sarcoma complicating cyclophosphamide therapy for ra

SA RCOMA COMPLICATING CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE THERAPY FORRA A 62-year-old man was treated f or rheumatojd arthritis of the hands and feet with chloroquine phosphate 250mg daily. After I year exacerbation ofjoint symptoms was relieved by the addition of prednisolone I5mg daily and this regimen continued for 41/2 years when cyclophos pha mide 50 mg bid was added . Four mon ths late r he noted increasing dyspnoea and weight loss. Chest X- ray revealed a pleural effusion and nuid neoplastic ceus were found in the aspirated fluid. He declined rapidJy; at post-mortem the pleura was found covered in a grey nodu lar tu mou r, consisting of poorly-differentiated sarcoma cells. No primary tumour was detected in the bronchia l tree . 'The lho t the present pat iem deveioped a tumQur related to his immuno-:suppressive the rapy is currj«lural tnu the[act remains thaI tumour development slwulJ be considered as a potential hazard of cyd tJplwsph amid e,her apy ·. Marks.. J,S. and Scholtz. c. L. , Mod icalJournal SJ, 48UIllI 19771 INPHARMA 21$t May. 1971 pS

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A 62-year-old man was treated for rheu mato jd a rt hr it is of the hands and feet with chloroquine phosphate 250mg daily. After Iyear exacerbation of jo int sympto ms was relieved by the addition of prednisolone I 5mg daily and this regimen cont inued for 4 1/2years when cyclophospha mide 50 mg bid was added . Four mon ths late r he noted increasing dyspnoea and weight loss. Chest X­ray revealed a pleural effusion and nuid neoplastic ceus were found in th e aspirated fluid. He declined rapidJy; at post-mortem the

pleura was found covered in a grey nodu lar tu mou r, consisting of poorly-different iated sarcoma cells. No primary tumour wasdetected in the bronchia l tree .

'The irrl~rprelalio" lho t the present patiem deveioped a tumQur related to his immuno-:suppressive therapy is

currj«lural tnu the[act remains thaI tumour development slwulJ be considered as a potential hazard ofcyd tJplwsphamide ,herapy ·.

Marks.. J,S.andScholtz. c.L., PosliradlW~ ModicalJournalSJ, 48UIllI 19771

INPHARMA 21$t Ma y. 1971 pS