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The Secular Citizen


Page 1: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.49 dated 8th December 2014

18 December 2014

Page 2: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.49 dated 8th December 2014

2 8 December 20142 8 December 2014

BCS Vikhroli Unit Celebrates It's Silver Jubilee

The Vikhroli Unit of the Bombay Catholic SabhaCelebrated its 25th Jubilee on 16th November ,2014. The Celebration commenced with a thanks

giving mass with celebrants – Fr. Sanjeev Periera, Fr.Theodore Fernandes, Fr. Philip Falcao & Fr. Simon Lopezfollowed by an event in the Church Quadrangle.

The 3 hour event had a corporate hi tech satire witha proper balance of speeches, felicitations and entertain-ment. It included a galaxy of guests from various organiza-tions, institutions and Government officials. The venuewas totally packed with guests and well wishers approxi-

mately totally numbering to nearly a 1000.The founder members of the Bombay Catholic Sabha-

Vikhroli Unit, the Office Bearers for the various years andthe current Committee Members were felicitated duringthe grand event. Also felicitated were the Guests ofHonour, Government officials, past and current ParishPriests, Senior Dignitaries from the Head Office and theconsistent Donors.

In his speech the Chief Guest, a Mumbai based first

(Contd.. on p. 4)

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38 December 2014

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‘Thought for the week’When you focus on problems, you'll have more problems.When you focus on possibilities, you'll have more opportuni-ties.



Cover : Sex and the Synod

(Article on pg. 8)

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Protect the WesternGhats, And Fast

by Rachita Taneja

The Western Ghats are an important part of India’s ecological balance.This is perhaps, why 39 properties have been declared as World HeritageSites by UNESCO. The area of the Western Ghats covers less than 6% of

India yet it comprises of more than 30% of the country’s entire biodiversity.These are only some of the few reasons why it has become one of only ten areasin the world recognized as a biodiversity hotspot.

People living in this region depend on the ecosystem of the Ghats eitherdirectly or indirectly. With annual rainfall ranging from 50 to 700 cm, and severalperennial rivers, the Western Ghats provide for farming and livelihood to almost300 million Indians.

But the Western Ghats are under threat and have been under threat foryears now. As the Western Ghats Ecological Expert Panel stated in their report,

“…expansion of commercial plantation in Western Ghats has led tofragmentation of forest, soil erosion, degradation of river ecosystems and toxiccontamination of the environment”

The threats to the Western Ghats are wide and varied: forest loss in theWestern Ghats has been so rapid that out of the original 182,500 km2 of primaryvegetation, only 12,450 km2 (i.e. 6.8%) remains. This means that most of theGhats have been logged and converted into power plants, mines or agriculturalland, threatening local communities, and the rich biodiversity.

With environmental laws being diluted, the future of the Western Ghatshangs in the balance. Right now, we are at a critical turning point: decisive actionwill be crucial if we are to avert a series of environmental and human rightscatastrophes that will affect generations to come.

The government should uphold the recommendations of the Gadgil reportwhich states that 66% of the Western Ghats that have been demarcated as“Ecologically Sensitive” should not be opened up to mining, construction or anyother environmentally destructive activities. Furthermore, we encourage thegovernment to ensure that any development plans have high level of participa-tion from local people, Gram Panchayats and village level institutions.

Contentspg. 3 - Protect the Western Ghats,

And Fastpg. 5 - St Francis Xavier: The Great-

est Missionarypg. 6 - Reader's Viewspg. 7 - Eucharistic Processionspg. 8 - Sex and the Synodpg 10 - Anna Censures PM on Black

Moneypg 11 - Views on Newspg 15 - Thanksgiving for the Great-

est Gift of Allpg 17 - Indian Electronic Music Pro-

ducers You should know Aboutpg 18 - A guide for all bossespg 13 - Inspiration!pg 20 - Matrimonialspg 22 - The Most Holy Rosary

Page 4: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.49 dated 8th December 2014

4 8 December 2014

NASA has confirmed that theEarth will experience 6 days ofalmost complete darkness and

will happen from December 16-22. Theworld will remain, during these threedays, without sunlight due to a solarstorm, which will cause dust and spacedebris to become plentiful and thus,block 90 percent sunlight,

This is the head of NASA Charles Boldenwho made the announcement andasked everyone to remain calm. Thiswill be the product of a solar storm, thelargest in the last 250 years for a periodof 216 hours total. Reporters intervieweda few people to hear what they had tosay about the situation with MichaelHearns responding “We gonna bepurgin my n*gga, six days of darknessmeans six days of turnin up fam”.

Despite the six days of darkness soonto come, officials say that the earth willnot experience any major problems,since six days of darkness is nowherenear enough to cause major damageto anything. “We will solely rely onartificial light for the six days, which isnot a problem at all”, says NASA scien-tist Earl Godoy. Visit our website dailyfor more shocking news!

generation entrepreneur and head ofthe Arambhan group - Alfred Arambhanaddressed the Vikhroli Unit and ac-knowledged as proven achievers. Hesaid it is the right time for the unit tohave a succession plan and alsostressed on the need for them to bementors for the various Church Asso-ciations.

The event concluded with a lavishdinner buffet spread with great food.

The entire event was well man-aged by the Committee Members withyoung parish youth volunteers doing acommendable job.

Gordon D’Souza – President –The Bombay Catholic Sabha, HO latercommented on the social media “BCSVikhroli Unit has rocked the night attheir Silver Jubilee show which lookedlike a film awards nite replete with at-tendance, dance performances andgalaxy of guests present. St. Josephunit sets tough targets for all of us thatare difficult to beat”

Raphael D’souza – Vice PresidentThe Bombay Catholic Sabha, HO com-mented on the social media “The Unitdeserves all praise for the way theSilver Jubilee was organized. I wasparticularly happy about the presenceof quite a few non catholic dignitariesand well wishers . The public admis-sion of Asst Station Manger that ‘whennone came forward to help them, inneed, the Catholic Community has beenthere’ is a powerful statement of yourunit PR. Your unit recognisedeveryone's contribution, not forgettingeven the founder chairperson. It showsrespect for their hard work too. All in allwe had a great time.”

The Four Committee Memberswho had filed the PIL wherein favourableorder was received from the High Courtconfirmed by the Supreme Court re-sulting in the demolition of a part of thecommercial arcade were felicitated witha loud applause” The Central Railwayhas installed and commissioned theescalator in the said demolished por-tion.

The Vikhroli unit of BCS has beenrecognized and awarded for the last 3successive years as the Best unit inCivic Activism in the entire Mumbai and

Thane Deanery. Also awarded for thelast 3 successive years the ‘Sarfaroshaward’ for frontline activities.

The latest major success of BCSVikhroli Unit has been the installation ofthe Escalator by Central Railway on thedemolished portion of the shoppingmall. This demolition was executed asper Bombay High Court Order andconfirmed by the Supreme Court to thePIL filed by the Comm. Members of theVikhroli unit of The Bombay CatholicSabha.

A beautiful informative Souveniris released on the occasion in the handsof the Chief Guest and other dignitar-ies.

Some of the achievementsof BCS Vikhroli Unit are:* Free health checkup camps; * BloodDonation Drive; * Felicitation of Stu-dents; * Station Foot over bridge; *Arranging Senior Citizen forms andelection forms; * Resolving Public is-sues through the legal forum, * Follow-ing up with local N & S ward officesvarious civic issues; * Co-ordinatingwith local elected representatives i.e.Corporators, MLA's, & MPs; * Co-ordinating with the railway police andcivil police regarding various Publicnuisance issues such as unauthorisedhawking and parking etc.; * Arranginginter-religious meetings and gather-ings; * Organising talent competitionfor parish youth and also crib and starmaking competition for the variousparish communities.

The present committee of BCSVikhroli Unit include: Robert N. D'Souza(Chairperson), Joseph Polekad (ViceChairperson), Terence D'Souza (Sec-retary), Gretta Saldanha (Jt. Secretary),Joel D'Souza (Treasurer), RinhaD'Souza (Jt. Treasurer), Robert H.D'Souza (Internal Auditor), Agnelo Gois,Cecilia D'Costa, Sylvester D'Souza,George Swamy, S.A.M. Joseph, EricVaz, Anto'nette Gonsalves, FrancisFerrao, Brenda Torres, MarioRodrigues, Josephine Fernandes, JohnFernandes, Anup Noronha, Regina M.Fernandes, T. Solomon, Jacinta Paisand Rev. Fr. Simon Lopez as SpiritualDirector.

