sap credit mgmt 3510 (1)

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  • 8/9/2019 SAP Credit Mgmt 3510 (1)


    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    MIS 3510, A01 Fall 2012

    In this lab exercise you will use the SAP ERP system to explore how information system cansupport organizational processes. The focus will be on the processes of customers’ cre itmanagement. !ustomers of a manufacturer of energy snac" bars can use cre it the companyoffers# so they can purchase pro ucts with a elaye payment. The exercise is about setting ancontrolling the cre it limit# combine with customer or ers an associate operations. At the enof the lab# you are suppose to print out the final output an submit it to your instructor as a

    proof that you ha$e complete this lab.

    Important %ou will use SAP along with many other users. SAP will ser$e you well if you useyour account an your set of efault ata. !o" m"st "se #o"r dataset or you &an others' mayexperience problems. %our dataset n"mber appears in the table below. !o" s$o"ld "se it%$enever #o" see in instr"ctions a do"ble po"nd s#mbol &''( or do"ble )ero &00(*

    %our ataset number is often paste together with some other piece of ata. (or example# increating an in)uiry for *est +ills Athletic !lub# the instructions will refer to ,, *est +illsAthletic !lub. %ou will nee to replace the ,, with your -ata Set umber &e.g.# if it is /0# thenyou shoul enter 0+ est -ills At$letic Cl"b '.

    .og in t$e s#stem

    1* (in the following icon on your es"top# an ouble1clic" it to launch it.

    2* -ouble clic" 2SAP logon3 Icon on your es"top4 a list of ser$ers shoul appear on thescreen. 5oo" for 2oxfor .3 If it isn’t isplaye # try if clic"ing on the fol er 2!onnections3woul ma"e a ifference. %ou will see the following screen6


  • 8/9/2019 SAP Credit Mgmt 3510 (1)


    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    3* To log into the ser$er an the SAP system enter6

    Client /"mber 6 89/

    ser I 6 your user I- is a combination of the symbol FS- an your ataset number4 forexample# if your ataset number is /7# your user I- is FS-01 . See page : for ataset numbers.

    ass%ord 6 SAP8;S

    ote6 the screen will show the passwor fille # an you cannot elete the content. Simply put

    the cursor on the starting position# an type the passwor . Then clic" the ?9 are the last three igits of a stu ent I-# the user I- is SAP8;S>?9'.


  • 8/9/2019 SAP Credit Mgmt 3510 (1)


  • 8/9/2019 SAP Credit Mgmt 3510 (1)


    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    Introd"ction into t$e 4 ercise

    In this lab exercise# you will perform business of a fictitious (itter Snac"er !ompany amanufacturer of snac" bars. (itter Snac"er has two pro ucts# the R

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Credit Mgmt 3510 (1)


    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    Select your cre it control area# ''FS &remember t$e '' is #o"r dataset n"mber( # then clic" onthe etails icon & ' to get this screen6

    The up ate group efines how ocuments in the sales process change the 8otal Commitment .*ith up ate group 000012 6

    • Sales orders


    Enter 000012 for ;p ate group. =ption6 !lic"ingthe ocument icon woul rop own a list you canchoose from. Selecting is one by a ouble1clic"or a single clic" an then clic"ing the Enter icon&green chec"mar"'.

    Enter ;1 for (iscal%rFariantThen clic" on the sa$e icon

    Select your cre it control area#then clic" on the etails icon

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Credit Mgmt 3510 (1)


    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    o Increase the open or er $alue• eliveries

    o Re uce the open or er $alueo Increase the open eli$ery $alue

    • 6illing doc"mentso Re uce the open eli$ery $alueo Increase the open billing ocument $alue

    • Financial acco"nting doc"mentso Re uce the open billing ocument $alueo Increase the open items

    !lic" on the bac" icon & ' a few times to return to the SAP Reference IC< &'. Con7irm data saving i7 t$e s#stem asks #o" to do so*

    2* Create Risk Categor#

    The cre it ris" category will control the cre it re$iew process. -ifferent cre it ris" categoriescan be create so that ifferent proce ures can be use with ifferent groups of customers.

