scale-dependent patterns of variability of a grazing parrotfish (leptoscarus vaigiensis) in a...

ORIGINAL PAPER Scale-dependent patterns of variability of a grazing parrotfish (Leptoscarus vaigiensis) in a tropical seagrass-dominated seascape Martin Gullstro ¨m Charlotte Berkstro ¨m Marcus C. O ¨ hman Maria Bodin Mattis Dahlberg Received: 20 August 2010 / Accepted: 1 March 2011 / Published online: 18 March 2011 Ó Springer-Verlag 2011 Abstract Although herbivorous fish form critical linkages between primary producers and higher trophic levels, the major factors regulating their spatial structure in seagrass systems remain poorly understood. The present study examined the parrotfish Leptoscarus vaigiensis in seagrass meadows of a tropical embayment in the western Indian Ocean. Stomach content analysis and direct field observa- tions showed that L. vaigiensis is an efficient grazer, feeding almost exclusively on seagrass leaves. Seagrass shoot den- sity was highly correlated to all density variables (total, juvenile and subadult) and juvenile biomass of L. vaigiensis, while subadult biomass was predicted by distance to neigh- bouring coral habitat. Moreover, density and biomass of predatory fish (piscivores) were predicted by seagrass can- opy height and the distribution patterns of predators followed those of L. vaigiensis. Hence, factors at local (seagrass structural complexity and feeding mode) and landscape scale levels (seascape context and distribution of piscivores) likely mutually structure herbivorous fish communities. The findings underscore the importance of incorporating multi- ple scale-dependent factors when managing coastal seagrass ecosystems and their associated key species. Introduction Key species play a critical role in determining community patterns in time and space. Herbivores may encompass such a role as they form an important functional linkage between primary producers and predatory consumers of natural food webs (Valentine and Duffy 2006; Moksnes et al. 2008). They can trigger cascades both downwards and upwards in the food-web system, hence functioning as key conduits for the transfer of energy influencing com- munity structure and ecosystem processes. Herbivores have received much attention in terrestrial ecosystems (e.g. Huntly 1991; Crawley 1997; Bardgett and Wardle 2003) as well as in some aquatic ecosystems such as coral reefs (e.g. Mumby et al. 2006; Hughes et al. 2007; Burkepile and Hay 2008); however, remarkably few studies have focused explicitly on herbivorous fish in seagrass systems. In the tropical shallow-water seascape (sensu Ogden 1988), and in seagrass biotopes in particular, grazing par- rotfish can be the dominating feeding category (Lugendo et al. 2005; Gullstro ¨m et al. 2008), even though other ver- tebrate herbivores (e.g. waterfowl, turtles and sirenians) may in some areas locally affect seagrass biomass through intense grazing (Valentine and Heck 1999). The key func- tion of parrotfish has been confirmed in a number of studies (e.g. Kirsch et al. 2002; Alcoverro and Mariani 2004; Goecker et al. 2005) and can significantly contribute to ecosystem dynamics and ecological stability (Valentine and Duffy 2006; Unsworth et al. 2007a). Together with grazing invertebrates, such as sea urchins and gastropods, seagrass- Communicated by D. Goulet. M. Gullstro ¨m (&) C. Berkstro ¨m Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden e-mail: [email protected] M. Gullstro ¨m M. C. O ¨ hman M. Dahlberg Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden M. Gullstro ¨m Department of Marine Ecology - Kristineberg, University of Gothenburg, SE-451 78 Fiskeba ¨ckskil, Sweden M. Bodin Department of Marine Ecology - Tja ¨rno ¨, University of Gothenburg, SE-452 96 Stro ¨mstad, Sweden 123 Mar Biol (2011) 158:1483–1495 DOI 10.1007/s00227-011-1665-z

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Scale-dependent patterns of variability of a grazing parrotfish(Leptoscarus vaigiensis) in a tropical seagrass-dominated seascape

Martin Gullstrom • Charlotte Berkstrom •

Marcus C. Ohman • Maria Bodin • Mattis Dahlberg

Received: 20 August 2010 / Accepted: 1 March 2011 / Published online: 18 March 2011

� Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract Although herbivorous fish form critical linkages

between primary producers and higher trophic levels, the

major factors regulating their spatial structure in seagrass

systems remain poorly understood. The present study

examined the parrotfish Leptoscarus vaigiensis in seagrass

meadows of a tropical embayment in the western Indian

Ocean. Stomach content analysis and direct field observa-

tions showed that L. vaigiensis is an efficient grazer, feeding

almost exclusively on seagrass leaves. Seagrass shoot den-

sity was highly correlated to all density variables (total,

juvenile and subadult) and juvenile biomass of L. vaigiensis,

while subadult biomass was predicted by distance to neigh-

bouring coral habitat. Moreover, density and biomass of

predatory fish (piscivores) were predicted by seagrass can-

opy height and the distribution patterns of predators followed

those of L. vaigiensis. Hence, factors at local (seagrass

structural complexity and feeding mode) and landscape scale

levels (seascape context and distribution of piscivores) likely

mutually structure herbivorous fish communities. The

findings underscore the importance of incorporating multi-

ple scale-dependent factors when managing coastal seagrass

ecosystems and their associated key species.


Key species play a critical role in determining community

patterns in time and space. Herbivores may encompass

such a role as they form an important functional linkage

between primary producers and predatory consumers of

natural food webs (Valentine and Duffy 2006; Moksnes

et al. 2008). They can trigger cascades both downwards

and upwards in the food-web system, hence functioning as

key conduits for the transfer of energy influencing com-

munity structure and ecosystem processes. Herbivores have

received much attention in terrestrial ecosystems (e.g.

Huntly 1991; Crawley 1997; Bardgett and Wardle 2003) as

well as in some aquatic ecosystems such as coral reefs (e.g.

