sbeai( - marxists

- /1 '\ __ . "--...,-.-- - ll'IOp&. at 1 11 IOCII II irwll martlrtts. ' ""'"If PWII wl'ltre'ttrtiM -rtltrti C.OftiNIJillll. SeM C.OfttrlbutiOfl• to WorktMI Pllft)' C• mpalt" Commltt", 210 IE .. t Utl'l St., Ntw York City. Tel Stuyvnll ftt M47. ""'n c.l'ledtl P•i•ble to Ch•rl" 11 _ - ;-c; · - , c- ·: Krumbel" , Tre11urer . IN· WfTH THE: DOLLAft ll

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Page 1: SBEAI( - Marxists

- • / 1 '\

~~-----"---__ . •"--...,-.-- -

ll'IOp&. at 1 11 IOCII I I irwll martlrtts. ' ""'"If trla~e., • PWII wl'ltre'ttrtiM -rtltrti C.OftiNIJillll.

SeM C.OfttrlbutiOfl• to WorktMI Pllft)' C• mpa lt" Commltt", 210 IE .. t Utl'l St., Ntw York City. Tel Stuyvnllftt M47.

""'n c.l'ledtl P•i•ble to Ch•rl" 11 _ - ;-c; · - , c-·: Krumbel" , Tre11urer. IN· WfTH THE: DOLLAftll

Page 2: SBEAI( - Marxists

WORKER ~- - e

Rank arul File Rebels .,., Local to, '",. ... dftuiuk ......

~ Clalm'a U t uakla 1bop1 with 1,000 wbteh the workan make &boat worltars: &ad ttr.era 1.11 111 IIOD-D..IIIou

lbOPI w1tb 10,000 aaoquJ..d won­Iat~&Uoaa.l lAdJ•' Oaran~t ....._ Loca1 n . cbll4rn'• dreu aad

om~ datal tbat tb• blftlroM tuhrs. daltu 71 D..Dioa L&d .. a' TatSon la lbe ebotJI. %,000 worller: &ad tb.,.. .,..

tho.I P''""'~'T." a..,.. Of'IUIII&tlotl dr1.-a H0 OOil-CIIIIOil l bOpt. wttb li,oot Dll· 1-_-c·--····-- -·._-t .n4M. orplllucl W01'llerll. Local lU, ba.t.loa 1.. ••.• •• -·~.'-.. ~'~"'" lo Len;o.-lll, WOfhn, ctal~aa pncUcallJ lha 111tl.n

a ra UDOf1111lllod worllen trade of Hew York Ia ortu.lltd. t bo tradu. Local I, 8wl11 , ... lltUe oat of to"•·

N 1.10 ft" DOII•UIIIOn Tbe nllll: aDd Ale 0( lbe ~me 41 •hop•, 100 worlt· Member~~hlp for R .. t ,.lthL

. baYI wtth i workan. Loca.l to, rata· Tallon' oaloa II Iockia r

to~np~"f:~~!':J~ w01'k~~u~ ,;:~:' .:!oio !'~~::~~:.:::·~;o~~~:: ;;::·;::::::.,·::!•••" W~ wu . ...W, lo &U'I'er 1bopa w1UI lot worhn. rePOrt c:omee back will ""WDD tiM brot oat b7 JODr H , w.utm.aken. claim• 21 ••· loor of lila 11leetlac. Tlla,. '' · ., •• _. •· . =-:.: ~-~-=~~~~~tba: ::~ :'~::: =-.,.~;-:~;~ ~ =::-:.::;:-~ •~tt ot .nataa1 coaeplraeJr .. Of'IUIJ-.4. Loeal 41, toclte", roUer tu Pf'CI.,..JII o"r

•: •Mt On Whe•ler. ' ud bD.utcbers. clalme 110 Tllllors Jaat u It did t..a na rar.•Labor All.-oeate, orp.11 1111loallad .wtlll 1.200. worker~ : tbe ctOaltmalt•n wtr.o

al Uta r-n-labor par1J, wbleb ••P. .,.. 110 opu. •bopt. wtlb dtauUeractJon wllb the port• 0.. eu414acy of Beutor RObert Jateruttooat made

• IAPou.ttc tor ,...,deat. """""u t.M Loeal U, wblle rooo worbn, boe•-. · ~t ...._tor Walab 111 btl c:&lll• d&lllu 71 abopa wllll J,500 worhn; I T. U. E. L. m•m~rw POiat

..... llliP ~ r-.elecUol b.u ffut.-ad Lba &lid tbere ~ JIO •oo-aaloo 1llo,. rrowto.r nbell~a emon.- tba t. ......._ .. , of lk!iator 1\'leeWr,* W1Ut 5,.'003 workers. Loeal II, boo.Du W. U. n.ak a.lld et& ead ...... Lba f1.11DW'Iabor C&Ad ••~u.n, da1ml lJI ebOPI DDIOD· more tb.a11 • lUIIe bell wtu ~ "-"'• r...:UooU7 Wuo'l. S lied ead 1.000 wor11:.,.: aad Ia U5 wltb Lbe ,.,uow axlllllt a..&or J . W. ~enoo ot SldOIJ. DOa·DDloa ebopt. th• re ara 100 worl:· ln. a aot dlata11t hltora.

"'D. C. Derau, or C. P. ~~,~~: ,-------~· __ .:.._ ________ _

Waleb. came 111·

tb·.~:~:;::: 1-------------------lo reprun~t tha

lll lfOtlllaa&.,



muM ..