(Contd.. from p. 2)Earth ToExperienceFor 6 Days

Of Darkness

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58 December 2014

St.Francis Xavier, born Franciscode Jasso y Azpilicueta, on 7thApril 1506 was the sixth and last

child born to Dr. Joao de Xavier andMaria d’Aspilcueta at Xavier castle,Navarra(now part of Spain). He was aRoman Catholic missionary whopreached the Gospel of Jesus Christ tothe people of Asia and was the co-founder of the Society of Jesus. FrancisXavier was beatified by Pope Paul V on25th October 1619, and was canon-ized by Pope Gregory XV on 22ndMarch 1622. Pope Pius XI proclaimedhim the "Patron of Catholic Missions".His feast is celebrated on 3rd Decem-ber. The body of St Francis Xavierwhich miraculously defied the laws ofnature, of turning into dust, lies till thisday in a silver casket in the Church ofBom Jesus Basilica in Goa, India. Cer-emonies to honor his death are per-formed on December 3rd, all over theWorld, the day he was buried . Theexposition of the sacred relics of St.Francis Xavier which is held every 10

years will be held this November from22nd of November 2014 till 4th of Janu-ary 2015, which will be the 17th publicExposition of the Sacred Relics of theSaint. The theme for this Exposition is" Faith Creates Communion, Strength-ens Family, Commissions to Renewthe Society "

In Goa the body of St. Franciswas first buried near the main alter of S.Paulo church, Old Goa.

When this church was demolishedin 1560, the body was exhumed andwas kept in the rector’s room and laterin the room of the novice master, in the

chapel of S. Tome, in the sacristy andfinally it was taken to Bom JesusBasilica,Old Goa where it lies today.

* The coffin has been opened forpublic and private expositions sev-eral times in the past before it wassealed in a silver glass casket.

* Several stamps have been releasedover the years in remembrance ofvarious expositions held. Also vari-ous exhibitions, such as industrial& agricultural, sacred art, have beenheld.

* The number of faithful visiting OldGoa for the exposition of the scaredrelics has been increasing double-fold every 10 years.

* This sacred relics which lies in theBom Jesus Basilica will be shiftedin a solemn procession to the SéCatedral, which is opposite the Ba-

St Francis Xavier: The Greatest Missionary

(Contd.. on p. 23)

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6 8 December 2014

Education in aGlobalised World

The situation in the Education sec-tor in our country seems to be frighten-ing. Some time back, a book was with-drawn by the Mumbai University ‘mid-way’ through the academic year, be-cause of objections from certain quar-ters. Another situation has arisen a fewdays ago, with regard to the KendriyaVidyalayas in the country – the Germanlanguage was suddenly withdrawn,again ‘mid-way’ through the currentacademic year, by the KendriyaVidyalaya Board. The authorities havesuddenly realized that the Memoran-dum of Understanding which providedfor teaching of German as third lan-guage was illegal and unconstitu-tional !

Incidentally, right above the re-port on the Kendriya Vidyalaya Board’sdecision in The Times of India on an-other page, is a news report “AllowForeign Varsities into India” says N.R. Narayana Murthy,the champion ofIT. In today’s globalised world – rightlysaid Mr. Murthy. But, here we are,moving in reverse gear. If we are goingto limit ourselves to everything ‘desi’ inthe education sector, then our countrycannot progress. We need to set asideour narrow mindedness and vestedinterests in order to see India progress-ing in the right direction.

—Melville X. D’Souza

Educate Youth OnHarmful Effects

of TobaccoThe ever-rising popularity of to-

bacco products among youngsters isalarming. Young people start on thesehabits under pressure of popular cul-ture, failing to foresee the conse-quences of their actions. Simply ban-ning the sale of tobacco and tobaccoproducts is just not going to help. Teen-agers need to be counselled about theill-effects of smoking. Schools and par-ents should together make efforts to

educate young people about the last-ing harm a supposedly ‘cool’ activitycan cause.

— Jubel D’Cruz, Dombivili

‘JesuitContribution toNation Building’

Conference‘Now it came to pass in the days of

Ahasuerus (this is Ahasuerus whoreigned from India even unto Ethiopia,over a hundred and seven and twentyprovinces)…’- - (Esther 1:1-2)

Since circa 425 B.C. India was anation, where the citizens practisedSanatan dharma', tolerance for all cul-tures and religions.

The Jesuit Missionaries estab-lished time honored Institutions of learn-ing, based on The Ignatian Pedagogi-cal Paradigm (IPP). Dr. (Ms.) Adelaide

Vaz, Former Principal, St Xavier’s Insti-tute of Education, Mumbai, along withher Faculty, compiled a memorableManual for the IPP. Today, there ap-pears to be a change in the democraticconsensus undermined by ideologyand irredentism. The IPP Manual shouldhelp preserve and promote the Institu-tions in our present scenario. The PPCsshould also actively support the posi-tive thrust of the Missions, Hospitalsand Education Institutions

—Denis Khan

On the BlackMoney Trail

The amount of black money un-earthed last week during the raids con-ducted by the Income Tax (IT) dept onthe premises of a prominent businesshouse in Delhi and Noida, was a mind-boggling Rs 137/ crore in cash, as wellas Rs 12 crore in cash from the SUV ofthe Noida chief engineer , and a furtherRs 12 lakh in cash from his bungalow.While it took a staggering 36 hours tocount the cash in the first case, eventhe counting machines were reportedto have broken down. On the otherhand, much to the disappointment ofthe general public , the NDA govt wasunable to bring back the lakhs of croresof rupees of black money stashed awayillegally in foreign accounts, as prom-ised earlier in the BJP’s pre-electioncampaign. This money would hope-fully meet the annual budgetary defi-cits for 5 years, as well as make everyIndian richer by Rs 15 lakh. Today theNDA govt has cut a sorry figure, tryingto redeem and justify itself for its inabil-ity to live up to its promise, even as theopposition parties continue their tirade,and in no mood to relent .However, inview of the recent success of the ITdept to clamp down on black money,money laundering and hawala trans-actions in the country , it would bewiser to go the whole hog in looking forthis hidden treasure within the country,instead of pursuing the elusiveMacKenna’s gold in foreign countries.

—A. F. Nazareth,Alto Porvorim

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Page 7: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.49 dated 8th December 2014

78 December 2014

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The ongoing Eucharistic Processions across the Archdiocese of Bombay are turning

out to be a hair-raising experience!The Monstrance with the sacred hostis carried in procession annually onthe occasion of the Solemnity of Christthe King in most parishes. And yet,the sight of the same in solemn pro-cession marking the Golden Jubileeof the first ever (and the last) Interna-tional Eucharistic Congress held onthe sub-continent somehow strikes achord. And why not, the whole eventbeing a significant reminder of theFirst Communion (to quote the lateCardinal Valerian Gracias) India made50 golden years ago!

Kudos to Father WarnerD’Souza of Saint Jude’s, Malad Eastand his parishioners for the delight-fully moving witness they gave totheir profound understanding of theEucharistic Lord. The solemndemeanour of Warner, the cope fall-ing around him Oh so gracefully,was a sight to behold, while thebeautiful banners so painstakinglymade and carried aloft by the pa-rishioners befittingly proclaimed thegreatness of the Eucharistic Kingthey seemed so privileged to ac-company to Orlem, a legion of An-gel-kids preceding the open vehicletheir Parish Priest held themonstrance in!

Not to be outdone, Father Aus-tin Norris, Parish Priest of SaintAnthony’s, Malwani, looked resplen-dent in his gold cope so solemnlyaccepting the monstrance from theParish Priest of Orlem, even invitingthe latter to give the benediction inconclusion of the brief receptionceremony that consisted of a Read-ing, a Reflection and a PetitionaryPrayer, ALL three of which weredone by lay folk, i.e. the parishio-ners. Pope Francis, who not longago affirmed that he wants his bish-ops to be shepherds with the smellof sheep, would have been pleased!

Eucharistic Processions

[Of course, that he didn’t say thesame with direct reference toPRIESTLY DIGNITY is a point fordebate!] The open float that carriedAustin bearing the Monstrance onto Our Lady of the Forsaken was asight not many will want forget!Way to go, Austin! Now, if onlythere were a forest of Austins andWarners…..!