    To create a ris" category# you nee to be at the screen that en s the proce ure abo$e. If not# go bac" to the SAP menu by clic"ing the Bac" button &a left pointing arrow on a green circle' or the button right of it &an upwar pointing arrow on a yellow circle'. Select6

    8ools C"stomi)ing IM9 4 ec"te ro:ect

    Click onFinancial Acco"nting Acco"nts Receivable and Acco"nts a#able CreditManagement Credit Control Acco"nt e7ine Risk Categories & '

    This will bring up the following screen6


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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    !lic" on the /e% 4ntries icon# which will bring up the following screen6

    After entering the ata abo$e# the status line at the bottom of the screen shoul rea somethingli"e6 -ata was sa$e .!lic" on the sa$e icon & '. Then clic" on the bac" icon & ' few times until you return to theSAP Reference IC< & '.

    3* Set A"tomatic Credit Control

    *ith Automatic !re it !ontrol# the SAP system can be configure to perform cre it chec"s torun at ifferent times uring or er processing. It is possible to efine a system response for eachcre it chec" &for example# a warning message'. In the case of a warning message# a bloc" can beset in the cre it status of a ocument so that further processing cannot continue until the cre it

    problem is correcte .


    !lic" on the /e% 4ntries icon

    A the entry6

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    To configure Automatic !re it !ontrol# follow the menu path6

    8ools C"stomi)ing IM9 4 ec"te ro:ect

    Click on and t$enSales and istrib"tion &it is in the mi le of the list' 6asic F"nctions Credit

    Management>Risk Management Credit Management e7ine A"tomatic CreditControl & '

    These steps will lea you to the following screen6

    !lic" on the /e% 4ntries icon# which will pro uce the following screen6

    Then ma"e the following entry6

    !!A R"! !< !re it control''FS

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    =TE6 Instea of typing# sometimes you can rop own a list that will contain ata you nee toenter. The icon for this list loo"s li"e multiple sheets of paper. It appears if you place the cursorin some ata entry fiel an clic" the mouse.

    Then clic" on enter icon & '. The currency $alue will change to S 6

    To efine the Automatic !re it !hec"ing proce ures# ma"e the following entries6


    Enter !!A R"! !< !re it control''FS

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    -o not forget to sa$e the ata & '.

    * Set C"stomer Credit .imit

    *ith the configuration of the Automatic !re it !hec" complete# the cre it limit can beestablishe for '' -ealt$ 4 press . Setting the cre it limit for a company in$ol$es a change toMaster ata # which is one from the SA 4as# Access men" . Select6

    .ogistics Sales and istrib"tion Credit Management Master ataC$ange


    !hec" #namic

    Enter Reaction C &warning plus the $alue by which cre it limit is excee e '!hec" Stat"s>6lock &bloc" further processing'Enter 2 for +orizon &@ months for ynamic chec"'

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    This will bring up the following screen6

    To fin customer '' -ealt$ 4 press # clic" on the customer fiel # then clic" on the search icon tocall up the following search win ow. If search fails it may be because you are not on theappropriate tab calle 2!ustomers &general'3.


    !lic" on the customer fiel # thenclic" on the search icon

    Enter your ataset number

    &''( for search term# thenclic" on the enter icon

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    After entering '' for the search term an clic"ing on the enter icon# you shoul get a list ofcustomers6

    -ouble1clic" on '' -ealt$ 4 press to select it# an enter the following6


    -ouble1clic" on '' -ealt$ 4 press to select it

    !onfirm that the customer number has been entere from the Search processEnter ''FS for !re it control areaSelect Stat"s # then clic" enter.& ote6 %our ata are ifferent.'

