sahih muslim hadiths book 2

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  • 7/29/2019 Sahih Muslim Hadiths Book 2



    Chapter 1 :


    Number 0432: Abu Malik at-Ash'ari reported: The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be

    him" said : #leanliness is half of faith and al-$amdu %iliah (&raise b

    Allah" fills the s!ale and ubhan Allah ()lor be to Allah" and al-$a

    %iliah (&raise be to Allah" fill up*hat is bet*een the hea+ens and the e

    and praer is a light and !harit is proof (of one's faith" and enduran!e

    brightness and the $ol ,ur'an is a proof on our behalf or against ou

    men go out earl in the morning and sell themsel+es thereb se

    themsel+es free or destroing themsel+es

    Chapter 2 :


    Number 0433: Mus'ab b a'd reported:'Abdullah son of .mar !ame to /bn'Amir in ordinuire after his health as he *as ailing $e said /bn '.mar *h don't

    prato Allah for me1 $e said: / heard of Allah's Messenger (ma pea!

    upon him" sa: Neither the praer is a!!epted *ithout parifi!ation n

    !harit a!!epted out of the ill-gotten (*ealth" and thou *ert the (go+erno


    Number 0434: A hadith like this is narrated from the Apostle (ma pea!e be upon him"

    the same !hain of transmitters b Muhammad b Muthanna /bn ash

    Muhammad b a'far hu'ba

    Number 043: $ammam b Munabbih *ho is the brother of 5ahb b Munabbih said: Th

    *hat has been transmitted to us b Abu $uraira from Muhammad

    Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" and then narrated a hadith o

    them and obser+ed that the Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him"

    The praer of none amongst ou *ould be a!!epted in a state of impurit

    he performs ablution

    Chapter % :


    Number 0436: $umran the freed sla+e of '.thman said: .thman b 'Affan !alled for ablu

    *ater and this is ho* he performed the ablution $e *ashed his hands th

    $e then rinsed his mouth and !leaned his nose *ith *ater (three times"

    then *ashed his fa!e three times then *ashed his right arm up to the e

    three times then *ashed his left arm like that then *iped his head7

  • 7/29/2019 Sahih Muslim Hadiths Book 2


    *ashed his right foot up to the ankle three times then *ashed his left foot

    that and then said: / sa* the Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon

    perform ablution like this ablution of mine Then the Messenger of Allah

    pea!e be upon him" said: $e *ho performs ablution like this ablution of

    and then stood up (for praer" and offered t*o rak'ahs of praer *itallo*ing his thoughts to be distra!ted all his pre+ious sins are e8piated

    hihab said: 9ur s!holars remarked: This is the most !omplete of the ablu

    performed for praer

    Number 043: $umran the freed sla+e of '.thman said: / sa* .thman !all for a +esse

    *ater" and poured *ater o+er his hands three times and then *ashed t

    Then he put his right hand in the +essel and rinsed his mouth and !leane

    nose Then he *ashed his fa!e three times and his hands up to the elbo*

    times7 then *iped his head then *ashed his feet three times Then he saidthe Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" had said: $e *ho perfo

    ablution like this ablution of mine and offered t*o raklahs of praer *it

    allo*ing his thoughts to be distra!ted all his pre+ious sins *ould be e8pia

    Chapter & :


    Number 043;: $umran the freed sla+e of '.thman said: / heard from '.thman b 'Affan

    he *as in the !ourtard of the mosue *hen the Mu'adhdhin (announ!

    the praer" !ame to him at the time of afternoon praer o the ('.thm

    !alled for the ablution *ater and performed ablution and then said: Allam narrating to ou a hadith /f there *ere not a +erse in the ook of All

    *ould ha+e ne+er narrated it to ou / heard Allah's Messenger (ma pea

    upon him" sa: /f a Muslim performs ablution and does it *ell and o

    praer all his (sins" daring the period from one praer to another *oul

    pardoned b Allah

    Number 043

  • 7/29/2019 Sahih Muslim Hadiths Book 2


    pardoned bet*een the praer that he offered and the ne8t one '.r*a said

    +erse is this: =Those *ho suppress the !lear proofs and the guidan!e *

    5e ha+e sent do*n= to $is *ords: =the #ursers= (ii ?"