—Ladislaus L D’Souza

Theme for ‘Year ofConsecrated Life’ –

“Wake up theWorld!”- Pope


The Pope has announced that2015 is the ‘Year of ConsecratedLife’, starting from 1st Sunday

of Advent, Nov.30, 2014 to Feb. 2nd

2016, ‘Day of Consecrated life!’ Hehas exhorted the religious and laity:

“The Consecrated are those whocan ‘Awaken the World’! In Conse-crated life, God asks us to fly from thenest and go to the frontiers of theworld, avoiding the temptation to ‘do-mesticate’! This is the most concreteway of imitating our Lord….Religiouslife ought to promote growth in theChurch by way of attraction. TheChurch must be attractive. ‘Wake upthe World’! Be witnesses of a differentway of doing things, of acting, ofliving! It is possible to live differently inthe world….Today’s religious men andwomen need to be prophetic, ca-pable of ‘Waking up the World’, ofshowing they are a special breed whohave something to say to the worldtoday…This evangelical radicalism isnot only for the religious; it is de-manded of all. It is this witness that Iexpect of you men and who ‘Wake upthe World’!”

Yes! The ‘theme’ has a solidBiblical foundation. Let the light ofChrist arouse us from spiritual slum-ber: “ ‘Wake up’ sleeper and rise fromdeath; and Christ will shine on you”(Ephesians, 5:14). Thus enlightened,proceed to proclaim the Good Newsto everyone as commanded by Jesus:“Go throughout the ‘whole world’ andpreach the gospel to all mankind”(Mark, 16:15).

—Dr Trevor Colaso,Bandra (W)

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8 8 December 2014

SEX & THE SYNODSex & the City” and “Desperate

Housewives” are two Americanserials that come on our Indian

TV channels. I haven’t watched either,eventhough their titles are alluring to anormal male like me! Sex workers aresometimes referred to as hookers, whohang out the bait to hook the client.

Some writers also use the hook tocatch the attention of their readers.Hopefully I have succeeded in doingso on a topic that otherwise may nothave done so – the recently concludedFamily Synod (FS) in Rome. Its actualname is “The III Extraordinary GeneralAssembly of the Synod of Bishops:Pastoral Challenges to the Family inthe Context of Evangelization (5-19 Oc-tober 2014)” Phew! Imagine any sanewriter using that as his opening line. SoI hope to be pardoned for the raisedeyebrows for the title. As a seasonedwriter, from the hooking, let me go tothe “lead in”.

The FS was keenly followed by boththe Catholic and secular world. “Com-passionate” Pope Francis generatedmuch media hype with his statementon homosexuals, “Who am I to judge?”Expectations of the LGBT communityskyrocketed. Other major issues in theminds of most concerned Catholicswere: (1) Revocation of the 1967 banon artificial contraception, after PopePaul VI’s encyclical “Humanae Vitae”(HV) (2) Communion to Divorced andRemarried Catholics (DARCs) (3) Co-habitation & Civil Unions (4) Expedi-tious Annulments and, in the case ofIndia and Japan, (5) The increasingphenomenon of Interfaith Marriages.

These contentious issues seem to havesplit the church down the middle, withthe silent majority actually not caring adamn – “Let the church say what itwants, we will do what we want”. In thatsense, the entire synodal exercise be-comes redundant and infructuous. Onthe right extreme we have conserva-tives, who are well-oiled and well-

heeled, especially in the USA.They were screaming them-selves hoarse that the Churchwas in grave danger. At theother end of the spectrumwere the liberal activists whoexpected all those red-liver-ied cardinals to cow downyellow livered, and bestow areligious sanction on homo-sexuality and same-sex marriages. Inthe midst of this I was quite literallyreminded of the Latin adage “Virtusstat in medio” (Virtue lies in the middle).It is this middle path that the FS seemsto have adopted in its final report termed“Relatio Synodi” (RS).

Before delving into the nitty-gritty of theRS, we need to understand how theCatholic Church functions, whether ornot we agree with it. The First VaticanCouncil (Vatican I) focused on papalinfallibility. That was over 150 yearsago. Vatican II was held from 1962-65,with over 2000 prelates from across theglobe deliberating for, hold your breath,3 years, split over several sessions.Sixteen documents, collectively re-ferred to as the Documents of VaticanII, emerged.

Ecclesiologists describe them as a wa-tershed in the church’s self-understand-ing, and its resultant approach to sci-ence, other churches, other religions,the laity etc. In the light of the FS, weneed to recall the principle of collegial-ity in the Dogmatic Constitution of theChurch (LG). This effectively meansthat Jesus instituted a college (group)of apostles, each with his own inherentright, derived from Jesus, not Peter. It ison this premise that apostolic churcheslike the Syro-Malabar Rite in India, claimapostolic succession, and a degree ofautonomy. Synods were an offshoot ofcollegiality. Synod is a Greek word thatetymologically means walking together.In Christian parlance it means walkingtogether with Jesus, as on the way toEmmaus. So a synod is not a papalone-man show. It is a collegial experi-

ence that we need to under-stand while assessing it. With-out understanding thesesubtleties, we would make thesame mistake of some earlycommentators, that the FSwas a comedown for the “lib-eral” Pope Francis. My read-ing of the RS, however, leadsme to the opposite conclu-

sion, that it has Pope Francis stampedall over it.

What is the RS? In its concluding re-marks it refers to itself as “proposedreflections” (No 62) that took place inan atmosphere of “great freedom” and“reciprocal listening” (ibid). If we lookat the RS as a “work in progress” thenwe can evaluate it more fairly. I wouldgive it an all-round rating of 60/100.Now let me rate specific issues thatagitated us.

1. FAMILY PLANNING (Rating 5/100):This issue is addressed in paras 18 and58. Both paras say nothing new; theymerely parrot the teachings of HV and“natural methods of responsible pro-creation” (No 58). Was there too littlesex at the synod? I would have giventhis issue zero, but for this line, “theneed to respect the dignity of the per-son in morally assessing methods inregulating births”(ibid). So there is agrudging respect for those who dis-sent. All the surveys that I have hadaccess to have unequivocally statedthat the people have either rejected orbypassed the Church’s official teach-ings on family planning. As I have saidhereinbefore, regardless of what theChurch tries to teach on this score, thepeople will resort to what they thinkbest. So there! Fortunately the RS didnot commit the earlier fatal error of HV,of declaring all other forms of contra-ception as sinful or immoral.

2. DARCs (Rating 80/100): This issueis addressed in the section on “Caringfor Broken Families (Persons who areSeparated, Divorced, Divorced and Re-


Page 9: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.49 dated 8th December 2014

98 December 2014

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married and Single Parent Families).This section, while referring to theEmmaus experience, also uses a beau-tiful phrase – “to remove one’s sandalsbefore the sacred ground of the other”(No 46). It admits to instances of mal-treatment, saying “to forgive such aninjustice is not easy” (ibid). It identifieschildren as the ”innocent victims of thesituation” (ibid). Coming specifically tothe DARCs it recommends “careful dis-cernment and great respect” (No 50).Discrimination should be avoided (ibid)and this should not be misunderstoodas “a weakening of faith” (ibid), but anexpression of charity and concern. Thisis good stuff.

In the next para it goes on to considerthe possibility of giving the DARCs “ac-cess to the sacraments of Penance andthe Eucharist” (N0 52). It wants them tobe treated on a case-to-case basis (notsome kind of general amnesty), refer-ring to “irreversible situations” (ibid)and the Church’s “moral obligation to-wards children who would have to en-dure unjust suffering” (ibid), obviouslyfor no fault of their own. It draws fromthe Catechism of the Catholic Church(CCC 1735) to boldly aver, “imputabil-ity and responsibility for an action canbe diminished or even nullified by ig-norance, inadvertence, duress, fear,habit, inordinate attachments, and otherpsychological or social factors” (ibid).It therefore makes bold to state, “ac-cess to the sacrament might take placeif preceded by a penitential practicedetermined by the diocesan bishop”(ibid). This is as great an admission ascould be expected; going to the extentof saying that the issue is not so graveas to invite pontifical intervention. Thediocesan bishop himself could resolveit. This is collegiality at its best. At thisstage I don’t think that we could haveasked for more, so I rate this sectionvery high.