"Yrateroell,. ,.our., " ROBERT F UXK. M

Tbe J oume,.men Tallou' Union 110• Tu .. day, September, Gnda lbeU wllb an .. Old Mall or tbe Ull'l u d Kedri-Aa aplcu of

Tornorn~w M will betln U11 flnt of t he 11rlu of artlcltl b)' Jay lo¥nton1 011 thlt glgtntlo wtr plan. Wtdnt~day't DAILY WORKER will cury tht lnt!"Muctol')' utlclt. The aubjeru to M cfult wll" ' "' UI1Ntilll1'11:

~ ~;::'" o::',"';~,.:::~;;~,., t:~rlu. t. Machinery trtd Or;llnlutlon of lht Arnerh;.t" lhc:tlvt r thlp. 4. t:c:enoll'!lo 1111111 arw:l Cont racllcflont of the Dawca Plall. I. The D•- • Pltn allil U~t All'ltrlun W ork ing Manu. I. W hat l ht Dawn Plan Meant t o Cermt ny, 7. What Will the D•wu Plan Bring t o t he lrlttrnatlonal Working

Cl11tl ' .. Tha Bridge to a Naw World Wtr. · ' . t . How t o P' laht lbck t ha l mperlalltt Manac-A ProgP~m of Action. Jfa lta ,.,.,.. t o "'d t hla thorOGolng t n l l)'t la of U1a mut lllt ldltll t

f--·.-.."'"c."'- Jf!P'trtd to duti'Oy tha r lgllta al\4 orgenlutfon of the work• ·~!~'. United Statu. Cermeny, F'~enu, C ru C Drlte lrl t lld the oth!r •


sea." on 1t11 back, and It wl\1 take a lu Par k t!.ll~~;llah Branc h. Workera atrona: ll1bl to pry Swceaey looae l'art r . l';peaken: AI Shup "'d from hie mooriDII. ·· otht ra.



lUh and 49th CL- Auaplc:tll of Cicero 1 .• 111\uanlan Branch. StH"ahrt : Pete Jl ttcl and otbeu .

Uh'l1lon aad WubteDaw- ,Aueplcu lt.laptewoocl and Hernb-l..ell:en Youn« Worlltff Leaaae. Speall;era : Maur .. r and otben.

Wilton a.nd Uelmont- Au a!'llces or FORT WORTH. Tu .. Sept.. 29...- Sorth Sldt! 1:ftlt lllh Branch. Speak·

Re v. Jouph E. Vatu, pntor of or•: t:ua Ree,.e Bloor and othl!u. Nowata, Oklt homt , nld to "" " 26th anti lloman- Auaptc:u o f no­eloped wllh 1 14-yll r old o lr l mem· heml-.,n Drench. Spetlll'ra: D. E. blr of hla lu11day achool, Ia und., .:arnrrt'ftd ) lrt. KaloUIIII. errert u l e lllnger, Teaaa, o.. .

:.':',~'',:c:~.,::"::~·~~:;.•rdiiiO to I th~u~~~~~ ~b'R~~~~r Oallyt"

Straw Ballot Result~ Reveal Drift of Labor Into COmmuni~t ~ · ·


ro~~~~~· ~~a~. -:~~·r~~:~:~·=;~h~~:~= :~~d=~.~ :r J,h: cg;,ILY WORKER, I~ th• 1hop~ ~~~~~ and factoriH

This blc fact. that cannot be pUihtd allele by the aub-o aldi:r:td /,r"* of th• capitaJist candldat• .. ' that th•re I• a etro~Fao~~~e~~~~f.'I!u:;:=: ~h':n~ !!:rr:: 1:r'~.:t!~!f work•rs on th• Job. It •ymbollzH an ldnl toward whloh th•y art ttrucctlnc. . . . .. ~. . . -~-

... I'm a:olnc to vote for 'LaFoll•tte this tl,.," aalaomt of th• workara. " But if I dol'\'' &ft. whtt I want. I ll turn Bolahtvllt.'' .

And whlla th• wor~•r makH that ltat•ment. ha d•arly •hows. In tha tones of hi-t: voice and his .. neral demn.nor,

}~~~. h~t":ha~0f.'t~! rm!'r7~a:~~~· .O~~~:H.~~ ~ Dubb worktr, who vot .. for aom•thlnc f. dOttn't want, In tha hopa of c•ttlnc so math ina: now, -In plac• of votJnc for what he does want, and stlckinc with what he wanta until h• ptslt. , , . . . . . . ., .

But It Is v.ry •vldent that this &f-owinl und•rcu.rr•nt. flowinc toward revolutionary workln& clua po11tJoat' actlon, has ltartled th• Wall Str..t cam~alcn man-e-n. wtio have

way~t0r~~~:'~=~~o!~:;r~~~t ';na~~'u. ~;:t 0~ CooUdp

-~-:: ~~a;!~~t;: ~~~:~'=~~r: ~·r~~lt~~t:dC:rs.,;h,:;: .. ~~~~~~ ~~~ftut~=~~ l~Jh;~.~:i:~':th~~r~~~. f~~a~v:!'w~i

Strt•t than t h• Suprem• Court. prtald•d ov1r by "Bill tf\• Fat" Taft, with ltl v•to powtr of all lt&ltlation pUMd by concr~••· a nd all othtr law-maklnc bodl•a.