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    After ma"ing the entries shown abo$e# you will get the following screen6

    Enter 1000 for !re it limit an

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    Ca"e the entries abo$e# then clic" on the enter icon & '# an the following screen will appear6


    Enter6=r er Type @R Sales organization ''FS-istribution channel I-i$ision S6Then clic" on the enter icon

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    Performing the step abo$e to fin the Sol 1to1party number# that is# the customer number67. Place the cursor in Sol 1to1party an clic" the search button.@. The next screen shoul be a tab !ustomer per sales group. %ou shoul see the fiel Sales

    =rganization an your user I- isplaye in along with 2(S3 label &,,(S'.:. !lic" the button with arrow pointing own# a list shoul open up.8. (in your user I- an ouble1clic" it>. %ou shoul be bac" on the pre$ious screen4 clic" the chec"mar"s button. This opens up a

    screen with customer etails. -ouble1clic" +ealth Express.


    7. This is the customer number SAPcreate before J see p. 7@. To get SAPfin it see the proce ure below. Then

    procee with steps below.@. Enter P= umber - ''*:. Enter ''F110 for material.8. Enter 2 for =r er )uantity.>. !lic" on the enter icon.

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    %ou shoul be bac" in the win ow !reate Stan ar =r er6 =$er$iew. It shoul ha$e some newata &e.g.# the columns Item# -escription# Payment terms# ates'. !lic" the chec"mar" button &


    ext# in the uppermost menu# follow the path6 4nvironment artner ispla# creditacco"nt 6

    %ou shoul get the following screen6


    (ollow the top menu an theEn$ironment item path tore$iew the cre it limit

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Credit Mgmt 3510 (1)


    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    Because you ha$e not sa$e the sales or er yet# '' -ealt$ 4 press has all of its H7#/// cre itlimit a$ailable.

    !lic" on the bac" icon & ' to return to the Create Standard @rder screen# then clic" on thesa$e icon & ' to sa$e the sales or er.

    *hen the sales or er has been sa$e # clic" on the bac" icon & ' until you are bac" at the SAPEasy Access screen.

    B* Revie% C"stomer Credit .imit

    ow that the sales or er has been sa$e # it shoul be reflecte in the customer’s a$ailable cre it.To chec" this# follow the menu path6

    .ogistics Sales and istrib"tion Credit Management Master ataC$ange & ouble clic"'

    This will bring up the following screen6


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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    After clic"ing the enter button & ' you shoul get this screen6


    The customer number for '' -ealt$4 press shoul be isplaye .See that the cre it control area ischec"e # an then clic" on the entericon

    ote impact of sales or er on customer’s cre it

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    ote that the sales or er has use >0K of '' -ealt$ 4 press=s cre it limit. !lic" on the bac"icon & ' until you are bac" at the SAP Easy Access screen.

    * Create Sales @rder over t$e Credit .imitIf '' -ealt$ 4 press or ers another @ cases of R. To o this# follow the menu path6

    .ogistics Sales and istrib"tion Sales @rder Create

    The screen may alrea y be fille . If not# enter the following6

    The following screen shoul appear6


    =r er Type6 @R Sales organization6 ''FS-istribution channel6 I-i$ision6 S6Then clic" on the enter icon & '6

    1* Enter the customernumber or Search for it

    2* Enter P= umber as- ''A

    3* Enter ''F110 for material* Enter 2 for =r er )uantity

    5* !lic" the enter icon.

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    Enter the ata shown abo$e an clic" on the sa$e icon & '. The following message will pop1up6

    This is a result of the settings we ma e for Automatic !re it !ontrol in Step :. *e set thereaction to C # which meant that we woul get a warning message with the amount by which theor er excee s the cre it limit. Because we specifie a warning message# we can sa$e the salesor er# but it will be bloc"e from further processing until the cre it limit problem is resol$e .

    +a we specifie an error message for the reaction# the or er coul not ha$e been sa$e . !lic"on the enter icon & ' on the message to sa$e the or er# then clic" on the bac" icon & ' until youare bac" at the SAP Easy Access screen.