3. CO-HABITATION AND CIVILUNIONS (Rating 70/100): To give themreligious sanction would be to totallynegate the Sixth Commandment, andto open up a Pandora’s Box for freesex. I don’t see that ever happening inthe Catholic Church. It would also to-tally destroy the institution, as also the

sacrament, of marriage; and by conse-quence, that of the family. The RSmakes some legitimate differentiations.At first there are “those who after hav-ing lived together for a long period,request the celebration of a marriage inthe Church” (No 42). Pope Francishimself celebrated some such unions.It also looks at those who are unable toget married because of job insecurity,wedding expenses and “material pov-erty that leads people to defacto unions”(ibid). It says that such “situations re-quire a constructive response” (No 43)and that such couples need to be“guided patiently and discreetly” (ibid).

Far from condemning, the RS exhortsthe Church to “sensitivity to the positiveaspects of civilly celebrated marriages”(No 41). It is even willing to learn fromthe “constructive elements in these situ-ations” (ibid). Does not this bear thehallmark of Jesus’ compassion, VaticanII ecclesiology, and Pope Francis’ non-judgmental approach? Is this also notproof that the voice of the people isbeing heard in the corridors of power?I rate this issue as finely balanced.

4. EXPEDITIOUS ANNULMENTS(Rating 60/100): The RS admits to thisneed and even makes some action-able recommendations, despite oppo-sition from a section of the Synod mem-bers. It has recommended “the dis-pensation of the requirement of sec-ond instance for conferring sentences;the possibility of establishing an ad-ministrative means under the jurisdic-tion of the diocesan bishop; and asimple process be used in cases wherenullity is clearly evident” (No 48). It is

worth noting that here again the issueis relegated to the level of the diocesanbishop, not meriting higher interven-tion. I would rate this higher only whenthese recommendations are imple-mented on the ground.

5. INTERFAITH MARRIAGES (Rating50/100): There was a time when thesewere considered a threat, as evidencedby recent pronouncements by somebishops in Kerala. Using the SWOT(Strength, Weakness, Opportunity,Threat) analysis the RS approachesthis as an opportunity rather than athreat. It states, “such marriages canexhibit great potential in favouring thespirit of ecumenism and inter-religiousdialogue in a harmonious living of di-verse religions” (No 7). This soundswonderful from an ecumenical or evan-gelical point of view. But that is furthestfrom a couple’s mind when they de-cide to marry! It doesn’t resolve exis-tential bread and butter issues, espe-cially for women, who may have tocompromise their faith, and the ambi-guity of where the children stand.

However, the RS again reverts toVatican II teachings when it refers to“natural marriage and the valid ele-ments present in other religions andcultures …based on a stable and truerelationship of a man and woman” (No22). Perhaps this is as far as the FScould go. It may have delved deeper ifit had more delegates from Asia, whereChristians are a miniscule minority and,as stated by the Japanese bishops,75% of the marriages are interfaith ones.

(Contd.. on p. 16)

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10 8 December 2014

NAGPUR: Freedom fighter KisanBaburao alias Anna Hazare on Mondayflayed Prime Minister Narendra Modiover his pre-poll assurances of bring-ing back black money that is stashedabroad, tersely stating that "he didn'tact on what he speaks".

The Gandhian also warned of anagitation if the ill-gotten wealth isn'tbrought back. He, however, praisedMaharashtra Chief Minister DevendraFadnavis, albeit indirectly, saying that"If he was not remote-controlled, hecould take the state to numero unoposition in all respects".

"Our PM delivers impressivespeeches and I've also become fan ofhim. His public addresses in Nepal,Bhutan and other countries were widelyappreciated. However, I realized thatthere is a big difference between whathe speaks and what he does. His wordsdon't get converted into actions," theanti-corruption crusader said.

Tearing apart Modi's claims onblack money, Anna said that Modi hadassured to bring it back within 100 daysbefore the Lok Sabha polls, but evenafter six months there was no trace of it,as his government took a U-turn.

The veteran social activist ques-tioned the Modi-led government onwhy they made such false assuranceswhen they knew the reality that namesof those who had accounts in foreignbanks can't be disclosed due to vari-ous international treaties. "I had writtena letter to the PM in this regard askingall these queries, but he sent onlyacknowledgement," Anna said.

Terming the contentious issue offarmers suicides as 'unfortunate', Annasaid in the country where majority ofpopulation survives on agriculture, suchincidents reflect very poor condition ofthe farming community. "All agricultureuniversities in state are regularly send-ing figures of crops production to thegovernment, still no help arrived fromthem. Whichever party takes charge ofthe government, none of them are se-rious about the farmers," he said.

The Padma Bhushan recipienthowever refused to speak on his former

ally in Jan Lokpal Andolan, ArvindKejriwal. Even when he was quizzed bya student on why he favoured WestBengal chief minister Mamta Banerjee,when her party was facing accusationsregarding Saradha Scam, and notKejriwal, Anna replied that he supportedonly her, and not her party due to hersimplicity and sacrifice she had made.

Anna Censures PM On Black Money"She still lives in her old house andwears slipper. However, if Kejriwalleaves the party and comes back, I willwelcome him. I have taken a pledgethat I will never join any political party."

The 77-year-old activist, whofought for implementation of six laws,including the revolutionary Right to In-formation (RTI) Act, has now set sightson 'Right to Reject' and 'Right to Recall'Acts along with 'Rights to Gram Sabha'."I took up this fight since my youthdays, and would continue to fight forthe social and legal rights of the citi-zens till my last breath," he said.


Delhi Church Fire Raises FearsOf Communal Aggression

New Delhi: A fire that destroyed theinterior of a Catholic church in NewDelhi on Monday morning has raisedconcern that the country’s Christianminiority is being intentionally tar-geted.

A guard at Saint SebastianCatholic Church – empty at the timeof the fire – notified the parish priest atabout 6am, and the fire brigade wascalled, lay leader John Dayal told anafternoon press briefing at the churchattended by Archbishop Anil Cuto ofDelhi.

"The police took their own timeto come. They said a forensic teamwould be arriving soon, but they havenot yet reached," Dayal said.

"The police are not serious aboutthis crime, which is communal in na-ture," he added.

Police officer S Chauhan, underwhose area the church falls, said po-lice are investigating all angles, anduntil their probe is over they cannotspeak about details of the investiga-tion.

“The first step is to collect evi-dence and determine the cause of thefire," he said, adding that the investi-gation has only just started.

An earlier statement by policesuggested that the fire had been theresult of faulty electrical wiring.

Archbishop Cuto said theChurch had "full faith" in the investi-gation and it would not be right topointing accusing fingers at anyoneuntil the facts of the investigationwere known.

But Father Thomas Paul, a NewDelhi-based priest, questioned whythe guard did not notice the firesooner. “We have so many unan-swered questions.”

Parishioners had questions aswell, along with demands. As newsof the fire spread, about 500 peoplegathered at St Sebastian to demanda judicial inquiry into the fire as an actof intentional aggression against theChristian community.

Source: ucanews

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Contact: KEITH / DENVER 9820214832, 9819794744Email: [email protected]

Riteish and Genelia very happy. Astring of adorable photographs of theduo recently went viral — they fea-tured a heavily pregnant and glowingGenelia in some candid momentswith Riteish, who is an actor-producerand son of the late former Maharashtrachief minister Vilasrao Deshmukh. Thecouple’s friends from the Hindi filmindustry sent out congratulatory mes-sages, welcoming them to the par-ents’ club of Bollywood.

Violence Free Families Day

On 2nd November 2014 mostParishes and Schools ofMumbai, Navi Mumbai and

Thane, came together at Sacred HeartSchool Hall, Santacruz, to celebrateViolence Free Families Day. The pro-gram commenced with a Prayer Ser-vice which included a song and danceby school children. This was followedby an informative talk and presenta-tion by Advocates CassandraFernandes and Joanita Britto from In-ternational Justice Mission, on HumanTrafficking, and screening of a film onthe same created by the United Na-tions Organization showing examplesfrom India. It was shocking to seeseveral women and children who wereunknowingly roped into this big busi-ness and then abducted, molestedand tortured. The children actively par-ticipated in the discussions and thesession was interactive.