Poor LaFoll•ttt wanb to aafecuard capitalism. acainat t f?a Communltta, but ht also want. to takt thla veto power

:::Y.!';~Iih!taat~'!,_~l~~':~~:lh~!::~:!:a~'!!~o ~~ with th• capitalist syst•m of covarnJMnt. we find th• ... Cal" Coolida:• h•nchm•n, In th• courts, ••peclally In Callfomla. rulinc th• LaFoU•tt• •ltcton off th• ballot. But this will n_9.t convinct LaFoll•tt• that rnol'u\lonart sti-uat•• today and In" tha futurt ar• n .. ded in plac• of fondllnc with th• hiltorlc mamorl .. of th: re:ofut!on o.' 17115.. .

Th• DAILY WORKE~'S ltraw ballot has revultd th• strln&th th• Communists would hn• If political represent&· tion w•re baNd on Shop Council• In Industrial Instead of jpO-a:raphical repr•Mtantlon. ,

In a Shop Council at th• Hart. Schaffner and Marx Plant. visited by our straw ballot squad, th• rtlultl' showed that the­Communlltl would have 15 repr•Mntatlns ln a •·council of 100" \

· The Jam• ~•rclntace held true a't th' Kuppenh•lmar

~~';:~i':~~~e t~~ t C~~~~~tn'i~!h~ RdoJ:!~:~~~~s~~~'·fC!~~~~~ 100" that mla:ht be formed. .

Out in the a:nat plant of th• W•ltern Electric CompanJ'; th• per-C.ntace of Communist 1trancth wu almost u crut

a. th1~t t~~o~l,~ ~:::~~: :to~~:rsJ!.f.~~'£'1~:J:~oN a Shop Council of 500, 'at l .. st 100 of thaN wo~d be Com­munlltl, accord Inc to tha 1howlnc of our straw ballot. . . ....

Tha p1rc1ntaa:• falls slightly I~ th• unora:anl11d

~~~~e~i~' e~:~::c~~:un~:;.·,~n!~·~h'orb~~n~cil .of 1 in "Th• Yards" district. would be somewhat of a revolution onr the pru•nt form of geocraphlcal rapr ... ntatlon that Nnda some lawyer tool of Armour, Swift and t h• oth•r blc packers to w .. hinJton.. • • •

The percentaa:• of Communist st rtncth in "Th• Yarde" is duplicated in the plant of the Pullman Palace Car Com· pany. also unora:•nlzed. It drops a littl• am one the cl•rk• and other h1lp of Sears, Roebuck & Co., tht world'• larc~tt mall order houst, but mounted higher •t th• bla: car ahopa of th• Chicago & Northwutarn Railroad. Tht percantaa:e h•ld at a little below 10 p1r c•nt amonc th• ltrMt carmen. It ahot

~.~~f;cet::rn~ 5cr~P~~;~ ~! ~~:~~~~:~ P~:,. o~2ttt;.,c~!~ amonc the printers at t he Cunao·H•nnabtrry Company.

--Thus in tho creat producing establishments of t he Amer· !can ct!.pitltllst system, there is a st rona: Commilnlrt Hntl· ment. If political representation were. baaed on Shop Councils, t he Communtstl would have a coodly repreHnt&• t ion. .

But the "Fathers of 1776," whom LaFoll1tte lauds ao highly._,ordered differently. On the blfls of th• conltitutlon, that th~Q" adopted, capitalism In this country ha. built 'up a system_ ,f representation tha~ practically disfranchiHa th• workers.

Millions lose their vote thru resldanc• quanficatlona. In the South other millions are disfranchised because of poll

~~~e~~~o~~h~f s::~~~~~:ct~dT~!:r0oe:,~oi~~~e !~!~.•c,~o~~! naturalization fraud that says a worker COIJ'IIng h•r• from

~:~~d~~h':t ~~~n!li;;~;t s~c:n!hrJ~dicr:t'~o~~f.~oabna~~~n+~! more intellisrant and militant a worker may bt, the le11 his chances are of btcominc a ca.iun. If th•.prospective citi:r:an proclt!.ima himself a Communist, he Is black-balled forev•r.

In order to keep the workers In 1ubmisslon, undtr the American form of covernment, one prer•quisite is thaf th•J be disfranchised as far as _possible. If those workers for· tunate enough to enjoy th franchise get radlcaf, not to m•n· tion revolutionary, rtnd se representa tives to congre11 who

~:ks:~~:r:,!h::~::~~1fg~0t ~n t a:;~~l.isl~f~~~ sst~~~!:!·c~~·~ ' is backed by the mailed fist f American capitalism, th•

. army and navy. ' - '

If the workers wou;d w;, p~ar I~ th• lJrrited Stat•• thiy

~~~ :~~~~h~0f;c~~;::~~gAt~:~~~~f~~i;:~i:• !na~~eb~h:fa'rt~~: a Shop Nucleus of th~ Workers (Communist ) Party . . When

~~~t:l~~:~~1d11~~~~~~~~b~~!te~~h~~c!~ .. v~lft~~~(t~~:u:~ ~~~ the workers to sei:r:o power, then the capitalist structure will fall away like a rotten shell, and Soviet Rule will ria• in its

