science past present & future

Science Past, Present & Future Dr. Gunwant Joshi Chief Chemist M.P. Pollution Control Board, Bhopal Innovation Application

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Page 1: Science past present & future

SciencePast, Present & Future

Dr. Gunwant JoshiChief Chemist

M.P. Pollution Control Board, Bhopal



Page 2: Science past present & future

Past, Present and Future

M.P. Pollution Control Board, Bhopal

Dr. Gunwant Joshi

Chief ChemistCERN LHC

Page 3: Science past present & future

Acharya Kanad (600 BCE)

He was the pioneer expounder of realism, law of causation and the atomic theory.

He classified all the objects of creation into nine elements : earth, water, light, wind, ether, time, space, mind and soul.Þi`fFkO;kiLrstksÞi`fFkO;kiLrstksÞi`fFkO;kiLrstksÞi`fFkO;kiLrstks ok;qjkdkok;qjkdkok;qjkdkok;qjkdk’’’’kakakaka dkyksfnXkRokeudkyksfnXkRokeudkyksfnXkRokeudkyksfnXkRokeu bfrbfrbfrbfr ææææO;kf.kO;kf.kO;kf.kO;kf.kßßßß

He said, "Every object of creation is made of atoms which in turn connect with each other to form molecules." 2500 years before John Dalton.

He further saidßæ"Vkuka] æ"VÁ;kstukuka] æ"VkHkkos Á;ksxks vH;qn;k;Þ

FOUNDER OF ATOMIC THEORY, believed to have been born in Prabhas Kshetra near Dwarika in Gujarat, he propounded "Vaisheshik Darshan"- one of six principal philosophies of India

Kanad also described the dimension and motion of atoms and their chemical reactions with each other.

Seen by self, Shown to the others, and through the experiments, done to know more details, lead the path to the Development.

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The World's first university was established in Takshila in 700BC.

More than 10,500 students from all over the world (Babylonia, Greece, Syria,

Arabia and China) studied more than 60 subjects.

The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century BC was one of the greatest

university in ancient India and Once housed over 90 lakh books

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Acharya Charak (600 BCE)FATHER OF MEDICINE.

Acharya Charak revealed through his innate genius and enquiries the facts on the human anatomy, embryology, pharmacology, blood circulation and the diseases like diabetes, tuberculosis, heart disease, etc. and also emphasized the influence of diet & activity on mind and body.

He also proved the correlation of spirituality and physical health contributed greatly to diagnostic and curative sciences.

He further prescribed the ethical charter for medical practitioners two centuries prior to the Hippocratic oath.

"Charak Samhita", considered to be an Encyclopedia of Ayurveda embodies his principles, diagoneses, and cures besides medicinal qualities & functions of 100,000plants.

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He is venerated as the father of plastic surgery and the science of anesthesia. When surgery was in its infancy in Europe, Sushrut was performing Rhinoplasty(restoration of a damaged nose) and other challenging operations.

He prescribes treatment for twelve types of fractures & six types of dislocations, and his details on human embryology are simply amazing.

Sushrut used 125 types of surgical instrumentsincluding scalpels, lancets, needles, Catheters and rectal speculums. He has also described a number of stitching methods; the use of horse's hair & fibers of bark as thread .

"Sushrut Samhita," details 300 types of operations. The ancient Indians were the pioneers in amputation, caesarian and cranial surgeries.

A master surgeon, Sushrut details first ever surgery procedures in "Sushrut Samhita," a unique encyclopedia of surgery.

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ARYABHATT, Astronomer & MathematicianBorn in 476 CE in Kusumpur (Bihar), He remapped the boundaries of mathematics and astronomy.

In 499 CE, He wrote "Aryabhatiyam"Formulated the process of calculating the motion of planets and the time of eclipses.

First to proclaim “The earth is round, it rotates on its axis, orbits the sun and is suspended in space”1000 years before Copernicus published his heliocentric theory. He is also acknowledged for calculating p (Pi) to four decimal places: 3.1416 and the sine table in trigonometry. Most spectacular contribution was the concept of zero without which modern development in science & Technology was not possible

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"Ras Ratnakar, Ras Hrudaya" and "Rasendra mangal" are his renowned contributions to the chemistry.