Bp. Agnelo Gracious – our chiefguest for this event, released a book

on ‘Health of the Girl child’ compiledby Sharon Rodrigues and Sister NattyLopez (DHM) with the help of HealthPromotion Trust Team of the Archdio-cese of Bombay. This creation was thebrain child of Fr. Rocky Banz.

Next the High on Life for Boys andBeautiful Women for Girls program wasintroduced. This talk and video pre-sentation is given in most SundaySchools and regular schools to createawareness in our children and instill inthem Values for Life. In spite of theholidays, around 300 children attendedalong with their parents and teachers.The best boys and girls selected bytheir teachers were awarded certifi-cates by Bp. Agnelo Gracias. Everyonepledged to stand up against violence inany form and take all precautions fortheir safety. It was a morning well spentand educative too.

—Lorraine D’SouzaNavi Mumbai Deanery Coordinator

Women’s Commission

Blessed with son

Seminar will be held from 9to 4.30 on 11th January 2015

at St. John the EvangelistChurch Hall, Pangala, UdupiDiocese. Over 1000 youth isexpected to participate from

the entire Diocese

‘Leaders in theMaking andReachingto the Top'

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(Contd.. on p. 16)

Though "Thanksgiving" is celebrated in the USA and otherparts of the world ( and not

here in India and other Asian coun-tries ) as a separate day of comingtogether, we however must alwaysgive THANKS to God for all that thegraces and blessings He showerson us and what better way to dothis, to partake in the Holy Sacrificeof the Mass, everyday if possible

The Eucharist IS the great-est GIFT given to you andme.

Thanksgiving is a national Holiday thatbrings families together to socialize,communicate, connect emotionally,and to enjoy a good hearty meal! Onthis day we should never forget theprimary reason we should render abun-dant thanksgiving; this is for God, whoHe is and all that He has so generouslybestowed upon all of us from the mo-ment of our conception until our dyingbreath.

Indeed what do we have that we havenot received from His loving and boun-tiful Providence? Only one thing: ourown sins—these we chose due to ourown perverse will. We would like tofocus on one crucial gift that shouldmove our hearts to overflow in grati-tude not just one day a year but all thedays of our lives. This is the sublime giftof the most Holy Eucharist.

Of all the gifts that Jesus left us beforeHe ascended into Heaven where Hesits at the right hand of God the Father,this gift, this most sublime gift, thisineffable and celestial gift of the good-ness of the most Sacred heart of Jesusmerits our constant gratitude. In factthe word itself Eucharist actually means“Thanksgiving.” Let us briefly, in a quietand contemplative fashion, move

through the various moments wherewe should recognize the gift of theEucharist, adore this “Real Presence”and render abundant and overflowingthanks.

1. Institution of the Holy Eucha-rist. Let us thank Our Lord and Sav-ior Jesus Christ because in His lovingand providential care He institutedthe Holy Eucharist at the Last Sup-per. In fact the Last Supper was thefirst Holy Mass where Jesus insti-tuted the gift of gifts the Holy Eucha-rist. When and how? When Jesustook bread and wine, blessed andbroke and said: “Take and eat this ismy Body; take and drink this is myBlood; do this in memory of me.”With these most sacred and pro-found words Jesus left us until theend of time His “Real Presence” inthe Eucharist. For this we wish tothank the good Lord and million times.

2. Holy Orders & the Priesthood.Furthermore, as an extension to theInstitution of the Holy Eucharist at theLast Supper, Jesus willed to perpetu-ate the Eucharist through the instru-mentality of Holy Orders or the Priest-hood. Let us thank the Lord Jesus forbeing our eternal and High priest, butalso thank the Lord Jesus for institut-ing the Sacrament of Holy Orders orthe Priesthood. How important it isthat we thank the Lord for the priest-hood but also to pray for more voca-tions to the priesthood, as well as forthe sanctification and perseveranceof priests in their sacred ministry.Saint Augustine calls the priest “AlterCristus”—another Christ. VenerableArchbishop Fulton J. Sheen definesthe priest as “The victim who offersthe victim.”

3. Consecration. In the context ofthe celebration of Holy Mass by thepriest we should be acutely aware ofthat most sublime moment of the

consecration. When the priest repeatsthe words that Jesus said at the LastSupper over the bread and wine andelevates both the bread and wine,then Jesus is truly with us. In a certainsense we can even say that this isChristmas—Jesus being born in thehands of the priest. Our attitudeshould be that of deep gratitude. Insilence, during the consecration, ourhearts should be lifted on high topraise, adore, worship and thank Godfor coming down from Heaven to bewith us.

4. Holy Communion. It gets betterand better!!! Jesus does not want tostay and remain in the hands of thepriest. No! Jesus longs to find hisabode in the very core of the humanperson, that is to say, in the heart andsoul of the human person throughthe worthy reception of Holy Com-munion. While living on earth, thereis no more sublime act that a humanperson can do than to attend HolyMass devoutly, participate fully, ac-tively and consciously and then toreceive Jesus in Holy Communion.This is when heaven comes down toearth and descends into the humanperson elevating him on high. In-deed we are sons and daughters ofGod, tabernacles of the most High,and living Icons of God Himself. Thisis most true when we receive Jesusinto our hearts in Holy Communion.While Jesus lived on earth peoplecould see Jesus only on occasionsand sometimes only from a distance.But now we can see Jesus every dayin Holy Mass at the moment of conse-cration and then receive Him into thevery depths of our hearts in HolyCommunion. This can be done everyday of our lives! How great is ourGod, but how abundant should beour thanksgiving to such a lovingGod.

Thanksgiving for the Greatest Gift of All Capt. Mervin John Lobo

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5. The Tabernacle andMonstrance of the Blessed Sac-rament. Before ascending intoheaven Jesus left us the most consol-ing words: “Behold I will be with youalways even until the end of theworld.”(Mt. 28:20) If Jesus indeeddid ascend into heaven where He isseated at the right hand of God theFather then where is He to be foundon earth? The response! In everyCatholic Church, after the celebra-tion of Holy Mass, the remaining Hostsare reverently deposited in the Tab-ernacle; this we call “The BlessedSacrament”. What is His purpose inbeing in that Tabernacle? There is adouble purpose. First, Eucharisticministers can take the Lord Jesus tothe sick and home-bound so thatthey can receive Jesus even in theirphysical infirmity. Second, the con-secrated Hosts—the Eucharistic LordJesus, the Lord of Lords and King ofKings—is patiently waiting and long-ing for His friends to come to pay Hima visit. He rejoices when His friendsspend an Hour in His Divine Pres-ence. Archbishop Fulton Sheen callsthis “The Hour of Power.” Jesus pa-tiently waits for all men and women ofgood will to come to visit Him, talk toHim, console Him, adore and wor-ship Him but also to thank Him!

In conclusion, Thanksgiving Day, as acivil Holiday comes once a year. How-ever, for followers of Jesus the Lord,thanksgiving can and should be everyday. This is expressed in the most pro-found and sublime manner by our lov-ing reverence of what happened at theLast Supper, in the person of the priest,in the moment of consecration, in themost sublime of all moments when onereceive Holy Communion reverently;finally, this is prolonged in our Eucha-ristic visits. May Our Lady who said“Yes” to the Lord and the Word of Godtook flesh within her sacred womb at-tain for us an eternal attitude of grati-tude. May our words be the words ofthe Psalmist: “Give thanks to the Lordfor He is good, for His mercy enduresforever.”

6. LGBTs (Rating 70/100): PopeFrancis’ off the cuff remark on homo-sexuality was much hyped before theFS. Those in such situations/ relation-ships would, but naturally, have expe-rienced a let down. I must here admitthat my judgment could be colouredby my personal perceptions, and maynot seem politically correct. (Jesusseldom was). I would go along withwhat the RS says, “There are abso-lutely no grounds for considering ho-mosexual unions to be in any way simi-lar or even remotely analogous to God’splan for marriage and family” (No 55).This is very much the general feeling inIndia, and in no way limited to theCatholic Church. At the same time par-ity is maintained with the philosophicalprinciple that an affirmation of one thingis not a negation of another. So the RSis again non-judgmental. Following theearlier approach of the Catechism ofthe Catholic Church, the RS states,“Nevertheless men and women with ahomosexual tendency ought to be re-ceived with respect and sensitivity.Every sign of unjust discrimination inthis regard should be avoided” (ibid).