~~=: 0~o t~~·~:;1~ .f~ .. 1t~:rtfn~mc~~~~l~s~~ciety that Jollows

Page 3: SBEAI( - Marxists

T H E D A I L Y ~W 0 R K E R



Page 4: SBEAI( - Marxists

Snr York Vnlb&elt~ coot~" W:hJch It 1ppro•e1 of the po 0 11 tall· • bJ tho Ceatral J'3f:C11Uf' mm!t.-.... otuiopartr:

Delr comrUie1: . J11 IIIIWerill. ~ptem· ber, accordlac' to tbe natemt>nt of l..oUI Braaa, ae<relAf7 of .the \'olb­uttaD&"a Collfere.oca, wa woald Ute to - the 1llte me.ut or Bater.• Lo­Cal 1. 1A. F. W.., prlnti4 to th DAlLY 1\•0 ftKl:R ud tu tile \'oiU. Hlttaq Ja•l lhe 1ame, tor tha par-

~ poso,lhat the ba.ll:•r. of lha A. w. F. Join the Worktn ~artyl

An Evening nf Raising Campaign· aputmnt. elM~~ u d brtabtly lllamiD· croat~. nady to tu:e

a,. JULIUS COO KIND ated, bat alma.t bare of rar.uue u4 Uoa of &Jr&Jn ID a mtcbty l"h""ce and Outakta o ,...,. flu·Dtabtoaa. I woader doe. tba ramll7 · Ny Jut walk broaabt

lu tktn Committee. eat oa. U:r.a klltl:lfll wubtob, for I aee !ludQII&rtera of oaa of.;;;;;:.;:·,;;;,;i;~ll ,.,, __ ,. Poolitiicail·l,-uc work of n!JIJ.q ~~to um ::.!~ebt:~rll::~~.!b~o~~·••81~:h,: ~-:~,

Oil a political eampalp Ia .• la.r'Je oa tba noor or ataodiD&' .,oaad the wtll• yellow u!J bloa en~ aaeb •• New York, II moat Yaried. akles of lbe Croat room. tba o111y film· beaotif11ll7 arn.ared 111 ~ta ••tnllac oaa iloda blmtelf 01"1&!1· UbiD~tl ottJbtcll Ia a well atoc.hd comantea wbo bad 11ud t.buob a ()l)tDmlllee or acorea of ctrta to boDIIIcue ud two or three ebaln, are feN' tbl1 parporie. tbe colleetloll at • lure ma .. a accra of meu ud wocea, tba execol A me.Uaa of tba CapmUeN

Tba 1:111][1 l'l'f:DIDC be 11 ad· u ... ~DIIDittee or tile T. U. Y.. L. of lhO T, U. E. L. wu ID IOIDe orpaluUoa, with teD croap ID oDe of the J, L. 0. W, u . loe1l bd 't~eea ~lied preteut ; In the eteru• l quell u11loaa. I hU nppoeed t rom Shiitlllll'l the pt.n• for the

report tb1t tlnHe lllllltaall had been PA!Cil. ' A TOUII&',

of letter. ~=~:::~arc-~~ ::~""::~~e:·,.!~t ~~~~ ::~~:~~~:~ 1p- ~::!k~:~th 0~~~~ ._,.,,~ ••-·

I lllt1 ~natt be teDt oat to Ther•ere deeplrlnteruttd ID their before tba CoraiDIUIIItl •• .,._,,_,, • ••• trade aaloa dl•eunloo. A atoctllr built, deter· ca~~~opalp. There are

Speaker. mloed co~~~ora1h, with the Jaw or a ~nlllloa worker. to the where requnted,coo· IIchter wa1 l lH!I"DJ'. lfe oppo1ed tfM! ba .. pa .. ed lhra a cotii"M

ora;aulled. tactic or •wallowlnl' ln1ult•. In bl1 Ia 10111.0 oae or the maar aad · wlda. local wbaro be wu a me~~~ober or the .C1ou1 oraanluUCW~~a. We eao

the thaotle11, hurde Dto!De, eucall•e board, he bad attempted to direct 1ppea l to lhiH 10 O:CC" · : ··.·.: """ • the all·lmportaat pub- bn~all the head of •n otlld•l who bad prlaclple that we .,. the

preu for 'l'lr10al drt•n ea!led blln pro• ocateur. lie b•d ob- IOI' d1u pelltlul party In that InUit b6 ca rried oul. talo.ed ••U.racllon 'fld he the Mlllloa1 who fnor a tbl1 publlcltr ooo caao.ol ccunradn In lhla loc•l to follow hla ~niJht be ""bed with tbe

. But tb\1 IIOI'J' Ia not ooe or o:umple. or tba Wortar. Partr , •o ~nacb •• one of the lite of • At th\1 point tho dl1cuulon w11 In· campalp, le the oolr · ::·c··- ·--,,.,.,.,..