As the author of medical books like "Arogyamanjari" and "Yogasar," he also made significant contributions to the field of curative medicine.

Indians knew of extraction of Iron,GoldSilver,Zinc,Lead,Mercury & Copper from the ores and also mastered technique of making different Alloys from these Metals such as Non rust Steel,Brass, Bronze etc

gold (Au), silver (Ag), copper (Cu), iron (Fe) and lead (Pb)


His discoveries and inventions in chemistry &metallurgy were phenomenal.

Page 9: Science past present & future

Clay Retort

Ref. Rasaratna samucchaya

Metallurgy – eco friendly Zawar process for Zinc (500 BC)

The furnace has two chambers. One with inverted retorts

another with condensing vessels under each retort.

Retort is filled with calcined

ore, charcoal,salt etc. A reed is

set in the middle and a funnel like condenser fitted at the end and sealed with the vessel.

Retort is heated to 1200oC. to vaporise

zinc. At this temperature reed gets burnt and other materials release CO to create

reducing atmosphere. Zinc trickles down through a path created by burnt reed.

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Historian Vincent Smith writes

“While we marveled at the skill shown by ancient artificers in forging the great mass of Delhi pillar, we must give a still greater measure of admiration to the forgotten craftsmen, who dealt so successfully in producing the still more ponderous iron mass of the Dhar pillar monument”.

14 meters in height and 7 MT in weight (3 pieces together), built by Bhojin (1000-1055AD) “is a largest

non corrosive Iron Pillar in the world”

Kollur Pillar

375CE327 CE

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Bhāskara-I (600-680 CE)A Poet, Astronomer & Mathematician

First to write numbers in the Hindu-Arabic decimal system with a circle for zero, and gave a unique and remarkably rational approximation of the sine function in his commentary on Aryabhata's work Āryabhaṭīya bhāṣya,in 629 CE, also wrote Mahā bhāskarīyaand the Laghu bhāskarīya.

implies that the ratio of the circumference to the diameter is ((4 + 100) × 8 + 62000)/20000 = 62832/20000 = 3.1416

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Bhaskaracharya II (1114-1183 CE)

In his treatise "Siddhant Shiromani" he writes on planetary positions, eclipses, cosmography, mathematical techniques and astronomical equipment.

In the "Surya Siddhant" he makes a note on the force of gravity: "Objects fall on earth due to a force of attraction by the earth. Therefore, the earth, planets, constellations, moon, and sun are held in orbit due to this attraction." 500 years before Newton.

GENIUS IN ALGEBRA Born in Vijjadit (Jalgaon) in Maharastra, his texts in Algebra, Arithmetic & Geometry, "Lilavati" and "Bijaganita" got translated in several languages of the world

Also wrote texts on “Grahaganita” and “Goladhyaya”

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Whatever I learnt from experts and whatever I confirmed by experimentation, onlythat, I have included in this book and whatever could not be confirmed has notbeen included in my book.

Further, he states that my student should reconfirm by performing experiment bytheir own hands. Those who follow this is a true teacher and student. All others are just Drama Actors.

Ref.13th Century book by Yeshodhar

Superfine Textile YOGA Ship building

Walmiki [2500 BC] Yog vashistha

Patanjali [2400 BC]

Indian system of Measurement of Distance, time & Making of Calendar

Page 14: Science past present & future

Vasco da Gama, as per his diary kept in Spanish Museum, in 1497,saw a three times bigger ship in Jhanjibar and met its Gujarati owner named “Skanda” with who’s help He came to India

In 1811, Lt. Walker writes that East India company had an Indian ship “Daria Daulat”which did not require maintenance for 87 years He further proved statistically, the Indian ships were much cheaper & better in quality than English ships and advised East India Company to use Indian ships only

Indian Trade & Shipping

1814 - British Government passed an act to ban Indian ships and Indian sailors from visiting British Ports1863- Act was strictly implemented and heavy taxes were levied on the goods from Indian Ships to bring about the end the Indian Ship Industry.