Where the RS really shows some spunkis in its refusal to be coerced into sub-mission calling such acts “totally unac-ceptable” (No 56). It even stands up to“international organizations that linktheir financial assistance to poorercountries with the introduction of lawsto establish ‘marriage’ between per-sons of the same sex” (ibid).

SUMMATION: In conclusion I would

say that Pope Francis has indeed lefthis stamp on the Synod. The word“mercy” is often used, but I find that abit condescending. Where I really faultthe FS is in treating the family as ameans to an end, rather than an end initself. So we have an introductory state-ment like “the family needs to be redis-covered as the essential agent in thework of evangelization” (No 2). This iswholly unacceptable. We must addressthe family for its own sake, and not forthe church. Is the family for the church,or the church for the family? Long agoJesus had asked “Is the Sabbath forman or man for the Sabbath?” (Mk2:27).

Where I am sorely disappointed is thatseveral issues raised by the Indian la-ity, that were submitted to the six del-egates from India, find scant mentionin the RS. Were our Indian delegatesmute spectators, or insensitive to ourneeds? We have sought their response.But we will not keep quiet. If the Ex-traordinary Synod 2014 scored 60/100we shall work together to ensure thatthe Ordinary Synod 2015 goes muchfurther than “proposals” to actionablepoints on every issue concerning thefamily, whether or not it concerns thehierarchical church. We want sense,not sex, from the Synod!

* The writer is the Convenor ofthe Indian Catholic Forum thatwas formed in response to thedemands and expectations of theFamily Synod. Interested layper-sons may contact him [email protected]

Kimberley Dias303, 3rd Floor, Dadar Silver Sand Society, S.K. Bole Road,

Agar Bazar, Dadar, [email protected] / [email protected]

Mob: 9820259272 / 9819198232






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(Contd.. from p. 9)

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2014 is turning out to be one massive year for electronic dancemusic in India. Major international

artists have toured the nation in the last12 months. Flux Pavilion, Steve Aokiand Afrojack to name a few. Howeverwith all this hoopla surrounding theinternational DJ’s, one seems to haveput the local artist’s at the back burner.We give you a low down on somestellar Indian electronic producers youneed to listen to:

Sandunes aka Sanaya Ardheshir‘smusic can be best characterizedas crisp and eclectic. The musicalinfluences range from hip-hop topost-dubstep and U.K garage. It’svery difficult to box Sandunes into aparticular genre yet somethingabout her music sounds Asian.

B.R.E.E.D- their Facebook page de-scribes their music as future ex-otic and it lives up to its name.The talented duo consists of TaraMae who has contributed to thevocals and instrumentation over theyears and main man Ritesh D’Souza.One can spot influences likeglitchhop, dubstep and even soulinfluences in their music. The pairwill be performing at the Super-sonic Festival in Goa this Decem-ber.

Dualist Inquiry- If rock-influenced

electronic music is your thing, besure to check out this talentedartist. Sahej Bakshi is one of thoserare artists who plays the guitar livealong with mixing his music simul-taneously when he is performinglive. The result is a sound that’sfresh, dreamy and straight awayrecognizable.

East Stepper aka Abhishek Jha is abass music producer based outof Delhi. His music is filled withspacey sounds and heavy bass.However he sticks to his roots byalso incorporating exotic Indiansounds in his music. He is regularlyfeatured on BBC radio U.K and otherfamous radio stations. Over theyears Dubstep and Drum and Basshave been diluted down to just noiseon many occasions. East Stepperchanges all of that by continuouslydelivering top-notch bass music.

Madboy/Mink are a funk and nu-disco duo based out of Mumbai.Having recently performed at theNH7 Weekender festival in Delhi,this relatively unknown duo hasbrought that 70s disco sound backwhich seemed all but lost. The bestpart is they manage to infuse anassorted set of unique sounds andthe end result is a track that hasinfluences ranging from disco, funkand some amazing guitar riffs.

Indian Electronic Music ProducersYou Should Know About

The BJPGovernment –

a Hundreddays & more

The Hundred days of the BJP-Modi government has longpassed by and we find the

aspirations, the expectations of thepeople of this country continue toremain unfulfilled. People continueto feel betrayed by the government.The BJP came to power on the plankof “Clean Governance”; the peopleof this country expected life to be-come just a little better than what itwas earlier. But, where do we findourselves today ? On the contrary,one is given the impression thatthe government is trying to divertattention from the real issues.There seems to be no serious at-tempt to address the real issues.The Black Money issue continues toremain unresolved.

The ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ seemsto be a mere P.R. exercise. Severalcelebrities and politicians have alsojoined the bandwagon and partici-pated in similar exercises across thecountry – again a ‘Photo-op”. Nobleidea it may be – “cleanliness isnext to godliness”, it is said, butthis is NOT what the people of thiscountry had bargained for. Wewere looking forward to cleaningup the government administration,cleaning the political system fromthe inside; no need to specify - themeaning is very clear ! Cleanli-ness on the outside cannot andwill not conceal the murkiness in-side ! Can the BJP now comedown to governance and ‘clean’governance at that ? The peopleof this country have waited forlong, it’s time they got their due.

—Melville X. D’Souza

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18 8 December 2014

When managing employees,sometimes your patience is testedby a lack of motivation. Just be-cause you’re the boss does notmean you're perfect.

You don’t have the luxury of saying something off the cuff whenyou’re frustrated. The last thing

you want is for your verbal missteps todemotivate your staff, causing evenbigger problems for your organization.Here are seven phrases to especiallyavoid, especially in the heat of themoment.

"I’m the boss. Do as I say."We’re all adults here. You can’t expectthat your employees will take to yourhypocrisy. If you are setting differentstandards for your employees than youhave for yourself, you can’t expect thatthey will respect what you ask them todo.

"You’re lucky to have a job."If that’s how you really feel about any ofyour employees, then perhaps you’rethe one who’s lucky to have a job. Noone works well in an environment wherethey are made to feel like somehowthey’re indebted to their employer. Ifit’s not working out with a particularemployee then be a professional anddeal with the issues at hand.

"Don’t like it?I’ll find someone who does."As the manager, you call most of theshots, but that doesn’t give you a li-cense to be a jerk. Anyone can callherself a manager or the boss, but agood one will use leadership skills tomotivate employees and deliver re-sults. Threatening employees with los-ing their jobs, as a way to get them to dowhat you want, is not sustainable.

You always come upwith a problemIf we are talking about an employee

who is always resistant or who hasperformance issues, then addressthose immediately. If you’re talkingabout an employee who is relativelycooperative, who is giving you a hardtime over a particular situation, thenperhaps the problem is that you’re un-willing to listen to her concerns or alter-native ideas. Or maybe she's just hav-ing a bad day. Whatever the issue,don’t assume she is being obstinate forno reason and definitely don’t ask theabove question.

"I don’t have time for this."Are you serious? You’re the BOSS. It’s

A Guide For All Bosses

your job to make time. Rather than flat-out rejecting your employee’s requestfor your time, block out a few minutes inthe near future when you can give youremployee your undivided attention.

"Do you see my nameon that door?"Yeah, so what? True that you may havebuilt this business from the ground upor that you’ve invested your moneyand time into making this enterprisewhat it is today. But you’re not G-d andthrowing your weight around is not aproductive way to get employees tobuy in.


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Wedding Invitation, Christening,First Holy Communion, Mortuary

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In the journey of life what motivatesus is the drive to succeed. Successis a subjective interpretation and

what is deemed success for one mayonly be the first rung for another. Butwhat is inalienable to the human psycheis the need for it. Whilst there can be noshortcut in the road to success, certaintips if kept in mind can surely make theride a lot less bumpier. A winner in lifeis one who can learn to master.

Goal Oriented Behavior:You will succeed if you are able tofocus, to the exclusion of everythingelse, on your goal. For this to be trueand for one to even begin embarkingon the journey to be a winner, one mustinculcate the ability to identify goals forthemselves and then work towardsachieving them bit by bit.

Active Learning Attitude:Any individual today, with the goal ofbeing a winner, must ensure that he orshe never stops learning nor lose thewill to constantly learn from his or hersurroundings. We should rememberthat our friends, colleagues and evenjuniors have something to teach us andall we need to abide by is the need toquestion.