    Number 044?: 'Amr b a'id b al-As reported: / *as*ith .thman that he !alled for ablu*ater and said: / heard Allah's Messenger (ma pea!e be upon him"

    5hen the time for a pres!ribed praer !omees if an Muslim per

    ablution *ell and offers his praer" *ith humilit and bo*ing it *ill b

    e8piation for his past sins so long as he has not !ommitted a ma@or sin

    this applies to for all times

    Number 0442: $umran the freed sla+e of '.thman reported: / brought for .thman b 'A

    the ablution *ater $e performed ablution and then said: >eril the pe

    narrate from the Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" a hadithnot kno* *hat these are but (/ kno* this fa!t" that / sa* the Messeng

    Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" perform ablution like this ablution of m

    and then he said: $e *ho performed ablution like this all his pre+ious

    *ould be e8piated and his praer and going to*ards the mosue *ould

    an e8tra re*ard /n the tradition narrated b /bn 'Abda (the *ords are": =/ !

    to .thman and he performed ablution=

    Number 0443: Abu Anas reported that .thman performed ablution at Mai'aid and

    hould / not sho* ou the ablution performed b Allah's Messenger pea!e be upon him" 1 And he then *ashed (the different parts of the b

    three times4= ,utaiba has added in his narration the *ords: =There *ere

    him (*ith .thman" #ompanions of Allah's Messenger (ma pea!e be


    Number 0444: $umran b Abin reported: / used to fet!h *ater for '.thman for

    purifi!ation Ne+er *as there a da that he did not take a bath *ith a s

    uantit of *ater And .thman said: The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!

    upon him" at the time of our returning from our praer told us (!ertain thpertaining to purifi!ation" Mis'ar said: / find that it *as afternoon praer

    said: / do not kno* *hether / should tell ou a thing or keep uiet 5e

    Messenger of Allah tell us if it is good and if it is other*ise Allah and

    Apostle kno* better .pon this he said: A Muslim *ho purifies (himself"

    !ompletes purifi!ation as en@oined upon him b Allah and then offer

    praers that *ill be e8piatious (of his sins he !ommitted" bet*een t

  • 7/29/2019 Sahih Muslim Hadiths Book 2



    Number 044: ami' b haddad reported: / heard $umran b Aban narrate to Abu urd

    this +er mosue during the go+ernorship of ishr that '.thman b Alfan

    The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" obser+ed: $e !ompleted ablution as Allah the 8alted en@oined upon him his obliga

    praers *ould be e8platious (for his minor sins that he *ould !ommit" du

    (the inter+al" bet*een them This hadith is transmitted b /bn Mu'adh an

    the hadith narrated b )hundar the *ords =during the go+ernorship of

    are omitted and there is no mention of the obligator praers

    Number 0446: $umran the freed sla+e of .thman reported: 9ne da .thman b A

    performed the ablution *ell and then said: / sa* Allah's Messenger

    pea!e be upon him" perform ablution the best ablution and then obser+ed*ho performed ablution like this and then *ent to*ards the mosue

    nothing (but the lo+e of" praer urged him (to do so" all his pre+ious (m

    sins *ould be e8piated

    Number 044: $umran the freed sla+e of '.thman b 'Affan reported on the authori

    '.thman b 'Affan that he heard Allah's Messenger (ma pea!e be upon

    sa: $e *ho performed ablution for praer and performed it properl and

    *ent (to obser+e" obligator praer and offered it along *ith people or

    the !ongregation or in the mosue Allah *ould pardon his sins

    Number 044;: Abu $uraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him"

    Bi+e praers and from one Brida praer to (the ne8t" Brida praer

    e8piation (of the sins !ommitted in bet*een their inter+als" if ma@or sin

    not !ommitted

    Number 044eril the Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be u

    him" said: Bi+e (dail" praers and from one Brida praer to the (ne8t" Br

    praer and from Camadhan to Camadhan are e8piatious for the (

    !ommitted in bet*een (their inter+als" pro+ided one shuns the ma@or sins

  • 7/29/2019 Sahih Muslim Hadiths Book 2


    Number 04?: '.ba b 'Amir reported: 5e *ere entrusted *ith the task of tending

    !amels 9n m turn *hen / !ame ba!k in the e+ening after graDing them i

    pastures / found Allah's Messenger (ma pea!e be upon him" stand

    address the people / heard these *ords of his: /f an Muslim perfablution *ell then stands and pras t*o rak'ahs setting about them *ith

    heart as *ell as his fa!e &aradise *ould be guaranteed to him / said: 5

    fine thing is this E And a narrator *ho *as before me said: The first *as b

    than e+en this 5hen / !ast a glan!e / sa* that it *as '.mair *ho said :

    that ou ha+e @ust !ome and obser+ed : /f anone amongst ou perform

    ablution and then !ompletes the ablution *ell and then sas: / testif

    there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the ser+ant of Allah and

