadfastly set His face…” (Lk 9:51) means “courage, firmness, resolution”.

There are goals yet to reach. There is purpose yet to fulfill and mature sons of

God will set themselves to accomplish what they are purposed for and will not

shrink back or change their minds just because circumstances threaten.


One of the types of Christ in the Bible is a Rock. The Rock we are instructed

to build upon in Mt.7:24 is none other than Jesus. The Rock doesn’t move or

shake or crack because there are things leaking in deep parts of the ocean. The

Rock is steady and firm no matter what political system or false god is threaten-

ing with teeming hoards within our borders or outside them.

While praying, I was impressed with the act of David taking his slingshot

and standing up to Goliath. David hit Goliath in the mind with a Rock. That re-

sulted in an unprecedented victory. There are unprecedented events that are mak-

ing history for the first time. There are more to come. Unheard-of giants must be

met with unprecedented courage and means.

The Goliath of this age: the mind, the thinking, the reasoning of opposition in

this hour of history must be hit with THE Rock, i.e., His Word, His righteous-

ness, His purpose, His Name, His actions… consistently. None of these can have

effect without a biblical worldview foremost in the hearts and actions of sons of

God. 1Sa 17:45 David told the Philistine, "You come to me with sword and spear

and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of Armies, the God of the

army of Israel, whom you have insulted. David had a biblical worldview. He saw

each and every decision and action through the Word and purposes of God. Noth-

ing in his life was separate from the Word and purpose of God.


2Sa 22:2 He said, "The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; 3

My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, My shield and the horn of my salva-

tion, my stronghold and my refuge; My savior, You save me from violence. 4

"I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, And I am saved from my

enemies…. 7 "In my distress I called upon the LORD, Yes, I cried to my God;

And from His temple He heard my voice, And my cry for help came into His


Page 31: SEEC Magazine Vol.14 Issue 4

August 5-7 * Port Allen, LA

FMCI Regional Reformation Institute

August 8 * Livingston, TX

Church On The Rock

Pastors Jim & Debbie Sherrill

Livingston, TX * 10a.m.


August 15 * Lago Vista, TX

Northshore Life Development Center

Info: Don Dickinson


10:00 a.m.

August 19 * Conroe, TX


Encountering God’s Presence in

Worship, Soaking, Prayer, Ministry

Marty, Kathy & Melissa ministering

the third Thursday each month * 7pm.

August 20 * Bellville, TX

Christian Faith Church * 7pm

Pastors Lynn & Linda Burling

Youth Rally * Melissa Speaking


[email protected]

August 21, Sealy, TX

SEEC InterAct * Holiday Inn Exp

Info: Lynn Burling 979-865-5464

10am—3pm ** No Fee * Subject:

“When Heaven Invades Earth”

August 22 * Bellville, TX

Christian Faith Church


August 28 * Conroe, TX * CHOP

SEEC InterAct 2010 fourth Saturday

each month with Marty & Kathy Ga-

bler teaching. *** Subject:

“When Heaven Invades Earth”

10a.m.-3p.m. *** No Fee

Teaching, Interaction, Worship, Minis-


Free coffee & Free Wi-Fi * No Fee

CHOP info:

August 29 * Seguin, TX

New Life Fellowship

Pastors Layne & Pamela Dietz

Marty & Kathy * 10a.m.

Info: 830-372-1200

Sept.12 * Lago Vista, TX

North Shore Fellowship

Info: Don Dickinson


10:00 a.m.

Sept.16 * Conroe, TX * CHOP


Sept.18 * Sealy,TX * InterAct

SEEC InterAct * Holiday Inn Exp

Sept.20-23 * Waxahachie,TX

FMCI Annual Conference

Sept.25 * Conroe, TX * InterAct

Marty & Kathy Teaching 10am-3pm

Sept. 26 * Temple,TX

Lifegate Christian Fellowship

Pastors Donnie & Melisa Cooper

254-899-2060 * 10a.m.

Jim Hodges & Marty Gabler

Email: [email protected]

SEEC Ministries International

PO Box 298 Coldspring,TX


Office: 936-653-4108

SEEC Website maintained by:

Lorena Gamboa *


*Thank you for praying. After each issue is mailed, more dates get added to the calendar. Bless you for praying for us.*

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CALE�DAR OF EVE�TS Dates are subject to change. Call before traveling.

Check website for updates:—click on “Events”

I will not allow any person nor

any adverse circumstance to de-

termine the lifespan of the hope

God originally put in me.

Page 32: SEEC Magazine Vol.14 Issue 4 *** Email: [email protected]

SEEC Ministries International PO Box 298 Coldspring, TX 77331-0298

Page 33: SEEC Magazine Vol.14 Issue 4

Marty & Kathy Gabler will meet

you each month for time in the

Word, interaction and worship.

Subjects: Purpose, Ministry, Moving in Spiritual Gifts, Kingdom of God, Subjects: Purpose, Ministry, Moving in Spiritual Gifts, Kingdom of God, Subjects: Purpose, Ministry, Moving in Spiritual Gifts, Kingdom of God, Subjects: Purpose, Ministry, Moving in Spiritual Gifts, Kingdom of God,

Prophecy, Dreams & VisionsProphecy, Dreams & VisionsProphecy, Dreams & VisionsProphecy, Dreams & Visions

Bring Your Laptop — Free Wi-Fi — Free Coffee — Bring Your Lunch

Cold Sodas and Juices Available — Restaurants and Fast Food �earby Third Saturday Each Month at Holiday Inn Express * Sealy,TX

Fourth Saturday Each Month at Conroe House of Prayer * Conroe,TX We will spend time in the Word and enjoy interaction, worship & ministry.

Check out the info on back of card! * Bring A Friend!

*10am-11am Teaching w/ PowerPoint

*11am-12pm Interaction w/ Attendees

*12pm-1pm Lunch

*1pm-2pm Teaching w/ PowerPoint

*2pm-3pm Worship & Ministry

SEEC Ministries International

[email protected]


The rule of God to finish what He has started is unstoppable! So powerfully, so authoritatively was this world system invaded that it could not touch even one tiny baby who was foreordained to be the embodiment of the Kingdom of God in this earth.

Third Saturday Each Month

Sealy, TX

Holiday Inn Express

2370 Hwy 36 South

Sealy,TX 77474

Info: 979-865-5464

August 21, 2010 Sealy,TX

Fourth Saturday Each Month

Conroe, TX

Conroe House of Prayer

115 W. Davis

Conroe,TX 77301


August 28, 2010 Conroe,TX