Mumby et al. 2006; Hughes et al. 2007; Burkepile and Hay

2008); however, remarkably few studies have focused

explicitly on herbivorous fish in seagrass systems.

In the tropical shallow-water seascape (sensu Ogden

1988), and in seagrass biotopes in particular, grazing par-

rotfish can be the dominating feeding category (Lugendo

et al. 2005; Gullstrom et al. 2008), even though other ver-

tebrate herbivores (e.g. waterfowl, turtles and sirenians)

may in some areas locally affect seagrass biomass through

intense grazing (Valentine and Heck 1999). The key func-

tion of parrotfish has been confirmed in a number of studies

(e.g. Kirsch et al. 2002; Alcoverro and Mariani 2004;

Goecker et al. 2005) and can significantly contribute to

ecosystem dynamics and ecological stability (Valentine and

Duffy 2006; Unsworth et al. 2007a). Together with grazing

invertebrates, such as sea urchins and gastropods, seagrass-

Communicated by D. Goulet.

M. Gullstrom (&) � C. Berkstrom

Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University,

SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

e-mail: [email protected]

M. Gullstrom � M. C. Ohman � M. Dahlberg

Department of Zoology, Stockholm University,

SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

M. Gullstrom

Department of Marine Ecology - Kristineberg,

University of Gothenburg, SE-451 78 Fiskebackskil, Sweden

M. Bodin

Department of Marine Ecology - Tjarno,

University of Gothenburg, SE-452 96 Stromstad, Sweden


Mar Biol (2011) 158:1483–1495

DOI 10.1007/s00227-011-1665-z

grazing fish occasionally control seagrass productivity and

shoot density (Valentine and Heck 1999). In fact, seagrass-

grazing fish alone can potentially consume significant

quantities of seagrass production (Kirsch et al. 2002). As

typical for natural communities, the abundance and distri-

bution of grazing seagrass fish depend on competitive biotic

and abiotic factors (Duffy 2006), which operate across a

wide range of spatial and temporal scales (Levin 1992).

There is however a poor understanding of how interacting

scale-dependent processes in the tropical seascape are

structuring herbivorous fish community patterns.

Seagrass meadows have a multifunctional role within

the coastal seascape, e.g. offering habitat, nursery ground,

food and refuges for numerous fish and invertebrate species

(Jackson et al. 2001; Connolly and Hindell 2006; Nagel-

kerken 2009) as well as influencing biogeochemical and

physical processes (Larkum et al. 2006). Although their

function as nurseries is debatable (Beck et al. 2001; Heck

et al. 2003), seagrass systems have long been known to

provide juvenile fish with food and shelter (e.g. Edgar and

Shaw 1995; Lugendo et al. 2006; Unsworth et al. 2007b),

and they typically harbour greater densities and biomasses

of fish than adjacent unvegetated benthic habitats (Pollard

1984; Bell and Pollard 1989). Furthermore, seagrass

meadows of different species composition often support

distinct assemblages of animals even when meadows are

located near one another (Middleton et al. 1984; Blaber

et al. 1992; Gullstrom et al. 2002; Hyndes et al. 2003).

A number of factors may influence habitat usage by

seagrass-associated fish. Within the tropical seascape,

commonly configured as a mangrove–seagrass–coral reef

continuum (Ogden 1988), the abundance and distribution

of fish are affected by factors at different scales (Pittman

et al. 2004; Dorenbosch et al. 2007; Gullstrom et al. 2008),

even though the relative importance of these factors are not

yet understood. At finer scales, the structural complexity of

seagrass meadows has been suggested to be of influential

importance (Heck and Orth 1980; Bell and Westoby 1986a,

b; Connolly 1994a; Hyndes et al. 2003; Gullstrom et al.

2008). Heck and Orth (1980) suggested that changes in

physical complexity of seagrasses (e.g. shoot density or

canopy height) alter predator foraging efficiency, which in

turn affect abundances and distribution patterns of preda-

tory fish and their prey. This theory has been identified as

the predation hypothesis and might positively affect the

abundance of prey organisms like herbivorous fish, espe-

cially during juvenile life stages. In contrast, Bell and

Westoby (1986a, b) suggested that a high number of

juvenile fish in denser seagrass habitats is primarily a result

of settlement patterns and habitat preference, rather than

reduced predation pressure. They do, however, acknowl-

edge that habitat preference, once larvae have settled, may

have been selected by predation pressure, and hence

predation becomes the ultimate cause of patterns in abun-

dance and distribution. Connolly (1994a, b), on the other

hand, argued that prey availability in seagrass systems is

the crucial agent determining fish numbers and habitat use.

Considering that habitat patches within the shallow

tropical seascape are linked through energy exchange by

fish movement, it is assumed that not only fine-scale

characteristics (habitat complexity, depth, etc.) but also

broad-scale factors such as surrounding seascape configu-

ration (Pittman et al. 2007), proximity to adjacent habitats

(Gullstrom et al. 2008), patch size (Bohnsack et al. 1994)

and spatial arrangement of habitat patches (Grober-Duns-

more et al. 2007) may determine the structure of seagrass-

associated fish communities. The degree of influence of

scale likely depends on contemporary settings in terms of

species-specific home ranges, frequency of daily migration

and the extent to which fish species accomplish ontogenetic

habitat shifts.

The focal point of this study was to examine how the

spatial distribution of the herbivorous parrotfish Leptosc-

arus vaigiensis is related to various ecological and physical

components within a tropical seagrass-dominated seascape

mosaic. We hypothesised that spatial patterns of variability

of L. vaigiensis were determined by factors at scales

ranging from local seagrass characteristics to landscape

structure. Explicitly, we assessed whether density, biomass

and distribution patterns of L. vaigiensis of different life

stages (size classes) were structured by: (1) feeding mode

(food choice and consumption rate), (2) predator presence

(abundance and distribution of potential predators), (3)

seagrass structural complexity (shoot density, shoot bio-

mass and canopy height), (4) local physical water condi-

tions (water temperature, salinity and depth) and/or (5)

landscape configuration (distance to mangrove and coral-

reef habitats).

