salem college magazine 2010

Salem Shines in ... ... Exciting New Programs, page 5 ... Teaching Women to Lead, page 42 Tribute to former board chair William W. Neal III, page 28 SALEM salem college magazine 2010

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e 2010

Salem Shines in ... ... Exciting New Programs, page 5

... Teaching Women to Lead, page 42

Tribute to former board chair William W. Neal III, page 28

The circa 1857-1864 Wood & Perot cast iron fountain located behind Main Hall has been restored and is once again operational. The refurbishment was undertaken by Salem’s physical plant employ-ees and accomplished with funds from an upper pleasure grounds endowment. Over the past 150 years this fountain has gone through numerous transformations. Today, this fountain and beautiful land-scape is again the source of pleasure to our community and friends.

SAlems a l e m c o l l e g e m a g a z i n e 2 0 1 0

Page 2: Salem College Magazine 2010


Susan E. Pauly PresidentAnn McElaney-Johnson Dean of the College, Vice President for Academic and Student AffairsVicki Williams Sheppard C’82 Vice President of Institutional Advancement

Office of Alumnae Relations Karla gort C’00, Director Rosanna mallon, Assistant Director

Published by the Office of Communications and Public Relations Jacqueline mcBride, Director ellen Schuette, Associate Director Contributing Writers: Rachel Barron, ellen Schuette Designer: Carrie Pritchard Dickey C’00 Photography: Alan Calhoun, Allen Aycock, elise laViolette C’10, Nick grancharoff, mission House Creative and Chris Hildreth, Carrie Pritchard Dickey C’00

The Salem College Alumnae magazine is published by Salem College, 601 S. Church Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101.

This publication is mailed to alumnae, faculty, staff, parents and friends of Salem.

Salem College welcomes qualified students regardless of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, religion or disability to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities of this institution.

For additional information about any programs or events mentioned in this publications, please write, call, email or visit: Salem College office of Alumnae Relations 601 South Church Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 336/721-2608 email: [email protected] Website:

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leadership is the theme of a special section in this edition of

our College magazine. I hope you are inspired and amazed by

the leadership programs underway on campus and by the stories

of a few of the many Salem alumnae who embody the word


It is my privilege and responsibility as president to help lead

the College into the future. This calls for a clear understanding

of our past accomplishments and challenges, carefully formulat-

ed goals for the future and a sense of purpose shared by all of us – faculty, staff, students,

alumnae and the community.

In 2008 we completed a strategic plan (available on our website at

designed to take us through 2013. Numerous initiatives have resulted that have enhanced

the living and learning environment for our students. We have renovated gramley li-

brary, remodeled classrooms across campus, migrated to a wireless environment, updated

technology in classrooms, revised the core curriculum, added new majors and minors

and launched a new, holistic women’s wellness program. As this academic year begins,

our 2010-11 initiatives are underway with several goals already completed. The beauti-

ful three-tiered iron fountain behind main Hall first constructed in the 1860s has been

restored, additional classrooms have been updated in main Hall and expanded wellness

initiatives include morning yoga on Salem Square, evening relaxation classes and a hydra-

tion station that utilizes herbs from our organic gardens. In addition, this spring we will

launch an NCAA Division III varsity softball program.

one of our strategic goals has been to continually increase academic distinction;

thanks to the generosity of donors, we are delighted to report that we will offer new fully

funded, selective international internships for our students this year. We are also plan-

ning our first international service-learning course, and thanks to an extraordinary grant

of $250,000.00 from BB&T, we launched a women’s leadership program this year that

includes professional workshops in communication and negotiation skills. Truly this is

a wonderful time for students, with more opportunities than ever to grow intellectually

and personally at Salem!

Finally, our plan calls for increasing fiscal strength each year through growing enroll-

ment and engaging in strategic financial planning. I am delighted to report that like last

year, this fall enrollment was again up in all three of our populations – graduate students,

adults and new traditional students. We also plan to build on the success of last year’s an-

nual campaign and with the help of our community achieve our goal of $1.4 million by

June 30, 2011.

This is a year to celebrate many successful initiatives at Salem, and as always you are

a vital part of that success! Please enjoy this magazine as well as other communications

you’ll receive during the year from Salem College, and continue to contact us with ideas,

suggestions, opinions and proposals. We welcome your involvement and are grateful for

your support as we continue this 239th year of academic excellence at Salem.

A Messa�e �rom the President

Salem College is proud of its roster of annual cultural

events open to the public. most are free; all are thought-

provoking and/or enjoyable, inspiring, informational and


To be placed on the email list for information on future

events, please contact [email protected]. Also, check the

website and Facebook frequently for updates.

Here are just a few of the events planned for winter/spring


JANUARy 21-24: Alban elvéd Dance Company residency

and performances

FeBRUARy 4: ScottCares Foundation Step Program

FeBRUARy 15 AND 16: Women and Publishing Symposium,

Co-sponsored by Center for Women Writers and Wake

Forest University

FeBRUARy 18: opening Receptions for Scott Sanders’

Photography and the Between Time & Space exhibitions

mARCH 10-12: Salem Pierrettes Present

The Drowsy Chaperone

mARCH 30: Writer and Salem Alumna marianne Buie

gingher C’69

APRIl 1: lister-Sink and Friends Play liszt and Friends

mAy 3: Celebrating Salem Writers

mAy 10: Spring Dance Concert

Cultural Events Spring 2011

Page 3: Salem College Magazine 2010

Salems a l e m c o l l e g e m a g a z i n e 2 0 1 0

D e p a r t m e n t s Back Porch News 4

Fleer Center 10

Graduate Studies 13

admissions/Traditional 14

alumnae News 17

Giving to Salem 40

F e a t u r e s “Shift Happens!” 2

Tribute to William W. Neal III 28

Reunion Weekend 2010 30

International Students'

Home away from Home 38

s p e c i a l s e c t i o n Spotlight on leadership 42

insert: Honor Roll of Donors

on the cover: Susan maley Rash C’80, who painted

the fountain for our beautiful cover, began painting as a

young child; she was an art major at Salem before switch-

ing to history. She hopes to concentrate on her art when she

retires from working full-time as a benefits/human resources

consultant for BB&T. She has painted several renditions of

Salem landmarks and is happy to be contacted about them at

[email protected].

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2 • Magazine 2010

“Approach every day as an opportunity to learn; as an opportunity to shift...”

Pictured above: madison Thomas C'14, anisha Cox C'14, Savannah mcGunigal C'14 and amanda miller C'14

Page 5: Salem College Magazine 2010

“SHift HappenS!” tHe impact of tecHnology Upon leaRning

We are in information overload. Some would call it a technology


The first commercial text message was sent in 1992. Now

in 2010, the number of text messages sent and received each day

exceed the population of our planet! It is estimated that about a

week’s worth of the New York Times contains more information

than a person was likely to come across in a lifetime in the 18th


We are not lacking information. most have greater and greater

access to this information. But we are missing something. We are

lacking engagement. We are not turning this information into

knowledge. We are lacking implementation of the knowledge. We

are not grappling with the information. We are not making it our


more than 31 billion searches are done every month on

Google. Where did we find answers to these questions before

google? You are a generation armed with cell phones, lap tops,

ipods, and therefore, no need for wrist watches. Other generations

before you, including my own, went to college armed with 26 vol-

umes of the Encyclopedia Brittanica. We also went to college with a

typewriter, and if you were lucky, a wristwatch that could also get

wet and keep on ticking!

What does it mean that it is estimated by the year 2013, just

three years from now, there will be a computer that exceeds the

computational capabilities of your brain? and by 2049, when many

of you are just in your 50s, a computer that costs $1,000 will ex-

ceed the computational capabilities of the entire human race! This

computer can filter and manipulate information, but it can’t put

it into practice. It doesn’t have the capacity to engage, or to create

change…but you do! The amount of new technical information is

doubling every year. more than 3,000 books are published…daily.

These days at Salem College will be some of the most sig-

nificant and memorable years of your life. approach every day as

an opportunity to learn; as an opportunity to shift through this

plethora of information and to arrive at your own knowledge. Go

to classes with the notion that you can shift, you can change the

world and you will make it your own!

SaleM College • 3

The following is an excerpt from a speech Professor Heidi

Godfrey, director of the Center for Teaching and Learning

Excellence and associate professor of dance, delivered at the

August 2010 Opening Convocation.

The focus of my story tonight is based on the idea that shift


Some of you may recognize this title from a series of videos

posted on YouTube that illuminate some particularly interesting


For example, the top 10 in-demand jobs of this year did not

exist merely six years ago. many of today’s college majors across

the globe did not exist 10 or even five years ago. The world is

shifting. We are preparing many of you at Salem College for jobs

that don’t exist yet, using technologies that haven’t been invented,

in order for you to solve problems we don’t even know are prob-

lems yet.

This is a true testimony to the

importance of a liberal arts education,

to the importance of educating

women and to the mission of our

institution to prepare women to

change the world.

When the first Salem

sisters began to study here,

there were approximately

100,000 words in the english

language. Today, there are

about 540,000. Shift hap-

pens. Change is happening all

around us as we grow, evolve

and try on new ideas – for the

first time or the 40th.

We are in an era

where there is

absolutely no lack

of information.

Page 6: Salem College Magazine 2010

out under overcast skies, became drenched

with both raindrops and excitement by the

end, but spirits remained high.

The seniors had invited former faculty

member Dr. Jennifer Stollman back to

campus to deliver the 2010 commence-

ment address. She is currently an assistant

professor in the department of history

and the coordinator of the gender and

women’s studies program at Fort lewis

College in Durango, Colorado.

Graduates and their families, along

with faculty and staff, gathered after

the ceremony for a buffet brunch in the


Rainy Commencement 2010

Back Porc� n e W S

4 • Magazine 2010

Salem College seniors didn’t let a little

rain interfere with their celebration of the


more than 94 traditional students, 68

Fleer Center for adult education students

and 38 graduate students were eligible to

receive their degrees on Saturday, may 22

in the may Dell. The event, which started

Page 7: Salem College Magazine 2010

n e W S The ability of Salem students to choose from among a variety

of innovative, challenging and career-worthy academic programs

just increased, thanks to four new majors, two new minors, two

new certificate programs and two new licensure programs that

began with the fall semester.


exercise Science offers either a bachelor of arts degree (B.a.) or

a bachelor of science degree (B.S.) through the physical edu-

cation department with an interdisciplinary focus. Courses

are designed in accordance with national standards set by

the american College of Sports medicine (aCSm) and the

National Strength and Conditioning association (NSCa).

The public policy major program offers three concentrations:

economic and social policy; policy analysis and implementa-

tion; and government and policy.

Race and ethnicity Studies (ReSt). The ReST major is an

interdisciplinary program devoted to the critical examination

of race and ethnicity, complementing Salem’s dedication to

global awareness and inquiry. There are three core courses

and eight elective courses to choose from, including critical

issues in the history of race and ethnicity, american women’s

history, globalization and global inequities and modern writ-

ings from women of the non-Western world.

Women’s Studies is an interdisciplinary program focusing on

the role of gender in the development of individuals, societies

and cultures and on the construction of gender by societies

and cultures. emphasis is placed upon the intersection of

gender with race, class, ethnicity, age and sexuality and on

issues of bias, inequality and male privilege.


The coaching minor is designed to help expand women’s

leadership roles in intercollegiate athletics, another natural fit

for Salem. It is one of the only women’s coaching programs

in the country.

The new minor in Sport management gives students more

depth in the field of sport management. Courses available are

sport marketing, women in sport, business statistics, business

law and business ethics.

otHeR pRogRamS (ceRtificate anD licenSURe)

New licensure programs in art education and music educa-

tion for both traditional-age and adult students are now

offered. Students major in either art or music and take the

courses necessary to be licensed to teach those subjects upon


The certificate in accounting program

will be offered to men and

women ages 23 and above

who are enrolled in

Salem through the

martha H. Fleer

Center for

adult edu-

cation. This


gives adult


a new


tional and



while utilizing

the accounting ex-

pertise already existing

in the College’s business

and economics department.

The certificate in Historic preservation

is designed for students interested in the stewardship and

future of historic buildings and structures, and is a collabora-

tion offered by the Interior Design and History departments

at Salem. Internships and other study options are under

discussion with Preservation North Carolina, Old Salem and

other organizations.

Salem Launches Exciting New Programs in 2010

SaleM College • 5

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6 • Magazine 2010

Krishauna Hines-Gaither C'02, Spanish instructor and co-

ordinator of French/Spanish teacher education at Salem, received

the annual Pfohl Faculty award at the Honors Convocation held

may 12.

She earned an associate’s degree from Forsyth Tech and then

entered Salem College holding a scholarship given to a student

who demonstrated academic excellence in the area of foreign

language. Graduating from Salem in 2002 after earning the

President’s Prize in Spanish, she went on to earn a master’s degree

from Wake Forest and did further language study at middlebury


She has already been honored in numerous ways by the insti-

tutions she attended, receiving the 2007 Distinguished alumna

award from Forsyth Tech and the 2007 Salem College excellence

in Teaching award, and being elected by the class of 2008 to

deliver their baccalaureate address.

an extraordinary teacher, she shares her love of the Spanish

language with Salem students through teaching classes such as

level 2 Spanish, the Culture and Civilization of Spain and Cuba

through Film and language. as coordinator of French/Span-

ish teacher education, she teaches second-language instructional

methods and mentors student teachers. She is a mentor for several

clubs and takes part in Salem student-led activities such as the

annual Step Show.