    Messenger the eight gates of &aradise *ould be opened for him and he

    enter b *hi!he+er of them he *ishes

    Number 042: .ba b 'Amir al-uhani reported: >eril the Messenger of Allah (ma p

    be upon him" said and then narrated (the hadith" like one (mentioned ab

    e8!ept (this" that he said: $e *ho performed ablution and said : / testif

    there is no god but Allah the 9ne there is no asso!iate *ith $im and / te

    that Muhammad is $is ser+ant and $is Messenger

    Number 043: 'Abdullah b Faid b 'Asim al-Ansari *ho *as a #ompanion (of the $

    &rophet" reported: /t *as said to him (b people" : &erform for us the ablu(as it *as performed" b the Messenger of Allah (*a pea!e be upon him

    ('Abdullah b Faid" !alled for a +essel (of *ater" and poured *ater from

    his hands and *ashed them three times Then he inserted his hand (in

    +essel" and brought it (*ater" out rinsed his mouth and snuffed up *ater

    the palm of one hand doing that three times $e again inserted his hand

    brought it out and *ashed his fa!e three times then inserted his hand

    brought it out and *ashed ea!h arm up to the elbo* t*i!e then inserte

    hand and brought it out and *iped his head both front and ba!k *ith

    hands $e then *ashed his feet up to the ankles and then said: This is

    )od's Messenger (pea!e be upon him" performed ablution

    Number 044: This hadith is narrated b Amr b Gaha *ith the same !hain of transmi

    but there is no mention of ankles

  • 7/29/2019 Sahih Muslim Hadiths Book 2


    Number 04: Malik b Anas narrated it from 'Amr b Gaha *ith the same !hai

    transmitters transmitters and mentioned the rinsing (of mouth" and snu

    (of *ater into the nostrils" three times but he did not mention =from

    palm= and made this addition: $e mo+ed them (his hands" for *iping t

    front of his head and then the nape of his ne!k then bringing them ba!k tirea!hed the pla!e from *hi!h he had begun after *hi!h he *ashed his fee

    Number 046: abD reported: This hadith has been narrated b 5u*b on the authori

    'Amr b Gahi *ith the same !hain of transmitters and it has been menti

    therein: $e rinsed his mouth snuffed up *ater in nostrils and !leaned the

    *ith three handfuls and *iped his head mo+ing (his hand" in front and

    ba!k on!e ahD said: 5uhaib narrated this hadith to me and 5uhaib

    Amr b Gaha narrated to me this hadith t*i!e

    Number 04: 'Abdullah b Faid b 'Asim al-MaDini reported: $e sa* Allah's Messe

    (ma pea!e be upon him" perform the ablution $e rinsed his mouth

    !leaned his nose then *ashed his fa!e three times then *ashed his right

    thri!e and then the other one thri!e $e then took fresh *ater and *ipe

    head and then *ashed his feet till he !leaned them

    Chapter ' :



    Number 04;: Abu $uraira reported Allah's Apostle (ma pea!e be upon him" as sa5hen anone *ipes himself *ith pebbles (after ans*ering the !all of na

    he must make use of an odd number and *hen an one of ou perfo

    ablution he must snuff in his nose *ater and then !lean it

    Number 04

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    Number 046?: /t has been transmitted b Abu $uraira and Abu a'id al-Hhudri (both of t

    the reputed #ompanions of the $ol &rophet" that the Messenger of A

    (ma pea!e be upon him" said like that

    Number 0462: Abu $uraira reported: The Apostle of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him"

    5hen an one of ou a*akes up from sleep and performs ablution he

    !lean his nose three times for the de+il spends the night in the interior o


    Number 0463: abir b 'Abdullah reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah (ma p

    be upon him" sa: 5hen anone *ipes himself *ith pebbles (after ans*

    the !all of nature" he should do this odd number of times

    Chapter * :



    Number 0464: alim the freed sla+e of haddad said: / !ame to 'A'isha the *ife of the $

    &rophet (ma pea!e be upon him" on the da *hen a'db Abi 5aas

    'Abd al-Cahman b Abu akr also !ame there and he performed ablution i

    presen!e he ($adrat 'A'isha" said: Abd al-Cahman !omplete the ablutio

    / heard the Allah's Messenger (ma pea!e be upon him" sa: 5oe to the h

    be!ause of hell-fire

    Number 046: Abdullah the freed sla+e of hahddad !ame to 'A'isha and transmitted

    her a hadith like this (*hi!h she narrated" from the $ol &rophet (ma p

    be upon him"

    Number 0466: alim the freed sla+e of Mahri reported: / and 'Abd al-Cahman b Abu

    *ent out (in order to @oin" the funeral pro!ession of a'd b Abi 5aas

    passed b the door of the residen!e of 'A'isha and then he transmitted a h

    like this from her *ho (narrated it" from the $ol &rophet (ma pea!e be


    Number 046: alim the freed sla+e of haddad b al-$ad said: / *as in the presen!

