search engine-building with lucene and solr

Search Engine-Building with Lucene and Solr Kai Chan SoCal Code Camp, July 2013

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These are the slides for the session I presented at SoCal Code Camp San Diego on July 27, 2013.


Page 1: Search Engine-Building with Lucene and Solr

Search Engine-Building with Lucene and Solr

Kai ChanSoCal Code Camp, July 2013

Page 2: Search Engine-Building with Lucene and Solr

How to Search - One Approachfor each document d { if (query is a substring of d's content) { add d to the list of results }}sort the result (or not)

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How to Search - Problems

● slow○ reads the whole dataset for each search

● not scalable○ if you dataset grows by 10x,

your search slows down by 10x● how to show the most relevant documents

first?○ list of results can be quite long○ users have limited time and patience

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Inverted Index - Introduction

● like the "index" at the end of books● a map of one of the following types

○ term → document list○ term → <document, position> list

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documents:T[0] = "it is what it is"T[1] = "what is it"T[2] = "it is a banana"

inverted index (without positions):"a": {2}"banana": {2}"is": {0, 1, 2}"it": {0, 1, 2}"what": {0, 1}

inverted index (with positions):"a": {(2, 2)}"banana": {(2, 3)}"is": {(0, 1), (0, 4), (1, 1), (2, 1)}"it": {(0, 0), (0, 3), (1, 2), (2, 0)} "what": {(0, 2), (1, 0)}

Credit: Wikipedia (

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Inverted Index - Speed

● term list○ typically very small○ grows slowly

● term lookup○ O(1) to O(log(number of terms))

● for a particular term○ document lists: very small○ document + position lists: still small

● few terms per query

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Inverted Index - Relevance

● information in the index enables:○ determination (scoring) of relevance of each

document to the query○ comparison of relevance among documents○ sorting by (decreasing) relevance

■ i.e. the most relevant document first

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Lucene v.s. Solr - Lucene

● full-text search library● creates, updates and read from the index● takes queries and produces search results● your application creates objects and calls

methods in the Lucene API● provides building blocks for custom features

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Lucene v.s. Solr - Solr

● full-text search server● uses Lucene for indexing and search● REST-like API over HTTP● different output formats (e.g. XML, JSON)● provides some features not built into Lucene

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machine running Java VM

your application

machine running Java VM

servlet container (e.g. Tomcat, Jetty)

SolrSolr code

Lucene code librariesindex


Lucene code





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Workflow - Setup

● servlet configuration○ e.g. port number, max POST size○ you can usually use the default settings

● Solr configuration○ e.g. data directory, deduplication, language

identification, highlighting○ you can usually use the default settings

● schema definition○ defines fields in your documents○ you can use the default settings if you name your

fields in a certain way

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How Data Are Organized


document document document










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content (e.g. "please read" or 30)

name (e.g. "title" or "price")



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document document document









text text




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document document document







last name


text description

first name


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Solr Field Definition

● field○ name (e.g. "subject")○ type (e.g. "text_general")○ options (e.g. indexed="true" stored="true")

● field type○ text: "string", "text_general"○ numeric: "int", "long", "float", "double"

● options○ indexed: content can be searched○ stored: content can be returned at search-time○ multivalued: multiple values per field & document

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Solr Dynamic Field

● define field by naming convention● "amount_i": int, index, stored● "tag_ss": string, indexed, stored, multivalued

name type indexed stored multiValued

*_i int true true false

*_l long true true false

*_f float true true false

*_d double true true false

*_s string true true false

*_ss string true true true

*_t text_general true true false

*_txt text_general true true true

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Solr Copy Field

● copy one or more fields into another field● can be used to define a catch-all field

○ source: "title", "author", "description"○ destination: "text"○ searching the "text" field has the effect of searching

all the other three fields

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Indexing - UpdateRequestHandler

● upload content or file to http://host:port/solr/update

● formats: XML, JSON, CSV

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XML:<add> <doc> <field name="id">apple</field> <field name="compName">Apple</field> <field name="address">1 Infinite Way, Cupertino CA</field> </doc> <doc> <field name="id">asus</field> <field name="compName">ASUS Computer</field> <field name="address">800 Corporate Way Fremont, CA 94539</field> </doc></add>

CSV:id,compName_s,address_sapple,Apple,"1 Infinite Way, Cupertino CA"asus,Asus Computer,"800 Corporate Way Fremont, CA 94539"

JSON:[ {"id":"apple","compName_s":"Apple","address_s":"1 Infinite Way, Cupertino CA"} {"id":"asus","compName_s":"Asus Computer","address_s":"800 Corporate Way Fremont, CA 94539"}]

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Indexing - DataImportHandler