Materials and methods

Study area

The present study was carried out in Chwaka Bay (6�6–130S, 39� 24–310E, Fig. 1), a shallow embayment (mean

depth: 3.2 m) situated on the east coast of Zanzibar Island

(Unguja), Tanzania. The bay is semi-enclosed, fringed by

an extensive mangrove forest in the south and protected

from intense wave action (from the open Indian Ocean) by

heterogeneous patch reefs at the bay entrance in the north.

A network of channels with water currents predominantly

forced in a north–south direction is widely spread

throughout the bay. The tidal regime is semi-diurnal and

asymmetric with stronger currents at ebb compared with

flood. At high spring tide, the water body of Chwaka

1484 Mar Biol (2011) 158:1483–1495


covers an area of 50 km2 while only 20 km2 is covered by

water during low spring tide (Tobisson et al. 1998). The

mean tidal range is 3.2 m at spring tide and 0.9 m at neap

tide (Cederlof et al. 1995).

The bay bottom primarily consists of biogenic deposits

and erosion products derived from fossil limestone terraces

(Tobisson et al. 1998). Seagrasses, interspersed with vari-

ous macroalgae, grow as either large monospecific or

mixed-species meadows in tidal and subtidal areas

(Gullstrom et al. 2006). Eleven species of seagrass are

present, of which Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii,

Cymodocea rotundata, C. serrulata and Thalassodendron

ciliatum are the most dominant. Intertidal flats in the

western, central and south-eastern parts of the bay are

predominantly covered by T. hemprichii, Cymodocea spp.

and the calcareous algae Halimeda spp., while the subtidal

central area is mainly composed of E. acoroides and/or

T. ciliatum. Channels are characterised by a mix of

macrophyte assemblages (seagrass and macroalgae) and

unvegetated bottom.

For this study, eight sampling sites were chosen (Fig. 1).

These sites comprised meadows dominated by E. acoroides

(E1, E2 and E3), meadows dominated by T. hemprichii

(T1, T2 and T3), a mixed meadow of E. acoroides, Thal-

assia hemprichii, Thalassodendron ciliatum and sand (M),

and an adjacent unvegetated area (U). The sites dominated

by E. acoroides and T. hemprichii were chosen to represent

large homogenous seagrass meadows. Site U was excluded

from regression analyses due to its lack of seagrass.

Leptoscarus vaigiensis

The seagrass parrotfish L. vaigiensis, also known as the

marbled, blue-spotted or slender parrotfish, is a member of

the family Scaridae and the only known gonochorist

within this fish family (Robertson et al. 1982). This

herbivorous parrotfish is widespread (Nakamura and Sano

2004; Lugendo et al. 2005; Gullstrom et al. 2008) and of

importance in artisanal fisheries for subsistence use (Gell

and Whittington 2002; Davies et al. 2009). It has a par-

ticularly wide distribution with a geographical range from

South Africa to the northern part of the Red Sea and

eastward to Japan and New Zealand, being the only scarid

extending into subtropical regions (Froese and Pauly

2009). Leptoscarus vaigiensis has been found to associate

with drifting algae in parts of its life cycle (Ohta and

Tachihara 2004), but is mostly found in seagrass meadows

and sometimes on hard substrates with a heavy cover of

macroalgae (Randall et al. 1997). It reaches a maximum

size of 35 cm (Froese and Pauly 2009) and has been

recorded to feed predominantly on seagrass leaves

(Almeida et al. 1999; Gell and Whittington 2002; Naka-

mura et al. 2003).

Potential predators

In terms of fish feeders, and according to Froese and Pauly

(2009), Gullstrom et al. (2008) and morphological char-

acteristics, we classified 22 species as potential predators of

L. vaigiensis within the study area. For each predatory

species, we also considered whether there are any onto-

genetic changes in feeding preferences (following Froese

and Pauly 2009).

Data collection

Field surveys were carried out during two periods, the first

extending from November 2002 to January 2003 and the

second one from January to February 2004. During the first

field period (2002/2003), we sampled fish in daytime at

high tide (±2 h) over four consecutive spring tide periods

(except for U, which was only sampled three times due to


0 10





6° S

39° 30' E

39° 30' E

6° S

A f r i c a






Coral reef


10 km


Fig. 1 Map of study sites in

Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar Island

(Unguja), Tanzania. T1, T2 and

T3 represent sites dominated by

Thalassia hemprichii; E1, E2

and E3 represent sites

dominated by Enhalusacoroides; M represents a site

mixed with E. acoroides,

T. hemprichii, Thalassodendronciliatum and bare sediment; and

U represents an unvegetated


Mar Biol (2011) 158:1483–1495 1485


logistical weather constraints) using a beam trawl, with an

opening of 2 m in width and 0.6 m in height, and an

attached net with an unstretched mesh size of 6 mm and a

cod end of 1 mm. The sampling was carried out in a

200 9 150 m grid in each of the eight field sites (E1, E2,

E3, T1, T2, T3, M and U). Six semi-randomly selected

200-m transect hauls (replicates) were conducted on each

sampling occasion at every site. All fish were sorted, frozen

and stored on ice for further analysis. In the laboratory,

individuals were identified to the lowest taxonomic level

possible (following Smith and Heemstra 1991), counted,

measured for total length (TL) to the nearest millimetre,

and wet-weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. Based on species0

maximum length (Froese and Pauly 2009), all fishes were

separated into different life stages (size classes) following

Nagelkerken and van der Velde (2002). Accordingly,

juveniles represent individuals of less than one-third of the

species0 maximum length, subadults one-third to two-thirds

of the species0 maximum length and adults more than two-

thirds of the species0 maximum length.