    D* Revie% C"stomer Credit .imit Again

    ow another sales or er has been sa$e # we shoul chec" how it affects the customer’s a$ailablecre it. The menu path for cre it management is6

    .ogistics Sales and istrib"tion Credit Management Master ataC$ange

    After confirming the customer etails# you can re$iew '' -ealt$ 4 press=s cre it6 !lic" ono$er$iew an then Enter button. The output screen is below.


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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    ote that the amount of cre it use has not change *hile we sa$e the secon or er for ''-ealt$ 4 press # it is bloc"e . Since bloc"e or ers cannot be processe further# the SAP system

    oes not count them against the customer’s cre it limit.

    +* Revie% and Release t$e 6locked Sales @rder

    ;sually an important tas" in cre it management is to re$iew all bloc"e or ers an eci e howthey shoul be han le . In a reasonably large company# this might be a tas" performe e$eryfew hours.

    To re$iew the bloc"e sales or er# follow the menu path6

    .ogistics Sales and istrib"tion Credit Management 4 ceptions 6lockedS doc"ments

    This will pro uce the following screen6


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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    %ou shoul get the following report &a wi e# wi e table '6

    After releasing the bloc"e or er an sa$ing the change# you shoul get this output6


    !re it control area ''FS an the accountnumber for '' -ealt$ 4 press shoul beentere by efault. If not# enter your atasetnumber an @G? for !re it Account. !lic" ont$e e ec"te icon to list the bloc"e salesor er

    Select bloc"e sales or er# clic" on release &the icon witha green flag on it'# an then clic" on the sa$e icon.

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    ;se the bac" icon & ' until you are bac" at the SAP Easy Access screen# an then rechec" thecre it limit using the menu path6

    .ogistics Sales and istrib"tion Credit Management Master ataC$ange

    This will pro uce the following screen6

    The ust1release sales or er is now reflecte in the !ustomer’s cre it limit status as shown onthe screen below. ote that the or er total is o$er H7///.


    The customer number @G? for -ealt$4 press shoul be isplaye . !onfirmthe cre it control area &it shoul ha$eyour ataset number'# an then67. chec" the box Status@. clic" the enter icon

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    !lic" the bac" icon & ' few times until you are bac" at the SAP Easy Access screen.10* Initiate eliver#

    As a sales or er is processe # its changing status is $isible in !re it Canagement. To see this#we will process one of the sales or ers further. To initiate a eli$ery for one of '' -ealt$4 press=s sales or ers# follow the menu path6

    .ogistics Sales and istrib"tion S$ipping and 8ransportation @"tbo"ndeliver# Create Single oc"ment it$ re7erence to Sales @rder

    This will pro uce the following screen6

    After submitting the screen abo$e# you will get the following screen6


    Enter ''S for shipping point#an either use the efault or er or search for a '' -ealt$ 4 press sales or er# then clic" on enter

    !lic" on the sa$e icon to create the eli$ery

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    The screen abo$e in icate that SAP is rea y to create the operation# an sa$ing the screen willinitiate eli$ery. A message to inform you on this shoul appear at the bottom of the screen onceyou sa$e the screen.

    ;se the bac" icon & ' until you are at the SAP Easy Access screen# then chec" '' -ealt$4 press=s cre it status using the menu path6

    .ogistics Sales and istrib"tion Credit Management Master ataC$ange

    Ferify the efault ata# then clic" on the enter icon & '. It appears that the status is unchange # but use the pull1 own menu path6

    4 tras Sales val"e

    This will pro uce the warning message at the bottom of the screen6

    !lic" on the enter icon & ' to see more etails on the sales $alue6

    ote that the sales $alue of H7#7G/ is ma e up of an open sales or er an an open eli$ery. !lic" on the enter icon & ' to close this win ow# then use the bac" icon & ' until you are at the SAPEasy Access screen.