Hines-Gaither is active outside the classroom, serving

as chair of the american Council on the Teaching of Foreign

languages, the board of Directors of Forsyth Tech and as a co-

founder of aal, or african-american linguists, a national asso-

ciation promoting second languages among the african-american

community. For the past six years she has served as a translator at

the United States marine Corps’ recruitment station in Winston-

Salem, and she has had papers published and presented her work

on topics ranging from teaching diverse learners, to the celebra-

tion of the african diaspora through film.

Hines-Gaither Receives 2009-2010 Pfohl Faculty Award

Page 9: Salem College Magazine 2010

Sorrells Named Outstanding Teacher for 2010 Kristina Porazzi Sorrells

C’96, mathemat-

ics teacher at Salem

academy, was named

as the Outstanding

Secondary School

mathematics Teacher representing Private/

Charter schools for 2010. The honor was

announced by the North Carolina Council

of Teachers of mathematics (NCCTm).

Sorrells, who lives in Tobaccoville, received

the award at the NCCTm annual confer-

ence in October.

a 1996 graduate of Salem College,

Sorrells received her master’s degree in

mathematics from Wake Forest Univer-

sity in 1998 and has been teaching for 11

years. She is a member of the National

Council of Teachers of mathematics, the

mathematical association of america, the

North Carolina Council of Teachers of

mathematics and the North Carolina as-

sociation of advanced Placement math-

ematics Teachers.

Karl Sjolund, Head of School at the

academy, describes Sorrells as “passionate

about her students and her subject.”

He adds, “Before arriving at the

academy, many students had fumbled

through the required courses keeping their

mouths shut and their minds closed to the

world of mathematics. But then everything

changes after arriving in mrs. Sorrells’

class. Not only do they overcome their

fear of math, but in many cases they wind

up enrolling in the most advanced math

courses we offer simply because they have

grown to love the subject.”

SaleM College • 7

tHe cellaR

The old Grille above Bryant Hall has

been completely transformed into The

Cellar. Through a collaborative effort

with aRamaRK the facility’s grand

opening was held august 25. Featured

are a new grill and coffee menus, a

convenience store and expanded hours

of operation. Renovations include new

furnishings, lighting, finishes and an

expanded area on the patio.

RefectoRy enHancementS

New to the refectory this fall was a hy-

dration station which uses the natural

juices from fruits, vegetables and herbs

(from the Salem organic garden) to

enhance the flavor of water naturally.

Choose from a variety of flavors daily.

enhancements to eco Grounds, an

ecologically and socially responsible

coffee line, are also now available.

Staff loUnge

There is a new lounge that is furnished

with tables, chairs, sofa, refrigerator

and microwave. a bookcase in the

lounge is designated as a lending

library so favorite books may be

shared. The lounge is located across

from the Public Safety office.

main Hall 3RD flooR

claSSRoom enHancementS

The third floor of main Hall saw

carpet replaced in several classrooms

as well as artwork, whiteboards and

identification signs added. Classroom

301 has new furnishings and


BookStoRe offeRingS

Salem continues to partner with

Barnes & Noble to offer students a

variety of textbook options, all of

which are designed to decrease the

cost of textbooks. The bookstore now

offers new and used textbooks, as well

as rental and e-books appropriate for

around 25 percent of courses.

Facility Updates 2010

Page 10: Salem College Magazine 2010

Meek C’10 Receives Fulbright Award lauren meek C’10, was awarded

a prestigious Fulbright U.S. Student

Program scholarship to Germany to

teach english as a Second language,

the United States Department of State

and the J. William Fulbright Foreign

Scholarship Board announced in June.

meek is one of more than 1,500

U.S. citizens who will travel abroad for

the 2010-2011 academic year through

the Fulbright U.S. Student Program.

a native of Draper, Virginia, meek

won the President’s Prize for German at

Salem, where she majored in German,

english and creative writing.

The Fulbright Program is the

flagship international educational

exchange program sponsored by the

U.S. government and is designed to

increase mutual understanding between

the people of the United States and the

people of other countries. Recipients

of Fulbright grants are selected on

the basis of academic or professional

achievement, as well as demonstrated

leadership potential in their fields. The

program operates in over 155 countries


8 • Magazine 2010

Professors Nita eskew and Traci Por-

ter received tenure at Salem College during

spring 2010.


associate profes-

sor of chemistry

and director

of the Women

in Science and


(WISH) program

at Salem, earned

her bachelor’s of science degree and her

doctorate in organic chemistry from the

University of North Carolina at Chapel

Hill. During the summer of 2009 she was

natural science instructor in green design

at the North Carolina Governor’s School

West, held at Salem. Before entering

academic life, eskew held increasingly

responsible supervisory and laboratory

positions with the Bayer Corporation in

Goose Creek, SC. While at Salem she

has taught on topics such as organic and

biochemistry, medicinal plants, spectros-

copy, modern chemistry and society and

green design. a member of the american

Chemical Society, she won Salem’s H. a.

Pfohl award in 2008 for teaching excel-

lence. She has published numerous papers,

received grants for study projects and

presented at professional meetings. She has

also served on numerous College commit-

tees, including the faculty advisory board,

coordinating committee, academic council

and graduate programs study group, along

with serving as the faculty sponsor of the

Salem College chapter of SaaCS (Student

affiliate of the american Chemical Soci-

ety) since 2005.


associate profes-

sor of biol-

ogy, received her

bachelor’s degree

in psychology

cum laude from

Carleton College

in Northfield,

minnesota and her doctorate in biopsy-

chology from the University of Wisconsin

at madison. She did postdoctoral research

at both the University of maryland in

College Park and the conservation biology

department of the national zoological

Park in Washington, D.C. She joined

Salem as assistant professor of biology

and was promoted to associate professor

in march. Before coming to Salem, she

taught at schools including the University

of maryland at College Park; at George

Washington University in Washington,

D.C.; at Prince George’s Community Col-

lege in largo, md; and at the University of

Wisconsin, madison. She is a member of

numerous professional societies including

the association of Southeastern Biologists,

the animal Behavior Society, Botanical

Society of america and Beta Beta Beta

(biological honor society). While at Salem

College she has served on various com-

mittees including the academic Council,

Faculty advisory Board and Coordinat-

ing Committee. Her articles have been

published in periodicals ranging from the

Journal of Zoology to the American Journal

of Primatology.

Eskew, Porter Receive Tenure

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SaleM College • 9

Salem Posts Great Fall in GSAC, Adds New Spring Sports

Salem had a great fall season (2010) in its second year in the

Great South athletic Conference (GSaC).

Soccer coach Jay Callahan led the soccer team to the Great

South semifinals for their second straight year in the conference.

They finished the regular season with a second-place GSaC finish

and a 15-3 overall record. Five players – Tia Bringhurst C’13, Sa-

brina Thiel C’13, Stephanie Hubbard C’14, alexi Saganich C’14

and anna Trakas C’14 – received GSaC all-Conference awards.

Hubbard, Saganich and Trakas were joined by mackenzie Schmidt

C’14 on the GSaC all-Freshman team.

Salem’s cross country team finished in third place at the

GSaC championships. Stephanie mendez C’13 earned GSaC

all-Conference honors for the second year in a row. Joanna mills

C’14 and Natali Olveda C’14 earned GSaC all-Freshman honors.

Coach Shawn marek brought in five first-year recruits for the

2010 season.

The volleyball team, coached by amanda ziemba, finished in

fourth place for the second year in a row in the GSaC. The team

had one player – Christine Tillman C’11 – selected to the Great

South athletic all-Conference Team for the second straight year.

Coach Jim Jackson and the basketball team are well into the

season, posting the first home victory against Peace College in

three years and looking to some challenging opponents during the

winter months. For the spring 2011 season, Salem has added two

new sports to the roster, softball and track and field.

Scott long is the new head softball coach for the Salem

Spirits. He is focusing heavily on recruiting in preparation for

softball’s first season in the Great South in the 2011-2012 aca-

demic year. long comes to Salem after spending the past three

seasons as the varsity softball head coach at Calvary Baptist High

School in Winston-Salem. long led Calvary to a 33-17 record

over those three years, and was selected as the 2008 Triangle

athletic Conference Coach of the Year. He spent three years as

the junior varsity and varsity softball coach at William G. enloe

High School in Raleigh. He has also spent time as a football as-

sistant at enloe and Bishop mcGuinness High School (Raleigh);

coaching baseball at enloe and Calvary; and as a basketball coach

at east Forsyth middle School in Kernersville. He is a member of

the National Fastpitch Coaches association.

Cross-country head coach Shawn marek is also the new

coach of the Salem Spirits track and field team. marek attended

Saint Bonaventure University and ran four years as an NCaa

Division I athlete in the atlantic 10 Conference. Since his

college career, he has completed a number of marathons, three

times qualifying for the Boston marathon in the fastest time

bracket. He won the 2010 N.C. Half marathon and finished

the 2010 Boston marathon in the top 1.8 percent. He is a USa

Track and Field Certified Coach and a USa Weightlifting Sport

Performance Certified Coach.

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10 • Magazine 2010

Pictured above: Joyce Comerford C’14Pictured to the right: Debbie Furr C'13, an education major

Page 13: Salem College Magazine 2010

maRtHa H. fleeR centeR foR aDUlt eDUcation

“So many positive things have happened to the Fleer

Center in the past year that it’s difficult to name

them all,” says Dean Suzanne Williams. The bustle

of people in and out of her office combined with phone calls,

walk-ins and requests for more information are a testament to the

ongoing success of the adult education program at Salem.

Two open houses held during the summer, so men and wom-

en ages 23 and up could ask questions and gather useful informa-

tion, resulted in record attendance and even more important,

many applications. Salem waived the application fee for anyone

applying during the open houses, and even offered to contact

previous colleges for student transcripts. more open houses like

these will be held throughout the year, Williams says.

“It was a wonderful joint effort between us, the graduate

program in teacher education, the faculty and the office of com-

munications and public relations,” she added.

Williams says she is seeing more students apply from out-

side the usual one-hour’s-drive-from-home radius, with several

students relocating just to take particular programs (such as the

certificate program in injury preventive keyboard therapy). “We

even have an adult international student

who heard about Salem from cur-

rent international students, and has

moved here to begin classes this

fall,” she points out. “We are also

seeing more and more students

who have educational plans beyond

simply a bachelor’s degree. many are

enrolling with plans to go on

for their doctorates.”

Five endowed


as well as

other financial

options, are

now available

to Salem stu-

dents and have

helped increase numbers. "We gave out 25 scholarship awards last

spring, and did the same for fall 2010," Williams says. "This kind

of aid means that students can also take advantage of Jan Term

Fleer Center students were recognized during the alpha Sigma lambda adult student honor society. They are (from back to front) Jessica Golding, Brent Neuenschwander, Harry lerner, Tanya Reynolds, angela Wilson, Pamela Hall, Kathy Fritts, mary etienne, Heather mcCracken, Debora Jackson, Debbie Furr and Jamie Ridge.

opportunities such as internships or study abroad without wor-

rying about how to afford it."

also attracting students are two additional sites – Ran-

dolph Community College in asheboro, and Davidson Com-

munity College in lexington – where students may take either

business or education courses respectively through the Fleer


Williams says that Fleer Center students have an increas-

ingly involved presence wherever they take classes; for the

second year in a row, there is an executive board whose student

leaders take part in Salem leadership opportunities (see the

Rather retreat, page 42).

“We continue to focus on removing every possible road-

block there might be for students wanting to study for their

college degree, no matter what their age or experience,” she con-


A conversation with Dean Suzanne Williams

SaleM College • 11

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12 • Magazine 2010

Carolyn “Carly” Williams, C'13 one of Salem College’s re-

markable Fleer Center for adult education students, remembers

walking into Bryant Hall on the Salem College campus last fall to

attend new-student orientation. “I remember feeling so invigo-

rated by the faces of women, like me, who had found the courage

to begin again to complete the unfinished business of earning an

undergraduate degree,” she recalls. “The Fleer Center has bridged

the disconnect I felt over attending college after first marrying

and raising a family.”

Williams, a Winston-Salem native who has used the name

“Carly” since beginning to sing publicly three years ago, believes

she had that same scholastic winning mentality when she was a

young child. “I used to think I knew everything, until I realized I

didn’t,” she says, smiling.

Books were prized by the young girl, whose father worked

construction and landscaping jobs while her mother stayed

home to care for eight children. “I learned to read before start-

ing first grade, opening up like a wonderful world of Disney to

me…books took me away to places I could only dream of,” she

says. “my mama was the one who emphasized that we get a good

education. my mother died when I was six years old, but she has

been the strength of my heart ever since.”

In Carly’s family, a “good education” meant being able to

graduate from high school. So when she received her diploma

in 1973, she says her “very

early goal as a young woman”

was to graduate from high

school, get married and have

children. as she says, “It was a

short list.”