""'' m'"" ' ""-·"""'"" or oar own t~~oumeat, terTUpted to., .. me the tloor. 1 1t•t· 1t&adlac oa. the propam of ...,,,..,,,.1.-·;,·,. relate~ tho eTen\.1 of .an • • • · ed mr mlu lon. A momeot oC dt1co• ent wortlol' clue political • _ 1loo, and a aocrellrr who IOOil o• er the t][plolled worker. rllatn.r lntermltteDtlr- llard mr aobacrlpllon 11111 and tutractlo11• lle~~o•er. tbe l!eld to a

I 1111 Ia tb.a atreet.t, bat etllln,; •11 1ppolated, after It waa decided tc lo~ Ill• ta well

11 ~h= '::~~~::d:~~~~~ :~.!·~e;. ~:~~~':'dt~~::::-ned ~~~~:: ::,~";orller. ~~~-~~~ ~:~~ ~~,;n.;;;.; meeUuc to tbe other there 1ubject uoder d l.y11ulon: •nd " ' '' booti will M ~~~;.g,::I~F:~:~

a ae•ea.,.theo a fifteen block l~nmedlltelr 1011 to eYII']'thlllt: bat oa the morrow, A I the rata. Lbll problem-! lurued later thlt It that e•el']'bodJ wear a

earl,. •ltd the a:~eetln& wu d eelded to call a uaer.l ~~~oember· ~~~. Jt Ia dot:11e. Pet.tUou Worker. before It tt .. 1blp meetlnc or lhl'l ent!n~ T. u. t:. L. collkUoo oc alpat.,u an

for b11110ua. .U I ~Q- croup to tbl1 loc1l to t•rTY out the oal. ComradM a!Miartaka to coater with tho uc:fetlrr plan• for ao u te Ddl'd t hop collec:tloa the terrltorr IIII&IMd.

of the actl•e camrad.n. who drl'l'e. The a tmo.phf:Te wu 111111, Oa the war to 1ap,.i 1 Ualn.ll: orcan\10 lhe Kaltt:ood• loll!rlooa 1od d11termlaeo.l. To maar ol ua .. the a:tO'I'naeat ••OM n.ak

campafp comm. of the oar party member. wbo Dud oalr a 11 .. c~Pea aot taacUoa Partr. 1114 CIITJ tbna the ir record of lnacti'l'ltr IDd IDitteatloa oa let me b•• • UlaN

,:::,;~~~ E.~tbop collecUoa• ~~::::..or1;1~e :::~~~~~Dd.;~~ orb!:: !.::':o)~;: ;:!.t~t ~~ Detl •top btppem~ to be In lhe beea a re•el•llo~:~. Ther WCHJid Jlod lectloDI drl•• 111 Naw Torll of a "'mr..:lle. 1 eater a .m.u here • I nrcaolud, well ' lnlaecl railed w!Ut. 10111~ to

RNE SWABE~k :i~!~0us~:~e~ry~~Ea~~Jt it. We are &lad 1"".:-,_-_,.,:: to take his advice. . Not because Check No. 15 lmpllad a cool $100.00 from pro·

d••••·l l:iona•vthvi!,:n~ny determined workers· who have a clear revolu".. o;::.:::;c~· :-.:: because' .. with Check No. 15 c&me a letter that &ave us

understand that altho $100.00 had been &lven to the eleCtion

cam'W~K~.r~~:t~rs11B~~;~,~~~t:~n~·~fb~t.:,.t:tWI.'"th•n Its secretary writes: "This $100.00 payt fo r the ten bookt of cam·

r.·~': fund lttt'"f: ::nt u•:.v.p~~=s:o:;d.ou,;.et~~.~~'.~!':~~··~,~

lit! o•e rl!owlna wltb fi)UJ JIU~ )Ieat ill b,

Cltr. auetll t bat of 111 Janauaan"u"e n pporl·

aa d GIUo w .

Lltnai thwl drtl.~ Tbl• or J•chon1'111t.. Yta. lie

a lint contrlbutlon. 1lo•


vo .. K. ,,,._ a.-..,.,. Hattg"'"" H Uclla. 1'111 wife, and t htlr cll•qhtt i'EvMnla-,..daportacllto Sweden 11ttJo the fi'"IIY had 11....:1 fel' n ina ,..,,.. In Quincy, Ma ... Tho Hllll"'"' _ ,.... rdurnlnt from a vl1lt to I.-41ft and bH.a-. u.. girl wa1 IJI'OftiiUftCod hebiH'I'ItndiCI WI,.. not a llows4 te .--ntal' thol Unltld at.-tH.

on the priiWtntlal undlcll•t-. and U.e vote waa aa fellew.:

"'WM. '"%. ,.OITI .. -- votes; U P'OLLETTE -- ..._,, Werttt" Party No Partr

DAVIS --- vot11; COOLIDQ!r - - - -Democratic P1rt7 "•publican Pl rtT

I certify that U.t• ,..port Ia cornet:

t e-road or 110.00. 1nd prom· L~A4::•":"':'~=========;::::~=:;:=~J lie wonder. when the •JU bsco':''_!..'!• e.n~ucb to

Page 5: SBEAI( - Marxists


Sti·r th_e Shops! · The ,.,,. beat place to C&fT7 oa a wMtlac ci&M eampala:& b Ia Ull

1ho~ and raetortM where the worllen calher to Mn their 11.,._, It Is there tbat mlo9 are opea to the meua.ree; partJn &Dd that for eooe"~ 10lollo1U of tba probl-• ot ~ aM ktter taclac th wodr.lar clul'. It 11 lo tbe 11bo" that tbt worlltn w111 ... mo.~t dearlJ, for au.mple, the dllfareaca betwMo Fo.tar, Ula uloll Of'latllur ami 6,:bter for lb:e worken. aad L&FoUette, tlt.e .. ,. .. 1U14 l!abter tor the middle cia... (Edftorlal o.JIJ Worker.) ..