In the survey 2002/2003, we also measured seagrass

structural complexity in terms of shoot density, shoot

(above-ground) biomass and canopy height. These mea-

surements were performed within 20 randomly selected

100-m2 spots in each seagrass habitat site as used for the

sampling of fish. At each of the 20 spots in all seagrass

habitat sites, the density of seagrass shoots was quantified

in two randomly placed 0.0625-m2 quadratic frames. The

seagrass was collected and subsequently analysed in the

laboratory for shoot biomass (dry weight) after being dried

at 80�C during 72 h. To measure canopy height, 8 frames

were placed randomly within each 100-m2 spot and in each

frame 16 seagrass plants were measured according to

Duarte and Kirkman (2001). The three seagrass structural

complexity variables were here used as predictors in

regression analyses, while they were previously analysed in

more detail (see Gullstrom et al. 2008).

During the second field survey (2004), a handful of

seagrass shoots was collected haphazardly at five spots in

four randomly selected locations (25 9 25 m in size) at

each seagrass habitat site dominated by E. acoroides or

T. hemprichii in order to measure and compare the amount

of epiphytes on seagrass leaves of different meadows. After

been carefully rinsed and scraped from epiphytes, all sea-

grass leaves were dried at 80�C during 72 h. Subsequently,

seagrass and epiphytes were weighed (dry and wet)


To attain physical environmental conditions, water

temperature, salinity and depth were recorded near the top

of the seagrass canopy at the start and end positions of each

fish sampling haul performed. The mean of the two mea-

surements for each environmental variable was used as

predictor data in the regression analyses (see ‘‘Statistical

analyses’’). An additional variable estimated was geo-

graphical position within the embayment, here represented

as the proximity from the central part of each seagrass

locality to the nearest part of mangrove and coral-reef

habitats. Hence, in order to relate fish density and biomass

to a site position, the estimated distances (attained from a

Landsat satellite image) were used as predictor variables in

the regression analyses.

During the field survey 2004, gut content analysis was

carried out for 15 specimens of L. vaigiensis caught in the

meadows dominated by E. acoroides using the same beam

trawl as mentioned above. Furthermore, in situ fish bite

rates on seagrass leaves were recorded during daytime at

high tide (±2 h) in two seagrass meadows dominated by

E. acoroides (E2 and E3) using SCUBA. The reason for

choosing E. acoroides-dominated meadows for the bite rate

study was because the abundance of L. vaigiensis in this

type of meadow has been shown to be significantly greater

than in meadows dominated by T. hemprichii (see Gulls-

trom et al. 2008). Foraging and grazing mode for individual

L. vaigiensis (n = 37) were observed until a change in

behaviour (due to disturbance from the diver) was noticed

(which ranged from 1 to 12 min for different specimens).

Fork length of each fish was estimated to the nearest


Statistical analyses

A nested analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to

compare epiphyte biomass on seagrass leaves. Meadow

type (2 levels) was a fixed factor, while Site (3 levels) was

a random factor nested within Meadow type. The mixed

(M) and vegetation-free (U) sites were both excluded from

the analysis of epiphyte data. Variability in density and

biomass of L. vaigiensis and its potential predators was

analysed using a mixed-model statistical design with

Meadow type (2 levels, fixed) and Occasion (4 levels,

random) treated as orthogonal factors, and Site (3 levels)

as a random factor nested within Meadow type. Prior to

all analyses, the assumption to meet homogeneity of vari-

ances was checked by Levene’s (1960) test and data were

square-root-transformed. Since all fish data sets showed

heteroscedasticity despite transformation, we did not use

traditional ANOVAs but permutational multivariate anal-

ysis of variance (PERMANOVA, Anderson 2001). In

contrast to traditional ANOVA, significance assessment in

PERMANOVA is carried out using a permutation proce-

dure, rather than relying on nominated p-values assuming

normality (Anderson 2005). Hence, in this study, PER-

MANOVA tests comprised a more proper alternative to

the mixed-model ANOVAs. Euclidean distance was used

as resemblance measure, and all data were square-root-

transformed (with 999 permutations).

1486 Mar Biol (2011) 158:1483–1495


Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was used to

explore the relative importance of various continuous

predictor variables, i.e. seagrass structural complexity

(shoot density, shoot biomass and canopy height), local

physical water conditions (temperature, salinity and water

depth) and proximity from sampled seagrass sites to

neighbouring habitats (mangrove and coral reef) on density

and biomass of L. vaigiensis (juveniles and subadults

separately) and its potential predators, respectively. Prior to

the analysis, the predictor variables were checked for col-

linearity and the probability criteria to enter or remove

predictor variables were specified to 0.05 and 0.1,



Comparison of seagrass meadow types

Thalassia hemprichii meadows were generally less dense

(mean shoot density: 768–135 shoots per m2) and shorter

(mean canopy height: 9–21 cm) compared with E. acoro-

ides meadows (mean shoot density: 274–439 shoots per m2;

mean canopy height: 28–49 cm), while the mean shoot

biomass was comparable in the two meadow types (ranging

among sites from 62 to 105 g DW per m2). The mixed

meadow comprised a structural complexity level similar to

meadows dominated by E. acoroides (mean shoot density:

423 shoots per m2; mean canopy height: 34 cm; mean

shoot biomass: 95 g DW per m2). A more detailed com-

parison between the two seagrass habitats can be found in

Gullstrom et al. (2008).

Food preference and feeding mode

A combination of stomach content analysis and direct field

observations showed that L. vaigiensis is an efficient sea-

grass grazer. The analyses of food items in guts from fifteen

L. vaigiensis specimens (mainly juveniles, but also a few

subadults) revealed that more than 95% of the gut contents

consisted of seagrass plant material. In addition, the field

observations of grazing mode support that seagrass was

virtually exclusively the food source of L. vaigiensis, as

intact bites of seagrass leaves were taken and no scraping of

epiphytes was seen. Seagrass items were constantly con-

sumed with an estimated feeding rate of seven bites per

minute on average during a feeding spout (Fig. 2).