Williams married; raised

three sons, michael, lawrence

and Christopher; and then

divorced. The urge to go back

to school, despite limited

financial resources, was one

that proved to be irresistible

for Williams, who calls herself

a woman of “continuous

learning”. as she told the

audience gathered in april at

the annual Scholarship luncheon, “I have arrived at a point of

purpose in my life where I have decided to journey on and more

fully become the woman I originally intended to be.”

Williams talked about how during fall semester 2009, “after

nearly 50 years of whining about how much I would love to play

the piano,” she had that opportunity thanks to music professor

Dr. Thomas Swenson. Her yearning to write led her to Dr. amy

Knox Brown, director of the Center for Women Writers, who

gave her the foundation to assert with confidence that she was,

indeed, a writer. and a scholarship set up for adult learners by Dr.

martha Fleer, for whom Salem College’s adult education program

is named, helped Carly Williams afford the education that is en-

riching her life and opening new doors for her, making her “feel

strong and relevant again.”

Today Williams is intent upon becoming a trained chef

and is pursuing the accreditation she needs to make this hap-

pen – while also juggling her writing courses at Salem. Feeling

a strong passion for both arts, she is writing a story about her

culinary training experience for a non-fiction class she is taking

this fall. Her message for other would-be adult students: “What

are you waiting for? Please find a way to begin again. Continue

to grow into the educated professional you once fearlessly desired

to be. ‘Can’t’ is a four-letter word!”

F l e e R S T U D e N Tcarolyn (carly) Williams

Page 15: Salem College Magazine 2010

New fulltime hires, a new location

for education classes – Davidson County

Community College in lexington, N.C.

– and a new study abroad program for

January Term 2011 are just a few of the

projects keeping the Office of Graduate

Programs and Teacher Studies busy these


Director Susan Gebhard says most of

the new students she is seeing fall into one

of two groups. “We have many enrollees

who have just finished their undergradu-

ate degrees and want to go straight into

graduate school without a pause first,” she

explains. “The second group is of primar-

ily career changers ... people who have

worked awhile – perhaps many years – and

decided that they’ve really always wanted

to teach, and why not do it now?”

She says that two of the newer areas of

study offered at Salem – special education

and advanced and Intellectually Gifted

(aIG) are proving to be quite popular

among teacher candidates. Salem has

recently hired ann Battenberg, a specialist

in both, to strengthen that focus area. also

hired was Dr. Nikki Galloway, who will

spearhead the growing teaching of literacy

program, while part-time faculty member

Ron montequila is now a full-time mem-

ber of the staff.

also new is the opportunity to

provide education classes at Davidson

Community College in lexington, N.C.

“The community college has been won-

derful to work with,” says Gebhard, “and

we have four classes already underway.

We hope, pending the approval of the

Southern association of Colleges and

Schools (SaCS), that this will become a

stand-alone licensure-granting program,

giving adult students yet another way to

take advantage of Salem’s expertise.”

Finally, Gebhard says the first group

of Salem students earning their master’s

in education will be presenting at the

third annual Salem College Celebration

of academic excellence Day, set for april

27, 2011. They will be presenting the

findings of their action research theses, or


gRaDUate pRogRamS anD teacHeR StUDieS

SaleM College • 13

A conversation with Dean Susan Gebhard

Pictured above is graduate student Yamile Valencia and pupil.

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14 • Magazine 2010

Pictured above: Olivia Cleary C'13

Page 17: Salem College Magazine 2010

From Babcock basement to the third floor of Gramley

library, the members of the Salem Class of 2014 are

making their presence known! We are delighted to

welcome the largest number of new students (first-years and

transfers) since 2004. One hundred and seventy strong, these

newcomers are a special group, as shown on page 16.

even as we get the Class of 2014 off to a great start, we

are already immersed in the next recruiting cycle. Our enroll-

ment goals remain high, and we need the assistance of all our

alumnae in spreading the good word about Salem.

The admissions Office is happy to announce the hiring of

four new counselors who are already on the road recruiting the

Class of 2015. These young women, three of whom graduated

from Salem College, bring unique talents and backgrounds to

their jobs. They are:

amber lankford Fleming C’10, native of mt. airy, N.C.

who received her bachelor’s degree in business administra-

tion-finance; her recruitment territory is western N.C. and

western Va.

Carmen Sauls C’10, from Goldsboro, N.C., who earned her

bachelor’s degree in art history; her recruitment territory is

territory is eastern N.C. and eastern Va.

Rebecca Barnhardt C’10 of Winston-Salem, N.C., who

received her bachelor of arts in Spanish; her recruitment

territory is central North Carolina and Florida (except

miami and Fort lauderdale)

Sarah Simons Team, daughter of Anne Miller Simons C’70

and niece of Anne Simons Straughan C'64, a native of

Raleigh, N.C., who earned a bachelor’s degree in history

from Presbyterian College in 2008; her recruitment terri-

tory is South Carolina, Georgia, Charlotte and Raleigh.

also representing Salem are assistant deans of admissions,

allison Crooks C’04 (whose recruitment territory is the mid-

atlantic, midwest, Tennessee, Kentucky and transfers) and

livni mendez C’04 (whose territory is Texas, South Florida

and international students).

While these counselors are on the road, the admissions

staff interacts with literally hundreds of prospective students

per month via phone, direct mail, Facebook and website updates,

during visits and in countless other ways.

We are all delighted to be working closely with Jay Callahan,

the Salem head soccer coach and sports information director, who

is now also working as director of athletic recruiting. Callahan,

who was instrumental in helping recruit 16 soccer players for this

first-year class, says the challenge is to “apply strategies that have

been successful in bringing in quality soccer players in order to

increase recruitment for all teams.”

at Salem we build a class one student at a time. as an

alumna the most important – and most rewarding – way to help

Salem is to recruit a student. Please contact us at any time with

names of prospective students, details about college fairs in your

area or opportunities for us to come and speak to you and your

daughters, granddaughters, nieces and special friends about Salem


even better, bring a student to visit during one of our open

house programs listed below. The beauty and special spirit of our

campus works magic!

Spring Visit, april 9, 2011: For high school juniors and sopho-

mores and college transfers

legacy Day, august 8, 2011 for grades 9-12

aDmiSSionS anD financial aiD

SaleM College • 15

A conversation with Dean Katherine Knapp Watts C’80

Counselors (back) Rebecca Barnhardt C'10 and amber lankford Fleming C'10 and (front) Sarah Team and Carmen Sauls C'10 are on the road for Salem.

Page 18: Salem College Magazine 2010

16 • Magazine 2010

10 legacies

24 States/3 countries

147 first year/23 transfer

30 recruited student athletes

11 percent increase over 2009

average high school gpa 3.75

60 percent from north carolina

88 percent applied to Salem on-line

85 percent attended public high schools

36 percent in top 10 percent of HS class (three valedictorians, three salutatorians)

two played in the east/West all Star soccer game which included the top 32 players in the state

one represented Salem at the US collegiate figure Skating championship with the top 50 college skaters

most popular names: Sara(h) and amanda (5 each), next most popular are Samantha and chelsea (chelsey) (4 each). Pictured

above L-R: amanda (Sauquiot, ny), alexa (Wilmington, nc), anna (tryon, nc) and Sarah (oak Ridge, tn)

a N aT O m Y O FThe class of 2014

Page 19: Salem College Magazine 2010

SaleM College • 17

Dear Fellow Salem alumnae:

“How will you change tomorrow?”

This is the question posed to potential

students in Salem’s most recent admis-

sions video.* While the video’s target au-

dience is potential applicants ages 15-18,

the question is one each of us could ask

ourselves. I believe it is a question worth

pondering, especially given the rapidly changing world in which

we live. Today’s world constantly calls upon us to adapt to new

technologies and new ways of thinking, and to come up with new

and innovative ideas. But, what does all of this have to do with


at 238 years of age, Salem continues to adapt, change and

thrive. For example, Salem has added new majors and courses;

updated existing facilities with the latest technology; added

athletic teams; and even revamped the dining hall to provide a

greater variety of food to support the students' desire for healthier

dining options. Yet, amidst our changing world, Salem has found

a remarkable way to stay true to its heritage and its core mission:

to educate women to become leaders in the world. To me, this is

both exciting and reassuring.

as I enter my second year as your alumnae President, I pause

when I consider the many Salem women who have come before

me. In fact, it is the leadership of alumnae throughout the past

238 years that has sustained Salem and enabled it to stay true to

its mission regardless of our country’s triumphs and pitfalls.

I have had the great privilege over the past two years to meet

alumnae of all ages, backgrounds and interests. What never fails

to impress me is the passion with which all Salem women ap-

proach life; the integrity and intellectual curiosity we share; and

the many leadership opportunities we have embraced in our com-

munities. Salem women are leaders. leaders step up in the face of

challenges and bring about change.

Today, Salem continues to face head on the challenges result-

ing from the difficult economic climate in which we live. The

incredible generosity of Salem’s alumnae and friends over these

past two years has enabled Salem to continue to thrive. However,

it is imperative that, as alumnae, we continue to support Salem

generously. I’d like to challenge each of us to do the following:

make an annual Fund gift to Salem this year…even if you

have never done so – every gift counts!

Send Salem the name of one potential student

([email protected]) – a babysitter, friend of a son or

daughter, niece, or daughter of a friend.

Visit Salem sometime during the year – whether it’s your

reunion year or not!

attend a local Salem alumnae event in your area (see

Salem on FaCeBOOK!)

Wear your Salem t-shirt and put a Salem decal on your car.

I’d like to leave you with one final thought. Oprah Win-

frey used to ask her guests, “What is the one thing you know

for sure?” Well, the one thing I know for sure is that at Salem,

women receive an incredible education, one that is grounded

in tradition, and one that will prepare them to be leaders in the


A�umnae n e W S

*To see the trailer for the video, go to: Forward it to a prospective student or a high-school teacher in your area!

I also know, that we alumnae are Salem’s most precious asset

and its greatest advocates. So, how will Salem change tomorrow?

It’s up to us!

I hope to see you throughout the year and welcome your

thoughts and ideas. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any

questions or concerns you may have.


mary martha Whitener Beecy C’88

[email protected]

Page 20: Salem College Magazine 2010

Rebekah candler Ward c’43, Sharon maurice mcclure c’68 and jane little gibson c’55 in atlanta.

Hannah Huske Wilson c'76 with mother mary lou Stack Huske c'46 and Helen Spruill Brinkley c'48 with daughter len Brinkley c'77 at the charlotte alumnae club's gramley Dinner.

elizabeth Bennett Scott c’92, amanda long Ramseur c’93 and lara

moore Howe c’93 at the coral Bay luncheon in atlantic Beach, nc.

18 • Magazine 2010

mary Dameron Holderness c’66, frances opfer cronlund c’98 and liz Denton Baird c’83 in Durham.

Alumnae Events

Page 21: Salem College Magazine 2010

Bonnie Horner a’61, Susan lundeen Smith C’72 and ann Wilson Cramer C’66 in atlanta.

Susan Smith c’08, Rebekah Bokros Hatch c’99 and nicole Winslow levell c’06 in atlanta.

SaleM College • 19

neili cole akridge c’95 and her aunt, mary crowley c’79, in Spartanburg.

allison Bruce anderson c’94, emily peterson c’08, Theresa kanter c’98 and amanda Dean c’06 in atlanta.

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20 • Magazine 2010

annie mcleod jenkins c’70 invited former staff members from the Salem’s admissions office to her house for special get together: annette perritt lynch c’75, katherine knapp Watts c’80, joyce mclain poe c’72, Rose ellen Bowen c’53, Doris newman, amy cass millikan c’90, jeannie leonard, kathy marakas Barnes c’81, Diane conley c’96,

anna Beck gallimore c’98, annie mcleod jenkins c’70, liz Boyd Rader c’79, julie trabue Hanes c’86, kem mims Schroeder c’76, cathy Duckwall Dupont c’86, laura ferguson esleeck c’73 and Darcy camp mccurry c’77.

monique farrell Harmon c’01, monica Varandani c’01, crystal

Hundley Shelton c’01, and jenni jenkins chao c’01 in


aparna lhila c’98, alison Huff c’82 and marie plonk Babcock c’76 in athens, ga.

Salem Alumnae Events in March

Hilary Williams c’96, Samanthi gunawardana c’96, amanda Dean c’06, emily jean peterson c’08, Susan Smith c’08 and kristin Baum agnelli c’06 in atlanta.

Page 23: Salem College Magazine 2010

VOTE FOR: Alumnae Awards Presented Each Year During Reunion WeekendWe invite you to vote! Please submit the

name and class year of the nominee/s to

Karla Gort C’00, director of alumnae

relations, via email to karla.gort@ or mail to Salem College,

alumnae Office, 601 South Church

Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Self-

nominations are accepted.

Distinguished alumna award -

recognizes a Salem alumna’s

achievements in volunteer service

and/or her professional distinctions.

alumna service award -

recognizes a Salem alumna’s

outstanding service to Salem through

leadership, student recruitment,

alumnae club leadership, internship

opportunities or other beneficial


Young alumna award - recognizes a Salem alumna, who

within 15 years of her graduation,

exemplifies the outstanding leadership

qualities, through professional and/or

volunteer service. a commitment to

the College since graduation must be


SaleM College • 21

Mother-Dau�hter Celebration o� a Salem Christmas

nancy meanor Stitcher c’87 with daughter, Sally, and lucy cheshire minter c’87 with daughter, claire.