    'A'isha and then narrated on her authorit a hadith like this from the $

    &rophet (*a pea!e be upon him"

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    Number 046;: 'Abdullah b 'Amr reported: 5e returned from Me!!a to Medina *ith

    Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" and *hen *e !ame to s

    *ater on the *a some of the people *ere in a hurr at the time of

    afternoon praer and performed ablution hurriedl7 and *hen *e rea

    them their heels *ere dr no *ater had tou!hed them The &rophet (pea!e be upon him" said: 5oe to (dr" heels be!ause of $ell-fire Make

    ablution thorough

    Number 046

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    5hen a bondsman-a Muslim or a belie+er-*ashes his fa!e (in !ours

    ablution" e+er sin he !ontemplated *ith his ees*ill be *ashed a*a

    his fa!e along *ith *ater or *ith the last drop of *ater7 *hen he *ashe

    hands e+er sin the *rought *ill be effa!ed from his hands *ith the *

    or *ith the last drop of *ater7 and *hen he *ashes his feet e+er sin to**hi!h his feet ha+e *alked *ill be *ashed a*a *ith the *ater or *ith

    last drop of *ater *ith the result that he !omes out pure from all sins

    Number 046: .thman b 'Affan reported : The Messenger of Allah (*a pea!e be upon

    said : $e *ho performed ablution *ell his sins *ould !ome out from

    bod e+en !oming out from under his nails

    Chapter :



    Number 04: Nu'aim b 'Abdullah al-Mu@mir reported: / sa* Abu $uraira perform ablu

    $e *ashed his fa!e and *ashed it *ell $e then *ashed his right h

    in!luding a portion of his arm $e then *ashed his left hand in!ludi

    portion of his arm $e then *iped his head $e then *ashed his right

    in!luding his shank and then *ashed his left foot in!luding shank and

    said: This is ho* / sa* Allah's Messenger (ma pea!e be upon him" per

    his ablution And (Abu $uraira" added that the Messenger of Allah (

    pea!e be upon him" had obser+ed: Gou shall ha+e our fa!es hands andbright on the Ia of Cesurre!tion be!ause of our perfe!t ablution $e

    !an afford among ou let him in!rease the brightness of his forehead and

    of hands and legs

    Number 04;: Nu'aim b 'Abdallah reported: $e sa* Abu $uraira perform ablution

    *ashed his fa!e and *ashed his hands up to the arms $e then *ashed his

    and rea!hed up to the shanks and then said: / heard Allah's Messenger

    pea!e be upon him" sa: M people *ould !ome *ith bright fa!es and b

    hands and feet on a!!ount of the marks of ablution so he *ho !an in!reas

    lustre of his forehead (and that of his hands and legs" should do so

    Number 04eril Allah's Messenger (ma pea!e be upon

    said: M #istern has its dimensions *ider than the distan!e bet*een Aila

    Aden and its *ater is *hiter than i!e and s*eeter than the hone diluted

    milk and its !ups are more numerous than the numbers of the stars >e

  • 7/29/2019 Sahih Muslim Hadiths Book 2


    shall pre+ent the (faithless" people therefrom @ust as a man pre+ents the !a

    of the people from his fountain The said: Messenger of Allah*ill

    re!ognise us on that da1 $e said: Ges ou *ill ha+e distin!ti+e marks *

    nobod among the peoples (e8!ept ou" *ill ha+e7 ou *ould !ome t

    *ith blaDing forehead and bright hands and feet on a!!ount of the tra!ablution

    Number 04;0: Abu $uraira reported the Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him"

    M people *ould !ome to me on the #istern and / *ould dri+e a*a per

    (from it" @ust as a person dri+es a*a other people's !amels from his !am

    The (the hearers" said: Apostle of Allah *ould ou re!ogniDe us1 $e rep

    Gea ou *ould ha+e a mark *hi!h other people *ill not ha+e Gou *

    !ome to me *ith a *hite blaDe on our foreheads and *hite marks on

    feet be!ause of the tra!es of ablution A group among ou *ould be pre+efrom !oming to me and the *ould not meet me and / *ould sa: 9

    %ord the are m !ompanions .pon this an angel *ould repl to me sa

    Io ou kno* *hat these people did after ou

    Number 04;?: $udhaifa reported: The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him"

    M #istern is bigger than the spa!e bet*een Aila and Aden $im in 5

    $and is m life / *ill dri+e a*a persons (from it" @ust as a person d

    a*a unkno*n !amels from his !istern The (the !ompanions"

    Messenger of Allab *ould ou re!ognise us1 $e said: Ges ou *ould !to me *ith *hite fa!es and *hite hands and feet on a!!ount of the tra!