Learn from your mistakes:It is human to err, but the characteristic

that differentiates as winner is the abil-ity to accept the mistake and learn fromit. A useful English adage to this pointis that one should endeavor never to“make the same mistake twice”. Butbeing afraid of mistakes will never helpyou attain success nor will it bode wellfor your psychological well-being.

Time management:This precision of time management byMother Nature is visible in every activitysuch as the seasonal changes of theEarth, blossoming of buds into flowers,life cycle of every living being from birthtill death and even the working of invol-untary organs in human body. It there-fore, goes without saying that for attain-ing true success, a winner is one who isable to manage all his or her commit-ments.

Being Responsible:It is impossible to identify a single ‘win-ner’ who has shirked responsibility inlife. The ability to take more responsi-bility not only in terms of work but alsoresponsibility ‘of’ others, is somethingthat is key to the characteristic of aleader. And all leaders in their own wayhave traveled the path of being win-ners. An even deeper understanding ofresponsibility is reflected in ones workethic, where they stick not only by theirown word, but also any that might havebeen made for them by another.

Positive thinking:It is possible to push one’s boundariesonly if one is focused on positivethoughts and energies. Self- depreca-tion can never lead to success and awinner is always self-confident. Theimportance of thoughts and its effectson ones actions is time and againproved in various psychological stud-ies.

Perseverance:An aspect that goes hand in hand withachievement is ‘perseverance’. There-fore, nothing is ever achieved in a singleattempt and this is probably one of themost important tips to be rememberedwhen one is aiming for success.

Problem solving and creativity:While perseverance is linked to keep-ing up ones determination, problemsolving skills are essential for achiev-ing anything in today’s world. The roadto success is paved with challengesand honing one’s ability to creativelysolve them is the only weapon avail-able to us. A winner is therefore onewho can think out of the box and thus isable to out run the rest

Stay healthy:Conventionally most guides wouldplace this tip on a lower number, but inactuality this tip is a culmination of anumber of tips, such as, positive think-ing, taking responsibility, time man-agement and learning form ones mis-takes. A physically healthy body is agiven for the success of any endeavor,but many a times this endeavor isdogged by stress that comes alongwith any attempt- successful or unsuc-cessful. Therefore, if one is to combatthe stress, one must doubly ensure thatthey are thinking positively and effec-tively managing their time to avoid ad-dition stress.

Self actualization: ‘Attempt to reachand surpass your potential’Self actualization is nothing but theability to integrate the self and reachthe pinnacle of one’s potential. A win-ner must arm himself with self-confi-dence and self-awareness and whilehe may have tangible goals, his ulti-mate goal should be to reach his po-tential and transcend it.

Being Successful & A Winner in Life

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MATRIMONIALSMUMBAI : RC Goan bachelor, 37/6Ft.B.E. (EECTRONICS / MBA (FI-NANCE) working for a Software Com-pany in Mumbai, seeks alliance fromRC Spinsters with pleasing personal-ity and strong moral values. Pleasereply with photo and profile to email :aquarius [email protected] ORPhone : 25232463 / 9867755325MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicBachelor, aged 31 years, Only Child,Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish Com-plexion,Edn. SSC., 2 yrs. Dip. inTrade of Fitter + MEC-3 Marine Engi-neering Course from New Zeland,working for Merchant Navy. Currentlyin Mumbai contact email :[email protected] OR9930225262 / 9930611534 (Regd. No.6248)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 34 years, Ht.6’ 2”, Fair Complexion, Handsome,Edn. B.Com., & HTL Management,Working on Cruise Line as Supervi-sor, Seeks an educated, simple,Mangalorean girl above 5’ 5”, Email :[email protected] (Regd. No.6045)KOLKATA : Roman Catholic Bach-elor, aged 23 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 57kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. BBA,GNIIT, working as a ManagementTrainee.Seeks a homely, adjustable,simple, working girl. Contact email :[email protected] OR9331220504 (Regd. No. 6103)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicBachelor, aged 41 years, Ht. 5’7”, Wt.75 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.B.Com. NIIT, working as a Asso. Con-sul. Contact email :[email protected] OR9819883383 (Regd. No. 6069)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicBachelor, aged 38 years, Ht. 5’ 7”,Slim, Fair Complexion, Edn. M.B.A.,B.Com., Teacher by profession. Con-tact email : [email protected] OR 9869423500 (Regd.No. 6067)MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic

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Bachelor, aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 9”,Well Built, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.Com., M.A. Position : Vice Presi-dent. Contact email : [email protected] OR9819268548 (Regd. No. 6066)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicBachelor, aged 41 years, Ht. 6’, Wt.65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.HSC working as a Sr. Executive. Con-tact email : [email protected] OR9930187005 (Regd. No. 6065)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicBachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt.55 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. HSC.,working as a Hotel Manager. Contactemail. [email protected] 9821152347 (Regd. No. 6064)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Bach-elor, aged 36 years, Ht. 6’ 1”, Wt. 75kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.M.Com., working as a Senior Man-ager. Contact email :[email protected] OR9323149249 (Regd. No. 6061)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Bach-elor, aged 34 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 60kgs, Wheatish Complexion Edn.B.Com., working as a Manager. OnlyChild. Contact email :[email protected] OR 8806930925(Regd. No. 6059)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 39 years, Ht.5’ 9”, Wt. 60 kgs, Wheatish Complex-ion, Edn. HSC + 3 years Diploma inGraphic Designing, working as aGraphic Designer. Contact email :[email protected] OR9819494541 (Regd. No. 6057)MUMBAI : Goan RC Bachelor, aged43 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 52 kgs, FairComplexion, Edn. SSC + 2 years ITI,in Draughtmanship (Mechanical),working as a Cad Draughtsman. Con-tact email : [email protected]

Members are requested toinform us when they are settled,so that publication of theirdetails can be discontinued.

OR 9869619286 (Regd No. 6056)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 31 years, Ht.5’ 7”, Well built, Wheatish Complex-ion, Edn. B.Com., working as anAsst. Manager. Contact email :[email protected] OR9820018233 (Regd. No. 6051)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Divorcee, aged 34 years, Ht.5’ 9”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish complex-ion, Edn. B.Com., working as a TeamLeader. Contact email :[email protected] OR9987317544 (Regd. No. 6050)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicDivorcee, aged 65 years, looks muchyounger to his age, and good health,Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish com-plexion, Edn. SSC., Retired, wellsettled No issue. Seeks a suitablematch aged below 40 years widowor Divorcee having one child. Con-tact email : [email protected] OR 9820432560 (Regd.No. 6048)MUMBAI : East Indian RomanCatholic Divorcee, aged 33 years, Ht.5’ 8”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish complex-ion, Edn. MBA., in Intl. Business fromNewzealand. working as a Manager.Contact : email [email protected] Mob.: 7738071111 (Regd. No.6047)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Bach-elor, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 9”, Wt. 78kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.HSC + 3 yrs Hotel Managementworking as a Sr. Rest. Manager. Con-tact email : [email protected] 9920047343 (Regd. No. 6044)

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218 December 2014


Address your replies to :

Regd. No.ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY,99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st

Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.Royal Christian Family

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Please renew your membershipat lease a month in advancebefore its expiration date.

MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 28 years, Ht.5’ 2”, Wt. 57 kgs, Fair and good look-ing, Only Child, Edn. GNM+Pc. B.Sc.(Nursing), working as a well knownHospital in Mumbai. Contact email :[email protected] OR9820203722 (Regd. No. 6247)MUMBAI : East Indian Roman Catho-lic Spinster, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 8”,Wt. 64 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.Com., working, Contact email :[email protected] OR9819524367 / 9920102623 (Regd. No.6246)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 22 years, Ht.5’, Wt. 45 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.Sc., working as a HR. Contact email: [email protected] OR9821639989 (Regd. No. 6245)MUMBAI : Tamilian Roman CatholicSpinster, aged 46 years, Ht. 5’, Wt. 42kgs, fair and beautiful, Edn. SSC.,working as a Beautician. Contact email: [email protected] OR9167912492 / 9637129065 (Regd. No.6243)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 29 years, Ht.5’3”, Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish Complex-ion, Edn. B.Com., Dip. in 3D anima-tion, working. Contact email :[email protected] OR9967366434 (Regd. No. 6063)MUMBAI : South Indian RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 30 years, Ht.160 cms, Wt. Normal, Wheatish Com-plexion, Edn. B.Sc./PGDMLT, workingas a Pathology Lab Technician (In-structor) in KSA since 7 years, wellsettled, seeks a suitable match. Con-tact email : [email protected] 8652531726 (Regd. No. 6136)BOISAR : CNI Protestant Spinster,aged 33 years, Ht. 5’, Wt. 58 kgs,

Wheatish Complexion, Edn. BE Com,PGD in Textile Designing, working asa Textile Designer. Contact email :[email protected] OR 02525-284872 (Regd. No. 6159)MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spin-ster, aged 38 years, looks muchyounger to her age, beautiful, Ht. 5’ 3”,Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.Sc., LLB., working as a Leal Head inAmerican Company. Contact email :[email protected] OR9930813123 (Regd. No. 6208)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht.5’ 4”, Wt. 56 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.E., (IT), MS, working as a Sr. Soft-ware Engineer in USA. Contact email :[email protected] OR9869036355 (Regd. No. 6207)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic spinster 1973 born, 5’ 5” tall,fair complexion with qualifications,B.Com. (Mumbai), M.B.A. Finance(Canada), M.B.A., (H.R.) and Diplomasin I.T. (NIIT), Comp. (APTEC), andCert.Ind Acct. (I.C.A.), working in goodposition. Graduate / Post Graduateunmarried R.C. Bachelors upto 45years, employed in good position andwell settled in Mumbai or abroad. Con-tact email : [email protected] Mobile No. 9892700617. (Regd. No.6166)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinsteraged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Fair Complex,Edn. Doctor, working as an Asst. Man-ager in Pharmaceutical company. OnlyChild. Contact: email:[email protected] OR 9930550318(Regd. No. 5786)MUMBAI : East Indian Roman Catho-lic Spinster, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 3”,Wt. 58 kgs, Fair Complexion, goodlooking, smart, Edn. M.M.S., B.Com.,working as a Manager - Marketing.Seeks a handsome, intelligent, wellsettled bachelor. Contact email :[email protected] OR9167650179 (Regd. No. 6002)MUMBAI : Goan R.C. Spinster, aged30 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 65 kgs, FairComplexion, B.Com., working as a

SME, Seeks sober, well settled bach-elor. Contact : email :[email protected] OR9820264984 (Regd. No. 6007)MUMBAI : Goan R.C. Spinster, aged27 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 60 kgs, TanComplexion, Edn. B.Sc + PGDQA,working as a QA Personnel in Phar-maceutical, Seeks a good looking, un-derstanding, responsible, well settledbachelor. Contact email :[email protected] OR9892394604 (Regd. No. 6006)AHMEDABAD : Goan R.C. Spinster,Wheatish, slim, good looking, aged 29years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 49 kgs, Edn. B.A.,PGDMFI, Pursuing MBA, working as aSenior Officer in Bank. Seeks a edu-cated, well settled bachelor from de-cent and respectable family. Contactemail : [email protected] /[email protected] OR 079-22162694 (Regd. No. 6004)MUMBAI : Tamilian Roman CatholicSpinster aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Aver-age built, Tan Complexion, Edn. Dip. inHotel Management, Seeks a guitablematch. Contact email :[email protected] OR9158622614 (Regd. No. 6013)NAVI-MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’1”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., employed as an Admin., ContactEmail : sonaldabhi0@ ORMob: 9820579253 (Regd. No. 6011)MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spin-ster, aged 36 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 60kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.A.,employed as a Secretary. Contact :Mob: 9833120168 (Regd. No. 6010)

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22 8 December 2014

If there’s a person who feels a warmglow inside when praying the Rosary it’s a Roman Catholic. Prob-

ably the most wonderful and powerfulgift from Our Lady makes the Rosary“an effective spiritual weapon againstthe evils afflicting society.”

Among Roman Catholics thepractice of praying the rosary embracesthe faith with encouragement and hopeautomatically. The sacred beads down-load a sequence of images in the life,miracles, death, resurrection and theascension of Jesus Christ, helping de-vout souls to maintain a better under-standing of the Joyful, luminous, sor-rowful and Glorious mysteries. The Ro-sary is a holy devotion.

St. Louis DeMontfort in hisbook, The Secret of the Rosary, writes:“The rosary is a priceless treasure whichis inspired by God.” Abundant grace isobtained in this holy practice, God’sblessed Mother had appeared to SaintDominic urging him to talk about theRosary, which Our Lady referred to asher “Angelic Psalter”.

The remarkable history of theRosary had originated in early recordedChristian practice. The people of Godwould recite the “150 psalms from theBible… as a way of prayer,” says F.M.K.Paul, ssp. In his book, The Holy Ro-sary: Some of the faithful would recitethe Our Father 150 times, using beadsto count the prayers.

For Roman Catholics the Ro-sary is a beautiful daily practice and away of spiritual life. Devotees of OurHoly Mother believe and profess with

confidence the timeless freshness inthis prayer, an instrument of victory attimes of war, for sinners to repent andto convert lost souls. The persever-ance in its recitation works miracles.

The Rosary is a mystical bless-ing from Almighty God and His Mother.Our Lady of Fatima said, “We mustpray the rosary” How can we ignore herwords. Mary, our Mother wants us torevive the family Rosary in our homes.We must make each bead a prayer,and a sacrifice. The Crucifix is our hopeand strength.

The origin of the name Rosarycame from the flower, Rose . The Do-minicans it must be noted were the firstto promote the rosary in the thirteenthcentury. St. Dominic, a monk, receivedthe Angelic Salutation from the Motherof God in the form we use it today as aprayer. Saint Dominic became a pow-erful preacher of the Rosary and triedto kindle a love of devotion in the heartsof his listeners.

Our Lady appeared to the saintand instructed him to urge people tosay ‘my Rosary, and in this way yourwords will bear fruits for souls.’ (Bookof Miracles of the Holy Rosary) in Ital-ian. For Catholic people who practicethis devotion much piety and fervorfollows.

Many religious associationswere dedicated to the Rosary. In thepassage of the years the faithful haveneglected “to pray” this gift from Godand the rage of sin and violence havebrought much destruction across theface of the earth.

On October 16, 2002, the HolyFather Pope John Paul II issued a mis-sive titled Rosarium Virginis Marae (TheRosary of the Virgin Mary). In his apos-tolic letter, the pope added five “Mys-teries of Light” to the present fifteenmysteries( to be prayed on Thursdays).

The liturgical feasts dedicatedto the Mother of God and Marian prayer,such as the Rosary, an ‘epitome of thewhole Gospel’, express this devotionto the Virgin Mary.” (CCC.2678/514).The most holy rosary is predominantlythe most popular of Roman Catholicpractices. Please say the Rosary inyour quiet moments today.

All true devotees of Our Lady,I feel confident, will enrich the specificdesire of Mary to ‘say’ the Rosary andto lead a life of prayer and faith. St.Louis de Montfort called himself the“Slave of Mary”. Let us call ourselvesthe “ Faithful of the Most Holy Rosary”.

The Most Holy Rosary

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Sequeira Tel.:9632585336

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238 December 2014 238 December 2014

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silica, for veneration from 22nd of November 2014 till 4thof January 2015.

It is said that he converted over a million people, but theactual figure is closer to 10,000; he is called the ‘apostle of

Goa’, the ‘apostle of Japan’, the ‘patron saint of the Indies’,but he spent only a few months in these places; he is reveredin Goa as Goencho Saib, but he was against the recruitmentof Goans as priests for the Society of Jesus.

Francis served the sick day and night, distributed hisportion of food to them, and also gave his cabin to them forrest on board the ‘Santiago’ en route to Goa.

Xavier walked the length and breadth of this part of theplanet nearly five centuries ago, and yet, even today, in thisfast-paced, globalized and consumerist world, millions ofdevotees from the ends of the earth throng to Old Goa yearafter year to pay homage to this great person.

The majority of pilgrims who throng the novenas andthe feast of Francis belong to the working and poor classes,people with blue-collar jobs, struggling to eke out an exist-ence. Francis, who had special affection for lepers, prison-ers, slaves and the poor inhabitants of the fishery coast, hasstruck a chord with these pilgrims from the lower strata ofsociety.

The 17th Exposition will be an event that further bindsChristians and all who believe in the values of love, sharingand caring.

(Contd.. from p. 5)

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24 8 December 2014

24 8 December 2014

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo

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