THE ABOVE " lilTS THE NAIL'" oa -lbe bead. • Notblq COill4 btl addfld. to tbat. lt'a up to JOU reader. to do IYarythloc ph"lcaU7 poulble to place

· THESE PAMPHLETS Ia the baada of the worken yov' worlr: tccetbar wllh bl allo,. ... r.o. tortes: Sell them IYH7Wbere. No• U the ~

The LaFollette lliuaion- I 1\J, n!'t'Uied Ia IJI A.allJIII of the PoiiUtal Role ot Bea&Jor t..Folletta, bT JaJ . LoY,.lOrl&. BLD.ale COP1 11e

artiea "and laauea in tluo Election Campaicn-:- , 07 Alexaadir UHtelmaa. Q;;.UOca aa4 auw.,., ho• Ole dU· \ ftri!Dt partJu 1'1ew tbl r:oodlti0D111 aa"ec:Uq tlla •orktac c1au. H't a se6. So 1r0rller thou.ld co to Ula polla Ullt 7 .. r ~~t rlr.t nadine tblt pamphi"--M·---·-------10.

Unemployment- · ! Wby H od'an aad llo• to,..•ht II. by Ea.T1 R. Bro•dar. T!llll

P&mPI\Iat deal• •ttb. tha molt lmportut l•na before tba work• era today. ---- ----··MM---·- ·--·M-- k

'" loti of a or '"ora at" ptr cent dl-co11rtt. Piau y011r orders at ...._

LITERATURE DEPARTMENT · Workera Pary of America ·

I .1111 Waahlrtgtort Blvd. . f{''cae-. IIJ.

Page 6: SBEAI( - Marxists

Maie It a Red Day On 8uaday, October u,· the memben

___ wOrten Party thruout the· ropntry will to reform their Unet for the ftnal dri.-e in the en••· lkiiiNI ., pal,..

· ., ThJa ahould and will proTe a hiatorlc day In the dndopment of a mau Commu.nlat moTemenL From poiJ{ta of yJew the preeent election N.~Dpalp U more than aD ordlD.ary election ca.m·

' pUp: Tlae proee. of dl.i.Dtqration in the bl~t ~ of apltalli:ID hu p~ed too far to

J prenmtlharp da• reallgnmeata in ·the ntar The acrtcultural crllt. bu been too decp.gotng; tbe preeent lnduatrlal Ublll too brood ant! in1en.e Our ,:::overnpu~.nt baa blillona to epen,.dt0:f~o~•·h)~~ ~ ;:;~.~~";. to bJcnr OTer u 1100n ud wltht a.a little damalfj u In which the youth and the adult& are I'll the omdalll beknlghted 'propagandle:ts of the em· to guArantee the prolltM of the capltallab. pl01fag daii ,..,..ld hue ua beUn·e. Fln&UJ', the CXJW!Dtllture or money for the •·eUanfof the polltial ndic&IIPIIou of the working and farming of the country, tbe ~me gonrnment alwaya m..uae. ~"e ad¥aneed c:oualderably in the Jut few poYerty. The ghaatly toll of child labor ' JUt~, dspl(e the prewent cbaCMJ a.od confualou another tuonnment to the daM- brutality ~gilt into their ranb by the LaFoUette drhe. atrlkebreaklng go,·erument that ' Ia poelng

ia:: :: ~::::.~01~0=~t~:~~=~ om~:hl~:= conftltl .. but ionriablyllnllng jj;,;~"~,~~;1:;~;~;'.('::; for the deTelopmenl of eta.conedouanea, for the • det"d~pmenl or· a working elua polilic&l monmenl that "!Ill ipt back and 10 CorwanJ conacioualy and deHbi:rately. In the l!lpeclal Lranch meetl9ga to be hel,d OD October 1:!, the Worken: Party •·Ill, Cor

Uer~r tafotted to nil 'the fallae;ioua the emt'loyet~~, to :all the plens or of the i ndCJ~trndiblllly and et~ity of

,.;~::'',:~~~·:·~~.~~ ~:~:~::~';';:;'.in tlu: G'nited StatH to e~p!ain and eatlon!~a~::~hr;:mth":•t~t~r :u for 1hc collltfiiiC uf the IK)Cifti_!l!t party Iaiit or the tndut.rla oa wblth hiM ll';u)e"'hlp. W f'! are told that "we hnl'e proaperltr tJC the 'dty h1 bUed."

until·c Amcrlt'tt n worker" • ·ho are c.-om· R•port •• Lengthy. tn 111uy 1\'0rk<'rfl ull tltrlr lh'Cil. There iM nl- Thl1 rPpnrt 111 publl1hed In el~tht

••.• " ._ ••..••• "11 wu" n dwm:t _ror them h1 get a head, on tbc ~':,';· ~~~:~:11 wl~h':,~,..,. .~:~:.or Cmn·l''""'"''""'uf the unml~rrutt, the nc-.·coDte:r. coune It 11 10 bo ezpected t.bat

he 11 n·,·iPit"tl allt lon. n camouthtged fonu or boant of edacaUon. 10 dote u duc triue of ''(rum the 01-ernlls to the to the Unlti!Ct Statu Steel

f"mnn"" " · l••"•hJ,,n<:r:" The fnct o( the nmtll'r j~t that rttt:nt t loa. •nd depende1:1t u u "l• aP<On 0-,~~~..;.:~...:...=...:.....::::_:::....:;::;:..;_.:.:::..=:..:::==.=-=..":l Roe:n n tl('('trllldll~ imml~r:tlion, n s teady :~~~~/::::!.';~, ~!~edto:fl,,~O:r

tu-.·a rdM the de1;eiOf11nt'nt o~ n. ho~Hb't'neouM Gary plln. lfowe,.tr. ~~:Iarine cl:tJ(K, :t mnrkal Jtrolc:turtAnl&.ll.lton t•f tbe .re pointed out eYeD Ia thll