    ablution None but ou *ould ha+e (this mark"

    Number 04;2: Abu $uraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon

    !ame to the gra+eard and said: &ea!e be upon ou E the abode of

    belie+ing people and *e if )od so *ills are about to @oin ou / lo+e to

    m brothers The (the hearers" said: Arn't *e our brothers-Messeng

    Allah1 $e said: Gou are m !ompanions and our brothers are those *ho h

    so far not !ome into the *orld The said: Messenger of Allah ho* *

    ou re!ognise those persons of our .mmah *ho ha+e not et been born

    said: upposing a man had horses *ith *hite blaDes on fore- heads and

    among horses *hi!h *ere all bla!k tell me *ould he not re!ognise his

    horses1 The said: #ertainl Messenger of Allah $e said: The *ould !

    *ith *hite fa!es and arms and legs o*ing to ablution and / *ould arri

    the #istern before them ome people *ould be dri+en a*a from m #i

  • 7/29/2019 Sahih Muslim Hadiths Book 2


    as the stra !amel is dri+en a*a / *ould !all out #ome !ome Th

    *ould be said (to me": These people !hanged themsel+es after ou a

    *ould sa: e off be off

    Number 04;3: Abu $uraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e The upon *ent out to the gra+eard and said: &ea!e be upon ou the abode o

    belie+ing people and /f Allah so *ills *e shall @oin ou (and so on an

    forth" like the hadith narrated b /sma'il b a'far e8!ept the *ords of M

    Then some persons *ould be dri+en a*a from m #istern

    Number 04;4: Abu $aDim reported: / *as (standing" behind Abu $uraira and he

    performing the ablution for praer $e e8tended the (*ashing" of his hand

    it *ent up to his armpit / said to him: 9 Abu $uraira *hat is this ablut

    $e said: 9 of the tribe of Baruukh ou are here7 if / kne* that ou *ere / *ould ha+e ne+er performed ablution like this7 / ha+e heard m Briend

    pea!e be upon him" sa /n a belie+er adornment *ould rea!h the pla!es *

    ablution rea!hes

    Number 04;: Abu $uraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him"

    hould / not suggest to ou that b *hi!h Allah obliterates the sins

    ele+ates the ranks (of a man" The (the hearers" said: Ges Messeng

    Allah $e said: &erforming the ablution thoroughl despite odds tran+e

    of more pa!es to*ards the mosue and *aiting for the ne8t praer obser+ing a praer and that is mindfulness

    Number 04;6: This hadith has been narrated on the authorit of Ali' b 'Abd al-Cahman

    the same !hain of transmitters and there is no mention of the *ord of al-C

    in the hadith transmitted b hu'ba and in the badith narrated b Malik =C

    has been mentioned t*i!e This is the =Cibat= for ou this is the =Cibat


    Chapter 1. :

    PERTAININ TO TOOTH-#TICK (/r0h34 the teeth)Number 04;: Abu $uraira reported: The Apostle (ma pea!e be upon him" said: 5ere i

    that / might o+er-burden the belie+ers-and in the hadith transmitted b F

    =people=-/ *ould ha+e ordered them to use toothsti!k at e+er time of pra

    Number 04;;: Midam b huraih narrated it from his father *ho said: / asked A'isha

  • 7/29/2019 Sahih Muslim Hadiths Book 2


    Allah's Apostle (ma pea!e be upon him" did first *hen he entered his h

    and she replied: $e used tooth-sti!k (first of all"

    Number 04;

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    Number 04

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    Number 00: alman said that (one among" the poltheists remarked: / see that our fr

    e+en tea!hes ou about the e8!rement $e replied7 Ges he has in

    forbidden us that anone amongst us should !leanse himself *ith his hand or fa!e the ,ibla $e has forbidden the use of dung or bone for it an

    has also instru!ted us not to use less than three pebbles (for this purpose"

    Number 006: abir reported: The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" forbad

    use of bone or the droppings of !amels for *iping (after e8!retion"

    Number 00: Abu Aub reported: The Apostle of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him"

    5hene+er ou go to the desert neither turn our fa!e nor turn our

    to*ards the ,ibla *hile ans*ering the !all of nature but fa!e to*ards the

    or the *est Abu Aub said: 5hen *e !ame to ria *e found tha

    latrines alread built there *ere fa!ing to*ards the ,ibla 5e turned our f

    a*a from them and begged forgi+eness of the %ord $e said: Ges

    Number 00;: Abu $uraira said:5hen an one amongst ou suats for ans*ering the !a

    nature he should neither turn his fa!e to*ards the ,ibla nor turn his

    to*ards it

    Number 00

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    urinating or *ipe himself *ith his right hand in pri+ and should not br

    into the +essel (from *hi!h he drinks"