In terms of epiphytic features as a potential food source

for L. vaigiensis, quantification of epiphytes on seagrass

leaves was carried out. The results showed that there was no

significant difference in mean epiphyte biomass per sea-

grass leaf area between the two meadow types, dominated

by E. acoroides or T. hemprichii (Fig. 3), but the mean

proportion of epiphytes differed significantly among sites

within each meadow type (ANOVA, p \ 0.05). In general,

the epiphytic assemblages of E. acoroides leaves were

dominated by encrusting coralline red algae, filamentous

green/red algae and cyanobacteria, while the main groups of

epiphytic organisms on T. hemprichii leaves belong to

cyanobacteria, diatoms, filamentous green algae (Chaeto-

morpha crassa) and Foraminifera. Less frequently found on

E. acoroides leaves were red algae (e.g. Ceramium spp.,

Polysiphonia spp. and Sphacelaria spp.) and small animals

belonging to e.g. Polychaeta, Gastropoda and Amphipoda.

Filamentous green/red algae and sponges were sparsely

distributed on leaves of T. hemprichii. Decomposed sea-

grass matter and debris were mixed up with organisms and

comprised a rather large part of the epiphytic composition

on leaves of both seagrass meadow types.

Leptoscarus vaigiensis: densities, biomasses

and potential predators

Out of 4,322 fishes, a total of 1,371 individuals of L. vai-

giensis were collected. A separation of L. vaigiensis






0-2 2-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 10-12 12-14


of s




Bites per minute

Fig. 2 Foraging rate expressed in bites of seagrass per minute by

individuals of L. vaigiensis (n = 37)






E1 E2 E3 T1 T2 T3Mea

n pr







Fig. 3 Mean proportion of epiphytes (dry weight epiphyte biomass

per dry weight seagrass leaf area) in meadows dominated by Enhalusacoroides (E1–E3) or Thalassia hemprichii (T1–T3) in Chwaka Bay,

Zanzibar. Mean and SE are shown for each bar. See legend of Fig. 1

for description of locality name abbreviations

Mar Biol (2011) 158:1483–1495 1487


specimens into life stages showed that 1,301 were juveniles

and 70 were subadults, while no adult fishes were observed.

In total, seven herbivorous species were identified

(Ctenochaetus striatus, Calotomus spinidens, Hipposcarus

harid, L. vaigiensis, Scarus ghobban, S. psittacus and

Siganus sutor). Leptoscarus vaigiensis was strikingly the

most abundant herbivorous fish species and accounted for

68% of all herbivorous specimens (Fig. 4). Twenty-two

species were classified as potential predators to L. vaigi-

ensis (Table 1), with the majority being preferentially

associated with coral and seagrass habitats (Fig. 4).

A comparison of fish densities of the different study

sites indicates similar distribution patterns for L. vaigiensis

and its potential predators. In general, the densities of fish

were greater in E. acoroides-dominated meadows com-

pared with meadows dominated by T. hemprichii (Fig. 4,

Table 2). Total density and total biomass estimates of

L. vaigiensis showed strong variations among sites as well

as among occasions (Table 2), indicating both spatial and

temporal variability. While density of predatory fish also

demonstrated among-site variability, predatory biomass did

not (Table 2). In addition, predatory density and biomass

Table 1 List of potential

predator fish species of

Leptoscarus vaigiensis

Fish are distinguished (based on

Gullstrom et al. 2008, Froese

and Pauly 2009 and this study)

into the habitat preference

groups G (generalists),

M/S (mangrove–seagrass-

associated fish), C/S (coral–

seagrass-associated fish),

S (seagrass residents) and

U (fish exclusively associated

with unvegetated habitat)

Family Species Habitat preference

Aulostomidae (trumpetfishes) Aulostomus chinensis C/S

Balistidae (triggerfishes) Rhinecanthus aculeatus C/S

Dasyatidae (stingrays) Dasyatis kuhlii M/S

Haemulidae (grunts) Plectorhincus gaterinus C/S

Holocentridae (squirrelfishes, soldierfishes) Neoniphon sammara G

Labridae (wrasses) Cheilinus trilobatus C/S

C. undulatus C/S

Cheilio inermis C/S

Oxycheilinus digramma C/S

Lethrinidae (emperors or scavengers) Lethrinus lentjan G

L. variegatus S

Lutjanidae (snappers) Lutjanus fluviflamma G

Muraenidae (moray eels) Echidna nebulosa C/S

Ostraciidae (boxfishes) Ostracion cubicus C/S

Scorpaenidae (scorpionfishes or rockfishes) Scorpaena scrofa C/S

Serranidae (sea basses: groupers, fairy basslets) Epinephelus caeruleopunctatus G

Grammistes sexlineatus C/S

Sphyraenidae (barracudas) Sphyraena sp.

Synanceiidae (stonefishes) Synanceia verrucosa C/S

Syngnathidae (pipefishes, seahorses) Syngnathoides biaculeatus S

Synodontidae (lizardfishes) Saurida gracilis G

Terapontidae (grunters or tigerperches) Pelates quadrilineatus M/S












E1 E2 E3 T1 T2 T3 M U







Other fish

Other predators

Coral-seagrass-associated predators

Other herbivores


E1 E2 E3 T1 T2 T3 M U E1 E2 E3 T1 T2 T3 M U

Fig. 4 Mean density and

proportion of fish in all

sampling localities. See legend

of Fig. 1 for description of

locality abbreviations

1488 Mar Biol (2011) 158:1483–1495


did not differ significantly between the different occasions,

but there were significant interactions between Occasion

and Site (Table 2).

