saratiel chavez granillo morpho

Saratiel Chavez Granillo 1. I saw the man. He close the door. I saw the man who close the door. 2. The girl is happy. She won the race. The girl who won the race is happy. 3. The student is from China. He sits next to me. The student who sits next to me is from china. 4. The students are from china. They sit on the front row. The students who sit on the front row are from China. 5. We are studying sentences. They contain adjective clauses. We are studying sentences that contain adjective clauses. 6. I am using a sentence it contains letter .They stand from unknown numbers. I am using sentences that stand from unknown numbers it contains letters. 7. The taxi driver was friendly. He took me to the airport. The taxi driver who took me to the airport was friendly. 8. The book was good. I read it. The book that I read was good. 9. I liked the woman. I met her at the party last night. I liked the women whom I met at the party last night. 10. I liked the composition. You wrote it. I liked the ccomposition that you wrote. 11. The people were very nice. We visited them yesterday.

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Saratiel chavez granillo morpho

Saratiel Chavez Granillo

1. I saw the man. He close the door.

I saw the man who close the door.

2. The girl is happy. She won the race.

The girl who won the race is happy.

3. The student is from China. He sits next to me.The student who sits next to me is from china.

4. The students are from china. They sit on the front row.

The students who sit on the front row are from China.

5. We are studying sentences. They contain adjective clauses.

We are studying sentences that contain adjective clauses.

6. I am using a sentence it contains letter .They stand from unknown numbers.

I am using sentences that stand from unknown numbers it contains letters.

7. The taxi driver was friendly. He took me to the airport.

The taxi driver who took me to the airport was friendly.

8. The book was good. I read it.

The book that I read was good.

9. I liked the woman. I met her at the party last night.

I liked the women whom I met at the party last night.

10. I liked the composition. You wrote it.

I liked the ccomposition that you wrote.

11. The people were very nice. We visited them yesterday.The people who we visit yesterday were very nice.

12. The meeting was interesting. I went to it.The metting whom I went to was interesting.

Page 2: Saratiel chavez granillo morpho

13. The man was very kind. I talked to him yestertday. The man whom talked to yesterday was wery kind.

14. The city was beautiful. We spent our vacations there.The city where we spent our vacations was beautiful.

15. That is the restaurant. I will meet you there.

That is the restaurant where I will meet you.

16. The town is small. I grew up there.

The town where I grew up is small.

17. That is the drawer. I keep my jewelry there.

That is the drawer where I keep my jewelry.

18. Monday is the day. We will come then.

Monday is the day when we will come.

19. 7:05 is the time. My plane arrives then.

7:05 is the time when my plane arrives.

20. 1960 is the year. The revolution took place then.

1960 is the year when the revolution took place.

21. July is the month. The weather is usually the hottest then.

July is the month when the weather is usually the hottest.

22. The students who did not come to class yestarday explained their absence to the teacher.

The student explained their abcence to the teacher. They did not come to class yestarday.

23. The geologist who lecture at Browinig Hall last night predicted another earthquake.

The geologist predicted another earthquake. He lecture at Browinig Hall last nigth.

24. Dr. Fields who lectured at Browinig Hall last night predicted another earthquake.

Dr. Field predicted another earthquake. He lectured at Browinig Hall last night.

25. The rice which we had for dinner last night was very good.

The rice was very good. We had dinner last night.

Page 3: Saratiel chavez granillo morpho

26. Rice wich is grown in many countries is a staple food throughout much of the world.

Rice is a staple food throughout much of the world. It is grown in many countries.

27. Mr. Brown whose son won the spelling contest is very proud of his sons achivement.

Mr. Brownis very proud of his sons achivement. His son won the spelling contest.