scala activerecord

Scala ActiveRecord The elegant ORM library for Scala

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Post on 02-Jul-2015




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Scala ActiveRecordThe elegant ORM library for Scala

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Author主にScalaとRuby on Railsの業務をやってます

Play Framework 2.0 を Beta バージョンから業務で採用を試みる

DBライブラリにはSqueryl, Anorm, ScalaQuery を採用

Scala ActiveRecord はより使えるDBライブラリを求めた結果の産物

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Scala ActiveRecord

Latest version: 0.2.1License: MIT

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FeaturesSqueryl wrapperType-safe (most part)Rails ActiveRecord-like operability

CoC (Convention over Configuration)

DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles.

Auto transaction control

“Type-safed ActiveRecord model for Scala”

Version 0.1

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FeaturesValidationsAssociationsTesting supportImproving query performanceScala 2.10 support

Version 0.2

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Why created? (1)Scalaの大半のDBライブラリはSQLをWrapしたもの


しかし、オブジェクト (Model) にマッピングするためには全て自前で定義しないといけない

val selectCountries = SQL("Select * from Country") val countries = selectCountries().map(row => row[String]("code") -> row[String]("name")).toList

Not DRY!!

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Why created? (2)関連マッピングをまともに扱いたい・なるべく簡単に使いたい

ClassごとにFinder methodを定義しなければならないなどDRYに書けない


Not DRY!!!

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Other librariesAnormSlick (ScalaQuery)Squeryl

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(1) AnormORMではなく、Model層を提供しない設計思想のため、どうしてもClassごとに同じようなメソッドを定義せざるを得なくなる

Not DRY...

case class Person(id: Pk[Long], name: String) object Person { def create(person: Person): Unit = { DB.withConnection { implicit connection => SQL("insert into person(name) values ({name})").on( 'name -> } } ...}

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(2) Slick (ScalaQuery)Queryの使用感は良いが、テーブル定義がやや冗長。Modelとマッピングする場合、その対応をテーブルごとに明示的に記述する必要がある

Query interface is Good. But, not DRY defining tables.

case class Member(id: Int, name: String, email: Option[String])

object Members extends Table[Member]("MEMBERS") { def id = column[Int]("ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc) def name = column[String]("NAME") def email = column[Option[String]]("EMAIL") def * = id.? ~ name ~ email <> (Member, Member.unapply _) }

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val query = from(table)(t => where( > 20) select(t))from(query)(t => where( like “%test%”) select(t))

(3) SquerylScalaのORMとしては最も良い出来


Very nice ORM library.Need to be aware of the SQL performance.

Select * From (Select * From table Where > 20) q1Where like “test”

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Improvements from SquerylQueryの合成結果が単なるSub Queryにならないように   Queryの条件をパフォーマンス劣化せず流用可能

val query = Table.where( > 20)query.where( like “%test%”).toList

Select * From table Where > 20 and like “test”

Generates more simple SQL statement.

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Improvements from SquerylIterable#iterator にアクセスした時点で inTransaction するよう変更

save, delete 時にデフォルトで inTransaction するように

もちろん明示的に transaction もできる

// auto inTransactionquery.toListmodel.savemodel.delete

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Improvements from Squeryl関連設定ルールをCoCで結び付けられるように


Eager loadingを実装

Simpler association definition rule.

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object Schema extends Schema { val foo = table[Foo] val bar = table[Bar] val fooToBar = oneToManyRelation(Foo, Bar).via( (f, b) => f.barId === )}

class Foo(var barId: Long) extends SomeEntity {  lazy val bar: ManyToOne[Bar] = schema.fooToBar.right(this)}

class Bar(var bar: String) extends SomeEntity {  lazy val foos: OneToMany[Foo] = schema.fooToBar.left(this)}

Association definition (Squeryl)

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object Tables extends ActiveRecordTables { val foo = table[Foo] val bar = table[Bar]}

class Foo(var barId: Long) extends ActiveRecord {  lazy val bar = belongsTo[Bar]}

class Bar(var bar: String) extends ActiveRecord {  lazy val foos = hasMany[Foo]}

Association definition (Scala ActiveRecord)

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Minimal example

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case class Person(var name: String, var age: Int) extends ActiveRecord

object Person extends ActiveRecordCompanion[Person]

Model implementation

Schema definitionobject Tables extends ActiveRecordTables { val people = table[Person]}

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val person = Person("person1", 25) true


val person = Person("person1", 25).create Person(“person1”, 25)

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Person.findBy(“name”, “john”) Some(Person(“john”))


Person.where( === “john”).headOption Some(Person(“john”))

Person.toList List(Person(“person1”), ...)

* Type-safe approach

Person.find(1) Some(Person(“person1”))

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UpdatePerson.find(1).foreach { p => = “aaa” p.age = 19}

Person.forceUpdate( === 1)( := “aa”, _.age := 19)

Callback hookValidations

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DeletePerson.where( === “john”) .foreach(_.delete)


Person.find(1) match { case Some(person) => person.delete case _ =>}

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Query interface

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Single object finderval client = Client.find(10) Some(Client) or None

val john25 = Client.findBy(("name", "john"), ("age", 25)) Some(Client("john", 25)) or None

val john = Client.findBy("name", "john") Some(Client("john")) or None

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Multiple object finderClients.where(c => === "john" and c.age.~ > 25).toList

Clients.where( === "john") .where(_.age.~ > 25) .toList

Select, clients.age, clients.idFrom clientsWhere = “john” and clients.age > 25

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Using `Iterable` methodsval client = Client.head First Client or RecordNotFoundException

val (adults, children) = Client.partition(_.age >= 20) Parts of clients

val client = Client.lastOption Some(Last Client) or None

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Client.orderBy( asc)