Sarah carter, mary Banks and elle, daughters of Betsy mebane farmer c’92 and alison Spears Boyle c’94.

Page 24: Salem College Magazine 2010

22 • Magazine 2010

Update Your Info!Have you moved? Have you changed your name? Do you have a new job? Did you have a baby? Do you have a new emaIl address?

Here are TWO ways to update your

contact information if you are a Salem


1. Send us your business card and we

will send you a Salem luggage tag!

mail to: Salem College, alumnae

Office, 601 South Church Street,

Winston-Salem, NC 27101

2. Choose the online method:

1. Go to

2. Click on “alumnae” at the top of

the page.

3. Choose “Update Biography” in

menu on left.

4. Fill in form and click “SUBmIT” at

the bottom of the page.

joanna Winecoff Wells c’88 with daughters grace and caroline and niece, maddie Winecoff.

cecelia Black corbett c’57 with granddaughter maggie corbett.

Admissions Le�acy Day

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SaleM College • 23

Susan maddox C’65, a resident of Hobbs, New

mexico, looks forward the summers even

more than most. That’s because she

will once again have the opportu-

nity to revel in her avocation:


maddox, who graduated

from Salem with a degree in

chemistry, is fairly new to the

sport of climbing mountains

but not new at all to physical

fitness. In fact, you might say

it has been a lifelong passion for

her, begun back when the words

“working out” didn’t even exist.

“I have worked out routinely for

the last 37 to 38 years of my life,” says the

energetic maddox, a former research chemist, part-

time decorative painter, current community leader/volunteer and

a former member of the Salem College Board of Visitors. “It long

ago became truly a way of life for me, along with my husband,

Don, and son Ben.”

She says the key to physical fitness for her is continuity. “I

usually get up between 5 and 6 a.m. and go to my trainer or a

gym and work out for about an hour and a half at least six days a

week. If we are out of town, I do whatever I can which is usually

walking. The point is to be flexible and not make excuses but

rather to get it done,” maddox says. “When it is really a part of

one’s life, missing more than two days just does not feel right. as

we get older and the body changes, and it truly does, the need for

exercise becomes greater, not less.”

The impetus for fitness originated when maddox, at age 22,

suffered a lung collapse due to a congenital defect. She began to

be concerned about her overall pulmonary function, especially

when a similar problem arose a few years later. “I began running

in my 30s, and I ran throughout that entire decade,” she recalls.

“I loved it! I ran until two knee surgeries while skiing and subse-

quent surgery made running a less than ideal choice.”

She switched to weight-training and cardiovascular exercise

and continued with her fitness regime, adding scheduled walking

to the mix. When her son Ben moved to Colorado and began to

climb the “fourteeneers” – peaks over 14,000 feet above sea level

– maddox quickly realized the benefits of joining him.

“Thinking about climbing mountains every summer, particularly

with my son, was very appealing to me and kept me motivated,”

she says.

maddox says she truly has “peak experiences” when she

climbs, although putting into words how memorable they are

can be difficult. “Climbing sets a definite goal for the entire year’s

workouts; it allows an opportunity to see some of God’s creation

that I would never be able to see any other way; it gives me an

amazing sense of accomplishment when I can get up and down

the mountain; it lets me know, because of the toughness of it,

that I am more than blessed to be able to do it; it is revealing that

my age and the condition of my body are not going to allow this

activity, at this level, for a great many more years so it needs to be

done now,” she says.

She admits that climbing a fourteeneer can be humbling, as

well. “I do have to have some help in these climbs. That used to

gall me but now I am over that and sometimes beg for some help

over a difficult spot. I have never had to be carried, however, so at

least I am on my own two feet!”

maddox believes that her devotion to fitness has helped her

bounce back from injuries and surgeries during her adult life.

To her peers, she strongly recommends several books written by

Dr. Henry lodge and Chris Crowley (the book specifically for

women is entitled Younger Next Year for Women: live Strong,

Fit and Sexy Until You’re 80 and Beyond) that gives easy ways in

which diet, exercise, staying involved with friends and family and

simply moving all contribute to a feeling of youthfulness.

“I hope that the young women attending Salem today will come

to realize that having balance in one’s life – including time for

physical fitnesss -- really does make for happiness in oneself and

later in one’s overall family situation,” maddox comments. “as

these women become older and have more people in their lives

who are important to them, it is really important to set a rou-

tine that lets everyone know that you are going to have time for


Susan Maddox C'65 Enjoys Peak Experiences

Page 26: Salem College Magazine 2010

Memories of a “Roadrunner”: Mary Ann Paschal Parrish A’37, C’41

24 • Magazine 2010

Page 27: Salem College Magazine 2010

mary ann Paschal Parrish a’37

C’41 of Winston-Salem says a recent

fall has slowed her down, but her strong

handshake, sparkling eyes and animated

conversation belie any drastic curtailing

of activity. In fact, at the age of 89 (she’ll

be 90 in January), Parrish still goes into

her office regularly. and she still collects

roadrunners given to her by people who

were amazed by her fast pace.

as one of the first women in the

Southeast to own her own real-estate

firm – once Helms-Parrish Properties,

now part of Prudential Carolinas Realty

– Parrish didn’t originally see herself as a

business leader. Born on West end Boule-

vard in Winston-Salem, she had an idyllic

upbringing before, in her words, she was

“whisked away without parental notifica-

tion” to Salem academy. She grew to love

her time there, although she calls herself

“a spasmodic honor student depending on

my social schedule.”

Parrish next became a day student at

Salem College, graduating with a major

in history and a minor in psychology, and

credits her Salem teachers and coaches

with “helping equip me to tackle life.”

Four new graduates of Salem, Parrish

among them, were given the privilege

of going to business school at Salem in

the morning and then having on-the-job

training in the afternoon at R.J. Reynolds

Tobacco Co. When they finished the

course at Salem, they were hired full-time

at the company.

Her real interest – running her

father’s glass and mirror company – was

denied her, however. as she writes in her

memoirs, Parrish followed the dictates

of the times and, more specifically, her

father. although his company fascinated

her, he would never countenance a

daughter running the family business.

In 1948, mary ann married

Fred Parrish and they settled down in

Winston-Salem, she to focus on being a

mother and volunteer, Fred to practice

law and dabble in politics. They had

two daughters, ann and louise, and life

stayed busy but within its prescribed

boundaries until 1965. That is when

Fred Parrish died, age 47, of a brain

tumor, and his widow was left alone

with two children. It was, she says, the

“turning point of my life.”

Thanks to friend Henry Nading,

who was president of the N.C. Board

of Realtors, Parrish was invited to come

observe his real-estate practice for six

months and to study for her realtor’s li-

cense. She proved herself to be a natural

at bringing buyers and sellers together,

and she quickly was a force to reckon

with in area real estate, renowned for

holding parties for current and prospec-

tive clients and doing the “road-run-

ning” necessary to keep a business going.

When Parrish ran into fellow realtor

Robert Helms one day at Camel City

laundry, the talk – as always – turned to

business, and resulted in the formation

of Helms-Parrish Properties in 1974.

Helms-Parrish operated independently

for 12 years and amassed quite a track

record in real estate. In 1986, the two

partners agreed to be bought by merrill

lynch Realty, a deal that Parrish said was

extremely positive. “We helped them

come into this local market, and they

appreciated us,” she says. “It was an op-

portunity for growth and a lot of fun.”

In 1991, Helms-Parrish became

part of the much larger Prudential Caro-

SaleM College • 25

linas Realty, and Parrish and Helms

went their separate ways.

While Parrish believes women have

come a long way in the business world,

“We’re not completely there yet.” She

points out that she believed it was to

her long-term advantage to agree that

“Helms” came before “Parrish” in the

company name. ‘We knew we were

an unusual match because we were a

man-woman team, but we worked well

together. We balanced things out. It was

one of the happiest periods of my life.”

Parrish believes that while she was

a trailblazer in business – and probably

would have amazed her own father, had

he lived to see it – the secret was that “I

worked at my passion, still do.”

Today that also means working

hard on her memoir, entitled Parrish the

Thought (Salem plans to hold a book-

signing for her when it is published

early this year, with proceeds to go to

Salem and the m.S. Society). The book

is dedicated to Parrish’s family and in

memory of her firstborn (also a real-

tor), ann Paschal Parrish Griffen, who

battled m.S. and eventually died from

pancreatic cancer in 2005.

While her “roadrunner” days may

be temporarily curtailed, Parrish now

says she’s happy to be mentally “road-

running” through her memories and

photographs. “What got me going on

the writing was finding a photograph

of myself at the age of two, sitting in

a baby chair and clutching a pen. I

felt like I should use that pen now to

write about what’s new and what’s old,

besides me.”

Page 28: Salem College Magazine 2010

26 • Magazine 2010

Karen Hobbs Isner C'74 has had a front-row seat to

one of pro tennis’ most amazing stories.

Her son John Isner, who gained

international acclaim after his victory in the

longest tennis match in history (11 hours

over three days), is a Greensboro native

and a graduate of Page High School.

He’s also very close to his mother,

whom he talks with on the telephone every

day regardless of where he is on the pro

circuit around the world.

“I try not to give my opinion about any-

thing regarding tennis,” she said. “I do know more

about the game than most people probably think I do, but we

talk about everything else, which I think keeps him grounded. We

talk about what we had for dinner, how the rest of the family is

doing and of course he wants to know how our dog is doing. He

loves our dog.”

John Isner, an all-america during his four-year career at the

University of Georgia, was already turning heads in the tennis

world before his historic match at Wimbledon. Currently ranked

No. 18 in the world, he is the second tallest player in profes-

sional tennis, at 6 feet 9 inches tall. With his victory over France’s

Nicolas mahut at Wimbledon, Isner was suddenly vaulted onto

the world stage.

For Karen Isner, a psychology major at Salem, the ride that

John is taking her family on at times seems surreal. “He lives in a

very unique world right now, there’s no question about that,” she

said. “Not many of the other players come from an average back-

ground like we do. It’s hard for me to believe sometimes what his

life is like right now. It is so exciting and of course I’m very proud

of him.

She added, “It is still strange for me to see crowds gather

around him seeking autographs, at the U.S. Open for example,

because he’s still ‘our John.’ Since Wimbledon, it’s been even

more amazing, seeing him on David letterman and throwing the

first pitch at a major league baseball game.”

Isner met her husband, Bob, through a family cousin, when

Karen was at Salem and Bob was at Davidson College. He later

went to graduate school at N.C. State, and after an early work-

related move to Columbia, S.C., the couple returned home to

Greensboro to raise their three sons. Karen is a realtor, but also

assists Bob with their business, Greensboro Contracting Corp.

In fact, Greensboro Contracting, through its llC, marshall

Townhomes, is developing condominiums near Old Salem.

“Working on the townhome project in Old Salem has

brought back a lot of good memories,” Isner said. “It’s been so

rewarding to work with the various Old Salem groups to make

this project right. I’ve come full circle. It’s been fun being back on

campus and seeing how beautiful it is.”

“Small schools are not for

everyone, but are the right

fit for some, including

me,” she said. “I

think it comes

down to what

type of

student you

are and

what best


you. Small


where you

can get to

know and

interact with

the professors,

are a better fit for

many students. at

small schools you can

delve deeper into the subject

matter because you have that per-

sonal interaction.

One of her fondest was being in a religion class taught by the

late Chaplain Clark Thompson. “Clark Thompson, my favorite

professor, had that type of class,” Isner commented. “He chal-

lenged you, he made you think deeply.”

Karen Hobbs Isner C’74 Proud Mother

Page 29: Salem College Magazine 2010

Alumnae Reconnect with Exchange Student Over the Miles across thousands of miles and a

number of years, an exchange student

from Chile has never forgotten her time at

Salem (1964-65). In fact, erika Vohringer

C'59 says her arrival at the College was a

moment that is “printed as with fire in my


“I arrived on a Saturday afternoon

by Greyhound bus which left me near the

Post Office, and a group of Salem juniors

was waiting for me,” Vohringer recalls. “I

gathered they were surprised at seeing me

well-dressed and wearing a hat, because

they had never before heard about Chile

and maybe they thought I might come

with feathers ... They were also surprised

that I could speak english fluently. That´s

because I was majoring in english and

music at the university in Chile.”

Vohringer settled into Strong Resi-

dence Hall, making friends and entertain-

ing classmates with the accordion that she

had brought with her. She describes her

time at Salem as “a year of excitement,

much learning, many discoveries in every

sense ( about) my classmates’ way of living,

their values, their outbursting creativity

and in their intense care, respect and love

towards one another and towards me.”

after leaving Salem, Vohringer mar-

ried, raised six children and built a home

on the outskirts of Santiago, Chile, where

she had a music room. She instilled the

love of music in her family, sending all of

her children to study music from the time

they were small; indeed one child is today

a piano teacher (the others are a lawyer, a

doctor, an engineer, a teacher of literature

and aesthetics and a physical education


“as soon as my youngest child went

to school I went back to music which I

had left somewhat aside,” Vohringer says.