Page 15: Science past present & future

Some other Path Breaking Indian Discoveries

ÑÑÑÑffff=e =e =e =e Lo.kZLo.kZLo.kZLo.kZ jtr~ysijtr~ysijtr~ysijtr~ysi% % % % lRk~d`frlRk~d`frlRk~d`frlRk~d`fr ####P;rsP;rsP;rsP;rs;;;;o{kkjo{kkjo{kkjo{kkj e;ks/kkukSe;ks/kkukSe;ks/kkukSe;ks/kkukS lqlqlqlq’’’’kDrtykDrtykDrtykDrty~ ~ ~ ~ lfUu/kkSlfUu/kkSlfUu/kkSlfUu/kkSvkPNkn;frvkPNkn;frvkPNkn;frvkPNkn;fr rRrkezarRrkezarRrkezarRrkeza Lo.ksZu~jtrsuLo.ksZu~jtrsuLo.ksZu~jtrsuLo.ksZu~jtrsu~ ok ~ ok ~ ok ~ ok lqo.kZfyRialqo.kZfyRialqo.kZfyRialqo.kZfyRia rRrkezarRrkezarRrkezarRrkeza ’’’’kkrdqaHkfefrkkrdqaHkfefrkkrdqaHkfefrkkrdqaHkfefr LeLeLeLe`ra`ra`ra`ra

The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106(10 to the

power of 6) whereas Indians used numbers as big as 1053(10 to the power

of 53) with specific names as early as 5000 BCE during the Vedic period

Even today, the largest used number is Tera, ie, 1012(10 to the power of 12)

Agastya samhita [3500/2700 BC] Electrical energy Chemical to Electrical energy conversion [Kumbh] 100 cells [shat kumbh] Electrolysis & electroplating

laLFkkIlaLFkkIlaLFkkIlaLFkkI; ; ; ; e`.e;se`.e;se`.e;se`.e;s ikikikik=s =s =s =s rkezirkezirkezirkezi=a =a =a =a lqlaLd`relqlaLd`relqlaLd`relqlaLd`re~ ~ ~ ~ Nkn;sfPNfNkn;sfPNfNkn;sfPNfNkn;sfPNf’’’’kf[kxzhosukf[kxzhosukf[kxzhosukf[kxzhosu pknzkZfHkpknzkZfHkpknzkZfHkpknzkZfHk% % % % dk"Bdk"Bdk"Bdk"B ikalqfHkikalqfHkikalqfHkikalqfHknLrkyks"VsnLrkyks"VsnLrkyks"VsnLrkyks"Vs fu?kkrOfu?kkrOfu?kkrOfu?kkrO; ; ; ; ikjnPNkfnrLr~rikjnPNkfnrLr~rikjnPNkfnrLr~rikjnPNkfnrLr~rla;ksxkTtk;rsla;ksxkTtk;rsla;ksxkTtk;rsla;ksxkTtk;rs rstksrstksrstksrstks fefefefe====o#.ko#.ko#.ko#.k lafKrelafKrelafKrelafKre~~~~

vusuvusuvusuvusu tyHkaxksfLrtyHkaxksfLrtyHkaxksfLrtyHkaxksfLr izk.ksizk.ksizk.ksizk.ks nkusnkusnkusnkus’’’’kqkqkqkq ok;qok;qok;qok;q"kq"kq"kq"kq,,,,oaoaoaoa ’’’’krkukakrkukakrkukakrkuka daqHkkukadaqHkkukadaqHkkukadaqHkkuka la;ksxla;ksxla;ksxla;ksx dk;Zadk;Zadk;Zadk;Za ÑÑÑÑr~Le`rar~Le`rar~Le`rar~Le`raok;qok;qok;qok;q cU/kdcU/kdcU/kdcU/kd oLoLoLoL====s.ks.ks.ks.k fuc?nksfuc?nksfuc?nksfuc?nks ;;;;kukukuku eLrdseLrdseLrdseLrdsmnkumnkumnkumnku Loy?kqRosLoy?kqRosLoy?kqRosLoy?kqRos fofofofoHkRokdkHkRokdkHkRokdkHkRokdk’’’’kkkk ;;;;kudekudekudekude~~~~