Client.orderBy( asc, _.age desc)

* Simple order (ORDER BY

* Set order (use for 'asc' or 'desc')

* Ordering by multiple fields

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Client.limit(10), 5)

Limit and Offset

Existence of objectsClient.exists( like "john%") true or false

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Selecting specific fields => (, c.age)).toList List[(String, Int)]

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Combining QueriesClients.where( like "john%”) .orderBy(_.age desc) .where(_.age.~ < 25) .page(2, 5) .toListSelect, clients.age, clients.idFrom clientsWhere (( like “john%”) and (clients.age < 25))Order By clients.age Desclimit 5 offset 2

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Cache controlQueryからIterableに暗黙変換される際に取得したListをキャッシュとして保持

val orders = Order.where(_.age.~ > 20)

// execute SQL query, and cached queryorders.toList

// non-execute SQL query. orders.toList

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Annotation-based Validation

case class User( @Required name: String, @Length(max=20) profile: String, @Range(min=0, max=150) age: Int) extends ActiveRecord

object User extends ActiveRecordCompanion[User]

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Validation Sample// it’s not save in the database // because the object is not validval user = User("", “Profile”, 25).create

user.isValid falseuser.hasErrors trueuser.errors.messges Seq("Name is required")user.hasError("name") true

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More functional error handling...User("John", “profile”, 20).saveEither match { case Right(user) => println( case Left(errors) => println(errors.messages)} "John"

User("", “profile”, 15).saveEither match { case Right(user) => println( case Left(errors) => println(errors.messages)} "Name is required"

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Available hooks•beforeValidation()•beforeCreate()•afterCreate()•beforeUpdate()•afterUpdate()•beforeSave()•afterSave()•beforeDelete()•afterDelete()

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Callback examplecase class User(login: String) extends ActiveRecord { @Transient @Length(min=8, max=20) var password: String = _ var hashedPassword: String = _

override def beforeSave() { hashedPassword = SomeLibrary.encrypt(password) }}

val user = User(“john”)user.password = “raw_password” Storing encrypted password

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case class User(name: String) extends ActiveRecord { val groupId: Option[Long] = None lazy val group = belongsTo[Group]}

case class Group(name: String) extends ActiveRecord { lazy val users = hasMany[User]}


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val user1 = User("user1").createval user2 = User("user2").createval group1 = Group("group1").create

group1.users << user1

group1.users.toList List(User("user1"))“group2”)) Group("group1")


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Association is Queryablegroup1.users.where( like “user%”) .orderBy( desc) .limit(5) .toList

Select, users.idFrom usersWhere ((users.group_id = 1) AND ( like “user%”))Order By Desclimit 5 offset 0

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case class User(name: String) extends ActiveRecord { lazy val groups = hasAndBelongsToMany[Group]}

case class Group(name: String) extends ActiveRecord { lazy val users = hasAndBelongsToMany[User]}

Many-to-Many (HABTM)

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val user1 = User("user1").createval user2 = User("user2").createval group1 = Group("group1").createval group2 = Group("group2").create

user1.groups := List(group1, group2)

user1.groups.toList List(Group(“group1”), Group(“group2”))group1.users.toList List(User(“user1”))

Many-to-Many (HABTM)

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case class Membership( userId: Long, projectId: Long, isAdmin: Boolean = false) extends ActiveRecord { lazy val user = belongsTo[User] lazy val group = belongsTo[Group]}

Many-to-Many (hasManyThrough)* Intermediate table's model

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case class User(name: String) extends ActiveRecord { lazy val memberships = hasMany[Membership] lazy val groups = hasManyThrough[Group, Membership](memberships)}

case class Group(name: String) extends ActiveRecord { lazy val memberships = hasMany[Membership] lazy val users = hasManyThrough[User, Membership](memberships)}

Many-to-Many (hasManyThrough)

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case class Group(name: String) extends ActiveRecord { lazy val adminUsers = hasMany[User](conditions = Map("isAdmin" -> true))}

Conditions option

group.adminUsers << user user.isAdmin == true

ForeignKey optioncase class Comment(name: String) extends ActiveRecord { val authorId: Long lazy val author = belongsTo[User](foreignKey = “authorId”)}

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Client.joins[Order]( (client, order) => === order.clientId).where( (client, order) => client.age.~ < 20 and order.price.~ > 1000 ).select( (client, order) => (, client.age, order.price)).toList

Joining tables

Select, clients.age, orders.priceFrom clients inner join orders on ( = orders.client_id)Where ((clients.age < 20) and (groups.price > 1000))

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Order.includes(_.client).limit(10).map { order =>}.mkString(“\n”)

Eager loading associations

Select orders.price, From orders limit 10 offset 0;

Select, clients.age, clients.idFrom clients inner join orders on ( = orders.client_id)Where ( in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10))

Solution to N + 1 queries problem

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Future prospects

Compile time validation (using macro)Serialization support Web framework support(Offers view helpers for Play 2.x and Scalatra)STI, Polymorphic Association

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Compile time validation(using macro)

型安全性が確保できていない部分について Scala macro を利用した型安全化

ActiveRecord#findBy(key: String, value: Any)

Association( conditions: Map[String, Any], foreignKey: String)

Type-safe binding configuration

Not type-safe

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Serialization support パーサを個別に定義することなく、モデルを定義するだけで済むように

Form Model






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Web framework supportCRUD controller

Form helper



Code generator Controller, Model, View


scala-activerecord-scalatra-sbt-plugin etc..

sbt generate scaffold Person name:string:required age:int

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Thank you