'"""';I""''""""-'"'~" n11tl urb:an. The tluy.- of free lnnd report. u\'Cr. The t.hlfM nf the Hmni"HIIOJlkt.'t!JlCf nncl In 1plte of prote1t1 tbat "Tbe upfHU·tunity of the huli1'hhutl -..·orkcr. ri11in~-: ;:,~o~n ~~~r:~~~~::t :':;:~~!a: ·

hiH hcnch to the l'tJtpt~rlltlon Jln>:eldrnt I! dmlr mechlnle or anl11n," the

The Politics of Stock-Brokers rnJ;!dil~- i:1~1il~;f~~.:·.e~-l:;n11~he OpJ~rtunlty for ~:~,.·r~~::~ .t:r~:;.el~~~b~t, Nnmetlme ~~-.·o ti1ere 1tt"i!l't'! rnmurM in \\'aMhln~-:ton tlet·elupment ur u re,·ulntlonn.ry •·orkin~: clnM a.nalr•l• or the ul•lln.IC 110elal lltua-

t r. tbe efl'ttl th lll t the hl~tJ...,t Ln"lneM In If'~ I• i mo,·~~en! i" _~-:n-n t t~tt, "'h~n the need for ::n·pa~~ceul1,r;1~11 e:~d~:~~ta;;~::\: J• to ;nn"'ll' about two hundm.l nutl ('r.n•tnlht.'\11011 II\ mOI\1 ~~~IDg that IJcr~-:er ,.1110u mlde for lnda•trial .-ork for million dolhtfJI ill tbe ('Anlpaign to re..-IN:t lientf'nnnlll nn• dnln.,: lti\J&I, nre nctunll~· hou.ebold artl tor ctrla, &ruJ ~ Jtl~. t•re\'t•ntint-: in en:'r,\' c·uuc-el\'l~hle " ' R.1" the Lr~niL:I· for all." In ptalur laniUIIfl.

Xo one •Jtrftlllftetl th111 llll<'h R huge fnnd tluu ur th'-""'! m:()IJI(~ pulltlt-ully, on claM lin~. 11 G•ry •J•tem •lm• to 1!.11 Ule aeed

he tnuuc.mltted in the upen, le¢'nl fn:ohlon. i" nt MU('h n time tlc:at the Ht'rJ.~nc and ll~llrpdt" mnt': .. -:::~::·~~=P~~~!~n=:u~"1 Jlrt!M uf lhl• ~t~.~rt -.·onld I~ 11 llit 11111 hnl'c ~-:nne m·er Luot 1111'1 l.llllo:t-:IIJ."C tu the L:\fullcttf' The tr•lnlor lll.-en. tbe puplla In tbe fur the rut~M~~·bncked lllnndllltltcr. The foN'C'M, whit:h t!\' t"ll llr. lkr~-:•·r uclmit• dn nut t~ed: .cboot1 bowe,.er, Ia only J,nMin~ niuJ lt11 IKIIilic·M nre det"louM unrl the nholition of cnpitnli"m. The truth uf the mat· 11n.ouch In •cope to ta•bte tbem

t!IU)IIJ:h tO llre\'ettt tu tlil't•flllllll'e of the ~lttl 111111 '" .. ,',':.",~ .. ~~~·,·,,,J,IfC''rh~C~:}',,',·U!Cfiii'J'<JI'CI~:It~tl)•·""n ",,•,•,,. ,·,,~ lh~nm:;:·~~C~. t;::eal ::~~~ expebdltnrc ut fund" Ulllh)' UmC14 the bulk ~fCJre· • u .... .. . .. , .., • • .. n ...

Dlt:nUonf'd. Otlr U\'t'r"·orkl"'l llnnudent ban~ luul 11 wurkin~ d:t~Ut l"' li th-n l DIO\'t!lnent of nctlon mlll~-~~-n~la~e~::u;~o~~pl~~e :r~ J't!af11 of ~XJM!rlenc:oe In UJ:J:IiD~ tiJ:ureo~, hltlhtj.: in the dnrM uf fl't't! IMJid ;!Del to 1uperflclal tadu1trlal Jlr"Oflta and t•lundr:r It the c-ountry. Tb~y C'JID \'Cr~· c UJIJMtr tunity, in tl1e ti••Y" • ·ben his "·ill handle'! 110 ('(·e ly l!'ntnll a ~Juab nntl t nr~-:ument hail for mm·.: pn h ·nc.". r ia• defen~~e func. Uut lllll'h 1\ ftOio;:i(_~ nre till' n11unl N!lrrllt of