    Number 0?2: Abu ,atada reported it from his father that the Messenger of Allah(ma p

    be upon him" said: 5hen anone amongst ou enters the pri+ he shoultou!h his penis *ith his right hand

    Number 0?3: Aba ,atada reported : The Messenger of Allah (*a pea!e be upon

    forbade (us" to breathe into the +enel to tou!h the penis *ith the right

    and to *ipe after relie+ing *ith right hand

    Chapter 1% :


    Number 0?4: 'A'isha reported: The Messenger of Allah (*a pea!e be upon him" lo+

    start from the right-hand side for performing ablution for !ombing (the

    and *earing the shoes

    Number 0?: 'A'isha reported: The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" lo+e

    start from the right-hand side in his e+er a!t ie in *earing shoes in !om

    (his hair" and in performing ablution

    Chapter 1& :


    #HA!ENumber 0?6: Abu $uraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him"

    e on our guard against t*o things *hi!h pro+oke !ursing The

    !ompanions present there" said: Messenger of Allah *hat are those th

    *hi!h pro+oke !ursing1 $e said: asing on the thoroughfares or unde

    shades (*here the take shelter and rest"

    Number 0?: Anas b Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon

    entered an en!losure *hile a ser+ant *as follo*ing him *ith a @ar of *ate

    he *as the oungest amongst us and he pla!ed it b the side of a lote-5hen the Messenger of Allah(ma pea!e be upon him" relie+ed himsel

    !ame out and had !leansed himself *ith *ater

    Number 0?;: Anas b Malik reported: 5hen the Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be u

    him" entered the pri+ a ser+ant and / used to !arr a skin of *ater a

    pointed staff and he *ould !leanse himself *ith *ater

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    Number 0?

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    himself he poured *ater o+er him and he performed ablution and *iped

    his so!ks7 and in the narration of /bn Cumh there is =till= instead of =*hen

    Number 02: This hadith has been transmitted *ith the same !hain of transmitters b G

    b a'id *ith the addition of these *ords: =$e *ashed his fa!e and hands*iped his head and then *iped his so!ks=

    Number 026: Mughira b hu'ba reported: / *as *ith the Messenger of Allah (ma pea

    upon him" one night $e !ame do*n (from the ride" and relie+ed himsel

    then !ame and / poured *ater upon him from the @ar that / !arried *ith me

    performed ablution and *iped o+er his so!ks

    Number 02: Mughira b hu'ba reported: / *as in the !ompan of the Messenger of A

    (ma pea!e be upon him" on a @ourne *hen he said : Mughira take ho

    this @ar (of *ater" / took hold of it and / *ent out *ith him (/ stopped but

    Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" pro!eeded on till he *as o

    m sight $e relie+ed himself and then !ame ba!k and he *as *earing a t

    slee+ed rian go*n $e tried to get his forearms out but the slee+e o

    go*n *as +er narro* so he brought his hands out from under the go*

    poured *ater o+er (his hands" and he performed ablution for praer

    *iped o+er his so!ks and praed

    Number 02;: Mughira b hu'ba reported: The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be u

    him" *ent out for relie+ing himself 5hen he !ame ba!k / brought for h

    @ar (of *ater" and poured *ater upon his hands and $e *ashed his fa!e

    tried to *ash his forearms but as the (slee+es of the" go*n *ere tight

    therefore brought them out from under the go*n $e then *ashed th

    *iped his head and *iped his so!ks and then praed

    Number 02

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    so!ks ut he said: %ea+e them for m feet *ere !lean *hen / put them

    and he onl *iped o+er them

    Number 030: '.r*ah al Mughira reported it from his father: $e(Mughira" helped

    Apostle (ma pea!e be upon him" in performing the ablution anperformed it and *iped o+er his shoes $e (Mughira" said to him (abou

    *ashing of the feet after putting them off" but he (the $ol &rophet" sa

    put them (feet" in *hen these *ere !lean

    Chapter 1* :


