sean nagelski, kristina klima, and kelly sipko. sean

Internet Securtiy Sean Nagelski, Kristina Klima, and Kelly Sipko

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Post on 01-Apr-2015




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  • Slide 1

Sean Nagelski, Kristina Klima, and Kelly Sipko Slide 2 Sean Slide 3 Internet Security Establish rules and measure to use against attacks over the Internet Privacy Settings Firewalls Sean Slide 4 Schools Pros: Cons: Kids stay focused Safety Learn how to use academic search engines Cant research Reduces teaching options Less options for resources Sean Slide 5 Businesses Pros: Cons: Helps prevent fraud/hacking Increase costumer satisfaction Stay focused Affordability Too much security Sean Slide 6 Privacy Settings Settings that allow the administrator to control the collection, use, and distribution of personal data Facebook Twitter Tumblr YouTube Kristina Facebook/Twitter Activity Slide 7 Real Life Stories Kristina