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  • Securing your Databases and Protecting User Data: A risk-based approach MSSD-3 , .
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  • About me Principal Program Manager, Business Platform Security Services Formerly worked on security training and policy for Microsoft Security Engineering Center Former vulnerability team leader, CERT/CC Former database administrator and developer
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  • About this deck Database systems are complex I use the word systems intentionally You have to secure the servers and the applications that access the server Priority and degree of scrutiny depend on risk Well look at some problems through the eyes of some great historical figures to illustrate some security development principles
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  • Great figures in history as security engineers William Shakespeare Jawaharlal Nehru Eleanor Roosevelt
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  • William Shakespeare as security engineer We will demonstrate Shakespeare's credibility as a security engineer by looking at the history of SQL injection and a 1996-era vulnerability in a popular CGI webform
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  • SQL injection C# string Status = "No"; string sqlstring =""; try { SqlConnection sql= new SqlConnection( @"data source=localhost;" + "user id=sa;password=password;"); sql.Open(); sqlstring="SELECT HasShipped" + " FROM Shipment WHERE ID='" + Id + "'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlstring,sql); if ((int)cmd.ExecuteScalar() != 0) Status = "Yes"; } catch (SqlException se) { Status = sqlstring + " failed\n\r"; foreach (SqlError e in se.Errors) { Status += e.Message + "\n\r"; } } catch (Exception e) { Status = e.ToString(); } Embedded, hard to guess password! Connecting as sysadmin String concat for dynamic SQL Telling the bad guy too much on failure
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  • Why its wrong (1) Good guy SELECT HasShipped FROM Shipment WHERE ID='1001' Not so good guy SELECT HasShipped FROM Shipment WHERE ID= '1001' or 2>1 -- ' sqlstring="SELECT HasShipped" + " FROM Shipment WHERE ID='" + Id + "'"; " FROM Shipment WHERE ID='" + Id + "'";
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  • Why its wrong (2) Really bad guy SELECT HasShipped FROM Shipment WHERE ID= '1001' drop table orders -- ' Downright evil guy SELECT HasShipped FROM Shipment WHERE ID= '1001' exec xp_cmdshell('...') -- ' sqlstring="SELECT HasShipped" + " FROM Shipment WHERE ID='" + Id + "'";
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  • SQL injection hits the big time For many years, common wisdom held that SQL injection required detailed knowledge of the victims application By 2008, however, attackers had figured out how to automatically identify the structure of a web application to perform mass SQL injection without a priori detailed knowledge of the victim There are (in hindsight) clear trends that could have predicted this
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  • SQL injection heat map Source: Microsoft Security Intelligence Report, Volume 9 Not including TLDs
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  • Was there a warning for SQL injection? Yes SQL Injection is just a sub class of a class of vulnerabilities known as command injectionsub classcommand injection Command injection has its own long history, of which SQL injection is just one prominent part The name "SQL injection" may cause database security activities to be limited to SQL injection
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  • An early command injection vul: PhF CVE-1999-0067 (disclosed 1996) CVE-1999-0067 PhF takes an argument from a web page, usually a name, and constructs a UNIX shell command to look up the name in the phone book, something like $ ph hernan This returns directory information about ' hernan ' Shipped with NCSA httpd and Apache httpd
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  • Command injection in PhF Command injection was well known at the time PhF was written, and the authors guarded against some attacks such as $ ph hernan ; rm * Here the attacker entered 'hernan ; rm *' as the argument, but PhF filtered semicolons and other metacharacters except one: newline
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  • Exploiting PhF So, to exploit PhF, all you needed was to enter a newline in the argument, which was easy with URL encoding $ ph hernan $ rm * Here the attacker entered ' hernan rm * '
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  • Similarities Command injection in PhF and SQL injection in PhF are extremely similar A web interface takes a string and gives it to a command subsystem That subsystem uses that string to build a command Nothing sanitizes characters that have special meaning to the command subsystem SQL is a much richer, more powerful environment however, which has led to a longer lifetime of SQL injection attacks as compared to PhF command injection
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  • Whats this have to do with Shakespeare? Whats past is prologue The Tempest, Act 2, Scene I
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  • Eleanor Roosevelt as security engineer We will demonstrate Mrs. Roosevelts credibility as a security engineer by looking at padding oracles in database systems
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  • Basic oracle model 42 Informally, an oracle answers a question for you. A padding oracle gives you information about the padding bits in an encrypted text. When a padding oracle exists, it is quite powerful. What is the meaning of life?
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  • A padding oracle Are you able to successfully decrypt this text? Yes or No, because the padding is invalid. When an oracle will answer a question in this fashion, it is a padding oracle, and attackers can use it to decrypt a ciphertext or encrypt a plaintext without access to the key. Ill give an intuitive understanding of how it works.
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  • Understanding padding oracles Cipher-block chaining (CBC) decryption: Intermediate decrypted Text Intermediate decrypted Text Intermediate decrypted Text Intermediate decrypted Text P1P2P3P4 C1C2C3C4 Plaintext Ciphertext IV For the attack to be meaningful, the attacker has to be able to submit an arbitrary ciphertext for decryption
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  • Padding formats There are a variety of ways to pad the data One format looks like this Length of dataData Padding (possibly empty) All of this gets encrypted in CBC mode
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  • Revisiting decryption Intermediate decrypted Text Intermediate decrypted Text Intermediate decrypted Text Intermediate decrypted Text P1P2P3P4 C1C2C3C4 Plaintext Ciphertext Encrypted padding block Attacker flips a bit here The decryption engine flips the corresponding bit here IV Remember that the attacker controls the cipher text he submits for decryption.