● has its own config file (data-config.xml)● import data from various sources

○ RDBMS (JDBC)○ e-mail (IMAP)○ XML data locally (file) or remotely (HTTP)

● transformers ○ extract data (RegEx, XPath)○ manipulate data (strip HTML tags)

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Searching - Basics

● send request to http://host:port/solr/search● parameters

○ q - main query○ fq - filter query○ defType - query parser (e.g. lucene, edismax)○ fl - fields to return○ sort - sort criteria○ wt - response writer (e.g. xml, json)○ indent - set to true for pretty-printing

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search handler's URL main query

response writersort criteriafields to return

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Searching - Query Syntax - Field

● search a specific field○ field_name:value

● if field omitted, Solr uses default field:○ df parameter in URL○ defaultSearchField setting in schema.xml○ "text"

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Searching - Query Syntax - Term

● a term by itself: matches documents that contain that term○ e.g. tablet

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Searching - Query Syntax - Boolean

● boolean operators are supported○ AND &&○ OR ||○ NOT !

● e.g. a AND b○ all of a, b must occur

● e.g. a OR b○ at least one of a, b must occur

● e.g. a AND NOT b○ a must occur and b must not occur

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Searching - Query Syntax - Boolean

● Lucene/Solr's boolean operators are not true boolean operators

● e.g. a OR b OR c does not behave like (a OR b) OR c ○ instead, a OR b OR c means at least one of a, b, c

must occur● parentheses are supported

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Searching - Query Syntax - Boolean

● "+" prefix means "must"● "-" prefix means "must not"● no prefix means "at least one must"

(by default)○ e.g. a b c

■ at least one of a, b, c must occur● operators can mix

○ e.g. +a b c d -e■ a must occur■ at least one of b, c, d must occur■ e must not occur

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Searching - Query Syntax - Phrase

● phrases are enclosed by double-quotes● e.g. +"the phrase"

○ the phrase must occur● e.g. -"the phrase"

○ the phrase must not occur

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Searching - Query Syntax - Boost

● manually assign different weights to clauses● gives more weight to a field

○ e.g. title:a^10 body:a● gives more weight to a word

○ e.g. title:a title:b^10● gives phrases more weight than words

○ e.g. title:(+a +b) title:"a b"^10

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Searching - Query Syntax - Range

● matches field values within a range○ inclusive range - denoted by square brackets○ exclusive range - denoted by curly brackets

● e.g. age:[10 TO 20]○ matches the field "age" with the value in 10..20

● string or numeric comparison, depending on the field's type

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Searching - Query Syntax - EDisMax

● suitable for user-generated queries○ supports a subset of Lucene QP's syntax○ does not complain about the syntax○ searches for individual words across several fields

("disjunction")○ uses max score of a word in all fields for scoring

("max")● configurable (in solrconfig.xml)

○ what fields to search the words in○ weighting of these fields

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● default: sorting by decreasing score● sorting by field: using the sort parameter

○ specify field name and order■ price asc - sort by "price" field, ascending■ price desc - sort by "price" field, descending

○ multiple fields and orders by comma■ starRating desc, price asc - sort by

"starRating" field, descending, and then by "price" field, ascending

○ cannot use multivalued fields○ overrides sorting by decreasing relevance

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Faceted Search

● facet values: (distinct) values (generally non-overlapping) ranges of a field

● displaying facets○ show possible values○ let users narrow down their searches easily

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facet values (5 of them)

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Faceted Search

● set facet parameter to true - enables faceting

● other parameters○ facet.field - use the field's values as facets

■ return <value, count> pairs○ facet.query - use the given queries as facets

■ return <query, count> pairs○ facet.sort - set the ordering of the facets;

■ can be "count" or "index"○ facet.offset and face.limit - used for

pagination of facets

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Resources - Books

● Lucene in Action○ written by 3 committer and PMC members○ somewhat outdated (2010; covers Lucene 3.0)○

● Solr in Action○ early access; coming out later this year○

● Apache Solr 4 Cookbook○ common problems and useful tips○


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Resources - Books

● Introduction to Information Retrieval○ not specific to Lucene/Solr, but about IR concepts○ free e-book○

● Managing Gigabytes○ indexing, compression and other topics○ accompanied by MG4J - a full-text search software○

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Resources - Web

● official websites○ Lucene Core -○ Solr -

● mailing lists● Wiki sites

○ Lucene Core -○ Solr -

● reference guides○ API Documentation for Lucene and Solr○ Apache Solr Reference Guide (LucidWorks) - http:


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Getting Started

● download Solr○ requires Java 6 or newer to run

● Solr comes bundled and configured with Jetty○ <Solr directory>/example/start.jar

● "exampledocs" directory contains sample documents○ <Solr directory>/example/exampledocs/post.jar

● use the Solr admin interface○ http://localhost:8983/solr/