She restarted her career as piano accom-

panist, receiving some prizes in her field

and being invited to accompany singers in

many countries of the world. She won best

accompanist at the International Singing

Contest in Rio de Janeiro in 1986. “after

that I was invited to play in Washington,

at the OaS, South africa, england, Ger-

many and argentina. I also have been a

teacher of piano at the University until last

year,” she explains.

Today Vohringer describes herself as

the “matrona” of her large family, which

includes 22 grandchildren. “I take care

of family affairs and finding occasions to

gather everyone together,” she says.

One of the recent highlights was her

son arturo Fermandois’s appointment as

the ambassador for Chile to the United

States, resulting in Vohringer’s travel to the

induction ceremony with her family and

meeting President Obama.

Vohringer had not been in touch

with Salem until 2008, when she received

a College magazine and began to cor-

respond with classmate lucinda Oliver

Denton C’59. Others from the class joined

the email chain, and two were in person

in D.C. to congratulate her on her son’s

prestigious posting.

“During all of this excitement, I had

the wonderful and quite unexpected occa-

sion of ‘re-meeting’ my Salem classmates,

and that very big and important chapter

of my life reappeared with all its meaning

and projections,” Vohringer remarks. “I

heartily thank Salem and every one of the

people I encountered there for being such

a sound part of my background and for

the rich contribution to my self-develop-


She adds, “It is a gift during this

senior and last epoch of my life to feel

again the welcome, warmth and love of my

Salem friends.”

Left to right: President Barack Obama; Carolina Santa Cruz de Fermandois, wife of the ambassador; erika Vohringer de Fermandois; her husband, artuto Fermandois Senior; and the new ambassador for Chile to the U.S., artuto Fermandois Junior.

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congratulate faculty, staff, and students for an accomplishment

or achievement. His gracious smile and accommodating manner

made him welcome everywhere.

When Neal retired from the Board of Trustees, he said that

he had been “walking Salem’s bricks” for 50 years – undoubtedly

true! He was lauded with 50 phrases, to the tune of Paul

Simon’s pop song, “Fifty Ways to leave Your lover.” among the

compliments given to Neal: “. . .never allowing Duke (his alma

mater) to get in the way of his loyalty to Salem . . . eating untold

calories worth of sugar cake and “Hello Dollies” . . . having

experienced Salem from the 1950s through the early 21st century,

but having always kept his eyes on future possibilities and his

heart on past tradition. . . learning all the verses to Salem’s alma

mater. . . bringing entrepreneurial vision and knowledge to long-

range planning . . . and for wearing out at least 25 pairs of good

shoes traversing the campus of Salem academy and College.”

Neal’s devotion to Salem impressed not only his colleagues

on the Board of Trustees but also faculty and staff. The Rt. Rev.

Dr. D. Wayne Burkette, former head of school at the academy

and a current Trustee, remarked that “Bill had the wonderful

ability to see to the heart of a matter under consideration or

discussion. That ability made him a very effective leader and

Board Chair. In addition, his personal warmth and sense of

humor put others at ease and greatly facilitated accomplishing

the work that needed to be done.” He added, “There was never

a doubt that Salem was near and dear to Bill’s heart and always a

priority among his commitments. all of us who care about Salem

owe Bill a lasting debt of gratitude.”

George mcKnight, associate professor of chemistry and

faculty member since 1978, commented that he “appreciated

(Bill’s) optimism, friendliness and warmth, and especially his

equanimity when faced with difficult situations. His efforts on

behalf of Salem academy and College were exceptional and

greatly appreciated by me and, I am sure, by all those associated

with the institution. He will be greatly missed.”

margaret Driscoll Townsend a’81 remembered her years

on the Board under Bill Neal’s leadership as inspiring. “I knew

from the first meeting that I would learn a great deal from his

experience and leadership. He set a wonderful example, and I

always left feeling that I had received much more than I could

tRiBUte to William W. neal iii

Bill Neal, at a recent Gramley dinner in Charlotte, N.C., with his wife, eleanor Walton Neal C'56.

Salem academy and College lost an irreplaceable friend and

steadfast benefactor when former chair of the Board of

Trustees William W. Neal III died on September 11, 2010.

Neal, of Charlotte, N.C., was joined in his devotion to Salem

by his wife, eleanor Walton Neal C’56, and his two daughters,

laura Neal C’83 and Catherine Neal Wilson C’86, who also

was a former teacher at the academy. Salem president Susan e.

Pauly recalled that “Bill was a tremendous devotee of Salem and a

wonderfully kind and generous person. He will be deeply missed.”

Neal, a very successful businessman, left his indelible mark

upon many institutions and organizations. at Salem academy

and College, he co-chaired with his wife the Parents’ Board

and chaired the Board of Visitors prior to chairing the Board of

Trustees. In all his roles at Salem, Neal demonstrated a profound

capacity for understanding and knowledge of the institution and

the people who sustain it. He was always accessible, and his visits

to campus were distinguished by his conversations with people

– faculty, students, staff. He gained knowledge by participating

– whether by attending athletic matches, being a Friend of the

library or a Friend of the School of music – and he wanted

Salem to be the best she could be. He always made an effort to

Page 31: Salem College Magazine 2010

Neal’s daughter

Catherine delivered

poignant and heartfelt

memories of Bill Neal

during his memorial

service. a few of her

thoughts are below:

“my dad was

definitely old school.

Honor. Integrity. Shake

on it and it was as good as

done. You could believe

what he would say to you.

Dad was the closest

person I’ll ever know who

lived his life as truly as

God lays out in the Bible.

SaleM College • 29

ever give Salem. His expertise and wisdom were two things I

could always count on, and appreciate, when we were seeking to

make the best decisions on behalf of Salem. “

Neal’s leadership through example extended outward

from Salem academy and College and into the state of North

Carolina. He served on the boards of numerous Charlotte

organizations, was active in Research Triangle Park-based

organizations for promoting technology, and lent a hand to

many other causes. For 20-plus years, he also served on the board

of HSm Holdings in New York City. a lifelong episcopalian and

member of Christ Church in Charlotte, he served his church as a

tireless volunteer and was for more than 45 years a lay eucharist


The Salem academy and College Board of Trustees passed a

resolution honoring Bill Neal when they met in October 2010.

It said, in part:

ReSOlUTION IN memORY OF William W. Neal III

WHeReaS our colleague and friend William W. Neal III

passed away on September 11, 2010;

WHeReaS Bill served with distinction on the Board of

Trustees of Salem academy and College from 1991-2004 and

as Chair of this Board from 2000-2004; and on the Board of

Visitors of Salem academy and College from 1985-1991 and as

Chair of that Board from 1989-1991;

WHeReaS Bill provided true and sustained generosity to

Salem academy and College through his fundraising support

and leadership gifts, helping to enrich and ensure the financial

health of Salem;

WHeReaS in his exceptional professional achievements

and his significant leadership in public affairs, in his devotion

to family, faith and friends, and his concern for the welfare of

others, he has shown how to live an exemplary life through

integrity, kindness and joy;

NOW, Be IT ReSOlVeD, that the Board of Trustees of

Salem academy and College expresses its sadness at Bill’s passing

and honors his memory for his many contributions to Salem and

for the friendship he shared with so many.

The resolution was signed by President Susan e. Pauly and

Gwynne Stephens Taylor C’72 , chair of the board.

Catherine Neal Wilson C’86, daughter Natalie Wilson and Bill Neal in 2004 at the academy.

He was humble and generous, always the Good Samaritan. He

cared for us as a good shepherd would, guiding my sister and me

through life’s challenges – ever happy to be of service to us and

to others. He opened his heart and home to many, gave his time

and money to benefit others, and worked for the right causes.

He adopted me; gave me love and his wisdom, made all

my wishes come true, not just for me, but for my children and

husband as well. He provided for us and taught us that God will

provide if you follow His will.

Growing up I thought all men would be like him. They

aren’t. Dad was special. Dad was of a breed of men who serve

others before serving themselves.

I’ll miss walking into his office and seeing him, ever vigilant,

doing his tasks at hand, but always greeting me kindly as I barged

in and disturbed him to ask or tell him something. a relative

once remarked how difficult it must be to have a father who was

always working. I never once saw the constant attention to his

work as a detriment because he never let work override his family

life. His door was always open, and we came first.

In closing I would submit to you that “Father” is just a handy

acronym for the virtuous traits of this wonderful man: Friendly,

adoring, Thoughtful, Honest, earnest and Responsible. I would

bet that everyone in this room can identify those adjectives to

describe my father. He will be missed, for certain.”

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30 • Magazine 2010

Reunion 2 0 1 0

1. Betty Gardner lorick C’65, Debby Douglas Sandberg C’65, Jean Olive Snyder Stubbs C’65 and mary Graves edmundson C'65

2. Carolyn Ray Bennett C’60, Susan Pauly, Jean Brooks Ontjes C’60 and Nita Kendrick Williamson C’60.

3. elizabeth Gudger Williamson C’45, lillian Dalton miller C’45, Josephine mclauchlin Crenshaw C’45 and molly Boseman Bailey C’45 at the Golden alumnae Dinner.

4. Jill Starling Britt C’90, mathilde Dumond White C’90 and Cathy Bowers Petraglia C’90.

5. louise adams Ropp C’60, margaret Vardell Sandresky a’38, C’42 and evelyn Vincent Riley C’60 at the Golden alumnae Dinner.

6. lani San antonio C’05, Susan Pauly, mary mcNeely Royal C’05 and Cincia Brooks Kerr C’05.

7. Salem student ambassadors from the classes of 2010 and 2011 with some of the banners they painted for every class having a reunion!

1 2






W e e k e n D

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The following is an excerpt from Taylor’s speech at the 2010

Founders Day.

Recently I read an article by Paula D’arcy, a woman who

experienced great personal tragedy but emerged to inspire others.

She wrote that “Simple lives have great power if we are able to

move past our own desires.”

I immediately thought about Salem’s founders. Our found-

ers (who also included a few good men!) were ordinary people

of great faith who struggled daily to move past their own desires

and fears to accomplish their mission. Salome meurer, one of

the young Sisters who walked with elizabeth Oesterlein to North

Carolina from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in October, 1766 said in

her diary of the walk that they slept in a barn and that “We didn’t

sleep the entire night…We were also very scared.”

Sister Oesterlein was a young woman who left her home and

family in Bethlehem to make the walk to North Carolina. Her

life has had extraordinary power because of her faith and her

willingness to move past her own desires and fears to be part of

something greater. as we know, in 1772 she was asked to teach

four young girls in the town of Salem. She said yes, most likely

because it was important to her community and she understood

the value of her own education. a simple “yes” from

a young woman has led to our sitting here 238 years


“Simple lives have great power if we are able

to move past our own desires.”

The stories that we hear about our founders

… have this subtext – this common theme – the be-

lief that ordinary, everyday lives with their ordinary,

everyday tasks can be part of something greater. To

our founders, as theologian Frederick Buechner has

said, faith was a verb, not a noun. even the simplest

tasks were part of a greater whole. They truly be-

lieved that the simple lives of ordinary people work-

ing together toward a common goal could change

the world.

This legacy, that simple lives have great

power, is lived everyday at Salem in:

The power of one teacher or professor to open the

mind of a student;

The power of one student to show respect and kindness

to another;

The power of one alumna to spread the good news about

Salem academy and Salem College to others;

The power of one visual artist or musician to move an audi-


The power of one thank you or kind word of encouragement

to the people who work long hours on this campus to keep

Salem strong, vibrant and beautiful; and

The power of many gifts working together to help sustain the

work of this institution.

Throughout my career in historic preservation, I have

learned the stories of hundreds of people, but none can compare

with those of our founders. “Simple lives have great power if we

are able to move past our own desires” – and we have only to

look to our founders to prove it.

“Simple Lives Have Great Power” Excerpt from Founders Day SpeechGwynne Stephens Taylor C’72

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Distin�uished Alumna Award


Knapp Watts C'80

the dean of admis-

sions and financial

aid at Salem,

received the an-

nual Distinguished

alumna award during Reunion Weekend


Watts, who grew up in lexington,

Va., graduated summa cum laude from

Salem with a bachelor’s degree in ameri-

can studies and economics. She earned her

malS from Wake Forest University in


after graduating from Salem, Watts

joined the admissions team. In 1983 she

became assistant director of admissions

at UNC Greensboro and was active in

CaCRaO, the professional admissions

organization. She returned to Salem in

1992 as director of admissions, a post she

held for 10 years.

Over the course of her career, Watts

has held other positions at Salem – di-

rector of service learning in 2002-2003,

director of board relations 2003-2005 and

director of development from 2005-2007.

Watts returned to Salem as dean of

admissions and financial aid in may of

2008, her current position. Since then, she

has led the admissions team in recruiting

steadily increasing numbers of incoming

students. The entering class of 2014 is the

the largest since 2003.

Watts is married to Joe Watts and is

the mother of four children, Jack, lee,

Nell and anna Katherine.

Jennifer Hoffman C’10

received the elisabeth Oes-

terlein award – the school’s

highest honor for a mem-

ber of the graduating class

– during the 2010 Founders

Day ceremony.

Hoffman, who was

described by one of her

professors as having “intel-

lectual curiosity, academic

talent, work ethic, integrity,

organizational skills and the

ability to interact with oth-

ers,” was nominated for the

award by faculty, staff and

fellow students.