No-.; eome oft~ IMbyrlnthl• n trick11 nnrl tlllnl~ "·ho lt•n,·e the raub of the • ·urldnr.: clau ""''<·1--··••-of the el'ldenc-e of the rni•ln~-: and expend in~-: of thh• ~-:llnJ,: nr,:n in11t 3 ji~')<C!n lly ruure J'll"'f'rfnl qnftrter of 11 billion doll•nt for Coolidge are t'OrnlnJ: I t IM au 11xfnm of .the lntC'rnntlonnl dnllft ''""«l•l•lx."''.m to "liJZht. llnnY pu-..·erful lndastrhtl cnnt.'f'rtiM 1mcl lhnt thH~ "·ho 1111r~ndror tu the s;::in nt 11ICM'k broker" nre •t.endln,:: fund11 ln,·h•hly to "·orkcr11 al1\':1."~ l'l:c\"1')'1 111111 mouth the ""'"'" '' ••II'~''~'"· :::~p~~~~~n:':~:rl:!l~t1t1~t~:n:c ~::::;nc:;,.~~~ ~~~\";~ thc~~e ent'mic11 m~ liJHtlnJ:It'" fur their ftyln~ xt.ettt in thhc ami ~tlm llnr CllllhlonM "·Ill "''er he J'f'Cflrded on tl{e rnmpnlj.. .. t boob uf the n ·tmhlic-nn f"'dy. !'\ur "' Ill the ~u•te commHtee on cnrnpaiJ:II tl<'mnc·ratic t:on,·rntion "'' IIJ1 a Tonti of hoof')Ot,\' nnd Jllll"ity e1·~r learn about the 1\' ily " '"Y• I plankll. whkh the·~· · "·autt'-d lu~~ertf'd in uf tbowc enjo,1'1ns;:: the back-door conflden("e of unt· pl:at fnrru. Oue of then ••(.HIIltlM rin.:a.nclal m·erlnrdll. the .::r:u·r. It 111 n JHI~'IJ:C from

Xowl'!"lllll Wall ~treet 11toc:k·brokenJ nre 'lnj.:iiiJ: Act -.·hit h declnr~ that lnbor il( not n 11 thn.~ In • bullllc .. llke ... ,.. an ~nerJ;:et'c nntl coM II)' flMlflOJ:lWdn cnnt~~l:-.i~:n In t_,.. h ~<lmultln't he, but It ill and "' ill or he~1t',~~~~~· : r ~~~~e~b:.:::~:~t~!! llehnlf nf t.'oolld;.<-e. Thry nre protni11in.: .. hiJ:hcr be 110 lnuJ:: :l!f the t•apihlliHt ~tyMtt>lll exi"l"- Uut •nd onl ttuet~ lon~~ abaw~. bowe1'er-, pril'CII" " lth hill f'.IN:tlnn One of th~ lellctll r1•.ul11 labor le.ttler ft" ore su hupt•ful ! that only llmltf'd altemptll had betn •The JtMtllfJf"'' lll l*t't'nt tu Ill! H'ry J:~l for n N')lllh :~~~~e~~~:::::;tl a ol~=:~l!:rr~uiHI 1~r11ldeu llcun \ lrtur~· nt the )\u\emher l'letllOn,untllf l'tt'Mi Elear111 nml ll~lnu lhl11k AI l'-lmlth Yooultl )nok rch.tcd ln(luatrlcB' cf~nt f'ooll(lj.:i' IM clL'Cted. \\C l~lle' e. "' e "'ill hau• u·r~ IIIIC l!i lttn j.: Hlllt 111'111' uf tohl tin' c.!DM uu rlu~ ' In orct~r to te1t the wor In

, Ju~hror jlflt ~ fnr llfO<'k~ r11. eiec-h on • •ill menn pnlltit·nl ,qornp h€'ap Hu t tlmt j~trtllln of .\I'M m~ehlnf' •hop of the Em~r.oa thnl the ~t~tnu• C'UIII't!M'tltn·e nnd C'ORI't.ructln' pollry · . " 'hidl ill hintl"'<:llll r11 1h('r limn meutinut'll the leY~n hlllh achool 'Jf _hiM Jllt lll "-t.lmlni t~trntlo_n · "·ill be l'AM'ifd nil~. iic IUte· ic ty . l'r..rer 11 till' ('llllhimwd 114.':1111 in ~:;!~~ '!:r~o;~:::d~.-':~~J:~ee Tlwr •ltoulrf "'"""'"'~ bultnt:tt•, n• nil tJf thr bll•t· I to the IIIIC<tlllf,rnl>lt• N'JIIint-: pln~"t" tha t hi ll aoft rolltd ateel. •bleb"~ ""•• mru of tlu; ('911ttlr!l AtJrc or('O t cot~/fclr,,cr: iN "" lu\\'e r ) lauhnlhlll "·un ld • ·liCit for him. qulred to manipulate ln AiJM and Ai• policif'•.'' . .\I ill n'!n ' 11,.,.ful to T11mm:IU\' :hb• Trar . ..-u b cb• outline .of a blue

. We rite tlte nbcwe as typknl of . the c:ounlh!IIJI · · · ~.!:~ed• ~~~~~cns~~utiHiy ronrctl nnd IIIIC:O\'er-etl • ·ay11 In ..-htc::h tiiC! ~ cutaln how tar ther ••m•"''"'"'l 1ir -the j.'llpitall11t dc:mocrl\d« .,.·ork for tbe t:ct o member for the \\'orkrrl!- l'nrty nnd a n~w 1b1 reaaaaa tor whit the:r hd aod ap.J.nat tbe worken. aluw:rlptioa for the DAlLY WOUKI-:Jt .nd aiAO whether ther h1d been It'd , _