    Number 03?: '.r*a b al Mughira b hu'ba reported it on the authorit of his father th

    said : The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" lagged behind

    @ourne" and / also lagged behind along *ith him After ha+ing reli

    himself he said : $a+e ou an *ater *ith ou 1 / brought to him a @a*ater 7 he *ashed his palms and fa!e and *hen he tried to get his fore

    out (he !ould not" for the slee+e of the go*n *as tight $e therefore bro

    them out from under the go*n and thro*ing it o+er his shoulders he *a

    his forearm $e then *iped his forelo!k and his turban and his so!ks $e

    mounted and / also mounted (the ride" and !ame to the people The

    begun the praer *ith 'Abd ar-Cabmin b 'Anf leading them and

    !ompleted a rak'a 5hen he per!ei+ed the presen!e of the Apostle of A

    (ma pea!e be upon him" he began to retire $e (the $ol &rophet" sign

    him to !ontinue and offered praer along *ith them Then *hen hepronoun!ed the salutation the Apostle (ma pea!e be upon him" got up

    also got up *ith him and *e offered the rak'a *hi!h had been finished be

    *e !ame

    Number 032: /bn Mughira narrated it from his father: The Apostle of Allah (ma pea!

    upon him" *iped o+er his so!ks and o+er his forehead and o+er his turban

    Number 033: This hadith has been transmitted b /bn Mughira on the authorit of his f

    b another !hain of transmitters

    Number 034: akr reported that he had heard from the son of Mughira that +eril

    Apostle of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" performed ablution and *iped

    his forehead and *iped o+er his turban and o+er his so!ks

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    Number 03: /t is narrated from ilal that the Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon

    *iped o+er the so!ks and turban and in the hadith transmitted b '/

    Gaunus the *ords are: =ilal narrated it to me=

    Number 036: This tradition is transmitted b A'mash *ith this addition7 / sa*Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him"=

    Chapter 1+ :


    Number 03: huraih b $ani said: / !ame to 'A'isha to ask her about *iping o+er the so

    he said: Gou better ask ('Ali" son of Abu Talib for he used to tra+el

    Allah's Messenger (ma pea!e be upon him" 5e asked him and he said:

    Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" stipulated (the upper lim

    three das and three nights for a tra+eller and one da and one night fo


    Number 03;: This hadith is narrated b .baidullah b 'Amr and Faid b Abu .naisa *it

    same !hain of transmitters

    Number 03

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    Number 043: Fahri and /bn Musaab ha+e both transmitted a hadith like this from

    $uraira *ho narrated it from the Apostle (ma pea!e be upon him"

    Number 044: Abu $uraira reported: The Apostle of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him"

    5hen anone amongst ou *akes up from sleep he should *ash his h

    three times before putting it in the utensil for he does not kno* *her

    hand *as during the night

    Number 04: This hadith has been transmitted through other !hains of transmitters o

    authorit of Abu $uraira in *hi!h it is reported that the Apostle of Allah (

    pea!e be upon him" made a mention of *ashing the hand and did not ins

    to *ash it three times ut the hadith narrated from abir and /bn Musa

    Abu alama and Abdullah b hai Abu alih Abla CaDin theremention of =three times=

    Chapter 1 :


    Number 046: Abu $uraira reported the Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him

    ha+e said: 5hen a dog li!ks a utensil belonging to an one of ou (the

    !ontained in it" should be thro*n a*a and then (the utensil" shoul

    *ashed se+en times

    Number 04: This hadith has been transmitted b another !hain of transmitters in *

    there is no mention of =thro*ing a*a=

    Number 04;: Abu $uraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him"

    5hen a dog drinks out of a +essel belonging to an one of ou he must *

    it se+en times

    Number 04

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    of the utensil belonging to one amongst ou after it is li!ked b a dog li

    *ashing it se+en times

    Number 0?: /bn Mughaffal reported : The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon

    ordered killing of the dogs and then said : 5hat about them ie about odogs1 and then granted !on!ession (to keep" the dog for hunting and the

    for (the se!urit" of the herd and said: 5hen the dog li!ks the utensil *a

    se+en times and rub it *ith earth the eighth time

    Number 02: A hadith like this has been narrated from hu'ba *ith the same !hai

    transmitters e8!ept for the fa!t that in the hadith transmitted b Gaha t

    *ords are: =$e (the $ol &rophet" ga+e !on!ession in the !ase of the do

    looking after the herd for hunting and for *at!hing the !ulti+ated land=

    there is no mention of this addition (ie !on!ession in !ase of *at!hing!ulti+ated lands" e8!ept in the hadith transmitted b Gaha

    Chapter 2. :


    Number 03: abir reported: The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" forba

    urinate in stagnant *ater

    Number 04: Abu $uraira reported: the Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him"

    None amongst ou should urinate in standing *ater and then *ash in it

    Number 0: $ammam b Munabbih said: 9f the ahadith narrated to us b Abfi $u

    from Muhammad the Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" o

    this: The Messenger or Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" said: Gou should

    urinate in standing *ater that is not flo*ing then *ash in it

    Chapter 21 :


    Number 06: Abu $uraira reported the Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" sa

    : None of ou must *ash in standing *ater *hen he is in a state of unubAbu $uraira *as asked ho* it *as to be done7 he said: /t *as to be taken

    in handfuls

    Chapter 22 :