As most individuals of L. vaigiensis were juveniles,

variability in juvenile density and biomass were analogous

with the outcomes from estimates of total density and total

biomass. Accordingly, both density and biomass of juve-

niles were greater in meadows dominated by E. acoroides

compared with meadows dominated by T. hemprichii

(Fig. 5), and only juvenile biomass did not show a signif-

icant difference between the two types of meadows

(Table 2). Furthermore, the juvenile density and biomass

varied strongly among sites and occasions, respectively

(Table 2). In terms of subadult L. vaigiensis individuals,

fish density and biomass in E. acoroides-dominated

meadows were clearly greater than in T. hemprichii-dom-

inated meadows (Fig. 5, Table 2). This was primarily an

effect of that only two subadult individuals were found in

seagrass sites dominated by T. hemprichii. Distinguished

from juveniles, the density and biomass of subadults

showed variability neither among sites nor among occa-

sions (Table 2). Significant interactions between Occasion

and Site however indicate temporal effects on subadult

density and biomass (Table 2).

The mixed meadow (M) comprised relatively low den-

sities of L. vaigiensis specimens, juveniles as well as

subadults (Fig. 5). However, the biomass of subadults was

at a similar level as in E. acoroides station 3 (E3) and

slightly higher than in all other sampling sites (Fig. 5). The

density of predators was moderate, while there was a

high density of residual (other) fish species (Fig. 4), which

is a result of the high fish density and diversity (see

Gullstrom et al. 2008). The unvegetated site comprised

a negligible density of fish, including only a few speci-

mens of L. vaigiensis caught during separate occasions

throughout the study (Figs. 4, 5).

Table 2 Summary of mixed-model PERMANOVAs of density and biomass variables of (a) Leptoscarus vaigiensis and (b) potential predators

of L. vaigiensis in seagrass meadows dominated by Enhalus acoroides or Thalassia hemprichii

Source of variation df Total density Total biomass Juvenile density

MS Pseudo-F p MS Pseudo-F p MS Pseudo-F p


Meadow type 1 0.372 4.931 0.028 2.852 4.947 0.041 0.342 4.655 0.042

Site (Meadow type) 4 0.073 15.338 0.001 0.423 9.343 0.003 0.072 17.228 0.001

Occasion 3 0.024 5.141 0.013 0.181 3.996 0.041 0.024 5.843 0.009

Occasion 9 meadow type 3 0.004 0.758 0.521 0.162 3.588 0.047 0.003 0.678 0.591

Occasion 9 site (Meadow type) 12 0.005 1.833 0.049 0.045 1.901 0.046 0.004 1.618 0.096

Residual 120 0.003 0.024 0.003

Source of variation df Juvenile biomass Subadult density Subadult biomass

MS Pseudo-F p MS Pseudo-F p MS Pseudo-F p

Meadow type 1 1.732 3.687 0.068 0.019 6.374 0.023 0.771 6.103 0.025

Site (meadow type) 4 0.395 16.576 0.001 0.001 1.133 0.429 0.051 0.834 0.511

Occasion 3 0.117 4.900 0.023 0.002 1.543 0.264 0.095 1.565 0.244

Occasion 9 meadow type 3 0.081 3.402 0.062 0.002 1.566 0.278 0.086 1.411 0.277

Occasion 9 site (Meadow type) 12 0.024 1.392 0.185 0.001 2.406 0.013 0.061 3.056 0.002

Residual 120 0.017 0.000 0.020

Source of variation df Predator density Predator biomass

MS Pseudo-F p MS Pseudo-F p


Meadow type 1 0.258 15.481 0.003 2.002 20.693 0.001

Site (meadow type) 4 0.015 5.442 0.008 0.082 2.256 0.132

Occasion 3 0.003 0.954 0.432 0.010 0.280 0.830

Occasion 9 meadow type 3 0.002 0.871 0.473 0.016 0.445 0.733

Occasion 9 site (Meadow type) 12 0.003 2.067 0.021 0.036 1.963 0.022

Residual 120 0.001 0.019

Significant values (p \ 0.05) are shown in bold

Mar Biol (2011) 158:1483–1495 1489


Associations between fish variables

and scale-dependent predictors

Considering L. vaigiensis, stepwise multiple regression

analysis revealed that seagrass shoot density was an

important predictor explaining a substantial proportion

(60–85%) of variability in total density, total biomass,

juvenile density and subadult density of fish, respectively

(Table 3). In contrast, for subadult fish biomass, the model

retained distance to neighbouring coral-reef habitat as the

only significant predictor variable, explaining almost 87%

of the variability (Table 3). No predictor variable entered

into the regression model for juvenile fish biomass

(Table 3). In terms of density and biomass of potential

predators of L. vaigiensis, canopy height was the foremost

predictor explaining significant proportions of the vari-

ability (Table 3).


This study has shown that spatial patterns of variability of

the important seagrass parrotfish L. vaigiensis are related to

a number of factors at different scales. At the local within-








Enhalus Thalassia Mixed Unvegetated











Enhalus Thalassia Mixed Unvegetated

g m




Fig. 5 a Mean density and

b mean biomass of juvenile and

subadult individuals of

L. vaigiensis in the different

study habitats. Error barsdenote SE

Table 3 Results of stepwise multiple regression analysis showing variables significantly predicting density and biomass of Leptoscarusvaigiensis and its potential predators

Dependent variable Intercept Predictor coefficient R2 p

Shoot density Canopy height Water temperature Distance to coral reef

Total Leptoscarus density 0.347 -0.081 0.65 0.0294

Total Leptoscarus biomass 0.571 -0.148 0.77 0.0093

Juvenile Leptoscarus density 0.342 -0.077 0.60 0.0401

Juvenile Leptoscarus biomass No model

Subadult Leptoscarus density 0.144 -0.075 0.85 0.0030

Subadult Leptoscarus biomass 0.370 -0.205 0.87 0.0021

Predator density (model 1) 0.284 0.077 0.85 0.0033

Predator density (model 2) 0.284 0.056 -0.035 0.96 0.0017

Predator biomass 0.088 0.069 0.79 0.0077

Non-significant predictor variables omitted from all regression models were shoot biomass, salinity, water depth and distance to mangrove.