“doing the tough, thankless work” behind

the scenes, not only at Salem but also in

the community at large. She turned an

internship at the World Camp for Kids

into an incredible experience writing

grants for the organization, working on

their anti-malaria campaign and serving as

an area representative. In 2008 she stayed

in homes in malawi and taught children

in six primary schools about HIV/aIDS,

the under-valuing of girls and the conse-

quences of deforestation in their area. She

spent Jan Term 2010 in Vietnam with a

fellow Salem student, volunteering with an

organization that helps disabled children.

Hoffman hopes to eventually go

to medical school and perhaps work for

Doctors Without Borders or some similar

international agency.

Hoffman Receives 2010 Oesterlein Award

32 • Magazine 2010

The Oesterlein award is named in

honor of Salem’s first teacher when it was

founded as a school for girls in 1772. each

nominee must compete against other truly

outstanding seniors.

Hoffman was an outstanding scholar

who graduated with not only two degrees

but also a minor and with College Honors.

She was characterized as a “quiet leader”

all across the campus during her time at

Salem, participating in everything from

athletics and the arts to the Women in

Science and math program and the Honor

Council. She was an excellent researcher

and a writer who had the ability to

compose in both the language of science

and in prose, and she delivered an honors

presentation on feminist perspectives on

domestic violence during the 2010 Cel-

ebration for academic excellence day.

One of the professors who enthusias-

tically endorsed Hoffman described her as

President Susan e. Pauly congratulates recipient Jennifer Hoffman C’10.

32 • Magazine 2010

Page 35: Salem College Magazine 2010

Salem Le�acies

Sisters mary Barnhardt Isom C’05, Rebecca Barnhardt C’10, Sarah Barnhardt C’08, Christin Barnhardt C’02.

Judy Dearborn, current Fleer Student and daughter ashley Goad C’10mallie Beroth Graham C’60 and son Walter Beroth C’10

SaleM College • 33

Sisters Stephanie Bronson Walters C’07 and Sam Bronson C’10.

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34 • Magazine 2010

Sisters mindy Daniel C’02 and Bobbi Flynn C’09

Sisters leighton Kennedy C’06 and annie Kennedy C’10

mary Graves edmundson C’65 and daughter Virginia edmundson Sutton C’90

Connie Russ Sizemore C’03 and daughter Savannah Sizemore C’12

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Young Alumna Award Ginger Hen-

dricks C’00 was

the recipient of the

2010 Young alumna

award, bestowed

upon her during

the annual Reunion

Weekend celebration.

Hendricks, who grew up in asheboro,

N.C., graduated with a major in communi-

cations and a minor in creative writing from

Salem College. While working on a master’s

degree through the Vermont College of Fine

arts, she also worked part-time for Salem’s

Center for Women Writers.

after getting her master’s, Hendricks

worked at elon University as the assistant to

the dean of cultural and special programs. In

2005, she returned to Salem College as the

director of the Center for Women Writers

and coordinator of cultural events. While at

Salem, she worked to bring in compelling

authors and performers including elizabeth

Gilbert, Geraldine Brooks, Gloria Steinem

and anna lappe as well as begin the Salem

College International literary Festival,

which gives awards for poetry, fiction and

nonfiction every spring.

Hendricks is now the first executive

director of BOOKmaRKS literary Festival

in Winston-Salem, a post she took in late

2009. She also lectures and works on her

own writing, including a novel set in the

South during the 1950s that focuses on

women who are twins. She is active with

the North Carolina Writers Network, where

she has served as treasurer. She married

Heath Combs in July 2010 and they live in


SaleM College • 35

Fran Cartier Creasy C’61, granddaughter Rebekah Grella C’12, daughter elaine Creasy Grella C’85

Katherine elliot C’13 and her mother mary Bryant elliott C’80

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liz Denton Baird C’83, daughter madeline Baird C’10 and lucinda Oliver Denton C’59

laura Barnes Hayworth C’85 and daughter elizabeth Hayworth a’08, C’12

36 • Magazine 2010

Sister Maus Series

Sister maus appears in three books writ-

ten and illustrated by Dr. John Hutton,

art professor at Salem. Hutton’s first book,

entitled Sister Maus: A Small Tale of Sisters

House in Salem and published in 2006, is

based on the early days of Salem academy

and College. The Single Sisters House is

today the site of a living-history museum

as well as administrative offices for Salem,

and Sister maus’s mousehole is in the front

lobby, visited by both children and adults

who love the book about her adventures.

The second book, Christmas Maus: A Sec-

ond Small Tale of Sisters House, published

in 2008, tells the story of Sister maus and

her Christmas celebrations in the town of

Old Salem. The third book, Easter Maus: A

Third Small Tale of Sisters House, published

in 2010, features Sister maus learning to

play the trumpet in order to participate

in the easter Sunrise celebrations from

Historic Bethabara to Old Salem.

To order any or all of the Sister Maus

books, email [email protected]

or to to

maus-books. Request a complete set of three

books for $50 + $12 postage and handling.

Page 39: Salem College Magazine 2010

Roy Davis Jr. of Concord, NC

received the algernon Sydney Sullivan

award from Salem academy and College

during a ceremony held on Founders Day,

april 24, 2010.

The algernon Sydney Sullivan

award was established as a permanent

reminder of the noblest of human

qualities as expressed and followed in the

lives of algernon Sydney Sullivan and

mary mildred Sullivan. It is awarded

in recognition of fine spiritual qualities

that are practically applied to daily living,

and is presented to those exceptional

individuals who meet the award’s

qualifications and characteristics. It is

not presented every year, but in 2010, the

College chose to recognize philanthropist

and longtime Salem supporter Roy Davis

Jr. as the recipient.

Davis, who received his degree

from Davidson College in 1955, is chair

emeritus of S&D Coffee Inc., founded

in 1927 by his father, J. Roy Davis.

Davis junior has been a member of the

Salem College Board of Trustees since

2005. He has been active with a number

of educational, business and charitable

organizations, from the Davidson College

Board of Trustees and the First Charter

Bank Board of Directors to the Cabarrus

County Community Foundation, the

Barium Springs Home for Children and

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Cabarrus

County. He has received a lifetime

achievement award from the Cabarrus

County Chamber of Commerce and is a

life member of the Salvation army.

Davis established the Sue Jones Davis

Scholarship Fund at Salem College to

honor his wife, Sue, who graduated in

1955 and is a former elementary school

teacher. Both Roy and Sue Davis are

members of the Rondthaler Circle at

Salem, which is the institution’s planned-

giving society.

Alumna Service Award Sandy Kelley

Johnson C’70, of

Charlotte, N.C., re-

ceived the alumna

Service award

from Salem during

Reunion Weekend

festivities. Johnson earned her master's

degree from UT-Knoxville; she has owned

her own company specializing in physician

recruitment services as well as directed the

m.S. center at Carolinas medical Center,


Today Johnson works as a volun-

teer in administration and fund-raising

at lakewood Community Development

Corporation in Charlotte. She is active in

other volunteer capacities, as well, from the

myers Park High School Parent Council to

the Teen Health Connection.

Johnson's love of Salem has led her to

spend countless hours recruiting students

and to hold various positions in the alum-

nae association, from president of the alum-

nae board from 2005-2007 to member of

the both the Board of Visitors and Board of

Trustees. She has served as a Friend of the

library and as a member of Salem’s Center

for Women Writers. In Charlotte, she has

been a local alumna admissions represen-

tative, was co-president of the Charlotte

Salem alumnae Club and helped organize

the Gramley dinner in 1996.

Johnson is married to Harry Johnson

and they have a son, Harry.

Davis Receives Sullivan Award

Sue Jones Davis C’55, Roy Davis Jr. and President Susan e. Pauly.

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38 • Magazine 2010

although the

mailbox at

marvin and

linda Scherl’s home

in Germanton, N.C.

displays an american

flag, a truly interna-

tional spirit pervades

the interior. and no

wonder. This has been

the unofficial “home

away from home” for

hundreds of Salem

College’s international

students – particularly

those from Nepal –for

the past four years.

The Scherls know ex-

actly how many queen-

size air mattresses (four, but then realized that post-grad work and studies often meant

there was no time in the students’ schedules for interaction. “We

wanted do to more, which is when we called about Salem’s inter-

national show. We talked to our first student from Nepal while

buying tickets over the phone,” says marvin.

after the show, the Scherls invited that student -- Srijana

Bhattarai C’06 and her younger sister, anjana Bhattarai C’09 –

and a friend to come have dinner at their home. From there was

born a mutual friendship and support group that carries on to

this day.

“We told the students to just call us if they needed anything,

anytime, and within reason we would do it,” linda says, and

call, they did. The Scherls, who began keeping spreadsheets of

activities in 2006, have logged thousands of miles taking students

to and from the airports; housed students (and their siblings and

parents) during graduation weekends; and taken Salem students

on innumerable trips to Wal-mart, Hanes mall and other loca-

inteRnational StUDentS at Home WitH tHe ScHeRlS

enjoying time together with linda and marvin Scherl: (standing, left to right): Shikshya Shrestha C’11, marvin Scherl and Sujana Sujana Rajkarnikar C’11; (seated, left to right): linda Scherl, Trang Hoang C’10, Shringkhala Bajimaya C’10 and Puspanjali Bhatta C’11.

end to end, three girls on each) will fit into their living room.

They have a drawer in their refrigerator specifically for spices

that the students use while cooking; various carved gods from

the Buddhist and Hindu religions occupy spaces of honor on

the bookshelves, placed there by students; and there are myriad

boxes and suitcases in the basement, temporarily left behind for

the summer by students who are traveling or studying elsewhere.

Fifteen flags mounted in one room denote how many counties

marvin and linda have visited, while 34 different flags at another

window pay tribute to the homelands of their visitors.

“We first began meeting international students in town through

International Campus ministries of the Triad, and then with

Friendship Force,” marvin recalls. “We were amazed to learn that

students come to our country to study and never see the inside of

an american home, and we wanted to remedy that situation.”

The Scherls, who have no children of their own, at first

befriended graduate students through Wake Forest University,

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alumnae Remember Scherls’ Support

Rashmi Sharma C’09, who has just started a one-year public

policy program at the Univ. of mass.-Boston and will be applying

to graduate school next year to study development economics,

says, “When I left Nepal, I didn’t know what was waiting for me

here. I came to Salem and had my share of fun times and hard

times. The Scherls were there for me.”

She adds, “They have done things for me, for us all, without

hesitation, no questions asked. I found a place where I could hide,

confide – a home away from home while I was at Salem.”

Prajula mulmi C’09 is in graduate school now at Brown

University in public health; after she receives her master’s degree,

she plans to work with underprivileged children in Nepal. “I have

known the Scherls since I transferred to Salem College in 2006,”

she explains, “and my perception of american culture, love, hap-

piness, responsibilities and life in general has been enriched under

their influence.”

Prajula has fond memories of making momos (a popular

Nepalese delicacy) in the Scherls’ kitchen, along with movie

marathons, supportive conversations and holiday celebrations of

all kinds. She particularly recalls the ways in which the Scherls

broadened her horizons – introducing her to musical theatre;

promoting recycling; and practicing generosity while still being

economical. “my desire to help the underprivileged people of Ne-

pal and of the globe is certainly fueled by people like the Scherls.”

Srijana Bhattarai C’06 was among the very first international

students to encounter the Scherls’ hospitality. “as an international

student, especially as a first-year when you’re new to your sur-

roundings and all of a sudden there are hundreds of things to take

care of, having someone like marvin and linda is a true blessing.”

Bhattarai received her degree in economics from Salem,

worked in Cambridge, mass for a year and graduated from the

Univ. of Connecticut in 2009 with a master’s degree in public

administration. She is heading back to Nepal soon to work in

the development sector there. “Whether you needed a ride to the

airport at 5:00 a.m., or letting them know an hour in advance

that you needed a place to stay, the Scherls have always been there

for us,” she comments.

SaleM College • 39

tions to buy supplies, often footing the bill themselves. Doctors’

appointments off campus? No problem. Ditto for job interviews

or GRe exams or seeing the Tanglewood Festival of lights or

getting ice cream after dinner. The Scherls’ two Honda minivans

were often packed to the brim with students and on the road.

“It got so busy every weekend that when we were involved

with four different classes of students at Salem, we had to begin

designating them as ‘junior weekend,’ ‘senior weekend’ and so

on,” explains marvin. “We’d have some students come Friday

after class and spend the entire weekend here with their friends,

while others would come out for just one meal, or one night.”

House rules all along have been pretty simple: the students cook

and clean up for themselves, and unlike in Nepal – where there

is a well-defined caste system – all visitors are on the same equal

footing. Private discussions remain confidential, and while the

Scherls do not see themselves as parents, they do describe them-

selves as “aunt and uncle or caring grandparents” to the many

students so far from their native countries.

“We listen, we comfort, we rejoice in good news, we talk

about life issues,” linda says, “even to marvin explaining the

dangers of having too many credit cards when you’re a college


Thankfully the Scherls are organized and meticulous about

obligations, so that a spreadsheet kept for Salem’s graduation

ceremonies this past may is a masterpiece of who, what, when

and where. Between may 19 and may 28, the Scherls made 22

trips to the Salem campus and/or downtown; had a total of 152

people passing through their home at some point or another;

and housed a total of 66 people staying overnight during the

10-day period. The largest one-time crowd of 42 congregated in

Germanton on Saturday, may 22, after graduation, to celebrate

with the Class of 2010, and included not only the graduates but

also their families, boyfriends, non-international classmates and

members of Salem’s faculty and staff.

