sainte-foy-tarentaise, france essential facts - … · sainte-foy-tarentaise, france. ... food and...

Essential Facts Sainte-Foy is a charming Tarentaise village At 1550m with skiing to 2620m A raw and exciting ski area with unlimited off-piste skiing 30 minutes to Val d’Isère and Les Arcs Ski over to Italy on La Rosière’s 150km of sunny slopes Just 90mins from Chambery airport 2 hours 30mins from Geneva Some attractive villages for summer life Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise, France

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Page 1: Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise, France Essential Facts - … · Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise, France. ... food and a peaceful, rural location in Le Miroir. As one ... than number of lifts or km of

Essential Facts• Sainte-Foy is a charming Tarentaise village

• At 1550m with skiing to 2620m

• A raw and exciting ski area with unlimited off-pisteskiing

• 30 minutes to Val d’Isère and Les Arcs

• Ski over to Italy on La Rosière’s 150km of sunnyslopes

• Just90minsfromChamberyairport

• 2 hours 30mins from Geneva

• Some attractive villages for summer life

Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise, France

Page 2: Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise, France Essential Facts - … · Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise, France. ... food and a peaceful, rural location in Le Miroir. As one ... than number of lifts or km of

Resort InformationSainte Foy is a village midway between Bourg St Maurice and Tignes but 4km above the village at 1550m is Ste-Foy Station. The ski “station” of Sainte-Foyisacompleteskiresortinminiaturewithachoiceofbars,restaurants,asportsshopandasupermarket.Ste-Foyisahamletwhichopeneditsfirstliftin1991and is still in its infancy.

There has been some development in traditionalchalet style but the centre of the village has retained itsoriginalambience.Thelocalslopesriseto2620mand the chair lifts give access to unlimited and varied off-pisteskiinginabeautifulun-spoiltwildernessandsome good family skiing. Within half an hour’s drive are some of the finest ski areas in France - Val d’Isère, Tignes, La Plagne and Les Arcs - yet Ste-Foy feels a million miles from the hustle and bustle of the big resorts.

Getting thereSainte Foy is 2hr 30 mins from Geneva and there are plenty of European flights and long haul flights toGenevaairport.The transfer timefromChambery isjust 90 mins and there are many flights to Chambery in winter with Although you can also arrive by train to Bourg St Maurice, it is useful to have a car as Sainte Foy is so close to many of the other resorts in the area.

Page 3: Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise, France Essential Facts - … · Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise, France. ... food and a peaceful, rural location in Le Miroir. As one ... than number of lifts or km of

Restaurant: Chez MerieChezMerie is a classic Alpine restaurant away fromthe bustling centre of the resort. It offers excellent foodandapeaceful,rurallocationinLeMiroir.Asoneof the nearby villages, the only way to ski to the village and to ChezMerie is to go off-piste. Less confidentskiers can take a taxi across to the charming, but out of the way restaurant.

Activities: A night in an iglooEver felt the urge to live like an Innuit? Well Sainte Foyoffersachancetospendanight inanauthenticigloo. This is the sort of activity enjoyed by adults and children alike, and one of those once-in-a-lifetime activitiesthateverybodywantstoexperience.

Page 4: Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise, France Essential Facts - … · Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise, France. ... food and a peaceful, rural location in Le Miroir. As one ... than number of lifts or km of

Winter If you judge a resort on the quality of its skiing rather thannumberof liftsorkmofpiste,Ste-Foyscoresaperfect10outof10withthreechair liftsrisingfromthe resort at 1550m to 2,620m and giving access to a fabulous,unlimitedandvariedoff-pisteskiingandnoqueues. There are two ski schools in the resort and theliftpassisveryreasonablypriced.

There is a huge choice of ski resorts within just 30 minutes drive. La Rosière at 1850m has 150km of sunny skiing including Italy. If you like cruising on milesofpistesthenearby“mega-resorts”ofVald’Isèreand Les Arcs are just over 30 minutes away and a day skiing in these resorts is included in the Saint Foy lift pass.

Ste-Foyresorthasacoupleofbarsandthreeorfourcosy restaurants. The Hotel Monal in Ste Foy has a superbrestaurantandtherearesomeverycharmingtraditional mountain restaurants to visit in the nearby villages.

Page 5: Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise, France Essential Facts - … · Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise, France. ... food and a peaceful, rural location in Le Miroir. As one ... than number of lifts or km of

SummerThishamlet is ideal forpeace,quiet,andrelaxation.Discover the nearby villages of La Thuile, La Mazure or Villaroger - real Alpine villages with charmingrestaurantsandatraditionalambience.Thereisplentyto do in the area, and great facilities in nearby Bourg St Maurice and Val d’Isère, whether you’re looking for hiking, mountain biking or white water rafting.

In the summer, Sainte Foy offers a fantastic range of activitieslargelyduetothenature’sprotectedhabitat.Mountain biking, horse-riding or hiking through centuries-old hamlets drawsmany people to SainteFoy.

Thelargesthigh-altitudegolfcoursesopentheirgreensin the summer, and as the glacial snow melts, rafting inBourgSaintMauricealsobecomesanoption.Tripsto Italy via the Col du Petit Saint Bernard mountain passareverypopular,asissummerskiinginTignes.

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ViewingWe have an intimate knowledge of all our resorts and whether you are travelling alone,with a partner, orbringingthewholefamilywecansuggesttheperfectplacetostay.Wecanalsorecommendexcellentlocalrestaurants and even let you know if there are any exciting events happening in the vicinity to ensureyouhaveaninformativeandpleasurabletrip.Simplylet us know which dates you have in mind and we will arrange for one of our representatives tomeetyou and show you around. All you need to do is to bookyourflightandrentahirecarandwecanhelporganise everything else for you.

FAQsFor everything you need to know about buying a ski property,fromlegalrequirementstorentalobligation,take a look at our FAQs.

CompanyProfileInvestors in Property specialise in the sale of skichalets and apartments in Switzerland, Austria,France&Italy.Wehaveover20yearsexperienceandan unrivalled knowledge ofwell established and upandcomingskiresorts.Wewillprovideexpertadviceandprofessionalguidancethrougheverystepofyourpurchase.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorneedgeneraladvicepleasedonothesitatetocontactus.

ContactSimonMalster–InvestorsinPropertyTel: +44 (0)20 8905 [email protected]

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