    11* ick @rder and ost 9oods Iss"eTo further process the sales or er# we can perform the pic"ing an post the goo s issue in onestep. To o this# follow the menu path6

    .ogistics Sales and istrib"tion S$ipping and 8ransportation @"tbo"ndeliver# C$ange Single oc"ment


    The sales $alue is ma eup of an open sales or er an an open eli$ery

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    This will pro uce the following screen6

    Ferify that the eli$ery number is entere # an then clic" on the enter icon & ' to get thefollowing screen6

    At the en of the abo$e proce ure# a message shoul appear at the bottom of the screen sayingthat the outboun eli$ery has been sa$e .

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    The next screen is6

    %ou shoul get6


    Enter Sales =rganization ''FS!lic" on

    !lic" on bloc" at en of line to select# an then clic" on !ollecti$e billing ocument

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Credit Mgmt 3510 (1)


    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    ;se the bac" icon & ' until you are at the SAP Easy Access screen# an then chec" '' -ealt$4 press=s cre it status using the menu path6

    .ogistics Sales and istrib"tion Credit Management Master ata


    This will pro uce the following screen6

    The processe sales or er is now reflecte in the !ustomer’s cre it limit status as a recei$able6

    13* ost a#ment 7rom t$e C"stomer


    The processe salesor er is now in therecei$ables category

    The customer number for '' -ealt$4 press shoul be entere as a efault$alue by the SAP system. !onfirm thecre it control area an status setting#an then clic" on the enter icon.

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    *hen you recei$e payment from the customer# it shoul free up some of the cre it limit. To testthis# post payment from the customer by following the menu path6

    Acco"nting Financial Acco"nting Acco"nts Receivable oc"ment 4ntr#Incoming a#ments

    This will pro uce the following screen6

    This will pro uce the following screen6


    7. Enter toda#=s date for ocument ate@. Ca"e sure ''FS is entere for companyco e# an S is entere for the!urrencyLrate:. Enter 100000 for Account un er ban" ata8. Enter 5+0 for Amount>. Enter @G? for Account?. !lic" on rocess @pen Items

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Credit Mgmt 3510 (1)


    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    After clic"ing the sa$e icon & ' to post the payment there shoul be an appropriate message atthe bottom of the screen.

    !lic" on the bac" icon & '# which will pro uce the following pop1up win ow6

    !lic" !es # an you will return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

    !hec" '' -ealt$ 4 press=s cre it status one last time an select the menu path6

    .ogistics Sales and istrib"tion Credit Management Master ataC$ange

    This will pro uce the following screen6


    -ouble1clic" on the S 9ross amountuntil the /ot assigne )uantity is zero.This assigns the payment to the openin$oice. !lic" on the sa$e icon

    !lic" !es

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    The payment remo$es the recei$able from the customer’s cre it status6

    ote that paying the in$oice has cleare the Recei$ables item an a uste the cre it limit use .

    To generate a report on this customer# follow the pull1 own menu path6

    4nvironment Reporting Credit overvie%

    This will pro uce the following screen6


    7. The customer number for '' -ealt$4 press shoul be entere as a efaultor type in @G?.@. Enter your ataset number in thecre it control area.:. !hec" box Status.8. !lic" on the enter icon.

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    !lic" on the execute icon & ' to generate the o$er$iew report6

    To complete this assignment# you nee to print out a copy of this report an han it in. To othis# clic" on the print icon & ' an you will get the following screen6


    !lic" on the execute icon to generate the o$er$iew report

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    Credit and Receivables Risk Management

    After clic"ing on the continue icon# you shoul be bac" on the -ocument flow screen an amessage li"e the following shoul be isplaye at the bottom of the screen6

    Alternati$ely# once you get your final output &a brief table'# copy the screen an paste it into anew Cicrosoft *or file &use !trlMPrtScn "eys'. Type in6

    • %our full name• %our stu ent I-• %our log in userI-

    Print out the *or file an gi$e it to your instructor as the proof that you complete this lab.

    !lic" on the 4nter &continue' icon