Noteworthy is that for juvenile L. vaigiensis biomass no variables were entered into a model

1490 Mar Biol (2011) 158:1483–1495


meadow scale, seagrass structural complexity and feeding

mode had great influences on the spatial distribution and

abundance of L. vaigiensis, while at the broader landscape

scale, observed patterns highlight the importance of pred-

ator density and seascape structure in determining the

composition of this herbivorous parrotfish. These findings

emphasise the need to consider multiple factors at different

scales to better understand distribution patterns of coastal

fish (cf. Pittman et al. 2004; Gullstrom et al. 2008).

Leptoscarus vaigiensis is a herbivore and feed directly

on seagrass leaves, leaving behind distinct semi-circular

bite marks (McClanahan et al. 1994). In situ observations

of feeding mode in the present study confirmed this feeding

behaviour and showed that grazing occurs constantly and

with a high frequency during active feeding hours of the

day. Furthermore, based on stomach content analysis, we

found that L. vaigiensis preferentially feed on seagrass

leaves. Accordingly, this study confirms the key function of

L. vaigiensis being an efficient seagrass grazer, potentially

comparable to other dominant grazers of the region (e.g.

Alcoverro and Mariani 2004; Eklof et al. 2008). The results

correspond with other studies conducted on parrotfish

foraging in seagrass habitats. For instance, in the Carib-

bean, the bucktooth parrotfish Sparisoma radians was

found to feed predominantly on seagrasses and at a similar

consumption rate to L. vaigiensis in the present study

(Lobel and Ogden 1981; Goecker et al. 2005).

Herbivores can obtain part (or most) of their nutritional

needs in the form of nitrogen from epiphytes (e.g. Tomas

et al. 2005), and hence, it has been suggested that grazing

on seagrasses is determined by nitrogen availability

assimilated by their associated leaf-growing epiphytes

(Valentine and Duffy 2006). In contrast to epiphytes, sea-

grass tissue contains poor nutritional value (e.g. Bjorndal

1980) and is rather unattractive as a food source. This is

because seagrasses have high C/N ratio (Duarte 1990) as

well as high cellulose content, which may be difficult to

digest (Lawrence 1975). Epiphytised seagrass leaves might

therefore be a critical factor explaining herbivore–seagrass

interactions (Tomas et al. 2005). In this study, the pro-

portion of epiphytes in the two seagrass meadow types,

dominated by E. acoroides or T. hemprichii, did not sig-

nificantly differ from each other, and since the density of L.

vaigiensis clearly differed between the two meadow types,

epiphytes might be of inferior importance for the distri-

bution of L. vaigiensis. In addition, the epiphyte commu-

nity composition showed an overlap between meadow

types, which also with respect to nutritional value suggests

a minor impact on the distribution of fish. It should though

be acknowledged that the epiphyte proportion varied

among sites, and hence the effect of epiphytes on the

choice of food by L. vaigiensis cannot be entirely ignored.

Differences in seagrass nutrient concentration might

also influence grazing patterns and in turn the spatial

distribution of herbivorous fish. Duarte (1990) showed

that the content of carbon and nitrogen in seagrass leaves

varies between different species; however, E. acoroides

and T. hemprichii did not differ in terms of their C/N

ratios. With respect to nutritional preferences by grazing

parrotfish, contradictory findings from the literature

indicate great variability. For instance, in the Caribbean,

Goecker et al. (2005) demonstrated that S. radians

selected seagrasses with the highest nitrogen content,

while in the northern Florida Keys, Kirsch et al. (2002)

found no relationship between C/N ratio and grazing

intensity by parrotfish. Nevertheless, T. hemprichii has

been observed to be eaten more frequently than

E. acoroides by herbivorous fish in Kenya (Alcoverro

and Mariani 2004), and furthermore, Dahlgren (2006)

showed a preference for T. hemprichii over E. acoroides

by L. vaigiensis in Tanzania. This suggests that L. vai-

giensis is more common in seagrass meadows dominated

by T. hemprichii, if distribution patterns follow those of

preferred food sources. In our study, however, both

densities and biomasses of fish were significantly higher

in seagrass meadows dominated by E. acoroides com-

pared with those dominated by T. hemprichii, and instead

predator avoidance by hiding in a structurally compatible

seagrass habitat (E. acoroides) may be in priority prior

to the choice of food. It has been suggested that certain

foraging species will balance the predation risk with

resource availability in order to maximise net energy

gain and growth (Orth et al. 1984; Werner and Hall

1988; Warfe and Barmuta 2004). This trade-off between

foraging success and safety has been successfully examined

in different shallow-water assemblages (Werner et al. 1983;

Werner and Hall 1988; Gotceitas 1990; Bologna and Heck

1999; Jormalainen et al. 2001; Salita et al. 2003) and might

well exist for L. vaigiensis. It might be that L. vaigiensis

actually prefers to feed on T. hemprichii, but spends most of

the time in E. acoroides due to the ability of getting pro-

tection from predators. A recent study examining patterns

of grazing bite marks within the edge zone of meadows

composed of T. hemprichii and E. acoroides indicates that

this theory may be accurate (Gullstrom et al. unpublished


It is likely that the spaces between shoots in meadows

with relatively low shoot density (such as our study

meadows comprised of E. acoroides or large-spaced

T. hemprichii) match the sizes of juvenile and subadult

fishes, but restrict larger predators. Bartholomew et al.