Viman shastra - by Maharshi Bhardwaja

Mechanics,Kinetics & Machines- Prashastpad Bhashya on Vaisheshik sutra

Town planning & Architecture – Maharshi Wishwakarma

Bhrugu Shilp shastra Samhita: Maharshi Bhrugu

Mantra Chintamani - Maharshi Chakradhar

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Jagdeesh Chandra Bose (1858-1937)

Response of Plants & metals to mechanical, thermal, chemical, and electrical stimulus

“The invisible light can pass through brick walls, buildings etc. Therefore, messages can be transmitted by means of it without wires.”

"J.C. Bose successfully generated microwave and mili meter waves. " He was at least 60 years ahead of his time" and In fact, he had already anticipated the existence of P-type & N-type semiconductors.“

Great Indian Polymath, Physicist, Biologist , Botanist, Archeologist & Science fiction writer

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Prafull Chandra Ray (1861-1944)

For first time made stable Mercurous Nitrate & other Mercury, Copper and Magnesium salts.

Established Bengal Chemical & Pharmaceutical Works Ltd.

1885 obtained his BSc degree and

1887 DSc from University of Edinburgh on

“Conjugated Sulphates of the Copper-

magnesium Group: A Study of Isomorphous

Mixtures and Molecular Combinations.”

Authored “ A History of Hindu Chemistry

from the Earliest Times to the Middle of

Sixteenth Century” in(1902).

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Sriniwas Ramanujan (1887-1920)�With no formal training in pure mathematics, made extraordinary contributions to Mathematical Analysis, , Number theory, infinite series & Continued Fractions

�By age of 12, mastered Trigonometry by S.L. Loney;

� Discovered new theorems and independently re-discovered Euler's identity, Bernoulli numbers and the Euler–Mascheroni constant.

G.H. Hardy, recognizing his work, invited Ramanujan to visit & work at Cambridge. He Was awarded a B.A. degree by research (this degree was later renamed PhD) in March 1916 for his work on highly composite numbers,He became a Fellow of the Royal Society and a Fellow of Trinity College for his investigation in Elliptic functions & the Theory of Numbers." By 13 October 1918 Ramanujan independently compiled nearly 3900 results (mostly identities and equations) which inspired a vast amount of further research

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February 28,1928, C.V. Raman & K.S. Krishnan,led the experiments on scattering of light discovered the

Raman Effect & further proved the quantum nature of light.

Also worked on Accoustics, Vibrations of Indian Musical instruments, Spectroscopic determination of structure of crystals, Optics of collides, Electrical and Magnetic properties, and also on Physiology of vision

Chandrashekhar Venkat Raman (1888-1970)

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There are 3.22 Million Indians in America.

38% of Doctors in America are Indians.

12% of Scientists in America are Indians.

36% of NASA employees are Indians.

34% of MICROSOFT employees are Indians

28% of IBM employees are Indians

17% of INTEL employees are Indians

13% of XEROX employees are IndiansHot mail & JXTr : Sabeer Bhatia,Pentium: Vinod DhamArun Netravalli: HDTV,

Page 21: Science past present & future

India is:

�the largest democracy in the world

�2nd largest population (youngest in World)

�4th nation to have a nuclear submarine

�5th largest economy in the world

�5th nation in the multi billion dollar space commerce

�4th nation in the world to develop ICBM's (14,000km)

�3rd nation to develop land & sea based cruise missiles

�India is the 7th nuclear power in the world

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2,500 National level R & D institutions/ 0.9% 0f GDPScientific publications:1998-16,500 to 2007-30,000

Scientists No.(per Million) & Research Spending

USA - 1,571,000 (4700) 368 Billion US Dollars

China- 1,423,000 (510) 106 Billion US Dollars

India - 154,000 (156) 24 Billion US Dollars

Each year India produces ::::