Since fall, the Scherls have been "open" every weekend for

any students who want to visit. They are looking forward to

seeing the Class of 2011 graduate and make an impact upon the


“We like to say that Salem’s international students have been

our ‘daughters of the heart,’ says marvin Scherl. “and that means

they will always be family, no matter how far apart we are.”

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40 • Magazine 2010

linda lyon Turner ’65 has given of her time, talent and

funds to both current students – through her endowed scholar-

ship – and to past students, the Class of ’65, which celebrated

a landmark reunion in 2010.

In early September 2009, Babs Reideler, Jean Olive

Stubbs, Daphne Clark, Julia miley and Turner – all members

of the Class of 1965 – got together to plan their 45th reunion.

Turner as class president and Reidler as giving chair created a

timeline for their team’s financial goals as well as a colorful class

invitation to be sent to classmates, in addition to the packet of

materials provided by Salem’s alumnae Office.

The reunion giving goal they set was pretty daunting:

$100,000 for the class’s 45th reunion Class Gift.

Turner says, “Babs was masterful and relentless in her

pursuit of a seasoned team to help her call and contact all class

members prior to November 1, 2009. She did a wonderful job

calling and following up with classmates and her team.”

It also helped that the class members had been close when

they were in school, and were so enthusiastic about coming

back to the Reunion. according to Turner, “We all wanted

to see each other to renew our friendships. We had a great

turnout at all the reunion

weekend events!"

Obviously many of her

classmates felt as Turner did,

that their best memories of

Salem were of the friendships

that were nourished 45 years

later at the reunion. “Salem

provided a sense of com-

munity and an environment

for young women to achieve

and explore their dreams,”

says Turner. “I was fascinated

by all of our 1965 classmates

who successfully pursued

challenging careers and com-

munity leadership all over the

United States and abroad.”

The Class of 1965 not

turner gives individually and as class of ’65 leader

President Susan e. Pauly accepts the Class of ‘65 gift, courtesy of (left to right) linda lyon Turner, Babs Bodine Reideler and Daphne Dukate Clark.

only reached their financial goal for the class gift, but they also

exceeded it, and were able to present President Pauly with a check

for $148,390 at the Reunion luncheon. This included multi-year

pledges, gifts to any fund or scholarship, endowments, etc. as well as

the annual Fund.

and the class didn’t stop at the Reunion Weekend but kept the

enthusiasm going until the fiscal year ended on June 30, when they

posted a 62 percent class participation rate.

another way in which Turner has personally supported her alma

mater is through the elizabeth Reeves lyon arts management Fund,

which she set up in 1986. This award was established to encourage a

Salem student who is interested in pursuing a career in management

of the arts.

Turner says, “I set this up to honor my mother, a noted N.C.

artist and teacher, who encouraged me to use my business skills in

pursuing an art consulting career which I enjoyed for 25 years.”

She also honored her mother by naming her former Winston-

Salem Gallery eRl Originals (using her mother’s initials). a special

partnership, she says, was working with Salem and Professor Doug

Borwick, head of the arts management program, to mentor Salem art

students for rotations in her gallery.

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a N N U a l F U N D N e W S your gift changes the World for Deserving Salem college Students

SaleM College • 41

During summer 2010, President

Susan e. Pauly worked on a project she

called "15 for 15," asking trustees to give

her 15 minutes of their time so that she

could share with them 15 dreams for


The results of those requests are still

coming in, but so far the response has

been extraordinary.

Gifts from alumnae, students,

parents and friends to the Salem annual

Fund support scholarships, campus

improvements, faculty resources and other

student-centered initiatives that are not

covered by tuition alone. These generous

contributions allowed Salem academy and

College to reach its fiscal year 2009-2010

annual Fund goal. Salem College alumnae

giving was 87 percent of total annual

Fund gifts to the College.

a gift to the annual Fund is a perfect

way to pay tribute to family, friends

or faculty members who had a strong

influence in your education. It is an ideal

way to celebrate a personal milestone such

as a child or grandchild’s birth, honor a

fellow classmate, or acknowledge a key

event in your own life. a gift may also be

made in remembrance of a special person

in your life. These gifts are listed in the

annual Honor Roll of Donors (see insert).

Gifts of any amount can help raise

the participation percentages that are

so important when foundations and

businesses consider supporting Salem.

These organizations want to know that the

people most involved with the institution

are supportive of its mission.

The annual Fund continues

to support academic excellence,

beloved traditions and unlimited

opportunities for students. as one

of our Salem alumnae said, “after

becoming a Salem woman, you see

the world with different eyes and the

possibilities in all things.”

Thank you for changing the

world for deserving Salem College


among the gifts and

commitments (which

are above and beyond

the Board's gifts to the

annual fund) are these, all

benefiting some aspect of

College and/or academy


Funding academy

Purchase of two GPS systems for the


Funding for free evening stress-reduction

classes for College students

Funds for a College tutoring program in

mathematics and science

Funding for Jan Term international


a trustee challenge grant that provides a

$500 match for every trustee gift of $500

or more

academy faculty development recognizing

outstanding teaching

Purchase staff equipment for the academy

The academy advisor/advisee fund

Gifts to launch the new historic

preservation certificate program

in the fall

trustees Support academy and college Dreams

faculty leading workshops and sharing

their teaching expertise

Funding to support new required

service-learning courses at the College,

including a January travel course

Funding for new faculty/student

summer research grants that provide

financial stipends to the College faculty

and student researchers

2009-2010 Board of Trustees with President Susan e. Pauly

Page 44: Salem College Magazine 2010

Leadership Institute in Nashville a group of faculty and staff attended

the Greater expectations Institute on

leadership to make excellence Inclusive,

sponsored by the association of american

Colleges and Universities (aaCU). Salem

is one of 20 institutions of higher learning

invited to participate.

During the five-day institute, which

was held at Vanderbilt University from

June 15-19, Salem’s team focused on the

Salem Signature general education pro-

gram and the ways in which that program

increases the inclusion, engagement and

high achievement of all Salem students,

especially those who are historically under-


members of the Salem team were Dr.

Gary ljungquist, director of Salem Signa-

ture; Dr. Jo Dulan, director of the College

Honors program; Heidi echols Godfrey,

director of the Center for Teaching excel-

lence and Innovation; Krispin Barr, dean

of students; and Dr. Robin loflin Smith,

dean of undergraduate studies.

as a result of the institute, the group

is forming a task force on inclusive excel-

lence at Salem College. according to

Godfrey, “Our project is part of a larger

effort to make our campus more inclusive.

The taskforce will focus on enhancing the

comprehensive first year experience.”

ljungquist commented, “Nationally

known experts provided guidance and

feedback as we created an action plan for

the first-year experience.”

The aaCU is the leading national

association concerned with the quality,

vitality and public standing of undergradu-

ate liberal education.

Pat Rather Retreat

42 • Magazine 2010

S�otli��t onleaDeRSHip

The Pat Rather leadership Retreat is held annually and brings together Salem's alumnae Board and student leaders for two days of sharing and planning for the year ahead. This year's retreat was held on Salem's campus and included a spirited scavenger hunt (photo above left)! alumnae Board member Joanne Winecoff Wells C'88 comments, "This is a wonderful opportunity for Salem women across several generations to discuss ideas and bond over our Salem sisterhood." The retreat is named in honor of Pat Greene Rather C'57 and funded by her husband Dan Rather of atlanta.

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SaleM College • 43

This past spring, Salem College received a grant in the

amount of $14,730 from a federally-funded college access

grant administered by North Carolina Independent Colleges &

Universities (NCICU) for an innovative program entitled the

Salem leadership Connection.

Salem leadership Connection provided first-generation

and low-income girls in the Triad, as well as girls from diverse

types of backgrounds, with information that would compel

them to consider attending college because the presenters were

young women close to them in age and from similar diverse


anthony locklear, director of College access programs

at NCICU, said 18 private colleges and universities in the

state out of 22 who applied received the funding; Salem was

the only institution in Winston-Salem to receive a grant. The

funds were distributed to independent colleges to help build a

network throughout the state of ways to improve college access

for key groups, he added.

Salem’s program operated during spring semester 2010 both

on- and off-campus. Sixteen students at Salem were trained as

facilitators; they visited 16 girls’ organizations in the area and

helped organize a leadership training workshop on campus in

the spring.

Krispin Barr, dean of students at Salem, said the benefits for

both Salem students and the young people with whom they

interacted were very positive. “This program provided yet another

opportunity for Salem women to enhance their own leadership

skills and learn new ways of communicating,” she said.

The Salem leadership Connection was designed by the Dean

of Students’ Office, the Office of admissions and Financial aid

and the Office of Undergraduate education at Salem, and was

facilitated by esther Gonzalez, Salem’s director of career develop-

ment, internships and international student services.

Salem students, faculty and staff were also involved in the

spring on-campus leadership training program, which featured

Ronda zelezny-green C’05 as the keynote speaker. She is coordi-

nator of multicultural services and youth leadership programs at

Pine manor College in Chestnut Hill, ma.

While the grant funded the Salem leadership Connection

only through spring 2010 – providing a graduate assistant for the

program, food and lodging for the overnight retreat, materials and

a stipend for the facilitators – Gonzalez says that plans are already

underway to continue the Connection program during the aca-

demic year 2010-2011. Salem representatives also presented the

program at a statewide conference in September.

Leadership Connection Program at Salem

among the Salem students chosen to be part of the Salem leadership Connection were (front) Saidy Garcia C'13, ana-alicia Farrar C'12 , Britney lowery C'13; (back) Christina Johnson C'13 and Faith Thomas C'12.

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44 • Magazine 2010

We frequently talk about how women’s colleges

– and particularly Salem – develop future leaders. We decided to check in on some of our alumnae to see how the leadership skills they gained at Salem have helped them in their adult lives. We were truly inspired by what they had to say! Here are excerpts from their personal stories.

molly leight c’67member, Winston-Salem city council

Leight earned a bachelor’s degree in biology

while at Salem College, and is serving her

second term on the City Council.

leight retired from Wake Forest

University Baptist medical Center Bow-

man Gray School of medicine and has

been a member of the Winston-Salem City

Council since 2005. among her com-

munity/civic involvements: vice chair of

the City Council’s finance committee and

the community development/ housing/

general government committee; member

of the emergency management advisory

Board; member and Past President of the

Salem Produces Leaders

laila muhammad C'03, Currently morning and Noon anchor at WTKR News Channel, Norfolk Va.

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SaleM College • 45

Winston-Salem Neighborhood alliance;

Board member Rebuilding Together of

Forsyth County; Chairman of Old Salem

landscape Restoration Committee; and

past member of Steering Committee of

Operation Impact.

I believe that being a student at Salem

with women in all the leadership roles

gave us not only a “can do” but a “will

do” model. Of course, it helped to be a

member of the class of ‘67, one of the

most creative and confident classes ever to

attend Salem.

I am in politics but am not a politi-

cian! I prefer to call myself an advocate

for individual rights and for the collective

good of people. Perhaps what we need to

learn during college and beyond is that our

strength comes from working together and

not from grasping for personal power.

Staci lewis c’02policy analyst at the consortium for

ocean leadership, Washington, D.c.

Lewis earned her bachelor’s degree in biology

from Salem and minored in chemistry. She

received a master of science degree in envi-

ronmental science and policy in 2009 from

George Mason University.

Before I chose Salem College, I had

planned to attend an Ivy league school

and work in medicine. In fact, when Salem

first contacted me, I had already made the

final cut at Harvard and Georgetown, a

first for my high school. But Salem won

me over. I felt most supported by Salem

and even my guidance counselor recog-

nized Salem was a great fit for me.

… at Salem students are really

encouraged to get involved on campus, so

I knew I’d have a chance to stand out. In

addition to being class president and Fall

Fest chair and taking a full course load, I

pursued a nursing assistant certification off

campus. Through my clinical experiences

I decided the medical career I had planned

for so long was not really how I wanted to

spend my life.

…For January Term of 2002, I

became intrigued by a marine biology

program Salem was offering in Barbados.

Having already invested so much person-

ally and financially in the mCaT and

medical school applications, I was at a

loss on how to fund the Barbados trip. I

met with the president of Salem and was

able to get a scholarship so I could go.

That January Term ignited my passion for

marine biology.

… In June of this year, I was asked to

join an aquarius mission (http://aquarius. to continue my research on

a coral-eating organism, the fireworm. I

actually first studied the fireworm during

January Term in Barbados. Salem al-

lowed me to pursue this research project

throughout my senior year. Two years after

I graduated, I received a Fulbright Fellow-

ship to continue the research I started at

Salem. after the Fulbright experience, I

continued my research on the fireworm in

graduate school. That January Term proj-

ect has turned into a life-long pursuit of

coral reef ecology research. I was honored

to be a part of the mission in June and

thank Salem for supporting my dream to

become a marine biologist.

janet l. “lucy” Rose c’76president, lucy Rose and associates llc,

Roseland, Va

Rose earned a B.S. degree in biology from

Salem College and an MBA from Averett

College.In addition, she graduated from the

Wake Forest University Physician Assistant

Program as a board-certified Physician As-


I chose Salem because it was a

women’s college and because I believed a

women’s college experience could help me

develop leadership skills. I jumped imme-

diately into leadership opportunities when

I was elected freshman class president.