(2000) reasoned that inter-structural spaces between sea-

grass shoots that are smaller than a predator’s width would

impede the predator’s movement, and hence provide

Mar Biol (2011) 158:1483–1495 1491


sufficient protection in predator–prey encounters. Further-

more, Heck and Orth (2006) highlighted that predators’

foraging from above the seagrass canopy might be influ-

enced by existing seagrass structural complexity. They

suggested that the height of the leaves and the degree to

which they overlap could have an impact on the ability of

down-looking predators to detect prey. In the case of

L. vaigiensis, it may be that the height of E. acoroides

leaves disallow the accessibility of predators and make

L. vaigiensis difficult to detect. Moreover, L. vaigiensis is

well camouflaged with its cryptic coloration and marbled

pattern, a strategy also noted for other seagrass fishes,

including pipefishes and seahorses (Heck and Orth 2006).

In this study, we found a strong negative effect of seagrass

shoot density on the variability of both juvenile and sub-

adult densities of L. vaigiensis, further emphasising the

importance of seagrass habitat complexity in determining

fish distribution patterns. This suggests that L. vaigiensis

prefers meadows comprised of the longer and less dense

E. acoroides to the shorter and denser T. hemprichii.

Among-site differences within each meadow type might

have further strengthened the findings, as the structural

complexity of the highly diverse seagrass meadows in the

studied embayment (Chwaka Bay) vary in a remarkable

manner (long plants intermingling with short plants)

compared with meadows of other regions (Gullstrom et al.

2008). In terms of potential predators of L. vaigiensis,

strong positive relationships were found between seagrass

canopy height and the density and biomass of predatory

fish, respectively. Hence, L. vaigiensis and its potential

predators seem to utilise similar seagrass habitats, although

their co-occurrence is likely of a complex nature.

The ability of seagrass leaves and rhizomes to protect

from predation is one of the major tenets of the seagrass

nursery role hypothesis (Heck and Orth 2006). Body size,

and hence age, may influence an animal’s ability to avoid

predators and/or to harvest resources from the habitat

itself (Werner and Hall 1988). Because these abilities

change with body size during ontogeny, an ontogenetic

shift in habitat or resource use may occur. Numerous

studies have shown such an age-related habitat shift for

tropical fish species moving between mangroves, seagrass

beds and coral reefs (e.g. Nagelkerken et al. 2001, 2002).

By comparing fish assemblage compositions in meadows

dominated by Zostera capricorni and Posidonia australis,

Middleton et al. (1984) found that smaller members of

certain fish families were more common in the short-

leaved Zostera meadows, while that larger individuals of

corresponding families preferred the longer-leaved Posi-

donia meadows. In our study, juveniles were found in

all sites, with the highest densities and biomasses in

the long-leaved E. acoroides meadows. In contrast, sub-

adults were not found in the short-leaved T. hemprichii

meadows (with the exception of two individuals) reach-

ing their density and biomass peaks in the mixed seagrass

meadow, which is located in the slightly deeper area of

the embayment. Adult specimens of L. vaigiensis were

neither found in meadows dominated by T. hemprichii

nor in those dominated by E. acoroides, but have been

observed to occupy e.g. the edges of seagrass habitats in

the slightly deeper water (M. Gullstrom, pers. obs.).

These observations suggest a possible migration of

L. vaigiensis specimens into deeper and more suitable

habitats with age. Furthermore, subadult biomass was

strongly correlated with the distance to neighbouring

coral-reef habitat. Our results seem to conform to Pron-

ker (2002), who found that juveniles of L. vaigiensis

exhibit an ontogenetic shift from seagrass meadows at

the interior parts of Chwaka Bay towards seagrass

meadows near the bay mouth (i.e. near the coral-reef

area). In addition, the highest densities of juveniles were

found in the interior seagrass meadows, while the highest

densities of subadults and adults were found in seagrass

meadows closer to the bay entrance. As most potential

predators of L. vaigiensis are reef-associated, the prox-

imity of coral reefs to seagrass habitats may have an

effect on juvenile L. vaigiensis distribution.

In summary, we have shown that the herbivorous sea-

grass parrotfish L. vaigiensis is an efficient seagrass grazer,

suggesting its key role in a seagrass-dominated environ-

ment like Chwaka Bay. Besides the influence of feeding

mode, our results suggest that the spatial distribution of

seagrass-grazing fish like L. vaigiensis might be influenced

by contemporary density of predators, seagrass structural

complexity and landscape configuration. We conclude that

multiple scale-dependent factors are adequately responsi-

ble for spatial patterns of variability of grazing seagrass

fish assemblages, all from local-scale within-meadow

characteristics to landscape-scale factors. Further research

is encouraged to improve the understanding of spatial

variability of grazing fish communities and to facilitate the

efficacy of management and conservation applications of

coastal seagrass systems.

Acknowledgments We wish to thank Mcha Manzi for assistance

throughout all field periods, and Mohammed Nur Mohammed, Saleh

Yahya, Lisa Adelskold, Maria Asplund, Maricela de la Torre Castro

and Johan Eklof for assistance during part of the field work. We are

also grateful to Kristina Halling, Nils Kautsky, Jerker Lokrantz, and

Per Nilsson for useful comments on earlier versions of the manu-

script. Furthermore, thanks to Mats Lindegarth for statistical advice as

well as Mats Bjork for helping with identification of epiphytes. The

Institute of Marine Sciences (University of Dar es Salaam) at Zan-

zibar provided research facilities and we appreciate the support given

by Narriman Jiddawi. The study was supported by the Swedish

International Development cooperation Agency (Sida) through the

Sida/SAREC Bilateral Marine Science Programme between Sweden

and Tanzania as well as the Sida/SAREC-funded project ‘Changes in

tropical seagrass beds induced by eutrophication’.

1492 Mar Biol (2011) 158:1483–1495



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