�400,000 - Engineering Graduates

�300,000 – Computer Science Graduate Professionals

� 20,000 – Science Post Graduates

�200 million have Mobile phones

�Over 40% population earns less than 1.5 US $ a day

India : Fact sheet

Page 23: Science past present & future

64% of Indians -15 to 60 yrs age : : : : Demographic advantage

‘‘‘‘Every stomach to feed comes with a Brain & Two handsEvery stomach to feed comes with a Brain & Two handsEvery stomach to feed comes with a Brain & Two handsEvery stomach to feed comes with a Brain & Two hands’’’’

1. Curiosity, ability to Dream, Out of Box ideas and Innovations.

2. Education of Quality promoting above entities

3. Dignity of working with own hands & Spirit of Entrepreneurship

World is turned in to a Global Village due to FASTER means of TRANSPORT and QUICKER sharing of KNOWLEDGE (INFOTECH)

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EnergyNew Materials [Polymers?]Green ChemistryNanno-technologyCleaner Production Technology

A global success story from India! The Tata Nanocar was developed using the experiences & requirements of the Indian market.

Its unique compact features combined with a very low price tag make the car not only ideally suited for India's domestic market, but also for international markets particularly in urban areas.

Bio Bio Bio Bio ---- Technology & Sustainable AgricultureTechnology & Sustainable AgricultureTechnology & Sustainable AgricultureTechnology & Sustainable Agriculture

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Page 26: Science past present & future

“GM Crops and Food Security”

National Science Day’ 2013

Bio-Technology : Genetically Modified Crops

USA, Argentina, Canada, Brazil, China, India

�Benefits of Genetically Modified Crops

Pests Resistance.

Higher productivity

Higher Nutrient status

Planned introduction of Vaccines

Page 27: Science past present & future

� Problems associated with GM crops:

- Genetically modified Seeds are very costly.

- Adverse Changes in soil ecosystem.

- Soil contamination through GM crop residue.

- Genetic contamination through Horizontal Gene Transfer.

-Crops may be affected by New/ resistant pest species & require newer and costlier pesticides.

-Changes in Agrochemical usage with negative impacton the Soil microbes.

- GM seeds from earlier crops lying dormant may volunteer after long period of dormancy

Page 28: Science past present & future

NAFTA : Corn : Maize Conflict

Loss of Jobs & Food security in Mexico

United States


332 Production in Mill. MT 20. 2<200 (80% GM) Varieties >50,000

Varieties contributing 80% of Net Crop08 35 (10 with>5%)

110 $/MT Cost of Production 210 $/MT$262/ha Crop Subsidy $90/ha

+80% Post NAFTA subsidy -28%Post NAFTA Maxican imports 323 %Post NAFTA Maxican Sale Price - 48%

Page 29: Science past present & future

#1 Global Position #4

50% Live stock feed 15%40 % Bio Ethanol 10 %10% Exports 05%

03 % Human Consumption 68 %09% Starch, Corn Oil, Sweetener 03%

Transmigration of young peopleRise on Crimes & Narcotics

Collapse of Economy & Agriculture

United States : MexicoNAFTA : Corn - Maize Conflict

Page 30: Science past present & future

Beej Bachao Aandolan

Volume 25 - Issue 02 :: Jan. 19-Feb. 01, 2008INDIA'S NATIONAL MAGAZINEfrom the publishers of THE


Vijay Jardhari is on a mission to create a bank of indigenous seeds to share with

other farmers.BIODIVERSITY

Seeds’ soldierin Garhwal Himalayas,




Devinder Sharma:

Indian Agriculture

Dr. R. H. Richharia22,500 accessions Rice germ plasm bank

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Please thinkWhat do we leave for our children?

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ReferencesA history of Hindu Chemistry

- Acharya P.C.Roy

The Positive sciences of ancient Hindus

-Brajendranath Seal & Motilal Banarsidas

Bharat me Vignyanki Ujjwal Parampara

- Suresh Soni

Several books by Gunakar MuleyPersonal Communication with Dr. V. S. Wakankar