…Salem not only supported your

voice, but also gave you a community in

which to develop the full richness of it

--- to make change, to dictate movement,

to challenge ‘but this is how we’ve always

done it’ thoughts. … most important, (we

had) daily opportunities to listen, to learn

from faculty mentors (many of whom were

women), opportunities to mentor younger

women students and help them grow. To

flourish in a safe environment (and learn

Page 48: Salem College Magazine 2010

46 • Magazine 2010

how to create one) and make mistakes

while learning. To know you can create

any vision at all, and if you have the

perseverance to do it, and can energize

friends around you to buy into the vi-

sion, can make it happen.

… I am 100 percent certain that

my Salem experience was critical in

any success I may have had in life, both

personally and as a leader. Salem, like

many other colleges today, is focusing

upon leadership training and special

programs for young women. … I think

young leaders need a global focus. They

need to spend time abroad understanding

our world beyond what they see and hear

in the press. They need to understand

people and needs around our world.

… leadership is also about people.

It is really important to stay in touch

with people, not just through social

media – to really get to know those you

work with and want to lead. You can’t

inspire people to follow unless you create

trust, show you care …I really believe in

networking and supporting other leaders.

keesa Schreane c’97Vice president of global markets, equi-

ties and structured products marketing

Bank of america merrill lynch

Schreane’s degree from Salem is in commu-

nication and business administration. She

went on to earn a master of arts degree from

New York Universisty in 2000 in journal-

ism and French studies.

I learned leadership by example from

my parents and I chose Salem because I

wanted to be surrounded by others who

were inspired to wear success well and

be strong leaders – ones who made a

difference. Salem has a diverse popula-

tion and we are all linked by our zeal,

curiosity and desire to constantly improve

ourselves and our world. It is intellectu-

ally rigorous!

One of the most inspiring op-

portunities for me was the professional

mentor I had through a Salem leadership

program. I developed a personal and

professional relationship with her that

continues to this day. Her words and

example taught me that being a leader is

so much more than what you do in your


Through the Salem Signature I

began to develop my personal brand of

volunteerism when Salem helped me de-

sign my own community service program

in a local nursing home.

I came to Salem with a skill and pas-

sion for writing and communications. I

left knowing how to develop transferable

skills that would springboard me into

new areas and empower my ultimate goal

– to make a lasting difference.

I went on from Salem to receive my

master’s at NYU and worked in senior

marketing positions for large Wall Street

firms. For several years I have volunteered

providing financial literacy and empower-

ment strategies to lower-income families.

Following this passion, along with my

love for communications and finance,

allows me to have tremendous opportu-

nities in my career and personal life, in-

cluding writing guest financial columns

for Latina and Essence magazines and

being a speaker and honoree at the 2010

Dress for Success “Woman of Power”


Susan lundeen Smith c’72 Vice president, SmithBarney atlanta,

consulting group; financial advisor,

financial planning Specialist

Smith received her bachelor’s degree in his-

tory and English.

During our time at Salem, the

sophomore class was in charge of the

Christmas Banquet. I was asked to be in

charge of it, and I’d never been in charge

of anything. my feelings were hurt when

my roommate and best friend did not

offer to help me and then she left to go

home early and did not even stay for my

big event. The early part of the second

semester was a bit tense in our room. at

some point, some small event set off an

argument that ended with bigger accusa-

tions, like me saying, “You did not offer

to help me and you did not stay for what

was really a big deal to me.” Then she

responded in an equally distressed fash-

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SaleM College • 47

ion, “You did not even ask me to help

on the Christmas Banquet.” Well, that

argument cleared the air and ended with

both of us in tears and happy to get our

best friend back. So, from this, I learned

that it is a leader’s responsibility to reach

out for help and to encourage people to

get involved. I have never forgotten that


… There is absolutely no question in

my mind that the women’s college experi-

ence helped me to see myself as a leader,

and that gave me the self confidence to

take the numerous steps that led me to

where I am today. … The self confidence

and leadership skills that I started to

develop at Salem prepared me for the

ever changing real world, whether I was

working on a business plan or a commu-

nity service project.

…However, I now feel that what

Salem did for me in 1972 pales in com-

parison to what Salem did for my daugh-

ter who graduated in 2008. Probably the

biggest contribution to my daughter’s

development was her “connections”

with her professors and her internship

experiences. Susan Jr. (C’08) was lucky

enough to participate in three intern-

ships during her Jan Terms. She worked

at CBS in New York City on the Sunday

morning Show, at Pink magazine and

at the atlanta Business Chronicle. With

this in mind, I would also encourage all

alumnae to look hard at the company

you work for aND also take a hard look

at any community project or organiza-

tion you are involved with. Could the

company or civic organization use help

on a project during January?

Christin Barnhardt C-02, Currently Director of music ministries at St. Timothy's episcopal Church in Winston-Salem, NC.

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48 • Magazine 2010

Salem Launches Women’s Leadership Program with Key Funding from BB&T Salem launched its new Women's

leadership Program in the fall of 2010.

Branch Banking & Trust (BB&T) is

the lead sponsor of this initiative, provid-

ing $250,000 over the next five years to

fund the program.

Initial components of the Women’s

leadership Program will include an annual

retreat for each class focusing on leader-

ship skills, as well as activities throughout

the year related to women’s leadership.

In addition, a company specializing in

leadership training will provide annual

workshops for students that focus on key

leadership components such as negotiating

skills, team-building and growing com-

munity through understanding cultural


“This gift inaugurates our formal

Women’s leadership Program, the core

component of our vision for a holistic

wellness program at Salem,” said President

Susan e. Pauly. “We are extremely grateful

to BB&T for believing in the vision and

making it possible to launch a program

that will enrich our students’ experience

while they are at Salem and throughout

their careers.”

Ronda Zelezny-green c’05coordinator of multicultural services and

youth leadership programs, pine manor


Zelezny-Green graduated from Salem with

a bachelor of arts in Spanish and philosophy.

She is working on dual master degrees at the

Univ. of Mass. Boston, one in instructional

design and one in applied linguistics.

attending Salem College was literally

the start of my leadership journey. al-

though I had been a member of a number

of clubs in high school, I held no leader-

ship positions. During my time at Salem

I was the president of two organizations,

vice president of one organization, and the

social chair for another organization!

… I participated in the Salem Wom-

en’s leadership Connection and was able

to attend leadership workshops and meet

with women leaders from all backgrounds.

Salem helped me become confident in

leading others by working collaboratively

and made me believe in my capability to

inspire others. Through my leadership ef-

forts with others I was even able to bring a

presidential candidate to speak on campus.

This experience with leadership was the

most important gift I took away from my

time at Salem. Had I gone to a larger or

even a co-educational college or university,

I doubt that I would have excelled as

much as I did in the area of leadership.

… I believe that young women

today need to be excellent listeners, be

able to work well in teams, have patience,

and be open-minded. as globalization

continues to unite all corners of the

globe, young women will come into con-

tact with people who are very different

than themselves. Being able to listen to

the thoughts and opinions of others and

to work collaboratively with these people

when necessary is of the utmost impor-

tance. Patience is more than a virtue - it

can mean the difference between getting

a task done wonderfully and correctly

and merely doing enough to keep up

appearances. The american tendency to

rush at work and get results has always

proved disastrous (e.g. the Deepwater

Horizon Gulf of mexico disaster) and in

this era of working with people from a

variety of cultures where time is not al-

ways a pressing concern, slow and steady

will win the proverbial race.

… Young women should never be

afraid to ask for help when they need it!

Far too often it seems that people, espe-

cially americans, take on more respon-

sibilities than what they can reasonably

handle alone. It is seen as being weak

to ask for help but grappling with the

burden of a lot of work alone really only

makes one weaker in the end by draining

energy and usurping their time. Col-

laboration is my secret to success in the

field of leadership and the recipe works

wonders every time!

Page 51: Salem College Magazine 2010


Susan E. Pauly PresidentAnn McElaney-Johnson Dean of the College, Vice President for Academic and Student AffairsVicki Williams Sheppard C’82 Vice President of Institutional Advancement

Office of Alumnae Relations Karla gort C’00, Director Rosanna mallon, Assistant Director

Published by the Office of Communications and Public Relations Jacqueline mcBride, Director ellen Schuette, Associate Director Contributing Writers: Rachel Barron, ellen Schuette Designer: Carrie Pritchard Dickey C’00 Photography: Alan Calhoun, Allen Aycock, elise laViolette C’10, Nick grancharoff, mission House Creative and Chris Hildreth, Carrie Pritchard Dickey C’00

The Salem College Alumnae magazine is published by Salem College, 601 S. Church Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101.

This publication is mailed to alumnae, faculty, staff, parents and friends of Salem.

Salem College welcomes qualified students regardless of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, religion or disability to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities of this institution.

For additional information about any programs or events mentioned in this publications, please write, call, email or visit: Salem College office of Alumnae Relations 601 South Church Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 336/721-2608 email: [email protected] Website:

Follow us on: Facebook

leadership is the theme of a special section in this edition of

our College magazine. I hope you are inspired and amazed by

the leadership programs underway on campus and by the stories

of a few of the many Salem alumnae who embody the word


It is my privilege and responsibility as president to help lead

the College into the future. This calls for a clear understanding

of our past accomplishments and challenges, carefully formulat-

ed goals for the future and a sense of purpose shared by all of us – faculty, staff, students,

alumnae and the community.

In 2008 we completed a strategic plan (available on our website at

designed to take us through 2013. Numerous initiatives have resulted that have enhanced

the living and learning environment for our students. We have renovated gramley li-

brary, remodeled classrooms across campus, migrated to a wireless environment, updated

technology in classrooms, revised the core curriculum, added new majors and minors

and launched a new, holistic women’s wellness program. As this academic year begins,

our 2010-11 initiatives are underway with several goals already completed. The beauti-

ful three-tiered iron fountain behind main Hall first constructed in the 1860s has been

restored, additional classrooms have been updated in main Hall and expanded wellness

initiatives include morning yoga on Salem Square, evening relaxation classes and a hydra-

tion station that utilizes herbs from our organic gardens. In addition, this spring we will

launch an NCAA Division III varsity softball program.

one of our strategic goals has been to continually increase academic distinction;

thanks to the generosity of donors, we are delighted to report that we will offer new fully

funded, selective international internships for our students this year. We are also plan-

ning our first international service-learning course, and thanks to an extraordinary grant

of $250,000.00 from BB&T, we launched a women’s leadership program this year that

includes professional workshops in communication and negotiation skills. Truly this is

a wonderful time for students, with more opportunities than ever to grow intellectually

and personally at Salem!

Finally, our plan calls for increasing fiscal strength each year through growing enroll-

ment and engaging in strategic financial planning. I am delighted to report that like last

year, this fall enrollment was again up in all three of our populations – graduate students,

adults and new traditional students. We also plan to build on the success of last year’s an-

nual campaign and with the help of our community achieve our goal of $1.4 million by

June 30, 2011.

This is a year to celebrate many successful initiatives at Salem, and as always you are

a vital part of that success! Please enjoy this magazine as well as other communications

you’ll receive during the year from Salem College, and continue to contact us with ideas,

suggestions, opinions and proposals. We welcome your involvement and are grateful for

your support as we continue this 239th year of academic excellence at Salem.

A Messa�e �rom the President

Salem College is proud of its roster of annual cultural

events open to the public. most are free; all are thought-

provoking and/or enjoyable, inspiring, informational and


To be placed on the email list for information on future

events, please contact [email protected]. Also, check the

website and Facebook frequently for updates.

Here are just a few of the events planned for winter/spring


JANUARy 21-24: Alban elvéd Dance Company residency

and performances

FeBRUARy 4: ScottCares Foundation Step Program

FeBRUARy 15 AND 16: Women and Publishing Symposium,

Co-sponsored by Center for Women Writers and Wake

Forest University

FeBRUARy 18: opening Receptions for Scott Sanders’

Photography and the Between Time & Space exhibitions

mARCH 10-12: Salem Pierrettes Present

The Drowsy Chaperone

mARCH 30: Writer and Salem Alumna marianne Buie

gingher C’69

APRIl 1: lister-Sink and Friends Play liszt and Friends

mAy 3: Celebrating Salem Writers

mAy 10: Spring Dance Concert

Cultural Events Spring 2011

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e 2010

Salem Shines in ... ... Exciting New Programs, page 5

... Teaching Women to Lead, page 42

Tribute to former board chair William W. Neal III, page 28

The circa 1857-1864 Wood & Perot cast iron fountain located behind Main Hall has been restored and is once again operational. The refurbishment was undertaken by Salem’s physical plant employ-ees and accomplished with funds from an upper pleasure grounds endowment. Over the past 150 years this fountain has gone through numerous transformations. Today, this fountain and beautiful land-scape is again the source of pleasure to our community and friends.

SAlems a l e m c o l l e g e m a g a z i n e 2 0 1 0