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  • Bit flips Now flip a bit in the next-to-last ciphertext block This will flip a bit in the last plaintext block This last bit is either Part of the data Part of the padding If it is part of the data, the decryption will succeed If it is part of the padding, the decryption will fail If the application lets the attacker tell the difference between success and failure, you leak information about one bit in the last block
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  • What can you do with the length? Intermediate decrypted text Intermediate decrypted text Intermediate decrypted text Intermediate decrypted text LengthData Data|Pad Plaintext Ciphertext Attacker can manipulate IV By choosing the IV, the attacker can make the decrypted length be whatever he wants with a little Boolean algebra IV Encrypted length block Encrypted padding block
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  • Getting the first (last) bit Submit to the oracle the following ciphertext C = IV | C 1 | R | C k where C 1 is the length block R is a random block C k is the block you want to decrypt IV is (2n -1) (L) (IV) This results in a decrypted length of 2n-1, meaning that there should be a 0 in the last bit If the last bit is 0, the decryption succeeds, otherwise, the decryption fails
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  • Graphically Decrypted text Decrypted text Decrypted text LengthRandomTarget Plaintext Ciphertext Attacker can manipulate IV Choose the IV such that the length is (2n-1), meaning that the last bit here must be a ' 0 ' Chosen IV
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  • Getting the next bit Choose IV such that the length is (2n-2) This means that there must be two 0s at the end of the last block to get a valid decryption You can ensure that the last bit is 0 by flipping (or not) the last bit of the random ciphertext block Then, if you get a valid decryption, you know the next- to-last bit is 0; otherwise it must be a 1
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  • In summary Are you able to successfully decrypt this text? Okay, let me change it a bit. What about this one? And this one? And this one? Yes or No, because the padding is invalid. By repeatedly asking the padding oracle about the padding of the attackers chosen ciphtertext, the attacker can recover the original ciphertext text bit by bit.
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  • Do padding oracles exist in Microsoft SQL Server? No, they do not In order to encrypt and decrypt anything in SQL, you need access to the key, which is itself a securable object Anyone who has access to the key is by definition not an attacker But someone could write an application that created a padding oracle
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  • A SQL padding oracle Create symmetric key DemoKey with algorithm = AES_256 encryption by password = 'Do not use this password!'; CREATE TABLE CryptoTable( PlainText varchar(200), CipherText varbinary (200)) open symmetric key DemoKey decryption by password = 'Do not use this password!'; insert into CryptoTable values (N'Some Data is Better than No Data', encryptbykey(key_guid('DemoKey'), N'Some Data is Better than No Data')) SELECT CONVERT( nvarchar(100), decryptbykey(CryptoTable.CipherText)) FROM CryptoTable select * from CryptoTable insert into CryptoTable values ('Some Data', 0x00643BF967FEA64684B38BBF5E874A7C010000006AE8686787135388420E2CD90AD450EE02D17AA8622B52 A517E9D493D3ED8801CCF36BA3B8AECD919023443C7EF6A2CD7B952527292D7BDDDE1DFA7A3E4BB49395 8408CCE66AEBF5CE54C237CFEEDE006C506BAD3829EA4BE8C7FD84AAF252C5);
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  • What does this have to do with Eleanor Roosevelt? Learn from the mistakes of others. You cant live long enough to make them all yourself.
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  • Nehru as security engineer Well explore the capabilities of Jawaharlal Nehru as a security engineer by looking at some code and data flows
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  • Math is hard, especially for computers What will these two snippets produce? By show of hands unsigned short c = 10; signed int x; x = c = ~c; if (x ==c) printf("True") else printf("False"); else printf("False"); unsigned short c = 10; signed int x; x = ~c; c = ~c; if (x ==c) printf("True") else printf("False"); True False
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  • See SQL injection? CREATE PROCEDURE sp_setPassword @username varchar(25), @old varchar(25), @new varchar(25) AS DECLARE @command varchar(100) SET @command= update Users set password= + QUOTENAME(@new,) + where username= + QUOTENAME(@username,) + AND password = + QUOTENAME(@old,) EXEC (@command) GO
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  • Whats this have to do with Nehru? Let us be a little humble; let us think that the truth may not perhaps be entirely with us.
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  • Database systems are complex A database system is not just the server, but also all the applications Too often, people want to secure the data by simply enabling features in the database Necessary, but not sufficient Evaluate the risks in the system as a whole, do not merely secure the database Do not build steel doors in paper walls Evaluate the applications as thoroughly as the database server, commensurate with the risk
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  • Conclusions Learn from history: Encode and embed your collected wisdom in your development process to never make the same mistake twice Learn from the mistakes of others: Practice active threat modeling to bring the benefits of others mistakes to your own systems and services Be humble: Constantly improve your processes and practices to respond to contemporary problems and dont mistake compliance for securitysecurity is a journey, compliance is a state A formalized Security Development Lifecycle process addresses all of these and should be applied to all database systems
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  • Questions? Questions?
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  • Thank you