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    Number 0: Anas reported: A edouin urinated in the mosue ome of the persons s

    up (to reprimand him or to !he!k him from doing so" but the Messeng

    Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" said: %ea+e him alone7 don't interrupt him

    (the narrator" said: And *hen he had finished he !alled for a bu!ket of *and poured it o+er

    Number 0;: Anas b Malik narrated that a desert Arab (edouin" stood in a !orner o

    mosue and urinated there The people (the #ompanions of the $ol &ro

    *ho *ere present there" shouted but the Messenger of Allah (ma pea!

    upon him" said: %ea+e him alone 5hen he had finished the Messeng

    Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" ordered that a bu!ket (of *ater" shoul

    brought and poured o+er it

    Number 0

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    Number 062: $isham narrated the hadith like one transmitted b /bn Numair (the a

    mentioned one" *ith the same !hain of transmitters

    Number 063: .mm ,ais daughter of Mihsan reported that she !ame to the Messeng

    Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" *ith her !hild *ho *as not et *eaned

    she pla!ed him in his lap7 and he urinated in his ($ol &rophet's" lap $e

    $ol &rophet" did nothing more than spraing *ater o+er it

    Number 064: This hadith has also been narrated from al-Fuhri *ith the same !ha

    narrators (but for the *ords": =$e (the $ol &rophet" sent for *ater

    sprinkled it o+er=

    Number 06: .baidullah b Abdullah b '.tba b Mas'ud said: .mm ,ais daughte

    Mihsan *as among the earliest female emigrants *ho took the oat

    allegian!e to the Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" and she

    the sister of '.kkasha b Mihsan one amongst the sons of Asad b HhuDa

    $e (the narrator" said: he (.mm ,ais" told me that she !ame to

    Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e he upon him" *ith her son and he had

    attained the age of eating food $e (the narrator '.baidullah" said: he

    me that her son passed urine in the lap of the Messenger of Allah (ma p

    be upon him" The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" sen

    *ater and spraed it o+er his garment (o+er that part *hi!h *as !ontamin*ith the urine of the !hild" and he did not *ash it thoroughl

    Chapter 2& :



    Number 066: Alama and As*ad reported: A person staed in the house of A'isha and i

    morning began to *ash his garment A'isha said: /n !ase ou sa* it (ie

    of semen" it *ould ha+e ser+ed the purpose (of purifing the garment" if

    had simpl *ashed that spot7 and in !ase ou did not see it it *ould ha+e

    enough to sprinkle *ater around it for *hen / sa* that on the garment oMessenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" / simpl s!raped it off an

    offered praer *hile putting that on

    Number 06: Al-Aa*ad and $ammam reported A'isha as saing: / used to s!rape of

    (drop of" semen from the garment of the Messenger of Allah (ma pea!

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    upon him"

    Number 06;: ,utaiba b a'id /sha b /brahim /bn Abi 'Aruba Abu Ma'shar Abu a

    Abu haiba Mansur and Mughira ha+e all transmitted from /brahim

    transmitted it on the authorit of A'isha's narration pertaining to the s!raoff of the (drop" of semen from the garment of the Messenger of Allah (

    pea!e be upon him" like the hadith of Hhalid on the authorit of Abu Ma's

    Number 06

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    Number 03: Asma (daughter of Abu akr" reported: A *oman !ame to the Apost

    Allah (ma pea!e be upon him" and said: 5hat should one do if the bloo

    menses smears the garment of one amongst us1 $e (the $ol &rophet" rep

    he should s!rape it then rub it *ith *ater then pour *ater o+er it and

    offer praer in it

    Number 04: This tradition is narrated b Abu Huraib /bn Numair Abu Tahir /bn 5

    Gaha b 'Abdullah b alim Malik b Anas 'Amr b $arith on the authori

    $isham b '.r*a *ith the same !hain of transmitters like one transmitte

    Gaha b a'id like the abo+e-mentioned

    Chapter 2* :



    Number 0: /bn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah (ma pea!e be upon happened to pass b t*o gra+es and said: The (their o!!upants" are b

    tormented but the are not tormented for a grie+ous sin 9ne of them !a

    tales and the other did not keep himself safe from being defiled b urine

    then !alled for a fresh t*ig and split it into t*o parts and planted them

    ea!h gra+e and then said: &erhaps their punishment *a be mitigated as

    as these t*igs remain fresh

    Number 06: This hadith is transmitted from A'mash b Abmad b Gusuf al-ADdi Mu'a

    Asad Abd al-5ahid ulaiman *ith the same !hain of transmitters but fo*ords: =The other did not keep himself safe from being defiled b urine=